Snapshots frrom our partner organisations around d the world
Issue 9: Jan /Feb 2010
The Inner Wave News, insights and experiences from the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK)
United Arab Emirates: Dadi Janki presents a memento to His Excellency Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al-Nuaimi, CEO of Al Ihsaan Charity Centre, at an event organised by the Raja Yoga Center, Dubai, entitled Wisdom and Will Power on 23rd December 2009 at Dubai’s Sheikh Rashid Auditorium.
Denmark: Brahma Kumaris’ European Director Sister Jayanti at a press conference entitled Spirit and Science in Agreement on the Climate Crisis at COP15, the UN Climate Change Conference, in December 2009. An interview with Sister Jayanti on Climate Change TV is at: Australia: Thousands of people arriving at The Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne wrote messages of support and hope to the world leaders attending COP15 in Copenhagen in a 120 metre long ‘Great Letter’, organised by Brahma Kumaris (Australia) in December 2009. Tobago: Youth leaders from across the Commonwealth, including Brahma Kumaris youth representatives, discussing Youth Involvement in Decision-making at the 7th Commonwealth Youth Forum, Trinidad & Tobago, in November 2009.
In My Life
Dr Ashutosh Deshpande
Welcome to the Inner Wave. Happiness can be as elusive as it is universally coveted. How can we, no matter what our situation may be, make our lives more constantly happy? We hope to provide some practical answers here. Editorial Team
How to be Happy Christine Miller Dadi Janki’s visit to the UK in January 2010 included eight public engagements - in Oxford, Shoreham-by-Sea and various Greater London locations - as well as meetings with many groups and individuals. Christine Miller captured some of Dadi’s thoughts on happiness for The Inner Wave.
Dr Ashutosh Deshpande The last ten years have been constant change for me: finishing school, leaving home and then the daunting prospect of finding my way in the ‘real world. Many personal and professional challenges came my way and I was looking for a method to deal with them. I came across the Brahma Kumaris through their talk show on the Aastha International TV Channel. What struck me was the practicality of the discussions, which provided insights into how to deal effectively with everyday situations. Inner Space, which has recently opened on Glasgow’s busy High Street, has proven a valuable resource. I’ve had a number of philosophical questions for a long time, but I’m finding a greater level of contentment by going deeper into understanding who I really am. Meditation helps me to realise my true nature as a peaceful and powerful being and it’s having a very positive impact on my ability to be a good person and a good doctor. Work can be very challenging – dealing with difficult situations and making decisions under pressure. It’s important for me to approach clinical problems with a clear mind, remaining calm and getting on well
Dadi Janki sharing her thoughts about The Power and Protection of Good Wishes at an intimate gathering of around 140 people, with Sister Manda translating, at The Ropetackle Arts Centre, Shoreham-by-Sea on 13th January 2010.
with everyone. It helps avoid unnecessary anxiety and stress. It’s something that has improved greatly through practicing meditation – and it’s changed my outlook on life.
I reflect on how I’m “ handling different
Christine Miller
situations and am learning to respond better to them.
I’m more positive and energetic. I meditate in the morning and at night, and take pauses throughout the day. I reflect on how I’m handling different situations and am learning to respond better to them. My family and friends have certainly appreciated the benefits! For me it’s an ongoing process of spiritual self-discovery. It sounds like such a simple thing, but it’s something I’m so glad I’ve found. Dr Ashutosh Deshpande is a junior doctor in general medicine in Glasgow and a student of Raja Yoga meditation.
© Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) teaches Raja Yoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. For more information about our activities around the UK, please see Registered Charity in England & Wales (269971) and Scotland (SC040512)
She described how possessiveness leads to unhappiness, because we have expectations of our partners, children and family, and, if they don’t do what we expect, we are discontented. So, to have better relationships, we must first give love in order to receive it.
Next issue: Dealing with Conflict Learn to meditate For information about free Raja Yoga meditation courses around the UK: courses
Visit our online TV channel Watch videos of interviews, lectures and other Brahma Kumaris events (mostly in English) around the UK
Join our mailing list Sign up to receive The Inner Wave, Thought for the Day or events in your area by email at
‘How to have a happier, more peaceful life?’ is one of the most frequently-asked questions of our time. We have material comforts, yet true peace still eludes us. On this theme, Dadi Janki recently shared her wisdom in London, delivered with her inimitable humour and grace.
I’ve discovered that what is within us remains ours forever, whereas outside things, like money or possessions, can disappear.
Dadi explained that if we have peace and happiness, we have everything. In her own life she has found that tolerance and patience automatically lead to love and happiness, Dadi further guided us to be content with our based on inner peace, acceptance and under- situation and bless it; never say anything to hurt anyone; show mercy, love and honesty; standing. The Science of Happiness
What’s Inside...
and keep ourselves in a state of inner peace. Her words confirmed my own experience of finding peaceful happiness inside when I take time in stillness to reflect. I’ve discovered that what is within us remains ours forever, whereas outside things, like money or possessions, can disappear. A merciful, honest heart will give peace and bring blessings to others without any need to preach – we can then be ‘Virtues and Values in Action’ Dadi Janki is Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris. Christine Miller is a publisher, author and poet and Founder Editor of ReSource Magazine She recently founded the ReSource Foundation dedicated to human development and beneficial change for people and planet
Inner Space, Glasgow opens
Dr Prashant Kakoday
In My Life Dr Ashutosh Deshpande
page 2
The fewer desires you have, the happier you will be.
page 3
page 4
I reflect on how I’m handling different situations and am learning to respond better to them.
The Science of Happiness
Joy of Being:
Dr Prashant Kakoday
The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said: "Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." Scientists today have also begun to recognise its importance. So, what can science tell us about happiness? Many observations are contrary to commonly held beliefs. For example, wealth beyond a certain basic minimum doesn’t lead to happiness. In fact, it’s been found that the happiest are those who’ve discovered their own strengths and virtues and use them for the greater good. Studies show a significant link between good works and psychological wellbeing. Motivated volunteers are happier, regardless of personal circumstances. The link between exercise and happiness is also recognised. In some studies, regular exercise was shown to be just as effective as anti-depressants.
a Meditation The tthhouughht th Th The thatt em meerg ergges es in my awa wareeneessss is thhe tthhough ought ou gghht of o joyy… tthhe wo wond ond nder e of lilife fe… th fe the wo wond nder er of naattuure re… thhe wo wond nderr of th the woorlld aroouunndd m mee… e… thhee joy oy of beiing a chi of hild ooff Go hild Godd… d… the he joy oy of ex expe periririen enci en c ng God’s od’ss od love lo ve.
production. As a result, the ‘resting level’ goes down – when the external boost wears off. Things like coffee, chocolates and cigarettes all artificially raise serotonin but with long term ‘boom and bust’ results. The same can happen with TV, Internet, sex, music, alcohol and violence. A lack of serotonin leads to a loss of self-control and increases negative feelings like anger. By rediscovering our inner source of happiness and freeing ourselves from even one main dependency, we can begin to raise our own serotonin levels. Studies show that for many, one key relationship in life is often the key source of happiness. On the other hand, broken relationships are the biggest cause of unhappiness. As with other dependencies, we can use another person like a drug: our serotonin level becomes linked to the presence or absence of that person.
There are also some insights into the chemistry of happiness. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, plays a major role in our experience of happiness - high levels of it within the synapses are associated with a feeling of wellbeing. Conversely, most people with depression have low serotonin levels. If we artificially raise the level of seratonin, the body responds by lowering its natural
“youThehave,fewerthe desires happier you will be. ”
Happiness Ther Th eree iiss happi appi ap p ne ness ss whe ss hen ea hen eachh moom ment is i usedd inn a woort rthw hwhhhiile hw le way ay. H Haapp ppin ineesss is is such ucch nnoour uris i hm h ent thatt itt ccan traanssffoorm m a peerrso son fr from om wea eak inntoo power ow weerrffuul.l. It makkeess dififfificcultt thi hing hin ngs easy eeaasy sy and nd hea heeaavy vy thi h nggs liligh ligghht. t. To rem reem maiin happ app p y an and shhar aree ha happ p in pp inees ess wi withh oth ther erss is a great aacct ooff cha hari r ty ty.. No mat a teer what whhat happpens pennss, my pe m hhaapp ppin innes ess sshhhoou ould ld not ot be loost st. st.
FFrroom m: A Po Pock ckeett Booook on on Virrtu tue, av avai a la ai labl labl blee frroom m ww w ww.bkkppuublicaaattio ions.c
In this aw a ar a eennes ess ooff thee tthhi hing ngs of of ete tern rnititiy an a d th thee thin th iinngs tha h t are arre reeal al and tru rue, e, the he feeeeelilng ngs gs of sor orro roow ffaall alll away aw a. My min ind haas flfluucctu t atted bet etwe ween e sor orroow an and ha happppiness ne ss anndd I can an alllow o it ttoo coonntitinu tinuue to to fluuct c uaate but ut I choo ch oose see not ot to do do so.. Evver eryy ttiime me my th thou hoouugghhts t swi win ing ng to soorrrroow w, th the im impa pact c of this iss on my my co coonnssccio cio iouusne usne ness ss growss eevver er sstr t onge tr ger. Wha ger h t I want wantt to ddoo iiss errasse th the he sccen enes of sorr so orr rroow ow andd kee eep aliv livee the thhe aaw war aren enesss ooff joy. oy. oy
So is there a formula for happiness? May I suggest:
T is Th is is of of bbeeennneef efit not juusst fo forr me but ut for the he wor wor orld ld,, foor ld each andd everyy hum ea each man bei e ng ng who ho iiss partt of my m w wor orldd. or The jo j y of of bei eing ein ng a child hiildd of God Good em emer erge gess my ownn ge diign gnitity, ity, y a fee eelilng ng of tr t em meenndouss llov ove: e: not e: o onl nlyy am mIa chilildd of ch of God od but ut I seee the he w who hole ho le ooff hu humani manity aals lsoo as ls chilillddrren e of G Good.
The fewer desires you have, the happier you will be. Having the right information (truth) leads to contentment. Having the right understanding of the self, our purpose, our origins and our true relationships should free us from the cycles of boom and bust and lead society to that ultimate happiness.
TThe Th h de deptth off lovve in thi his ex expeeriien encee ooff th thee et eter e na nall conn co nnnec ectitioonn filills l my he ls hear art an and th the ppoowe werr off joy oy bbec e om mes so stronng th that a I can an llea eaave ve bbehhinnd ot otheer fe f ellinngs gs aand ndd em mot otio ion ons and n lett jooyy rrul ulee myy woorrld rldd iinnsid ide. e.. Mai aint n ai nt a ni ning ngg thhis this i awa w reene ness, I ca c n sh shaar are ha are happ hap ppiness in s an andd joy wiithh all aarrou o nd nd m mee.
Dr Prashant Kakoday is a medical doctor, who has been studying Raja Yoga meditation for over 20 years. He co-ordinates Brahma Kumaris activities in Cambridge and lectures around the world on topics ranging from science and consciousness to the holistic principles of life and health.
Your Feedback on The Inner Wave
The Inner Wave has been going for over a year now and we've really appreciated receiving your comments about it – what you like, what you don’t, and what you’d like to see more of. In order to keep improving, we’ve designed a very short and simple online survey for our readers to give their feedback at We would be very grateful if you would take five minutes to complete it by 31st March 2010. If you are not able to give us your comments through the online survey, we welcome them either by email or letter at the address below. Thank you. Media Dept, BKWSU (UK) Global Co-operation House 65-69 Pound Lane London NW10 2HH
F om Innne Fr ner Liigh g tt, a CD CD of me medita ditati di taat oonn coom m mme ment me ntaririe ies by Sist Sist ster er Jay ayan a tit, av a ai a la l bl blee fr from om om ww ww. w bk bkpu puubl blic i at ic atiions ns.c .com om m
Inner Space, Glasgow Glasgow’s new Meditation and Personal Development Centre was officially opened by Sister Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris, on 29th January 2010. Addressing the 100 people who had packed into Inner Space, Sister Jayanti said, “This is a beautiful setting to allow people to experience the journey within. If a space is clean and beautiful, you are happy to spend a few hours there. We can make our inner world like that. If we learn to create contentment within, that is expressed in lightness, forgiveness and love.” Inner Space, Glasgow offers a variety courses and talks free of charge, serving as an introduction to personal growth and spirituality in daily life. See also In My Life - page 4 Inner Space, 277 High Street, Glasgow, G4 0QS 0141 552 7446
RECIPE: Egg-free Mayonnaise ½ cup olive oil ½ cup milk/soya milk Juice of 1 lemon Pinch of salt Mustard and/or asafoetida to taste (optional) 1.
Blend together the olive oil and milk, using a hand blender
Add lemon juice in very small amounts to the mixture and continue mixing with the blender. Stop adding lemon juice when the required consistency is achieved
Take care that the mayonnaise does not turn runny. If it becomes runny, add a little oil
Add salt and mustard and/or asafoetida to taste and serve
From Pure & Simple – Cooking for a Busy Lifestyle, available from
The A-Z of Spiritual Living G is for Generosity
My heart is full and open. Flowing with pure feelings and good wishes for everyone, I follow my spontaneous instinct to give and I am truly happy. From Self Mastery Cards – Self Empowerment and Self Management in Stressful and Changing Times, available from
The Science of Happiness
Joy of Being:
Dr Prashant Kakoday
The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said: "Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." Scientists today have also begun to recognise its importance. So, what can science tell us about happiness? Many observations are contrary to commonly held beliefs. For example, wealth beyond a certain basic minimum doesn’t lead to happiness. In fact, it’s been found that the happiest are those who’ve discovered their own strengths and virtues and use them for the greater good. Studies show a significant link between good works and psychological wellbeing. Motivated volunteers are happier, regardless of personal circumstances. The link between exercise and happiness is also recognised. In some studies, regular exercise was shown to be just as effective as anti-depressants.
a Meditation The tthhouughht th Th The thatt em meerg ergges es in my awa wareeneessss is thhe tthhough ought ou gghht of o joyy… tthhe wo wond ond nder e of lilife fe… th fe the wo wond nder er of naattuure re… thhe wo wond nderr of th the woorlld aroouunndd m mee… e… thhee joy oy of beiing a chi of hild ooff Go hild Godd… d… the he joy oy of ex expe periririen enci en c ng God’s od’ss od love lo ve.
production. As a result, the ‘resting level’ goes down – when the external boost wears off. Things like coffee, chocolates and cigarettes all artificially raise serotonin but with long term ‘boom and bust’ results. The same can happen with TV, Internet, sex, music, alcohol and violence. A lack of serotonin leads to a loss of self-control and increases negative feelings like anger. By rediscovering our inner source of happiness and freeing ourselves from even one main dependency, we can begin to raise our own serotonin levels. Studies show that for many, one key relationship in life is often the key source of happiness. On the other hand, broken relationships are the biggest cause of unhappiness. As with other dependencies, we can use another person like a drug: our serotonin level becomes linked to the presence or absence of that person.
There are also some insights into the chemistry of happiness. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, plays a major role in our experience of happiness - high levels of it within the synapses are associated with a feeling of wellbeing. Conversely, most people with depression have low serotonin levels. If we artificially raise the level of seratonin, the body responds by lowering its natural
“youThehave,fewerthe desires happier you will be. ”
Happiness Ther Th eree iiss happi appi ap p ne ness ss whe ss hen ea hen eachh moom ment is i usedd inn a woort rthw hwhhhiile hw le way ay. H Haapp ppin ineesss is is such ucch nnoour uris i hm h ent thatt itt ccan traanssffoorm m a peerrso son fr from om wea eak inntoo power ow weerrffuul.l. It makkeess dififfificcultt thi hing hin ngs easy eeaasy sy and nd hea heeaavy vy thi h nggs liligh ligghht. t. To rem reem maiin happ app p y an and shhar aree ha happ p in pp inees ess wi withh oth ther erss is a great aacct ooff cha hari r ty ty.. No mat a teer what whhat happpens pennss, my pe m hhaapp ppin innes ess sshhhoou ould ld not ot be loost st. st.
FFrroom m: A Po Pock ckeett Booook on on Virrtu tue, av avai a la ai labl labl blee frroom m ww w ww.bkkppuublicaaattio ions.c
In this aw a ar a eennes ess ooff thee tthhi hing ngs of of ete tern rnititiy an a d th thee thin th iinngs tha h t are arre reeal al and tru rue, e, the he feeeeelilng ngs gs of sor orro roow ffaall alll away aw a. My min ind haas flfluucctu t atted bet etwe ween e sor orroow an and ha happppiness ne ss anndd I can an alllow o it ttoo coonntitinu tinuue to to fluuct c uaate but ut I choo ch oose see not ot to do do so.. Evver eryy ttiime me my th thou hoouugghhts t swi win ing ng to soorrrroow w, th the im impa pact c of this iss on my my co coonnssccio cio iouusne usne ness ss growss eevver er sstr t onge tr ger. Wha ger h t I want wantt to ddoo iiss errasse th the he sccen enes of sorr so orr rroow ow andd kee eep aliv livee the thhe aaw war aren enesss ooff joy. oy. oy
So is there a formula for happiness? May I suggest:
T is Th is is of of bbeeennneef efit not juusst fo forr me but ut for the he wor wor orld ld,, foor ld each andd everyy hum ea each man bei e ng ng who ho iiss partt of my m w wor orldd. or The jo j y of of bei eing ein ng a child hiildd of God Good em emer erge gess my ownn ge diign gnitity, ity, y a fee eelilng ng of tr t em meenndouss llov ove: e: not e: o onl nlyy am mIa chilildd of ch of God od but ut I seee the he w who hole ho le ooff hu humani manity aals lsoo as ls chilillddrren e of G Good.
The fewer desires you have, the happier you will be. Having the right information (truth) leads to contentment. Having the right understanding of the self, our purpose, our origins and our true relationships should free us from the cycles of boom and bust and lead society to that ultimate happiness.
TThe Th h de deptth off lovve in thi his ex expeeriien encee ooff th thee et eter e na nall conn co nnnec ectitioonn filills l my he ls hear art an and th the ppoowe werr off joy oy bbec e om mes so stronng th that a I can an llea eaave ve bbehhinnd ot otheer fe f ellinngs gs aand ndd em mot otio ion ons and n lett jooyy rrul ulee myy woorrld rldd iinnsid ide. e.. Mai aint n ai nt a ni ning ngg thhis this i awa w reene ness, I ca c n sh shaar are ha are happ hap ppiness in s an andd joy wiithh all aarrou o nd nd m mee.
Dr Prashant Kakoday is a medical doctor, who has been studying Raja Yoga meditation for over 20 years. He co-ordinates Brahma Kumaris activities in Cambridge and lectures around the world on topics ranging from science and consciousness to the holistic principles of life and health.
Your Feedback on The Inner Wave
The Inner Wave has been going for over a year now and we've really appreciated receiving your comments about it – what you like, what you don’t, and what you’d like to see more of. In order to keep improving, we’ve designed a very short and simple online survey for our readers to give their feedback at We would be very grateful if you would take five minutes to complete it by 31st March 2010. If you are not able to give us your comments through the online survey, we welcome them either by email or letter at the address below. Thank you. Media Dept, BKWSU (UK) Global Co-operation House 65-69 Pound Lane London NW10 2HH
F om Innne Fr ner Liigh g tt, a CD CD of me medita ditati di taat oonn coom m mme ment me ntaririe ies by Sist Sist ster er Jay ayan a tit, av a ai a la l bl blee fr from om om ww ww. w bk bkpu puubl blic i at ic atiions ns.c .com om m
Inner Space, Glasgow Glasgow’s new Meditation and Personal Development Centre was officially opened by Sister Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris, on 29th January 2010. Addressing the 100 people who had packed into Inner Space, Sister Jayanti said, “This is a beautiful setting to allow people to experience the journey within. If a space is clean and beautiful, you are happy to spend a few hours there. We can make our inner world like that. If we learn to create contentment within, that is expressed in lightness, forgiveness and love.” Inner Space, Glasgow offers a variety courses and talks free of charge, serving as an introduction to personal growth and spirituality in daily life. See also In My Life - page 4 Inner Space, 277 High Street, Glasgow, G4 0QS 0141 552 7446
RECIPE: Egg-free Mayonnaise ½ cup olive oil ½ cup milk/soya milk Juice of 1 lemon Pinch of salt Mustard and/or asafoetida to taste (optional) 1.
Blend together the olive oil and milk, using a hand blender
Add lemon juice in very small amounts to the mixture and continue mixing with the blender. Stop adding lemon juice when the required consistency is achieved
Take care that the mayonnaise does not turn runny. If it becomes runny, add a little oil
Add salt and mustard and/or asafoetida to taste and serve
From Pure & Simple – Cooking for a Busy Lifestyle, available from
The A-Z of Spiritual Living G is for Generosity
My heart is full and open. Flowing with pure feelings and good wishes for everyone, I follow my spontaneous instinct to give and I am truly happy. From Self Mastery Cards – Self Empowerment and Self Management in Stressful and Changing Times, available from
Snapshots frrom our partner organisations around d the world
Issue 9: Jan /Feb 2010
The Inner Wave News, insights and experiences from the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK)
United Arab Emirates: Dadi Janki presents a memento to His Excellency Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al-Nuaimi, CEO of Al Ihsaan Charity Centre, at an event organised by the Raja Yoga Center, Dubai, entitled Wisdom and Will Power on 23rd December 2009 at Dubai’s Sheikh Rashid Auditorium.
Denmark: Brahma Kumaris’ European Director Sister Jayanti at a press conference entitled Spirit and Science in Agreement on the Climate Crisis at COP15, the UN Climate Change Conference, in December 2009. An interview with Sister Jayanti on Climate Change TV is at: Australia: Thousands of people arriving at The Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne wrote messages of support and hope to the world leaders attending COP15 in Copenhagen in a 120 metre long ‘Great Letter’, organised by Brahma Kumaris (Australia) in December 2009. Tobago: Youth leaders from across the Commonwealth, including Brahma Kumaris youth representatives, discussing Youth Involvement in Decision-making at the 7th Commonwealth Youth Forum, Trinidad & Tobago, in November 2009.
In My Life
Dr Ashutosh Deshpande
Welcome to the Inner Wave. Happiness can be as elusive as it is universally coveted. How can we, no matter what our situation may be, make our lives more constantly happy? We hope to provide some practical answers here. Editorial Team
How to be Happy Christine Miller Dadi Janki’s visit to the UK in January 2010 included eight public engagements - in Oxford, Shoreham-by-Sea and various Greater London locations - as well as meetings with many groups and individuals. Christine Miller captured some of Dadi’s thoughts on happiness for The Inner Wave.
Dr Ashutosh Deshpande The last ten years have been constant change for me: finishing school, leaving home and then the daunting prospect of finding my way in the ‘real world. Many personal and professional challenges came my way and I was looking for a method to deal with them. I came across the Brahma Kumaris through their talk show on the Aastha International TV Channel. What struck me was the practicality of the discussions, which provided insights into how to deal effectively with everyday situations. Inner Space, which has recently opened on Glasgow’s busy High Street, has proven a valuable resource. I’ve had a number of philosophical questions for a long time, but I’m finding a greater level of contentment by going deeper into understanding who I really am. Meditation helps me to realise my true nature as a peaceful and powerful being and it’s having a very positive impact on my ability to be a good person and a good doctor. Work can be very challenging – dealing with difficult situations and making decisions under pressure. It’s important for me to approach clinical problems with a clear mind, remaining calm and getting on well
Dadi Janki sharing her thoughts about The Power and Protection of Good Wishes at an intimate gathering of around 140 people, with Sister Manda translating, at The Ropetackle Arts Centre, Shoreham-by-Sea on 13th January 2010.
with everyone. It helps avoid unnecessary anxiety and stress. It’s something that has improved greatly through practicing meditation – and it’s changed my outlook on life.
I reflect on how I’m “ handling different
Christine Miller
situations and am learning to respond better to them.
I’m more positive and energetic. I meditate in the morning and at night, and take pauses throughout the day. I reflect on how I’m handling different situations and am learning to respond better to them. My family and friends have certainly appreciated the benefits! For me it’s an ongoing process of spiritual self-discovery. It sounds like such a simple thing, but it’s something I’m so glad I’ve found. Dr Ashutosh Deshpande is a junior doctor in general medicine in Glasgow and a student of Raja Yoga meditation.
© Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) teaches Raja Yoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. For more information about our activities around the UK, please see Registered Charity in England & Wales (269971) and Scotland (SC040512)
She described how possessiveness leads to unhappiness, because we have expectations of our partners, children and family, and, if they don’t do what we expect, we are discontented. So, to have better relationships, we must first give love in order to receive it.
Next issue: Dealing with Conflict Learn to meditate For information about free Raja Yoga meditation courses around the UK: courses
Visit our online TV channel Watch videos of interviews, lectures and other Brahma Kumaris events (mostly in English) around the UK
Join our mailing list Sign up to receive The Inner Wave, Thought for the Day or events in your area by email at
‘How to have a happier, more peaceful life?’ is one of the most frequently-asked questions of our time. We have material comforts, yet true peace still eludes us. On this theme, Dadi Janki recently shared her wisdom in London, delivered with her inimitable humour and grace.
I’ve discovered that what is within us remains ours forever, whereas outside things, like money or possessions, can disappear.
Dadi explained that if we have peace and happiness, we have everything. In her own life she has found that tolerance and patience automatically lead to love and happiness, Dadi further guided us to be content with our based on inner peace, acceptance and under- situation and bless it; never say anything to hurt anyone; show mercy, love and honesty; standing. The Science of Happiness
What’s Inside...
and keep ourselves in a state of inner peace. Her words confirmed my own experience of finding peaceful happiness inside when I take time in stillness to reflect. I’ve discovered that what is within us remains ours forever, whereas outside things, like money or possessions, can disappear. A merciful, honest heart will give peace and bring blessings to others without any need to preach – we can then be ‘Virtues and Values in Action’ Dadi Janki is Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris. Christine Miller is a publisher, author and poet and Founder Editor of ReSource Magazine She recently founded the ReSource Foundation dedicated to human development and beneficial change for people and planet
Inner Space, Glasgow opens
Dr Prashant Kakoday
In My Life Dr Ashutosh Deshpande
page 2
The fewer desires you have, the happier you will be.
page 3
page 4
I reflect on how I’m handling different situations and am learning to respond better to them.