We proudly welcome you to the third edition of STITCH. This edition will provide you with dramatic product expansion and a broader shopping experience in each and every category on the floor. We highly encourage you to project and allocate more time to shop with us this season as nearly 100 brands make their debut @ STITCH, many of which are well established in the market. STITCH also provides you with a passport to shop designers from every hemisphere during market – more brands from more countries being presented by well known US importers are everywhere this season. Luxury outerwear is both larger and more diverse as STITCH remains the only show during market which seamlessly fuses Luxury Outerwear and high-end RTW brands under one roof. Shop, Dine and Network with us this season @ STITCH.
4 Love and Liberty www.johnnywas.com
Alembika www.alembika.com
Anne Turtaut www.anneturtaut.com
Banana Blue www.bananablue.net.au
Beluva Collection www.beluva.com
Ciao Milano www.ciaomilanofashion.com
Cino www.cinoapparel.com
Cop Copine www.cop-copine.com
ecoskin ecoskincollections.com
Elliott Lauren www.elliottlauren.com
Filomena Fernandez www.filomenafernandez.com
Geiger of Austria www.geigerofaustria.com
Georg Roth LA www.georgrothlosangeles.com
HIDESOCIETY www.hidesociety.com
Ingenue London www.ingenuelondon.com
Ioanna Kourbela www.essaycollections.com
Isabel de Pedro www.isabellacompany.com
Isda & Co. www.isda-and-co.com
Ivy & Blu www.ivyandblumaggyboutique.com
Jane Post www.janepost.com
Johnny Was Collection www.johnnywas.com
Jude Connally www.judeconnally.com
Katherine Barclay www.katherinebarclay.com
Kay Celine www.kayceline.com
Kollontai www.kollontai.net
Kontatto www.kontatto.com
Krimson Klover www.krimsonklover.com
Lauren Vidal www.laurenvidalusa.com
Lilla P www.lillap.com
Luna Luz www.lunaluzfashion.com
My Tribe www.my-tribe.net
Nor www.noer-denmark.dk
Oblique www.isabellacompany.com
Peace of Cloth www.pocnyc.com
Petit Pois by Viviana G www.mypetitpois.com
Pink Sheep Heiress www.212showroomnyc.net
Pure Amici
Raffi Cashmere www.raffionline.com
Rock N Karma rocknkarma.com
Ronen Chen www.ronenchen.com
Saint James USA www.saint-james.com
Sao Paulo www.saopaulofashion.com
sarah pacini www.sarahpacini.com
Save The Queen www.isabellacompany.com
Schneiders Salzburg www.schneidersUSA.com
Stella Carakasi www.stellacarakasi.com
Tees by Tina www.teesbytina.com
tyler boe www.tylerboe.com