Tidbits of Bismarck, Volume 2, Issue 45

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of Bismarck November 4, 2015





Volume 2, Issue 45

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“You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out.” – Jay Leno TIDBITS® CELEBRATES UNUSUAL


When we think of November holidays, Thanksgiving most frequently comes to mind. But there are several other unusual observances you may not know about. Tidbits brings you up to date on a few others worth noting.

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• Folks around the world band together every 11th month to celebrate “No-Shave November,” when they toss their razors aside for 30 days. Do you know the reason behind this observance? It began in Australia in 2003 as “Movember,” a campaign to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancers. In the last 12 years, the movement has grown to 21 countries. Participants are urged to show off their mustaches, goatees, or what have you, and then to donate what they would have spent on hair grooming to their country’s cancer society for research. In the U.S., prostate cancer accounts for about 5% of all cancer deaths. Leaders of the foundation hope that men will be asked why they have a beard, which can promote conversations about men’s health. • Most of us are probably unaware there is a National Button Society, let alone National Button Day! The society was formed in 1938 for all who enjoyed preserving, studying, collecting, and crafting with buttons, and November 16 was designated National Button Day. The organization boasts 3,000 members on four continents. Turn the page for more!

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Tidbits® of Bismarck NOVEMBER HOLIDAYS (continued):

• November 10 has been designated Sesame Street Day in honor of the premiere of this popular educational program on that day in 1969. Now the most widely-viewed children’s program in the world, it has aired in upwards of 120 countries, with more than 74 million American viewers. About 8 million Americans tune in every week. Sesame Street was the brainstorm of Joan Cooney, a public TV documentary producer, with the goal of entertaining preschoolers while educating them, particularly underprivileged children. She hired puppeteer Jim Henson to create characters such as Big Bird, Bert and Ernie, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch. Tests conducted after one year on the air showed that the more kids watched the program, the more they knew, an average of a 19% increase in general knowledge.

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• Every year, the third Thursday of November is designated The Great American Smokeout, when all Americans are urged to stop smoking. The challenge is only for 24 hours (this year it’s November 19), but it is the hope of the American Cancer Society that the decision will last forever. The event had its beginnings in 1970, when a Randolph, Massachusetts man named Arthur Mullaney asked people to give up cigarettes for one day and donate the money saved to the local high school’s scholarship fund. A similar campaign was held in Minnesota a few years later, and in 1976, the American Cancer Society had its first official Smokeout in San Francisco. The Society reminds citizens that tobacco causes more than 5 million deaths every year, and that the life expectancy for a smoker is 10 years less than that of a non-smoker. • International Tongue Twister Day falls on November 8th this year. The official definition of a tongue twister is “a phrase containing a combination of alliteration and rhyme strategically designed to be stumbled over.” Some of the more familiar ones include “rubber baby buggy bumpers” and “She sells sea shells by the seashore.” Most of us know that “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,” but were you aware that Peter Piper was a real person? Pierre Poivre, a one-armed French pirate and horticulturist who lived in the mid-1700s, was known for stealing spice nuts, known as peppers, from Dutch trade ships and planting them in his garden. The Guinness Book of World Records states that the English language’s most difficult tongue twister is, “The sixth sick sheikh’s sixth sheep’s sick.” See the next page for more!

NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington, D.C. has these words inscribed on its western panel: “Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.”

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1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital city of Australia? 2. MOVIES: Who won the 1961 Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in “West Side Story”? 3. MUSIC: Who is honored in the song “Candle in the Wind” by Elton John? 4. HISTORY: Who called Dec. 7, 1941, “a date which will live in infamy”? 5. NATURAL WORLD: What are the seeds of castor bean plants used to produce? 6. LITERATURE: Who wrote the novel “Barry Lyndon”? 7. ENTERTAINERS: What famous actor who once played James Bond also was a contestant in the 1950 Mr. Universe contest? 8. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In “The Twelve Days of Christmas” carol, what present was sent on the 11th day? 9. TELEVISION: When did the awardwinning kids’ show “Sesame Street” go on the air? 10. DISCOVERIES: Who is credited with discovering quarks? (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

GOES LONG...........

November was originally the ninth month of the Roman Calendar when March was the first month of the year. The word comes from the Latin novem, meaning “nine.” It became the eleventh month in the Julian calendar.

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• November 8th is also X-Ray Day, commemorating the day in 1895 when German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered the X-ray in his laboratory. While experimenting with passing high-voltage current through a glass gas tube, Roentgen observed that the beam turned a screen 9 feet (2.7 m) away a strange greenish fluorescent color, even though the tube was covered in heavy black cardboard. Realizing that objects could be penetrated by the rays, he made an X-ray of his wife’s hand that clearly showed its bones. Roentgen was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901 for his discovery. • November 19 is also Rocky & Bullwinkle Day, to commemorate the original premiere day of Rocky & His Friends (later known as The Bullwinkle Show) on that day in 1959. The animated series, which featured Bullwinkle the moose and his flying squirrel friend Rocket J. Squirrel (Rocky for short), aired from 1959 to 1964. • Bullwinkle received his name from the name of a Berkeley, California car dealership called Bullwinkel Motors. The duo lived in the fictional Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, which was loosely based on the real city of International Falls, Minnesota. They battled the Russian-esque spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale.

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Laughs! “Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they see only once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often.” -- Johnny Carson

• Happy Area Code Day! In the early 1950s, the Bell Telephone System used human operators to direct long-distance calls to their destinations. However, a change was on the on the way when the North American Numbering Plan was devised, a plan that assigned area codes across the continent. New Jersey received the first area code, 201, followed by the District of Columbia, which was assigned 202. The first customerdialed telephone call using area codes was made on November 10, 1951, from Englewood, New Jersey, to Alameda, California.

1. Who was the first designated hitter to hit a home run in 1973, the debut year for the DH in the American League? 2. How many managers did the Chicago Cubs have during the 1990s?

• You probably didn’t know that November 15 is National Bundt Pan Day, a day set aside to honor this ring-shaped, fluted cake pan. Inspired by the European fruit cake known as Gugelhupf, the pan was invented by David Dalquist, founder of the Nordic Ware Company, in 1950. He first called it a “bund” pan, from the German word for “gathering,” but added a “t” at the end for trademark protection. There wasn’t much enthusiasm about the tube pan until the 1960s, when Texas housewife Ella Helfrich concocted a recipe for the Tunnel of Fudge cake using her Bundt pan, and was awarded second place in the annual Pillsbury Bake-off Contest, taking home a $5,000 prize. Since then, more than 60 million Bundt pans have been sold.

3. Entering 2015, who held the Ohio State record for most TD passes in one game? 4. Of Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan, which one attempted more 3-point shots during his NBA career? 5. Which goaltender has recorded the most saves in a season for the Tampa Bay Lightning? 6. During the 1990s, three drivers won the Indianapolis 500 after starting in the pole position. Name two of them. 7. Who was the last Japanese men’s tennis player to reach the semifinals of the French Open? (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

GOES GREEN Take five minutes and check the air pressure in your vehicle’s tires. Keeping them fully inflated can improve your gas mileage by 3% with the added side benefit of extending the life of your tires. If you drive 12,000 miles a year, you could save about 16 gallons of gas. If everyone maintains their tire pressure, that would be a savings of 1.6 billion gallons!

Tidbits of Bismarck Published and Distributed by: Enterprise Publications, LLC All rights reserved. PO Box 1454 Bismarck, ND 58502 For advertising information: Email: jim@bismarcktidbits.com Call: 701-391-2076 Content in Tidbits of Bismarck is provided by both Tidbits Media, Inc. and other sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information published cannot be guaranteed.




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The name of Otis conjures up a vision of ivertimento ivertimento d tudios elevators for most folks, but theredivertimento was much divertimento tudios studios divertimento studios d more to this inventor than just dthat apparatus. 220 W Main Street • Mandan, ND studios divertimento Piano Lessons Here are the facts on American industrialist and divertimento Piano Lessons•Theory •Theory Lessons Lessons Piano Lessons •Theory Lessons studios studios inventor Elisha Otis. Call today for a free level assessment and intro lesson!




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• As a young married man in Vermont, Elisha Otis designed and built his own gristmill, grinding grains into flour. When it failed to earn a profit, he converted the operation into a sawmill. Unfortunately, the sawmill was a bust as well, and Otis started building wagons and carriages. Tragically, his young wife passed away, leaving him with an infant and an eight-year-old.

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• At 34, Otis had remarried and moved to Albany, New York, where he worked as a doll maker. He tired quickly of the job, and took a position making bedsteads for four-poster beds. While working for that company in Albany, Otis set to work inventing a machine that could turn bedsteads four times faster than doing it manually. Production skyrocketed to 50 units per day. Otis was paid a $500 bonus, enabling him to start up his own business. In the meantime, he was also devising plans for a safety brake for trains and an automatic bread baking oven. • Tasked with converting a former sawmill into a bedstead factory of his own, Otis was discouraged with the amount of garbage and rubble he had to clean up. Much of it had to be moved to the upper floors of the factory. Otis and his sons went to work devising a safety elevator for the project. His invention wasn’t the elevator, but rather a safety device that prevented the elevator from falling if the hoisting cable were to fail. The machine featured toothed wooden guide rails that fit into opposite sides of the elevator shaft. He then fitted a spring to the top of the elevator with the hoisting cables running through it. Continued on the next page!

by Samantha Weaver • It was noted 20th-century American poet Hart Crane who made the following sage observation: “One must be drenched in words, literally soaked in them, to have the right ones form themselves into the proper patterns at the right moment.” • You might be surprised to learn that people have been using carbon paper to make copies since way back in 1806. • You probably know Edgar Rice Burroughs as the American author of the Tarzan novels, among many other adventure and sciencefiction works. You may find it hard to picture him as a journalist flying on bombing runs in the Pacific theater -- especially at the age of 66. Burroughs was the oldest war correspondent of World War II. • If you’re planning to get into the business of dealing in building materials in Tennessee, you might want to note that in that state it is illegal to sell a hollow log. • Collective nouns are fascinating. For instance, if you see a group of bullfinches, you can call it a bellowing; a group of flies is a business, a cloud or a swarm. You have a pitying of turtledoves and a hover of trout. A group of tigers can be an ambush or a streak; while a group of snails can be called a rout, a walk or an escargatoire. • Those who study such things say that, on a per-capita basis, Canadians eat more doughnuts and more Kraft Mac and Cheese than citizens of any other country. • Before he became famous as an author of horror, suspense and sci-fi, Stephen King worked as a high-school janitor. *** Thought for the Day: “Be not too hasty to trust or admire the teachers of morality; they discourse like angels but they live like men.” -- Samuel Johnson (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

For Advertising Call: (701) 391-2076 ELISHA OTIS (continued):

• Otis’ elevator was guided by the cables, but if they broke, the spring mechanism was thrown outward into the notches, keeping the cab from falling. When it appeared to be successful, he and his sons founded the Union Elevator Works, and he sold his first safety elevator in 1853. 1929 N Washington St. • Suite X • Bismarck, ND hours: Wednesday and Thursday 11:00 - 7:00 Friday and Saturday 10:00 - 4:00 tel: 701.425.8181 web: mommies2bnd.com

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• On Nov. 5, 1775, Gen. George Washington condemns his troops’ planned celebration of the British anti-Catholic holiday, Guy Fawkes Night. Guy Fawkes had been charged with placing gunpowder under the Houses of Parliament to trigger a deadly explosion that would have killed King James I. • On Nov. 6, 1854, “the March king,” John Philip Sousa, is born. The instantly recognizable sound of Sousa’s timeless pieces -- such as “Stars And Stripes Forever” (1896) -- are well-known to many Americans, even if they don’t know the names of the pieces. • On Nov. 4, 1928, Arnold Rothstein, New York’s most notorious gambler, is shot and killed during a poker game in Manhattan. When policed asked the bleeding Rothstein who had shot him, he reportedly put his finger to his lips, keeping the gangsters’ code of silence. • On Nov. 7, 1943, singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell is born in Canada. A bout with polio as a child had left Mitchell unable to form guitar chords with her left hand, so she experimented with non-standard tunings that would become part of her signature sound. • On Nov. 3, 1957, the Soviet Union launches the first animal into space -- a dog name Laika -- aboard the Sputnik 2 spacecraft. Laika survived for several days, kept alive by a sophisticated life-support system. She died after the batteries ran down. • On Nov. 2, 1960, a landmark obscenity case over “Lady Chatterley’s Lover,” by D.H. Lawrence, ends in the acquittal of Penguin Books. The publisher had been sued for obscenity in publishing an unexpurgated version of Lawrence’s 1928 novel. • On Nov. 8, 1994, for the first time in 40 years, the Republican Party wins control of both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate. The empowered GOP united under the “Contract with America,” a 10-point legislative plan to reduce federal taxes, balance the budget and dismantle social welfare programs. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

• It wasn’t until the 1854 New York World’s Fair that Otis’ contraption gained notoriety. In a daring demonstration at the Crystal Palace exhibition building, Otis stood on a platform high in the air, and ordered the rope cut. The platform fell just a few inches before Otis’ safety device stopped its descent. Orders for his elevator began pouring in, with the numbers doubling every year. Otis perfected a three-way steam valve engine, which could switch the elevator between up and down as well as stop the cab rapidly. In 1857, the first safety elevator for passenger service was installed in a New York City department store. • Otis’ other patents included railroad car trucks and brakes, an oscillating steam engine, a steam plow, and a baking oven. His success was cut short when he contracted diphtheria in 1861 and perished from the disease at age 49 in 1861. Sadly, he didn’t live to see one of his safety elevators installed in Paris’ Eiffel Tower for the 1889 World’s Fair. The Otis Elevator Company gained further notoriety when their elevators were installed in the Chrysler Building in 1930, at the time the world’s tallest building, and the Empire State Building in 1931, which grabbed the title from Chrysler.

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Advertise today in Tidbits® of Bismarck! Distributed to 150 locations all across Bismarck, Mandan, and Lincoln!

1. Which Motown singer had a hit with “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You)”?

Read Tidbits® Online! www.bismarcktidbits.com

2. Which duo wrote and released “Little Latin Lupe Lu”?


4. Which two ladies of song released “No More Tears (Enough is Enough)”?


“The month of November makes me feel that life is passing more quickly. In an effort to slow it down, I try to fill the hours more meaningfully.” – Henry Rollins

3. “Here Comes the Sun” was released on which album?

5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “You might have heard my footsteps echo softly in the distance through the canyons of your mind.” (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Tidbits® of Bismarck

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PLAN YOUR EPITAPH One of the more unusual November observances takes place on November 2. Plan Your Own Epitaph Day is the day set aside for you to determine what your tombstone should say about your life. Take a look at how some folks chose to be remembered. • The word “epitaph” has its origins in the Greek and Latin meaning “a funeral oration” or “over tomb.” Some epitaphs testify of the deceased’s character, whether good or bad, while others are designed to make the reader smile or contemplate his own mortality. Call us today for your year end customer appreciation promotional gifts or employee recognition awards

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• Merv Griffin, host of a popular talk show for 23 years, passed away in 2007 at age 82. His humorous tombstone contradicted the phrase he had uttered thousands of the times over the years, with the epitaph reading, “I will NOT be right back after this message.” • Often referred to as “the man with 1,000 voices,” Mel Blanc, the voice behind our favorite cartoon characters including Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester the Cat, and Yosemite Sam, chose a line popularized by another of his characters, Porky Pig, as his final sign-off. The engraving on his tombstone appropriately reads, “That’s all folks.” • Some epitaphs speak of the reason behind the entombed’s death, such as “First a cough carried me off. Then a coffin they carried me off in,” or “She always said her feet were killing her, but nobody believed her,” and the classic, “I told you I was sick.” • Some folks allowed their next-of-kin to pen their epitaph, and may not have liked the results. Consider what one husband had engraved on his wife’s tombstone: “To follow you I’m not content. How do I know which way you went?” Another husband declared, “Here lies my wife. I bid her goodbye. She rests in peace and now so do I.” Continued on the next page!



EDITOR’S NOTE: DVDs reviewed in this column will be available in stores the week of November 2, PICKS OF THE WEEK

Inside Out (PG) -- Pixar goes on an inwardjourney with this inventive animated adventure about the struggles of growing up and having emotions. Riley (voiced by Kaitlyn Dias) is an 11-year-old who has trouble adjusting after her family moves to a new state. Like all of us, Riley has a rich inner-world full of memories, and her emotions influence how she acts and how she sees the world. Usually, Riley is guided by Joy (Amy Poehler), in conjunction with the other personified feelings: Fear, Sadness, Anger and Disgust (Bill Hader, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black and Mindy Kaling). When kids movies try to tackle complicated topics, the result is usually either dumbeddown to pointlessness, or the complexity suffocates the fun. Pixar has made a movie that is both pricelessly fun and original, without compromising on the message. Vacation (R) -- The legacy of National

of Bismarck

Roar (R) -- The bloodiest, most recklessly life-threatening film production in Hollywood history resulted in this light-hearted comedy about a family “acting” afraid while they share a home with at least 100 untrained tigers, lions and panthers. Writer/director Noel Marshall felt so strongly about this movie that he cast his own family, literally feeding them to lions -- including his wife Tippi Hedren (from Hitchcock’s “The Birds”) and her daughter, Melanie Griffith (who would later need facial surgery after a lion attack). At least 70 people were seriously injured during production, which was a never-ending nightmare thanks to money problems and entire crews wisely walking away from the project. But Marshall The End of the Tour (R) -- In 1996, the literary finished his movie. Never released in the U.S., world received a huge hit to the head from a heavy the 1981 film is now available on Blu-ray, and book. David Foster Wallace’s novel “Infinite it’s a must-have for collectors of Hollywood’s Jest” quickly established the author as The New worst ideas! Guy to Watch. This movie is an up-close study of TV RELEASES an unreleased interview with the young author, “Anne of Green Gables: 30th Anniversary” just coming to grips with the success headed his “Game of Thrones: Season 1 (Steelbook) [Bluway. In ‘96, Rolling Stone sent journalist and ray] & Digital HD” novelist David Lipsky (Jesse Eisenberg) on a “Doctor Who: Series 9 Part 1” five-day ride-along with Wallace (Jason Segel). “Black Sails Season 2” This is a major turn for Segel -- until now best “Mobile Suit Gundam (First Gundam) Part 1 known for comedy -- successfully taking on such Blu-ray Collection” a challenging role in an unconventional movie. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. Lampoon’s vacation flicks lives on this hard-R sequel. Ed Helms (of “The Office”) leads as Rusty Griswald, the son from the old “Vacation” movies, now a grownup failure who is borderline reviled by his wife and kids -- just like his dad! Rusty has the brilliant idea to rekindle his marriage and impress his sons by taking them on the same horrendous road trip his dad dragged him on! The raunchy humor in this outing is generally more cringe-inducing than laugh-out-loud. The last set of Griswalds weren’t a really happy bunch, but there’s a weird bitterness to many of the jokes between these family members. The intense gross-out factor also is much higher than before, which could be a draw for some.

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www.facebook.com/bismarcktidbits Trivia Test Answers

1. Canberra 2. Rita Moreno 3. Marilyn Monroe 4. Franklin Roosevelt, asking for a declaration of war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 5. Ricin, a toxic poison 6. William Thackeray 7. Sean Connery 8. 11 pipers piping 9. 1969 10. Murray Gell-Mann

PLAN YOUR EPITAPH (continued):

• The mother of outlaw Jesse James chose the epitaph for her 34-year-old son’s grave, “Murdered by a traitor and a coward whose name is not worthy to appear here.” She was referring to an unarmed Jesse being shot in the back of the head by a member of James’ own gang. The name she considered unworthy was Bob Ford. • Tombstone, Arizona’s Boot Hill Cemetery contains the remains of another outlaw, whose clever inscription reads, “Here lies Lester Moore, shot 4 times with a .44, No Les No More.” Another Boot Hill grave has the epitaph, “Here lies George Johnson, hanged by mistake 1882. He was right, we was wrong, but we strung him up and now he’s gone.”

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• How about a play on words on a surname or occupation? A British lawyer named John Strange chose his inscription to read, “Here lies an honest lawyer, and that is Strange.” A dentist opted for “Stranger! Approach this spot with gravity! John Brown is filling his last cavity!” Johnny Yeast, a Ruidoso, New Mexico, gentleman’s gravestone is etched, “Here Lies Johnny Yeast. Pardon me for not rising.”

• One young lady took advantage of an opportunity to advertise: “Sacred to the memory Sports Quiz of my husband John Barnes who died January Answers 3, 1803. His comely young widow, age 23, has 1. Minnesota’s Tony Oliva, against Oakland. 2. Six -- Don Zimmer (1990-91), Joe Altobelli many qualifications of a good wife, and yearns (‘91), Jim Essian (‘91), Jim Lefebvre (1992- to be comforted.” 93), Tom Trebelhorn (1994) and Jim Riggleman • A tombstone in Scotland reminds us all of (1995-99). the inevitable: “Consider, friend, as you pass by: 3. Kenny Guiton threw six against Florida As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, you A&M in 2013, and J.T. Barrett did the same too shall be. Prepare, therefore, to follow me.” against Kent State in 2014. 4. Barkley attempted 2,020 (making 538); Jordan, 1,778 (making 581). 5. Nikolai Khabibulin had 1,761 saves in the 2001-02 season. 6. Rick Mears (1991), Al Unser Jr. (1994) and Arie Luyendyk (1997). 7. Jiro Sato, in 1933. Flash Back Trivia Answers 1. Marvin Gaye, in 1964. He even released a German-language version called “Wie Schon Das Ist.” 2. The Righteous Brothers, in 1963. Composer Bill Medley said he wrote the song (in 1959) because he dated a girl in high school named Lupe. It was the first single the duo released. 3. The Beatles’ “Abbey Road” album, in 1969, written by George Harrison. 4. Barbra Streisand and Donna Summer, in 1979, in both 7- and 12-inch record versions. 5. “Elusive Butterfly,” by Bob Lind in 1965. The song had an inauspicious start as the b-side to Lind’s “Cheryl’s Goin’ Home,” but was launched when a deejay accidentally flipped the record over. It reached No. 5 on the U.S. charts and No. 2 in Australia.

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1. Seashells or bone 2. Topaz

Scarlett the Scottie says,

“See you next week!”

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Scarlett the Scottie says, “Last week’s issue of Tidbits told me everything about Houdini except how he would have gotten out of this leash!”

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PTSD joint Pain Arthritis Allergies Fibromyalgia Obesity Anxiety Cancer Headaches

High Cholestrol Overweight Restless Legs Underweight Mental Fog Elevated Blood Sugar Behavioral Disorders Sleep Disturbances Mood Disorders

or just doggone tired of bein’ tired! Come on out to the meet n’ greet and hear some amaXYNG stories of relief and recovery! For details text MEETING INFO to 218-230-5936

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