Food Exports Poland

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Top 250 – Food Export Directory


spring edition

Organic Marketing Forum 2012 International organic meeting and exhibition

7-9 May, 2012

r Warsaw

The 7th International Meeting on Processing and Marketing of Organic Food and Non-Food Products and Raw Materials (OMF) will open its doors in Warsaw from 7-9 May. OMF is the leading event for the organic industry of Central and Eastern Europe, and continues to attract representatives of organic companies, experts and other key players from more than 30 CEE countries, as well as Western European countries. This year OMF - already well recognised in the European Bio-Calendar will present a one-day exhibition for organic food and non-food products CEEQORCPKGF D[ RTCEVKECN YQTMUJQRU CPF RTGUGPVCVKQPU (QT VJG ƂTUV VKOG p$KQ(CEJ 0WTGODGTIq YKNN DG CP QHƂEKCN RCTVPGT QH 1/( Udo Funke from “NürnbergMesse”, the organiser of the fairs “BioFach” and “Vivaness” said: “As the world’s leading organic fair we care about further successful development of the growing organic markets worldwide. Central and Eastern Europe is gaining in importance in the whole organic market. That’s why we are pleased about this cooperation with EkoConnect and are looking forward to further collaboration, which supports development of the organic sector both in Central and Eastern Europe and worldwide.“ Bernhard Jansen, the chairman of “EkoConnect – International Centre for Organic Agriculture of Central and Eastern Europe”, which is the main organiser of OMF, also points out the positive development trends: "Organic markets in Eastern Europe are currently experiencing the fastest growth in the whole organic sector in Europe and are expected to play a more important role in the future. We are glad about the new partnership with “BioFach”; it helps us to offer even higher quality business contacts and information to the main players in the organic sales and purchase markets of Central and Eastern Europe.“ Besides “BioFach”, the other partners of OMF 2012 are the Producers Association “Polska Ekologia“, the Organic Farming Association „Ekoland“, the Polish Advisory Centre CDR and the Organic Retailers Association. The forum is under the patronage of the IFOAM EU Group and the Polish Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development.


FoodExportsPoland Top 250 Food Export Directory

Spring 2012

Top 250 – Food Export Directory


spring edition

Ta b l e o f C o n te n t s 4 Major markets for Polish food exporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Start-Up Exporter: Castration and capons – Poland’s newest food export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Food Promotion: “Try Fine Food” programme supports sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Polish Establishments Approved for Export of Pork Meat to South Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ANUGA – Exhibitors from Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Poland Exhibitors at ISM Sweets Fair, Cologne, January 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Exhibitors from Poland at Gulf Food, February 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Top 25 Dairy Firms in Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Boom for Polish food exports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Published by

BiznesPolska Media sp. z o.o. ul. Długa 44/50, bud. D, lok 704, 00-241 Warszawa tel./fax: 022 831 7062 Research Magdalena Adamczyk President Thom Barnhardt

BiznesPolska Media also publishes:

Top 250 Food Exporters from Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n Meat Exporters (7–13)

n Fish Exporters (13–14)

n Fruits & Vegetables Exporters (18–21)


n Dairy Exporters (14–18)

n Other Foods Exporters (21–23)

Business Guides: Welcome to the second edition of Food Exports Poland, a directory and buyers-guide to the largest food exporters from Poland. We publish twice per year, to coincide with major international food fairs in Europe, US and Asia. This Spring 2012 edition is being distributed at Gulfood in Dubai, European Seafood Expo in Brussels, Organic Marketing Fair in Warsaw, and FancyFood in Washington. The Autumn 2012 edition will be published in September, with distribution at World Food Moscow, Polagra in Poznan, SIAL in Paris, ISM sweets expo in Cologne – and at the first “Food Exports Poland” Awards Gala. Thom Barnhardt Magdalena Adamczyk President BiznesPolska Media

Research Director BiznesPolska Media


FoodExportsPoland Spring 2012 monthly:

Graphic Design/DTP Sławek Parfianowicz

+ UPEMI members

FoodExportsPoland Fall 2012

Food Exports Poland

Polish Food Export Directory

Spring 2012

Boom for Polish food exports


Polish food and drink exports are enjoying a boom, with export sales rising by over 12 percent in 2011. Polish food exports amounted to 13.8 billion euro during the first eleven months of 2011. Furthermore, within the European Union, Polish exports have risen threefold since Poland joined the EU in 2004. However, it is not just within the EU that Polish food exports are finding receptive markets, as is evidenced by the flourishing exports of Polish milk and dairy products. In 2011, the biggest purchaser of Polish

Poland may become a significant global supplier of food, through the use of seeds resistant to drought and frost�According to agricultural research experts at DuPont, Poland could become a major supplier of food in Europe and an increasingly important supplier of processed foods in the world. Polish food exports in the last ten years have increased six-fold to 3 billion euros in 2011. The share of low-processed foods in 2010 reached 59 percent and even 17 percent of foods are entirely unprocessed, meaning that Poland still has strong growth potential. Polish farmers are increasingly opting for high-performance plants to intensify yield per hectare. For example, in the past four years sales of corn seed in Poland has increased fourfold. DuPont estimates that in the next forty years, food production will have to increase by 40 percent. At the same time cultivated acreage probably will not increase significantly - in the last four decades, it increased by only 2 percent. DuPont is among the agricultural research firms keen to develop new technologies to increase yields. In terms of seeds with best prospects in Poland, drought-tolerant maize and rape seeds have been identified with the highest biological potential, being n highly-resistant to frost.

milk and condensed cream was Algeria. However, Polish dairy products are also exported to Egypt, Mexico, Nigeria, Senegal and the Philippines. Other Polish exports that are on the rise include fruit and vegetables, meat, cereals and alcohol. Poland’s EU membership has been a bonanza for Poland’s food exporters. A combination of open western-European markets and subsidies to modernize Poland’s agricultural sector has moved Poland from a net food importer to a net exporter since its EU accession in 2004.

Food exports in 2012 will have grown 300% over the previous 8 years. Polish food producers and farmers have parlayed their natural advantages - of lower production costs – and added a dash of focused marketing and sales to win major food supply contracts. Initially focused on the wealthier western European market, Polish firms see increasing opportunities in eastern markets including Russia, as well as the Middle East and east Asia. Honey and jam producers have found new markets in Dubai, niche pork products are being exported to South Korea, and Polish milk and vegetables are sold in shops in London. Polish food exports are growing at a brisk pace. Imports have also grown quickly, at an annual rate of about 20%, as the Polish consumer demands more variety and more quality in his daily diet. However, the weakness of the Polish zloty in second half of 2011 is likely to slow that trend.

The mix of exported products has changed over the last 7 years distinctively, as meat and meat products have become the number one exported food product sector, representing 21.3%. Live animal export has decreased substantially, to just 1.6% in 2010, as exporters have shifted to higher value-add food production and processing, with its commensurate higher margins. The “sin” products – alcohol, tobacco and cigarettes – have carved out a strong second position, and represented 11% of all Polish food exports in 2010, up from just 3.9% in 2004. Polish beer, niche vodka products and Polish-processed cigarettes are increasingly consumed in cities such as Berlin, Barcelona, and Dublin.

Polish food exporters come in different shapes and sizes. Many are independent Polish companies, driven by ambitious entrepreneurs, who have built up substantial food-trading and food-processing empires, while others are foreign companies who have set up production bases in Poland to produce food for export to western Europe – either to a parent company or to a wide

Food Exports Poland

Most Polish food exporters recognize the necessity of complying with EU health and quality standards, and some exporters are taking extra steps to access the US market by becoming compliant with the US FDA or slaughtering animals using “Halal� methods, granting access to the highly-regulated Middle Eastern markets.

As regards particular countries, Germany remains the top export market for Polish foodstuffs, accounting for nearly 22% of all exports. The most popular export products (in terms of value) for the German market are smoked fish (mostly salmon), fruit juice (mainly apple juice), poultry meat, processed and preserved fish, biscuits, wafers and other bakery products, as well as milk powder, frozen fruit (mainly strawberries and raspberries) as well as cigarettes and beef. In the second place is the United Kingdom. The UK market imports significant amounts of chocolate and chocolate products as well as poultry meat. The Czech Republic is another large market for Polish food exporters, and poultry meat, cheese, bakery products, cakes and pastries and pork are the most popular Polish foods. Fourth place among the dominant buyers of Polish food is Russia, which is a fast-growing export market, particularly for pork and vegetables (mainly potatoes and cabbage), as well as apples, chocolate products, frozen vegetables and mushrooms. The French market imports significant amounts of cigarettes, vodka and poultry, and next largest markets are the Netherlands and Italy, both of which import significant amounts of cigarettes, beef and poultry meat. Turkey is registering large increases in exports of Polish food, particularly driven by beef. A significant increase in exports was recorded also for the Republic of Korea and Japan. In terms of value these products top the charts for exporters: cigarettes, beef, poultry meat, chocolate and chocolate products, pork, bakery and confectionery products (biscuits, wafers, etc.), sugar syrup, smoked fish (especially salmon), cheese and cottage n cheese and apples.

The number of plants certified to trade on the Single Market has grown dynamically. For example, in 2009, 45 meat and 24 milk processing plants, and, in 2008, 822

meat and 277 milk processing plants, respectively, were certified. Continued on page 6

Food Export Awards & Forum Poland 2012 Ne t work ing E ve n t o f t h e Ye ar Award sectors include: n n n n n n n

Spring 2012

Compliance with EU standards

Major markets for Polish food exporters

Meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc) Fish and Seafood Sweets Fruits and Vegetables Dairy Drinks (alcohol and non-alcoholic) Services

Polish Food Export Directory

range of unconnected buyers. The latter have recognized that the lower cost base of Poland is a competitive advantage when measured against higher-priced western European producers. And in some cases, they have been set up for a very specific purpose, like being an exclusive supplier of potatoes to McDonalds. And while the productivity of Poland’s food sector lags behind western Europe, better equipment and techniques as well as consolidation are improving the productivity numbers. In the dairy sector, for example, the statistical supplier of milk to dairies rears 10 cows and in 2010 supplied almost 53,000 kg of milk. In 2004, it was just half as much. And while the milk performance per cow is far behind western Europe, it is now 4900 kg versus 4270 kg in 2004.

For more information about the nomination process/jury members/attendance and sponsorship, please contact: Thom Barnhardt,, +48-508-143-963


Food Exports Poland Boom for Polish food exports

as a percentage of the overall value of exports.

Continued from page 5

Polish Food Export Directory

Spring 2012

Food exports projected to grow Fish products, raw and processed, are in- steadily over next decade


creasingly popular as export items, while production of fruit and vegetable juices – long a strength in Poland – is becoming more specialized. While smaller in total value, niche sectors such as pet food, coffee and tea processing, and organic foods are growing quickly. The competitiveness of Polish food producers results mainly from the competitive advantage of cost. Poland has a significant price advantage on many basic agricultural products. Price advantages prior to Poland’s EU accession amounted to around 20% at the agricultural level, about 30% for the pro-

As Poland’s food production and processing sector continues to modernize and develop, several trends are likely to drive robust growth of food exports from Poland, according to agricultural and market experts. First of all, strong investment in the Polish food and agricultural sector – both by foreign investors and large domestic companies – will continue to increase productivity of crop yields and processing efficiencies. Secondly, entrepreneurs in the Polish food sector see big opportunities in the open markets of western Europe, yet also see potential to expand substantially in the

cessing industry, and 40% at the consumer Morpol, thethat leading prolevel. Since time,global these salmon price advantacessor its Polish office based in ges havewith diminished somewhat, but geneUstka (Pomorskie rally lower Polish voivodship), prices still had existreveas a nues of €103.4m in advantage. Q3 2011, a 10.8% powerful competitive year-on-year increase. In Q1-Q3 2011, Polish leadership in fruits and the company had €344.2m in revenues, vegetables up 28.9% year on year, and a €9.8m net Poland largest the EU profit, is upthe more thanproducer three-foldinfrom Q1-of apples, cherries, blackcurrants, and raspberQ3 2010. ries.While It issales the second producer volumelargest was down 14.4% of strawberries, typesasofthe blueberries year on year certain in Q3 2011 market and Poland is now the sales largest wascabbage affected– and by high retail prices, producer of concentrated apple juice, conof cold smoked salmon, the main procentrated juicesremained made of stable soft fruit, well duct category, whileasspeascialty frozen fruits, and second largest proproducts saw the dynamic growth. ducer of frozen and pickled vegetables. The Morpol expects retail prices of salimportance concentrated juices and fromon to fall of which should result in increazen is significant, sedfruits demand. Morpolsince runsthey its account sales, for about 50% export earnings. Unproprocessing andofpackaging operations in cessed such as debuted onions, dried vegeUstka.products, The company on the n tables and cooled soft fruits, have decreased Oslo stock exchange in 2010.

east, particularly Russia, Middle East, north Africa, and Asia. Their marketing and sales development efforts are paying off – and giving them more confidence to expand into newer, untouched markets. The relative price advantage of Polish food production will remain a powerful driver of growth and enables Polish food exporters to parlay this lower-cost base into higher export sales. Recent weakness of the Polish zloty versus the Euro further benefits Polish exporters, making them more competitive in price versus their western European competitors. EU subsidies to the Polish agricultural sector are having a positive impact, as smaller farmers develop more sophisticated and market-tested approaches. And the small sizes of Polish farms will continue to grow, as consolidation is a powerful and undisputed trend over the next ten years. Largersized farms are more profitable, more efficient and more productive.

Export of Polish food to Russia nearly €900 million in 2011 The value of Polish foodstuff exports to Russia was nearly €900 million in 2011, after increasing by nearly 17% year on year to €439m in the first half of the year, according to Andrzej Kalicki, head of the Foreign Agricultural Market Monitoring Unit (FAMMU). Fruits and vegetables account for about 40% of Polish food exports to Russia, while 89% of Polish fruit exports are shipped to Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, according to FAMMU. Red meat and confectionery also have a significant share of exports to Russia. The export value of confectioneries increased nearly two-fold in 2010 and continues to grow, as does the export of red meat. The recent increase in the Polish agricultural exports to Russia is to a large extent an outcome of the 2010 drought negatively impacting Russian agriculture, according to Mr Kalicki. The disaster affected not only Russian production of crops but also such branches as livestock raising and horticulture. Russia’s accession to the WTO in December 2011 may increase the chances of cheaper imports of Russian raw material, yet it is difficult to say whether and to what extent this will facilitate Polish agricultural exports to the Russian market, said Mr Kalicki. Extra-tariff measures which are applied in Russia to protect its domestic market continue to negatively impact Polish n food exporters.

As the last decade has been a relatively good one for the Polish agriculture and food-processing sector, the next decade will likely be at least as good, if not better, as Poland’s food sector continues to modernize, improvise and find new and large n markets abroad

Top 250 Food Exporters from Poland (Source: Polish Ministry of Finance; ranking based on revenues from export; Ministry refused to disclose precise revenue numbers)

Contact: ul. Chałubinskiego 8, 00-613 Warszawa tel. 22 334 59 34 CEO: Dariusz Nowakowski Executive responsible for export: Renata Kopania ( Key products: Krakus Ham, Krakus Karkowska Sucha, Krakus Kabanosy, Morliny Kielbasa Zywiecka, Berlinki, Morlinki Products exported: Krakus Ham, Krakus Krakowska Sucha, Krakus Kabanosy, Berlinki, Morlinki, Morliny and Krakus other processed products, fresh pork, beef and poultry meat. Export destinations: UK, D, I, F, USA, J, ROK Key branch: meat Notes: Main activity of Animex is production and processing of meat (pork, beef) and poultry (turkey, chicken, geese); production of feed, as well as down and feathers, and foreign and domestic sales of these products.

3 Sokołów Contact: ul. Aleja 550-lecia 1, 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski tel. 25 640 82 00; fax. 25 787 61 32 CEO: Bogusław Miszczuk Executive responsible for export: tel. 22 521 33 00, 22 521 33 01, Key products: Hams, loins, bacon, sausage, salami, sausages, puddings, black pudding, canned products. Products exported: Hams, loins, bacon, sausage, salami, sausages, puddings, black pudding, canned products. Export destinations: EU, USA, J, ROK, RUS, HK, T, various African countries Key branch: meat Notes: Currently production of “SOKOŁÓW” S.A. takes place in: Sokołow Podlaski, Kole, Robakow, Dębica, Czyżewa, Jarosław and Tarnow.

Contact: ul. Dewajtis 3, 01-815 Warszawa tel. 22 569 31 00 fax 22 569 31 09, CEO: Albert Rokicki, tel./fax 22 569 31 00 Executive responsible for export: Director of Animal Breeding and Slaughter, Krystyna Starek, tel. 22 569 31 40, 41; Dyr. Działu Owoców i Warzyw oraz Przetworów Mięsnych, Andrzej Krasowski, tel. 22 569 31 50; Dyr. Działu Prawnego, Stanisław Korzeniewski, tel. 22 569 31 70, Key products: Meats (Farmpol), beef, pork, poultry, fruits and vegetables, seeds and cereals Products exported: Meats Farmpol, meats, grain and seeds Export destinations: UK, D, F, E, I Key branch: meat Other branches: fruits & vegetables

13 Zakład Przemysłu Mięsnego Biernacki Contact: ul. Dworcowa 47D, 63-200 Jarocin Golina tel. 62 747 09 00 fax 62 747 09 18 CEO: Marek Ściślak, Plant Director, tel. 62 747 09 00, Executive responsible for export: Przemysław Obacz, Trade Department, tel. 62 747 09 36 Key products: Pork, beef Products exported: Pork, beef Export destinations: RUS, UA, KZ, BY, ROK, GH, DZ, RP, UAE Key branch: meat Notes: The plant has been approved for slaughter and production of kosher meat, and to slaughter in accordance with the principles of the religion of Islam Halal. Most of the production is for export.

21 Storteboom Hamrol 5 Pini Polonia Contact: ul. Wschodnia 21, 99-300 Kutno tel. 24 357 95 00, fax. 24 357 95 00 CEO: Anna Siwiak, General Manager Key products: Meat and edible offal Products exported: Meat and edible offal Key branch: meat Notes: Firm plans to increase pig-slaughter from 8000 to 14 000 in slaughter-house in Kutno. The plan is the production of packaged pork. The company allocates about 30% of its production for export, while the domestic market absorbs the rest.

6 Hilton Foods Ltd. Contact: ul. Strefowa 31, 43-100 Tychy tel. 32 323 47 09 fax. 32 323 47 85; CEO: Robert Watson / Waldemar Skorupka, Managing Director of production plant in Tychy Key products: Meat and edible offal (beef, pork) Products exported: Beef, pork Key branch: meat Notes: Hilton Food Group is the main supplier of meat in Europe for networks Tesco, Ahold, Albert Heijn, RIMI and ICA and employs a total of about 1400 people.

10 Rolpek 2 Contact: ul. Olszowa 50, 58-150 Strzegom tel. 74 855 13 36; fax 74 855 54 50 Key branch: meat

Contact: Kotowo 1A,62-066 Granowo tel. 61 445 33 00; fax 61 445 33 30; Executive responsible for export: Tomasz Gilarski Key products: Chicken products Products exported: Chicken products Export destinations: EU countries Key branch: meat

24 Zakłady Drobiarskie Koziegłowy Contact: ul. Piaskowa 3, 62-028 Koziegłowy k. Poznania tel. 61 811 16 00; fax 61 811 16 75; CEO: Sekretariat zarządu: 61 811 16 42 Executive responsible for export: Export department: tel. 61 811 16 57; fax. 61 811 16 75; Key products: Poultry meat, poultry pies, sausages Products exported: Poultry meat, poultry pies, sausages Export destinations: D, NL, UK,F, RUS, UA, and MD Key branch: meat Notes: Currently, over one third of company’s product is manufactured for export and the value of foreign trade exceeds 16 million.

27 Polski Koncern Mięsny DUDA S.A. Contact: Grąbkowo 73, 63-930 Jutrosin tel. 65 547 70 76; CEO: Maciej Duda (tel. 65 547 70 37

Executive responsible for export: Kamil Czub (tel. 65 547 70 76 Key products: pork bellies full, chuck b / k, ham b / k, loin, shoulder Products exported: half-carcass, fat, fat little hard / soft, trimming undesirable 50/50 60/40, ham Quartino Export destinations: Honk Kong; Korea, Kazachstan, Russia, Lithuania, Belaruś Key branch: meat

29 OSI Group Contact: Al. Jerozolimskie 202; 02-486 Warszawa tel. +48 22 874 0108 Key products: Bacon, breakfast sausage, hot dogs, cooked beef and pork, raw chicken, fully processed chicken, fresh, frozen and cooked beef patties, pizza and dough based products, sandwich assembly, kettle and smoked products Products exported: Bacon, breakfast sausage, hot dogs, cooked beef and pork, raw chicken, fully processed chicken, fresh, frozen and cooked beef patties, pizza and dough based products, sandwich assembly, kettle and smoked products Key branch: meat Other branches: other

32 Superdrób Zakłady DrobiarskoMięsne Contact: ul. Rarmii Krajowej 80, 05-480 Karczew tel. 22 779 06 00; fax 22 779 06 15; CEO: Lech Kostecki Executive responsible for export: Export department: tel. 22 779 07 22 Key products: Poultry and red meat Products exported: Poultry and red meat Export destinations: Europe Key branch: meat Notes: The company has a 5% stake in national production of poultry. Every day produces 50000 chickens, 5,000 turkeys, and 3000 pieces of chicken.

34 Indykpol S.A. Contact: Jesienna 3, 10-370 Olsztyn; tel. 89 526 22 22 sekretariat; CEO: Piotr Kulikowski (tel. 89 526 22 00 Executive responsible for export: Joanna Małgorzewicz ( Key products: Parówki Jedynki, hot dogs, homemade pate, dry sausage Krakow, meat, poultry Products exported: Turkey and chicken meat (Halal), sausage meats Export destinations: D, F, B, CZ, LT Key branch: meat

37 Adros Contact: ul. Jesionowa 12, 63-330 Dobrzyca tel. 62 742 97 00; fax 62 742 97 01 Executive responsible for export: Trade department: tel. 62 742 97 08, 14, 15, 20, 21; Key products: Chicken, offal Products exported: Chicken, offal Export destinations: UK, A, B, BG, CN, CZ, DK, F, NL, IRL, D, RUS, RO, H, BY Key branch: meat Notes: Fully-automated plant for slaughter of chickens, and cutting and sorting of poultry items.

Spring 2012

2 Animex

11 Agraimpex

Polish Food Export Directory

Meat Exporters [NB Rankings are for all sectors, not sector-specific]

40 Foodservice Contact: ul. Tatar 4, 96-200 Rawa Mazowiecka tel. 46 814 70 00; fax 46 814 45 17;


Meat Exporters Executive responsible for export: Foreign Trade Office: tel. 46 814 70 11; fax 46 814 70 13; Key products: Pork (frozen), beef (packed, frozen), chicken (frozen) Products exported: Pork (frozen), beef (packed, frozen), chicken (frozen) Export destinations: EU, UA, KZ, CN, various African countries Key branch: meat Notes: The firm’s main activity is the purchase and transportation of cattle, pig slaughtering, cutting, trimming pork and beef, meat packing, freezing and storage. Food Service Sp. z o. o. has its own fleet of specialized transport of live and chilled and frozen meat.

Polish Food Export Directory

Spring 2012

41 Zakłady Mięsne Łmeat Łuków S.A.


Contact: Przemysłowa 15, 21-400 Łuków tel. 25 797 27 2;;; CEO: Irena Grzesiak ( Executive responsible for export: Artur Osiak (tel. 667 984 324 Key products: beef, canned meat, canned offal, sausages, pork Products exported: beef, canned meat, canned offal, sausages, pork Export destinations: TR, RUS, I, D, NL Key branch: meat

44 PRO Q Contact: ul. Spółdzielców 13, 62-850 Lisków tel. 62 763 46 36; fax 62 594 03 84; CEO: McKeen Ronald Executive responsible for export: Ciara McKeen tel. 603 092 429; fax 625 940 384; Key products: Beef Products exported: Beef Export destinations: EU Key branch: meat Notes: The main business of the company is cutting beef quarters and sale of beef. In the offer the company has about 55 variations. The main market for the company’s markets are the European Union, therefore, exports account for 95% of total sales.

48 Indrol Contact: ul. Wolsztyńska 68, Rostarzewo 62-068 tel. 61 444 45 50; Key products: Processing meat, turkey Products exported: Processing meat, turkey Key branch: meat

49 Cedrob S.A. Contact: Płocka 5, 06-400 Ciechanów 23 tel. 672 44 11;; CEO: Andrzej Goździkowski (tel. 23 675 04 09 Executive responsible for export: Józef Bobis (tel. 23 675 03 65 Key products: chicken, chicken parts, goose, chicken, sausages Products exported: chicken, chicken parts, goose, chicken, sausages Export destinations: EU Key branch: meat

54 Zakłady Mięsne Mokobody Contact: ul. Zielona 4, 08-124 Mokobody tel. 25 641 15 49; fax 25 641 17 82; kom. 516 031 481;;;; Key products: Beef Products exported: Beef Export destinations: D, NL, I, E, DK, F, UK Key branch: meat Notes: Department deals with the purchase of live cattle, slaughtering animals and selling quarter, hides and beef offal. In business since 2010, there is the possibility of Halal ritual slaughter.

60 Zakłady Mięsne Nove Contact: Morgi 53, 86-170 Nowe tel. 52 332 83 81 + 83; fax 52 332 83 80; Key products: Smoked meats, sausages, cold cuts Key branch: meat Notes: ZMN is part of the group Tican, which brings together 680 pork producers. During the year Tican processes more than 1.7 million pigs. 85% of production is exported.

62 Zakłady Mięsne “Zakrzewscy” Contact: ul. Wiejska 7, 08-330 Kosów Lacki tel. 25 787 19 69 fax 25 787 19 67 CEO: Dariusz Zakrzewski, Janusz Zakrzewski Executive responsible for export: Wiesława Perzyna tel. 22 548 00 83 fax 22 548 01 71 kom. 693 159 008 Key products: Pork, beef, chicken parts Export destinations: LV, UA, E, NL, I, P, RUS, MK, BY, KZ, TR, UZ, GE, SRB-MNE, BIH, MD, AZ, MGL, RO, SYR, CN, BG, D, F Key branch: meat

64 Polskie Mięso i Wędliny Łukosz Sp. z o.o. Contact: Bielska 69, 43-520 Chybie; tel. 33 854 88 00;; CEO: Edward Łukosz (tel. 33 854 88 00; Executive responsible for export: Joanna Szczypka Grzegorzek (tel. 501 659 714; Key products: fillet of turkey, turkey leg, leg in jelly, fillet of gold, beef with vegetables Products exported: fillet of turkey, turkey leg, leg in jelly, fillet of gold, beef with vegetables Export destinations: UK, D, H, Romania, Estonia Key branch: meat

69 KJM Trade Sp. z o.o. Contact: 19 Kwiatnia 116, 05-090 Raszyn tel. 22 716 21 65; CEO: Krzysztof Mikuła (tel. 22 716 21 65 Executive responsible for export: Farzad Goodarzi (tel. 22 716 21 65 Key products: Meat (beef, chicken) Products exported: Mięso (wołowina, kurczak) Export destinations: RUS, TR, UZ, IR, BY Key branch: meat

70 Konspol Bis Contact: ul. Poznańska 39, 62-400 Słupca tel. 63 274 21 02, 03 fax. 63 274 21 04; CEO: Kazimierz Pazgan Executive responsible for export: Joanna Nowaczyk Manager ds. Eksportu tel. 63 274 21 82, kom. 696 729 576; Marzena Koziarska - Manager ds. Eksportu tel. 63 274 21 80, kom. 668 849 959 Key products: Smoked chicken meat (brand Konspol Kingdom Chicken) pork and beef meat (brand Tasty District), organic meats (brand: Chicken Vegetarian) Products exported: Smoked chicken meat (make Konspol Kingdom Chicken, pork and pork and beef (make tasty District), organic meats (make Chicken Vegetarian) Export destinations: UK, IRL, SK, CH, D, F, Scandinavian countries Key branch: meat Notes: The group consists of four integrated companies: Pasz Konpol, Konspol-Bis, Konspol-Holding, Trans Konspol.

73 Zakłady Mięsne SALUS Contact: Golinka 26a, 63-940 Bojanowo tel. 65 545 63 77 fax. 65 545 07 21 CEO: Edward Andraszak 65 545 07 47 Executive responsible for export: Magorzata Łazarska 65 545 07 43 Key products: Pork, beef

Products exported: Pork, beef Key branch: meat

74 Ferrarini Contact: ul. Waryńskiego 9/39, 00-655 Warszawa tel. 83 375 05 68 fax. 83 375 00 46 CEO: Stefano Bianchi Key products: Salami, ham, cheese, butter, parmesan, balsamic vinegar, wine Key branch: meat Other branches: dairy Notes: Ferrarini Group, an expert in cooked ham and matured ham, today is a leader in salad market ingredients. In 2000, buying Vismara, it also enlarged its presence inside traditional Italian delicatessen products with important market share. Its agricultural production area has considerably developed and today represents an important support to the industrial activity.

81 Drobimex Contact: ul. Kniewska 6, 70-846 Szczecin tel. 91 464 72 00 fax. 91 460 01 69 CEO: Klaus Roppel Key products: Sausages, pies, sausages, bacon, salami, poultry Products exported: Sausages, pies, sausages, bacon, salami, poultry Export destinations: EU Key branch: meat Notes: Drobimex has two production facilities. Their Szczecin plant is one of Europe’s largest chicken slaughterhouses, which currently kills about 120,000 pieces a day, as well as carcass dissection and production of fresh and frozen chicken items.

82 Terre Di Passione Contact: Kochanowskiego 55/14, 58-150 Strzegom Key products: Meat and offal Key branch: meat

83 Przedsiębiorstwo Drobiarskie Drobex Contact: ul. Powstańców 19, 86-050 Solec Kujawski tel. 52 387 61 00 fax. 52 387 61 55 CEO: Zenon Pieńkos Executive responsible for export: Trade department: 52 387 61 90 Key products: Chicken, chicken parts, offal products for barbecue Products exported: Chicken parts Export destinations: DK, F, NL, HK, LV, LT, D, RO, UK, I, AFG, AL, DZ, AM, AZ, BD, BY, BIH, CN, ET, IRQ, IR, J, KZ , LAR, MK, HR, MD, SRB and MNE, TJ, UA, UZ and VN Key branch: meat Notes: Group companies DROBEX consists of three limited liability companies: PD “DROBEX”, “DROBEX - AGRO” and “DROBEX - FEED” and ten farms.

85 AMI Irena i Marek Aksamscy Contact: ul. Stara Droga 1, 63-510 Mikstat tel. 62 730 99 00; fax. 62 731 08 00; Executive responsible for export: 62 730 99 21 Key products: Meats, poultry (chicken, duck, goose, turkey), ready meals Key branch: meat Notes: AMI is the largest exporter in Poland of geese.

86 SNS Trading Sp. z o.o. Contact: Piotrkowska 121 lok 5/5a, 90-430 Łódź tel. 42 638 88 03; CEO: Krzysztof Salwach (tel. 42 638 88 04 Executive responsible for export: Piotr Kalinowski (tel. 42 638 88 03 Key products: pork, beef, poultry, vegetables, preserves/canned

Start-Up Exporter

Castration and capons – Poland’s newest food export

“So far in Europe, capon are only produced “Our costs are 4 times lower than in wein France”, said Birk, who is in the process of stern Europe, and our capons have a setting up “Kaplon Polski”, which is intended slightly different taste. Capon liver – for to be a cooperative production network for ca- example, wow, what a taste”, said Birk. He pons in Poland. “Chicken prices are so low that also said that capon has other advantages producers are looking for high-end niches with over farm-raised chickens: eggs that have better margins”, he said. lower cholesterol, capon are better for chilBirk, with a background in computer dren with allergies, and capon must be science, is backed up by his wife Agnieszka “free-range” as a condition for their deveMróz, a veterinarian, who is driving the bu- lopment. siness forward on a daily basis. They have While the US market produces about developed technology for feeding and cas- 1.5 million capon per year and the eastern tration, paying particular attention to the Asian market of Taiwan produces more feeding stages. The most important of the than 1.5 million capon, Birk aims for prothree stages is the last – just two weeks be- duction of 110,000 capon per year in Pofore slaughter. land within the next three years.

History of capon Capon is a castrated rooster, ecologically bred specifically to achieve the juicy, delicate and delicious meat. Capons of Kaplon Polski are slow-growing birds of a native Polish breed – Green-Legged Partridge, which are reared in natural environmental conditions to the best of Polish tradition coming from the 16th century. Capons Green-Legged Partridge have a unique taste of “venison”, and are fed only with natural, non-genetically modified feed. The Romans are credited with inventing the capon. The Lex Faunia of 162 BC forbade fattening hens in order to conserve grain rations. In order to get around this the Romans castrated roosters, which resulted in a doubling of size. European gastronomic texts of the past dealt largely with capons, as the ordinary chicken of the farmyard was regarded as peasant fare. Caponization must be done before the rooster matures, so that it develops without the influence of sex hormones. Capons, due to the lack of sex hormones, are not as aggressive as normal roosters. This makes capons easier to handle, and allows capons to be kept together with other capons since their reduced aggressiveness prevents them from fighting. The lack of sex hormones results in meat that is less gamy in taste. Capon meat is also more moist, tender, and flavorful than that of a hen or rooster, which is due not only to the hormonal differences during the capon’s development but is also because capons are not as active as roosters, which makes their meat more tender and fatty. Capons develop a smaller head, comb, and wattle than that of a normal rooster. The birds are well-fed for about 16 weeks until they weigh 8-10 lbs. This is double the life span of conventional chickens, adding to the cost, but making the birds more of a n special dinner centerpiece.

“We will produce capons based on slowgrowing birds of native Polish breed – Green-Legged Partridge, and we continue to carry out scientific studies on this rare breed, to figure out the optimum diet. We’ve been researching for three years, and in the spring will start research on next races”, said Birk. The birds will be marketed under the name “Royal Capon”, and will eventually have three different sub-brands with three different price n points.

Spring 2012

He’s become the leading advocate for caponization in Poland, as he pursues his ambition to build a network of ten capon farms over the next three years, and find export markets in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for roosters that are castrated at a young age. Capon meat is more tender and tasty than standard chicken meat, and commands a price premium in the marketplace.

“We want to spread out a renewed tradition of capons in Poland, and secondly we want to develop the business”, said Birk, whose initiative was recently featured on TVP. They are currently educating veterinary doctors about the delicate task of castration. In France, the process of castrating young roosters costs 15 euro each. Birk said that the process is not easily automated, and that a dexterous hand can castrate between 12 to 20 per hour. “We have even designed better castration tools, and have trained 7-8 doctors in this process.” He said 195 people, mostly small farmers, have requested information about raising capons.

Polish Food Export Directory

Waldemar Birk no longer flinches when he talks about castration.


Meat Exporters Products exported: pork, beef, poultry, Export destinations: Germany, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Korea Key branch: meat Other branches: fruits & vegetables Exports Revenue: 82,7 mln

88 Agrostar Contact: Nowa Jedlanka 87, 21-109 Stary Uścimów tel. 81 852 32 23; Key products: Elements of pork, beef, meat parts Key branch: meat

89 Indyk-Śląsk

Spring 2012

Contact: ul. Wolności 21, 42-672 Wieszowa tel. 32 273 70 68 kom. 607 799 211 Executive responsible for export: Trade Department: tel. 32 273 70 68, Key products: Poultry (turkey, turkey parts) Products exported: Poultry (turkey, turkey parts) Export destinations: UK, IRL, P, E, F, I, NL, H, SLO, A, CH, D, EST, LV, CZ, SK, I Key branch: meat

102 Przedsiębiorstwo ProdukcyjnoHandlowe Indyk-Mazury Contact: ul. Gizewiusza 32, 14-100 Ostróda tel. 89 646 36 62 fax. 89 646 36 62; CEO: Stanisław Tyszkowski Executive responsible for export: Trade department: tel. 89 646 22 81;; Key products: Turkeys, chickens, chicken parts Products exported: Poultry Export destinations: RUS, EU Key branch: meat Notes: Company is connected to one of the largest turkey meat producers in Poland, and cooperates University (Warmińsko-Mazurskim). Contact: ul. Szosa Jadowska 54, 05-200 Wołomin tel/fax. 22 787 66 91; CEO: Ryszard Sobiech Key products: Smoked meats, cold cuts, sausages, offal products, poultry products Key branch: meat

107 Mitmar Contact: ul. Sikorskiego 5B, 95-015 Głowno tel. 42 710 50 00; fax. 42 710 50 01; CEO: Krzysztof Półgrabia Executive responsible for export: Daniel Morawiec 42 710 50 20 Key products: Pork, beef, poultry Export destinations: EU, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Scandinavia, both N. and S. America Key branch: meat

94 Hodowla i ubój indyka Biodama

Polish Food Export Directory

Contact: ul. Przemysłowa 7, 67-410 Sława tel. 68 356 70 50; fax. 68 356 70 51; CEO: Danuta Wojtyś Key products: Turkey meat Key branch: meat


Contact: ul. Serbinowska 1A, 62-800 Kalisz Key branch: meat

130 PPUH Prosper sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Warmińska 14 a, 14-105 Łukta tel. 89 647 50 35; CEO: Ewa Pstrągowska Niesiobędzka Executive responsible for export: Dyr. naczelny Jacek Raszkiewicz ( Key products: Turkey parts Products exported: Turkey meat Export destinations: EU Key branch: meat

131 TLB SA Contact: ul. Fosa 35/10, 02-768 Warszawa tel. 22 853 75 31; Key products: meat, fish Products exported: meat, fish Key branch: meat Other branches: fish

135 Konspol Holding Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Grottgera 40, 33-300 Nowy Sącz tel. 18 449 55 00; Executive responsible for export: Ewa Pruska (tel. 22 630 96 84 Key products: chickens - brand Konspol. Pork, beef brand - Tasty Land. Products exported: chicken meat Export destinations: United Kingdom, Ireland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Scandinavia Key branch: meat

95 Roldrob Contact: ul. Warszawska 168/172, 97-200 Tomaszów Maz.; tel. 44 726 11 01; CEO: Adam Sojka Executive responsible for export: Aleksandra Chachuła (tel. 44 726 11 36;, Aneta Sepkowska (tel. 44 726 11 80, Key products: Parts of chicken, goose, duck, chicken (smoked bacon, sausages, minced meat) Key branch: meat Notes: Roldrob is part of the Drosed group, led by French strategic shareholder LDC Group - a European leader in the poultry industry with an annual turnover of over Euro 2.5 billion, employing over 15 thousand employees.

139 Prime Food Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Młyńska 43 b, 77-320 Przechlewo tel. 59 833 45 05; CEO: Paweł Nowak Key products: meat, processed meats Key branch: meat

141 IKO Kompania Drobiarska

98 PMB Białystok Contact: ul. Pozioma 2, 15-950 Białystok tel. 85 678 43 00; fax. 85 678 41 07;; CEO: Adam Lenkiewicz Executive responsible for export: Luiza Chruszcz tel. 85 678 41 37;, Radosław Ziniewicz, tel. 85 678 41 40; Key products: Smoked raw ripened, sliced meats, pastrami (beef) Products exported: Pork and beef Export destinations: RUS, the Baltics, BY, UA, UZ, GE, US, B, DK, E, RO Key branch: meat Notes: Sales of PMB are nearly 200 tons of meat per day. PMB employs nearly 1,000 workers in a factory covering almost 11 hectares. Exports of beef and pork are a key component of PMB’s revenues.

Contact: ul. Wysockiego 17, 58-300 Wałbrzych tel. 74 842 97 22; CEO: Marek Piekaj Executive responsible for export: Andrzej Bandyk Dyrektor Handlowy Key products: Bacon, tripe, sausages, minced meat, sausages, pates, cheeses, ham, bacon Export destinations: CZ Key branch: meat Notes: The company currently has two independent branches of Nysa, and Stone Mountain. The company also sells through its stores in the Czech Republic, including Prague.

129 MS Beef 105 Sobsmak

90 Parkur Contact: Mochnaczka Wyżna 47, 33-383 Tylicz tel. 18 476 18 18; fax. 18 476 18 19; CEO: Roman Para, tel. 509 780 047, Józef Kuruc, tel. 502 680 226 Executive responsible for export: Adrian Baran, tel. 508 102 621, Anna Halczak, tel. 508 061 282 Key products: Veal, beef, horsemeat Export destinations: D, NL, F, DK, S, SK, CZ Key branch: meat

115 Jama

Notes: Currently, the plant activity is mainly related to the storage of meat in cold storage elements with a capacity of 13,000 pallet positions. In addition to the cold, there is also a production hall equipped with a line for packaging of vegetables.

108 Antonio MS Niezabitowscy Contact: ul. Mokra 65/4, 30-690 Kraków Key branch: meat

109 MKZ Contact: ul. Targowa 10, 63-900 Rawicz tel. 65 546 64 00; fax. 546 64 10; CEO: Virginio Masina Key branch: meat

Contact: Augustowo 26, 64-050 Wielichowo tel. 61 444 46 00; CEO: Zbigniew Idziaszek Executive responsible for export: tel. 61 444 46 23 Key products: poultry meat Products exported: poultry meat Key branch: meat

150 Zakład Mięsny Mościbrody Sp. z o.o. Contact: Mościbrody 53, 08-112 Wiśniew tel. 22 641 71 86; www, CEO: Krzysztof Borkowski ( Executive responsible for export: Paweł Szczygielski (tel. 606 631 100 Key products: “Naturally for you” - traditional sausages produced with natural spices, traditional products of oak barrels, cold smoked products, HALAL slaughtering, dried sausage

Food Promotion

the growth of sales of good Polish products at home and abroad. The Try Fine Food mark allows the producers to increase the

Products exported: Beef compensated quarters, pork bellies, sausages, beef and pork-cooled components, beef and frozen pork parts Export destinations: RUS, BY, KZ TR, D Key branch: meat Exports Revenue: 10 000 000 PLN

161 Res-Drob

151 Interfinance Enterprise Contact: ul. Niepodległości 47, 64-100 Leszno tel. 65 520 21 62 CEO: Sergey Finkelshteyn Key branch: meat

153 Mipol Contact: Moszczenica Wyżna 72, 33-340 Stary Sącz tel. 18 446 25 23;; CEO: Peter Crkoń Key products: beef Products exported: beef Key branch: meat

158 Drosed Contact: ul. Sokołowska 154, 08-110 Siedlce tel. 25 640 00 00; CEO: Jacek Lewicki Executive responsible for export: Eksport - Marta Cała (25 640 00 26 Key products: elements of the chicken, poultry dishes Products exported: elements of the chicken, poultry dishes Key branch: meat Other branches: other

prestige of their products by showing that the product quality is supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The mark is awarded to products which comply with the highest criteria set by the Scientific Committee for the Quality of Food Products at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The members

Contact: ul. Marii Konopnickiej 18, 35-211 Rzeszów tel. 17 861 10 64; CEO: Marek Jurkiewicz Key products: poultry, offal Products exported: poultry, offal Key branch: meat

of the Committee include eminent professors and experts in nutrition, plant farming, animal breeding and law. After issuing an opinion on the application of the Chief Inspector of the Agricultural and Food Quality, the Committee recommends to the Minister which products should be awarded with the Try Fine Food mark. The Try Fine Food mark is awarded in the following groups of products: 1) meat and meat products; 2) milk and milk products; 3) fish and seafood and their products; 4) eggs and egg products; 5) honey; 6) edible fats; 7) cereal, leguminous, bulb and root plant products; 8) fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and their products; 9) confectionery and pastry products; 10) herbs and spices; 11) foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses; 12) mixed and processed products based on the abovementioned products; 13) waters and non-alcoholic beverages; 14) alcoholic beverages; n 15) other.

Executive responsible for export: Key products: Meat products Henryk Kania, brand Polskie Snaki Products exported: Meat products Henryk Kania, brand Polskie Snaki Key branch: meat

179 Getmor Contact: Moszczenica Niżna 144, 33-340 Moszczenica Niżna tel. 18 446 26 70; Key branch: meat Other branches: dairy

Contact: Chrzanowo 28, 06-225 Rzewnie tel. 29 761 34 69; CEO: Łukasz Mroczkowski Key products: Cured pork, beef, poultry Export destinations: EU, East Key branch: meat

170 Avalon Foods Sp. z o.o.

183 FOOD Trading Sp. z o.o.

Contact: Kombatantów 7, 84-230 Rumia tel. 58 522 94 91; CEO: Dennis Petersen (58 522 94 91) Key products: hen/chicken/turkey parts, pork by-products, beef offals, pork/beef cuts, raw material for processing Products exported: poultry, pork/beef, game, fish/seafood, fruits/vegetables Export destinations: Asia, Africa, Middle and Far East, Europe Key branch: meat

Contact: ul. Chłodna 48/110, 00-872 Warszawa tel. 22 620 08 60; CEO: Jędrzej Kodymowski Key products: beef, pork Products exported: beef, pork Export destinations: EU Key branch: meat Other branches: other

163 Mikulec

177 ZPM Henryk Kania Contact: ul. Korczaka 5, 43-200 Pszczyna tel. 32 210 32 47; CEO: Henryk Kania

Polish Food Export Directory

The “Try Fine Food” programme of Poland’s Ministry of Agriculture and Development has been in operation since 2004. It is one of almost 400 programmes in the European Union countries aimed at promoting high quality food products. The programme is a part of the European Union’s policy for increasing the quality and diversity of agrifood products on the Common Market. The main purpose of the Try Fine Food Programme is to provide customers with reliable information about the fact that a given product meets stricter quality, additional or specific requirements which are certified by independent authorities. Products participating in the Try Fine Food programme receive a special mark which certifies that they meet additional requirements for quality of materials used or methods of production and/or processing. The Try Fine Food mark helps customers make informed choices of food products and contributes to the growth of confidence in mass-produced products with high and stable quality. The Try Fine Food mark is an incentive to produce good and healthy products and motivates enterprises to constantly monitor and increase the quality of food products. The mark also contributes to

Spring 2012

“Try Fine Food” programme supports sales

184 Ubojnia Drobiu Górni i Synowie sp. j. Contact: ul. Sympatyczna 22, 11-500 Antonowo / Giżycko tel. 87 428 24 22;; Executive responsible for export: Trade dept - Arkadiusz Górny (tel. 87 428 24 22 Key products: poultry Products exported: poultry Key branch: meat


Meat Exporters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Spring 2012

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Polish Food Export Directory

17 18 19 20 21 22

87-820 Kowal Dziardonice 14A 21-560 Międzyrzec Podlaski P.P.H.U. “KAROL” Ewa Brodawka Strzakły 55 Łuków Zakłady Mięsne “Łmeat-Łuków” S.A. 21-400 ul. Przemysłowa 15 99-300 Kutno “PINI POLONIA” Sp. z o.o. ul. Wschodnia 21 Zakład Mięsny “OZDAN” D. Z. 96-230 Biała Rawska Oziembło Sp.j. Marianów 13 Rawa Mazowiecka Food Service sp. z o.o. Zakłady Mięsne 96-200 ul. Mszczonowska 35A Zakłady Mięsne 98-345 Mokrsko 343 “EUROMEAT” Sp. z o.o. “SOKOŁÓW” S.A. Oddział w 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski Sokołowie Podlaskim Al. 550-lecia 1 Chłodnie Warszawskie ”MORSPOL” 03-228 Warszawa S.A. ul.Marywilska 26 “SOKOŁÓW” S.A. Oddział w 37-500 Jarosław Jarosławiu ul. Przemysłowa 2 15-950 Białystok PMB S.A. ul. Pozioma 2 77-320 Przechlewo PRIME FOOD Sp. z o.o. ul. Młyńska 43 B Grupa ANIMEX S.A. 27-200 Starachowice Oddział w Starachowicach ul. Krańcowa 4 Ełk Grupa ANIMEX S.A. Oddział w Ełku 19-300 ul. Suwalska 86 Zakłady Mięsne ŁAGROM Sp.z o.o 63-800 Gostyń Chłodnia Składowa Czachorowo 44 64-125 Poniec Zakłady Mięsne ŁAGROM Sp.z o.o ul.Gostyńska Szosa 29a Zakład Przemysłu Mięsnego 63-200 Jarocin, Golina “Biernacki” Sp. z o.o. ul. Dworcowa 47 B Zakład Przemysłu Mięsnego 63-200 Jarocin, Golina “Biernacki” Sp. z o.o. ul. Dworcowa 47 D Kalisz Zakłady Mięsne Werbliński Sp. z o.o. 64-800 Dębniałki Kaliskie 22 Polski Koncern Mięsny Duda S.A. 63-740 Kobylin Oddział Stary Kobylin Stary Kobylin 11B 64-010 Krzywiń Agro - Handel Sp. z o.o. Mościszki 18 Polski Koncern Mięsny Duda S.A. 63-930 Jutrosin Oddział Grąbkowo Grąbkowo 73,


Firma Branży Tłuszczowo – Mięsnej “Sadełko” Krystyna Chojecka i Piotr Chojecki s.j.

Zakład Produkcyjny 63-040 Chocicza Chromiec 13


Grupa Animex S.A. Oddział w Szczecinie


KREATINA Sp. z o.o.

70-812 Szczecin ul. Pomorska 115 b 72-602 Świnoujście ul. Wrzosowa 9

3 3





3 3







Zakład Przemysłu Mięsnego “Biernacki” Sp. z o.o.

Contact: ul. Bartoszycka 12, 60-434 Poznań tel. 61 848 88 85; CEO: Marek Piechocki Key products: game Products exported: game Key branch: meat

63-200 Jarocin, Golina ul. Dworcowa 47 D

194 Kutnowskie Zakłady Drobiarskie Exdrob S.A. Contact: Mickiewicza 108, 99-300 Kutno tel. 24 355 31 01; Executive responsible for export: Tomasz Olejniczak (tel. 24 355 31 10 Key products: chicken, chicken parts, goose, goose parts, sausage Products exported: fillet of chicken, goose carcass, breast of goose, leg of goose, chicken carcass Export destinations: Niemcy, Francja, Belgia, Łotwa, UK Key branch: meat

3 3

















3 3






3 3

3 3






3 3



3 3 3


193 Sławski Zakład Przetwórstwa Mięsa i Drobiu Balcerzak i Spółka sp. z o.o. Contact: Wróblów 38, 67-410 Sława tel. 68 356 66 82; Executive responsible for export: 68 356 56 37 Key products: sausage, bacon Products exported: sausage, bacon Key branch: meat

Contact: Bolesławiec 12A, 62-050 Mosina tel. 61 893 03 04; Key products: poultry - turkey Products exported: poultry - turkey Key branch: meat

Contact: ul. Jana Pawla II 23, 33-300 Nowy Sącz tel. 18 447 75 90; Executive responsible for export: International trade - Miechur Sebastian (18 447 75 95; Key products: beef, pork, poultry, veal, mutton Products exported: beef, pork, poultry, veal, mutton Export destinations: EU, Far East Key branch: meat

3 3

196 Ubojnia Drobiu Wielkopolski Indyk

204 Agrofood Poland Chmielnicki, Ferenc


Zakłady zatwierdzone ze względu na dostarczanie surowca do zakładów zatwierdzonych 26


cold store


Chłodnia MARLEX sp. z o.o.

191 Weles Sp. z o.o.




Name of establishment




List of Polish Establishments Approved for Export of Pork Meat to South Korea


208 Abakus Sp. z o.o. Contact: Oświęcimska 54, 41-400 Mysłowice tel. 32 316 63 30; CEO: Marcin Wojciechowski Executive responsible for export: Dział Handlowy Małgorzata Tymińska

Fish Exporters

209 Janpol

246 Imex Marek-Sala

Contact: Witosa 39, 26-020 Chmielnik tel. 41 354 42 60; Key branch: meat

Contact: ul. Dworcowa 12, 32-800 Brzesko tel. 14 684 58 60; Key products: chicken meat Products exported: chicken meat Key branch: meat

211 IKA Sp. z o.o. Contact: 57-250 Mąkolno 74 tel. 501 303 508 Key branch: meat

212 Drop Contact: Al. Wojska Polskiego 1, 63-500 Ostrzeszów tel. 62 592 56 00 Executive responsible for export: Kierownik Działu Handlowego, Anna Owczarek (; tel 62 592 56 30) Key products: dchicken meat Key branch: meat

247 Cosmos Sp. z o.o. Contact: Sienkiewicza 177, 42-125 Łobodno tel. 607 350 790 Key branch: meat

249 RAB Jażyniec Adam Moder Bogusław Jóźwikowski Sp.J. Contact: 64-225 Jażyniec 99 / Kopanica tel. 68 346 20 10 Key branch: meat

214 Wędmas Sp. z o.o.

250 Zakład Mięsny Wierzejki

Contact: Kętrzyńska 64, 11-200 Bartoszyce tel. 65 543 13 30 CEO: Marian Piędyk Key branch: meat

Contact: 21-404 Płudy 21 / Trzebieszów tel. 25 643 75 00; Executive responsible for export: Dział Handlu i Exportu - Zdanowska Renata (tel. 25 643 75 06 Key products: meat, sausages, delicatessen products Products exported: meat, sausages Key branch: meat

225 Meatpol Sp. z o.o. Contact: 37-552 Korczowa 29 / Młyny tel. 17 250 89 78; Key products: meat, vegetables, fruit, fish Products exported: meat, vegetables, fruit, fish Key branch: meat Other branches: fish

227 Marlex Poland Sp. z o.o. Contact: Czerniakowska 127/178, 00-720 Warszawa tel. 22 851 81 01; CEO: Jolanta Marchlewska (tel. 22 851 81 01 Executive responsible for export: Zdzisław Bałuczyński (tel. 22 851 81 01 Key products: beef, pork, offal, poultry, vegetables Products exported: beef, pork, offal, poultry, vegetables Key branch: meat

NR Zakład Drobiarski Lech-Drób Contact: ul. Tartaczna 20 B, 14-230 Zalewo tel. 89 642 50 00; fax. 89 642 50 01; CEO: Bogusław Lech Executive responsible for export: Rafał Serek tel. 89 642 50 17 kom. 515 118 293 Key products: Chickens, turkeys Products exported: poultry Export destinations: EU, AL, AM, ANG, BIH, DY, BRN, BY Key branch: meat Notes: Current production is about 130 tons per day and continues to grow. About half is turkey and the other half broiler chicken. Production facility also leads slaughter of chickens.

228 Euro Doner Poland Contact: ul. Wapienna 8, 68-200 Żary tel. 68 479 15 88;; CEO: Omer Akyuz Key products: kebab, chleb turecki, tortilla Products exported: kebab, chleb turecki, tortilla Export destinations: Europe Key branch: meat

235 Zakłady Mięsne TUR Contact: 32-740 Kobylec 230 / Łapanów tel. 14 610 55 70 Key branch: meat

238 BK-Food Poland Sp. z o.o. Contact: Plac Kaszubski 8/301, 81-350 Gdynia tel. 58 666 20 00; CEO: Jan Puławski Key branch: meat

240 Zakłady Mięsne Werbliński Contact: 62-800 Dębniałki Kaliskie 22 / Kalisz tel. 62 760 32 24; CEO: Witold Werbliński

NR Pelon Zdzisław, Pelon Ewa ,,Pelon ZE s.c. Ubojnia Zwierząt Rzeźnych” Contact: 42-436 Pilica Dzwonowice 4 tel. 32 673 54 58;; CEO: Zdzisław Pelon (tel. 602 600 019 Executive responsible for export: Ewa Pelon (tel. 692 489 392 Key products: Compensated quarters of beef, leather, beef, beef tallow, beef tongues, beef tails Products exported: Beef quarters compensated Export destinations: Italy Key branch: meat Exports Revenue: 8 787 395,80 PLN

NR Zakład Przetwórstwa Drobiarskiego w Ostrzeszowie Contact: Al. Wojska Polskiego 1, 63-500 Ostrzeszów tel. 62 586 18 00; CEO: Bogdan Kupijaj Executive responsible for export: Anna Owczarek Kierownik Działu Handlowego (tel. 62 592 56 30) Key products: canned food, poultry, ready meals Products exported: canned food, poultry, ready meals Key branch: meat

Fish Exporters [NB Rankings are for all sectors, not sector-specific]

1 Morpol S.A. Contact: Duninowo 39, 76-270 Ustka tel. 59 814 38 35;; CEO: Jerzy Malek (tel. 59 814 38 35 Executive responsible for export: John-Paul McGinley (tel. 58 660 71 52; Key products: Cold smoked salmon, fresh salmon, marinated salmon, sockeye, salmon trout Products exported: Cold smoked salmon, fresh salmon, marinated salmon, sockeye, salmon trout Export destinations: Germany, France, Japan, USA, UK Key branch: fish Exports Revenue: 400 mln EUR

7 Espresen Polska Contact: ul. Mieszka I 29, 75-124 Koszalin CEO: Teis Knudsen, Managing Director in Poland Key products: Cod, saithe (czarniak), frozen fish fillets, breaded fish products Products exported: Fish Key branch: fish

14 Suempol Contact: ul. Białostocka 69A, 17-100 Bielsk Podlaski tel. 85 730 60 24; fax 85 730 60 26 Key products: Salmon, smoked salmon Products exported: Salmon, smoked salmon Key branch: fish Notes: In 2011 firm added another production hall, which will significantly increase productivity. In addition to the production hall is a new social-office building, which will also be equipped with modern laboratory facilties, meeting all the standards of the EU.

Spring 2012

Executive responsible for export: Trade dep’t (tel. 62 760 36 41 Key products: preserves, smoked meats, meats Products exported: preserves, smoked meats, meats Key branch: meat Other branches: other

16 Marine Harvest Poland Contact: ul. Marynarki Polskiej 79, 76-270 Ustka tel. 59 815 21 41 Executive responsible for export: Contact in Poland: Angelica Nowak Key products: Salmon, halibut, seafood (brands: Delifish, Ducktrap, The Organic Salmon, Donegal Silver Salmon, Kendall Brook, Kristen, La Couronne, Pieters, Sterling White Halibut, Xalar Salmon Oil) Products exported: Salmon, halibut, seafood Key branch: fish

23 Lisner Contact: ul. Strzeszyńska 38/42, 60-479 Poznań tel. 61 849 55 01; fax 61 849 55 62; CEO: Thorner Martin Key products: Canned fish, fish paste, fish salads, frozen products Products exported: Canned fish, fish paste, fish salads, frozen products Key branch: fish Notes: Lisner is part of Group Homann.

25 Royal Greenland Seafood Contact: ul. Bojowników o Wolność i Demokrację 15, 75-209 Koszalin; tel. 94 344 92 00; fax 94 344 92 01 CEO: Niels Harald de Coninck-Smith, Chairman of the board Key products: Shrimp, fish fillets, smoked products, seafood Products exported: Shrimp, fish fillets, smoked products, seafood Key branch: fish Notes: Royal Greenland has local sales offices in several European countries as well as in Japan and China. Company has also processing facilities in Greenland, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Canada. Furthermore, and the floating plants – trawler fleet in Greenland.

Polish Food Export Directory

Key products: drób - mięso kurczaka, wieprzowina, wołowina Products exported: drób - mięso kurczaka, wieprzowina, wołowina Export destinations: Węgry, Czechy, Austria Key branch: meat


Dairy Exporters 38 King Oscar/Rieber Foods Polska S.A.

217 Pommernfisch Contact: ul. Słowackiego 1, 78-220 Tychowo tel. 94 311 50 41; CEO: Axel Wechsler Key products: smoked fish Products exported: smoked fish Key branch: fish

Contact: Gniewino 84-250; tel. 58 670 65 00 Key products: Canned fish (herring, cod, tuna, mackerel, sprat) Products exported: Canned fish (herring, cod, tuna, mackerel, sprat) Export destinations: AUS, B, J, N, CZ, ZA, RUS, RO, SK, USA, H Key branch: fish

221 Stanpol Sp. z o.o. Contact: 3 Maja 44, 76-200 Słupsk; tel. 59 848 29 60;; Key products: Baltic cod, salmon Products exported: Baltic cod, salmon Export destinations: F, DK, D, B, N Key branch: fish

52 Koral Contact: ul. Za Dworcem 13, 83-110 Tczew tel. 58 531 32 77; fax 58 531 78 58 Key products: Smoked and marinated salmon Products exported: Smoked and marinated salmon Key branch: fish Notes: Owner of the firm is Grall S.A. Company plans IPO on Warsaw Stock Exchange. Koralm sells under its own brands: Koral, SuperFish, Black Rose and ownbranded via large food-networks.

226 Gadus Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Unruga 111, 81-153 Gdynia tel. 58 663 45 26; CEO: Dawid Sztormowski ( Key products: fish Products exported: fish Key branch: fish

Spring 2012

53 Laurin Seafood Contact: ul. Pionierów 10, 84-300 Lębork CEO: Jerzy Malek Key products: Fish and crustaceans, mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates. Products exported: Fish and crustaceans, mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates. Key branch: fish

157 Fabryka Przetworów Rybnych Mieszko Sp. z o.o. Contact: Warszkowo 117a, 76-100 Warszkowo tel. 59 810 52 66 CEO: Mieszko Marcinkowski Key branch: fish

4 Danone 165 Nordfish-Foodmark

80 Ternaeben Polska Contact: ul. Wspólna 3, 84-360 Łeba tel. 59 866 42 50 fax. 59 866 42 52; CEO: Friedrich Hollberg Key products: smoked fish Products exported: smoked fish Key branch: fish

Contact: ul. Szkolna 60, 78-122 Charzyno tel. 94 358 20 91, CEO: Andrzej Chlebowski Key products: herring, pickles oil, fish salads, seafood and caviar Products exported: herring, pickles oil, fish salads, seafood and caviar Key branch: fish

Polish Food Export Directory

114 Tahami Fish Contact: ul. Sprzetowa 3, 10-467 Olsztyn tel. 89 532 20 60 fax. 89 532 00 44; CEO: Krzysztof Banasiuk Key products: Fish: perch, trout, cod, perch, pike Key branch: fish Notes: Tahami Fish exports fish to Russia, Kazachstan, Germany, Spain, China, Lithuania, and Latwia.

133 Contimax S.A. Contact: Partyzantów 12 C, 32-700 Bochnia tel. 14 611 87 25; CEO: Andrzej Cieślik (14 611 87 25 Executive responsible for export: Piotr Furtak (663 850 358 Key products: Fillets a la Maties, herring fillets in oilrural, herring fillets in sauces, smoked mackerel, canned fish Products exported: Smoked mackerel fillets a’la Maties, herring fillets in sauces, canned fish, smoked salmon Export destinations: Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, USA Key branch: fish Exports Revenue: 41 000 000 PLN

155 Przetwórstwo Rybne Łosoś Sp. z o.o. Contact: Włynkówko 49B, 76-202 Słupsk tel. 59 847 27 00 do 703; CEO: Andrzej Piątak ( Executive responsible for export: Adam Lisowski Menadżer Eksportu i Importu (tel. 59 847 27 00 w. 145 Key products: canned fish, fish Products exported: konserwy rybne, ryby Export destinations: CZ, SK, SL, RO, H Key branch: fish


Dairy Exporters [NB Rankings are for all sectors, not sector-specific]

171 Wilbo S.A. Contact: Przemysłowa 8, 81-029 Gdynia tel. 58 783 70 00; CEO: Tomasz Konweka ( Executive responsible for export: tel.: 58 783 71 63 Key products: mackerel fillets in tomato sauce, pepper, sprat in tomato sauce, breaded sticks, fingers, breaded salmon Products exported: breaded sticks, salad with tuna, mackerel fielty in tomato sauce, pepper, herring in oil Export destinations: Italy, Romania, UK, Serbia, Czech Republic Key branch: fish

180 Excelsior-Delikatesy Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Skłodowskiej-Curie 25, 76-150 Darłowo tel. 94 314 30 41; Key products: fish Products exported: fish Key branch: fish

181 ZMK Delikates Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Dwernickiego 1, 63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski; tel. 62 737 83 00 Key products: Fish, seafood Products exported: Fish, seafood Key branch: fish Other branches: other

195 Lucky Union Foods – Euro Sp. z o.o. Contact: Nowa 7 Łozienica, 72-100 Goleniów tel. 91 419 42 00; CEO: SI Kyoung Ro Key products: ryby, paluszki krabowe Products exported: fish, crab sticks Key branch: fish

Contact: ul. Redutowa 9/23, 01-103 Warszawa tel. 22 860 82 00; fax. 22 860 84 50 CEO: Frank Uszko Key products: Yogurt, baby food, bottled water Products exported: Yogurt, baby food. Key branch: dairy Other branches: drinks

8 Hoogwegt Poland sp. z o.o Contact: ul. Leszno 14, 01-192 Warszawa tel. 22 535 69 60; fax. 22 535 69 61; CEO: Maciej Kędzierski Executive responsible for export: Wiesław Zawistowski Key products: Skimmed milk powder, whey powder, cheese, butter, liquid dairy products Products exported: Skimmed milk powder, whey powder, cheese, butter, liquid dairy products Export destinations: EU, North Africa, RUS, USA, Far and Middle East Key branch: dairy

9 Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Mlekpol w Grajewie Contact: Elewatorska 13, 19-203 Grajewo; tel. 86 273 04 00; CEO: Edmund Borawski (tel. 86 273 04 00 Executive responsible for export: Małgorzata Cebelińska (tel. 86 273 04 44 Key products: UHT milk and cream, cheese ripening (block and ready-made), fermented products (fresh), butter, milk powders Products exported: UHT milk and cream, cheese ripening (block and ready-made), fermented products (fresh), butter, milk powders Export destinations: EU, Africa, Middle and Far East, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Americas Key branch: dairy

12 Bel Polska Contact: ul. Grunwaldzka 97, 06-330 Chorzele Key products: Cheeses Key branch: dairy Notes: Part of the group Fromageries Bel, the largest producer of melted cheese in Europe and the US. Bel Polska Sp. z o.o. in Chorzele employs about 300 people. Bel is the first firm from the milk-processing industry to have received quality certificate ISO 9002.

Dairy Exporters

18 Interfood Polska Contact: ul. Madalinskiego 20/1C, 02-513 Warszawa tel. 22 856 51 51; fax 22 646 28 80, CEO: Paweł Płatos Key products: Milk powder, butter, cheese, liquide milk products, condensed and evaporated milk Products exported: Milk powder, butter, cheese, liquide milk products, condensed and evaporated milk Key branch: dairy Notes: The Interfood Group is a leading global dairy supplier with 16 offices in all continents. The group has over 200 employees and an annual turnover of USD 750 million.

19 SM Mlekovita Contact: ul. Ludowa 122, 18-200 Wysokie Mazowieckie tel. 86 275 82 00; fax. 86 275 83 30; CEO: Dariusz Sapiński; Marcin Antoni Sapinski (Assistant to the president) Executive responsible for export: Export Mlekovita: tel. 86 275 82 11, 86 275 82 32; fax. 86 275 81 30 Key products: Yogurt, cheese, homogenized cheese, butter and fat, UHT milk, ice cream products in powder, cream, kefir Key branch: dairy Notes: Group MLEKOVITA is a 100% Polish-owned firm. The firm has several production plants: Wysoki Mazowiecka, Bielsko Podlaski, Morąg, Zakopane, Lubaw, Działdowo, Pilica, Baranow, Kościan and Pyrzycy and distribution facilities in Chrzanow, Kluczbork, Torun, Piaseczno, Wyszkow, Łodz, Białystok, Brzesk, Goręczyn and Wolsztyn.

Key branch: dairy Notes: In 2011 the company is making investments of around 70 million Euros in a new whey processing facility at the Leppersdorf site.

35 Contractus Contact: ul. Kresowa 58, 16-100 Sokółka tel. 85 711 47 46; 85 711 23 30; fax 85 711 28 81; CEO: Otton Kuźma Key products: Skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, whey, casein, sodium caseinate and calcium, cheese, butter, edible oils, meat, grain, machinery for the dairy industry and agricultural machinery. Products exported: Skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, whey, casein, sodium caseinate and calcium, cheese, butter, edible oils, meat, grain, machinery for the dairy industry and agricultural machinery. Key branch: dairy

39 Fermy Drobiu Borkowski Contact: Barłożnia 10, 64-200 Wolsztyn tel. 68 384 24 41; fax. 68 384 39 87 CEO: Igor Borkowski Key products: hen eggs Products exported: hen eggs Key branch: dairy

55 Lactalis Polska Contact: ul. Bonifraterska 17, 00-203 Warszawa tel. 22 621 21 62 CEO: Piotr Walczak Key products: Curd, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, butter, yogurt, buttermilk, sour milk Products exported: Curd, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, butter, yogurt, buttermilk, sour milk Key branch: dairy Notes: Firms owns these brands: President, Bridel, Lepetit, B’A, Roquefort Societe, Dukat, Obory, Jovi

56 Okręgowa Spółdzielnia Mleczarska w Łowiczu Contact: Przemysłowa 3, 99-400 Łowicz tel. 46 830 36 00; CEO: Jan Dąbrowski Executive responsible for export: Małgorzata Wysocka Products exported: UHT Milk, UHT Cream, Cheese, Cottage Cheese, powder (buttermilk, whey,cheese) Key branch: dairy

59 Spółdzielnia Obrotu Towarowego Przemysłu Mleczarskiego Contact: ul. Handlowa 4, 15-959 Białystok tel. 85 748 79 00; fax. 85 748 79 90 CEO: Kazimierz Jankowski Executive responsible for export: Export department: tel. 85 748 79 48 fax 85 748 79 49 Key products: Cheese, milk, evaporated milk, cream, butter, margarine, oils, vegetable preserves, honey, natural and artificial, mineral water, juices, syrups, coffee, eggs, sweets Products exported: Hard cheeses, basic cheeses, liquid cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, feta cheese, blue cheese, butter, powdered products: whey and milk. Export destinations: CDN, USA, C, D, CZ, IL, UA, RUS, LT, LV, BY Key branch: dairy Other branches: other Notes: Firm is supplier to food networks: PSS Społem, Lewiatan, Rabat Euro, Piotr i Paweł, Berti and Chata Polska and many foreign food-chain networks.

61 Spomlek Diary Co-Operative 28 Target Contact: ul. Gwiazdzista 15 A lok 403, 01-651 Warszawa tel. 22 560 43 00; fax 22 560 43 01 Executive responsible for export: Trade office in Krakow: ul. Sloneczna 22, 32-087 Zielonki k. Krakowa; tel./fax 12 635 18 18; Key products: Milk, milk powder, whey powder, milk fat, cheese Products exported: Milk, milk powder, whey powder, milk fat, cheese Key branch: dairy

30 Baltima Contact: ul. Śląska 17, 81-319 Gdynia tel. 58 669 24 00; fax 58 629 55 90; CEO: Biuro Zarządu tel. 58 669 24 00; Executive responsible for export: tel. 58 669 24 11 Mleko w proszku, serwatka: tel. 58 669 24 14; Sery, masło: tel. 58 669 24 12; Key products: Milk, milk powder, dairy products, butter, cheese Products exported: Milk, milk powder, dairy products, butter, cheese Export destinations: LT, RUS, CZ Key branch: dairy

33 Muller Sachsen Contact: ul. Ratuszowa 24, 59-800 Lubań tel. 75 646 53 55; fax 75 646 53 56 Key products: Diary products

43 PPHU Laktopol Contact: Al. Niepodległości 118a/10, 02-577 Warszawa tel/fax 22 412 15 31; Executive responsible for export: Trade office: Kraków: tel. 12 424 19 00; fax 12 424 19 99; Suwałki: tel. 87 565 66 70; fax 87 565 66 74; Łosice: tel: 83 359 09 03; fax 83 359 09 00 Key products: Milk powder, whey, coconut fat, fat Products exported: Milk powder, whey, coconut fat, fat Key branch: dairy Notes: Other companies within the group include: Polindus, Laktopol, Laktopol-A, Laktopol International, Franser, Polindus ex Monts de Joux. Its scope covers the complete process of production and sales from milk collection, through its pre-processing, production of final products, and domestic and foreign trade.

46 KiG Raszyn-Rybie Contact: ul. Raszyńska 50, 05-090 Raszyn-Rybie tel. 22 720 50 96; fax 22 720 03 89; CEO: Kazimierz Karaś Executive responsible for export: Maria Muchowicz; Key products: Milk, butter, cheese Products exported: Milk, butter, cheese Key branch: dairy

Contact: Kleeberga 12, 21-300 Radzyń Podlaski tel. 83 351 14 26; CEO: Edward Bajko (tel. 83 35 11 500 Executive responsible for export: Zbigniew Żurek (tel. 604 282 188 Key products: radamer cheese, cheese, salami, cheese, serenade, Hollender cheese, butter Products exported: radamer cheese, cheese, salami, cheese, serenade, Hollender cheese, butter; cheeses Kasztan and Old Poland Export destinations: Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, USA, Czech Republic Key branch: dairy

66 Olam Polska Contact: ul. Kolektorska 15/4, 01-692 Warszawa tel. 22 529 57 90; fax. 22 529 57 95; CEO: Maciej Grygorowicz Key products: Milk, cashew nuts, coffee, cotton, cocoa, rice, timber, sugar, sesame, shea nuts Products exported: Milk, cashew nuts, coffee, cotton, cocoa, rice, timber, sugar, sesame, shea nuts Export destinations: Africa, Asia Key branch: dairy Other branches: drinks Notes: Olam działa w ponad 35 krajach, w 14 branżach oraz zatrudnia ponad 3000 pracowników na całym świecie.

Spring 2012

Contact: Żylice 35A, 63-900 Rawicz tel. 65 546 84 52, - 35 fax 65 546 84 18 CEO: Adam Woźniak Executive responsible for export: Trade office: tel. 65 546 84 52, - 35 fax. 65 546 84 18; Key products: hen eggs Products exported: hen eggs Key branch: dairy Notes: Firm employs 880 people, and produces daily 5.5 million eggs

Polish Food Export Directory

17 Fermy Drobiu Woźniak

67 Hochland Polska Contact: ul. Okrężna 2, 64-530 Kaźmierz tel. 61 292 91 00; fax. 61 292 91 01;


Dairy Exporters CEO: Mirosław Stec Key products: Processed cheese, creams, spreads, cheese, ripened cheeses Key branch: dairy Notes: In Kaźmierz is the headquarters of Hochland Polska. The plant employs about 500 people, of which 380 in production.

CEO: Barbara Woźniak Key products: Egg weight, egg Products exported: Egg weight, egg Export destinations: Europe Key branch: dairy Notes: The company deals with the ready-chicks. Rearing of poultry takes place mostly in the cage system.

68 C. Olsen Trading

119 Maypol Foods

Contact: ul. Sobieszyńska 9, 00-764 Warszawa tel. 22 433 10 00; fax. 22 433 10 03 CEO: Krzysztof Nozderka Key products: Milk, whey powder, milk protein concentrates, ice cream and yoghurt powder, butter, cheese, sugar Products exported: Milk, whey powder, milk protein concentrates, ice cream and yoghurt powder, butter, cheese, sugar Export destinations: EU, north Africa, Asia, Middle East Key branch: dairy Notes: The company was founded in Norway, its products are available worldwide.

Contact: Al. Jana Pawła II 80 m. 25, 00-175 Warszawa tel. 22 636 46 77; fax. 22 838 98 99 Key products: Milk powder, whey powder, butter, cheese, lactose, buttermilk Key branch: dairy

142 Arla Foods S.A. Contact: ul. Kłobucka 25, 02-699 Warszawa tel. 22 737 54 73; CEO: Folden Erik Ejnar Key products: cheese, butter, blue cheese, milk drinks Export destinations: UK, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, Sweden, Spain Key branch: dairy Other branches: drinks

148 Latteria-Tinis Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Sawickiej 1, 69-110 Rzepin, tel. 95 759 64 96 CEO: Valerio Gaglioti Key branch: dairy

160 Ilas Polonia SA Contact: ul. Mleczarska 4, 06-400 Ciechanów tel. 23 671 23 50; CEO: Neira Navarro Albano Key products: Milk, Cheese Products exported: Milk, Cheese Key branch: dairy

Spring 2012

77 Agrotrade Melkumian & Gasior Contact: ul. Łotewska 5A, 03-918 Warszawa tel. 22 616 18 05; fax. 22 616 37 75 Executive responsible for export: Izabela Kuźma Trade Department. Key products: Cheese, milk powder, butter, whey Key branch: dairy Notes: Also in the Group: Zakład Przerobu Mieszanek Mlecznych in Brzezinach and Proszkownie milk in Przasnysz. We also manufacture a line of cheese curd and oils under the brand name Mlekoma.

167 Agus Sp. z o. o. Contact: Pl. Piłsudskiego 3, 00-078 Warszawa tel. 22 313 29 00; CEO: Grzegorz Mączyński Key products: raw milk Products exported: raw milk Export destinations: Near East, Far East, Africa, Europe Key branch: dairy

168 Bakoma Sp. z o. o. Contact: ul. Połczyńska 97A, 01-303 Warszawa tel. 22 532 97 00; CEO: Christian Kaczmarek Executive responsible for export: Marketing and Export Departments (22 532 97 00) Key products: yogurts, cheeses, desserts, kefir, sour cream Products exported: yogurts, cheeses, desserts, kefir, sour cream Key branch: dairy

Polish Food Export Directory

87 Przedsiębiorstwo Handlu Zagranicznego Spółdzielni Mleczarskich Lacpol Contact: ul. Skierniewicka 21, 01-230 Warszawa tel. 22 632 10 98; fax. 22 632 14 98;, CEO: Kazimierz Łoś Key products: Processed cheese, yogurt, milk, cream, homogenized cheese, buttermilk, kefir, aged cheese, cottage cheese, butter, whey, milk powder. Key branch: dairy Notes: 11 production facilities: Piotrkow Kujawski, Murowana Goślin, Wolsztyn, Łaszczow, Kobylnica, Zales, Tarnow, Torun, Krynica-Zdroj, Płońsk and Gdynia

92 Emilgrana Poland Contact: Siedlec 71b, 63-830 Pępowo tel. 65 572 79 08; fax. 65 572 79 09 CEO: Attilio Zanetti Key branch: dairy

99 Weko-Polska Contact: Moszczanka 96, 63-440 Raszków tel. 62 734 88 10; fax. 62 735 06 00 CEO: Jan Heijn Key products: Pasteurized egg preparations (liquid egg weight, egg white, egg yolk) Key branch: dairy

Contact: Pl. Jana Matejki 5, 31-157 Kraków tel. 12 424 19 00 fax. 12 424 19 99 CEO: Olgierd Meysztowicz Key products: Milk powder, whey, powders: caramel, milk, coconut fat Key branch: dairy

123 Contractus Contact: ul. Bukowińska 24A/58, 02-703 Warszawa tel. 22 847 54 85 fax. 22 847 54 88; CEO: Otton Kuźma Key products: Milk, butter, cheese, whey Key branch: dairy

126 Zott Polska Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Chłodnicza 6, 45-315 Opole tel. 77 443 42 00; Key products: yogurts, dairy products Key branch: dairy

104 Unipolcom Contact: ul. Tagore 3, 02-647 Warszawa tel. 22 844 74 34; fax. 22 844 74 44 CEO: Krzysztof Mularczyk Key products: Skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, whole milk powder, instant dairy mix, whey powder, acid casein, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, butter, cheese. Key branch: dairy

113 Ovotek Contact: Bobrzany 1B, 67-320 Małomice tel. 68 376 91 03 fax. 68 376 93 01;


120 Polindus

128 Mleczarnia TUREK Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Milewskiego 11, 62-700 Turek tel. 22 430 03 90;, Key products: Tartare, Sekret Mnicha, Turek Key branch: dairy

134 Polmlek Contact: ul. Warszawska 27, 06-100 Pułtusk tel. 23 692 41 13; Key products: cheese Warmia, Caprese, yellow cheeses,mozzarella Key branch: dairy

174 Arla Foods Contact: Gościno ul. Lipowa 15, 78-120 Gościno tel. 94 354 91 00 Key branch: dairy

182 Arsenal LTD Sp. z o.o. Contact: Handlowa 5, 15-399 Białystok tel. 85 747 90 56;; CEO: Piotr Grycuk (85 747 90 56) Executive responsible for export: Dorota Demianiuk (85 747 90 56) Key products: confectionery, dairy, beverages, pasta, dairy Products exported: confectionery, dairy, beverages, pasta, dairy Export destinations: England, Ireland, Baltic States, Russia, USA Key branch: dairy Other branches: other

186 Okręgowa Spółdzielnia Mleczarska w Kole Contact: Towarowa 6, 62 - 600 Koło tel. 63 272 09 00;; CEO: Czesław Cieślak (tel. 63 272 09 00 Executive responsible for export: Karolina Mikołajczyk (tel. 63 272 86 07 Key products: Full cream milk powder, milk powder full of instant skim milk powder, agglomerated powder, skimmed milk, powdered milk fat from vegetable fat, Butter, Extra and molded into blocks, cottage cheesetype Cottage Cheese Products exported: milk powder, butter Extra blocks, cottage cheese-type Cottage Cheese

Oshee Polska Sp. z o.o. Drinks, caffeinated cold drinks, energy drinks Pago Sp. z o.o. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen baguettes PIFO Eko-Strefa Sp. z.o.o. Technology, concepts and services PUH Pilot Polska Sp. z.o.o. Drinks, beer, black tea Pini Polonia Meat, sausage, game and poultry, frozen meat (unprocessed), other frozen meat POL-MAK SA Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, organic pastas, Pastas Polagro Trade Sp.z.o.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, frozen fish (unprocessed), frozen meat (unprocessed) Polan Polish-French Company Deli products, gourmets, non-powdered soups, organic fruit, vegetable and mushroom preserves Poland Services S.p.z.o.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, frozen meat (unprocessed), frozen meat products P.P.H. POLFOL Technology, concepts and services Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIIZ) Trade and Investment Promotion Agency

Polmlek Sp. z.o.o. Dairy products, coffee whitener (instant milk powder), cream butter Wielkopolska Wytwórnia Zywnosci “PROFI” Sp. z o.o. S.K.A. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, fish preserves, mixed preserves PRZETWORNIA OWOCOWI WARZYN LUBAWA Bread, baked goods, fruit butter, fruit juices RAB JAZYNIEC Adam Moder, Boguslaw Józwikowski S.j. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, Poultry,... Raciborska Spoldzielnia Mleczarska Dairy products, cream cheese, sour cream Firma Handlowa Rafpak Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, grains, herbs and spices Rene Coffee Pads MAGMAR Coffee, coffee pads/capsules Cukiernicza Spoldzielnia Roksana Gourmet foods, cocoa and chocolate products, sugar confectioneries Roldrob S.A. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, gyros, other meat products P.P.U.H. Rolfoods Jan Rosak Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen fruit products, organic fruit, vegetable and mushroom preserves P.P.H.U. “ROLMAX” Sp. z.o.o. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen dumplings, frozen snacks F.H. Rolnik Sp. j. Deli products, gourmet foods, canned fruit and pulps, fruit preserves Ros-Sweet Sp. z o.o. Deli products, gourmet foods, dried fruit, kernels Run Chlodnia Sp. z o.o. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen fruit (unprocessed), frozen fruit products Rzeszowskie Zaklady Drobiarskie Res-Drob Sp. z o.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry Sante A. Kowalski Sp. J. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, muesli Scandic Food Sp. z o. o. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen fruit products, frozen mushrooms Sertop Sp. z o.o. Dairy products, cream cheese, processed cheese and preparations SNS Trading Sp. z.o.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, cut fruit, cut vegetables P.W. “Spomet” Sp. J. Bread, baked goods, biscuits and crackers, Florentines Stovit Group Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, fruit preserves Tago P.P.C. Tadeusz Golebiewski Bread, baked goodss, biscuits and crackers, cakes Tan-Viet International S.A. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, buckwheat products, dried mushrooms Telko-Poland Sp. z o.o. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen fruit (unprocessed), frozen vegetables (unprocessed) PHU Unico Import-Export Gourmet foods, concentrates (liquid and powder), essences and aromas Uren Novaberry sp z o.o. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen fruit (unprocessed), frozen organic fruit and vegetable products ZPC Vobro Gourmet foods, chocolate, cocoa and chocolate products Woiwodschaft Lodz Marschallamt in Lodz Associations ZPT – Szczecinek S.A.™ Dairy products, cream butter, cultured butter

Spring 2012

Agros Trading Confectionery Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, confectionery products Agrotrade Melkumian & Gasior Sp. z o.o. Dairy products, coffee whitener, milk powder AGUS Sp. z o.o. Dairy products, coffee whitener, milk powder A.H.D. Americanhotdog Andrzej Krauze Technology and services for the retail trade Ajinomoto Poland Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet food, Ready-meals (non-chilled) PW Amigo Dairy products, eggs and egg products Animex Sp. z o.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, bacon, beef Apiary Cooperative APIS in Lublin Drinks, honey, other wines Z.P.H. Argo Sp. z.o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, chewing gum, Other cocoa and chocolate products As-Babuni Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet food, pastas P.P.H.U. Astra Sp. z.o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, sugar confectioneries Avalon Foods Sp. z o.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, bacon, beef Baltima Sp. z o.o. Acid curd cheese, Anuga Dairy - Dairy products, Coffee whitener Bartex Sp.z.o.o. Dairy products, Baking agents and basic ingredients for baking Grupa BGK Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, cornflakes, potato products P.P.H. Bifood Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, cereals, cornflakes Bioconcept-Gardenia Sp. z o.o. Frozen food and ice cream products, cut fruit, cut vegetables BIOFLUID SP. J.W. Piasecki Z. Piasecki, W. Bargielowski Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, black tea, Cut fruit Biogran GmbH Sp. z o.o. Bread, baked goods, barley/malt/corn coffee, coffee additives Brand Distribution Poland Sp. z.o.o. Drinks, artificially-carbonated water, baking wafers CEKO sp. z o.o. Dairy products, hard cheeses, Pasta filata cheese Coffee Service Sp. z o.o. Technology, concepts and services, Coffee grinders, coffee roasters General Consulate of the Republic of Poland – Contractus Sp. Z.o.o. Dairy products, cream butter, milk powder Cukiernia Zaniewicz (Allnet ltd) Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, biscuits and crackers, cakes Czanieckie Makarony Sp. z. o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, pastas Dairy Company in Gostyn Dairy products, buttermilk, condensed milk Z.P.O.W. Dawtona Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, canned fruit and pulps, cocktail fruit Dijo Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, flat breads, fruit jellies Polski Koncern Miesny DUDA Meat, sausage, game, beef, frozen game Edpol Export - Import E.Dabrowski Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, aromas ELAGRO-EXPORT Sp. z.o.o. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen fruit (unprocessed), frozen vegetables (unprocessed) Euroap Agency Association F.H.U. Green Frozen food and ice cream products “Food Exports Poland”/ Media Food Service Sp. z.o.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, beef, pork Frigo Logistics sp. z.o.o. Logistics / transport, other services Fructa Napoje Sp. z.o.o. Drinks, aromas, essences and extracts, caffeinated cold drinks Fructofresh Group Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. Fresh convenience food, fresh and cut fruit, cut salad P.P.H.U. “Fruktus” Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, fruit preserves, horseradish Dr Gerard Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, baking wafers, biscuits and crackers GRAAL Joint-Stock Company Fresh convenience food, caviar, chilled fish preserves Greek Trade Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, almonds, basic ingredients for baking

Herbapol Lublin S.A. Drinks, black tea, energy drinks Hoogwegt Poland Ltd. Acid curd cheese, dairy products, butter-based products Iglotex S.A. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen baguettes, frozen dumplings Infomax Dzialowski, Lewicki, Szczepanik Sp. J. Association Instanta Sp. z o.o. Bread, baked goods, coffee, Instant hot beverages Sredzka Spoldzielnia Mleczarska “Jana” Dairy products, buttermilk, cream butter Jutrzenka Colian LLC Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, chocolates PPHU Kampol Krzysztof Luzniak Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, buckwheat products, cereals Kampol-Fruit Sp. z o.o. Frozen food and ice cream products, aromas, essences and extracts, frozen fruit (unprocessed) ZPM Henryk Kania S.A. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, bacon, cooked ham KASKAT Ltd. Dairy products, coffee whitener (instant milk powder), condensed milk PHZ Kasol Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, dried mushrooms, frozen fruit (unprocessed) Kazeina Polska Sp. z o.o. Dairy products, concentrates (liquid and powder), food additives Kra sp. zo.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, beef, frozen meat (unprocessed) Kupiec Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, barley products, breadcrumbs Lacteco Sp. Z.o.o. Dairy products, milk powder, other dried milk products Lactex Sp. z o.o. Dairy products, cream butter, hard cheeses Lactima Ltd. Dairy products, frozen dairy products, other butters LEDA Sp.z.o.o. Technology, concepts and services for packaging and sealing systems Polskie Mieso I Wedliny “Lukosz” Sp. z o.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, frozen meat (unprocessed), frozen meat products Luzyckie Praliny Sp. z.o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, biscuits and crackers, marzipan and persipan FPH Magnat sp.j. Marek Jarocki, Krzysztof Dabrowski Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, pralines Makarony Polskie S.A. Pastas, etc. PPH Malpol Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, mushroom preserves “Malwa” Tea - Wojciech Fabisiak Bread, baked goods, black tea, fruit tea Masfrost Sp. z o.o. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen fruit (unprocessed), frozen fruit products Przedsiebiorstwo Handlowo-Uslugowe “MATEO” Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen complete meals, frozen dumplings PPH MAXPOL Sp. z o.o. Trading and services P.W. MAXTOP Sp. j. Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen pizzas “Mayonnaises” the Work Cooperative Production and Trade Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, gingerbread, mayonnaise ZWC Millano K. Kotas Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, chocolate, marzipan and persipan MIND Consulting Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, dried fruits, herbs and spices Mitmar Sp. z o o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, barley products, beef Spoldzielnia Mleczarska Mlekovita Dairy products, butter-based products, cream butter SM Mlekpol w Grajewie Dairy products, butter-based products Monrol Sp. z o.o. Technology, concepts and services for barbecues Nero Sp. z.o.o. Meat, sausage, game and poultry, beef, frozen meat (unprocessed) Marshallamt der Woiwodschaft Niederschlesien Association Obrako Sp. z o.o. Delicatessen products, gourmet food, mushroom preserves Octim Sp. z.o.o. Wytwornia Octu i Musztardy Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, ketchups, mustards Okechamp S.A. Delicatessen products, gourmet foods, cut vegetables, fresh fruit and vegetables Okregowa Spoldzielnia Mleczarska w Lowiczu Dairy products, buttermilk, coffee cream Zaklad Piekarniczy Omar Frozen food and ice cream products, frozen baguettes, frozen bread and rolls

Polish Food Export Directory

ANUGA – Exhibitors from Poland


Fruits & Vegetables Exporters

Polish Food Export Directory

Spring 2012

Poland Exhibitors at ISM Sweets Fair, Cologne, January 2012 Agros Trading Confectionery Sp. z o.o. (Limited) Biscuits, Caramel sweets, Chews Z.P.H. Argo Sp. z.o.o. Boiled sweets with soft centres, Caramel sweets, Chocolate sweets/chocolate mint sweets P.P.H.U. Astra sp.z.o.o. Lollipops (cherries on sticks / shaped lollies), Sugar confectioneries, caramels Beta Gulewicz I Sawulczyx Spółka Jawna Chewing gum, Licorice, Sugar confectioneries, caramels Bomilla Sp. z o.o. Alcohol-filled chocolate, Almond praline/Hazelnut praline chocolate Z.P.C. Janusz Chojecki Biscuits, Butter cakes, Butter pretzels/butter pastries/butter biscuits Dan Cake Polonia Sp.z.o.o. Bar-shaped cakes/small cakes, Biscuits, Cakes Delic-Pol S.A. Bar-shaped cakes/small cakes, Biscuits, Boxed/tinned biscuits/biscuits assortments Zaklad Produkc.II Spozywczej “Dobosz” Grzegorz Dobosz Caramel sweets, Chocolate covering (see coating), Cocoa and Chocolate products DOTI Sp.J. MDC Chocolate Dragee Manufacturer Chocolate beans, Chocolate-coated kemels, raisins etc., Sugar confectioneries, caramels Fabryka Galanterii Czekoladowej “Edbol” Almond chocolates,etc./Chocolate-coated dried fruit, Cocoa and Chocolate products PPH “Ewa” S.A: Coated eggs / coated egg arrangements, Cream sweets, Herbal sweets Geomax “Misztal - Stateczny” Sp.j. Caramel sweets, Chocolate sweets/chocolate mint sweets, Cocoa confectionery Dr Gerard Sp. z o.o. Bear’s paws, Biscuits made with fresh eggs Good Food Sp.z o.o. Biscuits, Cocoa and Chocolate Products, Corn snacks PPH Gran-Pik Biscuits, Boiled sweets with soft centres, Fruit-flavoured boiled sweets Jutrzenka Colian Limited Liability Company Alcohol-filled chocolate, Assorted nuts / assorted nuts and raisins, Block chocolate Konpol Sp. z o.o. – Luzyckie Praliny Sp.z.o.o. Pralines FPH Magnat sp.j. Marek Jarocki, Krzysztof Dabrowski Advocat chocolates, Alcohol-filled chocolates, Brandy (cognac) chocolates

Export destinations: Algeria, Senegal, Singapore, Egypt, Nigeria Key branch: dairy

190 Lactima Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Kaszubska 6, 14-300 Morąg tel. 89 757 40 65; CEO: Wiesław Kuncewicz Key products: processed cheese, margarine Products exported: processed cheese, margarine Export destinations: EU Key branch: dairy

230 Maia Polska Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. 700 lecia 23, 49-100 Niemodlin tel. 77 460 66 01; CEO: Claudio Lionello Key branch: dairy

Fruits & Vegetables Exporters [NB Rankings are for all sectors, not sector-specific]

201 OSM Włoszczowa Contact: ul. Kochanowskiego 1, 29-100 Włoszczowa tel. 41 388 33 00;; Executive responsible for export: Dział Handlowy (tel. 41 388 33 21 Key products: milk drinks, cream, butter, curd, cheese Products exported: milk drinks, cream, butter, curd, cheese Key branch: dairy

222 OSM Sierpc Contact: ul. Żeromskiego 2a, 09-200 Sierpc tel. 24 275 38 81; CEO: Grzegorz Gańko Key products: cheese and curd Products exported: cheese and curd Key branch: dairy Other branches: other


Magnolia Sp. z.o.o. Biscuits, Ice-cream cornets and wafers, Wafer assortment/wafer rolls/wafer fingers MAJAMI M. Piestrzynski Sp. J. Chocolate coated marshmallows/crescents, Cocoa confectionery, Marshmallows PPH MAXPOL Sp. z o.o. Trading Mieszko Group Advocat chocolates, Advocat-filled chocolate items, Alcohol-filled chocolates Milanówek ZPC Caramel sweets, Cream sweets, Licorice toffees Millano K. Kotas Aero chocolate, Almond-hazelnut chocolate, Block chocolate Mokate Sp. z.o.o. Alpine milk chocolate/Alpine cream chocolate/Aniseed biscuits, Bars with biscuits and wafer centre Norimp-Bako-Poland Biscuits, Cake, Ice-cream confectionery PWC “ODRA” S.A. Boiled sweets with soft centres, Capuccino chocolate, Caramel sweets Ola Sp. z o.o. Biscuits, Brown gingerbread, Butter cakes PUH PILOT POLSKA Sp. z.o.o. Aero chocolate, Almond chip chocolate, Almond chocolates, etc. Rarytas Sp. z.o.o. Biscuits, Cocktail biscuits/mini-pizza biscuits, Coconut cakes/coconut biscuits FPC “San”- Pajda GmbH Aniseed biscuits, Bear’s paws (butter biscuits on a chocolate base), Biscuits Cukiernicza Spoldzielnia Inwalidow “Slowianka” Aniseed biscuits, Bear’s paws (butter biscuits on a chocolate base), Biscuits Firma Cukiernicza “SOLIDARNOSC” Sp. z o.o. Alcohol-filled chocolates, Brandy (cognac) chocolates beans, Brandy (cognac) chocolates Sopra S J Advocat chocolates, Advocat-filled chocolate items, Aero chocolate P.W. “Spomet” Sp. J. Almond pastries/almond biscuits, Biscuits, Boxed/tinned biscuits/biscuits assortments Tago P.P.C. Tadeusz Golebiewski Biscuits, Boxed/tinned biscuits/biscuits assortments/chocolate coated, Chocolate bars Trebor Robert Bilkiwicz Biscuits, Chewing gums, Fruit gums/yoghurt fruit gums Uno Foods Piotr Dubicki, Lilianna Jasinska Advent calendar, Biscuits, Chewing gums WAWEL S.A. Chocolates, sugar confectioneries Zaklad Cukierniczy MAREK BLADOSWKI Bar-shaped cakes / small cakes, Bear’s paws (butter biscuits on a chocolate base), Biscuits RSP Zlotoklos Biscuits, Biscuits made with fresh eggs, Butter cakes ZPC J. Chylak Advocat chocolates, Alcohol-filled chocolates, Bar-shaped cakes / small cakes

15 Dinter Polska Contact: Kozietuły Nowe 66J Key products: Preparations of vegetables, fruit Key branch: fruits & vegetables

20 Agrana Contact: ul. Ławska 2, 07-410 Ostrołeka tel. 29 767 06 02; fax 29 760 50 46; CEO: Heinz Scharl Key products: Juices, fruit components, frozen fruit Products exported: Juices, fruit components, frozen fruit Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: drinks Notes: AGRANA has five plants that process fruits of intermediates for the manufacture of juices, which are added to ice cream, cakes and cookies, and used by the dairy industry.

22 SVZ Poland Contact: ul. Lwowska 128, 22-600 Tomaszów Lubelski tel. 84 666 03 00; fax 84 666 03 05 CEO: Bemer Gerardus Guillaume Key products: Vegetables, fruit, juices, purees Products exported: Vegetables, fruit, juices, purees Export destinations: Europa, USA, Africa, Asia Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: drinks Notes: SVZ is an expert in red fruit, but also a significant player in tropical and subtropical fruit. Moreover we supply a range of vegetable products. In addition to these ‘single’ ingredients, SVZ can develop customer specific compounds for direct use in end products. SVZ is also certified to produce organic products.

26 Frosta Contact: ul. Witebska 63, 85-778 Bydgoszcz tel. 52 36 06 701; Key products: Fish, vegetables, ready meals Products exported: Fish, vegetables, ready meals Key branch: fruits & vegetables

42 Okechamp S.A. Contact: Dąbrowskiego 259, 60-406 Poznań tel. 61 846 99 00; CEO: Leszek Ejsmont (tel.61 846 99 14 Executive responsible for export: Ewa Michalak (tel. 61 846 99 23 Key products: White mushrooms in natural brine, white mushrooms in vinegar, dried tomatoes with herbs in oil, garlic in oil, onions in vinegar Products exported: White mushrooms in natural brine, white mushrooms in vinegar, dried tomatoes with herbs in oil, garlic in oil, onions in vinegar Export destinations: Germany, France, Austria, Baltics, Near East Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other Exports Revenue: 112 020 000 PLN

47 Zentis Contact: ul. Przmyslowa 8, Zelków Kolonia, 08-110 Siedlce, tel. 25 640 21 00, tel/fax 25 640 91 00; CEO: Karl-Heinz Johnen (Marketing, Sales), Dietmar Otte (Production, Technical) and Stephan Jansen (Finance, IT/Organization) Executive responsible for export: Key products: Canned fruits, jams, fruit mousse Products exported: Canned fruits, jams, fruit mousse Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other

50 Binder International Warszawa Contact: ul. Dobrowolskiego 21, 05-555 Tarczyn tel. 22 727 84 01;; CEO: Dariusz Puchalski Key products: Frozen fruits and vegetables, concentrates, flavors, purees Products exported: Frozen fruits and vegetables, concentrates, flavors, purees Export destinations: Europe, USA, CDN

Fruits & Vegetables Exporters

Contact: ul. Moniuszki 22 A, 31-523 Kraków tel: 12 370 34 20; CEO: Leszek Hojnor tel 12 370 34 20 Executive responsible for export: Leszek Hojnor tel. 12 370 34 20 Key products: Strawberry, raspberry, cherry, red currant, broccoli Products exported: Frozen fruits and vegetables Export destinations: D, RUS, F Key branch: fruits & vegetables

79 Eco Fruits S.C. Contact: Jadźwingów 22/21, 02-690 Warszawa tel. 48 664 04 05; fax. 48 664 04 06; Key products: Fresh fruit (apples, pears, cherries, plums, currants, raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries), citrus fruits, vegetables (onions, beets, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, celery, potato leek) Key branch: fruits & vegetables

58 Bury Trade Sp. z o.o. Contact: Mełgiewska 38c, 20-234 Lublin tel. 81 446 60 41; CEO: Bogdan Bury (81 446 60 41 Executive responsible for export: Bogdan Bury (tel. 81 446 60 41; Key products: fruits, vegetables Products exported: owoce, warzywa Export destinations: Ukraine, Belarus Key branch: fruits & vegetables Exports Revenue: 839 380 00,00 (przychód w firmie Bury Sp. z o.o. zajmującej się handlem-eksportem do 31.12.2011 r)

CEO: Hans Voss Key products: Frozen fruits Key branch: fruits & vegetables Notes: In Karas, WILD grades, processes, and packages freshly harvested fruit.

117 Agrofreeze Contact: Kołomąt 15, 78-550 Czaplinek tel. 94 375 43 26; fax. 94 375 43 16;; Key products: Frozen fruits and vegetables: strawberry, raspberry, red and black currants, gooseberries, cherries, plums, blueberries, blueberry, chokeberry, wild rose, and without, rhubarb, leeks, onions Export destinations: EU Key branch: fruits & vegetables Notes: Orskov Frugt, a Danish company which is the sole shareholder of Agrofreeze SA, is widely known in western European markets, mainly as a distributor of frozen foods, citrus and fresh fruit.

91 Bonduelle Polska Contact: ul. Puławska 303, 02-785 Warszawa tel. 22 549 41 00; fax. 22 549 41 02; CEO: Philippe Carreau Key products: vegetables fresh, frozen, canned Key branch: fruits & vegetables

96 Banken Polska Contact: Cisowa 4, 64-320 Niepruszewo tel. 61 896 84 00; fax. 61 896 84 10 CEO: Marianus Banken Key products: Fruits, vegetables Key branch: fruits & vegetables

121 Agram Contact: ul. Mełgiewska 104, 20-234 Lublin tel. 81 445 25 15; fax. 81 445 25 20;; CEO: Jerzy Leziak Executive responsible for export: Dz. Handlowy Eksport wew. 327 Key products: Frozen vegetables Products exported: Frozen vegetables Export destinations: EU Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other

65 Polarica Poland Sp. z o.o. Contact: Niemierzyno 3A, 78-300 Świdwin tel. 94 365 01 28; Executive responsible for export: Anna Krawczyk (tel. 94 365 01 28 Key products: frozen blueberry, frozen raspberries, frozen strawberries, frozen cherry, frozen rhubarb Export destinations: Germany, Scandinavia Key branch: fruits & vegetables

72 Oerlemans Foods Polska Contact: ul. Wyszyńskiego 52, 88-320 Strzelno tel. 52 318 30 12; fax. 52 318 94 49; Executive responsible for export: Jacek Glanc - Trade Director Key products: Frozen vegetables and fruits Products exported: Frozen vegetables and fruits Export destinations: Europe, Middle and Far East, South and North Africa, Scandinavia Key branch: fruits & vegetables Notes: The company was founded in the Netherlands, has offices in Holland, England, Italy, Spain, Hungary and Poland.

97 Osmifrost Contact: Osmolice 18a, 23-109 Osmolice Pierwsze tel. 81 562 34 00; fax. 81 562 34 99; Key products: Frozen vegetables, fruits, processed fruits Key branch: fruits & vegetables

100 Eskimos SA Contact: Chłodna 48/4, 00-872 Warszawa tel. 22 754 36 02;; CEO: Stanisław Sulima (tel. 22 754 36 02 Executive responsible for export: Janina Wiśniewska (tel. 22 754 36 02; Key products: frozen fruits, frozen vegetables, frozen fruit mixture / vegetable Products exported: frozen broccoli, frozen cauliflower, frozen strawberries, frozen raspberries, frozen vegetable mixes Export destinations: D, F, A, NL, B Key branch: fruits & vegetables Exports Revenue: 42 000 000 PLN

Contact: ul. Filtrowa 53, 02-057 Warszawa tel. 22 825 54 44; fax. 22 825 41 92; CEO: Otto Christensen Key products: Cakes, preserves, frozen foods (fruits and vegetables) (brands: Owocowa Rozkosz, Streamline, DCI) Products exported: Frozen foods, milk and biscuits Key branch: fruits & vegetables Notes: Scandic Food Sp. z o.o. belongs to the Danish food group Good Food Group A/S, which has four production facilities in Denmark, two in Sweden, one in Norway, two plants in Poland and one in India.

76 Materne Polska Contact: Łopatki 37a, 24-160 Wąwolnica tel. 81 882 63 10; fax. 81 882 53 66; Key products: Jams, fruits Products exported: Jams, fruits Export destinations: EU

122 Bodex Group Contact: Jaworowa 7, 18-100 Łapy tel. 85 715 47 61; fax. 85 715 77 32; CEO: Bogdan Brzozowski Key products: Fruits, vegetables, processed fruits and vegetables Key branch: fruits & vegetables

125 Hortino 111 Real SA

75 Scandic Food

Spring 2012

57 Quadrum Foods Sp. z o.o. Sp. kom

Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other Notes: Materne - Polska Spółka z o.o. in Łopatki is part of the French group Andros. The plant covers an area of 25 hectares, designed by Polish engineers, as well as from Belgium and France - there also comes knowhow or technology of optical sorting and processing of fruit allow to meet the quality requirements of the EU.

Contact: ul. Brzeska 76, 08-102 Siedlce tel/fax. 25 644 59 41; CEO: Andrzej Gajowniczek Executive responsible for export: Trade department: Key branch: fruits & vegetables Notes: Freezing capacity of the plant is 350 tons per day. Average annual employment in the company is 600 people.

112 O. K. Owocowe Koncentraty Contact: Gen. Chruściela 13, 37-200 Przeworsk tel. 16 649 00 29; Key products: juice concentrates, NFC juices, purees, aromas Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: drinks

116 Wild Polska Contact: Karaś 18C, 14-202 Iława tel. 89 648 65 56; fax. 89 648 68 58;

Contact: ul. Fabryczna 2, 37-300 Leżajsk tel. 17 240 42 00; fax. 17 242 82 37;; Executive responsible for export: Export department-East: tel.17 240 42 25, Export department-West: tel. 17 242 73 00; Key products: Frozen vegetables, fruits, soups, ready meals, chips, ice cream Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: drinks Notes: The shareholders of the company are employees, agricultural producers, local governments, cooperating companies (only Polish capital). The company employs more than 500 people. In season, buys and processes about 80,000 tons of fruits and vegetables.

Polish Food Export Directory

Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: drinks Notes: Firm employs 400 workers. Binder annually buys more than 150,000 tons of fruits and vegetables. Sales of the company exceed 40 million per year.

127 Grzybmar Sp. z o.o. Contact: Łubnicka 1, 64-050 Wielichowo; tel. 61 443 34 04; CEO: Adam Matuszewski (tel.: 61 443 34 04; e-mail:


Fruits & Vegetables Exporters Exhibitors from Poland at Gulf Food, February 2012 AGUS Baltima Sp. z o.o. Bartex Sp. z o.o. Dr Gerard Sp. z o.o. Eltar, Elzbieta Tesna Healthy Food Production SA Indykpol SA Instanta Sp.Z.O.O. Kazeina Polska Ltd Krynica Vitamin Sp. z o.o. Kupiec Sp. z o.o. Majami Sp. z o.o. Mlekoma Sp. z o.o. Mokate Sp. Zo.O. Stovit Group Sp. z o.o. Zaklad Przemyslu Miesnego “Biernacki” Sp. z.o.o. ZPC Milanowek

Polish Food Export Directory

Spring 2012

Additional delegation from Poland (part of PAIZ’s Eastern Poland mission) Zakłady Mięsne (Meat Plant) ŁMEAT-ŁUKÓW Łuków Spółdzielnia Mleczarska (Dairy Cooperative) SPOMLEK, Radzyń Podlaski Lactima Sp. z o.o., Morąg Przetwórnia Owoców i Warzyw (Fruit & Vegetable Processing Plant) R. Kowalkowski, Lubawa Spółdzielnia Pszczelarska (Apiary Cooperative) APIS, Lublin Indykpol S.A., Olsztyn KASOL J. A. Kazberuk, Białystok Allnet Sp. z o.o. – Cukiernia Zaniewicz (Zaniewicz Confectionery), Międzyrzec Podlaski UNICO Import-Export A. Jasiński, Łomża Pszczelarz Kozacki (Beekeeper) Pasieka T. Kozak, Łukowa

Executive responsible for export: Roman Strugała (tel.: 61 443 34 04; e-mail: Key products: white mushrooms, brown mushrooms, oyster mushroom / wild mushrooms, white and green asparagus, green beans / tomatoes Products exported: white mushrooms, brown mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, white and green asparagus, wild mushrooms - tap, Boletus Export destinations: UK; France Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other Exports Revenue: 4 485 9000 PLN

136 Pomerania Frucht Spółka z o.o. Contact: Dziwogora 17, 78-320 Połczyn Zdrój tel. 94 366 31 72 CEO: Ginda Norbert Key products: fruits, vegetables Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other

138 Prima 2000 Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Gośniewska 46, 05-660 Warka tel. 48 667 47 18 CEO: Włodzimierz Przybylski Executive responsible for export: Anna Sopel - Export Manager - East Markets (tel. 668 938 513 Key products: fruits - pears, apples, plums, cherries, strawberries and vegetables - peppers, cucumbers, cabbage Products exported: fruits, vegetables Export destinations: UK, SF, D, S, N Key branch: fruits & vegetables

140 Inter-Trade JMMG Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Wąska 9a, 05-520 Konstancin-Jeziorna tel. 22 757 65 11;


CEO: Zdzisław Madeński Key products: apples, vegetables Products exported: apples, vegetables Export destinations: Russia, Ukraine Key branch: fruits & vegetables

147 Agrofresh Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Wołodyjowskiego 29, 05-082 Stare Babice 22 721 56 55 CEO: Saulius Urbonas Executive responsible for export: Dariusz Dąbrowski - trade(604 814 030) Key products: fruits, vegetables, frozen foods, oils, fats Products exported: fruits, vegetables, frozen foods, oils, fats Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other

156 P.P.H.U. Eldom A. Rozwadowski, W. Świątek Sp. j. Contact: ul. Wybickiego 45, 86-300 Grudziądz tel. 56 462 35 51 Executive responsible for export: Beata Suchojad Director of Trade and Marketing (tel. 56 450 57 03) Key products: frozen fruits and vegetables Products exported: frozen fruits and vegetables Key branch: fruits & vegetables

159 Agro Alians Sp. z o.o. Contact: Al. Jerozolimskie 81, 02-001 Warszawa 22 576 35 00; CEO: Damian Kozłowski Key products: apples, vegetables, tomatoes, peppers Products exported: apples, vegetables, tomatoes, peppers Key branch: fruits & vegetables

192 Fructofresh Group Sp. z o.o. Sk. K Contact: Czarnowice 300, 66-620 Gubin tel. 68 359 02 04 CEO: Cezary Zwoiński (68 359 02 04 Executive responsible for export: Cezary Zwoiński (68 359 02 04 Key products: Fresh-cut fruit salads, Fresh-cut mono products Products exported: Salad Fantasy, Salad Mallorca, Grapefruit and orange fillets, Melon balls, Pineapple slices Export destinations: France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other Exports Revenue: 40 000 000 PLN

197 Euro Foods Polska Sp. z o.o. Contact: Poznańska 98/68, 00-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki tel. 22 721 59 14 Key branch: fruits & vegetables

198 Telko-Poland Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Cybernetyki 19, 02-677 Warszawa tel. 22 330 12 91 - 96; CEO: Launiainen Pekka Tapani Executive responsible for export: Department Assistant (Export) - Magdalena Koszelnik (tel. 22 330 12 92 Key products: Frozen vegetables and fruits, fruit juices, fresh vegetables and fruits Products exported: Frozen vegetables and fruits, fruit juices, fresh vegetables and fruits Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: drinks

172 Uren Coldstores Contact: ul. Mełgiewska 2, 20-209 Lublin tel. 81 746 59 59 CEO: Uren Evans Andrew Charles Key branch: fruits & vegetables

173 Van Den Doel Poland Sp. z o.o. Contact: Kowalewo Parcele 35, 62-400 Słupca tel. 63 213 11 65 CEO: Van Den Doel Gerardus Key products: vegetables Key branch: fruits & vegetables

175 Ages Contact: ul. Leśna 7, 08-103 Siedlce tel. 25 644 66 50;; Key products: fruit - apples, strawberries, cherries, pears, plums, cherries, vegetables, meat - poultry, pork, beef, frozen Products exported: fruit - apples, strawberries, cherries, pears, plums, cherries, vegetables, meat - poultry, pork, beef, frozen Export destinations: RUS, BY,UKR, LT, LV Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: meat

178 Sando Sp. z o.o. Contact: Zawierzbie 9, 27-650 Samborzec CEO: Bogusław Kędziora Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other

187 Vegdis Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Matuszewska 14, 03-876 Warszawa tel. 22 332 33 80 CEO: Guerrero Cainicela Cesar Gustavo Key products: Apples, tomatoes Products exported: jabłka, pomidory Export destinations: Balkan countries, Baltic, Mediterranean, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe Key branch: fruits & vegetables

199 Spółdzielnia Pieczarka Siedlecka Contact: 08-125 Krześlin 88 / Suchożebry tel. 600 451 146; CEO: Zdzisław Mlonek Executive responsible for export: Andrzej Ladziak (tel.600 451 146 Key products: fresh mushrooms Products exported: fresh mushrooms Export destinations: France, Russia, Britain, Romania, Italy Key branch: fruits & vegetables Exports Revenue: 16 490 679 PLN

202 Alvena Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul.Konwaliowa 1, 08-400 Garwolin tel. 25 682 45 12;;

Other Foods Exporters

229 Lowell International Polska 203 Uren Novaberry Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Beskidzka 9, 20-869 Lublin tel. 81 742 01 01; Key products: fruits Products exported: fruits Key branch: fruits & vegetables

205 Onix Sp. z o.o. Contact: Zakrzewo 32, 64-212 Siedlec tel. 68 384 45 00 / 501; Executive responsible for export: Trade dep’t (tel. 68 384 45 00 / 501 wew. 120, 122) Key products: potatoes, onions, garlic Products exported: potatoes, onions, garlic Key branch: fruits & vegetables

207 Unifreeze Sp. z o.o. Contact: Miesiączkowo / Górzno tel. 56 498 88 08;; CEO: Janusz Majtczak Executive responsible for export: Trade dep’t (tel. 56 498 88 07) Key products: frozen vegetables and fruits Products exported: frozen vegetables and fruits Key branch: fruits & vegetables

210 Fructon Przetwórnia Owoców i Warzyw K. i P. Grzegorczyk Sp. J. Contact: ul. Wrocławska 119, 62-800 Kalisz tel. 62 768 82 00; Key products: vegetables, apples, mushrooms Products exported: vegetables, apples, mushrooms Key branch: fruits & vegetables

215 Agrocon Sp. J. E. Przyborowska i S-ka Contact: Jana Pawła II 61/167, 01-031 Warszawa tel. 22 625 29 21; Key products: juices, frozen fruits, fresh fruits, frozen vegetables, purees Products exported: juices, frozen fruits, fresh fruits, frozen vegetables, purees Export destinations: Austria, France, Holland, Italy, Germany Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other

218 Kampol-Fruit Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. 15-go Grudnia 10, 96-230 Biała Rawska tel. 46 815 95 88; CEO: Piotr Furmański (tel. 46 815 86 79 w. 25 Key products: vegetables, fruits, fruit concentrates Products exported: vegetables, fruits, fruit concentrates Export destinations: Europe Key branch: fruits & vegetables

219 Citronex I Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul.Bohaterów II Armii Wojska Polskiego 64, 59-900 Zgorzelec tel. 75 772 19 40; CEO: Barbara Zarzecka Key products: bananas Products exported: bananas Key branch: fruits & vegetables

223 Frubella Processing Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Krakowska 102, 26-800 Białobrzegi tel. 48 613 22 13;

Contact: Włodarzewska 43F/13, 02-231 Warszawa tel. 607 070 095 CEO: Conrad Lowell Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: dairy

232 Run-Chłodnia we Włocławku Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Wysoka 14, 87-800 Włocławek tel. 54 412 39 25 CEO: Antoni Bocheński (tel. 54 412 39 58 Executive responsible for export: Monika Prejs - Int’l sales (tel. 54 412 39 34 Key products: Vegetables, fruit, ready meals, snacks Products exported: Vegetables, fruit, ready meals, snacks Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other

233 Rab-Pol Sp. z o.o Contact: Polna 1, 76-200 Siemianice tel. 59 842 23 07 Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: fish

234 Warmińskie Zakłady Przetwórstwa OwocowoWarzywnego Sp. z o.o. Contact: Toruńska 21, 82-500 Kwidzyn CEO: Roman Żuberek Key branch: fruits & vegetables

237 Itum Contact: ul. Marklowicka 17, 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski tel. 32 453 98 21; Executive responsible for export: Dział Handlowy zagranica, Ilona Lampart, tel. kom. 515 034 820 Key branch: fruits & vegetables

Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other

NR AGJ Jaworscy Spółka Jawna Contact: Lubelska 22, 21-025 Niemce tel. 81 756 17 78; CEO: Jaworski Jacek (601 238 611 Executive responsible for export: Beata Kowalik (79 883 46 41) Key products: Dried carrots, dried parsnips, dried celery, dried beets, dried cabbage Products exported: Dried carrots, dried parsnips, dried celery, dried beets, dried cabbage Export destinations: Germany, Hungary, Romania, Belgium, Russia Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other Exports Revenue: ok. 15 mln PLN

NR F.H. Rolnik Sp. Jawna Contact: Przelotowa 7, 43-190 Mikołów tel. 32 326 28 31; CEO: Józef Rolnik Executive responsible for export: Maciej Gołaszewski (32 323 23 46 Key products: cucumber, pepper, beetroot, horseradish, celeriac Products exported: cucumber, sauerkraut, beetroot, horseradish, dinner salad Export destinations: Hungary, England, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia Key branch: fruits & vegetables Exports Revenue: 287 089 99,13 PLN

Other Foods Exporters [NB Rankings are for all sectors, not sector-specific]

31 McCain Polska Contact: Chociwel 25, 57-100 Strzelin tel. 71 395 71 00; fax 71 395 71 01 Key products: Potatoes, fries Products exported: Potatoes, fries Key branch: drinks Notes: Nearly all production supplied to McCann group subsidiaries

242 Bioconcept-Gardenia Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Fabryczna 5, 00-446 Warszawa tel. 22 355 22 95; Key products: fruits and vegetables, honey, eggs, meat, nuts Products exported: fruits and vegetables, honey, eggs, meat, nuts Key branch: fruits & vegetables Other branches: other

243 Allmiz Sp. z o.o. Contact: Stawska 231, 08-530 Dęblin CEO: Ewa Zajdowska Key branch: fruits & vegetables

245 Univeg Trade Poland Contact: ul. Wiśniowa 1, 97-321 Żabia Wola tel. 46 858 11 00 CEO: Andrzej Melzacki Key products: vegetables and fruits, mushrooms Products exported: vegetables and fruits, mushrooms Key branch: fruits & vegetables

248 Agrana Fruit Polska Sp. z.o.o. Contact: ul. Ławska 2, 07-410 Ostrołęka tel. 29 767 06 02; CEO: Herbert Hlawati Key products: juices, frozen fruits, fruit components Products exported: juices, frozen fruits, fruit components

Spring 2012

CEO: Giuseppe Olivero Key products: dried apple, cherries, plums, berries Products exported: dried apple, cherries, plums, berries Key branch: fruits & vegetables

36 Polski Ogród (Hortex Holding S.A.) Contact: ul. Mszczonowska 2, 02-337 Warszawa tel. 22 572 10 00; fax 22 572 11 10 CEO: Mirosław Graczyk Key products: Fruit juices Products exported: Fruit juices Key branch: drinks Notes: Firm employs about 1250 workers, which increases by about 150 seasonally. Production plants in Ryky and Skierniewice. Polski Ogród Spółka z.o.o. owned by Hortex Holding SA. Juices and drinks produced in Przysusz k/Radom.

45 Intersnack Contact: Niedźwiedź 64, 32-090 Słomniki (Krakow region) Key products: Nuts (pistachios, cashews, peanuts) Products exported: Nuts (pistachios, cashews, peanuts) Key branch: drinks

Polish Food Export Directory

CEO: Robert Monarski Key products: fruits and vegetables Products exported: fruits and vegetables Export destinations: Russia Key branch: fruits & vegetables

51 Farm Frites Poland Contact: ul. Staromiejska 17 E, 84-300 Lębork tel. 59 863 75 00 fax 59 863 75 25 Executive responsible for export: Sales department: tel. 58 660 93 24; Key products: French fries, potatoes, oil, puree, ready meals Products exported: French fries, potatoes, oil, puree, ready meals Key branch: other


Other Foods Exporters Top 25 Dairy Firms in Poland

Spring 2012

Revenues (pln million)

Mlekpol SM Mlekovita GK Danone Sp. z o.o. Grupa Polmlek Sp. z o.o. Łowicz OSM Lacpol PHZ SM Sp. z o.o. Hochland Polska Sp. z o.o. Piątnica OSM Zott Polska Sp. z o.o. Bakoma S.A. Gostyń SM Koło OSM Włoszczowa OSM Spomlek SM ROTR SM Ostrowia MSM Sierpc OSM Lactalis Polska Sp. z o.o. Mleczarnia Turek Sp. z o.o. Kościan Obrzańska SM Mońki MSM Garwolin OSM Jogo ŁSM Arla Foods S.A. Wart-Milk OSM

2200 1899 1564 1400 847 800 663 487 WND WND 317 254 216 286 212 WND 197 WND WND WND WND 129 126 99 86

Source: Forum Mleczarskie

cherry, cherry, chokeberry, gooseberry, plum, berry, wild rose, pear) Key branch: drinks Notes: In 1999 the company joined the international organization of manufacturers of juices SGF / IRMA (Protective Association of the Fruit Juice Industry). Alpex Sp. z o. o. has also: Certificate of Coca Cola with the possibility of providing concentrated juice to all the company’s plants in Europe and the USA. Kosher Certificate - awarded by a representative of the Jewish Community. USDA Certified ORGANIC.

84 Sokpol Contact: Tadeusza Kościuszki 8, Myszków tel. 34 313 72 60; CEO: Piotr Trojanowicz Key products: Fruit juices (brands: 7niebo, Grand, Złoty Potok, Grande Pomodoro, Hugo, Dinuś), drinks, mineral water, tomato concentrate Products exported: drinks, mineral water, tomato concentrate Export destinations: CZ, SK, H, LT, LV, EST, SLO, BG, RO, HR, F, S, D, RUS, I, USA, DK, BIH, P Key branch: drinks

93 Inter Champ Company LTD Contact: Michała Drzymały 18, 62-073 Ruchocice tel. 61 444 67 00 fax. 61 444 67 01 CEO: Alain Chamla Key branch: drinks

101 Arctic Contact: ul. Przemysłowa 1A, 96-325 Radziejowice tel. 91 359 42 82 fax. 91 359 42 81 CEO: Roy Lillefosse Key branch: drinks

Polish Food Export Directory

106 Friedrichs Polska Notes: Part of the world’s third largest potato producer, the company employs more than 1,500 in different locations in Poland, annually processing more than 1.3 million tons of potatoes.

Contact: Doble 22, 78-221 Sadkowo tel. 94 311 56 51 fax. 94 311 57 90 CEO: Beate Trenkelbach Key branch: drinks

Contact: Nowosielec 34, 08-200 Łosice tel. 78 504 05 12; CEO: Kaszewiak Krzysztof Key products: mushrooms Products exported: mushrooms Export destinations: France, Belgium, Holland,Germany, Greece Key branch: other

145 The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World Sp. z o.o Contact: ul. Rolna 6, 62-080 Sady k/Poznania tel. 61 864 97 00; Key products: chips, bread sticks, peanuts Key branch: other

146 Hajduk Grupa Producentów Pieczarek Contact: ul. Lipinki 46a, 67-410 Sława tel. 68 356 84 59; CEO: Izabela Flejsierowicz Executive responsible for export: Sales Director Piotr Strzelecki (tel.: 68 356 84 59 Key products: mushrooms Products exported: mushrooms Key branch: other

149 Steinhauser Polska Sp.z o.o. Contact: ul. Gośniewska, 05-660 Warka tel. 48 667 35 00 Key products: juices, fruit concentrates Products exported: juices, fruit concentrates Key branch: drinks Other branches: other

110 Przetwórstwo Ryb-Warzyw Piątek 63 F.H.U. “ROBERT” Spółka jawna Robert Rymuza, Robert Stańczuk Contact: ul. Sokołowska 152E, 08-110 Siedlce tel. 25 633 11 13 CEO: Robert Rymuza and Robert Stańczuk Executive responsible for export: Leszek Jędrzejczyk tel. 605 031 401 Key products: fresh mushrooms Products exported: fresh mushrooms Export destinations: RUS, I, NL, LT Key branch: drinks

71 Aviko B. V. Contact: ul. Polska 20, 81-339 Gdynia tel. 58 662 43 00; fax. 58 660 77 80 Key products: French fries, potato dumplings, dumplings, noodles Key branch: other Notes: Aviko was more than 40 years ago (in 1962) in the Netherlands as a joint initiative of a group of farmers from the region Achterhoek. Since then transformed into an international organization, with 7 factories in three European countries and sales offices in 8 countries, which is part of a group Royal Cosun. Products under the brand Aviko reach nearly 70 countries on 5 continents.

Contact: ul. Piaskowa 12, 64-212 Siedlec tel. 68 384 83 60 fax. 68 384 80 04; Key products: Pickles in jars, cream products, products in jelly. Key branch: other Notes: The company works with a leading German firms as well as from Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The plant is located in an area the size of 17215sm of which 9000 sm are production buildings. The plant employs depending on the season from 150 to 260 employees.

124 Mondi Condex Contact: Karczmiska Pierwsze, 24-310 Karczmiska tel. 81 828 71 66; Key products: Fruit concentrates Key branch: drinks Notes: Red fruits are more than just strawberries and raspberries. Other interesting fruits in our range are blackberry, black currant, blueberry, elderberry, plum, red currant, sour cherry, cranberry and rosehip. In addition to the red fruits also apple and kiwi are present in our standard products portfolio.

132 Limax Sp. z o.o. 78 Alpex Contact: Łęczeszyce , 05-622 Belsk Duży tel. 48 661 11 77 fax. 48 664 03 66 CEO: Adam Podoba Key products: Fruit concentrates (apple, red currant, black currant, cranberry, raspberry, strawberry,


137 Grzybek Łosicki

Contact: ul. Żeromskiego 16, 64-200 Wolsztyn tel. 68 347 42 48;; Key products: mushrooms, various types of fungi Products exported: mushrooms, various types of fungi Export destinations: Holland, Germany, Scandinavia Key branch: other

152 Appol Sp. z o.o. Contact: Łąkta Górna 35, 32-731 Żegocina tel. 14 613 15 16; www.appol.p CEO: Tomasz Gazda Key products: fruit concentrates, dried fruits Products exported: fruit concentrates, dried fruits Key branch: other

Other Foods Exporters 154 Rolmex

206 Polsero Sp. z o.o.

Contact: ul. Sienkiewicza 53A, 63-200 Cielcza tel. 62 764 96 15; Executive responsible for export: Export/Import (tel. 62 764 90 48; Key products: food concentrates, dried Products exported: food concentrates, dried Export destinations: Russia, Ukraine, EU Key branch: other

Contact: ul. Lipowa 103, 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski tel. 25 787 29 37; CEO: Zbigniew Seroczyński Key products: whey powder, milk powder, mix milk protein concentrates Products exported: whey powder, milk powder, mix milk protein concentrates Export destinations: USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa Key branch: other

162 Polsnack

Contact: ul. Staromiejska 17 E, 84-300 Lębork tel. 59 863 75 00; Key products: French fries, potato dishes Products exported: French fries, potato dishes Key branch: other

169 Alima-Gerber Contact: ul. Cybernetyki 7, 02-677 Warszawa tel. 22 607 22 88 Key products: modified milk, children’s meals, fruit, desserts, drinks Products exported: modified milk, children’s meals, fruit, desserts, drinks Key branch: other

176 Agrochamp Sp. z o.o. Grupa Producentów Contact: ul. Nowopolna 8, 67-400 Wschowa tel. 65 540 18 21; CEO: Jan Pabierowski Key products: Mushrooms Products exported: Mushrooms Export destinations: Germany, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Greece Key branch: other

185 Ybbstaler Fruit Polska Contact: ul. Kolejowa 31, 22-100 Chełm tel. 82 562 21 11; Key products: Fruit concentrates Products exported: Fruit concentrates Key branch: other

213 BroMargo Sp. z o.o. Contact: 64-830 Margońska Wieś 42a / Morgonin tel. 67 283 51 52 CEO: Michał Schweiger Executive responsible for export: Domestic and Int’l Sales – Dariusz Baranowski (661 340 014 Key products: eggs, chicks Products exported: eggs, chicks Key branch: other

220 Spa Trading Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Kilińskiego 71, 64 - 030 Śmigiel tel. 65 518 87 31; CEO: Monika Tomczyk Key products: skewers Products exported: skewers Key branch: other

224 M.W.Mizgier Sp.J. Contact: 63-000 Kijewo 40 / Środa Wielkopolska tel. 61 286 69 59 Key products: eggs, cooked eggs Products exported: eggs, cooked eggs Export destinations: Europe Key branch: other

231 Lomania Polsko-Francuska Sp. z o.o. Contact: 64-000 Szczodrowo 13 / Kościan tel. 606 210 883 CEO: Włodzimierz Przydróżny (tel. 65 512 39 19 Executive responsible for export: Gilles Greiveldinger (tel. 606 210 883 Key products: Blanched mushrooms, mushroom pasteurized, sterilized mushrooms, fresh mushrooms Products exported: Blanched mushrooms, mushroom pasteurized, sterilized mushrooms, fresh mushrooms Export destinations: Italy, France, Germany, Macedonia, Brazil Key branch: other Exports Revenue: 22 000 000 PLN

188 Viola Plus Sp. z o.o. Contact: Żywnego 21a/122, 02-701 Warszawa tel. 84 665 89 60; Key branch: other

189 Obrako Sp. z o.o. Contact: ul. Piaskowa, Kurzagóra, 64-000 Kościan tel. 65 512 18 94; CEO: Mieczysław Grzymała Key products: mushrooms Products exported: mushrooms Export destinations: EU Key branch: other

200 Konvin Contact: ul. Leśna 3, 05-600 Grójec, Głuchów tel. 48 664 54 24 CEO: Bernd Pawlowski Key products: fruit concentrates Products exported: fruit concentrates Key branch: other

Contact: 08-125 Kownaciska 5; tel. 25 631 35 46 CEO: Krzysztof Komar Key products: mushrooms Products exported: mushrooms Key branch: other

Spring 2012

164 Farm Frites International B.V. Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce

241 Grupa Producentów Owoców i Warzyw Pieczarki Podlaskie Sp. z o.o.

236 Tymbark-MWS Sp. z o.o. S.K.A. Contact: 34-650 Tymbark 156 tel. 18 332 56 22; Executive responsible for export: Export Dep’t (tel. 33 873 10 75) Key products: juices, soft drinks Products exported: juices, soft drinks Export destinations: Germany, Sweden, Denmark, UK, Ireland Key branch: drinks

239 Corpo Sp. z o.o. S.K.A. Contact: Karolewska 1, 90-560 Łódź tel. 42 689 97 14 CEO: Piotr Rogalski, Jerzy Gądek Executive responsible for export: Adam Mosch Key products: Honey, honey, lime, acacia honey, honeydew honey, meads Products exported: Honey, honey, lime, acacia honey, honeydew honey, meads

244 PPHU AGROTEX (taken over by Grünewald International) Contact: 33-314 Łososina Dolna 303 tel. 18 548 40 48 Key products: fruit, exotic fruits, vegetables, fruit concentrates Products exported: fruit, exotic fruits, vegetables, fruit concentrates Key branch: drinks Other branches: other

NR Maspex Wadowice Group Contact: Chopina 10, 34-100 Wadowice tel. 33 873 10 75; Executive responsible for export: Barbara Wieczorek (tel. 33 873 10 75 Key products: TYMBARK juices, nectars & drinks, KUBUŚ juices & drinks made of mixed carrot and fruits, LA FESTA cappuccino & hot chocolate, coffee mixed 3 in 1, LUBELLA pasta, breakfest cereals, flours and wheat products, TIGER energy drink, T-WATER energy water Products exported: TYMBARK juices, nectars & drinks, KUBUŚ juices & drinks made of mixed carrot and fruits, LA FESTA cappuccino & hot chocolate, coffee mixed 3 in 1, LUBELLA pasta, breakfest cereals, flours and wheat products, TIGER energy drink, T-WATER energy water Export destinations: Humgary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Baltic States, United Kingdom, Irland, USA, Canada Key branch: drinks

Polish Food Export Directory

Contact: ul. Rolna 6, 62-080 Sady k. Poznania tel. 22 606 04 24; CEO: Gritsch Werner Key branch: other

Export destinations: Germany, Denmark, Spain, Romania, Estonia Key branch: other


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