Summer 2021 CE Catalog

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Creative Photo Organization

Have a pile of old photos stashed in shoeboxes? A perpetual task on your to-do list? Organize them? Toss? Digitize? Pass the photos onto other family members? This fun handson workshop takes an unconventional approach to taking those great memories and capturing the bigger story. Think creative writing meets simple art with a dash of photography sprinkled in with handing down memories. Bring a handful of photos to the class to try out this fun approach. Ever try making and sending an incredibly fun birthday card with one of those photos that never sees the light of day? How about a creative journal or letter with a story to pass on to another family member? Or perhaps even a simple small canvas art piece to display proudly in your home? Let’s make memories!

Jimmy Carter: A Life of Ambition and Purpose

To a country still reeling from the twin blows of Vietnam and Watergate, Jimmy Carter was seen as a breath of fresh air in 1976. Carter’s meteoric rise to the presidency is one of the greatest triumphs in American political history. His overwhelming defeat four years later is, arguably, the worst humiliation ever suffered by any president. While Carter ultimately failed politically amid inflation, gas lines, and the Iranian hostage crisis, he did succeed in tackling some of the nation’s most intractable challenges. This course will use lecture, video, and class discussion to reassess this misunderstood president and highly complex man. 6/15 - 6/22 (2xs) Tue 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM BSC NECE, Auditorium, Room 304 Instructor: Jason Matthews Fee: $45 Course ID: 7040014

7/13 Tue 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM BSC NECE, Room 101 Instructor: Kristi Pfliger-Keller Fee: $25 Course ID: 7070040

The Power of Age

Our increasing life expectancy introduces medical and political challenges, but it also creates an incredible opportunity. This message will explore the insightful resources that we acquire with age, the means by which they can be passed on, and the benefits we experience by doing so.

It’s not necessary to fear the prospect of failure, but to be determined not to fail

7/20 Tue 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM BSC NECE, Room 103 Instructor: Matthew Anderson Fee: $25 Course ID: 7070005

Travels to Mackinac Island and Isle Royale

We will talk about and show pictures from our “planned” trips to Mackinac Island, Voyageurs National Park and Isle Royale National Park this summer. Scenic Mackinac Island is just 4 square miles in size but is considered the “Jewel of the Great Lakes.” There are no cars allowed on the island, so we’ll be showing pictures taken from the Trolley tour and horse drawn carriage tour of sites like Fort Mackinac, historic Old Mill Creek, and the Soo Locks Boat tour. During the summer our plan is to travel to Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota and Isle Royale National Park in Michigan but accessible from Grand Portage, located in northeastern Minnesota. Both are accessible only by boat which should provide pictures of historical sites along with nature and wildlife. 8/9 Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM BSC NECE, Room 101 Instructor: Mark Holkup Fee: $20 Course ID: 7070036

“Mark Holkup has a way to really connect with the audience.” – breanna miller, President Carter, painting by Dan Sproul, October 5th, 2020

Classes listed on pages 6 – 8 are exclusive only to OLLI Members. View the benefits of becoming an OLLI member on page 6 and also receive a 10% discount on all Enrichment classes on pages 3 – 5 by becoming an OLLI member today! See page 6 for more information.

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