b e th lun d b e rg
e l e c t r o spring/summer16
i n te g r ati n g fa sh ion a n d t ech n ology A concept collection to combine craft and technology into fashion, to develop a high visibility fashion collection. knitting techniques inform the shape and structure. Electroluminescent wire increases visibility in low light environments.
The concept collection is designed to be translated to wearable clothing for women, with a focus on Comfort, function and style, to encourage them and make it easier to use cycling as a mode of transport in everyday life.
knitwear has a unique way of creating emotional attachment for the wearer, through nostalgia and association wth hand knitting of past generations. The wearer’s attachment increases the garments longevity.
beth lundberg|womenswear designer bethlundberg1@gmail.com 07427582369 www.bethlundberg.wix.com/bethlundberg
beth lundberg