Agronomy Incentive Partners Update
FALL 2016
2016 Summer Internship Review
2016 Summer Ag Academy
The 2016 summer internship season was a great success. Eight students interned at different Agronomy Incentive Partner locations, and BSC agriculture faculty received positive evaluations from the supervising managers. Highly valued and promoted by the ag faculty, the internships provide excellent learning opportunities in a wide range of topics to students. According to the students’ self-assessments, their challenges went beyond weed identification and fertilizing blending. Communicating with customers and coworkers were some of the most common responses. When asked how the internships will affect their futures, all of the students indicated that their experiences confirmed that agriculture was the right career choice for them.
The 2016 Summer Ag Academy was held this year during the second week of July, with a total of 17 high school participants. The in-field portion of the program focused on scouting techniques and soils. A full day was spent at the Burleigh County Soil Conservation Menoken Farm. Agronomy Incentive Partner participants included Steve Ibach and Rio Rindy, both from United Agronomy. Ibach provided a lesson on calculating crop stand counts as well as corn staging. Rindy had the students scout a field, pull any suspicious plant material, then identify the material and discuss as a group. NRCS presenters included Jay Fuhrer, Conservationist and Hal Weiser, Soil Health Specialist. Fuhrer conducted a lesson on soil and plant health relationships while Weiser discussed the soil forming factors of North Dakota and used a soil pit to show soil horizons and textures.
FRIDAY, OCT. 21 9 A.M.-5 P.M.
The day two focus was on precision agriculture and careers in agriculture. Brent Horner, RDO Precision Product Specialist, gave students hands-on experience looking at precision monitors. The topic was further demonstrated when Paul Overby of Farm Works, continued on next page