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Bj Schlesener
Fair warning: Please remember to breathe as you read my profile! Are you tired of reading profiles that say things like, "I like watching movies and going to nice restaurants"? What did they leave out? That they like breathing, too? I promise that I won't bore you with such superficialities. If you are as zany as I am, you probably want to find someone similar -- like me! You won't fall for someone just because they like pizza and have a pulse. You want individuality, uniqueness, and maybe a tad of eccentricity, too! I won't tell you that I like walks on the beach, traveling, and having fun. You've probably read umpteen such profiles that really tell you nothing about the person. Instead, I will give you a look-see into what makes me tick. If you spend the next minute reading my profile, you will probably be intrigued by what I have to say. I can make you smile because my profile will entertain you, if nothing else! You are about to meet someone who is realistic and down-to-earth, not dreamy and looking for P