Gospel Today 9-28-09

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A Gospel Today Exclusive:

The Gospel According to Bishop J. Delano Ellis: The Church’s Greatest Challenge By Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min.

For over thirty years

gosp e l today | Sep 14 , 2 0 0 9

Bishop J. Delano Ellis served as the


chief adjutant of the Church of God in Christ and in that capacity, developed a reputation for decorum and policy that has left an indelible imprint on the life of that 100-year old Black Pentecostal denomination.

Currently, Bishop Ellis serves as pastor of one of the leading congregations in Cleveland, OH., Several years ago he founded the African American College of Pentecostal Bishops; he also established the United Pentecostal Church of Christ denomination. In some circles he is affectionately called the “Black Pope and liturgical genius” of the Black Pentecostal Church. On Friday in New York, Bishop Ellis sat down for an exclusive interview with Gospel Today to discuss what he feels is the most challenging issue and problem facing the New Testament Church and its future.(and by “we”, I mean tongue-

1. Don’t worry about things that you can not do anything about. Items that are beyond your control and influence are not going to change as a result of your decision to worry about them. The mental anguish that comes as a result of worrying over such items does far more damage to you and your health than anything it does to change the item that you are worrying about. 2. Understand that whatever it is that you are worrying about in most instances is already taken care of by the time it gets to you. Any number of things that cause stress and anxiety are resolved and settled by the time it arrives to your door. Consequently, your worrying over it is unnecessary. 3. As a member of a faith community your greatest weapon against worry is your belief and dependence on “divine intervention.” In studying the Easter Story we see that the worry that the women had who came to the tomb early on Sunday morning was resolved not by a man who

Aug 31 , 2 0 0 9 | gosp el today

talking, saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled and fire baptized folks), is not the stimulus package or health care reform. Our greatest challenge is not housed on the battlefields of Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan. Our largest issue is not whether the democrats or republicans control the White House and congress. The greatest adversary that we face is contained in a five letter word called “worry”, he said. According to Ellis, “worry writes additional lines in our forehead, elevates our blood pressure and threatens our health.” Ellis was diagnosed with cancer approximately five years ago and prepared to depart the earth realm by turning his congregation over to his wife and making similar changes to the denomination that he founded and the assembly of Black Pentecostal Bishops that he brings together on an annual basis. While confessing that some of his condition was “triggered” by worry, he praises God for the miracle in his life of being healthy enough to preach and resume his travel schedule five years later. Ellis’ three point perspective instructs, “How to Win the War Against Worry.”


Female Pastors Making Progress...?

gos p e l today | Sep 14 , 2 0 0 9

By Elizabeth Felder


Although female senior pastors continue to face a glass-ceiling, a recent study reveals that women in the pulpit have made substantial gains over the last 10 years. According to a new Barna Group survey, the number of female senior pastors doubled between 1999 and 2009. In 1999, 5% of senior pastors of Protestant churches were women. Today 10% are women. The survey also revealed that over the last 10 years, the average age of female pastors increased from 50 years of age to 55; and women in the pulpit are disproportionately more educated than their male counterparts. In fact, 77% of female pastors have a seminary degree,

while only 63% of male pastors have graduated from seminary. Despite their educational advantage, female pastors continue to earn less money than male pastors. The current average compensation package for women in the senior pastorate is $45,300 vs. $48,600 for men. The Barna study noted, however, that although men have seen a 21% salary increase since 1999, the wage gap between the sexes has diminished over the last 10 years — with female pastors earning 30% more than they did 10 years ago. In the past, male pastors were compensated (on average) $6,900 more than women. Today the gap has narrowed by almost half to $3,300. In the study, Barna Group noted that congregational sizes have contributed to the salary variation between female and male pastors. Men, disproportionately, lead larger churches with an average of 103 adults in attendance each week. Female pastors, however, have a median attendance of 81 adults each week. gt

J Delano Ellis (cont. from p 3)

was resolved not by a man who they worried would be available to move the stone but by an earthquake sent by God that knocked out the soldiers standing guard and shook the stone a loose from its place. Don’s worry, trust God. gt

“A War for Your Soul” New Controversial Short Film Seeks to Inspire African American At-Risk Youths “A War for Your Soul” is a 25-minute

Your Soul” explores the diversity of life—the joy and the pain. Immediately upon completion, Bullock, an amateur filmmaker, sent the film to about 40 HBCUs, organizations and churches. Reportedly, more than 400 websites and blogs have included the video on their sites. Rev. Marcia Dyson, the wife of noted author Michael Eric Dyson stated on CNN "Everyone needs to stop and look at this DVD. Bullock stated “This experience has taught me several things, namely: 1) That God will use anyone for His purpose and for this film, he chose me; 2) That there is a fire that still burns in the belly of African Americans to reach back and help one another; and, 3) We may not be able to move mountains with money, but we certainly can with faith. gt

video created by Reginald Bullock, a high school and college educator for over twenty years. Since its online introduction on March 15, 2009, the video has been seen by over to 500,000 people. Mr. Bullock created the video just two days after President Obama’s historic installation as America’s first black President. His intent was to inspire young people to utilize their full potential and not to fall prey to the many trials and tribulations they face on a daily For more information basis. http://vimeo.com/3658572 or Heralded for its sobering and powerful http://www.myspace.com/erisaifilms. message targeted to our youth, “A War for


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j a n f e b 2 0 0 9 | gos p e l today

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gos p e l today |

Sep 21 , 2 0 0 9

In uncertain times, keeping hope and


faith alive in our young people is a top priority. This fall, ZonderkidzTM, the leading publisher of children’s Bibles and Bible storybooks, will release My Holy Bible for African-American Children, a large print, New International Version (NIV) Bible featuring culturally significant artwork and inspiring book introductions. Edited by Cheryl and Wade Hudson, the nationally acclaimed authors and publishers of Just Us Books, My Holy Bible for African-American Children connects the spiritual challenges and triumphs of today’s youth with the journeys of well-known Biblical heroes. Leading African-American illustrators such as Pat Cummings, Nancy Devard, Shane Evans, Cathy Ann Johnson, Anna Rich, Javaka Steptoe and Michele Wood also engage readers with more than 30 pages of spellbinding art. According to Marketing to the Mosaic, an October 2008 study conducted by the marketing strategy researchers Taylor and Welch, 96 percent of African-Americans

polled indicated that they believed in God, with 95 percent reporting that they pray in a given week and 60 percent saying they read the Bible. These are rich traditions that Zonderkidz believes My Holy Bible for African-American Children can help families pass on to the next generation. “Our goal is to publish resources to help more AfricanAmerican children explore God’s Word,” said Annette Bourland, Zonderkidz Senior Vice President and Publisher, “and we believe that this one-of-its-kind full text Bible with its glorious illustrations, created just for the AfricanAmerican community, emphasizes just how much God knows and loves them.” Visit Zonderkidz™ at www.zonderkidz.com. gt

g u e s t

s p e a k e r s :

bishop rudolph mckessick, jr.

bishop noel jones

minister kirk franklin

thursday, 9am

thursday, 7pm

friday, 9am

february 18-19, 2010 bethel baptist church jacksonville, FL

2010 gospelheritage.org

(770) 719-4825

Transformational 2 cor. 3:18

Worship stephen hurd

byron cage

dr. leonard Trent Vonsmith Lee

carla williams

Ministers of Music/ Praise Leaders Track: “Transformational Worship that Transforms Ministry” How to make your personal and music dept. ministry more dynamic from the inside out. Led by Stephen Hurd, Byron Cage and Dr. Jeff Patton.

Registration gospelheritage.org Early Bird Registration (until Sep. 30) Youth (ages 13-21): $59 Adult: $89

All EVENTS will be held at the Host church: Bethel Bapt. Ch., Jacksonville, FL

Pastors Track: “Transform Your Church with Ministry Excellence” Dynamic churches demand excellence--from administration to preaching. Seminars led by Bishop Noel Jones, Elder Roland Hairston and Dr. Leonard N. Smith.

Regular Registration (Oct 1 - Nov 30) Youth (ages 13-21): $79 Adult: $109 Late Registration (Dec 1 - Feb 10) Youth (ages 13-21): $99 Adult: $129

Host Hotels - Wyndham Jacksonville Riverwalk ($89.00/night) 866-845-8862

Youth Track: “Transformational Career opportunities for Leaders!” songwriters, producers, artists and executives will pour wisdom into the next generation...Learn what it takes to make it. Coordinators: Darryl Izzard, Carla Williams, and Monica Coates

On Site-Registration (After Feb 11) Youth (ages 13-21):$119 Adult: $159

- Omni Jacksonville ($99.00/night) (904) 791-4831

Dance Track: “Transform your Movement into Ministry” Precision in presentation; Dynamic dance techniques and special presentations that will help transform your movement. Coordinators: Trent Von Lee, Evangelist Tracy Gibson and Prophetess Sherry Wilson

Vendors welcome! (Limited space Thursday, Feb 18, 2010 available) 10pm - 12 a.m. All vendors will be Registration: solo- $75; groups located (2-5 members) - $100; choirs or in lobby area of church: groups (6 or more members): $150. $250/per table (Includes Non-refundable fee of $25) Must send DVD to: GHF, PO BOX 800, Fairburn, GA 30213

New Artist Showcase

*Deadline to enter: January 15, 2010

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