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OCT-DEC, 2010

WORK LIFE BALANCE Tips and Techniques: These are typical signs of work life balance gone amuck: Feeling that you are merely trying to get through the day: Barely making it to the end of the week and feeling completely exhausted by the time you get home; Feeling that you are on the merry-go-round of life and just wanting to get off; Feeling like you are falling behind and never catching up in the game of life. If you are not “Wicked happy” then there are a couple of rules you should know about work/life balance. Rule#1: people that have work/life balance don’t always have work/life balance. Think of it as a continuum from a 10 being “perfect balance” to a 1 meaning “total chaos.” Where do you fall on that continuum most of the time? Is it time to change course? Rule#2: is that technuques that work for some may not work for others. Analyzing your present situation is the beginning step in the process toward wholeness. Setting Goals: Rule#3: balance comes form answering a series of questions about yourself on a regular basis. For, example, am I clear about my personal, professional and play goals? If you are not crystal clear on your goals, you will only get mixed results. Rule#4: achieving work/life balance is incremental. There are really no silver bullet solutions. There are only minor tips and technuques that have a cumulative effect if implemented. I recommend that you examine the four stages of the work/life balance process. (I) In the first step, Self-Assessment, your objective is to answer the question, “Who am I?” You will want to reflect on your skills, values, interests and priorities. Writing down your thoughts and ideas is an excellent way to start. Share your ideas with a professional or someone you trust to be your “accountability buddy.” (II) Next, comes the Exploration state. Here you want to answer the question “Whre am I going?” You will want to

come up with your goals that match the information gained in the first stage. You will need to be clear about your personal definition of success. I suggest you have goals in these areas of your life: faith, family, friends, finances, fitness, fun (yes, fun), future career development, and finally further learning. What investments will you make in these areas? (III) Third is the Implementation stage where you answer the question “How do I get there?” Here you are developing a strategic action plan to obtain your goals on a weekly, monthly and annual basis. Make sure these goals are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time-senstive. (IV) At the end comes the Evaluation stage when you determine what went right and what went wrong. Let’s take a look at a few tips that you may find useful: Visualize your ideal life- dare to dream and write down the top ten things you want to accomplish on your “life list.” Write down your personal vision statement and mission statement- it will help you see where you are going in life. Turn off the televisionstudies show that it creates depression.. It is a passive activity that won’t give you energy. Limit Internet time- set better boundaries so that technology does not rule your life. Pursue your passion persistently- own it and be desciplined in achieving what you truly desire out of life Keep a journal- it will help you on a regular basis to stay focused on what is important to you. Every weekend set a goal of doing one fun activity. Define your daily exercise time- what works best for you, 30 minutes in the morning, afternoon or evening? Go to bed a half hour early and get up a half hour earlythis allows you to carve out additional personal time. When confronted with a choice, ask yourself: What’s the (Contd. on Page 5)


OCT-DEC, 2010


BRIEF REPORT OF THE VISIT OF BK MOHAN SINGHAL, NATIONAL CO-ORDINATOR, SEW to U.S.A Dear divine brothers & sisters I am meeting you through this letter to share some of the service news of my recent visit to U.S.A. The visit lasted for five weeks from 16th July to 23rd August 2010 and was in 3 legs. The first leg which started from 17th July and lasted for

Dallas: One to one Dialogue with Mr Ravi Shah, Director of Urban Development & Chairman of Sustainability Committee on Harmonizing with Nature & Environment.

Achieving Success in Life, Celebrating Inner Freedom, Save the Earth Planet & some other topics. Some special programmes included live Radio Interview on Science & Spirituality at Dallas, and One to one Dialogue with the the Director of Urban development & Chairman of sustainability committee on Harmonizing with Nature & Environment in

Audience participating in the programme of Dialogue.

about 12 days took me to Dayton, Cincinati, Columbus, Cleveland, Deteroid, Dallas, Oklahama and Houston. The second leg was from 2nd August and covered Newyork, Peace village, Boston, Edison, Cinnamension and Atlantik city. The 3rd and final leg was of California State covering San Francisco, Novota (Anubhuti), Milpitas, Sacramento, meirwood and some other small places. My base station was Chicago. In addition to regularly addressing the BK Classes at centres, the public programmes at most of the places was a regular features which covered the lectures & PowerPoint Presentations on various topics like Spiritual Empowerment, Mind Management, Living Happily, Human Nature & Environment, Simply Living Lightly, Life Management,

which we both first presented our views with PowerPoint Presentations and then discussed the topic. Later public was invited to ask the questions and we both answered them. Usually all the evening public programmes were followed by dinner. This ensured the full participation of public till the end. At one place (Sacramento), the programme was in the Church on Sunday where after the Prayer & Sermon by the Priest, I was invited to speak. About 400 people were benefitted by the programme. Later all were tied Rakhis by the sisters, given tilak on their forehead. Baba’s Blessing cards & Toli was also distributed. The programme lasted for more than 3 hrs & was extremely impressive.

Oklahama: Group photo with some of the participants after the programme on MIND MANAGEMENT at public library.

Deteroid (Michigan): Some of the participants after the programme on SAVE THE EARTH PLANET (STEP).

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In Chicago, at the biggest Hindu temple at Lomand, a lecture on Rajyoga was delivered for about 40 minutes after the Hath yoga classes which were attended by about 80 persons (All Westerners). They showed keen interest in Rajyoga. In a number of centres and specially at places where official centres is not there but families conduct the class at their own, Raksha Bandhan Festival was celebrated. It brought the regular BK’s & new comers more near to Baba. Tear of joys were seen flowing from the eyes of participants at a number of places. At some Places, One full day Bhatti with 3 to 4 Classses were organised. Participants had a feeling as they are in Madhuban, enjoying Baba’s subtle company. The classes on “Skype” was a regular feature in U.S. where BK’s from large distances also participate, listen Murlis & interact. In addition to Murlis, one workshop on “Sakshidrashta” was also organised one day in which members actively participated, presented their views and asked


questions which were replied to their satisfaction. Family gatherings were a noble feature. The BK family use to call the contact people at their houses on lunch/dinner which would convert into a regular meeting after some introductory lectures. These Programmes were very successful and brought the relatives and friends of BK members nearere to the organisation. At number of places "Save The Earth Planet” (STEP) programme was explained to BK familiy members which inspired all. In Houston(Texas), It was a pleasant surprise to get the phone calls & messages from some old colleagues of Indian School of Mines, (I.S.M.) Dhanbad, from where I passed 1967. In Houston, Alumini Association of I.S.M. is there. I have informed them about my visit earlier. Due to shortage of time, we could not meet personally, but interacted on telephone & recollected our good olden days of our student life. They were conveyed the godly message. In all, I visited about 20 cities in 35 days and got an opportunity to do Baba's services at all places. In short, the visit was quite a fulfilling one.


Ahmedabad (SSB): BK Sarla didi, Chairperson, SEW (extremely left) and Mr Ravibhai Thakkar, President, Rotary Club, Maningar, Ahmedabad (in middle) planting a tree in the premises of Rotary Club.

Farukhabad (UP): Dr P K Porval, Chief Medical Officer and Dr (Ms) Anita Ranjan, Director, Medical College, Planting the trees to mark the AVYAKT DIWAS (25th August) of Former Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Rajyogini Dadi Prakashmani ji.

Roorkee: Director of IIT, Roorkee, is being tied Rakhi by BK Sonia, Rajyoga Teacher, Roorkee.

Cuttack (College Square): BK Kuldeep behn, tying Rakhi to Dr Jagdeeshwari Rao, Principal, Scientist Crop Improvement Division, CRRI. BK Kulvir Looks on.


OCT-DEC, 2010


LIFE IN THE BALANCE Charles Hogg explores the trick of maintaining a balance in life Some incidents in childhood leave deep impressions. I have a deep memory of a television programme showing a tightrope walker crossing Niagara Falls. I was fascinated as he carefully placed one foot after another in a state of total concentration. Sometimes he stopped to re-balance and reassess his position. Only one slip or slight imbalance and he could have fallen hundreds of metres into the turbulent white waters below. It was breathtaking. Some of us feel life is similar. Finding our inner balance while living amongst many extremes, like the tightrope walker, can be precarious. It can create extraordinary tension. We live in a world of duality, and at every second we have to make decisions about where we sit between so many extremes. Should I tolerate the situation in silence or should I face it and express how I really feel? Am I coming from a point of self-respect or am I just being arrogant? Am I being selfish or am I just being sensible and looking after my own needs? When should I let things be and when should I push for what I want? Taoist philosophy expresses these dilemmas in the ancient Ying Yang symbol. At almost every second we are faced with the duality of opposites. Unfortunately, there is no formula for finding the right balance. Each situation requires a different mix of seemingly diametrically opposed forces. Some situations require us to be totally assertive and express how we feel. Other situations require us to let go in favour of others’ needs and desires, and at other times a mixture between the two. Every situation depends on our ability to objectively view a situation and discern the middle path. In my experience, the middle path means to find a point of silence from which I observe all the tides of influences and opinion. From that point I clearly see the path I need to take. Most of us find life a constant juggle in which we try to fulfil many different responsibilities. Firstly, to our family and friends—most of us do feel relationships to be the highest priority. Secondly, our responsibilities in our chosen career. Thirdly, to our other interests, whether they be community service, sport or just our own recreation. Neglecting one can create stress. The greatest stress does not come from overwork, but from the worry that we are neglecting an area of our life. It’s common knowledge that workaholics who may be brilliant in their field often use work to escape areas of their life they find difficult. Perhaps there’s conflict at home, or even a lack of self-worth. Going to an extreme is usually a sign of covering up a lack in another area. We seem to pursue the

things we are good at, but very cleverly create our life to avoid those things that challenge us or we find difficult. A renowned public speaker once told me he had so much confidence in front of a crowd, but when it came to one-toone communication he often felt totally inadequate, so he avoided it. The result, imbalance! I took up the practice of meditation when I was just twenty-one years old. One of the wonderful benefits of meditation I discovered was the art of objectively viewing myself, like a member of an audience watching my own performance on stage. As I watched myself I could see how hard I was trying to please others, constantly compromising what I really wanted or needed. It was more important to seek respect from others than from myself. The result ... more imbalance. So, do I have a responsibility to myself, and what is it? How many of us reach a point where the anxiety of juggling our various responsibilities reaches an extreme. It’s often at this point I reassess my priorities. An Australian social researcher, Hugh Mackay, described the 1980’s as the “anxious 80’s”. He observed that many people were opting for the “inner journey”; a total change of attitude where one begins to look internally to resolve anxiety and extremism. Blaming others and situations is the path of self-deception, but taking responsibility for how I feel is my true path. I neither resist the challenges that life brings me nor am I overwhelmed by them. But how do we find our point of balance in each situation? We need to extract ourselves totally from the influence, opinions and even past perceptions and take the ‘helicopter view’. From there we can view the whole picture with clarity. Detachment has always been the mark of great thinkers because it is only when we see the situation as a detached observer can we perceive the real truth. Otherwise our emotions, desires or attachments cloud our clarity. Detachment is so necessary to find true balance, but to many of us it can tend to feel clinical, or lacking in heart. That is why the first and foremost balance is love and detachment. Love is the greatest need. Those who always express their love with a pure motive will always feel full of love. But to be truly loving we need detachment. When we are detached from others we are not irritated or affected by their actions, so we can maintain our love. Our love isn’t conditional to others’ responses. We are not trading in the business of love which says, “If you do this, only then will you receive my love ...” (Contd. on Page 5)


Life in the ...

OCT-DEC, 2010 (Contd. from Page 4)

Sometimes we have to show total love and support but other times we have to stand back and allow others to stand on their own feet. Here, our detachment can be a form of respect, where they can do without us. Being loving and detached is like a protection from different influences and atmospheres, where others’ moods, inaccuracies and perceptions cannot disturb our clarity. The practice of meditation takes you into the ‘helicopter view’ naturally. From there you can see the complete picture and become a more balanced person. Some of the areas in which you will find balance are: Analysis and Acceptance Some situations require clear analysis, but analysis does not end the matter. The mind repeats events again and again and we try to maintain our objectivity. But acceptance can clear subjective feelings and allow us to get on with life. Acceptance does not mean denial or suppression but a deeper wisdom that realises nothing more can be done. All we can do is take the lesson from whatever has happened and progress into the future. Humility and Authority When we have self-respect, our words and actions

WORLD HABITAT DAY (1st Monday of October) The UN’s World Habitat Day was first celebrated in 1986 with the theme “Shelter is My Right”. Nairobi was allocated as the host city for the observance that year. This annual event is held on the first Monday of October with a new theme each year. The idea is to reflect on the state of human settlements and the necessity of adequate shelter for all. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of human habitat. Previous themes included: “Shelter for the Homeless” (1987); “Our Neighbourhood” (1995); “Future Cities” (1997); “Safer Cities” (1998); “Women in Urban Governance” (2000); “Cities without Slums” (2001) and “Water and Sanitation for Cities” (2003). UNHABITAT has decided the theme Better City, Better Life for the World Habitat Day 2010 to highlight the collective vision of a sustainable urban world that harnesses the potential and possibilities, mitigates inequalities and disparities, and provides a home for people of all cultures and ages, both rich and poor.


express humility. Some say they admire humility, yet feel that humble people can become doormats. But true humility is a point of gentle strength and authority. This is self-authority, not an authority that imposes control over others. The one with humility will speak with truth but their authority will not hurt the hearts of others. Others will admire the dignity and self-assurance of such a person. The balance of humility and self-authority is the foundation of a great leader. Satisfaction and Ambition Some people are never satisfied. No matter how much they have, they want more. It is a cancerous type of inner peacelessness that never allows them to be quiet and enjoy the present. Others seem to have no motivation to improve on any level. One of the gifts of meditation practice is discovering a deep awareness of our spiritual self and our relationship with God. This cools down the ambition for recognition, and creates a feeling of fullness and contentment. However, even with this inner satisfaction, there can still be the ambition to improve our own lives and to help others. But this is not an ambition that seeks the approbation of others, but comes from a point of genuine benevolence. -Charles Hogg, Director of the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centres of Australia.

Work Life Balance ...

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cost? Will this add to my life or create more stress? Let go of people and things that are holding you back (i.e. clutter, negativity, clothing, luxury items, toys, etc.) Prune any activities that are not productive or nonpriorities. Say three gratitude’s each night- when you do this you will realize that you are too blessed to stress. Reprioritize- What are your top 10 priorities for this year? Rank them in terms of highest, high and low. Every weekend make it a goal to call two friends- you won’t have any regrets about building up these relationships. Turn every occasion in your life into a positive- even negative experiences are seen as “What can I learn from this?” Live simply- expect less and give more. After reading this article, answer these questions. I need to: Start doing..., Stop doing..., Continue doing..., Do more..., Do less..., Do differently... Many people today are busy making a living. They don’t have time to make a life. You can’t expect to continue down the same path & get the authentic changes you really want in your life. Where you go in life is up to you? Where you go with your work/life balance should be by choice not chance. - Thomas J.Denham from AMA News


OCT-DEC, 2010


HOW TO TAKE YOURSELF LIGHTLY A burdened mind may snatch some fleeting, short-lived moments of pleasure, but it cannot experience true happiness. Remaining always light is the key to happiness. In today’s conditions, the ability to take yourself and everything around you lightly is perhaps the number one capability to cultivate. There is a vital need to develop the inner powers to ‘take it easy’, come what may. It is widely understood that the state of a person’s mind depends upon his attitude to people and objects present and to the events occurring around him. There is also a wellknown saying: “you cannot change events, but you can change your attitude towards them.” Yet when actual situations arise, attitudinal change is difficult because of the mind-set already formed. Attitude is determined by prides and prejudices, desires and ambitions, priorities and preferences, needs and compulsions. These, in turn, are influenced by habits and addictions, learnings and dependencies, beliefs and outlook, whims and fancies and a host of other factors. Predispositions thus formed produce certain mental pulls and pushes which determine responses and reactions to external situations. That’s why attitudes towards the same event vary from person to person. New paradigms are called for to break the old mind-sets and create inner capabilities that can automatically take care of anything that comes your way. The first fundamental attitudinal change for remaining ‘light’ always is to make a firm resolve to do so. As you think, so you become. The word ‘light’, in the spiritual sense, also means enlightenment that dispels the inner darkness of ignorance, illusion, doubt and confusion. This enables you to visualise things in their true form. As a result, deception is eliminated. Confidence and clarity change conditions of fear and anxiety into those of joy and happiness. From this follows the second attitudinal change: Consider life as a celebration and not as a struggle or war zone. Greetings and good wishes exchanged at celebrations are always a source of great joy and happiness. Likewise, to become a well-wisher of all is the easiest way to make your life a celebration. At the root of your attitude lies your belief system. The greatest common basic flaw in today’s belief-system is bodyconsciousness, i.e. identifying yourself with the mortal body instead of the immortal entity called ‘soul’ that you truly are. This identity-crisis is the mother of all other crises. The eternal you—the soul—is a sentient entity, an imperishable point of light. Your original innate qualities are love, peace, happiness and bliss. As long as you remain established in the state of soul-consciousness and use your body as an instrument, you will remain light because, firstly, your very

existence is that of being sentient light and secondly, your thoughts, words and actions will be in conformity with your innate qualities. As it is made of matter, the body and its sense organs can only give sensual pleasures which are short-lived and dependent upon external factors. Body-consciousness leads to adoption of material values which affect the mind, destroying the pristine purity of your innate qualities and, in fact, of the entire thought-process. As a result, jealousy, hatred, anger and other types of negativity lead to unrighteous thoughts and wrongful actions. Negativity produces waste thoughts and increases the number and speed of your thoughts. This dilutes the quality of thoughts, and consequently, the quality of life. Waste thoughts produce attitudinal maladies like doubts, apprehensions, fear, etc. and take away from all the zest and zeal of life. This results in lethargy and laziness. In this way, negativity weakens the mind and it becomes prone to external influences. Self-realisation or soul-consciousness on the other hand brings home the truth that the soul’s original qualities of love, peace, happiness and bliss are all non-material, like the soul itself. Even the negative traits or perversions like ego, anger, hatred, jealousy or the stresses and strains produced by these vices are non-material in nature. Hence, the required corrective action in this respect has essentially to be taken at the level of your basic beliefs. An inner journey is therefore an essential pre-requisite for enjoying a happy external journey through this life and beyond. Self-realisation enables you to easily let go of the past. Instead of regretting, it enables you to gain valuable experience from past mistakes and increase your powers of tolerance and patience. When one begins to learn from mistakes, the meaning of the saying ‘everything happens for the best’ becomes clear. Mistakes are not repeated. Attention helps avoid tension. Reduction in waste thoughts improves the quality of thoughts. Will-power is the aggregate of all your inner powers like tolerance, discrimination, judgement, concentration, and co-operation. The will of a person with a good reservoir of inner powers shall always prevail. Hence, the saying ‘where there is a will, there is way.’ Strong will-power enables you to transform a situation of possible failure into that of success—just as in a game of cricket, a good batsman converts a dangerous looking ball into a four-er or six-er by a mere flick of his bat. Strong will-power not only protects you from adverse outside influences, it empowers you to exert influence on the external environment; much in the same (Contd. on Page 7)


OCT-DEC, 2010

Delhi (Lodhi Road): BK Pius, BK Girija in a group photo after conducting a seminar in STRESS MANAGEMENT for National Informatics Centre, Govt. of India.


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way as rose seed produces fragrant roses even from a heap of foul-smelling rubbish. Zeal and enthusiasm is a natural outcome of success and becomes, in turn, the motive power for further success. Moving from success to success will always keep you in good spirits. This is the formula to remain light and happy under all conditions and circumstances. How to increase will-power? It is not a physical power to be acquired by any material means. Wasteful and negative thinking have to be eliminated to increase will-power. The dilemma, however, is that they arise when will-power is weakened, whereas it takes strong will-power to destroy them. So, how to go about it? Just as negativity reduces willpower, it is positive thinking that generates it. Inculcation of virtues like humility, contentment, detachment and compassion, a simple life-style, good company, purity of food and becoming a well-wisher of all will help you do that. - B. M. Anand

CHEMICAL DISASTER PREVENTION DAY (3rd December) December 3, 1984 was an unfortunate day when the world witnessed one of the worst recorded accidents in the history of chemical disaster. The disaster occurred at the plant of Union Carbide at Bhopal. It resulted in loss of human life, property and damage to the environment. The episode of the Bhopal gas tragedy, which took place 26 years ago, has left a scar which is beyond repair. All over the world, and, in particular in India, this was a turning point which triggered important conventions, a series of legislations, guidelines and directives to strengthen emergency preparedness and also emphasised safety measures in order to prevent such accidents in future. Since then, this day (3rd December) is observed as “Chemical Disaster Prevention Day”.


j e p e ³ e e se fi e v e e r y e ´ï e e k e gÀ c e e j e r T < e ey e n v ep e e r, p e e s i e e c e o sJ e e r, c e gc y e F &l e L e e G m e m e sm e c y e e fv O e l e D e v ³ e m e sJ e e k e sÀ v ê e W k e À e rc e gK ³ e m e b® e e e fu e k e À e L e e r, v e si e l e 2 3 e fm e l e c y e j 2 0 1 0 k e À e s D e H e v e e rH e e e fL e &J e o sn k e À e l ³ e e i e k e À j H e j c e e l c e e e fH e l e e k e À e ri e e so u e e r~ J e n e fJ e % e e v ek e À e rm v e e l e k e ÀL e e Rl e L e eF &M J e j e r³ e% e e v eJ e m e n p ej e p e ³ e e si ek e À e s k e wÀ m e s J e w% e e e fv e k e À e W, l e k e À v e e re fk e À ³ e e W J e D e e fY e ³ e v l e e D e e Wl e k e ÀH e n Bg® e e ³ e ep e e ³ e sF m e c e WJ e n p e e rJ e v e H e ³ e &v l e u e i e e rj n e R~ F m e k e sÀe fu e S k e À F &y e e j G v n e Wv e se fJ e M J e k e sÀ D e v e sk e Ào sM e e Wk e À e Y e ´c e C e Y e e re fk e À ³ e e ~ ® e n Bgc e gK e e rH e ´e fl e Y e e m e c H e v v e , m v e sn e rJ e c e =o gm J e Y e e J e e ry e ´ï e e k e gÀ c e e j e rT < e e y e n v e p e e rj e p e ³ e e si e e fM e # e e J e M e e sO e H e ´e fl e < þ e v e k e sÀD e v l e i e &l e k e À u e e J e m e bm k e =À e fl e H e ´Y e e i e k e À e rj e < ì ^e r³ e G H e e O ³ e # e e L e e r~ F m e H e ´Y e e i e k e À e sJ e l e &c e e v e G BÀ ® e e F &³ e e Wl e k e ÀH e n Bg® e e v e sk e À e m e c H e tC e &Þ e s³ e D e e H e k e À e sn e rp e e l e e n w~ G v e k e sÀ v e sl e =l J e c e WD e v e sk e À e Wj e < ì ^e r³ e k e À e ³ e &k e ´À c e H e tj sY e e j l e c e Wm e H e À u e l e e H e tJ e &k e Àm e c H e v v e n gS ~ 1 9 7 0 J e 8 0 k e sÀo M e k e À e Wc e WD e e ³ e e se fp e l ee fJ e e fY e v v eD e e O ³ e e e fl c e k e Àc e su e e Wc e WD e e H e k e À ec e e i e &H e ´o M e &v eD e l ³ e v l e m e j e n v e e r³ ej n e ~ y e e u ey e ´ï e ® e e j e r³ e gi e u e c e tl e &k e sÀª H ec e WD e e H e k e À eJ eJ e e fj < þ j e p e ³ e e si e e r y e ´ï e e k e gÀ c e e j j c e sM e M e e n p e e rk e À e p e e rJ e v e m e Y e e rk e sÀe fu e S y e n gl e H e ´sj C e e k e À e ð e e sl e j n e ~ u e c y e e rM e e j e re fj k e ÀJ ³ e e e fO e m e sp e tP e l e sn gS Y e e rD e e H e k e À e rD e ® e u e D e [ e su e D e J e m L e e m e Y e e rk e sÀ e fu e S S k e ÀH e ´k e À e M e m l e c Y e k e sÀm e c e e v e j n e r~ G v e k e sÀe fv e O e v e m e sJ e w% e e e fv e k e ÀJ e F bp e e re fv e ³ e j H e ´Y e e i e v e s D e H e v e e S k e Àe fJ e e fM e < þ M e gY e e f® e bl e k e ÀK e e se fo ³ e e n w~ S sm e e rc e n e j L e e rD e e l c e e k e À e sF m e H e ´Y e e i e k e sÀ m e Y e e rm e o m ³ e Y e e J e Y e e rv e e rÞ e × e bp e u e e rD e e fH e &l e k e À j l e sn Q~

Nagpur: BK Bharat Bhushan, Executive member, SEW, addressing to Senior Engineers of Western Coalfields Ltd. on STRESS MANAGEMENT.

FORTHCOMING EVENT Annual Meeting, Training, Bhatti & Baba Milan We are pleased to inform all that the above programme for SEW members and for those who are interested in the services of Scientists & Engineers professionals will be as follows:

Date of arrival at Shantivan Meeting & Training Starts Meeting & Training Bhatti & Baba Milan Remaining items/ departure

: 13th March 2011 : 14th March at 10am : 14th & 15th March’11 : 16th March 2011 : 17th March 2011

Those who wish to stay more and want to go later on 18th or 19th, can do so. Dedicated teachers & brothers who are not the members of the wing but are interested in the service of this wing may also attend it. Please inform about your programme in Academy Office, Gyan Sarovar & BK Ram Shlok bhai, Accomodation department, Shantivan.


OCT-DEC, 2010



Abu Road: BK Mohan Singhal, cutting the ribbon to mark the inauguration of the stall 25 years of Youth Wing Services at the Youth Fair organised at the silver jubilee celebration of the Youth Wing.

Ahmedabad: Dr J N Goswami, Director, PRL (2nd from right) in a happy mood after receiving the Godly message from BK Nandini & BK Dr Harish Shukla (1st & 2nd from left).

Dubai: BK Amar behn, introducing Rajyogini BK Sarla didi,(2nd from right), Chairperson, Scientists & Engineers Wing, Ahmedabad at a programme on DISASTER MANAGEMENT and SELF EMPOWERMENT at Dubai. Others from L to R are BK Nandini, & BK Jyoti (I/c Dubai Centre.)

Roorkee: BK Sonia is tying Rakhi to Mr R D Singh, Director, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee.

2010 International Day for Disaster Reduction This year’s theme: My City is Getting Ready! International Day for Disaster Reduction is held on the 2nd Wednesday of October each year. To mark this annual event, the UNISDR secretariat is calling on its partners to play a more active role to protect cities against disasters. Many cities have been disrupted this year by disasters: earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and New Zealand; floods and heavy rainfalls in Pakistan, Eastern Europe, Mozambique and other parts of Africa; forest fires in Russia; and volcanic eruptions in Indonesia and Iceland. All have caused huge human suffering and economic damage. Cities have never been so at risk. Editor

: BK Mohan Singhal


: BK Narendra Patel

Compiled by : BK Chandra Bhushan Published by : Scientists & Engineers Wing Printed by

: Om Shanti Press, Shantivan, Abu Road (Raj) - 307510

If Undelivered please return to: Wings Office, Near Internet Office Above Conference Hall, Shantivan, Abu Road (Raj)- 307510

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.