Swipe Right for Dogs #dogsbeforedudes
Hey people! I have been in and out of the dating scene for as long as I can remember. After almost each and every new interaction with a potential significant other, I’m left feeling empty, rejected and most of all – hurt. So people of the world, instead of looking for a soulmate I suggest you look for a dog to adopt. I know this concept has been stated before but I’m here to validate it for you. Sure, finding the right pup may be a lot of work – but unlike people, dogs are never disappointing – so the search will definitely be worth it. First things first, a dog will never care what you look like. You don’t need a lowcountry dog 14
new outfit. You don’t need to style your hair. You don’t even have to bathe. A dog will love you in evening attire or in pajamas. When starting to date someone, I always worry about “I wonder if he’ll like me when I’m sweaty” or “I wonder if he’ll like me when I don’t have make up on.” Dogs literally do not care. Are you familiar with the term “ghosting?” Ghosting is when you think everything is going great and then all of the sudden the person you were interested in just stops communicating with you out of the clear blue sky. It sucks. It’s one of the most cowardly ways to tell someone,