Tuesday 8th November 2011
Hosted by
Subject to change
Tuesday 8th November 2011 - East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham 09.00 - 09.45
Arrival, refreshments, exhibition
09.45 - 09.50
Welcome and Introduction - Nick Linford, Lsect
09.50 - 10.00
Opening Address - Asha Khemka, Principal and Chief Executive, Vision West Notts
10.00 - 10.20
Setting the scene: The skills landscape in 2012 and beyond - Rob Wye, Chief Executive, LSIS
10.20 - 10.40
10.40 - 10.55
Maximising funding for skills - Beej Kaczmarczyk, Director, Sector Training Ltd Questions and discussion
10.55 - 11.25
Refreshments and exhibition
11.25 - 11.50
The new inspection framework and examples of outstanding practice for skills achievement - Matthew Coffey, Director: Development, Learning and Skills, Ofsted
11.50 - 12.10
Questions and discussion
12.10 - 13.00
Workshop session 1
13.00 - 14.00
Lunch and exhibition
14.00 - 14.50
Workshop session 2
14.55 - 15.45
Workshop session 3
15.45 - Close
Drinks reception and networking with workshop facilitators.
(Between workshops 2 and 3 there will be a 5 minute period for movement and use of toilets. Bottled water will be available outside each workshop room.)
SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS 1 Effective delivery strategies for functional skills. - Barry Upton, National Trainer and Consultant, EMFEC 2 Predicting funding and fees policy beyond 2011/12. - Nick Linford, Managing Director, Lsect 3 Strategic planning for survival: the new futures planning initiative for the FE learning and skills sector. - Paul Calkin, Programme development manager, LSIS 4 Apprenticeships: the growth market. How to achieve an expanding programme from scratch. - Hannah Revell, Associate Director (Development), Plymouth College of Art 5 Unravelling reading: effective ways of supporting adults’ reading skills. - Sue Partridge, Trainer and Consultant, SPEC Ltd 6 Latest updates on funding provision and how to source funding for skills. - Beej Kaczmarczyk, Director, Sector Training 7 Am I bovvered...about functional skills? Engaging NEET learners. - Morag Kerr, Founder and Director, Interchange 8 bksb: the online solution for outstanding skills development. - James Walker, Literacy Specialist, bksb 9 Functional Skills and Key skills: an awarding body update. - Bernie Zakary, Head of Development and Compliance, EDI 10
Across the divide - Bridging the gap between education and skills to support progression. - Gill Scott, Development and Strategy Officer, Manchester City Council Children’s Services
bksb, Enterprise Court, Hamilton Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 5BU E: bksbenquiries@bksb.co.uk T: 01623 413333 F: 01623 646376 :@bksbUK
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Fees include all day access to the event, available conference papers, lunch and refreshments for registered delegates only. Fees do not include travel.
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You may attend one seminar in session 1, session 2 and session 3. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please circle your choices below: Session 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Session 2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Session 3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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UNABLE TO ATTEND? All conference documents are available after the conference for £50 + VAT. Please get in touch to order. Terms and Conditions Cancellations made in writing before 28th October 2011 will be refunded. Cancellations made after this date will be liable for the full fee. A replacement delegate may be sent.
Tuesday 8th November 2011
Please debit: £
Non-Licence Holder £145 per delegate plus VAT
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bksb Licence Holder £95 per delegate plus VAT
Tuesday 2nd November 2010 The East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham
Please photocopy this booking form for additional delegates. Complete all relevant sections of this form and send to: bksb, Enterprise Court, Hamilton Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 5BU E:enquiries@bksb.co.uk F:01623 646376 T:01623 413333
ABOUT CONTACT bksb, Enterprise Court, Hamilton Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 5BU E: bksbenquiries@bksb.co.uk T: 01623 413333 F: 01623 646376
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WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The Skills Conference will cover a wide range of topics concerning the provision and delivery of skills improvement. It is a must-attend event for any tutors, coordinators, managers, development officers and advisors with involvement in functional skills, key skills, diplomas, apprenticeships, foundation learning or any skills improvement programmes from: FE Colleges Secondary Schools and Sixth Forms Training Providers Prisons Universities Employers Pupil Referral Units Local Authorities and regional agencies Community and Voluntary Sector
ABOUT THE SKILLS CONFERENCE English, maths and ICT skills are the foundations which underpin learning and achievement in almost every area of education and employment. They are also vital to be able to communicate and operate confidently, effectively and independently in life. The Skills Conference is a not-to-be-missed event bringing together tutors, coordinators and managers to network and share their expertise, experiences and successes in developing the skills of learners and employees. Featuring speeches, presentations and workshops from some of the country’s leading authorities and experts in learning and skills, The Skills Conference provides a wonderful opportunity to explore the current and future skills landscape and how this will impact on your organisation’s success.
A national perspective on the future of skills provision, including the outlook for functional skills and key skills An insight into the impact and importance of skills for apprenticeships, diplomas and foundation learning pathways A look at the new inspection framework Examples of outstanding practice Innovative ideas for embedding functional skills into existing curriculum areas Effective delivery strategies for functional skills Up-to-date information on funding, focused on maximising income for skills Information on how to improve inspection results by improving skills development and achievement Effective strategies for raising skill levels of NEET learners A focus on supporting and improving adult reading skills Opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing The chance to browse exhibition stands from leading education suppliers
THE VENUE Venue for The Skills Conference 2011: The East Midlands Conference Centre, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RJ
TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE, GO TO: www.bksb.co.uk/theskillsconference