Manna Newspaper Winter 2008

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MANNA Winter 2008



A PublicAtion of the MinisteriAl AlliAnce of north AMityville And vicinity (MAnA)

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2 ¥ Manna News ¥ Winter 2008




Vol. 01 ¥ No. 03 WINTER 2008

Message from the President of BY PASTOr rOY KIrTON



s we embark upon the publishing of the third issue of the MANNA paper and the holiday season which should be joyous for most, we see our country in great turmoil. In recent weeks our economic stability has been challenged and we have witnessed the loss of one trillion dollars of our economy. Many of our neighbors, family members and friends are dealing with issues of unemployment and mortgage foreclosures. It is no surprise that the mood of the country and our region is one of great stress. I was recently asked to give testimony at the Suffolk County Legislature on the need to restructure the hours of the Department of Social Services to accommodate the needs of the working poor, who cannot afford to take time off from work to get help. I described to the legislators the facial expressions of the more than 100 families that came through our church doors to receive groceries. These expressions of sadness and depression gave heed to the economic climate of this region. In spite of these bleak con-

Pastor Roy KIrton MANA President Dr. David Robinson Executive Editor Bishop Andy C. Lewter Managing Editor Pastor Elena L. Mayfield Tory T. Hare Design & Layout Deacon Calvin Watt Distribution

Contributors Pastor John Davis Nadine Johnson

ditions I feel that this is an opportune time for the Church to be a witness for Christ. In Matthew 25:34-36, Jesus gives us a mandate for ministry.

Matthew 25:34-36 The Message “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Enter, you who are blessed by my Father! Take what’s coming to you in this kingdom. It’s been ready for you since the world’s foundation. And here’s why: I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was homeless and you gave me a room, I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to me.” The mandate cannot be executed unless the church reaches outside its walls of security to meet the needs of the people. Let me challenge you, as the Church of this region, to use this economic downfall to foster the propagation of the Gospel through meeting the needs of the community. God often uses changes in the economic climate to produce revival.

Message from the Executive Editor



MANNA N ewspaper is a publica -


elcome to the third (3rd) printing of the Manna Newspaper. I am excited that you the reader have embraced our efforts to provide you with wholesome information and spiritual revelation designed to edify both the mind and

tion sponsored by the Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and Vicinity (MANA) and is currently published on a quarterly basis.


soul. The prophet Hosea declares in the book of Hosea 4:6, My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge: We welcome your submission of informational and spiritual articles that will educate and inspire our readers. From my office to you and your family, I extend my best wishes.

Editorials and articles are welcome and should be sent to the manag ing office of the newspaper:


"The Loss of Bishop McKinley and Bishop Walk

Please be advised that all -submis sions become the intellectual property of MANNA Newspaper who reserves the right to edit and modify submissions as may be necessary.


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Bishop Wilbert McKinley

Bishop William Walker

With only minutes to go before going to press, we learnd that two major personalities in the New York church family have gone to be with the Lord. On Saturday night legendary Bishop Wilbert McKinley passed. Bishop McKinley was recovering from a stroke of several weeks ago and his death is an enormous blow to the body of Christ in New York and around the globe. Bishop McKinley was the founder of the Elim International Fellowship and was a leading pastor in Brooklyn, New York. As pastor of Evangelist Jackie McCullough, Bishop McKinley was

known as an author, pastor and world class scholar. On Monday morning, November 3, 2008 Bishop William Walker passed ending a lengthy illness. Bishop Walker was a senior pastor in the Amityville community and served the Amityville Full Gospel Tabernacle. Bishop Walker was just honored in the last issue of the Manna Newspaper as one of the legends of the Amityville community. At press time, no arrangements had been released concerning the homegoing services for either of the bishops. Both men will be sorely missed and were greatly loved."

Winter 2008 ¥ Manna News ¥3

Devotional Going Through “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” — Romans 8:28 BY PASTOr ELENA MAYFIELD Tabernacle of Praise, Inc.

“Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”

I would like to address an age old problem of going through. Years ago we sang this song. “I’m going through, I’m going through I’ll pay the price whatever others do, I’ll take the way with the Lord despise few, I started with Jesus and I’m going through.” We sang songs that I believe were just words that sounded good, but in reality who really wants to pay the price of going though difficult times. I would like to address the concept of going through. In life nothing just happens, everything that takes place is because of something else. We might not know what causes such actions or events, but we know that one thing leads to another, and another and another. As I stated all of us go through from time to time. No one has the full revelation of why we go through, however, we must remember that God is in control of our lives. We know the Bible tells us in

“romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Although offensives will come we can rest assure in the fact that the Bible declares in roman 8:28 “and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” The things that we go through in life can actually be working for our good. As we study the lives of our forefathers, we will become more aware of the fact that not one single patriot, leader or prophet in the Bible accomplished his assignment without some kind of trouble or adversity. Some would have you to believe that since Jesus came into our lives, everything is wonderful, marvelous and delightful. Yes serving God is wonderful and marvelous however, everything in life isn’t. There is joy in serving God nevertheless, you still have to go through. We need to keep in mind that God is greater than any problem.

Problems Gives Us Direction Problems can point us in a new direction. Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways. Saul of Tarsus was a Jew who hated Christians. His number one mission in life was to destroy as many Christians as possible. To make things worse, he thought he was doing the will of God. One day while on the road to Damascus, suddenly, out of nowhere, a bright light flashed in the sky and a voice saying, “Saul, Saul, why persecute me.” And he said, “who art thou, Lord?” And the Lord said, “I am Jesus whom thou persecute. It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.” Saul suffered blindness for about three days and God restored his sight. This encounter changed Saul’s direction and he became the great Apostle Paul who wrote two thirds of the New Testament. Painful experiences can help us to change our ways. I’ve heard this saying that "If we don't change when we see the light, we will change when we feel the heat."

Study the Word Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. —2 Timothy 2:15 BY JOHN DAvIS Seventy-two hours is all it takes. In seventy-two hours a person will have watched twenty-four football games. Seventy-two one hour television dramas can be viewed in that same period of time. Seventy-two hours is three days. Do you know what else can be accomplished in seventy-two hours? The entire reading of the Bible can be completed in seventy-two hours. To prove this fact true, all you have to do is purchase the Bible on cassette or CD, and the total time used to read the Bible

is seventy-two hours. I begin with this fact to encourage you that reading the Bible from Genesis to revelation may not be such an overwhelming task. Many have started the yearly Bible reading program only to end before its completion. What I am going to offer you at this point are some alternative ways to begin reading the Bible. One way to read the Bible is to start with smaller sections. read one verse a day for a week. The second week read two verses a day. The third week read three verses a day. At first this may not seem like much of a chal-

lenge, however, if you continue this progression and at the end of a year you will be reading 52 verses a day. One advantage of this is that you are training your mind and developing a reading habit that will be easy to maintain. Another approach to reading the Scriptures is to start with the smaller books of the Bible and work up to the more lengthy writings. Instead of starting in Genesis, start with the one chapter books such as Obadiah, or Philemon. After reading the one chapter books, then proceed to the two and three chapter books, such as Haggai, Joel and

Zephaniah. Once again we are training our mind, and developing habits that are gradual and more likely to be consistent. If you would like more information on how to read the Bible consistently, I have developed several reading programs that are systematic and easily managed. May the Lord bless you in your reading of His Holy Word. Besides, there is more value in the reading of the Bible, than the viewing of the television. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Another approach to reading the Scriptures is to start with the smaller books of the Bible and work up to the more lengthy writings. 4 ¥ Manna News ¥ Winter 2008



Profiles Introducing Pastor Stanley Gordon Smith

“This places me much closer to my roots in Philadelphia and for that I am grateful” says Pastor Smith.

The MANA fellowship is delighted to welcome to our area rev. Stanley Gordon Smith, new pastor of the Bethel AME Church of Copiague. Pastor Smith follows Dr. Eugene McAshan who retired after over fifty years of service to Bethel and the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastor Smith is a native of Philadelphia, PA and comes to the Copiague community from the Niagra Falls region of New York State. His secular education includes villanova Univ., Penn State, and Breyer State Univ. where he holds a B.A. in Business Administration. His theological training comes from Palmer Seminary where he holds a Master of Divinity degree. He has Certificates in bible from the Moody Bible Institute, Eastern School of Ministry and Bible Deliverance School of Bible. Currently, he is pursuing Doctorial studies at Payne Seminary.

Before coming to Bethel, reverend Smith previously pastored St. John A.M.E. Church of Niagara Falls, NY. and Allen A.M.E. Church of Oxford, Pa. Before that, he was a member and on staff as an associate minister of the Bethel A.M.E. Church in Bryn Mawr, Pa., where he was also licensed to preach. He previously served on the Ministerial Efficiency Committee; he was a Conference Trustee and Area Christian Education Director. Also, rev. Smith served as President of the Niagara Falls Chapter of the NAACP, vicePresident of the Niagara Falls Ministerial Council, Commissioner for the Niagara Falls Housing Authority and board member of HANCI (Health Assoc. of Niagara County, Inc.). Already Pastor Smith has met some of the social and political operatives of our community including Town Supervisor Steve Bellone, the Suffolk County Police

Chief and County Legislator Duwayne Gregory. Over the next several weeks, he will be meeting with many others including most of the pastors in the area. There is a warm smile that appears across the face of Pastor Smith as he talks about his relocation to the Long Island area. The AME tradition leaves little time for good-bye and farewells. So he left a very disappointed congregation in Niagara Falls who miss him greatly. However, there is compensation in the fact that the Bethel AME Church of Copiague has received him with enthusiasm since his arrival in early June. “This places me much closer to my roots in Philadelphia and for that I am grateful” says Pastor Smith. We welcome Pastor Smith to our community and know that he will be a tremendous blessing and asset to the MANA family.

Bishop Robert L. Williams Bishop robert L. Williams is the founder of the Seven Churches of God in Christ, Inc. where the Headquarters are located at the Ephesus Church in Amityville, NY. Bishop Williams has been teaching and preaching the Word of God in this community for over 50 years. He is known as a down to earth man who is not concerned with gaining riches and fame but whose main concern is to win souls for Christ. Bishop Williams is a man of many God given talents such as singing, and playing the guitar. Born and raised in Oxford, NC, Bishop Williams was the fifth of eight children. He left school while in the

eighth grade to work as a farmer to help support his family. The sermons which Bishop delivers across the pulpit are full of such divine wisdom and inspiration that most people find it hard to believe that he never attended school beyond the eighth grade. He credits his knowledge and understanding of the scriptures to the divine revelation of God. The proof of this can be witnessed at any service where Bishop addresses a congregation. He is able to dig deep into the word of God and explain it in such a way that even a child can understand. In addition to being the pastor of the Ephesus Church, he also pastors the

Smyrna Church in Henderson, NC and makes periodic trips to NC to minister and encourage his congregation. Bishop Williams also serves as the overseer of the Philadelphia Church in Indianapolis, IN and the Laodicea Church in Wyandanch, NY. Down through the years he has aided several churches in the community by stepping in when they were in the need of a pastor. Soon to be 81 years old, Bishop Williams is strong and healthy and often says “I’ve never had a sick day in my life”. Bishop is determined to continue doing the will of the Lord and preach the unadulterated Gospel in these modern and changing times.

MANA Sponsored Domestic Violence Seminar On Saturday, October 25, 2008 over forty female clergy collaborate together at a symposium on domestic violence. The moderator was Dr. Phyliss E. Carter, LCMFT, M.S.., M.Div., D.Min. of refuge Church of Christ, where her husband Bishop ronald Carter is the pastor. The objective of the meeting was to bring awareness to the fact that domestic violence is not only in the secular world



but it is plaguing the church. There are many cases of emotional abuse, child abuse and sexual abuse that is going on behind closed doors. The focal points of the discussion dealt with recognizing abuse, by knowing the signs. radar is a domestic violence intervention for faith communities, it instructs the leaders to r - remember, A - Ask, D - Discuss, A - Assess and r - review op-

tions. In essence the clergy and spiritual leaders have a great responsibility to be of service to the victim, especially since they are usually the first one that he or she may confide in. The leader should do whatever is possible within their capacity and refer to more qualified individual if necessary. There are many resources such as hot lines and crisis center that are available

24 hours a day. If you or someone you know is in a abusive relationship you can call the National Domestic violence Hotline Number at 1-800-799-7233, the Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic violence, 631-666-8833, the Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic violence 516-542-0404 and the New York State Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-3423720.

Winter 2008 ¥ Manna News ¥5

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Newly Constructed Single Family Homes Available For Workforce First Time Homebuyers At A Purchase Price Of $ 299,000.00 Homes Will Be Located In The Town Of Babylon (Amityville, Wheatley Heights, Wyandanch, Copiague, Deer Park)


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6 ¥ Manna News ¥ Winter 2008



Holiday What Does

Christ Mean to You?




y subject comes in the form of a question, and the question is: What Does Christmas Mean to You? The clock is ticking, and in a few days our nation will celebrate what has become known as Christmas Day. Stores are opening early with early bird specials, and closing late to accommodate shoppers. The Glitter, the Colorful Lights, the Lighted Christmas Tree, the Lighted Tinsel, and the Christmas Music that can be heard through-out the malls all convey the message that it’s Christmas Time in the City. Even though economists are projecting a short-fall in the spending patterns of shoppers due to escalating gas and oil prices, the malls are full and crowded with shoppers looking for the perfect gift at the lowest price.

Even as Christians, we find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle that’s associated with the Christmas season. Pushing and shoving through the shopping crowds have caused me to become suspicious and suspect of the possibilities that even as Christians, perhaps we have lost sight of the real meaning of Christmas. The world would have us to believe that Santa Claus is preparing on Christmas Eve to fly through the sky on his sleigh drawn by reindeers. Frosty the snowman will be dancing around town because he is Jolly Old Soul, and rudolph’s nose is a shiny bright red that glows. There are according to the popular Christmas song-12 Days of Christmas. During the 12 Days, a total of 400 gifts were brought to the recipient by her true love. You know the gifts named in the song: Day 1: A Partridge in a Pear Tree, Day 2: Two Turtle Doves, Day 3: Three French Hens, Day 4: Four Calling Birds, and Day 5: Five Golden rings. Isn’t it interesting that he brought 400 gifts and not one of them was a Bible? To this post modern world I ask the question, “What Does Christmas Mean to You?” Christmas has become so commercialized that it seems that it’s no longer a Holy-Day, it’s now just a holiday. Many who profess to be Christians no longer have time to go and “Tell it on the Mountain that Jesus is born”: We’re too busy “Dashing through the Snow on a One Horse Open Sleigh”. We no longer “Walk in the Light”: We are too busy walking in a “Winter Wonderland”. We no longer respond to the invitation, O Come All Ye Faithful:” We’re too busy “roasting Chestnuts on an Open Fire.” I again ask the question “What Does Christmas Mean to You?” The real meaning of Christmas cannot be found in Macy’s, Toys-r-Us, Wal-Mart, or J.C. Penny. The real meaning of Christmas can be found in John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Christmas is about the Christ child who came to redeem us back to the father. “O Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord”. “Jesus is the reason For the Season, Joy to the World, the Lord is Come”. “Let Heaven and Nature Sing” and rejoice for born this day in the city of Bethlehem is the Savior of the World.



Winter 2008 ¥ Manna News ¥7


What Does

Christ Mean to You? Rev. Wanda Faye Myers One of the phrases that we hear often during the Christmas season is “Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men.” For me, this is far more than religious rhetoric but stands at the center of my understanding of what Christmas is really about. Many of us will be involved in gift giving to people we love and care a great deal about. However, I believe that our gift giving should reach beyond our familiar and comfortable circle of friends and family. For quite some time I have been involved in an activity that gives gifts to strangers. In doing so, I feel that I am acting out the spirit of Christmas in a way that is pleasing to God and honors the ministry of His Son, Jesus the Christ.

Pastor John Jackson • New Hope Institutional Baptist Church This question comes to me in the midst of a very busy schedule and so I am reminded of how congested our calendars become with activities and events that are important. Sometimes amidst the chaotic events of our lives we lose sight of those things that are really important. We are in the middle of an economic crisis and yet most of us will follow our usual patterns during this holiday season. My counsel to our community is that we be sure to keep Christ in Christmas. Many of us will stretch our budgets to insure that smiles appear on the faces of the children in our lives while others will overload our credit cards to make sure that those around us indeed have a “Merry Christmas” but in the end we need to remember that the best gifts that we can give is love, mercy, goodness, kindness and good will toward others. When we practice this kind of gift giving, we make Christmas live in the way that God really intended.

For unto us a child is born unto a son is given and government shall be upon his shoulders! Christmas for me has always represented family, food and fun while the recognition of Christ’s birth and God’s contribution to redeem man exemplifies the true meaning of love. As a pastor and parent, I am acutely aware of how Christmas has been used by the business community to increase their retail sales beyond any other period on their calendar. But profits and revenue are no substitute for what the real meaning of Christmas is. I would encourage the body of Christ to use this time not only to look under the Christmas tree to see what is there for you personally, but I encourage you to look into your heart and remember that Christ came for you and as such you are the recipient of the greatest gift that heaven could give you and that is the Son of God.

Pastor James Carter • St. John Baptist Church Let me say at the outset that the most important item about Christmas for me is the reason for the season, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to see Christians set aside the occassion as we know it and focus more on the spiritual aspect of the holiday and less on the economic aspect of the day that we call Christmas. Actually, I believe that we can put Christmas and Thanksgiving together in that we all should be thankful for what God has done for us over the course of the last year, while at the same time thankful for Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came and died on our behalf. But I also think that Christmas is a time for family fellowship. I am not just talking about coming together to exchange gifts and compare prices, but come together, even without gifts to say that we love each other and care about what happens in the lives of people that we love. Just as God gave a member of his family for us, we should remember how important family is to us. When you gather this Christmas, look past the Santa Claus costume and the decorations on trees and lawns outside. When you gather for Christmas this December take a moment to remember that if it had not been for Christ on your side, where would you be?

Bishop Stephanie Riddle-Green
• Joshua Baptist Cathedral

8 ¥ Manna News ¥ Winter 2008




What Does

ThanksMean to You? Apostle Charles Jones • Greater Rescue Temple So many people take the little things for granted, the little things in life like health strength and shelter. We have a tendacy to look for the large things that go on in life to give God credit for. But the reality is that God has blessed those same people with the little things that while we take them for granted, are the things that we survive on each and every day. When you look at the economic and political climate that we live in today we all need to remember that God is our daily keeper. The word that specifically comes to my mind is that of “grateful”. We all should be grateful over what God has done for us on a consistent basis. Last year I lost my daughter and it was a devasting ordeal for me and my family. Her death caused me to realize how fragile life is and how we should appreciate every day that God has given us. Many of us know the song “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and it is the faithfulness that we have in God that should sustain us and cause us to approach this November with a sense of gratitude for all of the things that God had done in our lives.

Pastor Patricia Rickenbacker • Living Hope Missionary Baptist Church Like so many of you I will spend Thanksgiving this November around a table decorated with turkey and all the trimmings that normally accompany such a festive event. But beyond the items that will appear on the table, I have so much in my life to be thankful for. The word of God imparts so much wisdom to me personally and as such, I look at the fourth Thursday in November to reflect upon just how good God has been to me and my family. A great part of my testimony is that I have lived long enough to see every promise that God has made to me come to pass. And while I know that I do not have a monopoly on trouble, I have seen God walk our family through the crisis of cancer with my husband and return my mother home from the hospital. I am also thankful for the decisions for myself and how God has literally guided me through the shadows of death and beyond my valleys of despair.



Rev. Betty Watson • Associate Minister • Holy Trinity Baptist Church This Thanksgiving my husband, children, grandchildren, my brother, my sisters and great-grandchildren will gather in Maryland, which is equidistant between New York and North Carolina, to have our traditional Thanksgiving meal. It will be a joyous time that will include most of us bringing special dishes to share with each other. For some, like my grand-daughter, it will be the first time they will be bringing dishes to the family gathering. But our gathering will be about more than food, it will be about family and coming together as a unit to thank God for where he has brought us from both individually and as a family. Thanksgiving for us is more than a mere holiday, it is a time of celebration and recognition that through it all, God has been our refuge and our strength. Because God is at the center of our understanding of what Thanksgiving is, we will include in our gathering a visit to a local church where we can worship and praise God for the abundant blessings that he has placed in our lives.

Dr. Walter Willie • Prayer Tabernacle Church of God in Christ On Thanksgiving day starting at 12 noon our church will be open for a one hour worship and fellowship service. We purposely limit the service to one hour because we know that many people will have just finished cooking their dinner and we wanted to include worship in a day that is dedicated to thanksgiving. We have found that there are few places to go on Thanksgiving Day to thank God for all of the wonderful blessings he has placed in our lives over the course of the past year. Our service is an attempt to create such an opportunity while not interfering with the commitments and allegiance that people have to their homes and families. Thanksgiving in its purest sense is all about family and fellowship and I am grateful that our culture takes time to give thanks and not take what God does for us for granted. I personally would like to see our MANA organization come together around Thanksgiving and offer the community an opportunity to share in the joy of worship. I feel that it is important that the community see the various churches in our neighborhood working together.

Winter 2008 ¥ Manna News ¥9

Entreprenuer The ABC?s of Book Publishing BY PAM PErrY In today’s “do-it-yourself” market, thousands, yes, thousands of people are documenting their testimonies, advice and teachings in “print-on demand” books. And with traditional book publishers and distributor becoming less viable for novice writers, more and more people are self-publishing and marketing their own book through internet and other means. Pam Perry, a marketing veteran with expertise in the independent publisher market, shares valuable insight on how to get your book “out there!” Becoming A Published Author is Easy: You can go to any bookstore and buy a book on how to publish your book or do a google search on book publishing it will recommend Dan Poynter’s self-publishing manual he’s been called the guru of self-publishing You can get a good editor to help you with your rough manuscript. If you really don’t want to do that much work and want to get your book out fast, then you can go to or and have books produced as needed. This is called Print-OnDemand (POD) - which is great for first time authors. These companies

take your word document and turn it into a book. Kinkos is even in the book producing game.

what you write? Put your best foot forward to make your bio have lasting impact.

1. Your Book’s Title is Important. Carefully consider whether your title is gripping for the reader. Is it interesting? Would a person who hears your title know what your book is about without reading anything else?

5. Research Your Market. Who are you targeting with your book? What is your reputation in that market? As an author, you must create a market for yourself by addressing the needs of your market; which means that you must know your market and communicate the right message to that market.

2. Your Cover Sells Your Book. People do judge a book by its cover. Make sure your cover has enough punch to stand out on the shelves among the thousands of other books. Is your cover clean, neat and crisp? Is it interesting? Don’t scrimp here; hire a professional, and experienced graphic designer! 3. Get Great Endorsements. What others say about you is key. Who these people are is even more important. Pull together the “best words from the best people.” It will pre-sell your book before you even open your mouth. 4. A Good Bio Will Have Impact. Do you have anything else with your byline? Do you blog? Do you have an audience that actually likes

6. Timing Is Critical What other related events are going on in the world/society? Are there movies, songs or talk shows that are bringing up the subject you discuss in your book? (Op/Eds) discussing “your” platform/topic? Make sure your topic is relevant. 7. Advertise Your Book To Your Target Marketing. When you spend money on advertising, make sure you target the right market, use the right media, and send the right message. Above all, be consistent! 8. Pursue Media Coverage. Publicity is like frosting on the cake.

Your publicity campaign is important! Get professional publicists to help land interviews on radio, Tv and in newspapers, magazines 9. Maximize Your Distribution. If you want to be a best -selling author, your book must be widely available. Make sure you sign up with a bookstore distributor or wholesaler so that your book is accessible to bookstores (Note: is not a national book distributor, it is a Website). Best-sellers are sold in real book stores and these stores only order from distributors or wholesalers. (See Sally Stuart’s Christian Writers Market Guide for distributors to approach). You must have a press kit and solid marketing plan for them to consider you. 10. Word Of Mouth Is The Best Form Of Advertising. The more “buzz” you create about your book the better. How do you get people talking about your book? By engaging in their culture and creating messages in their media. Be relentless in your goal to be a “best-selling” author. It will happen if you commit to the process.

Local Pastor Releases New Book Pastor Arthur Mackey, who pastors the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church of roosevelt, New York and son of legendary Pastor Arthur Mackey, Sr. of the same church, has released a new book that clearly shows how the entire book of revelation, with its 7-point outline, is relevant to the real, jagged edged, hardcore life of today’s world. Pastor Mackey makes it crystal clear

10 ¥ Manna News ¥ Winter 2008

that God, the creator has clearly established the end from the beginning, from Genesis to revelation, from the seven feasts of Israel, to the Israelites marching seven times around the walls of Jericho, to the seven first New Testament deacons, etc., the revelation is relevant. The historic Civil rights Movement, potent prophetic preaching of rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the powerful

prophetic example of rosa Parks and others give a crystal clear clarion call for us to understand and embrace the important prophetic role of the modern day church to adopt true modern day Christian outreaches that reach all races, cultures, creeds, and nationalities. In this book Pastor Mackey embraces the timeless classic old Negro Spiritu-

als, and celebrates the beauty of the majestic Hallelujah Chorus, as well as embracing the modern day inspirational, motivational, and ministry related teaching of being a present day overcomer, and so much more, with all of it clearly inspired by the book of revelation. These and many other relevant issues are dealt with effectively in Seven Levels of Promise for the Overcomer.



Opinion Some thoughts on Gay Mar BY REv. RAnDOlPH JOn GEMInDER Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church, Amityville, NY If someone had told me at the time of my ordination to the priesthood thirty-seven years ago, that this topic would be an important issue, I would have accused him of madness. There are so many areas of scripture that seem cryptic, points of doctrine seen differently by scholars and theologians from various points on the Christian landscape. The sanctification of physical sexual activity outside of marriage, however, does not find itself in the former situation. Both the Old and New Testaments resoundingly condemn such behavior; there is no ambivalence, no confusion, no interpretational inconsistancies.As a priest, responsible for the pastoral care of my parish, making moral judgements can be painful. Simply proclaiming this or that behavior patterns as being sinful is not difficult. The problem arises when these sins are at-

tached to people one knows and loves, and leading these folk to healing can be complicated and agonizing. Perhaps no other tasks committed to any clergyman, of any denomination, is more important than the responsibility to speak the truth, even at the risk of losing a beloved parishioner. As always, Our Blessed Lord has shown us the way, He never rationalized, He never minced words, and He never varied from teaching the clear and unchanging will of His heavenly father. We can do no less. To attempt to legalize, or in our case sanctify something universally condemned by both the Bible and the Spirit-guided Sacred Tradition of the Church is clearly wrong and clearly heretical, for it would be a proclamation of falsehood, under the guise of truth. We must, as Christians always err on the side of charity. Always and everywhere we must be to the best of our ability, the face of Jesus in a wounded and fallen world. In the case of homosexuals in our communities seeking

marriage, we must be clear that this is a physical and spiritual impossibility (“man and woman He created them… ”), while always holding high the affirmation that we hate the sin and love the sinner. We are either obedient to the revealed will of Almighty God, or

we are not. If indeed we are not, then we will have lost all authority to proclaim the truth of Christ as we have received it. Clergy, much to the chagrin of the modernist and secular progresPlease see gay marriage, Page 15

Being a Man of Character in a World of Comprom Why are so many Christian men frustrated today? Many say frustration is a byproduct of living without knowledge. Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". I must confess that 5 years into my conversion I had more frustration and questions than solid answers. I accepted Jesus as my Savior while working hard on the Lord part. I was a man who worked at life and got exactly what he wanted, and yet, was still unhappy because what I wanted was not designed to make me happy. I competed in the earthly game called life that required biblical character, yet produced daily compromise. I wanted a relationship with God, but lacked the consistency in Bible reading. I wanted to pray, but would not stop working long enough to even acknowledge Him. I lived a lie by judging others by their actions and myself by my intentions. Still today, the battle looms. Each day brings choices that are not easy. As I travel around speaking to men about godly character, I go to the Lord almost



weekly to repent of a deed, thought or word spoken in an ungodly way. I find myself reading romans 7:14-25 (Paul's struggle) and the 51st Psalm (David's deal) way too much for a guy who loves Jesus. As a matter of fact, if you were a fly on the wall in my favorite restaurant this past Saturday, I don't think you would read the rest of this column. (You'd yell hypocrite, remove the log!) It was a perfect night. A night filled with fellowship, laughter, peace and the joy of the Lord. My wife and I were blessing some dear friends with a night out for their twentieth wedding anniversary. After dinner, she mentioned she would like to take in a movie. Now around my home, Dad has some welldefined boundaries in two areas. One is the amount of Tv watched and the other is "r" rated movies. The devil has his deal for "renewing your mind". It's called Hollywood. The poisoning of values in our society today has reached a level where it's not a question of will it continue, but how much are we ingest-

ing each day. Back to the restaurant…. I considered the idea for the movie a great one. They wanted to see the newest release. They said it was about history with a story line that exposed evil and illuminated good. Give me a movie about courageous manhood, values, self-sacrifice, combined with a life lesson and I am there. Wow, I thought, another "Braveheart" or "Chariots of Fire", which are two of the movies that we play clips of at the Mens Discipleship Bootcamps (We do this to bring out the Biblical theme of the event and to create a seeker friendly environment for the unsaved in the room). While waiting on line at the theater I noticed the rating to be "r". The feeling in the pit of my stomach represented a yellow flag for caution. It was "godly guy" decision time, so I stepped forward with wisdom from below and reasoned that the rating was for the violence and if any unholy stuff was shown that I would immediately leave. 30 minutes into movie, it happened: poisoning. Embarrassed and feeling that I ruined a

good night. I proceeded to apologize to my wife & guests, and then asked if they wanted some popcorn. (real man, huh?) I stayed till the end, lacking the character to leave. I compromised. I conformed. romans 12:2 says, "Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is." What a verse! What not to do - What to do How to do it - and Why. The only problem is that it's very hard for the average Christian man not to conform to the world. Why you say? It's quite simple. We compromise God's word while becoming approval addicts and people pleasers of those whose value system is OF THE WOrLD. As long as we dance to the approved tunes of those who don't follow Jesus, we will remain weak and shrink back to a life of compromise. Christ-like character is a process, a trait that is constantly tested and developed through endurance and perseverance (romans 5:4). As my friend Please see being a man, Page 15

Winter 2008 ¥ Manna News ¥ 11

Lead Story

Praying for the New President


he political primaries of both parties have been concluded since August. A fierce presidential campaign that has been the roughest in recent American history has finally come to an end and the American electorate has cast its vote and its voice has been heard.

Despite our personal preferences, the leadership of our country has been decided and the next four years has been placed squarely in the hands of President-Elect Obama. As a faith community it is not our assignment or job to look Please see neW PreSiDenT, Page 13

12 짜 Manna News 짜 Winter 2008



Lead Story neW PreSiDenT from page 12 backwards and wonder what the outcome would have been if this had happened, or if that had happened. What is clear and undeniable is that PresidentElect Obama is the president of not just red States or Blue States but PresidentElect Obama is the president of the United States of America. In the heat of the campaign it looked at times as the decision of America would result in an argument for division that the country has not seen since the election that put Abraham Lincoln in the White House. There is a grave opportunity and responsibility that we have as a church community to help our country heal by not continuing the public discourse on the election but being instrumental in bringing a bi-partisan country together in pursuit of unity. While the election is over what is not over is the economic crisis that we currently find ourselves in. MA NNA would like to encourage Chris-



tians everywhere, despite the complexion of their political alliances and allegiances. The unique power that the church has is its spiritual power and its ability to appeal to a higher power in the interest of what is best for our country. Almost ten years ago, the images of tumbling twin towers were seared into our permanent memory by a terrorist that none of us will forget. In the midst of the fires and chaos we saw America at its best not because of our military superiority around the globe, but we were at our best because we demonstrated to the world our ability to set aside those things that separate us and come together on one accord and support each other in a time of grief and devastation. Now that President-Elect Obama stands at the top of the political mountain that we call the presidency, the best thing that we can do is to operate at our best and pray for the future of our nation and the future of this presidency.

Winter 2008 짜 Manna News 짜 13

Just in

God has a plan. He has a plan for this universe, for nations and a plan for each individual’s life (e.g. Jeremiah 29:11-13). God is orderly not chaotic (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40). He is not a fly by the seat of the pants God. God works things out in intricate details. The incarnation of Jesus is a perfect example of this. We can take tremendous encouragement and hope from God’s orderliness. At times in life it seems as though things are out of control. We can’t make rhyme or reason out of the events of life. But we can be sure that God is in control and He does have a plan that He is working out. It’s true that it seems as though God stretches the faith of His people by waiting until the last possible moment to bring rescue and reason to the events of life. But even when things get harry, we can rest assured that God has a plan and just in time He will assert His will and authority to fulfill that plan. When I was a young boy I used to like to watch westerns. roy rogers and his faithful horse Trigger were favorites of mine. The Long ranger and Tonto were also high on my list of must-see programs. I also enjoyed rin Tin Tin the German Shepherd dog. All of these characters had one thing in common that made them all worth watching. You

14 ¥ Manna News ¥ Winter 2008

knew that no matter how bad things looked, they would always save the day just in time. You may feel as though you’re in a hopeless situation. No matter how hopeless things look, God has a plan, God is in control, and God will save the day just in time. That doesn’t mean we won’t suffer loss. God’s plan and our plan conflict at times. What we have to remember in such situations is that God’s plan is the best plan. We have to trust the Lord’s leading and plan, even if it means we have to suffer in some way. God’s ultimate plan is to conform us to the likeness of Jesus (romans 8:29). That can be painful at times. But it is always worth it to wait on the Lord for we are His poetry, a beautiful work of art (Ephesians 2:10). As we mentioned before, Jesus is a perfect example of how God works. What might seem as though it is just in time to us is only the fullness of time to the Lord and His plan. And the fullness of time of the Lord is always just the right time. That’s what the apostle Paul is inspired to write in his letter to the Galatians where he states: Galatians 4:4-5 – “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the

law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” These two verses from Galatians capture the awesome plan of God that at just the right time God sent Jesus to redeem the world. These verses tell us some very incredible things about God and His plan. “But when the fullness of the time had come, . . .” There is a time set by God for all things (Ecclesiastes 3). God is not One to dilly dally or meander around with no regard for timing. No, not at all, God keeps a schedule for His sovereign plans. Historically it was just the right time for Jesus to come. The KJv Bible Commentary states, “The proper time had arrived for both God and man. The time appointed by the Father and foretold by the prophets. It was a time of outward prosperity and inward corruption. The religions of the world were spiritually bankrupt, devoid of power to change men’s lives, and had degenerated into feeble superstitions and meaningless rituals.” Prophetically it was just the right time for Jesus to come. The coming of Jesus was in line with the timing of the removal from the Jewish religious leaders of the right to order capital punishment (Genesis 49:10), the prophesied forerun-

ner (Malachi 3:21) and Daniel’s prophecy concerning Messiah’s triumphal entry (Daniel 9:24-27). “God sent forth His Son, . . .” This portion of the verse tells us that Jesus existed in eternity before His incarnation (John 1:1, 2, 14-15). In Paul’s letter to Timothy he burst forth with a proclamation of the eternal nature of Jesus when he was inspired to write, “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Timothy 1:17). “Born of a woman, . . .” This tells us Jesus was and is fully human. God foretold beforehand in the Bible by way of prophecy that the Messiah would be birthed uniquely, born of a virgin (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:31-35). Jesus experienced all the pressures, temptations and limitations that we experience (Hebrews 2:18; 4:15; 5:2, 78). Jesus is able to empathize with us in all our life circumstances because of this. We don’t worship a distant unknowable God. We worship God with us, Immanuel! And knowing this only true God and Jesus Christ Who He sent is what eternal life is all about (John 17:3). “Born under the law, . . .” Jesus was Please see Time, Page 15



gay marriage from page 11 sives are not called to be innovators, but rather proclaimers of what is true. As we all know, the great prophets were not generally seers or fortune tellers. True prophecy consists of recalling God’s people to His Truth already revealed. This issue is not going away, but neither is Christianity. The pastors in the modern world must remember that the task at hand is not offering excuses for God’s teaching, but rather proclaiming them. The faith must always be defended, even to the point of martyrdom, but this must never be an

attempt in our imperfect way to rationalize things we find challenging. There is one normative state, sexually speaking, for the unmarried Christian, and that is celibacy. We cannot deny this, we cannot reinterpret this, we cannot assign new meanings to this- at least if we purport to be grounded in Scripture and serve as teachers of its content. As it has always been from the ancient of days, the messenger of God does not explain away the mystery of God, but neither does he “lift the veil,” to show that the mystery is there.

being a man from page 11 richard Galloway says, "It's suiting up and showing up when you don't feel like it." It's not a life of self, but one of self-sacrifice. The Christian life is a constant negotiation between the flesh and the spirit - whichever is fed more will determine the quality of that life. It's pumping spiritual iron daily. It's leaving the movie when you know you shouldn't be there whether that decision is popular or not. My mentor and friend, the late Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, lived the belief that Christ-likeness and manhood are synonymous. He counseled me once saying, "People don't buy into a ministry or a company, they buy into the man. Always remember that your vision will al-

ways take you to a place your character cannot hold." In other words, character is vital for growth, while the lack of it ensures failure. I love men of character who seek out truth and confront lies for the good of others. I watch Pastor Joe Mattera engage in battle against the unjust laws that affect our state. I feel the love of Bishop roderick Caesar as he gives of himself till he drops. I see the work of the MANA pastoral alliance battling for the Gospel in every arena of society. I experience the character of volunteers who work so hard for God that they fall down before they slow down. Webster's defines character as "Moral excellence and firmness." I define it as

Time from page 14 Jewish. Jesus fulfilled and submitted to every requirement of the Law pertaining to His birth and calling (Luke 2:21-27; Matthew 3:13-15). Jesus therefore fulfilled the Law. “To redeem those under the law, . . .” This alludes to the curse of sin brought to all who have broken God’s law even once. God is holy, so holy that he will not look on or tolerate sin (Habakkuk 1:13). Sin is like cancer, even a small cell of cancer can prove fatal if left unattended. That is because cancer grows and spreads and the same is true of sin. Because of this one sin, one breaking of God’s law is sufficient to keep a person out of heaven and destine them for hell (Galatians 3:10-13). Sin is a curse that has infected all humanity. God will not allow it into heaven because He is holy and will not allow the cancer of sin to ruin His abode. Sin therefore, means eternal death to the sinner. It is a sad and hopeless situation in our own strength. But God is rich in mercy and because of His love for us has made a way to be saved from this situation. Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty of death for our sin that we owed (romans 6:23). When we turn from or repent of our sin and ask God to forgive us based on what



Jesus has done for us (and not in any way because of anything we have done) then God will forgive us and give us eternal spiritual life (John 3). Saving faith is described with the acronym Forsaking All I Trust Him. As Paul explains, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”),” (3:13). The curse of sin is death. But Jesus took our curse when He died on the cross (“the tree”). He is our Substitute (“having become a curse for us”). He has “redeemed” us, or paid off our penalty and all we need to do to receive the benefits of that saving work of Jesus is to put our FAITH in Him and accept His work on our behalf. Paul put it this way in another letter, “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus did this just in time. His redemptive work is just in time for those who have yet to receive Him as their Savior. God gives you the opportunity to be freed from this curse of sin now. But beyond now all bets are off and there are no further guarantees. The Bible says that “Now is the day of sal-

"the strength to follow a purpose driven life." God defined it when He engraved it on Jesus for us to imitate (Hebrews 1:3). Every day we go out into a world that tempts us to exchange the truth of God for lies. The lies come in many forms but at the core is the unbelief that says Jesus Christ alone is not enough to make you happy. You need something else. Man of God, I pray our Lord reveals His sufficient grace, His enduring love, His Spirit of truth, with the strength to pursue the character of His Son, Jesus. He's more than enough. It's a life worth living. God4me Men's Network is a National Alliance of Churches and Men's groups systematically training and as-

sisting men in their pursuit of significance and purpose. "Discipleship Boot Camps" are forums to provide encouragement, instruction and fellowship for the transformed man. Anointed speakers help men replace the lies of the world with Biblical truth. Upbeat and practical topics such as "Brainwashed", "A Man's Wild Heart", "The PurposeDriven Man", and "As a Man Thinketh" are presented in a user friendly environment where men are free to "hear and respond". Movie clips and skits are used to communicate the topics. Food is served for time in fellowship, and short interactive workshops create a dynamic effective arena for change in men. Please visit for up to date information on events.

vation (2 Corinthians 6:2). “Now” is just the right time for you to be saved from the curse of sin. “Now” is just in time for you. “That we might receive the adoption as sons.” Under roman law a child that was adopted into a family had all the rights of a natural born child of that family. There was total equality between natural born and adopted children in the family. While Jesus is the “only begotten Son of God” (John 1:14, 18; 3:16, 18; Hebrews 11:17; 1 John 4:9), we can be adopted into God’s family. We will never be equal to Jesus in the sense that we become “God, ” but we can experience the rich blessings of having God as our Father (2 Corinthians 6:18). This is God’s promise to those who put their faith in Jesus (romans 9:8; Galatians 3:29). Adoption is attained through faith in Jesus (Galatians 3:7, 26). This adoption is purely provided by the grace of God (romans 4:16, 17; Ephesians 1:5, 6, 11). Jesus is the One through whom this adoption can be worked (John 1:12; Galatians 4-5; Ephesians 1:5; Hebrews 2:10, 13). The Holy Spirit in a person is the evidence of having been adopted by the Lord (romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6). The Holy Spirit bears witness in our hearts when we have been put into this

adoptive position with God (romans 8:16). And being led by the Holy Spirit in life is tangible evidence that we are God’s adopted children (romans 8:14). When we are adopted into God’s family, we become the brethren of Jesus (John 20:17; Hebrews 2:11-12). Just think of that! What a gift! What a blessing! All of this is what God wants to work in you. Isn’t it awesome? Isn’t it magnificent? And if you haven’t experienced the rich blessings of our inheritance as adopted children of God, now is just the right time for you to do so. God is reaching out to you. He may be reaching out to you just in time. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. No further opportunity is guaranteed or promised. Now is the time of salvation. Now, just in time, God is offering you the chance of a life time. In fact your eternal destiny is in the balance. Just in time God has come to save the day for you. Take His hand and join His family. Just in time is the right time for you to do this. Sincerely in Christ,

Pastor Claude What did you think of this article? Comments welcome at

Winter 2008 ¥ Manna News ¥ 15

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22 ¥ Manna News ¥ Winter 2008



Living Hope Fellowship Baptist Church Dr. Patrica Rickenbacker, Pastor 900 Old Sunrise Highway Massapequa, New York 11758



Winter 2008 짜 Manna News 짜 23


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