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Snapshots frrom our associate e organisations aroun nd the world Russia: All Colors of Joy, an event celebrating the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day in Moscow, organised by Brahma Kumaris (Russia) as part of the Festival of Spring, Love and Light, held in support of the International project Women, It Is Our Time in April 2011.

Indonesia: Staff from the Women's Empowerment Unit in Manado, North Sulawesi Utara Province taking part in Anger Management training given by the Brahma Kumaris (Indonesia) at Government House in January 2011.

The Inner Wave News, insights and experiences from the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) Issue 15 Jul/Aug 2011

Our theme for this issue is ‘What is meditation?’ We look at why and how we meditate and what effect regular practice can have on our everyday lives. If you would like to comment on anything in the newsletter, please write to All issues can be downloaded at Editorial Team

Easy Meditation

Meditation. It is a practice that was widespread throughout the East – but its relevance has never been stronger than today. It provides a very effective tool to help us deal with the many trials and tests of the everyday world out there – and it’s so simple to do! Just like with TV, we also sit and watch in meditation, but it is a much more productive type of watching. By simply sitting and watching our own unique and wonderful inner world, we quickly discover our many incredible and special qualities, which provide our lives with the strengths of calm, emotional stability and mental clarity.

Japan: Earthquake survivors from Miyagi, Fukushima joined Brother Atam Prakash of Madhuban (the Brahma Kumaris’ world headquarters in Mount Abu, India) in the Toyko Centre of Brahma Kumaris (Japan), to experience inner peace and calm and learn about Being Stable in Crisis in May 2011.

In My Life

Stay Connected

Joyce Blunn Join our e-mailing list Sign up for The Inner Wave, Thought for the Day messages or events in your area at

In 1977 my whole life was in crisis. I didn't know which way to turn, so I turned to my Father, God. I released the whole of my ‘situation’ to Him. He picked me up, straightened me out and stood me back on my feet. He gave me a solution to my every problem and eventually led me to Raja Yoga and the BKs, where I learned to link with Him in all relationships as well as being my Father. I’ve learned that God isn't responsible for the mess we make in our lives. First of all we have to face it: "I've made this mess, so I have to clean it up.” We can do this with His help and guidance.

faith in myself that I “canI keep achieve whatever I want to achieve... ” I've had Parkinson’s Disease for 13 years. I used to cry a lot at first but now I see the blessings and benefit in the condition that I have. I have learned so much about myself

and why I've got this particular condition and how to stay stable and deal with it in a loving, gentle way. Raja Yoga has taught me always to see things positively and to do everything with love – without being judgemental. I can now face things that before seemed impossible. I keep the word ‘success’ in front of me, no matter what happens. I keep faith in myself that I can achieve whatever I want to achieve, the choice is always mine.

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Joyce Blunn is one of the Lighthouse Retreat Centre team in Worthing, where she shares in the duties involved in running a busy retreat centre.

Registered Charity in England & Wales (269971) and Scotland (SC040512)

We all have to deal with different types of stress and worry these days – dealing with difficult people and situations, our health, our family, our jobs... The list can be endless and these challenges can often feel like storms rampaging through our lives. But, what can you do? Run and hide? Watch TV and hope it all just goes away? There is a much more practical and lasting solution – and it is much easier than you might think.

is about switch“ing Meditation our attention from our outer to our inner world. ”

So, meditation is about switching our attention from our outer to our inner world by simply focusing on ourselves. What could be easier? It’s a bit like having a rummage in the attic and discovering stuff

that you’d long forgotten. We just shake out the dust and cobwebs to re-emerge our long hidden but much needed treasures of peace and love and deep awareness. Once recognised and revived and brought into the light of awareness, these powers dramatically influence our life and relationships. And regular meditation practice is the means to keep these active and dynamic, making sure we don’t forget and neglect them again. So, each day we view, hold and experience them and allow their energies to influence our thinking and interactions. Through this new energy and vibration you will become calm, soothed and peaceful. Your mind will be clear and awake. And your life will become empowered and meaningful. So isn’t it worth spending a few minutes each day in meditation? Jim Ryan is an educationalist and management consultant. He has been a student and teacher of Raja Yoga Meditation with the Brahma Kumaris for over 30 years.

A new meditation centre for Manchester has opened in the Deansgate area of the city, opposite Manchester Opera House. Dadi Janki, Head of the Brahma Kumaris, inaugurated the renovated building on 18th May, saying, ‘The world needs places such as these, as people are full of worry and fear. Here, people can learn how to transform this worry and fear into hope and happiness.’

Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 14 Byrom Street, Spinningfields, Manchester M3 4PP 0161 834 8016

© Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) teaches Raja Yoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. For more information about our activities around the UK, please see

Jim Ryan

Next issue: Food and Consciousness

What’s Inside... page 2&3

Snapshots From Our Associate Organisations:

Raja Yoga Meditation: The Philosophy and the Practice

In My Life: Joyce Blunn

I keep faith in myself that I can achieve whatever I want to achieve...

‘Being Stable in Crisis’ - Japan. page 4

page 4

page 4

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