Sewsnews july sept 2009

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Conference on "Coping Challenges of Uncertainty" held at Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu from 21st to 25th May 2009 A Conference-cum-Meditation Retreat on Coping Challenges of Uncertainty was organised at Gyan Sarovar

speakers from all corners of India spoke on varied subjects connected with uncertainty in various spheres like Finance,

Inaugurating the Conference by lighting the lamps are (from L to R) BK Mohan Singhal, National Co-ordinator, SEW, Mount Abu; BK Bharat Bhushan, Executive member, SEW, Panipat; Mr C H Murthy, Programme Director - IBM (India), New Delhi; BK Mohini behn, Chairperson, Rural Development Wing, Mount Abu; Mr R K Gaur, MD, Indraprastha Power Generation Co.Ltd., Govt. of Delhi, New Delhi; BK Sarla didi, Chairperson, SEW, Ahmedabad; BK Jawahar Mehta, Executive member, SEW, New Delhi; Md.Shamsul Azam, CE (Retd), Bangladesh Power Dev.Board, Dhaka & BK Bharat, HQ Co-ordinator, SEW, Shantivan. In the picture on right, the audience patiently hearing the proceedings of the Conference.

Complex, Mount Abu from 21st to 25th May 2009. More than 600 delegates from India & Nepal participated in it. Learned

Security, Industries, Environment etc . It is well known that (Contd. on Page 6)

WORLD OZONE DAY & OUR COMMITMENTS Every year, September 16 is observed as World Ozone Day. The celebration of this day is made to pay our homage to the ozone layer, that saves our earth from the harmful ultravoilet radiation of the Sun. The life on the Earth, depends on the energy provided by the Sun in the form of various radiations. Out of total energy received by the Earth, 35% is reflected back to the space by the clouds, dust-particles and ice particles present in the atmosphere. 14% of the energy, which comes in the form of ultra violet radiation gets absorbed by the ozone layer, thus saving the earth from the harmful effects like over warming of the Earth or diseases like cancer. 34% of the energy is radiated back from the Earth in the form of direct solar radiation and 17% radiated back from the Earth in the form of terrestrial radiation. The part of the energy radiated back from the Earth unabsorbed is called Albedo. Average Albedo ranges between 29% to 34%. Because of the artificial cover provided by the

green house gases the Earth surface is unable to reflect the total energy thus gets heated. So lesser the Albedo more will be the temperature on the Earth and vice-versa. Besides this the tarnishing of ozone layer provides the way to ultra violet rays to enter in the Earth’s atmosphere which can cause great destruction, catastrophies (famines, droughts etc.) and diseases like cancer. The fact that the density of ozone layer reduced considerably making the situation more horrified. (from 1956 to 1970 the density of the ozone layer was nearly 280 to 325 doveson which in 1994 got reduced to mere 94 doveson. The density has been on a decline since then). The gases which are responsible for increasing the Earth temperature artificially are called green house gases which includes carbon di-oxide, methane, chloro floro carbon (CFC), sulphur hexa-floride, nitrous oxide, perflorocarbon. These gases are called green house gases because they increase the temperature in the glass (Contd. on Page 3)



JULY - SEPT, 2009

IMPACT OF EMOTIONS ON PRODUCTIVITY The impact of emotions on productivity is well documented. Our individual traits, mood swings, and positive or negative emotions not only affect all aspects of our own job performance, but also the behaviour and emotions of those we interact with. Feelings can be broadly categorized into emotions, mood and dispositions. Emotions are short-term response to stimuli, while moods linger over a relatively longer period of time. Personality traits or disposition on the other hand define a person’s overall approach to life. Emotions, moods and personality traits, all have a role to play in workplace productivity, moral, and customer satisfaction. It is now believed that our brain keeps track of the positive and negative moments we experience during each day, and the resulting score contributes to our mood. In other words, our overall mood is in effect defined by the number of positive versus negative moments experienced during the course of a day-the more positive interactions we have during the day, the more cheerful we are, and vices versa. Over the past decade, scientists have explored the impact of positive-to-negative interaction, and have found that this ratio could be used to accurately predict behaviour ranging from workplace performance to the possibility of divorce in personal life. Emotions are needed to provide inspirational leadership. However, excessive expression of emotion-positive or negative-can do more harm than good. Both positive and negative emotions have a role to play in the workplace. Negative emotions can be traced in the primeval survival instinct latent in all humans. Negative emotions like anger, fear or disgust spur us to immediate action, and, under dangerous or extreme circumstances such a fight or flight mechanism can ensure survival. In the workplace, this evolutionary ingrained response to negative emotions limits us to instinctive and reactive response to stimuli- with little room for logic, consensus or expansive, creative thinking. Negative thinking is oriented towards achieving or averting immediate consequences, rather than focusing on long term consideration. Positive emotion, on other hand, create a more expansive and inclusive range of behaviours with a win/win bias. They encourage more creative and generative thinking, aid exchange of ideas and creation of consensus. Research suggests that positive people tend to do better in the workplace, and it isn’t just because people love having them around when compared to cynical or negative people. Positive people tend to have better cognitive abilities, have greater focus and accuracy, and are better at generating innovative ideas when compared to cynical or negative people. They also have better social networks and are more tolerant of diverse ideas and opinions. Emotional intelligence is a much talked about buzzword in the business circle today. Because knowledge of emotions can be valuable data in navigating critical and noncritical situations in the workplace on a day-to-day basis, business can greatly benefit by training employees in emotional management skills and techniques. People who are cued in to the emotions, moods and dispositions of those around them

will find it extremely easy to manage situations and people to achieve desired outcomes. Here are some ways in which you can dull the impact of negativity that sometimes runs rampant in the workplace, and infuse a positive sheen to your day. The mood you bring with you to work has stronger effect on the day’s mood- and on work performance than mood changes caused by events in the workplace. When people experienced positive mood swings at the start of the day, they tend to remain happy and efficient throughout the day. So be sure to come to work with a smile on your face and nice words for everyone you meet. Your smile and good mood will soon catch up with those around you. Make eye contact with people, be it coworkers or customers, when you talk with them. Make your interaction a positive one. Watch out for body language and negative expression. Subtle display of emotion, such as a quick frown, can have an effect as well, even if you don’t think it was noticeable. Nine out of 10 people say they are more productive when they are around positive people. Do not allow yourself to dip from the negative emotions of people around you. Increase your own awareness about the frequency of your own negative comments. Shine a light on what’s right, and try reinforcing positive attitudes and behaviour of your peers, rather than focusing on mistakes and failures. If you must make one negative comment, then reaffirm your statement with at least five positive comments. This is thought to be the magic ratio to infuse the right balance between positivism and productivity. A word of caution ... Don’t overdo it, for it may well reverse the effects. Studies indicate that more than 13 positive comments per negative comment could actually have a damaging effect on productivity and performance, as people may tend to get smug and complacent amidst all that positivism. Courtsey - AMA News

HEARTY INVITATION Annual Meeting, Training, Bhatti & Baba Milan All SEW members and others who are interested in the services of Scientists & Engineers are cordially invited in this programme as per details below: Date of arrival at Shantivan : 27th Jan (Evening) or 28th Jan (Morning) 2010 Meeting & Training

: Thursday, 28th Jan & Friday, 29th Jan 2010

Bhatti & Baba Milan

: Saturday, 30th Jan 2010

Meeting & Training (Contd.)

: Sunday, 31st Jan 2010


: Monday,1st Feb onwards

Dedicated teachers & brothers, who are not the members of the wing, but are interested in the service of this wing may also attend it. Please inform about your programme in Academy Office & in Accommodation dept., Shantivan.


JULY - SEPT, 2009


(Contd. from Page1)

house made artificially to provide higher temperature in colder areas which in turn helps plants that are native to warmer climates, to grow in the hilly areas. The gases like CFC, or carbon di-oxide have been used in the modern appliances like air-conditioners, refrigerators, fire extinguishers etc. So its looks like where there is more industrialisation there is greater chance of causing harm to the ozone layer. But the reality is unbelievable and horrifying. Unbelievable because the ozone hole was discovered in the polar regions where there is negligible industrialisation and horrifying because this reality can cause more destruction in less time. The reason behind this reality is that the polar stratosphere clouds provide basis for chlorine molecules (present in the CFC) to act freely in the colder regions (as in polar regions) and in the presence of sunlight in the Antarctica region the chlorine molecules attacks on the ozone molecules (O3) and kill them in the process. More damaging fact is this molecule could have a life of 45 years to 250 years. This is also causing the glaciers to melt. The recent report of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that Earth’s temperature has increased by 0.74% in the past hundred years. Its effects are


disastrous like: Unexpected increase in the sea level that can submerge low lying regions including UK The melting of glaciers like Himadri in India, which will first result in floods and then a long lasting drought Exposure to ultra-violet rays can increase the risk of cancers Unexpected climatic changes USA which pretends itself as a global leader, is also the biggest producer of these harmful green-house gases (nearly 30%) but hasn’t signed the Kyoto Protocal - a legally binding global treaty for reducing the emission of these gases. To efficiently deal with this current fearsome situation, we have to take stringent steps. Some are:1. Save trees as they save life by inhailing harmful gas carbondi-oxide. 2. More sustainable behaviour in our daily lives like saving energy at every step. 3. To use technologies which are environment-friendly, like bio-fertilizers. 4. The expansion of carbon trading by the developed countries from developing countries. 5. Globalize the technologies to the under developed nations that supports the climate. Let us act now before it is too late.


Mount Abu: Mr R K Rana, Past District Governor, Lions International, Chandigarh (2nd from Left) planting the tree at Gyan Sarovar on 5th June, World Environment Day. BK Amir Chand, BK Mohan Singhal and others are also seen planting the tree.

Panipat: On World Environment Day Mr R K Ghosh, ED,Panipat Refinery inaugurating the seminar alongwith BK Bharat Bhushan (Keynote Speaker), Panipat; Mr S Das Gupta, GM (TS), Panipat and Mr Sanjeev Singh, GM (PJ), Panipat.

Baroda: Inaugurating the seminar (organised for Engineers & Scientists) by lighting the lamp on World Environment Day from L to R are BK Ashok; BK Narendra Patel, Executive member, SEW, Baroda; Mr G M Patel, GM, GSFC, Baroda; BK (Dr) Niranjana, Sr Rajyoga Teacher, Baroda; Mr P V Khubalkar, DGM, ONGC, Baroda & BK Riten Soni, Executive member, SEW, Baroda.

Panipat: BK Bharat Bhushan, Executive member, SEW, addressing on World Environment Day to Engineers of Pricol.



JULY - SEPT, 2009


Conference-cum-Meditation Retreat on COPING CHALLENGES OF UNCERTAINTY

BK Sarla didi (2nd from right), Chairperson, SEW, is seen speaking at the inaugural session of the conference. Others from L to R are BK Mohan Singhal, National Co-ordinator, SEW; Mr C H Murthy, Programme Director- IBM (I), New Delhi; BK Mohini behn, Chairperson, Rural Dev.Wing; Mr R K Gaur, MD, Indraprastha Power Gen.Co.Ltd., Govt. of Delhi, New Delhi & Md.Shamsul Azam, CE (Retd), Bangladesh Power Board, Dhaka.

In the Plenary session - II on Managing Pressure of Uncertainty with Pleasure, the Chairperson of the session Mr R K Gaur, MD, Indraprastha Power Gen.Co.Ltd., Govt. of Delhi, presents his views. Others from L to R are BK Narendra Patel, Executive member, SEW, Baroda; Mr P V Khubalkar, DGM, ONGC, Baroda & BK Pius, Computer Engineer, New Delhi.

BK Jyoti, Rajyoga Teacher, Panipat is seen speaking in the Plenary session- I on Inner Leadership for managing Uncertainty. Others from L to R are BK Nanda, Rajyoga Teacher, Ahmedabad; BK Prachi, Rajyoga Teacher, Bhilai & Dr Saibaba, Sr Scientist - Head (HR), Head BARC Training School, Kalpakkam.

BK Suresh Gupta, Executive member, SEW, New Delhi speaking in a Concurrent session - I on Facing Uncertain times in Relationship. Besides him are BK Riten, Sr Analyst, GSFC, Baroda; Mr Yashpal Arora, ADCS, SE & PA, Heavy Water Board, Mumbai; Mr S S Bhagat, Vice President, Institute of Valuers (I), Delhi & Mrs Aruna Khubalkar, Director, Intime Services, Baroda.

In Concurrent session (Stream- II) on Facing Uncertain times in Financial Sector is Mr Rajesh Sahni, Regional Business Manager, Axis Bank, Ahd is seen speaking. Others from L to R are BK Uma, Rajyoga Teacher, Balotra; BK Swaminathan, Sr Consulant, Mumbai; Dr R K Dave, Chairman, Inst.of Engineers, Jabalpur & Mr Dinesh Desai, HOD, Plastic Tech., LD Engg.College, Ahmedabad.

BK Ashutosh Arora is seen speaking on Facing Uncertain times in Industries in Stream - III. Others from L to R are BK Satbir, Engineer, MTNL, New Delhi; Mr Mohan Hirani, GM (Retd), NTPC, New Delhi & Mr T Siva Prasad, Principal, CM Engineering College, Secunderabad.

In Stream- IV of Concurrent session on Facing Uncertain times in Security, BK Ved Vyas, Scientist, BARC, is seen speaking and others from R to L are Comm.Sandeep Malik, Chief Tech.Officer, Indian Navy, Dabolin, Goa; BK Nathmal, Zonal Co-ordinator, Media Wing, Cuttack; Mr G M Nair, Chief Adm.Officer, HWB, Mumbai & BK Narendra Patel, Safety Officer, GSFC, Baroda.

Wg.Cdr. (Retd) Jawahar Mehta,expresses his views on Facing Uncertain times in Environment in Stream- V. Others from L to R are BK Jaleshwar Prasad, Director (Retd), Khadi Village Industry Commission, Govt. of India, Muzaffarpur; Mr Chandrahas Khute, DGM, ESSAR Steel, Hazira; Mr Biranchi Narayan Misra, Consultant, World Bank & Advisor Orissa Engineering Forum, Cuttack & Mr A K Jaswal, Director, Hindustan Infrastructure Inc., Chandigarh.



JULY - SEPT, 2009


Conference-cum-Meditation Retreat on COPING CHALLENGES OF UNCERTAINTY

Rajyogi BK Nirwair ji, Secretary General, Brahma Kumaris, narrates his peace experience in an Insight session on Spiritual Wisdom for Coping with Uncertainty. In the inset, BK Suman, HQ Co-ordinator, Transport Wing, Mount Abu is seen introducing him.

Mr Nilotpal Roy shares his experiences in the Plenary session - III on Everything shall pass away. Others from L to R are BK Bharat Bhushan, Executive member, SEW, Panipat & BK Sheel, Sr Rajyoga Teacher, Noida. BK Ravikala, Rajyoga Teacher, Mount Abu is seen in the inset photo.

BK (Dr) Niranjana, Sr Rajyoga Teacher, Baroda & BK E V Swaminathan, Sr Consultant, Mumbai are seen in the Plenary session - IV on Creativity & Innovation for meeting the Change.BK Sonu, Rajyoga Teacher, Rani is seen in the inset

In the Panel Discussion on Dealing with Uncertainty in my profession, Dr Pratap Midha (2nd from right), Medical Supdt, GHRC, Mt Abu is seen speaking. Towards his left are (L to R) are Col.(Retd) Neeraj Kumar Mehrotra, Professor in Institute of Engineering & Rural Technology, Allahabad; BK Pushpa, Sr Rajyoga Teacher, New Delhi & Mr Nilotpal Roy, Jt MD & CEO, Adhunik Metaliks Ltd, Rourkela & towards his right is Mr Siba Prasad Mohanty, MM Infrastructure Pvt.Ltd.,

In the Insight session- II on Times ahead- Godly Revelation & Pitashree Brahma - How he faced Uncertain Times. Sitting from L to R are BK Pramila, Rajyoga Teacher, Mumbai; BK Nalini didi & BK Usha, Sr Rajyoga Teacher, Mount Abu.BK Nalini didi, Head of Ghatkopar Group of Centres, Mumbai is seen speaking in the Inset.

In the Talk Show on Make Mind your Best Friend for Coping any Challenges in Life, BK Mohan Singhal, National Co-ordinator, SEW, explains how one can make mind his best friend to tackle uncertain issues. Others from right to left are Dr Nikhil Patel, Psychiatrist, Mount Abu; BK E V Swaminathan, Sr Consultant, Mumbai & BK Suresh Gupta, Executive member, SEW, New Delhi.

BK Suresh Gupta (extreme left) is seen speaking in Outcome of Concurrent session. Others are Chairpersons/ Speakers of various sessions who presented reports of their respective streams.

An Exercise session on Things that last forever is being conducted at Peace Park. In the inset, BK Prachi, Rajyoga Teacher, Bhilai is seen speaking on the subject.


JULY - SEPT, 2009



Conference-cum-Meditation Retreat on COPING CHALLENGES OF UNCERTAINTY

In the Valedictory session on Action Plan for Coping with Challenges of Uncertainty, BK Leena, Rajyoga Teacher, Bhubaneshwar is seen speaking. Others from L to R are BK Narendra Patel, Executive member, SEW, Baroda; Mr G S Panda, Principal, Black Diamond College of Engineering & Technology, Jharsuguda; BK Karuna, Chief of Multimedia, Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu; Mr Kishan Singh Bhatal, Chairman, MP State Co.op.Agriculture & Rural Dev.Bank, Bhopal; BK Sundari behn, I/c, Malviya Nagar Subzone, Delhi & BK Mohan Singhal, National Co-ordinator, SEW, Mount Abu.

Conference on ...

(Contd. from Page1)

uncertainty is casting its shadows on the human lives resulting in stress-strain & depression at individual level, in interpersonal relationships, at family & social level & at global level. There were 4 Plenary sessions on Inner Leadership for managing Uncertainty, Managing Pressure of uncertainty with Pleasure, Everything shall pass away and Creativity & Innovation for meeting the Change, besides an Inaugural session & a Valedictory session on Action plan for Coping with Challenges of Uncertainty. Five areas of Uncertainty were identified and were discussed at length in five Concurrent sessions under the theme Facing Uncertain times in Relationship, Finance, Industries, Security & Environment sectors. An Interdisciplinary Panel discussion was also a part of Conference where there was lively discussion on Dealing with Uncertainty in my profession. The Panel consisted of Engineer, Medical professional,

Industrialist, Educationist & a Spiritualist. There was live interaction and active participation of the audience. In the outcome of Concurrent sessions respective Chairpersons of the sessions presented a gist of discussion, so that the whole audience get a taste of the proceedings that went on in other sessions. There were two Insight sessions on Spiritual Wisdom for Coping with Uncertainty, Times ahead- Godly revelation & Pitashree Brahma- How he faced Uncertain times. An Exercise session on Things that last forever was also a part of the conference. One of the main attraction of the programme was Meditation Retreat, which was conducted bye experienced Rajyoga teachers daily in the morning from 6.30 to 8.30 am. A cultural programme was organised on one evening to refresh the participants through music, song, dance, drama etc. Lastly there was a sight-seeing schedule which covered Dilwara Temple, Pandav Bhawan, GHRC & Peace Park.

CAUSES & DISEASES Resentment, Criticism, Guilt and Fear, Keep away these from the Life, my dear.

BK Avadhesh, Shantivan, Abu Road

Otherwise unnecessary you have to shed the tear, So learn the art of moulding attitude and to bear. Resentment long held, can eat away the body & brings cancer very near, Criticism as permanent habit leads to arthiritis in short term here. Guilt always looks for punishment and punishment creates painful atmosphere, Fear and tension can produces baldness, ulcers, sorefeet and stops to be cheer. It is widely experienced that forgiving & releasing resentment can make most diseases clear, Over look total ill-past and utilise present, every year after year. Sustain the work on loving the self and send the joyous, prosperous and healthy song to the ear, And avail the absolute bliss and fortitude, life long, every moment now and here.


JULY - SEPT, 2009


42nd Engineers’ Day 2009 Engineering Solutions to Combat Climate Change September 15 is a memorable day in the annals of the engineering fraternity in the country in general and of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India) in particular as on this day 147 years ago, Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, the towering personality in the history of Indian engineering, was born. In recognition of his monumental services towards national development and for the cause of engineering, Sir Visvesvaraya was honoured by the country’s highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna, in the year 1955. The Institution of Engineers (India) observes September 15 every year as the Engineers’ Day. A central theme of national importance is chosen every year and deliberated at various State and Local Centres as well as the Overseas Chapters of the Institution to educate the society and the engineering community as well. This year the Council of the Institution had selected the theme ‘Engineering Solutions to Combat Climate Change’. Climate change has become serious threat to society affecting environment, terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity. Mankind’s relentless and ever increasing consumption of fossil fuels is the major cause behind climate change. Our dependency on carbon based fuels has resulted in rapid increase of atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases, and the outcome is global warming resulting in more frequent severe weather conditions and damage to many natural ecosystems. Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide prime green house gases in which Carbon dioxide plays a major role in global warming & pollution. In 1750, CO2 in atmosphere was 281 ppm, which has been reached to 368 ppm recently which shows 31% increase than it was before industrial revolution. The scientists fear that it may be greater than 970 ppm at the end of century. Carbon footprint which is a measure of the impact of human activities on the amount of greenhouse gases needs to be radically reduced. Companies, products, services have to bear the social responsibility of kicking out carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Combating climate change requires the commercialization of low emission technologies in various sections of application. The engineering fraternity has a special role to play to neutralize the adverse effects on the climate. Efforts should continue for producing power using

solar photovoltaic, second generation biofuels, fourth generation nuclear fuels and developing smarter grid capacity for transmission. Conservation of water, efficient management of solid wastes and generating wealth from them by recycling process, figuring out the hot spots of energy consumption and associated CO emissions are some of the key areas where the engineers can apply their specialized knowledge for combating climate change. Growth without GHG emission is the need of the day. Application of green technologies, phasing out GHG producing sources and combating the existing effects on climate are the areas of emphasis if the globe is to be saved from extinction. Conservation of natural resources by adopting strategies for reducing, reusing, recycling and applying engineering solutions for combating emission of GHG is the need which requires addressing by engineers. In this context, an International Conference on Combating Challenges of Climate Change was organised at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 7th & 8th Feb.2009. It was inaugurated by Hon’ble Mr Kapil Sibbal, Union Minister of Earth Science and Science & Technology, Govt. of India. Roughly over 1150 delegates - Scientists, Engineers & Technocrats from different organisations, institutes, industries, R & D centres from India & abroad participated. For detail report & photographs, kindly refer SEW’s NEW’s April-June 2009 issue. 2

An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, "Ah, you're an engineer you are in the wrong place." So the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After a while, they've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer is a pretty popular guy. One day God calls Satan on the telephone and says with a sneer, "So, how's it going down there in hell?" Satan replies, "Hey, things are going great. We've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next.” God replies, "What??? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake - he should never have gotten down there; send him up here." Satan says, "No way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I'm keeping him." God says, "Send him back up here or I will sue." Satan laughs uproariously and answers, "Yeah, right. And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?"


JULY - SEPT, 2009



Roorkee: Faculty members & students of Management Institute, Roorkee listening to BK Mohan Singhal, National Co-ordinator, SEW, Mount abu on Life Management Skills.

Roorkee: Students of IIT, Roorkee listening attentively to BK Mohan Singhal on Time Management.

Panipat: Officers from NFL, Panipat listening attentively to BK Bharat Bhushan, Executive member, SEW, Panipat on How to manage Environment & Stress.

Roorkee: BK Mohan Singhal (Inset) speaking before the students of Roorkee Engineering College, Roorkee.

Nangal, Punjab:After giving spiritual knowledge to Mr C S Suman (picture in left), Er.-in-Chief, BBMS, Nangal & Mr A J S Kohli, General Manager, NFL, Nangal, BK Pushpa behn is presenting picture of Supreme soulto them. BK Bharat Bhushan, Panipat, is also seen in the picture.

Editor : BK Mohan Singhal Associate Editor : BK Narendra Patel & BK Avadhesh Kulshreshta Compiled by : BK Chander Bhushan Published by : Scientists & Engineers Wing Printed by : Om Shanti Press, Shantivan, Abu Road (Raj) - 307510 CORRESPONDENCE Scientists & Engineers Wing, Academy Office, Academy for a Better World, Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu (Raj) - 307501 Ph: (02974) 238788 to 90, Extn: 6609, Cell:9414154812, Fax: 238951, Email:, Website:

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