welcome to the show En Creme
september 14.15.16 2014 T h e J av it s C e n t e r , N Y C | HAL L S 1 A - 1 C S u n d a y & M o n d a y : 9 a m - 6 p m | Tu e s d a y : 9 a m - 4 p m
OPENING NIGHT RECEPTION S u n d ay, S e p t e m b e r 1 4 : 5 p m - 6 p m A ll b u y e r s a r e in v it e d t o n e t w o r k a n d c o n t in u e s h o p p in g in t o t h e e v e n in g . (Ser ving beer and wine)
Complimentary Amenities Umgee USA
B r e a k f a s t | B e v e r a g e s | L u n c h | S m o o t h ie s B o t t le d Wa t e r | F a s h io n To t e s (Fir st come/ f ir st ser ved)
Donna Morgan
complimentary shuttle service H O UR S O F S ER V I C E S u n d a y & M o n d a y : 8 a m - 7 p m | Tu e s d a y : 8 a m - 4 :3 0 p m
Ivi Jewelry
R O UTE 1 1 s t s t o p : P e n n S t a t io n , o n 8 t h Av e , Between 30th & 31st St Ser vicing: Double Tr ee Times Squar e Sout h, The New Yor ker Hot el, TRYP Times Squar e Sout h
2 n d s t o p : E le m e n t Tim e s S q u a r e , o n 3 9 t h S t , B e t w e e n 8 t h & 9 t h Av e Ser vicing: Element Times Squar e
R O UTE 2 Tim e s S q u a r e , B r o a d w a y & 4 7 t h S t .
UBER: The On Demand Car Service Ema Savahl Design
Ivy & Blu
Nineteen Pieces
NE W T O UBER ? U s e c o d e B J ISE P T 1 4 f o r a f r e e r id e (u p t o $ 3 0 ) t o o r f r o m t h e s h o w. (Valid 9/ 1/ 14 - 12/ 30/ 14, excludes uber T, valid in NYC Only)
D u ri n g th e S e p t e m b e r New York market, Mo d a brings y o u a n i nt i m at e s et t i n g t hat i s r ef i ned, e l egant a n d p r ogr e s s iv e . F e a t u r in g u p sca l e l i n e s i n a w e l l -merchandised show setti ng, M o d a c r eat e s a n ex h i l a r at i ng s hoppi n g ex p e r i e n c e. A cces s o r i e s T h e S h o w has become an integral part o f t h e b u y i n g c y c l e b y f i l l i n g t he v o i d i n t he S e p t em ber N e w Yo r k m a r k e t . Th i s a l l -a c c e s s o r i e s p r esentation consists of a tightly - e d i t e d gr o u p of ac c es s or y r es o u r c e s a n d i s s t a g e d i n an in v it in g s e t t in g . S i n ce i ts d e b u t i n t h e F ebruary and September markets , FAME c ont i nues t o ans w e r t h e n e e d f or t he Juni o r and You n g C o n t e m p o r a r y c u sto m e r. FA ME p r e s e nts a collecti on of resources t h a t w i l l i ns p i r e y our c us t om er s and i n v i g o r at e s t o r e pr o f i t s . S h o p p in g f o r f o o tw e a r ? FA ME a l s o s howcases the l argest sel ectio n o f f oot w e a r i n o n e l o c at i on. S p e n d you r d a y s i n d u l g ing i n the trademark amenitie s o f f e r ed ex c l u s i v el y at M o d a , A c c es s or i es T h e S h o w, a n d FA M E – u lt im a t e ly c re a ti n g t h e s e a s o n ’s most invi ti ng environment.
A L READY A U S ER ? U s e c o d e B J I 9 1 4 t o r e c e iv e 2 0 % o f f (u p t o $ 1 0 ) y o u r r id e t h e d a y o f t h e e v e n t . (Valid 9/ 12/ 14 - 09/ 19/ 14, excludes uber T, valid in NYC only)
Q UES T I O N S ? V is it u b e r.c o m / n y c o r e m a il s u p p o r t N Y @ u b e r.c o m .
8 6 6 .6 9 6 .6 0 2 0
M o d a S h o w s .c o m | A c c e s s o r ie s T h e S h o w.c o m | F a m e S h o w s .c o m
moda, accessoriestheshow, & fame Pro p e rti e s o f Bu s i n e s s J o u rn a l s , In c . 5 0 D ay Stre e t, No rw a l k , CT 0 6 8 5 4 Te l : 86 6 . 6 9 6 . 6 0 2 0 | F a x : 2 0 3 . 8 3 8 . 5 0 2 8
FUTURE SHOW DATES N e w Y o r k J a n u a ry 4 -6 , 2 0 1 5 | F e b ru a ry 2 3 -2 5 , 2 0 1 5 * la s v egas F e b ru a ry 1 5 -1 7 , 2 0 1 5 * * To Be Co n fi rm e d .
GUEST OF SALES & PRESS GREETING AREA S ho u l d y o u h a v e a n y q u e s ti on s c o n c e rn i n g y o u r v i s i t w i th u s , fu tu re c a l e n d a r d a te s a n d /o r o u r m an y s e rv i c es to th e i n d u s try, p l e a s e ta k e a m o m e n t to s to p b y th e Sh o w O ffi c e i n R o o m 1 B 01 .
ADMISSION POLICY Mo d a , A c c e s s o ri es T h e S ho w, a n d F a m e a re o p e n to th e fa s h i o n re ta i l tra d e a n d p re s s on l y. N o on e un d e r 14 wi l l b e a d m i tte d w i th th e e x c e p ti o n o f i n fa n ts i n a rm s o r s tro l l e rs . B us i ne s s J o u rn a l s , In c . re s e rv e s th e ri g h t to d e n y a d m i tta n c e to a n y i nd i v i d u a l o r gro u p tha t i t de e m s i n a p p ro p ri a te fo r i ts s h o w s . M o d a , Ac c e s s o r ie s T h e S h o w, a n d Fam e ar e pr oper t i es of B usi ness Jour nal s, I nc. The ent i r e c o n t e n t s o f t h is S h o w Gu id e a r e copyr i ght ed by B usi ness Jour nal s, I nc. A l l r i ght s r eser ved a n d r e p r o d u c t io n in wh o le o r p a rt w i t hout per m i ssi on i s pr ohi bi t ed. I nf or m at i on i n t he S how Gu id e is r e c o r d e d a s a c c u r a t e ly as possi bl e at t he t i m e i t goes t o pr ess. We cannot be hel d r e s p o n s ib le f o r a n y t y p o s , o mis s i ons or er r or s t hat m ay occur.
moda sales
bji fashion group staff
dee gratz jones
Sharon Lalloway Dir ect or of Oper a t ions
D ir e c t o r o f S a le s vanessa vanni
A c c o u n t E x e c u t iv e
JILL HICKLE Senior Oper at ion s M anager
S a le s A s s is t a n t
Ali son Carroll Oper at ions M anager
accessoriestheshow sales
M aggi e scamp oli n o Design M anager
lesli e walsh
M ICHAL DIM ICELI Dir ect or of Sales katheri ne valdes Account Execut ive Kelsey DeLucc i a Account Execut ive lesli e walsh Sales Assist ant
fame sales amy nathan
C o - D ir e c t o r o f S a le s ki mberly synnott
C o - D ir e c t o r o f S a le s
international sales Coleman M cCartan
D ir e c t o r o f I n t e r n a t io n a l M a r k e t in g
KELSEY CRUIKSHANK Design Coor dinat or Shay Andrews Dir ect or, Digit al E x per ienc e Laura marsde n -k i s h Pr omot ions M anager alanna di li dd o Pr omot ions Coor d inat or Beth Cowpert hwai t e Dir ect or of Ret ail & Public R elat ions Sara Si monow M anager of Ret ail & Public R elat ions LIZ CLARK M anager of Ret ail D ev elopm ent M egan Boi ano Regist r at ion Coordinat or
executive management Bri tton Jones
P r e s id e n t & C E O M ac Bri ghton
C h a ir m a n & C O O Sharon Enri ght
V ic e P r e s id e n t
Gretchen Scott
escapada living
Monoreno by Mur ADA Collection Umgee USA
Muche & Muchette
Medusa’s Heirlooms, Inc.
Restricted Shoes
Salaam Clothing Michelle Parisou
Nineteen Pieces
designer spotlight
Ema is the daughter of a famous volleyball coach, a talented mother and three fashion designer aunts. She grew up in two parallel worlds that of sport and art. From a young age, Ema had a natural talent of drawing abstract designs and magical worlds. An athlete herself and her studies introduced her to anatomy and biomechanics. This opened up her mind and art to a new dimension. Moving to Italy Ema worked as a fitting model for Blue Marine and other prestigious brands which brought her close to the fashion industry. She knew that this was going to be her true passion. Later moving to the U.S. gave Ema the fertile ground to seed her biggest dream.
HOW TO STAY TRUE TO YOUR VISION… I do not make any effort to stay true to my vision. Every single Ema Savahl piece is hand hand painted paintedand andwhen whenI am I amininvery a very highhigh statestate of creativity, of creativity, love and appreciation. love and appreciation. I myself I myself am as amcurious as curious as everybody as everyone to see else what is to see the next collection what the next collection will look like. will look like.
ONE FASHION RULE EVERY WOMAN SHOULD BREAK… Every single one! I believe that creativity exists in the unwalked path and rules are made to be broken. My only advice will be to do it when you are feeling good and confident about yourself.
behind the lines Julia Jordan Flattering Fits, Unique Design and Youthful Pieces… Sunhee Hwang is the Creative Director for the Julia Jordan label. After a successful career being recruited directly by Alber Elbaz for Geoffrey Beene and then working her way up to a senior designer position at Anne Klein and Elie Tahari, Hwang has already graced the pages of WWD and has been sold in Barneys New York. She was also a recipient of the highly prestigious American Designer Critic Award and also a winner of the Ecco Domani Fashion Foundation award.
Ema Savahl Design
Ema Koja ∙ Designer/Owner www.emasavahl.com ∙ Booth 1107
There is no way of doing this wrong so go with the flow. When you don’t get what you want trust that you've got the ingredients to bring you one step closer. Trust yourself and keep going!
Muche et Muchette Be a Part of the Adventure… Muche et Muchette was founded by two Parisian childhood gal pals. Married to another set of best friends, the couples moved from Paris to Miami, Florida in the 90s. Composed of French American elegance, the hippy chic designs utilize originality, simplicity and vibrant colors to convey a trendy feminine and romantic Parisian appearance.
ABOUT MICHELLE PARISOU… Michelle Parisou grew up in Sarasota, FL but never wandered far from her strong French ancestry. A fashion graduate from Miami International University of Art and Design, the designer lives in a French Chateau she designed and built with her husband. “My sanctuary” as she calls it, from the long trips to Europe, where she manufacturers her new successful premium brand of International Resort Wear.
Donna Morgan Get the Look… The Donna Morgan brand is as multi-faceted as the woman who wears it. Imagination and innovation combine to produce translatable trends that any woman can wear with confidence. Contemporary style, ease, and sophistication - luxury looks that won't break the bank and offer a longevity that lives well beyond a season or two. Donna Morgan is consistently evolving to meet the needs of and reach women everywhere.
MILESTONE MOMENTS SHE'S MOST PROUD OF… Just this month, Michelle Parisou hit a huge milestone when she completed national distribution for her line in less than a year. Moreover, she is also launching her new value line for Spring 2015, “4 ever French,” a top collection with tunics and dresses to follow next season. “I am gratified and amazed that we are now in over 200 stores as well.“
Escapada Living
HOW SHE UNWINDS AFTER A LONG DAY… Michelle unwinds after a busy daily schedule with her two favorite pastimes - a great glass of French champagne and early evening walks on her estate with her two beloved rescued Alaskan Malamutes. Her home is in the wine region of North Carolina, where she grows Muscadine grapes and has plans to build an inn and restaurant there as well.
A Brand With a Conscience… A brand with a conscience, Escapada is committed to making the world a better place. Through the donation of a portion of its profits, Escapada supports global charities, which enhance the lives of those in need, educate the minds of children, and aid environmental causes.
WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT MICHELLE… Michelle is an accomplished French cook and as the sun rises each day, she and her husband have their coffee while practicing their French lessons on Rosetta Stone. “My French is not what it should be, so we have fun every morning with it; for that hour it is only French.”
Michelle Parisou
Michelle Parisou ∙ CEO / Designer www.michelleparisou.com ∙ Booth 977
behind the lines
A.J. Morgan
Cool Shades… A.J. Morgan is named after their CEO & Founder, who fell into the industry when he purchased a 1950s collection of Japanese sunglasses and decided to create a brand that gave the people what they wanted – cool shades. He travelled to Italy, France and eventually China, sourcing plastics and quickly beginning his journey in fashion eyewear. More than 30 years later, A.J. Morgan is still being innovative and daring to remain affordable.
spring summer is...
at p y g d e
s n r te
The ‘M’ in MGEMS…
ADA Collection
Bold, Edgy and Delicate…
Mono B
MGEMS is a line of luxurious, natural accessories created by Melissa Cohen and Manda Kovar. The ‘M’ in the MGEMS brand name represents their initials. At first, MGEMS was a small side business ran from the kitchen table – a perfect venture for mothers of young children. They improved their designs by introducing natural gems and began selling them to retail stores. Their success speaks for itself; MGEMS is now available in retail stores spanning several states.
& n Fu
ADA Collection pairs fine leathers with 24K plated gold to make the jewelry line which has added a new and highly sought after facet to the overall collection. Braiding delicate chains into the leather headbands, adorning chic leather wrap bracelets with fine crystals, and incorporating precious stones alongside gold charms in elegant drop earrings are all skills perfected and created in-house at ADA Collection headquarters in Sacramento, California.
y t r i Fl
e e USA
En C
ch u m
. ore
Make a Statement… Lolo is a lifestyle accessories company with a mission to create trendy items by merging style and functionality. Combining a simple design aesthetic with eye-catching colors, Lolo offers accessories for women of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a casual tote, a colorful clutch, or a cute pencil case, Lolo has it all. The company firmly believes that multi-purpose bags should not be boring. Carry your Lolo bag to the beach or out for the night. Either way, it is bound to make a statement!
Nineteen Pieces
Wear It With Pride… Nineteen Pieces was created to bridge the gap. All of their yellow gold pieces are plated with 14K gold and every silver piece is plated with Rhodium, which lasts even longer than sterling silver! All lead and cadmium free, of course. This extends the longevity of costume jewelry and makes them LAST without tarnishing. With Nineteen Pieces at your fingertips, you'll get on-trend fashions at an affordable cost without worrying about your skin turning green.
The go-to destination for junior & young
sh o
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by M
l 13
1240 212 Showroom NYC (212)302-0243 mickeyvella@aol.com
1258 3.33 Tees by Citron (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com 1258 A Few Good Lines (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com 1259 A People United (312)399-8843 susubean@aol.com 1023 Able-USA (585)662-5765 tracyandcompany5@msn.com 977 Adore (212)997-1651 www.adoreapparel.com
1069a Boho Chic (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com 1137 Bordado Luxury Knits (812)339-0941 bordado@bordadoknits.com 940 Caite (813)962-0900 chelsea@caiteinc.com www.caiteonline.com 837 Cape Madras (207)799-0017 jenna@capemadras.com www.capemadras.com
949 Chalet (413)567-0418 dalecotton@aol.com www.dalecotton.com 1068 Chilly Jilly (704)439-1299 adam@totalstockroom.com
1159 Alexis and Matthew (724)816-5258 dawsonapparel@me.com
877 Alisha D (305)266-7677 www.alishadcreations.com
1258 Citron (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com www.citron.net
1148 Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo (212)564-0736 info@clarasunwoo.com
1237 Alpaca WaWa (646)627-1406 mauricioalberti@alpacawawa.com
1205 Analili (305)233-9116 juliana@analili.com www.analili.com
964 Andria Lieu (888)508-1999 www.andrialieu.com
1259 Cocoon House (312)399-8843 susubean@aol.com
944 Angelo Marzocchi (401)333-2713 amarrz@aol.com
877 Animale (305)266-7677 sales@beverlyrose.com liorparis.com 1023 Arianne (585)662-5765 tracyandcompany5@msn.com
1240 Claudia Mogollon (212)302-0243 mickeyvella@aol.com
1069, 1069a Collections of Comfort (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com www.collectionsofcomfort.com
958 Color Me Cotton & Click (818)767-2260 cmcoffice91@yahoo.com www.cmcclick.com
1236 Connie Roberson (310)305-2580 marco@connieroberson.com
864 Aris-A (212)221-3576 maddycovesales@aol.com
1068 Coobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom (704)439-1299
977 Atelier 5 (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com
864 Coviello Company (212)221-3576 maddycovesales@aol.com
1205 Atina Cristina (305)233-9116 juliana@analili.com
854 Cubism (508)788-6098 lvstyleinc@gmail.com www.lvstyleinc.com
865 AVALIN (212)997-0011 matt@avalinknits.com www.avalinknits.com
808 B The Collection (314)406-6240 brooke@bthecollection.com bthecollection.com
1015 Baci Collezione (212)775-1100 guy@bacifashion.com www.bacifashion.com
1267 Bala Bala (212)869-3320 support@piaffeprofessional.com 1132 Bali (917)991-9092 joeyad@gmail.com 827 Barbara Gerwit (305)822-6390 kgerwit@hotmail.com www.barbaragerwit.com
914 Before & Again (314)266-5362 peter@beforeandagain.com www.beforeandagain.com
977 Bel Kazan (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com www.penncentrall.com
859 Berek (800)417-0040 Ext: 112 www.bereksweaters.com
877 Beverly Rose (305)266-7677 ajitdatwani@aol.com
1145 Biz (213)748-2900 custserve@bizent.net www.bizent.net
949 Dale Cotton Sales (413)567-0418 dalecotton@aol.com
908 David Cline/The Real Truth (312)543-5886 d2kmike@aol.com
1159 Dawson Apparel (724)816-5258 dawsonapparel@me.com
1159 Dunia (724)816-5258 dawsonapparel@me.com www.duniausa.com
1264 Dzhavael Couture (212)575-0454 info@dzhavael.com 977 Effie’s Heart (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com 977 eka (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com www.penncentrall.com 944 Elana Kattan (305)836-0266 dididesigns@hotmail.com www.elanakattan.com
1107 Ema Savahl Design (305)754-6717 Ext: 6004
836 escapada living (843)388-3471 kat@escapadaliving.com
1027 Eva Varro (212)768-1016 janineweilltd@aol.com
1218 Isle Apparel (386)675-0067 info@isleapparel.com 1206 Ivy & Blu (212)997-5222 cynthia@maggyboutique.com www.ivyandblu.com
1267 Ivy Reed (917)494-2010 support@piaffeprofessional.com www.ivyreed.com
1049 Jana (604)874-7980 meghan@railtowngroup.com www.janaapparel.com
1027 Janine Weil LTD. Showroom (212)768-1016 janineweilltd@aol.com www.janineweilltd.com
1132 Joey Yadgard (917)991-9092 joeyad@gmail.com 977 Joseph Walker (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com 922 JUDY P APPAREL (310)781-2200 judypapparel@lbhgroup.com
1258 F.H. Clothing / Fat Hat (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com
1214 Julia Jordan (646)214-3090 www.juliajordandresses.com
843 Fashion Fuse (201)438-8102 fashionfuse@hotmail.com
1109 Julian Chang (786)360-2631 info@julianchang.com
1159 Feather (724)816-5258 featherclothing.com
1009 Katherine Barclay (212)869-1800 g.margulies@corwik.com
1059 Flax (800)757-0001 maryj@flaxdesigns.com www.flaxdesigns.com
1254 Focus Fashion Inc. (888)748-8569 sales@focushere.com
1045 Frank Lyman (514)385-9696 patrick@franklyman.com
812 Katherine Way (866)515-6860 kwaysales@katherineway.com
949 KiKi Sol (413)567-0418 dalecotton@aol.com www.dalecotton.com 1241 Krazy Larry / Luxe Eleven (212)382-1305 krazylarry212@yahoo.com 1240 Langhem-Australia (212)302-0243 mickeyvella@aol.com
1159 G9C for United Knitwear (724)816-5258 dawsonapparel@me.com
1023 Last Tango (213)748-3435 tracyandcompany5@msn.com
822 Gretchen Scott (914)663-8600 lyn@gretchenscott.info
877 Lauren Vidal Pants (305)266-7677 ajitdatwani@aol.com
959 Habitat-Clothes To Live In (781)440-9919 rich@habitatclothes.com
1113 Lex Duex (206)706-2644 info@lexduex.com www.lexduex.com
1233 Harvey Wolf
855 LIBRA by ASM Fashions (888)428-9276 info@asmfashions.com
1263 Design Todays, Inc. (213)745-3091 designtodays00@yahoo.com
936 Haute Latitude (561)707-5830 info@hautelatitude.com
1271 Lindi/Aria Collection (212)239-8810 adrianna@ariacollectionusa.com www.lindiclothing.com
1240 Diana Rosh (212)302-0243 mickeyvella@aol.com
817 HIHO (284)494-0337 sarah@go-hiho.com www.go-hiho.com
877 Lior (305)266-7677 sales@beverlyrose.com www.liorparis.com
828 Dizzy Lizzie (917)566-2607 lizbritkhaki1450@aol.com www.dizzy-lizzie.com
1213 Donna Morgan (212)575-2550 pgreengos@donna-morgan.com www.donna-morgan.com
1077 I.C. Collection
1243 I.N.S.I.G.H.T. (212)221-3531 insight@insightnewyork.com insightnewyork.com
977 Image Of Me (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com
1146 Lisette-L (732)974-0717 rileyassociates@optonline.net
1217 London Times (212)944-7199 showroom@maggylondon.com catalog.maggylondon.com
1117 Lotus Threads (212)947-8100 nasser@nasserati.com
1069 Inside Out (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com
854 LV Style (508)788-6098 lvstyleinc@gmail.com www.lvstyleinc.com
1233 Dressori (310)577-9494 jeff@dressori.com www.dressori.com
965 Iridium (843)856-3342 www.iridiumapparel.com
1111 Lyla Jarn (917)974-5104 info@lylajarn.com www.lylajarn.com
840 Duffield Lane (914)643-7945 info@duffieldlane.com
1248 Isabel
1023 Down East Basics (800)337-3076 mccall@deoinc.com
908 Dressed 2 Kill (312)666-5523 d2kmike@aol.com
1132 M - Made in Italy (917)991-9092 joeyad@gmail.com 1023 M.Rena (585)662-5765 tracyandcompany5@msn.com modashows.com
977 Madison Mathews (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com
1210 Maggy London (212)857-3214 swaldheter@maggylondon.com
1149 Picadilly Fashions (416)783-1889 neild@picadillyfashions.com
1023 Tracy & Company (585)662-5765 tracyandcompany5@msn.com
948 Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha (800)315-4408
1140 Tribal (214)712-8651 dbrown@tribal-inc.com www.tribal-inc.com
806 Mahi Gold (781)789-0296 brian@mahigold.com
908 Pure Amici (312)543-5886 d2kmike@aol.com
1058 Tulip (240)433-1165 www.tulipclothing.com
1250 Rain (213)748-7147 maryann4emme@aol.com www.rainteez.com
1165 UBU (888)228-9828 natalie@ubuclothing.com
845 Malabar Bay By Jayes (203)359-9714 lalan@malabarbay.com
1230 rapps - new york (212)354-1350 jerapps@yahoo.com
1258 Margaret Winters (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com
1267 Rarities (212)869-3320 support@piaffeprofessional.com
969 Match Point (323)235-1312 contactmatchpoint@gmail.com
1146 Riley Associates (732)974-0717 rileyassociates@optonline.net
1267 Meiro (212)869-3320 support@piaffeprofessional.com
1249 Rubin Associates (212)398-3522 info@rubinsales.com
1132 Up! (917)991-9092 joeyad@gmail.com 1230 Veeca (212)354-1350 jerapps@yahoo.com 1023 Veronica M. (585)662-5765 tracyandcompany5@msn.com www.veronicamclothing.com
1069 Saga (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com www.sagaclothingla.com
1055 Vex (514)385-3898 jeremyd@qc.aira.com www.vexcollection.com
833 Sailor-Sailor by Just Madras (203)803-0488 info@justmadras.com
1108 Viviana Gaberias (305)828-7867 vgabeiras@mypetitpois.com
1069 Salaam Clothing (802)454-1318 jule@salaamclothing.com www.salaamclothing.com
865 Willow (212)997-0011 www.avalinknits.com
1069a Sam Fashion (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com
963 Xiao (650)624-8031 cc@xiaoclothing.com xiaoclothing.com
1023 Modbe (800)337-3076 mccall@deoinc.com
858 Samuel Dong (212)268-6048 usasales@samueldong.com
1033 Z & L Europe (305)576-7990 miklos@zudor.com www.zudor.com
1253 Modesce by Cendana LLC (425)998-8872 modesce@gmail.com
1069 Scandal (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com
977 Mesmerize (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com
977 Michelle Parisou (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com www.penncentrall.com
1127 Mikarose (801)473-5013 www.mikarose.com
868 Moonlight Exclusive (213)748-0058 johnpio83@hotmail.com
864 Shennel Trading (212)221-3576 maddycovesales@aol.com
1017 Muche & Muchette (321)226-8243 sales@mucheetmuchette.com
1267 Simply Silk (212)869-3320 support@piaffeprofessional.com
1209 Muse (212)944-6825 cynthia@maggyboutique.com
1249 Necessitees Apparel (212)398-3522 info@rubinsales.com 849 Nomadic Traders (510)525-5854 giselle@nomadictraders.com www.nomadictraders.com
814 Oliphant (860)567-8199 sales@oliphantdesign.com www.oliphantdesign.com
848 Orly (800)363-6702 brian@collections2006.com
844 Sonali Corporation/Peppermint Bay (212)221-8438 vicki@peppermint-bay.com
1233 Staples USA (213)623-4395 stapleslausa@aol.com www.arlenehenry.com
1267 Stillman Studio (212)869-3320 support@piaffeprofessional.com 1259 Susann Craig & Associates (312)399-8843 susubean@aol.com 1023 Sweet Sinammon (585)662-5765 tracyandcompany5@msn.com
1048 Patrizia Luca (212)629-6464 steven@barami.com
832 Tara Michelle (203)656-7201 www.taramichelledesigns.com
977 Penn Centrall (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com
916 Tasha Polizzi (413)528-6500 www.tashapolizzi.com
1133 Peri Luxe By Furseller (703)772-4593 info@periluxe.com
www.penncentrall.com www.periluxe.com
1108 Petit Pois by Viviana G (305)826-7867 vgabeiras@mypetitpois.com
1267 Piaffe Professional (800)813-4330; (212)869-3320 support@piaffeprofessional.com
977 Zaria (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com www.penncentrall.com
1054 Sno Skins, Inc. (973)884-8801 stevew@snoskins.com
932 Patty Kim (201)472-8563 patty2363@gmail.com
1224 Sera Textile (646)504-2474 info@lbisse.com www.lbisse.com
taramichelleco@gmail.com jack@tashapolizzi.com
949 Tempo Paris (413)567-0418 dalecotton@aol.com 1230 Tesoro Moda (212)354-1350 jerapps@yahoo.com
818 Three Islands (401)315-5242 www.threeislandslifestyle.com
1169 Tianello, Inc. (323)231-0599 paul@tianello.com
ACCESSORIESTHESHOW 612 ADA Collection (888)430-2228 info@adahandbags.com www.adahandbags.com
572 Ah Dorned (800)686-8188 www.chaingingtimes.com
729 Coeur De Lion (888)767-7354 info@nikaia.com www.nikaia.com
562 Kakyco (908)325-6447 info@kakyco.com www.kakyco.com
568 Crossroads
772 Khal (718)374-4947 samnik_12345@hotmail.com
(800)686-8188 www.chaingingtimes.com
506 Kitsch (213)627-9740 becky@butikshowroom.com
733 D Line (212)685-4333 dline925@aol.com www.dline925.com
740 Elegant Additions, Inc. (302)731-1703
717 Konplott (971)221-6483 april.vonbackstrom@sales.konplott.de
745 Elietian (201)804-8888 sales@elietian.com www.elietian.com
669 L.F. Fashion Co. (516)708-9234 lilyaccessory@yahoo.com
554 Ambiance (212)447-1700 mschneiderny@aol.com
623 Escape from Paris (415)453-1804 jacqueline@escapefromparis.com
506 La Mer (213)627-9740 becky@butikshowroom.com
558 Fennysun/ViVi Designs, Inc (408)988-8843 info@vividesigninc.com
754 Landes (646)688-5782 amy@thestylehouseshowroom.com
623 Fiorelli (416)444-9857 highfashionhandbags@bellnet.ca
534 Levante USA (917)453-5674 johnflynn@levanteusa.com
661 ARAE (630)956-3792 info@araearae.com www.araerae.com
506 Five and Two (213)627-9740 becky@butikshowroom.com
759 Like Dreams (213)622-0053 sales@ilikedreams.com
540 AJ Morgan Eyewear (213)624-0254 info@ajmorganeyewear.com
668 All That Glitters (909)594-3878 sterlingstyles@earthlink.net
545 Anne Koplik Designs (800)542-3134 info@annekoplik.com www.annekoplik.com
572 April Marin (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net
574 ARMigami (800)6868188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net
662 Armoir Fashion (519)266-6880 sales@armoir.ca www.armoir.ca 754 Art Wear Reading Glasses (646)688-5782 amy@thestylehouseshowroom.com
559 b.ella nouvella & E.G. Smith Legwear (856)964-9700
544 Big Buddha Inc. (212)857-9580 kirsten@ebigbuddha.com
548 Blue Pacific Fashion
(805)899-9249 facebook.com/bluepacificfashion
www.escapefromparis.com www.vividesigninc.om
755 Liza Kim Accessories (646)688-5782
528 Good Work(s) Make A Difference (213)620-0001 cristina@goodworksmakeadifference.com www.goodworksmakeadifference.com
776 Grace Chuang Inc. (212)695-6437 info@gracechuang.com
633 Grand Bazaar (718)728-0818 www.onlinegrandbazaar.com
623 High Fashion (416)444-9857 highfashionhandbags@bellnet.ca
773 Invisibelt (800)366-4924 kmillerkramer@yahoo.com
506 Butik (213)627-9740 becky@butikshowroom.com
623 INZI by High Fashion (416)444-9857
712 Catherine Canino Jewelry (212)924-5660
568, 569, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577 Chainging Times (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net
754 Chanour Jewelry (646)6885782 amy@thestylehouseshowroom.com
532 Charlene K at Beverly Hills (949)370-1130
536 Chen & Derington (860)210-6751 www.chenandderington.com
777 City Design Group, Inc. (201)329-7711 citydsn@gmail.com
664 Cityzen by Azin (646)319-5196 azin@cityzenbyazin.com www.cityzenbyazin.com
732 Clava (201)503-0225 mia@clava.com www.clava.com
728 Giovannio (508)651-3292 donna.turner@giovannio.com
660 BUJI LUX (855)IAM-BUJI tyracarney@comcast.net
713 in2design (203)331-1226 www.in2designing.com
707 BORA (212)686-2672 borajewelry@gmail.com www.bujiusa.com
769 J & X (212)239-6808 bojietan@aol.com www.jxinternationalcorp.com 554 JAMIEROCKS (212)447-1700 mschneiderny@aol.com 622 JAZ New York (646)460-4604 alice@jaznyc.com www.jazcollection.com
576 JC Scarves (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net
524 Lolo (203)594-9700 sales@lolobag.com www.lolobag.com 645 Look By M (212)213-4019 michelle@lookbym.com www.lookbym.com
627 Lori Schwarz Showroom (212)787-0155 lori@lorischwarz.com www.lorischwarz.com
506 Made (213)627-9740 becky@butikshowroom.com
729 Nikaia (301)530-8170 info@nikaia.com www.nikaia.com 516 Nineteen Pieces (347)699-2891 www.nineteenpieces.com
537 Nino Bossi (914)244-0020 info@ninobossihandbags.com www.ninobossihandbags.com
640 Nusantara (802)775-3027 sales@nusantarainc.com www.nusantarainc.com
565 Onigo Imports (416)345-8592 sales@onigo.com www.onigo.com 513 Orla Kiely (212)775-8340 arianna@orlakiely.com www.orlakiely.com
514 Ornamental Things (512)912-9450 natalie@ornamentalthings.com
768 Pasha 85225225362 peter@pasha.hk www.pasha.hk 758 Pin & Tube, Inc. (347)529-6737 pinntube@yahoo.com
654 Pretty Persuasions (678)999-6189 sabrina@prettypersuasions.net
523 Printed Village (617)767-2842 jason@printedvillage.com www.PrintedVillage.com
711 Prudence C LLC (646)295-3986 prudence@prudencecheah.com www.prudencecheah.com
634 R & R Leather Collections (631)842-1641 ravi@rrcollections.net
765 MC Oasis (503)941-5366 mcoasis@comcast.net
534 Me Moi’ (877)453-8268 johnflynn@levante.com www.memoi.net
613 Rebel Designs (212)679-9060 griley@rebeldesignsonline.com
739 Medusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. (212)683-6711 khausman@medusasheirlooms.com
527 Meg Carter (703)6187434 meg@megarterdesigns.com www.megcarterdesigns.com
644 Melie Bianco Accessories (562)908-9830 info@meliebianco.com www.meliebianco.com
659 Mercedes Brunelli for Cristino (561)210-5222 gloria@cristinojewelers.com
616 MGems (516)242-1548 mgemsjewelry@gmail.com www.mgemsjewelry.com
623 Modalu (416)444-9857 highfashionhandbags@bellnet.ca
735 John Cole Collection (410)273-0922 john@jpourse.com
723 Modital Bijoux (212)888-0900 moditalbijoux@msn.com
573 Joy Accessories (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net
554 Myriam Schneider and Company (212)447-1700
658 Just Love Me (617)901-5698 allison@justloveme.com
506 Nahua (213)627-9740 becky@butikshowroom.com
648 Nanni Design Corp. (954)467-0636 info@nannidesigns.com
649 Nakamol Chicago (312)332-6077 nakamoldesign@gmail.com www.nakamolchicago.com
568 Rising Tide (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net www.chaingingtimes.com
555 Rose Gonzalez (941)343-8655 rose@rosegonzales.com
624 SAACHI by In Things (914)934-9006 inthings@gmail.com
655 Samoe Style (646)688-5782 www.stylehousenyc.com
729 Samuel Coraux Paris (888)767-7354 nduncan@nikaia.com www.nikaia.com
729 Sandrine Giraud Paris (888)767-7354 nduncan@nikaia.com
674 Sea Lily (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net www.chainingtimes.com
534 Slim Me Shapewear (917)453-5674 johnflynn@levanteusa.com 738 Sondra Roberts (212)643-9728 robyn@sondraroberts.com
559 Standard Merchandising Co. (800)526-2363 jlewis@stanmerch.com
ACCESSORIESTHESHOW 668 Sterling Styles (909)594-3878 sterlingstyles@earthlink.net
655, 754, 755 Style House Showroom (646)688-5782
627 Sugar Bean Jewelry (212)787-0155 lori@lorischwarz.com
533 Sylca Designs (215)283-2673 info@sylcadesigns.com www.sylcadesigns.com
549 Taolei Designs, Inc. (212)683-0385 cw@taoleidesigns.com
569 The Abigail Riggs Collection (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net
ARAE · Armoir Fashion · BUJI LUX · Cityzen by Azin · Just Love Me · Mercedes Brunelli for Cristino
522 The Giving Keys (225)603-8070 elizabeth@thegivingkeys.com www.thegivingkeys.com
517 Thursday Friday (323)936-1585 olena@thufri.com www.thufri.com 749 Top It Off (617)323-2605 www.topitoffaccessories.com
676 Top Shelf Jewelry Inc. (845)647-4661 info@topshelfjewelryinc.com www.topshelfjewelryinc.com
577 Trades Of The East (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net www.chaingingtimes.com
special sections
632 UN BILLION USA INC. (310)962-7867 izumi@unbillion.us
745 Veond (201)804-8800 sales@myveond.com www.myveond.com 506 Wanderlust (213)627-9740 becky@butikshowroom.com www.butikshowroom.com
744 Whitley V (843)284-8331 sales@whitleyv.com www.whitleyv.com 506 Wildflower (213)627-9740 becky@butikshowroom.com www.butikshowroom.com
529 Yochi (212)947-7826 info@yochiny.com www.yochiny.com 629 Zacasha (845)641-7258 www.zacasha.com
668 Zazou (909)594-3878 monique@zazou.com www.zazou.com 677 ZENZii (770)685-1170 sales@zenzii.com www.zenzii.com
Ardsley International Inc. · F.C. Creations · Instyle Trading Inc. · IZZY BIJOUX · Kybele Sterling · Modern Tibet · Paris Stations · Rosamariposa · Silver Star · Tibet Craft Inc. 23
333 Alice’s pig (213)327-0809 roberto@ibiausa.com www.ibiausa.com 267 Ardsley International Inc. (347)244-0874
344 A’reve (310)515-3633 info@arevestyle.com www.arevestyle.com 407 ARK & Co. (213)745-0112 info@arknco.com www.arknco.com 339 BCBGeneration (203)461-4037 www.bcbgeneration.com 448 Blu Kanvas (212)239-3150 www.blukanvas.com
339 Camuto Group (203)413-6525 amanda.groher@camutogroup.com www.camutogroup.com
430 Caribbean Queen, Inc. (213)747-4139 orders@caribbeanqueenfashion.com
241 Cecico (213)744-1001 peter.ahn@cecico.com www.cecico.com 454 Co*op Showroom (212)997-2525 linda@orangedomino.com
428 Dance and Marvel (213)622-0128 tommychoi@danceandmarvel.com
333 SugarHill Boutique (213)327-0809 roberto@ibiausa.com
249 JUST USA/JUST BLACK (323)234-1212 Ext: 112
207 Sugar Lips (213)742-9001 paul@offlineinc.com
275 Kybele Sterling (770)356-5627 sertel@bellsouth.net
455 The Classic (213)745-8485 4sales@lovetheclassic.com
345 Lani
334 THML Clothing (213)627-0708 info@thmlclothing.com
433 Lumiere/Timing (323)589-2015 info@lumierefashion.com
329 M. Rena (213)749-3333 sean@m-rena.com www.m-rena.com 274 Modern Tibet (646)613-0600 moderntibet@yahoo.com www.moderntibet.com
233 Mono B (323)231-2000 sales@monobclothing.com
449 Monoreno by Mur (213)747-6574 info@monoreno.com www.monoreno.com
222 Mystree (213)489-3945 mystree@mystree.com www.mystree.com 248 Nikibiki (323)587-5205 info@nikibiki.com www.nikibiki.com
454 Dirty Karma Denim (212)997-2525 linda@orangedomino.com
452 Nomad Footwear (714)671-1688 petejulienne@nomadfootwear.com
444 Dirty Laundry (310)838-2103 sgonzales@chineselaundry.com
440 Olivaceous (213)746-4537 sales.olivaceous@gmail.com
423 dv8 By Dolce Vita (610)653-8872 leigha@dolcevita.com
www.nomadfootwear.com www.olivaceousla.com
323 En Creme (213)221-7141 info@encreme.com www.encreme.com
454 Others Follow (212)997-2525 linda@orangedomino.com
258 F.C. Creations (212)921-4111 www.forevercreation.com 232 Freeway (213)747-3222 www.freewayapparel.com
223, 322 Glam (213)746-3597 info@glamla.net www.glamla.net
217 Paper Crane (213)746-8778 www.papercranela.com 270 Paris Stations (203)559-7884 www.parisstations.com
238 Renee C. (213)741-0095 www.reneecollection.com
259 Instyle Trading Inc. (832)715-5086 instyletrading@aol.com www.instylecorp.com
333 International Brands in America (213)327-0809 roberto@ibiausa.com
242 Umgee USA (213)746-0230 umgeeusa@hotmail.com www.umgeeusa.com
354 Very J (213)622-0088 sales@veryjusa.com www.veryjusa.com 339 Vince Camuto (203)243-5807 ashley.grable@camutogroup.com www.vincecamuto.com
417 Vintage Havana/Ocean Drive (908)964-2591
252 Wanted Shoes (732)248-1300 sales@wantedshoes.com www.wantedshoes.com
454 White Crow (212)997-2525 linda@orangedomino.com linda@orangedomino.com
204 YA Los Angeles (323)262-8001 sarah@yalosangeles.com
sales@papercranela.com parisstations@gmail.com
355 PPLA Clothing (323)843-4041 richardbilgray@gmail.com
229 Hem & Thread (213)746-4380 info@hemandthread.com 348 Honey Punch (213)749-9213 info@myhoneypunch.com
266 Tibet Craft Inc. (646)812-8876 tibetcraftinc@hotmail.com
255 POL Clothing (213)745-2200 michellepolclothing@gmail.com
429 Gracia Fashion (212)244-3966 info@graciany.com
349 On Twelfth Clothing (323)583-0005 andrew@ontwelfth.com
226 Esley (213)747-8938 www.esleycollection.com
339 Jessica Simpson (646)898-1040 amanda.groher@camutogroup.com
245 Restricted Shoes (917)597-1265 lorraineabrams@hotmail.com www.restrictedshoes.com
271 Rosamariposa (619)237-8064 rmariposa2011@gmail.com www.rosamariposasd.com
338 RYU (323)432-3300 info@ryuwel.com www.ryuwel.com 277 Silver Star (212)213-5508 sales@silverstarnewyork.com www.silverstarnewyork.com
445 SKIES ARE BLUE (323)780-5658 mpak@chookachooka.com www.skiesareblueclothing.com
MODA Accessories 1240 1258 977 877 964 877 808 949 1069 1068 1240 1023 1027 822 936 1027 877 1127 977 1267 948 833 858 1233 832 1023 1058
212 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines Adore Alisha D Andria Lieu Animale B The Collection C halet C ollections of Comfort C oobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom D iana Rosh D own East Basics Eva Varro G retchen Scott Haute Latitude Janine Weil LTD. Showroom L ior Mikarose Penn Centrall Piaffe Professional Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha Sailor-Sailor by Just Madras Samuel Dong Staples USA Tara Michelle Tracy & Company Tulip
Activewear 877 1069 1068
840 1254 1233 812 854 969 1224 1054 1233 1023 1058 1165
Animale C ollections of Comfort C oobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom D uffield Lane F ocus Fashion Inc. Harvey Wolf K atherine Way LV Style Match Point Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Tracy & Company Tulip U BU
Belts 877 877 1069 1023 1027 877 1127 1017 858 1233
Alisha D Animale C ollections of Comfort D own East Basics Janine Weil LTD. Showroom L ior Mikarose Muche & Muchette Samuel Dong Staples USA
CATEGORIES Better 1258 877 877 808 914 859 1137 940 949 1258 1148 1069 854 908 1263 1240 828 1213 1233 840 1264 822 1233 1206 922 1214 1009 1271 877 854 1210 806 1209 849 977 1267 948 908 1230 1224 1054 1233 1230 1058 1230
A Few Good Lines Alisha D Animale B The Collection Before & Again Berek Bordado Luxury Knits Caite Chalet Citron Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Cubism D avid Cline / The Real Truth D esign Todays, Inc. D iana Rosh D izzy Lizzie D onna Morgan D ressori D uffield Lane D zhavael Couture G retchen Scott Harvey Wolf Ivy & Blu J UDY P APPAREL J ulia Jordan Katherine Barclay Lindi/Aria Collection Lior LV Style M aggy London M ahi Gold M use Nomadic Traders P enn Centrall P iaffe Professional P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha P ure Amici rapps - new york Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA T esoro Moda T ulip Veeca
Better Contemporary 1240 877 808 914 859 940 1258 1148 1069 854 908 1263 1240 828
2 12 Showroom NYC Animale B The Collection Before & Again Berek Caite Citron Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Cubism D avid Cline / The Real Truth D esign Todays, Inc. D iana Rosh D izzy Lizzie
840 1264 944 1027 1233 936 922 812 877 854 806 849 1108 948 1230 1224 1054 1233 832 1165 1230
uffield Lane D Dzhavael Couture Elana Kattan Eva Varro Harvey Wolf Haute Latitude J UDY P APPAREL K atherine Way L ior LV Style M ahi Gold Nomadic Traders P etit Pois by Viviana G P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha r apps - new york Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Tara Michelle UBU Veeca
Blouses 977 877 808 1015 1145 940 837 949 1258 1069 1236 949 828 1023 1233 840 1264 977 836 1254 822 936 1077 1243 1049 1009 812 949 1023 855 1271 877 854 1127 1023 1017 849 977 1108
Adore Animale B The Collection B aci Collezione B iz C aite C ape Madras C halet C itron C ollections of Comfort C onnie Roberson Dale Cotton Sales Dizzy Lizzie Down East Basics Dressori Duffield Lane Dzhavael Couture Effie’s Heart e scapada living F ocus Fashion Inc. Gretchen Scott Haute Latitude I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. J ana K atherine Barclay K atherine Way K iKi Sol L ast Tango L IBRA by ASM Fashions L indi/Aria Collection L ior LV Style M ikarose M odbe M uche & Muchette Nomadic Traders P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G
1267 1250 858 1224 1054 1233 832 949 1169 1023 1058 1165 1230 1023
P iaffe Professional Rain Samuel Dong Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Tara Michelle T empo Paris T ianello, Inc. T racy & Company T ulip U BU Veeca Veronica M.
1240 1258 977 877 808 1145 940 837 949 1258 1148 1069 958 1236 1068
2 12 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines Adore Animale B The Collection B iz C aite C ape Madras C halet C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C onnie Roberson C oobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom D ale Cotton Sales D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane D zhavael Couture Effie’s Heart Elana Kattan e scapada living F lax F ocus Fashion Inc. G retchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf Haute Latitude I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. K atherine Barclay K atherine Way K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven L ast Tango L auren Vidal Pants L ior L isette-L LV Style M odbe M uche & Muchette Nomadic Traders P etit Pois by Viviana G P iaffe Professional P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha
949 1023 1233 840 1264 977 944 836 1059 1254 822 959 1233 936 1077 1243 1009 812 1241 1023 877 877 1146 854 1023 1017 849 1108 1267 948
1230 833 1069 858 1224 1267 1054 1233 1230 1169 1023 1058 1165 1230 1023
r apps - new york Sailor-Sailor by Just Madras Salaam Clothing Samuel Dong Sera Textile Simply Silk Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA T esoro Moda T ianello, Inc. T racy & Company T ulip U BU Veeca Veronica M.
C onnie Roberson
1240 964 808 914 1137 940 1148 1263 1240 1233 1241 854 932 948
2 12 Showroom NYC Andria Lieu B The Collection B efore & Again B ordado Luxury Knits C aite C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo D esign Todays, Inc. D iana Rosh D ressori K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven LV Style Patty Kim P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha P ure Amici Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA
908 1224 1054 1233
Collection 1258 877 964 877 808 1015 1137 940 949 1148 1069 958 1236 854 949 1240 840 977 944 1107 836 1254
A Few Good Lines Alisha D Andria Lieu Animale B The Collection B aci Collezione B ordado Luxury Knits C aite C halet C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C onnie Roberson C ubism D ale Cotton Sales D iana Rosh D uffield Lane Effie’s Heart Elana Kattan Ema Savahl Design e scapada living F ocus Fashion Inc.
1233 936 1077 1243 1206 1109 1009 812 877 854 977 1108 1267 948 1230 1224 1233 1230 1230
Harvey Wolf Haute Latitude I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Ivy & Blu Julian Chang Katherine Barclay Katherine Way L ior LV Style Penn Centrall Petit Pois by Viviana G Piaffe Professional Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha rapps - new york Sera Textile Staples USA Tesoro Moda Veeca
C ontemporary 977 877 944 877 1015 1145 940 1069 854 949 1263 1264 977 1107 1159 1059 959 1233 936 817 1077 1049 1109 1009 812 949 1241 1023 855 877 854 806 1127 1017 849 932 977 1133 1108 948
Adore Alisha D Angelo Marzocchi Animale Baci Collezione Biz Caite Collections of Comfort Cubism Dale Cotton Sales Design Todays, Inc. Dzhavael Couture Effie’s Heart Ema Savahl Design F eather F lax Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf Haute Latitude HIHO I.C. Collection Jana Julian Chang Katherine Barclay Katherine Way KiKi Sol Krazy Larry / Luxe Eleven L ast Tango L IBRA by ASM Fashions L ior LV Style M ahi Gold M ikarose M uche & Muchette Nomadic Traders Patty Kim Penn Centrall Peri Luxe By Furseller Petit Pois by Viviana G Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha modashows.com
MODA 1250 1230 1224 1054 1233 1230 1169 1023 1165 1023
Rain r apps - new york Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Tesoro Moda Tianello, Inc. Tracy & Company U BU Veronica M.
877 1015 914 940 837 949 1148 1069 958 854 949 840 944 1258 1059 822 959 1233 1077 965 1267 812 854 806 849 1108 948
Animale B aci Collezione B efore & Again C aite C ape Madras C halet C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C ubism D ale Cotton Sales D uffield Lane Elana Kattan F.H. Clothing / Fat Hat F lax G retchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf I.C. Collection Iridium Ivy Reed K atherine Way LV Style Mahi Gold Nomadic Traders Petit Pois by Viviana G Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha r apps - new york Saga Sera Textile Simply Silk Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Tempo Paris Tesoro Moda Tianello, Inc. Tracy & Company Tulip Veeca Veronica M.
Contemporary Lifestyles
1230 1069 1224 1267 1054 1233 949 1230 1169 1023 1058 1230 1023
Daywear/Sleepwear 1069 1068 1213 840 1059 1254 822
C ollections of Comfort C oobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom D onna Morgan D uffield Lane F lax F ocus Fashion Inc. G retchen Scott
CATEGORIES 1267 1224 1267 1233
P iaffe Professional Sera Textile Simply Silk Staples USA
877 1015 1069 958 1023 959 1233 1023 849 1230 1224 1233 1230
Animale Baci Collezione Collections of Comfort Color Me Cotton & Click D own East Basics Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf M odbe Nomadic Traders r apps - new york Sera Textile Staples USA T esoro Moda
964 877 1148 1069 1236 854 1263 1240 977 1107 1027 936 1206 1109 812 1271 877 854 1108 1224 1233
Andria Lieu Animale Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Connie Roberson Cubism D esign Todays, Inc. D iana Rosh Effie’s Heart Ema Savahl Design Eva Varro Haute Latitude Ivy & Blu J ulian Chang Katherine Way Lindi/Aria Collection Lior LV Style P etit Pois by Viviana G Sera Textile Staples USA
1240 977 964 944 877 808 1015 827 914 1145 1137 940 837 949 1258 1148 1069 958 1236
2 12 Showroom NYC Adore Andria Lieu Angelo Marzocchi Animale B The Collection Baci Collezione Barbara Gerwit Before & Again Biz Bordado Luxury Knits Caite Cape Madras Chalet Citron Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Color Me Cotton & Click Connie Roberson
854 949 828 1213 1023 840 1159 1264 977 944 1107 836 1027 1159 1059 822 1233 936 817 1243 965 1049 1027 922 1214 1109 1009 812 1023 855 1271 877 1217 854 1210 806 977 1127 1023 1017 1209 849 977 1108 1267 948 1250 1230 1069 833 1069 858 1224 844 1233 949 1230 1169 1023 1058 1165 1230 1023
C ubism Dale Cotton Sales Dizzy Lizzie Donna Morgan Down East Basics Duffield Lane Dunia Dzhavael Couture Effie’s Heart Elana Kattan Ema Savahl Design e scapada living Eva Varro F eather F lax Gretchen Scott Harvey Wolf Haute Latitude HIHO I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Iridium J ana J anine Weil LTD. Showroom J UDY P APPAREL J ulia Jordan J ulian Chang K atherine Barclay K atherine Way L ast Tango L IBRA by ASM Fashions L indi/Aria Collection L ior L ondon Times LV Style M aggy London M ahi Gold M esmerize M ikarose M odbe M uche & Muchette M use Nomadic Traders P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G P iaffe Professional P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha Rain r apps - new york Saga Sailor-Sailor by Just Madras Salaam Clothing Samuel Dong Sera Textile Sonali Corporation/Peppermint Bay Staples USA T empo Paris T esoro Moda T ianello, Inc. T racy & Company T ulip U BU Veeca Veronica M.
Fur/Leather/Suede 1240 977 1015 859 1069 1240 1233 1243 1271 1017 977 1133 1165
2 12 Showroom NYC Adore B aci Collezione B erek C ollections of Comfort D iana Rosh Harvey Wolf I.N.S.I.G.H.T. L indi/Aria Collection M uche & Muchette P enn Centrall P eri Luxe By Furseller U BU
1240 964 877 914 1069 1240 977 1058
2 12 Showroom NYC Andria Lieu Animale B efore & Again C ollections of Comfort D iana Rosh P enn Centrall T ulip
1240 1068
2 12 Showroom NYC C oobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom D uffield Lane Staples USA
Intimate Apparel 840 1233
Item Jackets 1240 1258 977 964 877 859 940 1148 1069 958 1236 949 1263 1240 828 1233 1264 977 944 1027 1059 1254 822 959 1233 1077 1243 965 1248 1027
2 12 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines Adore Andria Lieu Animale B erek C aite C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C onnie Roberson D ale Cotton Sales D esign Todays, Inc. D iana Rosh D izzy Lizzie D ressori D zhavael Couture Effie’s Heart Elana Kattan Eva Varro F lax F ocus Fashion Inc. G retchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Iridium Isabel J anine Weil LTD. Showroom
1009 1271 877 854 849 932 1267 948 908 1230 858 1224 1233 1267 1230 1023 1165 1230
K atherine Barclay L indi/Aria Collection L ior LV Style Nomadic Traders Patty Kim P iaffe Professional P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha P ure Amici r apps - new york Samuel Dong Sera Textile Staples USA Stillman Studio T esoro Moda T racy & Company U BU Veeca
Jewelry 877 877 822 1077 877 1127 833 1233
Alisha D Animale G retchen Scott I.C. Collection L ior M ikarose Sailor-Sailor by Just Madras Staples USA
1258 977 964 877 808 1015 827 859 1145 1137 940 837 949 1258 1148 1069 958 854 949 1023 840 1264 977 1159 1254 959 1233 817 1049 1027 1009 812
A Few Good Lines Adore Andria Lieu Animale B The Collection B aci Collezione B arbara Gerwit B erek B iz B ordado Luxury Knits C aite C ape Madras C halet C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C ubism D ale Cotton Sales D own East Basics D uffield Lane D zhavael Couture Effie’s Heart F eather F ocus Fashion Inc. Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf HIHO J ana J anine Weil LTD. Showroom K atherine Barclay K atherine Way
K nitwear
1241 855 854 806 1023 1209 849 848 977 1108 948 908 1250 1230 1069 833 858 1224 1054 1233 949 1230 1169 1023 1165 1230 1023
razy Larry / Luxe Eleven K L IBRA by ASM Fashions LV Style M ahi Gold M odbe M use Nomadic Traders Orly Penn Centrall Petit Pois by Viviana G Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha Pure Amici Rain rapps - new york Saga Sailor-Sailor by Just Madras Samuel Dong Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Tempo Paris Tesoro Moda Tianello, Inc. Tracy & Company UBU Veeca Veronica M.
Loungewear 1137 940 1068 840 1059 1254 822 854 948 1233 1023 1023
Bordado Luxury Knits Caite Coobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom Duffield Lane F lax F ocus Fashion Inc. Gretchen Scott LV Style Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha Staples USA Tracy & Company Veronica M.
Manufacturer’s Rep 1258 1069 949 908 1159 1159 1233 936 854 977 1267 1146 1233 949 1023
A Few Good Lines Collections of Comfort Dale Cotton Sales Dressed 2 Kill Dunia F eather Harvey Wolf Haute Latitude LV Style Penn Centrall Piaffe Professional Riley Associates Staples USA Tempo Paris Tracy & Company
MODA Novelty 964 877 808 859 1145 1137 1148 1069 854 949 908 1263 1264 822 959 1233 1077 1243 1009 855 1271 854 969 849 932 1108 1267 948 908 1250 1230 858 1054 1233 1230 1023 1165 1230
Andria Lieu Animale B The Collection B erek B iz B ordado Luxury Knits C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C ubism D ale Cotton Sales D avid Cline / The Real Truth D esign Todays, Inc. D zhavael Couture G retchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. K atherine Barclay L IBRA by ASM Fashions L indi/Aria Collection LV Style Match Point Nomadic Traders Patty Kim Petit Pois by Viviana G Piaffe Professional Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha Pure Amici Rain r apps - new york Samuel Dong Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Tesoro Moda Tracy & Company U BU Veeca
Occasion/Evening 1240 877 877 1148 1069 1236 1240 1213 944 1107 1254 822 1077 1206 1214 1271 877 1210 1209 1108 1267
212 Showroom NYC Alisha D Animale C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C onnie Roberson D iana Rosh D onna Morgan Elana Kattan Ema Savahl Design F ocus Fashion Inc. G retchen Scott I.C. Collection Ivy & Blu Julia Jordan L indi/Aria Collection L ior Maggy London Muse Petit Pois by Viviana G Piaffe Professional
CATEGORIES 1230 858 1233 1230 1230
r apps - new york Samuel Dong Staples USA T esoro Moda Veeca
877 964 877 808 1015 1145 949 1258 1148 1069 958 1236 1068
Alisha D Andria Lieu Animale B The Collection Baci Collezione Biz Chalet Citron Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Color Me Cotton & Click Connie Roberson Coobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom D ale Cotton Sales D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane D zhavael Couture Effie’s Heart e scapada living Eva Varro Focus Fashion Inc. G retchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf HIHO I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Iridium Isabel J anine Weil LTD. Showroom K atherine Barclay K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven L ast Tango L auren Vidal Pants L ior L isette-L L V Style M esmerize M odbe M uche & Muchette Nomadic Traders P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G P iaffe Professional P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha r apps - new york Riley Associates Samuel Dong Sera Textile Staples USA T empo Paris T esoro Moda T ianello, Inc.
949 1023 1233 840 1264 977 836 1027 1254 822 959 1233 817 1077 1243 965 1248 1027 1009 1241 1023 877 877 1146 854 977 1023 1017 849 977 1108 1267 948 1230 1146 858 1224 1233 949 1230 1169
1023 1058 1165 1230 1023
T racy & Company T ulip UBU Veeca Veronica M.
1240 1258 964 877 808 827 940 949 1148 1069 958 1236 854 949 828 1233 840 1264 944 1059 1254 1233 1243 965 1109 1009 812 855 1271 877 854 849 848 977 1108 1267 948
2 12 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines Andria Lieu Animale B The Collection B arbara Gerwit C aite C halet C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C onnie Roberson C ubism Dale Cotton Sales Dizzy Lizzie Dressori Duffield Lane Dzhavael Couture Elana Kattan F lax F ocus Fashion Inc. Harvey Wolf I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Iridium J ulian Chang K atherine Barclay K atherine Way L IBRA by ASM Fashions L indi/Aria Collection L ior LV Style Nomadic Traders Orly P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G P iaffe Professional P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha r apps - new york Saga Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA T empo Paris T esoro Moda T ulip Veeca
Related Separates
1230 1069 1054 1233 949 1230 1058 1230
Resort Apparel 1240 944 877 808 827 914 859 1137
2 12 Showroom NYC Angelo Marzocchi Animale B The Collection B arbara Gerwit B efore & Again B erek B ordado Luxury Knits
940 837 949 1148 1069 1236 1068 854 949 828 1213 1233 840 944 836 843 1059 1254 822 936 817 922 812 1241 1271 877 854 806 969 1017 1209 849 848 1133 1108 1267 948 1230 833 1069 1224 1054 844 1233 832 949 1230 818 1169 1023 1058 1230 1023 1033
C aite C ape Madras C halet C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C onnie Roberson C oobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom C ubism D ale Cotton Sales D izzy Lizzie D onna Morgan D ressori D uffield Lane Elana Kattan e scapada living Fashion Fuse F lax F ocus Fashion Inc. G retchen Scott Haute Latitude HIHO J UDY P APPAREL K atherine Way K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven L indi/Aria Collection L ior LV Style M ahi Gold M atch Point M uche & Muchette M use Nomadic Traders O rly P eri Luxe By Furseller P etit Pois by Viviana G P iaffe Professional P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha r apps - new york Sailor-Sailor by Just Madras Salaam Clothing Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Sonali Corporation/Peppermint Bay Staples USA Tara Michelle T empo Paris T esoro Moda T hree Islands T ianello, Inc. T racy & Company T ulip Veeca Veronica M. Z & L Europe
Scarves 877 964 877 914 949
Alisha D Andria Lieu Animale B efore & Again C halet
1069 958 949 1240 1023 1233 977 817 965 877 854 1017 977 1133 1267 908 1069 1233 1169 1023 1058
C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click D ale Cotton Sales D iana Rosh D own East Basics D ressori Effie’s Heart HIHO Iridium L ior LV Style M uche & Muchette P enn Centrall P eri Luxe By Furseller P iaffe Professional P ure Amici Salaam Clothing Staples USA T ianello, Inc. T racy & Company T ulip
1240 964 877 808 1015 914 940 949 1148 1069 958 1236 949 828 1023 1159 1264 977 944 836 1027 1059 822 959 1233 1077 1243 965 1027 1109 1009 812 1023 855 1271 877 854 806 1127 1023
2 12 Showroom NYC Andria Lieu Animale B The Collection B aci Collezione B efore & Again C aite C halet C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C onnie Roberson D ale Cotton Sales D izzy Lizzie D own East Basics D unia D zhavael Couture Effie’s Heart Elana Kattan e scapada living Eva Varro F lax G retchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Iridium J anine Weil LTD. Showroom J ulian Chang K atherine Barclay K atherine Way L ast Tango L IBRA by ASM Fashions L indi/Aria Collection L ior LV Style M ahi Gold M ikarose M odbe
849 977 1108 1267 948 1230 1146 833 858 1224 844 1233 949 1230 1169 1023 1058 1230
Nomadic Traders Penn Centrall Petit Pois by Viviana G Piaffe Professional Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha rapps - new york Riley Associates Sailor-Sailor by Just Madras Samuel Dong Sera Textile Sonali Corporation/Peppermint Bay Staples USA Tempo Paris Tesoro Moda Tianello, Inc. Tracy & Company Tulip Veeca
S oft Separates 1258 964 877 1015 827 940 949 1258 1148 1069 958 854 949 828 840 977 944 1059 1254 959 1233 1243 965 1267 812 855 1271 877 854 849 977 1267 1230 1267 1233 949 1230 1169 1058 1230
A Few Good Lines Andria Lieu Animale Baci Collezione Barbara Gerwit Caite Chalet Citron Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Color Me Cotton & Click Cubism Dale Cotton Sales Dizzy Lizzie Duffield Lane Effie’s Heart Elana Kattan F lax F ocus Fashion Inc. Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Iridium Ivy Reed Katherine Way L IBRA by ASM Fashions L indi/Aria Collection L ior LV Style Nomadic Traders Penn Centrall Piaffe Professional rapps - new york Simply Silk Staples USA Tempo Paris Tesoro Moda Tianello, Inc. Tulip Veeca
MODA S pecial Size 1258 964 827 940 949 1258 1236 949 1263 1213 1233 1264 1254 965 812 1241 1271 854 1210 1267 948
1250 844 1233 1230 1169
A Few Good Lines Andria Lieu B arbara Gerwit C aite C halet C itron C onnie Roberson D ale Cotton Sales D esign Todays, Inc. D onna Morgan D ressori D zhavael Couture F ocus Fashion Inc. Iridium K atherine Way K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven L indi/Aria Collection LV Style Maggy London Piaffe Professional Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha Rain Sonali Corporation/Peppermint Bay Staples USA Tesoro Moda Tianello, Inc.
S portswear 1240 1258 977 964 877 808 827 859 1137 949 1258 1148 1069 958 1236 1068
854 949 828 1023 1233 840 944 1254 959 1233 1077 1243 1248 922 1009 1241
212 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines Adore Andria Lieu Animale B The Collection B arbara Gerwit B erek B ordado Luxury Knits C halet C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C onnie Roberson C oobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom C ubism D ale Cotton Sales D izzy Lizzie D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane Elana Kattan F ocus Fashion Inc. Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Isabel JUDY P APPAREL K atherine Barclay K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven
CATEGORIES 1271 877 854 1023 849 848 977 1267 1250 1230 858 1224 1054 1233 832 949 1230 1169 1023 1165 1230
L indi/Aria Collection L ior L V Style M odbe Nomadic Traders O rly P enn Centrall P iaffe Professional Rain r apps - new york Samuel Dong Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA T ara Michelle T empo Paris T esoro Moda T ianello, Inc. T racy & Company U BU Veeca
964 877 949 1069 1213 1243 812 1233
Andria Lieu Animale Chalet Collections of Comfort D onna Morgan I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Katherine Way Staples USA
1258 977 877 808 1015 859 1145 940 949 1069 958 854 949 1023 1264 977 1159 1059 959 1233 817 1049 1027 1009 1271 877 854 1023 1017 849
A Few Good Lines Adore Animale B The Collection Baci Collezione Berek Biz Caite Chalet Collections of Comfort Color Me Cotton & Click Cubism D ale Cotton Sales D own East Basics D zhavael Couture Effie’s Heart Feather Flax Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf HIHO J ana J anine Weil LTD. Showroom K atherine Barclay L indi/Aria Collection L ior L V Style M odbe M uche & Muchette Nomadic Traders
Suits/Career Wear
848 977 948 908 1250 1233 949 1023 1023
Tops 1240 1258 977 877 964 944 877 808 1015 827 914 859 1145 1137 940 949 1148 1069 958 1236 1068 854 949 908 828 1023 1233 840 1159 1264 977 944 836 1027 1159 1059 1254 822 959 1233 936 817 1077 965 1248 1049 922 1109 1009 812
rly O P enn Centrall P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha P ure Amici Rain Staples USA T empo Paris T racy & Company Veronica M.
2 12 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines Adore Alisha D Andria Lieu Angelo Marzocchi Animale B The Collection B aci Collezione B arbara Gerwit B efore & Again B erek B iz B ordado Luxury Knits C aite C halet C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C onnie Roberson C oobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom C ubism Dale Cotton Sales David Cline / The Real Truth Dizzy Lizzie Down East Basics Dressori Duffield Lane Dunia Dzhavael Couture Effie’s Heart Elana Kattan e scapada living Eva Varro F eather F lax F ocus Fashion Inc. Gretchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf Haute Latitude HIHO I.C. Collection Iridium Isabel J ana J UDY P APPAREL J ulian Chang K atherine Barclay K atherine Way
949 1241 1023 855 1271 877 854 977 1127 1023 1017 849 848 977 1108 1267 948 908 1250 1230 1069 858 1224 1267 1054 844 1233 832 949 1230 1169 1023 1058 1165 1230 1023
K iKi Sol K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven L ast Tango L IBRA by ASM Fashions L indi/Aria Collection L ior LV Style M esmerize M ikarose M odbe M uche & Muchette Nomadic Traders O rly P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G P iaffe Professional P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha P ure Amici Rain r apps - new york Salaam Clothing Samuel Dong Sera Textile Simply Silk Sno Skins, Inc. Sonali Corporation/Peppermint Bay Staples USA Tara Michelle T empo Paris T esoro Moda T ianello, Inc. T racy & Company T ulip U BU Veeca Veronica M.
T ravel Wear 964 944 877 837 1069 840 1254 806 969 849 848 948 1230 1224 1054 1233 1023 1058 1165 1230 1023
Andria Lieu Angelo Marzocchi Animale C ape Madras C ollections of Comfort D uffield Lane F ocus Fashion Inc. M ahi Gold M atch Point Nomadic Traders O rly P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha r apps - new york Sera Textile Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA T racy & Company T ulip U BU Veeca Veronica M.
T-Shirts 1258 977 877 827 914 859 1145 949 1069 958 854 949 908 1023 840 1159 977 1159 1059 822 959 1233 817 965 1049 922 1009 855 854 806 849 848 977 1108 948 908 1224 844 1233 1023 1058
3 .33 Adore Animale B arbara Gerwit B efore & Again B erek B iz C halet C ollections of Comfort C olor Me Cotton & Click C ubism D ale Cotton Sales D avid Cline / The Real Truth D own East Basics D uffield Lane D unia Effie’s Heart F eather F lax G retchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf HIHO Iridium J ana J UDY P APPAREL K atherine Barclay L IBRA by ASM Fashions LV Style M ahi Gold Nomadic Traders O rly P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G P ure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha P ure Amici Sera Textile Sonali Corporation/Peppermint Bay Staples USA T racy & Company T ulip
ACCESSORIESTHESHOW Baby Accessories 559 559
b.ella nouvella & E.G. Smith Legwear Standard Merchandising Co.
Belts 568 533
C hainging Times Sylca Designs
668 545 548 707 568 532 777 568 728 769 739 649 648 711 738 668 655 549
All That Glitters Anne Koplik Designs B lue Pacific Fashion B ORA C hainging Times C harlene K at Los Angeles C ity Design Group, Inc. C rossroads G iovannio J & X Medusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. Nakamol Designs, LLC Nanni Design Corp. Prudence C LLC Sondra Roberts Sterling Styles Style House Showroom Taolei Designs, Inc.
Rebel Designs
540 528 649
AJ Morgan Eyewear G ood Work(s) Make A Difference Nakamol Designs, LLC
Top Shelf Jewelry Inc.
524 738
L olo Sondra Roberts
C rossroads
612 568 536 777 769 738 668 655 533 677
ADA Collection C hainging Times C hen & Derington C ity Design Group, Inc. J & X Sondra Roberts Sterling Styles Style House Showroom Sylca Designs ZENZii
540 568 655
AJ Morgan Eyewear C hainging Times Style House Showroom
Bridal Accessories
Children’s Accessories
Collectibles/Home Accessories Cosmetic Accessories Display Fixtures Evening Bags
Eyewear Accessories
Fashion Jewelry 545 707 506 712 568 532 777 729 568 733 528 713 658 717 755 739 723 554 649 648 516 514 758 711 613 729 729 655 627 533 549 522 749 676 745 744 529 677
Anne Koplik Designs BORA Butik Catherine Canino Jewelry Chainging Times Charlene K at Los Angeles C ity Design Group, Inc. C oeur De Lion C rossroads D Line G ood Work(s) Make A Difference i n2design J ust Love Me K onplott Liza Kim Accessories M edusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. M odital Bijoux M yriam Schneider and Company Nakamol Designs, LLC Nanni Design Corp. Nineteen Pieces O rnamental Things LLC P in & Tube, Inc. P rudence C LLC Rebel Designs Samuel Coraux Paris Sandrine Giraud Paris Style House Showroom Sugar Bean Jewelry Sylca Designs Taolei Designs, Inc. T he Giving Keys T op It Off T op Shelf Jewelry Inc. Veond W hitley V Yochi ZENZii
707 712 532 568 733 528 648 729 640 674 655 676
ORA B Catherine Canino Jewelry Charlene K at Los Angeles C rossroads D Line G ood Work(s) Make A Difference Nanni Design Corp. Nikaia Nusantara Sea Lily Style House Showroom T op Shelf Jewelry Inc.
544 738 655
ig Buddha Inc. B Sondra Roberts Style House Showroom
661 568 769
ARAE Chainging Times J & X
Fine Jewelry
645 568 655 668
L ook By M Rising Tide Style House Showroom Zazou
612 506 568 728 562 739 649 640 758 711 568 655
ADA Collection B utik C rossroads Giovannio K akyco M edusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. Nakamol Designs, LLC Nusantara P in & Tube, Inc. P rudence C LLC Rising Tide Style House Showroom
612 572 544 568 536 664 732 740 769 644 554 537 565 634 613 568 655 674 738 655 533 569 632 677
ADA Collection Ah Dorned B ig Buddha Inc. C hainging Times C hen & Derington C ityzen by Azin C lava Elegant Additions, Inc. J & X M elie Bianco Accessories M yriam Schneider and Company Nino Bossi O nigo Imports R & R Leather Collections Rebel Designs Rising Tide Samoe StylE Sea Lily Sondra Roberts Style House Showroom Sylca Designs T he Abigail Riggs Collection U N BILLION USA INC. ZENZii
661 568 728 769 562 645 739 565 568 655
ARAE C hainging Times Giovannio J & X K akyco L ook By M M edusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. Onigo Imports Rising Tide Style House Showroom
Hair Ornaments
Itemwear 668 568 776 640 559 668
All That Glitters C hainging Times G race Chuang Inc. Nusantara Standard Merchandising Co. Sterling Styles
559 745 534 645 534 559 655
b.ella nouvella & E.G. Smith Legwear Elietian L evante USA L ook By M M e Moi’ Standard Merchandising Co. Style House Showroom
548 524 565
B lue Pacific Fashion L olo O nigo Imports
506 568 562 554 655
B utik C hainging Times K akyco M yriam Schneider and Company Style House Showroom
540 661 559 707 528 649 613 559
AJ Morgan Eyewear ARAE b.ella nouvella & E.G. Smith Legwear B ORA G ood Work(s) Make A Difference Nakamol Designs, LLC Rebel Designs Standard Merchandising Co.
572 540 545 661 548 707 506 568 532 568 528 776 773 769 524 739 649 565 711 613 674 534
Ah Dorned AJ Morgan Eyewear Anne Koplik Designs ARAE B lue Pacific Fashion B ORA B utik C hainging Times C harlene K at Los Angeles C rossroads G ood Work(s) Make A Difference G race Chuang Inc. Invisibelt J & X L olo M edusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. Nakamol Designs, LLC O nigo Imports P rudence C LLC Rebel Designs Sea Lily Slim Me Shapewear
Manufacturer’s Rep
Men’s Accessories
P ersonal Accessories
549 569
Taolei Designs, Inc. T he Abigail Riggs Collection
668 545 661 559 548 506 532 536 568 745 728 562 739 644 649 648 565 654 711 738 559 668 655 549 569 745 529
All That Glitters Anne Koplik Designs ARAE b.ella nouvella & E.G. Smith Legwear B lue Pacific Fashion B utik C harlene K at Los Angeles C hen & Derington C rossroads Elietian G iovannio K akyco M edusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. M elie Bianco Accessories Nakamol Designs, LLC Nanni Design Corp. O nigo Imports P retty Persuasions P rudence C LLC Sondra Roberts Standard Merchandising Co. Sterling Styles Style House Showroom Taolei Designs, Inc. T he Abigail Riggs Collection Veond Y ochi
540 568 655
AJ Morgan Eyewear C hainging Times Style House Showroom
668 661 548 568 664 568 740 558 776 769 669 645 765 640 654 568 668 655 533 569 749 745 668 677
All That Glitters ARAE B lue Pacific Fashion C hainging Times C ityzen by Azin C rossroads Elegant Additions, Inc. F ennysun/ViVi Designs, Inc G race Chuang Inc. J & X L .F. Fashion Co. L ook By M M C Oasis Nusantara P retty Persuasions Rising Tide Sterling Styles Style House Showroom Sylca Designs T he Abigail Riggs Collection T op It Off Veond Zazou ZENZii
P rivate Label
S eamless Wear 745 534 534
Elietian L evante USA Slim Me Shapewear
S mall Leathergoods/Wallets 612 506 568 536 634 613 738 655
ADA Collection Butik Chainging Times Chen & Derington R & R Leather Collections Rebel Designs Sondra Roberts Style House Showroom
707 532 568 733 723 649 648 655 549
BORA Charlene K at Los Angeles Crossroads D Line M odital Bijoux Nakamol Designs, LLC Nanni Design Corp. Style House Showroom Taolei Designs, Inc.
540 544 568 655
AJ Morgan Eyewear Big Buddha Inc. Chainging Times Style House Showroom
M odital Bijoux
Sterling Silver
S unglasses
FAME A pparel 344 407 448 241 454 423 323 226 232 223 429 348 249 345 433 329 233 449 222 248 440 217 270 255 238 338 207 455 334 242 354 204
A’reve ARK & Co. B lu Kanvas C ecico C o*op Showroom D V By Dolce Vita En Creme Esley F reeway G lam G racia Fashion Honey Punch JUST BLACK L ani L umiere M. Rena Mono B Monoreno by Mur Mystree Nikibiki O livaceous Paper Crane Paris Stations POL Clothing Renee C. RYU Sugar Lips The Classic THML Clothing U mgee USA Very J YA Los Angeles
448 429 249 233 455
B lu Kanvas G racia Fashion JUST BLACK Mono B The Classic
344 407 448 241 454 428 323 226 223 429 348 345 433 233 449 222 248 217 238 338 445
A’reve ARK & Co. B lu Kanvas C ecico C o*op Showroom D ance and Marvel En Creme Esley G lam G racia Fashion Honey Punch L ani L umiere Mono B Monoreno by Mur Mystree Nikibiki Paper Crane Renee C. RYU SKIES ARE BLUE
CATEGORIES 207 455 334 242 354 204
Sugar Lips T he Classic T HML Clothing U mgee USA Very J Y A Los Angeles
Paris Stations
444 423 452 245
irty Laundry D D V By Dolce Vita Nomad Footwear Restricted Shoes
274 277
odern Tibet M Silver Star
271 338
Rosamariposa RYU
454 270 338
o*op Showroom C Paris Stations RYU
267 259 272 270 271
Ardsley International Inc. Instyle Trading Inc. IZZY BIJOUX Paris Stations Rosamariposa
259 274 270 271 277
Instyle Trading Inc. M odern Tibet Paris Stations Rosamariposa Silver Star
258 259 275 274 277
Forever Creations Instyle Trading Inc. Kybele Sterling M odern Tibet Silver Star
245 271
Restricted Shoes Rosamariposa
344 407 448 241
A’reve ARK & Co. Blu Kanvas Cecico
Hair Accessories Handbags
Hosiery/Legwear J ewelry/Costume
J ewelry/Fine
J ewelry/Sterling Silver
J unior Accessories J unior Apparel
323 232 429 348 345 433 329 248 217 255 207 455 242 354 417 204
En Creme F reeway G racia Fashion Honey Punch L ani L umiere M . Rena Nikibiki P aper Crane P OL Clothing Sugar Lips T he Classic U mgee USA Very J Vintage Havana/Ocean Drive Y A Los Angeles
344 407 241 428 323 226 223 429 348 345 433 329 233 449 222 217 255 238 338 207 455 334 242 354 204
A’reve ARK & Co. C ecico Dance and Marvel En Creme Esley Glam Gracia Fashion Honey Punch L ani L umiere M . Rena M ono B M onoreno by Mur M ystree Paper Crane P OL Clothing Renee C. RYU Sugar Lips T he Classic T HML Clothing Umgee USA Very J YA Los Angeles
226 270 204
Esley Paris Stations YA Los Angeles
241 226 449 255 455 204
C ecico Esley M onoreno by Mur P OL Clothing T he Classic YA Los Angeles
348 217 455
Honey Punch Paper Crane T he Classic
K nitwear
L eather Goods
L eather/Suede/Fur
Outerwear/Coats 344 407 448 241 428 323 226 429 348 449 217 255 338 207 455 334 242 354 204
A’reve ARK & Co. B lu Kanvas C ecico D ance and Marvel En Creme Esley G racia Fashion Honey Punch M onoreno by Mur Paper Crane P OL Clothing RYU Sugar Lips T he Classic T HML Clothing U mgee USA Very J YA Los Angeles
407 448 241 428 323 226 429 348 249 433 233 449 217 238 338 445 207 455 242 354 204
ARK & Co. B lu Kanvas C ecico D ance and Marvel En Creme Esley G racia Fashion Honey Punch J UST BLACK L umiere M ono B M onoreno by Mur Paper Crane Renee C. RYU SKIES ARE BLUE Sugar Lips T he Classic U mgee USA Very J YA Los Angeles
241 323 226 223 429 348 433 233 449 222 217 238 245 207 455 334 242
C ecico En Creme Esley G lam G racia Fashion Honey Punch L umiere M ono B M onoreno by Mur M ystree Paper Crane Renee C. Restricted Shoes Sugar Lips T he Classic T HML Clothing U mgee USA
P rivate Label
354 204
Very J YA Los Angeles
407 241 323 429 345 329 449 217 207 455 242 204
ARK & Co. C ecico En Creme G racia Fashion L ani M . Rena M onoreno by Mur Paper Crane Sugar Lips T he Classic U mgee USA YA Los Angeles
241 233 449 217 270 238 271 338
C ecico M ono B M onoreno by Mur Paper Crane Paris Stations Renee C. Rosamariposa RYU
344 407 448 323 226 223 429 348 433 233 449 222 217 255 238 338 207 455 334 242 354 204
A’reve ARK & Co. B lu Kanvas En Creme Esley G lam G racia Fashion Honey Punch L umiere M ono B M onoreno by Mur M ystree Paper Crane P OL Clothing Renee C. RYU Sugar Lips T he Classic T HML Clothing U mgee USA Very J YA Los Angeles
344 323 217 238 207 455
A’reve En Creme Paper Crane Renee C. Sugar Lips T he Classic
En Creme
Resort Apparel
T-Shirts 407 448 454 428 226 348 233 248 217 255 338 207 455 354 204
ARK & Co. Blu Kanvas Co*op Showroom Dance and Marvel Esley Honey Punch M ono B Nikibiki Paper Crane POL Clothing RYU Sugar Lips The Classic Very J YA Los Angeles
344 407 448 241 454 428 323 226 223 429 348 345 433 329 233 449 222 248 217 255 238 245 338 445 207 455 334 242 354 204
A’reve ARK & Co. Blu Kanvas Cecico Co*op Showroom Dance and Marvel En Creme Esley Glam Gracia Fashion Honey Punch L ani L umiere M . Rena M ono B M onoreno by Mur M ystree Nikibiki Paper Crane POL Clothing Renee C. Restricted Shoes RYU SKIES ARE BLUE Sugar Lips The Classic THML Clothing Umgee USA Very J YA Los Angeles
Young Contemporary
Moda booth# 1169