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The connection from the town of Blairsville to the Conemaugh is limited due to the Army Corp of Engineers property which lays in between. Selective clearing is proposed to assist with this relationship. One of the ideas discussed was to continue the axial line from the existing streets to the water. The following document explains in detail the priority areas based on this concept.

Priority Viewsheds:

Clear the Knotweed, Sumac, Tree of Heaven and any other volunteer plant.

Road Width: 17 feet Selective Clearing: 30 feet (15’ O/C)

North Avenue:

This is a fairly open area, Knotwood along the edge will be the biggest factor to removal.

Road Width: 27 feet Selective Clearing: 76 feet (38’ O/C)

W. Campbell Street:

This area is plagued with lots of Tree of Heaven volunteers as well as Knotweed. In addition, a low stabilizing shrubs should be planted about the culvert for screening.

Road Width: 21 feet Selective Clearing: 80 feet (80’ O/C)

E. Brown Street:

Left side: This section is already sloping away from the road and also quite shady. Any invasives should be removed. If plant material should added to help with erosion, the existing trees should be limbed up as well.

Right side: This section is a gradual slope with lots of sunlight great for some owering shrubs and a focal tree. In addition, a sign can be located here.

This will be an asymmetrical planting due to the site requirements needed per side.

The Bairstown Bridge should become a gateway. Planting material should frame the architecture of the bridge as well as give a splash of color.

Additional Notes:

Since W. Sugar Alley and the exit road for the boat launch are oset, this street axial view has been omitted. Invasives should be still be cleared at ground level.

Additional Notes:

Common Name Sweetpepper Bush Silky Dogwood Gray Twig Dogwood Red Twig Dogwood Winterberry Holly Ninebark Bald Cypress Northern Arrowwood Southern Arrowwood

Common Name Sensitive Fern Cinnamon Fern Royal Fern

Common Name Canada Bluejoint Grass Canada Wild Rye Riverbank Wild Rye Virginia Wild Rye

Common Name Nutsedge Yellow Water Iris Turks Cap Lily Cardinal Flower Buttercup Gray-headed Coneflower Green-headed Coneflower Bloodroot Wingstem Ironweed

Shrubs Botanical Name Clethra alnifolia Cornus amomum Cornus racemosa Cornus sericea Ilex verticillata Physocarpus opulifolius Taxodium distichum Viburnum dentatum Viburnum recognitum

Bryophytes Botanical Name Onoclea sensibilis Osmunda cinnamomea Osmunda regali

Grasses Botanical Name Calamagrostis canadensis Elymus canadensis Elymus riparius Elymus virginicus

Herbaceous Species Botanical Name Cyperus esculentus Iris pseudoacorus Lilium superbum Lobelia cardinalis Ranunculus hispidus Ratibida pinnata Rudbeckia lanciniata Sanguinaria canadensis Verbesina alternifolia Vernonia noveboracensis

For the Floodplain:

Suggested Plant Material:

* Forested Upland/Wetland

Erosion Control Species Botanical Name Aesculus parviflora Lotus corniculatus Symphoricarpos albus

For Erosion: Common Name Bottlebush Buckeye Birdsfoot Trefoil Common Snowberry*

For the Floodplain in Large Areas:

Suggested Plant Material:

Gateway Botanical Name Amelanchier canadensis Clethra alnifolia Cornus racemosa Itea virginica Myrica pensylvanica Physocarpus opulifolius

For the Gateway: Common Name Shadblow Serviceberry Sweetpepper Bush Gray Twig Dogwood Virginia Sweetspire Northern Bayberry Ninebark

Suggested Plant Material:

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