2 minute read
From The Publisher: In Honour Of Our Seniors
from the publisher Let’s All Give Seniors A Big Hand
By Deborah Jones
First, I want to begin with a quick explanation of how Biz X magazine is adapting to these challenging times.
Whereas the COVID-19 shutdown of businesses affected the timing of our April, May and June publications — usually out the first week of each month — we are slowly catching up to our regular schedule, thanks to our hard working team along with the support of our advertisers.
Months before the pandemic hit I decided to write my column about June being declared “Seniors Month”. And even though the month is almost over, I want to proceed as planned.
I have limited space — not enough of course to really emphasize why seniors need to be celebrated — however, I will make the best use of this page that I can to prove my point.
Raymond Cho, Government of Ontario Minister for Seniors and Accessibility stated on June 1: “As we take this opportunity to mark Seniors’ Month, we recognize that these are very challenging times for seniors as they continue to self-isolate due to the risk of COVID-19. Now, more than ever, it is important that we come together to support our seniors and recognize and honour the knowledge, experience and the contributions that seniors have made to build the province that we enjoy today — and that they continue to make every day in communities across Ontario.”
This year’s theme, “Stay Safe, Stay in Touch” focuses on keeping our older adults safe, connected and engaged at home.
If you have a friend or neighbour who is an older adult or know a person with a disability, reach out to them to ensure they have what they need during this difficult period (maybe you can help pick up their medicine, groceries or other essential items).

© Can Stock Photo/Melpomene
For example, take Mark Jones (no relation) a big community supporter who is always there to lend a helping hand. The local operator and Regional Manager at New World Park Solutions formed a group back in March to help seniors, high risk, healthcare/front line workers and anyone affected by the coronavirus. Now, over 150 volunteers assist Jones wherever and whenever help is needed! (On Facebook search “Windsor Essex Seniors/ High Risk needing necessities” to get involved)
To learn more on how the government is helping seniors stay safe and make our province more accessible for everyone, refer to: Ontario.ca/page/ministry-seniors-accessibility.
In closing, keep in mind it should not take a special month (or a pandemic) to celebrate how important seniors are in our lives. We need to show them how much we care, every day of the year no matter what is happening in the world. Reach out to someone you love today. . .