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hePAtitis b dnA testing



• It is a blood test to check how much hepatitis B virus is in the blood.


• If you have tested positive to hepatitis B.

What if you are a ‘carrier’? • Yes you need the test. • ‘Healthy carrier’ or ‘carrier’ are terms no longer used for hepatitis B. you

either have the virus or you don’t.


• At least once a year. Even if your last test showed a ‘not detected’ result. This is free if you have a Medicare Card.

• Some people may require testing more often. Your GP or Specialist will let you know what is appropriate for you.

Why is it important to have a hepatitis B DNA blood test?

• This test along with other tests including liver function tests will show how well your immune system is controlling the virus, and how healthy your liver is. • The test will also help the doctor to decide if you need medication to help your body control the virus, and help prevent the virus causing damage to your liver, such as scarring, cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Check with your doctor if you have had a test in the last 12 months.

For more information, please contact ECCQ:

Website: www.eccq.com. au/bbv

Phone: 07-3844 9166

If you live in Cairns, you can also contact:

Rhondda Lewis

Viral Hepatitis Health Coordinator

Phone: 07-4226 4761

Email: Rhondda.Lewis@ health.qld.gov.au

Hepatitis, HIv/AIDS and Sexual Health Program Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)


Nimisha Modi

Hetvi Hair & Beauty 0412350013

HEy GIRLS, there are multiple ways to remove hair without having to pay a fortune. The most common are tweezing, threading, and waxing. I am going to explain the pros and cons for each one.

These are three common methods for facial hair removal (which no woman ever wants to admit, but it's the reality ladies, so don't be ashamed!). Out of the three, I believe threading is the best investment because it removes the hair from its root and allows for more precision in shape. You need to decide for yourself which method will work best. Read on for detailed reviews of each method.


Waxing is a quick and cost-efficient method of removing unwanted hair, especially on the face. Currently there are two widely used types of wax: hard and soft. Hard wax is used on more sensitive areas, like the lips of your vagina when getting Brazilian. Soft wax is used on legs, faces, and underarms— areas that can handle more tug and pull. One of the most common ingredients in all waxes is pine rosin, which helps the wax harden and bond not only your skin, but to the hair follicles and paper as well. About waxing:

You can get waxing done on any part of your body.

When you go in to get waxed, whether facial or body, you always leave with red areas and sometimes bleeding. This redness normally subsides about an hour or two after the waxing. The reason for this is that the wax not only pulls out the hair from the folicles, but also takes off the top layer of the skin.



Quick, Inexpensive, grow back finer hair.


Painful and tender the whole day, Hair has to be 1 cm before it can be rewaxed.

Causes redness and sometimes bleeding, some are allergic to wax ingredients.


Threading hair removal is rapidly becoming one of the world's best and fastest hair removal techniques. This technique, developed in the Middle East, India and Nepal is an ancient method.


Threading gets rids of the finest and smallest hair with ease and doesn't leave the area extremely swollen or red. Here's how it works: A cotton thread is pulled along unwanted hair in a twisting motion to trap hair in a mini lasso and lifts hair right out of the follicle. Sound painful? Well, to tell you the truth, if it is your first time, it can be painful. It’s not that bad. I honestly think waxing hurts more.

Threading allows for the sharpest eyebrow form and definition, more so than with tweezing and waxing alone. When you draw lines from the arch to each end, in accordance with your eye, they are perfectly aligned.

Pros: No redness or Swelling, Quicker, Inexpensive, Last longer, it take smallest hair as well, hair grow back finer than before.

Con: Painful


We have all done this, and honestly it gets rather annoying. The cost is the lowest (the price of a pair of tweezers), but it is extremely time-consuming and can be rather painful, especially if you have never done it before.


If you have never tweezed before, it can be quite an eye-opener. Tweezing takes patience, attention to detail, and some drawing skills. Usually, before you start, you have to first draw the shape you want for your eyebrows with a makeup pencil. From there, you pluck all the unwanted hairs around the drawn line. Now, if you're not symmetrical in your drawing, you will end up with quite odd-looking eyebrows because they won't be even.

There will be times, even for some of the best professional tweezers, when they miss the hair and catch the skin instead. This can be rather painful, and you may even break the skin.

Pros: Cheapest option

Cons: Time Consuming, Difficult to achieve shape, Hair grows back within few days, can be painful.


We have all done it, whether our legs or facial hair. Shaving is probably the worst of these solutions but is quick.


If you are not careful, shaving can cause razor burn, a red rash along the shaved area. It's also easy to nick or seriously cut yourself. Shaving only cuts the hair above the skin, causing the hair to grow back faster and heavier.

The cost of shaving the actual razor to the replacement blades. This can run upwards of $15 excluding shaving cream. Blades last 3 - 4 weeks before they should be replaced. A dull blade is more likely to cut and cause razor burn than a sharp one.

Pros: Quick and simple.

Cons: Hair grows back quickly, coarser, and darker than before. Expensive to replace blades regularly, only removes hair above the skin. Increases in-grown hairs. Can lead to cuts and razor burn.

Every option has its benefits as well as its downfalls. I hope whatever choice you make is well informed.

what is posttraumatic stress disorder (Ptsd), and how can you recover?

DR ROS Lethbridge, Senior Clinical Specialist, Phoenix Australia – Center for Posttraumatic Mental Health, University of Melbourne.

This article discusses how people can develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), its signs and symptoms, and effective treatments.


Any event that involves exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or violence has the potential to be traumatic. Traumatic events are common, and most people will go through at least one traumatic event in their lives. Such events can include natural disaster, war, a serious accident, physical or sexual assault. In Australia, the most common traumatic events are: • having someone close to you die unexpectedly • seeing someone badly injured or killed, or unexpectedly seeing a dead body

• being in a lifethreatening car accident

In the first days and weeks after a traumatic event, people often experience strong feelings of fear, sadness, guilt, anger, or grief. Generally, these feelings will resolve on their own, and with the support of family and friends, the person recovers. However, if the distress continues, it may mean that the person has developed PTSD or another mental health condition.


Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a set of reactions that can develop after someone has been through a traumatic event.

A person with PTSD has four main types of difficulties:

• Re-living the traumatic event – through unwanted memories, vivid nightmares, flashbacks, or intense reactions such as heart palpitations or panic when reminded of the event. • Feeling wound up – having trouble sleeping or concentrating, feeling angry or irritable, taking risks, becoming easily startled, or constantly being on the lookout for danger. • Avoiding reminders of the event – activities, places, people, thoughts or feelings that bring back memories of the trauma. • Negative thoughts and feelings – feeling afraid, angry, guilty, flat, or numb a lot of the time, losing interest in day-to-day activities, feeling cut off from friends and family.

Between 5 and 10 percent of Australians will experience PTSD at some point in their lives. It is not unusual for people with PTSD to experience other mental health problems like depression or anxiety. Some people may develop a habit of using alcohol or drugs as a way of coping.


If you are still experiencing problems two weeks after a traumatic event, it is worth talking to your GP or a mental health professional to assess how you are going and to see if treatment would be helpful. Effective treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are available, and include counselling, medication, or a combination of both. These treatments can work even if your traumatic experience was a long time ago.

The Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder, PTSD and Complex PTSD provide evidencebased recommendations that promote recovery following trauma, as well as effective treatment options for people who develop PTSD and other posttraumatic mental health conditions.

in thE first Days anD wEEKs aftEr a trauMatiC EvEnt, PEOPlE OftEn ExPEriEnCE strOng fEElings Of fEar, saDnEss, guilt, angEr, Or griEf. gEnErally, thEsE fEElings will rEsOlvE On thEir Own, anD with thE suPPOrt Of faMily anD friEnDs, thE PErsOn rECOvErs.

national mental health month 2022

Vasan Srinivasan

Chief Executive Officer Mental Health Foundation Australia THE Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) is very excited to launch our capstone event, National Mental Health Month 2022. National Mental Health Month is an initiative of the Mental Health Foundation Australia to advocate for and raise awareness of Australian mental health. It is an important time where the Australian community comes together to raise awareness and promote better mental health for all. Throughout this month, many events have been organised in each state of Australia aiming to attract and unite Australians of all ages and backgrounds to raise awareness and promote better mental health for all. The National Mental Health Month 2022 Awareness Campaign theme is: ‘Building Resilience: Communities and Connections' The aim

the countdown begins!

of this theme is to continue conversations sparked about mental health during COVID-19 within communities, as well as place a focus on the need for resilience building after a challenging few years, using this as a point of connection with all Australians.

This year, we have many exciting events planned such as multicultural events, our national walks, nationwide launches, symposiums and forums on various lifestyle topics, gala dinners, breakfast events and so much more! Our staff are gearing up and working hard to put up these fabulous events all throughout October, however, no event is successful without the support of audiences. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your contribution to National Mental Health Month over the years, as no contribution was too small.

We look forward to having you all involved in October this year, for National Mental Health Month 2022. Stay tuned on our social media channels for more information to come about all of the different events planned, as well as how to register.

This October, let us take steps towards better mental health for all Australians. #NMHM2022 #BuildingR esilienceCommunitiesandCo nnections

ariEs ( 21st MarCh tO 20th aPril )

The transit of Rahu and Venus indicates that you can regulate your voice and keep your promise. Try not to get into a fight with a family member. The transit of Jupiter and Mars will provide you with an opportunity in a foreign country. There could be an unexpected trip or travel to a foreign country. Jupiter and Mars' transit also indicate that you may drawn to religious and charitable work. Sleeping can be disrupted due to excessive usage of electronic devices, so use them whenever needed. To achieve the desired outcome, students must adopt a positive attitude when under the influence of Saturn and remain focused on their work. With the transit of Mars and Jupiter, marriage relationships will be strengthened and rejuvenated. Try to avoid negative thoughts and avoid getting involved in some debate. Helping your partner in both personal and professional matters will point you in the right direction in your marriage. Don't pressure your partner to do things your way; this can cause stress in your marriage and trigger a schism. Singles may get a sudden marriage proposal. This month may bring you a plethora of financial gains as well as money from family and friends. Make a spending plan ahead of time; this would save you from a financial crisis. Many who wished to study in a foreign country for a more extended period would be able to do so this month. Even the spiritual classes would have international connectivity.

According to the monthly Horoscope, the native likely to concentrate on their strengths and energies on their siblings in the family. People with symptoms would need to be more proactive about their parents' wellbeing this month, as their health could be a source of concern. According to the monthly Horoscope, a native of this zodiac sign would have the opportunity to associate with someone in a foreign country. However, according to the signs, the month could be problematic in both personal and financial matters. This month, natives of this zodiac will tie the knot with their love partner. Married couples can go through a difficult time in their marriage. The first half of the month would be favourable for love and marriage. To make decent progress, you would need to stay calm at all times and concentrate on your relationship. However, the last few days would be a little tricky due to your partner's health. Students born under this zodiac sign would have a fruitful month. You may stay focused on your studies and make substantial academic progress. The monthly horoscope indicates a high likelihood of unexpected expenditure. You would need to keep track of your expenses and cut back on excessive spending. Avoiding speculative investments in favour of long-term assets would be beneficial. A career change implies a loss, which would be difficult to cope with. This month, be cautious in your decision-making.

Take care of yourself while travelling and driving, as Rahu is sending a signal. Your writing career are likely to flourish with Venus's blessings, and it would be an excellent month to launch your books. Things may work in your favour, and the Sun's transit may provide some relief from the government. Native may expect good profits from the family business, as well as family support. Mother's blessings would be with you this month. Your efforts would be rewarded handsomely. This month is a great time to invest in real estate. Savings would be made under your standards. With the transit of Mars and Jupiter, your career shall produce the desired results. Relationships with siblings include attention and care when conversing or conveying messages. There could be unpredictability in travel plans. Expenditure on electronic devices is possible. Some electronic devices may not work correctly, so this month would be ideal to repair or change them. Your school education would be excellent, and you are going to gain a lot of love from your parents and mentor. If you take a positive attitude, prepare ahead of time, and avoid violence, this month would go as planned. The marriage partnership would be exemplary, but there might be ego conflicts that must be addressed. The transit of Saturn and Mars indicates that your money would be trapped with family or in a foreign country. Participating in some health-related courses would have a good and healthy month in May. Yoga classes can be beneficial to one's fitness. The workload can disrupt sleeping comfort, which can lead to health problems.

You are experiencing both mental and physical lows at this time. Though you are prone to pushing yourself, this is a time to give your body what it needs. It is preferable to be safe than sorry! A depressive feeling may overpower you as you recall previous desires that you have purposefully pushed to the back of your mind for a long time. It may take some time for you to be free of those disturbing memories. However, these changes would make you more self-sufficient and confident in the face of life's challenges. There are chances that you may meet an intellectually fascinating partner with whom you can share your interests. You need someone's support to enhance your energy and enthusiasm if you're feeling insecure. You would benefit from the permission of your friends and others who are assisting you. Patience on your part is also required to accept the advice of others. You would have more time to spend with your children as you recognise the importance of paternal care in their lives. Your talent, originality, and charisma would soon be recognised for your efforts. This is an excellent opportunity for you to lay a solid foundation for your future life. When you commit to someone, you would only be delighted to remain loyal to them. This allows you to stay connected to those who genuinely love and care about you. A tumultuous month is on the horizon. However, the month is favourable for marriage or romantic liaisons. However, there may be some sluggishness in other areas of life. Particularly in the fields of business and finance. The results may not be as desired, but you would not be disappointed. You'd also like to ensure that you profit from the good fortune that must come your way in the coming days. However, you may not get the unwavering support of your family and your spouse. Many who are married must recognise and even complement each other's needs. Even singles would be content with each other's business. In your personal life, you should bring about the desired happiness. This month would also contribute to the long-running family property dispute. It is typically culminating in shared agreement and complementing each other's decisions. This would be a win-win scenario for both parties, as it would save time and even money on both ends. You would be happy and should rejoice at the joint resolution at both ends. Similarly, students majoring in law or business administration shall do well this month. Your test shall be rewarding, and you would get a decent reward. Also, if you have been planning to take some competitive tests, this shall be a good month for most of you. Your training would be worthwhile, and you would benefit from the positivity in your life. Your efforts and successful involvement have resulted in all academic achievements this month.

Your tendency to leave a relationship after the thrills of a romance have worn off would only cause you mental anguish this time. So stop harming others and, as a result, hurting yourself. You would be witty, generous, endearing, and charming, making you a never dull, constantly busy, and intensely alive personality to deal with. Your patience, tenacity, determination, and goal-oriented attitude would make it easier for you to deal with your own and other people's problems. You need someone's support to raise your confidence and excitement if you're feeling nervous. Women would have a good week both at work and at home. Others are likely to notice that you are more appreciated and cared for. This week, complications from misunderstandings in your love life can put you in a perplexing situation. Better moments would come from a pleasant discussion between you two. Others may perceive you as a strong personality who makes bold decisions. Others can criticise you because you are firm despite being a woman. Spending time analysing your current physical state would only make you more energetic and friendly. In specific ways, this can allow you to look for a solution to your current boredom, which is irritating and depressing. These days, you need a lot of improvements and challenges to keep your physical stamina up. Monotony and a constant lack of excitement must be avoided. You may sign a new contract that would provide you with a stable and safe career.

This month appears to deliver positive outcomes in your life. This is a perfect moment to make crucial career and business decisions. Furthermore, the Sun's transit may give you a sense of purpose in life. This goal would assist you in making the best decisions. On the professional front, you're likely to succeed. Furthermore, there is a considerable probability that you may obtain extensive help from the government and higher authorities. Domestic concerns would be settled this month, and you may be interested in learning more about esoteric science. Politicians may achieve political triumph this month. During this period, you would be able to complete any outstanding tasks. Furthermore, any ongoing issues or concerns are likely to be resolved. You may also have the opportunity to improve your abilities or learn a foreign language. This planetary alignment would be highly beneficial to you. You can achieve fame and money in your life as well. During this time, you would be able to fulfil your heart's wishes. However, you may need to rein in your spending habits and refrain from overspending. Your career would also take a turn for the better towards the middle of the month. Furthermore, money flow would be following expectations. This would be your accomplishment, and it would entirely satisfy you. Those of you considering a partnership is likely to find that your partner is also in your favour. They would be grateful for each other's support. A partnership agreement would also be advantageous.

This week, it appears that harmony is the theme for you. Everyone you meet this week, whether at work, at home, with friends, or with your hairdresser, is likely to appear gorgeous to you. Just make sure you don't miss out because of your lack of knowledge. This week, you may be feeling both angry and hurt. You are extremely sensitive and moderately irritable, and even minor irritations grate on your nerves. Spend some time with your diary and write down everything that comes to mind. You will be filled with excitement and cheerfulness. You may be able to rise above the tension and strain of ordinary existence by engaging in introspection and exercising your thoughts on topics that are not banal. So, have fun. Your feminine character, concealed underneath your manly shell, may attract new acquaintances since your caring and thoughtful touch will give them the impression that you are highly supportive. It'll be beneficial to you! Your intimate understanding and cooperation have been the driving forces behind your great marital life. Consider yourself fortunate, and do all in your power to keep the love between the two of you alive. Your loud and boisterous personality may give the impression to people around you that, despite being a woman, you are attempting to be a guy. This should not deter you because it is their insecurity and problem, not yours. Your wish to become a mother may be granted this week. There's always the possibility of a doctor's visit, bringing delight and a beautiful new spirit to life. This month would be filled with wise decisions. You would be well-known and well-liked at work. Family life would be successful as well, with plenty of quality time. This month would also be prosperous financially. New business investments may yield a good return, but the movement of Mars indicates that you should also seek professional financial advice to ensure a safe profit. Rahu and Venus can trigger unplanned expenditure on luxury products, event parties, and jewellery. Beauty and makeup, as well as grooming costs, can be incurred. This month would be filled with wise decisions. You would be well-known and well-liked at work. Family life would be successful as well, with plenty of quality time. This month would also be prosperous financially. New business investments may yield a good return, but the movement of Mars indicates that you should also seek professional financial advice to ensure a safe profit. Rahu and Venus can trigger unplanned expenditure on luxury products, event parties, and jewellery. Beauty and makeup, as well as grooming costs, can be incurred. If you work in the beauty or arts industry, this month can present you with an unexpected opportunity in a foreign country or increase your touch. The student can experience stress as a result of receiving all of the information at once. This month, you should focus on one move at a time. You can face workload and examination stress. You should follow a balanced diet daily and avoid eating out and drinking cold beverages. There may be issues with your eyes, you should wear glasses while using electronic devices such as laptops or cell phones or when driving.

The beginning of the month means a problematic period at work, and you must keep your cool. However, as the month progresses, you can anticipate significant advancements in your profession. Things are not looking good around the middle of this month, so be cautious before taking any action. Things could change for the better in the second half. There is a risk that your financial preparation would be interrupted or your decision may be incorrect at the start of this month. It would be best if you also stopped lending or borrowing money. As the month progresses, it would be a time of good fortune and auspicious events in which your wishes are likely to be fulfilled. This month may include many opportunities to spend quality time with your loved one. Any family-related problems could also be resolved by the middle of this month. However, you can feel as though you cannot break the cycle of your life at times. During the last few days of this month, you may feel happier on most days. You may be pleased with the academic performance of this month due to your hard work and patience. You may get many chances to showcase your abilities as the month comes to a close. Make good use of whatever you get during this period. Seasonal changes can trigger some health problems at the start of this month. You are likely to have good energy levels in the middle of this month and avoid health problems. This month's second half would be much healthier for your health and fitness.

Your professional and financial lives are likely to improve this month, and you are expected to succeed at work. This would be an auspicious time for you. Separately, the planetary placements indicate potential challenges toward the month's end. This condition would endure until early next month, but it was not alarming. Nonetheless, now is an excellent time to rekindle your enthusiasm. It looks that now is a perfect moment to spice up your sex life. You would also receive the required assistance from coworkers and elders. However, you may need to maintain control over your speech to avoid verbal disputes with your spouse. You are likely to have an excellent time with your siblings. However, tyour mother or siblings may have some health issues this month. The effort you have put in over the years are expected to pay off in spades. Take caution not to get carried away and become drowsy. Aside from that, enjoy the rewards because you earned them. You are pressed to go back in time at work or with your lover. A severe crisis may unfold around you, and while it is grating on your nerves, you may be the only one who appears to be calm and unbiased. A balancing act between growing yourself and your love relationship and your responsibilities to your group associates or initiatives is likely to test your boundaries. As a result, your time and effort must be put to good use. When you look back at your schedule, you would notice that you haven't been spending meaningful time with your children. They require their father's presence, and you should make time for them. Your love signs are shining brightly over you, and you can expect to have the most beautiful experiences this week.

taurus ( 21st aPril tO 21st May )

CanCEr ( 22nD JunE tO 22nD July ) lEO ( 23rD July tO 22nD august ) gEMini ( 22nD May tO 21st JunE )

virgO ( 23rD august tO 22nD sEPtEMbEr )

libra ( 23rD sEPtEMbEr tO 22nD OCtObEr )

CaPriCOrn ( 22nD DECEMbEr tO 20th January ) sCOrPiO ( 23rD OCtObEr tO 22nD nOvEMbEr )

aQuarius ( 21st January tO 18th fEbruary ) sagittarius ( 23rD nOvEMbEr tO 21st DECEMbEr )

PisCEs ( 19th fEbruary tO 20th MarCh )

Take care of yourself while travelling and driving, as Rahu is sending a signal. Your writing profession may flourish with Venus's blessings, and it would be an excellent month to publish your novels. This month is majorly in your favour, and the Sun's transit would provide some reprieve from the government. There may be substantial profits from the family company, as well as family support. Mother's blessings would be with you this month. Your efforts would be rewarded handsomely. This month is a great time to invest in real estate. Savings would be made under your expectations. With the transit of Mars and Jupiter, your career is likely to produce the expected results. Relationships with siblings require attention and care while conversing or conveying messages. There may be unpredictability in travel plans. Expenditure on electronic devices is possible. Some technological devices may not function properly, hence, this month would be ideal for buying the new one. Your school education would be excellent, and you are going to have the support of your parents and mentor. If you take a positive approach, organise ahead of time, and avoid hostility, this month will proceed as planned. The marriage partnership would be good, but there may be ego issues that must be addressed. The transit of Saturn and Mars indicates that your money would be stuck with family or in a foreign place. Participating in any health-related courses shall provide a happy and healthy month in June. Yoga classes can be beneficial to one's health. The workload can disrupt sleeping comfort, which can lead to health problems.

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