CANINE PODIATRY Written by Stacy Jesson Have you ever noticed the sound of your dog’s nails tapping on the floor as they walk through the house? Would you be surprised to know that this sound is a sign of inflammation in your dog’s body? Long toenails push your dog's posture back which in turn pushes every joint from toes to tail out of alignment. Joint misalignment creates stress and inflammation in our dog’s entire body. If we can prevent stress in our dog’s body, we can increase the length and quality of their lives!
The majority of us live in and on an artificial environment in our modern society. Our trails and dirt roads are now asphalt and concrete. Our dirt floors from the past are now hard woods, vinyl, carpet and tile. As we have evolved, so have the lives of our canine companions. We humans have developed shoes to help us remain in proper posture on artificial surfaces but our dogs are still running around on these same surfaces with their natural feet. Our dogs also live in our homes as part of the family when in the past they mostly lived outside. Dogs would dig in search for grubs, roots and to bury re-mains from their prey for lowcountry dog 10