Summer 2019 New RTO Registration Guide

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Welcome to Bismarck State College Summer Registration begins March 18, 2019.

This guide will assist you with your registration, and is divided in four sections.

Need help? Look for the . It will link to detailed help sheets or video tutorials.


Prepare for Registration Claim your NDUS Account ID and Password ACTION ITEMS 1. If you have not already done so, claim your NDUS account. Claim an NDUS Account What is My EMPLID? 2. Already claimed your account but forgot your account ID or password? I Forgot My NDUS Account ID I Forgot My NDUS Account Password 3.

You will need an NDUS account ID and password to log in to CampusConnection in order to register for classes, accept or decline aid, and pay tuition. You must go through a process called “Claim an NDUS Account”. This process will require you to:  Watch a video  Enter your date of birth  Enter your EMPLID

NDUS Account


Prepare for Registration Log in to CampusConnection ACTION ITEM 1. Log in to CampusConnection. 2. Using your NDUS account ID and password, log in to CampusConnection, your one-stop shop for all student transactions. CampusConnection allows you to:  Register (add/drop) for classes  Accept/Decline financial aid  Pay tuition/fees  Search open and closed class sections  View your academic advisor  View/Print your class schedule  View grades  View unofficial transcripts  Order official transcripts  Manage your bio-demographic information

Bismarck State College homepage

4 CampusConnection log in screen

Prepare for Registration View your Holds, To Do List, and Communications ACTION ITEMS View and Resolve: 1. CampusConnection To Do List. 2. CampusConnection Holds. 3. CampusConnection Student Communications. Outstanding Holds and To Do’s listed on your CampusConnection Student Center could prevent you from registering for classes. Some holds are for information only. Communications are time sensitive materials from Financial Aid or Academic Records. These communications may require your immediate attention and others are for information only. Holds, To Do’s, and Communications may be applied by any North Dakota University System institution you have attended.

On your Student Center in CampusConnection:

  

Holds: Select “details” to view who applied the hold. To Do List: Select “more” to view what items should be completed. Student Communications: Select “details” to view your Student Communications.

Note: Some holds and to do’s prevent you from enrolling in classes. Click on the hold item and read the instructions to ensure that the hold will not prevent you from enrolling in classes.

CampusConnection Student Center


Prepare for Registration Accept Financial Obligation Agreement ACTION ITEMS 1. Review the Financial Obligation Agreement. 2. Accept the terms of the agreement. This agreement is listed as a hold on your CampusConnection. It is an understanding of the legal obligation to pay charges assessed to your Student Account. To remove the hold, you will need to read and agree to the terms. You will not be able to register until this hold is accepted.

On your Student Center in CampusConnection:      

CampusConnection Student Center

Under Finances>click “Financial Obligation Agreement”. Select institution: Bismarck State College. Select effective term: 2019 Summer. Click “Submit”. After reading the terms, click “Accept”. Click “OK” to return to Student Center.

2019 Summer


Prepare for Registration Apply for Summer Financial Aid ACTION ITEMS If you have not completed the FAFSA 2018-2019, complete action items 1-4. If you have completed the FAFSA 2019-2020, complete action items 3 and 4. 1. Create a FSA ID.  Go to  Both student and parent need to create a username and password. 2. Complete FAFSA 2018-2019 (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).  Go to 3. Complete the Summer Aid Request. 4. Watch for communications posted to your CampusConnection and BSC campus email. Financial Aid helps students and their families secure the resources necessary to fund a BSC education. Many types of aid are available through federal and state programs and through BSC. Be aware of the individual deadlines for any institutional, state, and/or outside scholarships. Federal Financial Aid is available for summer semester if you plan to be enrolled at least halftime (6 credits) and have remaining aid that was NOT used during the fall 2018 and spring 2019 semesters.

Federal Student Aid website (Create FSA ID) FAFSA website FAFSA website – Get Started


Plan your Degree Verify your Program of Study ACTION ITEM 1. Verify your program of study. a. If incorrect, contact Academic Records at 701-224-5478 before proceeding. It is important to verify your program of study before enrolling in classes.

CampusConnection – Student Center

Undecided? Explore our programs!

Need help deciding? Schedule an appointment with a BSC Career Counselor today. Call 701-224-5752. 8

Plan your Degree Know your Advisor ACTION ITEM 1. Locate your advisor using CampusConnection. You are assigned an advisor within your program of study. Your advisor can help you:   

Select classes. Ensure graduation requirements are met. Act as your go-to person with any questions.

Visiting with your advisor prior to registration each semester will ensure that you will meet degree requirements in a timely manner.

On your Student Center in CampusConnection:  

Review Advisor Name and Phone Number. Select “Details” for advisor email.

CampusConnection Student Center


Plan your Degree Review Unofficial Transcript ACTION ITEM 1. Review Unofficial Transcript. If you are a returning/transfer student, it is important to review your unofficial transcript to ensure that your credits have been listed prior to registering for classes. For more information, proceed to the Transfer Student webpage.

Questions about your credits? Contact Academic Records at 701-224-2545.45.

Unofficial Transcript


Plan your Degree Run Academic Requirements Report ACTION ITEMS 1. Watch the Academic Requirements Report video tutorial. 2. Run your report. 3. Print your report. Your Academic Requirements Report (Degree Audit) is an interactive tool that provides you with all the requirements needed to complete your degree and allows you to track the progress towards your degree. This report will outline each requirement. It shows which classes you have taken to meet the requirements (including transfer credits), as well as areas where you still need to meet requirements.

Video Tutorial

PDF Version

Interactive Version


Plan your Degree Understand your Academic Requirements Report To accurately plan your schedule, and choose classes that meet degree requirements, you need to understand your Academic Requirements Report.

Watch the video tutorial for your degree now!

AA and AS Degree

AAS Degree and Diploma

Program Certificate

Bachelor of Applied Science


Plan your Degree Choose classes from your Academic Requirements Report ACTION ITEMS 1. Check out English and Math placement scores. 2. Choose courses from your Academic Requirements Report. 3. List the courses in the space provided on your checklist.

Choose courses from each of the “Not Satisfied” or expanded sections. It is a good idea to develop a list of 6-9 courses. This will help if the courses you want are closed or don’t fit into your schedule.

Academic Requirements Report - Interactive


Registration Register for Classes ACTION ITEM 1. Watch the Schedule Planner Video Tutorial. 2. Register for classes using Schedule Planner in CampusConnection.

CampusConnection - Student Center

Registration Status - Review the message and proceed accordingly. Green  = successful registration

Red X = Error – unable to add

For an alternative registration option use the “Enroll” feature on your CampusConnection Student Center: Add Class

Drop Class

Swap Class

Receiving Financial Aid? The number of classes you enroll in may effect the amount of financial aid for which you are eligible. Check out information on Enrollment Status.


Registration Print Class Schedule ACTION ITEMS 1. Check that all classes appear on your class schedule. 2. Print your class schedule. You are not officially enrolled in a class unless it appears on your class schedule. Your class schedule provides you with class location, instructor, start/end dates, and times. You will need your class schedule to purchase your textbooks.

BSC Online - Blackboard Login & Support Click here to get started!

“Room” indicates the class is offered online or the location on campus.

The “status” determines if you are “enrolled” or “dropped”.

Class Schedule


Registration Review Dates & Deadlines ACTION ITEMS 1. Print the Dates & Deadlines Schedule. 2. Print the Academic Calendar. 3. Mark add, drop, and refund deadlines on your calendar.  Match up the Begin and End Dates listed on your class schedule with the Dates & Deadlines Schedule. BSC provides all important dates and deadlines in two documents.  

Academic Calendar – lists school dates, such as textbook purchasing, tuition deadlines, and school breaks. Dates and Deadlines Schedule – lists classes by length as well as the add, drop, and withdraw deadlines. It also includes the last day to drop/withdraw for 100% tuition refund.

You are responsible for knowing the “Dates & Deadlines”. Not abiding by these dates could not only impact your GPA, but your wallet as well!

Academic Calendar Dates & Deadlines Schedule


After Registration Complete FERPA ACTION ITEM 1. Complete the FERPA Release Form. a. If your name is not pre-populated, enter it as lastname,firstname. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) prohibits BSC from releasing Educational records to any Third Party without written consent. Academic and financial records will not be released without written consent from you. This can include parents or guardians, employers, and third party funding agencies.

Ferpa – Online Form

For further information, visit our Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) webpage.


After Registration Opt-in for Text Messaging Reminders ACTION ITEMS 1. Text BSCAR to 622622 on your mobile device to opt in for text message reminders. 2. Log in to CampusConnection to make sure your MOBILE phone number is the same as the number you opt in with.  Once logged in, click Demographic Data under Personal Information.  Click the Phone Number tab to add/edit your mobile number.

Sign up for text message reminders NOW!! Academic Records will send out important add and drop deadlines, application for degree deadlines, enrollment dates, and much more.

Text Message Reminder


After Registration Obtain Mystic Card ACTION ITEMS 1. Obtain your Mystic Card from the Student Union Information Center. 2. Add some Mystic Dollars today! The Mystic Card is your official college identification card. You may pick up your Mystic Card (Student ID) from the Student Union Information Center once you are enrolled in classes. You will need the following to obtain your Mystic Card:   

Picture ID (driver’s license, military ID, etc.) Current class schedule Student ID #

What kind of services can I get from my Mystic Card?       

Mystic dollars for purchases at the BSC Bookstore, Mystic Marketplace, and Mystic Java. Mystic Marketplace meal plans. Library Services (the Mystic Card is your library card). Admission to BSC activities, e.g., athletic events, plays, concerts, and dances. Use of the BSC Aquatic and Wellness Center. Mystic Print. Discounts from local businesses. o Download Mystic Mobile App. o Under Campus Information.  Click on Deals.

BSC Student ID Card


After Registration Emergency Contact Information ACTION ITEM 1. Complete Emergency Contact Information. Emergency contact information is extremely important in the event of an accident or medical emergency. The person(s) you list will be contacted if you have a health or safety emergency. You must enter a parent/guardian, spouse, family member, or other trusted individual as your emergency contact.

On your Student Center in CampusConnection:    

Under Personal Information click “Emergency Contact”. Click “Add an Emergency Contact”. Enter Emergency Contact Details. Click “Save”.

CampusConnection – Emergency Contacts

CampusConnection Student Center

CampusConnection – Emergency Contact Detail


After Registration Accept or Decline Financial Aid ACTION ITEM 1. Accept/Decline Summer Financial Aid. Look for your Financial Aid award communications, posted to your CampusConnection and BSC campus email. Your financial aid file needs to be completed before you can charge textbooks against your financial aid. We recommend that you do not borrow more than you need for your educational expenses. If you are unsure of how much to borrow, contact 701-224-5494 or for assistance.

CampusConnection Student Center

Student Finance offers a Cost Estimation Worksheet to assist you in estimating your tuition.


After Registration Complete Entrance Loan Counseling and Loan Agreement (MPN) This only applies to students accepting loans for the first time.

ACTION ITEMS 1. Go to and log in using your FSA ID and password. 2. Complete entrance loan counseling. 3. Complete loan agreement. Entrance Loan Counseling: Before receiving a student loan, borrowers must complete an entrance loan counseling session. This quick and easy interactive counseling session provides useful tips and tools to help you develop a budget for managing your educational expenses and helps you to understand your loan responsibilities. Loan Agreement (MPN): The Loan Agreement is a legal document in which you promise to repay your loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees to the U.S. Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s). Please note that your accepted Federal Student Loans will not disburse to your student account until these items are completed.

Federal Student Aid website


After Registration Set up your Refund Preference ACTION ITEMS 1. Enroll in Direct Deposit. 2. Select Bismarck State College. Bismarck State College has partnered with BankMobile to deliver your refunds. BankMobile is committed to: Delivering 100% of your refund, keeping your data secure, providing students with clear choices and offering great customer service. For more information, review the Refunds and BankMobile information.

CampusConnection – Student Center

Contact the Student Finance Office : (701) 224-5533 (last name A-K) (701) 224-5706 (last name L-Z)


After Registration Purchase Textbooks ACTION ITEMS 1. View book list.  Will help you determine if a book is required and the approximate cost. 2. Purchase your textbooks with the BSC Bookstore.  In person at the BSC Bookstore (Main Level - Student Union).  Online at (with a credit card or with Financial Aid/Third Party during specified charging periods).

Summer 2019 May 1: May 29: June 5: June 7:

Begin purchasing textbooks – check, cash, or credit card. Begin purchasing textbooks with financial aid, third party, and collaborative students. Last day to purchase textbooks with financial aid or third party. Last day to return books for a refund.

You must have your MYSTIC CARD to purchase textbooks.

BSC also offers a textbook rental program. Learn more! FA Charging  3rd Party Charging  Book Buy Back


After Registration Pay Tuition ACTION ITEMS 1. View your tuition and fees. 2. Pay tuition. Student Finance starts accepting payments on May 6, 2019.  Online through CampusConnection  In person: Student Finance Office, Schafer Hall, 1st floor  By Mail: BSC Student Finance, PO Box 5587, Bismarck, ND 58506  By Phone: o Last Name A – K: 701-224-5533 o Last Name L – Z: 701-224-5706  As an authorized user: o Setup an authorized user o Make a payment as an authorized user

Tuition and fees on the student account are due by the first day of class. All other charges such as late fees, fines, room, board, etc. are due the date they are incurred.

CampusConnection Student Center

Can’t pay your bill by the designated due date, don’t PANIC! You can pay as the funds become available to you, as long as the payment is made in full within the term you are enrolled. Should you choose this route, you will subject to late fees of 1.75% on balances 30 or more days past due, holds and restrictions, and will receive communication that accompanies late payments. To view your balance due, visit your Account Summary in CampusConnection. For further information, visit the tuition and fees webpage.


After Registration Access your BSC Email ACTION ITEMS    

Log in to your BSC Email. Check for new communications. Setup your email on your mobile phone. Read the BSC Student Email policy.

 student Read the BSC Student Emailofficial policy. BSC email is the college’s means of communication with students. You are expected to check your BSC email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with academic and financial communications as well as College events. What is my BSC email address? NDUS Example: How do I login to my email? NDUS Example: Username: Password: NDUS account password (same as CampusConnection).

Bismarck State College homepage Username log in screen

Email log in screen


After Registration Attend Classes ACTION ITEMS 1. View your class schedule. 2. Check that all classes appear on your class schedule. 3. Review BSC Student Policy: Class Attendance. 4. As a student you are expected to attend all class sessions of any class for which you are registered. To avoid being administratively dropped, it is important for you to establish a record of regular attendance and participation. Labs begin the first week of class.

“Room” indicates the class is offered online or at the location on campus.

The “status” determines if you are “enrolled” or “dropped”. CampusConnection – My Class Schedule

Need help getting started with an online class? Click Here! Questions….Contact the Academic Records Office at 701-224-5420.


After Registration Review Student Handbook ACTION ITEM 1. View the Student Handbook to learn more about BSC. The BSC Student Handbook is more than just a policy manual, it includes information about campus resources, safety information, extracurricular activities, and more. The handbook lists offices you may need to go to for particular information and how to contact them.

Student Handbook



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