CORNERSTONE Winter 2008/2009
Dear Friends of Arundel Cathedral CATHEDRAL MAINTENANCE This issue of Cornerstone is concerned primarily with the maintenance of the Cathedral, or in other words where the Friends’ money goes. What becomes clear in looking through the programme of works (pages 6 & 7) is that what appears to be absolutely solid – stone and slate and iron – is in fact surprisingly fragile. Despite the very high standards of specification and workmanship of our Victorian forebears, the passage of almost 140 years takes its toll, and constant attention is required to ensure the building’s continuing good health. We as Friends are able to make a substantial annual contribution to the upkeep of the Cathedral, and can take considerable satisfaction in doing so. Unlike the Friends of an art gallery or museum, however, whose funding can be attached to particular purchases, our funding goes towards works which are for the most part invisible: the necessary but unglamorous process of repair and renewal. It has been suggested by some members that it would be helpful not only to outline the works undertaken, as is done in this newsletter, but to draw attention to key works supported by the Friends’ funding. This we intend to do, so look out for notices in the Cathedral publicising works that we have been able to support. In maintaining the Cathedral we should never forget that the reason for doing so is to provide a fitting and inspiring location for worship. We hope that you will be able to attend some or many of the services during the year, particularly for the great occasions of Easter (starting with the Chrism Mass on Wednesday 8 April) and of course Corpus Christi (11 June), when the Cathedral really comes into its own. Oliver Hawkins Chairman, The Friends of Arundel Cathedral Winter 2009
REPORT FROM THE CANON Dear Friends Reflecting over the year just gone, the Cathedral has enjoyed two very special occasions. The first being the visit of the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Sainz Muñoz to the Diocese culminating in his celebrating the Mass and Procession of Corpus Christi here in Arundel last May. This was a highly successful visit that was appreciated by many who visited the Cathedral on that day for the annual carpet of flowers. The second event was much more personal to the Cathedral Parish community, this being the first Mass in Arundel of Brother Bruno Clifton OP following his ordination to the priesthood in Edinburgh the previous weekend. This was followed by a reception in the Baron’s Hall in the Castle. The Cathedral Deacon and his wife, David and Monica Clifton and all the local community are justifiably very proud of Bruno and look forward to following his career in the order with some interest. Other lesser events included on October 4th, the annual animal blessing service on the feast of St Francis (with caged birds for the first time in my tenure) and the annual September visit to the Cathedral of Bishop Kieran and the seminarians following a Mass at the shrine of St Richard in Chichester Cathedral. From the pastoral side, the parish enjoyed a very successful barbeque in the Cathedral grounds with over a hundred parishioners attending (this equates to just over a quarter of the regular Mass attendance). Corpus Christi last year was again a very successful event though the effects of the credit crunch were felt with donations being lower. Shop purchases however were on a par with previous years. Looking to 2009, the theme of the carpet will probably focus on the celebration of the Year of St Paul. The finances of the Cathedral are reasonable although savings will need to be made to counteract the fluctuations in fuel prices. We are currently examining possible projects for the future including the refurbishment of St. Mary’s Hall and the need to sort out the infinite car parking problems for Cathedral functions. Although we have money from legacies put aside for such developments much fundraising will also be needed. On-going repairs to the fabric of the buildings continue. Major emergency work has been carried out to the organ loft windows and repairs to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel roof are ongoing. As I write these notes, excessive fall of chalk has occurred in the Lady Chapel which probably indicates that the roof is in a similar need of attention. The quinquennial report (five yearly architect’s report on the structures in the Cathedral Parish) highlighted future works that will need to be attended to, outlined in the Chairman’s report on pages 6 and 7. Cathedral House too will need some repair especially to the majority of the south facing windows, masonry and associated woodwork.
The restored statue of St Anthony has now been reinstalled within the Cathedral near the shop and was blessed by Bishop Kieran on 19 October, the Solemnity of St Philip Howard, as witnessed by those of the Friends who gathered for the AGM. The work has been of an extremely high quality bearing in mind the extreme damage the statue had suffered over the years and we are now looking to possibly sending our rather tatty St Joseph away for a similar makeover. On the personnel front there have been a number of changes among some of the well known volunteers. Mrs Peggy O’Neil who had run the shop (sometimes single-handedly) for a number of years died last autumn, having resigned from her duties a couple of months previous due to her ill health. The level of affection for this special lady was shown by the sheer number of people who attended her requiem from across all the communities here in Arundel and beyond. The shop now has a team of people serving our visitors. Please contact Jenny Bloxham via the Cathedral Office for more information. In the Sacristy, John Brazier also has been extremely ill with regular bouts in hospital. In his absence, a committed team of parishioners have taken on the work led by Graham Monet. For the visitor to the Cathedral, a display on the Year of St Paul has been added which will include take-away leaflets on each of his epistles. Other leaflets include one on Legacies and Wills and soon this will be joined by ones on Mass Intentions and Indulgencies. Deacon David has also designed and had printed candle cards for those wishing to pray for particular people and send them a note to this effect. Looking into this year of 2009, this Spring, the Diocese with the help of some of the grant given by the Friends will be replacing the rather worn and dangerous sanctuary carpet in the Cathedral. Let us hope the new one lasts as long as the forty years of the one it is replacing. Reviewing this report you will see a regular schedule of maintenance and upgrading which befits our beautiful grade 1 listed Cathedral. The Friends annual grant aids the diocese dramatically plus grants we get from outside bodies and as you will have seen, from legacies. Please read carefully the note from our chairman about legacies and consider how you can help the Cathedral in the decades to come. Please come and support the Cathedral at the many events during the year, especially Holy Week and Easter, Corpus Christi and the AGM of the Friends and the Solemnity of St Philip Howard, this year on Sunday 18th October. With my Best wishes Canon Tim Madeley, Cathedral Dean
PROGRAMME OF WORKS The maintenance programme for the Cathedral is drawn up on the basis of a five-yearly inspection by external architects. The Quinquennial Inspection Report for 2007 has identified a range of necessary works, prioritised as short, medium and long-term, for the repair and renewal of the fabric of the building. Comments on recent and current work are included in Canon Tim’s report (pages 3 & 4). Medium term priorities, ie those we should aim to achieve by the end of 2010, consist of works ranging from minor items such as repainting the handrails at the western entrance (estimated at £250), to major projects. The most significant of these is likely to be the repair of the fleche, the small spire above the transept, which despite its relatively recent installation (many of us remember seeing it hoisted into place) is showing signs of distress. The architects believe that simply replicating the glass-reinforced plastic structure of the 1970s would only provide a short-lived solution, and they suggest that the fleche be re-created using lead-work as in the original design. One can’t help feeling that the ghost of Joseph Hansom will be somewhat amused, although rather less amusing is the estimated cost for this major work, in the region of £125,000. Other works in the medium-term programme include repairs to the existing slate covering to the south aisle roof (estimate £3000), repairs to the nave roof space at the west window (from £2500 to £5000), new protective coatings to the external doors (£2500), a thorough inspection by a stonework conservator of the south transept external masonry ((£2500 - £5000) and a number of other inspections and surveys. As the architects observe in their report, most of the proposed works are far from glamorous, but nevertheless essential for the proper maintenance of the fabric. Longer-term works Works anticipated in the period up to 2013 are particularly concerned with roofing, with estimates of around £50,000 for renewing the slate roofing above the chancel once the fleche has been replaced, £30,000 for
the eastern slope of the north transept roof, and ÂŁ10,000 for new roofcoverings above the confessionals. Additionally it is proposed to carry out repairs to the ornate pinnacles at the east end of the building, many of which have lost portions of their stonework (fortunately not on to the heads of passers-by). This work will be undertaken while whatever scaffolding is required for roof repairs is in place, to facilitate access. Further substantial roofing repairs and renewals are identified for the fiveyear period from 2013 to 2018, and there is also the possibility of a major conservation programme for the masonry at the west front. It is likely that other needs will become apparent over time, some of which will doubtless become evident in the next quinquennial inspection. One thing we can be certain of is that the grant we as Friends are able to make will find worthwhile and necessary use.
NEWS FROM THE FRIENDS The Friends’ Christmas concert, held in the Cathedral on Friday 19 December, in association with the Arundel Cathedral Choir, was a great success. The young soloists, assisted this year with microphones, were in particularly good voice. The audience enjoyed a varied programme of choir pieces, solos, instrumental pieces and readings with a Christmas theme, as well as plenty of opportunities to join in the singing. For both the Friends and the Choir the evening represented a fulfilment of our aims to make the best possible use possible of the Cathedral. Although numbers were lower than for the previous year a modest profit was made. Many thanks to all those who took part and to those Friends who made the effort to attend. It is our intention to join with the Cathedral Choir again for a concert next Christmas, with greater efforts on our part to publicise the event effectively to ensure a good attendance. We have been involved in a number of guided tours of the Cathedral during the year, with groups ranging from primary school children to visitors from St Dunstan’s with their carers. Friends from beyond the Arundel parish are reminded that we are always happy to arrange for a guide should they wish to bring a group. In the present economic climate it is not surprising that the value of the Friends’ investment portfolio has reduced. We do not, however, anticipate having to reduce our annual grant to the Diocese. We were very fortunate during last year to receive two substantial legacies. The Friends of Arundel Cathedral are most grateful, and would encourage all members to consider the possibility of leaving a bequest, great or small. Because the Friends have charitable status any legacy will be exempt from inheritance tax, and thus reduce the overall tax liability of your estate. The Friends’ Office (01903 884567) can provide advice on how to include the appropriate wording in your will.
The Friends of Arundel Cathedral registered as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital (No 3792834). Registered Charity No 1078149. Address: The Friends’ Office, Cathedral House, Parson’s Hill, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9AY Tel: 01903 884567 Email: Website: