BikeBiz May 2021

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MAY 2021

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‘Are we, both asinan industry and as a ‘Electric vehicles, inin general, have proved ‘Electric vehicles, general, have proved ‘Electric vehicles, general, have proved country, in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical, accessible insufficiently practical, accessible insufficiently practical, accessible ororor opportunity to pass us by?’ affordable convert the masses’ affordable convert the masses’ affordable tototo convert the masses’

Editor Editor Editor Editor James Groves James Groves James Groves James Groves Senior staff writer Senior staff writer Senior staff writer Senior staff writer Rebecca Morley Rebecca Morley Rebecca Morley Rebecca Morley

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ACycling goldenas generation? as technology not Cycling as technology–––not not Cycling aaatechnology merely mode of transport merelyaaamode modeof oftransport transport merely Learning to ride a bike is a crucial rite of passage for any child. For the first time in our lives, we gain access to our own method of transport and all that comes with it:loves freedom, fun, exercise and independence. The be world The modern world loves evolving, exciting technologies, bebe The modern world loves tocelebrate celebrate evolving, exciting technologies, The modern world totocelebrate evolving, exciting technologies, our playground. itvirtual reality, driverless cars artificial intelligence These itvirtual virtual reality, driverless cars artificial intelligence awhole. whole. These itbecomes reality, driverless cars ororor artificial intelligence asasaasawhole. These Despitehowever, these benefits, theembryonic number ofwhen children owning or having access creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with that the creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with that of the creations, are purely compared with that ofofthe toelectric bikesmotor, has been declining forits several years (pre-COVID). Before the motor, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. electric motor, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. electric which celebrates 200th anniversary this year. pandemic hit, it wasamong estimated that 2% ofthese children cycle to school in the And while millions among flock tothese trendy technologies And while millions among flock tothese trendy technologies –Amazon’s Amazon’s And while millions ususus flock to trendy technologies – –Amazon’s UK. Compare that tothe amost rather inspiring 49% –of–mobility incontinues the Netherlands, Alexa stands out most notable example mobility continues Alexa stands out as the most notable example –children mobility torun run on Alexa stands out asasthe notable example continues totorun onon and you can see just how farinin the British approach to cycle advocacy dawdles fossil fuels. Electric vehicles, have proved insufficiently practical, fossil fuels. Electric vehicles, ingeneral, general, have proved insufficiently practical, fossil fuels. Electric vehicles, general, have proved insufficiently practical, behind itsorpeers. accessible oror affordable the masses. accessible affordable toconvert convert the masses. accessible affordable totoconvert the masses. Children require minimal encouragement to jump onprove their bikes, but Evolution iswell overdue, and the next will prove pivotal inin Evolution iswell well overdue, and the next 18months months will prove pivotal Evolution is overdue, and the next 1818months will pivotal in they need permission, and they need support. May editionOver seeks deciding just how efficiently those changes can bebe implemented. Over 100 deciding just how efficiently those changes can implemented. Over 100 deciding just how efficiently those changes can beOur implemented. 100 ofofof tothe highlight challenges and solutions incountries this key– –have specialist area, world’s biggest cities over pledged netthe world’s biggest cities –and and over countries –have have pledged toachieve achieve netthe world’s biggest cities – –and over 777777 countries pledged totowith achieve netexperts rangingGovernments from Cycle Sprog and Tandem Group Cycles to Little Rider zero emissions. Governments across the globe have imposed future bans on the zero emissions. Governments across the globe have imposed future bans on the zero emissions. across the globe have imposed future bans on the and Kiddimoto. sale ofdieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability sale ofdieseldieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability sale of and petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability Throughout the last are 14are months, we’ve witnessed remarkable bike sales their new ‘buzzword’ itching toaccelerate the trend as their new ‘buzzword’ are itching toaccelerate accelerate the trend awhole. whole. asastheir new ‘buzzword’ itching to the trend asasaasawhole. that could lay the groundwork for a factors golden age of cycling. as This evolution was one key launch our micromobility This evolution was one ofthe the key factors inthe the launch ofHowever, our micromobility This evolution was one ofofthe key factors inin the launch ofofour micromobility Karen Gee (p7) are we, both as challenges an industrylielie and as aitcountry, in platform, platform, MMB ,probes, in and while many challenges ahead, itisitismy hope platform, MMB , 2020, in2020, 2020, and while many challenges lie ahead, ismy my hope MMB , in and while many ahead, hope danger ofwill allowing this opportunity to pass usenters by? that 2021 will finally the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. that 2021 will finally the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. that 2021 finally bebebe the year that e-mobility the mainstream. the meantime, we hope you enjoy our technology-focused April edition the meantime, we hope you enjoy our technology-focused April edition InInIn the meantime, we hope you enjoy our technology-focused April edition ofBikeBiz ofofBikeBiz BikeBiz ! !!

James Groves Editor James Groves JamesGroves Groves James Editor Editor Editor

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21/04/2021 09:22

MAY 2021



Points of View Are we already forgetting lessons learned from COVID-19? By Karen Gee, founder and editor of Cycle Sprog

10 BikeBiz Awards: Bike Distributor of the Year Raleigh UK managing director Lee Kidger discusses the challenges of 2020 and the evolution of electrification

21 Filling the gap BikeBiz catches up with Max Bikes PR’s Keith Jepson to find out more about COREbike Online


22 How has the kids’ bike market changed in recent years? Rebecca Morley looks at the demand for children’s bikes and the effects of COVID-19

29 Inspiring the pros of the future Little Rider founder Mike Douglass talks collaboration, expansion and being purpose driven



Inspire, empower, motivate Rebecca Morley catches up with Women of Colour Cycling Collective chair Jenni Gwiazdowski

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21/04/2021 11:17


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Busy roads return: are we already forgetting lessons learned from COVID-19? By Karen Gee, founder and editor of family cycling website Cycle Sprog


s with everything that has unfolded in the past 14 months, there have been highs and lows in the world of family cycling. The highs have been wonderful, and we can only hope that they lead to a generation of children growing up loving cycling. The moment the Prime Minister announced cycling was allowed during the initial lockdown, sales of kids’ bikes went through the roof. The sun shone, the roads were quiet, and many families realised for the first time just how much fun can be had by getting everyone outside riding their bikes. Parents who had not previously had the time were able to teach their kids how to pedal, while those with younger children discovered the joys of bike seats, trailers and tagalongs. Many families even invested in cargo bikes, determined to reduce their reliance on public transport or motor vehicles, with reasons ranging from COVID safety and the environment to physical and mental wellbeing or family finances. Kids who love to race their bikes signed up for Zwift, entering the ever-expanding world of virtual cycling. Visitors to the Cycle Sprog website skyrocketed, and soon the main question being asked wasn’t: “Which is the best bike for my child?” but: “Help! Where can I find a bike for my child?” Membership of family cycling advice forums doubled almost overnight, as everyone wanted to know the best way to cycle with their children. Groups selling secondhand kids bikes came into their own as stock of new bikes dried up, and used bikes started changing hands for almost as much as new ones. Suddenly, families were

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cycling for the first time and discovering new routes from their own homes. With this came the realisation that it can be quicker, easier and more fun to cycle places without having to get into the car. There were a few months when everyone was agreed that more kids and families on bikes was a wonderful thing, and that they really must carry on cycling more once all of this was over. Boris Johnson even announced a “bold vision for cycling and walking” and it felt that we were on the cusp of a golden age. Things have moved on since those heady days. The joy of lockdown easing brought with it a return to busy roads. We are now faced with the possibility that as COVID-19 rates fall, cycling levels plummet too.

‘We are now faced with the possibility that as COVID-19 rates fall, cycling levels plummet too’ It would be such a shame for cycling to become a distant memory – but how do we ensure it is not just something people tell their grandkids they did during the COVID-19 pandemic? Access to bikes and other family cycling equipment is going to be crucial. Every kids’ bike retailer and manufacturer I’ve spoken to this year is saying the same thing – they just don’t have enough stock to meet demand. All are increasing their orders, but everyone is waiting on delivery and some are talking about 2023.

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Meanwhile, kids are going to keep growing so we can expect to see a continuing reliance on the secondhand market. Finance and long-term lease options that allow the cost of kids bikes to be spread also help families struggling with the financial fallout of the pandemic. The supply issues caused by the pandemic plus the added costs brought about by Brexit have also pushed prices up. The added financial and administrative burdens are being felt hardest by smaller businesses, who make up a vital part of the family cycling landscape.

‘We desperately need to see more role models from all communities cycling’ But they also mean that many kids bikes are costing significantly more now than 14 months ago. This further increases the inequality between those affluent families whose income did not nosedive in the past year and those hit hardest by the financial fallout of the pandemic. The former can afford a new bike for their child whilst struggling families find themselves priced out of a sellers’ market and unable to meet the financial credit checks to lease a bike. Kids’ bike recycling and refurbishing schemes plus the growing network of local family cycling lending libraries will continue to play an important part in keeping families cycling. There are also considerations about access to cycle skills training plus bike security and storage (certain housing types make it easier to securely store bikes and family cycling equipment). We desperately need to see more role models from all communities cycling, both for the school run and for pleasure. Plus, families need good quality advice on how to get out there riding with children of all ages. Retailers can help with this by understanding the range of equipment needed to cycle with smaller children and providing advice on how to fit it to a parent’s bike. All this is crucial, but when I recently asked readers of Cycle Sprog what they most need help with, many of the answers were about finding safe routes to ride with their children, away from fast-moving and close passing traffic.

8 | May 2021

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Despite the promised new golden age of cycling that Gear Change and the Cycle Infrastructure Design – Local Transport Note 1/20 heralded, there has been precious little evidence of this on the ground, especially outside the major cities. Some neighbourhoods that have been lucky enough to get funding via the 2020 Active Travel Fund have become battlegrounds between motorists and cyclists. Progressive councils who have embraced the concept of School Streets fill their social media feeds with pictures of children walking, cycling and scooting to school. Elsewhere, schools have had to close their bike sheds due to social distancing protocols, and there was the wellpublicised removal of temporary bike lanes on Kensington High Street and Upper Shoreham Road leaving children unable to cycle safely to school. As each month passes, it feels more like a postcode lottery as to which families can carry on cycling. With funding for infrastructure determined by potential usage levels, urban areas usually triumph over smaller towns and rural areas. Within the urban areas, battle lines are drawn between those living in areas with LTNs and School Streets and those outside. Obviously, the real solution is to take the Dutch approach and build well-designed infrastructure everywhere, but that seems an unlikely outcome in the short term. While we wait, the focus must remain on providing access to good quality kids bikes and family cycling equipment for all, advice for families on how and where to cycle and the ongoing campaigns to make our streets safer for everyone to cycle. n

21/04/2021 11:20

Where are you? It’s been hours Are you ok?




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21/04/2021 09:23


BikeBiz Awards 2020: Bike Distributor of the Year Raleigh UK managing director Lee Kidger talks 2020’s challenges, the evolution of electrification and what it means to win Bike Distributor of the Year

2020 presented some challenges for the cycling industry – how did Raleigh adapt, and how were dealers supported in this time? I think it goes without saying that 2020 was probably one of the most challenging for the cycling industry, and probably in general. Raleigh took decisive action very quickly, protecting our employees by moving to a working from home situation before the Government introduced lockdown measures. It was challenging for retailers also; some closed and some moved to an appointment only basis. Raleigh enhanced its online capabilities quicker and supported our retail partners by offering enhanced commissions for home delivery, even if our retail partners had chosen to close during the first lockdown. More customers were researching online, and we felt this was important.

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We also moved quickly, once it was clear that cycling was going to benefit, to procure as many bicycles as possible. Being part of Accell Group was great as it meant we could move stock around Europe to support areas that were able to sell bikes to consumers, which the UK and Ireland benefited from. Are there any brands/products in your portfolio that have performed better than others in recent months, and if so, what do you attribute this to? Recently, and it’s no secret, the evolution of the electrification of the bicycle has been phenomenal. Market data has the e-bike sector at close to 100% growth (in value) and the Raleigh business (with Raleigh, Haibike and Lapierre within the portfolio) has been successful.

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It is across all categories too; the e-leisure sector continues to grow for Raleigh as well as the e-MTB sector for both Haibike and Lapierre. In particular, the All MTN 6, 7 and SE models from Haibike have been incredibly popular. Cargo bikes, although in its infancy, is a very exciting sector both from a commercial last mile delivery solution and the family cargo sector. I firmly believe that the Government’s investment in infrastructure and education will further develop this market in years to come. Raleigh has some exciting e-cargo additions launching to market very soon. It hasn’t gone unnoticed that the conventional bicycle has had a bit of a resurgence. Whether it’s the brand awareness of Raleigh to the ‘non-cyclist’ or campaigns such as #BikeIsBest really engaging with consumers on the benefits of cycling. Whilst we may see a slight relaxation of lockdown rules and reopening of gyms etc., I still firmly believe that cycling will continue an upwards trend. Raleigh won Bike Distributor of the Year at the 2020 BikeBiz Awards – what did it mean to win? It’s an honour to win such an award and showcases the years of change the Raleigh UK business has been through. Credit must go to every employee at Raleigh UK, plus our loyal partners who have put their trust in the brands and the direction we have taken. Of course, to have amazing bikes really helps and the depth of portfolio across Raleigh, Haibike and Lapierre takes some beating. What are your expectations for the year ahead, both for the business and the industry? The market has phenomenal consumer demand and although we cannot fully understand the true demand, it is going to be challenging for supply to take advantage of all this demand. I believe the bicycle industry is at a crossroads, with the Government investments this really is a one in a lifetime opportunity, however we must seize on this fast. Temporary measures are great, but they must be made permanent. The electric bike market is a big enabler for people to cycle, the market data shows the growth in this sector. However, it is not the only sector of the bicycle industry that has potential to grow. Look at our European counterparts such as the Netherlands or Germany – cycling is a way of life, used for both leisure and transport. For us to capitalise on this we must engage with not just cyclists, but everybody to further explain the physical, economical and mental benefits of cycling. n

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May 2021 | 11

21/04/2021 11:34

APPOINTMENTS This month’s movers and shakers throughout the cycle industry...

Kevin Burton, Ison Distribution

Scott Hillyard, Beeline

Kevin Burton has joined Ison Distribution in the role of sales manager. Burton has been involved with sales and marketing within the bicycle industry for more than 20 years and brings with him a wealth of experience to further assist Ison Distribution in delivering the “best possible service and products to our customers”. He is a keen cyclist with a wide interest across all aspects of cycling, both on and off-road, which all started with BMX as a teenager. Burton will be based at the Ison Distribution HQ in Ely, Cambs. n

Beeline has appointed Scott Hillyard as head of retail partnerships. He joins Beeline with over 35 years of experience in the cycling industry, having recently led the sales teams at Pure Electric, Silverfish and 2×2. He will lead Beeline’s global retail partnerships as it continues expanding across Europe and other key markets. “I’m delighted to have joined, especially at such an exciting time for the industry,” said Hillyard. “A small silver lining of the past year has been society’s rediscovery of the benefits of cycling as a form of transport for short journeys, exercise as well as reducing congestion and pollution. “I will have the privilege of building on the solid foundations the Beeline team have laid as we not only grow in the UK but look to partner across Europe and the rest of the world. It’s a hugely talented team at Beeline so whilst quality and value are key, innovation drives the business forward – look out for some exciting developments coming soon!” n

Tom Foy, Shift Active Media

Nick Rennie, Scottish Cycling

Shift Active Media has welcomed Tom Foy to its team in the newly-created head of PR role. “I have been following the rapid growth of Shift for some time, so when the opportunity arose to join the leadership team it felt like a natural next step,” he said. “One of the most exciting aspects of the role is the potential to integrate with the agency’s industry-leading expertise across content, creative and strategy to deliver highly impactful, insight-led PR that truly connects clients with their audiences. “With a deep-rooted passion for bikes, I’m greatly looking forward to joining the group and playing a role in its continued rise at the forefront of cycling communications.” Foy will be joining a team of five other PR professionals who support a large range of brands in the industry spanning MTB, road, triathlon and urban/commuter cycling – delivering press office, product launches, event activation and influencer marketing on a global scale. n

Nick Rennie has been appointed as Scottish Cycling’s new chief executive officer. He joins from Scottish Curling, where he is head of development, responsible for the sport’s strategic leadership and development. Scottish Cycling will be able to draw on his wealth of experience in the sports sector, with Rennie having worked with a number of sports’ governing bodies and partner organisations in both development and performance areas. “I am very excited to be joining such a progressive organisation and I am looking forward to working with the board, staff and cycling community to build on the strong foundations already in place, as we develop a nation of cyclists,” said Rennie. “A key focus will be to capitalise on the increased interest and numbers of people cycling in Scotland over the past year as a result of the pandemic, and working closely with the range of partner organisations in this area, to ensure everyone has the opportunity to ride a bike and realise their full potential.” n

12 | May 2021

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Edwin Koopmans and Paul van Holst, enviolo enviolo has welcomed Edwin Koopmans and Paul van Holst to the business development team. The new hires come after the company reached a ‘recordbreaking’ revenue growth in 2020. Both Koopmans and Van Holst joined enviolo at the beginning of March and both have over 18 years of experience in the bicycle industry. Koopmans started his career at AGU as product and sales manager. After 7.5 years, he continued his career at Shimano and FFWD. “I wanted to pursue my career in e-mobility because I believe that there is a very interesting future for e-bikes and electric commutes,” he said. “With my experience in optimising OE processes and strengthening long term partnerships, I hope to contribute to enviolo’s further growth.” During his time at AGU, Koopmans met Van Holst and worked together on numerous projects. Van Holst joined Cube in 2003 and established the company in the UK and Benelux.

After Cube, Van Holst joined Bike2Build as managing director and continued his ten-year career at AGU as an international business development manager. “My broad experience in the mobility market will enable enviolo growth in the bicycle as a service segment,” he said. “Not only am I passionate about bikes and cycling, but I believe that if we want to live a ‘car light lifestyle’ that the mobility alternatives need to be good. enviolo equipped bikes are known for their quality and endurance and I’m very happy to help grow the premium e-bike segment.” n

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May 2021 | 13

21/04/2021 11:46

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17/11/2020 15:47


Getting back up and running safely after business closure

Following the lifting of the UK’s third lockdown, the ACT has released further guidance for bike shops that are now reopening after making the difficult decision to shut up shop in the interests of safety for themselves, their employees and their customers. Since closure, it may now be difficult to know how to safely reopen in a way that satisfies all safety requirements...

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t is critical to point out that outside of the recommendations below, it is the responsibility of each business to decide the most appropriate methods to implement social distancing and other COVID-19 control measures in their business. The business leader must maintain an open dialogue with colleagues to reassure and discuss any concerns with the safety of their role. First and foremost, please consider your own safety and the safety of your staff before choosing to reopen. The Government has recently issued guidance to help businesses in the UK get back up and running and workplaces operating as safely as possible. The guidance is broken down according to type of workplace rather than sector, with specific guidance relevant to bicycle shops being summarised alongside the ACT issued guidance below. The full Government guidance on working safely during COVID-19 in shops and branches can be found here. Workforce management Create distinct groups of workers to minimise the number of contacts each colleague has. Minimise person-to-person contact during deliveries and minimise contact during exchange of documentation. Clearly communicate changes in workplace policies and procedures, avoiding face-to-face interactions where possible. It may be an idea to adapt the way your business operates to reduce contact with customers further, while still providing essential services. This could be done by continuing business with reduced in-store staff by: – Managing the retail side of your business online, with customers buying through your website and collecting in store. – Managing the workshop side of your business on an appointment-only basis. – Delivering and collecting bicycles to and from customers’ homes. More information of how to do this can be found in the Operational Advice for Mobile Mechanics. Social distancing at work A distance of two metres should be kept between all staff and customers at all times. Social distancing should also be implemented when receiving and handing bikes over as part of a repair or service – it might be an idea to exchange bikes outside where possible, as well as wiping bikes down with antibacterial wipes or spray after being handled. Outside the store Limit the number of customers in the store at any time. The layout and size of the store will dictate how many customers you will be able to have in store at any one time.

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– For small shops who may only be able to accommodate one to two customers in-store, a one in one out rule should be implemented. This will likely involve outside queueing. – Consider having separate entrance and exit points if possible. We recognise that for many shops this will not be practical but if it is possible please do so. – Use one staff member to manage queues outside (if available) and to explain the social distancing requirements and control the number of customers entering the store at any one time. – Place clear signage outside of the store explaining the social distancing measures in place that customers should follow. – Liaise with neighbouring stores/shopping centre management to ensure that your queuing systems operate effectively and, where practical, implement shared queuing areas. – Place markings outside the store to assist in queue spacing. – Encourage customers to shop alone wherever possible. Please bear in mind that this is not always possible especially for customers with children, disabilities etc.

‘The business leader must maintain an open dialogue with colleagues to reassure and discuss any concerns with the safety of their role’ Inside the store – Provide cleaning options at front of store and on the counter. This could be hand sanitiser, disinfectant wipes or other options. – Increase the amount of cleansing of the shop. The retail areas and workshops of your shop, especially all contact points such as doors, handles and surfaces, should be cleaned regularly and after every time they are touched. – Use floor markings inside to facilitate compliance with the social distancing advice of two metres, particularly in the most crowded areas and where queueing is likely (this may not be necessary if only one person is allowed in the store at any one time). – Place clear signage throughout the store reminding customers of the social distancing measures and asking them to follow these rules. – Ensure aisles can accommodate two metres social distancing (if this cannot be accommodated you will need to put in place a one in and one out rule). – Larger stores should implement one-way systems using floor markings and signage.

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– Leave non-essential doors open to minimise the number of people who touch them. – Try and keep to contactless payments where possible. Card contactless payments can be made for transactions up to £30 or £45 depending on your terminal provider. There is no limit on phone payment apps such as Apple Pay or Google Pay. The ACT has provided a poster that retailers can print out to put on display in their stores. – If you have a customer toilet, we suggest these should be shut. Inbound and outbound goods – Consider whether the frequency of deliveries can be reduced by ordering in larger quantities less often. – Where possible, have a single colleague load or unload vehicles or use consistent pairs of colleagues. – Try to implement non-contact stock deliveries by encouraging drivers to stay in vehicles during the exchange of goods. – Schedule deliveries if possible to avoid crowding. If they can be outside of opening hours this is beneficial. – Deliveries should be via a back door where possible. Messages for customers and those looking to cycle It is important that customers are aware of the measures you are

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putting in place so that they can follow them. – Inform your customers of updates and the measures in place. You should contact your customers, either via email or through your social media channels, of the measures you have in place regarding social distancing. It is also worth updating them on opening times if these are different to usual. – Put up signage in key places. If you put in place any measures that prevent people just walking in, as suggested above, then it’s a good idea to put a poster on the front door making customers aware of this. Customers looking to use their bikes during this period should be responsible. – Encourage customers to cycle responsibly. This includes only cycling when travelling to and from work, to shop for necessities, to exercise or to travel to an outdoor space. – Remind your customers not to cycle in groups. Everyone should be avoiding social gatherings, and this includes group rides. If using cycling to exercise or to travel to an outdoor space, this should be done either alone, with those you live with or with only one other person from another household. If choosing to ride with one other person from another household, then a two metre distance should be kept between each other as a minimum at all times.

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ACT Implementation of a workplace testing programme The Government has produced guidance for employers which should be taken into account before testing is implemented. It advises employers to: – Consider the scope of any testing programme, including who will be tested, frequency of testing, arrangements for individuals who refuse to be tested and how test results will be used. – Think about how they intend to communicate with staff about the testing programme. Employers are “strongly advised” to consult with staff associations or unions before implementing any policy. – Be aware of their data protection obligations in processing data and how they will communicate to staff how personal data will be used. The guidance advises that any individual identified as a contact through such an internal system (as opposed to NHS Test and Trace) will not qualify for SSP but instead should be allowed to work from home if possible. Where that is not possible, the guidance advises that individuals may be entitled to full pay unless their employment contract provides otherwise. Other issues you will need to consider are whether you will operate an internal tracing system to identify those during their employment who may have come into contact with an employee who has tested positive as a result of the testing programme. Home testing The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) recently announced that home testing for COVID-19 has been expanded to businesses with over ten employees.

From 6th April, the workplace testing programme will supply home test kits to companies with over ten employees where it is not possible to set up testing on-site, due to a lack of space or because companies operate across multiple sites. Home testing kits will be picked up by staff from their employer with clear instructions about how to take the test. Staff will then complete the home test in the normal way, before reporting their results to the NHS using the provided address. Employers with fewer than ten people are currently being encouraged to access regular testing through the community testing programme, now offered by all local authorities in England. Let the UK know that you are open An online map and postcode search facility at openbikeshops. uk has been set up to highlight bicycle shops which remain open during the COVID-19 outbreak. It enables key workers and others who need their bikes fixed for essential journeys, or for exercise, to quickly locate retailers and repairers who are open for business. Some retailers will have decided to open by appointment-only, or workshop-only, or perhaps on a deliveriesonly basis. The exact extent of opening will be clearly indicated, so that customers are fully informed. This service is completely free of charge for all retailers, irrespective of ACT membership. Retailers are encouraged to confirm their opening status ASAP at This process is very quick and easy: most shops will find their contact details etc. are auto completed when they enter their postcode. Opening status can be easily revised later if circumstances change. n

Home testing for COVID-19 has been expanded to businesses with over ten employees

18 | May 2021

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21/04/2021 09:48

The world’s first Air Wearables company. Facemasks designed from the inside out, focused on efficacy, wearability, breathability and comfort.

Now distributed by Madison Available to order now on Madison B2B, or speak to your local Madison sales agent for more information

BB-MAY21-MADISON.indd 1 Airpop BikeBiz 210 x 265mm.indd 1

14/04/2021 13/04/2021 09:47 09:58


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17/12/2020 09:41


Filling the gap COREbike recently launched COREbike Online – allowing exhibitors to promote their latest product videos on a digital platform. BikeBiz catches up with Max Bikes PR’s Keith Jepson to find out more Tell us about COREbike Online and how it came about. It’s very difficult to host physical events at the moment and of course, COREbike the show didn’t happen in 2021 because of the pandemic. The CORE group or event owners wanted to create a digital showcase for the event and brands involved, a website that reflects the COREbike ethos and the values of the event. The COREbike organisers wanted to create a platform that brings the latest products to dealers throughout the entire calendar year and not just for the short period of the event. COREbike Online allows exhibitors to promote their brand, product, lifestyle and athlete videos and news in an accessible and easy-to-use way. The website will be regularly updated with fresh content from all the CORE exhibitors.

wanted to create a website that both dealers and consumers can use. In this digital age, we think it’s essential to have an online presence and we wanted it to be open and accessible. This is the first COREbike service open to the end consumer, so we shall see where and how it goes? That said, it is great to engage with the rider!

What does the website hope to achieve/ what is its ethos? The ethos of the website is to take the event out of the conference hotel and create a resource where dealers can access product news, launches and information throughout the year. The videos can also be viewed by the general public, which is a departure for the COREbike family. Unique content has been created for the website by many of the exhibitors, reflecting the personable and engaging relationship that COREbike has with the UK market. We are hoping to return to Whittlebury Hall in January 2022 for a physical event if the pandemic allows, but in the meantime we are proud and delighted to have a website that reflects the show and brings the COREbike values to both trade and consumers every day!

If you are a COREbike exhibitor and have not been involved in the website so far, please drop Keith Jepson a line via n

What place do you think digital platforms like this will have when physical events return? Ideally the digital platform will work alongside the physical event. We love to host the event, but it’s also great to keep the COREbike brands and values in front of both the dealers and consumers all year… and not just at the time of the event.

What else do you have planned for it? We plan to continue growing the site with refreshed content, particularly with new product launches and lifestyle videos which really show the benefits of products, showing them in use and truly aspirational. Videos will be constantly updated as we hope to make the website an amazing resource for both new products and historical products as we move forward. Visitors to the site can search for videos by genre, product or supplier, giving easy to navigate access to creative, informative and interesting videos. What is the significance of the website being available to the consumer as well as the trade? This is a new departure for the COREbike group, but we simply


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How has the kids’ bike market changed in recent years? Rebecca Morley looks at the demand for children’s bikes and the impact of COVID-19


he COVID-19 pandemic has seen many families rediscover the joys of cycling, taking advantage of quieter roads to travel by bike and keep fit while also remaining socially distanced. And the Government has been encouraging everyone to walk or cycle where possible, with transport secretary Grant Shapps recently announcing £18 million for cycle training across the country to ensure children and their families have the confidence to choose active travel. The funding, which is managed by The Bikeability Trust charity, will go toward delivering high-quality, practical, on-road cycle training as a modern-day equivalent of the ‘Cycling Proficiency’ scheme. The timing of this announcement is particularly welcome now as industry data gathered by the Bicycle Association has shown that in the second quarter of 2020, the number of children’s bikes sold was 35% higher than in recent years, and across the year just over one million children’s bikes were sold.

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But while this uplift is certainly encouraging, how has the kids’ bike market changed over recent years – and what can we expect to see moving forward? “The kids’ bike market has always been a reliable category for the industry with quite predictable seasonal demand, and with one of the most comprehensive kids bike ranges in the UK, if not world, it’s always been an important focus for us at Tandem Group Cycles,” says Gary Conway, senior product and marketing manager. “There have been some ups and downs in recent years with younger generations paying more attention to the latest games consoles and mobile phones at Christmas time, but the demand for kids’ bikes in general has remained promising. We continually review all of our ranges for any areas of development, but don’t rigidly stick to releasing new models/ updates for every range, every year as it’s not necessary. “We also find this helps our stockists range plan better and not have the imminent deadline of their stock

21/04/2021 12:29


becoming obsolete and with that, the expectation from consumers of getting a discount.” More and more parents are also realising the benefits of buying their children better quality, lighter weight bikes, Conway continues. “Our Squish range has seen significant growth and received nothing but positive feedback from our stockists and consumers alike. “Paying that bit more for lightweight, well fitted, easy to use bikes allows children to learn to cycle quicker and enjoy it more. And kids tend to give up on things they don’t enjoy quite quickly! Also, the long term cost of buying a quality Squish bike often ends up being less than you think due to their second hand value.” Whirlwind year The last 12 months have been ‘somewhat of a whirlwind’, continues Conway. “When the pandemic began, no one was really sure how it would affect our business, but it very quickly became apparent that it would inject a new lease of life into the industry as a whole. “Our team very quickly adapted to remote working and worked tirelessly to ensure that any localised lockdowns in our supplying countries had as minimal effect on our supply as possible. But nothing could have prepared us – or any bike brand you speak to – for the global spike in demand we saw throughout the entirety of Q2 to Q4 2020. “Our business has continued to adapt by planning production for more bikes, much further in advance than ever, to try and regain control over the stock availability our customers rightly expect. We’re also seeing our stockists adapt in the way of forward ordering larger stock commitments. “The luxury of ‘next-day’ delivery was something many stores have understandably relied on for a long time now, but I’d say 2020 and 2021 will encourage IBDs to hold more stock on their own premises which is a great way to help the bike industry continue to grow; consumers will have easier access to stock and the UK will have more capacity to hold bikes ready to buy as opposed to when it relies primarily on a handful of distributors warehousing. “We of course expect the COVID-19 ‘bike boom’ to level out at some point. But when it does we’re certain that the new ‘normal’ will be significantly higher than pre-COVID and that it will leave a lasting positive impact on cycling. So our expectations for the future are very positive!”

connecting urban areas, schools and workplaces was vital, and remains so today, for a healthy cycling future. Getting kids on bikes is never the problem, it’s keeping them safe while they’re on them. “Fast-forward to 2020, the coronavirus pandemic shook the world, led us into lockdown, and the streets fell silent. During this time, the cycling community saw hundreds of towns and cities reconfigure their streets to support social distancing and make walking and cycling easier. “According to the European Cyclists’ Federation, in 2020 Europe’s cities spent €1 billion on COVID-related cycling measures and saw the introduction of around 600 miles of new cycle lanes, traffic-calming measures and car-free streets. “No one could’ve foreseen what was about to happen, but as we come out of lockdown I hope the legacy will remain, the cycling renaissance thrives and more families continue to fall in love with biking riding.”

Cycling renaissance Back in 2017, the Bicycle Association stated the importance of the early years stage age was to nurturing a lifelong love of cycling, and reminding families that cycling is fun and crucially safe, explains Simon Booth, founder at Kiddimoto. “Indeed, it recognised a sustained investment in cycling networks

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Power of play A 2021 paper by Professor Helen Dodd states that adventurous play provides a great antidote to anxiety, continues Booth. “These findings serve to underpin the Kiddimoto ethos. As a dedicated toddler balance bike specialist, toddler adventures are the cornerstone of our approach and view play as pivotal in child physical, emotional and cognitive development. “With the nation’s children navigating these tricky times, learning to ride a bike and cycling can provide the perfect outlet that promotes instinctive child-led play where excitement, thrill and fear is experienced through nonthreatening play. The importance here being that through this type of play, kids learn to better process and cope with feelings of uncertainty and fear.” During the pandemic, parents have refocused and actively sought out shared experiences like bike riding, says Booth. “They’ve been reminded of the value in their own internal curiosity and the power of trying something new or reconnecting with a pastime long since banished to the back of the garage. “As a keen cyclist, I know ‘mucking about’ on bikes isn’t just be for kids, but it does allow children, especially toddlers, the opportunity to not only explore the world but see parents and siblings having fun together, serving as a reassuring reminder that everything is ok – all through the power of play.”

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Love of cycling Booth hopes the UK cycling boom of 2020 will serve as a step-change for the sector for years to come. Cycling enabled key workers to travel safely, he says, and provided an accessible way for the population to stay fit and sane during lockdowns. “According to a Sport England survey, cycling rose from 16.5% to 18% during lockdown – that equates to an extra million cyclists on the road, and London alone installed or commenced work on 62 miles of cycle routes since the start of the pandemic. To this end, the opportunity exists for Kiddimoto to strive and encourage families to nurture a love of cycling in these crucial early years. “Indeed, we approach everything we do from a holistic child development perspective – helping to develop the whole child – physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively – to lay the foundations for a healthy and happy life and to help each child reach their full potential. “It is our responsibility to get children not just cycling, but love cycling. What’s more, with sustainability evermore in our minds, we don’t cost the earth either – figuratively and literally. “We aim to be both pocket and planet friendly in everything we do. We make excellent value, expertly made bikes that are designed specifically to be light enough for a toddler to lift and manoeuvre and for parents to chuck over their shoulder.” n

21/04/2021 12:29


16/04/2021 13:42



digiBike* 2021 round-up Rebecca Morley reports from Madison and Sportline’s online digiBike* trade show


ollowing on from a year of COVID-related postponements and cancellations, it seems that 2021 is still seeing many events go online in response to ongoing restrictions. This year’s iceBike* went virtual in the form of digiBike* – a four-day digital showcase which took place from Monday 29th March to Thursday 1st April. The show included video presentations with brand suppliers, Madison and Sportline brand managers and industry experts. There was a live chat functionality where sales agents, customer care, brand and management teams were on hand to answer questions and queries. 1,184 dealers signed up to event, and Monday saw 420 dealers live on the site. There were 304 live chats, with the most chatty departments being customer care, sales, product promoters and brand. The most visited pages were offers, webinars, brand and news, and the most visited brand pages were Dynaplug, DT Swiss, Genesis, Lazer, Garmin, Park Tool, Shimano MTB, Finish Line, Maxxis, Fist handwear, Vittoria, Madison Clothing, Shimano GRX, Shimano STEPS and Elite. AirPop, which Madison is now distributing, also made its debut at digiBike*. “We were really pleased with how digiBike* went,” said CEO Dominic Langan. “The site was easy to navigate and we have received some really positive feedback from our customers. “Hopefully iceBike* will be back in 2022 but we will definitely be using our digiBike* platform for future brand or key product/ range launches, especially when they fall at times of the year when stores are busiest and it is difficult to get away from the store to attend an event. “I am particularly proud of what we achieved in quite difficult circumstances and I believe we created some really great content across all our brands as well as some really informative webinars. “We are all adapting to our new circumstances but business still needs to go on and with digiBike*, we wanted to keep communicating with our customers and

stay connected with them and just try to make it as close to iceBike* as we could but virtually. “We are further developing the platform right now, so it will be an even better customer experience next time we use it, which I hope will be quite soon.” The event also saw a line-up of seminars, which could be viewed at leisure on the website. With the Live Chat functionality, dealers were also able to ask questions on the seminar topics. The most viewed seminars were CEO Dom’s welcome, Freewheel, Offers, Park Tool, Velorim, Top 5 B2B tips and BA’s Brexit. The Velorim seminar saw Dave Hawthorn explain the National Bicycle Tyre Recycling Scheme, which launched in September 2020. Hawthorn said it is important that as many stores, workshops, hire schemes and charities as possible participate. The greater the volume of material, the more sustainable it all becomes. “This scale of national recycling doesn’t come cheap,” Hawthorn continued. “In line with the Government policy, the cost of the scheme is to be borne not by the trade but by the consumer, through means of a recycling levy. Applying the recommended fee against every scrap tyre and inner tube received means the scheme will be net zero cost to participating businesses.

Madison recently announced a new distribution agreement with AirPop, with the brand making its debut at digiBike*

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“In fact, they’re likely to save money, compared to their current waste disposal costs. The stores who took part in the initial trials have been applying the recycling levy for several months with no discernible pushback from consumers at all. Indeed, there have been reports that the consumer reaction has been somewhat positive. “The initial trials have concluded and the scheme is now open for every bike shop, workshop, mobile mechanic, hire scheme and bicycle charity in England, Scotland and Wales. Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are expected to follow later in the year.” The Bicycle Association’s (BA) head of market data operations Tom Payton presented a webinar on market trends and behaviours, revealing that industry sales increased by 60% between April and September 2020. Retailers saw an influx of new, first-time customers, some reporting a new-to-existing customer ratio higher than 70%-30%. Bike volume sales increased year-on-year by 35% and value by 62% between April and September 2020. PACs also took off, with unit sales up 28% and value up 48%. COVID-19 also ‘turbocharged’ the e-bike trend, with a 92% year-on-year rise in the number of units sold and a value increase of 118% between April and September. One big talking point, continued Payton, and probably one that we don’t know the full extent of yet until we move out of the phase of COVID-19, is the sale shift between online and in-store. “During April, there was a massive shift to online. The in-store shopping slowly recovered as the year went on, with it returning to a 42% shift towards in-store sales around the September period. “There’s no question that during the whole of the 2020 period, sales definitely shifted towards online as consumers were either in lockdown and therefore couldn’t venture out or preferred shopping online for their own safety.” Mark O’Dolan spoke about visual merchandising, looking at what the customer wants. “There are three things, one: experience, two: give me some information about the product, tell me what I think I know is correct or have I got it wrong, and three, simply banter. “Windows are critical in any retail business, no matter what kind of retail business you are,” continued O’Dolan. “If your message isn’t clear and clean and fun, they will walk past. It needs to change on a weekly basis, and it might have nothing to do with your particular product range, it has to be something that makes them stop and think that’s different, and maybe entice them into the shop. “A second point when they come into the shop is they’ve got to see something exciting. That could be lighting that’s at the back of the shop and looks interesting that’s focused on a particular range. It could be clever product positioning, that the product at the front of the shop is exciting and new.

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“The third thing is the marketing side, the point of sale, where there’s a message there that makes me want to go in and have a look and read it. And the fourth thing is the traffic, the navigation around the shop. “But whatever it is, it needs to be thought through, and it shouldn’t be the same old same old. We need to look at our shops, and think every week or every two weeks that we should be changing them.” n

May 2021 | 27

21/04/2021 14:04

Scorpion™ mountain bike tyres | XC Trail Enduro EMTB The new Pirelli Scorpion™ mountain bike range is here! Available in XC, Trail, Enduro and EMTB versions and with a choice of Soft, Mixed, Hard and Rear-specific tread patterns, there’s a tyre to match every type of riding offering uncompromised performance. Featuring the innovative smartGRIP compound, Scorpion™ mountain bike tyres offer consistent chemical grip throughout the lifespan of the tyre and give unparalleled puncture protection from the ProWALL, HardWALL and HyperWALL™ technology. | Exclusively distributed in the UK and Ireland by

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20/04/2021 15:07


Inspiring the pros of the future Little Rider founder Mike Douglass talks collaboration, expansion and being purpose driven Can you give us a little background on Little Rider Co? We started looking for a brand when our first son started to get into balance bikes and racing. There are lots of great kids’ bike brands out there, but we really struggled to find quality tech wear and protection for the little ones. A lot of the mainstream brands don’t cater well for ages 2-14, and the brands that do were just not what we were looking for in a brand. We wanted to build a brand with a mission; to get more kids on bikes and get them looking like pros. We launched in 2019 with our hero product being our technical jersey, but have expanded into technical shorts, gloves, pants and apparel. We now have over 100,000 little riders across the globe and rapidly growing. You can get a feel our brand, mission and Little Rider Army over at and

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What makes Little Rider unique? Our main strength is that we are purpose-driven. We treat ourselves as a media brand, and everything we do is to support our mission of getting more little riders riding and inspiring the pros of the future. Whether that be high-quality products, collabs with like minded brands or online content to support our community. A lot of the bigger brands don’t invest enough in the age range we support, and as mentioned the ones that do fall short on quality or brand. Another focus for us is our style and brand appeal. We are inspired by brands like Troy Lee, Hoonigan, Oakley etc., and we find it’s the Little Riders parents that relate to this and want their kids to look and feel the part. We find that when the little riders feel confident, it boosts their enthusiasm for riding and progression.

May 2021 | 29

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What impact has COVID-19 had on Little Rider Co? It’s been a tough 12 plus months for everyone, for varying reasons. However, to take a positive slant we have seen a boom in cycling too with more kids getting onto bikes which has to be good. There have been challenges across the board in terms of getting stock into the country, and shipping to customers in Q4 during ‘shipagedon’ was a challenge, but all part of the game. We see light at the end of the tunnel with summer coming, and hope everyone is moving to a safer place with lots more bike time. What are your more recent product developments? We have recently launched our Little Rider technical glove range to complement our jerseys. These have been a great success – we saw a massive need for a better quality glove, for the really small fingers. What are your plans for 2021 and beyond? We have a lot we want to achieve in 2021/22 – where to start! We are working on expanding our tech jersey range, we want to do a jersey release each quarter. We are working hard to expand the product range, and aiming to release a protection range for the little riders this year – we feel safety gear is another underserved area for ages 2-14. Another big focus is our collab programme – we want to work with more awesome brands, teams and pros to get kids cycling to the next level. n

Tell us about your brand collaborations. We have a saying: ‘We don’t do custom, we do collabs’. We are really excited about our Little Rider Collab Programme. We allow other brands, teams and pros to leverage the Little Rider Co brand and network by creating unique co-branded products and campaigns. We work with people that are aligned with our mission in supporting kids cycling. We find a lot of the cool brands and bike companies out there that make quality bikes or gear don’t want the headache of designing and manufacturing technical bike wear for kids. That’s where we come in. We work with the brand to align concepts, and give the brands access to a technical wear portfolio that is great for their social media, campaigns or upsell products to their existing business. We have worked with great brands like Prevelo Bikes, GT Malverns Classic, Hornit Bikes and VPACE. We are just about to launch a collab jersey with BMX legend Bob Haro (founder of Haro Bikes and Freestyle BMX) which we are really excited about! You can read more about our collab programme on the Little Rider Co website.

30 | May 2021

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20/04/2021 15:21




The three perfectly-matched eSTOP components will bring even heavy e-bikes safely to a standstill. The stiffened MDR brake discs also reduce brake noise, making the MT eSTOP even more comfortable and reliable for riders. Available as MT4 eSTOP for City / Trekking and MT5 eSTOP for E-MTBs.

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05/01/2021 14:52



Inspire, empower, motivate The Women of Colour Cycling Collective is on a mission to inspire, empower and motivate women of colour to cycle. Rebecca Morley catches up with chair Jenni Gwiazdowski to find out more


ycling’s diversity issue is well-known – whether it’s out on the roads or at industry events, most riders are white, middle-aged and male. This is why a new charity, the Women of Colour Cycling Collective (WCCC), has recently launched – aiming to actively help and promote women of colour to cycle. The board’s chair, Jenni Gwiazdowski, first founded the informal group with Jools Walker in 2018, with initial meetups being grassroots social evenings at Look Mum No Hands cycling cafe in London. “We chose a Monday evening and just put the word out,” explains Gwiazdowski. “We were surprised because people actually came – we had about 15 people. I think one person even came down from Birmingham. It was a really nice surprise and we decided to do it once a month and make it a social thing. We didn’t have a website, it was all just word of mouth. “When the pandemic hit, we were regrouping and thinking we should take it online. At the time, we just thought this was an opportunity because we could get people from across the country to join a monthly meetup – again, very casual.

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“It became apparent that there were definitely more women that were interested and felt like they belonged somewhere. One of the biggest pieces of feedback that we got the first year was people saying they loved the group because they didn’t feel so alone. “As an ethnic minority, especially if you’re a woman of colour, your communities are not encouraging you to ride a bike. And they found other people that look like them and could give them tips and talk freely about issues that maybe only affected them, for example, how do you wear braids and then wear a helmet – that’s been a recent discussion in our group. It’s just another way for people to feel like this is for them.” The group doesn’t exist as a club, Gwiazdowski continues – it views itself as a hub which can point people in the right direction if they want to join a club or just need some advice. “Through mid-2020, with Black Lives Matter happening, we created a working group. We thought we could do something more and we started to think about becoming a charity.” This was finalised towards the end of 2020 but was made official with a launch on this year’s International Women’s

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Day, 8th March, and the name changed from the Women of Colour Cycling Group London to the Women of Colour Cycling Collective. Trustees now include Alison Wood, Dionne Farley, Jo Chattoo, Sara Nanayakkara, Sidrah Shafaq and Victoria Hazael. “It’s just a really nice support group,” says Gwiazdowski. “It’s a place where people can express themselves or ask for advice. It didn’t really exist before and now we’re seeing other groups trying to challenge the idea that people of colour are not interested in these things, and just providing alternative messages and images to what people are typically used to seeing.” Cycling has always been seen as a white male sport, Gwiazdowski continues. “Some people are seemingly over protective over that and don’t think that paying attention to diversity is important,” she says. “They just think it’s a meritocracy, you get the best person for the job and it just happens that all the best people are white. They don’t really consider that there’s a history here. “It’s not just the history of the bike we’re talking about – we’re talking about hundreds of years of history that have played into power structures and how people have access to things. A lot of people never learned how to ride a bike when they were kids, which is a huge part of this, or even had friend groups doing it. “There’s a whole host of factors that decide how diverse a sport becomes. I don’t necessarily see it diversifying right now, still. I’m puzzled by it because I think cycling’s great. I know a bunch of people of colour who also think it’s great. When it comes to the media, another joke we say in our bike workshop is that there’s no money in bikes. It’s a scarcity mindset and people are afraid to try new ideas.

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“It’s just easier to do the tried and tested thing rather than approach and expand their market. What we started to see since last year is people were using people of colour in photos, but when it comes to change at the top, the industry is very small but until we start to see changes on boards and changes in who’s making decisions, it’s just going to remain a bit tokenistic. “We’re fighting against hundreds of years of systemic oppression. It’s not going to change overnight, but you’ve got to keep trying and keep making mistakes because they’re the best way to learn.” Gwiazdowski says that during the first year, the group actually had some kickback from people who said it was racist – which is an absurd topic, she says. “My usual response is: if we lived in a perfect world where everyone was equal, then it would be racist. “But we don’t live in a perfect world where everyone is equal, we live within structures where some people have more privileges than others, and we’re making up for lost privileges. These are just stepping stones for people to gain the confidence to then do this in the wider world – it’s not an exclusive club. “It’s more identifying that there are very few women of colour riding bikes. Part of it is they feel scared, they feel lonely or they don’t feel like it’s for them. If we create a group that has some visibility, we’re going to end up encouraging people to ride more and isn’t that what we all want in the end?” Women of Colour Cycling Collective has already gained funding from Walking and Cycling Grants London for its first project. The charity is actively seeking cycling brands and organisations who would like to fund their work, projects and offer training to the collective. n

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Let’s talk inclusion


here are ongoing concerns in some quarters on the effect of diversity within the workplace. In his article for Forbes magazine, Paolo Guadiano makes the point that: “Rather than focusing on diversity we should be focusing on making the workplace more inclusive. Focusing on diversity creates the fundamental problem of labelling people and placing them into buckets, which fosters division. Focusing on inclusion does the opposite: it acknowledges that your employees are human beings whose varied personal traits influence their needs and behaviours.” We live in a globalised economy and that means individuals from different cultures, backgrounds, race and sexual orientation are working together in millions of workplaces. As Shutri Chada goes on to explain: “Diversity is, in fact, the new normal. And, this new normal works to promote a more creative environment. Studies show that racially diverse teams outperform non-diverse ones by 35%, and teams where men and women are considered equal create 41% more revenue.” Diversity in the workplace is not a totally new phenomena but rather we are awakening to the benefits of having a plethora of different ideas and voices. In a 2006 study by Tufts University involving 200 participants on 29 mock juries, panels of white and black people performed better than all-white groups by several measures. “Such diverse juries deliberated longer, raised

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more facts about the case, and conducted broader and more wide-ranging deliberations,” said Sommers. “They also made fewer factual errors in discussing evidence and when errors did occur, those errors were more likely to be corrected during the discussion.” (Sommers, 2006)

‘Studies show that racially diverse teams outperform non-diverse ones by 35%’ The study shows that having a larger range of voices leading to more informed decisions across different organisations, leading to a high operating profit across the specific industry. In its 2015 report on diversity in the workplace, Mckinsey and Company found that: “There is a statistically significant relationship between a more diverse leadership team and better financial performance. “The companies in the top quartile of gender diversity were 15% more likely to have financial returns that were above their national industry median. Companies in the top quartile of racial/ethnic diversity were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their national industry median.” (Hunt, Layton and Prince, 2015)

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This is further demonstrated in the Diversity Matters report, which goes on to show that not only does a more diverse workplace perform higher, conversely the lower the gender and ethnic diversity, the lower the financial performance. There are several factors that increase performance, one of which is innovation. Nathan and Lee 2013 carried out a survey of 7,600 London firms to investigate links among cultural diversity, innovation, entrepreneurship and sales strategies in London businesses between 2005 and 2007. They discovered a “small but significant diversity bonus” for all types of London firms. Companies with diverse management are more likely to introduce new product innovations than are those with homogeneous “top teams”. (Nathan and Lee, 2013) The search of improvements in performance diversity has also had the effect of making companies think in different way to improve their performance. “In May 2013, software giant SAP announced that it would hire hundreds of people who were diagnosed with autism, most thought that this was a simple act of altruism but there was a definitive strategy at play, the employees were specifically employed to test software – a task best performed

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individually requiring individuals to go back and forth between computer output and a list of what should have been the computer output. It is the kind of activity that is perfect for those who prefer solitary work, those who are obsessive about detail, and those who take comfort in repetitive tasks: exactly the set of attributes of many people diagnosed with autism.” (Western University, Ivey Business School, 2014) It is clear then that the search for more diversity in the workplace is not only an ethical practice but also a practice that leads a higher level of performance and ultimately profitability across all organisations. A recent article on the Ciphr website quoted a Glassdoor study: “Where more than half of recruitment decision makers (59%) said that a lack of investment in diversity and inclusion (D&I) was a barrier to attracting high-quality candidates, while a fifth (20%) said D&I initiatives were among the most significant factors that influenced a candidate’s decision to join an organisation.” (Chignell, 2018) Therefore, not only does a diverse workplace lead to higher performance, but also opens the door to a higher quality of candidate at the recruitment level. n

21/04/2021 09:31


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A competitive edge Apidura co-founder Tori Fahey tells Rebecca Morley how the bikepacking brand’s In-store Repairs Programme is helping IBDs compete with online retailers


BDs bring huge value to the communities they serve, offering expert advice and service that cannot be found online. And bikepacking brand Apidura believes brands are uniquely positioned to help local bike shops create innovative services that create value and experiences that encourage customer footfall and loyalty – its In-store Repairs Programme being a prime example. “Our repairs programme is a natural extension of our brand principles of longevity and ‘buy once’ sustainability,” says Tori Fahey, co-founder of Apidura. “We believe that the most effective way that we can reduce our environmental impact is to keep the products we make in use as long as possible. “This starts with investing in expert design, high-quality materials and excellent craftsmanship; everything we make is Built to Last. But, as we build products to be used in really tough situations, it’s natural that some will eventually need a bit of a tune-up to keep them adventure-ready.” Although Apidura encourages and supports DIY repairs and care, Fahey says major repairs often involve posting individual packs back and forth – either direct from customers or via its partner network of stores. “This comes at an environmental and financial cost. The aim of the In-store Repairs Programme is to consolidate those shipments, while also offering stores a valuable service for their customers. It’s a win for the environment, a win for the stores and a win for our customers. “While stores have always been able to send packs back to us for repair, the limited window of each In-store Repairs Programme rollout creates a moment in time to talk to customers about repairs. It also allows us and the stores to be aligned in our messaging so that we can support the stores in reaching nearby Apidura customers, whether they’re regular customers of the store or not. “Stores are encouraged to share our repair guides and provided with collateral for social media posts that makes it easy to pass on Apidura’s bikepacking expertise to their customers and position themselves as authorities on bikepacking and repairs. Some stores have run repairs Q&As and even joined us in a repairs workshop. The goal is to create

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a platform for stores to bring their communities together and deliver unique value to their customers.” The in-store repairs process requires that customers visit the store twice – once to drop off and once to pick up their pack – creating two opportunities for stores to make sales or advertise other services to customers who may not have visited recently. The repairs are free, fast and not limited to packs bought via the store. Online competition Online sales have been strong for some time now – even more so during the pandemic when the UK was told to ‘stay at home’. But that doesn’t mean bricks and mortar stores can’t compete, with IBDs being vital in offering specialist knowledge and advice to cyclists. “Strong IBDs compete with online retailers through differentiation and creating value around the products and services they offer,” says Fahey. “The In-store

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Repairs Programme is an effective way for Apidura to partner with retailers to create these critical valueadded experiences that give IBDs a competitive edge. We also provide stores with marketing collateral, helping reduce strain on limited – or non-existent – marketing departments. “By providing a service that creates new opportunities for customers to interact with their local store, the Instore Repairs Programme provides an opportunity for retailers to engage with existing and new customers, while simultaneously providing value through free repairs. “By promoting the programme through Apidura’s own platforms and via the stores themselves, we ensure that both existing and new customers – who might not have realised they live near a bike shop specialising in bikepacking – are reached and encouraged to interact with their local store. Packs returned for repair do not have to have been purchased from a participating store, widening the appeal and value of the programme for both the stores involved and Apidura owners. “Alongside helping IBDs differentiate and provide value that online discount retailers cannot match, we are hopeful that the In-store Repairs Programme will encourage conversation around repairs and sustainability that are long overdue in the bike industry. For us, it’s a good way to combine bike shops’ need for new ways to engage with customers and our desire to help cyclists learn more about self-sufficiency and repairing their gear.” Fahey says Apidura has had a ‘great response’ both from stores that have already been involved and those that have not. After the first rollout in Europe, the brand had stores from across its global network asking to be involved in future editions and were able to expand the programme the second time around, despite lockdowns around the world.

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“IBDs are the cornerstones of cycling communities and are often one of the best sources of cycling knowledge and advice,” Fahey continues. “The value they bring to the cycling world is greater than the range of products they carry and their role cannot be replaced by websites, magazines or instructional videos. “Aggressive pricing and discounting has made it harder and harder for IBDs to remain competitive and that community value is at risk of disappearing forever – particularly with a global pandemic added into the mix. “We had always intended to expand the In-store Repairs Programme, but COVID made it feel even more necessary and worthwhile. With store visits significantly reduced, IBDs need opportunities to engage with their communities and find a way to safely offer services remotely. “It’s a time of great challenge, but also great opportunity. Bike shops are deemed essential in many parts of the world, so can remain open, parts are in short supply and there are many new people on bikes who need guidance and services. Now is the best possible opportunity to turn these new cyclists into lifelong cyclists and position IBDs at the heart of their journey.” With summer approaching, the COVID vaccine proving successful and restrictions slowly beginning to ease around much of the world, Fahey says Apidura is focusing on supporting stores that are reopening with new instore merchandising guidance. “It’s not as glamorous as the In-store Repairs Programme, but it’s an area where we have a great deal of expertise and can help our partner stores make the most of the space they have available and the opportunity for customers to see and engage with bikepacking equipment ‘in the flesh’. “This sits alongside a wider, ongoing, content marketing push, working more closely with our network of IBDs and distributors to share our expertise and knowledge and also do some cross marketing.” n

May 2021 | 39

21/04/2021 14:08

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17/02/2021 19/04/2021 11:43:38 14:49


minutes with... This month, BikeBiz sits down with Stefan Sinnegger, general manager of PowUnity

Can you give us a little background on PowUnity? PowUnity started in the winter sports sector. We launched an IoT solution for skis and snowboards. More and more retail partners then asked us to develop a similar product for e-bikes. In 2018, we consequently launched BikeTrax – a smart GPS tracker system for e-bikes. Sales increased so rapidly from the first month that we decided to commit 100% to the e-bike market. Since the first recovery of an e-bike with the help of the GPS tracker, 2018 saw one success story follow hot on the heels of another. What area(s) of the cycling market does PowUnity target? We have three different target groups: e-bike manufacturers, fleet operators and riders. At the

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beginning, we offered the BikeTrax system exclusively to e-bike riders as a retrofit product. This allowed us to further develop our product and service as quickly as possible through direct end customer contact and to learn to understand the real problems of e-bike owners. We are now passing on this know-how to the e-bike manufacturers in order to launch fully integrated and mature ‘connected e-bike solutions’ with them. What makes PowUnity unique? What does it offer that its competitors perhaps do not? PowUnity BikeTrax is installed in the e-bike and not on it. It is connected directly to the e-bike via a motor-specific cable interface. The owner connects to their e-bike via the PowUnity app. In the PowUnity app, the owner sees

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the location of the e-bike in real time, receives an alarm in case of unauthorised movement, can save their e-bike data in the digital bike passport and send an automatically generated theft report including the location data to the police. In addition, they can view and manage their routes in the route diary. If the e-bike battery is out, BikeTrax is supplied with energy via its own additional battery and later recharged from the e-bike battery. Furthermore, we offer our own fleet platform for the management of larger e-bike fleets as well as an API interface (programming interface) to integrate the PowUnity BikeTrax system into existing systems. The cooperation with e-bike manufacturers goes much deeper and includes, for example, a manufacturer-specific co-branded app. The biggest competitive advantage is that we are equally active in the B2C and B2B sectors. Through direct end customer contact, we perfect our PowUnity BikeTrax system. Through the B2B sector we are scaling. In a rather bizarre twist of fate, COVID-19 has provided a significant boost to the cycling industry. What impact has it had on PowUnity? Due to the strong growth and at the same time global supply bottlenecks (components), we are carrying a significantly higher stock. What is your distribution model? We cover the whole range: direct sales, distributors and sales agents. This mix works out very well for us. Depending on the country and its structure, sometimes one or the other performs better. We started in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and are now expanding to other European countries as well as to the US.

You mentioned the BikeTrax success stories. Are there any in particular you would like to share with our readers? The number of success stories increased so much that we decided to come up with a new video-series on YouTube called ‘BikeTrax Hits’. Every month we upload one new video where our customers explain how they successfully avoided a bike theft. In our most recent story, an e-bike sharing provider tells the story of a thief who rented several e-bikes and slept in several hotels without paying. They were able to catch the so called ‘holiday thief’ due to the BikeTrax GPS tracker system. In our most successful story the police got 56 stolen e-bikes back due to BikeTrax. What are your plans for 2021 and beyond? In 2021, we will speed up the cooperation with more e-bike manufacturers and fleet operators as well as the expansion of our retailer-base outside of Germany. We aim to become the industry standard for connected e-bike services. n

What are your more recent product developments? We continuously expand our product range with new engine specific versions. Together with e-bike manufactures, we work on data bus communication and advanced features. We continuously improve our fleet-management software and service. We improve our telecommunication standards on an ongoing basis.

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16/04/2021 08:19


19/04/2021 11:39


Kids’ bikes and accessories 2 1







Little Rider Co

Little Rider Co

Little Rider Co


Tech Jersey – Rad Series

Bike Gloves - Classic Tech Series

Bike Shorts - Classic Tech Series

Mini Molly




Distributor: Hotlines

Technical bike jersey for ages 2-14. High-quality and comfortable, it allows your little riders to look cool, boost confidence and feel fast while they are out on their two wheels. - Long Sleeve Tech Jersey - Colourway – Black and Limey - Available in sizes age 2-5 and Youth Small - Youth Large

The Little Rider ‘Classic Tech Series’ is the original and most popular bike glove for Little Riders. High-quality and comfortable, it allows your little riders to look cool, feel fast and stay safe while they are out on their two wheels. - Safety and protection for little fingers - Technical material and hardwearing for shredding - Colourway – Limey, Orange Blast, Stealth or Hot Pink - Available in kids sizes XXS-XL

Technical kids bike shorts for added protection, comfort and PRO inspired design. - Safety and protection for little riders - Technical material and hardwearing for shredding - Colourway – Stealth - Available in sizes 18-30in waist

Based on Crème’s most popular ladies’ bikes and available in 20in or 24in models, the Mini Molly is sophisticated and elegant. Designed to leave plenty of room for growth, saddle and stem height is widely adjustable. To keep things clean and maintenance-free, it is equipped with a 3 speed internal speed hub with an integrated coaster brake. The Mini Molly comes in a range of fantastic colours and features a classic wicker basket, making it both functional and distinctive.

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Ride Concepts

Children’s Waterproof Socks

Squish 18

Junior Pro Kit

Youth Shoes Range

Distributor: Troll Outdoors

Distributor: Tandem Group Cycles

Distributor: Silverfish

Distributor: Silverfish

DexShell’s wide range of waterproof and fully breathable socks include these children’s socks designed to keep the little ones dry and warm whatever the weather. Hard wearing and comfortable, they have been designed to allow children to be children. Splashing through puddles and jumping in the mud can be positively encouraged safe in the knowledge that their feet will remain dry and warm at all times. Ideal for on and off the bike activities, they feature a Porelle waterproof membrane and a soft bamboo lining that is fully breathable and flexible, ensuring all day comfort.

Not every child can jump from a 16in wheel bike to a 20in wheel, and feeling comfortable is crucial for your child to enjoy their time on two wheels. Our 18in Squish is not only sized perfectly to make the transition through frame sizes as enjoyable as possible, but also follows a similar spec to its smaller siblings, so no gears to master just yet. 18in wheels and a 9.5in frame are ideal for children aged 4yrs+. Weight just 6.66kg!

Ready to take your children’s riding adventures to the next level? The industry’s first all-in-one premium youth components upgrade kit is available from SDG – skilfully engineered and manufactured for the little shredder in the family! Since day one, SDG has been at the forefront of the MTB saddle game, supporting riders for over 20 years. While many are still onboard and riding today, they too are having children of their own, which has allowed us to see the need for quality youth components that were truly designed to fit smaller bodies.

With three youth shoes range, Ride Concepts is dedicated to delivering high quality, performance footwear to all riders. Whether it’s the DJ and street of the Vice shoe you’re looking for or something ready for the bike park like the Wildcat or Livewire, both of which feature a high-grip 6.0 DST sole for flat pedal performance, you’ll be guaranteed a great riding shoe that exceeds to demands of even the biggest mountains.

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Cuda Bikes


Super Junior Balance Bike


Cuda Trace

Distributor: Raleigh


Distributor: Moore Large

Distributor: Moore Large

Hornit helmets are designed with the spirit of individuality, with a helmet to suit every personality. We have a wide range of designs from Lazy Llamas to the stealthy Hammerhead Shark. Most importantly, they keep kids heads safe but stylish! Our helmets are fully adjustable, comfortable and lightweight, but also come with the added safety feature of an integrated LED light.

Get ready for a summer of fun with the Super Junior Balance Bike and full set of matching accessories from Kiddimoto, the UK’s oldest and original balance bike brand. This dinky ride is expertly crafted so it’s lightweight and light on the planet too thanks to its environmentally-friendly water-based paint and minimal packaging. Built to withstand non-stop toddler play, with puncture proof tyres and ergonomic design, this balance bike develops imagination, gross motor skills, boosts 2-wheel bike confidence, and improves balance and coordination. The best first bike for a lifetime of memorable rides.

The Towbuddy allows you and your child to explore further by attaching them safely and securely to your bike and travelling at your speed. The fork stabiliser arm keeps the child’s forks straight whilst riding and stops there from being any unexpected changes in balance. Once you arrive at your destination you can securely attach the Towbuddy to your bike without tools using the included stow attachment. And when you are ready to go again simply extend the arm and attach using simple quick release mechanisms.

We know that price is an important factor when buying a children’s bike, as they can often have a huge growth spurt and that new bike they purchased is now looking a little small and has had little use. The new 2021 Trace range has been designed with affordability in mind but without comprising how well the bike rides. The result is lightweight bikes from 10in balance bike up to 26in wheel ATB bikes, all at a great price!

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Sweet Protection

Sweet Protection



Ripper JR MIPS

Knee And Elbow Guards

Water bottle

Junior Padset Old School

Distributor: Jungle Products

Distributor: Jungle Products

Distributor: Ison Distribution

Distributor: Ison Distribution

The Ripper Junior helmet is a performance mountain bike helmet made in a youth specific shell size, especially engineered for smaller and more elastic heads with relatively higher volume and lower density EPS. This is a one-size (48-53cm) helmet with a turn-dial adjustment system. This model is equipped with MIPS, a technology that reduces rotational forces on the brain. Available in five colours.

Thin, light and elastic, the knee and elbow guards protect you from those bumps and scratches that inevitably occur on a long day out. SAS-TEC provides shockabsorbing properties yet a slim look and feel. If you’re into trail biking and want some protection without the bulk of pads, these are the guards for you.

A colourful and striking design, the Twist Bottle 450 is a scaled down version of Fidlock’s well know cageless bottles. Using the same Twist magnetic mounting method, this ‘cageless’ bottle simply attaches to the base with a simple click and is released with a twist of the wrist. This version comes in the option of a bike base mounting for those with bottle cage bosses on their bike or the Uni base enabling it to be mounted without braze-ons.

Designed for junior bike riders looking to take their bike riding to the next level while staying protected. A retro inspired set of pads that will leave any parent with a smile on their face. The set includes knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards, a reasonably priced kit which features EVA cup foam and PE caps to keep young knees and elbows protected if they did happen to take a tumble.

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RRP £29.99 Available from: Full range at

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Troy Lee Designs




A1 Classic MIPS Youth Helmet

Little Explorer



Distributor: Saddleback

Distributor: Oxford

Distributor: Raleigh Bike Parts

Distributor: Raleigh Bike Parts

The Troy Lee Designs A1 Classic MIPS Youth Helmet puts safety front and centre, making it perfect for youngsters who feel the call of the trails. It has a reinforced polycarbonate shell, leading MIPS protection and an EPS liner that extends over the temples and lower head for superb impact protection. An adjustable retention system will keep the groms comfortable and happy all day long, whilst a washable single-piece liner makes cleaning easy even after the muckiest of rides.

Traditional child seat that provides little more involvement than a view of a parent’s back and a sense of being in control. The cross-bar seat has a top tube fixing (not suitable for carbon frames) that is suitable for ages 3-6 years with a weight limit of 22kg. The explorer will fit most bikes with a cross bar and ergonomic padded seat. For extra security, the explorer comes with foot pegs with straps.

The Kazoo is a single speed tag-a-long bike, providing a perfect platform for learning how to ride on their own. The aluminium bar attachment has a double locking mechanism for extra security and improved handling, whilst the handlebar and seat post can be adjusted easily. The Kazoo’s lightweight frame offers excellent durability and stability for a smooth ride. Recommended for children between the ages of 4-10 and up to a maximum weight of 28.5kg.

These XLC stabilisers offer a balanced and stable riding solution for children making steps towards riding on their own. These enable children to practice riding in a safe and secure fashion, inspiring confidence whilst riding a bike and encouraging them to continue riding long into the future. Compatible with most children’s bikes, the solid steel rims can withstand a maximum weight of 30kg.

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Frog Bikes




Children’s Bicycles

Ariel Junior

Cubie 120 Walk


Distributor: Frog Bikes

Distributor: Sportline

Distributor: Oneway Bike Industry B.V.


Frog Bikes is a leading manufacturer of lightweight, high-quality kids’ bikes, enjoyed by millions of children across the globe. The full range, made in Great Britain, comprises of balance, first pedal, hybrid, road, MTB and track bikes, to cater for all ages, abilities and cycling disciplines. And, as a brand that cares about protecting the planet around us, we are continually working to integrate sustainability into each aspect of the business, wherever possible.

The Saracen Ariel JNR uses a scaled-down version of our fully-fledged Ariel, so you know it’s got what it takes to tackle the toughest trails out there. Designed for serious young riders aged from seven to nine, we’ve gone for a 24in wheel and 120mm of travel – a perfect fit for riders 125-145cm tall.

Despite its simple appearance, CUBE has put a lot of thought into the Cubie 120. Low standover gives plenty of freedom of movement and all components are finished with smooth edges to make the inevitable tumbles as safe as possible. Proper pneumatic tyres are grippy and comfortable and the steering angle limiter helps prevent accidents caused by over-enthusiastic steering. There’s even a carry handle integrated into the seat!

When you’re a kid, riding a bike is the ultimate form of freedom. The Makena is the perfect starter bike for your little cyclist. This kid-friendly frame features 20in wheels with chubby 2.6in tyres for excellent traction, Samox Cranks with a 28-tooth chainring and low standover make it friendly for the littles, while a 1x drivetrain allows for single-handed shifting and make it an awesome first ‘real’ bike.

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May 2021 | 51

21/04/2021 14:25











Cross King 20in/24in

Sidetrack II

Z Lok/Ankr Mini

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: ZyroFisher, Raleigh, i-ride, Bob Elliott

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Safety, comfort and stylish design – the Anuky 2.0 children’s helmet from ABUS is a winner for children and parents alike. A simple size adjustment system with a fine adjustment function ensures that the helmet fits perfectly on your head. The soft padding can be removed and washed when required and the large integrated rear LED light offers 180-degree visibility. Available in small and medium sizes in an array of colours and designs.

Conti’s all-rounder trail tyre is now available in the smaller dimensions of 20in x 2.0 and 24 x 2.0in. With enough grip for wet trails yet super-fast rolling thanks to an offset centre tread design, the Cross King can be fitted as a general use tyre of children’s bikes, from the school run to the trail centre. Also available – the semi-slick Double Fighter for when road is the main area of use. Available in many dimensions including 16, 20 and 24 x 1.75in.

With more all-around coverage and optional MIPS protection, the Sidetrack II is suited for the adventurous grom in your life. This all-mountain helmet features a fusion in-mould polycarbonate shell and offers a removable visor, an easy adjustable fit system, our sweat guide padding, No-Twist Tri-Glides and ready-for-action style that will get your child motivated to hit the trail and keep them protected whilst doing so!

The perfect combination for any child on the move is the Z-Lok combo offering security without the worry of lost keys and the Ankr Mini offering a permanent securing fixture for a kids bike or scooter at home. The Z-Lok fits neatly into any school bag or coat pocket ensuring piece of mind whilst out of sight. The Hiplok Ankr Mini with its unique design means mounting bolts are inaccessible once a lock is in place, giving solid security when in use but allowing Ankr Mini to be relocated if required.

25 ABUS Anuky 2.0

52 | May 2021

BB-MAY21-PG45-52.indd 52


21/04/2021 14:25

Introducing A dedicated news service for the micromobility industry micromobilitybiz (MMB) is a brand new media outlet delivering regular updates to the burgeoning micromobility industry. It is the only dedicated trade news service for the sector. Delivered by the BikeBiz team, MMB focuses on sustainable transport solutions, from e-bikes and e-scooters to bike-sharing and hire schemes. MMB offers a free weekly newsletter, delivering the latest updates directly to readers’ inboxes, from market trends and product updates to Government initiatives and evolving legislations. With an initial database of over 4,000 professionals in the sector, MMB is a must-read for those with an interest in the business. Our dedicated team can help you reach your business goals.

BB July20 MMB House ad.indd 8

Interested in being involved? For more information about MMB and its respective editorial and advertising opportunities, please get in touch via the details below: James Groves Editor 020 3143 8779 Richard Setters Sales Manager 0779 480 5307

23/06/2020 16:39



24/03/2021 12:43


Brakes 2


4 3










Metallic Compound Disc Pads

Race Brakes

Rival eTAP AXS

Distributor: Bob Elliot

Distributor: The Cycle Division

Distributor: Chicken CycleKit

Distributor: Raleigh Bike Parts

Greater power and control – more Clout than ever! The Clout1 is Clarks’ new hydraulic brake system which has the capability of a much higher end brake in the market, providing the rider with greater power, consistency and feel all at a price that is designed to compete with entry level brakes. Clout1 has been built on the foundations of the hugely successful M series brake range, maintaining superb quality and reliability even at this lower price point. The Clout1 mineral oil brake features a two-piston caliper, and small well designed lever assembly with reach adjustment.

The Elvedes metallic compound disc pads are designed with a steel pack plate for e-bikes and are developed for both wet and dry conditions giving extra braking power for the higher speeds that e-bikes brake from. They are available in 17 of the popular e-bike brake types, they are available in pairs on a display card or in a workshop box of 10 and 25 pairs for the most popular patterns.

Stunning Miche Race caliper brakes, specifically designed for road use, providing a precise and controlled feel. This superb model features a forged aluminium construction with special heat-treated steel pivots, making them strong enough to tackle anything that comes with a long day out on the road. Additionally, both calipers’ combined weight is only 330g, so you will not have to worry about adding any unnecessary weight to your ride.

Rival is the newest addition to the SRAM eTap AXS range, lowering the cost of electronic groupsets even further. The new Rival HRD Shift-Brake System is a key component of this new groupset, offering wireless shifting and hydraulic disc braking. An optimised hood shape ensures their textured design is comfortable for hands of all sizes. AXS technology means personalisation is in your hands.

BB-MAY21-PG55-58.indd 55

May 2021 | 55

21/04/2021 14:12

MAY 2021

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MAY 2021

Rider 15 neo

Rider 320

Rider 420

Rider 750

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21/04/2021 11:41




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WANT TO ADVERTISE IN ANY OF THESE ISSUES? Contact Richard Setters 0779 480 5307 or email


SECTOR GUIDES: Helmets Indoor training and power meters Cycle lights Mountain bikes and accessories Winter and protective clothing Cyclocross Stocking fillers Road bikes and accessories Chains, gears and cranks E-bikes and accessories Wheels, tyres and inner tubes Cycle footwear

Want your company or product to be involved with any of these features? Contact James Groves, editor 07801 291 961 or email

21/04/2021 11:50


6 5









BP-C25 Carbon Disc Pads

Disc Brakes

Dominion A2 J-Unit

Full Stop Cooling Fin Pads

Distributor: Raleigh Bike Parts

Distributor: Greyville Enterprises

Distributor: Hotlines

Distributor: Oxford

Disc brake pads don’t have to and shouldn’t be expensive. These much more affordable BP-C25 carbon pads from XLC are compatible with an array of Shimano braking systems for a fraction of the price (suitable for Shimano BR-M985, M785, M675, M666, M615). An organic pad provides an excellent balance between braking power and longevity whilst the carbon base plate absorbs vibrations and dampens brake squeal, also making the pads 60% lighter than standard non-carbon alternatives.

Already well known for an extensive range of caliper brakes, Acor now supplies both mechanical and hydraulic disc brakes. ABR21504 hydraulic disc brake set, ideal for road/ cyclocross/gravel, weighs in at 142g per wheel with a RRP of £159.95. The 160mm rotors have dual piston system for smoother operation and longer life for the semi metallic pads. Can be used with the easy to fit ACB21402 Inline Cable Adjusters. ABR21405 offers a complete set front and rear cable operated mechanical disc brakes including 160mm rotors for an RRP of just £54.95.

The Dominion A2 J-Unit Brake offers smooth and consistent braking performance on any terrain. Adapted from the awardwinning Dominion A4 and keeping many of its highperformance features, it uses a two-piston calliper, making it ideal for XC and trail riding. This J-Unit model features SFL (Small Finger Lever) that maintains the power and feel of the original but is ergonomically tailored for smaller hands. It also features the proprietary QuickBite² which effectively regulates heat and reduces braking noise.

Full Stop DP340 pads fit the following disc brake systems: Shimano: M6000, M615, M666, M675, M785, M7000, M7100, M8000, M8100, M9000, M9020, M985, M987, R785, RS785, S700.

BB-MAY21-PG55-58.indd 57



May 2021 | 57

21/04/2021 14:12




12 11









Deore M6100

G2 R and G2 RS Brakes

Orange Line Brake Cable Sets

Brake Cleaner

Distributor: Madison

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: The Cycle Division

Matching top level performance with a bargain price tag, Shimano’s Deore brakes have a well-deserved reputation as probably the best value MTB stoppers on the market. Using a hinged clamp design, they’re I-Spec II compatible for seamless integration with your shifter. For anyone who’s after more stopping power, there’s a new M6120 4-pot version too.

The new G2 R and RS brakes replace outgoing Guide RS/R brakes and follow the success of the G2 RSC and G2 Ultimate last year, offering “Mini-code” product at a more accessible price-point. With G2 R and RS, SRAM offers consumers a premium value without compromising the heart of the operation. This brake gives riders the G2’s famed “MiniCode” power and a whole suite of SRAM standard features at an absolutely unbeatable value.

Capgo Orange Line Brake Set for Shimano Road, SRAM Road and Campag Road feature Orange Line Cable Housing which uses a specially developed PTFE grease from Capgo. The housing is fully greased along its entire length which helps to drastically reduce friction and increase durability and features Kevlar strands to improve the feel of the brakes. In addition to this, the sets use the OL Stainless Steel wires which feature a unique double polish process to reduce friction throughout the life of the cable.

Cyclon disc brake cleaner is a fast drying cleaner for disc brake rotors removing all grease and road grime and can also be used on derailleurs. It is made from an alcohol base and doesn’t leave any residue behind which can affect braking ability, therefore, it improves braking performance and also eliminates brake squeal. Available in two sizes: 250ml and 500ml aerosol.

58 | May 2021

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21/04/2021 14:12

Premium Cycling Solutions


22/02/2021 16:38


Rider 750

Rider 420

Rider 320

Rider 15 neo

Team Androni GioCattoli

contact your zyrofisher account manager for more details Untitled-10 1



21/04/2021 12:09

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