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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Stay motivated while getting active Rita Albert • Editor-in-Chief

We all know the anxiety of this time of year as summer approaches. Everybody wants to get into shape and work hard toward looking their best. While doing this has the potential to be fun and exciting, motivation can drop as time passes. There are many easy ways to maintain motivation to go to the gym and get fit.

Get a Gym Buddy

Being active with a friend is a great way to stay consistent and motivated. It holds you accountable for getting up and going to the gym so you do not let your partner down. It can also make the gym more fun because it adds a social aspect. You can share exercises, workout playlists and outfits to keep things interesting.

Tech To Your Advantage

Use gadgets and your phone to your advantage by setting alarms and adding motivational notes. Setting reminders to get water or to move every hour can help push you to implement good habits and stick to them. Set motivational quotes as your device’s wallpaper because it can remind you of the goals you strive to achieve. We tend to gravitate towards doing things that are enticing, so consider creating an aesthetically pleasing mood board with the help of Pinterest to inspire you. Along with this, you can use a calendar app to help keep track of when you exercise different parts of your body, such as leg day, arm day, ab day, etc. You should be working out different areas on different days so that you do not harm your body. It is also important to take rest days when necessary, so make sure to implement those into your schedule as well.

Find New Workouts

Researching on the internet can also be helpful for finding new workouts so the same routine does not become boring. Simply searching workouts can provide a plethora of options that target different areas, such as abs or legs. From high to low intensity workouts, the internet has it all. It is important to change up your regimen every once in a while because your body will adapt to your exercises, and the routine will stop being effective.

With the warmer weather and beach season approaching, working out is going to be making its way onto many people’s checklists. Working out is a way to grow to love yourself so put in the effort to get where you want to be. Exercise is beneficial to your body and mind as it releases endorphins that improve your mood, can serve as a way to relieve stress and keeps you healthy. Remember to work in moderation and to take care of your body afterwards. Now get up and get moving!

For the final time,

Letters to the editor are welcome and can be sent to newspaper@bishopkenny.org

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