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Seeing through fake friends

Sarah Roberts | Staff Reporter

Throughout life, friends come and go. We may have some for the rest of our lives, while others will be there for a short time. True friends and fake friends are all around us. While true friends uplift you, fake friends will try to tear you down. Fake friends will be there for you when it’s convenient for them. Make sure to know the red flags that indicate fake friends to keep you with true ones.

Constant Guilt Trips

Fake friends will make you do what they want by using your feelings against you. This is a toxic trait that you want to avoid. For example, if you have to go to the library to study, your fake friend may find a way to convince you to go to the movies. These friends complain that “you never want to hang out with me” or “you always want to go home and study.” True friends will not make you feel bad about having to go home, and, if anything, may try to help you study.

Hypcritical About Everything

You decide you are going to wear a new graphic t-shirt with your favorite band on it, when your fake friend tells you not to wear it ever again. He or she says it is an ugly shirt, but the next day, that same friend shows up with that shirt on. They will tell you one thing but do another, making you confused about the whole matter. True friends would truthfully comment on your shirt. If he or she likes it, your friend will ask where you bought it so that friend could buy one, or if not, that friend may just say they do not like the band.

Talks About You Behind Your Back

As much of a cliche as this is, it is a tried and true red flag about fake friends. He or she may tell someone how you are annoying and how friends only hang out with you out of charity. When you find out about it and confront him or her, fake friends deny the whole thing only to do it again. Fake friends will spread cruel rumors about you, and then turn around and deny ever doing so. A true friend will hang out with you because he or she wants to be around you and will not talk badly about you to anyone else. It does not matter if you have been friends with someone since elementary school or if your parents are friends, fake friends are no good for you and will only tear you down. A true friend may not be someone you have known very long or see that often, but when you two are together, you are comfortable being yourself and they uplift you. He or she will encourage you to chase your dreams. Be sure to keep the true friends close and leave the fake friends behind.

Graphic courtesy of Aleksandra Hila

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