April 2015 NY - ATS, Moda & Fame Show Guide - MOBILE

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Double Zero


april 27.28.29 2015 Jav it s C ent er, NY C | H alls 3B , 3D , 3E M onday & Tues day 9- 6 | Wednes day 9- 4

complimentary amenities B r eak f as t | B ev er ages | L unc h | B ot t led Wat er Fa s hion Tot es (F ir s t c om e/f ir s t s er v ed)

Anama & ANM Dressori

Julian Chang

Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs

connect with us Accessor iesTheShow.com M odaShows.com FameShows.com #BJIFASHIONGROUP 866.696.6020

contents  3 show D etails  5 Show Information & S taff


6 Floor Plan   6 New Engagement A reas 1 0 2 0 15 fashion C alendar 1 2 Style Preview

Ruti Horn

1 8 D esigner L isting 3 6 P roduct C ategories

Art of Cloth

uber: the on demand car service N e w t o Ub e r? U s e c ode B JIEV ENTS 2015 f or a f r ee r ide (up t o $25) t o or f r om t he s how.

The Giving Keys

Al re a d y a u se r? U s e c ode B JI415 t o r ec eiv e 10% of f y our r ide t he day of t he ev ent .

Winter Lennon

C o d e s va lid 4/ 27/ 15 - 4/ 29/ 15, e xc lu d e s u b e rT, va lid in N Y C On ly. Qu e st i o n s? uber.c om /ny c or s uppor t NY @uber.c om

Zzan Jewelry

COMPLIMENTARY SHUTTLE SERVICE Hour s of Ser vi ce M onday, Apr il 27 & Tuesday, Apr il 28: 8am – 7pm | Wednesday, Apr il 29: 8am – 4:30pm Rout e 1: 1st st op) Penn St at ion, on 8t h Ave, bet ween 30t h & 31st St 2nd st op) Element Times Squar e, on 39t h St , bet ween 8t h & 9t h Ave Ser vicing: Cour t yar d by M ar r iot t Times Squar e West , Double Tr ee Times Squar e Sout h, Element Times Squar e, TRYP Times Squar e Sout h


Rout e 2: Times Squar e @ Hilt on Gar den Inn, 48t h St & 8t h Ave Ser vicing: Hilt on Gar den Inn Times Squar e


show information & staff accessoriestheshow, moda, & fame

Pr oper t ies of Business Jour nals, Inc. | 50 Day St r eet , Nor walk, CT 06854 | Tel: 866.696.6020 | F ax : 203.838.5028

GUEST OF SALES & PRESS GREETING AREA Should you have any quest ions concer ning your visit wit h us, f ut ur e calendar dat es and/or our m any s er v ic es t o t he indust r y, please t ake a moment t o st op by t he Pr ess and Guest of Sales Lounge in t h e C r y s t al Palac e.

ADMISSION POLICY Accessor iesTheShow, M oda, and Fame ar e open t o t he f ashion r et ail t r ade and pr es s only. No one under 14 w ill be admit t ed wit h t he except ion of inf ant s in ar ms or st r oller s. Business Jour nals, Inc . r es er v es t he r ight t o deny admit t ance t o any individual or gr oup t hat it deems inappr opr iat e f or it s shows. A c c es s ori es TheShow, Moda, and F ame are properti es of Bus i nes s Journal s , I nc . The enti re co n te n ts o f th is Sh o w Gu id e a re c opy ri ghted by Bus i nes s Journal s , I nc . A l l ri ghts res erv ed and reproduc ti on i n whol e or part with o u t p e rmissio n is p ro h ib ite d . I nformati on i n the Show G ui de i s rec orded as ac c uratel y as pos s i bl e at the ti me i t goes to pres s. We ca n n o t b e h e ld re sp o n sib le fo r any ty pos , omi s s i ons or errors that may oc c ur.


bji fashion group

executive management

M I CHAL DI M I CELI Dir ect or of Sales

Sharon Lalloway Dir ect or of Oper at ions

B r i t t on J on e s Pr es ident & C EO

kathe rine valdes Account Execut ive

JI LL HI CKLE Senior Oper at ions M anager

Mac B r i gh t on C hair m an & C O O

Kelsey DeLuccia Account Execut ive

tammy burt Oper at ions M anager

Shar on E n r i gh t Ex ec ut iv e V ic e Pr es ident

leslie walsh Sales Assist ant

M aggie scampoli no Design M anager


KELSEY CRUI KS HANK Design Coor dinat or

dee gratz jones Dir ect or of Sales vanessa vanni Account Execut ive leslie walsh Sales Assist ant

fame am y natha n Co- Dir ect or of Sales kimberly synnott Co- Dir ect or of Sales

international sales Coleman M cCartan Dir ect or of Int er nat ional M ar ket ing


Shay Andrews Dir ect or, Digit al Exper ience Laura ma rsde n- kish Pr omot ions M anager alanna diliddo Pr omot ions Coor dinat or oli via lyons Digit al Pr oduct Coor dinat or Be th Cowperthwaite Dir ect or of Ret ail & Public Relat ions Sara Simonow M anager of Cont ent & Social M edia LI Z CLARK M anager of Ret ail & Pr ess Relat ions M egan Boiano Regist r at ion Coor dinat or





Mid 900-1000 Aisle


Get your caffeine fix at the Buzz Bar! However you like your buzz, we have it – serving hot, cold or pressed!

Back of 1500-1600 Aisle

introducing bji’s new engagement areas

Satisfy your senses at the Zen Den. Relax, rejuvenate, enjoy a cup of afternoon tea and take in the soothing scents of our aromatherapy bar, sponsored by Mighty Real Skin. www.mightyrealskin.com MIGHTY REAL SKIN will be conducting aromatherapy consultations on Monday, April 27th from 1pm - 6pm.

REFUEL & RECHARGE Mid 300-400 Aisles

Visit our re-charge station, Grab & Go or enjoy a refreshing smoothie.

t & Lu nc h) (Se rvi ng Bre ak fas

t & Lu nc h) (Se rvi ng Bre ak fas

t & Lu nc h) (Se rvi ng Bre ak fas

Beginning of 200/300 Aisle





Back of Fame Get your fashion fix fast! Shop Fashion2Go!

2000-2100 Aisles Enjoy a smoothie or a quick snack at the Grab & Go concession area.

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo (a few days early) with us!


Also… be sure to say hi to our cabana boy and partake in some delicious margaritas, guacamole and chips!

Front of 1100 Aisle Hydrate at the H2O lounge!

3E dj



Beginning of 2100-2200 Aisles Watch as this season’s most trending looks come alive by combining pieces from ATS, Moda and Fame!


Stop by between 11am - 4pm on Monday & Tuesday and 11am - 2pm on Wednesday, take a pic and enter to win a trip to Mexico!




The Braid Bar opens daily @ 10am Be sure to get there early to schedule your Braid Bar session!



Stop by the Kitsch Braid Bar Lounge and choose a variety of California cool braids from boho chic to sleek. Finish with a Kitsch hair tie and voila! You won’t be able to resist showing off your new style!


Front of 100 Aisle

arts gest indie rld w in the o ral tu a :n ally by RAW

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awards co u ann and is held . ts is rt a born esigner of essories D cc A g s rd a W RA ania, is bein amantha N t a th o o b the Year, S mentary li p m co a se d awarde to showca sTheShow k Accessorie el and loo fe er indie H n ! io rk o ct w se r he est fit for The N is a perfect in ATS. artists.org www.raw









up d selected, tion of han nd a d te ra A presenta cu gners, si e d g in m w o heSh . and co ccessoriesT A y b d re u nurt



SHOW HOURS Monday, April 27: 9am - 6pm | Tuesday, April 28: 9am - 6pm | Wednesday, April 29: 9am - 4pm

CAFE HOURS Breakfast: 9am - 10am | Lunch: 12pm - 2:30pm


BJI’s New Engagement Areas




David Aubrey Jewelry

www.susan-company.com David Aubrey lines vary from delicate, meticulously assembled jewelry of monochromatic hues to larger, more vibrant pieces. Some collections are themed, whether romantic, vintage, or art deco. Each piece is painstakingly crafted with an array of raw materials, including plated and oxidized brass and white metal, semiprecious stones, vintage glass, acrylic and resin beads, painted wood, and carved bone.

Tony Drockton · Creative Director/CEO Hammitt Los Angeles

HammittLA Hammitt.com

Dara Ettinger

www.susan-company.com Over the years, Dara Ettinger has grown and evolved, but the brand has always centered itself on the perfect fusion of fashion and nature. Her one-of-a-kind pieces are adored by women of all ages, and are highly sought after by many of Hollywood’s A List celebrities.


There is a lot of buzz surrounding the Hammitt brand right now – what factors are driving this momentum? Our Hammitt clients share a great passion for the brand and want others to share in their discovery so the communal aspect is the driving force behind our momentum. We are committed to fueling this passion by continuing to provide unparalleled quality, personalized customer service and timeless designs.

This April will be Hammitt’s first time exhibiting in AccessoriesTheShow – tell us a few reasons you decided to come over? It’s about the buyers. We feel that ATS provides the best match to Hammitt’s philosophy of combining commerce with culture to create a positive environment for our buyers to shop. ATS is providing great atmosphere, easy access, elevated catering and timely support for all our needs. We switched to EDIT from Coterie/Sole Commerce a year and a half ago and our buyers reacted positively. This is just our next move to show our buyers how much we care and we are inviting other brands to follow.

What Hammitt silhouettes are you really excited about right now? Is this a trick question like asking to say which one of your children is your favorite? I love them all. Our latest collection is inspired by the leading men in our lives and we do have a few award winners. Our Daniel, Joe and Mark to name a few...but shhh, don’t tell the others.

Hammitt is recognized in the industry for its philosophy to never discount in addition to offering a lifetime warranty on all bags – how has this mantra shaped the Hammitt brand nationwide? My mentor was Andrew Forbes, the founding COO of Jimmy Choo. In my early days at Hammitt, Andrew shared his philosophy of replicating the European fashion business model by controlling quality, supply chain and distribution channels. This formula allows us to protect margins and generate maximum profitability so we choose to pay this forward to our clients. The more profitable we become, the more we will continue to reinvest in design and further our pursuit towards consumer excellence.

What inspires you? You have an amazing group of talented and vibrant individuals working at Hammitt… how has this dedicated group spearheaded the growth of the brand? A smart man once told me, “plan your culture, hire accordingly and you will never work again.” That’s how we approach the recruiting process at Hammitt - we strive to hire the best and the brightest as talent is everything. I am lucky to have found a seasoned fashion team in all of the key areas and that has made all the difference. Every person currently at Hammitt is a star and we could not be where we are without any of them. In return, I strive to give back to our amazing staff by supporting a healthy work/life balance in many ways but just one example is that dogs (and one cat) are welcome at our design studio. Overall we implement a positive, solution-based approach to everything which organically creates a supportive and collaborative working environment.

www.crislu.com CRISLU began in 1961 with our founder’s vision of offering women high quality affordable luxury. That focus and goal remains true to this day and has propelled CRISLU to become a successful and leading jewelry brand with retailers worldwide. Combining design expertise with an intuition of what our customers are really looking for, CRISLU offers the highest quality jewelry to our valued customer to fit any occasion and every outfit!

Art and Architecture. Within art, I love sculptures and paintings. Dali was my first influence in art and he changed the perception of what art could be at the time. Gehry, Saha Hadid and Oscar Niemeyer all created art within the boundaries of architecture, changing the urban landscape wherever they went. At Hammitt, we hope to have a similar influence by bringing a fresh aesthetic and new approach to the industry.

What do you like to do on your day off? I’m an avid hunter. Of course I’m speaking in reference to my daily quest to seek out both knowledge and positivity. I love to surround myself with people who radiate positive energy. For this reason, West Coast festivals like Coachella and Burning Man are some of my annual Spring and Summer rituals. And Art Basil Miami in December is just the spark I need annually to cap off the year and set my intentions for the year ahead. For product inquires, please contact info@hammitt.com.


www.susan-company.com Born in Rangoon, Burma, but having lived most her life in Southern California, Rafia continues to draw influence from the beautiful landscapes that surround her. Many of her designs are inspired by nature which is apparent in her bird and butterfly designs, as well as in her line’s rich colored gems and stones.


behind the lines Lenora Dame

Amelia Rose

www.susan-company.com Noted especially for her iconic “haute bohemian” collections of necklaces, earrings and bracelets, designer Lenora Dame has set herself apart with a fearless approach that genetically recombines authentic vintage materials from sources around the world.

www.susan-company.com Amelia Rose jewelry is designed for women who want to feel feminine and look effortlessly put together. Each piece is chic, contemporary, and highly wearable; and all handmade with precious metals in a rainbow of gems.

Namrata Joshipura

www.susan-company.com Namrata Joshipura’s vision is that of a global aesthetic. After having lived in New York for eight years, she moved back to New Delhi and is considered one of India’s leading contemporary designers, having a significant following among Bollywood starlets and fashionistas. An important signature element is her innovative use of color – strong expressions of color contrasted with beautiful embellishments.


www.susan-company.com Inspired by arts and crafts of South East Asia, Serefina uses beautiful natural feathers, exotic leather and semi-precious stones and combines it with unique vintage chains and findings from the 60s and 70s. Their mission is to bring the exquisite quality and warmth of hand-made jewelry and accessories to fit an everyday life of a modern woman.


Tell us a little about your upcoming Fall collection.

There are luxurious coats and vests with fur trim. Goat suede and unique print jackets can take you from day to evening and the colors are in rich tones of teal, fuchsia, chocolate, tinted grey and camel.

What is the main source of inspiration behind the brand?

I am inspired by my travels and the beautiful things I see. Whether it’s a print on a Venetian glass in Italy or the striking colors of the saris in India, I take these visions and incorporate them into my collection.

Blush Noir The versatility of alluring, adventurous, trendsetters do not limit themselves to one color but express their style and value in something so opposite as to Blush and Noir. The brand’s goal is to create a lifestyle and a line of clothing that is not only innovative and sophisticated but also practical, sensible, and versatile. A Blush Noir muse has a youthful spirit, is confident, and effortlessly chic in any color she wants to express.

Who is the Patty Kim woman? The Patty Kim woman is sophisticated and classy and is not defined by her age. She likes timeless, classic clothes and always looks effortless and chic.

How has your background in the industry influenced your own design process? You realize that sketch is only good as the interpretation. You can have the most beautiful designs, but it’s all in the execution that comes with a great team and experience.

What is a key factor in producing high-quality fashion at an affordable price point? Naughty Monkey Known for their playful, look-at-me-now styles, Naughty Monkey is a fashion-obsessed footwear company based out of sunny San Diego, California. They truly believe that footwear should be fashionable, affordable and fun, leaving every woman feeling on top of the world and enthusiastically empowered.

Ellison #EllisonGirls are sophisticated, classy, effortless, and chic. Ellison is currently a successful, yet continually growing company specializing in creating high quality, everyday clothing for the not-so-average woman and girl.

First and foremost, you need taste. You cannot select the correct fabric, colors, trimmings and designs for your appropriate market without it. Another key factor is working with a factory that understands your vision.

Patty Kim Patty Kim · President www.pattykimshop.com Booth 1434

If you could teach an aspiring designer one thing, what would it be? It sounds cliché, but be the first one at work and the last one to leave, willing to take on any task and do not whine.

BEHIND THE LINEs Welcome back, Donna! We’re excited to see you. Tell us about your decision to show at Moda again.

Chinese Laundry Chinese Laundry’s team of designers travel the world to discover the freshest inspirations and get them to market in the best possible way. For its remarkable ability to deliver on lifestyle and lead with trend, Chinese Laundry has attracted the attention of a growing number of stars and celebrities as well as fashion savvy women everywhere.

Donna Ricco Donna Ricco · Designer Booth 1643

I’m very excited to be back showing my collection of dresses at Moda! The opportunity to have Donna Ricco dresses available in specialty stores across the country is invaluable, since those stores can easily choose product specific to their customer base. I love having a more direct connection to the customer, hearing their comments and feedback and then applying those ideas to new product.

Explain your tagline “Nothing’s more effortless than a dress.”

A dress is the easiest most flattering choice for a woman to make as she prepares for her day. Many of my dresses are appropriate to wear for daytime and then on into the evening. Putting on a dress is quick; who has extra time to ponder over multiple items of clothing in the morning? Dresses are effortless!

Who has been the most notable person to have worn your designs thus far?

Extrafine Sugar The original creators of Sugar Shoes introduce their new brand Extrafine Sugar. They will target young contemporary boutiques. Extrafine Sugar boasts the same cute, quirky je ne sais quoi girls know and love but with a grown up edge.

Sneak Peek Sneak Peek has been leading the denim fashion industry with quality and design innovations. With global distributions and a worldwide following, they are able to relate to every woman’s denim needs. Impeccable detail, amazing fit and forward concepts, they strive to always be the go-to beyond basic or novelty piece in anyone’s closet.

Michelle Obama wore my dress on The View during the presidential campaign. She chose a pretty black and white print in a style that fit and flattered her figure perfectly! It was the best surprise and a genuine, rewarding moment for me in my career.

What do you consider to be the world’s best fashion city?

I’ve traveled quite often to Europe to shop and attend print and fabric shows. I love Paris and love to see Parisian women and men. They have such confidence in their style and present themselves in a fashionable way like few others can.

How do you find balance with being a designer and a mom?

Balancing personal life and career is never easy. I’ve always believed separating the two is best in order to feel rewarded in both. When at work, I focus on those tasks that will satisfy my creativity and then naturally bring success as a result. When home with my family, I strive to give my full attention to those I love, without distraction.


Charles Albert, Inc.

located in the back right of fame 16


Ardsley International Inc.


Kathmandu Jewelry


Beyzade Kuyumculuk Tic. Ltd Sti


Machu Picchu Jewelry


Beyzade LLC


Mikala’s Design, Inc.


Bijou Amani


Modern Tibet




Paris Stations


BSS Jewelry




Charles Albert, Inc.


Sanchi & Filia P


Citi Jewels


Silver Star


F.C. Creations


Tibet Craft Inc.


India Gems of NY


Treasure of Tibet


Instyle Trading Inc.


Vera Wolf



listin g 18




336 925 Zsa Zsa Jewels (212)244-4431 shop@zsazsajewels.com

466 Benjamin International (203)758-1868

255 Carmen Marc Valvo (212)268-1071 larrymagidt@aol.com www.magidhandbags.com

229 Diana Kauffman Designs (412)259-8134 diana@dianakauffmandesigns.com www.dianakauffmandesigns.com

526 A Alinda (215)906-1565 apiradee17@yahoo.com

233 Beq Pettina (646)405-5970 jasmine@littlebedesign.com

138 Carole Amper (845)331-0131 sales@caroleamper.com

749 Diva Hats (412)636-6601 info@divahats.ru www.divahats.ru

270 Bernie Mev (201)871-0005 sales@berniemev.com

664 CC Resorts Shoes (914)319-7079 mikemango@msn.com

459 Beth Bingham & Co. (651)688-6789 beth@bethbingham.com

502 CC Skye (310)226-7875 ronna@glamhouse.com


120 A Mano Trading (707)996-4920 info@amanotrading.com www.amanotrading.com

358 A.N.D.M Showroom (213)817-5330 alexandra@andmshowroom.com


558 Abigail Riggs Collection (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net


930 Adrienne Vittadini Gloves (518)661-6675

ben.kline@gloves-international.com www.gloves-international.com

654 Ahujasons Scarves (630)854-8863 ahujasons@gmail.com www.ahujasonsusa.com

545 AJ Morgan Eyewear (213)624-0254 info@ajmorganeyewear.com www.ajmorganoptics.com

312 AJS Design Studio (212)591-0119 info@ajsdesignstudio.com www.ajsdesignstudio.com

641 Alice Hannah +44 2089439383 info@alicehannah.co.uk www.alicehannah.co.uk

777 Alisha d (305)266-7677 sales@alishadcreations.com www.alishadcreations.com

958 All That Glitters (909)594-3878 sterling@sterlingstyles.com www.sterlingstyles.com

651 Almar Hats (514)844-5612 asamabena@aol.com 518 Amelia Rose (212)502-0960 info@susan-company.com www.susan-company.com

213 Anitanja (917)558-5869 kathleen@anitanja.com www.anitanja.com

marty@benjamininternational.com www.benjamininternational.com www.beqpettina.com www.berniemev.com




658 Betmar New York (212)981-9870 florentino@bollmanhats.com

471 Chainging Times (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net

430 Betty Carre (212)244-2500 drozak1@aol.com

259 Chanour Jewelry (201)917-3273 info@jamierocks.net

437 Big Buddha Inc. (212)857-9580 kirsten@ebigbuddha.com

202 Charlene K (240)793-8300 kaela.kreysa@gmail.com

730 Bijou Amani (619)209-7406 info@bijouamani.com

758 Chateau Anne USA (626)308-0883 chateau@rioni.com www.rioni.com


www.drozakstudio.com www.ebigbuddha.com www.bijouamani.com

125 Bijoux Jungle (917)472-9048 alice@bijouxjungle.com www.jazcollection.com

677 Biltmore Hats (800)367-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com


115 Black Lace Skin Jewelry (617)731-9000

mrichman@blacklaceskinjewelry.com www.blacklaceskinjewelry.com

459 Bloomsberry Chocolates (651)688-6789 beth@bethbingham.com

www.chaingingtimes.com www.jamierocks.net


306 Chic Verte (850)294-1789 lsphipps@me.com www.chicverte.com 677 Christys’ London (800)367-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com


176 City Design Group, Inc. (201)329-7711 citydsn@gmail.com www.jnbfashion.com

408 Cityzen by Azin (646)319-5196 azin@cityzenbyazin.com www.cityzenbyazin.com


850 Co-Lab/Zenith (514)738-8330 heather@sfieldingaccessories.com

849 Blue Pacific Fashion (805)899-9249 info@bluepacificfashion.com

842 Coeur De Lion (888)767-7354 info@nikaia.com www.nikaia.com


512 BORA (212)686-2672 borajewelry@gmail.com

571 Cool and Interesting (951)278-1688 care@coolandinteresting.com www.coolandinteresting.com

250 Dizzy Inc. (305)531-8855 dror@dizzysandals.com www.dizzysandals.com

759 Dlux Jewels (718)853-4834 cs@dluxjewels.com www.dluxjewels.com

754 Donna Si (347)707-9098 simone@donnassi.com www.donnassi.com

677 Dorfman Pacific (800)367-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com www.dorfman-pacific.com

677 DPC (800)367-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com www.dorfman-pacific.com 424 Drozak Studio (212)244-2500 drozak1@aol.com www.drozakstudio.com

928 Easter Lilly (912)678-3042 easterlillydesigns@gmail.com www.easterlillydesigns.com

624 Echo Design (212)696-8798 mlyakhovich@echodesign.com www.echodesign.com

506 Eisentraut Jewelry (303)514-6235 lindsey@eisentrautjewelry.com www.eisentrautjewelry.com

969 Elegant Additions, Inc. (302)731-1703 elegantadditions@gmail.com www.elegantadditionsinc.com

954 Elietian (201)804-8888 sales@elietian.com www.elietian.com 228 enewton design (404)788-9390 elizabeth@enewtondesign.com www.enewtondesign.com

148 Erik & Mike (267)293-0252 wholesale@erikandmike.com

877 Bosisio Parini (786)502-4922 info@ervalsunrise.com

658 Country Gentlemen (212)981-9870 florentino@bollmanhats.com



725 Brighton Accessories (626)961-9381 danelle.duskin@brighton.com

659 Creations Georgianni (450)973-2807


creationsgeorgianni@videotron.ca www.creationsgeorgianni.com

530 EyeJets (770)765-3359 info@eyejets.com www.eyejets.com

104 Butik (213)627-9740 alessandra@butikshowroom.com

172 Creative Eyewear & Scarves (718)366-8886 info@creativeeyeglasses.com www.creativeeyeglasses.com

670 FADA NYC (212)564-0028 info@fadanyc.com www.fadanyc.com


736 By RB (212)532-5400 rbdesigns@roniblanshay.com

308 Crish Designs (305)302-6671 info@crishdesigns.com www.crishdesigns.com

info@fashionexpressionsgloves.com www.fashionexpressionsgloves.com


866 b.ella nouvella & E.G. Smith Legwear (856)964-9700

677 Callanan (800)356-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com

525 CRISLU (310)322-3444 shasan@crislu.com www.crislu.com

577 Bali Queen (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net

104 CAM (213)627-9740 alessandra@butikshowroom.com

559 Crossroads (800)686-8188 sagechaintimes@gmail.com www.chaingingtimes.com

412 Anne-Marie Chagnon (514)844-0499 sarahf@annemariechagnon.com


755 Anu (530)892-9145 pchopra@naturalfashions.net www.anubynatural.com

359 Art Wear Reading Glasses (646)688-5782

amy@thestylehouseshowroom.com www.thestylehouseshowroom.com

859 Athra NJ (201)964-9770 sales@athra.com www.athra.com jlewis@stanmerch.com www.standardmerchandisingco.com www.chaingingtimes.com

www.dorfman-pacific.com www.butikshowroom.com

141 D Line (212)685-4333 dline925@aol.com www.dline925.com

121 Bara Boheme Jewelry (310)902-3334 baraboheme@yahoo.com

677 Cappelli Straworld (800)367-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com www.dorfman-pacific.com

272 D.R. International 911 202 696322 info@drintl.in www.drintl.in

104 BauXo (213)627-9740 alessandra@butikshowroom.com

321 Capri Blue Candles (662)397-4151 cwesson@dpmfragrance.com

518 Dara Ettinger (212)502-0960 info@susan-company.com



649 Be Je Designs (561)968-0076 bejedesigns@yahoo.com

359 Carli Bruno (845)532-7938 info@carlibruno.com

518 David Aubrey (212)502-0960 info@susan-company.com



677 Carlos by Carlos Santana (800)367-3626

759 Deluxe Fashion (718)853-4834 cs@dluxjewels.com



314 Bedstu (914)334-3094 paul@bedstu.com www.bedstu.com

custservice@dorfman-pacific.com www.dorfman-pacific.com





738 Escape from Paris (416)444-9857 highfashionhandbags@bellnet.ca

841 Fashion Expressions (855)327-4397

476 Fennysun/ViVi Designs, Inc (408)988-8843 info@vividesigninc.com www.vividesigninc.com

738 Fiorelli (416)444-9857 highfashionhandbags@bellnet.ca 676 Floats (305)326-9800 rafy@floatsinc.com www.floatsinc.com 477 Foot Traffic (816)444-4446 cb@foottraffic.com 637 Fornash (703)525-3204 wholesaleorder@fornash.com www.fornash.com/wholesale

471 Frangos Nikolas (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net www.chaingingtimes.com

445 Frost Hats (347)241-5088 info@frosthats.com www.frosthats.com




ACCESSORIESTHESHOW 667 Gena Accessories (212)689-8807 info@genaaccessories.com

858 Ixli (646)771-1239 priveeshowroom@gmail.com

104 La Mer (213)627-9740 alessandra@butikshowroom.com www.butikshowroom.com


930 GII Private Label Gloves (518)661-6675

976 J & X (212)239-6808 bojietan@aol.com www.jxinternationalcorp.com

359 Landes (646)688-5782 mark@thestylehouseshowroom.com

467 Mellow World (909)529-7500 gloria@mellowworld.net


110 Lat & Lo (904)240-2409 info@latandlo.com www.latandlo.com

259 JAMIEROCKS (201)840-0946 info@jamierocks.net www.jamierocks.net

825 Latico Leathers (973)442-9622 info@laticoleathers.com

334 Merci Marie Italian Leather Handbags (310)739-7447 mercimariehandbags@gmail.com www.mercimariehandbags.com


ben.kline@gloves-international.com www.gloves-international.com

144 Giovani & Rucci (213)747-0274 sales@lydchandbags.com www.lydchandbags.com

502 GLAMHOUSE Group (310)226-7872 ronna@glamhouse.com www.glamhouse.com

930 Gloves International (518)661-6675

ben.kline@gloves-international.com www.gloves-international.com

541 Good Work(s) Make A Difference (213)620-0001


732 Jaded Studio (212)744-0312 jaded1046@aol.com

224 Jan Michaels - San Francisco (650)359-9900 info@janmichaels.com www.janmichaels.com

867 Jeanne Simmons Accessories/Hatstack (760)598-0550

hatstack@cox.net www.hatstack.com



858 Le Voyage en Panier (646)771-1239 priveeshowroom@gmail.com

254 Melie Bianco Accessories (562)908-9830 info@meliebianco.com


246 mgold 55 219694 30106 valeria@mgoldmgold.com www.mgoldmgold.com


750 Mina Mann (212)695-2263 minamann@aol.com www.minamann.com

636 Lemon by Anew Legwear (212)851-6664 barry@anewltd.com

240 Moda Luxe (323)480-8360 sales@moda-luxe.com

518 Lenora Dame (212)502-0960 info@susan-company.com

738 Modalu (416)44449857 highfashionhandbags@bellnet.ca



alyssa@goodworksmakeadifference.com www.goodworksmakeadifference.com

459 Jennifer Dahl Designs (651)688-6789 beth@bethbingham.com

973 Grace Chuang Inc. (212)695-6437 info@gracechuang.com

406 Jenny von Holtermann (212)574 - 4953 ilana@kyanyc.com www.kyanyc.com

845 Letizia Handbags (212)273-1177 bkramer@vfconcepts.com

458 Grace Hats NY LLC. (212)730-2588 maggie@gracehatsny.com

255 Jessica McClintock (212)268-1071 larry@yshandbags.com

133 Levante USA (917)453-5674 johnflynn@levanteusa.com

858 Monflaud (646)771-1239 priveeshowroom@gmail.com

839 Grand Bazaar (718)728-0818 alexandratu@onlinegrandbazaar.com www.onlinegrandbazaar.com

358 Jesslyn Blake (213)817-5330 alexandra@andmshowroom.com www.andmshowroom.com

938 LEXI YORK (617)323-2605 info@topitoffaccessories.com

104 Nahua (213)627-9740 alessandra@butikshowroom.com

418 Hammitt (310)292-5200 devon@hammitt.com www.hammitt.com

259 Joanel (201)840-0946 info@jamierocks.net www.jamierocks.net

762 Little Journeys (847)677-0350 liljrnys@sbcglobal.net

540 Nakamol Chicago (312)332-6077 nakamoldesign@gmail.com

114 Hatch Hats (516)256-0420 hatchhats@gmail.com

262 Joie De Vivre Life (626)968-6899 fredl@joidevivrelife.com

944 Liz Soto Handbags (310)829-5155 info@lizsoto.com

518 Namrata Joshipura (212)502-0960 info@susan-company.com

236 Lizzy James Designs Jewelry (877)234-5531 lizzy@lizzyjames.com

755 Natural Fashions (530)892-9145 pchopra@naturalfashions.net


354 Look By M (212)213-4019 michelle@lookbym.com www.lookbym.com

842 Nature Bijoux (301)530-8170 nduncan@nikaia.com www.nikaia.com

658 Karen Kane Hats (212)981-9870 florentino@bollmanhats.com

119 Lucky Feather (818)947-0496 debi@luckyfeather.com

206 Nearly Naked (347)946-2533 crista@gonearlynkd.com


232 Lula ‘n’ Lee (979)551-0899 lulanlee@gmail.com

842 Nikaia (301)530-8170 info@nikaia.com www.nikaia.com

643 Kathy Jeanne Inc. (973)575-9898 allie@kathyjeanne.com www.kathyjeanne.com

858 Luxe Exotic Jewelry (646)771-1239 priveeshowroom@gmail.com www.priveefashionaccessories.com

358 Nila Anthony (213)817-5330 kevin@andmshowroom.com

104 Kitsch (213)627-9740 alessandra@butikshowroom.com

104 Made (213)627-9740 alessandra@butikshowroom.com

751 Nina (646)884-6127 cobrien@ninashoes.com www.ninahandbags.com

409 Indie Republic Design (949)400-4101 hello@indierepublicdesign.com

342 Knit Bon Bons (718)439-1825 knitbonbons@yahoo.com

359 Made It (646)688-5782 amy@thestylehouseshowroom.com

534 Initial Reaction (203)255-1200 sales@initialreaction.net www.initialreaction.net

575 Kole Design (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net


255 Magid (212)268-1071 larry@yshandbags.com

738 INZI by High Fashion (416)444-9857 highfashionhandbags@bellnet.ca

403 Kris Nations Jewels (650)440-4553 wholesale@krisnations.com

255 Magid Hats (212)268-1071 larrymagidt@aol.com


651 Kyi Kyi (514)844-5612 asamabena@aol.com

848 Mary Frances (212)594-0808 susan@sfieldingaccessories.com

255 Isaac Mizrahi Hats (212)268-1071 larrymagidt@aol.com

766 L.F. Fashion Co. (516)708-9234 lilyaccessory@yahoo.com

www.gracechuang.com www.gracehats.com

215 Heet (561)839-HEET alyssa@shopheet.com www.shopheet.com 738 High Fashion (416)444-9857 highfashionhandbags@bellnet.ca 220 hila. (713)599-0991 hila@me.com www.hiladesigns.com 146 Hips Sister (610)513-2245 david@hipssister.com www.hipssister.com 633 Honey Bee (917)207-2567 erendira@honeybeestyle.com www.honeybeestyle.com

502 House of Harlow (310)226-7875 ronna@glamhouse.com www.glamhouse.com

532 Idecoz 1(888)645-1460 info@idecoz.com www.idecoz.com 765 ILI (212)679-3990 newyork@iliworld.com www.iliworld.com www.indierepublicdesign.com

471 Iris Lane (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net


459 isABelt (651)688-6789 beth@bethbingham.com www.bethbingham.com

835 Italca 11 39 031 563101 info@italca.it www.italca.it







566 Joy Accessories (800)365-4569 gary@joyaccessories.com www.joyaccessories.com

124 Just Love Me (617)901-5698 allison@justloveme.com

502 Karen Kane Jewelry (310)226-7875 ronna@glamhouse.com

www.butikshowroom.com www.knitbonbons.com


640 La Collection (877)439-7374 sales@lacollectionllc.com








www.butikshowroom.com/contact.html www.stylehousenyc.com

www.magidhandbags.com www.magidhandbags.com


158 MC Oasis (503)694-15366 mcoasis@comcast.net


133 Me Moi’ (877)453-8268 johnflynn@levante.com

327 La Fiorentina (212)244-0182 inquiry@lafiorentina.com

137 Medusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. (212)683-6711



743 Modital Bijoux (212)888-0900 moditalbijoux@msn.com www.moditaljewelry.com

www.priveefashionaccessories.com www.butikshowroom.com

www.nakamolchicago.com www.susan-company.com www.anubynatural.com



309 Nina Falk New York (646)785-9582 ninafalkny@gmail.com www.ninafalknewyork.com

751 Nina Footwear (646)884-6127 info@ninashoes.com www.ninahandbags.com

751 Nina Handbags (212)399-2323 info@ninahandbags.com www.ninahandbags.com

266 Nusantara (802)775-3027 sales@nusantarainc.com www.nusantarainc.com

259 NY Fashion Accessories Group (201)917-3273 info@jamierocks.net www.jamierocks.net

366 OMG Blings (626)722-8108 info@omgblings.com www.omgblings.com

159 Onigo Imports (416)345-8592 sales@onigo.com www.onigo.com



ACCESSORIESTHESHOW 259 Ophelie Hats (201)917-3273 info@jamierocks.net

212 Rebel Designs (212)679-9060 griley@rebeldesignsonline.com

151 Shihreen (508)699-8055 christine.shihreen@comcast.net

724 Tolani Collection (858)779-9129 admin@tolanicollection.com

855 Oriental Agora, LTD. (694)811-6390

407 Red Earth (615)241-0915 travisgravette@gmail.com

440 Shiraleah (866)503-9765 info@shiraleah.com www.shiraleah.com

938 Top It Off (617)323-2605 info@topitoffaccessories.com


info@greenelephantcollection.com www.greenelephantcollection.com

www.rebeldesignsonline.com www.redearthshop.com

359 Origin (646)688-5782 amy@thestylehouseshowroom.com

122 Rhino Flops (203)216-8837 contact@rhinoflops.com

658 Pantropic (212)981-9870 florentino@bollmanhats.com

758 Rioni Moda Italia (626)308-0883 chateau@rioni.com www.rioni.com

www.thestylehouseshowroom.com www.bollmanhats.com

576 Peruvian Trading (845)7820793 petraco@msn.com 140 Peter M (212)675-2775 petermjewelry@gmail.com www.petermjewelry.com

147 Phunkeetree (347)235-4073 sma@phunkeetree.com


559 Rising Tide (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net www.chaingingtimes.com

420 Rose Gonzales (941)343-8655 info@rosegonzales.com www.rosegonzales.com

325 Rowen Footwear (843)284-8944 blakehallfootwear@gmail.com



734 Piero Guidi (212)775-8555 430westbroadway@pieroguidi.com

425 RUSH by Denis & Charles (914)305-5970 rush@denisandcharles.com



524 Pietro (212)564-1189 alexis@pietro.nyc www.pietro.nyc

303 Ruti Horn (347)524-9993 rutihorn@gmail.com www.rutihorn.com

155 Pin & Tube, Inc. (347)529-6737 pinntube@yahoo.com


133 Slim Me Shapewear (917)453-5674 johnflynn@levanteusa.com 544 Socksmith Design (415)921-6269 caaaron@pacbell.net www.socksmithdesign.com

243 Solemates (877)356-3443 monica@thesolemates.com



276 Top Shelf Jewelry Inc. (845)647-4661 info@topshelfjewelryinc.com 138 Toucan Hats (845)331-0131 sales@caroleamper.com www.caroleamper.com


112 Treisi (512)447-9993 sales@treisi.com www.treisi.com

646 Sondra Roberts (212)643-9728 robyn@sondraroberts.com

130 TRRTLZ (631)943-4976 trrtlzbracelets@gmail.com www.trrtlz.com


165 Stacey’s Choice (718)321-9802 stachoice@aol.com www.hairaccessories.com

677 Stacy Adams (800)367-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com www.dorfman-pacific.com

866 Standard Merchandising Co. (800)526-2363 jlewis@stanmerch.com

455 UN BILLION USA INC. (310)962-7867 izumi@unbillion.us www.unbillion.us

554 Urban Expressions (310)593-4574 sales01@urbanexpressions.net www.urbanexpressions.net

770 Veneto (514)735-1898 sales@venetobags.com www.venetobags.com


954 Veond (201)804-8800 sales@myveond.com www.myveond.com

848 S. Fielding Accessories (212)594-0805

958 Sterling Styles (909)594-3878 sterling@sterlingstyles.com

858 Vincent Pradier (646)771-1239 priveeshowroom@gmail.com

361 Pink Haley by Pink Cosmo (213)629-7488 alice@shoppinkcosmo.com

945 SAACHI by In Things (914)934-9006 sales@inthingscorp.com

677 Stetson (800)367-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com

771 Volare (800)437-9717 volareglobalimports@msn.com

258 Pink House Imports (888)355-6907 sales@pinkhouseimports.com

764 Safari Murano (212)575-7855 sagi_avi@yahoo.com

537 Steve Madden (212)695-5545 amandasabin@dmfassociates.com

536 Pink Pewter (888)214-5678 help@pinkpewter.com

307 Samantha Nania (203)767-8810 samantha.nania@gmail.com

209 Posa Apparel (720)767-2210 info@posaapparel.com

340 Samkas (305)450-3642 susy@samkas.com www.samkas.com



www.pinkhouseimports.com www.pinkpewter.com


277 Pretty Persuasions (678)999-6189 info@prettypersuasions.net


424 Printed Village (212)244-2500 drozak1@aol.com www.drozakstudio.com

858 Privee Showroom (646)771-1239 priveeshowroom@gmail.com


414 Prudence C LLC (646)801-4320 orders@prudencec.com www.prudencec.com

924 PurseN (404)401-5684 toddmelamed@pursen.net www.pursen.net 939 Qudo 49 511 22063180 marc.vach@lizas.eu www.qudo.de

susan@sfieldingaccessories.com www.sfieldingaccessories.com www.inthingscorp.com



842 Samuel Coraux Paris (888)767-7354 nduncan@nikaia.com www.nikaia.com

842 Sandrine Giraud Paris (888)767-7354 nduncan@nikaia.com www.nikaia.com

677 Santana by Carlos Santana (800)367-3626

custservice@dorfman-pacific.com www.dorfman-pacific.com

225 Sarah Cavender Metalworks (256)831-6241 info@sarahcavender.com


428 Sayami (212)244-2500 drozak1@aol.com www.drozakstudio.com 677 Scala (800)367-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com www.dorfman-pacific.com

518 Rafia (212)502-0960 info@susan-company.com

570 Sea Lily (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net

966 Rain Jewelry Collection (800)861-6507

930 Seger Socks and Hats (518)661-6675


jemma@rainjewelrycollection.com www.rainjewelrycollection.com

926 RDL Fashion (845)610-3606 monique@rdlfashion.com


ben.kline@gloves-international.com www.segersports.com


858 Selection PRIVEE paris (646)771-1239 priveeshowroom@gmail.com www.priveefashionaccessories.com

331 Rebecca (410)474-4882 rebecca@rebeccaanneallen.com

518 Serefina (212)502-0960 info@susan-company.com

255 Rebecca & Rivka Hats (212)268-1071 larry@yshandbags.com

948 Sergio Feretti (905)597-0161 mastersgroup@rogers.com

www.rebeccaaccessories.com www.magidhandbags.com








177 Street Level (213)614-7877 peter@triple7global.com 359 Style House Showroom (646)688-5782


967 VSA Accessories (732)667-3100 info@vsa-inc.com www.vivantebyvsa.com

104 Wanderlust + CO (213)627-9740 alessandra@butikshowroom.com www.butikshowroom.com

amy@thestylehouseshowroom.com www.thestylehouseshowroom.com

325 Whitley V (843)284-8331 sales@whitleyv.com www.whitleyv.com

518 Susan & Company (212)502-0960 info@susan-company.com

328 Whitney Howard Designs (818)884-8478

853 Sydney Love (412)261-3315 heather@sfieldingaccessories.com www.sydneylovebags.com

972 Windhorse (718)606-9565 windhorse555@aol.com

134 Sylca Designs (215)283-2673 camilae@sfiaccessories.com

118 Winter Lennon (214)434-1366 winterlennonsales@gmail.com



459 Sylvia Alexander Scarves & Accessories (651)688-6789

info@whitneyhowarddesigns.com www.blessingrings.com www.shopwindhorse.com


677 Woolrich Headwear (800)367-3626 custservice@dorfman-pacific.com

beth@bethbingham.com www.bethbingham.com


324 Tano, Inc (914)241-0628 service@tanobag.com www.tanobag.com

431 Woven Pear (801)673-3106 alisha@wovenpear.com

241 TESSITURA LANCIONI 39 5747 90564 info@tessituralancioni.it www.tessituralancioni.it

514 The Giving Keys (213)935-8791 diera@thegivingkeys.com www.thegivingkeys.com

128 The Shine Project (480)246-5222 ashley.theshineproject@gmail.com www.theshineproject.com

447 The Underground Chic (917)664-6079 ann@theundergroundchic.com www.theundergroundchic.com

237 Tiger Mountain (603)430-7944 info@tmtjewelry.com


255 Y & S Handbags (212)268-1071 larry@yshandbags.com www.magidhandbags.com

234 Y & S Los Angeles (213)623-8567 shivani@vismayacollection.com www.vismayacollection.com 567 Yak & Yeti (800)686-8188 chaintimes@bellsouth.net www.chaingingtimes.com

543 Yellow Box Corporation (516)225-1534

joel.goldfeder@yellowboxshoes.com www.yellowboxshoes.com


508 YOLU (407)716-5332 helloyolu@gmail.com www.iloveyolu.com

655 Timothy John (646)370-0092 info@timothyjohndesigns.com

129 Zacasha (786)534-9913 jennifer@zacasha.com www.zacasha.com


870 ZAD (805)685-1404 info@zad.com www.zad.com accessoriestheshow.com




958 Zazou (909)594-3878 monique@zazou.com www.zazou.com 376 ZENZii (770)685-1170 sales@zenzii.com www.zenziiwholesale.com 854 ZIBA (949)275-6436 zibausa@gmail.com www.zibausa.com 336 Zsa Zsa Jewels (212)244-4431 shop@zsazsajewels.com www.zsazsajewels.com

934 Zzan Jewelry (877)586-9979 liora@zzanusa.com www.zzanusa.com





MODA 1455 209 Wst (212)944-2420 sheilarubin@dvercitynyc.com 1426 212 Showroom NYC (212)302-0243 mickeyvella@aol.com


1049 3.33 (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com 1531 6 By Six (212)719-9400 katelinh@6bysixcollection.com www.6bysixcollection.com

1049 A Few Good Lines (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com 1049 A People United (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com 1379 Adore (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com www.adoreapparel.com 1638 Angelo Marzocchi (401)333-2713 amarrz@aol.com

1379 Citi Life (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com

1034 Duffield Lane (914)643-7945 info@duffieldlane.com

1049 Citron (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com www.citron.net

1068 Dunes Relaxed Fashion (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com


1554 Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo (212)564-0736 info@clarasunwoo.com 1159, 1159a Collections of Comfort (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com

1379 Effie’s Heart (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com


1258 Color Me Cotton & Click (818)767-2260 cmcoffice91@yahoo.com www.cmcclick.com

1426 Colsten (212)302-0243 mickeyvella@verizon.net 212showroomnyc.net

1263 APT Designs (678)771-5863 cs@apt-designs.com

1569 Coobie Seamless Bras/Total Stockroom (704)439-1299 info@totalstockroom.com www.shopcoobie.com

1378 Aris-A (212)221-3576 maddycovesales@aol.com

1378 Coviello Company (212)221-3576 maddycovesales@aol.com

1232 Art of Cloth (440)708-1116 hello@artofcloth.com

1049 Cupcake (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com

1059 Asian eye (360)299-0504 contactus@asianeye.com

1439 Curio (212)221-1970 bnb2211970@aol.com info@curioknits.com

1534 Aum-Couture (646)345-8456 aumcouture@yahoo.com www.aum-couture.com

1248 AVALIN (212)997-0011 matt@avalinknits.com www.avalinknits.com 1346 AZI (212)398-8899 lindaforwear@aol.com www.azinyc.com 1332 Baci Collezione (212)775-1100 guy@bacifashion.com www.bacifashion.com

1241 Cut Loose (415)822-2031 customerservice@cutloose.com www.cutloose.com

1455 D’Vercity NYC (212)944-2420 sheilarubin@dvercitynyc.com 1338 Dale Cotton Sales (413)567-0418 dalecotton@aol.com www.dalecotton.com

1068 Dana Emilia / Piaffe (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com www.danaemiliapresents.com

1068 Bala Bala (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com

1424 David Cline (312)543-5886 d2kmike@aol.com

1039 Before & Again (314)266-5362 peter@beforeandagain.com

1659 Deborah Naylor Presents (612)964-9822

www.danaemiliapresents.com www.beforeandagain.com

1379 Bel Kazan (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com www.penncentrall.com

1353 Belldini Inc. (212)302-2140 Ext: 216 bob@belldini.com www.belldini.com

1442 Beluva (415)921-5809 info@firuzeinc.com www.beluva.com 1548 Biz (213)748-2900 custserve@bizent.net www.bizent.net 1159 Boho Chic (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com 1041 Caite (813)962-0900 kimh@caiteinc.com www.caiteonline.com


1466 Dzhavael Couture (212)575-0454 info@dzhavael.com

1653 Consortium 27 (212)768-1060 patric@consortium27.com




www.elanakattan.com www.aptapparels.com



1063 Design Todays, Inc. (213)745-3091 designtodays00@yahoo.com 1426 Diana Rosh (212)302-0243 mickeyvella@verizon.net


1058 Dilemma Inc. (914)693-5163 dilemmainc@optonline.net www.dilemmafashions.com

1032 Dizzy Lizzie (917)566-2607 lizbritkhaki1450@aol.com www.dizzy-lizzie.com

1625 Donna Morgan (212)575-2551 gblitz@donna-morgan.com www.donna-morgan.com

1643 Donna Ricco (646)930-1123 anolan@donnaricco.com

1638 Elana Kattan (305)836-0266 dididesigns@hotmail.com www.elanakattan.com

1143 escapada living (843)388-3471 kat@escapadaliving.com

1624 Ivy & Blu (212)453-5430 cynthia@maggyboutique.com 1245 Janska - Look Good Feel Good (719)634-2618 info@janska.com www.janska.com

1633 Jax (212)719-5400 robert.jagolinzer@kellwood.com www.jaxapparel.com

1358 Jayley Collection 441782642534 sales@jayleycollection.com www.jayleycollection.com

1068 Jensel Fashion (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com www.danaemiliapresents.com


1359, 1359a Joey Yadgard (917)991-9092 joeyad@gmail.com

1455 Ethereal Los Angeles (212)944-2420 sheilarubin@dvercitynyc.com

1379 Joh by Morning Apple (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com

1068 Eva Tralala (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com www.danaemiliapresents.com

1049 F.H. Clothing / Fat Hat (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com www.fathat.com

1144 Fashion Fuse (201)438-8102 fashionfuse@hotmail.com www.fashionfuse.net

1149 Fashion Village LTD (866)646-5531 fashion_village@hotmail.com 1062 Flair LLC (650)692-8891 elaine@flairexpressions.com www.flairexpressions.com

1244 Focus Fashion Inc. (888)748-8569 sales@focushere.com www.focushere.com

1152 G9C for United Knitwear (212)354-2920 adele.g9c@gmail.com www.g9cfashion.com

1365 Gizel by C & M Import, Inc. (213)749-7535 cnmgizel@hotmail.com


1558 Joseph A. (212)842-5400 bonnie@tharancogroup.com tharancogroup.com

1438 JUDY P APPAREL (310)781-2200 judypapparel@lbhgroup.com judypapparel.com

1639 Julia Jordan (646)214-3090 pgreengos@juliajordan.net www.juliajordandresses.com

1532 Julian Chang (786)360-2631 julian@julianchang.com www.julianchang.com 1455 Karen Harman (212)944-2420 sheilarubin@dvercitynyc.com 1555 Karen Kane (212)827-0980 Ext: 17 marina.abayeva@karenkane.com www.karenkane.com

1432 Komarov (213)244-7000 grace@komarovinc.com www.komarovinc.com


1379 Koren (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com www.penncentrall.com

1044 Gretchen Scott (914)663-8600 lyn@gretchenscott.info

1324 Krazy Larry / Luxe Eleven (212)382-1305 krazylarry212@yahoo.com


1252 Habitat-Clothes To Live In (781)440-9919 rich@habitatclothes.com

1644 Last Tango (213)748-3435 tracyandcompany5@msn.com


1648 LBISSE (646)504-2474 info@lbisse.com www.lbisse.com

1439 Harvey Wolf (631)424-5733 hwolf6@optonline.net

1659 Lindi by Aria Collection (612)964-9822 dnaylorpresents@gmail.com

1038 Haute Latitude (561)707-5830 info@hautelatitude.com

1351 Linea Domani (514)384-7720 kosta@lineadomanifashions.com


1426 Henry Grethel (212)302-0243 212showroomnyc.net


1239 Heydari (212)979-5308 heydari001@yahoo.com www.heydarishop.com

1479 I.C. Collection (323)232-3553 customerservice@iccollection.com

1335 Lisette-L (732)974-0717 rileyassociates@optonline.net 1629 London Times (212)944-7199 showroom@maggylondon.com catalog.maggylondon.com 1538 Love Token (213)746-5707 info@lovetokenus.com www.lovetokenus.com


1359 Luii (917)991-9092 joeyad@gmail.com

1459 Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs (888)443-3003

avanrooyen@fabulousfurs.com www.fabulousfurs.com/wholesale

1350 I.N.S.I.G.H.T. (212)221-3531 insightnewyork@yahoo.com insightnewyork.com

1141 Luv2Luv (516)586-5752 sales@luv2luvinc.com www.luv2luv.com

1644 Down East Basics (800)337-3076 mccall@deoinc.com

1233 Iridium (843)856-3342 info@iridiumapparel.com www.iridiumapparel.com

1643 Maia (646)930-1123 anolan@donnaricco.com


1424 Dressed 2 Kill (312)666-5523 d2kmike@aol.com

1539 Isle by Melis Kozan (386)675-0067 meliskozan@gmail.com

1629 Maggy London (212)857-3214 swaldheter@maggylondon.com

1653 Ciao Milano (212)768-1061 patric@consortium27.com

1439 Dressori (310)577-9494 jeff@dressori.com www.dressori.com

1257 Casual Studio (732)906-9666 phil@casualstudio.com www.casualstudio.com

1544 Catherine Lilywhite (905)737-0000 c_lillywhite@hotmail.com 1338 Chalet (413)567-0418 dalecotton@aol.com www.dalecotton.com 1068 Christopher Calvin (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com






1359 M - Made in Italy (877)389-0002 claudine@axaracanada.com




MODA 1158 Margaret Winters (917)658-7880 emailus@margaretwinters.com

1339 Pure & Co- Pure Handknit/neon buddha (800)315-4408

1630 Stop Staring! (213)627-1480 james@stopstaringclothing.com

1649 Mata Traders (773)944-5418 emily@matatraders.com

1424 Pure Amici (312)543-5886 d2kmike@aol.com

1345 Surrealist (661)295-9529 info@surrealistusa.com surrealistusa.com

1654 Radzoli by Fully Fashion (323)263-3900 radzolibyfullyfashion@yahoo.com

1644 Sweet Sinammon (585)662-5765 tracyandcompany5@msn.com www.sweetsinammon.com

1543 Rain (213)748-7147 maryann4emme@aol.com www.rainteez.com

1154 Tamsin (323)722-6650 raffi@zitaapparel.com tamsinapparel.com

1449 rapps - new york (212)354-1350 jerapps@yahoo.com

1338 Tempo Paris (413)567-0418 dalecotton@aol.com



1155 Match Point (323)235-1312 contactmatchpoint@gmail.com www.usmatchpoint.com

1653 Maude (212)768-1061 patric@consortium27.com 1655 Mechant (213)746-3205 mechantusa@att.net www.mechantusa.com

peter@pureandco.com www.pureandco.com

1068 Raraties (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com




1449 Tesoro Moda (212)354-1350 jerapps@yahoo.com


1464 Ravel (212)967-4845 ravel@ravelusa.com www.ravelusa.com

1558 Tharanco Group (212)842-5400 bonnie@tharancogroup.com

1349 Mitchie’s Matchings Inc. (514)845-6333 info@mitchies.ca

1068 Redwood Court by Silk Box (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com

1644 Modbe (800)337-3076 mccall@deoinc.com www.modbeclothing.com

1335 Riley Associates (732)974-0717 rileyassociates@optonline.net

1665 Moonlight Exclusive (213)748-0058 johnpio83@hotmail.com

1659 Royce (612)964-9822 dnaylorpresents@gmail.com

1379 Mesmerize (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com



1033 Muche & Muchette (321)226-8243 sales@mucheetmuchette.com


1624 Muse (212)453-5430 cmontgomery@museapparel.com 1426 N/A/M (212)302-0243 mickeyvella@verizon.net 212showroomnyc.net

1449 Nicole Sabbattini (212)354-1350 jerapps@yahoo.com 1379 Nikki Jones (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com 1558 One A (212)842-5400 bonnie@tharancogroup.com tharancogroup.com

1531 Ost (212)719-9400 lamondh@beatrixostcollection.com www.beatrixostcollection.com

1529 Papillon Blanc (514)276-3763 gina.hanna@papillonblanc.com 1549 Patrizia Luca (212)629-6464 bahram@barami.com 1434 Patty Kim (201)472-8563 patty2363@gmail.com 1068 Peacock Ways (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com www.danaemiliapresents.com

1379 Penn Centrall (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com 1435 Peri Luxe By Furseller (703)772-4593 info@periluxe.com www.periluxe.com

1344 Peruvian Link (207)584-3200 peruvianlinkmc@optimum.net www.peruvianlink.com


1068 Ruiz by Yolanda (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com www.danaemiliapresents.com


1379 Threadz (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com www.penncentrall.com

1465 Toofan (201)867-7007 ravi@toofan.com 1068 Tops & Plus (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com www.danaemiliapresents.com

1644 Tracy & Company (585)662-5765 tracyandcompany5@msn.com

1558 RXB (212)842-5400 bonnie@tharancogroup.com tharancogroup.com


1148 Sacred Threads (800)266-6464 info@sacredthreads.com

1240 Tulip (240)433-1165 richard@tulipclothing.com

1159 Saga (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com www.sagaclothingla.com

1362 UBU (888)228-9828 natalie@ubuclothing.com www.ubuclothing.com

1159 Salaam Clothing (802)454-1318 jule@salaamclothing.com

1533 Union of Angels (800)411-3211

1159 Sam Fashion (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com

1359 Up! (888)355-5647 mara@sccoinc.com uppantsmontreal.com

1265 Samuel Dong (212)268-6048 tedi@samueldong.com

1068 Vanite Couture (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com

1633 Sangria (212)719-5400 robert.jagolinzer@kellwood.com

1449 Veeca (212)354-1350 jerapps@yahoo.com

1159 Scandal (302)645-7401 tomcoc@aol.com

1444 Vipavadee (214)537-7710 vipavadeellc@yahoo.com

1378 Shennel Trading Group (212)221-3576 maddycovesales@aol.com

1525 Viviana Gabeiras (305)828-7867 vgabeiras@mypetitpois.com




1436 Simply Natural (818)399-9710 simplynaturalfibers@gmail.com 1068 Simply Silk (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com www.danaemiliapresents.com

1653 Sisters (212)768-1060 patric@consortium27.com


cindyb@unionofangels.com www.unionofangels.com



1248 Willow (212)706-2284 zuzu@avalinknits.com www.willowusa.com 1259 Wind River, Inc. (410)795-3280 patrickblake@windriverclothing.com www.windriverclothing.com


1049 Yasuko (212)768-3846 realreps@aol.com

1140 Skemo (305)267-8404 romi@genxint.com www.skemo.com

1068 Yasuko Kurisaka (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com

1452 Sno Skins, Inc. (973)884-8801 stevew@snoskins.com



1133 Z & L Europe (305)576-7990 miklos@zudor.com www.zudor.com


1264 Sole Dione (213)749-1658 sldione@aim.com soledionestudio.com

1638 Zoe (401)333-2713 amarrz@aol.com

1378 Pink Wheels (212)221-3576 maddycovesales@aol.com

1439 Staples USA (213)623-4395 stapleslausa@aol.com

1525 Petit Pois by Viviana G (305)826-7867 vgabeiras@mypetitpois.com

1348 PJ Harlow (877)755-6864 tina@pjharlow.com www.pjharlow.com 1379 Pomodoro (212)997-1651 penncentrall@aol.com www.penncentrall.com





1068 Stillman Studio (800)813-3301 fashion@danaemilia.com www.danaemiliapresents.com



FAME 2145 12 PM by Mon Ami (213)688-8811 monamionline@gmail.com

1920 Cotton Candy LA (213)741-1655 hello@cottoncandyla.com

1933 Hem & Thread (213)746-4380 info@hemandthread.com

2148 Mur Inc. (213)747-6574 info@monoreno.com

1733 A’reve (323)432-3360 info@arevestyle.com www.arevestyle.com

1926 Dahlya (213)627-0708 info@dahlyaclothing.com

1745 Hommage (213)763-6168 steve.hommage@gmail.com

1845 Mustard Seed (213)748-6463 sales@mustardseedla.com

2221 Dance and Marvel (213)622-0128 jihong@danceandmarvel.com

2033 Hot & Delicious (213)748-0320 nick@hotndelish.com

1721 Mystree (323)973-2586 mystree@mystree.com www.mystree.com

1755 Dirty Laundry (310)838-2103 dmichaelson@chineselaundry.com

2214 Hourglass Lilly (213)670-0265 michgean@frenzii.com

rick@kiainc.com www.naughty-monkey.com

2330 Ina (213)748-9621 ina.showroom@gmail.com

1954 Neesha (406)207-7110 sales@neeshafasion.com

2464 India Gems of NY (718)908-2521 indiagems2@aol.com

2339 Nikibiki (323)587-5205 info@nikibiki.com www.nikibiki.com


1849 Alythea (213)742-9600 lfc_piace@yahoo.com www.alytheafashion.net

2108 Anama & ANM (213)742-9918 gil@anamausa.com www.anamausa.com

1859 Angie (480)968-6195 timmoen@soifashions.net www.angieclothes.com

2364 Ardsley International Inc. (347)244-0874 akcaturkmen@hotmail.com

2345 Ariella (213)743-3800 lasalesariella@aol.com www.ariellaco.com 2107 ARK & Co. (323)235-5450 Ext: 139 jhong@arknco.com


2112 b.ivy (212)944-2250 nyshowroom@gmail.com 2012 BC Footwear (310)335-0102 kyuen@seychellesshoe.com





1939 Do + Be Collection (213)746-6244 james@wellsgrace.com www.doandbecollection.com

2045 Doe & Rae (213)744-1230 andy@doeandrae.com www.doeandrae.com

2233 Double Zero (323)234-6000 jay@doublezerousa.com www.doublezerousa.com

2133 Dreamers by Debut (323)585-2766 james.lee@deb-la.com www.deb-la.com

2239 Elan International (800)645-7873 jeremie@elan-usa.com



2259 Beyzade LLC (214)377-7073 info@byzade.com www.byzade.com

2025 Ellison Apparel (213)749-4907 sallynohellison@gmail.com

2259 Beyzade Kuyumculuk Ltd. stii. (214)377-7073 info@byzade.com


2469 Bijou Amani (619)209-7406 info@bijouamani.com 2144 Black (213)747-1133 michelle@black-collection.com www.black-collection.com

2309 Blu Pepper (323)267-8211 min.jung@shopblupepper.com www.shopblupepper.com

1945 Blush Noir (323)923-2565 bernard@blushnoirclothing.com


2303 En Creme (323)235-5450 Ext: 133 info@encreme.com www.encreme.com

2021 English Factory (213)746-0706 jesse@endlessrose.com www.shopenglishfactory.com

1738 Esley (213)747-8938 daniel@esleycollection.com


www.inafashionusa.com www.indiagems.com

2365 Instyle Trading Inc. (713)776-3759 instyletrading@aol.com www.instylecorp.com

1749 JUST BLACK (323)582-1212 Ext: 112 hailey@justusajeans.com www.justusablack.com

2273 Kathmandu Jewelry (626)437-6363 ktghale@gmail.com www.kathmanduimports.com

1843 Kingdom and State (801)836-4422 melissa@kingdomandstate.com


2255 L & B (972)243-7860 landbapparel@gmail.com www.landbaparel.com

2354 LA Soul (213)631-9699 lasoul2014@gmail.com www.lasoulfashion.com

2115 laju (213)746-7300 lina.jy.yang@gmail.com www.lajucollection.com


1855 Naughty Monkey Footwear/Not Rated Footwear (858)824-2999


1754 Noblita (213)265-7109 rik@stanrik.com www.noblitaclothing.com 2013 Olivaceous (213)744-1702 clairekim.olivaceous@gmail.com www.olivaceousla.com

1742 On Twelfth Clothing (323)923-5810 david@ontwelfth.com www.ontwelfth.com

1748 Others Follow (949)236-7002 angela@zsupplyinc.com www.othersfollowingclothing.com

2207 Paper Crane (323)859-8770 victoria@lovemarksinc.com www.papercranela.com

2361 Paris Stations (203)559-7884 parisstations@gmail.com www.parisstations.com

2116 Patrons of Peace (213)623-7770 omar@popcalifornia.com www.popcalifornia.com

2249 POL Clothing (213)745-2200 won@polclothing.com

1932 Extrafine Sugar (949)554-3559 mary.boncutter@sugarbrand.com

2227 Loveposh, Inc. (213)622-9909 sarahlovposh@gmail.com

2232 Potter’s Pot (323)604-1990 christine@thepotterspot.com

2124 Lucy Love (949)645-7556 amber@lucylove.com www.lucylove.com

2244 PPLA Clothing (323)463-1535 shavone@pattypark.com

2349 BLVD (323)235-9695 blvd.show@gmail.com www.blvdstyle.com

2055 Fashion Fuse, Inc. (201)438-8102 fashionfuse@hotmail.com

2358 BSS Jewelry (732)422-7425 bssjewelry@hotmail.com



2245 Lani (213)746-6745 info@laniclothing.com www.laniclothing.com

1839 Ezra (213)593-9066 kaymin@ezraclothes.com www.ezraclothes.com





2458 Bozkurt,Inc. (305)269-3100 cust@bozkurtinc.com


2327 Flying Tomato (323)232-7999 eric@snpclothing.com www.shopflyingtomato.com

2459 Forever Creations (212)921-4111 forevercreations@gmail.com


1739 Lucy Paris (213)746-8835 showorders@lucyparis.com www.lucyparis.com

2315 Lumiere/Timing (323)589-2015 info@lumierefashion.com www.lumierefashion.com




1907 RD International USA (212)382-2360 samantha@rd-international.ca


2217 Renee C. (213)749-1146 james@reneecollection.com www.reneecollection.com


2127 M. Rena (213)749-3333 accounting@m-rena.com www.m-rena.com

1925 Freeway (213)747-3222 info@freewayapparel.com

2149 Cecico (323)269-7000 peter.ahn@cecico.com www.cecico.com


2269 Machu Picchu Jewelry (310)395-9021 mpjco@verizon.net

2359 Charles Albert, Inc. (800)410-1112 sales@charlesalbert.com

2254 GC Shoes (212)627-3850 mygcny@yahoo.com www.mygcshoes.com

2373 Mikala’s Design, Inc. (631)586-3720 khursddq@aol.com

1917 Glam (213)746-3597 joes@glamla.net www.glamla.net

2031 Mikarose (801)473-5013 kylee@mikarose.com www.mikarose.com

1733 RYU (323)432-3300 wonji@ryuwel.com www.ryuwel.com

2024 Gracia Fashion (212)244-3966 ray@graciany.com

2044 Miley and Molly (323)925-2171 michael@mileyandmolly.com

2258 Sanchi & Filia P (917)544-6425 sanchiandfiliapdesigns@gmail.com


2155 Grendene USA (407)859-7110 Ext: 110 brad@grendeneusa.com

1734 Minuet (213)746-1080 sales1@minuetonline.com

2272 Citi Jewels (212)868-9388 info@citijewels.com

2155 Grendha (407)859-7110 Ext: 110 brad@grendeneusa.com

2139 Caribbean Queen, Inc. (213)747-4141 bchoi286@gmail.com www.shopcqla.com


2130 Chelsea Crew/ Demfon (718)784-9011 joshuan@chelseacrew.com www.chelseacrew.com

1755 Chinese Laundry (310)838-2103 ssass@chineselaundry.com


2342 Coffeeshop-Santafe Apparel (212)380-2360 ndebari@santafeeny.com www.santafeny.com





1758 Hearts & Roses USA (631)750-5611 reza@handrusa.com www.handrusa.com




2264 Modern Tibet (646)613-0600 moderntibet@yahoo.com www.moderntibet.com

2039 Mono B (213)746-0000 hazel@monobclothing.com

1949 Restricted Shoes (917)597-1265 lorraineabrams@hotmail.com


2265 Rosamariposa (619)237-8064 rmariposa@gmail.com www.rosamariposasd.com

2007 Seychelles (310)335-0102 kyuen@seychellesshoe.com www.seychellesfootwear.com

2112 Signorelli (212)944-2250 nyshowroom@gmail.com 2465 Silver Star (212)213-5508 sales@silverstarnewyork.com www.silverstarnewyork.com






1844 SKIES ARE BLUE (323)406-8222 mpak@chookachooka.com

2049 Young Threads (212)221-0128 rohan@youngthreadsnyc.com

2455 SM Wardrobe (347)735-3356 smwardrobe@gmail.com

2155 Zaxy (407)859-7110 Ext: 110 brad@grendeneusa.com

www.skiesareblueclothing.com www.smwardrobe.com

www.youngthreadsnyc.com www.zaxyusa.com

2231 Sneak Peek (323)923-0141 eric@sneakpeekla.com www.sneakpeekla.com

2159 Social Decay (917)921-1831 melissa@socialdecaybk.com 1921 Steve Madden (718)446-1800 elanimyers@stevemadden.com www.stevemadden.com

1713 Sugar Lips (213)742-9001 paul@offlineinc.com www.sugarlipwholesale.com

1955 Survival, Inc. (631)385-5060 info@survivalrules.com www.survivalrules.com

1724 Sweet Rain (323)583-4580 info@sweetrainapparel.com www.sweetrainapparel.com

2016 SYDNEY by Itro (213)745-0124 itroinc@gmail.com www.facebook.com/sydneybyitro

1961 T-party (213)623-8787 tparty1100@yahoo.com www.tpartyfashion.com

2112 Tantrum Ink (212)944-2250 nyshowroom@gmail.com 1727 THML Clothing (213)627-0708 info@thmlclothing.com www.thmlclothing.com

2368 Tibet Craft Inc. (646)812-8876 tibetcraftinc@hotmail.com www.tibetcraftinc.com

2468 Treasure of Tibet (510)333-3724 treasureoftibet@gmail.com www.treasuretibet.com

2434 Umgee USA (323)526-9138 umgeeusa@hotmail.com www.umgeeusa.com

1854 Urban Day (323)583-5500 simon@urbanday.com www.urbanday.com 2467 Vera Wolf (203)458-1133 verawolf925@aol.com www.verawolf.com

2048 Very J (213)622-0088 steveryu@veryjusa.com www.veryjusa.com 1752 Vida Shoes- xoxo and kensie (212)246-1900 jszurkus@vidagroup.com


2324 Vintage Havana Kids (908)964-2591 honey@abitofhoney.com www.vintagehavana.com

2321 Vintage Havana/Ocean Drive (908)964-2591 kim@vintagehavana.com www.vintagehavana.com

1759 Vocal (213)746-4002 info@vocalapparel.com www.vocalapparel.com

1949 Volatile (310)669-8800 pvfootwear@aol.com www.volatileusa.com 2439 WOW couture (213)688-0404 mike@wowcouture.com www.wowcouture.com

1707 YA Los Angeles (323)262-8001 show@yalosangeles.com www.yalosangeles.com





p ro du c t categories




759 D eluxe Fashion 759 D lux Jewels 867 Jeanne Simmons Accessories/ Hatstack 104 K itsch 866 S tandard Merchandising Co.

Belts 314 466 725 306 272 471 459 359 266 366 258 536 537 118

B edstu B enjamin International B righton Accessories C hic Verte D .R. International F rangos Nikolas isABelt L andes Nusantara O MG Blings Pink House Imports Pink Pewter S teve Madden W inter Lennon

654 312 849 512 471 202 176 659 308 559 759 759 624 506 637 215 532 534 858 459 104 346 359 137 750 540 206 366 536 331 848 945 646 359 112 376

A hujasons Scarves A JS Design Studio B lue Pacific Fashion B ORA C hainging Times C harlene K C ity Design Group, Inc. C reations Georgianni C rish Designs C rossroads D eluxe Fashion D lux Jewels Echo Design Eisentraut Jewelry F ornash H eet Idecoz Initial Reaction Ixli Jennifer Dahl Designs K itsch L iza Kim Collections Made It Medusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. Mina Mann Nakamol Chicago Nearly Naked O MG Blings Pink Pewter R ebecca S . Fielding Accessories S AACHI by In Things S ondra Roberts S tyle House Showroom Treisi ZENZii

Bridal Accessories




Briefcases 765 I LI

Children’s Accessories 466 459 138 759 759 677 215 532 867 104 938 467 540 576 209 165 938 130 858

enjamin International B Bloomsberry Chocolates T oucan Hats D eluxe Fashion D lux Jewels D orfman Pacific H eet I decoz J eanne Simmons Accessories/ Hatstack Kitsch LEXI YORK M ellow World N akamol Chicago P eruvian Trading P osa apparel Stacey’s Choice T op It Off T RRTLZ Vincent Pradier

Collectibles/Home Accessories 654 725 637 104 130

hujasons Scarves A Brighton Accessories Fornash Kitsch T RRTLZ

272 633 532 104 467 924 848 853 447 938

.R. International D H oney Bee I decoz Kitsch M ellow World P urseN S. Fielding Accessories Sydney Love T he Underground Chic T op It Off

Cosmetic Accessories

Display Fixtures

777 A lisha d 559 Crossroads 225 Sarah Cavender Metalworks

Evening Bags 358 466 725 255 471 176 272 738 259 566 858 255

.N.D.M Showroom A Benjamin International Brighton Accessories Carmen Marc Valvo C hainging Times C ity Design Group, Inc. D .R. International H igh Fashion J oanel J oy Accessories L uxe Exotic Jewelry M agid

467 738 104 358 855 258 858 848 948 440 646 359 554 508

M ellow World M odalu N ahua N ila Anthony Oriental Agora, LTD. P ink House Imports P rivee Showroom S . Fielding Accessories S ergio Feretti S hiraleah S ondra Roberts S tyle House Showroom Urban Expressions Y OLU

777 359 676 637 359 924 359 938

lisha d A Art Wear Reading Glasses F loats F ornash M ade It P urseN S tyle House Showroom T op It Off

336 120 312 777 518 213 412 859 577 121 649 359 466 233 430 115 512 725 104 104 359 502 471 259 202 306 176 842 571 659 308 559 141 518 518 759 229

9 25 Zsa Zsa Jewels A Mano Trading AJS Design Studio Alisha d Amelia Rose Anitanja Anne-Marie Chagnon Athra NJ B ali Queen B ara Boheme Jewelry B e Je Designs B ee Charming B enjamin International B eq Pettina B etty Carre B lack Lace Skin Jewelry B ORA B righton Accessories B utik C AM C arli Bruno C C Skye C hainging Times C hanour Jewelry C harlene K C hic Verte C ity Design Group, Inc. C oeur De Lion C ool and Interesting C reations Georgianni C rish Designs C rossroads D Line Dara Ettinger David Aubrey Deluxe Fashion Diana Kauffman Designs

Eyewear Accessories

Fashion Jewelry

759 754 424 506 670 359 637 471 502 541 839 215 220 633 502 532 409 534 732 259 224 459 566 124 502 104 575 403 104 518 346 236 119 232 858 104 359 137 246 743 104 540 842 206 842 266 259 366 855 359 140 258 536 414 939 518 966 331 212 407 945 764 307 340

D lux Jewels D onna Si D rozak Studio E isentraut Jewelry FADA NYC Fashion Bella F ornash F rangos Nikolas G LAMHOUSE Group G ood Work(s) Make A Difference G rand Bazaar H eet hila. H oney Bee H ouse of Harlow Idecoz Indie Republic Design Initial Reaction J aded Studio J AMIEROCKS J an Michaels - San Francisco J ennifer Dahl Designs J oy Accessories J ust Love Me K aren Kane Jewelry K itsch K ole Design K ris Nations Jewels L a Mer L enora Dame L iza Kim Collections L izzy James Designs Jewelry L ucky Feather L ula ‘n’ Lee L uxe Exotic Jewelry M ade M ade It M edusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. mgold M odital Bijoux N ahua N akamol Chicago N ature Bijoux N early Naked N ikaia N usantara N Y Fashion Accessories Group O MG Blings O riental Agora, LTD. O rigin P eter M P ink House Imports P ink Pewter P rudence C LLC Q udo R afia R ain Jewelry Collection R ebecca R ebel Designs R ed Earth S AACHI by In Things S afari Murano S amantha Nania S amkas

842 842 225 518 359 134 514 128 237 655 938 276 112 130 554 954 771 325 328 972 508 129 870 376 854 336 934

S amuel Coraux Paris S andrine Giraud Paris S arah Cavender Metalworks S erefina S tyle House Showroom S ylca Designs T he Giving Keys T he Shine Project T iger Mountain T imothy John T op It Off T op Shelf Jewelry Inc. T reisi T RRTLZ U rban Expressions V eond V olare Whitley V Whitney Howard Designs Windhorse Y OLU Z acasha Z AD Z ENZii Z IBA Z sa Zsa Jewels Z zan Jewelry

336 312 777 518 213 859 466 512 104 202 571 308 141 518 759 759 506 839 534 732 566 104 104 842 309 366 414 924 939 518 307 340 570 359

9 25 Zsa Zsa Jewels A JS Design Studio A lisha d A melia Rose A nitanja Athra NJ B enjamin International B ORA C AM C harlene K C ool and Interesting C rish Designs D Line D ara Ettinger D eluxe Fashion D lux Jewels E isentraut Jewelry G rand Bazaar Initial Reaction J aded Studio J oy Accessories K itsch L a Mer N ikaia N ina Falk New York O MG Blings P rudence C LLC P urseN Q udo R afia S amantha Nania S amkas S ea Lily S tyle House Showroom

Fine Jewelry

771 Volare 336 Zsa Zsa Jewels

Footwear 314 466 270 437 725 664 250 477 633 858 354 751 751 122 325 945 930 544 359 118 431 543

Bedstu Benjamin International Bernie Mev Big Buddha Inc. Brighton Accessories CC Resorts Shoes Dizzy Inc. F oot Traffic Honey Bee Ixli L ook By M Nina Footwear Nina Handbags Rhino Flops Rowen Footwear SAACHI by In Things Seger Socks and Hats Socksmith Design Style House Showroom Winter Lennon Woven Pear Yellow Box Corporation

930 641 651 466 658 677 677 624 841 930 765 858 867

Adrienne Vittadini Gloves Alice Hannah Almar Hats Benjamin International Betmar New York Callanan Dorfman Pacific Echo Design Fashion Expressions GII Private Label Gloves ILI Ixli Jeanne Simmons Accessories/ Hatstack Jenny von Holtermann Knit Bon Bons L a Fiorentina L emon by Anew Legwear L ittle Journeys L ook By M M agid M onflaud Pantropic Peruvian Trading Privee Showroom Rising Tide Sayami Shihreen Shiraleah Style House Showroom Toucan Hats Vincent Pradier Windhorse Woolrich Headwear Zazou

G loves

406 342 327 636 762 354 255 858 658 576 858 559 428 151 440 359 138 858 972 677 958



ACCESSORIESTHESHOW H air Ornaments 466 725 104 659 559 670 458 858 867 643 104 518 119 359 255 137 518 206 266 536 331 559 225 518 165 677 359 870

B enjamin International B righton Accessories B utik C reations Georgianni C rossroads FADA NYC G race Hats NY LLC. Ixli Jeanne Simmons Accessories/ Hatstack K athy Jeanne Inc. K itsch L enora Dame L ucky Feather Made It Magid Medusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. Namrata Joshipura Nearly Naked Nusantara Pink Pewter R ebecca R ising Tide S arah Cavender Metalworks S erefina S tacey’s Choice S tetson S tyle House Showroom ZAD

H andbags 358 651 314 466 658 437 877 725 677 255 664 471 758 176 408 850 272 677 928 624 969 738 637 738 633 765 534 738 358 259 566


A .N.D.M Showroom A lmar Hats B edstu B enjamin International B etmar New York B ig Buddha Inc. B osisio Parini B righton Accessories C allanan C armen Marc Valvo C C Resorts Shoes C hainging Times C hateau Anne USA C ity Design Group, Inc. C ityzen by Azin C o-Lab/Zenith D .R. International D orfman Pacific Easter Lilly Echo Design Elegant Additions, Inc. F iorelli F ornash H igh Fashion H oney Bee ILI Initial Reaction INZI by High Fashion Jesslyn Blake Joanel Joy Accessories


825 858 845 944 858 104 255 848 254 467 334 240 738 358 266 159 734 524 258 858 924 926 758 559 303 848 225 570 948 440 646 537 177 359 853 324 558 447 938 455 554 770 967 972 508

CATEGORIES L atico Leathers Le Voyage en Panier Letizia Handbags Liz Soto Handbags Luxe Exotic Jewelry M ade M agid M ary Frances M elie Bianco Accessories M ellow World M erci Marie Italian Leather Handbags M oda Luxe M odalu N ila Anthony N usantara O nigo Imports P iero Guidi P ietro Alessandro by Park Avenue Handbags P ink House Imports P rivee Showroom P urseN RDL Fashion Rioni Moda Italia Rising Tide Ruti Horn S. Fielding Accessories Sarah Cavender Metalworks Sea Lily Sergio Feretti Shiraleah Sondra Roberts Steve Madden Street Level Style House Showroom Sydney Love Tano, Inc T he Abigail Riggs Collection T he Underground Chic T op It Off U N BILLION USA INC. U rban Expressions Veneto VSA Accessories W indhorse YOLU

H ats/Caps/Millinery 641 651 658 677 677 677 677 138 658 749 677 677 624 445 458

lice Hannah A A lmar Hats Betmar New York Biltmore Hats Callanan Cappelli Straworld Carlos by Carlos Santana T oucan Hats Country Gentlemen D iva Hats D orfman Pacific D PC E cho Design Frost Hats G race Hats NY LLC.

114 Hatch Hats 255 I saac Mizrahi Hats 867 J eanne Simmons Accessories/ Hatstack 406 J enny von Holtermann 255 J essica McClintock 658 K aren Kane Hats 643 K athy Jeanne Inc. 342 K nit Bon Bons 762 L ittle Journeys 354 L ook By M 255 M agid 255 M agid Hats 858 M onflaud 259 N Y Fashion Accessories Group 159 Onigo Imports 259 Ophelie Hats 658 Pantropic 576 P eruvian Trading 858 P rivee Showroom 559 R ising Tide 677 S antana by Carlos Santana 428 S ayami 677 S cala 151 S hihreen 440 S hiraleah 677 S tacy Adams 677 S tetson 359 S tyle House Showroom 138 T oucan Hats 858 V incent Pradier 677 W oolrich Headwear

I temwear 958 577 471 624 477 973 938 750 266 151 958 724 130

ll That Glitters A B ali Queen C hainging Times E cho Design F oot Traffic Grace Chuang Inc. L EXI YORK M ina Mann N usantara S hihreen S terling Styles T olani Collection T RRTLZ

954 477 342 636 133 354 255 133 858 544 866 359

E lietian F oot Traffic K nit Bon Bons L emon by Anew Legwear L evante USA L ook By M M agid M e Moi’ P rivee Showroom S ocksmith Design S tandard Merchandising Co. S tyle House Showroom


Luggage/Travelware 725 758 272 765 858 467 159 924 758 945 853 508

B righton Accessories C hateau Anne USA D .R. International ILI L e Voyage en Panier M ellow World O nigo Imports P urseN R ioni Moda Italia S AACHI by In Things S ydney Love Y OLU

358 459 104 471 424 459 459 342 858 848 340 359 130

A .N.D.M Showroom B loomsberry Chocolates B utik C hainging Times D rozak Studio isABelt J ennifer Dahl Designs K nit Bon Bons P rivee Showroom S . Fielding Accessories S amkas S tyle House Showroom T RRTLZ

314 459 849 512 725 658 677 477 930 458 215 765 867

B edstu B loomsberry Chocolates B lue Pacific Fashion B ORA B righton Accessories C ountry Gentlemen D orfman Pacific F oot Traffic G II Private Label Gloves G race Hats NY LLC. H eet ILI J eanne Simmons Accessories/ Hatstack J ennifer Dahl Designs M ade It M onflaud N akamol Chicago N ila Anthony O nigo Imports O riental Agora, LTD. Pantropic P eruvian Trading P eter M P osa apparel P rivee Showroom S eger Socks and Hats S ocksmith Design S tandard Merchandising Co. T he Giving Keys T RRTLZ V incent Pradier

Manufacturer’s Rep

Men’s Accessories

459 359 858 540 358 159 855 658 576 140 209 858 930 544 866 514 130 858

P ersonal Accessories 358 312 777 577 512 725 104 359 471 202 176 759 759 677 624 506 637 973 458 215 220 532 534 858 566 104 403 104 858 858 137 467 858 540 576 147 858 924 848 945 570 858 151 133 544 558 514 447 112 130 771

A .N.D.M Showroom A JS Design Studio A lisha d B ali Queen B ORA B righton Accessories B utik C arli Bruno C hainging Times C harlene K C ity Design Group, Inc. D eluxe Fashion D lux Jewels D orfman Pacific E cho Design E isentraut Jewelry F ornash G race Chuang Inc. G race Hats NY LLC. H eet hila. Idecoz Initial Reaction Ixli J oy Accessories K itsch K ris Nations Jewels L a Mer L e Voyage en Panier L uxe Exotic Jewelry M edusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. M ellow World M onflaud N akamol Chicago P eruvian Trading P hunkeeTree P rivee Showroom P urseN S . Fielding Accessories S AACHI by In Things S ea Lily S election PRIVEE paris S hihreen S lim Me Shapewear S ocksmith Design T he Abigail Riggs Collection T he Giving Keys T he Underground Chic T reisi T RRTLZ V olare

358 577 359 459 849 104 677 138

A .N.D.M Showroom B ali Queen B ee Charming B loomsberry Chocolates B lue Pacific Fashion B utik C allanan T oucan Hats

P rivate Label

202 850 658 308 559 272 954 670 637 445 458 839 220 765 459 858 459 259 566 643 104 858 848 137 467 738 858 540 358 366 159 855 658 576 209 926 848 945 677 151 646 866 359 853 558 724 138 954 858

Charlene K Co-Lab/Zenith Country Gentlemen Crish Designs Crossroads D.R. International Elietian FADA NYC F ornash F rost Hats Grace Hats NY LLC. Grand Bazaar hila. ILI isABelt Ixli Jennifer Dahl Designs Joanel Joy Accessories Kathy Jeanne Inc. L a Mer L e Voyage en Panier M ary Frances M edusa’s Heirlooms, Inc. M ellow World M odalu M onflaud Nakamol Chicago Nila Anthony OMG Blings Onigo Imports Oriental Agora, LTD. Pantropic Peruvian Trading Posa apparel RDL Fashion S. Fielding Accessories SAACHI by In Things Scala Shihreen Sondra Roberts Standard Merchandising Co. Style House Showroom Sydney Love The Abigail Riggs Collection Tolani Collection Toucan Hats Veond Vincent Pradier

359 725 471 359

Art Wear Reading Glasses Brighton Accessories Chainging Times Style House Showroom

654 641 958 651 466 849

Ahujasons Scarves Alice Hannah All That Glitters Almar Hats Benjamin International Blue Pacific Fashion





ACCESSORIESTHESHOW 471 408 272 424 624 969 476 637 445 667 973 458 835 867 406 255 566 342 766 640 327 762 354 359 255 158 750 858 266 855 658 576 258 209 277 424 858 559 848 945 340 225 428 858 151 440 958 359 558 724 938 954 858 967 972 118 677 958


C hainging Times C ityzen by Azin D .R. International D rozak Studio Echo Design Elegant Additions, Inc. F ennysun/ViVi Designs, Inc F ornash F rost Hats G ena Accessories G race Chuang Inc. G race Hats NY LLC. Italca Jeanne Simmons Accessories/ Hatstack Jenny von Holtermann Jessica McClintock Joy Accessories K nit Bon Bons L .F. Fashion Co. L a Collection L a Fiorentina L ittle Journeys L ook By M Made It Magid MC Oasis Mina Mann Monflaud Nusantara O riental Agora, LTD. Pantropic Peruvian Trading Pink House Imports Posa apparel Pretty Persuasions Printed Village Privee Showroom R ising Tide S . Fielding Accessories S AACHI by In Things S amkas S arah Cavender Metalworks S ayami S election PRIVEE paris S hihreen S hiraleah S terling Styles S tyle House Showroom The Abigail Riggs Collection Tolani Collection Top It Off V eond V incent Pradier V SA Accessories W indhorse W inter Lennon W oolrich Headwear Zazou



Seamless Wear 954 133 133 544

E lietian Levante USA Slim Me Shapewear Socksmith Design

725 104 664 471 758 176 272 928 738 765 534 858 858 104 334 104 540 734 924 758 948 359 554 508 870

righton Accessories B Butik CC Resorts Shoes Chainging Times Chateau Anne USA City Design Group, Inc. D .R. International E aster Lilly Fiorelli I LI I nitial Reaction Le Voyage en Panier Luxe Exotic Jewelry M ade M erci Marie Italian Leather Handbags N ahua N akamol Chicago P iero Guidi P urseN Rioni Moda Italia Sergio Feretti Style House Showroom U rban Expressions YOLU Z AD

336 312 777 518 859 466 512 202 141 759 759 506 839 220 409 534 232 743 540 309 366 331 340 359 112 771 854 336

9 25 Zsa Zsa Jewels A JS Design Studio A lisha d A melia Rose Athra NJ Benjamin International BORA Charlene K D Line D eluxe Fashion D lux Jewels E isentraut Jewelry G rand Bazaar hila. I ndie Republic Design I nitial Reaction Lula ‘n’ Lee M odital Bijoux N akamol Chicago N ina Falk New York O MG Blings R ebecca S amkas S tyle House Showroom T reisi V olare Z IBA Z sa Zsa Jewels

Small Leathergoods/Wallets

Sunglasses 336 359 437 725 471 676 359

9 25 Zsa Zsa Jewels Art Wear Reading Glasses B ig Buddha Inc. B righton Accessories C hainging Times F loats S tyle House Showroom


853 S ydney Love

Watches 725 670 637 104 743 924 939 870

B righton Accessories FADA NYC F ornash L a Mer M odital Bijoux P urseN Qudo Z AD

Sterling Silver



MODA Accessories

1049 1379 1232 1059 1338 1159 1058 1459 1034 1044 1245 1358 1359 1649 1349 1549 1379 1344 1148 1265 1436 1452 1240

A Few Good Lines A dore A rt of Cloth A sian eye C halet C ollections of Comfort D ilemma Inc. D onna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs D uffield Lane G retchen Scott Janska - Look Good Feel Good Jayley Collection Joey Yadgard Mata Traders Mitchie’s Matchings Inc. Patrizia Luca Penn Centrall Peruvian Link S acred Threads S amuel Dong S imply Natural S no Skins, Inc. Tulip

1159 1378 1244 1439 1245 1648 1359 1155 1452 1240

C ollections of Comfort C oviello Company F ocus Fashion Inc. H arvey Wolf Janska - Look Good Feel Good L BISSE L uii Match Point S no Skins, Inc. Tulip



1159 C ollections of Comfort 1148 S acred Threads 1265 S amuel Dong

Better 1049 1232 1059 1257 1338 1049 1554 1159 1439 1068 1424 1063 1058 1032 1625 1439 1034 1044 1439 1038


A Few Good Lines A rt of Cloth A sian eye C asual Studio C halet C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C urio D ana Emilia / Piaffe D avid Cline D esign Todays, Inc. D ilemma Inc. D izzy Lizzie D onna Morgan D ressori D uffield Lane G retchen Scott H arvey Wolf H aute Latitude


CATEGORIES 1350 1438 1648 1538 1629 1558 1379 1424 1449 1659 1558 1653 1452 1439 1449 1359 1449

I .N.S.I.G.H.T. J UDY P APPAREL LBISSE Love Token M aggy London O ne A P enn Centrall P ure Amici rapps - new york Royce RXB Sisters Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA T esoro Moda U p! Veeca

1232 1059 1442 1041 1049 1554 1159 1439 1424 1063 1426 1032 1439 1034 1638 1439 1438 1648 1538 1525 1654 1464 1659 1653 1452 1345

rt of Cloth A A sian eye Beluva Caite Citron Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Curio D avid Cline D esign Todays, Inc. D iana Rosh D izzy Lizzie D ressori D uffield Lane E lana Kattan H arvey Wolf J UDY P APPAREL LBISSE Love Token P etit Pois by Viviana G Radzoli by Fully Fashion R avel R oyce S isters S no Skins, Inc. S urrealist

1379 1263 1534 1248 1332 1548 1257 1338 1049 1554 1159 1241 1338 1068 1032 1644

dore A A PT Designs A um-Couture AVALIN Baci Collezione Biz Casual Studio Chalet Citron Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Cut Loose D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D izzy Lizzie D own East Basics

Better Contemporary


1439 1034 1143 1062 1244 1044 1350 1359 1558 1432 1644 1648 1538 1359 1649 1644 1379 1525 1654 1543 1449 1464 1659 1148 1265 1452 1439 1644 1338 1449 1240 1362 1533

Dressori Duffield Lane escapada living F lair LLC F ocus Fashion Inc. Gretchen Scott I .N.S.I.G.H.T. J oey Yadgard J oseph A. K omarov L ast Tango L BISSE L ove Token M - Made in Italy M ata Traders M odbe P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G R adzoli by Fully Fashion R ain rapps - new york R avel R oyce S acred Threads S amuel Dong S no Skins, Inc. S taples USA S weet Sinammon T empo Paris T esoro Moda T ulip UBU Union of Angels

1049 1379 1263 1232 1248 1548 1338 1049 1554 1159 1241 1338 1644 1439 1638 1143 1062 1244 1044 1252 1439 1038 1426 1479 1350 1233 1359 1324

Few Good Lines A Adore APT Designs Art of Cloth AVALIN B iz C halet C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C ut Loose Dale Cotton Sales Down East Basics Dressori E lana Kattan escapada living F lair LLC F ocus Fashion Inc. Gretchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf Haute Latitude Henry Grethel I .C. Collection I .N.S.I.G.H.T. I ridium J oey Yadgard K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven

B ottoms

1644 1648 1335 1359 1359 1644 1525 1449 1464 1659 1148 1159 1265 1452 1439 1345 1644 1449 1240 1362 1533 1359

L ast Tango L BISSE L isette-L L uii M - Made in Italy M odbe P etit Pois by Viviana G rapps - new york R avel R oyce S acred Threads S alaam Clothing S amuel Dong S no Skins, Inc. S taples USA S urrealist S weet Sinammon T esoro Moda T ulip U BU U nion of Angels U p!

B ridal

1059 A sian eye

B ridge 1426 1439 1063 1426 1459 1439 1034 1426 1324 1648 1538 1359 1434 1424 1659 1452 1359

2 12 Showroom NYC C urio D esign Todays, Inc. D iana Rosh D onna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs D ressori D uffield Lane H enry Grethel K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven L BISSE L ove Token L uii Patty Kim P ure Amici R oyce S no Skins, Inc. U p!

1426 1049 1263 1232 1059 1332 1442 1257 1338 1554 1159 1338 1068 1644 1439 1034 1638

2 12 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines A PT Designs A rt of Cloth A sian eye B aci Collezione B eluva C asual Studio C halet C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane E lana Kattan


1439 1038 1426 1479 1359 1648 1538 1359 1158 1624 1379 1525 1449 1659 1439 1449 1533 1449

H arvey Wolf H aute Latitude H enry Grethel I.C. Collection J oey Yadgard L BISSE L ove Token M - Made in Italy M argaret Winters M use P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G rapps - new york R oyce S taples USA T esoro Moda U nion of Angels V eeca

1379 1638 1232 1059 1332 1442 1548 1041 1159 1338 1644 1439 1034 1143 1149 1252 1439 1479 1350 1358 1359 1639 1432 1324 1644 1648 1538 1359 1649 1155 1644 1449 1558 1434 1379 1435 1525 1543 1449 1659 1148 1653 1452

A dore A ngelo Marzocchi A rt of Cloth A sian eye B aci Collezione B eluva B iz C aite C ollections of Comfort D ale Cotton Sales D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane escapada living Fashion Village LTD H abitat-Clothes To Live In H arvey Wolf I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. J ayley Collection J oey Yadgard J ulia Jordan K omarov K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven L ast Tango L BISSE L ove Token L uii M ata Traders M atch Point M odbe N icole Sabbattini O ne A Patty Kim P enn Centrall P eri Luxe By Furseller P etit Pois by Viviana G R ain rapps - new york R oyce S acred Threads S isters S no Skins, Inc.


1439 1630 1345 1449 1362 1533 1449

Staples USA Stop Staring! Surrealist Tesoro Moda UBU Union of Angels Veeca

1378 1232 1059 1534 1332 1442 1041 1338 1159 1378 1241 1338 1068 1058 1439 1034 1638 1049 1062 1244 1044 1252 1439 1479 1233 1359 1648 1538 1359 1525 1148 1159 1452 1439 1338 1533 1359

Aris-A Art of Cloth Asian eye Aum-Couture Baci Collezione Beluva Caite Chalet Collections of Comfort Coviello Company Cut Loose Dale Cotton Sales Dana Emilia / Piaffe Dilemma Inc. Dressori Duffield Lane Elana Kattan F.H. Clothing / Fat Hat F lair LLC F ocus Fashion Inc. Gretchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf I.C. Collection Iridium Joey Yadgard L BISSE L ove Token M - Made in Italy Petit Pois by Viviana G Sacred Threads Saga Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Tempo Paris Union of Angels Up!

1159 1034 1044 1648 1558

Collections of Comfort Duffield Lane Gretchen Scott L BISSE Tharanco Group

1263 1332 1159 1644 1252 1439 1359 1648

APT Designs Baci Collezione Collections of Comfort Down East Basics Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf Joey Yadgard L BISSE

C ontemporary Lifestyles





MODA 1644 1449 1464 1439 1449 1359

Modbe rapps - new york R avel S taples USA Tesoro Moda U p!

1426 1263 1232 1059 1159 1063 1426 1439 1038 1426 1358 1359 1648 1538 1359 1525 1659 1148 1439 1240

212 Showroom NYC A PT Designs A rt of Cloth A sian eye C ollections of Comfort D esign Todays, Inc. D iana Rosh D ressori H aute Latitude H enry Grethel Jayley Collection Joey Yadgard L BISSE L ove Token L uii Petit Pois by Viviana G R oyce S acred Threads S taples USA Tulip

1426 1379 1638 1263 1378 1232 1332 1548 1338 1049 1554 1159 1653 1378 1439 1241 1338 1068 1032 1625 1644 1439 1034 1638 1143 1044 1439 1038 1350 1359 1639 1432 1644

212 Showroom NYC A dore A ngelo Marzocchi A PT Designs A ris-A A rt of Cloth B aci Collezione B iz C halet C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C onsortium 27 C oviello Company C urio C ut Loose D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D izzy Lizzie D onna Morgan D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane Elana Kattan escapada living G retchen Scott H arvey Wolf H aute Latitude I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Joey Yadgard Julia Jordan K omarov L ast Tango





CATEGORIES 1648 1629 1538 1359 1629 1649 1379 1644 1624 1379 1525 1654 1543 1449 1659 1148 1159 1159 1265 1633 1439 1630 1345 1644 1338 1449 1240 1362 1533 1449

L BISSE London Times Love Token M - Made in Italy M aggy London M ata Traders M esmerize M odbe M use P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G Radzoli by Fully Fashion Rain rapps - new york Royce Sacred Threads Saga Salaam Clothing Samuel Dong Sangria Staples USA Stop Staring! Surrealist Sweet Sinammon T empo Paris T esoro Moda T ulip U BU U nion of Angels Veeca


1245 J anska - Look Good Feel Good

Fur/Leather/Suede 1379 1332 1159 1426 1459 1439 1426 1350 1358 1359 1538 1359 1359 1349 1434 1379 1435 1436 1439 1644 1362

dore A Baci Collezione Collections of Comfort D iana Rosh D onna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs H arvey Wolf H enry Grethel I .N.S.I.G.H.T. J ayley Collection J oey Yadgard L ove Token L uii M - Made in Italy M itchie’s Matchings Inc. P atty Kim P enn Centrall P eri Luxe By Furseller S imply Natural S taples USA S weet Sinammon U BU

1059 1159 1241 1245 1358

sian eye A Collections of Comfort Cut Loose J anska - Look Good Feel Good J ayley Collection

H ats/Gloves/Scarves

1349 1379 1344 1148 1436 1259

M itchie’s Matchings Inc. P enn Centrall P eruvian Link S acred Threads S imply Natural W ind River, Inc.

I ntimate Apparel 1034 Duffield Lane

I tem Jackets 1426 1049 1379 1263 1232 1248 1442 1257 1159 1241 1338 1068 1063 1426 1058 1032 1459 1439 1638 1062 1244 1044 1252 1439 1426 1479 1350 1233 1245 1359 1648 1538 1359 1359 1449 1549 1424 1654 1449 1464 1148 1265 1439 1644 1449 1240 1362 1449

2 12 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines Adore APT Designs Art of Cloth AVALIN B eluva C asual Studio C ollections of Comfort C ut Loose Dale Cotton Sales Dana Emilia / Piaffe Design Todays, Inc. Diana Rosh Dilemma Inc. Dizzy Lizzie Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs Dressori E lana Kattan F lair LLC F ocus Fashion Inc. Gretchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf Henry Grethel I .C. Collection I .N.S.I.G.H.T. I ridium J anska - Look Good Feel Good J oey Yadgard L BISSE L ove Token L uii M - Made in Italy N icole Sabbattini P atrizia Luca P ure Amici R adzoli by Fully Fashion rapps - new york R avel S acred Threads S amuel Dong S taples USA S weet Sinammon T esoro Moda T ulip UBU V eeca


1044 G retchen Scott 1479 I.C. Collection 1649 M ata Traders

Knitwear 1426 1049 1379 1263 1232 1248 1332 1353 1548 1041 1257 1338 1049 1554 1159 1378 1439 1241 1338 1068 1644 1034 1149 1062 1152 1252 1439 1359 1558 1639 1648 1538 1359 1359 1158 1644 1449 1558 1549 1379 1344 1525 1424 1654 1543 1449 1464 1558 1148 1159 1265 1378 1436 1653 1452 1439 1345

2 12 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines A dore A PT Designs A rt of Cloth AVALIN B aci Collezione B elldini Inc. B iz C aite C asual Studio C halet C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C oviello Company C urio C ut Loose D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D own East Basics D uffield Lane Fashion Village LTD F lair LLC G 9C for United Knitwear H abitat-Clothes To Live In H arvey Wolf J oey Yadgard J oseph A. J ulia Jordan L BISSE L ove Token L uii M - Made in Italy M argaret Winters M odbe N icole Sabbattini O ne A Patrizia Luca P enn Centrall P eruvian Link P etit Pois by Viviana G P ure Amici R adzoli by Fully Fashion R ain rapps - new york R avel R XB S acred Threads S aga S amuel Dong S hennel Trading Group S imply Natural S isters S no Skins, Inc. S taples USA S urrealist

1644 1338 1449 1558 1240 1362 1248 1259

S weet Sinammon T empo Paris T esoro Moda T haranco Group T ulip U BU Willow Wind River, Inc.

1059 1034 1244 1044 1439

A sian eye D uffield Lane F ocus Fashion Inc. G retchen Scott S taples USA

1049 1159 1378 1338 1068 1424 1439 1359 1379 1335 1659 1338

A Few Good Lines C ollections of Comfort C oviello Company D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D ressed 2 Kill H arvey Wolf J oey Yadgard P enn Centrall R iley Associates R oyce T empo Paris

1263 1232 1248 1548 1257 1554 1159 1378 1049 1439 1338 1068 1424 1063 1459 1439 1044 1252 1439 1479 1350 1359 1558 1538 1359 1359 1158 1155 1449 1558 1549 1434

A PT Designs A rt of Cloth AVALIN B iz C asual Studio C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C oviello Company C upcake C urio D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D avid Cline D esign Todays, Inc. D onna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs D ressori G retchen Scott H abitat-Clothes To Live In H arvey Wolf I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. J oey Yadgard J oseph A. L ove Token L uii M - Made in Italy M argaret Winters M atch Point N icole Sabbattini O ne A Patrizia Luca Patty Kim


Manufacturer’s Rep


1525 1424 1543 1449 1464 1659 1265 1653 1452 1439 1345 1644 1449 1449 1248

Petit Pois by Viviana G Pure Amici Rain rapps - new york Ravel Royce Samuel Dong Sisters Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Surrealist Sweet Sinammon Tesoro Moda Veeca Willow

1426 1059 1554 1159 1068 1426 1625 1638 1044 1479 1359 1629 1525 1659 1265 1633 1439 1449

212 Showroom NYC Asian eye Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Dana Emilia / Piaffe Diana Rosh Donna Morgan Elana Kattan Gretchen Scott I.C. Collection M - Made in Italy M aggy London Petit Pois by Viviana G Royce Samuel Dong Sangria Staples USA Veeca

1241 1068 1063 1426 1244 1426 1233 1245 1358 1359 1359 1359 1464 1659 1436 1439 1449 1362

Cut Loose Dana Emilia / Piaffe Design Todays, Inc. Diana Rosh F ocus Fashion Inc. Henry Grethel Iridium Janska - Look Good Feel Good Jayley Collection Joey Yadgard L uii M - Made in Italy Ravel Royce Simply Natural Staples USA Tesoro Moda UBU

1426 1263 1332 1548 1257 1338

212 Showroom NYC APT Designs Baci Collezione Biz Casual Studio Chalet






MODA 1049 1554 1159 1378 1241 1338 1058 1644 1439 1034 1062 1244 1044 1252 1439 1038 1426 1479 1350 1233 1359 1324 1644 1648 1335 1538 1359 1359 1379 1644 1549 1379 1525 1449 1464 1335 1148 1265 1439 1644 1338 1449 1240 1359

C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C oviello Company C ut Loose D ale Cotton Sales D ilemma Inc. D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane F lair LLC F ocus Fashion Inc. G retchen Scott H abitat-Clothes To Live In H arvey Wolf H aute Latitude H enry Grethel I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Iridium Joey Yadgard K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven L ast Tango L BISSE L isette-L L ove Token L uii M - Made in Italy Mesmerize Modbe Patrizia Luca Penn Centrall Petit Pois by Viviana G rapps - new york R avel R iley Associates S acred Threads S amuel Dong S taples USA S weet Sinammon Tempo Paris Tesoro Moda Tulip U p!

1554 1063 1350 1659 1558

C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo D esign Todays, Inc. I.N.S.I.G.H.T. R oyce Tharanco Group

1426 1049 1378 1353 1257 1338 1554 1159 1378 1241

212 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines A ris-A B elldini Inc. C asual Studio C halet C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C oviello Company C ut Loose


Related Separates



CATEGORIES 1338 1068 1058 1032 1439 1034 1638 1062 1244 1439 1426 1350 1233 1359 1379 1525 1449 1464 1148 1159 1452 1338 1449 1240 1449

ale Cotton Sales D D ana Emilia / Piaffe D ilemma Inc. D izzy Lizzie D ressori D uffield Lane E lana Kattan Flair LLC Focus Fashion Inc. H arvey Wolf H enry Grethel I .N.S.I.G.H.T. I ridium J oey Yadgard P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G rapps - new york Ravel Sacred Threads Saga Sno Skins, Inc. T empo Paris T esoro Moda T ulip Veeca

1638 1263 1059 1534 1041 1338 1554 1159 1241 1338 1068 1058 1032 1439 1034 1638 1143 1144 1149 1244 1152 1044 1439 1038 1245 1359 1438 1324 1648 1538 1359 1155 1435 1525 1464 1659

ngelo Marzocchi A A PT Designs A sian eye A um-Couture Caite Chalet Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Cut Loose D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D ilemma Inc. D izzy Lizzie D ressori D uffield Lane E lana Kattan escapada living Fashion Fuse Fashion Village LTD Focus Fashion Inc. G 9C for United Knitwear G retchen Scott H arvey Wolf H aute Latitude J anska - Look Good Feel Good J oey Yadgard J UDY P APPAREL Krazy Larry / Luxe Eleven LBISSE Love Token M - Made in Italy M atch Point P eri Luxe By Furseller P etit Pois by Viviana G Ravel Royce

Resort Apparel

1148 1159 1436 1653 1452 1439 1644 1338 1240 1533 1359

S acred Threads S alaam Clothing S imply Natural S isters S no Skins, Inc. S taples USA S weet Sinammon T empo Paris T ulip Union of Angels Up!

1426 1232 1059 1338 1159 1241 1338 1068 1058 1459 1233 1245 1358 1538 1649 1349 1379 1435 1344 1424 1659 1148 1159

2 12 Showroom NYC Art of Cloth Asian eye C halet C ollections of Comfort C ut Loose Dale Cotton Sales Dana Emilia / Piaffe Dilemma Inc. Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs I ridium J anska - Look Good Feel Good J ayley Collection L ove Token M ata Traders M itchie’s Matchings Inc. P enn Centrall P eri Luxe By Furseller P eruvian Link P ure Amici R oyce S acred Threads S alaam Clothing

1426 1263 1232 1332 1257 1338 1159 1378 1241 1338 1032 1644 1034 1638 1143 1062 1044 1252 1439 1038 1426 1479 1350 1359 1644

2 12 Showroom NYC APT Designs Art of Cloth B aci Collezione C asual Studio C halet C ollections of Comfort C oviello Company C ut Loose Dale Cotton Sales Dizzy Lizzie Down East Basics Duffield Lane E lana Kattan escapada living F lair LLC Gretchen Scott Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf Haute Latitude Henry Grethel I .C. Collection I .N.S.I.G.H.T. J oey Yadgard L ast Tango



1648 1359 1649 1644 1549 1379 1525 1449 1464 1335 1148 1265 1439 1345 1644 1338 1449 1558 1240 1359

L BISSE M - Made in Italy M ata Traders M odbe Patrizia Luca P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G rapps - new york R avel R iley Associates S acred Threads S amuel Dong S taples USA S urrealist S weet Sinammon T empo Paris T esoro Moda T haranco Group T ulip U p!

1049 1232 1332 1257 1338 1049 1554 1159 1378 1241 1338 1068 1058 1032 1439 1034 1638 1149 1244 1152 1252 1439 1233 1359 1538 1359 1379 1449 1659 1439 1345 1449 1558 1240 1449

A Few Good Lines A rt of Cloth B aci Collezione C asual Studio C halet C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C oviello Company C ut Loose D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D ilemma Inc. D izzy Lizzie D ressori D uffield Lane E lana Kattan Fashion Village LTD F ocus Fashion Inc. G 9C for United Knitwear H abitat-Clothes To Live In H arvey Wolf Iridium J oey Yadgard L ove Token M - Made in Italy P enn Centrall rapps - new york R oyce S taples USA S urrealist T esoro Moda T haranco Group T ulip V eeca

1049 1263 1232 1041

A Few Good Lines A PT Designs A rt of Cloth C aite

Soft Separates

Special Size

1338 1049 1378 1338 1068 1063 1459 1439 1244 1233 1558 1324 1629 1158 1558 1543 1659 1558

C halet C itron C oviello Company D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D esign Todays, Inc. D onna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs D ressori F ocus Fashion Inc. Iridium J oseph A. K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven M aggy London M argaret Winters O ne A R ain R oyce T haranco Group

1426 1049 1379 1263 1353 1257 1338 1049 1554 1159 1068 1032 1644 1439 1034 1638 1244 1252 1439 1479 1350 1233 1359 1438 1432 1324 1648 1644 1379 1654 1543 1449 1659 1265 1452 1439 1449 1362

2 12 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines A dore A PT Designs B elldini Inc. C asual Studio C halet C itron C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort D ana Emilia / Piaffe D izzy Lizzie D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane E lana Kattan F ocus Fashion Inc. H abitat-Clothes To Live In H arvey Wolf I.C. Collection I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Iridium J oey Yadgard J UDY P APPAREL K omarov K razy Larry / Luxe Eleven L BISSE M odbe P enn Centrall R adzoli by Fully Fashion R ain rapps - new york R oyce S amuel Dong S no Skins, Inc. S taples USA T esoro Moda U BU


Suits/Career Wear

1059 A sian eye 1338 C halet 1159 C ollections of Comfort

1426 1350 1464 1436 1439 1558

Henry Grethel I.N.S.I.G.H.T. Ravel Simply Natural Staples USA Tharanco Group

1426 1049 1379 1232 1248 1332 1353 1548 1041 1338 1554 1159 1653 1439 1241 1338 1068 1644 1439 1034 1149 1152 1252 1439 1233 1359 1558 1538 1359 1158 1644 1449 1558 1549 1379 1344 1424 1654 1543 1449 1464 1659 1558 1148 1378 1436 1653 1439 1345 1644 1338 1449 1558 1362 1259

212 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines Adore Art of Cloth AVALIN Baci Collezione Belldini Inc. Biz Caite Chalet Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Consortium 27 Curio Cut Loose Dale Cotton Sales Dana Emilia / Piaffe Down East Basics Dressori Duffield Lane Fashion Village LTD G9C for United Knitwear Habitat-Clothes To Live In Harvey Wolf Iridium Joey Yadgard Joseph A. L ove Token M - Made in Italy M argaret Winters M odbe Nicole Sabbattini One A Patrizia Luca Penn Centrall Peruvian Link Pure Amici Radzoli by Fully Fashion Rain rapps - new york Ravel Royce RXB Sacred Threads Shennel Trading Group Simply Natural Sisters Staples USA Surrealist Sweet Sinammon Tempo Paris Tesoro Moda Tharanco Group UBU Wind River, Inc.




MODA T-Shirts

1049 1379 1248 1548 1257 1338 1159 1241 1338 1068 1424 1644 1439 1034 1244 1152 1044 1252 1439 1233 1359 1648 1359 1558 1379 1525 1424 1449 1464 1659 1558 1148 1653 1439 1345 1449

3.33 A dore AVALIN B iz C asual Studio C halet C ollections of Comfort C ut Loose D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D avid Cline D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane F ocus Fashion Inc. G 9C for United Knitwear G retchen Scott H abitat-Clothes To Live In H arvey Wolf Iridium Joey Yadgard L BISSE M - Made in Italy O ne A Penn Centrall Petit Pois by Viviana G Pure Amici rapps - new york R avel R oyce R XB S acred Threads S isters S taples USA S urrealist Tesoro Moda

1426 1049 1379 1638 1263 1232 1534 1332 1353 1442 1548 1041 1257 1338 1554 1159 1241 1338 1068 1424 1032 1644 1439 1034

212 Showroom NYC A Few Good Lines A dore A ngelo Marzocchi A PT Designs A rt of Cloth A um-Couture B aci Collezione B elldini Inc. B eluva B iz C aite C asual Studio C halet C lara S. / Clara Sunwoo C ollections of Comfort C ut Loose D ale Cotton Sales D ana Emilia / Piaffe D avid Cline D izzy Lizzie D own East Basics D ressori D uffield Lane




CATEGORIES 1638 1143 1149 1062 1244 1152 1044 1252 1439 1038 1426 1479 1350 1233 1359 1558 1438 1644 1648 1538 1359 1158 1379 1644 1558 1549 1379 1525 1424 1654 1543 1449 1464 1659 1558 1148 1159 1265 1378 1436 1653 1452 1439 1345 1644 1338 1449 1558 1240 1362 1248

E lana Kattan escapada living Fashion Village LTD Flair LLC Focus Fashion Inc. G 9C for United Knitwear G retchen Scott H abitat-Clothes To Live In H arvey Wolf H aute Latitude H enry Grethel I .C. Collection I .N.S.I.G.H.T. I ridium J oey Yadgard J oseph A. J UDY P APPAREL Last Tango LBISSE Love Token M - Made in Italy M argaret Winters M esmerize M odbe O ne A Patrizia Luca P enn Centrall P etit Pois by Viviana G P ure Amici Radzoli by Fully Fashion Rain rapps - new york Ravel Royce RXB Sacred Threads Salaam Clothing Samuel Dong Shennel Trading Group Simply Natural Sisters Sno Skins, Inc. Staples USA Surrealist Sweet Sinammon T empo Paris T esoro Moda T haranco Group T ulip U BU W illow

1638 1263 1534 1442 1554 1159 1241 1068 1439 1034

ngelo Marzocchi A A PT Designs A um-Couture Beluva Clara S. / Clara Sunwoo Collections of Comfort Cut Loose D ana Emilia / Piaffe D ressori D uffield Lane

1143 1149 1244 1038 1233 1245 1359 1438 1648 1538 1155 1464 1659 1436 1452 1439 1240 1362 1359 1449

escapada living Fashion Village LTD F ocus Fashion Inc. Haute Latitude I ridium J anska - Look Good Feel Good J oey Yadgard J UDY P APPAREL L BISSE L ove Token M atch Point R avel R oyce S imply Natural S no Skins, Inc. S taples USA T ulip UBU Up! V eeca

Travel Wear



FAME App arel 2145 12 PM by Mon Ami 1733 A’reve 1849 A lythea 1859 A ngie 2345 A riella 2144 B lack 2309 B lu Pepper 1945 B lush Noir 2349 B LVD 2139 C aribbean Queen, Inc. 2149 C ecico 2342 C offeeshop-Santafe Apparel 1920 C otton Candy LA 2221 D ance and Marvel 2233 D ouble Zero 2133 D reamers by Debut 2025 Ellison Apparel 2303 En Creme 2021 English Factory 1738 Esley 2055 Fashion Fuse, Inc. 2327 F lying Tomato 1925 F reeway 1917 G lam 2024 G racia Fashion 1745 H ommage 2214 H ourglass Lilly 2330 Ina 1749 JUST BLACK 1843 K ingdom and State 2354 L A Soul 2245 L ani 2124 L ucy Love 1739 L ucy Paris 2315 L umiere/Timing 2127 M. Rena 2039 Mono B 2148 Mur inc. 1721 Mystree 2339 Nikibiki 2013 O livaceous 2207 Paper Crane 2116 Patrons of Peace 2249 POL Clothing 2232 Potter’s Pot 2244 PPLA Clothing 1907 R D International USA 2217 R enee C. 1733 R YU 2455 S M Wardrobe 2231 S neak Peek 1713 S ugar Lips 1955 S urvival, Inc. 1724 S weet Rain 2016 S YDNEY by Itro 1961 T-party 1727 THML Clothing 2434 U mgee USA 1854 U rban Day 2048 V ery J 1759 V ocal 2439 W OW couture



CATEGORIES 1707 Y A Los Angeles 2049 Young Threads

Belts 1859 2139 2124 2127 2361 1921

ngie A Caribbean Queen, Inc. Lucy Love M . Rena Paris Stations Steve Madden

1859 2233 2024 1749 2039 2116 2231 2049

ngie A D ouble Zero G racia Fashion J UST BLACK M ono B P atrons of Peace S neak Peek Y oung Threads

1733 1849 1859 2345 2144 2309 1945 2139 2149 1920 2221 2233 2239 2303 2021 1738 2055 2327 1925 1917 2024 1745 2214 2330 2354 2245 2124 2315 2127 2031 1734 2039 2148 1721 2339 2013 2207 2116 2232 2244 2217

’reve A A lythea A ngie A riella Black Blu Pepper Blush Noir Caribbean Queen, Inc. Cecico Cotton Candy LA D ance and Marvel D ouble Zero E lan International E n Creme E nglish Factory E sley Fashion Fuse, Inc. Flying Tomato Freeway G lam G racia Fashion H ommage H ourglass Lilly I na L A Soul L ani L ucy Love L umiere/Timing M . Rena M ikarose M inuet M ono B M ur inc. M ystree N ikibiki O livaceous P aper Crane P atrons of Peace P otter’s Pot P PLA Clothing R enee C.



1733 1844 2455 1713 1955 1961 1727 2434 2048 2321 2439 1707 2049

R YU S KIES ARE BLUE S M Wardrobe S ugar Lips S urvival, Inc. T-party T HML Clothing Umgee USA V ery J V intage Havana/Ocean Drive W OW couture YA Los Angeles Y oung Threads


2361 Paris Stations

Footwear 2012 2130 1755 1755 1932 2254 1855 1949 2007 1921 1752 1949

B C Footwear C helsea Crew/ Demfon C hinese Laundry Dirty Laundry E xtrafine Sugar GC Shoes N aughty Monkey Footwear/Not Rated Footwear R estricted Shoes S eychelles S teve Madden V ida Shoes- xoxo V olatile

G ifts 2459 2269 2264 2467

F orever Creations M achu Picchu Jewelry M odern Tibet V era Wolf

G loves

2361 Paris Stations

Hair Accessories 2265 R osamariposa 2467 V era Wolf

Handbags 1859 2055 2273 2361 2244 1921

ngie A Fashion Fuse, Inc. K athmandu Jewelry Paris Stations P PLA Clothing S teve Madden


2124 L ucy Love

J ewelry/Costume 2364 2458 2139 2359 2272

rdsley International Inc. A B ozkurt,Inc. C aribbean Queen, Inc. C harles Albert, Inc. C iti Jewels

2365 2273 2269 2373 2265 2467

Instyle Trading Inc. K athmandu Jewelry M achu Picchu Jewelry M ikala’s Design, Inc. R osamariposa V era Wolf

2364 2459 2464 2365 2273 2264 2265 2465 2468 2467

A rdsley International Inc. F orever Creations India Gems of NY Instyle Trading Inc. K athmandu Jewelry M odern Tibet R osamariposa S ilver Star T reasure of Tibet V era Wolf

2458 2358 2359 2272 2459 2464 2365 2273 2269 2264 2465 2467

B ozkurt,Inc. B SS Jewelry C harles Albert, Inc. C iti Jewels F orever Creations India Gems of NY Instyle Trading Inc. K athmandu Jewelry M achu Picchu Jewelry M odern Tibet S ilver Star V era Wolf

2012 2055 2269 2265 1752 2049

B C Footwear Fashion Fuse, Inc. M achu Picchu Jewelry R osamariposa V ida Shoes- xoxo Y oung Threads

1733 1859 2144 2309 2349 2149 2342 1920 2233 2133 2303 2055 2327 1925 2024 1745 2214 2330 2354 2245

A’reve A ngie B lack B lu Pepper B LVD C ecico C offeeshop-Santafe Apparel C otton Candy LA D ouble Zero D reamers by Debut E n Creme Fashion Fuse, Inc. F lying Tomato F reeway G racia Fashion H ommage H ourglass Lilly Ina L A Soul L ani


Jewelry/Sterling Silver

Junior Accessories

Junior Apparel

1739 2315 2127 1721 2339 2013 1742 1748 2207 2116 2249 2232 2244 2217 2455 2231 1713 1955 1724 2016 1961 1727 2434 1854 2048 2321 2439 1707 2049

L ucy Paris L umiere/Timing M . Rena M ystree N ikibiki O livaceous O n Twelfth Clothing O thers Follow Paper Crane Patrons of Peace P OL Clothing P otter’s Pot P PLA Clothing R enee C. S M Wardrobe S neak Peek S ugar Lips S urvival, Inc. S weet Rain S YDNEY by Itro T-party T HML Clothing U mgee USA U rban Day V ery J V intage Havana/Ocean Drive WOW couture YA Los Angeles Y oung Threads

1733 1849 1859 2345 2144 2139 2149 1920 2221 2233 2133 2239 2303 2021 1738 2055 1925 1917 2024 1745 2330 2245 2315 2039 2148 1721 2013 2207 2116 2249 2232 2244

A’reve A lythea A ngie A riella B lack C aribbean Queen, Inc. C ecico C otton Candy LA D ance and Marvel D ouble Zero D reamers by Debut E lan International E n Creme E nglish Factory E sley Fashion Fuse, Inc. F reeway G lam G racia Fashion H ommage Ina L ani L umiere/Timing M ono B M ur inc. M ystree O livaceous Paper Crane Patrons of Peace P OL Clothing P otter’s Pot P PLA Clothing


1907 2217 1733 2455 1713 1955 1727 2434 1854 2048 2321 2439 1707 2049

RD International USA Renee C. RYU SM Wardrobe Sugar Lips Survival, Inc. THML Clothing Umgee USA Urban Day Very J Vintage Havana/Ocean Drive WOW couture YA Los Angeles Young Threads

2139 2342 1738 2361 2232 2007 1921 1707 2049

Caribbean Queen, Inc. Coffeeshop-Santafe Apparel Esley Paris Stations Potter’s Pot Seychelles Steve Madden YA Los Angeles Young Threads

1945 2139 2149 2342 1738 2148 2013 2249 2232 1707

Blush Noir Caribbean Queen, Inc. Cecico Coffeeshop-Santafe Apparel Esley M onoreno by Mur Olivaceous POL Clothing Potter’s Pot YA Los Angeles

Leather Goods


Loungewear/Sleepwear 2207 Paper Crane

Outerwear/Coats 1733 1849 1859 2345 2144 1945 2139 2149 2342 2221 2233 2303 2021 1738 2327 1925 2024 1745 2330 2127

A’reve Alythea Angie Ariella Black Blush Noir Caribbean Queen, Inc. Cecico Coffeeshop-Santafe Apparel Dance and Marvel Double Zero En Creme English Factory Esley F lying Tomato F reeway Gracia Fashion Hommage Ina M . Rena fameshows.com


FAME 2148 2207 2249 2232 1907 2217 1733 2231 1713 2434 2048 2439 1707 2049

Mur inc. Paper Crane POL Clothing Potter’s Pot R D International USA R enee C. R YU S neak Peek S ugar Lips U mgee USA V ery J W OW couture YA Los Angeles Y oung Threads

1733 2144 2139 2149 1920 2221 2233 2303 1738 2055 2327 1917 2024 1745 2330 1749 2124 2315 2039 2148 2013 2207 2116 2232 1907 2217 1733 1844 2231 1713 1955 1961 1727 2434 2439 1707 2049

A’reve B lack C aribbean Queen, Inc. C ecico C otton Candy LA D ance and Marvel D ouble Zero En Creme Esley Fashion Fuse, Inc. F lying Tomato G lam G racia Fashion H ommage Ina JUST BLACK L ucy Love L umiere/Timing Mono B Mur inc. O livaceous Paper Crane Patrons of Peace Potter’s Pot R D International USA R enee C. R YU S KIES ARE BLUE S neak Peek S ugar Lips S urvival, Inc. T-party THML Clothing U mgee USA W OW couture YA Los Angeles Y oung Threads

2145 1733 2345 2144 2309 1945 2149 2342

12 PM by Mon Ami A’reve A riella B lack B lu Pepper B lush Noir C ecico C offeeshop-Santafe Apparel


Private Label



CATEGORIES 1920 2233 2239 2303 1738 2055 2459 2024 1739 2315 1734 2039 2148 1721 2207 2116 1907 2217 1949 1733 1713 1955 2434 2048 2439 1707 2049

otton Candy LA C D ouble Zero E lan International E n Creme E sley Fashion Fuse, Inc. Forever Creations G racia Fashion Lucy Paris Lumiere/Timing M inuet M ono B M ur inc. M ystree Paper Crane Patrons of Peace RD International USA Renee C. Restricted Shoes RYU Sugar Lips Survival, Inc. U mgee USA Very J W OW couture YA Los Angeles Young Threads

1733 1849 2345 2144 1945 2139 2149 2233 2239 2303 2055 1917 2024 1745 1843 2245 2127 2148 2207 2116 2217 1733 1713 1724 2434 2321 1707 2049

’reve A A lythea A riella Black Blush Noir Caribbean Queen, Inc. Cecico D ouble Zero E lan International E n Creme Fashion Fuse, Inc. G lam G racia Fashion H ommage K ingdom and State L ani M . Rena M ur inc. P aper Crane P atrons of Peace R enee C. R YU S ugar Lips S weet Rain U mgee USA V intage Havana/Ocean Drive Y A Los Angeles Y oung Threads

1859 2345 1945 2139

ngie A A riella Blush Noir Caribbean Queen, Inc.

Resort Apparel


2149 2233 2055 2124 2039 2148 2207 2244 2265 1733 1854 2049

C ecico Double Zero Fashion Fuse, Inc. L ucy Love M ono B M ur inc. Paper Crane P PLA Clothing R osamariposa R YU U rban Day Y oung Threads

1733 1849 1859 2345 2144 2309 1945 2139 1920 2221 2233 2133 2303 2021 1738 2055 2327 1925 2024 1745 2330 2124 2315 2127 2031 2039 2148 1721 2013 2207 2116 2249 2232 2217 1733 2231 1713 1955 1961 1727 2434 2048 2439 1707 2049

’reve A Alythea Angie Ariella B lack B lu Pepper B lush Noir C aribbean Queen, Inc. C otton Candy LA Dance and Marvel Double Zero Dreamers by Debut E n Creme E nglish Factory E sley Fashion Fuse, Inc. F lying Tomato F reeway Gracia Fashion Hommage I na L ucy Love L umiere/Timing M . Rena M ikarose M ono B M ur inc. M ystree Olivaceous Paper Crane Patrons of Peace P OL Clothing P otter’s Pot R enee C. R YU S neak Peek S ugar Lips S urvival, Inc. T-party T HML Clothing Umgee USA V ery J W OW couture YA Los Angeles Y oung Threads


Streetwear 2144 1945 2233 2303 2207 1713 1961

B lack B lush Noir D ouble Zero E n Creme Paper Crane S ugar Lips T-party


2303 E n Creme 1843 K ingdom and State

T-Shirts 1945 2349 2233 1738 1917 1745 2330 2127 2039 2339 2207 2116 2249 2244 1907 1713 1955 1961 2048 2321 1707 2049

B lush Noir B LVD D ouble Zero E sley G lam H ommage Ina M . Rena M ono B N ikibiki Paper Crane Patrons of Peace P OL Clothing P PLA Clothing R D International USA S ugar Lips S urvival, Inc. T-party V ery J V intage Havana/Ocean Drive YA Los Angeles Y oung Threads

2145 1733 1849 1859 2345 2012 2144 2309 1945 2349 2139 2149 1755 2342 1920 2221 1939 2233 2133 2239 2303 2021 1738 2055

1 2 PM by Mon Ami A’reve A lythea A ngie A riella B C Footwear B lack B lu Pepper B lush Noir B LVD C aribbean Queen, Inc. C ecico C hinese Laundry C offeeshop-Santafe Apparel C otton Candy LA D ance and Marvel D o + Be Collection D ouble Zero D reamers by Debut E lan International E n Creme E nglish Factory E sley Fashion Fuse, Inc.

Young Contemporary

2327 2459 1917 2024 1745 2214 2330 1843 2354 2115 2245 2227 2124 1739 2315 2127 2269 2031 2044 1734 2039 2148 1721 2339 2013 1742 2207 2116 2249 2232 2244 1907 2217 1949 1733 2007 1844 2455 2231 1713 1955 1724 2016 1961 1727 2434 2048 1752 2321 2439 1707 2049

F lying Tomato F orever Creations G lam G racia Fashion H ommage H ourglass Lilly Ina K ingdom and State L A Soul laju L ani L oveposh, Inc. L ucy Love L ucy Paris L umiere/Timing M . Rena M achu Picchu Jewelry M ikarose M iley and Molly M inuet M ono B Mur inc. M ystree N ikibiki O livaceous O n Twelfth Clothing Paper Crane Patrons of Peace P OL Clothing P otter’s Pot P PLA Clothing R D International USA R enee C. R estricted Shoes R YU S eychelles S KIES ARE BLUE S M Wardrobe S neak Peek S ugar Lips S urvival, Inc. S weet Rain S YDNEY by Itro T-party T HML Clothing U mgee USA V ery J V ida Shoes- xoxo V intage Havana/Ocean Drive WOW couture YA Los Angeles Y oung Threads



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