TROJAN MATTERS February 10, 2017
Roots run deep Family members have attended here since BCHS began
Fourth Annual L
ist Issue
More online at
Looking back a decade
Getting to know the new principal
Sports prevalence by region
TROJAN MATTERS Volume 3, Issue 5
On the cover
Family ties Since 1965, families have sent students to BCHS again and again and again. Page 16
Page 2
Page 5
Page 7
Who’s who in the White House?
College tuition throughout IN
Finding the best bang for $5
Page 9
Page 12
Page 14
Apps that were gone in a flash
YouTube stars make it their job
The validity of conspiracy theories
MATTER In our prayers. . . • For all those suffering in illness and disease in our community.
• The new government leaders, that they lead our country well. • For a successful, meaningful retreat for the last senior group. • War torn countries, that they find peace and comfort. • For respect of all human life.
Save the date February 20 - No school - President’s Day February 21-24 - Fourth Senior Retreat
February 28 - Varsity boys basketball sectional, first round, at Brebeuf
TROJAN MATTERS STAFF Editor-in-chief Blueprint editor Photo editor News editor Opinions editor Features editor Sports editor Publications advisor
Jacob deCastro Sian Rhodes Ellen Giudice Marissa Almack Emma Kennedy Sian Rhodes Katie Meek Mrs. Tracy Luke
Reporters Photographers
Abby McDonald Kacee Haslett Janie Gleaves Abby Park Greta Horton Casey Storms Kylie Donaldson
March 1 - Ash Wednesday March 5-6 - Second Junior Retreat Trojan Matters Mission Statement: We promise to bring you, the students of BCHS, the most obtainable version of the truth through courage, integrity and freedom of speech. Unsigned staff editorials reflect the opinion of at least two-thirds of the staff. Columns with bylines reflect the opinions of the writer. The newspaper will try to publish all letters to the editor within the constraints of space limitations.
March 10 - 3rd Quarter ends March 23-25 - Spring Musical performance “Back to the 80’s” The staff reserves the right to edit letters for the length and clarity. Trojan Matters is the monthly news magazine produced by the Publications class. In addition, daily news updates can be found online at Letters/Comments can be submitted through The Blueprint or dropped off in the Publications Room (210).
You Said It
Literacy project continues
We Heard It
Isn’t a cyclops a robot? Isn’t Abraham Lincoln the second president? You said something that sounded robot-y. Isn’t church spelled with an ‘i’? Do they speak Spanish in Italy? Can you be pregnant twice? The Trojan Matters staff continues its year-long literacy project. Photos from left to right: At Indy Reads, the majority of this shelf contains books
donated from the book drive and Charity Spirit Day last semester; For donating $500, BCHS received a shelf at Indy Reads; At Enlace Acad-
emy, BCHS donated books in both Spanish and English, which helps improve students’ test scores. Photos courtesy of Indy Reads and Enlace Academy
Vice principal explains route to senior privileges
as of 2/3/17; includes full and part time employees and tots
Who’s here:
Mr. Ben Reilly, assistant principal, said there wasn’t a stated formula for seniors to earn more privileges, but an on-going discussion. He mentioned that seniors already have: • Early parking sign-up • Dismissal from Mass first • Living Rosary participation • Dismissal from Living Rosa-
ry and Mass with the Archdiocese for the day • Wearing college sweatshirts and shirts Regarding future privileges, he said: • There’s no set standard because every Senior Class is unique. • There’s on-going discussion
with student leadership. • It is too early in the year to decide more senior privileges. According to senior Josef Eisgruber, student council president, seniors are hoping for: • More dress up days for Mass • Getting out 5 minutes before everyone else • Eating lunch outside
152 Seniors
176 Sophomores
59 Trojan Tots
28 maintenance/cafeteria
167 Juniors
202 Freshmen
53 Teachers
55 admin/guidance/ministry/ business/staff
Heard a great song recently? Let us know about by going to and it may be run in the next issue of Trojan Matters.
1. “So Close” - Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness 2. “You & I” - Colony House 3. “Cold Cold Man” - Saint Motel 4. “Easily” - Bruno Major 5. “Weak When Ur Around” Blackbear
6. “Patience” - Shawn Mendez 7. “History” - Olivia Holt 8. “You’re Not There - Lukas Graham 9. “Play that Song” - Train 10. “I See Fire” - Ed Sheeran
Snooki is everything I aspire to be. He had the nerve to actually collect the homework. Student council is actually just forced child labor. Our grades won’t be in until Vietnam probably. If I could be anyone for a day, I’d be a teletubby. His name’s not Franklin Deleware Roosevelt? To get out of work today, should I go with sick family member or car troubles? Don’t start a riot in this classroom! Wait, is Canada out of this country? I could blow chunks right now. Hear something funny or interesting? Let us know at 1
February 10, 2017
Who’s in the house?
When a new president takes office, especially from the opposite political party, many changes, both physically and politically, happen in Washington, D. C. President Donald J. Trump was sworn into office Jan. 17. The move-in began at noon that day and the entire White House and living quarters is transformed for the new occupants within 12 hours. However, the First Lady, Mrs. Melania Trump, has opted to stay in her New York City residence until the Trump’s 10-year-old son Baron finishes his school year.
The Wes Office B States. Th the Situ
So, what’s in the White House?
The President’s staff: Vice President - Mike Pence, former Indiana governor. The chief of staff is the personal assistant to the president typically manages the president’s day-to-day scheduling - Reince Preibus. Deputy chief of staff for operations will oversee Management & Administration, Advance, Security and the Military Office - Joe Hagin. The senior advisor is another high-ranking assistant to the president - Stephen Miller. Senior Counselor to the President & White House Chief Strategist - Steve Bannon.
6 levels, 8 staircases, 3 elevators, 413 doors, 28 fireplaces. . .
The White House Press Secretary serves as the president’s spokesperson - Sean Spicer. Assistant to the President and Counselor - Kellyanne Conway.
The West Wing's three floors c the White House Chief of Staff the President, the Senior Adv the White House Press Secret port staffs. The Vice-Presiden building, but his primary offi Eisenhower Executive Office B
Who works at the White House?
The White House employs House payroll. Some employees:
who work there daily and are on the White
1 . . . a basketball court, tennis court, swimming pool, jogging track, bowling alley, billiard room and a movie theater 132 rooms 147 windows 35 bathrooms 2
information and statistics regarding the White House:,
- Assistants or Deputy Assistants to the president - titles range from economic advisers to White House rural council to receptionist.
chief usher in charge of household staff , butlers, maids, chefs, maître d’s, elevator operators, florists, curators, carpenters, electricians and plumbers -
total members of the residence staff.
1 chief
floral designer and four assistants.
There are up to grounds and maintenance workers under grounds superintendent.
executive chef is responsible for three kitchens and meals for the president, his family and guests. There are full-time assistants and up to parttime helpers as needed.
st Wing of the White House, also known as the Executive Building, houses the offices of the President of the United The West Wing contains the Oval Office,the Cabinet Room, uation Room and the Roosevelt Room.
The East Wing serves as office space for the First Lady, Mrs. Melania Trump, and her staff, including the White House Social Secretary, White House Graphics and Calligraphy Office and correspondence staff. It also includes the White House theater, the visitors’ entrance, and the East Colonnade, a corridor connecting to the residence.
The Executive Residence is the central building of the White House complex located between the East Wing and West Wing. The lower levels are used for ceremonies and official entertaining. The Ground Floor is made up of the Diplomatic Reception Room, Map Room, China Room, Vermeil Room and Library. The top floor is the private residence for the president and his family.
contain offices for ff, the Counselor to visor to the President, tary, and their supnt has an office in the ffice is next door in the Building.
The distance between the White House and Capitol Hill is 1.5 miles. It is directly southeast along Pennsylvania Avenue.
From BC to D.C.; Second Lady serves in Trump/Pence administration
Vice President Mike Pence is married to a Trojan. Karen (Batton) Pence graduated from BCHS in the Class of 1975 as valedictorian. Her photo
hangs in the Wall of Fame. Mrs. Cokie Schiedler, 1975 classmate and mom of Sarah, sophomore, said, “Karen was always very sweet and very smart.” Another 1975 classmate, Mrs. Julie Schnieders, said, “I remember how kind she was which I believe carried on into her public life.” At their 40th reunion, the Pences (front row) snapped a selfie with classmates Mrs. Cathy Hayes Ciresi, Mrs. Cokie O’Brien Scheidler and Mrs. Julie Sullivan Schnieders.
Photo courtesy of Mrs. Cokie Schiedler
The United States House of Representatives and United States Senate Congress has two parts: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state has two Senators and at least one Representative; the more residents a state has, the more Representatives it is allowed. There are 100 Senators and 435 Representatives. Indiana’s senators are Senator Joe Donnelly (D) and newly-elected Senator Todd Young (R). Elections in the senate are staggered so there is never a complete turnover in the Senate. Indiana has nine Representatives. Rep. Susan Brooks (R) serves the constituents around BCHS.
Current party standings of the Senate during the 115th Congress: Affiliation Members Republican Party 52 Democratic Party 46 Independent 2
Current party standings of the House of Representatives during the 115th Congress: Affiliation Members Republican Party 241 Democratic Party 194 Independent 0
February 10, 2017
Meet Mr. Joe Hansen Get to know Mr. Joe Hansen, St. Roch Catholic School principal, before he arrives this fall as our new principal
•Jacob deCastro He has been St. Roch’s principal for 13 years.
Served as an Airmen First Class in the Air Force.
Before BCHS...
Reading List
“I started my teaching career at (IPS) School 21 and then taught over at John Strange Elementary. I also was the assistant principal at Allisonville Elementary for a year.”
Bachelors in Elementary Education
Masters in Educational Leadership
My Life With The Saints
Love Does
The Rundown
“I think Mindset is an essential read for both teachers and administrators about overcoming the ‘potential gap’ and then finding success.”
Education “At Butler, the masters degree program is two years and we share one year with the class after us. Deacon Rick was in the class right after mine, so we shared a year together.”
“Pope Francis. His humility is inspiring. His message on not being a ‘careerist’ and instead listening to God and opening yourself up to His plan led me to apply for this position.”
Find out if you have something in common with Mr. Hansen: Favorite Food • “I love Mexican food, especially chips and salsa.” Favorite Restaurant • TGI Friday’s. “This place is a chain, but it’s where I met my wife 22 years ago. Favorite Professional Teams • NFL - Colts • NBA - Pacers Favorite Band • The Bottle Rockets. “We played them at my wedding and they have also played in my basement three times.”
Who is your role model?
Would cheer for BCHS against Roncalli, the deanery high school of St. Roch.
Mr. Hansen speaks with the faculty on Jan. 17 about his background and his vision for BCHS.
Favorite Subject • Writing. “When I sat down at the keyboard to prepare a speech for the (BCHS) faculty . . .there’s just something special about the writing process.”
The $49,685 question Tracking tuition across Indiana’s universities • Jacob deCastro
Most e xpensive. . .
= $2,000 = Number of Class of 2016 members attending that college this year
Notre Dame
St. Mary’s
$38,030 Percent of Hoosiers age 2564 with a Bachelor’s degree or higher
College campuses in Indiana
Least e xpensive. . .
Southern Indiana
Indiana State
Universities where no members of the Class of 2016 attended are not included. Room and board not a part of the tuition number.
Tuition costs from each university’s website, attendance numbers from the Guidance Department.
February 10, 2017
Would you rather... Be 7 foot 4 inches or 4 foot 5 inches? “I’d rather be 7 foot 7 inches so I could finally reach the top shelf,” Paige Zehner, freshman.
Be 4-foot, 5-inches tall
Be 7-foot, 4-inches tall
Other Responses:
• ”I would rather be 7 foot 4 inches because I’m tired of being short and I want to be able to dunk,” Liam O”Brien, junior. • ”I would rather be 4 foot 5 inches because it would be impossible to find clothes if you were that tall,” Mary Borchers, freshman. • ”I would rather be 7 foot 4 inches because you could go to the NBA and wouldn’t have to work as hard,” Will Kellison, junior.
Be in a hurricane or an earthquake? Other Responses: • ”I would rather be in an earthquake because if I’m getting swept off my feet, it will only be for love,” Alyssa Behringer, junior. • ”I would rather be in an hurricane because I think there is more of a chance to survive,” Nick Ashley, sophomore.
Be in and survive an earthquake
Be in and survive a hurricane
Be an Olympic gold medalist or a pro athlete champion?
Other Responses:
Win a championship title with a pro team
60.5% 39.5%
All Photos By: Kylie Donaldson
“I definitely would be a pro athlete champion. It’s a career and majority of those people make a lot of money,” Gabe O’Hara, junior.
Win a gold medal in the Olympics
“I’d honestly rather be in a hurricane, it would be kind of fun since I have always liked the rain,” Nathan Kolbus, junior.
• ”I would rather be an Olympic gold medalist so I can say, ‘I brought home the gold,’ ” Katie Barnes, sophomore. • ”I would rather be an Olympic gold medalist because it is worldwide event so it’s a bigger deal,” Matthias Benko, sophmore. • ”I would rather be a pro athlete because the money alone makes it worth it,” Will Delaney, junior. +/- 3% accuracy •Katie Meek
Finding the best bang for your buck
$4.77 • Nacho supreme • 30 oz. soft drink
Finding satisfying and inexpensive food is a constant struggle for cheap high school students. Listed below are various options of resturants in proximty to Chatard with meals you can purchase for under $5.
Photo: Kylie Donaldson
• Original cheeseburger combo • Including fries and a drink
$4.76 • Double cheeseburger • Medium soft drink • Small fry
$4.79 information from
prices include a 9% food tax •Katie Meek
$4.87 • six piece regular chicken nuggets • value soft drink • small natural-cut fry
• Grilled chicken sandwich • Ask for a water cup 7
February 10, 2017
Movies hitting the screens in 2017
March 17, 2017
Actress Emma Watson stars as Princess Belle in this human remake of the classic animated Disney film. 53 percent of BCHS students said they were going to see this movie once it comes out.
This is the second film in the “Guardians of the Galaxy” series inspired by the Marvel comics.
May 5, 2017
May 26, 2017
The fifth movie of the series in which Captain Jack Sparrow is hunted down by ghost pirates determined to kill him. 33 percent of BCHS students said they would see this.
Movie Stats of 2016
3 6 p e r c e n t o f B C H S s t u d e n t s s a i d t h e y ra r e l y a t te n d m o v i e t h e a te r s . T h e a ve ra g e m o v i e t i c k e t p r i c e i n 2 0 1 6 w a s $ 8 . 6 5 . source: A s o f 2 0 1 6 , t h e r e w a s a r e po r te d 5 , 8 2 1 m o v i e t h e a te r s i n t h e U. S . +/- 3 percent accuracy Inspired by the DC comics, this movie follows Wonder Woman as she discovers her powers to fight along soldiers in World War I.
This movie will be the third of the Pixar animated series which features Lightning Mcqueen in his quest to compete against new racers. June 16, 2017
June 2, 2017
July 7, 2017
Peter Parker goes home to live with his Aunt May after fighting crime with the Avengers and is mentored by Tony Stark as he adjusts to using his powers as Spider-Man.
News in Nominations
Meryl Streep is the most nominated actress for an Academy Award with her 20th nomination. If Damien Chazelle wins the Oscar as best director for “La La Land,” he will be the youngest source:
Nov. 3, 2017
Thor fights against former ally, the Hulk, while battling the villain, Hela, in order to save his home planet and the Asgardian civilization. 32 percent of students are looking forward to its release.
Dec. 15, 2017
Top f ive highest grossing movies worldwide “Avatar” (2009) “Titanic” (1997)
This will be the eighth episode in the whole of the “Star Wars” series and is the third movie within the sequel trilogy The Force Awakens. 42 percent of students are excited for the release.
The third movie in the Pitch Perfect series will include lead actresses Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson. •Marissa Almack
Dec. 22, 2017
“Jurassic World ” (2015) “Marvel ’s The Avengers” (2012)
Apps gone in a flash
Released on January 24, 2013
In October 2016, Twitter announced that no uploads would be allowed on the app
In December 2015, there were 200 million users.
10 million copies sold by December 2011
Released April 6, 2009
There are many apps that have gone viral and by the next year were no longer talk of the town. Here are some of the apps that were loved, but quickly forgotten.
•Marissa Almack
Released on May 24, 2013.
Apps we used to love
Only 9 percent of students have used the app in the last year. Sold 25,000 copies daily for four consecutive months at its height
By the end of January 2014, it had become the most downloaded free game on the App Store.
Doodle Jump Enter tainment
Candy Crush Saga
Flappy Bird Entertainment
It was removed from the App Store on February 10, 2014 because Dong Nguyen, creator, thought it was too addictive.
Apps we used to love Released on August 4, 2011
Released on July 6, 2016, it was one of the most used and downloaded apps of 2016 with over 500 million downloads worldwide
55 percent of students downloaded the app when it came out
Pokemon Go
Enter tainment
Angry Birds Entertainment
Temple Run
72 percent of students said they downloaded the app, but only 25 percent have used it in the past year.
As of June 2014, the game and its sequel, Temple Run 2, have been downloaded over a billion times. Released on April 12, 2012. In 2014, there were over 93 million people using the app. Revenue from a three month period height was over $493 million.
22 percent of students have used the app in the last year
Released in December 2009 By January 2015, there had been over three billion downloads
12 percent of students have played the game in the last year
February 10, 2017
A decad
Music TV Top 15 songs
1. Irreplaceable - Beyonce “Mad Men” began July 19. 2. Umbrella - Rihanna feat. Jay- Z 3. The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani feat. Akon “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” 4. Big Girls Don’t Cry - Fergie began Oct. 14. 5. Buy U A Drank (Shawty Snappin) - T-Pain feat Yung Joc 6. Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood “Gossip Girl” began Sept. 19. 7. Hey There Delilah - Plain White T’s 8. I Wanna Love You - Akon feat. Snoop Dog 9. Say It Right - Nelly Furtado “Gilmore Girls” ended May 15. 10. Glamorous - Fergie feat. Ludacris 11. Don’t Matter - Akon “The Sopranos” ended June 10. 12. Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne 13. Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5 “Kim Possible” ended Sept. 7. 14. Party Like A Rockstar - Shop Boyz 15. Smack That - Akon feat. Eminem “Drake & Josh” ended Sept. 16. •Abby McDonald
de ago...
News Movies Major Events
Feb. 4 - The Indianapolis Colts won Super Bowl XLI in Miami Gardens, Fla against the Chicago Bears. Britney Spears has a public meltdown Feb. 16 including shaving her head and getting new tattoos. On June 29, Apple released the first iPhone, about 700,000 iPhones were sold during the first week. On July 21, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” was released as the final book of the series.
Top 15 grossing movies 1. Spider-Man 3 2. Shrek the Third 3. Transformers 4. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End 5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 6. I Am Legend 7. The Bourne Ultimatum 8. National Treasure: Book of Secrets 9. Alvin and the Chipmunks 10. 300 11. Ratatouille 12. The Simpsons Movie 13. Wild Hogs 14. Knocked Up 15. Juno
Information from Box Office Mojo,, IMDB, Statista, Wikipedia 11
February 10, 2017
stars make big bucks Since 2005, YouTube has been the top video-sharing website in the world, with over one billion active users each
month, according to Many YouTubers have gotten into the business of making money off of their
videos by incorporating advertisements and sponsored items into their videos, as well as participating in outside
projects. Here are some of the top paid YouTubers that make a living off of their channels. •Sian Rhodes
Have you seen these other top money-making YouTube stars?
of students here have heard of or watched Tyler Oakley Income: $744,300/yr
of students here have heard of or watched Jenna Marbles Income: $960,000/yr
Miranda Sings
Markiplier or Mark Fischbach is a Hawaiian YouTube personality who specializes in playthroughs of indie and horror games. He has also strarred in Smosh: The Movie, as well as many TV and web series, like Jimmy Kimmel Live.
Miranda Sings (created by Colleen Ballinger) is a YouTuber who creates ridiculous covers of popular songs and produces funny videos. She also travels to perform a one-woman comedy show, as well as having a Netflix original series.
Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg is a Swedish born YouTuber with a channel centered around video games and vlogging. He has also been known to support many charities and campaigns, such as Charity: Water Campaign and St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital.
On YouTube since: 2012
On YouTube since: 2008
On YouTube since: 2010
Age: 27
Age: 31
Age: 27
Number of videos: 3,436
Number of videos: 597
Number of videos: 3,086
Subscribers: 16,305,780
Subscribers: 7,520,359
Subscribers: 52,701,786
Income: $8,100,000/yr
Income: $1,200,000/yr
Income: $15,000,000/yr
of students here have heard of or watched Dude Perfect Income: $2,200,000/yr +/- 3% accuracy in school-wide survey
Information from,,, and
Natural disasters cause massive death and damage
Throughout the history of the United States, there have been many natural disasters that have caused death and destruction. Here are some of the most deadly natural weather occurances in U.S. history. •Sian Rhodes
Heat wave of 1988
- Summer of 1988 - Total rainfall along the Great Plains region from April-June was even lower than during the Dust Bowl years - Caused fires around Yellowstone National Park and Mt. Rushmore - Killed around 10,000 people 4
Tri-State Tornado
- March 18, 1925 - Illinois, Indiana and Missouri - The deadliest twister tooccur - Forecasters started to look into developing a tornado warning system - Killed an estimated 1,000 people
Information from
Peshtigo Fire
- Oct. 8, 1871 - Peshtigo, Wis. - Set afire when a strong windstorm fueled the spread of a small group of prairie fires by fanning the blaze out over a million acres of forest land - Killed an estimated 1,200 people 5
Hurricane Gavleston
- Sept. 8, 1900 - Gavleston, Texas - Category 4 hurricane with estimated 135 mph - Deadliest natural disaster in US history - Killed an estimated 8,000 people
Great San Francisco fire and earthquake
- April 18, 1906 - 7.7- to 7.9-magnitude - Broke natural gas and water mains setting the city on fire and making it difficult to put out the fires - Killed an estimated 3,000 people 6
Hurricane Katrina
- Aug. 25, 2005 - Lousiana - Category 1 hurricane and 125 mph winds - 80 percent of the city was submerged underwater
February 10, 2017
"Don't ever give up..." Eat a Chatard cookie at
"The enjoyment isn't in the attainment of things, but in the process of learning." -Gandhi
What is one life quote BCHS students should know?
Life at BCHS can be busy and stressful. Through this game of life, follow milestones and discover advice from faculty on how to live.
"A lot of young people get caught up in materialistic things but it's more about the learning process and things you can learn over time." -Mr. Aryn Stack, 14
Get locked out of the third floor bathrooms at the
L I F E:
Be a part of the fall play or spring musical.
Graduation Day!
"...because as you go through life you go through all sorts of challenges, especially as you get older. " -Mrs. Barb
•Abby Park
"You can never meet enough people."
Dance the night away at a Bishop Chatard dance.
"It's important to not let any opportunity go by that might build up your warehouse of skills." -Mr. Dan McNally, science teacher
Be a part of weekly Mass.
Attend a football game.
"Let go and let God..."
"If you meet new people you will find out if you like them or if you have nothing in common. If you like them, you may have a friend for life." -Mr. Tom Campbell, substitute teacher
Perform in the talent show.
"Chance favors the prepared mind." -Louis Pasteur
Trip up the stairs.
"...I have to surrender for Him to be in control and avoid my tendency to organize things to the best of my ability." -Mrs. Jackie Bach, English
6 Less Popular Conspiracy Theories
When discussing conspiracy theories, most people are aware of the stereotypical tall tales surrounding events such as the Kennedy assassination, 9/11, and the likes. Many, like Mr. Greg Miller, social studies teacher, are fascinated with these theorized legends. Mr. Miller says his interest in conspiracy theories, which "started with Kennedy," is because he feels "that using our reasoning we need to make sure we hear both sides of an argument." How familiar are you with these less famous conspiracy theories? •Abby Park
2 3 4 5
The San Bernardino Shooting was a government conspiracy.
After the reports of the San Bernardino Shooting drastically changed from three masked, male shooters to two shooters acting with Islamic terrorism, some began to speculate the government fabricated the event to create more Islamophobia throughout the United States.
Noah's Ark is buried in the snow high in the Ararat Mountains in Turkey.
Sitting on the former Soviet/Turkish border, this area of the Ararat Mountains was first filmed during U.S. Air Force reconnaissance mission. After these classified photos were seen, many theorized an oblong object covered in snow on the mountain's peak is actually Noah's Ark.
The entire universe was created just last Thursday.
Last Thursdayism, or the Omphalos hypothesis, argues that God created the universe just last Thursday and evidence for the age of the earth is fabricated. This was originally hypothesized in the 4th century by theologian St. Ephrem the Syrian and is believed by many modern Creationists.
Chipotle's E. coli outbreak was bioterrorism.
Chipotle is the only fast food chain to publicly denounce GMOs and because of this, could have angered other corporate organizations. Their recent E. coli outbreak has been theorized to be a result of corporate sabotage to harm the company due to their stances.
Donald Trump was a plant in the 2016 election.
During the 2016 election, many speculated that Donald Trump, an unlikely candidate for the presidency, was actually convinced to run by the Clintons, in hopes that he would guarantee a Clinton win.
Everything we experience is a simulation.
Popularized by Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, some are nearly certain in the theory that our lives are actually a simulation conducted by Artificial Intelligence and we are living in an artificial world.
Do you believe in conspiracy theories? In a school survey on Jan., 5, 2017, BCHS members, when it comes to discussing conspiracy theories::
rarely believe usually think there is some validity believe they're pretty far fetched have been persuaded to believe before believe dependent on the topic
+/- 3% accuracy of 15 school-wide survey
February 10, 2017
Family ties throughout BCHS
Here at BCHS, family ties run deep. There are generations upon generations full of extended Trojan families that still attend BCHS. Of the many, some of the biggest include these two families:
The O'Brien-Park-Scheidler Family
Photo courtesy of Abby Park
Each individual family wears a different color. The Park family, for example, are wearing the gray sweaters.
J. Thomas O'Brien & Joan Walker O'Brien
Trojan parents
Trojan cousins so far
Kathleen O'Brien Miller ('71) & Tom Miller
8 children who attended elsewhere
Tom O'Brien ('73) & Joanie Wade
6 children who attended elsewhere
Michael O'Brien ('73)
Colleen O'Brien ('75) & Bill Scheidler ('76)
Matt ('01), Tim ('03), Amy ('04), Julie ('07), Danny ('12), Sarah ('19)
Patrick O'Brien ('76) & Lyn McNally
Kelsey ('06), Patrick ('08)
Maureen O'Brien Kohler ('76) & Jeff Kohler
Four children who live out of state
Kevin O'Brien ('80) & Theresa Burget O'Brien
Courtney ('07), Kevin ('09), Heather ('12)
Eileen O'Brien Metzger ('80)
Kristen ('07), Matt ('08), Nick ('14), Caroline ('16) and one who attended elsewhere
Rosie O'Brien Rodgers ('82) & Graham Rodgers
Two children who live out of state
Terry O'Brien ('84) & Laura MacNulty O'Brien
Emma ('16), John ('18), Clara ('20), Jamie (6th grade)
Christeen O'Brien Paulison ('86) & Christopher Paulison
Six children who live out of state
Charleen O'Brien Vierhile ('87) & Greg Lord
Six children who attended elsewhere
Janeen O'Brien Park ('89) & Charles Park ('89)
Abigail ('17), Lucy ('19) and four younger siblings
Tim O'Brien ('91) & and Maryanne Wisler O'Brien
Three elementary-aged children
The McNelis-MarshMalarney-Kenney-Gamache Family David & Mary Ann Kenney Phil Kenney ('79) & Colleen Kenney McNulty
Vince Kenney ('80)
Molly ('12) Caitlin ('14) David ('17) Timmy ('19)
Sheila Kenney McNelis ('86) & Tim McNelis Joe ('11) Maggie ('13) Jack ('15) Kevin ('18) Timmy ('20)
Sheila McNelis ('86)
Photo courtesy of Kevin McNelis
The Traubs, Tekulves and Barnes create just one of the Trojan Family Ties.
All reporting and page design by Emma Kennedy Editor's note: Thank you to all the faculty and families who provided the information and dates.
au John Traub married . . .
Jenny Traub (‘84) college roommates and then lived in Chicago together. Annie Barnes (‘07)
Kara Tekulve (‘84) (‘84) who is the have four children who graduatsister ed from or are currently attendof. . .
e lv
Even if Trojans don't come from huge families with lots of BCHS connections, marriages and friendships create bonds that keep it all in the family.
Michael McNelis ('05 ) Sara McNelis ('07)
T ek b
The McNelis family celebrates Easter together.
Maureen ('12) Mary ('14) Margaret ('15)
Mike and Angie McNelis
Pat Gamache ('10) Brian Gamache ('13) Colleen Gamache ('15)
Trojan Family Ties
Katie Kenney Malarney ('88) & Tim Malarney Is the brother of
Allie Kenney ('09) Lauren Kenney ('09)
Mary Kenney Marsh ('84)
Is the sister of
Ann Kenney Unversaw ('77) Tom Unversaw
ing here: Nick (‘12), Colin (‘14), Kaitlin (‘15) & Lindsey (‘18)
have four children who graduated from here: Kristyn (‘00), Brian (‘05), Erin (‘07) & Kellie (‘09)
Keith Tekulve (‘78) who married . . .
Barnes who is the aunt of. . .
Kathy Barnes (‘84)
February 10, 2017
Where does your tuition go?
$9,300 4%
goes a long way in the BCHS business department. Mr. Dan Thompson, director of business operations, explained that the average revenue per one student typically is split over many costs.
of a student’s tuition goes toward the school’s
cash reserve or savings.
“The archdiocese requires us to hold cash, just in case of broken things, accidents, or things that are unplanned,” said Mr. Thompson.
of a student’s tuition goes to
the building’s utilities, such as electricity bills or capital fees that have to be paid, as well as the building’s upkeep.
of a student’s tuition goes to the
school’s unpaid debts.
Mr. Thompson said, “Sometimes we start a building project and didn’t have all of the money at the time, so we have to continue paying for it.”
of a student’s tuition goes to
including the president, principal, cafeteria staff, maintenance staff, and business staff.
of a student’s tuition goes to
financial aid.
“Not only tuition is funded,” said Mr. Thompson, “but additional items other students cannot afford, like practice packs. ”
of a student’s tuition goes toward
teacher salary.
The majority of the $9,300 is distributed towards teacher salaries and classroom items, such as textbooks or new items needed inside of the classroom.
administrative staff salary.
of a student’s tuition goes to
campus ministry,
and the money goes toward retreats and traveling to destinations.
of a student’s tuition goes toward
athletics & extracurriculars.
According to Mr. Thompson, BCHS does not earn money from the athletic programs, so it must be paid through funds.
of a student’s tuition goes toward
enrollment initiatives, such as marketing or advertisements.
The Indianapolis Colts, the Green Bay Packers are both popular football teams in East North Central, but basketball ranks highly as well, with teams like the Chicago Bulls.
New England’s football team, the Patriots, and Boston’s baseball team, the Red Sox, are popular in New England.
Football is watched most as fans root for the Denver Broncos. In addition to football, basketball teams including the L.A. Lakers are popular.
Teams like the Baltimore Ravens are popular in football while baseball and basketball are both a close second. Popular teams include the Washington Nationals and the Memphis Grizzlies.
The NFL Dallas Cowboys rank highly in Texas, along with the NFL New Orleans Saints. In addition to football, basketball teams including the San Antonio Spurs are popular.
Football and baseball rank highly in the Southwest, with popular teams including the San Francisco 49ers, the L.A. Angels, and the San Diego (Now L.A.) Chargers.
While the Kansas City Chiefs football team ranks as most popular, baseball is also watched, and people root for the Minnesota Twins.
In Washington and Oregon, football and soccer rank most popular, with leading teams such as the Seattle Seahawks and the Portland Timbers.
Popularity of sports vary by region
In the Northeast, football is the most popular and clearly outranks other sports. The New York Giants, the New York Jets, and the Pittsburgh Steelers are among the most-viewed teams.
Popular sports in the south Atlantic include football and baseball. The Atlanta Falcons, the Tampa Bay Rays are both popular teams.
•reporting and page design Kacee Haslett
February 10, 2017
Sports upsets that rocked the world
Everyone loves a good 'Cinderella story.' Coming back to win from a loss, beating a higher ranked team, coming from a small town. Here are some of the best upsets in sports history. •J G anie leaves
2016 World Series After a 108 year drought, the Chicago Cubs were crowned World Champions this past November. In Game 5, the Cleveland Indians held a 3-1 game lead, but the Cubs came back, winning the next three games and claiming the series. The lead change and drought combined to create an upset that had everyone hopping on the Chicago bandwagon.
Miracle on Ice (1980) In the 1980 winter Olympics, one of the most wellknown hockey games ever occurred. During the games, the USA and the USSR were in the thick of the Cold War, so tensions were high. This event was memorable because Team USA came into the competition seeded seventh out of twelve, and the Soviets had won the past four gold medals in men's hockey. Dubbed "The Miracle on Ice," the USA mens hockey team beat the highly favored Soviet team 4-3.
Super Bowl III (1969) In 1969, at the third ever Super Bowl, the New York Jets defeated the Colts, who were then based in Baltimore. The Colts came in with a better record, and a whole lot more support. Colts' quarterback Joe Namath "guaranteed" a win in a interview before the big game. However, the Sunday of, the Colts didn't pull out the W, resulting in the Jets only Super Bowl win with a score of 16-7. 20
1990 Heavyweight Title In 1990, Mike Tyson had his undefeated streak broken by underdog, James “Buster” Douglas. Coming into the fight, Tyson was 37-0 with 33 knockouts. Tyson was the reigning heavyweight champion with nine title defenses. In the eighth round, Douglas hit the mat, but rose a second before the ‘long count’ was up. Douglas came back from his near-loss and knocked out Tyson in the 10th round to win the title.
2015 Women's US Open In 2015, Serena Williams had her first Grand Slam loss in five years. Williams was attempting to become the second woman ever to complete the calendar Grand Slam. However, Williams, ranked number one in the world, lost to unseeded Roberta Vinci in the U.S. Open semifinals. Vinci went on to lose to Flavia Pennetta in the finals.
2012 Olympic Soccer The 2012 Olympic Games provided one of the biggest women's sports surprises. Team USA women's soccer had a 6-0 record. They became the first team to go undefeated in the event and brought home the gold medal for the United States. The win brought more recognition to women's soccer stars Hope Solo, Carli Lloyd and Alex Morgan.
1985 NCAA Championship In the 1985 men's Division I basketball national championship game, the Villanova Wildcats beat the Georgetown Bulldogs 66-64. The defending champion Bulldogs were ranked first in the NCAA and had only lost two games of the season. The Wildcats were the eighth seeds. The game was a nail-biter, but in the final few minutes, Villanova pulled away and claimed the National Championship. Information from ESPN, BleacherReport
Records remain from the 1960s
When BCHS opened in 1961, zero teams made up the Trojan athletic squads. Now, there are 23 sports with both genders and junior varsity and freshman levels as well.
Field goals in a game - 19 - Kelly Woolen, vs. Cathedral (1978 - 1979 season)
Career scoring leader - 1511 points - Jim Pratt (1965 - 1969)
Baseball Softball
Pitching victories in a season - 15 - Rich Spanton (1973)
Most touchdown receptions in a game - 3 Dick Proffitt (1968 season) Most interceptions in a season - 8 - Jim Pratt (1968 season)
Rebounds in a game - 30 - Kelly Woolen, vs. Crispus Attucks (1978 - 1979 season) *No softball records were kept from 1980 to 2008.
200 Freestyle - 1:58.69 Jordan Kohl (1995) 500 Freestyle - 5:09.65 Jordan Kohl (1995)
Shot Put - 45 feet, 3 inches - Kristi Norris (2000)
Track & Field
Highest career winning percentage - 89 percent (49-6) Marianne Sergi (2013) 5000M - 18:20.0 - Mary Davis (2010)
200 IM - 2:00.75 - Colin Fahey (2000) Shot Put - 56 feet, 1 inch - Joe Dowd (1972)
Highest career winning percentage - 92 percent (35-3) John Crockett (1997)
Cross Country
5000M - 14:56.1 - James Murphy (1980)
•Greta Horton
When each sport started here: all
otb 3 o F 96 1
g lin t s e Wr 1964
k rac T ys 5 Bo 196
all b e s Ba 965 1
lf Go s y Bo 1965
y tr y irls 78 ntr l un l u l l G o a 9 o a is yb sC s & ng 1 etb sC ck nis s e s y k a l n nn o l s r o o i 2 e r e a 7 r o T B 7 T T 7 C 19 m B 4 V 5 ys 979 ls C 19 ys rls 4 Girls 974 im rls 197 rls 197 r o i i i w Gi 197 B Bo S 1 G 1 G G
1980s & 90s 2000s
tb ske a B ys 1963 o B
ing wl 1 o B 00 2
ll ba ft So 980 1 oss r c La ys 002 o 2 B
olf G rls Gi 1985 e
ey ck o H ys 990 o B 1
r cce o S ys 4 Bo 199
all se y s b b o y g e u cr oll La 3 sR 6 V s y l s 0 09 r y Bo 200 Gi 20 Bo 20
r cce o S rls 4 Gi 199