3 minute read

Jesus said “Arise and Shine…”

Jesus said “Arise and Shine…”

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn”.


- Isaiah 60:1-3

DEAr rEADEr, We are excited to bring you the Good News. Our theme is simple and clear. It is to make God Real and Personal. God is not an object or an image or imagination of human mind. God is a living and loving person. We find this amazing revelation in the pages of Holy Bible.

Please keep reading with a humble heart. You will surely encounter your Creator today. We don’t need a thousand years for your Salvation (Mukti). You can receive your greatest miracle ‘Mukti’ today. This is the confidence you can have in Christ alone.

This month we focus our theme on “Arise and Shine”. Isaiah was a 8th Cen-tury BC, Jewish Prophet. Under the inspiration of The Holy Spirit, Isaiah wrote clear and astounding message concerning future events; including the precise details of birth and ministry of Jesus Christ. And Salvation of Hu-man race through the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Jesus calls all those who believe and follow His ways to “Arise and Shine”. Because the Jesus has redeemed the fallen humanity from the darkness and sin. Christ is the Light of the world, and when someone welcomes Christ in-to their heart, they welcome the ‘Living Light’.

The supreme purpose of ‘Light’ is to expel the darkness. The world we live in is a not a perfect and peaceful world. Just listen to any TV or Radio news, there is death and destructions. This is filled with darkness and evil. But, when we learn to ‘Arise and Shine’ through the grace and truth of Christ we can enjoy the journey of purpose driven life.

Listen to a deep and gentle call of Jesus inside your heart today. He said, ‘I am the Light of the world’. Consider, He did not say I am like a Light. He gives singing and cultural songs, which were rooted in India but changed and adopted with local flavour. The seed is from India, but the plant grew in Fijian and Pacific soil-that is who FIJI INDIANS are.

A distinct Fiji Hindi language also transformed with a mixture of Hindi and other languages and local dialects of Girmitiyas. Fiji Hindi initially started as Lingua franca, a bridging language, but later took root as a language of Fiji Indians. This is spoken by all the descendants of Girmitiyas. Hence time is ripe for Fiji Indians to be counted in New Zealand and Australia as a distinct race of people. All Fijians of Indian descent in New Zealand and Australia are requested to be counted and have pride in their Girmit legacy and heritage -and counted properly as who they really are – FIJI INDIANS.

[About the Author: Thakur Ranjit Singh is a third generation Fiji Girmitiya descendant, now settled in Auckland. He runs blog, FIJI PUNDIT and is a media commentator. He has filled his race/ethnicity/ancestry in the census as “OTHER and identified it as "FIJI INDIAN" and urges others like him from Fiji to do likewise, to be counted properly as FIJI INDIANS] complete assurance and confidence. His word is a lamp unto our feet and light to our path (Ps. 119:105).

For people searching in the darkness of their soul, Christ will lead with His light. His purpose is to lead all humani-ty to Truth and Life.

Therefore, it is important to ask yourself this question: Do I really know this Living Light?

Living Light is not a philosophy or an idea of human imagination or tradi-tional practices. What is one of the Best definition of Light? Through Sci-ence we understand that light is an energy and matter. But the Word of teaches us that the Light is a Person; and He is a Living and Loving Person. That Person is completely defined and perfectly expressed through the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Jesus boldly declared: “I am the Light of the World”. Therefore, we invite you to pray this with a sincere heart;

“Dear Father God, today I thank you for your word that has touched my heart. I repent of my wrongs and I confess with my mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and I believe in my heart that Jesus died for my sins, God raised Jesus from the dead for my Mukti (Salvation). Now help me to know Jesus more and more so that I can grow in the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Teach me your ways so that I can be person who will learn to honour you and learn to love each other. Amen.

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