Health & Wellness

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Health& Wellness

From now on, Maccabi members won’t need to go far to get the most advanced health services

A new medical center in Ramat Bet Shemesh Gimmel

In the new center, a range of advanced health services will be provided: ࠮ Family medicine ࠮ Pediatrics ࠮ OB/GYN ࠮ ENT ࠮ Orthopedics ࠮ Children’s dietician ࠮ Nurses clinic

࠮ Breastfeeding consultation ࠮ Women’s health nurse ࠮ 24-hour nurse advice ࠮ Prenatal ultrasound ࠮ Laboratory services ࠮ Administrative services ࠮ Health promotion workshops

33 Chavakuk Hanavi Street, Tel: 02 506 0500

Our Community Communications Representative is at your service at all times: Aharon Guvner: 052 769 6861

There are health plans And then there’s Maccabi

Information intended for Mac

ccabi members

Other health centers in Bet Shemesh:

19 Nachal Dolev 02 506 1999

6 Shderot Nachal Tzealim 02 990 6333

2 Derech Yitzchak Rabin 02 991 7587



cont Health &Wellness GUIDE


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Health & Wellness


Health && Wellness Health Wellness

DENTISTRY DENTISTRY Rechavia Rechavia Dental Dental Center Center II EXPERT EXPERT II 02-561-9770 02-561-9770 Dr. Dr. Mitchell Mitchell Rudy Rudy 052 052 339 339 2131 2131 Dr. Dr. Ari Ari Stern Stern 02 02 999 999 6046 6046 Dr. Dr. Chaim Chaim Lewitan Lewitan 052 052 761 761 5359 5359 Dr. Dr. Mark Mark Lewitan Lewitan 02 02 995 995 2707 2707 Dr. Dr. Links Links -- Dr. Dr. Garalnick Garalnick 02 02 992 992 4267 4267 Dr. Dr. Chaim Chaim Eliezer Eliezer Jacober Jacober 02 999 02 999 7479 7479 Dr. Dr. Edo Edo Lavi Lavi 02 02 992 992 3363 3363 Dr. Dr. Jacki Jacki Glassman Glassman 02 02 566 566 9061 9061 Dr. Yoav Dr. Yoav Orbach Orbach 02 02 545 545 5603 5603

Dr. Dr. Claude Claude Hayat Hayat Periodontics Periodontics 02 566 0436 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Dr.536 Daniel Fruchter Fruchter 02 02 536 2244 2244 HEALTH HEALTH Eliezer Eliezer Rosenblum Rosenblum Chiropractor Chiropractor 052-662-4658 052-662-4658 PlayAttention PlayAttention Solution for Solution for ADHD ADHD 054 054 794 794 3797 3797 Get Fit with Karen Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer Personal trainer 054 572 1651 054 572 1651 Rochel Rochel Geller Geller weight loss weight loss 02 992-1821 02 992-1821 Reuven Reuven Rosenberg Rosenberg Chiropractor Chiropractor // Medicine Complementary Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Bioresonance Alternative Alternative Clinic Clinic 077-212-7567 077-212-7567



Rochel Rochel Rubinoff Rubinoff Massage Massage Therapist Therapist 054-3355-289 054-3355-289 Dr. Dr. Tova Tova Goldfine Goldfine Chiropractor Chiropractor 052 052 420 420 1201 1201 Donna Donna Abrahams Abrahams Craniosacral Craniosacral Therapy Therapy 054 054 648 648 0667 0667 Michael Michael Freedman Freedman Personal Personal Trainer Trainer 054 054 843 843 9541 9541 Gyrotonics Gyrotonics Personal Personal Training Training System System 054 908 0886 054 908 0886 Natan Natan Feit Feit Reflexology Reflexology 053 053 763 763 4820 4820 Shoshana Shoshana Grotsky Grotsky Lice Removal Lice Removal 050 050 207 207 1781 1781 Michael Michael Berezin Berezin Personal Personal Trainer Trainer 054 054 625 625 0269 0269



Gavriel Gavriel Tornek Tornek Meditation Meditation 054 054 652 652 1770 1770 Miriam Miriam Maslin Maslin Bioresonance Bioresonance Therapy Therapy 052-324-4604 052-324-4604 Dr. Dr. Rina Rina Granot Granot Health Health & & Nutrition Nutrition 052 674 3838 052 674 3838 Dr. Dr. Chaim Chaim Pinchuck Pinchuck Neurofeedback Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 050 303 0939 Sara Sara Shaposhnik Shaposhnik Energy Energy Healer Healer 050 229 050 229 2316 2316 Jerry Jerry Hyman Hyman Personal Personal Trainer Trainer 050 050 779 779 8886 8886 Jordana Jordana Staiman Staiman Speech Speech Therapy Therapy 053 311 3916 053 311 3916 Kerry Kerry Bar Bar Cohn Cohn Chiropractor Chiropractor 052-659-4488 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Dr. Michael Michael Portman Portman Clinical Clinical Psycologist Psycologist 052 052 269 269 4030 4030 The The Place Place Emotional Emotional Wellbeing Wellbeing Center Center 02 02 580 580 8788 8788 Menachem Menachem Schloss Schloss NLP NLP Therapist Therapist 054-743-8109 054-743-8109 Minda Minda Garr Garr Holistic Holistic Psychotherapy Psychotherapy 052 614 052 614 6932 6932 Karen Karen Rappaport Rappaport Narrative Narrative Therapy Therapy 050 990 050 990 6368 6368 Rachel Rachel Factor Factor Anxiety Anxiety Disorders Disorders 052 052 713 713 4130 4130 Dr. Dr. Genstil Genstil Psychologist Psychologist II EXPERT EXPERT II 052 052 260 260 9087 9087

27 27














Health & Wellness I Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center

After Labor: Mayanei Hayeshua’s New Maternity Ward Offers a Comfortable and Supportive Introduction to Parenthood In the grand scheme of things, where we spend the first few days after the birth of a baby may not seem to matter much. If the baby is healthy, and we are healthy, what difference does it make? In an entire lifetime of love, education, and nurturing, what is the significance of those few days that the child will not remember anyway?


he answer is that for many mothers, it can be very significant. Although not essential, the period immediately after birth can set the tone for the beginning of our parenting journey. When that experience is negative, it can reverberate throughout those tender first years, setting physical and emotional obstacles we may otherwise not have needed to contend with. At Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak, the staff is acutely aware of this. From the moment the hospital opened its doors in 1990—that is, the doors to the labor and delivery unit, which was the first department to operate—the administration has dedicated itself to meeting the needs of mothers in Israel. In their first month of operation, 300 babies were born; in the past 27 years, the monthly average has increased almost fourfold. Despite the staggering growth, the small-hospital atmosphere among the staff—the calm, and family-like camaraderie—has remained. Mayanei Hayeshua prides itself on its commitment to medicine in accordance with Torah law; and this makes it a particularly comfortable option for religious and charedi patients. Recently, the hospital took on an extraordinary project to improve the conditions for women recovering from their births: the opening of a state-of-the-art maternity ward, designed by a woman who gave birth at Mayanei herself. Mrs. Rachel Zelvitz is an interior designer with a great deal of experience in public building design, including medical facilities, but by far the greatest expertise she brought to the table was that

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of the births of her own children at Mayanei. “I normally begin planning the design only after I’ve interviewed the people who will be using the space,” says Mrs. Zelvitz. “I conduct a deep study of the nature of the space and the needs of its inhabitants and users, and then begin sketching. In this case, however, I immediately felt I had something to work with. Much of my work as a designer is to get inside the minds of the people who will be using the space. I already knew what it was like to be hospitalized postpartum, and the fact that I’m charedi myself means that I’m familiar with the needs and preferences of the majority of patients who come here.” Mrs. Zelvitz did not rely on her own experiences alone, however; she spent many days

wandering the halls of the department, interviewing mothers and their families, nurses, doctors, and even the janitors. “I asked the mothers to tell me their craziest ideas, to imagine situations where they could get absolutely anything they wanted in the maternity ward.” Mrs. Zelvitz took these crazy ideas and figured out how to implement them.


“One of the things almost every mother emphasized was the desire for privacy,” says Mrs. Zelvitz. Giving birth is a very intimate experience-that leaves many women feeling exposed and vulnerable; this may be particularly true in the charedi sector, where there is a strong emphasis on modesty. Recovering


fromthe thebirth birthand andgetting gettingtotoknow knowyour yourbaby baby from arejust justasasintimate intimateexperiences, experiences,and andit’s it’sespeespeare ciallydifficult difficulttotofeel feelcomfortable comfortablewhen whenthere there cially arestrangers strangersconstantly constantlygoing goingininand andout outofof are theroom—but room—butseparated separatedby byaaflimsy flimsycurtain. curtain. the Mrs.Zelvitz Zelvitzaddressed addressedthis thisneed needby bydesigning designing Mrs. foldablewooden woodenpartitions partitionsbetween betweenthe thebeds. beds. foldable “Wealso alsoinvested investedaagreat greatdeal dealofofthought thoughtinin “We acoustics.The Theceiling, ceiling,the thefurniture furnitureand andthe the acoustics. partitionswere weredesigned designedusing usingmaterials materialsthat that partitions absorbsound. sound.This Thishelps helpsmaintain maintainaaquiet quietatatabsorb mospherewhere wheremothers motherscan canrest, rest,ororspeak speak mosphere privatelyon onthe thephone phoneororwith withtheir theirvisitors visitors privately withoutincluding includingeveryone everyoneininthe theroom roominin without theirconversations.” conversations.” their

Comfort&&Aesthetics Aesthetics Comfort

Newmothers mothersneed needcomfort comfortwhile whilerecovering recovering New fromtheir theirbirths birthsand andfiguring figuringout outhow howtotocare care from fortheir theirbabies—especially babies—especiallywhen whenititcomes comestoto for nursing,which whichmay maytake takeup upaalarge largeportion portion nursing, theday dayafter afteraababy babyisisborn. born. Mothers Mothersrereofofthe coveringfrom fromcomplicated complicatedororcesarean cesareanbirths births covering especiallyhave havetrouble troublegetting gettingcomfortable comfortable especially andfinding findingthe theright rightposition positionfor fornursing. nursing. and Mrs. Zelvitz Zelvitzdesigned designedarmchairs armchairsfor forevery every Mrs. roomwith withthis thisininmind. mind.“We “Wedesigned designedthem them room specificallyaccording accordingtotothe therequests requestsofofthe the specifically mothers,we weput putititan anorder, order,received receivedaasample sample mothers, armchair,and andthen thenwe wetested testedititininthe thematermaterarmchair, nityward. ward.Mothers Mothersvolunteered volunteeredtotonurse nursetheir their nity babiesininthe thechair, chair,and andwe wemade madeadjustments adjustments babies accordingtototheir theircomments commentsand andinsights insightstoto according achievethe thebest bestresults.” results.” achieve “Weplaced placedaagreat greatemphasis emphasison onmaking makingitit “We feellike likeaahotel. hotel.The Theflooring, flooring,the thebathrooms, bathrooms, feel thecafeteria, cafeteria,the therefrigerators refrigeratorsand andwater waterdisdisthe pensersinineach eachroom roomthat thatcan canbe beused usedon on pensers Shabbat…we wedid dideverything everythingwe wecould couldtotomake make Shabbat… thehospital hospitalstay staymore morepleasant.” pleasant.” the

JewishAtmosphere Atmosphere AAJewish

Thethought thoughtofofstaying stayingatataahospital hospitalover overShabShabThe batororaaholiday holidaymay maymake makesome somenew newparents parents bat feelanxious. anxious.Will Willthere therebe beaaproper properShabbat Shabbat feel meal?Will Willthey theybe beforced forcedtotoviolate violateShabbat? Shabbat? meal? Willthey theywitness witnessstaff staffmembers membersviolating violating Will Shabbat?As Asaacharedi-run charedi-runhospital, hospital,Mayanei Mayanei Shabbat? Hayeshuaoffers offersaacompletely completely“kosher” “kosher”envienviHayeshua ronmenttotoall allits itspatients. patients.They Theycan canrest restasasronment suredthat thatevery everymedical medicaldecision decisiontaken takenhas has sured beenapproved approvedby byaahalachic halachicauthority, authority,and and been Shabbatisisnever neverviolated violatedon onthe thepremises. premises. Shabbat Mrs. Tzofit TzofitMeshorer, Meshorer,administrator administratorofofthe the Mrs. newmaternity maternityward, ward,has hasworked workedasasaanurse nurse new Mayaneifor for2727years. years.She Sherecalls: recalls:“When “WhenII atatMayanei startedworking workingatatthe thehospital, hospital,and andIIneeded needed started takeshifts shiftsduring duringShabbat, Shabbat,my myfather-infather-intototake lawofofblessed blessedmemory memoryreally reallydidn’t didn’tlike likethat that law wasworking workingon onShabbat. Shabbat.He Hewas wasan anAv AvBeit Beit IIwas DinininPetah PetahTikva, Tikva,and andhe hewas wasvery veryconcerned concerned Din aboutviolating violatingShabbat Shabbatunnecessarily. unnecessarily.IIrereabout

centlydiscovered discoveredsome someofofhis hiscorrespondence correspondence cently withRabbi RabbiZicherman Zichermanduring duringthat thattime, time,inin with whichhe heasked askedabout abouthow howthe thehospital hospitalisisrun run which duringShabbat. Shabbat.After Afterhe hefinished finishedhis hisresearch research during hetold toldme meIIcan canwork workhere herewith withconfidence confidence he thatthere therereally reallyisisnothing nothingbeing beingdone donethat that that conflictswith withhalacha.” halacha.” conflicts “Youcan canreally reallysee,” see,”she shegoes goeson, on,“that “thatatat “You thishospital, hospital,they theydon’t don’tadapt adaptthe thesituation situation this whathalacha halachademands, demands,but butrather ratherthey they totowhat buildthe theentire entiresystem systemininaaway waythat thatwill will build workwith withhalacha. halacha.For Forexample, example,they theynevnevwork installtechnological technologicaldevices devicesthat thatmight might ererinstall beproblematic problematicon onShabbat; Shabbat;the thecall callbuttons buttons be forpatients patientscan canbe bepressed pressedon onShabbat Shabbatwith with for noproblem, problem,because becausethey theyoperate operatewith withair air no pressurerather ratherthan thanelectricity! electricity!Every Everysingle single pressure detailisisdiscussed discussedwith withthe therabbis, rabbis,and andthere there detail noquestion questionleft leftunanswered unansweredororignored. ignored. isisno What’spermitted permittedisispermitted, permitted,and andwhat’s what’s What’s forbiddenisisforbidden.” forbidden.” forbidden “Awhile whileago agomy mydaughter daughtergave gavebirth birthhere here “A andneeded neededtotostay stayover overShabbat,” Shabbat,”she sherememrememand bers. “She “Shecouldn’t couldn’tbelieve believethat thatshe shewas wasatat bers. thehospital. hospital.The Theatmosphere atmospherewas wascompletecompletethe Shabbosdik.Halacha Halachawas waskept keptstrictly strictlyand and lylyShabbosdik. eventhe thenormal normalpatients' patients'chatter chatterwas wasmore more even thespirit spiritofofShabbat. Shabbat.Not Nottotomention mentionthe the ininthe synagogue,the theKiddush Kiddushmade madeby bythe therabbi rabbi synagogue, onFriday Fridaynight, night,the thefestive festivefood—unlike food—unlikethe the on cheeseand andomelet omeletoffered offeredby bymost mosthospitals hospitals cheese onFriday Fridaynight. night.It’s It’saawhole wholedifferent differentworld, world, on andthe thefunny funnything thingis, is,isisthat thatsomeone someonewho’s who’s and usedtotobeing beinghere heredoesn’t doesn’tunderstand understandwhat what used everyone’ssosoexcited excitedabout; about;totothem, them,it’s it’scomcomeveryone’s pletelynatural. natural.But Butsomeone someonewho whoisisused usedtoto pletely otherhospitals hospitalsfalls fallsover overininshock shockrun runaatoptopother notchhospital hospitalwith withaacompletely completelyJewish Jewishatatnotch mosphere.” mosphere.”

Nutrition Nutrition

Goodnutrition nutritionisisaavital vitalcomponent componentofofrereGood coveringfrom fromaabirth. birth.Mothers Mothersneed needhearty hearty covering nutritionfor fortheir theirown ownrecovery, recovery,and andnursing nursing nutrition motherare areproducing producingmilk milkfor fortheir theirnewnewmother borns—goodnutrition nutritionisisespecially especiallycritical criticalfor for borns—good babies’healthy healthygrowth growthand anddevelopment. development.No No babies’ one’smouth mouthstarts startstotowater wateratatthe thethought thoughtofof one’s hospitalfood—but food—butatatMayanei MayaneiHayeshua, Hayeshua,the the hospital administrationisisseeking seekingtotochange changethat. that.The The administration cafeteriaisisdesigned designedlike likeaarestaurant, restaurant,small small cafeteria tablesare arecovered coveredwith withtablecloths tableclothsand andthere there tables barwith withbeautiful beautifulwood woodpaneling. paneling.The Thecafcafisisaabar eteriaoffers offersan anappetising appetisingmenu menuincluding including eteria succulentmeats, meats,tender tenderchicken, chicken,and andaawide wide succulent arrayofofsalads, salads,soups, soups,and andside sidedishes. dishes.“The “The array

Formore moreinformation informationabout about For MayaneiHayeshua, Hayeshua,visit visittheir their Mayanei website

menuwas wasdesigned designedby byour ourdietitian,” dietitian,”explains explains menu Mrs.Meshorer, Meshorer,“and “andititisisspecially speciallyadapted adaptedtoto Mrs. theneeds needsofofaawoman womanrecovering recoveringfrom fromlabor.” labor.” the

Nursery,Rooming RoomingIn, In, Nursery, orSomewhere SomewhereIn InBetween? Between? or

Somemothers mothersinsist insiston onkeeping keepingtheir theirbabies babies Some theirsides sidesininthe thedays daysfollowing followingthe thebirth, birth, atattheir thisfacilitates facilitateshealthy healthybonding bondingand andlactation. lactation. this Somemothers, mothers,by bycontrast, contrast,prefer prefertotohand handthe the Some babytotocapable capableprofessionals professionalswho whocan cancare carefor for baby himwhile whilethey, they,the themothers, mothers,rest restand andrecovrecovhim er.And Andstill, still,other othermothers mothersmight mightnot notknow know er. whichofofthese theseoptions optionswould wouldbe beright rightfor forthem. them. which Inmany manyhospitals hospitalsininIsrael, Israel,leaving leavingthe thebaby baby In thenursery nurseryisisthe thedefault defaultoption, option,but but“room“roomininthe ing-in”—keepingthe thebaby babywith withthe themother— mother— ing-in”—keeping hasincreased increasedininpopularity popularityininrecent recentyears. years.In In has mosthospitals, hospitals,you youneed needtotostate stateyour yourpreferprefermost enceahead aheadofoftime, time,and andyou’ll you’llbe beplaced placedaccordaccordence ingly—sometimesininaadepartment departmentdesignated designated ingly—sometimes specificallyfor forthat thatoption. option.At AtMayanei, Mayanei,howhowspecifically ever,rooming-in rooming-in(both (both“full” “full”and and“partial”) “partial”)isis ever, anoption optionfor forevery everymother motherininany anydepartment, department, an andififwhatever whatevershe shechose choseisn’t isn’tworking workingout outfor for and her,she shecan canofofcourse, course,change changeher hermind. mind. her,

Sensitivity,Warmth, Warmth,&&Guidance Guidance Sensitivity,

Thepostpartum postpartumperiod periodcan canbe beaasensitive sensitivetime, time, The especiallyfor fornew newmothers. mothers.Aside Asidefrom fromthe the especially dramaticchanges changestaking takingplace placeininaawoman’s woman’s dramatic bodypost-partum post-partumcoupled coupledwith withthe thephysical physical body aspectofofrecovery recoveryfrom fromlabour; labour;adjusting adjustingtoto aspect thedemands demandsofofaanewborn newborncan canbe bechallenging challenging the andfrustrating. frustrating.Many Manyparents parentsreport reportleaving leaving and thehospital hospitalwith withaafeeling feelingofofhelplessness— helplessness— the theyhad hadall allthe thehelp helpthey theyneeded neededfrom fromthe the they nursesininthe thehospital, hospital,but buthow howare arethey theygoing going nurses manageatathome, home,all allby bythemselves? themselves? totomanage MayaneiHayeshua Hayeshuaaddresses addressesthis thisneed needby by Mayanei providingclose closeguidance guidanceand andsupport supportfor forparparproviding entsduring duringtheir theirhospital hospitalstay. stay.AAlactation lactationconconents sultantmakes makesrounds roundshelping helpingmothers mothersget getoff off sultant goodstart startwith withnursing; nursing;this thiscan canhelp helphead head totoaagood offmany manyproblems problemsand andfrustrations frustrationsthat thatnew new off mothersstruggle strugglewith withininthis thisarea. area.There Thereisisan an mothers instructionalvideo videoavailable availablegiving givingparents parentsthe the instructional basicinformation informationabout aboutcaring caringfor foraanewborn, newborn, basic butmost mostimportantly, importantly,the thenurses nursesand andmedical medical but staffare aremore morethan thanhappy happytotooffer offertheir theirsupport, support, staff guidanceand andencouragement. encouragement. guidance “Oneofofthe thenotable notablecharacteristics characteristicsofofthe the “One firstfew fewdays dayspostpartum postpartumisisthe themood moodswings,” swings,” first saysMrs. Mrs.Meshorer. Meshorer.“The “Thepostpartum postpartumperiod period says canbe beaabit bitofofaaroller-coaster. roller-coaster.One Oneminute minute can she’sfull fullofofjoy, joy,the thenext nextminute minuteshe’s she’ssad; sad; she’s shehas hastons tonsofofenergy, energy,then thenshe shehas hasnone; none;she she she wantstotobe bewith withthe thebaby, baby,she shewants wantstotobe beleft left wants alone…ininour ourmaternity maternityward wardwe weare areaware awareofof alone… thisand andremain remainon ontop topofofthe thesitutation; situtation;we we this trytotocreate createthe themost mostsupportive supportiveenvironment environment try possibleduring duringthis thischallenging challengingtime.” time.” possible Health & Wellness GUIDE















Health & Wellness I Chaim Sultan Founder of LIFT

The Training to End all Training


any of us want to move exercise up our priority lists, but somehow it never happens. We come up with myriad excuses: the gym is too far, I’m too tired, I’m too busy, I don’t know where to start… Chaim Sultan, a certified personal trainer, has heard it all and he’s bursting with energy and creative ideas. Although he’s been working with clients in Jerusalem, he’ll soon be moving to a bigger, brighter, and better studio in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel— so get ready, Beit Shemesh, Chaim Sultan is back in town! What is LIFT? My company name serves a dual purpose; the first conveys the literal motion of LIFTING: bringing power to how we train. The second is an acronym for Life In Fitness Training. The idea is that fitness should be a functional part of your everyday life. Even if you don’t have “time” for a workout, you can change your daily habits by throwing a fitness mentality into the mix. It may sound overwhelming, but it really is a lot of fun to discover. What motivated you to enter this field? You mean other than getting to wear comfortable clothes all day and help yourself and others get fit – simply, the greatest job imaginable! On a personal level, when I was a kid I was a bit chubby and had a negative body image. I started dieting and exercising in 8th grade, and that’s when I fell in love with fitness. I continued training and exploring fitness ever since. The human body needs nurturing, and when it’s healthy, you just live better. Not to mention, I really enjoy teaching and learning from each of my clients. How would you describe your particular style or method of training?

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I’d like to think that I’m sort of a fitness jackof-all-trades. There’s no type of workout that I wouldn’t try with a client – whether it’s strength training, HIIT, bodybuilding, posture work, or yoga. I’ve also developed more unique methods, like using ordinary towels for resistance training.The best body is one fit for whatever you can throw at it – we do whatever it takes! That being said, I do have a core curriculum for my clients, which I constantly adapt and refine. How do you keep your clients motivated? People are both complex and simple. Everyone has their unique take on life and reasons for being motivated or not. However, there are some recurring themes. For example, I recently had two clients with similar fitness agendas who both believed they were weak, overweight and without drive. After a few weeks, some praise and encouragement, some sweat and LIFT posture training, they realized just how

ABOUT CHAIM SULTAN Chaim Sultan is the founder of LIFT – a dynamic fitness training program. Chaim received his certification from Gymnasia Tel Aviv, the only institution in Israel to offer authorized TRX training. Chaim sees clients in their location or in his Jerusalem studio, which will be moving to Beit Shemesh. He can be reached by WhatsApp or phone at 054-884-9240.

strong and driven they actually were.Training is like a talk therapy in some ways, there is constant give-and-take in an honest conversation framework. What is your overall approach to personal training? Well, I’ll start off by saying what I don’t like: trainers who throw their agenda at you. I believe that power is from within and my aim is to cultivate that energy into pragmatic fitness. I also believe in working out with every client. As we train, we’ll discuss the principles behind what we’re doing, so you can learn to be a fitness master. My main objective is for the client to work out forever, to become his own trainer! To misquote a popular saying; it’s not enough to teach a man to fish (incidentally, a great source of protein) rather, he must become a fisherman if he wants to eat fish for the rest of his life and not quit after two months for summer vacation. How much does nutrition come into play in your personal training? We break nutrition into two main parts. The theory, like what carbs and fats are, and the practice, like not eating all the donuts. Obviously, the practical part is much harder to keep to and LIFT focuses on learning how to eat pizza occasionally but stay fit all the same. Actually, I’m eating candy right now – I love candy, and if you can burn it off, it’s not that bad as a quick energy source to aid in muscle recovery. Who did you learn from and how do you continue your fitness education? Over the years, instinct and experience have become my greatest teachers. Networking with other trainers, such as my buddy Moshe Richmond who is currently getting his masters in physical therapy, and online research are my main sources of additional information. The creator of P90X fitness program inspired me from a young age and I model some of my programing from him. Others, like posture experts from AthleanX and bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger have been vital in my gaining knowledge of the body and how to train it. Unique individuals helped formulate my ideas, like one of my first clients and good friend, Yoel Marmor or my Rabbi, Peretz Segal, author of Vagueness Vanquished, and a Rav at Ohr Sameach. Both my father and father-in-law have vast knowledge; they give me their time and wisdom and that keeps me going and growing, making it possible for LIFT to be what it is today. What advice do you have for someone who wants to get in shape? Start working out RIGHT NOW and love it! Just kidding, you can wait until you finish this article.







Health & Wellness I Interview I Leah Ester Zerbib Health and Personal Development Coach

The Intersection Between Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Wellbeing


eah Ester is a nutrition, health and personal development coach in Beit Shemesh. She draws on her background in herbal medicine, aromatherapy, laughter therapy and medical clowning to help her clients heal and thrive. Leah is currently developing a unique personal development workshop, incorporating her knowledge, skills and experience to help women discover and fulfill their full physical, emotional and spiritual potential in a safe and fun environment. We asked her some questions about her work and her plans for the workshop. How long have you been working in the field of nutrition and health? For the past 10 years I have worked in various health establishments, consulting on nutrition and proper use of vitamins, supplements and herbs. Four years ago, I opened a private clinic as a health coach. What motivated you to enter this field? I was inspired watching my mother adopt a healthy lifestyle as I grew up. She made her own yogurt, sprouted her own seeds, used only natural peanut butter, took vitamin supplements, and practiced yoga and daily meditation. Approximately 25 years ago, I was afflicted by a very severe case of eczema that Western medicine was unable to resolve. My doctors prescribed creams and ointments but none of them helped. Finally, I was referred to an herbal medicine practitioner who provided herbal remedies and adjusted them, until we saw results. It took a year to heal from the eczema, but after eight years of failed conventional treatment I finally found relief. What do you see as the intersection between physical, spiritual and emotional well-being? When someone comes to me with a physiological issue, there is usually an emotional

issue behind it. I develop a connection with my clients, and it helps me understand what is going on emotionally and spiritually which may be the underlying cause of their current physical ailment. To treat the physical ailment, I suggest a diet tailored specifically to the condition which includes a balanced diet and supplements. Sometimes I recommend a referral from their doctor to have blood work done, since it may be an imbalance in their system that is causing an emotional response. Perhaps they are stressed and overwhelmed by family life and work, or have unresolved fears and low self-esteem.

I believe happiness comes from gaining awareness through self-work. Having a more spiritual state of mind is essential to eliminating or alleviating these issues. As soon as we let go of our own will and ask for guidance and strength from Hashem, physical and emotional symptoms can begin to heal. Tell us about the workshop you will be running. I will be running a 10-session series entitled, “Body, Mind and Soul: Take Charge, Be Happy, Love Yourself!" The workshop will enable women to empower themselves and reach a sense of fulfillment in all areas of life. I will be offering a safe forum where participants can feel free to express themselves. There will be discussions and fun activities

Leah Ester Zerbib can be contacted at 052-265-0807 or

that facilitate sharing and reflection. We will combine empathic, non-judgmental listening, laughter therapy, pair-sharing, music, movement and dance. I believe magic can happen in a truly open and honest atmosphere. I believe that ultimately, most individuals desire continual personal growth and seek out ways to achieve it. Sometimes life gets us down and we get stuck in certain areas. Through self-development and self-discovery, everyone can find within herself a gift waiting to be revealed. What topics will be covered in your workshops? I will share my personal journey as well as my knowledge drawn from the fields of medical clowning, aromatherapy and more. What, in your opinion, is the key to happiness? I believe happiness comes from gaining awareness through self-work. It is often a long and sometimes painful journey to self-discovery, but also a wonderful and fulfilling one. Being happy is not achieved by outside stimuli; external circumstances create momentary relief, but once they have faded, you find yourself trying to fill the void. True happiness means learning to love, trust, value and accept all aspects of yourself. How do you differentiate yourself from other consultants in the field? First of all, I love people and I have a natural ability for understanding them. I see who they are, and love helping them discover their potential. My treatment approach is holistic and on-going. I consider myself a "shaliach" of Hashem, a vessel that channels His healing power. Do you have any tips for our readers to improve their general well-being? First of all, be positive! A good attitude is the first step to a healthy lifestyle. Live today to the absolute fullest. Listen to your body; it knows what it needs Exercise; eat clean – avoiding sugar, processed foods and fat; and drink lots of water. I believe in the Rambam’s philosophy of moderation and try to apply it in all areas of life. Breathe, and relax! Don’t let everything get you down. Strive for happiness as you use every moment as an opportunity for growth. Try meditating; it’s very effective for achieving a calmer state of mind and developing your ability to be in the moment. Lastly, take charge of your health. Don’t be afraid to inquire beyond the conventional methods of treatment. It’s your right to take care of yourself! Health & Wellness GUIDE















Health & Wellness I Dentistry I Expert

A Smile is Worth a Thousand Words!


By Dr. David Schlussel, DDS

hen I was younger, my brother had a sign hanging in our bedroom that read: “One Good Fist is Worth a Thousand Words.” As kids growing up, we thought that was very funny. Then I grew up, became a dentist, and my attitude to effective communication changed. I realized that you can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. A warm, welcoming smile is worth so much more than a forceful hand. As the saying goes: “Smile and the whole world smiles with you.” In the words of the famous Phyllis Diller: “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” Your smile can change your attitude and help you appreciate what you’ve been given in life. Dr. Seuss said: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” While they say: “The eyes are the window to the soul,” I believe the same is true about a smile. A smile is your unique signature or business card. That’s why I tell my kids, “When you meet someone, greet them with a smile

and you will make a great first impression!” A first impression is one that sticks in your mind. Before people even say a word, if and how they smile speaks volumes. They could be in a good mood or a bad mood; they could be happy to meet you or could not care less. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Schlussel maintains the highest levels of accreditation and pursues ongoing education to stay abreast of the latest dentistry trends. Dr. Schlussel’s professional associations include the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Dental Association and the New York State Dental Association.

Rechavia Dental can be reached at 02-561-9770 or through their website


They could be brimming with self-confidence or they could be very self-conscious. Patients often request some work to enhance their smile. From simple tooth whitening to an advanced, complete makeover. The patient pictured on the bottom of the page (1 - before and after) told me that she hates her teeth. Whenever she smiled, she covered her mouth to hide them. She had a very lively personality but was was insecure about her smile. Once I completed her makeover, she could not stop smiling and showing her friends her improved appearance. The change doesn’t have to be as drastic. A high school senior complained that her teeth were yellow. Other than the color issue, her teeth were well shaped and positioned. After whitening, she was so happy she almost did cartwheels out of my office. For years after that, she couldn’t stop thanking me. The woman pictured on the bottom of the page (2 - before and after) had a combination of implants, crowns and bonding, none of which was to her liking. She was tired of going from

I ask my patients, 'If there is something you would like to improve about your smile, what would it be?' It’s amazing how many different answers I get. one dentist to another, looking for someone to bring back her youthful smile. After careful planning and meticulous attention to detail, I was able to do what was needed. She looked in the mirror, then looked at me and said “finally!” I ask my patients, “If there is something you would like to improve about your smile, what would it be?” It's amazing how many different answers I get. What would you like to change? Give us a call and find out how we can give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

2 Before

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Health & Wellness I Psychology I Expert

Fear of Fear Itself “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” As you sidestep the balled-up notebook paper strewn across the floor of your 15-year old daughter’s room on the night before a big math exam, or send off your son on his first (or umpteenth) shidduch date – flustered, self-conscious and sporting cold feet—you think Roosevelt’s wise words are the perfect motivator.Well,you really should know better. The eye-roll or icy stare you receive in response should be glaring evidence for that misapprehension. Quoting a great American president, or giving any advice at all for that matter, may not be the most sensible thing to do when your teenager is stressed out or under pressure. But while feeling anxious before a date, math test or dental exam is natural and justifiable, an anxiety disorder means that a person’s response to an event or experience—from vague and unsettling discomfort to debilitating fear and dread—is disproportionate to the magnitude of the experience, and can even manifest in real physical symptoms. Clearly, anxiety the emotion and anxiety the disorder, are two very different things. Almost everyone is familiar with the fight, flight or freeze response—a reaction to a stimulus perceived as an imminent threat to survival. But anxiety disorders lead sufferers to apply these adrenaline-fueled responses to regular day-to-day life. Even if a response originates from clear and present danger, the fear feeding this response doesn’t subside once the threat ceases to exist, and becomes increasingly present, constant or recurring, has a serious impact on daily life and interferes with a person’s ability to function. In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, forty percent of adults live with constant worry or stress. Anxiety is in fact the number one mental disorder worldwide, surpassing even depression. But despite its high level of treatability, the majority of sufferers never seek treatment. Dr. Sara Genstil, Ph. D in Psychology, uses the Intersubjective Systems Theory in the healing process for anxiety disorders. “Each individual’s perception of the world is based on experiences from early infancy and throughout life. This shapes their individual world view and is defined as their ‘organizing principles’,” says Dr. Genstil. “By investigating and understanding the dynamics of the systems that led

to anxiety, clients learn to isolate and strip the original “threatening” experience of its power. Unencumbered by the ghosts of past experiences, the client develops new and healthy organizing principles that will eclipse previous perceptions that mercilessly dominated their emotional thought and behavior.” Let’s imagine three-year old Binah running through the park towards her mother’s outstretched arms. Just before she reaches her mother’s embrace, Binah trips on the gravel and falls face-down in the dirt. Crying and shaken, with grazes on the palms of her hands and on her cheeks, the pediatrician sews a neat, straight row of stitches above her left eye. By next week, the stitches will be out. By next month, the superficial wounds will be gone. In a couple of months, the pink skin repaired by flawless suturing will change color. A hairline scar will remain forever, visible to no-one but Binah herself – but even she will eventually forget as it fades over time into nothing but a vague memory. As tangible and non-tangible elements of that day knit together, another deeper scar forms. The crunch and drag of the gravel. The smell of the dirt. And the fact that her mother had been just inches away but couldn’t pre-

ABOUT Dr. SARA GENSTIL, PHD Dr. Sara Genstil, PhD, is a seasoned psychologist with over 35 years of clinical experience. Dr. Genstil provides counseling for individuals, couples and families. She has experience working with clients both privately and through organizations such as The Ministry of Defense and National Insurance, working with terror victims and their bereaved families. Dr. Genstil is a member and presenter for the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self- Psychology.

Dr. Sara Genstil can be reached at 052-260-9087 or through her website

vent her fall. These will form a perception of the world that Binah will carry with her into adulthood. This perception can define how she feels and behaves when she has to cross a gravel parking lot to get to work, or take her own children to the neighborhood park. If Binah doesn’t process and label her childhood experience in a healthy way, she could develop unjustified fears that translate into avoidance of certain situations altogether or taking unreasonable precautions to prevent the danger associated with the experience. Dr. Genstil emphasizes that her treatment model for anxiety has a beginning, middle and end, throughout which she and her client team up to work through the issues together and witness a process of change. Using guided imagery, dream analysis, empathy and clarification of a client’s subjective world, Dr. Genstil helps clients dig down to their internal bedrock and unearth the life experiences from which their anxiety stems. Although they appear in many guises, anxiety disorders all follow a pattern of how a person responds to their perception of reality as defined by past experience. Panic disorder is characterized by brief or sudden attacks of intense terror and apprehension that often lead to hypervigilance—interpreting any change in normal body function as a life threatening illness. Phobias are fears and avoidance of an object or situation even if the fear has been acknowledged as irrational. Characteristic elements of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are repetitive, distressing and intrusive thoughts or actions, and while sufferers usually know that their compulsions are unreasonable or irrational, they need them to alleviate their anxiety. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) results from previous trauma such as military combat or a serious accident. But no matter what form the disorder assumes, Dr. Genstil’s treatment model remains the same: “Replace old perceptions of the self and others with new perceptions, and you change the derivative emotions and behavior.” Whether the problem is chemical or emotional, the most effective treatment in the long-term starts at the root. In the longterm, the model helps reduce anticipation of possible future negative events, curb feelings of worry and nervousness, and lessen fear of lurking danger, enabling clients to gain a sense of well-being and control. “Anxiety is not about living in the past. It’s about feeling and fearing the past,” says Dr. Genstil. “We need to learn how to carry or shed the load that’s weighing us down in order to move forward.” Health & Wellness GUIDE















Health & Wellness I Interview I Yaakov Avraham Nutrition and Weight Loss Coach

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life During Succot of 5775, Yaakov Avraham’s son took a photo of his father. Yaakov weight 135 kg at the time, and when he saw how he looked in the photo, he made a promise that by next Succot, his son would have a thin, healthy father. With G-d’s help, he made good on his word; the following Succot, he weighed 85 kg!


nspired by his success, Yaakov decided to apply his experience and knowledge to help others struggling with obesity. He studied coaching and group facilitation for weight loss at Rachel Stiklaro College, and upon receiving his certification, he opened Harzaya Im Bitahon (“Weight Loss with Confidence”), a men’s weight loss center where he helps individuals and groups achieve their goals. We interviewed him about his methodology and philosophy on overcoming unhealthy habits and establishing a healthier mindset. How do you help your clients change their attitude toward dieting? My goal is twofold: to help clients internalize tthat their current lifestyle is not conducive to healthy living and isn’t going to lead to a better future; and to show them how to form better thought patterns and habits around food that will help them live better. I introduce clients to a wide range of practical techniques and tools that can help them change their behavior and thinking patterns. For example, I might suggest buying a nice Shabbat shirt in the client’s target size, and trying it on every Shabbat until it fits. That gives him a very concrete motivation and a tangible way to experience his progress. When a client comes to you for weight loss, where do you begin? First, the client fills out a questionnaire that helps us assess his situation, and based on the results, we set our goals and discuss how to achieve them. Of course, we take some baseline measurements—current weight and waistline.

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How often do you meet with your clients and what’s the goal of the meetings? We start out with an hour-long meeting twice a week, and then switch to once a week. We use these sessions to discuss how it’s going, make adjustments as necessary, and help clients stay on track. Of course, I am available by phone most of the day and my clients are welcome to call and consult with me. Tell us about your approach to eating habits. My approach is to teach clients how to control their habits and establish new behavior patterns. We explore together why the client is holding on to counterproductive habits, and try to identify the obstacles he faces in losing weight. We work on cop-

We explore together why the client is holding on to counterproductive habits, and try to identify the obstacles he faces in losing weight.

ing with the fears and challenges that arise from the unhealthy relationship the client has with food, clearing the way to personal development and growth. We introduce techniques that weaken the unhealthy habits and reinforce new, healthier habits. How do you feel about restricting unhealthy foods? On the one hand, it’s good to restrict consumption of unhealthy foods. On the other hand, people struggling with obesity need to understand that even foods that are considered healthy must be consumed in moderation, because there is such a thing as “too much of a good thing.” Why is it important to drink water when trying to lose weight? Drinking water is the greatest gift Hashem gave us! Keeping hydrated helps us feel full, preventing overeating; it helps preserve young-looking skin; it promotes healthy digestion, blood circulation, and metabolism; it’s rejuvenating, etc. Tell us about a client’s weight-loss success story. A 30-year-old man came to me in a tough situation. He was single, couldn’t get shidduchim, and suffered from health problems— high lipids in the blood and liver. We started a treatment regimen and he achieved immediate results. Within two months he lost 15 kg and started going out on shidduchim. He tells me he received many compliments and his life changed for the better. What is the most important principle you have learned in your business? The trick is to find strength in the challenges; to keep moving forward, and use what you have learned to thrive. With such a good understanding of the effect food has on the body, do you ever reach out for a treat? Yes, of course! Treating yourself is not forbidden—in fact, enjoying special foods on Shabbatot, chagim, and other special occasions is something we work into the plan.

Yaakov Avraham can be reached at 052-446-6090 and 077-401-2475 (Office).







Health & Wellness I Freyda Weis Speech Therapist

Not Just Talking the Talk: Al-Peh’s Movement to Promote Oral Motor Speech Therapy in Israel From Aristotle to Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi, philosophers have long hailed speech capability as the skill that separates humans from animals. Clear, eloquent speech is a powerful skill, crucial to achieving success in many professions and roles in our society. It’s easier for some than for others.


here are myriad reasons why a child might develop a speech impediment or pathology. Some children mispronounce sounds because of a hearing or auditory processing issue that makes it difficult for the child to know what the sound is supposed to sound like. Other children have cognitive or psychological issues that affect their ability to speak clearly and confidently. Most speech therapists in Israel tend to work with clients on the cognitive-linguistic level—practicing language skills with their clients, enriching vocabulary, etc. The problem is that there is another, very common reason why children have trouble speaking clearly—a reason that is often ignored or neglected in Israeli institutions. Speaking is a complex fine motor skill. It requires around 100 muscles in the face, lips, neck, chest and tongue to make very precise movements in perfect harmony. Some children, particularly those who suffer from other disorders that affect muscle tone and fine motor movement (such as Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy), have trouble speaking clearly due to a challenge that is strictly physiological—not cognitive or linguistic. Freyda Weis (MSci) is a speech pathologist who specializes in oral motor therapy. Trained in the USA, she was dismayed to discover how little regard speech pathologists had for this field in the clinics where she worked. She witnessed countless patients coming in once or twice a week and making very little progress as their therapists addressed only the linguistic aspects of speech and neglected the motor aspect. She saw the same issue in rehabilitative preschools and day cares where children received speech therapy as part of their normal curriculum. “Kids can acquire linguistic skills in so many other contexts,” says Freyda. “If it’s just a matter of listening and practicing speech, they can do that with their teachers or with their parents. Speech therapists are supposed to be able to identify and address the root issue of the pathology.”

It’s not that there isn’t much to do about oral motor problems, either. Freyda had learned how to use a wide variety of tools that help individuals improve their jaw, lip and tongue strength and control in the States; but there was a surprising dearth of such tools available in Israel. She needed to direct clients to order tools from the US, and none of them did so. Seeing the dire need for more information and tools in this field, Freyda founded Al-Peh as a resource for all oral motor therapy in Israel. “The way I see it, it’s not just a business—it’s a movement,” she says, “to promote the study and practice of oral sensory motor therapy in Israel.” Aside from her clinical work with patients, she imports dozens of oral sensory tools unavailable anywhere else in Israel, and offers workshops, training courses and other resources to therapists and clients. Therapists also call or email to consult her on this area of expertise. Some of the courses and workshops she teaches herself; for some, she flies in experts from the US. Originally, the workshops

ABOUT FREYDA WEIS Freyda Weis is a Jerusalem-based speech therapist. One of Israel's few experts on Oral Facial Myology, Freyda's methods target the root source of each individual's difficulty, to help gain an improved quality of life. Freyda is available for private treatment of speech and swallowing issues in the Jerusalem area. She can be reached at 052-5287-726

were intended for therapists only, but parents of children with speech issues started coming as well—because the therapists treating their children were not addressing the motor aspect of their child’s problem. Oral motor therapy isn’t just about speech, either. Individuals with motor-related speech pathologies often experience difficulty feeding, chewing and swallowing. For this reason, oral motor therapy can also be beneficial to children who aren’t even close to speaking age yet. Infants who experience digestive discomfort or low weight gain are often diagnosed with colic, allergies or other digestive issues, when in fact, the problem might be caused by a motor problem—weak suck reflex, for example, or difficulty coordinating sucking, swallowing and breathing. Freyda is one of the only speech therapists in the country qualified to work with preemies on feeding issues. Freyda points out that in the United States, speech pathologists need to take a certain number of CEUs (continuing education units) to maintain their licenses. This is not true in Israel. “This is a field where you need to constantly update and enrich your knowledge,” she says. “There is always more to learn, and the more you learn, the more your patients benefit from your knowledge and skills. It’s a paramedical field; our job is to help people. How can we help them if we don’t have the skills?” In light of this, Freyda urges parents to learn about their child’s problem and find a therapist who has the right specialization. Not all speech therapists available through HMOs or institutions specialize in the relevant fields. Sometimes what the HMO or institution will offer is helpful to the child, but oral motor therapy is also necessary. Freyda is happy to offer private supplementary therapy in such cases. Freyda also urges parents to take an active role in their child’s speech therapy,continuing the work at home. “At the end of the day, we are all united in the same goal – helping the child thrive.” Health & Wellness GUIDE
















Health & Wellness I Psychology I Expert

Family Matters: Shalom Bayit and Fertility Many of us live in communities where building a bayit ne’eman b’Yisrael and rearing a large family are central values and mitzvos held in high regard. The problem begins when either of these don’t exactly go as planned. If the former isn’t functioning properly, the latter is negatively affected, and vice versa.


very individual is part of various systems, such that the degree to which these systems are healthy or unhealthy stems from the role of each individual in it.” says Dr. Sara Genstil, who holds a Ph.D in Psychology and specializes in Intersubjective Systems Theory. “Family and marriage are complex systems,” she adds. “If a couple hits a rough patch in their relationship, it means that both spouses have contributed to the kink in their system.” “In a marriage, each spouse brings his or her very being,” says Dr. Genstil. “Each spouse’s perception of the world is based on experiences from early infancy and throughout life, which shape their individual world view (defined as their “organizing principles”). In order to improve their system, we need to identify the organizing principles (both from the distant and recent past) that influence each spouse’s behavior—especially in cases when this behavior causes friction or conflict—and work on changing them.” Healing a relationship means healing the system that was fashioned from both spouses’ input. Having a full understanding of and responsibility for this input is essential for change. Alter one part of the system and the entire system will be changed as a result. Dr. Genstil’s Marriage Counseling Treatment Model allows couples to share feelings and thoughts, build trust, learn how to be responsive to each other, accept each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and thus facilitate change. Over the years, Dr. Genstil has worked with numerous couples who had trouble conceiving. ͞hŶĞdžƉůĂŝŶĞĚ ŝŶĨĞƌƟ ůŝƚLJ is a condition that I have encountered throughout my ca-

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reer and is the diagnosis given to about 25% of couples who are having trouble conceiving after all medical problems had been ruled out,” In addition to various other professional roles, she has served as a psychologist in a fertility clinic and has developed a Fertility Treatment Model based on the principles of Intersubjective Systems Theory. Believe it or not, extreme tension and stress can impact fertility for both men and women. Research found that pregnancy is much more likely to occur when couples reported feeling happy and relaxed than feeling tense or anxious. ABOUT Dr. SARA GENSTIL, PHD Dr. Sara Genstil, PhD, is a seasoned psychologist with over 35 years of clinical experience. Dr. Genstil provides counseling for individuals, couples and families. She has experience working with clients both privately and through organizations such as The Ministry of Defense and National Insurance, working with terror victims and their bereaved families. Dr. Genstil is a member and presenter for the International Association for Psychoanalytic SelfPsychology. Dr. Sara Genstil can be reached at 052-260-9087 or through her website

A whole slew of hormones including adrenaline and cortisol—released naturally during stressful times—signal to the body that conditions are not ideal for conception. Adrenalin inhibits women from utilizing the hormone progesterone, which is essential for fertility, and causes the pituitary gland to release higher levels of prolactin, which may prevent conception. Sometimes, stress can be caused simply by a demanding job. “Our bodies haven’t changed over time, but stress levels have. Combined with the ticking of women’s biological clock, people put unrealistic demands on their bodies, and place their sense of worth in the hands of achievement or social acceptance,” she explains. A tense or unstable home environment—or social pressure to have children—can exert pressure on a marriage. A prolonged inability to conceive can exacerbate an already strained situation, which then intensifies the stress. Through therapy, Dr. Genstil’s Infertility Treatment Model helps couples identify the subconscious issue that is sabotaging their fertility. “First we recognize the organizing principles (such as compromised shalom bayis, past traumatic experience such as a miscarriage, anxiety regarding the responsibility of becoming a mother, depression or other unknown emotional issues) and their impact on a couple’s behavior and physiological functioning. We confront a couple’s confusion, sadness or frustration, enable them to let go of their former organizing principles and replace them with new ones.” Eventually, the treatment process allows couples to build the emotional readiness to become pregnant which affects the rest of the system – including removing barriers for healthy physiological functioning and cultivating the relationship with their spouse. Often well-meaning friends or family offer counterproductive advice by telling you to “just relax” or “pull yourself together.” In fact, this could generate even more stress. “Telling a person to calm down rarely results in them actually calming down,” says Dr. Genstil with a smile that says she’s been around the block more than a few times. What she does recommend, however, is for both spouses to look into their own lives and try to find tiny spaces where they can each give their body and mind a respite from the stresses of everyday living and family demands. “Don’t just try to relax because you think that it’s going to help your fertility but relax because it feels good. When you feel good, you’ll see your relationships from a new perspective and you’ll be better equipped to work on your input in your various systems.”


Yummy Diet With a diet – as with life – there are no shortcuts. But “Yummy Diet” is the next best thing. “Yummy Diet” involves a revolution in your way of thinking about health and weight loss.


he “Yummy Diet” doesn’t require you to count calories or how many bites you take. And you don’t have to give up everything sweet and tasty. You will simply eat those foods at the appropriate times. The idea behind “Yummy Diet” isn’t to “peel away layers” or to “melt fat”, but rather to treat the cause of recurrent weight gain after and even during every diet. With “Yummy Diet” you get accustomed to eating at times that are best for your body’s processes. During the course of “Yummy Diet,” eating is compartmentalized and the body is cleansed and refreshed. When the body’s metabolism returns to healthy and correct functioning, it does the work for you. “Yummy Diet” doesn’t just guide you in how to eat correctly, but the required food is actually prepared and sent to your home every morning. Understanding the logic behind the method makes it is easier to internalize it and lose weight. After a diligent and consistent 90 days, you will be well on your way to achieving healthy, comfortable and desirable dimensions. The basis of the diet is a few interconnected rules: 1. In order to lose weight – you must eat. You must never go hungry and you are allowed to enjoy sweets.

2. An effective diet is one that leaves you feeling satisfied,while loving and enjoying what you eat. Drinking a lot is the basis for losing weight, and is even more important than eating. We recommend drinking at least two liters of water per day. The more the better. Drinking water promotes biochemical processes in the body that help refresh and repair the metabolism. 3. Separating food into groups speeds up digestion, makes it more efficient and

JULY 2017





enables our bodies to utilize and break down excess fat. 4. Night is the time for rest and that goes for the digestive system, as well. You must follow this iron-clad rule even after the 90 days. Who has the patience to stand and prepare all sorts of meals, including a variety of salads– all for the purpose of losing weight? This is where “Yummy Diet” steps in, pampering you with your daily fare. A thermal food storage bag arrives at your door, containing all your food for the day. Meals are delicious and healthy and leave you feeling full.

Mr. Y., Jerusalem, age 35: Until age 30 I was on the skinny side. I loved being able to eat whatever I wanted without feeling guilty. But over the last five years I have been constantly gaining weight and my repeated attempts to diet have at best lead to short term results. As soon as I end a diet, I regain all the weight I lost, along with a few added kilos that weren’t there before. My last attempt before undergoing gastric bypass surgery was the “Yummy Diet.” My wife had heard about it and

urged me to give it a try. To tell the truth, I didn’t really believe it would work. But from one day to the next I became a great fan. The food arrives in attractive packages and is varied and very delicious. My fear of feeling hungry and deprived disappeared on the first day of the diet, when I saw the bag full of good food. I have lost more weight than on any other diet. At the end of the three months, I had lost 17 kilos! What did you enjoy most about the diet?

For more details please contact us. Email:, Phone: 054-8423575, Call or email to sign up for a tasting evening in Jerusalem.

I am not a very consistent person and it’s hard for me to stick to a routine. In order to persevere at something, day after day, I need a lot of support and encouragement. The regularity of “Yummy Diet,” along with the continuous support when I needed it, made it possible for me to successfully complete the entire three months. Today, almost a year later, with results that have remained even though I have returned to eating normally, I know that I made the right choice.



JULY 2017





Health & Wellness I Social Skills I Expert

Dealing with Bullying: You Don’t Have to Be a Victim Can you remember a situation where you felt you “couldn’t say no”?


By Mrs. Shaindel Cohen

e’ve all been there. The last-minute Shabbos guests with nowhere else to go; the desperate mom who needs someone to watch her kids for a few minutes at an inconvenient time; the boss who makes it clear that if we don’t stay overtime, there will be grave consequences. Situations like these can make us feel helpless. We are taught to be kind and generous; offering to help with a smile and without complaint is highly valued in our society. But is saying “yes” in such situations always the healthiest approach? It is, of course, wonderful to be a giving spirit who is happy to accommodate others’ needs. However, what we sometimes fail to realize is that we cannot truly give to others when we are empty ourselves. When we drain all our resources in service of others, there may be nothing left for us—and our #1 responsibility is to ourselves! That’s why knowing how to say “no” in uncomfortable situations like these—setting healthy boundaries—is such an important skill. Being assertive and setting healthy boundaries is even more important in situations of abuse, manipulation, or bullying. This is just as true for children as it is for adults—if not more so. According to the National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 students in the USA report being bullied in school. An Israeli study found that close to 70% of elementary, middle, and high school students were bullied in school. Included in these statistics are diverse types of bullying: verbal, physical, social, and online. Every type of bullying can have serious and long-lasting effects on the victim, including depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, loss of interest in activities

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one used to enjoy, various physical ailments, decreased academic achievement, and other symptoms of trauma and distress. These effects can persist into and throughout the victim’s adulthood. Children who are victims of bullying are often given two pieces of advice to handle the bullying: ignore it, or tell an adult. The reasoning behind ignoring is that the bully gets his sense of power from the victim’s reaction, so avoiding a reaction may make the bully lose interest. The problem is, this only works some of the time—and other times, it can actually escalate the situation and make the bully more violent. Telling an adult is another strategy that may be effective in some cases, and not in others. Telling an adult only works if there is ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Mrs. Shaindel Cohen is an internationally acclaimed educational consultant and social skills specialist who has lectured in Israel, England, Canada, Mexico, and throughout the United States. She specializes in nurturing the shy and selective mute child and has designed and taught programs related to this field such as communication and friendship issues, assertiveness training and selfesteem, social skills, conflict resolution and much much more. She is available to work with children, teens and adults on any related social skills challenges. Mrs. Shaindel Cohen can be reached at 02-543-0734 or by email

an adult present and available to help (which there often isn’t) who happens to be equipped to handle the bully (which many aren’t). Additionally, even if an adult is available to help one time, that doesn’t necessarily mean they will be there the next time—and the bully can make sure that they won’t. There are schools and other institutions that practice a zero-tolerance policy. However, this doesn’t always work, and if your own child is being bullied at school, you won’t want to wait for other people to act to protect your child. The good news is, you don’t have to. Almost without exception, people who exhibit bullying behavior have been victims of bullying themselves. Bullying is a destructive response to a sense of powerlessness; bullies abuse others to gain a sense of control over their lives. For this reason, bullies usually select “easy targets” for their abuse: victims who seem likely to submit to them and don’t project self-confidence, especially ones who are socially isolated, or who have something “different” about them. This way, the bully can exert his physical, mental, and social power over the other child, and this makes him feel powerful. We see these behaviors in the adult world as well—more subtle, perhaps, but just as destructive. Child bullies often grow into adult bullies if they are never taught how to cope with their difficult emotions more constructively. I once worked with a 63-year-old client who was being bullied by his 65-year-old sister! Bullies are much less likely to pick on people who are assertive and sure of themselves. Fortunately, even people who are naturally cautious and timid can learn how to be assertive, set healthy boundaries, and respond effectively to bullying! If you or your child is a victim of bullying, it’s important that you know that you can put a stop to it. Assertiveness, boundary-setting, and de-escalation skills can help you feel less helpless and more in control of your life. All you need to do is learn how.















Health & Wellness I Psychotherapy

Building Lasting Bonds Growing up is hard to do. That’s not just a refrain from an old song, but a challenge for every generation. Today’s world, which has become increasingly confusing and complex, is rough terrain to navigate for both children and adolescents regardless of age


By Yonatan Sapir M.Sc.

ne of the most effective tools to ensure our children’s wellbeing is a healthy and positive parent-child relationship. If we provide them with emotional security, we help them develop a positive self-image, courage to take risks and resilience to deal with life’s inevitable challenges. And we stand a better chance of imparting the values we want them to embrace. And even though most teenagers have a fierce desire for independence, some part of them is usually yearning for a close connection with us as parents. But the means to that connection usually eludes us. Love and respect are the two fundamental components of a healthy relationship, and Chazal echo this concept when referring to a relationship between husband and wife. But what do we mean when we say we love someone? Partly, love is the ability to appreciate and to cherish our loved ones. In colloquial terms, we could say we are their biggest fan,

and being a fan could be one of two things. In sports for example, one type of fan loves a team because the team is most likely to take home the cup at the end of the season. The other type of fan loves a team even when they’re stuck in last place. Chazal called these two types of love: “dependent on external factors” and “not dependent on external factors.” The kind of love we should project and actively communicate to our children is of the unconditional kind, not dependent on what they do or how they act, so that they develop a sense of their innate goodness. When a child behaves in a way that drives us crazy, it can be especially challenging and requires a lot of thought and self-introspection to relate to that child from a place of love. When we find our aggravation getting in the way, a therapist can be helpful in overcoming feelings, which, when left unchecked, can overwhelm and prevent us from connecting to our children. Another aspect of love is the desire to be close to someone we love. This entails wanting to spend time with them, getting to know them better and being genuinely interested in their lives. But we live in a fast-paced society and many of us are so engrossed in our own lives, we feel we just don’t have the time to be with, enjoy or try to understand our children. When we do eventually get round to it, we find it difficult to relate to them. Their games ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Yonatan Sapir, M.Sc. is a psychotherapist who works with individuals, couples and adolescents. Yonatan sees clients in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh. He can be contacted at 052-767-7304 or

become boring and sometimes we can’t even understand their language. We do love our children and the most basic way we express our love should be by thinking about them, talking to them and playing with them. I once had a 12-year old client who loved to play a particularly boring game with me. That game wasn’t necessarily fun for me, but when we played, the child, who was often ignored at home, felt that I was attuned to his needs. The way to show a child they are important is to do things that are important to them. The second component of a good parent-child relationship is respect. We must respect our children. You might be thinking, “From my knowledge of the ten commandments that sounds a little backwards,” but this is an essential lesson for us and them. Respect requires a different stance than love. Love makes us want to get as close as we can to someone (even in the physical sense) but too much closeness sometimes constitutes a lack of respect. We can define respect for children as appreciating our children as competent individuals, separate from ourselves. It is what renowned family therapist Murry Bowen called “differentiation.” When we helicopter parent or overcompensate, we disrespect their individuality, undermine their security and relay the message that they are incapable. Even when we scoop a young child up and whisk them away to the bath with no regard for their objections, we are asserting control and demonstrating a lack of respect. Conversely, when a child comes home from school and we probe them with questions about their day, we haven’t considered whether they are ready to talk. Holding back can be just as challenging as displaying affection but is just as necessary. As a child gets older, they need even greater autonomy. Teenagers, in particular, have a need to feel validated, and if they don’t feel respected and heard, will often rebel as their way of expressing frustration. When parents recognize that their teen is ultimately responsible for their own decisions, it enables the child to move in a positive direction. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t offer our advice or opinion. A child should know how we think and feel. We must be cautious, though, not to become overbearing or try to rob the child of his autonomy. The balance between helping our children develop and grow by giving—and simultaneously holding back—can be a tricky one. But once we get the hang of it, we’ll be giving them the eternal gifts of security and belonging, a solid self-image and powerful tools to forge a successful life path. Health & Wellness GUIDE
















Health & Wellness I Miraculous Recovery

The Whole Megilla My Personal Purim Story 5777 and the Ribbono Shel Olam’s Amazing Hashgacha Pratis Revealed


By Yehoshua Levinson

n February 22, 2017, I boarded my El Al flight to JFK on a fundraising trip on behalf of Yeshivas Ohr Yehoshua Nesivos Hatorah a premier yeshiva gedola in Ramat Beit Shemesh. My second Shabbos in Flatbush was a very cold day and as I stepped out into the below freezing air I felt my body and chest momentarily tighten as I proceeded to shul for shacharis. I felt good (and in fact enjoyed the cold as it reminds me of skiing) walking the five blocks to Rabbi Shimon Alster’s shul on Bedford at L. I actually planned to return to Rabbi Alster’s shul for mincha, however my Shabbos shluf was five minutes longer than planned so I opted instead to daven across the street at Rabbi Weinfeld’s shul. Following mincha, I stayed in shul with my host,Avrohom Pinter, for seudas shlishis. After taking a few bites of challah, I felt a very subtle strange sensation—a single gentle trickling pulse migrate from the interior of my left elbow to my wrist, and then it disappeared. I thought to myself “that was weird.” I have no idea what compelled me, but I asked Avrohom, “Hypothetically, if someone is having a heart attack, is it the right or left arm that people feel a shooting pain?” My friend replied, “I don’t know, but one of the top cardiologists in the city, Dr. Yanky Schachter, a real mumche (expert), is sitting at the next table. Why?” I told him about the odd sensation, but said it was probably nothing. Avrohom was insistent that I speak to Dr.

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Schachter. Dr. Schachter took me by the arm and asked me to walk with him to the other side of the shul. As we slowly walked, he asked me a series of questions: Did I feel any tightness in my chest? “When I first stepped out into the freezing air this morning”; did I feel any tightness in my neck? “No”; tightness in my jaw? “No”; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing? “No”; dizziness? “No”; faint? “No”; nausea? “No”; sweaty? “No.” He set up a few chairs in a row and said, “Everything will be okay, but you’re having a heart attack.” “What!! Are you kidding me? I can’t be. I’m not feeling any pain.” He looked me square in the eyes and said, “You’re having the onset of a heart attack. I have been holding your arm and you don’t have a pulse, but you’ll be okay. Just do what I tell you and lay down here across these chairs and elevate your legs.” That’s when I felt faint and my legs buckled under me. Hatzalah arrived within minutes and one of the three hatzalah responders was even a doctor (Dr. Chaim Gitelis), and a car-

It couldn’t be – I’m only 56 years old, I never smoked, I eat healthily, I exercise regularly, and I wasn’t in pain. I thought heart attacks are painful.

diologist at that! They performed an EKG in the shul which revealed that I had a blocked artery, and it was caught just in time. My doctors told me later that shooting pain or a subtle trickling sensation in the arm, which is only one of many potential symptoms of a heart attack, could happen in either the right or left arm, although the left is more common. The whole experience was surreal: the entire time, until I was admitted to the hospital and about to be wheeled off to the operating room, I was in denial that this was happening to me. It couldn’t be – I’m only 56 years old, I never smoked, I eat healthily, I exercise regularly, and I wasn’t in pain. I thought heart attacks are painful. As an additional chessed, this all happened in the early evening in New York which was the middle of the night in Eretz Yisrael while my family was sound asleep. So when my procedure was done and I was resting in my room, I was able to call my wife and tell her what had happened and let her know that everything, baruch Hashem, was all right. I thought I traveled to New York to help our local yeshiva, but in reality, the Ribbono Shel Olam had me come to America to get my “plumbing” fixed. He put me in the right place, with the right people at the right time… AMAZING!!! After settling into my seat on my return flight two and half weeks later, I opened my Mesillas Yesharim to learn the chapter which instructs the way to acquire the middah of zerizus. The Ramchal says that a person will be moved and inspired to live his life and perform mitzvos with zerizus when he has a love and an appreciation of all the good that Hakodesh Baruch Hu does for us. The Ramchal then says that through this understanding and recognition that there is a Ribbono Shel Olam that does all this good for us, one will be then moved and inspired to act with zerizus. I closed the sefer and said to myself “WOW!!!” Of course I know that I need to thank Hashem for everything, but I now realize firsthand that I need to thank Hashem especially for those things that appear to me as “not going my way.” What Hashem did for me, He does for all of us every day and at every moment. This entire experience was and continues to be a tremendous chizuk for me and an aliyah in my emunah; and my hope is that this extraordinary event will continue to give me and others chizuk and increase our emunah. Note to readers: Visit your doctor regularly, ask to have cholesterol, triglycerides and other risk factors checked, follow doctor's orders regarding medications, diet and exercise, and, of course, daven.






Alternative medicine




Health & Wellness Alternative Medicine

DENTISTRY Rechavia Dental Center I EXPERT I 02-561-9770 Dr. Mitchell Rudy 052 339 2131 Dr. Ari Stern 02 999 6046 Dr. Chaim Lewitan 052 761 5359 Dr. Mark Lewitan 02 995 2707 Dr. Links - Dr. Garalnick 02 992 4267 Dr. Chaim Eliezer Jacober 02 999 7479 Dr. Edo Lavi 02 992 3363 Dr. Jacki Glassman 02 566 9061 Dr. Yoav Orbach 02 545 5603

Dr. Claude Hayat Periodontics 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Fruchter 02 536 2244 HEALTH Eliezer Rosenblum Chiropractor 052-662-4658 PlayAttention Solution for ADHD 054 794 3797 Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer 054 572 1651 Rochel Geller weight loss 02 992-1821 Reuven Rosenberg Chiropractor / Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Alternative Clinic 077-212-7567

Rochel Rubinoff Massage Therapist 054-3355-289 Dr. Tova Goldfine Chiropractor 052 420 1201 Donna Abrahams Craniosacral Therapy 054 648 0667 Michael Freedman Personal Trainer 054 843 9541 Gyrotonics Personal Training System 054 908 0886 Natan Feit Reflexology 053 763 4820 Shoshana Grotsky Lice Removal 050 207 1781 Michael Berezin Personal Trainer 054 625 0269

fitness I


Gavriel Tornek Meditation 054 652 1770 Miriam Maslin Bioresonance Therapy 052-324-4604 Dr. Rina Granot Health & Nutrition 052 674 3838 Dr. Chaim Pinchuck Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 Sara Shaposhnik Energy Healer 050 229 2316 Jerry Hyman Personal Trainer 050 779 8886 Jordana Staiman Speech Therapy 053 311 3916 Kerry Bar Cohn Chiropractor 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Michael Portman Clinical Psycologist 052 269 4030 The Place Emotional Wellbeing Center 02 580 8788 Menachem Schloss NLP Therapist 054-743-8109 Minda Garr Holistic Psychotherapy 052 614 6932 Karen Rappaport Narrative Therapy 050 990 6368 Rachel Factor Anxiety Disorders 052 713 4130 Dr. Genstil Psychologist I EXPERT I 052 260 9087


How Did

a Pharmacist, Forensic Specialist, Molecular Biologist, Bio-Tech Entrepreneur and Martial Arts Master

Fall in Love

with Acupuncture?

Interview with Sergey Bujanover, M.Sc., Ph.D., C.A. (and Much More…) Sergey, what is your academic background? I began studying pharmacy in Russia in 1982 and graduated with an M.Sc. in 1987. I specialized in forensics and, at that time, even developed an innovative method for painting expertise. I then began to study medicine. I worked at the St. Petersburg Toxicological Center until 1990 when I finally received permission to make aliya--after 11 years as a refusenik. Then the Israeli period began. In 1993, I began studying molecular biology and microbiology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I received my second M.Sc degree in 1995 and then continued working on my Ph.D. project at the same place. After receiving my Ph.D. degree in the year 2000, I established the first Israeli biotech company, Phage Biotech Ltd., which specializes in antibiotic alternative developments -- phage therapy based on bacteria attacking viruses. During this period, I finished my post

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• JUNE 2013

doctorate degree in proteomics and returned to the company. Phage Biotech Ltd. still exists and is currently active but times have changed. Instead of working for a company, I let the company work for me. And it helped me to make a decision and switch careers to the love of my life -- acupuncture. Where did you learn acupuncture? My first contact with acupuncture and Chinese medicine in general took place in the late 70s, early 80s, when I was a teenager. Practicing martial arts from the age of seven, I had heard all about the “magic points” on a body that may kill and cure, “secret schools of Mortal Dim Mac” and other Hollywood stuff. My aunt was a well-known acupuncturist in Moscow. My first acupuncture books were from her library. Then I met people who really practiced Dim Mac. It is one thing to see it in movies but when you fall unconscious after only a light punch on a point in the neck or chest, it really makes sense--especially

Bizness Magazine

when you are only 15 years old. I spent years with acupuncture as a hobby, reading hundreds of books, taking lessons from different masters at clinics all over the world and during my business travels – to Europe, the States, the Far East. The decision to become a professional acupuncturist was not spontaneous. I graduated from the Jerusalem School of Chinese Medicine under the supervision of Ilan Horovitz who was a student of Ted Kapchuk, Dr. Tin Yau So and Kiko Matsumoto, who were the pioneers of oriental medicine in the west in the early 80s and who established the New England School of Chinese Medicine in Boston. I was influenced by all these people plus the Japanese Dr. Yamamoto who is one of today’s greatest acupuncturists and Dr. Teh Fu Tan whose system I have been intensively exploring over the last few years. How did a martial arts master become an acupuncture practitioner? These things are closely connect-

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ed. Karate Kid grows up and begins to understand that effective control is much more advanced than a brutal bone-crashing. Understanding how the human body is built and functions reveals a lot of possibilities and makes an impact. Acupuncture theory is one of these ways. The key word is “harmony.” In acupuncture, we are harmonizing and balancing the unbalanced systems and processes occurring in our body. Practicing “internal styles” of martial arts, we harmonize ourselves to the universe or to any situation in our environment. So martial arts and acupuncture are branches of the same tree. By the way, my friends who practiced martial arts together with me knew that if an injury happened during class, they ran to Sergey. The sooner they came to me, the faster and more effectively I was able to help. So martial arts not only led me to become an acupuncturist, it also provided me with patients :). We all know that acupuncture involves needles but what’s the actual science behind it? Of course acupuncture may be explained scientifically. The needles stimulate nerves and, subsequently blood vessels that control and nourish internal organ systems and tissues. If you know which nerves enervate which organs and where these nerves are located, you can perform a kind of fine tuning and adjustment of processes, to balance or send accurately directed impulses. Yes, we using needles and insert them into different points connected to the nerves. People often ask what all the “acupuncture meridians” are and why no one sees it as an anatomical structure. The answer is very simple. They aren’t. They are landmarks exactly as meridians on a geographical map. They make an acupuncturist’s work easier. Modern conventional medicine operates with the term known as a “trigger zones.” We are doing the same. It is just that the 5.000 years of experience in oriental medicine has developed this knowl-

edge much more fully. No mystics, no miracles -- just a medical science. What type of conditions should be treated with acupuncture? Any. Orthopedic problems, internal problems, skin diseases, gynecological dysfunctions, blood pressure, sexual disorders, insomnia, hemorrhoids, obesity, addictions and depression. Just take the Merck Index. All the diseases listed may be treated by acupuncture. But, we have to distinguish between problems that may be fixed easier and faster by conventional medicine methods and those that acupuncture can treat more effectively. If the problem requires surgical intervention, I’ll send my patient to a surgery. If I can be more helpful than a conventional physician, I’ll try to convince a patient to try. We are the best with pain syndrome. We are very strong with orthopedic and posttraumatic complications. But any clinical case requires first of all accurate diagnostics. This includes a common analysis and sometimes a second opinion from different specialists. Only after that will a decision about treatment strategy be made. A lot of times I have heard people say that someone who uses acupuncture cannot take other medicines. It’s totally incorrect! Not every treatment interferes with acupuncture! And if the pharmaceutical drugs decrease your suffering, use them in parallel with acupuncture. There are not any contradictions. What’s the typical number of sessions or treatments required to solve most problems? It depends on many conditions -how old a patient is, how a patient reacts to the needles, is the problem acute or chronic? Usually we recommend at least 4-8 treatment sessions. Then we decide together how to further proceed. Sometimes, the problem may be solved in a couple of sessions; sometimes it requires a much longer treatment. What is important is that once you begin an acupuncture treatment, take it continuously, once or twice a week, as decided

together with your acupuncturist. Are there any complications or side effects? Surprisingly but no. Needle insertion is not painful. There have been are no significant side effects or complications detected in all of the time of acupuncture’s existence. One can find this sentence in any MedLine article about acupuncture. What can happen – blood excreted after the needle removal and residual sensitivity in a punctured point for one-two days after treatment. Sometimes a small bruise may appear at a place of punctured point. (The reason – we don’t puncture visible blood vessels but deeper, invisible ones, may be punctured.) If we are using cups – this may cause severe signs on the skin--but nothing serious. We use internal body mechanisms and allow them to fix the problem by themselves. We simply adjust these mechanisms. Nothing “external” is introduced into the body so no “overdose” is possible. All modern needles are sterile and disposable. Before needle insertion, the skin area undergoes ethanol decontamination so there is no chance for infection. There is nothing to be worried about. Tell us a recent successful healing experience. Oh yeah! Any practitioner may talk for hours about his clinical successes. The more difficult and complicated a case is, the more success brings more joy. For example, one of my patients, a 92 year-old lady has suffered from a “frozen shoulder” for over 40 years. After only three sessions, more than 90 percent of her movement ability was restored in both shoulders. But my favorite patients are those people who “do not believe in all this magic.” If I can convince such a person to treat him, I enjoy the effect! –”Is it painful now?” –”No. But it’s impossible!” I love my job :). How should people contact you? Easily. Just call 052-568-2117 or email me at sergeybujanover@gmail. com and I’ll do my best to help you.  Health & Wellness GUIDE


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                                                                                                                                                     Health & Wellness GUIDE 24 

                                                                                           

                                                                                                                        

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NATURAL HEALING – Meet the Martins                                                                            

                                                                   

                                                                                                                               Health & Wellness GUIDE 25  

Can Osteopathy Help You or Your Child?

Dr. Rothstein, what can parents do when their child is in pain?


arents are often at a loss when their child is in pain– from a newborn with colic, to a toddler with recurrent ear infections to a grade school child who’s been diagnosed with ADHD. Parents are concerned and ask, “Must we give our newborn medication and just suffer along with him as we wait out the seemingly endless crying?” “Must a baby be on recurrent rounds of antibiotics for ear infections that never seem to clear up?” “Must a child always be put on medication when he/ she has difficulty sitting still and staying focused in a classroom setting?” Consider the experience of some recent patients: (names have been changed to protect privacy): David is a delightful three-year old who has had a constant runny nose and cough since the age of 18 months. His mother took him off dairy and tried a variety of medications and alternative treatments. Nothing seemed to help. After treatment with Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) and Cranial-Sacral Therapy, his runny nose and cough cleared up. Being an active little boy, he had his share of bumps and bangs– like all kids. Once the strain patterns in his head were released, his body was able to heal. Devorah, age 18, had to stop her aerobics workouts due to joint pains in her arms and legs. She also had problems with PMS symptoms, low back pain, constipation and poor

Health & Wellness GUIDE 26  20 • PURIM 2013

sleep. I treated her for over-exertion injuries, but the treatments didn’t hold. When a treatment doesn’t hold, I know something else is going on. I then realized she had an imbalance of Omega 6 fatty acids. When she was supplemented with the proper nutrients, her moods got better, acne and constipation cleared up and the treatments held. She was pain free and able to resume her former activities. Twelve-year old Shimon was restless in school, had poor concentration and problems with asthma. His teachers wanted him started on Ritalin. After the third treatment with OMT, he was calmer, he thinks more clearly and his asthma is better. No one is suggesting Ritalin anymore. Note: True ADHD is due to a dopamine deficiency in the brain and requires medication. In the vast majority of children, however, ADHD symptoms are due to other causes such as structural imbalances and inadequate nutrition. If your child can stay focused for a long time on something in which he’s interested, such as, Legos™, blocks, puzzles, reading, etc. (not including computer or video games), then he most probably does not have true ADHD. In that case, there’s a good chance that OMT will be effective and medication will not be needed. Chani was two and a half when she ran her scooter down a flight of stairs falling face first on the ground. Now in middle school, she had focusing

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problems and was easily distracted. She wouldn’t do homework or read a book. She thought she was just lazy because she didn’t like to move. After treatment with OMT, she could run up and down stairs easily, concentrate better and was reading books and doing her homework for the first time. She never realized how uncomfortable she was until the strain patterns in her head, neck and back were released with OMT. Note: If your child has had a fall and bumped his/her head, even if he/ she is symptom free, make sure your child is treated by a competent osteopath to prevent problems down the road. The skull is made up of 22 bones that are designed to move ever so slightly to accommodate the pulse of the brain. Whenever there is trauma to the head, the bones can “jam” or “lock” and inhibit the natural pulse of the brain. This has far-reaching effects on the behavior, health and well-being of your child as he grows. Don’t wait until problems arise. Even if the doctor tells you everything is fine, unless specially trained in Cranial-Sacral Therapy, he/she will be unable to pick up the subtle, constricted pulse caused by the restricted movement of the bones. One treatment after a fall will do much to prevent future difficulties. What is Osteopathy? Osteopathy is a mainstream medical discipline focusing on re-establishing and maintaining the natural

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relationships of of bones, bones, muscles, muscles, relationships membranes, tissues and fluids within membranes, tissues and fluids within body.Osteopathic OsteopathicManipulative Manipulative thethebody. Treatment promotes body’s ability Treatment promotes thethe body’s ability function, develop and heal itself to to function, develop and heal itself byby addressingproblems problemsfound foundin inthese these addressing structuralcomponents. components.U.S. U.S.trained trained structural osteopathshave havethethesame sametraining training osteopaths and licensing M.D.’s, however and licensing as as M.D.’s, however wewe receive additional training in the receive additional training in the useuse hands diagnose and treat of of ourour hands to to diagnose and treat pa-patients. There are those osteopaths that tients. There are those osteopaths that receive specialty training gogo onon to to receive specialty training in in Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) and other modalities such (OMT) and other modalities such as as Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Myo-fasCranial-Sacral Therapy, Myo-fascial Release and Counter-Strain. cial Release and Counter-Strain. WeWe look at the body holistically to find look at the body holistically to find source pain and dysfuncthethe source of of thethe pain and dysfunction condition can, if possible, tion so so thethe condition can, if possible, healedwithout withoutmedications medicationsand and bebehealed surgery. One most interesting surgery. One of of thethe most interesting aspectsof ofOsteopathy Osteopathyis isthat thatrarely rarely aspects site problem source is is thethe site of of thethe problem thethe source problem. Strain patterns of of thethe problem. Strain patterns in in thethe fascia (connective tissue) body fascia (connective tissue) of of thethe body lead pain seemingly unrecancan lead to to pain in in seemingly unrelatedareas. areas. Osteopathicphyphylated AsAsananOsteopathic sician, it is deeply satisfying to look sician, it is deeply satisfying to look beyondthethesymptoms symptomsand anddiscover discover beyond the true source of the problem. the true source of the problem. Gabi was 40’s and had Gabi was in in hishis 40’s and had re-recurrent ear infections, ear pain and current ear infections, ear pain and headaches. didn’t realize was headaches. HeHe didn’t realize hehe was clenching his jaws a lot. Once clenching his jaws a lot. Once thethe

strainpatterns patternsin inhishisjaw jawand andneck neck strain were released, next day had were released, thethe next day hehe had nono pain and didn’t need antibiotics. pain and didn’t need antibiotics. Who can benefi t from Osteopathy? Who can benefi t from Osteopathy? ages,from fromthethenewborn newbornto to AllAllages, elderly,cancanbenefi benefi t fromosteoosteothetheelderly, t from pathictreatment. treatment.Here Herearearea few a fewof of pathic patients’ experiences their own ourour patients’ experiences in in their own words: words: “My name Shani. I’m years “My name is is Shani. I’m 2929 years old. more than two years I sufold. ForFor more than two years I suffered from severe migraines. I had fered from severe migraines. I had to to take medications every day order take medications every day in in order to function. Sometime the medicato function. Sometime the medications didn’t help and I would have tions didn’t help and I would have to to lie down for hours and hope the pain lie down for hours and hope the pain would away. I was skeptical about would gogo away. I was skeptical about Osteopathic treatment since I believe Osteopathic treatment since I believe onlyin inconventional conventionalmedicine, medicine,butbut only aftertreatment treatmentwith withDr.Dr.Rothstein, Rothstein, after migraines stopped. was like thethe migraines stopped. It It was like a a miracle. I couldn’t believe Thank miracle. I couldn’t believe it. it. Thank you Rothstein!” you Dr.Dr. Rothstein!” can’t begin you how “I “I can’t begin to to telltell you how Dr.Dr. Rothsteinhelped helpedme. me.I Ihave havesuch such Rothstein “hakarat hatov.” three years “hakarat hatov.” ForFor three years af-afsurgeryI had I hadpain painradiating radiatingallall tertersurgery over from middle chest. over from thethe middle of of mymy chest. I I had digestive trouble. I couldn’t had digestive trouble. I couldn’t liftlift myself from a lying a sitting posimyself from a lying to to a sitting position or a sitting to a standing position tion or a sitting to a standing position without severe pain. I went chiwithout severe pain. I went to to thethe chiropractor and he couldn’t help me. ropractor and he couldn’t help me. I I couldn’ttake takea deep a deepbreath breathwithout without couldn’t sharp pain. I was so frightened. After sharp pain. I was so frightened. After

treatment with Rothstein, treatment with Dr.Dr. Rothstein, allall thethe radiating pain chest stopped. radiating pain in in mymy chest stopped. I I was almost 100% well and have had was almost 100% well and have had digestive distress. He’s been a trenono digestive distress. He’s been a tremendous shaliach.” mendous shaliach.” was a car accident years “I “I was in in a car accident tenten years ago.Since Sincethen, then,I have I havehad hadupper upper ago. back, neck and shoulder pain. I also back, neck and shoulder pain. I also had IBS. The pain was bad. I went had IBS. The pain was so so bad. I went to a chiropractor for a year to a chiropractor for a year butbutit it didn’t help. I did Pilates which helped didn’t help. I did Pilates which helped somewhat, but I never felt “normal.” somewhat, but I never felt “normal.” After seeing Rothstein, I am painAfter seeing Dr.Dr. Rothstein, I am painfree after four treatments and feeling free after four treatments and feeling “normal” again! “normal” again! “I had horrible sciatica that inhib“I had horrible sciatica that inhibited from walking. I walked ited meme from walking. I walked outout 95% pain free after only one ses95% pain free after only one session. What I especially like about sion. What I especially like about Dr.Dr. Rothstein that he’s very honest. Rothstein is is that he’s very honest. HeHe doesn’t have you keep coming back doesn’t have you keep coming back if if you don’t need That’s unusual.” you don’t need That’s unusual.” Rothstein, what else would you Dr.Dr. Rothstein, what else would you like people know? like people to to know? matterwhat whatyour yourcondition, condition, NoNomatter you need know there is hope. Many you need to to know there is hope. Many problems corrected with OMT problems cancan bebe corrected with OMT andproper propersupplementation. supplementation.If Ifyou you and or anyone you know is coping with or anyone you know is coping with a a colicky infant, infections, ADHD colicky infant, earear infections, ADHD or pain and disability, you have or pain and disability, you have op-options. Find a doctor who look tions. Find a doctor who cancan look at at the big picture and get to the source the big picture and get to the source problem.Get Getevaluated evaluatedbybya a of ofthetheproblem. competent Osteopathic physician who competent Osteopathic physician who specializesin inOMT. OMT. Youwill willknow know specializes You within a few treatments whether your within a few treatments whether your condition will respond OMT. (Alcondition will respond to to OMT. (Although it is wonderful when a patient though it is wonderful when a patient gets tremendous relief after only one gets tremendous relief after only one treatment, that is not always the case. treatment, that is not always the case. Dependingononthetheproblem problemand andthethe Depending conditionof ofthethepatient, patient,four fourto tosixsix condition treatments may necessary. treatments may bebe necessary. ) )  About Author About thethe Author Rothstein practices in Jerusalem Dr.Dr. Rothstein practices in Jerusalem andand Ramat Shemesh. if Osteopathic Ramat BetBet Shemesh. ToTo seesee if Osteopathic ManipulativeTreatment Treatmentcancanhelp helpyouyou Manipulative make appointment, please or or to to make anan appointment, please callcall 058-610-9149. Our Our e-mail e-mail address address 058-610-9149. and is:is: and our website address our website address is:is: Health & Wellness GUIDE



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Dr. Tova Goldfine, Chiropractor, Interview by Helena Topf

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                                                


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                                                                                                                       

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Health & Wellness GUIDE

Exclusive Interview

A Cure for



elcome, Dr. Rothstein. I understand that you just made aliyah in July 2012. Please tell me a little about your background. I graduated from the University of Des Moines College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in 1981. After my internship, I served 3 years in the US Army at the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases. I went into private practice in Baltimore, MD, where I focused on treating pain due to injuries and accidents. During that time, I received specialty level training in Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT). In 2005, I published my book, Brain Fog: Solve the mysteries of decreased mental capacity and keep . I have al-

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that their condition can be healed and not just masked with medications.

What is an Osteopath? In the U.S., Osteopaths, or D.O.’s, have the same medical training and licensing as M.D.’s. However, we receive additional training in using our hands to diagnose and treat patients which allows for other options besides medications and surgery.

Can you give me an example? Sure. Many babies with colic are diagnosed with GERD         medications that block the production of stomach acid, which inhibits the absorption of some essential nutrients in their developing bodies. In most cases, the babies are not suffering from a true disease at all, but an anatomical strain that can be safely, gently and effectively corrected in just a few sessions of OMT. The wonderful thing about OMT is that treatments are safe and effective for all ages, from birth to old age. I’ve heard you also have success with ADHD. What is ADHD and how do you treat it?   ing focused, cooperating, and learning in a traditional classroom setting. True ADHD is a lack of dopamine in the brain, which leads to erratic and disruptive behavior patterns. In a  treatment is with medications such as Ritalin, Adderal, Concerta, etc. The problem is that only 10% of kids diagnosed & Wellness GUIDE 30 34  Health November 2012

Bizness Magazine

with ADHD actually have true ADHD!

What is your experience with ADHD? In the vast majority of cases, what looks like ADHD is not true ADHD. Something else is causing symptoms that appear to indicate ADHD. Sometimes people are suffering from food allergies or sensitivities. In other cases there is a structural imbalance and the person is acting out due to physical discomfort of which they might not even be aware.

Is there a way to know if a person has ADHD-like symptoms as opposed to true ADHD? Yes. I have found in treating hundreds of children and adults diagnosed with ADHD that all you need to do is ask a simple question: CAN YOU STAY FOCUSED FOR A PROLONGED PERIOD OF TIME ON SOMETHING IN WHICH YOU ARE INTERESTED? (For a child that would be playing with Legos or blocks, reading or being read to, doing an art project etc., but does not include computer or video games which can actually induce symptoms). If you can answer “YES” to this question, there is a good chance that Osteopathic treatment will be effective and there is no need for medication. You’ve specialized in the treatment of pain due to accidents and injuries. How did you begin treating ADHD? I noticed that when my patients were relieved of their pain, their mood, memory, and concentration also improved. When I began to apply this approach to children who had ADHD like symptoms, the same thing occurred. A 10 year old boy was brought to me by his mother because he was getting into trouble in school, not sleeping well at night, and had begun smoking. After the third treatment, his mother came back glowing! She said her son’s teacher had written her a note saying how wonderful he had been in

 He was also more pleasant at home. Why did treating him with OMT relieve his ADHD symptoms?   

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a concussion, and from that time he was always uncomfortable. Therefore, he couldn’t sleep well, and over the years he became more and more agitated and irritable. Subsequently, he was diagnosed with ADHD. Using gentle Osteopathic techniques I was able to release the strain pattern in his body. Once his pain was gone, he was able to rest well and behave normally. Many people think the skull is one bone. In actuality, the skull is made up of 22 bones that are designed to move ever so slightly to accommodate the pulse of the brain. Whenever there is trauma to the head, the bones can jam or lock and inhibit the natural pulse of the brain. One mother came to me after her toddler had a hard fall. He had started biting, crying often at night and having continual “meltdowns” throughout the day. After one treatment his disposition changed and he was playful and happy again.

What’s the usual course of treatment for ADHD?

 could open her hand. A little 17 month old girl refused to walk because it was too painful. Every time she tried to walk, her feet would turn out forcing her to walk on the inside of her ankles. After a few seconds she would fall down because of the pain. The orthopedist told her parents she would need braces and might be crippled for life. The problem was not in her feet and legs, but was actually caused by a strain pattern going all the way up to her head and neck. Three weeks after beginning treatment she was walking normally and a week after that she was running. A man in his 60’s had open heart surgery. Although the surgery was successful, he still suffered from chronic pain due to muscle spasms and irritation in his chest. He couldn’t take a deep breath without pain. Narcotics were

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The great thing about working with kids is their responsiveness. Usually within 3 treatments ADHD symptoms are  out medication, if not resolved entirely.

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 tories didn’t give him relief. He was

Can you tell me something about how you treat pain due to accidents and injuries? M o s t practitioners address the area of complaint. They examine the wrist when there’s carpal tunnel syndrome. They check behavior if there are ADHD symptoms. They only look at the knee if the knee hurts, the neck if the neck hurts, or the head if the patient is complaining of a headache. What I’ve found in over 30 years of treating patients is that rarely is the area of complaint the real issue.

Can you give me some examples? Here are just a few case histories: One patient had been knocked unconscious when a huge closet cabinet fell on her. She had chronic pain in her left arm and was unable to open her left hand. She had been to many doctors and therapists but found no relief. It was clear to me that the problem was in her neck and upper back. Once those areas were treated, the pain in her arm


told he just had to live with it. I treated the compensatory strain patterns in his body and after two treatments h i s pain w a s completely gone. He had been suffering for 5 years. A girl in her twenties developed hycephalus and had to have a shunt put in

 debilitating headaches and the doctors at Johns Hopkins  her. I found the real problem was stemming from her coccyx (tailbone). Her headaches completely subsided after 2 treatments. Where do you practice and how can you be reached? I treat people in Ramat Beit Shemesh and also in Yerushalayim. I can be reached at 058.610.9149. 

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Health & Wellness GUIDE


Chaia Erblich talks about the


Who is the ‘invisible enemy’? It is generally termed electromagnetic radiation. It is in fact invisible as well as tasteless, scentless, and non-touchable, yet its effect over years of exposure can be, chas V’sholom, fatal. What is your experience in this field? Twenty years ago, as I was taking courses in psychology, I was told by one of my mentors that I have the ability to be an Energy Healer. Apparently he was very advanced in the field of Energy Healing and was able to detect that ability in others. At the time, the term meant nothing to me. Soon after our conversation, I set out to discover what he meant. Once I understood, I immediately began searching for a way to start a practice of healing with energy. How did electromagnetic radiation come into the picture when you started your holistic healing career? It was what you might call an instant revelation. Clients came to me complaining of years of ailments, some very serious conditions. Nothing they had tried, be it conventional or natural healing, had worked. I delved into the project, hoping to find a solution. It didn’t take me long Health & Wellness GUIDE 32  32 • August 2012


to discover what was at blame: The Invisible Enemy, electromagnetic radiation. What did you do then? I advised my clients to try various gadgets offered for protection, yet saw little improvement. I could not make them stop using their cell phones, cordless phones, computers, etc. Nor could I tell them to move away to a cleaner environment, where there are less cell towers, high power lines, or damaged wiring. Where you ready to give up then? How could I? As I saw it, the lives of many of my clients literally depended on my efforts. You mean to say that this could be a question of life or death? One hundred percent. Is what you are claiming founded on scientific proof? Absolutely! All you need to do is go to the computer and Google in: electromagnetic pollution (smog). Visit You Tube on this subject and you will see for yourself. Under the circumstances, you felt compelled to find a solution, right? Exactly. I did just that. After extensive

research and trial and error, I developed a product that not only neutralizes the negative energies but turns them into positive vibrations. How were you able to determine that your solution actually works? Simply by watching my clients’ conditions improve, sometimes immediately. Which conditions did you help cure? The emotional and physical health problems that can be attributed to this poisoned energy are countless. In my practice, I have, with Hashem’s help, experienced success with many, many conditions such as: EBV & CMV viruses, fibromyalgia immune deficiency (which helped people in their fight with cancer), memory & concentration, stomach problems, skin problems, menstrual problems, infertility, migraine headaches, depression, panic/anxiety attacks, sleeplessness, nervous system, and many other conditions. Among children, I experienced success with ADD, ADHD, OCD, learning disabilities, bedwetting problems, growth problems, recurrent ear infections, and strep. In fact, it helps with most immune and hormone related issues. You mean you have cured all above problems in your clients? Cure is a very big word. Boruch Hashem I have a tremendous success rate, but the gift of healing will always differ from one client to another. While many improved completely, some had to wait a while longer for full results. How can people contact you for more information? Call Chaia Erblich at 02 571-3144 or 054-786-5324. 

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                                                                                                                                        


What is the anatomy of the low back?

                                                                                                                               

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Health & Wellness GUIDE 33 Tell Eliezer Rosenblum you read his column in Bizness Magazine

Lilach Maor’s Beit Haor

Therapeutical Enlightenment

“I invite you to come and open the door in your life and enter an amazing experience which will bring you to a reality of healing, happiness and inner peace.”

Lilach Maor: Caregiver, Communicator, Body-mind therapist and Alternative medicine provider. Practicing Chinese and Korean medicine, acupuncture, ear acupuncture, herbal medicine, iridology, reversing (a rebirth experience to release trauma), heartbreaks, eating disorders, working with energies to help business success, aiding couple relationships and a workshop moderator. Lilach, let’s say that I suffer from physical or emotional pain. Why should I come to you rather than going to someone else? In contrast to many other therapists who have expertise in only one field among the vast variety in the alternative medicine field, I combine a wide variety of alternative medicine methods in which I specialized in Israel and abroad, and I apply them to my patients according to need. In addition, for the most part physical problems are a symptom of emotional ones. As a communicator and a therapist, I diagnose the source of the problem and develop the tools to successfully treat it. A few days ago, for example, an Israeli who lives in China came to me for advice and for guidance in how to communicate. I advised him successfully and he was very pleased with the result. By the way, on every visit that he makes to Israel, he makes it his business to come to me for a consultation. Last week, a patient from Holon who had stress and anxiety problems came to see me. With one treatment and guidance, I was successful in bringing her back into balance. Not too long ago I saw a 22 year old girl from Jerusalem who was suffering from eating disorders. I treated her by combining different types of healing methods such as acupuncture, TESTIMONIAL lost 35 kilo with Lilach. This process included therapeutic, emotional and dietetic acupuncture and easy to follow menus. Since then my life has changed beyond recognition. Pains that used to exist in the past no longer exist. Lilach is like my angel. There are things that cannot be revealed here because they are too deep and too personal but I always say that whoever goes to her that is to his benefit! It is an honor to know her and to be treated by such an amazing and talented person with so many good attributes.”


& Wellness GUIDE 34  44 Health • January 2013

Bizness Magazine

iridology diagnosis, menu compatibility and emotional therapy. In four sessions she lost six kilo through balanced eating and she achieved self-control over her eating habits. What you are saying is very impressive! What other types of problems do you treat and cure? I treat people who are suffering from back, feet, knee and neck pain, “tennis elbow” and sports injuries. I treat overweight patients and help them with dieting. I treat “attentive deficit disorders” and hyperactivity, children with wetting problems as well as digestive system problems, allergies and various addictions. But the majority of my experience is in treating stress and anxiety, physical and emotional abuse, broken hearts after separations and energetic work in order to open patients thereby enabling them to achieve success in relationships, business, etc. Lilach, what brings you to treat people and how many years are you in the field? I grew as a therapist due to personal difficulties in my life. Today, I am able to empathize with the difficulties that my various patients experience and help them through the recovery process. Prior to 1995, when my spiritual journey began, my life was paved with suffering and difficulties. I even experienced clinical death, a condition which empowered my inner resources. In the year 2006, I went through the process of rebirth (reversing) and changed my name and started my own business. Throughout the years, I studied and had training in many fields and experienced amazing spiritual encounters. During the years 2006-2011, I was trained in India as an enlightenment master where I spent a number of months in silence, meditation, etc. All this brought me to find my wonderful tremendous internal bliss and to realize my destiny in this life in emotion and physical healing, in counseling and guiding with help from Above. In conclusion, what is the message that you wish to pass on to the readers? Dear friends, if you are suffering from physical or emotional pain, I invite you to come and open the door in your life and enter an amazing experience which will bring you to a reality of healing, happiness and inner peace. How can people contact you? By phone at 0522 869 881 or by email Visit my website at or find me in Facebook. 

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Health & Wellness GUIDE


What Chinese Medicine Can Do for You Interview with Oron Ofek

Oron, where did you learn Chinese Medicine? I studied Chinese Medicine and nutrition and Chinese medicinal plants at Medisin College in Tel Aviv. In 1996, I specialized in acupuncture and medicinal plants at the Red Cross Hospital in Hangzhou, China. In 2000, I attended a professional continuing education program on diabetes in Beijing and in 2001, I specialized in diabetes in a Chinese diabetes ward. How many years are you in this profession? I have been practicing 19 years in the field of nutrition and medicinal plants and 17 years in Chinese acupuncture. Tell us about your Chinese experience. I spent a month in the acupuncture department where I saw between 30-40 patients a day. We dealt with skeletal and muscle problems which included back pain, neck, shoulders, knees, headaches and partial paralysis. There were also problems of vision, dizziness and of the stomach and the intestines. Treatment was mainly through acupuncture and, from time-to-time, combined with a cupping glass and heat from moxa. In the medicinal plant department, where I also spent a month, I saw a similar number of patients. I focused on internal disease such as intestinal and bowel problems, tiredness, weakness in the immune system, internal bleeding, problems in the menstrual cycle, diabetes, pre-menopause problems, anxieties, etc. All treatments were with acupuncture and medicinal plants. Diagnosis was carried out through a patient questionnaire and by looking at a Health & Wellness GUIDE 36  28 • February 2013

patient’s tongue and feeling his pulse. What are the main differences between Chinese and Western medicine? Chinese medicine sees man as a whole and not just an injured organ. Attention is paid to the way of life, nutrition and feelings; understanding causes and treating the root and not just the symptoms. Emphasis is on naturally strengthening and balancing the body’s powers through the use of acupuncture, nutrition and medicinal plants. What diseases do you treat? I prefer to say that I treat people and not disease. Symptoms treated by my clinic include back and knee pain and all types of pain; weakness and tiredness, respiratory disease such as a stuffed nose, shortness of breath, coughing, phlegm; inflammations of the intestines, constipation, losing weight; hormonal problems, anxiety and diabetes which is my field of expertise. In which cases should one choose Chinese medicine rather than Western medicine? Chinese medicine is much better at treating back and knee pain than western medicine which doesn’t really have anything to offer except for anti-inflammation medicine and painkillers. Tell me some success stories. A 39-year old patient suffered from sciatic pains. Before coming to me, she was treated by physiotherapy and given epidural shots which only eased the pain partially and temporarily. By just a second treatment at my clinic, there was an improvement. By the fifth treatment, the patient was able to carry out many activities

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without pain and reduce the amount of painkillers. By the sixth treatment painkillers were no longer needed and the patient was able to do all her household chores without pain. A patient with diabetes and sugar levels of 350 came to my clinic. His doctor advised him to start using insulin. I built him a special menu. In a number of days, his sugar levels were lowered to 188 on a fast and 200 after meals. After I prescribed Natural Control Formula #1, his sugar level on a fast dropped way down to 130 and even less. Free Gemach TOX FREE drops by the Natural China Company will be provided on Shabbos free of charge to the parents of any child suffering from an ear infection. Tell us about the books that you have written. The Art of Healing through Chinese Nutrition was published in Hebrew over 13 years ago. It is a practical guide encompassing the medicinal properties of food. The book details disease symptoms and health problems and explains how one can be helped and treated by medicinal plants. Diabetes—Prevention and Treatment Using Chinese and Natural Methods published three years ago in Hebrew, explains diabetes and how it can be treated naturally. How can people contact you? The clinic can be called at any time at: 02-992-4004. Please leave a message if we are busy. You can call our cell phone: 050-335-8338 or send mail to: Our internet site is:

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Our Place in the System Interview with

Dr. Sara Genstil, Psychologist

Since 1983, Dr. Sara Genstil, Ph.D. has been practicing psychology using the Intersubjective Systems Theory. She uses this treatment modality for individuals with various conditions, such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, relationship issues, etc. Dr. Genstil is available to see couples and families privately as well. In addition, she treats bereaved families through the Ministry of Defense and terror victims through National Insurance (Bituach Leumi). What is your background? After completing my B.A. and M.A. in Social Work at the University of Southern California (USC), I became actively involved in the Jewish and Israeli communities in Los Angeles, which was a very rewarding experience. I felt I was contributing to the bonding of the two communities. However, in my work with patients in the Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles, I felt that I hadn’t the extensive knowledge required to really bring about change. Therefore, I decided to continue my education toward a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the California Graduate Institute (CGI) with a psychoanalytic orientation. After completion of my Ph.D., I did a post-doctorate with Robert Stolorow, Ph.D., the global leading authority in Intersubjective Systems Theory. The knowledge that I gained from him made me feel that I had finally acquired the depth and expertise that would enable me to truly help patients achieve the changes

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they desired. Over the years, Dr. Stolorow became my supervisor and mentor and is my guiding voice to this very day, especially when I am dealing with a patient with deep psychological issues. My relationship with him enables us to consult and brainstorm together on appropriate therapeutic interventions. What is the Intersubjective Systems Theory? The basic idea is that no person lives in isolation. Every individual is part of a system, and in fact, of many systems, defined by various common terms such as family, couple, mother-child, teacher-student, to name a few. In order to understand an individual’s behavior, we must understand the systems in which the individual functions, together with the subjective experience of each member within each system. The degree to which a system is healthy or unhealthy results from the role of each part of the system (i.e., each individual in the system). This means that a healthy system can only be established by each individual examining themselves and their behavior within the system, “Am I responding adequately to my (spouse, child, friend, employer, etc.)?” In other words, we must focus on ourselves and try to adapt our behavior in relation to other individual(s) in the system. It’s important to emphasize that every individual’s perception of the world is based on experiences from early infancy and throughout life, which shapes their individual world view (defined as their “organizing principles”). In order to improve a system, we need to identify the organizing principles that influence

their behavior, especially in cases when this behavior causes friction or conflict. In other words, the ideal way to improve a system is for each member to take responsibility for his or her own actions. When one part of the system changes, the entire system will change as a result. In therapy, the implication of this approach is to understand a patient’s organizing principles. For example, I had a patient who all her life had been told she was stupid. Her parents and teachers expected very little from her and thought she was incapable of achieving anything. These messages affected her to the point where she believed that she was incapable. This became her organizing principle. Until her early 40s, she did not pursue higher education and accomplished very little professionally, working as a sales person in a clothing store, and living her life in the belief that she was worthless. She came to therapy as a result of depression, difficulties in relationships and low selfesteem. During the course of treatment, once we had identified the subjective system in which she was entrapped, we were able to make changes. Of course, sifting through all the emotional baggage she had accumulated during her lifetime made it a long process. Gradually she began to connect with her true self and true abilities, and became aware that her former perceptions were false. Subsequently, she not only went to college, but succeeded in obtaining an M.A. in Education with high honors. Her goal was to make an impact on the educational system that had failed her. Can problems arise due to unknown trauma? Over the years, I have worked with numerous women who had trouble connecting with men and consequently hadn’t married. For example, I had a patient who was 32 years old and unmarried. Through the process of therapy, she revealed that she had been molested when she was about 10 years old and had never disclosed the secret to anyone. She had formed the perception that “men are dangerous.” Anytime she tried to connect with a man, she subconsciously sabotaged the relationship and backed off. Once we identified the trauma and its impact on her behavior, and confronted her fear, anger, misery and the secret that she’d kept even from her mother, we managed to work through it and enabled her to realize that the person who had molested

her was dangerous, but that this was not true for all men. In other words, she replaced her former organizing principle with a new one. Eighteen months later, she married. Are there traumas that cannot be overcome? Generally speaking, the earlier a trauma occurs, the harder it is to overcome. A 26-year-old female medical student came to me for treatment as a result of anxiety and an inability to connect with men. During the course of treatment, she revealed that her infant and toddler years were spent on a kibbutz, and as was mandatory at the time, all children slept every night in the designated children’s house. Her caregivers reported that every night she had protested and cried. Being forced to separate from her particularly loving and caring parents for those first three years of her life led to severe trauma, which developed into anxiety and an eating disorder. This trauma left such an indelible mark on her being, that even after working together for years, she is still unable to fully connect with men. She was able to resolve her anxiety and eating disorder and recently sent me an e-mail saying that she holds the position of head of a department in an Israeli hospital. However, she has never married. Do you have any parenting tips for our readers? Winnicott, a great psychoanalyst, answered this question by saying that the best tip for parents is to provide “a relatively good environment.” Obviously, parents aren’t able to be present at all times and all parents make mistakes. It’s enough if parents meet a child’s basic needs most of the time, but only if both physical and emotional needs are met. It is critical to build “basic trust” by creating as solid an attachment as possible between a parent and child, but within the framework of a family set of boundaries. Another major tip is to encourage a child’s development in physical or motor, sensory and emotional areas. Any final words of wisdom? Every client is like a puzzle. And every client brings a new piece of their puzzle to each session. My role is to assist patients to fit the pieces together and see the whole picture – an entire being that makes a whole, complete puzzle. Tel. 02-5343388 Cell. 0522-609087, 0504-600496 Health & Wellness GUIDE


Understanding the Restless Mind Interview with Dr. Michael E. Portman, Clinical Psychologist Dr. Michael E. Portman is a clinical psychologist with an expertise in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and is an international authority on generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Dr. Portman has worked for over twenty years in diverse settings, from community mental health services to treating military personnel at the Cleveland Veterans Administration. He has served as an adjunct faculty member at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State University, and The Ohio State University, supervising advanced students. He also conducts research and trains others in the field. Dr. Portman has authored Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across the Lifespan: An Integrative Approach published by Springer-Science and was a guest editor for a special edition of Psychiatric Annals on GAD and the lead expert author of a chapter for the Elsevier publishing company (also on GAD). Dr. Portman currently resides in Jerusalem where he maintains a private practice treating children, adolescents, adults and couples.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and who does it affect? Is there a genetic component? Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a mental health condition characterized by persistent anxiety and/or worry lasting for no less than six months, more days than not, around numerous activities and events. Other symptoms include: being keyed up (restless), sleep disturbance, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, fatigue, and irritability. GAD affects individuals of all ages and cultural backgrounds. A confluence of factors contribute to the onset of GAD and genetics, based on the research, plays a 30% role.

How is GAD differentiated from other anxiety disorders such as social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc.? GAD is more diffuse, in nature, than the other anxiety disorders. The worry is about “everything and nothing.” This does not preclude the fact that GAD sufferers do have relational/social worries like in

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social anxiety disorder and obsessional thinking found in obsessivecompulsive disorder. Plus, individuals with GAD have typically experienced many stressors common to individuals struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder. They may also experience panic-like symptoms unique to panic disorder. However, in GAD more global worry and anxiety is the hallmark of the condition. Having said that, GAD often coexists with at least one other ment al health disorder in 90% of cases. It has been called the “co-morbid” anxiety disorder.

Can GAD cause somatic (physical) symptoms or conditions and how does this affect the diagnosis and treatment of the patient? GAD can cause a host of somatic symptoms that can include back or neck pain, gastrointestinal distress, chest pain, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, frequent urination, dizziness, tension headaches, etc. Medical illnesses often co-occur with GAD, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hypertension, and Acid Reflux Disease (GERD). Physicians should work with mental health professionals to try to work out whether GAD is contributing to the physical symptoms and illnesses or not. Often when GAD is properly diagnosed and treated many somatic symptoms and illnesses abate or are much less intense and disabling.

At what age do symptoms of GAD typically appear? GAD can appear at any age. The most common age of onset is in the late teens and in midlife. It is estimated that GAD afflicts around 5-7% of the general population. The symptoms build steadily over time and are often not diagnosed and treated effectively until many years after they first appear.

Everyone has some anxiety at times, at what point does it need to be treated? How would a parent know when their child needs help? Anxiety has been with us since time immemorial and most individuals experience anxiety and worry at some point in their life. However, when anxiety and/or worry is intense, persistent, and

impairs functioning in broad areas of life, treatment is indicated at any age across the lifespan. In regard to children, anxiety, and GAD in particular, presents with more bodily symptoms such as headaches and stomachaches. And, worries in children with GAD are often about school performance, safety of self/others, health, disasters, war, and friends or classmates.

What are the main modalities of treatment for GAD? Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with or without medication(s) is the main treatments for GAD. CBT should be tried first as the initial form of treatment, given its effectiveness, unless symptoms are highly debilitating and/or the patient prefers medication to ameliorate the distress more rapidly.

Can GAD be overcome through treatment or is the goal primarily to improve the quality of life of the sufferer? Many patients can overcome their GAD and become free of symptoms with appropriate treatment. However,a sizable number of individuals with GAD find that their symptoms wax and wane around increased responsibilities and stressors due to change, uncertainty, and life transitions. In these cases treatment and posttreatment outcomes need to be more modest and acceptance is central for the sufferer of GAD in the recovery process.

Do you treat other disorders besides GAD? I have a general psychotherapy practice, so I do treat other anxiety disorders, mood disturbances, interpersonal difficulties, and severe mental illness.

What is your approach to the treatment of GAD and other anxiety- related disorders? My main approach to treating GAD is the use of cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT). CBT focuses on the present, is structured, often time limited, collaborative, and tools/skills building. However, I do also use evidence-based psychodynamic therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy and integrative psychotherapy. Therapy always needs to be tailored to the unique needs and clinical presentation of the person.

How did you initially get involved in GAD and how has this propelled you to become an authority in the field? My interest in GAD started in graduate school with a paper on the subject, followed by a doctoral dissertation. Soon after, in my clinical training and then in private practice, I began to see many patients with GAD. Subsequently, Dr. Aaron Beck (the founder of CBT), Dr. Vladan Starcevic (an expert on anxiety disorders), and Dr. John Riskind (a leading figure in the CBT and anxiety field)

greatly influenced and shaped my thinking on GAD. I also felt GAD was being neglected, even by mental health professionals, and viewed as a highly misunderstood anxiety disorder. My nature is to advocate for the “underdog” and GAD sufferers needed a voice. So, I felt a strong calling to become one of their voices. My status as an authority on GAD continues to be a source of surprise and excitement at the same time.

Tell us a bit about the research you have done on GAD: My research has evolved over time. I have written a full-length book on the subject, been the guest editor for a special issue on GAD, authored a chapter on GAD, and written other publications. The work task force on GAD and other anxiety disorders for DSM V (the most recent diagnostic manual for mental disorders) factored in several recent publications co-authored by myself with Dr. Beck and Dr. Starcevic and retained the name GAD with the same symptom criteria. This felt like a significant moral victory for us as clinicians/ researchers and those that suffer from GAD.

Tell us about your soon-to-be released book, The Restless Mind – Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder. How does it differ from your previous book on the topic? The Restless Mind is being written for an intelligent lay readership of potential GAD sufferers and their support systems. They are the primary target audience. Yet, fellow clinicians, researchers, students in mental health and others interested in learning about GAD can also benefit from this new offering. It is less academic, more accessible, practical, and self-help oriented than my first book on GAD. Plus, it will be more affordable in price.

What advice would you give to family members of those suffering from GAD or other anxiety disorders? My recommendation to family members is always be compassionate, accepting and supportive. GAD, not unlike other anxiety disorders, is a genuine, painful malady and an individual with the disorder should not simply be dismissed as “the worried well.” Encourage, in a diplomatic way, the seeking of treatment by a highly experienced mental health professional who is well trained in CBT for GAD or anxiety disorders. Psychiatrists and other physicians versed in GAD or anxiety are the ones responsible for prescribing medication, if necessary. They are important members of the treatment team. Plus, reading my upcoming book on the subject will offer even more practical and hands-on advice!

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EXPERT Welcome Karen Wolfers-Rapaport to our team of experts!



Healing from the source.

Reclaim your past. Empower your future. Interview with Karen Wolfers-Rapaport Karen Wolfers-Rapaport is a psychotherapist and creative writer specializing in Narrative Therapy. She holds a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and an M.A. in counseling psychology from Boston College. She currently writes for and Karen is available for appointments.

What is Narrative Therapy? Narrative Therapy is a collaborative approach to counseling which centers people as the experts of their own lives. A narrative approach views problems as separate from the people who struggle with them. In narrative therapy, we assume people to have many skills, abilities, values and beliefs that will assist them to change their relationship with the problems influencing their lives. It is a way of working that considers the broader context of people’s lives. Tell us about your background and what led you to Narrative Therapy. I have been privileged and blessed to study under and work with incredible mentors, teachers and therapists. I began my graduate training at Tufts University under the tutelage of some very fine pyscho-analytic psychologists. From there I trained at the Family Therapy Institute here in Jerusalem where I learned the “Family Systems” approach and was exposed to a variety of sub-specialties. I was introduced to Narrative Therapy through a workshop given by the amazing Yishai Shalif who is considered to be the top Narrative Therapist here in Israel. Being taught by this master was a mind-opening experience. I immediately knew that Narrative Therapy resonated with me. Later on, I had the opportunity to work with Yishai Shalif’s partner, Rachel Paran. I received my certification from the Jerusalem Narrative Therapy Institute. There are many reasons why I was attracted to this process. One of the first things I noticed was that this form of therapy was not about giving advice, solutions or opinions.It & Wellness GUIDE 44 12  •Health JANUARY 2015

was about empowering clients to find answers within themselves. I truly believe that people are far more resourceful than they think they are. Secondly, because I see clients as the experts in their own lives, I enjoy collaborating with them rather than assuming control over the therapy. If I have been touched by a person’s story, I acknowledge that. I see it as an honor to be a witness to the re-authoring of their narrative. Finally, Narrative Therapy is a positive, empowering, future-oriented way of dealing with challenges. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of personal transformation. This specialty embraces such a vision. This having been said, I also use other therapy techniques that I am trained when the situation calls for it. How does Narrative Therapy enable clients to feel more in control than the more traditional forms of psychotherapy? Because Narrative Therapy asks the client to re-write his own story, the client is directing the course of his therapy. Narrative Therapy utilizes the power of a person’s story to discover his often-untapped personal resources. We believe that people possess natural skills, intuition and expertise that can help guide the changes that they wish to make in their lives. People often come to therapy when the stories dominating their lives are restricting their possibility for peace, happiness, success, growth and the like. Our work together involves facilitating the emergence of new stories/narratives that are more healthy, satisfying and empowering. These new stories highlight insights, emotions, skills and personal power that perhaps the client was unaware of before. For what type of issues is this type of therapy the most effective? The effectiveness of Narrative Therapy is well documented and can be used for many challenges – from major depression to eating disorders, from ADHD to bullying, from family dynamic challenges and identity struggles to overcoming abuse. How do you address the labels that people give themselves? People often get stuck in the repetition of their stories. For ex-

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ample, if my story is “I am depressed,” I will gravitate towards experiences, situations and people who maintain and facilitate that image of myself, that label. I will display behavior that attracts the very depressive things I want out of my life. One of the main tenets in Narrative Therapy is the practice of viewing problems as separate from the people who have them. As a result, instead of labeling a person we believe in labeling the problem. This allows the problem to stand independently. For example, when you externalize depression rather than pointing it towards yourself you are able to question and deconstruct depression in ways that you could not without the space between you and it. Naming depression creates clear boundaries between you and it, the problem. Clients begin to see themselves through a different lens than the one dominated by, in this case, depression. More functional choices are made around this challenge and greater personal responsibility is assumed. As you re-author your story and your problem, personal labels and self-fulfilling prophesies get turned on their head. Over the past few years we have seen an increase of counselors and therapists in our community-what do you think has led to a more open approach towards therapy? Because communities like RBS and parts of Jerusalem are filled with new olim who are far away from family, friends and their support systems in the old country, they are finding the need to reach out to professionals here in Israel. There is also something comforting in knowing that your therapist understands, to a certain extent, the idiosyncrasies of the religious subculture in

which they live. I think, in general, there is a pull both in the greater society and in communities such as RBS to go inward and cultivate an inner life that is reflective of the person they strive to be. I have observed a tendency toward greater authenticity, compassion, kindness and self-awareness. I find in these times, people want to live their Torah from the inside out! With so many forms of therapy out there, why would someone choose Narrative Therapist? A Narrative Therapist believes that one’s life is a series of stories. These stories create meaning for us and are the “subplot” of our lives. The situations, environments, people and ideas that we attract and feel close too “thicken” our stories and provide the necessary layers and complexity that make a life. Ideally, we hope our stories provide a positive life force but as we all know, this is not always so. Often our stories hinder our progress in fulfilling our true potential. Narrative Therapy differs from many therapies in that it puts a major emphasis on identifying people’s strengths highlighted by how they have mastered situations in the past. It seeks to build resilience rather than focus on shortcomings. Narrative Therapy places its confidence in the client. It is a relatively short-term, deep, positively proactive way of dealing with challenges. 

050-990-6368 Health & Wellness GUIDE 45 • 13

EXPERT Welcome Minda Garr to our team of experts!



A therapy approach which recognizes the interface between our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being Interview with Minda Garr, MSW

Tell me a little bit about your background. My professional training is in social work. My BSW is from Hebrew University where I subsequently spent 29 years on the faculty. I began as a field work supervisor and eventually filled a variety of positions: Director of Field Work Training, Academic Coordinator for the first Haredi social work training program in the country, Academic Advisor and Lecturer. Even though I am formally retired, I continue to teach a yearly course in Holistic Psychotherapy. In addition, I have spent many years working as a therapist, as well as 35 summers as a staff trainer/advisor in a summer camp setting. One of the things I always tell young people interested in social work is that it is a profession that opens the door to a wide variety of professional opportunities and it never gets boring. How did you move from what sounds like a very traditional career to what seems to be a less conventional approach to therapy? I have always loved to learn. I was looking for a course to take when I was in the U.S. during the semester break in 2002 and found a six-day training in Heart-Centered Therapy sponsored by the Wellness Institute in Issaquah, WA. The course was life-changing for me. It opened up new avenues of thinking and new ways of understanding myself and others. I have continued my training with the Wellness Institute and have been in a group for facilitators since 2006. All of the training is both experiential as well as didactic. A couple of years ago I taught the basic course in Heart-Centered Therapy here in Israel and hope to do so again. The work I am trained in is both transformational and deeply healing. Health & Wellness GUIDE 46  24 • JANUARY 2015

What is holistic psychotherapy? When I use that term, I am referring to a therapy approach which recognizes the interface between our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. The therapy models which I have been trained in, and which I have taught over the years, are very influenced by the Western medical model which distinguishes between the various dimensions of our lives. A more holistic approach is based on the premise of the overlapping of these four areas of our lives and the impact that each dimension has on the others. What types of therapies does it include? Holistic psychotherapy begins with talk therapy. From the beginning, the connection is very much heart-centered. A basic premise in supporting people as they heal whatever they are looking to heal in their lives, is that the connection must begin with unconditional acceptance of the client and an ability to “contain” whatever issues he or she chooses to bring up. This connection is one which needs to go beyond ego. This means that the focus is totally on the needs of the client and not on those of the therapist. The “tool kit” in an holistic approach in-

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cludes working with clients in a deep state of relaxation, exploring the early sources of issues that are impacting on the client’s functioning today and healing those issues at the source, working with early wounding and healing faulty belief systems that were formed early in our lives and that continue to impact on our functioning, working with subconscious “programming” that is negatively impacting on our lives, working with the breath for both relaxation and healing, acknowledging and working with the human energy field and working with the mind-body connections that impact on us. What influences do Eastern approaches have on your work? Mostly in an awareness of the mind-body connection through the chakras and the use of states of inner focus for exploring levels of consciousness. Why would someone choose this type of psychotherapy over typical “talk therapy?” First of all, the type of therapy chosen has to fit the client as opposed to trying to make the client fit the therapy. That’s why I love having a varied “tool kit.” Sometimes, work with a client begins with the more traditional talk therapy and, as the relationship evolves, we move into the less “conventional” modalities. Some of my clients do only the more holistic work with me. Mostly though, there is an integration, as whatever we

do together needs processing time. What I am offering is really beneficial for people who want to “move beyond their story” into a new story. It is for people who are looking to expand, grow and develop and move into a place of greater satisfaction in their lives. It is for people who are holding onto issues or early traumas that they are ready to heal. And it is for people who have tried traditional therapy and have felt like they are looking for something more. How many sessions are usually necessary until the termination of the therapy process? One of the greatest things is that there is no formula. I have done single sessions with people, I have worked with people for several months, and have had relationships that continued over a number of years. It is the client who decides how far, how deep and how much he/she wants to accomplish. Do you ever refer clients on to other types of therapy? All the time. If someone is looking for help, they deserve the best that is there for them. If I don’t feel that I am the best person to meet the need, I always refer to colleagues who can give them the help they want. 


Health & Wellness GUIDE 47 • 25







Health & Wellness I Freyda Weis Speech Therapist

Not Just Talking the Talk: Al-Peh’s Movement to Promote Oral Motor Speech Therapy in Israel From Aristotle to Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi, philosophers have long hailed speech capability as the skill that separates humans from animals. Clear, eloquent speech is a powerful skill, crucial to achieving success in many professions and roles in our society. It’s easier for some than for others.


here are myriad reasons why a child might develop a speech impediment or pathology. Some children mispronounce sounds because of a hearing or auditory processing issue that makes it difficult for the child to know what the sound is supposed to sound like. Other children have cognitive or psychological issues that affect their ability to speak clearly and confidently. Most speech therapists in Israel tend to work with clients on the cognitive-linguistic level—practicing language skills with their clients, enriching vocabulary, etc. The problem is that there is another, very common reason why children have trouble speaking clearly—a reason that is often ignored or neglected in Israeli institutions. Speaking is a complex fine motor skill. It requires around 100 muscles in the face, lips, neck, chest and tongue to make very precise movements in perfect harmony. Some children, particularly those who suffer from other disorders that affect muscle tone and fine motor movement (such as Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy), have trouble speaking clearly due to a challenge that is strictly physiological—not cognitive or linguistic. Freyda Weis (MSci) is a speech pathologist who specializes in oral motor therapy. Trained in the USA, she was dismayed to discover how little regard speech pathologists had for this field in the clinics where she worked. She witnessed countless patients coming in once or twice a week and making very little progress as their therapists addressed only the linguistic aspects of speech and neglected the motor aspect. She saw the same issue in rehabilitative preschools and day cares where children received speech therapy as part of their normal curriculum. “Kids can acquire linguistic skills in so many other contexts,” says Freyda. “If it’s just a matter of listening and practicing speech, they can do that with their teachers or with their parents. Speech therapists are supposed to be able to identify and address the root issue of the pathology.”

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It’s not that there isn’t much to do about oral motor problems, either. Freyda had learned how to use a wide variety of tools that help individuals improve their jaw, lip and tongue strength and control in the States; but there was a surprising dearth of such tools available in Israel. She needed to direct clients to order tools from the US, and none of them did so. Seeing the dire need for more information and tools in this field, Freyda founded Al-Peh as a resource for all oral motor therapy in Israel. “The way I see it, it’s not just a business—it’s a movement,” she says, “to promote the study and practice of oral sensory motor therapy in Israel.” Aside from her clinical work with patients, she imports dozens of oral sensory tools unavailable anywhere else in Israel, and offers workshops, training courses and other resources to therapists and clients. Therapists also call or email to consult her on this area of expertise. Some of the courses and workshops she teaches herself; for some, she flies in experts from the US. Originally, the workshops

ABOUT FREYDA WEIS Freyda Weis is a Jerusalem-based speech therapist. One of Israel's few experts on Oral Facial Myology, Freyda's methods target the root source of each individual's difficulty, to help gain an improved quality of life. Freyda is available for private treatment of speech and swallowing issues in the Jerusalem area. She can be reached at 052-5287-726

were intended for therapists only, but parents of children with speech issues started coming as well—because the therapists treating their children were not addressing the motor aspect of their child’s problem. Oral motor therapy isn’t just about speech, either. Individuals with motor-related speech pathologies often experience difficulty feeding, chewing and swallowing. For this reason, oral motor therapy can also be beneficial to children who aren’t even close to speaking age yet. Infants who experience digestive discomfort or low weight gain are often diagnosed with colic, allergies or other digestive issues, when in fact, the problem might be caused by a motor problem—weak suck reflex, for example, or difficulty coordinating sucking, swallowing and breathing. Freyda is one of the only speech therapists in the country qualified to work with preemies on feeding issues. Freyda points out that in the United States, speech pathologists need to take a certain number of CEUs (continuing education units) to maintain their licenses. This is not true in Israel. “This is a field where you need to constantly update and enrich your knowledge,” she says. “There is always more to learn, and the more you learn, the more your patients benefit from your knowledge and skills. It’s a paramedical field; our job is to help people. How can we help them if we don’t have the skills?” In light of this, Freyda urges parents to learn about their child’s problem and find a therapist who has the right specialization. Not all speech therapists available through HMOs or institutions specialize in the relevant fields. Sometimes what the HMO or institution will offer is helpful to the child, but oral motor therapy is also necessary. Freyda is happy to offer private supplementary therapy in such cases. Freyda also urges parents to take an active role in their child’s speech therapy,continuing the work at home. “At the end of the day, we are all united in the same goal – helping the child thrive.”



Perkins One Brain


A Good Life Awaits

Fulfilling Your Function By Shlomo Perkins


ne of the benefits of a Perkins One Brain session is the ability to learn about your very own structure and function. Your facial (and sometimes body) features make up your structure, and the way you approach the world is your function. There’s a direct correlation between your structure and your function. Your external appearance, sometimes put down as superficial, is actually an indication of who you are deep down. From the moment of conception, a human being’s DNA, which is responsible for structure and function, is established. This unique DNA pattern is in every single cell of the body, promising that you will bring your unique, instinctive, individual self to everything that you do. Therefore, the goal of feeling Choice can only be experienced through the prism of your abilities and characteristics. Despite this seeming simple and easy, it’s not. While you can’t change your unique, instinctive self, you can deny it. This can be a subconscious process starting from a very young age. Instead of having the confidence to go through life instinctively and with loyalty to yourself, you might submit and surrender to other people and ideas, mostly out of fear, pain, and fear of more pain. People develop a belief system to protect themselves when they feel that they can’t cope otherwise. This belief system evolves through time. The image of yourself, and of reality through this objective belief system, can be far from the objective (but true to self and accepting of others’ realities) unique structure/function that you have. This creates feelings of self-justification and self-doubt and many other uncomfortable emotional realities. It is a process to release this belief system and connect to our true inner beings. This process starts in your sessions. At Perkins One Brain, there are fifty structure/function traits at our disposal. They each fall into one of six categories. There are traits depicting the way you think, act, feel and automatically express. The other two categories have to do with your physical body and your current outlook. Each trait has a type A, B and C and is on a spectrum. Someone could be more type A than someone else that is type A based on his/her structure. Also, someone who is type B will feel like type A when around type C and feel like type C when around type A. Since there are fifty traits, all people are a unique blend of A, B, and C. Although some traits might appear to be dominant on a person more than others, we are all still a mix of all fifty traits. Usually, but not always, during a session, your muscle will indicate to the facilitator that it’s time for you to bring to awareness 34


a certain trait about yourself and to release a certain belief that is blocking your natural expression. You’ll read about this trait while I put one hand on your forehead and my other hand on the back of your head. This ensures that during the reading, energy will flow from memories and beliefs stored deep in the brain to the frontal area, where you can see things more clearly while utilizing Choice. Just reading and understanding these texts in this manner brings more awareness, and also physically releases emotional stress. The key to a calm and fulfilling life lies in our structure/ function. When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Is your face wide or thin? Are your eyes close together or far apart? Those are just two questions. There are forty-eight more. When you look in the mirror, do you like and agree with what you see? If not, the time has come to learn about what that reflection means and how to love and be loyal to it. 

Bizness Magazine


02 999 3939 49

Health & Wellness GUIDE

Is your child consistently left out of games or conversations and doesn’t know how to join or shmooze with others? ••• Is your child smart, personable and mature but never gets invited over by friends? ••• Did you move to a new apartment, but it’s already two years and you can’t seem to connect with the neighbors? ••• Is your daughter leaving for seminary but is scared she will not develop any friendships? ••• Are you going to shul or riding the bus, sitting next to the same people day after day, but have no idea how to communicate with them? ••• In short, do you see the world moving around you, with people connecting to one another on all levels and participating in life, while you seem to remain on the sidelines?

Perhaps I can help you or your child live a fuller, more positive, more productive life. WHO IS MRS. SHAINDEL COHEN? Mrs. Cohen is an internationally acclaimed educational consultant and social skills specialist who has lectured in Israel, England, Canada, Mexico, and throughout the United States. She specializes in nurturing the shy and selective mute child and has designed and taught programs related to this field such as communication and friendship issues, assertiveness training and self-esteem, social skills, conflict resolution and much much more. She is available to work with children, teens and adults on any related social skills challenges.

Why doesn’t my child get invited over by friends? Question: My daughter is one of the oldest in her first grade class. She is my oldest child and my only girl. She is smart, very mature and has a lot of personality. She can be a leader, although she is sometimes bossy. She loves company and constantly needs friends to play with. Her teacher says that she is very sociable in school and the girls like her. Sometimes she is even too busy playing during recess to eat her snack. Every week my daughter goes through her “friend list” and calls girls from her class to invite them over. Sometimes a friend comes and sometimes no one is available. My big question is - why doesn’t my daughter ever get invited over to a friend’s house? When friends come to my house they have a good time. They can come a few times but they don’t invite her back. Why do you think this is happening? Answer: Friendship must be reciprocal and obviously something is happening that is not reciprocal. It may be that children are coming to your house because of your nice toys or great treats or because your daughter is available, but not necessarily because the friend shares common interests with your daughter. You say that she can be bossy and likes to be a leader. Being a good sport requires letting others also have fun and not dominating the activity. It requires a host to let her guest choose first what to play and not boss her around and it requires your daughter not to criticize her guest in any way. This means that comments such as “You’re a cheater!” “You’re out!” “That’s a babyish game to play!” are totally inappropriate when hosting a friend. Praising a friend often, even when she makes a bad move and avoiding arguments at all costs will help your daughter keep her friends. Teach her the art of negotiation, help her learn to suggest a change in the activity or switching positions so that her friend won’t get bored with her. “How about if you be the mommy now and I’ll be the baby?” “How about if I turn the rope and you jump?” My suggestion to you as a mother would be to monitor her play sessions from an adjoining room and try to figure out what is going wrong. When you hear your daughter breaking basic rules of friendship, gently and privately call her out and remind her. Soon, not only will she be socially correct, she will soon be sought after as a playmate of choice by her classmates. Hatzlacha!

(02) 543-0734


Non-Invasive Drug Free Solution To AD(H)D



i! I want to share with anyone who has a child with attention difficulties what my daughter has been doing for the last few months with Miriam Eri (M. Ed). My 6 year old has been doing training with a fantastic computer application called “Play Attention”. She learns a minimum of an hour a week (split into 3 or 2 sessions) and I can really see her progress. At the beginning she could only sit for about 10 minutes in total per session and her attention scores were very poor (40-50%). Now after months of work, she can sit for a half an hour of total working time, and her attention scores are in the 70% range, which means she pays attention for 70 -80 % of the time. She completes various tasks/games on the computer which continually monitor her attention, and she has a point system in place to motivate her to work and complete her tasks. Her points lead to rewards - some instant, like a sticker and some longer goals like an outing. It has been fascinating to watch this progress. Miriam Eri is a great teacher and very patient and calm. I would definitely recommend ringing her if you want to help your child achieve more with their attention. If you want more info I’ll be happy to answer any more questions or contact Miriam at 054 794 3797. H.B. 


he PlayAttention system was originally developed by NASA, and is currently being used in countless schools and training centers in America, as well as by the U.S. military. This ground-breaking technology was made to train the brain to focus- as opposed to trying to work around the problem by using short term-solutions such as medication. Also, parents are often told to change their parenting strategies, and schools to change their teaching methods. While these may help to some degree, PlayAttention is the only thing I’ve seen that deals with the child himself by strengthening his ability to focus. For this reason, we decided to bring this amazing program to Israel.


y son has been a part of the Play Attention program with Miriam Eri for the past 2 months. He LOVES going! Miriam is extremely patient and gets him moving along in her calm and soft spoken way. The points sytem keeps him excited and the incentives get him to push himself a bit further each time. He comes home so satisfied and absolutely glowing when he has aced yet another level. Thank You Miriam for providing our community with this wonderful service! R.K. 


y son has been using PlayAttention for about 4 months. His attention scores are getting higher and higher! He can see the progress he is making while learning to recognize the relationship between distracting behaviors and his ability to focus. The games are engaging and there is the cool factor with the hands free aspect of some of the games. He gets to see how his attention (and distracting behaviors) affect the characters on the screen and thus scores. Additionally we can already see changes in his overall behavior as he argues less about chores and finishes homework without complaining the whole time. J.A. 

For more information, and to schedule a free session in order to test-drive the program for yourself just call 054-794-3797 (ask for Miriam) or send an e-mail to Health & Wellness GUIDE




BY DR YERACHMIEL KRAMER WHAT IS ADHD? Many of you are familiar with and have heard of ADHD/ADD but many of you are still confused as to what it is and how to diagnosis the disorder. ADHD can be described as developmentally inappropriate behavior, including poor attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. There are often problems in emotional regulation, social skills, and self-esteem. In approximately 15-25% of cases, ADHD is accompanied by learning problems. ADHD typically has three primary symptoms: impulsivity, distractibility (or short attention span), and hyperactivity. Not all three symptoms need to appear in any particular person. There are four clinical markers which measure ADHD. They are: Difficulty in sustained attention: Focusing on the main task and resisting distraction over time. Impulsivity: Balance between responding quickly and suppressing your responses as the situation changes. Intrusions: Irrelevant information that can intrude on attention to a task or memory. Inhibition: The suppression of one piece of well-learned information in order to focus on another or new aspect of a task. In adults, symptoms of ADHD can also include: chronic lateness, forgetfulness, anxiety, lack of organizational skills, employment problems, and difficulty in controlling anger. HOW IS ADHD DIAGNOSED? There are three primary ways of diagnosing the disorder. 1. Questionnaires (parental for children and self-report for adults). There are several different questionnaires. Most used are the Conner’s for children or self-reports. The Child Questionnaires are to be filled out either by the parents or by the teacher. While these are frequently essential, they can be faulty as they depend on a third party report. If a parent or teacher is overly frustrated then the scores can be inflated. At times, parents can feel a bit defensive and cause the scores to be artificially lowered. 2. Clinical interviews by physician or clinical psychologist, where the clinician looks for a specific cluster of symptoms. This too can be in error at times as clinicians depend on behavioral observations and/or parental or self-reports. 3. Formalized testing. Testing has the greatest potential for “tagging” the ADHD. To date there are several different measures. The most famous in Israel is the T.O.V.A. However, given that it is one test, it is possible to yield incorrect Health & Wellness GUIDE 52  46 • JANUARY 2012

Definition and Diagnosis

scores. The most promising test today is called the B.R.C. which is actually a compilation of 15 different tests (one of which is the Continuous Performance Test – also called the TOVA). WHAT IS THE BRC? The BRC is a computerized neuropsychological battery which includes (not an exclusive list) tests for sustained attention, impulsivity, and frontal inhibition, as well as screening tests for executive function, verbal learning/learning disabilities, memory, sensorimotor difficulties and overall cognitive ability. The computerized test lasts about one hour and is mostly fun for the child or adult. The results are then sent to Australia where they are compared to an international database of literally thousands of people of the same age thereby yielding a very accurate determination. The series of tests of the BRC provides an index of the most reliable and accurate diagnosis of ADHD today. The system provides broad and significant support in making decisions about diagnosis and treatment of the disorder as well as an objective evaluation of the effectiveness and progress of treatment. This information becomes crucial for the neurologist in accurate prescribing of medication whenever relevant. The BRC has many advantages over other diagnostic systems currently on the market for learning disabilities. Traditional diagnosis relies largely on the abilities of addition, subtraction, and reading comprehension. However, children with high intelligence and/or potential are frequently missed. The BRC takes these variables into account. Instead of relying on one measure to diagnosis ADHD or other learning disabilities, a battery of tests permits the diagnosis to be properly made even if missed by one or two of the tests (as the TOVA can do when used in isolation). In the next installment, we will discuss the various treatment options, traditional as well as non-traditional. If you would like a free 15 minute consultation over the phone including scoring and interpretation of a Conner’s, please send an email to: Dr Yerachmiel Kramer is a clinical psychologist, fully licensed as a supervising clinical psychologist as well as an examiner (for licensure of new psychologists) for the Formally a professor in Chicago as well as director of a neuropsychological department in a major medical center, he is currently the chief psychologist of the children’s psychiatric clinic of Mayanei HaYeshua Medical Center in Bnei Brak. Dr Kramer can be reached either by phone 054-684-7351 or email

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                                           

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R’ Boruch Taubkin,

CBT -Therapist, Head of Machon Rov Yoetz


e are fortunate to have on our doorstep a talmid of HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel Zt ” zl, who has a great track record in helping many people do just that!! Boruch Taubkin is a religious professional with a Torah-based outlook who has been very successful in treating anxiety, fears, OCD, depression, low selfesteem, interpersonal issues and other complex problems, helping people turn their lives around. He works in English, Hebrew and  esh, Jerusalem and Beitar. Boruch treats people with a medium to high level of intelligence. He treats clients who want to change themselves, empowering them with information and tools for lasting effect on their lives. Please tell us about your background and how you initially began helping others deal with their challenges. I left Russia in 1989. As a child, I was exposed to Jewish concepts from small pamphlets that were secretly passed around. I knew already then that I would go on to work and learn in the realm of mussar and man’s purpose in life - although in Russia I only learned sciences. When we landed in America, I announced to my family that I was going to learn in Yeshiva. That is how I found myself three weeks later, at the age of sixteen, in Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn. After six years in NY, I wanted to elevate my learning and came to the Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. Where I continued to learn for nearly 15 years. I learned b’chavrusa with the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, and B”H, the strong kesher, from            connected to the vaadim of R’ Shlomo Wolbe and Rav Aryeh Finkel and started learning in depth with some of Rav Wolbe’s students. I also attended the shiurim of Rav Moshe Shapira. During this period, friends would unburden their personal problems to me, and I realized that I was able to understand what people were going through in challenging life situations. I learned much from the guidance of R’ Yechiel Yaakobson, a master educator. How did you decide to obtain professional training? I realized that I have the ability to provide assistance to others and teach middos development through Torah sources. With the

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guidance of my Rabbonim, I went to learn modern counseling techniques and I began using modern tools to help people. I stud-


ioral therapy (CBT) at Haredi educational centers. Does that mean that you combine modern theory with a Torah outlook? No. My approach, and the messages I give over, are purely Torah inspired. The therapeutic tools I use are simply that -tools which have proven to be most effective the world over. I have helped hundreds of people with a variety of emotional and behav-

 I teach my clients how to change their perceptions without compromising their self-esteem and without compromising on the truth. The Torah doctrine puts a person’s actions and intentions  change - I teach you how. I am especially attuned to immigrant issues and mentality blending. Due to my great success in  Ezrat Achim subsidize my treatments in Beit Shemesh. Can you describe how cognitive behavioral therapy works? This treatment method has proven to be very effective and works quickly with long term results. CBT focuses on changing the perception of reality and faulty thinking patterns that are the direct causes of our emotional problems. So even advanced depression and severe interpersonal problems can be addressed at the root of the problem, and the client can achieve quick results through changing his outlook. This process opens a window into the soul and provides critical information about what is inhibiting a person, paving a way towards freedom. Thought processes and behavioral changes are implemented by the client himself. This helps him feel his newly revealed spiritual abilities constantly unfolding and it generates life changes for the better. No one is immune to suffering from these conditions. I have treated successful people in respectable positions who had been suffering in silence with crippling problems until they sought out help. What is the secret of your success for netting quick results for patients in the Haredi community? There are no secrets, but there are some crucial points: Firstly, I gear my tools to each client individually. I don’t waste my client’s time and money if I don’t see a clear route toward positive results from the very beginning. The foundation of Jewish spiritual healing is in Hashem’s Torah, and the success is not mine, but the Creator ’s; the Jewish spirit, for which Hashem created Torah as a remedy. I come from a background broad enough to understand different people without judging them, and I can quickly pinpoint the problem without digging too much in the past, so people open up easily. My clients get specialized treatment tools that give them the skills to change their approach to

 self, including moving countries twice, and I have dealt with fundamental questions at certain crossroads in my life. I feel great

respect for anyone who decides to take a handle on his issues and is ready to work to change his life for the better. 



Cutting Edge Technology for Ancient Ways

Interview with

Dr. Chaim Pinchuck


r. Pinchuck is board certified in psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and has been certified as a specialist in adult psychiatry by the Scientific Council of the Israel Medical Association and the Misrad Habriut of Israel. Dr. Pinchuck attended Columbia College of Columbia University, SUNY at the Buffalo School of Medicine and he completed his training in psychiatry at the NYU-Bellevue Medical Center in 1991. He opened a private practice in Brooklyn, NY in 1996 where he was affiliated with Maimonides Medical Center. He then moved his practice to Clifton, NJ, where he was affiliated with the Hackensack University Medical Center. Dr. Pinchuck was also formerly affiliated with the Zucker Hillside Hospital of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center and held faculty appointments at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. What is neurofeedback? Neurofeedback is otherwise known as EEG brainwave biofeedback training. Information about the electrical activity of a client’s brain is provided to them through auditory and/or visual feedback, allowing the brain to reorganize and self-regulate safely and without drugs. What role does neurofeedback play within your strategy? I provide integrative psychiatric services which can include traditional psychiatry, nutrition, herbs, vitamins and supplements, meditation, and breathing and relaxation techniques in addition to methods based in cutting edge technology such as neurofeedback. Neurofeedback can also be used for the general public for optimal functioning and peak performance without a psychiatric record. What made you decide to concentrate your efforts on this approach? We now live in the electromagnetic age with the chemical industrial revolution long past. There have to be better, more effective, faster, and safer ways to get things done. Modern technology, as in other areas of our lives, can be successfully applied in the mental health field. Though interestingly, my motto is “cutting 32


edge technology for ancient ways.” Neurofeedback, even while based on the most recent scientific advances, is associated with meditation and natural healing. What types of conditions are treated with neurofeedback? Neurofeedback is a training method that can be used for all ages and which can help many psychiatric and neurological conditions including ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, Asperger’s, PTSD, anxiety, depression, mania, sleep, migraine headaches, TBI, concussion and much more. Neurofeedback is also used for optimal functioning and peak performance for students, athletes, meditators, performers, professionals and others trying to get to the next level in today’s hectic and competitive world. What are the benefits obtained by your patients? Clients find neurofeedback to be enjoyable, easy, and relaxing. There is a wide range of safe, rapid improvement in many areas of life and for many conditions without stigmas, medications or side effects. These areas can include physical, cognitive and emotional challenges, general wellness, brain fitness and age remediation, peak physical and mental performance, and improved academic performance. What happens in a typical session? NeurOptimal ®, my main system, is completely passive. All clients have to do is lean back in a zero gravity chair and listen to meditation music into which auditory feedback is embedded based on real-time computer analysis of their brainwaves. Nothing is sent back up the sensors. Sessions are very relaxing and profound meditative states can be experienced if the client chooses eyes closed training. Is neurofeedback compatible with psychiatric medication? Some clients can avoid psychiatric medication, some can have their medications reduced, and others can enjoy additional benefits not provided by their medication. How widespread is this therapy? Neurofeedback and biofeedback are provided by thousands of practitioners around the world. There are neurofeedback organizations, research journals, textbooks and books. Many mistakenly assume that this can’t be a serious approach since they have not heard about it and their health professionals know nothing about it. Neurofeedback, based on the latest science and technology, is a holistic and wellness approach and not a medical model disease method pushed by drug company advertising money. Who endorses this approach? The American Pediatric Academy has endorsed neurofeedback as a “Level1/Best Support” treatment for children with ADHD, equated with medication. Daniel G. Amen, MD, foremost expert on ADD and Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD, foremost expert on PTSD, provide and recommend neurofeedback, as do many other experts. Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski stated that “neurofeedback is a breakthrough treatment without medication for children with ADD/HD.” Who can benefit from neurofeedback? “Anyone with a brain” can potentially benefit. I am also very excited about my new system, Interactive Metronome, which can be used for ADHD, PTSD, Tourette’s, auditory and visual processing, TBI, concussion, language learning, sports, peak performance and more. For more information, please visit my website at or contact me at 050-303-0939. 

Bizness Magazine

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Health & Wellness GUIDE




How to Handle Health Anxiety By Rachel Factor LCSW


n individual with health anxiety wants to know for certain that he is not suffering from illness. He may frequently visit doctors to get reassurance that everything is okay with his health. However this provides at most temporary relief until the doubts begin to return. “Did the doctor understand me correctly?” Or, “Did I forget any details?” Some people with health anxiety scan the Internet to check up on any symptoms of illness. Others will ask friends and family for reassurance. Their loved ones may say, “Stop looking for things to worry about. You’ll just make yourself sick from worry.” If only it was so easy to stop. It is estimated that between 4 – 6% of the population struggles with health anxiety. Indeed up to 10% of all visits to primary care physicians are related to health anxiety (OCD center of LA). Studies do not indicate that people with health anxiety actually live longer. Their frequent self-checking, reassurance seeking, trips to the doctor, and repeated medical tests are likely in vain. This is not to say that there haven’t been stories of individuals obsessing about health and eventually making a discovery of illness. However, stories like this are few and far between. All the anxiety and scrupulous attempts at staying healthy do come at a price. Someone who is preoccupied by thoughts of illness is missing out on the life he has. As one person summed it up, “If nothing really is wrong, look at the time I’ve wasted and lost. And if something is wrong, look at the time I’ve wasted, lost, and will never have a chance to recover.” (Grayson, 2014) With health anxiety, as well as other forms of anxiety, the therapeutic work is not in convincing the client that his fear won’t materialize; rather the goal is to learn to live with uncertainty. None of us have any guarantees about our health. The difference for the individual with anxiety is that he is acutely aware of it at all times and nonetheless must learn to accept the lack of certainty. When fearful thoughts arise, I teach my clients to learn to notice their thoughts, without acting upon them. I tell them to imagine that they are standing at a train station. The trains are passing through. Imagine the trains as our thoughts. We can watch the trains come and go, but we don’t have to get on them. With practice, one can learn to let thoughts pass and react less to them. The therapist and the client can create guidelines, and at times consult with the doctor as well, regarding how to relate to their health symptoms. For example, I discourage clients from seeking reassurance for questions that were previously asked and tell them Health & Wellness 56  34 • JUNE 2015GUIDE

to limit or cut out spending time online researching their feared illness. The guidelines will be individualized to how the client experience his anxiety. The therapist, together with the client, can create scripts that will expose the client to his feared consequence. Exposure scripts help a person habituate to their fears. The more someone exposes himself to his fear, the fear level will correspondingly decrease. The individual needs to repeatedly expose himself to the fear, while not giving in to the impulse to act upon it. He will start with lesser fears and work his way up to greater ones. When a person has a fear, he feels that if his fear would materialize he couldn’t go on living. I discuss with my clients that if their fear would materialize, although they may be caught off guard initially, hopefully they would find a way to cope. Their life will then become different than the one they had planned on. Maybe they will grow in ways they never even imagined. One never knows how he will respond, but if we begin thinking along these lines we increase the chances in our favor. A most touching experience was working with Yitzchak. He lived in constant fear of having a life threatening illness. Over time Yitzchak internalized the concept of living with uncertainty. A few years following the conclusion of therapy, Yitzchak called me up and said that his doctor is concerned that he may be suffering from a serious condition. The doctor asked why he hadn’t come sooner to discuss his symptoms. (Based on our guidelines Yitzchak actually should have gone sooner, but chose not to.) I’ll never forget what Yitzchak said to me. “Perhaps I should have gone sooner, but that’s okay. These past few years I learned to live in the moment, enjoy my life, enjoy my family and any price I have to pay for that is worth it.” As an after note, medical tests showed that Yitzchak was indeed fine, but his message still rings clear. 

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Coaching I


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Health & Wellness I Interview I Leah Ester Zerbib Health and Personal Development Coach

The Intersection Between Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Wellbeing


eah Ester is a nutrition, health and personal development coach in Beit Shemesh. She draws on her background in herbal medicine, aromatherapy, laughter therapy and medical clowning to help her clients heal and thrive. Leah is currently developing a unique personal development workshop, incorporating her knowledge, skills and experience to help women discover and fulfill their full physical, emotional and spiritual potential in a safe and fun environment. We asked her some questions about her work and her plans for the workshop. How long have you been working in the field of nutrition and health? For the past 10 years I have worked in various health establishments, consulting on nutrition and proper use of vitamins, supplements and herbs. Four years ago, I opened a private clinic as a health coach. What motivated you to enter this field? I was inspired watching my mother adopt a healthy lifestyle as I grew up. She made her own yogurt, sprouted her own seeds, used only natural peanut butter, took vitamin supplements, and practiced yoga and daily meditation. Approximately 25 years ago, I was afflicted by a very severe case of eczema that Western medicine was unable to resolve. My doctors prescribed creams and ointments but none of them helped. Finally, I was referred to an herbal medicine practitioner who provided herbal remedies and adjusted them, until we saw results. It took a year to heal from the eczema, but after eight years of failed conventional treatment I finally found relief. What do you see as the intersection between physical, spiritual and emotional well-being? When someone comes to me with a physiological issue, there is usually an emotional

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issue behind it. I develop a connection with my clients, and it helps me understand what is going on emotionally and spiritually which may be the underlying cause of their current physical ailment. To treat the physical ailment, I suggest a diet tailored specifically to the condition which includes a balanced diet and supplements. Sometimes I recommend a referral from their doctor to have blood work done, since it may be an imbalance in their system that is causing an emotional response. Perhaps they are stressed and overwhelmed by family life and work, or have unresolved fears and low self-esteem.

I believe happiness comes from gaining awareness through self-work. Having a more spiritual state of mind is essential to eliminating or alleviating these issues. As soon as we let go of our own will and ask for guidance and strength from Hashem, physical and emotional symptoms can begin to heal. Tell us about the workshop you will be running. I will be running a 10-session series entitled, “Body, Mind and Soul: Take Charge, Be Happy, Love Yourself!" The workshop will enable women to empower themselves and reach a sense of fulfillment in all areas of life. I will be offering a safe forum where participants can feel free to express themselves. There will be discussions and fun activities

Leah Ester Zerbib can be contacted at 052-265-0807 or

that facilitate sharing and reflection. We will combine empathic, non-judgmental listening, laughter therapy, pair-sharing, music, movement and dance. I believe magic can happen in a truly open and honest atmosphere. I believe that ultimately, most individuals desire continual personal growth and seek out ways to achieve it. Sometimes life gets us down and we get stuck in certain areas. Through self-development and self-discovery, everyone can find within herself a gift waiting to be revealed. What topics will be covered in your workshops? I will share my personal journey as well as my knowledge drawn from the fields of medical clowning, aromatherapy and more. What, in your opinion, is the key to happiness? I believe happiness comes from gaining awareness through self-work. It is often a long and sometimes painful journey to self-discovery, but also a wonderful and fulfilling one. Being happy is not achieved by outside stimuli; external circumstances create momentary relief, but once they have faded, you find yourself trying to fill the void. True happiness means learning to love, trust, value and accept all aspects of yourself. How do you differentiate yourself from other consultants in the field? First of all, I love people and I have a natural ability for understanding them. I see who they are, and love helping them discover their potential. My treatment approach is holistic and on-going. I consider myself a "shaliach" of Hashem, a vessel that channels His healing power. Do you have any tips for our readers to improve their general well-being? First of all, be positive! A good attitude is the first step to a healthy lifestyle. Live today to the absolute fullest. Listen to your body; it knows what it needs Exercise; eat clean – avoiding sugar, processed foods and fat; and drink lots of water. I believe in the Rambam’s philosophy of moderation and try to apply it in all areas of life. Breathe, and relax! Don’t let everything get you down. Strive for happiness as you use every moment as an opportunity for growth. Try meditating; it’s very effective for achieving a calmer state of mind and developing your ability to be in the moment. Lastly, take charge of your health. Don’t be afraid to inquire beyond the conventional methods of treatment. It’s your right to take care of yourself!

Meet Helen Abelesz,

Life Coach



o Helen, tell us a little about yourself. Where are from? When did you make aliyah? I grew up in Manchester, England and went to university in London, where I studied psychology, and met my husband. We made aliyah in 1998, shortly after our first child was born. Why did you become a Life coach? I always knew that I wanted to help others but wasn’t sure how to best use my skills. When I discovered life coaching, I knew immediately that it was for me. Life coaching so suits my personality. I’ve always been a great listener and have this ability to connect with people. I love helping women realize their potential and empowering them come to decisions that could improve their lives. How long have you been in the profession and who do you work with? I have had the privilege of coaching some amazing women professionally over the past 5 years. I work with women who are looking to make changes in their lives, but are uncertain how to go about making those changes. I usually meet with them face to face, but also do coaching over the phone or via Skype, whatever suits them best. We focus on the challenges they face and then together, we set goals and figure out the strategy to achieve those goals. It is amazing how much a woman

for Women

can significantly improve her life in a small amount of time. How is life coaching different from traditional therapy? Life coaching is a short term, goalsbased therapy. It is for everyday people who find it difficult to cope with the challenges of everyday life and who feel that they are not achieving their goals. As a life coach, I am interested in helping women find what is holding them back and then help them set achievable goals that will enable them to take control of their challenges. In this manner life coaching differs from traditional therapy as its focus is on how to make changes for the future rather than delving into the problems of the past. What kind of woman needs a life coach? What kind of changes would she be looking for? Life coaching helps normal people with normal problems. Life can be very stressful and women today have a lot on their plate. Sometimes we just cannot cope with everything. Getting support from a life coach for a short period of time can put us back on the right track. I have helped women raise their self esteem, come out of a rut and bring order to their homes. Some of my clients have had parenting issues or relationship issues with other family members. I have also helped women who feel they are not achieving their potential. How does a woman with a number of children, a home to maintain

and sometimes even a job, have time to see you? I work towards quick results. Life coaching is short-term therapy and I try to give my clients the tools for them to cope on their own. Usually, it’s between 2 – 6 months, but of course, it varies from woman to woman. In general, we begin to see positive progress very quickly. What motivates you? There are so many incredible women who need just a small amount of direction. The knowledge that in just a short space of time, I can help a woman empower herself to make real, positive changes in her life, is something I thank Hashem for every day. There is also no better feeling than when one of your clients has a breakthrough and you can see how their life is going to change for the better. If someone wasn’t sure that she needed your services, is there a good way for her to test the waters? I offer a free, no commitment, first session. She should give me a call. We’ll talk a little and then she can decide whether we should continue. It is important for it to be her decision. I can only help someone who wants to be helped. Thank you for your time, Helen. I have really enjoyed talking with you. How can someone contact you? Call me on 02 992 0263 or 054 482 9815.  Health & Wellness BIZNESS MAGAZINE • GUIDE 29 59

An interview with Ora Jacobi,

a life coaching teacher at Alon Center

Would you kindly tell us a little about your professional background? Sure. I teach life coaching through Alon Center. I have a BEd. After a few years of struggling with frustration while working within the system, I joined a coaching course. Today I am a life coach, and mostly teach coaching courses in Hebrew and English. I work for Alon Center, which is the biggest coaching school in the Charedi sector, and has given many successful courses for both men and women. What is life coaching? Life coaching is a short-term, nonjudgmental, non-advice-giving process, where we bring clarity to life issues, define goals, and make a plan to achieve them. Once we understand what the goals or targets are, we identify what resources a coachee has in order to reach their goals, what prevents them from achieving those goals, and whether achieving them will be in harmony with other life areas and values they want to live by. During the sessions we check and recheck what resonates with the coachee, in order to increase their motivation and success. How does NLP relate to the coaching process?

Health & Wellness GUIDE 60  26 • August 2012

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming, which reflects how we perceive reality, interpret our experiences, and react to them, and how these perceptions and reactions can be influenced and changed by the use of language and physiology. It is an amazing toolkit for anyone who communicates with others: parents, teachers, social workers, salespeople etc. NLP was developed by modeling outstanding therapists such as Milton Erikcson, Virginia Satir, and Fritz Perls. Techniques were created by understanding the methods that made such a difference and brought remarkable results to their work. What if I feel I want to change, but I’m not really sure what it is I want to change? Some people experience difficulty defining what they want to achieve in life. They only know what they do not want. Our non-conscious mind does not understand “NO”. If I would ask you please not to imagine a little pink zebra galloping here between the words, you would have to create the image in order to erase it. When we define the goals in a positive way, our mind gets the right message and helps us get there. By questioning our experiences and thoughts, we understand what kind of changes we want to make. Tell us a little about some of your experiences as a life coach. I find that people are very similar everywhere, whether dealing with challenges in raising children, issues about work and career, or personal relationships. The main differences I see with charedi women are around match-making and

marriages of their children. Women who are not charedi are not involved in those stressful periods in life where they have support their kids through the process of shidduchim, or sometimes marry off their children one year after the other. It seems as if there are so many coaches already - is there really a need for more life coaches? Coaching has become a very well known and desired process. More than 80% of Israeli companies’ CEOs went to or are going through coaching processes. Many therapists, teachers, and social workers enrich their capabilities by adding coaching to their toolkit. The more coaches there are, the more people know about coaching, the more people get to be coached. I believe that people having better communication skills contributes to a better world. Each coach has his/her own style. The Chazon Ish stated that although all people are of the same species, you cannot find two people who are exactly the same. There will always be people who match with one coach and others who need the skills and framework of another. What do you most enjoy about training new coaches? I really love to discover the light in everyone. As someone who believes that everyone has a spark within them and has all the resources they need in order to achieve their targets, I am always fascinated to see how creative and intelligent people are. I am excited to see growth in self-esteem through connecting to inner resources, and I am thrilled to feel how people believe and live by their values, experiencing fulfillment and living their dreams. 

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Using a

Birth Assistant in Israel Makes a Lot of Sense Interview with Tova Nussbaum, Certified Birth Assistant Please tell us about yourself. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. My husband and I raised our children in Lakewood, New Jersey where I was a wife, mother and practicing speech therapist. My family moved here almost 13 years ago. I retrained as an English teacher and birth assistant. Shoshana Goldbaum and Joani Abelman were my birth assistant teachers. What is the role of a birth assistant? A birth assistant is an invaluable aide who offers pertinent information as well as physical and emotional support to a woman before, during and after birth. Please give examples of what you do. Before birth, advice is given about good nutrition. This includes drinking enough and maintaining a wellbalanced diet. Exercises are provided which will help maintain or improve general fitness as well promote an easier childbirth. A Birth Plan is developed, if desired, which will tell the caregivers at the hospital which options are important to the mother and what her priorities are in terms of her care. This plan is made with the awareness that medical needs may require a shift from these choices. The Birth Plan is useful not only to the staff at the hospital who don’t know the mother but to the parents who should think through their choices 50

• JUNE 2013

and priorities before the actual birth. During labor and delivery, the birth assistant offers reassurance to the mother as well as practical tools to facilitate the process. These tools include techniques for breathing, exercising, positioning and relaxation. After the birth, assistance in breastfeeding and postpartum care are provided. What do you offer that may be different than other birth assistants? *As a mother of married children, it is my hope to provide a ”motherly touch” to women who may not have family close by. *Rabbi Yehuda Baum, of Yerushalayim, is consulted about halachik issues related to childbirth. *Alternative medical techniques can be provided including, massage, reflexology and a labor TENS machine. The labor TENS machine that I have is battery-operated with attached electrodes. The mother wears the machine and the electrodes are placed

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near the vertebrae associated with childbirth. When contractions occur, the mother activates the machine and a small painless current is sent through the electrodes to stimulate areas in the brain associated with labor. The brain is tricked into not perceiving the discomfort of the contractions as endorphins are released into the body. The mothers that have used it claim that it is helpful and that they would use it again. *Lastly, I offer a sliding scale of payment if needed. What advice can you give to expectant mothers? Using a birth assistant here in Israel makes a lot of sense. The birth assistant offers guidance, instruction and tools which help to empower a mother to have the type of birth she so desires. How can you be contacted? Please call me at 02-992-3825, 057-312-3825 or e-mail me at  The first meeting is without charge.

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Health & Wellness GUIDE

Life Coach

Stressful Times BY HELEN ABELESZ


e are living in very stressful times when it can be difficult to carry on as usual. While some of us seem to deal with stress easily, many of us don’t. When additional stresses are brought into our lives, we can approach a breaking point. Can we ease our stress? The answer is a definite YES! The following tips are simple exercises that I have taught to my clients. You can practice them on your own; but if you feel that stress and anxiety are affecting your daily functioning, please contact me or seek professional help: 1. Deep breathing is my favorite de-stressor. When we begin to feel anxious, our breathing becomes faster and shallower; therefore, all relaxation exercises include deep breathing. Try to stop everything you are doing. Close your eyes. Sit or lie down in a comfortable place and take some deep, slow breaths. Soon, your body will begin to relax. Practice deep breathing when you are not under pressure so that you can train your body to relax when you are stressed. 2. Guided Imagery: Take an imaginary journey in your mind. Go to somewhere distant and relaxing, like a forest. Imagine the sun shining through the trees, the birds chirping in the distance, the breeze blowing the leaves and water flowing from a stream. Guided imagery can be really effective, espe-

& Wellness GUIDE 62  16 Health • AUGUST 2014

cially when accompanied by a relaxation CD. 3. Exercise is a natural stress-buster and anxiety reliever. Research shows that as little as thirty minutes of exercise, three to five times a week can provide anxiety relief. It is important to set aside exercise time in your week; but, even putting on some music and dancing with your children can really change your mood. 4. Nature: Go outside. Gaze at the sky. Sit among the trees. Look at the flowers and listen to the birds. Nature can really help to reduce stress. 5. Being Thankful: We often focus on what we don’t have rather than on what we do. That’s stressful. But, when we think about and are grateful for of all the wonderful things that we do have (eg. our spouse, children, parents, friends, our home, etc.) then, we shift our focus from our worries to our joys. Just saying, “Thank you” relieves our stress and makes us feel better. These are just a few suggestions that can help ease your responses to stress in your life. May we all enjoy a more peaceful and stress free time very soon! Be in touch if you would like to learn more about how to deal with stress in your life. Contact me for a first consultation: Helen Abelesz, Life Coach, 054-482-9815 or email me at 

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ANGER and RAGE - is it acceptable? BY SUE LACHMAN

                                                                                     

                                                                                 

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Binah Baby

A Place for Mommies –What an Idea!

                                                                                                               & Wellness GUIDE 64   Health 

                                                                                                                                                

Bizness Magazine

                                                                                                                                                                                            

02 999 3939







Health & Wellness Fitness

DENTISTRY Rechavia Dental Center I EXPERT I 02-561-9770 Dr. Mitchell Rudy 052 339 2131 Dr. Ari Stern 02 999 6046 Dr. Chaim Lewitan 052 761 5359 Dr. Mark Lewitan 02 995 2707 Dr. Links - Dr. Garalnick 02 992 4267 Dr. Chaim Eliezer Jacober 02 999 7479 Dr. Edo Lavi 02 992 3363 Dr. Jacki Glassman 02 566 9061 Dr. Yoav Orbach 02 545 5603

Dr. Claude Hayat Periodontics 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Fruchter 02 536 2244 HEALTH Eliezer Rosenblum Chiropractor 052-662-4658 PlayAttention Solution for ADHD 054 794 3797 Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer 054 572 1651 Rochel Geller weight loss 02 992-1821 Reuven Rosenberg Chiropractor / Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Alternative Clinic 077-212-7567


Fitness I


Rochel Rubinoff Massage Therapist 054-3355-289 Dr. Tova Goldfine Chiropractor 052 420 1201 Donna Abrahams Craniosacral Therapy 054 648 0667 Michael Freedman Personal Trainer 054 843 9541 Gyrotonics Personal Training System 054 908 0886 Natan Feit Reflexology 053 763 4820 Shoshana Grotsky Lice Removal 050 207 1781 Michael Berezin Personal Trainer 054 625 0269



Gavriel Tornek Meditation 054 652 1770 Miriam Maslin Bioresonance Therapy 052-324-4604 Dr. Rina Granot Health & Nutrition 052 674 3838 Dr. Chaim Pinchuck Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 Sara Shaposhnik Energy Healer 050 229 2316 Jerry Hyman Personal Trainer 050 779 8886 Jordana Staiman Speech Therapy 053 311 3916 Kerry Bar Cohn Chiropractor 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Michael Portman Clinical Psycologist 052 269 4030 The Place Emotional Wellbeing Center 02 580 8788 Menachem Schloss NLP Therapist 054-743-8109 Minda Garr Holistic Psychotherapy 052 614 6932 Karen Rappaport Narrative Therapy 050 990 6368 Rachel Factor Anxiety Disorders 052 713 4130 Dr. Genstil Psychologist I EXPERT I 052 260 9087


Interview with


FREEDMAN A MUST Read If you are Over 50…and Getting Older

Where are you from? I am originally from Monsey, New York. I have been in Eretz Yisroel for over 17 years and I am living in RBS A for over ten years. How did you get involved in the fitness industry? Ever since I was a child, I was interested in health and exercise. I have had much personal experience and decided that I wanted to expand to be able to help others rather than just sit and work in front of a computer. What made you decide to become a personal trainer? I felt that many people who suffered from chronic pains didn’t need to suffer. Many of the intervention methods are unnecessary or produce totally different effects than those desired. In addition, older people’s capabilities are grossly underestimated. I felt that I could help with these issues in addition to enabling people to regain or maintain good health. What’s your formal education in the industry? I have certification as a personal trainer from the American Council on Exercise and as a Nutritional Education Trainer from the Nutritional Educational Institute of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. I have been a trainer for over thirteen years and have very good experience with healthy individuals, the elderly population, people with chronic pain and people with arthritis, cp, Parkinson’s and other degenerative neurological or structural conditions. I see a lot of training equipment I have never seen before. Do they have a common foundation or fundamentals? I use a wide variety of equipment to target different dimensions and levels of instability. My approach is based on the assumption that the brain and body must work together to develop superior coordination, reflexes and functional strength. Most of the equipment you see is not available locally. I am constantly on the lookout for equipment. When I see something that I think will help even one of my clients, I order it. How is your approach to fitness different than that of other trainers? I believe that exercises must be very challenging and encompassing. Isolating muscles or single motion exercises are counter to the way the human body works. For example, being able to lift heavy weights in the gym does not make a person healthy and many times could be damaging. Although walking, running (properly) or using aerobic equipment benefits the heart, lungs and circulation and & Wellness GUIDE 66  36 Health •NOVEMBER 2013

brings many other benefits; it is not necessarily sufficient to keep the overall body in top shape, especially as we start to get older. I do things that exercise all the muscles in a VERY functional way. Strength and aerobic exercise go together. Many trainers do exercises that the client can do alone but people are willing to pay the money for the extra motivational push. My exercises are very interactive, challenging and difficult to do alone. How do you apply your nutrition expertise into your program? Proper (real proper) nutrition is the master key to avoid and many times reverse most chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, macular degeneration, arthritis and many others. Clear scientific evidence shows that following the “perfect” diet can make a person virtually “disease proof.” My clients come to me because they care about their health. I feel I must make them aware of this and offer guidance. Following these nutritional guidelines will also bring a person down to their own “ideal weight” without requiring a person to starve. Life on the healthy track can be quite enjoyable. What’s the reason healthy aging people progressively walk slower and lose balance and flexibility? As people get older and become less active, their coordina-

tion and balance is not properly challenged. Even a person in their 80s or 90s can maintain optimal function when properly challenged. It is instability and a lack of coordination caused by a lack of “very challenging” activities that makes a person seem weak. As the years go on, the person becomes less confident — even while walking or standing — and starts to fear doing even simple things. They start to walk more carefully which makes walking even less challenging and this snowballs on until many times a person can’t walk or stand without assistance. This does not have to be the effect of aging! At what age should people start working on their bodies to avoid “older” age typical problems? The older one gets, the more of a problem it will become if not dealt with. While degeneration and the lack of very challenging activities can be reversed; it is MUCH easier to take a person in their 50’s and enable them to maintain their abilities into their 90’s than it is to bring a person in their 90s, who was showing signs of aging, back to their 50s. We know your clients include ex-professional athletes and over 90 year olds, but who is your typical client? Some people just want to be able to concentrate, function and feel better. Some people just want to lose weight. T h e most com-

mon type of clients are the “middleaged,” those who suffer from various pain and skeletal problems such as knees, back, shoulder, feet, etc. These problems have developed either recently or over many years. They want to get rid of their chronic pains. Then there are those who start to worry what things will be like if they push things off for too long. And there are those who have pushed things off a bit too long who now suffer from all kinds of different health problems including signs of a lack of balance and stability. What facilities do you make available for training clients? I have a gym in Har Nof and train some people in my home in Ramat Bet Shemesh. But most of my work takes place at the home of my clients. How often does your average client train with you? In most cases, three times a week is optimal but not everyone is able to do that either because of time or budget constraints. There is a clear difference between two and three times per week and between once or twice a week. Continuity is important to strengthen muscles and treat pain. Too much time between sessions can reduce the desired effect. For how long does your average client stay with you? Most of them stay with me for the long-term after seeing just how much it benefits them. What plans do you have to accommodate your growing clientele? Is there an inheritor of this advanced training methodology? I have a twenty-year old daughter, Hadasah, who is my student. While I work with both men and women, some women are less comfortable working with a man. Hadasah works under my supervision using the same principals as I do, meanwhile people can take advantage of her lower fees. Who should really contact you? Anyone who finds short- and longterm quality of life of prime importance and is willing to put in a strong effort. What’s the best way to reach you? By calling my cell phone: 054-843-9541. 

Clients Testimonials “I have been training with Michael Freedman for four years. I am walking (and even hiking) better now at the age of 67 than I was 15 years ago. The most amazing benefit that I feel from Michael’s exciting and interactive exercise sessions is the feeling of constant improvement. I can honestly say that as time passes and I age, I keep getting stronger and my reflexes keep getting sharper.” —Yechezkel Goldfield, Attorney Har Nof “I have been training with Michael Freedman for almost a year now. I feel younger and younger all the time in my sixties. My strength and abilities are literally improving from week to week. These exercise sessions are much more beneficial than I had ever imagined. The side effects also include getting rid of knee and back pains (including sciatica) that I’d had for decades.” —Aryeh Zelasko, RBS A “I was in a car accident and had terrible pain in the neck, back and shoulders. I tried physical therapy and everything else I could think of but things only continued to get worse. I was so worried that this would become a chronic problem. I did not want to use medications if I could avoid doing so. There was just no medical solution for me. Then I found Michael Freedman. After just one or two training sessions, I felt 90% better. After a short time, all the pains were gone, including some chronic pains that I’d had before the accident and my case of rotator cuff syndrome. With ongoing exercise with Michael, I continue to feel great and work and function with much better concentration and energy. Finally, I can offer a solution to so many of my suffering patients.” —Lia Merril M.D., family medicine RBS A “Words cannot describe what Michael Freedman did for my father. His work was mamish lifesaving. In the last years of my father’s life he learned better, focused better and functioned on a much higher physical level. He remained more active then I could ever have imagined. Michael kept him going on his feet right up until the last day. I personally know of cases of healthy older people who are functioning on extremely high levels, to the credit of Michael.” —Akiva Newirth, Har Nof “My mother had a very debilitating fall on her back and her situation was deteriorating rapidly because of the pain. She was hardly moving and reached the point that I couldn’t get her to walk at all. I was very frustrated that she seemed to be heading toward being wheelchairbound. I discussed this with my cousin and she heard how distressed I was about the situation. She phoned back and said, ‘There is a man named Michael Freedman who does phenomenal things with older people. My husband goes to his gym and he has observed old men who could barely take a step and within three months they look totally different.’ We connected with Michael and it was like Hashem sent us this unbelievable and unique shaliach. He knew how to relate to my mother and get her to respond and cooperate with his exercises. “He has a unique system. There is no comparison between him and any other trainer or physical therapist. He believes that older people are capable of doing a LOT more than people (including physical therapists) realize. He has an amazing mixture of genuine caring and a very pleasant manner with his clients plus a very disciplined routine which they just cooperate with and do! “My mother was so impressed with his devotion and consistency that she made this a top priority in her life at that time. Little by little, she started to improve and the progress continued steadily. She had more energy and stamina than she did in ages. From being practically immobile, she was walking the streets of Ramat Bet Shemesh with him (including up some hills!). We felt we were witnessing her getting younger and stronger by the week and it was unbelievable. “She also looked forward to her sessions with him, even though it was such hard work. Her balance improved as well as her energy and stamina. It was a wonderful experience and we, the children, felt that providing these sessions was the best thing we could have done for our mother at the time. “We are so grateful to Michael and wish others would benefit from his extraordinary work. His treatment is one of a kind and a ’wonder therapy’ for his clients! There are no words for us to describe our satisfaction with his work!” —Linda Jacobson RBS








68  Health & Wellness GUIDE

Health & Wellness GUIDE



EXPERT Welcome Jerry Hyman to our team of experts!


“It’s great to help people, opening up for them the door of opportunity” Interview with Jerry

Hyman, C.E.O., Elite Fitness Israel

Jerry earned his B.S. in Human Performance and Fitness at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, with a teacher certification in physical education, K-12. Jerry has spent more than a decade of summers directing, designing and implementing swimming programs at summer camps. In addition to teaching, Jerry owns and operates Elite Fitness Israel, a personal fitness training, massage therapy and private swimming business.

How long have you been a fitness trainer, and when did you start Elite Fitness Israel? I have been a fitness instructor close to two decades. I started Elite Fitness Israel in 2006 upon the aliyah of my family. I already started as a physical educator on the elementary school playground as a pre-teen, and it just got more complicated and sophisticated as I gained experience and knowledge. I have always been a teacher, innovator and lifetime learner. A lot of the personal training programming I implement with my clients are effective methods I have already spent many hours developing or working with on my own and then tweaking them to work with others. Much of my work has been in the underground or subculture of training, way before many types of training have become the norm, or what is referred to as “industry standard”. What motivated you to become a personal trainer? As an educator it was another step in the direction of helping others, while being able to impart knowledge to others who may have had trouble disseminating the information and applying it. It is very exciting to see clients succeed and progress and to be part of encouraging the process. I work with many different types of people, from CEOs to seniors to forty pluses who need to get started, from pre-army to children with self-esteem issues to adapted P.E. It’s great to help people, opening up for them the door of opportunity in areas they may be quite capable and help them discover their power. Goals are set, objectives are reached and increased performance is possible. It depends on what the client wants to achieve, I can help them reach those goals whether it be for health or performance. & Wellness GUIDE 70 28  •Health JULY 2015

How is your approach to fitness different that other trainers? Philosophically, I believe the body is capable of a tremendous amount and I believe it should be used in the way it was meant to be used in order not to lose its abilities. I do so in a way that will help enable safe transitions for movement and application of force. This allows proper exercise to develop muscles and assists in staying clear of injuries as well as creating longevity for lifetime fitness. This can be implemented in numerous ways, but client goals are paramount. The body can rotate, push and pull and press. All areas including flexibility, muscular endurance, strength, cardiovascular endurance and body composition are relevant to the process and approach. Each person is different in terms of what they are capable of and what they want to achieve. Yet this has the possibility to change. Often times the mindset changes as the body changes and vice versa. At Elite Fitness Israel I work with the mental and psychological aspects as well as the physical element. Programming is open to many different possibilities from swinging weighted clubs to functional workouts to power lifting to integration of movement and martial arts related activity. Do you have other professionals working for you? Currently I personally work with the clients. I want a quality product and have to implement it myself. However, as an educator

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I am not adverse to training people. Who makes for the most difficult client? I am not sure what “difficult” means. Everyone has needs or is looking for something, including respect! I am happy to listen to what someone has to say and assist them if I am able. What I find difficult is working with someone one time. My business runs with people committing to a block of time, investing in themselves and we pick it up from there. Sometimes it is necessary for someone to “try” a workout because they are not so sure and it doesn’t fly, so we part ways with no hard feelings. What ages do you work with? Being certified in physical education from K-12 gives me experience in a large age group, from late teens to my oldest client of 89 years old. The sky and one’s goals are the limit. What is adapted physical education? Adapted physical education or (A.P.E.) is adapting physical education, health or fitness to someone with a disability that might take them out of the mainstream and help them overcome that stumbling back to get back on track. An adapted PE client may be someone with autism, a physical handicap, or any other possibility. Back in the old country I was an adapted physical educator for the New England Home for Little Wanderers children center. There, I designed the PE curriculum, wrote individual education plans and worked with elementary school aged kids who primarily lived in a day resident program due to serious problems. I was trained by Cornell in therapeutic crisis intervention and a behavioral management program. Following that, I was a system wide instructor in the Brookline public schools doing similar work in small groups while testing students and helping others back into the regular school curriculum. What is your water related background and can you explain what water exercise is and the benefits of exercising in the water? I started swimming competitively in the Boston area from age twelve until eighteen. I also played competitive water polo for the same duration and for a junior Olympic team as well. I started teaching swimming when I was fifteen and became certified as a lifeguard, WSI and in first aid, and later I ran summer programs for which I prepared teachers to teach most effectively. Around twenty years ago I was introduced to a water exercise program at the Burdenko Institute by clients who used this method and had great success rehabilitating from injury as well as making fitness gains. I started to experiment with some of the work, discovering for myself its true value. The goal is to work with people in deep water wearing equipment that helps keep their head afloat. The water itself is a wonderful modality for free movement and resistance if force is applied properly. It allows flexibility and endurance to be built cardio wise as well as muscularly. One has less gravitational pull and therefore the water is more kind to those with certain types of pain. People I have worked with usually have their own pools. It is difficult to work in a place where too many people are invading one’s space. I understand you give swimming lessons as well, can you give us more information? I work in client’s private pools and can teach any age group, technical swimming, water exercise or children and adults with fears. Preschool age 3-5 was my specialty for years.

WOW! You are also a massage therapist! What can you tell me about your background? How long have you been practicing? What is your specialty? I was certified in massage therapy in 1988 after studying in a vocational school in the Boston area. I learned basic massage technique and Swedish and I was introduced to many different modalities. Over the years I trained in shiatsu, the five element theory and sports massage with Ben Benjamin. For many years I worked the finish line of the Boston Marathon and at championship events for track and field doing sport massage or triage. I later studied structural body work (and body oriented psychotherapy) for three years with Matthew Cohen, who was an advanced student of Ida Rolf. Deep tissue (fascia) work and structure is what brought me to massage and is still my passion in this field and how it relates to helping performance and freedom of moment. I feel my specialty is in helping loosen up structure, but more importantly helping people understand their body, structure and self through movement freedom and awareness. Even as a massage therapist I view it as a vehicle to educate and I consider myself an educator more so than anything else. How would you work with an adult who has never exercised in the past? First we would “interview” each other. We would have to speak, find out the goals and objectives and give it a try. At the end of the day an adult who never exercised in the past is not disadvantaged. There is a new start, a new beginning. They are not tainted in any way and all possibilities are open and available. The only missing ingredient is the ability to commit and invest in oneself, one’s future! What gives you the most satisfaction in your work? Building good relationships over long periods of time. Getting to know people’s family and watching growth take place in many ways. Most importantly is seeing the clients resolve continue and their consistency and success over time. Do you ever run groups, or is everything one-on-one? I have a senior package that allows for two to train at the price of one. However the clients would need to be compatible. Often elder spouses work together! I also have clients who work out with a friend at a discounted price or sometimes more people. These are all possibilities that have solutions if talked out! Tell us one of your favorite success stories. I don’t have a favorite success story. All my clients are successful! Check out the testimonials on each page of my website, and you will read about how people think about my services. Who should contact you? Anyone can contact me! A son or daughter or grandson or granddaughter who would like a parent or grandparent to get started but don’t have the physical or mental resources to do so on their own. Someone who wants to give a gift to a spouse, pre-army son or daughter or anyone who wants get fit, learn and get moving.  050-779-8886 02-993-4681 Health & Wellness GUIDE 71 • 29

Beyond Self-Defense Yishai Amano, Master Ninjutsu Instructor, gives ninjutsu lessons in Jewish communities all over the world as well as to IDF soilders, security forces and educational institutions in Israel. He is available to give private or group lessons to teen boys and men of any fitness level.


started training in Karate Shotokan at the age of nine. After three years of intensive training I obtained an orange belt. I was happy to have a lot of free, quiet time, as by nature I was a very mature child, pondering life. I knew nothing about Judaism or faith in Hashem, and the search for what is right in life burned within me. I very much wanted to know the truth about how to live. Battle movies filled my life. I loved the images of the ‘heroes’. They were always full of confidence and calm, and despite being attacked with weapons or bare hands they moved with inner calm and accuracy, just like a man who really dances and expresses himself in total freedom, except that in dance there is happiness and here there was a dance of pure heroism and complete lack of fear, even with death millimeters in front of their eyes. In ninja movies they always appear supernaturally competent, with clever, mystical fighting that drew my heart. I wanted to learn the art of the ninja as I saw it in movies, but nobody knew of such a class, until one day I saw a half-scratched notice about a ninjutsu group. At the age of twelve I started learning with Shai Goshen, a pupil of Yaakov Hazan, who was a pupil of Doron Navon, the first Western Jew to study with Master Masaaki Hatsumi, 34th Master of the system in Japan, and subsequently brought the system to Israel. About a year later I very much wanted to be part of this art, and it started to become my life’s purpose. I started to study with Avishai Golan and Sergio, also pupils of Yaakov Hazan, and with Yaakov Hazan himself; from each I took a special point from within him. There was not a ninjutsu training camp I did not go to. I also learned from Doron Navon, who ran training camps, and his pupils. As a youth of thirteen, when I was a green belt, I started to obtain videotapes of the training in Japan and to learn them diligently, my principal development came from that. At the same age, in addition to my regular training, I started to go alone, or sometimes with a training partner, to train in a small forest until morning light; there I trained diligently in accordance with the technical and mental approach I saw in the Master of the system, Masaaki Hatsumi. It is impossible to describe the period of training in the forest as a young man alone, by the light of the moon and the quiet of the forest. I discovered a new world, a world of wonderful silence, where all of life existed. I used to train for hours in the silence, as if other than living the technique there was nothing else in the world. I analyzed every detail of body work and tilt of weight until each of my movements was part of me, as an expert artist who knows how to work always with his whole body as a unit, where the wrapping of the muscles serves in the end as a final support for every movement. And every night I spent about an hour on special relaxation to gain Health & Wellness GUIDE 72  12 • NOVEMBER 2015

control of my mood, senses, and feelings completely down to the last detail, with the goal of developing such high environmental awareness that there would be nothing I could not sense. As mentioned, there is much to say simply about being an inseparable part of the ninja. Whoever has not experienced it will not understand what years of isolation at night in the forest, negating one’s being and changing to the height of simplicity and being a part of all of creation, can bring you. When I was sixteen, I met with Master Masaaki Hatsumi at TaiKai in Holland, a unique meeting that gave me a peek into the wonders of the wisdom accumulated over a thousand years, and how he lived it in the fullest meaning of the word, a sight I remember to this day. I also benefitted B”H from a training partner; together we took the training, both physical and mental, to the highest level we could. Already at the age of seventeen, with a brown belt, I sometimes stood in for my trainer Shai Goshen when he could not come, which helped me progress a lot. Those were years during which from the outside I looked like anyone else, but inside I lived as a ninja from a thousand years ago who saw the world through a ninja’s eyes. At the age of eighteen, I became a chozer b’teshuva, and in the same year I became a black belt. In 2005, aged 24, I did a course for instructors with Yaakov Hazan. In 2006 I received 5th Dan, and in 2014 I got a Senior International Trainer certificate from Tel Aviv University. The way I train ninjutsu shows the krav maga (contact fighting) of the ninjutsu, so people will understand that the ninjas were real fighters on blood-soaked battlefields, and that this is the most fatal art there is; because today most people think that the arts of the competitions and wreaths, or arts opened in institutions without active experience of bloody battlefields, are as it were the most realistic; and the truth is the opposite, that ninjutsu is the most suited to reallife situations. The meaning of the name Nin Jutsu: The characters that make up the name ninjutsu in Japanese are a combination of two symbols (Kanji): Nin and Jutsu. The Japanese symbol, the kanji of Nin, is a symbolic drawing of a heart (Shin) under the blade of a sharp sword. Underneath this kanji is the symbol for skill (Jutsu), and together they comprise the whole term. The kanji of ninjutsu are full of significance, and their broad interpretation is: quiet survival, the skill of the heart’s internal battle, battle skill of the heart as sharp as a sword, and skill of quiet and concealed battle. Ninjutsu is a name that includes a combination of fighting skills crystallized through the inspiration of Japanese fighters, today called ninja. Those who are today called ninja were once soldiers, and specialized in different areas of fighting, including espionage skills. These fighting skills were concerned with aspects of warfare, alongside non-battle and philosophical aspects. Ninjutsu was created as a mixture of techniques and skills for guerilla warfare, some developed in the 15th and 16th centuries by the people of Iga and Kong during the Sengoku (Warring States) period in Japan. The largest and most well-known school of ninjutsu is Bujinkan, headed by Masaaki Hatsumi, The principles of the ninjutsu study

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BY YISHAI AMANO, NINJUTSU MASTER program include a range of techniques, starting from fighting with bare hands to a collection of complicated katas combined with weapons. This wide store of information ensures a wide base for use in a range of different situations. Ninjutsu developed as a collection of basic survival techniques in the warring nation of feudal Japan. The ninja used their skills to ensure their survival in a period of stormy politics, violence and wars. Ninjutsu incorporated methods of gathering information, guerilla warfare with bare hands or weapons, and techniques of invisibility/camouflage during infiltration, as well as a range of other techniques needed by a fighter. According to Masaaki Hatsumi, the ‘ninja johokai’, or the eighteen skills, were first mentioned in the secret scrolls of the Togakura school. In time they became requirements of ninjutsu. The Eighteen Skills Are: • Seishin Teki kyoyo (spiritual development) • Tai jutsu (art of the body; unarmed warfare) • Kan jutsu (the art of sword-fighting) • Bo jutsu (art of the stick; stick-fighting) • Shuriken jutsu (art of using the shuriken, a throwing blade) • Su jutsu (fighting with a yari spear ) • Naginata jutsu (art of fighting with naginata, a weapon consisting of a pole with a blade) • Kusarigama jutsu (fighting with a kusarigama, a kind of short scythe with a long chain on the end) • Kyaku jutsu (use of explosives) • Hinso jutsu (disguise) • Shinobi iri (a system of infiltration and ambush) • Ba jutsu (horsemanship) • Sui ren (training with water and the use of vessels) • Boriaku (tactics) • Cho Ho (espionage) • Inton jutsu (escape and concealment) • Ten-mon (meteorology) • Chi-mon (geography) Modern ninjutsu focuses primarily on systems of armed and unarmed combat. When skills such as sui ren are almost completely abandoned, the traditional ninjutsu mixes techniques of disguise, camouflage, escape, archery, medicine, explosives and poisons. Summary of Technical Ninjutsu Activity The Warm-up The ninjutsu warm-up is unique, and stretches and flexes free all the muscles and tendons from head to toe, generating good blood circulation through the body. Muscle Strengthening Ninjutsu works primarily on strengthening the most essential muscles for stable life activity and fighting capability. Techniques In ninjutsu the techniques are implemented at a level demanding superior control of the body, that is, use of the whole body as a complex unit. Your sense of balance and your opponent’s, identifying your opponent’s body work, the range between you, and how your opponent is about to act, all this complexity develops sharpness of

mind and the ability to digest many things at once, quickly and constructively; and teaches you to be awake, attentive, and aware of what is happening around you. Relaxation: Ninjutsu is the art of observing our inner world and getting to know our internal system. Through relaxation we learn to observe reality as it is, and to be awake and sensitive physically, mentally, and emotionally. Practicing awareness is a way to free ourselves from negative emotions that generate frustration and anxiety, and from the bad and debilitating thoughts that cause frustration and unresponsiveness in real time, or pressure and analysis that cause trauma following injury or death, as needed. It allows us to act as required at the time without excessive emotion, as a result of complete control of our emotions and thoughts. Training clears the head and strengthens self-confidence and self-purpose Ninjutsu has many helpful implications in the flow of life tasks and coping with situations. It is an art that developed and emerged from blood-soaked battlefields, with unarmed and cold-armed combat of all kinds, control of the senses, emotions, and thoughts; overcoming confrontation or capture in open or closed areas with bare hands or various weapons, against a single combatant or a group of opponents. It is one of the most practical skills on earth, and incorporates flexibility, cardio and vision, muscle strengthening and stabilization, and correct use of the body physically; and spiritually it strengthens selfconfidence and willpower. The training is a combination of the confidence rooted in every fighter, and faith in G-d who protects him when he relies on Him to save his life, or when He shields His people. 

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hen people see me in my tennis outfit, they think I’m going out of town to play. Everyone is surprised when I tell them that there is a tennis club in Bet Shemesh with top notch trainers and players. This encouraged me sit with Efi and Igor, the founders of the Bet Shemesh Tennis club, to let everyone know more about it. How old is the Bet Shemesh Tennis Club? The club is 10 years old. How many tennis courts do you have? We have 4 outdoors tennis courts. Who plays at the club? People ranging from ages 5 to 80 years old play at the club; kids play in the chugim and with their friends, adults take private lessons and play with their peers, and retirees enjoy their freedom of time to keep themselves in good physical and mental condition. What are the qualifications of the coaches and the trainers? Trainers have between 10 and 20 years of experience. Efi is a computer engineer with vast experience working with children and Igor is a former professional tennis player from Russia. They are both graduates of the prestigious Wingate institute. What types of Chugim do you offer? We offer afternoon classes for kids, private and group lessons for adults, and special teens and women only groups. What motivates you to teach? If you like to play tennis, it is because you love the sport and you want to promote it. (Can we take that out?) It gives me great pleasure to teach people and watch their improvement. I see how their self-esteem gets a boost, and I see the happiness and pride of the players and their parents. I also love the children’s enthusiasm and energy.


Do you have separate times for girls/women only? Yes, we do. At what age should boys/girls start playing tennis? At 5 years old. Tennis will definitely improve their motor coordination, energy levels, and self-esteem. Do you offer private lessons for adults? Yes, we do. It’s a pleasure to see adults who have never played, or have played occasionally, become good players. Is there a league where people can compete? Of course. We currently have 14 groups playing in leagues in different areas of the country. Men and women are welcome to join our teams. What advantage does playing tennis have over other sports? Tennis is an individual sport versus a group one, where everything depends on the player alone. Each player can work at his own pace and reach his own goals. Tennis is also a great way of doing aerobic exercise. You can burn 700-900 calories per hour playing tennis. The other great thing is that you can play anywhere, even on a vacation trip in a resort or hotel. No need for teammates. Additionally, you can play tennis until a very advanced age. It accompanies you for life. It’s a great gift to your kids. Can people just come and play for an hourly fee with no commitments attached? Sure. People can rent a court for an hour or two. We also rent rackets and balls for a nominal fee. Where is the club located? We are located in Bet Shemesh in the Migdal Hamayim area, at the end of Rehov Ha Golan. We are opened from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Check us out at or call us at 057 729 1926 or 057 729 1928. 

C ME! PLAY WITH US! BET SHEMESH COURTS All ages • Lessons • Camps • League • Rentals Group classes for boys and girls - separate hours

Rehov Hagolan Street Telephone: 02-992 3585 Cel.: 0577 291 926 email:, web:

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Health & Wellness I Chaim Sultan Founder of LIFT

The Training to End all Training


any of us want to move exercise up our priority lists, but somehow it never happens. We come up with myriad excuses: the gym is too far, I’m too tired, I’m too busy, I don’t know where to start… Chaim Sultan, a certified personal trainer, has heard it all and he’s bursting with energy and creative ideas. Although he’s been working with clients in Jerusalem, he’ll soon be moving to a bigger, brighter, and better studio in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel— so get ready, Beit Shemesh, Chaim Sultan is back in town! What is LIFT? My company name serves a dual purpose; the first conveys the literal motion of LIFTING: bringing power to how we train. The second is an acronym for Life In Fitness Training. The idea is that fitness should be a functional part of your everyday life. Even if you don’t have “time” for a workout, you can change your daily habits by throwing a fitness mentality into the mix. It may sound overwhelming, but it really is a lot of fun to discover. What motivated you to enter this field? You mean other than getting to wear comfortable clothes all day and help yourself and others get fit – simply, the greatest job imaginable! On a personal level, when I was a kid I was a bit chubby and had a negative body image. I started dieting and exercising in 8th grade, and that’s when I fell in love with fitness. I continued training and exploring fitness ever since. The human body needs nurturing, and when it’s healthy, you just live better. Not to mention, I really enjoy teaching and learning from each of my clients. How would you describe your particular style or method of training?

I’d like to think that I’m sort of a fitness jackof-all-trades. There’s no type of workout that I wouldn’t try with a client – whether it’s strength training, HIIT, bodybuilding, posture work, or yoga. I’ve also developed more unique methods, like using ordinary towels for resistance training.The best body is one fit for whatever you can throw at it – we do whatever it takes! That being said, I do have a core curriculum for my clients, which I constantly adapt and refine. How do you keep your clients motivated? People are both complex and simple. Everyone has their unique take on life and reasons for being motivated or not. However, there are some recurring themes. For example, I recently had two clients with similar fitness agendas who both believed they were weak, overweight and without drive. After a few weeks, some praise and encouragement, some sweat and LIFT posture training, they realized just how

ABOUT CHAIM SULTAN Chaim Sultan is the founder of LIFT – a dynamic fitness training program. Chaim received his certification from Gymnasia Tel Aviv, the only institution in Israel to offer authorized TRX training. Chaim sees clients in their location or in his Jerusalem studio, which will be moving to Beit Shemesh. He can be reached by WhatsApp or phone at 054-884-9240.

strong and driven they actually were.Training is like a talk therapy in some ways, there is constant give-and-take in an honest conversation framework. What is your overall approach to personal training? Well, I’ll start off by saying what I don’t like: trainers who throw their agenda at you. I believe that power is from within and my aim is to cultivate that energy into pragmatic fitness. I also believe in working out with every client. As we train, we’ll discuss the principles behind what we’re doing, so you can learn to be a fitness master. My main objective is for the client to work out forever, to become his own trainer! To misquote a popular saying; it’s not enough to teach a man to fish (incidentally, a great source of protein) rather, he must become a fisherman if he wants to eat fish for the rest of his life and not quit after two months for summer vacation. How much does nutrition come into play in your personal training? We break nutrition into two main parts. The theory, like what carbs and fats are, and the practice, like not eating all the donuts. Obviously, the practical part is much harder to keep to and LIFT focuses on learning how to eat pizza occasionally but stay fit all the same. Actually, I’m eating candy right now – I love candy, and if you can burn it off, it’s not that bad as a quick energy source to aid in muscle recovery. Who did you learn from and how do you continue your fitness education? Over the years, instinct and experience have become my greatest teachers. Networking with other trainers, such as my buddy Moshe Richmond who is currently getting his masters in physical therapy, and online research are my main sources of additional information. The creator of P90X fitness program inspired me from a young age and I model some of my programing from him. Others, like posture experts from AthleanX and bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger have been vital in my gaining knowledge of the body and how to train it. Unique individuals helped formulate my ideas, like one of my first clients and good friend, Yoel Marmor or my Rabbi, Peretz Segal, author of Vagueness Vanquished, and a Rav at Ohr Sameach. Both my father and father-in-law have vast knowledge; they give me their time and wisdom and that keeps me going and growing, making it possible for LIFT to be what it is today. What advice do you have for someone who wants to get in shape? Start working out RIGHT NOW and love it! Just kidding, you can wait until you finish this article. Health & Wellness GUIDE


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“Gymnastics is cool, fun and challenging all at the same time.” Interview with Shira Slovin of Shira’s Gymnastics Chugim

SHIRA SLOVIN is an experienced gymnast who is opening her 5th year of gymnastics chugim in Ramat Beit Shemesh in September. Shira, what is your background in gymnastics? I started taking gymnastics classes when I was seven years old, and at sixteen, I joined a competitive team. Being part of the gymnastics team required dedication and involved nine hours a week of intensive training. I was on the team for two years, where I competed with other advanced girls. My professional background is in physical therapy, and I incorporate this valuable knowledge and experience into gymnastics, as one of the goals of the chug is to develop and maintain proper strength and fitness. I hold a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from New York Medical College and have practiced in both the United States and Israel. This extensive background has enabled me to lead my own gymnastics chugim, and BE”H Shira’s Gymnastics Chug is starting its 5th year. Where are the chugim located and how many groups do you run? The chugim are located on Nachal Ramot (a cross street of Nachal Revivim) in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph. I typically run four weekly chugim, but due to many recent requests, I plan on BE”H adding a fifth chug for young boys this year. The age groups for my chugim currently range from four until thirteen. What exercises do you begin with in the early lessons? In all of my classes, I begin with warm-ups and stretching. For the more advanced and/or older groups, I place a greater emphasis on proper form and intensity of stretches. Afterwards, I jump right into the regular gymnastics, starting from the first day of the chug. Gymnastics is all about perfecting the more basic skills in order to move on to the more difficult skills, so there is a lot of repetition until the skill is mastered. There are a variety of skills to learn, so I balance the classes with a fun mix of these skills to keep the children interested. In doing so, the children improve their skills while maintaining their excitement about gymnastics. Some examples of basic skills that are taught are forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, handstands and backbends. Once they have built this foundation, they learn more advanced skills, including back extensions; one-hand and no-hand cartwheels; handstand-forward rolls and handstand-backbends; and front and back walkovers. Which safety precautions are the most important in gymnastics? Safety is a priority in Shira’s Gymnastics Chug. I have invested in obtaining good quality mats, which are specially designed to absorb impact and reduce the risk of injury. In addition, I am very careful to only allow a child to perform a certain skill if I know

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that they have the ability to do it safely. I do not push kids to do things that they are not ready to do, and I am always there with them one-on-one to spot them. The chug also has a well-trained assistant to ensure that the children receive the proper and necessary attention and guidance. As a responsible precaution, the chug is covered by an insurance policy from a reputable provider. Can someone who has conditions such as poor balance or hypotonia (low muscle tone) join? Absolutely! In fact, a lot of parents have asked me this exact question. What I tell them is that gymnastics is a great way to strengthen weak muscles and improve balance in a fun way. What do your students love the most about coming to your chugim? The kids who come to my classes enjoy seeing their progress while having a great time with their friends. Gymnastics is cool, fun and challenging all at the same time. The thrill of mastering a skill is fulfilling, and gives them a sense of pride and self-esteem as well as a boost in confidence. What is your goal for your students? The goal for my students is to achieve their potential and have a great time in the process! The focus of Shira’s Gymnastic Chug is for the children to master the skills to the best of their ability and to develop an interest to strive for the next level. What is the hardest part of being a gymnast? There are very few opportunities for girls who want to learn gymnastics, especially for those who prefer a more private and personal environment. I feel privileged to provide a venue for girls who are both interested in learning gymnastics and strive to receive the personal attention and encouragement that is necessary to succeed. Until what age do most students keep up with gymnastics? Great question! I have found that gymnastics is not one of the many passing interests that children tend to abandon after a couple months. In fact, I have received calls from girls in their mid to late teens asking if I could instruct a group for their age. Investing the time and effort in gymnastics is very rewarding and helps children maintain good health and strength throughout their formative years. What do you enjoy the most about your work? What I enjoy most is that I get to utilize my passion for gymnastics through teaching and watching my students develop their skills. I am privileged to have the opportunity to train so many children in what has been a passion of mine since I was their age. I also enjoy watching them try hard, accomplish their goals, and develop self-confidence. That is very rewarding!  052-769-9364


Attaining Personal Comfort Interview with Sharon Wolfman, Physical Therapist and Pelvic Floor Specialist Sharon Wolfman is a licensed physical therapist practicing for over 30 years. She has worked with kuppot cholim including Clalit and Leumit as well as organizations such as Keren Or and The Center for Child Development. Specializing in pelvic floor rehabilitation for over 10 years, she primarily treats women and children for pelvic floor dysfunction. In addition, Sharon is certified in orthopedic and pelvic floor therapies, hydrotherapy, cranio-sacral therapy, osteopathy of the pelvic floor as well as a variety of treatments for children. Additionally, she keeps current with the latest research by regularly participating in ongoing post-graduate courses. Her goal is to allow patients to achieve personal comfort and physical relief of pelvic floor discomfort. What is the pelvic floor and what are symptoms of its dysfunction? Millions of people worldwide suffer from complications due to a pelvic floor dysfunction. The pelvic floor is made up of muscles and other tissues that form a sling from the pubic bone to the tailbone. It assists in supporting the abdominal and pelvic organs, and helps to control bladder, bowel and sexual activity. The weakening of, or damage to, the pelvic muscles and connective tissues surrounding the pelvis is called “pelvic floor dysfunction.” This can be caused by a variety of factors including childbirth, menopause, obesity, surgery, chronic coughing, poor posture and radiation treatments. Symptoms may include difficulty urinating, painful physical intimacy, constipation or pain in the hips or lower abdomen. Postsurgical scarring from abdominal surgeries such as a C-section or a hysterectomy can also contribute to discomfort in the pelvic floor. How can you help alleviate these problems? Pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) works on relaxing and releasing connective tissue in order to treat pain. Why did you choose this specialty? I am passionate about practicing pelvic floor physical therapy because it consistently improves the lives of my clients in lasting and tangible ways. Pelvic floor dysfunction can be quite bothersome and there is a lot of satisfaction in helping people experience such positive changes. Who are your typical patients? Many of my patients are middle-aged women who are experiencing a variety of discomforts with their pelvic floor. I also see many younger clients who have heard about PFPT and find that it helps them. I also work with children to help with urine incontinence. Do all postpartum women need to rehabilitate their pelvic floor?

Interestingly, most postpartum women could benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy. Unfortunately, many kuppot do not cover this therapy after childbirth. I join with other health professionals in raising awareness and further educating our community on the profound need for pelvic floor therapy. Are the physical therapy exercises generally painful? No. The exercises can be challenging, but are generally not painful. Patients build endurance and stamina as they strengthen their pelvic floor. How do children benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy? The children I work with often suffer from incontinence for unknown reasons after they have been successfully toilet trained. Parents most often discover this through an onset of bed wetting and other accidents. Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction in children can include difficulty urinating or controlling bladder function, frequent bladder infections, constipation, not urinating enough during the day, or difficulty in sensing bladder fullness. There are exercises which kids can be taught that really help. How many sessions does the therapy usually continue for? Patients often experience an improvement after their first few sessions. Most patients need between six and nine treatments, with one treatment every few weeks. Where do you see patients? I make a lot of home visits within Jerusalem and its surrounding areas, which allows for the privacy that many patients prefer. I also see people in my office, which is conveniently located in Rechavia, and provide therapy to assisted living and retirement residences. Please feel free to contact me for a consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!  052-300-3160 Health & Wellness Catalogue


Get Fit with Karen Aharon 

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82  Health & Wellness GUIDE

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                                                                


(Lower Body)

Exercise at the office L

performing these.

ast month we discussed certain exercises for the neck and upper body. This month we are going to take a look at the lower back and legs. Here are a few simple stretches to help keep the

Low Back

Lie on your back on a    Cross your arms over your chest. Turn your head (trunk) to the right as

    working. Remember this is not a substitute for regular exercise; it is just something to keep you going between workouts. Warning: Do not do if you have disc problems or low back pain. You should feel a stretch, not pain when

you turn both knees to the left. Allow your knees to relax and go down without forcing. Bring knees back up, head to center. Reverse directions. Lie face down.

   

Push up into elbows. Hold position & repeat Hamstrings

Lie on back place towel around your forefoot. Gently straighten leg without bending your knee Repeat with the other leg. Quad Stretches

 


Dr. Ari Stern

  

02-999-6046 38

November 2012

By pulling the heel of your foot slowly and gently

towards your buttocks, the quads get a good stretch. If you’re doing this stretch in the standing position, be sure to have a chair, wall, table or buddy close by to avoid the one-legged-balance hop. If you are unsure as to how to do theses stretches feel free to call me. Be careful! Stretching too hard or for too long can cause damage to muscles. There are many other stretches that can be done for each part of the body. Remember the most important thing is to get your

    muscles moving. About the Author Dr. Eliezer Rosen    Chiropractor and Phys    Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh. Also available are      sites to analyze and correct workplace ergonomics problems. Dr. Rosenblum trains your staff the proper, proven techniques to avoid injuries, reduce stress, increase productivity, and enhance the work place environment. To schedule an appointment or to discuss how this service can work for you, speak with Dr. Rosenblum at 052-662-4658.  Health & Wellness GUIDE


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D Learn how to dance while

exercising at the same time! D Fun way to exercise and burn calories D Healthy way to release energy D Dance techniques, rhythm, posture, coordination and much more FOR GIRLS

D %XLOG VHOI FRQ¿GHQFH DQG VHOI HVWHHP D Have fun dancing without even noticing WKH EHQH¿WV RI H[HUFLVLQJ D Fun group environment D Different age groups starting from 2nd grade


Call Eva at 052-271-2252 to reserve your spot! Email: 84  Health & Wellness GUIDE








Health& &Nutrition Wellness Diet

DENTISTRY Rechavia Dental Center I EXPERT I 02-561-9770 Dr. Mitchell Rudy 052 339 2131 Dr. Ari Stern 02 999 6046 Dr. Chaim Lewitan 052 761 5359 Dr. Mark Lewitan 02 995 2707 Dr. Links - Dr. Garalnick 02 992 4267 Dr. Chaim Eliezer Jacober 02 999 7479 Dr. Edo Lavi 02 992 3363 Dr. Jacki Glassman 02 566 9061 Dr. Yoav Orbach 02 545 5603

Dr. Claude Hayat Periodontics 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Fruchter 02 536 2244 HEALTH Eliezer Rosenblum Chiropractor 052-662-4658 PlayAttention Solution for ADHD 054 794 3797 Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer 054 572 1651 Rochel Geller weight loss 02 992-1821 Reuven Rosenberg Chiropractor / Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Alternative Clinic 077-212-7567


Diet & Nutrition I


Rochel Rubinoff Massage Therapist 054-3355-289 Dr. Tova Goldfine Chiropractor 052 420 1201 Donna Abrahams Craniosacral Therapy 054 648 0667 Michael Freedman Personal Trainer 054 843 9541 Gyrotonics Personal Training System 054 908 0886 Natan Feit Reflexology 053 763 4820 Shoshana Grotsky Lice Removal 050 207 1781 Michael Berezin Personal Trainer 054 625 0269



Gavriel Tornek Meditation 054 652 1770 Miriam Maslin Bioresonance Therapy 052-324-4604 Dr. Rina Granot Health & Nutrition 052 674 3838 Dr. Chaim Pinchuck Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 Sara Shaposhnik Energy Healer 050 229 2316 Jerry Hyman Personal Trainer 050 779 8886 Jordana Staiman Speech Therapy 053 311 3916 Kerry Bar Cohn Chiropractor 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Michael Portman Clinical Psycologist 052 269 4030 The Place Emotional Wellbeing Center 02 580 8788 Menachem Schloss NLP Therapist 054-743-8109 Minda Garr Holistic Psychotherapy 052 614 6932 Karen Rappaport Narrative Therapy 050 990 6368 Rachel Factor Anxiety Disorders 052 713 4130 Dr. Genstil Psychologist I EXPERT I 052 260 9087





Coffee: Can’t Diet With It… Can’t Diet Without It? By Dr. Bo Rosenblat, M.D. CHIEF PHYSICIAN, DR. BO’S DIET


f you’re like most people, you need a cup of coffee to simply get your eyes open in the morning. And then another one to get you out the door. And probably another to perk you up midday. So let’s start off with the good news – coffee has a lot of health benefits. You’re likely getting more antioxidants from coffee than from any other source. Also, coffee only contains about 1 calorie per 8 oz. cup. Of course, that’s before that Café Greg barista gets her hands on it! So fear not, you needn’t give up your coffee simply because you’re watching your waistline. Actually, doing so might have a negative impact on your diet. Here’s what you need to know about your cup of Joe to keep your diet and sanity in check: Coffee is a Liquid; It’s Not Water. Since you’re drinking coffee, you decide to skimp on your water and sip your java instead. This might be one of the biggest mistakes dieters can make. An average cup of coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine per cup, with drinks from shops containing as much as 450 mg in larger portions that include espresso shots. While reasonable amounts of coffee won’t generally lead to dehydration, excessive amounts may lead to headaches, trouble sleeping and increased urination and bowel movements, which may leave your body feeling depleted. It’s always a healthy idea to up your water intake when drinking a lot of caffeine, especially starting mid-day. This helps stave off the usual afternoon hunger, hydrates you and flushes your system, too. Aim to go at least cup for cup, water to coffee, for optimal health benefits. Coffee Will Wake You Up and Keep You Up. Striking a balance between getting the energy you crave and the sleep you need can be a challenge. Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality has a dramatic effect on your waistline, too. People that get sufficient rest burn more calories. If you’re starting a weight-loss program, the last thing you want to do is cut out your caffeine altogether. Since caffeine is a stimulant (which suppresses the appetite,) experiencing caffeine withdrawal will most often increase your appetite. Imagine the difficulty of slashing your calories and your caffeine together on day one! If you’ve tried to get more rest unsuccessfully, and you think your coffee consumption may be the culprit, start by consuming 75% of your daily caffeine before 2pm. Then, for the rest of the day, try and go half decaf. If that doesn’t work, talk to your doctor about your trouble with sleeping, but don’t reduce your caffeine haphazardly. Doing so may only interfere further with your weight loss goals. Sweeteners, Sugar and Flavors, Oh My. While coffee itself

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is nearly calorie free, adding in your sugar, creamer or flavoring may increase your beverage to 500 calories or more! If you must sweeten your coffee, try to cut back on the amount you use. Try opting for a natural sweetener like Stevia or Xylitol to provide a more regulated amount of sweetness without chemicals. Sipping All Day, Snacking All Night. You start out the day with just coffee, then continue the day with just coffee, finally realizing in the evening that you’ve only had coffee; but you don’t even feel hungry, right? This is because caffeine suppresses the appetite. However, it’s not a nutritionally rich meal replacement. The end result is that your body tries to make up all those missed vitamins, minerals, and energy at the end of the day, resulting in significant excess overeating at night. We go through our modern day lives, working at a desk, driving our cars or taking a bus for any significant trips, and using our mobile devices to accomplish every task in between. Our bodies, however, have more primal instincts. When we go for hours without eating, our hunger hormone, ghrelin, goes dormant. When we start to eat, there’s no shortage of food to choose from. Since our bodies are hardwired to build up extra fat stores (just in case there’s another food shortage,) we keep on eating. The satiation hormone, leptin, doesn’t kick in quick enough, and we end up eating more calories than we would have in an entire day in just a few nighttime hours. The simple fix is to eat on a schedule with about 4 to 6 hours between each meal. Not enough time for “real meals?” Start with easy grab-and-go options like yogurt, nuts, fruit and cut up vegetables with hummus. Aim for a balance of protein, fat and some carbohydrates, and keep refined sugars to a minimum. This will ensure you don’t experience any major shifts in hormones throughout the day. Dr. Bo Rosenblatt is a Board Certified Medical Doctor who has served in many leadership positions in hospitals and clinics, and has lectured for physician organizations all across the United States. Dr. Bo’s Diet is a comprehensive, customized 5-Phase Weight Management Program producing rapid weight loss in the short term, and healthy weight management in the long term. For more information call 077-228-5877 or email  077-228-5877


To Thine Own Self Be True While I doubt that William Shakespeare had dieting on his mind when he wrote that, nothing could be more applicable in making successful and meaningful lifestyle changes. Being honest about what makes dieting hard for you will help you to tackle the issues head on. Don’t assume that poor habits will magically change simply because you are on a diet. If you’ve been down this road before and failed, ask yourself why. Bo’s Tip: Look back at any previous attempts you’ve made at losing weight. Try to understand what worked for you and what didn’t. Make a list of things you liked as well as things you didn’t and try to pinpoint what caused you to give up or slip back into old habits. This is information that you can use before getting started, so that you choose a path that’s right for you.

Honesty is The Best Policy:

How Knowing your Personality Type Can Lead to



aking a long hard look at yourself in the mirror may just be the best thing you can do if you’re trying to lose weight, but what you’re looking for may surprise you. Getting started with a weightloss plan can be a daunting task, but figuring out the first steps to take may be more about understanding yourself emotionally rather than physically. It’s easy to assess where you need to lose inches and pounds, what you’d like to firm up and where you want to trim down. But getting to the root of your weight-gain is often the biggest challenge. You may realize that you have made similar choices over and over with results that don’t seem to stick. So, instead of beating yourself up over your lackluster performance in those last few attempts, try understanding where you lost steam.

About the Author Dr. Bo Rosenblatt is a board certified medical doctor who has served in many leadership positions in hospitals and clinics and has lectured for physician organizations all across the United States. Dr. Bo’s Diet is a comprehensive, customized five-phase weight management program producing rapid weight loss in the short term and healthy weight management in the long term. For more information call 077-228-5877 or e-mail: 14


Find Your Dieting Personality Getting to the core of what you’re all about will help you figure out what type of dieter you are. Maybe you have an intense personality — diving into new projects or hobbies head first? (Like the time you bought all that snowboarding equipment before your first lesson!) Maybe you need a partner in crime? (You can’t seem to make it to any gym class without your best friend.) Or maybe you’re more of a student and less of a teacher? (Given a set of instructions you can pretty much do anything.) Be honest with yourself. It’s understandable to feel like you can do a complete lifestyle overhaul because you feel motivated at this moment. But that feeling won’t be enough to carry you through as it becomes challenging. Bo’s Tip: Look at other areas of your life and determine the areas at which you excel both at home and work. If you find the need for structure, joining a formal program will keep you accountable. If you need encouragement to stay motivated, find a diet coach. If you get bored of the same foods or rules over and over again, choose a program that changes as you progress. Focus on meeting your personality needs. Ignoring them will only leave you feeling frustrated and defeated.

Log Your Food…and Your Feelings I’ve written before about the benefits of keeping a food journal -- especially early on in your weight-loss endeavor. Keeping a running tally of your food types, portions, preparation methods and eating schedule can be an extremely important and eye opening tool when first starting out. An important component that most people don’t record in their food journal is their emotional state. Keeping track of your emotions can help you to determine patterns of overeating, stress and frustrations. Bo’s Tip: Understanding the “why” and not just the “what” in our actions is paramount in helping us spot potential emotional triggers as well as learning new coping mechanisms around food. Journal not only calories but also your emotional states in real time for at least one week. (Don’t wait until the end of day, you never really remember everything.) You may see certain patterns emerge that you didn’t realize existed. 

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Health & Wellness I Interview I Yaakov Avraham Nutrition and Weight Loss Coach

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life During Succot of 5775, Yaakov Avraham’s son took a photo of his father. Yaakov weight 135 kg at the time, and when he saw how he looked in the photo, he made a promise that by next Succot, his son would have a thin, healthy father. With G-d’s help, he made good on his word; the following Succot, he weighed 85 kg!


nspired by his success, Yaakov decided to apply his experience and knowledge to help others struggling with obesity. He studied coaching and group facilitation for weight loss at Rachel Stiklaro College, and upon receiving his certification, he opened Harzaya Im Bitahon (“Weight Loss with Confidence”), a men’s weight loss center where he helps individuals and groups achieve their goals. We interviewed him about his methodology and philosophy on overcoming unhealthy habits and establishing a healthier mindset. How do you help your clients change their attitude toward dieting? My goal is twofold: to help clients internalize tthat their current lifestyle is not conducive to healthy living and isn’t going to lead to a better future; and to show them how to form better thought patterns and habits around food that will help them live better. I introduce clients to a wide range of practical techniques and tools that can help them change their behavior and thinking patterns. For example, I might suggest buying a nice Shabbat shirt in the client’s target size, and trying it on every Shabbat until it fits. That gives him a very concrete motivation and a tangible way to experience his progress. When a client comes to you for weight loss, where do you begin? First, the client fills out a questionnaire that helps us assess his situation, and based on the results, we set our goals and discuss how to achieve them. Of course, we take some baseline measurements—current weight and waistline.

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How often do you meet with your clients and what’s the goal of the meetings? We start out with an hour-long meeting twice a week, and then switch to once a week. We use these sessions to discuss how it’s going, make adjustments as necessary, and help clients stay on track. Of course, I am available by phone most of the day and my clients are welcome to call and consult with me. Tell us about your approach to eating habits. My approach is to teach clients how to control their habits and establish new behavior patterns. We explore together why the client is holding on to counterproductive habits, and try to identify the obstacles he faces in losing weight. We work on cop-

We explore together why the client is holding on to counterproductive habits, and try to identify the obstacles he faces in losing weight.

ing with the fears and challenges that arise from the unhealthy relationship the client has with food, clearing the way to personal development and growth. We introduce techniques that weaken the unhealthy habits and reinforce new, healthier habits. How do you feel about restricting unhealthy foods? On the one hand, it’s good to restrict consumption of unhealthy foods. On the other hand, people struggling with obesity need to understand that even foods that are considered healthy must be consumed in moderation, because there is such a thing as “too much of a good thing.” Why is it important to drink water when trying to lose weight? Drinking water is the greatest gift Hashem gave us! Keeping hydrated helps us feel full, preventing overeating; it helps preserve young-looking skin; it promotes healthy digestion, blood circulation, and metabolism; it’s rejuvenating, etc. Tell us about a client’s weight-loss success story. A 30-year-old man came to me in a tough situation. He was single, couldn’t get shidduchim, and suffered from health problems— high lipids in the blood and liver. We started a treatment regimen and he achieved immediate results. Within two months he lost 15 kg and started going out on shidduchim. He tells me he received many compliments and his life changed for the better. What is the most important principle you have learned in your business? The trick is to find strength in the challenges; to keep moving forward, and use what you have learned to thrive. With such a good understanding of the effect food has on the body, do you ever reach out for a treat? Yes, of course! Treating yourself is not forbidden—in fact, enjoying special foods on Shabbatot, chagim, and other special occasions is something we work into the plan.

Yaakov Avraham can be reached at 052-446-6090 and 077-401-2475 (Office).

LOSE WEIGHT BY FEELING GREAT BY HELENA TOPF Weight loss isn’t always easy and it helps to learn the basics of how weight loss works instead of just starving to death. We sit with Rochel Geller to learn more about her unique system. During any one year, more than half of all Americans go on a diet to lose weight. What’s happening? Many people need to lose weight. Since weight is connected to what you eat, it’s usually the first thing people try to control. People also use exercise and some use diet products. But after all these efforts, most people still aren’t getting the results that they seek. Diets can be torturous. Exercise can be endless. Diet products – I don’t know about them. The actual weight loss results are slow and sporadic. Most people end up with more weight and the guilty feeling that they should have tried harder. What motivated you to get into weight loss? I was scared of the illnesses that people can get as a result of being overweight. I was intrigued to learn about the people who had succeeded – how had they made a difference? I wanted to share that solution, and take the guessing and hopelessness out of it. Why is losing weight such a difficult task?\ It’s hard to be different from the rest of the family, and it’s hard to always struggle to “be good”. What people don’t realize is that despite the real, conscious desire to lose weight, there is also subconscious sabotage. For example, no time to prepare meals, or buying chocolate “for the grandchildren”, or inadequate walking shoes. 38

APRIL 2012

If you want to lose weight, you absolutely have to understand subconscious sabotage, where it comes from, and what to do about it. People say it’s the yetzer hora, but this is just subconscious sabotage. Why should people lose weight? I think most people’s motivation is health, followed by social issues and energy. For many social comes first. People intrinsically feel when their eating and exercise habits are out of whack. Are there safe and not so safe ways to lose weight? Of course. Safe ways include consulting with professionals, making slow yet steady changes, include consulting with professionals, making slow yet steady changes, and doing it with love and goodwill. What’s the secret to lose weight? The secret to losing weight is to align your subconscious with your conscious intention to lose weight. For example, in the “Lose Weight by Feeling Great” course I created, there’s a class called “Smash Your Cravings”. In it, people

learn how to release their hunger for particular foods. The basis for this is that most hunger is the emotions you want to feel, projected onto foods. Imagine if cookies didn’t pull you, and chocolate meant mainly sugar. Would keeping to an eating plan be a whole lot easier? I think that’s really cool. Shouldn’t people prepare themselves mentally before starting a weight loss program to maximize their chances of success? Yes. In fact, sometimes the mental and emotional work that you do is all that you need. One woman who came to the group, did no exercise nor followed a diet – and lost weight. What do you do differently than other professionals? The Lose Weight by Feeling Great method makes it possible and much easier to follow through with one’s intentions. People who’ve done the course say it is amazing. The group setting is particularly supportive. There’s lots of laughter, “aha” moments, and I’d better be upfront - some tears. No weighing. Why is it important to start a program right away after reading this article? Right now matters. Take the inspiration, and turn into real weight loss. The course I offer is starting soon, so call now to reserve your place. There’s also a special bonus that you get when you sign up – a recording called “Be Nice To You”, with the most powerful mindset tool I know today. So sign up now! How can people reach you? Call 992-1821, or email rochel@ 

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Eat Well, Be Well

-Naturally Interview with Dr. Rina Granot, founder of Yad Labriut Health Center Dr. Rina Granot made aliyah from the United States 33 years ago. She lives in Bnei Brak, and divides her time between Yerushalayim and Bnei Brak. She has a PhD in natural medicine, a Masters degree in psychotherapy and coaching, and is also a licensed fitness and Pilates instructor. Fifteen years ago, Dr. Granot established Yad Labriut, a center for training professional Health coaches, and also for counseling private clients, and supporting the public to better health, naturally. Dr. Rina, tell us a bit about what you do. Clients come to counsel with me from all over the country about healthy, tasty, easy family nutrition and solutions for childhood and seasonal illnesses, such as digestive, respiratory or skin diseases. I also have years of expertise and experience with the whole spectrum of women’s issues, from pregnancy and nursing, through creating a vibrant middle-age and menopause. Overweight, lack of appetite, chronic fatigue or pain, and many other issues where spirit, mind and emotions may be influencing the physical bodily symptoms are my forte. I specialize in interpreting blood and lab tests, and offer natural solutions for people whose test results reflect sub-clinical or fullblown health problems - such as high/low blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides & cholesterol levels, or liver, kidney, immune system imbalance. What inspired you to establish Yad Labriut Health Center? There was so much demand for my services as a naturopath and health coach, I just wasn’t able to do it all on my own. Knowing this profession is an excellent source of parnassa, and also because of the flexible hours, I thought to myself, ‘Why aren’t there more frum people working in the field?’ A group of entrepreneurs in Bnei Brak helped me establish a center for professional training. That was 15 years ago. Now we have five courses in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak as well as an amazing home-study program, which reaches people all over the world, in Hebrew and English, and lots of working graduates influencing our community, B”H. What is the difference between a nutritionist, naturopath and health coach? Nutritionists must study four years in university, and be proficient in many facts and figures, including medicines that conventional doctors prescribe; it’s not an easy option for most religious women. A naturopath’s education, on the other hand, focuses on pre-

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vention, natural nutrition, healthy weight loss, herbs and natural methods of treatment. A health coach also focuses on the tools and steps for consistent, sustainable change in real life, including staying motivated while attaining your goals. Why is it so helpful to have a frum nutritionist or health coach? There are loads of advantages. A frum nutritionist can identify with your lifestyle. She knows all about large families, low budgets, too much good food on Shabbos and Yom Tov, as well as possible tznius issues with regards to exercising. It’s definitely important to have a health professional who understands all these details. Developing a healthy lifestyle requires working to uproot previous bad habits. A frum nutritionist understands that the basis for this is actually in the Torah – improving one’s middos. Does everyone need nutritional counseling? Most people have something about their health that warrants improvement, and we can help by illuminating the road to better health. I have accumulated a myriad of time and money-saving tips over many years of caring for my family naturally, many teaching hours, and many hours of work devoted to the health of our community. Countless well-meaning Moms have prepared brown rice for their family. Without knowing my tips, the rice is doomed for the trash, leaving in its wake a big anti-response against healthy grains in general. Had they spoken to me first, I would gladly have told them first to get the family used to brown rice in soup they love, or in a yummy stuffed pepper dish. That way the tastes and consistencies mingle, and the unfamiliar becomes similar to the known and loved until it “grows on their taste-buds.” Plus I’d have treated them to a delectable grain recipe that people gobble down and beg for seconds…Unfortunately, there is no second chance to make a first impression. Or to take that first trial bite… Please give us a success story. A family comes to mind where almost every family member desperately needed an individual program, and the pregnant Mom had no strength even to eat…a dangerous situation in itself. The father was barely home, totally stressed out, and had dangerously high blood sugar and fats. Some of the kids were overweight, others skinny, sickly, picky eaters. With great patience and attention to detail, we built an easy to follow plan which attended to the nutritional needs, schedules, budget requirements and likes and dislikes of the whole crew. Now, about eight years later, everybody’s health is fine, B”H, and the since-then married kids are devotedly raising their own families this way. My own family follows this path of health too and I find a tremendous source of nachas and gratitude in contributing to Am Yisrael through strengthening the Mitzvah of “Venishmartem me’od lenafshoteichem.” You can set up a face-to-face, phone or e-mail consultation with Dr. Rina Granot in Hebrew or English. Visit her website and sign up for a friendly, informative and practical bi-weekly newsletter. 

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Health & Wellness Doctors, Dentists & Eye Care

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Dr. Claude Hayat Periodontics 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Fruchter 02 536 2244 HEALTH Eliezer Rosenblum Chiropractor 052-662-4658 PlayAttention Solution for ADHD 054 794 3797 Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer 054 572 1651 Rochel Geller weight loss 02 992-1821 Reuven Rosenberg Chiropractor / Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Alternative Clinic 077-212-7567

Rochel Rubinoff Massage Therapist 054-3355-289 Dr. Tova Goldfine Chiropractor 052 420 1201 Donna Abrahams Craniosacral Therapy 054 648 0667 Michael Freedman Personal Trainer 054 843 9541 Gyrotonics Personal Training System 054 908 0886 Natan Feit Reflexology 053 763 4820 Shoshana Grotsky Lice Removal 050 207 1781 Michael Berezin Personal Trainer 054 625 0269

Gavriel Tornek Meditation 054 652 1770 Miriam Maslin Bioresonance Therapy 052-324-4604 Dr. Rina Granot Health & Nutrition 052 674 3838 Dr. Chaim Pinchuck Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 Sara Shaposhnik Energy Healer 050 229 2316 Jerry Hyman Personal Trainer 050 779 8886 Jordana Staiman Speech Therapy 053 311 3916 Kerry Bar Cohn Chiropractor 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Michael Portman Clinical Psycologist 052 269 4030 The Place Emotional Wellbeing Center 02 580 8788 Menachem Schloss NLP Therapist 054-743-8109 Minda Garr Holistic Psychotherapy 052 614 6932 Karen Rappaport Narrative Therapy 050 990 6368 Rachel Factor Anxiety Disorders 052 713 4130 Dr. Genstil Psychologist I EXPERT I 052 260 9087


Meuhedet’s Professionals Series:

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og T h e p r c t i ve . fe a and ef tor of in l direc a n d ic n ia d a ic e s m me phy al Ba rked lso the old age ho ere I a o Medic ed as a w s a w then li ER. I 0-bed Jewish h Africa. Th lden I qua frica and iatric d 50 Go out e A p d the “ Life.” nd l in S trics, e a a e ll t South it a s p c s b s o ic o m h d in New diatr ogra in pe ntly, I worke chiatry and started a pr ginning of a e e y s u B p q lf e - Th Subse icine, led ip myse Years l med to equ nd se� e a h a y interna logy in order ��oner. at Nev ade ali ac to 93, I m lly, I worked usalem derma s a family pr 9 1 In a ka e in Jer t. Ini� to wor in Efra n old-age hom ical director. r e med hts: ter tition cha, a Highlig fa m i l y p ra c e a rs . Sim I became the Medical Cen a y e Career r a t e d a s a fo r m a ny a r te d whe ted the Efra partner and e t c I work r i s w a n r t th Af ah, I s I s an America Betar. When er in Sou making aliy fe s s o r � h o r it p w o Clinic in t Shemesh, a a B e fo re a ny w i t h t w h o o l c a l l e d Meuhedet e ic for at B p sc o Ram euhedet Clin RBS te .” t u t d i a com business e t v s o e In a t re s s n d m rking in the M I opened th f ro m ra t e S a g e m e n t a , o o s r p w a r e o y “ T h e C st re s s m a n p ro g ra m s i n number of n t . a n a r c e i r e m e W Af manag South health mpanies in co l a rge

Family Medical Center with Dr. Shalhevet Roness. Dr. Roness is board cer�ed in family medicine and is a great asset to the RBS Medical Center.

What’s the focus of your Private Clinic? The focus of our clinic is to provide excellent medical care and service. The clinic is open for many hours: From 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays to Thursdays and on Fridays un�l 11 a.m. The walk-in clinic (appointments are not necessary), which operates from 8 to 9 a.m., is for urgent problems. We encourage con�nuing care with the same physician. However, we a�end to each other’s pa�ents when one doctor is away. Our secretaries and nurses complement our service by providing assistance in all areas. Prescrip�ons are prepared almost immediately; all phone calls are returned and we contact pa�ents with lab and x-ray results. We work closely with Meuhedet which collects our lab tests and provides the necessary documentation for hospitals or specialist services. Our sta� is both Hebrew and English-speaking so that all our pa�ents feel comfortable in our clinic. We spend �me with our Anglo pa�ents to facilitate their understanding of the Israeli health system.

What’s your approach to Family Medicine? We have a holis�c approach to medicine. We use natural approaches when they are appropriate. We do our utmost to follow up with pa�ents who are at home or even in the hospital. We call all pa�ents with signicant issues that require a�en�on or monitoring. In many cases, we treat the whole family. Awareness of the general family dynamic and any issues enables us to provide comprehensive medical care.

What’s the most challenging aspect of being a doctor? The most challenging aspect of being a doctor is keeping up with medical progress. Not only have modern technology and science resulted in constantly changing medical treatments and approaches but pa�ents have become very educated so that one has to keep ahead. This is both exci�ng and challenging.

What is the most saƟsfying aspect of medicine for you? Undoubtedly, the ability to help people. To diagnose an illness early and to ensure that the correct treatment is administered. To achieve this, one needs to keep up with modern medicine but also to daven for Hashem’s help every day.

Which Kupat Cholim is the largest that you work with and what are the advantages of that Kupa? Meuhedet is the largest Kupa that we work with and it is also the largest in Bet Shemesh. Due to its size, the services are superior. There are excellent specialists in all elds including ophthalmologists, neurologists, dermatologists, plas�c surgeons, surgeons and endocrinologists. Many of them are from the U.S., England, Australia and South Africa. There are excellent pediatricians and an outstanding women’s clinic with top-class gynecologists which provides a comprehensive service for women’s health including ultra sound, monitors, highly-trained nurses and many other

essen�al services for women. X-ray and ultra sound facili�es are readily available. There is an excellent physical therapy department. Meuhedet’s laboratory facility is outstanding and provides same-day results for most tests. Any urgent result will be a�ended to immediately by the lab and the doctor. There is also the most sophis�cated computer system for physicians. Preven�ve services, run by the nurses, are excellent and are of the highest quality, maybe in the world.

What are the three most important things people should do to look aŌer their health? Firstly, be sure to schedule �mely, preven�ve screening tests as this can save your life. Secondly, healthy nutri�on. Thirdly, exercise and stress management.

Tell us about AnƟ-Aging medicine. One of the highlights in my medical career has been comple�ng a fellowship in “an�-aging” medicine in the US. I now combine my exper�se in this with family prac�ce. I completed exams in “anti-aging” or “age management” medicine in the US three years ago. It has provided an extremely exciting and useful addition to my medical knowledge. The course is provided by top physicians in the US and this field of medicine is on the cutting edge. An�-aging medicine is based on evalua�ng and detec�ng areas of a pa�ent’s health which will contribute to the e�ects of aging or the beginnings of chronic illness. The physician can then ins�tute treatments early on that will strengthen the weak areas and thereby contribute to a longer disease-free life (b’ezrat Hashem). An�-aging makes an age print for each pa�ent and then provides solu�ons to prevent their par�cular weaknesses. We cover areas like balancing hormones with bio-iden�cal hormones (healthy hormones), preven�ng illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, GI problems, osteoporosis, e�ects of chronic stress and adrenal fa�gue. We provide the op�mal nutri�on and tness programs and work with a top nutri�onist and exercise coaches.

What are bio-idenƟcal hormones? These are natural hormones that have the iden�cal structure to human hormones. They are provided in the correct ra�os and amounts in order to gain posi�ve e�ects and prevent nega�ve e�ects. They have a major posi�ve e�ect on health and an�-aging.

What do you see as the future direcƟons in medicine? I think there will be many exci�ng innova�ons in the next decade or two. More specic treatments are being developed for cancer, and stem cell will be used to treat many degenera�ve condi�ons like Parkinson’s disease, heart disease and MS. I think many natural treatments will become part of the prescrip�on of most doctors. I think the family doctor will play an increasingly important role in managing peoples’ health. Finally, I wish everyone a healthy and successful new year. Clinic contact informaƟon: The clinic is located in the corner of Nachal Ayalon and Nachal Kishon in RBS A. People call us at 02-995-3330 or e-mail us at

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Interview with Shaul Baruch, M.D.

enior Attending Physician, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Bikur Cholim Branch; Director of Women’s Health Services, Kupat Cholim Leumit, Bet Shemesh and Beitar Ilit. Dr. Baruch, where are you from? I was born in Ramat Gan, Israel in 1966. I attended public school there, went through two wars and a very bad recession which eventually caused my family to move to Queens, New York. I was 15 years old when we moved to the U.S. and I must admit it was a very difficult experience for me. I spent 21 years in America and eventually made Aliyah in 2002 with my wife and 5 children.

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Which medical school did you attend? I attended undergraduate school at S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook and then went on to NYU Medical School in Manhattan, NY. It was during medical school that I was fortunate enough to discover what real Jewish Torah life is all about and marry my wonderful wife Michelle who was attending NYU Law School at the time. Where did you train? After medical school, Hashem guided me to an OB/GYN residency at Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola,

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NY. It was a relatively small hospital but had an excellent residency program with quite a large Obstetric and Gynecological surgery load. Although it was a very hard program to get into, I was accepted. I really feel that I was very welltrained in all aspects of OB/GYN there. Why did you choose to specialize in Obstetrics/Gynecology? At the end of medical school I was very confused which direction to follow since I really enjoyed most fields of medicine. I knew I wanted to be in a surgical specialty since I felt I had the interest, dedication and aptitude for it. But, I did not want to give up on the long-term doctor/patient relationship aspect of

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general medicine. Eventually I picked OB/GYN since it did involve a lot of surgical procedures, office medicine, general medicine, preventative care and the bonus of trying to help women bring healthy children into this world. Why did you come back to Israel? Excellent question! The first thing that comes to mind is temporary insanity. Seriously, though, I think we came because Hashem decided that we should be here. The reason why we thought about coming back to Israel is that we felt that it would be better to raise our children in Eretz Yisrael. We sensed many spiritual and material challenges to chinuch in America and thought that it would be better here. Also, after working as an attending senior physician in several hospitals in Queens and Long Island, in mostly non-Jewish areas, I realized that I had a very specific set of skills that could be put to better use serving Am Yisrael. I felt that it was strange to wind up becoming a religious gynecologist and that Hashem must have had a particular plan for me. Eventually, I came on a pilot trip to Israel to ask Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, if I should make Aliyah. The first thing he said to me when he found out that I was an OB/GYN was, “Come to Israel to take care of Jewish women.” I was shocked since I did not tell him about my own thoughts on the matter. I immediately called my wife in New York to confirm with her that we were making Aliyah. From that point on, everything connected to our leaving America happened in seemingly miraculous ways. We were even on Nefesh b’Nefesh’s pilot flight. But when I look back, everything was a “blur” until my family sat in a rented house in Ramat Bet Shemesh, looked at each other and said, “How did we get here?” After experiencing the typical difficulties of olim (social, professional, financial, educational), Baruch Hashem, everything eventually fell into place. Why did you choose to work with Kupat Cholim Leumit? After arriving in Israel, I worked for several kupot and after a few years

I realized that Kupat Cholim Leumit is extremely sensitive and attentive to the needs of the patients and the doctors alike. They are open to constructive criticism from the doctors to improve patient care and services and they try very hard to accommodate us and put our ideas into practice. Just as an example, the heads of Leumit allowed Dr. Efraim Rosenbaum and I to help design the new Leumit center on Nachal Tzeelim to improve the efficiency and privacy of the medical care given and increase patient comfort and satisfaction. Afterwards, we were told that they liked the design of the OB/GYN section so much that they are going to duplicate it now in other new Leumit centers. Also, the work environment in the Leumit centers is comfortable, friendly, professional, and, most importantly, there is a great effort to observe the workplace halachot and respect the modesty of the patients. Now I work exclusively for Kupat Cholim Leumit as the Director of Women’s Health Services in Bet Shemesh and Beitar Ilit. What’s your professional goal for the long term? It has always been my goal to make patients feel that their doctor really cares about their general health and particular medical issues. Practicing medicine in Israel requires a doctor to tailor his/ her skills to the cultural and religious sensitivities of each individual patient. I really try to relax my patients who are sometimes very intimidated by the Israeli healthcare system. Also, Bet Shemesh has a female population that is broadening in terms of age. Women at different stages of life have very different medical needs that need to be addressed. My long term professional goal as a physician and administrator for Leumit is to provide maximal care for the patients as close to home as possible. This achieves two major advantages. First, it saves the patients the serious inconvenience of traveling from place to place, and sometimes to other cities, to get the care they need. It also may save them needless hours of waiting in emergency

rooms just to be seen and sent home. Second, offering more services in the neighborhood kupot puts less of a stress on the whole medical system which eventually benefits the patient. I have made it a point to specialize in many diagnostic and curative procedures that are usually done in a hospital setting and instead bring them to the local office. Also, as an attending in Share Zedek hospital, I have learned over the years what constitutes a real obstetric emergency in which a hospital visit is required. When there is no true emergency, we can treat the patient safely and professionally either in the kupah or at home. Baruch Hashem we are now really progressing with Kupat Cholim Leumit to bring maximal patient care from the hospital closer to home. It is a long process that requires a drastic change in thinking for the Israeli system but I try my best to do just that and also train other doctors to do the same. B’Siyaata Dishmaya [with God’s help], we will succeed. Where do you see patients? I see patients in both Leumit centers in Ramat Bet Shemesh Aleph and in Beitar Ilit. I also see patients from other kupot privately in Ramat Bet Shemesh Aleph and at the Jerusalem Medical Center on Diskin St. in Rechavia. I also work for Shaare Zedek Hospital (Bikur Cholim Branch) where I deliver babies (for the public and privately) and at Asuta medical centers where I perform GYN and Urogyn surgeries. Leumit Health Services is proud of its phenomenal OB/GYN services under the direction of Dr. Shaul Baruch. Services include clinics dedicated to, high risk ob, diabetes in pregnancy, urogynecology, infertility, menopause and ob/gyn alternative medicine under the direction of Anat Palmon, specialist in Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Leumit is the ONLY kupa offering x-rays on site, TWO primary care offices in RBS Aleph, urgent care hours on Saturday night and much more. For more information, please call Rivka at 050-995-5148, or visit our website at  Health & Wellness GUIDE 95 BIZNESS MAGAZINE • 43

Dr. Robert Cohen -

When should you

consult an allergist?

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Health & Wellness GUIDE 96  

                                                                             

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Health & Wellness I Dentistry I Expert

A Smile is Worth a Thousand Words!


By Dr. David Schlussel, DDS

hen I was younger, my brother had a sign hanging in our bedroom that read: “One Good Fist is Worth a Thousand Words.” As kids growing up, we thought that was very funny. Then I grew up, became a dentist, and my attitude to effective communication changed. I realized that you can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. A warm, welcoming smile is worth so much more than a forceful hand. As the saying goes: “Smile and the whole world smiles with you.” In the words of the famous Phyllis Diller: “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” Your smile can change your attitude and help you appreciate what you’ve been given in life. Dr. Seuss said: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” While they say: “The eyes are the window to the soul,” I believe the same is true about a smile. A smile is your unique signature or business card. That’s why I tell my kids, “When you meet someone, greet them with a smile

and you will make a great first impression!” A first impression is one that sticks in your mind. Before people even say a word, if and how they smile speaks volumes. They could be in a good mood or a bad mood; they could be happy to meet you or could not care less. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Schlussel maintains the highest levels of accreditation and pursues ongoing education to stay abreast of the latest dentistry trends. Dr. Schlussel’s professional associations include the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Dental Association and the New York State Dental Association.

Rechavia Dental can be reached at 02-561-9770 or through their website


They could be brimming with self-confidence or they could be very self-conscious. Patients often request some work to enhance their smile. From simple tooth whitening to an advanced, complete makeover. The patient pictured on the bottom of the page (1 - before and after) told me that she hates her teeth. Whenever she smiled, she covered her mouth to hide them. She had a very lively personality but was was insecure about her smile. Once I completed her makeover, she could not stop smiling and showing her friends her improved appearance. The change doesn’t have to be as drastic. A high school senior complained that her teeth were yellow. Other than the color issue, her teeth were well shaped and positioned. After whitening, she was so happy she almost did cartwheels out of my office. For years after that, she couldn’t stop thanking me. The woman pictured on the bottom of the page (2 - before and after) had a combination of implants, crowns and bonding, none of which was to her liking. She was tired of going from

I ask my patients, 'If there is something you would like to improve about your smile, what would it be?' It’s amazing how many different answers I get. one dentist to another, looking for someone to bring back her youthful smile. After careful planning and meticulous attention to detail, I was able to do what was needed. She looked in the mirror, then looked at me and said “finally!” I ask my patients, “If there is something you would like to improve about your smile, what would it be?” It's amazing how many different answers I get. What would you like to change? Give us a call and find out how we can give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

2 Before



After Health & Wellness GUIDE


Welcome to the Rechavia Dental Center in Jerusalem Our dedicated staff makes every effort to background information and the patient’s provide patients with the highest quality dental history are taken. and most advanced dental care available. Our treatments range from veneers to The practice’s goal is to deliver dental whitening to oral surgery. We are also the care to patients in a comfortable and only Israeli practice to use the innovative friendly environment. We also see it as our LANAP technology for treatment of responsibility to thoroughly educate our periodontitis. patients, so that the choices they make regarding their dental care will be based The Rechavia Dental Center – located in the on having a thorough understanding of heart of Israel’s capital – staff is comprised of two highly qualified Jerusalem dentists their various options for treatment. (both of whom are American dentists We believe it is crucial for our patients to now practicing in Jerusalem), as well as feel comfortable with their doctors, and professional dental hygienists and dental we encourage each patient to get to know assistants. their dentist at the very first meeting when Š‡–Š‡” ›‘— Â?‡‡† ƒ •‹Â?’Ž‡ …Ž‡ƒÂ?‹Â?‰ ‘” ƒ …‘Â?’Ž‡š †‡Â?–ƒŽ ’”‘…‡†—”‡ǥ RECHAVIA DENTAL CENTER JERUSALEM ‹• ”‡ƒ†› –‘ ’”‘˜‹†‡ –Š‡ ˆ—ŽŽ ‰ƒÂ?—– ‘ˆ Â?‡†‹…ƒŽ …ƒ”‡ –‘ ‘—” ’ƒ–‹‡Â?–•Ǥ ƒ–‹‡Â?–• …ƒÂ? ”‡•– ƒ••—”‡† –Šƒ– Â?‘ Â?ƒ––‡” ™Šƒ– –›’‡ ‘ˆ …ƒ”‡ –Š‡› ”‡“—‹”‡ǥ ‹– ™‹ŽŽ „‡ †‡Ž‹˜‡”‡† ™‹–Š ’”‘ˆ‡••‹‘Â?ƒŽ‹•Â? —•‹Â?‰ –Š‡ Žƒ–‡•– –‡…ŠÂ?‹“—‡• –‘ ƒ…Š‹‡˜‡ –Š‡ „‡•– ’‘••‹„Ž‡ ”‡•—Ž–•Ǥ Š‡ ’ƒ–‹‡Â?–ǯ• …‘Â?ˆ‘”– ƒÂ?† —Â?†‡”•–ƒÂ?†‹Â?‰ ‹• ƒŽ™ƒ›• ƒ– –Š‡ ˆ‘”‡ˆ”‘Â?– ‘ˆ ‘—” …‘Â?…‡”Â?•Ǥ


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Dr. Kaszovitz’s commitment to excellence and continuing education represents a primary focus of his practice. This level of commitment begins with extensive training. Dr. Kaszovitz graduated from New York University (NYU) dental school in 1996. He then completed a two-year residency in dental and oral surgery at Brookdale University Medical Hospital and earned his fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. Kaszovitz completed a one-year joint NYU-Brookdale hospital program in implantology, as well as traveling overseas to complete the “All on Four” certification course (otherwise known as Teeth in a Day) in Lisbon. He continues to take courses regularly to improve his expertise in both general and specialized areas of dentistry, including aesthetic dentistry. Above all, Dr. Kaszovitz places the needs of each patient as his highest priority. His commitment to caring and quality care is at the heart of the Rechavia Dental Center experience. Dr. Eliyahu Gherman has been creating beautiful smiles over the past 13 years. He received his bachelors of science degree at Yeshiva University, and he went on to complete his dental training at New York University College of Dentistry. While at NYUCD, Dr. Gherman was the first ever to receive a special grant from the United States Government to conduct research at the National Institute of Dental Research in Bethesda, Maryland! Please feel free to ask him about his experiences working side by side with NASA researchers. Dr. Gherman then completed his residency in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at Montefiore Medical Center.

Daniel Kaszovitz DDS, FAGD

Dr. Gherman was honored to be granted a special award by the American Association of Orthodontists for his achievements in helping to further the science of orthodontics. As an active member of the American Association of Orthodontists and numerous study clubs, he continuously stays up to date with all the latest technology. After all, an Orthodontist can only provide the best service for his patients if he keep up to date with the newest procedures! As much as orthodontics is a science, Dr. Gherman knows that it is also an art. “Serving my patients takes serenity, care and alot of heart. I have the education, training and technical knowledge to provide you with a great smile, but just as importantly, I strive to give each patient personal attention to make them feel at home.”

Eliyahu Gherman, DDS

Dr. Schlussel maintains the highest levels of accreditation and pursues ongoing education to stay abreast of the latest dentistry trends. Dr. Schlussel is highly skilled, has advanced training, and enjoys coming to work every day. He cares about each and every patient, and takes the time to educate and treat them to achieve optimal dental health. Dr. Schlussel’s professional associations include the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Dental Association and the New York State Dental Association.

David K. Schlussel, DDS 15 IBN GEVIROL STREET, JERUSALEM TEL: 02ǧ561ǧ9770 02ǧ561ǧ9780

Dr. Daniel Fruchter, DMD

Implant, Cosmetic & Family Dentistry

Comprehensive & Quality DENTAL CARE

Welcoming New Patients

Professional | Gentle |

Experienced with Dental Anxiety | Implants

Full Mouth Reconstruction Aesthetic Crowns |

| Laser Dentistry | Root Canals | Veneers

White Fillings | Teeth Whitening | Emergencies

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Health & Wellness I Dentistry I Expert

Quick Braces Patients often require a correction of small problems in their smile in a very short time frame. Is it possible to move teeth in one hour and make them stay that way? Actually sometimes it is! Let me explain…

By Eliyahu Gherman DDS



t happens all the time… A patient comes in, a week before the wedding, and says “Doc, can you fix my teeth?” Most of the time the answer is no, teeth take a long time to move; however, there are times when a small problem in the patient’s smile can be corrected in a very short period of time. For example, a space between the teeth or a tooth that sticks out can be fixed within a couple of months, weeks and, yes, even one hour! How is that possible? Let me explain… When I was in my orthodontic post-graduate program at Montefiore Medical Center, one of my teachers, Dr. Shelton, patented a method called “Fingerdontics.” Besides being a high-end Manhattan orthodontist, Dr. Shelton was also a professional jazz flutist and naturally a very patient man; for Fingerdontics you need a lot of patience. (First a warning: Do not try this at home as you may damage your teeth.) Dr. Shelton would gently lean his finger on a tooth, while explaining that teeth are actually joints. The tooth sits in a socket of bone, surrounded by connective fibers. These fibers

Dr. Gherman has been creating beautiful smiles over the past 16 years. He received his dental training at New York University College of Dentistry. Dr. Gherman was granted a special award by the American Association of Orthodontists for his achievements in helping to further the science of orthodontics. As an active member of the American Association of Orthodontists and numerous study clubs, he continuously stays up to date with all the latest technology. Rechavia Dental Center is a full service American dental and orthodontic clinic in Jerusalem. Rechavia Dental can be reached at 02-561-9770 or through their website

can stretch, so after just a short time the tooth will visibly move. After his “show and tell,” he would leave the room and within seconds the tooth would move back out of place! We all learned the lesson; the problem with “Fingerdontics” is that the same fibers that stretched and allowed for the tooth to move will then return to their original shape and bring the tooth back with them. This is what orthodontists call “tooth memory.” One way to reset tooth memory is through the normal course of orthodonture. This allows enough time for the fibers to take to the new position. The other way is to place a fixed or permanent retainer after the teeth are moved. So how is it possible to move teeth in one hour and make them stay that way? We place a fixed retainer on the back of the teeth. I use a small and sleek fixed retainer and coat it with a very smooth material. Patients are very happy because the fixed retainer is comfortable and avoids the need to wear a removable retainer full-time. I’ve also modified Dr. Shelton’s Fingerdontic method, since I have rachmanus on my patients and on my finger, and instead use a couple of braces to accomplish the same thing. To sum up: We often can correct minor spacing or tooth misalignment in one hour with some braces and a fixed retainer. So when you have an important business meeting tomorrow but fear you will look like Nanny McPhee… Or if you’re afraid your date tonight might call you Sponge Bob, it can’t hurt to give us a call. You have more than enough time! Quick braces! Please note: We don’t recommend waiting untill the last minute for orthodontic therapy. If there’s something in your smile that you want to correct, come in for a consultation as soon as possible.






It was only a couple of weeks before my engagement party and I had a large unsightly space between my teeth. The amazing and caring team of dentists at Rechavia Dental Center met to determine the best way to solve my predicament: To close the gap before the party. They determined that bonding the tooth would not be an option as the tooth would look too large. The best plan was to move the tooth orthodontically. Braces?! Wouldn’t that take at least 6 months? I didn’t imagine that within 2 days Dr. Gherman could fix my smile! Thank you Dr. Kaszovitz, Dr. Schlussel and Dr. Gherman, for your care and expertise, and for the amazing smile I will have at my engagement party and wedding.” Health & Wellness GUIDE


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Health & Wellness I Dentistry I Expert

Repair or Remodel? The best way to achieve the perfect smile


ver the years people do a lot of quick patch up jobs in their homes. For instance, when your kitchen countertop cracks you fill it in and when your cabinet starts coming away from the wall you put in additional screws to hold it up. As the patches and fixes add up, what was once a house by design has become a patchwork of temporary fixes. Over time the question of repair or remodel becomes more relevant.

By Dr. Daniel Kaszovitz DDS, FAGD “Repair or remodel?” isn’t just a question about home décor, however. Surprising as it may seem, it can also be a question for your dentist. Over the years most people get cavities or have teeth wear down unevenly. While a competent dentist can take care of different dental problems as they occur, after a few decades the patient may be left with a mouthful of teeth that are not harmonious. They don’t look like they belong in the same mouth, and often no longer follow the natural lines of the smile. The most common cause is years of patchwork tooth repair. Each time the dentist fills a tooth or places a crown he matches the size and color of the repaired tooth to the adjacent teeth. However, as other teeth continue to wear down and change color over the ensuing years, the patient may ultimately wind up with a mouthful of teeth of various colors and heights. What was once a beautiful harmonious smile may now be uneven and unbalanced. Another common problem occurs when one is missing a tooth for an extended period of time and the opposing or adjacent tooth drifts to partially close in the space. When the dentist puts in a new tooth, he will fit it to the size of the smaller opening. Over time this can lead to a roller coaster type of bite where the teeth do not follow the smile line but ride up and down across the jaw. An uneven bite can also occur when tooth enamel erodes. Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, much harder

than bone, and seven times harder than the underlying dentin. Once the enamel has been worn down, the softer dentin will wear down much faster. Since the dentin is the inner layer which protects the nerves, it is important to make sure to treat the condition before it progresses too far. Look at your mouth in the mirror. If you see small yellow circles on the edges of the chewing surfaces of your teeth you have already worn ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Kaszovitz graduated from New York University (NYU) Dental School in 1996. He then completed a two-year residency in dental and oral surgery at Brookdale University Medical Hospital and earned his fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. Kaszovitz completed a one-year joint NYU-Brookdale hospital program in implantology, as well as traveling overseas to complete the “All on Four” certification course in Lisbon. He continues to take courses regularly to improve his expertise in both general and specialized areas of dentistry, including aesthetic dentistry. Rechavia Dental Center is a full service American dental and orthodontic clinic in Jerusalem. Rechavia Dental can be reached at 02-561-9770 or through their website

through your enamel and, if you notice it on one tooth, there are probably others like it that you may not be able to see. Porcelain or other modern materials like zirconium that not only mimic the look of, but are actually harder than enamel, are used in making the crowns to replace the enamel and protect the remaining dentin and nerves. The length of your teeth also determines the height of your face. Over the years, as the teeth become shorter through wear, the face can also become shorter and wrinkles become more pronounced. In severe cases people no longer show any top teeth when they talk, giving the impression that they are missing teeth. Restoring the teeth to their original height can make for a more youthful and healthy smile. An additional benefit is that as the face is restored to its proper height, facial lines may smooth out slightly. If you are concerned about your smile or bite, it may be time for you to consider remodeling. Today’s cutting-edge equipment and techniques offer many options for dental restoration and remodeling. In addition, patients who have been previously told that they do not have enough bone for an implant can now take advantage of new methods of placing implants. These new procedures are often quicker and less invasive then those of the past. After a thorough exam, including digital x-rays and a functional and aesthetic analysis, your dentist should be able to offer a variety of solutions for your particular dental concerns and help you choose those that best suit your needs and desires. Health & Wellness GUIDE


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Low friction, low force Less need for extractions Faster, more comfortable treatment Low prices and easy payment plans Non-surgical jaw alignment allows for complete bite correction, without surgery and without compromise! If you need your teeth straightening, your bite correcting or simply want that smile you always dreamed of then call 02-9924267 (RBS) 02-5004856 (Ganei Geula) 02-5711624 (Ramat Shlomo) and book a consultation with Dr. Links

Unlike with skin exposure to the sun, there is no positive benefit to the exposure of the eyes to the sun and to ultraviolet light (UV). In fact, the opposite is true. Many eye diseases are related to exposure to UV light. Exposure to UV light can be dangerous to the same extent during all of the seasons of the year. That is why protection of the eyes is necessary all day, every day. What is UV light? Ultraviolet light is a component of sunlight which can be divided into UVB, UVA or UVC rays, according to the length of their waves. The shorter the wave, the greater energy level and thus the greater the potential damage that can be caused to the eyes by excessive exposure. UVA rays are the longest UV rays. They are responsible for tanning and are connected to the early aging of the skin. UVB rays cause sunburn and are associated, in many cases, to skin cancer and to eye problems such as cataracts. UVC rays are the shortest rays and they are the most dangerous. Luckily, they are blocked by the ozone layer in the atmosphere and do not reach the surface of Planet Earth. Many studies have shown a direct link between extended exposure to UV light and many eye diseases. The most well-known and widespread diseases in the modern world are AMD-Age Macular Degeneration. In this disease there is a gradual degeneration in the progression of the typical characteristics of the retina and this is a reason, as stated previously, for common blindness in the modern world. As of this writing, a cure for common blindness has still not been found although a few vitamins can slow down its development. Cataracts (cloudiness in the lenses) is another eye disease that is most commonly found in the elderly. This disease also develops faster among people who are exposed to UB light in a more significant way. An additional phenomenon, which is known as a definite sign of long-term exposure to the sun, is Pinguecula. This phenomenon begins as a growth of the connecting tissue in the white part of the eye, usually on the nasal side of the eye. It appears as a reddish area that darkens with time and spreads. It can turn into a Ptergium which is on the cornea, together with the blood vessels, and blocks the field of vision. The best thing to do is to protect oneself against the UV light is either through the aid of eyeglass lenses that block them and with the aid of quality optic sunglasses which filter UV light in the most effective manner. For those who wear contact lenses, there are also very good solutions. Today, one can find contact lenses from leading companies which filter out the UV light. The shape of the eye socket and the eyebrow provide a certain amount of anatomic protection from direct ultraviolet light. In & Wellness GUIDE 10638 •Health AUGUST 2014

The Danger in Exposing Eyes to the Sun BY ODED SHACHOR

glaring sunlight, the exposure is reduced even more by the squinting of the eyes. But, it has been proven that the reflected light can still hit the eye sockets and the anatomical shape of the eye and its surroundings turn the eyes into becoming especially sensitive to the scattered sources or the reflection of ultra violet light. It has been experimentally proven that the use of a broad brimmed hat can reduce the eye exposure to ultraviolet light by up to four per cent. The use of quality sunglasses can bring about a reduction in exposure to 40% thereby reducing the danger of eye disease— specifically cataracts. UV protection is especially important for children and teenagers as their pupils grow larger and their lenses are clearer than those of adults. Therefore, their eyes are exposed more to the UV light. In addition, they usually spend a lot more time outside in the sun and have a tendency to use sunglasses much less frequently than adults. In summary: In order to protect the health of your eyes and that of your family, you must make sure that the eyes are not exposed to sunlight in an uncontrolled manner. Make sure that you have filtering sun classes or eyeglass lenses or contact lenses with a high degree of filtering for UB light. You can contact Einit for further information: Jerusalem | Yeshayahu 2 | 02-5002050 Ramat Bet Shemesh | Nachal Zohar 10 | 02-991811. 

Bizness Magazine

02 999 3939


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The Highest Level of

Optometric Eye Care Interview with Erez Elbaz from Erez Optic Tell us the story behind Erez Optic? I have worked as an optometrist in a number of stores and clinics over the years and I have seen amazing optic stores in my travels abroad. What we have here in Israel are optic stores that look desolate or stores that work on fashion only. What we lacked, I realized, is a place that combined the highest level of optometric professionalism with the most updated eyewear and sunglass collection from the world’s leading designers as is acceptable worldwide. What types of products do you offer? We handpick the most fashionable eyewear and sunglasses from the most renowned designers, updating the collection a few times every year. Our leading brands include Miu Miu, Dior, Prada and Tiffany & Co., to name a few and some exclusive brands such as Ron Arad, Mykita and a few others. We offer prescription lenses from leading manufacturers such as Rodenstock, Essilor and Zeiss. We also offer quality contact lenses by noted brands, like Johnson & Johnson and Ciba Vision. Who is your typical customer? We cater to customers who don’t only regard glasses as a vision aid but as a means to bring out their personality and sense of fashion. Our customers expect the highest quality of frames and lenses together with the highest level of optometric eye care at a reasonable and realistic price. To what do you attribute your success? I owe my success to great customer service on a very personal level, regularly updated quality products and finally keeping updated on the professional level. How important is your location? Our store is located at the heart of Jerusalem, in the middle of the well-known street of Ben Yehuda. It is easily accessible by public transportation. There are also parking lots in the immediate area of the store. Moreover, our location allows us to cater to different customers; locals, passers-by and tourists. I saw a unique glasses collection in your store; how do you select your products? We handpick every single frame, taking into consideration & Wellness GUIDE 10828 •Health JUNE 2013

Bizness Magazine

the latest fashion trends, the quality and durability of the materials and the optical and ergonomic aspects. How do you differ from other optical stores and boutiques? Ours is the only store in Jerusalem which has a specialized kids’ section, aptly named Erez Optic Kids. Erez Optic Kids caters to children from the age of 3 months till the early teens. We work closely with eye doctors from Hadassah Ein Kerem. The Kids’ section holds over 200 fashionable eyeglasses and sunglasses specifically designed for children and infants. Eye exams for children are done by an experienced pediatric optometrist, who is also a clinical supervisor and faculty member at Hadassah College of Optometry, Jerusalem. Our staff consists of three optometrists, who cover the areas of pediatrics, contact lenses and advanced optometric solutions. The salespersons on our staff are also optometry students. We do work with reputed eye doctors and eye care institutions including Kupat Holim Meuhedet. How far do people travel from to come to your store? We have clients from all parts of Jerusalem, from Tel Aviv and adjacent cities and from Be’er Sheva and the surrounding areas. We also have loyal customers from abroad, namely from the US, Canada, Brazil and Venezuela, who visit Israel a few times every year, and who gladly pay us a visit every time they are in Jerusalem. A close friend of mine who is a sophisticated buyer told me he only buys at your store due to quality and service. What can you add to that? We highly value such customers, and we are very thankful to have them. People who value fashion and first-class service are our target clientele. Erez Optic is located on 7 Ben Yehuda St. Jerusalem. Tel: 02 624 2777. Internet site: 

02 999 3939

Vision Therapy

What is It and Who is It Good For?

Vision Therapy (Mikud Mikud Re’iya – ) is like physical therapy for the visual system, the eyes and parts of the brain that control vision. (Of the 12 basic nerves in the brain stem, SIX are directed to the eyes.) When a child has difficulty converging his eyes, accommodating and fixating properly, Vision Therapy (VT) can help. Through VT, the therapist can help teach the eyes to work more efficiently. VT utilizes lenses, prisms, filters, computerized and manual instruments. Tools such as balance boards, metronomes, etc. can also play an important role in a customized VT program. VT is not defined by a simple list of tools and techniques. Successful VT outcomes are achieved through a therapeutic process relying on the active engagement of the optometrist and/or the vision therapist, the patient and, in the case of children, their parents. The therapist provides a set of exercises to be practiced during frontal meetings and home “work”. Why would a VT Specialist be consulted? A VT consultation would be indicated when a child experiences difficulty reading, has a hard time concentrating on “near” work (up close), avoids reading altogether or is uncharacteristically unsuccessful in school. Does this apply to children who have never read before? No. Most children have acquired the phonetic basics of reading by first grade. When they reach second and third grade, where the reading demands increase, problems could appear, such as difficulties in reading comprehension, loss of place while reading or avoiding reading altogether. What is the VT evaluation and treatment process?

First, a thorough examination (testing ocular refraction, binocular skills, ocularmotor skills and visual-perception skills) is performed to try and pinpoint the problem. If a problem is found, a specialized and individual program will be created. The process usually requires 10-15 weekly sessions, where the child is taught skills and techniques using various rules and tools. Just as in speech and occupational therapy, much of the work is done at home with the guidance of the parents, requiring about 10 minutes of exercises a day. What other common problems can be treated by VT? Lazy eyes (amblyopia), crossed-eyes (strabismus) and perceptual skills can be treated successfully by VT. Some of these conditions may require more extensive treatment and, in some cases, surgery. An example of a situation where VT is effective: The mother of a fourth-grade boy reported her child’s reading difficulties, including reading avoidance, losing track while reading and lack of reading comprehension. The teacher diagnosed his reading at a second-grade level. The child was diagnosed with convergence insufficiency and ocular-motor dysfunction. A customized treatment plan was developed: Weekly visits (45 minutes each) to our clinic, home “work” consisting of specially designed exercises for 10 minutes, five times a week. During the sixth week, the mother reported that her son went to the library – on his own initiative (!) – took out a book, and spent an entire afternoon reading. Beforehand, just doing homework had been a struggle, not to mention reading for fun. Does VT only affect children?

This can be answered with the following example: A 37-year old mother of five came to us because she had difficulty working on puzzles or playing board games with her children because of double vision. She couldn’t even read to them. After seven sessions, she learned to control her crossed-eyes. She had suffered from this problem her entire life, but had never received appropriate treatment. What qualifications does a VT specialist need? A qualified VT specialist must complete (at least) a Bachelor’s degree in Optometry and pass the exam given by the Ministry of Health. It is also important to have access to all the special equipment needed to diagnose and treat VT. About the Author: Nechama Factor holds a Masters degree in Optometry (M.Op.), has completed a two-year course in Special-Ed. ) at the Michlala, Jerusa( lem and has been certified by the Ministry of Health. For the past several years, Ms. Factor has served as an instructor in Refraction and VT clinics as well as the Director of the External Clinics at the Hadassah College, where, as part of the curriculum, students go to schools and old-age homes to perform visual screening. Nechama Factor’s Vision Center has the designated equipment used to diagnose and treat VT-related conditions.  For an appointment at the Vision Center, call 052-613-6664. Health & Wellness GUIDE


109 •15

Interview with

Oded Shachor from Einit

A new spirit in optometry & fashion                                                                         Health & Wellness GUIDE  110 

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                                                                                                                                                             

Bizness Magazine

02 999 3939

Einit’s New Look Einit invites you to meet with our professional staff and to take a look at our large variety of brand name eyewear in our updated and spacious store. For your convenience, we have two separate upgraded areas for adults and for children.

We’ll be happy to see you!

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The most advanced equipment

Certified optometrists

On-site lab in each store

Jerusalem Yeshayahu 2, Tel: 02-5002050; Kenyon Rav Shefa, Shamgar 16, Tel: 072-2750706 Bnei Brak (new address) Landau 4, Tel: 1-700-70-66-61 | Beit Shemesh Nahal Zohar 10, Tel: 02-9918111 Elad Rimon Center (Reisdor), Tel: 03-9063333 | Beitar Illit Haran 9, Tel: 02-5800884

Super-Pharm’s Professional Optical Network

The Sale that will Complete Your Look

2 pairs of glasses for Includes contact lenses and anti-glare coating

Super-Pharm, Big Fashion Mall, Bet Shemesh Tel 077-8880930 Only qualified optometrists. 100% money back guarantee in case of no adjustment.








Health& &Massage Wellness Spa

DENTISTRY Rechavia Dental Center I EXPERT I 02-561-9770 Dr. Mitchell Rudy 052 339 2131 Dr. Ari Stern 02 999 6046 Dr. Chaim Lewitan 052 761 5359 Dr. Mark Lewitan 02 995 2707 Dr. Links - Dr. Garalnick 02 992 4267 Dr. Chaim Eliezer Jacober 02 999 7479 Dr. Edo Lavi 02 992 3363 Dr. Jacki Glassman 02 566 9061 Dr. Yoav Orbach 02 545 5603

Dr. Claude Hayat Periodontics 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Fruchter 02 536 2244 HEALTH Eliezer Rosenblum Chiropractor 052-662-4658 PlayAttention Solution for ADHD 054 794 3797 Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer 054 572 1651 Rochel Geller weight loss 02 992-1821 Reuven Rosenberg Chiropractor / Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Alternative Clinic 077-212-7567



Rochel Rubinoff Massage Therapist 054-3355-289 Dr. Tova Goldfine Chiropractor 052 420 1201 Donna Abrahams Craniosacral Therapy 054 648 0667 Michael Freedman Personal Trainer 054 843 9541 Gyrotonics Personal Training System 054 908 0886 Natan Feit Reflexology 053 763 4820 Shoshana Grotsky Lice Removal 050 207 1781 Michael Berezin Personal Trainer 054 625 0269



Gavriel Tornek Meditation 054 652 1770 Miriam Maslin Bioresonance Therapy 052-324-4604 Dr. Rina Granot Health & Nutrition 052 674 3838 Dr. Chaim Pinchuck Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 Sara Shaposhnik Energy Healer 050 229 2316 Jerry Hyman Personal Trainer 050 779 8886 Jordana Staiman Speech Therapy 053 311 3916 Kerry Bar Cohn Chiropractor 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Michael Portman Clinical Psycologist 052 269 4030 The Place Emotional Wellbeing Center 02 580 8788 Menachem Schloss NLP Therapist 054-743-8109 Minda Garr Holistic Psychotherapy 052 614 6932 Karen Rappaport Narrative Therapy 050 990 6368 Rachel Factor Anxiety Disorders 052 713 4130 Dr. Genstil Psychologist I EXPERT I 052 260 9087


114  Health & Wellness GUIDE

Health & Wellness GUIDE



Massage Therapy                                                                                                                                                   Health & Wellness GUIDE 116 

Interview with Avi Pollack                                                                                                                    

                                                                                                                                            

Tell Avi Pollack you read his interview in Bizness Magazine

– New Biz on the Block

Jolie Femme By Helena Topf

AS I ENTERED the new upscale salon on Park Center, I immediately thought of the men’s morning blessing “that He did not make me a woman.” ”Hmm… their loss,” I grinned. Ketzia Mizrachi, the owner, greeted me warmly and I began asking her a few questions.

1. What services do you provide?

My spa offers all beauty and aesthetics treatments: facials, professional make up, massages, pedicure and manicure, gel nails and ear piercing.

2. What kind of aesthetics certificate do you have? Where did you get it?

I’ve been working about 8 years. I have international certifications from the leading companies in this field: Depilev, Gigi... In my eyes it is most important to combine knowledge and experience and, B”H, I have gained a lot of experience in Israel and in the US, where I worked for about four years in a spa named Jolie Femme.

3. What made aesthetics?






From a young age I loved personal care and aesthetics. It’s a subject I feel very connected to. I make sure to be up to date with the newest innovations in the field. Additionally I like working with little things that are very exact, and in aesthetics, aspiring to maximal accuracy is what makes the difference between a good treatment and an excellent one.

4. Why did you choose this location? Park Center is a new shopping center in the

Rama with easy access. It is well kept and the atmosphere is relaxed. This goes well with the treatments given in the spa. The central location of the center allows the local residents to integrate personal care into their busy daily schedules.

5. What do you like most about your job?

My favorite part of the job is the client’s smile at the end of a treatment. She is more relaxed and confident and I am happy to have a part in that.

6. How do you deal with a dissatisfied customer?

There’s a joke that says: “In business there are two rules; 1. The customer is always right. 2. Even when the customer is wrong, he’s right.” I will do anything to give my customers a good feeling. If they were dissatisfied, I would listen to their claim, compensate accordingly and infer conclusions for the future.

7. What’s your goal for the next 2-3 years?

To widen my circle of clients and turn the spa into a place where women can meet, be pampered and nurture themselves in their free time. I hope to increase the variety of treatments available and add laser hair removal. I will strive to continue to give excellent service to my customers. 

Tohar Spa

Perfect year round complex for the ideal, one hour or one day getaway… and it’s just around the corner!

Interview with Shoshi Greenfeld Shoshi, how did you come up with the idea of this lovely spa? I am by profession a cosmetician and a masseuse. I have already been working in this field for ten years. I have wanted to open up a spa apart from my Cosmetic Institute for many years. I asked around, I investigated and I received a lot of warm reactions from my clientele who spoke of the difficulty and the obstacles in the religious world to be pampered at other spa institutes due to the lack of separation between men and women and other problems of modesty. Who is the spa for? For people who are looking for real serenity, pampering and a time out and those who love to pamper and be pampered in a quiet pastoral place. What types of treatments are available at Tohar? There are a variety of massages, hot stones and other spa devices such as a Jacuzzi and a sauna. There are cosmetic treatments for women, face treatments, para-medical treatments, anti-aging treatments, treatments for acne and waxing and medical pedicures and manicures. How does the spa accommodate the religious community? The spa is aimed at the religious community -- married couples or men separately and women separately. Of course there are separate treatment rooms. There are male caregivers for & Wellness GUIDE 11844•Health APRIL 2013

the men and female caregivers for the women. The rooms are rented privately and personally. Is it possible to celebrate a birthday or anniversary or just to give a gift to someone you love? For sure. There are special packages and pampering presents for special events such as these. Do people have to reserve a spot or make an appointment or they can just show up? Reservations for the spa and the Cosmetic Institute should be made by telephone in advance. How much time do people spend at the spa? It depends on the type of treatment beginning with a number of minutes

Bizness Magazine

and ending with a number of hours. Describe how people feel after their visit. Relaxed, calm and refreshed with renewed strength and new positive energy and with a taste for more. Where is the spa located? In a green pastoral corner in Moshav Zanoach which is attached to Bet Shemesh. What are the spa hours? The Tohar Spa is open to serve you from morning to night, of course with advance notice. How can people make reservations or find out more information? You can contact us by phone at 02999-9902 or through our website at 

02 999 3939






Hospitals & first aid




Health & Wellness Hospitals & First Aid

DENTISTRY Rechavia Dental Center I EXPERT I 02-561-9770 Dr. Mitchell Rudy 052 339 2131 Dr. Ari Stern 02 999 6046 Dr. Chaim Lewitan 052 761 5359 Dr. Mark Lewitan 02 995 2707 Dr. Links - Dr. Garalnick 02 992 4267 Dr. Chaim Eliezer Jacober 02 999 7479 Dr. Edo Lavi 02 992 3363 Dr. Jacki Glassman 02 566 9061 Dr. Yoav Orbach 02 545 5603

Dr. Claude Hayat Periodontics 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Fruchter 02 536 2244 HEALTH Eliezer Rosenblum Chiropractor 052-662-4658 PlayAttention Solution for ADHD 054 794 3797 Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer 054 572 1651 Rochel Geller weight loss 02 992-1821 Reuven Rosenberg Chiropractor / Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Alternative Clinic 077-212-7567

Rochel Rubinoff Massage Therapist 054-3355-289 Dr. Tova Goldfine Chiropractor 052 420 1201 Donna Abrahams Craniosacral Therapy 054 648 0667 Michael Freedman Personal Trainer 054 843 9541 Gyrotonics Personal Training System 054 908 0886 Natan Feit Reflexology 053 763 4820 Shoshana Grotsky Lice Removal 050 207 1781 Michael Berezin Personal Trainer 054 625 0269



Gavriel Tornek Meditation 054 652 1770 Miriam Maslin Bioresonance Therapy 052-324-4604 Dr. Rina Granot Health & Nutrition 052 674 3838 Dr. Chaim Pinchuck Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 Sara Shaposhnik Energy Healer 050 229 2316 Jerry Hyman Personal Trainer 050 779 8886 Jordana Staiman Speech Therapy 053 311 3916 Kerry Bar Cohn Chiropractor 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Michael Portman Clinical Psycologist 052 269 4030 The Place Emotional Wellbeing Center 02 580 8788 Menachem Schloss NLP Therapist 054-743-8109 Minda Garr Holistic Psychotherapy 052 614 6932 Karen Rappaport Narrative Therapy 050 990 6368 Rachel Factor Anxiety Disorders 052 713 4130 Dr. Genstil Psychologist I EXPERT I 052 260 9087


Mayanei Hayeshua Where Modern Medicine and Religious Observance Share Pride of Place

Until 1990, Bnei Brak, one of Israel’s largest Haredi cities, had no hospital to serve its almost 100,000-and-counting population. The risk to life and practical challenges it presented were great. When Dr. Moshe Rothschild established Mayanei Hayeshua in the heart of Bnei Brak, he foresaw the revolution it would mean for the city and for religious Jews all over Israel. Founded as a community hospital, Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center (MYMC) is a public hospital with a unique mission: To provide cuttingedge medical services with strict adherence to Jewish tradition and Halacha, and the sanctity of life and human dignity as a fundamental and supreme value. Mayanei Hayeshua literally means “Springs of Salvation,” named after Reb Yehoshua Frischwasser, who was the chief donor in the establishment of the hospital. Frischwasser means a spring, and Yehoshua comes from the root word for salvation. No philanthropist’s name could have been more apt for an establishment whose prime purpose is to save and prolong lives. But how was it possible for one man to envision something so great and bring it to fruition almost singlehandedly? In Switzerland – Dr. Rothschild’s birthplace – there was a hospital for every city with a population of twenty thousand people. As a resident and medical practitioner in Bnei Brak, he recognized the necessity for a local hospital that would answer the particular needs of the religious inhabitants of the city: provide medical services of the highest standards without compromising on the characteristic spiritual level of the environment and the most meticulous dictates of Halacha. When the Gedolei HaDor – the Steipler Gaon, Rabbi Elazar Menachem Shach, and the Baba Sali, ztz”l – gave him the green light and much encouragement, he set out to raise the necessary funds. “I never thought I would become a schnorrer when I grew up, but life often surpasses all imagination,” Dr. Rothschild says with a wry smile. He scraped together every penny he could get his hands on, and finally had enough to purchase the land. Still, people were skeptical. “Dr. Rothschild has gone crazy,” said some in furtive whispers. The mayor of Bnei Brak sent him a letter stating: “You’ll be throwing money down the drain if you think you can build a hospital in Bnei Brak.” Even his lawyer tried to dissuade him by telling him he had competition for the plot of land he wanted to purchase. “A Frenchman has expressed interest in building a public

swimming pool on that plot, which is a far more practical investment.” But Dr. Rothschild stood firm and made a ten-percent down payment on an orchard for sale not far from his home. Not long afterwards, the foundation stone for the hospital was laid in the presence of Gedolei Yisrael. From a hospital that was predominantly a maternity ward, today Mayanei Hayeshua comprises fifteen departments and 45 outpatient clinics, and ranks third in Israel in the number of births per year, with an annual growth rate of approximately 10%. It employs a professional team of 1,000 highly qualified staff members, who maintain high standards of service, while a large group of volunteers provides a wide range of support services, day and night. Dedicated General, Pediatric & Maternity ERs, Internal Medicine, Intensive and Intermediate Care Units, Coronary Intensive Care, Gastroenterology, Dialysis, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pediatrics, Cardiac Catheterization Unit & Heart Institute are just a few of the departments at Mayanei Hayeshua. The hospital also operates a variety of specialist outpatient clinics in the fields of Nephrology, Mental Health, Diabetes, ENT, Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, Orthopedic Surgery, Urogynecology, Male Fertility and Rheumatology, as well as a modern Imaging Institute, Pain Clinic, Voice Clinic, and paramedical services. Particularly well-known is the large Obstetrics and Gynecology ward which includes delivery rooms, a maternity and gynecology clinic, high-risk pregnancy department, neonatal unit and NICU. Mayanei Hayeshua has grown and expanded over the years and today serves over 200,000 patients a year. Other annual figures are also astounding: 6,000 operations, 300 patient beds, 13,000 obstetrical deliveries, 62,000 emergency room visits and a turnover of $65 million per annum. That’s quite an achievement for a hospital whose necessity had been dubious. An additional 20,000 square-meter hospital tower was recently inaugurated and houses the Psychiatry Unit, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Department of Pediatrics and a third Maternity Ward. The new Cardiology and Geriatric Centers are currently under construction and are scheduled to open in late 2017. Some existing departments have been renovated and expanded in the current building (with an area of 16,500 square meters) including renovation of the existing Gastroenterology Unit, and new CT and MRI facilities in the Radiology Unit, as well as development of other new services and equipment with the latest

advancements in medical technology. In the last five years, MYMC tripled the scope of its activities – an unprecedented feat for an Israeli hospital – and continues to break the glass ceiling in many areas of medicine and technology. One of the hospital’s prime goals in recent years has been to raise awareness in mental health, as well as reduce the stigma and prejudice that prevent many from seeking help. The new Psychiatric Unit, named “Marbeh Da’at” by Rav Kanievsky, operates under the guidance of Gedolei Yisrael, and makes this goal a reality in a newly inaugurated Psychiatry Building with modern design and all the comforts of a hotel. “The public is unaware of the extent of the problems existing in all educational institutions, from schools to yeshivot and girls’ seminaries,” says Dr. Rothschild, hospital President.“This sector of the population has been highly neglected and no hospital or institution has ever been able to fully meet the unique needs and requirements of certain communities.” Professor Yisrael Strous, Director of Mayanei Hayeshua’s Psychiatric Department and one of Israel’s leading specialists in the field of psychiatry (and resident of Ramat Beit Shemesh), stresses, “Mental illness is a common phenomenon in all sectors of the population and this is the first and only hospital in the country with a holistic approach to treating both adults and pediatrics as well as offering the discretion and sensitivity required by some communities. Anyone is welcome to use our services, but the atmosphere and program are aimed specifically at providing a solution for certain sectors of the population and are run according to halachic guidelines. There is an optional afternoon seder for limud Torah, and men’s and women’s wards and activities are completely separate, on separate floors, with only male staff in men’s wards and only female staff for women.” Advanced medical services and capabilities include operating room facilities and equipment for both conventional and endoscopic surgery. A new state-of-the-art digital mammography machine with sophisticated computer and digital technology enables early detection of breast pathology, yields better and faster image analysis and is safer with lower radiation exposure. In addition, the medical and nursing staff keep up-to-date with the latest medical developments by participating regularly in professional courses and international academic symposia. But Mayanei Hayeshua’s concept of advanced technology extends even to the support systems that function behind the scenes to make the administration of medicine possible. The hospital employs the most advanced computer and information systems and is a pioneer in the field of computerized medical records in Israel. This technology enables the transfer of medical information directly to the patient’s computerized record from the various departments within MHMC as well as from external parties. This reduces the number of errors, enables the concentration of a patient’s full medical data in one file, and facilitates the collection of information for research purposes.

Plans are already underway to integrate all hospital databases into the national medical information interface. MYMC is also the first medical center to develop unique medical applications for tablet PCs. Our medical teams use tablets to monitor a patient’s medical condition at any time and from any place, or receive rapid test results, that enable decisions in real time regarding treatment. Even green awareness is an integral part of the hospital’s philosophy, with investment of considerable efforts and measures to increase efficiency, reduce pollutant emissions, save money and make prudent use of resources. Green projects include a hybrid hot water system that ensures a reduction of 75% in the energy consumption required for heating water for all the hospital’s needs. In addition, a new environment-friendly chiller-fridge saves 30% on electricity consumption through lower refrigeration costs and increased cooling capacity, and the replacement of a diesel-oil heating system in the hospital laundry with a gas-operated system also reduces costs and waste of resources. So what really distinguishes Mayanei Hayeshua from its counterparts? The fact that it upholds age-old Jewish values, laws and traditions? Or its uncompromising pledge to ensure patients receive top-notch treatment from leading medical experts in state-of the-art facilities? Or perhaps the investment of significant resources in keeping abreast of the latest advances in medical technology? MYMC somehow successfully knits together these lofty objectives without detracting from the importance of any one, giving equal reverence to the expertise of medical staff, medical innovation and Torah jurisdiction. All activity operates under the expertise of Israel’s leading physicians and medical specialists in tandem with the direction and guidance of some of Israel’s most distinguished rabbinical authorities who determine the spiritual milieu and any day-to-day matters that require a psak halacha. The Rabbinical Council is headed by Maran HaGaon HaGadol Rabbi Nissim Karelitz Shlita, Maran HaGaon HaGadol Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, and Maran HaGaon HaGadol Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein Shlita. What began as a modest community hospital in Bnei Brak, for Bnei Brak, has rapidly grown into a nationally renowned medical center where Haredi and orthodox Jews from all over Israel and abroad feel most comfortable receiving the medical treatment they need. All that’s left is to keep on growing and greet Moshiach on his way in.

For further information please see our website,















Health & Wellness I Rabbi Dr. Moshe Rothschild I Founder and Director Lobby of the new psychiatric unit

Mayanei Hayeshua Dr. Rothschild’s House of Healing An Interview with the Founder of Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital


abbi Dr. Moshe Rothschild is the founder and director of Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital, a charedi hospital in Bnei Brak. Born in Zurich to a family of local community leaders, he studied medicine at Zurich University, specializing in pediatrics and general medicine. He made aliyah to Bnei Brak in 1971, and after a few years of serving the local community (and a number of great rabbis) as a doctor and mohel, he began gathering funds and resources to build a hospital that would meet the needs of the charedi community. Mayanei Hayeshua opened the doors of its labor & delivery unit in 1990, and gradually inaugurated additional departments over the next few years. It currently treats around 100,000 patients per year. We had the honor of interviewing him about his unique background, his hospital, and his plans for the future. Can you tell us a little about your background? I was born in Switzerland, and I became a pediatrician there and had a very big office. In the year my father died, I went to my rebbe, Reb Moshe Soloveitchik, one of the gedolei hador, and I told him I wanted to travel to

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Japan to a big conference for pediatricians. He advised me not to go, and instead to go to the Yarchei Kallah kollel at the Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. This was more than fifty years ago. So I went to Yarchei Kallah, and the second night I was there, I was called to the mashgiach, Reb Yechezkel Levenstein, who had a bellyache. I had drops with me for treating stomach pains in babies, and I gave it to him, and it helped. From that moment, we became very good friends. I realized that they had such great people here in Bnei Brak, and I decided to move to Israel with my wife and 17 children. When we came, I was, in practice, the only doctor who was here in Bnei Brak during Shabbos and Yom Tov. Many times on Shabbos, even on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, I was unable to attend prayer services—my avoda was to help people. I had the tremendous honor of tending to all the gedolei yisrael—from the Baba Sali to Rav Hesteipler. Why did you decide to build a hospital? It was these great Torah scholars who told me to. They said, “You have to build a hospital, because you could save many lives.” I come from Switzerland; in Switzerland there is no city of over 20,000 residents with no hospital,

and at that time there were 120,000 inhabitants in Bnei Brak. So they told me I should establish one. People told me, “You’re crazy, you can’t do this!” And they were right, I was crazy, and I am crazy! The first building opened its doors 27 years ago. We had 300 births in the first month. At the moment we have 40 births a day. So, we say “Mazel tov” 40 times a day at Mayanei Hayeshua. Was there much resistance to establishing a hospital in Bnei Brak? I had endless problems. But I had the backing of gedolei hador. Baruch HaShem, HaKadosh Baruch Hu has solutions for everything. At first, the other hospitals argued that we didn’t need another hospital in Bnei Brak, and they put together a fund of $1 million to fight against us, to prevent us from taking away their patients. They thought I was going to be competition. But very soon they came to understand that I don’t compete with them, I complete them. In what way? If an old man, 80-90 years old, comes to the emergency room, what he might hear is “Oh, grandfather, you’ve had your life, don’t take a bed from a young man.” I will take him; they’ll send him here, we’ll take good care of him, and after a while he’ll walk out of the hospital healthy. So they know there is someone who will take such cases. I am now good friends with Professor Shani, the head of Tel HaShomer. My hospital is not better than the big hospitals; what we do, we do well, and we cooperate and work together with the other hospitals. Our specialty is that we value the sanctity of life above all else. When you can save a life, you must do what you can to save it. I don’t call my hospital a “beis cholim”, a “house for the sick”. I call it a “beis refuah”—a house of healing. Why did you name it “Mayanei Hayeshua”? There was a donor from England named Yehoshua Frishwasser. Frishwasser—fresh water, like a freshwater spring, a ma’ayan; Yehoshua, redemption—yeshu’a. So I named the hospital after him. How did you build your staff? My policy is to offer good conditions to doctors who are planning to retire early. Here in Israel, doctors generally retire in their early 60’s. That way, the finest and most highly experienced doctors from Tel HaShomer and


Beilinson came to work for us. We have the big names; a wonderful staff. How many rooms are in the hospital? 350 beds, aside from the newborns—another 100 beds—and we don’t want to get too big, because there’s a big advantage to being a small hospital. The staff knows everybody and can give personal attention to their patients. I don’t see the advantage of having 2,000 beds. I’m very happy with what we have. The hospital serves secular people as well. Why do they choose to come here? The majority is frum people. But secular people do come here too, for the personal attention, for the excellent facilities, and for the way we make medical decisions—valuing life above all else. Tell us about your new mental health department. When I established the hospital, I realized that there was a great deficiency in the world of medicine, called psychiatry. There was not one place in the world where a frum Jew can go and be sure that he is being treated according to the Torah. My hospital is the first place in the world like this. We opened a mental health department five months ago, and it’s incredible how we are helping people—very quietly, but tremendously. The problem all over the world at the moment in psychiatry is that people don’t want to come to treatment, and if they come—they don’t accept medication. There is a stigma. So it’s a very delicate matter, and we work very quietly and discreetly. I built the mental health department to fight the stigma. What is unique about your mental health program? In the mental health department, I am very strict about having only shomer mitzvos staff members. A lot of the patients suffer from religious problems, so the staff needs to be understanding of that and have the right worldview.

So we are always looking for nurses who are shomer Shabbos—both male and female nurses who specialize in psychiatry. In fact, they don’t need to specialize in psychiatry; I will fund their training if they are willing to come work in our psychiatry department. We have the doctors, the psychiatrists, and the psychologists, but we need more frum nurses. We are planning to open a department specifically for treating anorexia. There is a 20% mortality rate from anorexia, even in America. 20%! A significant portion of them also go off the derech, fall away from religion. So I am in a unique position to help with both of these issues: mental health and hashkafa. The department is very modern and welcoming. It doesn’t look like a clinic, it looks like a hotel. Today, modern medicine has figured out that people are more than just a body. Chazal knew this from the very beginning: diseases are not just disorders of the body, but also of the soul. At Mayanei Hayeshua, we treat both. You are also planning another project, a shidduch information center. Can you tell us about that? I want to create a center where everyone in the world can call anonymously and speak to doctors, social workers, and other professionals, to ask questions pertaining to shidduchim and various diseases and disorders. There is a lot of misinformation and a lot of silence around medical issues, and people don’t know who to ask, what information to share, etc. You can’t imagine how many important

A man should know where he stands and what his limits are

JULY 2017





things people don’t tell before a shidduch— very serious diseases that they try to hide. I plan to establish a global center that is based on daas Torah and medicine, where people can get the right information and medical advice. Would you mind telling us how old you are? I’m 88. And at 88, you are still running a hospital? All my sons learn, but one of them directs the hospital, so we work together to run things, raise money, etc. I have lots of help. But age is an individual matter. I have friends who are 60 and would never be able to do what I do. Hashem gives us strength. A man should know where he stands and what his limits are. If I didn’t have the strength, I would not be doing this. Time is not the limiting factor; quality of life is. I think this is true of me and others as well. What else do you do during a typical day? I visit the doctors to know what the patients need. I go from bed to bed to see what each patient needs. If they have problems, they can ask me. You visit all the patients? Sure. I go to every one. I greet everyone I encounter on my way. How long does that take you? It depends. A couple of hours. But people feel my presence, and they know they can come to me. Do you have plans to retire? I had them 50 years ago…! Ask HaKadosh Baruch Hu! Hashem gave me a special gift that at this age, my body and mind are still working. As long as I have it, I want to use it, and I pray every day for His help. What would you tell people in their 60’s and 70’s who are considering retirement? If they’re going to sit and learn, that’s best. If they can, they should come here and help! We have a lot of volunteers. If my wife would look for a profession, I would tell her two things: a nurse, or a mikvah attendant. This way you can help and you can influence people. The new psychiatric department at Mayanei Hayeshua is in need of much assistance. We are also looking to fill a demand for good male or female shomer mitzvos nurses, and as mentioned I am willing to fund their training. Please pass on this information, and help make a vital difference in the lives of our patients. I can be contacted directly at 054-660-1800.

For more information about M.H. Hospital please visit Cafeteria in the maternity unit

Health & Wellness GUIDE


Exclusive Interview with

Hatzala Bet Shemesh BY ADAM GOLDSTEIN

It is here for us - May You Never Need It

What is Hatzala? Hatzala is a unique Emergency Medical Service for the community, by the community. The idea of Hatzala was originally founded in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in the 1960s. Hatzala Bet Shemesh is an independent organization based on the mission of the original Hatzala in the US. We are unaffiliated with any other medical service in Israel and unmatched by the fact that we also transport our patients to the hospital with our fleet of three fully-equipped ambulances. All of the volunteers are regular community members who will drop whatever it is they may be doing to rush to their neighbor in need. Hatzala Bet Shemesh was founded in 2004 by some dedicated community members with strong medical backgrounds and a clear vision to serve the public with the best emergency medical care available. Where does it operate? Hatzala Bet Shemesh is comprised of volunteers from different walks of life and religious backgrounds. With three ambulances, we serve the Ramat Bet Shemesh greater area including Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef, Ramat Bet Shemesh Bet, the City of Bet Shemesh and the surrounding moshavim. These volunteers include a medical director, doctors, midwives, paramedics, EMT’s, dispatchers and other volunteers who recognized the need for a group of life saving medical first responders providing emergency medical treatment. These highly trained responders arrive within the first critical minutes of an emergency to administer basic life support, as well as to transport the patient to a hospital if necessary. From 2006 until today, Hatzala Bet Shemesh continues to fill a real need, doing invaluable life-saving work utilizing its fleet of three ambulances. Hatzala volunteers now treat patients from the time of the call until they are, if necessary, transported to the hospital. Because the volunteers live in close proximity to their patients, this minimizes response time. Response time is critical in saving lives. The continuity of care from the scene of the call or accident by one team, which can accurately brief hospital staff and trauma surgeons on the exact nature of the issues, has a tremendous effect on patient outcomes. In addition, local knowledge of the community provides the responders with essential information an outside service would not have. Such information can be life-saving. & Wellness 124 36  •Health January 2013GUIDE

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In addition to emergency responses, Hatzala also offers basic emergency first aid courses in schools and to the public. Hatzala Bet Shemesh does not charge for emergency house calls or for emergency transports to hospitals nor do we get any funding from the State of Israel or reimbursement from insurance companies. Is there a Bet Shemesh chapter? Hatzala Bet Shemesh only services the greater Bet Shemesh area and is the only Hatzala volunteer ambulance service in Israel. (No other Hatzala service in Israel transports patient’s via ambulance to the hospital.) Who runs the organization? The organization was founded by Bentzi Novack and today is run by the Hatzala Vaad which includes: Bentzi Novack, Hillel Abrahams, Matan Nitzky, Moshe Braun and Eytan Yehuda Dzikowski. Who qualifies for assistance? Everyone, no matter what age, gender or race. In what instances should people call Hatzala? In any medical emergency. We are not doctors. Patients don’t get seen faster when brought in to the hospital by Hatzala. But, we care for the patient from the minute we get to the patient until they’re taken care of by the medical staff at the hospital. We provide full transports and use top-of-the-line equipment. When in doubt, Call! Why call Hatzala instead of Magen David Adom or similar organizations? Hatzala Bet Shemesh does not require payment for its services. This allows patients who are having financially difficulties to get emergency medical care without having to consider the cost. The organization is a shomer shabbos organization under the guidance of local rabbonim which helps cater to the community needs, especially on Shabbas and Yom Tov. In addition, because of the way our volunteers are selected, based on geographic location, we’re able to have a much faster turn around time from the second the call is made until a first responder is by the patient’s side. Response time saves lives. Patient comfort is aided by having frum, understanding volunteers helping out. All halachic sensitivities are cared for as well. What are the qualifications of Hatzala personnel? All Hatzala personnel are, at the very least, Emergency Medical Technicians who took a grueling course and passed all

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the written and practical exams. This includes all the dispatchers and volunteers who respond to the scene and all ambulance personnel. We also have specific professional volunteers who might be necessary in specific instances. For example, we have a number of midwives who volunteer in a case of an active delivery. A number of other medical professionals such as physicians, nurses, and paramedics volunteer as well. What about during Shabbat? Shabbat is unique only in the fact that we pay a non-Jewish ambulance driver to drive our primary ambulance, so that our volunteers are able to provide the best treatment, even on Shabbat. Yes...during kiddush, davening, etc. This past Yom Kippur, some of our volunteers went back and forth a few times from Bet Shemesh to the hospital, without breaking the halachot of Shabbos or chag, even in nonlife-threatening situations. Does Hatzala Bet Shemesh receive calls every day? Hatzala Bet Shemesh responds to an average of three to five calls per day.

What are the most common emergencies? Due to the closest hospital being a half hour away and a relatively young population, obstetrical emergencies are the most common. Who decides which hospital to take people too? In an attempt to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible, we let the patient choose which hospital is the best for them. Obviously, in a serious emergency, the closest hospital will usually be the best choice. Tell us some life saving stories. On Wednesday. November 28, 2012. an elderly woman, Mrs. Margolis (name changed to protect privacy) was here for a bar-mitzvah of her grandson. Mrs. Margolis was highly mobile and self-sufficient and stayed in her own guest suite. Upon walking in to the guest suite, her daughter noticed a pool of blood on the floor. Upon further investigation, she found her mother asleep on her bed with blood on the pillow. When she woke her mother up, Mrs. Margolis had no rec-

ollection of anything happening. Then she started repeating herself, making it obvious that she was in a state of confusion. Mrs. Margolis’ daughter called Hatzala Bet Shemesh and with an immediate response, we arrived at the guest suite in the ambulance and transported Mrs. Margolis to Hadassah Ein Kerem Trauma Unit where she was treated and was given a short hospital stay. She was released with a slow bleed on the brain with a good prognosis and restricted travel arrangements to minimize pressure on the brain. We believe that she will make a full recovery! On Friday night, November 30, 2012, at 8 p.m., we received a call about a two-year old girl, Tanya, who was severely dehydrated. We transported her in the ambulance to the Terem Emergency Care Center here in Bet Shemesh. There she was given liquids intravenously and then released. Later that evening, at 1 a.m., the mother called us again, reporting that her daughter was looking worse and not doing well. When the Hatzala crew arrived, they noted signs of internal injury with bleeding. We transported her immediately, as an urgent transport, to the Sharei Tzedek Pediatric Hospital where she was diagnosed with severe bilateral kidney failure from dehydration. She is now in the ICU with dramatic signs of improvement and there is no doubt that the quick action and transport saved this girl’s life. The doctors said that had she arrived any later at the hospital, she may not have survived. How can the community help save lives? We need help! We get no money from the government. We need help with better equipment. Your donations will allow us to continue our work. We cannot do this without your help. Do you need volunteers? Yes! We are currently looking for volunteers, EMTs and ambulance drivers. Where does the funding come from to operate, buy ambulances, purchase equipment, pay personnel, etc.? All of our operating costs are paid through the generosity of private donors, the residents of Bet Shemesh, the community we serve. It is very important to note that the ONLY paid personnel in Hatzala Bet Shemesh is the (non-Jewish) Shabbat ambulance driver. All others are volunteers, including all the directors! This means that every dollar you donate to HBS goes directly back to the community! What’s the number to call for emergencies? In case of emergency, call 02-999-9992. Hatzala operates 24/7. Is there an information number? Office: 02-991-2345 

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Health & Wellness GUIDE


Ezrat Achim The Center for Medical and Social Aid Take nothing for granted!

Ezrat Achim was established approximately 15 years ago to provide general assistance to Beit Shemesh residents, especially in the areas of medical and paramedical aid. The organization seeks to lighten the burden of the ill and their families in so many various ways that it has quickly become the central organization for such assistance in Beit Shemesh. The organization’s objective is to make the highest level of medical care accessible to all of our city’s residents, providing immediate assistance and information. Our staff graciously deals with hundreds of requests daily at our branches, strategically located citywide. Most of our services are provided at no cost to the recipients, while those services for which we charge a fee are mostly subsidized by the organization. Our vast operating budget receives no governmental funding, ZKLFK PHDQV WKDW WKH ÂżQDQFLDO EXUGHQ LV ERUQH VROHO\ by the organization’s administration, which in turn depends on the contributions of supporters who appreciate our vital work. Our motto, “Take nothing for granted!â€? reminds Beit 6KHPHVK UHVLGHQWV PRVW RI ZKRP KDYH EHQHÂżWWHG from our services –provided 24 hours daily and seven days a week –that this incredible array of assistance cannot operate without the support of our generous donors, who share in the inestimable merits of the activities that can only continue with their ongoing support.

Looking to the Future

This prospect offers only a partial overview of some of Ezrat Achim’s activities. Our staff, under the leadership of our dedicated Executive Director Baruch Hoffman, is constantly monitoring developing new projects for the ZHOIDUH DQG EHQH¿W RI %HLW 6KHPHVKœV UHVLGHQWV


Despite its population of 90,000 residents, Beit Shemesh does not yet have a local hospital. Ezrat Achim provides transportation for patients and their families to the major hospitals in Jerusalem. More than 100 people avail themselves of this service daily, including patients requiring daily outpatient treatment at hospital clinics and family members and volunteers attending patients who are currently hospitalized.


Ezrat Achim provides local transportation for the wheelchair bound in liftequipped vehicles driven by trained staff, which enables handicapped LQGLYLGXDOV WR UHDFK WKHLU GHVWLQDWLRQ RI FKRLFH LQ D GLJQL¿HG PDQQHU 2XU PRGHUQ ÀHHW RI YDQV LV DQ LQWHJUDO IHDWXUH RI %HLW 6KHPHVKœV landscape, and is on call to assist as needed.

Off-Hours Daycare Center for Special Children

7KH FURZQ MHZHO RI WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQÂśV DFWLYLWLHV LV GHÂżQLWHO\ WKH VXSSRUW network that we offer to special children and their families through our off-hour daycare centers. These centers offer the children a warm and loving environment in which they can spend their time weekday afternoons, the days preceding Shabbos and holidays and practically any other time when their educational institutions are not in session. No words can convey the extent of the contribution that this makes to the lives of families raising such children. The children receive personal attention from our professional staff and trained volunteers, while their families enjoy a few hours of rare quiet time, so that parents can spend some quality time with their o ther children or attend to their own needs. This service is provided free of charge to all special children.

Shabbos Medical Clinics

There is practically no resident in Beit Shemesh who is not personally acquainted with Ezrat Achim’s Shabbos Clinics. Ezrat Achim operates four clinics citywide, each equipped with state of the art medical equipment and staffed by expert non-Jewish doctors and paramedics who provide immediate medical care around the clock on Shabbos and holidays when the standard medical clinics are closed. The service is provided free of charge.

Medical Equipment

Ezrat Achim House is the location of a more than 100 square meter warehouse with thousands of various articles of medical and paramedical equipment available for loan. The wide selection ranges from wheelchairs and crutches to oxygen balloons and nebulizers. In addition to the central warehouse, there are more than twenty strategically located branches citywide with a selection of these and other medical equipment available for loan, free of charge.

Burn Treatment

Not a day goes by without a burn victim calling at Ezrat Achim House to seek the help of Ezrat Achim’s chairman, Rabbi Avraham Kopp. Rabbi Kopp, a licensed EMT, is an expert in the Breitman Method, a well-known method for treating burns that is quick and painless. This method has proved itself effective in preventing scars and eliminating the need for skin grafts even in severe cases. Rabbi Kopp personally treats each patient, free of charge, despite the costly supplies involved in the treatment.

Ezrat Achim House: Nachal Lachish 2 Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel | Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Fri. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | Tel: 02-999-0000 | Fax:02-999-3802 | Email: Contributions can be mailed to: Ezrat Achim House P.O. Box 9327, Beit Shemesh Or deposited in the organization’s accounts: Postal Bank acct. no. 7844162 Bank Pagi Branch no. 179-Ramat Beit Shemesh acct. no. 409-521558 For Credit Card Donations Please Call (24 Hours): 1-800-313-999 Call now, and help us continue to help others! Donations are deductable as per §46 of the Israeli Tax Code

126  Health & Wellness GUIDE


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Saving Lives in


Tell us how United Hatzalah was born? United Hatzalah is a national organization dedicated to saving lives, with countless branches across the country. Our mission is to arrive at the scene of medical emergencies as soon as possible and provide the patient with appropriate medical help until the ambulance arrives. United Hatzalah was founded 10 years ago with the onset of the Second Lebanese War. At the time there were many different rescue groups. Not all of them were properly equipped, and there was often lack of communication between them. We saw the need to unite all these groups under a single organization which would be dedicated to unifying the level of professionalism, training and efficiency of the disparate organizations throughout Israel. The Beit Shemesh United Hatzalah branch is managed by Dovid Leff and his deputy Chaim Dreyfus. Baruch Geffen is the Halacha coordinator and works closely with Rav Ephraim Margalit and Rav Mordechai Goldstein. Who is the driving force behind United Hatzalah? The man who keeps the whole thing going is Eli Beer, a truly amazing person. He is the founder and president of United Hatzalah. The organization is directed by a very talented team, including the CEO, Moshe Teitelbaum from Ramat Beit Shemesh. How large is United Hatzalah’s network? United Hatzalah oversees approximately 3,000 volunteers in 40 locations across the country, although that number is constantly increasing as each day more and more people sign up to volunteer. In Beit Shemesh and the surrounding area we have around 80 volunteers. Each volunteer treats around 550 people a year. 20


Minutes Or Less

In recent years there have been many places which, having seen United Hatzalah’s success, asked us to help them set up our model. Some of the international locations United Hatzalah operates in are Panama, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and Jersey City. What is the extent of United Hatzalah’s operations? We operate a unit of 400 ambucycles. Our ambucycles are instrumental in helping us achieve a rapid response time of three minutes or less. We also have five ambutractors (an ambutractor is basically an ambulance in the form of a 4-wheel drive vehicle) which are extremely effective in accessing victims in hard-to-reach areas like mountain paths and desert roads. Additionally, United Hatzalah maintains a small rescue fleet on Lake Kinneret, which is known for being surprisingly dangerous. From where does the organization receive funds for ambulances, ambucycles and medical equipment? Our annual budget is approximately 40 million shekels. The majority of funds – about 70% – come from donors in chutz laaretz. The rest is donated by people in Eretz Yisrael. Now that Misrad Habriut has officially recognized United Hatzalah as a national emergency service provider we are working on getting government funding. What training is required in order to be eligible to volunteer for United Hatzalah? All volunteers must be certified EMTs. After an intensive training course, candidates need to pass practical training in 100 real-life emergency scenes. Finally, candidates must take an exam and have a personal interview before they enter active service with United Hatzalah. New volunteers are then equipped with a rescue bag and a mirs walkie-talkie with GPS technology which they keep nearby at all times.

Bizness Magazine

02 999 3939

Interview with

Dovid Leff,

Manager of the Beit Shemesh branch of United Hatzalah How many calls does United Hatzalah receive a day? Our dispatch center (1221) receives an average of 700 calls daily from around the country. On top of this, our volunteers are often called in to assist other emergency services like Magen David Adom. How can the public take part in this mission to save lives? An educated public can save lives themselves! It is vital for parents, teachers and babysitters to learn first aid and to take regular refresher courses. United Hatzalah, together with Nurofen for Children, has launched a country-wide initiative called ‘Safe Family’ which offers a four hour first aid course completely free of charge. To find out about courses in your area, or to organize your own group of 25 people, call 052-761-6777. Secondly, during an emergency, public bystanders must make sure not to crowd around the victim or interfere with emergency personnel in any way. And of course, by donating to United Hatzalah and enabling us to acquire vital medical equipment, the public become true partners in our mission to save lives. Why call United Hatzalah? United Hatzalah has the largest network of first responders across the country. In the event of an emergency in which each second counts, we recommend dialling 1221 and our dispatcher will dispatch volunteers and an ambulance or mobile intensive care unit if necessary. In life-threatening situations it is vital to call 1221 or 101 to ensure a rapid response time. What is the cost of calling an ambulance? A call to United Hatzalah does not cost money at all. The public should be advised that United Hatzalah has worked tirelessly to ensure that if an ambulance is called and is then determined to be unnecessary, the patient will not be charged. If an ambulance is

required in a lot of cases the patient can receive a refund from Kupat Cholim. You’ve been involved with United Hatzalah for years now. What have been the most inspiring and rewarding events you witnessed? Having been involved in saving lives for the past 17 years, I’ve taken part in both challenging and joyous events. The most emotional for me is bringing a new life into the world and when a resuscitation attempt is successful. There are two instances of successful resuscitation attempts which are particularly memorable for me and give me the strength to continue with this work. A few years ago, there was an incident in which a 12-year-old girl collapsed in the street in Ramat Beit Shemesh and lost consciousness. I was one of the first responders on the scene. We worked hard to revive her but the situation seemed hopeless. Eventually we managed to stabilize her and transport her to hospital. Today, when I see her around the neighborhood, completely healthy baruch Hashem, I feel grateful that I had a part in saving her life. Another time, an older woman collapsed in the middle of her granddaughter’s wedding in a hall in the Beit Shemesh area. I was among a team of responders who managed to revive her. A few days later, when I visited her in the hospital, she was fully conscious and about to be discharged. How can our readers find out more about United Hatzalah’s activities? We have a very informative website: We are also on Facebook, and have both national and local Facebook pages where people can see what we’re up to on a daily basis. 

In the event of an Emergency, Dial 1221 United Hatzalah Beit Shemesh United Hatzalah Of Israel


Convalescent Home That’s a Five-Star Hotel Ushering a newborn into a less-thancalm world, no matter how joyful an event, often carries with it overwhelming stress for the mother, be it a first baby or an addition to many at home. Reports of research on post-natal depression show statistics of 10% of birthing mothers suffer such debilitation; but it seems that a period of rest and recovery after giving birth alleviates the likelihood of joining the group of suffering women. A long-needed solution is now at hand in Jerusalem for mothers wanting to recuperate in conditions that enable essential sleep, peace and tranquility. The prestigious five-star Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem, has now opened a convalescent home (Beit Hachlama) on premises. Beautifully-furnished rooms, spotlessly clean and smelling of freshly-changed linens, now cater for some 35 occupants (with plans to extend for up to 60), at Bikurim, a unique Hotel-Convaslescent Home at the Ramada. The bonus at Bikurim Hotel-Convalescent Home lies in having someone to take good, professional care of baby while mother catches up on rest and general recuperation. Pampering Care for Mother and Baby Changing diapers when needed, bathing, monitoring temperature, weight and bilirubin; tenderly comforting a crying baby; attending to night feeds and other requirements - all are provided with dedication in a warm, heimishe religious environment, to a clientele from all sectors of the community. Mothers from Jerusalem, Kiryat Sefer, Elad, Maaleh Adumim, Beit Shemesh and even Bnei Brak, enjoy companionship and fine service with a choice of a private room (where the husband can even stay the night and have meals for a reasonable price), room for two, or room for three. All rooms are of equally high Health & Wellness 1308 • JANUARY 2016GUIDE

standard in terms of furnishings, service and cleanliness, with ample space for each occupant. If a mother wants to sleep, or care for her baby, she can go into a ‘private area’ by drawing a curtain, but has company with her when so desired. The Bikurim project is the brain-child of Yogev, his wife, and his investment partner, who have a dedicated sense of mission manifest in every aspect of the organization. Gourmet Meals with Mehadrin Kashrut Meals are served in an open-bar dining room. One area offers a choice of salads, the central area provides the hot part of the meal. In the morning: omelets, creamy potato pastries, shakshuka and more; at lunch: a variety of main proteins, carbohydrate and vegetable side dishes, and dessert. The drinks corner is open throughout the day and night, where mothers will also find cookies or muffins to nosh. Meat meals, for lunch, are delivered from outside caterers, under supervision of Badatz Eidah Hachareidit. Breakfast and supper are supplied by the hotel kitchen, with R’ Eliezer Mendelson, personally recommended by the kashrut administration, supervising that all products, and preparation such as checking vegetables, satisfy the Badatz Eidah HaChareidit requirements. VIP Baby The nurseries are very small, allowing individual care. A caretaker for every 7-8 babies means there is enough time to spend holding each child to pamper and calm him, as well as tendering to physical needs. Dr. Igor Weinstein, neonatologist, birthing specialist, checks daily that all is in order. Dr. Weinstein also introduced bilirubin checking into the routine.

Bizness Magazine

Everything For the Mother and Baby Next to the nursery, mothers can nurse their babies in the well-equipped feeding room, in comfortable feeding chairs, with drinks, and advanced equipment from Medela. Esti Golovenzitz, the well-known qualified lactation counselor and advisor to pregnant women and mothers, accompanies the mothers. She organizes nursing workshops, and we will soon be offering her birth-preparation courses on our premises. Workshops such as jewelry-making, or napkin folding are also offered. The whole family is considered important, and gifts for babies and siblings are given when clients leave. Additional Options Staying at the hotel offers the option to have a Brit Milah in the hotel hall at affordable cost, so mother and baby avoid the need of traveling to the venue. Out of town family can stay in the hotel for Shabbat so the mother can join them. Pricing Per Day Triple Room:


Double Room:


Private Room:


Husband to stay: additional 150nis, including breakfast. Low-cost lunch and supper. With supplementary insurance, Kupot Cholim contribute with amounts varying from 255-310nis per night from first night up to three nights, starting from either the first, third or fourth birth, depending on Kupah. Mothers from Bikur Cholim - one night free in a room of three (not dependent on number of births/ nights).

Tel.: 02-671-5551,

02 999 3939








Health & Wellness Insurance

DENTISTRY Rechavia Dental Center I EXPERT I 02-561-9770 Dr. Mitchell Rudy 052 339 2131 Dr. Ari Stern 02 999 6046 Dr. Chaim Lewitan 052 761 5359 Dr. Mark Lewitan 02 995 2707 Dr. Links - Dr. Garalnick 02 992 4267 Dr. Chaim Eliezer Jacober 02 999 7479 Dr. Edo Lavi 02 992 3363 Dr. Jacki Glassman 02 566 9061 Dr. Yoav Orbach 02 545 5603

Dr. Claude Hayat Periodontics 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Fruchter 02 536 2244 HEALTH Eliezer Rosenblum Chiropractor 052-662-4658 PlayAttention Solution for ADHD 054 794 3797 Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer 054 572 1651 Rochel Geller weight loss 02 992-1821 Reuven Rosenberg Chiropractor / Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Alternative Clinic 077-212-7567



Rochel Rubinoff Massage Therapist 054-3355-289 Dr. Tova Goldfine Chiropractor 052 420 1201 Donna Abrahams Craniosacral Therapy 054 648 0667 Michael Freedman Personal Trainer 054 843 9541 Gyrotonics Personal Training System 054 908 0886 Natan Feit Reflexology 053 763 4820 Shoshana Grotsky Lice Removal 050 207 1781 Michael Berezin Personal Trainer 054 625 0269



Gavriel Tornek Meditation 054 652 1770 Miriam Maslin Bioresonance Therapy 052-324-4604 Dr. Rina Granot Health & Nutrition 052 674 3838 Dr. Chaim Pinchuck Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 Sara Shaposhnik Energy Healer 050 229 2316 Jerry Hyman Personal Trainer 050 779 8886 Jordana Staiman Speech Therapy 053 311 3916 Kerry Bar Cohn Chiropractor 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Michael Portman Clinical Psycologist 052 269 4030 The Place Emotional Wellbeing Center 02 580 8788 Menachem Schloss NLP Therapist 054-743-8109 Minda Garr Holistic Psychotherapy 052 614 6932 Karen Rappaport Narrative Therapy 050 990 6368 Rachel Factor Anxiety Disorders 052 713 4130 Dr. Genstil Psychologist I EXPERT I 052 260 9087


1,000 Clients in Bet Shemesh…

and growing



alking through the Merkaz Mischari of Ramat Beit Shemesh I noticed a new sign for Goldfus Insurance & Investments and was intrigued to go inside and speak with the branch manager, Danny Newman, to learn more about the company and their reasons for recently opening in Beit Shemesh.

Tell us a bit about yourself. I grew up in England and qualified as a financial consultant and insurance broker whilst working at Sun Life of Canada’s boutique branch in Mayfair, London. I made Aliyah in 1999 and immediately began working for the Jewish Agency. It was during some friendly banter with Chaim Goldfus at renewal time for my home insurance policy that I expressed my interest in returning to my previous career. Before I knew it, I found myself working out of the Modiin branch of Goldfus Insurance and becoming a licensed agent in Israel in both General (Elementary) and Life/Pension/Health Insurances, in addition to providing Investment and Saving plans. Why did you decide to work for Goldfus Insurance & Investments? Being a native English speaker who is also fluent in Hebrew, all those I approached seemed excited by the prospect of having me join their team and develop an English department within their agencies, but I was drawn to Goldfus Insurance in particular. I was impressed by their ethos of explaining the insurances clearly to improve their clients’ understanding, and the friendly and personal service that stems from the “family business” nature of the agency. Established in 1971, Goldfus Insurance specializes in working with the Olim community and as a result of being the largest Anglo agency that deals with the Oleh, is able to obtain exclusive discounts beyond what others are able to offer. This was something that appealed to me, knowing that I would be able to share these benefits with others. Furthermore, as all the staff (unusually for this field) work on a salaried as opposed to commission basis, I knew that I would have the ability to offer quality servic-

132  Health & Wellness GUIDE

es, without being pressured to “make a sale” or compete against fellow agents within the company. Goldfus Insurance is also a non-tied agency meaning they can review existing policies on a free, no-obligation basis, which is reassuring for potential clients who are often surprised when we advise that they maintain the policies they have within another agency, if we believe that it is in their best interests. In your 6 years in the agency, how have things changed? When I first started working at Goldfus Insurance, I was based in their recently opened Modiin branch with two other people. The demand in the area has since seen the office grow to seven staff members, and a move to larger premises at Ligad Center 2. We soon recognized the need to expand to other areas, and with over 1000 clients in Beit Shemesh, it made sense to open an office here for their convenience. It also happens to be a five minute walk from my home, so I can really claim to know the area, the people, and their needs. What sets your agency apart from the rest? Experience and teamwork are the two words that auto-

matically come to mind. The need to employ experienced agents is vital to the customer service we provide, and we pride ourselves on the diverse nature of our 27 staff and the experience of over 40 years in the industry which they can offer. As it has become increasingly difficult for agents in Israel to attain a license (which has resulted in many other Anglo agencies merging with their Israeli counterparts) the high level of professional service we provide in English sets us apart from the rest. However, we realize that in some situations arguing in Hebrew with a foreign accent can only get you so far. The Goldfus team therefore includes a Claims Department of bilingual native Israelis who are able to both assist our clients in the event of a claim, and effectively fight their case with the insurance companies to guarantee they get their dues. What is my next step if I want to arrange a meeting? You can call our office on 02 561 2223 or email us at You can also visit our website (, follow us on facebook / twitter or just stop by. Our office is located next door to Meuchedet, 2 Nahal Tzeelim, as you drive into Ramat Beit Shemesh. 

Health & Wellness GUIDE





Travel and Health Insurance By Shimon Cohen


he recent tragedy in Nepal really brought home the importance of having a comprehensive travel insurance plan. Two of the insurance companies that we work with (Harel and Clal) had extensive “search-and-rescue” teams on the ground within hours of the earthquake. One of our clients was a student with whom contact was lost after the first quake. When we checked the policy details, we found to our dismay that the policy had already ended, due to a human error on the part of the parent who took out the policy! We immediately contacted the insurance company to explain the mistake, and she was added on to the list of missing Israelis. Baruch Hashem, the next day she managed to contact her worried parents and soon after that returned home. A few lessons to learn: 1. Never, ever travel overseas without comprehensive travel insurance. For a reasonable amount of money, you cover yourself for up to $1,000,000 with options for pre-existing conditions, maternity, medical evacuation, extreme sport, etc. 2. Make sure you have an insurance agent whom you can call in the middle of the night in case of emergency! Even though you can purchase travel insurance through your Kupat Cholim or travel agent, only your devoted insurance office (that’s us) will: a. Issue a last-minute policy as you board the plane in the event that you completely forgot in all the rush. b. Extend your policy if you need to stay on unexpectedly. c. Issue a policy even if you only realize two weeks into your stay that you forgot. d. Make sure that your Saba’s heart condition and your daughter’s maternity is properly covered. e. Deal with your claims personally and professionally when you return. 3. Even with the best planning and effort everything is essentially in G-d’s hands! Supplementary Health Insurance After months of rumors and misinformation from various government offices there seems to finally be some clarity with regards to the following questions which people are asking. 1. I already have Meuchedet Si or Maccabi Zahav. Do I really need another private supplementary health policy? 2. If I do decide to take out a policy, what’s the big rush davka now? And now… the answers! Answer 1: Israel has a wonderful health system, but like all national health systems, it has its deficiencies. The main problems Wellness GUIDE 13420 •Health MAY& 2015

are also those that cost the most money, such as complicated operations which are best done overseas, transplants and expensive medicines that are not in the general “basket of services”. These are the medical conditions that are the subject of the heart-breaking appeals all of us hear in shul, on the radio etc. – the life-saving operations that must be done in Boston, the experimental cancer drugs that cost 50,000 NIS per month. We therefore recommend most strongly that every family should “top up” their Kupat Cholim with this inexpensive cover. Answer 2: Why now? Because the law regarding private health insurance is changing on Jan. 1st 2016. Up until now, once you had a policy, you were guaranteed cover for life. The new policies will be 2-year renewable policies. This means that companies will be able to change premiums, stop offering certain coverage and cancel policies completely. In other words, there will be no more guaranteed coverage or cost. The logic behind doing this is so that the client should not ‘forget’ about his/her coverage and theoretically end up with double coverage. We feel strongly that every family should have the lifetime basic coverage in place and then you can always decide to cancel if necessary. In other words, you still have all options open. If, however, you miss the deadline you will no longer have the option of long-term, guaranteed coverage! Table of Prices for Health Insurance Policies: (monthly premium in shekels) AGE
























For a family policy, the fourth child and onwards is free.

Bizness Magazine

02-623-2546, 050-548-2192

02 999 3939

If you’re leaving Israel this summer, we’d like to send along a small package. It doesn’t weigh a thing, and you don’t have to declare it at Security, but it could save your life. It’s Egert & Cohen’s special Summer Traveler’s Health Package. You’ll be covered in the event of illness or hospitalization anywhere in the world. We also cover seniors and pregnant women, and, unlike the insurance add-ons provided by your kuppah or travel agent, we take care of everything for you‌especially your claims!

Egert & Cohen. We’ve got you covered. ˆ \\\ JLJWYHTMJS HT NQ ˆ JLJWY%JLJWYHTMJS HT NQ


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Home I Insurance I Expert

Insurance Introspection It’s that time of year again – a time for introspection and checking in with yourself

By Shimon Cohen


ow about this insurance Cheshbon Ha’Nefesh? 1. Have you made a will? 2. If something were to happen to you, as parents – have you left clear written instructions regarding your children? 3. Do you have life insurance? Have you reviewed it recently? (Have your agent give you a full list of the amounts that you and your spouse carry.) 4. Disability – sometimes this is needed even more than life insurance. For example, if you lose the ability to work for next 25 years, who fills that financial gap? Make sure that your life insurance has a rider including this, or for professionals, a separate policy. 5. Are you a sachir (salaried employee)? Ask your employer’s insurance agent to give you a break-down of your Bituach Minhalim. Then ask your personal agent if you are getting the best deal. 6. Supplementary Health Insurance – A child needs a complicated eye operation and the highest success rate is in the United States; or you need a hernia operation, but prefer to go to someone who is not in your kupa; or someone needs major surgery and you want a second opinion – in all these cases, a private, supplementary health insurance policy would be of great benefit. It is relatively inexpensive and worth checking out.

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7. Car Insurance – make sure that your car is insured for all drivers who use it (i.e. young/new/temporary/visitors). Always let your agent know even if someone takes it for a short spin. 8. Home Insurance – Do you have an assessor’s report for your contents? Have you looked into switching your building insurance (which comes with your mortgage) from the bank to a private insurance company? The past is history The future – a mystery What happens is a gift and that is why it is called “the present”! ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Shimon Cohen is the manager of Egert Cohen Insurance. Egert Cohen is a family business that specializes in serving the Anglo and new olim populations. They provide a friendly and professional onestop-shop for all your insurance needs. Egert Cohen can be reached at 02-622-7999 or through website

CLAIM OF THE YEAR! Our client had a large amount of jewelry. The requirement of the insurance company was a safe and an alarm connected to two cell phones. Our client had a safe, but the alarm was not working! One day, when the family had all left for school/work, burglars broke into the house and simply removed the entire 65 kg safe. The insurance company’s assessor investigated the circumstances and came to the conclusion that the protection requirements had not been met (which was technically true!). They turned down the claim of 180,000 NIS. We, as the agents, tried to find any way to prove that the insurance company should at least pay some of the money. Our clients did have a heavy safe, even though their alarm was not working. We searched for insurance claims and we found a classic case in Israel (Slutzky v. Chatamei Lloyds). This case, which went to the Supreme Court, laid down the following rule: If the insurance company had insured other clients in the same area

It wasn’t 100 percent clear, but it was enough to get an initial payment of 92,000 NIS! with a similar amount of contents they could not require different levels of protection. In other words, even if our client’s particular policy stated clearly that both a safe and an alarm were required, if there were similar clients in the area that were required to have a safe only, the insurance company would have to pay the claim. We frantically began searching for other clients in the same area with similar contents, and we found some who were required to have a safe only and some who needed both the safe and an alarm. It wasn’t 100 percent clear, but it was enough to get an initial payment of 92,000 NIS! (We are still attempting to increase the reimbursement). Moral: Don’t ever despair – not in insurance and not in life! We would like to wish a Shana Tova to all our client and Bizness Magazine readers!










Health & Wellness Products & Services

DENTISTRY Rechavia Dental Center I EXPERT I 02-561-9770 Dr. Mitchell Rudy 052 339 2131 Dr. Ari Stern 02 999 6046 Dr. Chaim Lewitan 052 761 5359 Dr. Mark Lewitan 02 995 2707 Dr. Links - Dr. Garalnick 02 992 4267 Dr. Chaim Eliezer Jacober 02 999 7479 Dr. Edo Lavi 02 992 3363 Dr. Jacki Glassman 02 566 9061 Dr. Yoav Orbach 02 545 5603

Dr. Claude Hayat Periodontics 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Fruchter 02 536 2244 HEALTH Eliezer Rosenblum Chiropractor 052-662-4658 PlayAttention Solution for ADHD 054 794 3797 Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer 054 572 1651 Rochel Geller weight loss 02 992-1821 Reuven Rosenberg Chiropractor / Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Alternative Clinic 077-212-7567

Rochel Rubinoff Massage Therapist 054-3355-289 Dr. Tova Goldfine Chiropractor 052 420 1201 Donna Abrahams Craniosacral Therapy 054 648 0667 Michael Freedman Personal Trainer 054 843 9541 Gyrotonics Personal Training System 054 908 0886 Natan Feit Reflexology 053 763 4820 Shoshana Grotsky Lice Removal 050 207 1781 Michael Berezin Personal Trainer 054 625 0269



Gavriel Tornek Meditation 054 652 1770 Miriam Maslin Bioresonance Therapy 052-324-4604 Dr. Rina Granot Health & Nutrition 052 674 3838 Dr. Chaim Pinchuck Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 Sara Shaposhnik Energy Healer 050 229 2316 Jerry Hyman Personal Trainer 050 779 8886 Jordana Staiman Speech Therapy 053 311 3916 Kerry Bar Cohn Chiropractor 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Michael Portman Clinical Psycologist 052 269 4030 The Place Emotional Wellbeing Center 02 580 8788 Menachem Schloss NLP Therapist 054-743-8109 Minda Garr Holistic Psychotherapy 052 614 6932 Karen Rappaport Narrative Therapy 050 990 6368 Rachel Factor Anxiety Disorders 052 713 4130 Dr. Genstil Psychologist I EXPERT I 052 260 9087


Why did you decide to change?

What’s your management style?

Tell us about the new Bet Shemesh branch.

People say you smile a lot.

What do you enjoy most?

Tell us about your new optical department.

your free eye test already today. Tell us more about the products.

from abusive homes. Tell us about Superpharm as a chain.

have been introduced in the branch.

Now a big Mazal Tov on the new store at the Big Fashion mall! What wakes you up in the morning?

Tell us about the move from the “old Big” to the new Big Fashion mall?

Tell us more about your staff.

What characterizes the Bet Shemesh residents who come to the store?

What’s your vision for the store?

night. We are totally dedicated to our clients. Health & Wellness GUIDE


30 years of excellence

The most advanced technology

Laser—The Modern Invention That’s Changing the World The word laser is actually an acronym: 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation’

A laser is a device that emits light and has constant (coherent) cyclic activity and identical (monochromatic) and parallel wavelengths. The light beams operated by the device are unique and they create tremendous energy for various uses. The first laser device was used and demonstrated for the first time on May 16, 1960 by scientist Theodore Maiman. The hair removal laser device was invented in 1979 by inventor Barry Jay who exposed his arm to a YAG laser and, after a few days, noticed that the exposed area wasn’t growing hair. Following a short study, the device went on the market, but was found to be ineffective, unstable, with a short lifespan and causing many side effects. After almost two decades of research and development, in 1995, the improved device was sent to FDA clinical trials. And at the end of 1997, the updated device together with the IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device conquered the hair removal market. Up until then, no other devices in this realm had such advanced features. The principle behind the device is selective photothermolysis, meaning that light disintegrates the hair follicle. The laser goes through the light skin, is absorbed in the area that causes dark hair growth, turns into heat energy and destroys the hair. The dark target is generally melanin, which is highly concentrated at the base of the hair. Many technologies offer treatment particularly to people with light skin and dark hair—this combination shows a clear differentiation between their skin and hair color. In 2012, a new and revolutionary device was introduced that offers effective treatment both to those with dark skin as well as those with fair hair. Today, the laser device considered to be the best in the world is the Vectus® by Cynosure. The Vectus Laser has the most uniform beam profile available today and allows for the removal of unwanted hair, even in the largest areas, in less than five minutes. The required amount of treatments is between 6-10 as some hairs overcome their trauma and grow back. The number of treatments depends on a variety of factors, the most notable of which are hair properties and changes in the body. Benefits of Laser versus IPL The intensity of the IPL is lower than that of the laser device, while laser has a higher success rate. Likewise, the number of treatments needed with laser is significantly lower than with IPL. The Palomar Vectus® Laser Device — The Best There Is

The Palomar Vectus® Laser is an unprecedented innovation in laser technology. It is the best choice for the fastest hair removal and has proven reliability. The Vectus® Laser is one of the only devices in the world to provide hair removal for all skin types (even dark), all shades of hair (even fair and red; not for grey hair) and to any ethnicity. This device is suitable for treating large areas without sacrificing client comfort. Unique specifications: •The Vectus® Laser features the most uniform beam profile available today. •Revolutionary use of wide pulse for maximum absorption of melanin. •Unique innovation of photon recycling which maximizes results of treatment and lessens the total amount of treatments. •Large treatment surface which is chilled up to 4°, which allows for a comfortable experience. •Use of sapphire in order to ensure a smooth transfer of energy without warming the treatment surface. •Huge treatment area 8.74 square cm, and twice as fast as our leading competitor. •The only technology that features the Skintel™ Melanin Reader™ for a more effective, higher quality and safer treatment. Skintel " Melanin Reader" The laser device comes with Skintel, which the treatment provider uses to determine the client’s skin and hair type, then matching the treatment to the corresponding data. Skintel determines the average melanin density of the skin prior to laser treatments and provides accurate measurements, which help the practitioner better choose treatment settings for superior results, while minimizing risk to the client and maximizing accuracy. Until the invention of Skintel technology, aesthetic treatment providers primarily relied on old, fairly subjective tools to determine a client’s skin type, such as the traditional Fitzpatrick Skin Type evaluation, observations of the patient’s skin, and the patient’s account of recent sun exposure. With the help of Skintel, you can get accurate and effective treatment that will give you excellent and fast results. The Vectus® Laser technology meets the most stringent standards and has the approval of the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), the CE (European Commission) and the Israel Ministry of Health.

Make an appointment now: Beitar 02- 5613181

Jerusalem 02- 5703580

Facials • Laser • Permanent Makeup • Refills and Injections • Manicure • Gel Manicure • Medical Pedicure Electrolysis • Waxing • Plastic Surgery Consultation Jerusalem: Yosef Ben Matityahu 14, Geula 02-5703580 • Beitar: Hachozeh Milublin 48, 02-5613181 • Email:

²â€œĂ€° 30 years of excellence

The most advanced technology



ˆ Ăƒ´¡Ă‡ÂŻ

For great results, call now: Jerusalem branch: 02-570-3580 Beitar branch: 02-561-3181 Laser treatment for men by a certiďƒžed male clinician under rabbinical supervision

Facials • Laser • Permanent Makeup • Refills and Injections • Manicure • Gel Manicure • Medical Pedicure Electrolysis • Waxing • Plastic Surgery Consultation Jerusalem: Yosef Ben Matityahu 14, Geula 02-5703580 • Beitar: Hachozeh Milublin 48, 02-5613181 • Email:

Water from a World that You Have Never Known

The Best Drinking Water No Maintenance, Nothing Removed How did you get involved with drinking water technologies? By chance. I met a scientist in Austria who was very happy to hear that I was from Israel and who asked me to manufacture in Israel a device that he had invented and then distribute it throughout the world. It was a water purifier that lasts for many years, doesn’t need any maintenance or filters and for which there was one only a one-time installation. What’s the problem with tap water? Today’s industries spill much of their industrial waste which reaches the country’s water reserves and also pollutes the wells. What do most common filters do? Filters are a great disaster for the human body as they filter out most, if not all, of the important minerals in the water. That is why our bodies, which very much need these minerals, suffer from many illnesses and we are forced into buying these missing vitamins and minerals in health stores which cost us a lot of money. Explain the principle of the Mayim Chayim 8 system. It uses a whirlpool process where the water spins around 14 times at an incredible speed. As a result, the water is enriched Wellness GUIDE 14448• Health JULY& 2013

with liquid oxygen and high energy (frequency) and the mineral molecules are separated from the toxins in such as way that the minerals are able to be well-absorbed into the cells of our body. The toxins are deactivated as a result of their being broken up into millions of pieces. The toxins then leave through the body’s natural system of secretions. Where do all the toxins and chemicals go? All of the chemicals and toxins are secreted out through the body’s natural secretion system. This can be seen by the high amounts of toxins found in urine and feces tests that have been carried out on the secretions of those who drink water purified by the Mayim Chayim 8 system. What’s the effect on the human body? Amazing. There is an amazing affect on the quality of the red blood cells in the body. They are enriched with lots of electric energy and also with a lot of liquefied oxygen which is very important for defending the body from various diseases. Many people, both adults and children, find that the purified water heals various skin diseases. The skin becomes softer and more pleasant and eczema and itching disappear. The digestive system and the body’s immune system also improve greatly. Many women report a rise in the amount of calcium in the body. In

Bizness Magazine

02 999 3939

Regular Jerusalem Tap Water

Blood test before drinking Mayim Chayim8 (crowded red blood cells)

Blood test after drinking Mayim Chayim8 (separated red blood cells) addition, the softer water greatly affects the skin and the hair, reducing the need for body creams and hair conditioners. The surface of the blood cells allow proper function and absorption of the minerals in the water. Have you seen changes in people’s health? Clients have reported that many dramatic changes have taken place in their bodies. Here are a few examples:  There was a man who suffered from psoriasis for over 40 years. After he washed and took a bath in water from our device he was totally cured of the sores that he had. Of course he now continues to take baths all of the time.  There was a doctor who suffered all his life from eczema on his hands.

Mineral Water

After only one shower, it was gone.  A baby suffered from itchy skin. Regular water caused him to cry and scream and he used to scratch himself until he was bleeding. His mother came to us and washed him in the water from the device. The baby was in the water for 30 minutes. He did not cry and he did not scratch. His mother told me that she had never seen him like this—not since he was born.  An older woman couldn’t drink water from the tap in the nursing home. Today she drinks 15 cups of water a day, all of the acne that she had on her face disappeared and did not return. What is your opinion about the taste of the water? The taste of the water is wonderful. What other benefits are expected? After the device’s installation, there is no need for maintenance for many years, 20 years or more. There is no longer any need to shlepp bottles or change filters. This can bring clients savings of thousands of shekels over many years. And, water can now be drunk just for fun, cup after cup, even three-four cups. The water also cleans out the lime scale from the building pipes, the solar heater, the washing machine and the dishwasher. And all of the minerals in the water remain to reach our bodies the way they are supposed to. How is the system installed? The device is installed near the water meter in order that all of the faucets in your house will get the purified water for drinking, cooking and washing and also for the garden and for your pets. Installation takes between 20-30 minutes. It can be done by any plumber, we can send a plumber or you can do it yourself. As the device is in a box which looks like an

Mayim Chayim8 Water

electric box, there is no fear of robbery. How often do you need to replace parts? There is no need to replace parts or to clean the device for many years. What is the warranty? There is a 10-year warranty on the certificate. The device is checked and approved for use by the Israeli Standards Institute. Likewise, tests from one of the largest laboratories in Israel, Bactochem Laboratory in Nes Ziona, checked it and found that there were no germs in the water and that the water was clean and met the requirements of the Minister of Health for drinking water and contained a greater amount of oxygen. The device is totally manufactured only in Israel and is protected by a patent registered in the Israeli patent office. How can people get more information? To see our internet site, get more information and to hear video interviews with many users go to: or check out MayimChayim 8 on Google or on You-Tube. Our e-mail address is: and our telephone number is: 052-863-6977.  HealthMAGAZINE & Wellness GUIDE • 145 BIZNESS 49

Interview with Lior Tal, Manager of BigSport

Big Sport

All the Equipment That You Need to Get in Top Shape

What is BigSport and how did it all begin? BigSport is the largest and most professional sporting, fitness and recreational goods store in greater Beit Shemesh. The store was formerly part of the renowned Devarim Yafim toy store in the BIG shopping center, the oldest one in town. Three years ago the stores split into two separate shops, but still under the same owner, Mr. Yehuda Amar. This allowed each to specialize in its respective field and provide the most relevant and appropriate service and product range to its customers. The Devarim Yafim store, a gift and toy shop, was relocated to the Big Fashion mall, while BigSport moved to 5 Hatzaba street, Northern industrial zone, Beit Shemesh. What products do you sell? BigSport imports and markets a huge range of fitness products, for example: weights; home and professional fitness equipment; treadmills; exercise bikes; CrossFit equipment; gym equipment; aerobic, yoga and Pilates equipment; boxing equipment and accessories, etc. Examples of sporting goods include: balls and accessories for all kinds of sports (football, basketball, etc.); tennis equipment; pool equipment and accessories, etc. Examples of leisure goods include: basketball hoop fixtures for the yard; home trampolines, as well as special safety trampolines with protective netting for the yard; Intex home swimming pools; game tables such as football, pool and ping pong tables, etc. Tell us about your website. Our internet site has been around for a long time. It’s a sizeable site, featuring a variety of products, catalogs, essays and articles about sports and nutrition, photo galleries where customers can browse products and see how we installed them by our clients, and more. Bookings can be made through the secure payment site PayPal, or by credit card, either on the phone or on the website itself where they’re protected by the most stringent security standards on the market. After purchase, products can either be delivered door-to-door within seven business days, or picked up from the store straight away. Why would anyone prefer coming physically to the store instead of ordering online in the comfort of their home? If you come to the store, you can easily view the range of products on display, and you can get professional advice from our courteous and experienced staff headed by myself and Mr. Yehuda Amar. What happens when a customer wants a product that you don’t have? As a large, well-established store, we work with the leading importers and suppliers in the market, so even if we don’t currently have the requested product in the inventory, we’ll do everything we can to obtain the desired product and deliver it to you. Where do your products come from? Most of our products are manufactured in the Far East; some come from Israel, Europe and the United States. Regardless, all prod-

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ucts undergo strict supervision and meet the most stringent approved SII (Standards Institution of Israel) safety standards for import and marketing of goods. Name three bestselling products. Trampolines, home pools and game tables. We import the Urban Jump brand of trampolines – they’re the safest and highest quality ones, adhering to strict German standards and with a five-year warranty, subject to terms and conditions. We sell the leading brands of pools, Intex and Summer Escape. Game tables come in a variety of types, primarily ping-pong tables and football. You must sell a lot of pools in the summer – but what’s popular in the winter? In winter people stay at home more, so they do more exercise and order home fitness equipment such as treadmills, exercise bikes, elliptical machines, multi trainers etc. How can consumers know if a specific product (at your store or a different one) is of high quality? Our products live up to the most stringent quality and safety standards. Most products come with one-year warranties at least, and some with up to ten years. No matter what, any product that is defective or fails to give customer satisfaction can be returned, exchanged, or be fully reimbursed, as defined by the terms of the Consumer Protection Act. Do you have any special sales during the year? We have a loyalty program granting a fixed 5-10 percent discount year round on almost all products, barring the most exceptional ones. In addition, we make sure to advertise specials throughout the year on our Facebook page and website, or in local advertising magazines. How can you ensure that your customers are satisfied with your service? I think that the quality of our service is reflected in the number of returning customers and of new customers coming in through referral from friends, neighbors or family members. We also make our private mobile number available to anyone who wants to ask a question and to receive service on any subject and at any time. How are your prices relative to those of your competitors? Our prices are very affordable considering the high-quality products and professional service we provide. We’re located in the industrial area and have a large showroom featuring a variety of different products to try out. Our location in the industrial area Receive a free rather than a commercial mall means that we can reduce stationary bike costs and price our products at unbeatable value. What’s with purchase of a treadmill*! more, we actually commit to offering the cheapest price *Participating compared with our competitors and the price comparison models only sites like Zap  Rechov Hatzaba 5 Beit Shemesh 02-991-8001 Sun-Thurs: 9 AM -7 PM Friday 9 AM- 2 PM English Speaking Staff At Your Service




ORIGINAL Wiggle Bimba with silicone wheels

Children’s Portable Professional Basketball Hoop

5 yearty! n warra


6ft, 1.83 meters


Height adjustable to 2.36m Includes free basketball and pump


Outdoor Table Tennis Table

Made in Germany, foldable. Includes free rackets and balls!

DERBY Professional Skateboard

Silicone wheels, reinforced bearings

Soccer Goals

Set includes two foldable nets and carry case, free ball and pump

TWIST Scooter

Adjustable and foldable, includes footbrake

DIADORA Roller Blades

Silicone wheels, reinforced metal bearings

*Photos for illustration purposes only *Prices are valid through 31/10/2016 or while stocks last *Terms and conditions apply

5 HaTzaba Street, Northern Industrial Zone, Beit Shemesh Tel.: 02-9918001 | Opening Hours: 9:00am-7:00pm; Friday: 9:00am-2:00pm Visit our website:

Comfortable shoes for women and teens

Pesach Cleaning

the enjoyable, pain-free way Hello! The joyful days of Purim have passed. Pesach is approaching, springtime is on its way, and the scent of renewal is in the air. We have a lot of work ahead of us; aside from the usual routine of work, home, cooking, and cleaning, we have to prepare our houses for Pesach. Clearing the house of chametz is an important mitzvah, with ample reward, which requires much effort on our part. We end up spending a lot of time on our feet. How do we clean our houses energetically and joyfully, without foot pain? I wanted to tell you that about two years ago I opened a store for comfortable shoes in your neighborhood, Nachal Kishon 32. There’s no need to spend money to travel to Yerushalaim or Bnei Brak just to look in stores with no experience fitting orthopedic shoes. Hundreds of women are already benefiting from our shoes and enjoying a new quality of life. A satisfied customer tells: I came to Chani after trying and paying for all kinds of solutions to relieve my foot pain. Nothing else had worked, but Chani recommended a pair of lace-up shoes and they changed my life. In just a few days, the pain was gone, and I got rid of all the other shoes I owned. I recommend that any woman suffering from foot pain go to Chani for the solution. —Ronit A. In ‘Top Shoes’ you’ll find comfortable shoes for every occasion: weekday, dress, house shoes, and walking shoes. They all have especially light soles that help your walk and your body stability, and are all suitable for orthopedic inserts. You’ll receive professional consultation and fitting to find the shoe that’s best for you. In honor of the Chag, we’ve just

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received a unique summer collection. Come visit ‘Top Shoes’ today and find your pair of comfortable shoes. Your erev Pesach won’t be the same: you’ll have more energy, no pain, and more patience for your family. And most important, you’ll come to the Seder with renewed strength. A comfortable pair of shoes is the minimum you can do to take care of yourself – you deserve it. Wishing you success with your cleaning, Chani

New! Free gift A guide on how to successfully buy comfortable shoes. For the guide, call us at 052-7628302 or 991-9877, or

come to see us at the store

Top Shoes - Nachal Kishon 32 Tel: 9919877 or 052-7628302


Specialty Running



Home Fitness

Bike Tours & Rentals

Bike Repairs & Upgrades

WWW.ALDERECHBURMA.COM Location: On highway 38, about 800 meters from the Shaar Hagai exit (on the right side) We are moving on May 15th to our larger & more convenient location

Special relocation sale!

New address: Rechov Hataasiah 16, Har Tuv Aleph

Tel. 054 351 8009 - 074 703 0029 Mon - Thu 10:00 - 19:00 Fri 9:00 - 15:00

Is Your Bed

Allergy Friendly?


y Bed? Friendly? What do you mean? My bed is the most inviting, comfortable thing in the house. Believe it or not, for many people around you, their bed is the cause of much discomfort. Three hundred million people around the world suffer from allergies, among them 400,000 Israelis. Allergies range from non-pleasant symptoms during various seasons of the year to actual breathing diseases such as asthma, COPD, etc. Allergy symptoms may include congestion and runny nose, coughing, itchy throat, irritated skin, diarrhea, upset stomach, etc. You may be saying to yourself now, “Hey, I suffer from some of those.” Or, perhaps someone in your family is suffering. You, like many others, may not be aware that these symptoms are actually an allergic reaction to different allergens which exist in every single house such as house dust mites, pets, mold and various foods. Whereas many housekeepers would like to claim that their houses are free of dust mites, the truth is otherwise. Let’s explain. Dust mites are tiny insects that are invisible to the naked eye. They are found in mattresses, pillows, carpets, upholstered furniture, bedcovers, clothes and fabric. The existence of dust mites can trigger asthma in individuals with allergic reactions to dust mites. Exposure to dust mites can cause asthma in children who have not previously shown asthma symptoms. Even if your house is free of carpets and cloth curtains, there are some things you just cannot avoid. These are your pillow and mattress. It is estimated that within a few years, an unprotected mattress contains up to ten million dust mites! Allergic reactions may appear in as little as two minutes after exposure. A new trend has developed in hotels around the world. They offer “Allergy Friendly Rooms.” Hotels have invested certain elements in these rooms which are meant to relieve visitors of some of their suffering during their hotel stay. These include removing the carpets and offering hypo-allergenic bedding, air purifiers and such. But we believe this trend must begin in your home. If anyone in your family suffers from allergic reactions or if you are concerned about their developing these symptoms, you can help! Although the complete recipe for an allergy-friendly room contains many ingredients, there is one basic, simple, critical step which must be taken--encase the mattresses and pillows. Perhaps you, like many people, already do have some sort of mattress and pillow protector. But nearly all protectors sold feature one or more of the following flaws:  They feel like plastic and are therefore noisy, sweaty and uncomfortable.

Wellness GUIDE 15040• Health JULY&2013

 They only offer protection on the top side of the mattress. They ignore the sides and bottom of the mattress.  They cannot tolerate a hot water wash. Infestations will remain on the protector after a cold wash.  They cost more than you would ever want to spend on a plastic bag. Bedding Israel was created to bring affordable solutions to a variety of bedding problems. One of our products solves all of the above concerns. Bedding Israel exclusively imports the only mattress encasement that provides six-sided protection. This encasement, which is made entirely in the US, easily zips on and off the mattress, is made of exclusive patented polyurethane material that completely seals the mattress from any and all liquids, spills or wetting and seals away dust mites, bed bugs and any other allergens in the mattress. At the same time, it is completely breathable – no sweating, no plastic feel and no noise. In short, you will not feel it when you sleep. What you will feel is the relief of not exposing yourself and your loved ones to allergens via the bedding. For those whose mattresses have been infested by bed bugs, the encasement offers a quick and simple solution that eliminates the need to have the mattress exterminated -- a method which has proven to be unhealthy, shortens the life of the mattress and, in most cases, is ineffective. When you zipper the encasement onto an infested mattress, the bed bugs inside will simply die of starvation as they have no human flesh to live on. And for those of you who are not allergic and who do not want to deal with the on and off of a full six-sided encasement, Bedding Israel offers a similar five-sided protector. Both the protectors and the encasement provide absolute protection against any spills or accidental wetting of the mattress on all sides. The best part about making a purchase from Bedding Israel is that you will only come back for more, never for replacements. That is because our protectors and encasements come with the best warranty in the world--a 10-year or 300-wash warranty. So, even if you wash the encasement regularly (as often as you wish, though we recommend wiping off the surface unless it is actually soiled), it will last for many years to come. Guaranteed. You are welcome to visit our website for more details and to see our other great products at: or call 052-777-BEDS (2337) for special family prices.  Bedding Israel – Sleep the Difference.

Bizness Magazine

02 999 3939

What’s Causing Your

Asthma, Eczema, Psoriasis, Hay Fever, Sinus Congestion, Flu, Headaches, Itchy Red Eyes, Fatigue, Sneezing or Bronchitis? Dust mites are microscopic organisms. They reside in all our homes, no matter how clean we keep them. Dust mites often cause allergies because we react to various allergens contained in their droppings.

Our Service

We remove the dust mites, their waste products and any bacteria or mold that exists inside your mattress and couch. We then sterilize the surfaces to ensure that any remaining micro-organisms left behind are killed and removed.


How long does the process take? It takes just 35 minutes and mattress and couch are ready to use immediately after our service.

Areas of Service

Jerusalem, Bet Shemesh and the rest of the country.

Completely dry and chemical-free. We only use high-powered, allergy-safe vacuum and germicidal light (the same that comes from the sun) and the same light doctors use to sterilize hospital equipment.


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Suffering from Insomnia? You are not alone. An Israeli survey comprising 500 Israelis reveals that 41% of participants suffer from insomnia, while 8% use the aid of sleep remedies. Many studies have proven the fact that sleep on a healthy and high-quality mattress enables better and sounder sleep, which results in optimum functioning in the daytime. THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD SLEEP Many studies about sleep suggest that sleep is not a luxury but a basic necessity. It comprises about a third of our lives, and when it is good and qualitative, it improves our mood, our efficiency and our functioning throughout the entire day as well as influencing our quality of life and even reduces wrinkles. THE BEDROOM Planning our sleep environment and choosing the bed and mattress are important factors. The bedroom is the private domain in the home and should be designed in a way to ensure relaxation, comfort and tranquility. The bed should be attractive, comfortable and should provide the ultimate sleep experience with a superior mattress. Choose a comfortable, soft mattress that is not too hard, but at the same time ensures full support for the spine. WHAT ARE THE BESTSELLING MATTRESSES IN THE U.S.? The American magazine “BedTimes”, which is the leading professional magazine of its kind on the subject of mattresses, released a comprehensive mattress study. Its findings were conclusive: Ninety-two percent of Americans purchase spring mattresses, while only eight percent purchase latex and polyurethane mattresses. Simmons, which began producing mattresses in the year 1825, is the pioneer in spring mattress production. BEAUTYREST — SIMMONS’ EXCLUSIVE PATENT World-famous Simmons proves that its Beautyrest (pocketed coil) mattresses rise to the challenge of good, healthy and qualitative sleep, which gives consumers a healthier and better way of life as well Bnei Brak

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as a product that has the durability to last many years. If we add the layer of latex (produced by the fabulous British manufacturer Dunlopillo) or the layer of NG Visco, which provides additional support and amazing comfort, there’s no doubt that tonight you will sleep better and much healthier. Research done in the Simmons sleep laboratories revealed that while sleeping we roll over in bed about 40-60 times, which diminishes the quality of sleep. Good quality sleep means a small amount of rolling over at night. The Simmons Beautyrest mattress enables adults, children and teenagers to receive the support they need. The mattress perfectly supports all parts of the body by means of the innovative Beautyrest technology, which adapts to body weight and allows for comfortable and healthy sleep. WHAT ABOUT ALLERGIES? The cause of the majority of allergies is the dust mite, a microscopic organism that feeds on skin cells which are shed from our bodies during sleep and which reproduces in warm, moist environments. In recent years, more and more people are suffering from dust mite allergies and therefore many companies are strict about using anti-allergy fabric that prevents its development. HOW OFTEN TO REPLACE A MATTRESS? A good mattress lasts nine to ten years, according to the American National Sleep Foundation, but should be replaced every five to seven if you don’t sleep well. Our body structure changes with age, which makes it necessary to change the mattress. In addition, new technological developments contribute to improving the sleep experience. Leading companies such as Simmons, Sealy, Aminach and King Koil make use of the latest innovative technologies, advanced raw materials, and improvement of their products, enabling their customers to sleep better. And so, we wish you nothing but good, beneficial and healthy sleep on a good and healthy mattress.

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Health & Wellness Education

DENTISTRY Rechavia Dental Center I EXPERT I 02-561-9770 Dr. Mitchell Rudy 052 339 2131 Dr. Ari Stern 02 999 6046 Dr. Chaim Lewitan 052 761 5359 Dr. Mark Lewitan 02 995 2707 Dr. Links - Dr. Garalnick 02 992 4267 Dr. Chaim Eliezer Jacober 02 999 7479 Dr. Edo Lavi 02 992 3363 Dr. Jacki Glassman 02 566 9061 Dr. Yoav Orbach 02 545 5603

Dr. Claude Hayat Periodontics 02 566 0436 Dr. Daniel Fruchter 02 536 2244 HEALTH Eliezer Rosenblum Chiropractor 052-662-4658 PlayAttention Solution for ADHD 054 794 3797 Get Fit with Karen Personal trainer 054 572 1651 Rochel Geller weight loss 02 992-1821 Reuven Rosenberg Chiropractor / Complementary Medicine 052-761-6793 Bioresonance Alternative Clinic 077-212-7567



Rochel Rubinoff Massage Therapist 054-3355-289 Dr. Tova Goldfine Chiropractor 052 420 1201 Donna Abrahams Craniosacral Therapy 054 648 0667 Michael Freedman Personal Trainer 054 843 9541 Gyrotonics Personal Training System 054 908 0886 Natan Feit Reflexology 053 763 4820 Shoshana Grotsky Lice Removal 050 207 1781 Michael Berezin Personal Trainer 054 625 0269



Gavriel Tornek Meditation 054 652 1770 Miriam Maslin Bioresonance Therapy 052-324-4604 Dr. Rina Granot Health & Nutrition 052 674 3838 Dr. Chaim Pinchuck Neurofeedback 050 303 0939 Sara Shaposhnik Energy Healer 050 229 2316 Jerry Hyman Personal Trainer 050 779 8886 Jordana Staiman Speech Therapy 053 311 3916 Kerry Bar Cohn Chiropractor 052-659-4488




THERAPY/ PSYCHOLOGISTS Dr. Michael Portman Clinical Psycologist 052 269 4030 The Place Emotional Wellbeing Center 02 580 8788 Menachem Schloss NLP Therapist 054-743-8109 Minda Garr Holistic Psychotherapy 052 614 6932 Karen Rappaport Narrative Therapy 050 990 6368 Rachel Factor Anxiety Disorders 052 713 4130 Dr. Genstil Psychologist I EXPERT I 052 260 9087


A Vision Made Real: Torah, Academics and Technology Interview with Rosalind Elbaum, Director of Development,

Jerusalem College of Technology What is the Jerusalem College of Technology? Founded in 1969, the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT), or Lev Academic Center, is today one of Israel’s major academic institutions, home to over 4,500 students on three campuses. We are fully accredited by Israel’s Council of Higher Education. What is unique about JCT is that we specialize in a religious study program combined with academic degrees in high-tech engineering, industrial management, and life and health sciences. Over 90% of our students find employment in the field in which they studied. How do your campuses differ from each other?  Lev Campus (Machon Lev) has been JCT’s flagship institution for higher learning since 1969, serving men pre- and/or post- IDF service. The Naveh program, with programs specifically designed for Haredi (ultra-orthodox) men, is located here.  Tal Campus (Machon Tal) is JCT’s women’s Institute for Nursing, Technology and Management. It includes the Da’at and Tvuna programs for Haredi women.  Lustig Campus (Machon Lustig) is the Women’s Institute for Technology and Management in Ramat Gan for Haredi women. What contribution has JCT made to Israel as a whole? JCT plays an important role in developing the overall Israeli economic infrastructure, especially in Jerusalem. Through its faculty assistance and graduates, we’ve helped establish over 100 high-tech companies and participated in leading R&D national defense projects. 32

APRIL 2016

Of no less importance is that the unique combination of Torah U’Madda (religious and scientific studies) has produced thousands of graduates with profound and enduring religious and interpersonal values. What degrees do you offer?  Accounting and Information Systems (BA)  Bioinformatics (BSc)  Business Administration (BA & MBA)  Computer Sciences (BSc)  Electro-Optics Engineering (BSc)  Electronics Engineering (BSc)  Industrial Engineering and Management (BSc)  Nursing (BSN)  Software Engineering (BSc)  Telecommunication Systems Engineering (MSc) Who are your students? They hail from all segments of society and across the religious spectrum. We have special programs for Ethiopian students, for immigrants (especially French-, English- and Spanish-speaking), and for Hasidic women. Tell us about your English-speaking program. The International Program in English for men spans 1.5 days of business courses per week, on Tuesday afternoons and Fridays. The rest of the week, students can learn at any yeshiva of their choice. At the end of three years, students graduate with a full degree. Our hope is that by combining academic and Torah studies, we can assist in molding the kind of young man who will be able to embark on his career path while maintaining an abiding fidelity to the Torah and Israel. Indeed, we view our mission as nothing less than shaping the future of Jewish communities anywhere and everywhere. What benefits and advantages does the program have to offer people from English-speaking countries? It provides young men not yet fluent in Hebrew with the opportunity to stay in Israel whilst studying for an academic degree. It may well assist them in deciding to make Aliya. Additionally, the religious studies component is crucial. Some students come to us seeking spiritual and religious growth that academic studies in a university “mechina” program can’t provide. Others are those who might wish to remain in their yeshivas in Israel, but are hesitant to continue with a full program of Jewish learning and risk falling behind in professional advancement and higher education. It’s not uncommon for young men to forgo the opportunity to remain in, and benefit from, a yeshiva program due to this fear – unfortunately, the pressure to become educated and earn degrees at an early age prevents many from doing as much learning as they could. JCT’s International Program allows such students to enjoy the best of both worlds, offering

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Torah lessons with their favorite Rebbeim alongside studies towards a prestigious academic degree in business. Once they’ve graduated, our college’s solid nationwide reputation helps these young men improve their chances of being hired and being able to stay in Israel, from a financial perspective. Furthermore, many of our graduates over the past forty years have opened their own companies and, knowing of the skill sets acquired at JCT, are open to giving younger graduates a chance at entry level positions. In addition, as a government-recognized institute of higher education, our programming is under constant supervision by the Council of Higher Education. JCT has over forty years’ experience in practical academic programming. The cost of the program as set by the Council of Higher Education comes to less than $4,000 per year. While this figure is higher than that of the Hebrew speakers’ program, due to the smaller class enrolment and the extra tuition and special programming provided for these students, it is still much lower than equivalent studies in the United States. How has your institution impacted Israel’s high-tech industry? Graduates are employed in leading high-tech companies and R&D units in the IDF. Graduates have set up major high-tech companies such as NDS (which was bought by Cisco), and successful start-ups such as Zuta Labs, inventors of the mobile pocket printer and Glide live video messaging. What option is there for religious studies while at JCT? Most programs have compulsory religious studies – in the Bet Midrash at Lev, or the Midrasha at Tal – under the auspices of Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon, recently appointed rabbinic head of JCT. Students who join us after several years of full-time yeshiva study may receive an exemption and only come in for academic studies in the afternoon. What are the most popular career tracks today’s students are choosing? All the ones we teach – accounting, nursing, computer programming, engineering, and high-tech. Our degree programs are developed and designed to meet the needs of industry. We have leading professionals on our academic advisory committees to ensure this. Tell us about your program for Ethiopian students. JCT was one of the first of Israel’s leading institutions of higher education to take up the challenge of integrating members of the Ethiopian community into academia and the workforce, establishing the Education for Ethiopians (EFE) program eighteen years ago. 54% of our graduates have engineering degrees and 36% of those are officers in the IDF utilizing their engineering education in helping to defend the country. There are currently 125 students (66 men and 59 women) studying at JCT for degrees in engineering, accounting, management and nursing. How does the multicultural makeup of your student body enhance the classroom experience? JCT is one of the most “pluralistic” institutions within the Orthodox community. Haredi, national-religious and Ethiopian students all study together in an environment of mutual respect. At JCT we break down the barriers, enabling each sector to meet and learn both from and with each other. Haredim see that you can be yirei shamayim, study Torah and serve in the IDF without compromising your religious commitment; while they, for their part, bring their high level of Torah commitment and convey the message that compromising or straying from tradition in not required

order to advance in education and employment. How is JCT an ideal option for the Haredi community? The academic education of the Haredi community and their entrance into the workforce is one of the central issues for contemporary Israeli society. For over 45 years, JCT’s religious environment and its focus on professional career development has attracted Orthodox youth interested in studying for an academic degree. Now the ultra-Orthodox too are attending JCT. Here they’re provided with the necessary tools for success and to become contributing members of society as scientists and engineers, in high-tech and in business. JCT’s gender separate campuses provide the Haredi population with the environment suited to their needs. T here are currently some 2,000 Haredi students enrolled (550 men and 1,450 women). Many of the Haredi men are older and with large families; all Haredi men arrive with little or no exposure to secular education. The vast majority of our Haredi students – over 700 participants annually – start their academic studies in a pre-academic ‘mechina’ program, designed to fill in the gaps in their scholastic background and prepare them to succeed in college. Lack of secular education coupled with tremendous financial pressures are the key challenges facing this group, who suffer from a relatively higher early dropout rate. Those that do complete the program and receive their degree often have a difficult time getting their career started on the right track. Lack of exposure to work culture and insufficient English language skills make finding the right job extremely challenging for the new graduates. Our Center for the Advancement of Haredim at the Lev Campus helps alleviate these challenges by providing Haredi students with a one-stop center for all the tools and assistance they need to complete their studies and find employment in their chosen professions. As a leader in the effort to successfully integrate this population into the Israeli workforce, JCT recognizes that the center’s activities are essential to the successful education and integration of Haredim. They are enabled to support themselves properly, thereby improving the overall economic situation of the Haredi community in Israel and reducing their dependence on government and social support. What do you offer over other colleges and universities in Israel? JCT just came top (including a 100% success rate at Lustig) in the national accountancy boards, and our nursing graduates continue to attain the highest scores in their national exams. So there is no doubt that our academic programs are top of the league. In addition, we offer generous stipends and a holistic approach to helping our students succeed, providing those in need with academic reinforcement, help with job placement etc. All this is besides the special religious hashkafa and environment that JCT provides, unique amongst all colleges in Israel. What is the mission of JCT? This is how the founder Prof. Ze’ev Lev z’l described the mission of JCT: “The institute I envision will educate students to synthesize their profession with a Jewish way of life… not only to provide manpower for Israel’s developing high-tech industries, but to produce leaders who are strongly committed to Torah, to our Nation and to our People.”  02-675-1269


Helping People

to Help People

Interview with Rabbi Shea Lewis,

Director at The PATH Center Rabbi Shea Lewis is originally from Edgware, London, and has been living in Israel for the last 17 years. A graduate of Hasmonean High School and Gateshead Yeshiva, he continued his studies in Israel, where he received smicha from HaRav Meir Bransdorfer. After his studies in psychology at the Open University, he started coordinating educational opportunities for mental health professionals. In 2015, Rabbi Lewis launched PATH, where he feels able and privileged to offer these services in a professional setting. What is the PATH Center and why was it founded? The PATH Center is an exclusively English-speaking training and provision center in the fields of counseling and psychotherapy. The PATH Center aims to bring everything under one roof. It gives the professional community a place where they can train, network and advance with the warmth and professionalism that they have now come to appreciate and welcome. Who are your students? We have a very diversified crowd at PATH who live locally, as well as students from Bet Shemesh, Telzstone and Petach Tikva. We also have long-distance students from England, Belgium, and as far away as Australia! Our students are from all across the religious spectrum. What courses do you offer? The flagship program is the two-year training program in clinical mental health counseling. This program is structured on the syllabus presented in most American universities, and offers students a solid but wide-ranging program dealing with an array of topics that therapists are likely to encounter in their clinical work. In addition, we have advanced programs for professionals such as a unique program in Expressive Arts that is starting in a few weeks’ time! Is there fieldwork as part of the training? PATH has its own dedicated fieldwork coordinator who oversees students’ placements and currently works in collaboration with many English-speaking yeshivos, seminaries, and other organizations. The low-cost yet professional services that we are able to provide have been welcomed by many directors over the last year, and we’ve received tremendous feedback. To whom would you recommend counseling as a profession? Generally, students who walk through our doors will all say the same thing: that they always knew this is what they wanted to do! Our job is to guide and train. Of course, not every student is suitable

for this field — which we’ll tell them quite honestly if that is the case. It is a disservice to them, and of course any potential future clients, to train a less -than-ideal therapist. Who makes up the staff of the PATH Center? All of our faculty are licensed professional psychologists and social workers, all of whom have decades of experience in clinical work and training through supervision and lecturing. Time and time again our students report that, compared to Israeli university social work programs, specifically in terms of actual clinical skills and therapeutic tools, our program has constantly delivered a training level that is second to none! This, I’m sure, is due in no small part to the stature of our faculty and the fact that they are all currently running busy practices and not teaching psychotherapy as an abstract academic field. As the center has a religious student body, we are under strong rabbinical guidance; our syllabus actually includes a specific module on halachic and hashkafic considerations when working in this field. We also accommodate by hosting separate hours on campus for the men’s and women’s groups. What are your plans for the future? Originally the vision was to create a central campus with clinics that provide a service for therapists and clients alike. Now that this vision has Baruch Hashem been realized, we are expanding our horizons and have some exciting new programs and internationallyacclaimed guest lecturers scheduled in the fall. Aside from the main training programs, we have hosted four top-class lecturers from the United States over the last year, and have more lined up to present in 2017. Particularly exciting is a three-day conference with acclaimed Harvard professor Dr. Ron Siegel, who is one of world’s authorities on mindfulness. In addition, we hope to expand our clinics and professional library that currently operate on campus. From where do you draw the most satisfaction in your work? The siyata dishmaya that we have experienced has been overwhelming, seeing the students’ smiles as they walk into class, and experiencing the amazing atmosphere and sense of belonging for the English-speaking professional community has been incredible. The heart-warming comments and emails from people whose lives have changed make it all worth it! 

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