Biz Square Online (by AlphaOmega Consulting Services, LLC) (Revised 8/16/10)
In this Section you will find a brief description of every Page/Tab and its function. And, for your convenience, feel free to print these pages for quick and easy reference.
Home Home Page is the starting point and where you can view website details at a glance.
Biz Profile Input and update your BUSINESS or PERSONAL profile so that ALL Members can view and begin to start doing business with you.
Mall Floor 1 Find Products and Services that may fit your business needs. Check out the Companies’ ADS and many provide (daily or special) DISCOUNTS:
Apparel, Career, Chambers & Associations, Communications, Education, Electronics, Entertainment, Gifts, Hardware/Software,
Mall Floor 2 Find Products and Services that may fit your business needs. Check out the Companies’ ADS and many provide (daily or special) DISCOUNTS:
Services, Sports, Supplies, Travel, Web Services, Webvoice, Wellness
Bids Here you can find a list of links that will guide you to various bids offered!
Biz Applications Free applications provided by Biz SquareOnline, through 3rd party developers, to provide you with additional tools and services to enhance your business! BLOG: by WordPress ENHANCE PROFILE: by Google Docs (allows one to create or upload a business PowerPoint presentation) 2010 Copyright AlphaOmega Consulting Services, LLC All Rights Reserved