Guide to Part-Time Boarding in the Senior School

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A Guide to Part-time Boarding in the Senior School 2019

Part-time Boarding Part-time boarders are day pupils with places in one of our four boarding houses; Rowe House and Robert Pearce House for boys, Trotman House and Young House for girls.


Parents and pupils must choose which nights of the week they would like to board before the start of the school year. Beds are allocated, by the Ho u se m a st e r/ Ho u se mi st r e s s concerned, according to availability with Room Allocations and Facilities priority going to those who request the most Part-time boarders are provided with a number of nights per week or those who have changing room locker for games kit (where a particular need to board. The maximum available) and a desk in a day room. This is number of part-time nights is 3 — more than the same provision as other day pupils in the this is Weekly Boarding and requires a school. In addition, part-time boarders are provided with a designated bed in a 4-person different room allocation. room for the nights on which they board. Charges Some part-time boarders may have access to one or two person rooms, if there are spare Charges are due at the start of each term for rooms, but this is not guaranteed as full or the chosen nights, even if the pupil opts not to weekly boarders will always have ‘first call’ stay at school on any particular night. Parents must give the Housemaster/Housemistress 24 on the smaller study bedrooms. hours written (or email) notice if a pupil will On entering the Sixth Form, in order to not be staying on their designated night. Extra guarantee a bed, Part-time boarders will be occasional nights may be booked with encouraged to opt into Weekly Boarding. Housemasters or Housemistresses if beds are Weekly boarders are provided with their own available at the published rate. room which they will be able to use on whichever nights they wish (except Saturday Flexibility or Sunday) providing their Housemaster/ It should be understood that part-time Housemistress is informed 24 hours in boarding is flexible on both sides. We may advance. not be able to offer the same provision each year. Allocation of beds is according to Linens availability, which in turn is controlled by There is provision for demand for full/weekly boarding and subject part-time boarders to to variation. store their bed linen in the room in which they Medical Arrangements sleep, but all linens If a pupil is ill during the night brought to school must  Parents will be informed immediately if be clearly named. All necessary, or in the morning, if more linens, including sheets, appropriate. duvet cover, pillowcase and towels, must be  The Medical Centre will be alerted. The taken home each half term. pupil may be transferred to the Medical Laundry Centre if appropriate; Part-time boarders are required to take their  If there is an absolute emergency, the laundry home. There is no expectation that school nurse or resident tutor will call for the House Laundry will wash clothing an ambulance and the pupil will be belonging to part-time boarders. accompanied to hospital. Parents will be contacted immediately.


must be made to the tutor on duty and pupils must ‘sign out’ of the House.

No medicines are to be kept in bedrooms unless permission has been given by the Signing in and Out Medical Centre. Pupils leaving the House after Prep must sign out with the tutor on duty. Boarders from other houses are welcome but they must sign in with the tutor.

Bed Times Bed times are as follows; In Dorm by Lights out

If a pupil is taking medication, parents should give this to the Medical Centre, and pupils instructed to visit at the appropriate times. Prescription medicines should NOT be left in the possession of pupils when flexi boarding, unless appropriate risk assessments have been carried out by the Medical Centre and the medication is kept in a locked container/ cupboard.

4th Form


9.45 pm

L5th Form

9.45 pm

10.00 pm

U5th Form

10.00 pm

10.15 pm

L6th Form

10.30 pm

10.45 pm

U6th Form


10.45 pm


4th and L5th will have their phones and other electronic devices removed at 9.30 pm. They will be charged and stored until 8.00 am (after Should any further clarification be required, breakfast). parents are asked to contact the appropriate Breakfast Housemaster/Housemistress or the Medical Breakfast the following morning is compulsory Centre. for all those who have boarded. Service starts General Arrangements at 7.30 am and you must be in the Dining Hall You may attend 80 Club It is essential that, once booked, pupils stick by 7.50 am. swimming from 7.00 am. to their chosen nights for boarding. Rooms will have been allocated, and registers Cars constructed for each night of the week. If part-time boarders drive themselves to Supper school they must not use their cars at any time Part-time boarders must attend Supper (6:00- until they go home. Car keys must be handed 6:30 pm) in the Dining Hall and be present at to the member of staff on duty. their House Roll Call at 6:45 pm.


PAT Testing of Electrical items

Any electrical items brought into the House Prep time is between 7:00-8:45 pm. The must be PAT tested. Pupils are not allowed House must be quiet and pupils are expected kettles, microwaves or to remain in their study room. There will be fridges in bedrooms. no movement between rooms at this time. Requests to go to ICT, Art, the Library or Music

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