show information september 14.15.16. 2014 javits center | NYC
welcome L O C AT I O N AT T H E J AV I T S C E N T E R
show hours Sunday, September 14 9am - 6pm
Monday, September 15 9am - 6pm
Tuesday, September 16 9am - 4pm
ride with uber
shuttle service ROUTE 1: 1ST STOP: Penn Station, on 8th Ave, between 30th & 31st Servicing: Double Tree Times Square South, The New Yorker Hotel, TRYP Times Square South 2ND STOP: Element Times Square South, on 39th St. between 8th & 9th Ave Servicing: Element Times Square, Intercontinental ROUTE 2: Times Square, Broadway & 47th St. *Please Note: Shuttle service begins one hour before the show opens and ends one hours after the show closes. The last day the shuttle service will end at 4:30. Parking Coupon: Download at STITCHSHOWS.COM/TRAVEL
UBER: The On Demand Car Service NEW TO UBER? Use code BJISEPT14 for a free ride (up to $30) to or from the show. ALREADY A USER? Use code BJI914 to receive 20% off (up to $10) your ride the day of the event. QUESTIONS? uber.com/nyc or supportNY@ uber.com
amenities /Enjoy a delightful breakfast, lunch and espresso shots served in the cafe daily /Fashion Totes to carry all those orders /Trend Gallery featuring brands from our show /Opening Day libations 5-6pm
We proudly welcome the industry to our first session of STITCH NY - designed and developed at the request of both brands and buyers. We at STITCH promise and commit to continually serve a community that has a shared passion for pushing the boundaries to enhance and improve the women’s affordable luxury market. A rare and refreshing offering in the women’s trade show arena, the goal at STITCH NY is to provide clarity and create community. Our keenly revised creative direction blends beautifully in our new cosmopolitan home. The gallery-like atmosphere of STITCH NY offers a luxury shopping experience that buyers have been waiting for. Our attention to every detail offers elevated catering, proper merchandising and unrivaled customer service. We ask you to join us as we create a friendlier and more prosperous future. We ask you to #STITCHTOGETHER & We thank you
The STITCH NY Team. Join the Community
union of angels
bohemian rhapsody
beautiful stories
sunlight au vyda
Get set for the open road with a free-flowing lace dress, toughened with leather details, and accessorized with precious accessories from your travels. photo courtesy of Union of Angels
komarov lauren vidal
orion at’eed
chikimiki Bold, luxe and ultra-modern, the new season’s wardrobe heroines are a powerful combination
deca paris
santiago knits
mc planet Buchanon and Kang
photos courtesy of Nor
cop copine
209 wst lunatisme, paris
something in the air
whistle & wolf
angels never die
charlotte tarantola
tees by tina Miraclebody jeans
Evoke the spirit of a more carefree era in this season’s elegantly refined pieces. photo courtesy of Whistle & Wolf
zoe couture
beyond threads
leota new york
show information september 14.15.16. 2014 javits center | NYC
stitchny brand directory 1336 209 WST
(212)921-7650 | rcocherl@dueperdue.com dueperdue.com
1417 212 Showroom NYC (212)302-0243 | mickeyvella@aol.com 212showroomnyc.net
1340 Alberto Makali
(212)819-9482 | sharedas@albertomakali.com albertomakali.com
1437 Angelrox
(917)991-9420 | info@angelrox.com angelrox.com
1312 Angels Never Die (212)563-4440 | fatima@ronirabl.com ronirabl.com
1451 Anonymous Showroom
(212)768-1060 | tinal@anonymousshowroom.com anonymousshowroom.com
1417 AU VYDA
(212)302-0243 | mickeyvella@aol.com 212showroomnyc.net
1433 Beautiful Stories (800)216-8427 | david@ibiausa.com perlmanrep.com
1346 Beyond Threads
(206)326-5557 | info@beyondthreads.com beyondthreads.com
1322 Buchanan & Kang (212)921-8800 mblume@buchanankang.com buchanankang.com
1423 By CSM
(201)488-1777 | info@tannersavenue.com tannersavenue.com
1451 Charlotte Tarantola (212)768-1060
tina@anonymousshowroom.com charlottetarantola.com
1415 Chikimiki
(212)243-6454 | info@chikimiki.com chikimiki.com
1338 Colletta
(604)525-2131 | jessica@buurfashion.com colletta.nl
1410 Cop Copine
(213)747-3534 | evictorgabriel@aol.com evictorgabriel.com
1431 Couleur by Finley
(214)748-7272 | ramey@thefinleyshirt.com thefinleyshirt.com
1411 Deca-Paris
(858)452-7777 | smadar@tivoliparis.com tivoliparis.com
1311 Donna Degnan
(212)629-4551 | suehorn@donnadegnan.com donnadegnan.com
1349 Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs
(888)443-3003 | lwolf@fabulousfurs.com fabulousfurs.com/wholesale
1417 Dore
(212)302-0243 | mickeyvella@aol.com 212showroomnyc.net
1410 E.Victor Gabriel
(213)747-3534 | evictorgabriel@aol.com evictorgabriel.com
1452 Elisa Cavaletti
212.302.2055 | sales@isabellacompany.com elisacavaletti.com
1335 Geiger of Austria
(800)451-3537 | connie.stgeorge@geigerus.com geiger-fashion.com
1417 Gelareh Designs
(212)302-0243 | mickeyvella@aol.com 212showroomnyc.net
1410 Grazia P., Italy
(213)747-3534 | evictorgabriel@aol.com evictorgabriel.com
1441 Hodges Collection (404)809-6245 camille@styleconsortium.com styleconsortium.com
1433 iBiA International Brands In America
1348 Martine Samoun
1350 Matti Mamane
(800)216-8427 | david@ibiausa.com perlmanrep.com
1324 Karen Harman
(917)528-8290 | lauren@karenharmaninc.com; abycas1@yahoo.com karenharmannyc.com
1417 Kollontai
(212)302-0243 | mickeyvella@aol.com 212showroomnyc.net
1326 Komarov
(213)244-7000 | grace@komarovinc.com komarovinc.com
1350 L..nk
(212)354-1805 | tdtshowroomny@aol.com link-studio.com.hr
1411 La Stampa
(858)452-7777 | smadar@tivoliparis.com tivoliparis.com
1411 La Stampa Plus (858)452-7777 | smadar@tivoliparis.com tivoliparis.com
1310 Lauren Vidal
(212)563-4440 | yael@ronirabl.com ronirabl.com
1347 Leigh Ann Barnes
(512)712-5775 | cgray@raretrends.com raretrends.com
1333 Leota New York (800)761-2850 | toby@leota.com; geena@leota.com leota.com
1453 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury (310)328-0408 cindy.freeman@nothingtowearshowroom.com shopstubtleluxury.com
1410 Lunatisme, Paris
(213)747-3534 | monika4evg@aol.com evictorgabriel.com
1314 Mado
(212)563-4440 | yael@ronirabl.com ronirabl.com
(212)302-3496 | odett@aol.com martinesamoun.com
(212)354-1805 | tdtshowroomny@aol.com mattimamane.com
1411 MC Planet
(858)452-7777 | smadar@tivoliparis.com tivoliparis.com
1450 Mel & Lisa (914)714-4009 lamdesigncorp@yahoo.com
1350 Michael alan Stein (212)354-1805 | tdtshowroomny@aol.com thedowntownshowroom.net
1451 Michel Mechant (212)768-1060 tina@anonymousshowroom.com anonymousshowroom.com
1327 MiracleBody Jeans
(212)398-0120 | jreimel@miraclebody.com miraclebodywholesale.com
1453 Miss June
(786)374-2726 | missjune.us@gmail.com miss-june.com
1332 Nally & Millie
(323)266-1451 | ben@nallyandmillie.com nallyandmillie.com
1410 Nana Nucci, Italy
(213)747-3534 | evictorgabriel@aol.com evictorgabriel.com
1332 Natural Origins
1436 Papillon Blanc (514)276-3763 sophie.emond@papillonblanc.com papillonblanc.com
1342 Pico Vela (202)352-4572 | picovela@gmail.com picovela.com
1433 Playful Promises (800)216-8427 | david@ibiausa.com perlmanrep.com
1453 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury (310)328-0408 cindy.freeman@nothingtowearshowroom.com shopstubtleluxury.com 1350 Prisa (212)354-1805 | tdtshowroomny@aol.com avantgardestyles.com
1347 Rare Trends
(512)712-5775 | cgray@raretrends.com www.raretrends.com
1350 Risona (212)354-1805 | tdtshowroomny@aol.com thedowntownshowroom.net
1310 Roni Rabl (212)563-4440 | yael@ronirabl.com ronirabl. com 1413 Santiago Knits (323)481-5534 | julio@santiagoknits.com santiagoknits.com
1445 Snowman (212) 239 8818 | jsuh@snowmannewyork.com snowmannewyork.com
(323)266-1451 | ben@nallyandmillie.com nallyandmillie.com
1453 Spun by Subtle Luxury
1410 Nor, Denmark
(310)328-0408 cindy.freeman@nothingtowearshowroom.com shopstubtleluxury.com
(213)747-3534 | evictorgabriel@aol.com evictorgabriel.com
1453 Nothing to Wear Showroom
(310)328-0408 cindy.freeman@nothingtowearshowroom.com shopstubtleluxury.com
1433 Orion At’eed
(800)216-8427 | info@ibiausa.com perlmanrep.com
1441 Style Consortium (404)809-6245 camille@styleconsortium.com styleconsortium.com
1410 Sunlight, Paris (213)747-3534 | evictorgabriel@aol.com evictorgabriel.com 1423 Tanners (201)488-1777 | info@tannersavenue.com tannersavenue.com
1423 Tanners Avenue
(201)488-1777 | info@tannersavenue.com tannersavenue.com
1344 Tara Vao
(914)965-2183 | kembali@optonline.net
1432 Tees by Tina
(813)792-9219 | sales@teesbytina.com teesbytina.com
1350 The Downtown Showroom
(212)354-1805 | tdtshowroomny@aol.com thedowntownshowroom.net
1452 The Isabella Company 212.302.2055 | sales@isabellacompany.com isabellacompany.com
1411 Tivoli Paris Collection
(858)452-7777 | smadar@tivoliparis.com tivoliparis.com
1419 Two Bees Cashmere
(404)816-0901 | info@twobeescashmere.com twobeescashmere.com
1444 Union of Angels
(703)615-3775 | cindyb@unionofangels.com unionofangels.com
(404)809-6245 camille@styleconsortium.com styleconsortium.com
1343 Vigorella
(250)537-7979 milkandhoneyagency@gmail.com vigorella.com.au
1433 Whistle & Wolf
(800)216-8427 | david@ibiausa.com perlmanrep.com
1455 Yummie by Heather Thomson
(440)668-8367 | lbartley@yummielife.com yummietummie.com
1425 Zoe Couture
(626)757-8806 | zoe@zoecouture.com zoecouture.com
stitchny categories ACCESSORIES
Angelrox 1437 Beautiful Stories 1433 Beyond Threads 1346 By CSM 1423 Chikimiki 1415 Cop Copine 1410 Hodges Collection 1441 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury 1453 Pico Vela 1342 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury 1453 Tanners 1423 The Downtown Showroom 1350
Angelrox 1437 Hodges Collection 1441 Tees by Tina 1432 Yummie by Heather Thomson 1455
Komarov 1326 L..nk 1350 Martine Samoun 1348 Matti Mamane 1350
Michael Alan Stein 1350 Pico Vela 1342 Prisa 1350 Risona 1350 Santiago Knits 1413 Tanners 1423 The Downtown Showroom 1350 The Isabella Company 1452 212 Showroom NYC 1417 Zoe Couture 1425
Alberto Makali 1340 Angelrox 1437 Angels Never Die 1310 AU VYDA 1417 Buchanan & Kang 1322 BLOUSES Chikimiki 1415 Alberto Makali 1340 Colletta 1338 Angels Never Die 1310 Deca-Paris 1411 AU VYDA 1417 Donna Degnan 1311 Beautiful Stories 1433 Dore 1417 Beyond Threads 1346 Geiger of Austria 1335 Buchanan & Kang 1322 Hodges Collection 1441 Couleur by Finley 1431 Kollontai 1417 Deca-Paris 1411 Komarov 1326 Dore 1417 L..nk 1350 Grazia P., Italy 1410 La Stampa 1411 iBiA International Brands In America 1433 La Stampa Plus 1411 Karen Harman 1324 Lauren Vidal 1310 Kollontai 1417 Matti Mamane 1350 Komarov 1326 MC Planet 1411 La Stampa 1411 Prisa 1350 La Stampa Plus 1411 Risona 1350 Lauren Vidal 1310 Santiago Knits 1413 Martine Samoun 1348 The Downtown Showroom 1350 MC Planet 1411 209 WST 1336 Tara Vao 1344 212 Showroom NYC 1417 Tees by Tina 1432 Vigorella 1343 The Isabella Company 1452 Zoe Couture 1425 209 WST 1336 212 Showroom NYC 1417
AU VYDA 1417 Beyond Threads 1346 Buchanan & Kang 1322 By CSM 1423 Dore 1417 Geiger of Austria 1335 Hodges Collection 1441 Karen Harman 1324 Kollontai 1417
Alberto Makali 1340 Angelrox 1437 Angels Never Die 1310 AU VYDA 1417 By CSM 1423 Charlotte Tarantola 1451 Cop Copine 1410 Deca-Paris 1411 Dore 1417 E.Victor Gabriel 1410
Grazia P., Italy 1410 Hodges Collection 1441 iBiA International Brands In America 1433 Karen Harman 1324 Kollontai 1417 La Stampa 1411 La Stampa Plus 1411 Lauren Vidal 1310 Leota New York 1333 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury 1453 Mado 1310 Martine Samoun 1348 MC Planet 1411 Miss June 1453 Nana Nucci, Italy 1410 Nor, Denmark 1410 Pico Vela 1342 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury 1453 Santiago Knits 1413 Spun by Subtle Luxury 1453 Sunlight, Paris 1410 Tanners 1423 Tara Vao 1344 Tees by Tina 1432 209 WST 1336 212 Showroom NYC 1417 Vigorella 1343 Yummie by Heather Thomson 1455
Alberto Makali 1340 Cop Copine 1410 MiracleBody Jeans 1327 The Isabella Company 1452 Yummie by Heather Thomson 1455
Angelrox 1437 Angels Never Die 1310 AU VYDA 1417 Chikimiki 1415 Deca-Paris 1411 Dore 1417 Kollontai 1417 La Stampa 1411 La Stampa Plus 1411 Lauren Vidal 1310 MC Planet 1411 Santiago Knits 1413 Tara Vao 1344 Yummie by Heather Thomson 1455
Alberto Makali 1340 Angelrox 1437 Angels Never Die 1310 AU VYDA 1417 Beautiful Stories 1433
Buchanan & Kang 1322 By CSM 1423 Charlotte Tarantola 1451 Colletta 1338 Deca-Paris 1411 Donna Degnan 1311 Dore 1417 Grazia P., Italy 1410 Hodges Collection 1441 iBiA International Brands In America 1433 Kollontai 1417 Komarov 1326 La Stampa 1411 La Stampa Plus 1411 Lauren Vidal 1310 Leota New York 1333 Martine Samoun 1348 MC Planet 1411 Michael Alan Stein 1350 MiracleBody Jeans 1327 Nally & Millie 1332 Nana Nucci, Italy 1410 Papillon Blanc 1436 Playful Promises 1433 Sunlight, Paris 1410 Tanners 1423 Tara Vao 1344 Tees by Tina 1432 The Isabella Company 1452 209 WST 1336 212 Showroom NYC 1417 Vigorella 1343 Whistle & Wolf 1433
Santiago Knits 1413 Spun by Subtle Luxury 1453
Alberto Makali 1340 Angelrox 1437 By CSM 1423 Charlotte Tarantola 1451 Colletta 1338 Geiger of Austria 1335 Hodges Collection 1441 Lauren Vidal 1310 Leota New York 1333 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury 1453 Nally & Millie 1332 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury 1453 Santiago Knits 1413 Spun by Subtle Luxury 1453 Tanners 1423 Tara Vao 1344 Vigorella 1343 Yummie by Heather Thomson 1455
AU VYDA 1417 Dore 1417 Kollontai 1417 Komarov 1326 Leota New York 1333
Alberto Makali 1340 By CSM 1423 Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs 1349 Tanners 1423
Angels Never Die 1310 Charlotte Tarantola 1451 Deca-Paris 1411 Donna Degnan 1311 L..nk 1350 Lauren Vidal 1310 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury 1453 Matti Mamane 1350 Michel Mechant 1451 Pico Vela 1342 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury 1453
Angels Never Die 1310 Beautiful Stories 1433 Beyond Threads 1346 Buchanan & Kang 1322 Charlotte Tarantola 1451 Chikimiki 1415 Cop Copine 1410 Deca-Paris 1411 Geiger of Austria 1335 Hodges Collection 1441 iBiA International Brands In America 1433 Komarov 1326 Lauren Vidal 1310 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury 1453 MC Planet 1411 Michel Mechant 1451 Nally & Millie 1332 Nana Nucci, Italy 1410 Nor, Denmark 1410 Orion At’eed 1433 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury 1453 Santiago Knits 1413 Spun by Subtle Luxury 1453 The Isabella Company 1452 Two Bees Cashmere 1419 209 WST 1336 Zoe Couture 1425
Angelrox 1437 Chikimiki 1415 Hodges Collection 1441 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury 1453
Nor, Denmark 1410 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury 1453 Spun by Subtle Luxury 1453 Tees by Tina 1432 Yummie by Heather Thomson 1455
Alberto Makali 1340 Beautiful Stories 1433 Beyond Threads 1346 By CSM 1423 Chikimiki 1415 Deca-Paris 1411 Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs 1349 Geiger of Austria 1335 Hodges Collection 1441 MC Planet 1411 Santiago Knits 1413 Tanners 1423
Angelrox 1437 Angels Never Die 1310 AU VYDA 1417 Beautiful Stories 1433 Buchanan & Kang 1322 Chikimiki 1415 Deca-Paris 1411 Donna Degnan 1311 Dore 1417 Geiger of Austria 1335 Grazia P., Italy 1410 Hodges Collection 1441 Kollontai 1417 Komarov 1326 La Stampa 1411 La Stampa Plus 1411 Lauren Vidal 1310 Martine Samoun 1348 MC Planet 1411 MiracleBody Jeans 1327 Papillon Blanc 1436 Roni Rabl 1310 Sunlight, Paris 1410 Tara Vao 1344 The Isabella Company 1452 209 WST 1336 212 Showroom NYC 1417 Vigorella 1343
Alberto Makali 1340 Angelrox 1437 Beyond Threads 1346 Buchanan & Kang 1322 Hodges Collection 1441 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury 1453 Miss June 1453 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury 1453
stitchny categories Santiago Knits 1413 Spun by Subtle Luxury 1453 Tara Vao 1344 Tees by Tina 1432 Two Bees Cashmere 1419 Vigorella 1343
Beautiful Stories 1433 Chikimiki 1415 Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs 1349 Grazia P., Italy 1410 Hodges Collection 1441 Komarov 1326 Lauren Vidal 1310 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury 1453 Martine Samoun 1348 Nor, Denmark 1410 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury 1453 Zoe Couture 1425
Alberto Makali 1340 Angels Never Die 1310 AU VYDA 1417 Beautiful Stories 1433 Buchanan & Kang 1322 Chikimiki 1415 Deca-Paris 1411 Donna Degnan 1311 Dore 1417 Hodges Collection 1441 iBiA International Brands In America 1433 Kollontai 1417 Komarov 1326 La Stampa 1411 La Stampa Plus 1411 Lauren Vidal 1310 Leota New York 1333 Martine Samoun 1348 MC Planet 1411 Miss June 1453 Nally & Millie 1332 Papillon Blanc 1436 Playful Promises 1433 Santiago Knits 1413 Tara Vao 1344 Tees by Tina 1432 The Isabella Company 1452 209 WST 1336 212 Showroom NYC 1417 Whistle & Wolf 1433
Alberto Makali 1340 Angels Never Die 1310 Buchanan & Kang 1322 Colletta 1338 Deca-Paris 1411 Donna Degnan 1311 Geiger of Austria 1335
Komarov 1326 L..nk 1350 La Stampa 1411 La Stampa Plus 1411 Loungerie By Subtle Luxury 1453 Matti Mamane 1350 MC Planet 1411 Michael Alan Stein 1350 MiracleBody Jeans 1327 Prisa 1350 Risona 1350 The Downtown Showroom 1350 The Isabella Company 1452 Two Bees Cashmere 1419 209 WST 1336 212 Showroom NYC 1417
Alberto Makali 1340 Angels Never Die 1310 Beautiful Stories 1433 Beyond Threads 1346 Charlotte Tarantola 1451 Chikimiki 1415 Deca-Paris 1411 Geiger of Austria 1335 Hodges Collection 1441 iBiA International Brands In America 1433 Komarov 1326 Lauren Vidal 1310 MC Planet 1411 Michel Mechant 1451 Orion At’eed 1433 Pico Vela 1342 Pool to Party by Subtle Luxury 1453 Santiago Knits 1413 The Isabella Company 1452 Two Bees Cashmere 1419 Zoe Couture 1425
show information show14.15.16. information september 2014 september 14.15.16. 2014 javits center | NYC javits center | NYC
Showrooms at stitchny Buchanan & Kang 1322 Chikimiki 1415 Cop Copine 1410 Couleur by Finley 1431 Deca-Paris 1411 Donna Degnan 1311 Dore 1417 Hodges Collection 1441 iBiA International Brands In America 1433 Kollontai 1417 La Stampa 1411 La Stampa Plus 1411 Lauren Vidal 1310 Martine Samoun 1348 MC Planet 1411 Michel Mechant 1451 MiracleBody Jeans 1327 Miss June 1453 Nally & Millie 1332 Nor, Denmark 1410 Papillon Blanc 1436 Playful Promises 1433 Sunlight, Paris 1410 Tara Vao 1344 Tees by Tina 1432 The Isabella Company 1452 209 WST 1336 Vigorella 1343 Whistle & Wolf 1433 Yummie by Heather Thomson 1455
Charlotte Tarantola · Michel Mechant
L..nk · Matti Mamane · Prisa · Michael alan Stein · Risona
Akela Key · Angel Iglesias · Cop Copine · Grazia P Italy Lunatisme, paris · Nana Nucci · Nor · Sunlight
beautiful stories playfull promises · whistle & wolf
angels never die · lauren vidal · mado
hodges collection· Viereck
Alberto Makali 1340 Angels Never Die 1310 Charlotte Tarantola 1451 Chikimiki 1415 Deca-Paris 1411 Hodges Collection 1441 La Stampa 1411 La Stampa Plus 1411 Lauren Vidal 1310 Martine Samoun 1348 MC Planet 1411 Nor, Denmark 1410
Alberto Makali 1340 Angelrox 1437 Angels Never Die 1310 AU VYDA 1417 Beautiful Stories 1433 Beyond Threads 1346
pool to party by sublte luxury· loungerie by subtle luxury·spun by subtle luxury·miss june
DECA Paris · LA Stampa · La Stampa Plus · MC Planet
AU VYDA · Dore · Kollantai · gelareh designs
JOIN US IN FEBRUARY 23.24.25 2015 (TBC)
FOR INQUIRIES CALL 212-710-7435 or 661-313-6532 #stitchtogether
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