Energy Solutions Company

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We can provide you with an Energy Solution tailored to your needs.


+9714 423 2700

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+9714 458 7086



Renovo Energy Solutions 3004 Boulevard Plaza 1 PO Box 8377 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The EnergyMaps Formula............................................................12 Real Time Energy Management System...............................16 A Complete System..............................................................................18 Real Time Monitoring...........................................................................19 Energy Analytics.................................................................................... 20 Public Display.......................................................................................... 21

Chilled Unit Energy Saver............................................................23 Air Conditioning Energy Savers............................................... 25 Light Energy Saver System........................................................ 27 LED Lighting...................................................................................... 29 Smart Automation.......................................................................... 31 Hotel............................................................................................................ 33 Fitness & Spa.......................................................................................... 35 Restaurant & Bar................................................................................... 37 Business..................................................................................................... 39 Boardroom............................................................................................... 41 Professional Office............................................................................... 43 Complete Home Control................................................................... 45

Building Management System.................................................. 47

Want to reduce your energy bill? Want to find out where you are consuming Energy? Want to enhance your “Green Image�?

We can provide you with an Energy Solution tailored to your needs.


Renovo Renovo Energy Solutions are at the forefront of Energy Management, targeting significant reductions in client energy consumption and cost, without inhibiting performance.

As the threats presented by climate change become ever more proven, there are countless global initiatives in place researching and developing alternative energy sources that will, hopefully, lead to the world’s economies becoming less reliant on harmful types of energy generation. However, one important source of energy is too often overlooked - energy efficiency - we must get more from less. Population levels are projected to increase from 6.5 billion today to 8.3 billion by 2030. At this rate of growth, the world’s demand for energy will have increased by 53%, elevating global CO2 emissions by 55%. Energy efficiency will help reduce the effects of climate change. Commerce and industry can make a significant contribution by using the best available technologies to reduce the amount of energy needed to operate facilities.



In 2030 the world’s demand for energy will have increased by 53%



Population levels are projected to increase from 6.5 billion today to 8.3 billion by 2030.


Why Us? Energy is Becoming More Expensive

Making A Corporate Commitment

Saving Your Energy is now a Moral Responsibility

it can be one of the biggest cost factors in any company, but remember, all the money saved goes straight to the bottom-line, profit. It could also allow your businesses to become more competitive and offer better value for money to customers. Can you think of a better, risk-free way to boost profits?

This commitment to energy saving not only empowers you to make an environmental difference; it’s proven to enhance your company image too. Increasingly, investors, consumers and employees want to be in business with environmentally conscious and responsible companies.

it is one of the foremost ways of tackling something we all face: climate change. When you implement a robust energy saving program, YOU and your staff will be making a meaningful, personal contribution to thwarting this global problem.

Can you think of a better, risk-free way to boost profits?



1. Control

2. Reduce

3. Eliminate

The first step in any robust energy management program is to take control of the situation and understand the problem – before investments are made in expensive solutions that may, or may not as the case may be, give an acceptable result.

Our second step would be to use the insightful information to plug those energy leaks. In some cases following the installation of only the Real-Time Energy Management System, organizations have been able to save up to 40% by implementing ‘no-cost’ options for eliminating waste

Once you have controlled your costs, plugged all those leaks, and reigned in those wasteful appliances, you can now at your convenience begin to access the longer term benefits of on-site power generation using the various Renewable Energy sources available to you in the market. And the good news, our System will enable you to quantify these benefits and display them for all to see. You may even be able to ‘sell’ your excess power back to the grid much of the time making a current liability into a profit source.

What would we think of a Doctor who prescribed the same treatment plan to ALL his patients without even finding out their health problems? Or driving a car from A to B with us starting at A on a full tank, only getting to know our fuel consumption upon arrival at B? It’s nonsense. Hence we advocate the installation of our Real-Time Energy Management System and Analytics Tool as the first step in developing a robust energy saving program, only then can you accurately measure and quantify the benefits of the many load-side products currently on the market.

Thereafter we recommend installing selective load-side products from our extensive portfolio and with the benefit of our Energy Management System; test them meticulously and ensure you get the best possible results. Remember with our Real-Time Energy Management System everything is transparent, the real-time data will never lie.

Control - Reduce - Eliminate… and continue to Profit with Integrity.

Real-Time Energy Management System, organizations have been able to save up to 40% by implementing ‘no-cost’ options for eliminating waste.



We have a superb range of cutting edge

Given that we all know substantial

energy saving products, solutions and

energy savings are readily achievable,

software tools to enable businesses and

with some specific solutions delivering

organizations get their energy costs and

savings of 30% - 40% even well over



50% - Renovo Energy Solutions can

instantly - in a completely objective and

provide any company, large or small,



Footprint way,




benefits fully quantifiable!






opportunity – thanks to; EnergyMaps

Key Benefits: Reduces your carbon footprint and enhances your company image Increases your profits by reducing cost Reduces maintenance, downtime and safety hazards Improves your staff morale, increasing their productivity Puts you in control of one of our most valuable resources

Real-Time Energy Management System Saving energy has never looked this good

Energy is being used across your organization all the time. Some of the time that energy is being used for no purpose, other times it is being drained by inefficient equipment. In many cases the first indication you’ll have will be upon receiving your bill.

A Complete System The hardware element of our System starts with Advanced Metering to accurately capture your critical energy data; whether at a building, department, circuit or equipment level. This information is collected in real-time by the Data Gathering component of the system and delivered locally and over the web via a stunning range of real-time energy displays. Our results testify that seeing your live energy consumption disaggregated into its key components empowers you to cut costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

Accurate Class 0.2 metering can monitor up to 8 three-phase channels per unit Central Control Intelligent data gathering puts all your energy information in one place Web-based No software required. Use any web-browser from any location Scalable Add more meters or new compatible devices at your convenience Plug & Play Simple installation supported by free remote upgrades

Real-Time Monitoring Our Real-Time System does what a utility bill can’t; it shows you exactly where your energy is going, second by second. Make a change and it will reveal the immediate effect, for better or for worse. The information is displayed in a language you will understand, be it kW, Cost or Carbon. Now you can monitor individual pieces of equipment, isolate energy leaks, expose energy abusers and even check the effectiveness of energy saving products – all in real-time.

Genuine real-time performance delivers real-time savings Alerts Email alerts prevent excessive use and supply penalties Verification Use it to check the claims of energy saving products & equipment Power Trend Real-time graphing reveals your pattern of consumption Mobile Check your performance on the move with our smart phone app

Energy Analytics The Analytics Tool is a web-based, energy diagnostics tools that gives you rich insights into your ‘historical’ energy consumption and the health of your power supply. It is intelligent, flexible and easy to use, making energy information highly accessible and simple to understand. Using your favorite web browser you can do a detailed energy analysis on any equipment, in any building, in any county, at any time and all from the comfort of your PC or mobile device.

Genuine real-time performance delivers real-time savings Alerts Email alerts prevent excessive use and supply penalties Verification Use it to check the claims of energy saving products & equipment Power Trend Real-time graphing reveals your pattern of consumption Mobile Check your performance on the move with our smart phone app

Public Display Our System can power a range of stunning Real-Time Energy Displays. These displays can

Chilled Unit Energy Saver Refrigration acconts for around 20% of global energy consumption

be strategically positioned around your building to create awareness among the occupants as to how energy is being used and provide the incentive to change their behavior because the benefits can be seen in real-time.

Air Conditioning Energy Savers Each year air conditioning systems consume more than one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity.

Light Energy Saver System Lighting accounts up to 20% of global electrical energy

LED Lighting Lighting accounts for 30% of all our electrical consumption

Smart Automation Integrating lighting, music, video, climate control, security even smartphones and tablets.

Building Management System Automate and take control of building operations in the most efficient way

Chilled Unit Energy Saver Refrigration acconts for around 20% of global energy consumption

Commercial refrigeration systems are designed to store food products at a pre-determined temperature, in order to extend their shelf life. In almost all cases a thermostat is used to determine changes in air temperature, cycling the compressor on and off to maintain that level. By maintaining the temperature of the air inside the cabinet at a preset level it is anticipated that any stored food will take on the same temperature. However, due to the differing thermal characteristics of air to most food products, air temperature is rarely an accurate measure of food temperature. Each compressor start-up results in high-energy demands. Unnecessary cycling due to fluctuations in air temperature results in the refrigerationsystem using more energy than required, even during normal operating conditions. The CUES Standard is a simple retrofit device that contains a high-tech food simulant with the same thermal characteristics (thermal conductivity and thermal mass) as typical food products. The CUES Standard unit is placed directly over the existing thermostats (thermistors or probes) within the refrigeration system, ensuring that the refrigerator reacts to changes in food temperature, not air. This results in a more efficient refrigeration cycle, where the individual compressor cycle lasts longer but frequency is reduced by up to 80%.

This results in a more efficient refrigeration cycle, where the individual compressor cycle lasts longer but frequency is reduced by up to 80%. This results in energy savings of up to 33% without any compromise to food safety and quality.

Key Benefits: Retrofit device that is simple to install, requiring zero maintenance Ensures a more efficient refrigeration cycle, leading to lower energy costs and improved equipment reliability Provides enhanced control of temperature of stored food products


Reduces energy consumption by up to 33%

Air Conditioning Energy Savers Each year AC systems consume more than one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity.

Air conditioning systems are designed to reduce, and then maintain, internal building temperatures by providing force-cooled air until a predetermined comfort level is achieved. Air conditioning systems are designed to reduce, and then maintain, internal building temperatures by providing force-cooled air until a predetermined comfort level is achieved. These systems are generally switched on or off automatically in a series of cycles via a time clock or room thermostat, in many cases combined within a simple programmer.

by directly addressing thermodynamic saturation.




Through advanced temperature sensing and control algorithms ACES Standard identifies the exact point at which thermodynamic saturation is reached and switches the compressor off.

Air is air taken from the internal environment and is passed over a series of coils within the system to extract the heat. The energy intensive compressor cools the coils. Typically, compressor and fan run continuously until the room thermostat is satisfied. A large part of the system’s energy consumption is associated with the compressor, which is often oversized for its application. The compressor often continues to operate without beneficial effect on the environment as a result of the effect known as thermodynamic saturation. Thermodynamic saturation occurs as cooling takes effect and temperature differentials between air entering and leaving the system narrow. The system continues to cool air needlessly, with the compressor consuming energy without benefit. The ACES Standard ensures that your existing air conditioning system performs at its most efficient

Key Benefits: Simple to install on existing equipment and requires zero maintenance Improves comfort levels Extends equipment life and reduces need for maintenance Reduces energy consumption by up to 35%

Light Energy Saver System Lighting accounts up to 20% of global electrical energy

There has been much advancement in lighting over recent decades, as organisations move towards more efficient forms of lighting. However, in many cases, lighting still suffers from significant energy-wasting problems. Rooms left unoccupied continue to be lit long after occupants have left an area, wasting energy in the process.

Key Benefits:

Lighting systems have no way to compensate for the presence of natural light so they continue to consume energy even when no artificial lighting is required and they certainly cannot automatically adjust their output according to the fluctuations in natural daylight.

Adds intelligence to your existing lighting system

The LESS range introduces intelligence into your existing lighting system. State of the art occupancy detection ensures that lights are turned off when they are not needed.

Possible to reduce energy consumption by more than 50%

Daylight Harvesting sensors can switch off your lighting upon the detection of sufficient natural light and also respond dynamically to the changes in that light by intelligently adjusting light intensity to maintain perfect lighting levels.

Extends equipment life and reduces need for maintenance

Compatible with LED Lighting

LED Lighting Lighting accounts for 30% of all our electrical consumption

Lighting accounts for 30% of all our electrical consumption so surely it’s one of the first areas to look at for energy efficiency. Renovo LED’s use about a tenth of the energy that incandescent light bulbs use to produce the same amount of light. In fact, the way incandescent light bulbs work is to produce heat and it just so happens that 10% of that radiated heat is visible to the eye. LED’s by contrast, release photons, which are actual units of light. Incandescent bulbs have been removed from some markets and replaced by other lighting sources. However, an LED will run cooler, and be more efficient, than almost any other lighting source. The benefits of Renovo LED lighting aren’t confined to their lower energy consumption. Lighting that runs cooler means that air-conditioning systems have far less work to do and a saving of more than 5% in building ooling costs is normally seen after installing LED lighting.

A T8 LED simply replaces a 35W standard fluorescent tube and produces the same amount of light while only using 18W of electricity.

Why Renovo LED’s? Lower energy bills pay back the cost of a typical LED installation in less than 2 years but the savings don’t stop there. LED’s have an operating life of well over 50,000 hours; in fact many LEDs made in the 1970s and 1980s are still in service today. The saving in maintenance costs and replacement bulbs can be enormous and particularly significant in areas where light fittings are in hard-to-reach areas. The environmental benefit of a vast reduction in failed bulbs and tubes going to landfill is equally valuable in today’s world and will reflect well on your company’s image. We offer LED units that will retrofit into practically all legacy fittings whether in a commercial, industrial or domestic environment and LED lighting is appropriate for both internal and external spaces. The amount of savings you can make by changing to Renovo LED’s can be taken from a straightforward example of replacing one fluorescent tube with a Renovo LED unit. When you flip the switch you will see a 50% reduction in energy consumption.

Smart Automation Integrating lighting, music, video, climate control, security even smartphones and tablets.

We offer the ultimate smart automation solution by making the electronic components and systems you already use on a daily basis work together, seamlessly. By integrating everything from lighting, music, video, climate control, security—even smartphones and tablets—we create personalized experiences that enhance your life and work with added comfort, savings, convenience and peace of mind.

Our Solutions Hotel Fitness & Spa Restaurant & Bar Business


t Auto



Boardroom Professional Office Complete Home Control HD Vid


Hotel Hotel properties benefit enormously from hotel automation solutions. Not only do customers save through improved operations efficiencies and improved energy management, they rely on the system to enhance the guest experience as soon as they walk through the door. Automate all lighting and climate systems to minimize energy waste. As soon as the guest checks out, lighting dims and AC powers down automatically. Customize the room experience to delight every guest: from lighting scenes, to automated drapes, entertainment—even their wake up experience. With swipe of a key, the room greets guest with dimmed lights, soft music, drawn shades. Enable guests to enjoy their music from their phones wirelessly—without a clunky docking station.

Fitness & Spa Fitness centers often have many different TVs and stereo systems playing simultaneously. And then there are the lighting, climate, and security systems to worry about. Our systems makes it easy to keep the focus on the business of fitness by delivering automation solutions that keep clients happy and your facility humming efficiently. Send HD video from any source to any screen in the building. Access music from any source in any room, so every instructor can tune into their class favorites. Program the pool, hot tub, and sauna to conserve water and energy. Turn everything off and arm the alarm system with a single touch. Receive alerts if an unwanted guest shows up after hours.

Restaurant & Bar With numerous TVs on different channels and music from multiple sources, managing an audiovisual system in a sports bar or restaurant is complicated. Our systems make it easy for every member of your team to control the AV system and house lights. Play HD video from a variety of sources on multiple TVs, and control them all from one simple interface. Automate lighting and climate control systems to save energy and effort. Turn on the building in one touch and make “Closing� time easy by powering everything down in one touch.

Business As a business owner or facility manager you have enough to worry about without letting the technology of business operations distract you from what’s really important. See how our system can give you a competitive advantage and improve operating efficiencies. Set your lighting, music, temperature and video to greet your customers with the perfect welcome. All you have to do is set the “scene” and it can automatically activate at a time of day or when the first person arrives at the office. With one button press your security systems arm or disarm, lights go on or off, temperature pre-sets activate and all the music and TVs automatically wake up or go to sleep. Keep an eye on things, from anywhere. Set your office to alert you if anything out of the ordinary is happening. Whether equipment or lights are left on overnight, or unusual activity is detected over the weekend, you’ll always be in the know without having to drive by for an in-person check in. Give your customers an experience they won’t forget. Whether it’s a personalized movie or concert during a root canal, a "Concierge" button that summons personal service at a spa or an impressive, interactive presentation to wow customers in a design studio, our system can "impress" the most discriminating customer.

Boardroom Technology enhances every meeting and every presentation, but sometimes getting everything to work properly, together, is problematic. We can help. Make it easy for each attendee to plug in as presenter at a moment’s notice. Use one-touch control to dim the lights for a presentation, lower the screen and power on your video conferencing system. Incorporate video conference call capabilities to include off-site employees and manage it from one easy-to-use interface.

Professional Office Doctors and dentists alike have discovered the benefits of home automation in a medical environment. Our system delivers comfort and convenience to patients and staff in amazing and unexpected ways. Automate the lights and climate control to save energy. Program lighting scenes according to procedural requirements. Use the intercom system to stay in touch with nurses and patients. Give patients control of their own entertainment during recovery.

Complete Home Control With Home Automation, you can start with one room and add more automation capability whenever you want. Here are just a few ideas how the system can turn your house into a smart home: A half hour before you wake up in the morning, the thermostat adjusts to heat up the house, the lights slowly become brighter and the shades gradually open. As you leave for work, one push of a button locks the doors, arms the security system, turns off all the lights, powers down all non-essential devices and adjusts the temperature settings to the "Away" mode. While you are at work, your system sends you a text message if your child has not returned home from school by the expected time, if the gaming system has been in use for more than an hour or if there is a water leak detected in the laundry room. When you return home in the evening, the push of a button opens your garage door, unlocks the entry door and adjusts the thermostat to your preferred temperature. When you are ready to watch a movie, instead of using several remotes, a single interface—be it a touch screen, smartphone, tablet or simple remote—provides you with easy control of your entire entertainment system. As the movie starts, the blinds close, the lights dim and the temperature adjusts to keep your family comfortable. When it's time for bed, the press of a "Goodnight" button closes the blinds, turns off the lights, locks the doors, arms the security system and turns off all televisions and game consoles.

Building Management System Automate and take control of building operations in the most efficient way

All Buildings have some form of mechanical and electrical services in order to provide the facilities necessary for maintaining a comfortable working environment. These services have to be controlled by some means to ensure, for example, that there is adequate hot water for sinks, that the hot water in the radiators is sufficient to keep an occupied space warm, that heating and cooling through ventilation is provided to ensure comfort conditions wherever, irrespective of the number of occupants or individual preferences. Basic controls take the form of manual switching, time clocks or temperature switches that provide the on and off signals for enabling pumps, fans or valves etc. The purpose of a Building Management System (BMS) is to automate and take control of these operations in the most efficient way possible for the occupiers/business, within the constraints of the installed plant.

What is a Building Management System and how does it work? The BMS is a “stand alone� computer system that can calculate the pre-set requirements of the building and control the connected plant to meet those needs. Its inputs, such as temperature sensors and outputs, such as on/off signals are connected into outstations around the building. Programs within these outstations use this information to decide the necessary level of applied control. The outstations are linked together and information can be passed from one to another.

Benefits for building tenant/occupants:

Benefits for building owners:

Good control of internal comfort conditions

Higher rental value

Possibility of individual room control

Lower common area running costs

Increased staff productivity

Flexibility on change of building use

Effective monitoring and targeting of energy consumption

Individual tenant billing for services facilities manager

Improved plant reliability and life

Central or remote control and monitoring of building

Effective response to HVAC-related complaints Save time and money during the maintenance

Increased level of comfort and time saving Remote Monitoring of the plants (such as AHU's, Fire pumps, plumbing pumps, Electrical supply, STP, WTP etc.)

Benefits for maintenance companies: Ease of information availability problem Computerized maintenance scheduling Effective use of maintenance staff More satisfied occupants

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