Snapshots frrom our associate e organisations aroun nd the world India: World famous cricketer Sachin Tendulkar presents a cricket bat signed with his good wishes to Sister Rajni (Brahma Kumaris, India) at the launch of a Shaswat Yogic Kheti (Yogic Agriculture) Campaign in Nagpur, November 2010.
News, insights and experiences from the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) Issue 14 Jan/Feb 2011
Togo: Children learning about how to improve relationships with their friends, parents and in school at a regular Sunday session at the Brahma Kumaris centre in Lomo, November 2010.
In My Life
The Inner Wave
Mongolia: University students enjoyed an interactive session on the values of non-violence, such as discipline, peace, humility and co-operation run by Brahma Kumaris Mongolia, on the UN International Day of Non-Violence, Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, October 2nd 2010 in Ulaanbaatar.
Welcome to the Inner Wave. In this issue we look at some aspects of the art of communication. If you would like to comment on anything you read in this newsletter, please do write to us at All issues of the Inner Wave can be downloaded from Editorial Team
Communicating and Connecting
Your Inner Song
Arti Lal
Lernor Findlay Do whatever you have to do
I work on behalf of the Local Authority, supervising contact between social workers, children in care and their families. Speaking to unhappy and angry parents, my role is often to break down the ‘social worker speak’ about what has been done or what they have to do and to help them reflect on their behaviour and its consequences for them and their children. Then, when communicating with the children, I have to find the child in me, while being very clear with them; I find they’re comfortable with that. I’ve always had the desire to put right the people and things of this world that ‘need fixing’ – little realising that it was what was
inside me that most needed to be fixed. I’ve also always seen the importance of being able to say what you want and how you feel. Both these aspects have clearly played a part in my chosen line of work.
the power of silence, keeping a positive attitude, remaining calm, responding and not reacting. I constantly ‘check in’ with myself and with God and ‘check out’ again, and this is invaluable in all situations.
The ‘desire to fix’ became a spiritual quest, and for many years I searched for God and a better understanding of myself through Christianity, Islam and Black African Movements.
Lernor Findlay lives in Croydon and works in Southwark, South London. He is a facilitator of the Brahma Kumaris Positive Thinking course in Clapham, South London.
Nine years ago I discovered the Brahma Kumaris through a retreat for social workers and experienced the impact on someone of love and generosity that is freely given. My feeling was that, whatever religion was, these experiences/concepts were vital ingredients.
I’ve learned about the “importance of positive preparation, the power of silence, keeping a positive attitude, remaining calm, responding and not reacting.
In my work I encounter angry people who can be violent, yet I’m rarely afraid. I’ve learned about the importance of positive preparation,
© Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) teaches Raja Yoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. For more information about our activities around the UK, please see Registered Charity in England & Wales (269971) and Scotland (SC040512)
To make silence your friend
Discover your inner song Of peace And happiness
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Next issue: What is Meditation?
Communication is not only verbal; behind what I say is a variety of attitudes, beliefs, values and feelings. We may wish to communicate a particular message but often fill our words with ‘emotional noise’ – our personal feelings, opinions or agendas, which actually distort or override the message. It’s important to be honest and clear – both with myself and others – and to stick to what is relevant and helpful to the other person. Keeping my own self esteem will help me to communicate in a positive way. I have to stop sometimes and say to myself, ‘Hang on, my value doesn’t change with the outcome of this discussion.’ The quality of my communication reflects the quality of my relationships. Spirituality has taught me to give time in my relationships and communication for respect, trust, clarity and openness. Spiritual communication is about
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Communication is an extremely important part of our lives. As we communicate, we express something of who we are and reach out to the other too. When communication is flowing well, we feel a sense of belonging and can easily begin to identify common ground. This applies, whether I’m communicating with myself, another person or an audience of 500 and also in my relationship with God.
What’s No Words Inside... Needed! Jayne Beaumont page 2
expressing my own inner goodness and positivity; there is a positive flow of energy between us and each one feels valued and love.
communication is “aboutSpiritual expressing my own inner goodness and positivity. ” Another aspect is the outcome of communication. Sometimes we think: ‘I’ve said and done this and so this should happen.’ However, I’ve forgotten to give space to allow other factors to work and for God to come in between and shape my picture of the future into a masterpiece. For me, that’s watching God at work – seeing things in real time and enjoying the process. Arti Lal is the co-ordinator of Inner Space in Covent Garden, the Brahma Kumaris meditation and self-development centre in the heart of London.
Tuning In To Silence
A Powerful Listener
Rev Dr Marcus Braybrooke
Masana De Souza
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In My Life Lernor Findlay
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