2006 Recap
October ‘06
I was given the opportunity to be a Client Specialist in the beginning of October. For the next two months, I learned the system of developing relationships with customers. Building a rapport with customers to become clients was very challenging for me especially since a lot of the regulars were already clients of other Client Specialists or Managers. Instead of looking at the situation as a negative one, I focused on ways to establish a system to build a client base. I made the extra effort to help find those special items or services to give myself an edge over the other associates. I paid close attention to names whether through conversation, returns, opening new accounts, We’ll Find it For You, and Be the First to Know cards to remember them during their next shopping experience.
December ‘06
I have established close rapport with some of my clients but I do not think it was enough to drive my business as a Client Specialist. I have made short-term and long-term goals for 2007 to help me achieve that next level (as Michael Kelly spoke about on a quality call a few weeks ago, client books are not address books) and to not only drive my as a Client Specialist but also to drive the business of the store.
Kristi Sapotichne
Goals of ‘07
JCREW . My key priority of the year is to build my client base. Utilize my client book at least once a day Follow up with potential clients and clients within 48 hours Join local community groups to network with potential new customers and events. Focus on my quality especially credit cards My personal goal: #1 Credit Card Seller in the store. Top #10 in the region
Focus more on wardrobing then competing for every customer’s sale. Working more closely with potential clients (understanding these potential clients will drive my business and the store’s business if they receive the right service).
Kristi Sapotichne