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HePatitis B – wHat does an undetectaBle Viral load Mean?

ANy person who has a chronic hepatitis B infection should have a blood test every 12 months to check how much virus is in their blood. As there is no cure for hepatitis B at this time, this needs to be done for the rest of the person’s life.


This blood test is called a HBV-DNA test or a viral load test.

There is no such thing as a ‘healthy carrier’ or a ‘carrier’ for hepatitis B. The virus is always there but may be at such low levels that it is undetectable in the blood. The amount of virus can rise for many reasons and needs to be checked at least yearly to make sure that it is not causing damage to the liver.

The amount of virus in the blood (viral load) will help the doctor know if the person needs treatment, and how often they need to be seen to monitor their infection.

If you are taking hepatitis B medication and you have an undetectable viral load, it doesn’t mean you have cleared the virus (or cured), it means the treatment is working and keeping the virus under control.

People are prescribed treatment if their body’s defence system (immune system) is not able to keep the virus under control. Treatment is also prescribed if they already have damage to their liver called cirrhosis, and need protection to reduce the risk of the virus causing more damage.

Treatment must be taken and SHOULD NOT be stopped even if the virus is undetectable. Stopping treatment can cause the virus to ‘flare’. It means the virus can replicate quickly in the blood and cause damage to the liver and make the person very sick. Also, stopping treatment may cause the virus to become resistant to further treatment. Stopping treatment also increases the risk of developing liver cancer.

For a list of GPs who can prescribe medication for the treatment of hepatitis B please check:

https://www.ashm.org. au/HBV/hbv-prescriberlists/

For more information, please contact EccQ:

Website: www.eccq. com.au/bbv

Phone: 07-3844 9166

If you live in cairns, you can also contact:

Rhondda Lewis

Viral Hepatitis Health coordinator

Phone: 07-4226 4761

Email: Rhondda. Lewis@health.qld.gov.au

Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health Program Ethnic communities council of Queensland (EccQ)

Beauty Benefits of olive oil’s

Nimisha Modi

Hetvi Hair & Beauty 0412350013

HEy GIRLS! Save yourself from harsh and expensive lotions with this very simple method. One of my favourite products is extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil is a very popular product that people have used for centuries. Nowadays, it still goes strong and is widely used in the cosmetic industry.

Olive oil is very rich in vitamins, minerals and natural fatty acids. It’s also convenient for sensitive skin and is a powerful ingredient in anti-aging skin care products. Rich in antioxidants, it prevents skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines; it nourishes, rejuvenates and protects the skin.

Rich in vitamin E and A, olive oil helps prolong youth, hydrates the skin, maintains its elasticity and softness. Also, olive oil helps skin cells to regenerate. The list of olive oil benefits can go on and on.



To prepare the olive oil bath, just add 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into your bathtub and you are done! (You can add more if you like). This simple, yet amazing beauty secret can make your skin soft and very smooth.


Most popular Indian way massage your body with the extra virgin olive oil before hopping into your shower, after you finish taking your bath, pat your skin dry and wipe away the excess oil; you won’t recognize your skin! It will be amazingly soft and smooth, like a baby skin.

2) oLIVE oIL BoDy LotIoN

Once you start using Olive oil it might be your favourite body lotion! Apply olive oil all over body, while in the shower, right after the shower gel; after the application of olive oil body lotion your skin should feel soft and very smooth. This simple beauty secret is a very quick and easy way to make your skin look and feel healthy.


Use olive oil as makeup remover in the evening, it gently removes makeup and nourishes the skin at the same time. Apply a little bit of olive oil on a cotton pad (or on a damp cotton pad) and gently wipe away all the makeup from your face. If you have a heavy makeup on, then to remove it massage olive oil all over your face first, and then wipe it off with a washcloth saturated with warm water. Repeat a couple of times if necessary and remember to be gentle, never treat your skin harshly. Rinse your face with warm, and then splash with cold water; cold water will help stimulate the blood circulation and close pores.

You can also use olive oil as a gentle eye makeup remover; it will easily remove waterproof makeup.


Yes, you can use olive oil as an eye cream. It will nourish the tender skin around your eyes and soften fine lines. Gently dab some olive oil under your eyes before bed time or in the morning. Keep your olive oil eye cream in the fridge and enjoy refreshing vitamin filled treatment at a much lower cost


A warm olive oil bath for nails is an excellent way to strengthen them. It takes only 5 or 10 minutes. Just soak your nails in slightly warmed up olive oil (it shouldn’t be too hot, just a room temperature). Do this treatment once or twice a week and enjoy strong, shiny and healthy nails!

olIve oIl Is very rIch In vItamIns, mInerals and natural fatty acIds. It’s also convenIent for sensItIve sKIn and Is a powerful IngredIent In antI-agIng sKIn care products. rIch In antIoxIdants, It prevents sKIn agIng, the appearance of wrInKles and fIne lInes; It nourIshes, reJuvenates and protects the sKIn.


Remember, beauty starts from within! Hope you will benefit using this information. Have a lovely winter.

See you next month! Nimisha

HigHligHts FroM raVisHing FasHionistas exclusiVe 2022 launcH PartY

RAVISHING Fashionistas has returned in 2022 after an amazing sell-out fashion event last year, to help women embrace themselves by breaking stereotypes in the fashion industry. After two exciting casting calls in Brisbane and at the Gold Coast, the RF Team held our prestigious Launch Party on Sunday, the 9th of April at Customs House! Just a taste of what to expect at our huge fashion event in August, the guests enjoyed canapes and cocktails in the River Room and Terrace, taking in the spectacular views of the Brisbane River and Story Bridge while they mingled and danced the night away.

The evening was hosted by influencer and love coach Belinda Rygier, who we are so grateful has become an integral member of the Ravishing Fashionistas family this year, joining us for both our casting calls and we are grateful for her amazing energy and insight. Guests were treated to a mini runway featuring designs from Nathalie Le Riche art, Kablooie Store, Anannasa and Moreno Marcos presented by a selection of our recently casted models.

Liz Murihy and Manish Juneja were among the speakers of the event, sharing their gratitude for our existing sponsors and introducing those new to the Ravishing Fashionistas event this year. The RF Team also shared a presentation about the success of our journey so far - including highlights from our sold-out fashion events over the past three years. We were also humbled to have endorsement in video form from the Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner who provided us with inspiring and encouraging words of support for the values of the Ravishing Fashionistas team.

Guests were treated to a wonderful visual presentation to celebrate the successes the RF Team have seen over the past three years! It is amazing to look back and see how far the RF brand has come. As always we would like to express our gratitude towards our exclusive partners and sponsors, Brisbane City Council, Nationwide Migration and Education, Business2Sell, Chona Massingham Artist/ Model & Kava Korp. Their collaborative support and dedication enables us to pursue our passion for providing more diverse opportunities for women.

We continue to look forward to RF4 and the rest of the year, where we will be able to showcase new designers, discover new talented women, and advocate for positive body image in the fashion industry.

On 6th August, you can witness another unbeatable BRISBANE RAVISHING FASHIONISTAS FASHION SHOW 2022 at Old Government House Brisbane. Bigger than ever, get your tickets now to ensure you are a part of our immersive Spring Themed event.

Buy your tickets now https://www. eventbrite.com.au/e/ brisbane-ravishingfashionistas-fashionshow-2022-tickets234492271697?utmcampaign=social&utmcontent= attendeeshare&utmmedium=discovery&utmterm=listing&utmsource=cp&aff=escb

information about coVid-19 rapid antigen tests

australian Government Department of Health

IF you have COVID-19 symptoms, even if mild, you should get tested as soon as possible. Knowing whether you have COVID-19 can help you avoid spreading the virus to your friends, family and your community.

You can use a rapid antigen test to find out if you have COVID-19. The test can be used quickly and privately in your home.

You can buy rapid antigen tests in a range of places including pharmacies and supermarkets. tests are available from pharmacies if you have one of these concession cards: • Pensioner Concession card • Commonwealth Senior Health Care card • Health Care card • Low Income Health Care card, or • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold, White or Orange cards.

Everyone with one of these concession cards can get up to 10 free rapid antigen tests from participating pharmacies over 3 months, with a maximum of 5 free rapid antigen tests per month.

A range of translated information about rapid antigen tests can be found on the Department of Health website, including: • where to find rapid antigen tests • how to use them • how to read the results, and • what to do if you test positive on a rapid antigen test. available in up to 63 languages. They are written in easy to understand language and include images.

You can share them with your family and community.

to find out more about rapid antigen tests, or if you have coVID-19 and are worried about your symptoms, call the National coronavirus Hotline on 1800 020 080, and press 8 if you need an interpreter. you can also visit www.health.gov.au

arIes ( 21st march to 20th aprIl )

This month, family responsibilities will fall into your lap. There is a good chance that you will have a small get-together with relatives or a settlement in your hometown. Many family businesses should stop arguing with your family and entering into new business proposals this month. There would be a sudden inflow of capital, but you may experience a sudden loss of wealth or money because of the Rahu and Mercury transits. Legal matters may not bring you results, so you should be patient and seek professional advice. Don't make any significant investments in the stock market because the transit of Rahu and Sun is not favourable to finance. Students should stay quiet, not disclose their project plans, and not get too excited about the outcome. Give it your all through hard work and dedication. The transit of Saturn and Mars may create a difficult situation with friends or cause you to be in trouble because you are in the wrong business. Distractions in your studies will affect you in the coming days. This month may yield positive results in love and relationships. Though you likely to have the opportunity to spend some memorable time with your partner, you should be careful not to get into an argument. Singles may have the chance to show their feelings to their partners, and get the opportunity to go on a date. This would result in a memorable time spent together. However, dedication and interaction with a humble and friendly demeanour would benefit you.

According to the monthly Horoscope for this sign, you can receive more positive rewards with some obstacles in competition from your counterparts. You are likely to be dedicated to your family and domestic duties. This month, people born under this sign would renovate their homes or purchase a car. In addition, the Horoscope for the month for this zodiac sign suggests that your mother's health may need your close attention. There may be many family outings this month for you. You may receive a promotion and increase in pay on the professional front. Children born under this zodiac sign have a good chance of succeeding in school. According to the monthly Horoscope, the month would be prosperous for people in business born under the sign of the Moon. You are likely to make good strides professionally since the planets seem to be aligned in your favour. The majority of you would gain a lot of money due to your hard work and efforts. The monthly horoscope forecasts a good month for students and children. Many who have been studying for competitive/entrance exams would be pleased with the news this month. Furthermore, according to the monthly Horoscope, the natives may spend quality time with their family members. This would help you in maintaining a positive relationship with them. There's a chance you may arrange a family trip this month. However, since the horoscope predicts health-related issues, you must take good care of yourself and your family members. Do not, under any circumstances, disregard your wellbeing.

You should expect to achieve success this month if you take an optimistic attitude and take the initiative. Breaking down long-term projects into baby steps can yield expected results in your career with Saturn's help. Don't be rude in conversation, and pay close attention when sending mail or making phone calls. Relationships with siblings and neighbours must be maintained. This month would be favourable for investing in real estate or other property-related matters. There may be international contact, as well as new foreign-related ventures. This month would be a healthy month for marriage relationships. This month would be filled with joy and small celebrations at home. Try to stop making derogatory statements about your family. Savings would be available, but health-related expenses or precautions would be incurred. Jupiter transit can provide religious upliftment, while Ketu transit can provide success in learning new things about your faith. Promotion may take some time, so you must focus on your skills and be patient. The transit of sun indicates that you would be doing some short-distance travelling related to your schooling and career. Mother's assistance and encouragement would result in anticipated results. Jupiter's blessings are likely to enhance your love life. Mars may exert dominance over your girlfriend, so you should give your life partner some breathing room. You have a fair chance of being accepted for higher education in a foreign country. Success may come from the creative arts and occultrelated topics. Those of you studying medicine are likely to succeed in your projects.

This week, you may be feeling both angry and hurt. You are extremely sensitive and moderately irritable, and even minor irritations grate on your nerves. Spend some time with your diary and express everything in your thoughts. You would be filled with excitement and cheerfulness. You would be able to rise above the tension and strain of ordinary existence by engaging in introspection and exercising your thoughts on topics that are not banal. So, have fun. Your patience, persistence, determination, and goal-oriented temperament would make it easier for you to deal with your own and other people's difficulties. Your feminine character, concealed underneath your manly shell, may attract new acquaintances since your caring and thoughtful touch may give them the impression that you are highly supportive. It would be beneficial to you. Affection may shower on you, if you are as sweet as honey, paint images of the future, and share some of them with hidden, spiritual, or selfless conversations. Women are likely to have a good week this month. Your feminine side, hidden beneath your manly exterior, is likely to attract new acquaintances since your kind and thoughtful touch maygive them the sense that you are extremely supportive. It would be advantageous to you! If you are as sweet as honey, paint ideas of the future, and share part of them with secret, spiritual, or unselfish dialogues, you are likely to be the object of admiration. This would be a nice one for women. The arrival of summer is likely to usher in a better phase for you. However, the hot summer can take its toll on you. You would be dissatisfied with the heat of the month, which can harm your wellbeing. One issue is likely to be disturb you is dehydration. At the same time, you would be mindful of your health by maintaining a healthy diet and fluid balance in your body. You would be cautious and would not allow any illness to infiltrate your body and fully affect it. As a result, a measured strategy is likely to benefit you. The month is likely to demand discipline from those looking to settle down in marriage, especially if you've been dating your partner for a long time. Mutual understanding is likely to result, and the two of you would be pleased with each other. This is your month for marriage, and your parents would also support you. The only piece of advice is to manage your aspirations alongside your partner. Those hoping to start a family may have to wait a little longer. Medication assistance is not out of the question. So, wait for the right moment, and you would be pleased with the way life unfolds. Your accomplishments would be impressive this month, but you should not be overconfident. Many of you are likely to have a mixed financial circumstance this month.

This week, success would be your hallmark in your professional life. You would be filled with joy and cheerfulness. You would be able to rise above the stress and pressure of everyday life by engaging in introspection and exercising your mind on things that are not mundane. So, have fun! Generous and warm qualities in you can contribute to many joyful family interactions. Your dedication to the family would assist you in achieveing the love and care you need. While you may appear selfcentred, but you are polite, generous, noble, and kind. The revelation of this essence in you attracts more people to you who seek warmth and treatment. Whatever tasks you work on this week would bear fruit. Your stars seem to be aligned in a way that makes you more charming, intelligent, creatively enthusiastic, and adaptable. Your love and caring as a mother are likely to blossom more these days, as the children and those close to you would find more solace in your company. Whatever career path you choose, the combination of your tenacity and sheer stamina would be a winning one. Personally, this week expected to serve as a stepping stone to your financial or career advancement. Your willingness to assist those in need would gain you widespread respect among the general public. This would be your sweet retaliation against those who have always found an excuse to criticise your efforts.

As a result of this planetary alignment, you would be brimming with courage and vitality during the first half of the month. There would be prospective opportunities that may change the course of your life. Throughout this period, you would be active and enthusiastic, and nothing would be able to bring you down. Separately, because of your short temper, you may encounter some difficulties. As a result, it is recommended that you maintain control over your words to prevent getting into verbal spats with your loved ones. Nonetheless, the government and higher authorities may back you up. Politicians' power and reputation would grow. The flow of money would improve if you were doing business. You might even start a new project with someone. This could be the wrong time for people who make snap decisions. It is recommended that you ponder carefully before making your ultimate decision. It is critical to avoid hastiness at this time. With your efforts and hard work, you may be able to own your property or house. Some of you may be particularly interested in research and esoteric science. There is a significant likelihood that you receive some of your ancestral property shares this month. Overall, the month appears to be a success, with some high and low points. This month is critical for you to put your words into action. Since your state of mind is eager to establish norms that have never been followed in the past.

You can be unwittingly attracted to someone you interact with on a daily basis. It is ideal if you keep a wary eye on the person because your attraction may blind you to the individual's genuine personality. You rarely give your mind and body a break because work is your primary source of enjoyment. And your efforts would result in the rewards you deserve in a timely manner. You need to go back in time at work or with your lover. A crucial scenario is building around you, and while it irritates you, you may be the only one who appears to be calm and unbiased. A person like you requires a lot of love, affection, and warmth, and this month you may have someone by your side to act as a sounding board. And you are most likely to be successful. Self-indulgence and laziness would prevent you from putting your wit and intelligence to work on the initiatives you take on. Try to interact with your employees more and think twice before expressing anything negative about them. You are a pioneer with a mission as a natural leader. You have a tendency to achieve your objectives in uncomplicated ways that do not cause harm to others. Your capacity to be silent, humble, and adaptable when it is not required to express yourself may earn you greater respect, among other things. You can certainly express your philosophical ideas when they are required. Your emotions would be the main threat to your physical condition, and they may even lead to a mental syndrome in the form of repressed rage and grudges. Maintaining a good attitude, being relaxed, and making preparations for this month would ensure the desired results of both your career and personal life. Because of the long distance between you and your family, you may feel lonely, so spend some quality time with your loved ones. Unplanned and longdistance travelling can occur, which may contribute to the success of long-term projects. You should respect your time and schedule ahead of time for each task so that you are not rushed. The analysis of your job and project would assist you in making decisions at work. This month, you must pay close attention to your health. Sleeping discomfort is possible. Foreign-related careers or businesses would produce the desired results. Mars indicates that you should be careful when responding, which would save you from an unnecessary debate. Be patient when making a major job-related decision. You may get a chance to work in a foreign country. There would be communication related to love, relationship, and romance. This would help to reinforce your bond. Promise fulfilment would be essential for a married couple. There may be unanticipated legal expenses. It would be best if you took care of your health because it can result in unexpected costs. Religious practice can cost money. This month is ideal for investing in insurance policies or long-term investments. Heart-related health problems can be complex. Try to avoid needless arguments and discussions before going to bed. Ignorance or carelessness with diet can lead to serious health problems. This month, physical activity and meditation may be helpful for you in maintaining good health.

You are likely to face some difficult circumstances at work at the start of this month. This period would necessitate careful management of your corporate relations to achieve your company's goals and objectives. As the month progresses, you are most likely to receive some new opportunities. As the month draws to a close, you can feel a surge of renewed hope and vitality. This month's favourable planetary support would keep you upbeat about your finances. There would be some commitment strain, but you will have the resources to handle the issues. Gradually, there might be a new opportunity to focus on improving your financial prospects. The second half of the month may gradually lead you to economic growth. At the beginning of this month, you may experience some disturbances in your love life. As the month progresses, you may experience both positive and negative emotions. You have the option of selecting the appropriate solution. You are likely to experience love and intimacy in the latter half of this month. You are likely to have several fun times ahead of you. In the beginning, the planets of education may frustrate you. However, as the month progresses, your maturity and hard work would help you excel in your studies and exams. You should participate in creative pursuits in the latter half of the month to improve your concentration and academic performance to get good grades. Any mild annoyances or seasonal effects would be felt at the start of this month. About the middle of this month, your metabolism may be disrupted. Throughout the second half of the month, the energy levels would steadily increase.

Most of you are likely to have a good month. Because good times are on the way, and monetary benefits are guaranteed. During this month, you may explore various possibilities, but try to keep track of your expenditure and adjust your mindset. Furthermore, your love relationship may not be very beneficial this month because you are likely to have disagreements in your love life. On the bright side, your income may improve because you are likely to land a terrific business transaction during this time. The practice of being persistent and putting out hard work in your work may help you conquer all of life's problems. You may need to take care of both yourself and your family members. Avoid taking out-of-town trips during this month. Too many commitments would only lead to overstrain. Your married life can be a constant source of delight and impression, provided you have picked the correct companion. A strong desire to make decisions about your future may arouse the wrath of others, but this is your life, and you are the one who must live it. Unwarranted criticism, excessive concern, and dread most probably limit your sense of freedom and spontaneity. The aloofness of your coworkers would bore you. You require a lot of motivation and encouragement. Business-related short excursions would be beneficial to you. Separation from your family would be an unfamiliar experience for you. However, these changes are likely to make you more selfsufficient and confident in the face of life's challenges.

taurus ( 21st aprIl to 21st may )

cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July )

lIbra ( 23rd september to 22nd october )

caprIcorn ( 22nd december to 20th January ) leo ( 23rd July to 22nd august )

scorpIo ( 23rd october to 22nd november )

aQuarIus ( 21st January to 18th february ) gemInI ( 22nd may to 21st June )

vIrgo ( 23rd august to 22nd september )

sagIttarIus ( 23rd november to 21st december )

pIsces ( 19th february to 20th march )

You can expect to achieve success this month if you have a positive approach and take the initiative. Breaking down long-term tasks into smaller steps can yield expected results in your profession with Saturn's help. Don't be pushy in conversation, and pay close attention when mailing mail or making phone calls. Relationships with siblings and neighbours must be maintained. This month would be favourable for investing in real estate or other property-related matters. There may be overseas contact, as well as new foreign-related projects. This month would be an excellent month for marriage relationships. This month are likely to be filled with joy and quiet celebrations at home. Try to avoid making hateful statements about your relatives. Savings can be available, but healthrelated expenses or precautions would be incurred. Jupiter transit can provide religious upliftment, while Ketu transit can provide success in learning new things about your religion. Promotion may take some time. Therefore you must concentrate on your skills and be patient. The Sun transit indicates that a short distance travelling is in your cards related to your school and job. Mother's assistance and supervision shall ensure success. With Jupiter's blessings, your love life is likely to grow. Mars would exert some dominance over your marriage, so you should offer your life partner some room for breathing. You have a decent chance of being picked for further education in a foreign country. Success would come from creative arts and occult-related areas. Those of you studying medicine would be successful in your endeavours.

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