MCV/DEVELOP 961 September 2020

Page 66

‘All games are relevant, but some are more relevant than others’ Orwell’s novel has become alarmingly relevant in today’s political climate. Chris Wallace sits down with Imre Jele to find out how he and his team are adapting this 75-year old classic


ou know, at nearly 30 years old, I never thought I’d find myself writing about Animal Farm again. George Orwell’s classic 1945 novel Animal Farm has been a staple of the British school curriculum for years. There exists, somewhere, multiple school essays of mine detailing how Orwell created a biting critique against fascism and Stalinist Russia amidst, in my dumb child brain’s perspective, a fun story about some pigs.

As a supposed adult, I never imagined I’d be revisiting Orwell’s novel. But then as a naive child I never expected that the dangers of fascism would become a very current reality. And while my school essays are undoubtedly fascinating reads, worthy of the lofty editorial heights of MCV/DEVELOP, I thankfully have something a little more on-brand to talk about this month. Inspired by our unfortunate reality, and to mark the 75th anniversary of the original novel’s release, a small collective of indie

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10/09/2020 09:40

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