Version: May 6, 2011
Special Agenda for May 11, 2011 Recommendation (Councillor K. Simpson) That the contents of the Special Council agenda for May 11, 2011 be approved as printed.
DELEGATIONS [None registered]
CONSIDERATION OF BUSINESS FOR WHICH NOTICE WAS GIVEN Recommendation (Councillor M. Baier) That Council resolve into the Committee of the Whole.
Introduction by the Chief Administrative Officer - Inspiring Innisfil 2020.
Presentation by Dr. Bob Woodburn, Tony Leighton and Karma Brown on Inspiring Innisfil 2020 FedDev Community Adjustment Fund – Intake Two. Recommendation (Councillor B. Loughead) That the presentation by Dr. Woodburn, Mr. Leighton and Ms. Brown regarding the Inspiring Innisfil 2020 be received with thanks.
Special Council Agenda May 11, 2011
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Inspiring Innisfil 2020 Public Consultation. Recommendation (Councillor R. Boynton) That Council permit members of the public to ask questions or comment at this point in the Special Council Agenda and suspend the necessary provisions of the Procedural By-law.
Inspiring Innisfil 2020, FedDev Community Adjustment Fund – Intake Two. Recommendation (Councillor L. Dollin) That Staff Report DSR-082-11, dated May 11, 2011 be received; and That the Strategic Directions for the Council Term 2010-2014 as presented, be tabled to the next regular meeting of Council at which time they would be considered for adoption; and That following adoption of the Council Strategic Directions, the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to prepare an implementation report for Council’s consideration within 30 days of the adoption of Council’s Strategic Directions 2010-2014.
Recommendation (Councillor D. Lougheed) That Committee rise and return back into the formal Council session to receive a report on the proceedings of the Committee of the Whole.
Adoption of the Recommendations from Committee of the Whole. Recommendation (Councillor R. Simpson) That the Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole for the Special Meeting of Council for May 11, 2011 be adopted.
BY-LAWS (6.1)
By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at the Special Council Meeting held on May 11, 2011. Recommendation (Councillor M. Baier) That By-Law No. 048-11 be read a first time, taken as read a second and third time and finally passed this 11th day of May, 2011.
Special Council Agenda May 11, 2011
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Consideration of a recommendation for adjournment. Recommendation (Councillor R. Simpson) That Council adjourn at _____ p.m. until the next regular meeting of Council on May 18, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. or at the call of the Mayor. Circulated: May 6 /11
TOWN OF INNISFIL STAFF REPORT May 6/11 Rec’d Council Date May 11/11 Item # 5.4 Action Taken DSR-082-11
Resolution # DATE:
May 11, 2011
Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council
Susan Downs, Director of Strategic Planning John Skorobohacz, Chief Administrative Officer
INSPIRING INNISFIL 2020 FedDev Community Adjustment Fund – Intake Two CR-004.10 and CR-281.10 and
RECOMMENDATION: Staff Report DSR-082-11 be received; and That the presentation by consultants, Dr. Bob Woodburn, Tony Leighton and Karma Brown be received; and That the Strategic Directions for the Council Term 2010- 2014 as presented be accepted and tabled to the next regular Council meeting scheduled at which time they would be considered for adoption; and That following adoption of the Council Strategic Directions, the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to prepare an implementation report for Council’s consideration within 30 days of the adoption of Council’s Strategic Directions 2010-2014.
BACKGROUND: The community consultation process for the Inspiring Innisfil 2020 strategic planning exercise concluded with the presentation of the consultant’s findings in March of this year.
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The following chronological outline illustrates the steps followed in shaping this exercise. * January 18, 2010 we made the formal application for a Federal Grant – Intake Two of the Community Adjustment Fund (CAF) (CR-004.10) * April 21, 2010 we were notified of the Approval of Town’s Grant Application * June 16, 2010 Council approval respecting the Request for Quotations for Consultants and applicable next steps to move the project forward. (CR-281.10) * July, 2010 The RFQ’s were reviewed and the top two proponent teams selected for interviews * Sept 1, 2010 The McSweeney Consulting Team which included: The Economic Planning Group of Canada and Hume Consulting Inc. were selected and the Official Launch of Inspiring Innisfil 2020 began * Sept 18 – Oct.1, 2010 – During this timeframe the first round of public consultation rolled out including: A Town-wide survey (including both mail-out and on-line); series of stakeholder focus groups and numerous public open houses *Oct. 30, 2010 A Town Hall – Community Summit is held with in excess of 90 participants * Dec. 16, 2010 A Cultural Planning Event with 38 participants is held * Jan. 20, 2011the Draft Inspiring Innisfil 2020 Strategy document is released for public review and further public input * Jan. 21 – Feb 4, 2011 marks the second round of public consultation – including another Survey tool – series of open houses – focus groups and more input gathering * March 2, 2011The Consultant’s Final Report Tabled with Council/Community for public review and further comment * March 9, 2011 Council received a presentation by Consultants respecting the Final report (CR-073-03.11) Since the adoption of the work of the consulting team lead by McSweeney and Associates, Council has taken on a leadership role and become engaged through a several workshops and smaller working groups along with members of the Administration to develop a framework for the next steps.
Without question, the community’s strategic plan sets out a rather ambitious series of 2
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strategies for Council consideration and adoption. As previously indicated this plan is actually the amalgam of three plans: Community development; an Economic Development strategy; and also a Tourism/Arts & Culture Plan. ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION: Given the scope of this project it was our objective from the outset to make this initiative a comprehensive and interactive community engagement process. Based upon the response and reaction from our community it appears that we accomplished this objective and that the theme which emerged from this exercise is an overwhelming desire for change; in summary to actively participate in a transformation of Innisfil. Since the adoption of the report, Dr. Woodburn has engaged Council and the Senior Team utilizing the strategies presented in Inspiring Innisfil 2020. He led Council through several workshops designed to educate and challenge traditional thinking. The underlying process was based upon a book titled Dream with a Deadline which has been helpful in his strategic planning exercises. The process was designed to capture in a clear focused statement the “dream” we are setting out to achieve. This work will ultimately lead to the creation of the on the ground tactics, which will be crucial for delivering upon the priorities arising from the Community Strategic Plan, over the remaining term of council. In each of the workshop sessions there was assigned reading and preparatory work for the participant which was critical to understanding the nature of each of the exercises. Ultimately the ideas and work gathered through the workshop exercises by the consultants lead to the development of a “house model” which articulates the key priorities of Council. The proposed House Model sets out 4 key components: The Roof Dream with a deadline statement = OUR COMMUNITY VISION Supporting the roof are the pillars which provide the insight into the main areas of focus arising from the strategic plan. 4 Key Pillars 4 Key Ways Statements which reflect upon 1) Our Economic Vision 2) Our Tourism Vision 3) Our Culture Vision 4) Our Community Development Vision
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Contained within each of the pillars is the articulation of the strategic directions and the applicable timelines required to attain each over the course of the Council term. Actions and Milestones in the pillars The top strategic directions are noted within the pillars which Council will be focused upon for the balance of their term. These strategic directions are the aspirations which the community articulated through the consultation process. The effort and energy focused on these game changing actions, is the true value of this particular model and exercise! It is the prevailing wisdom of strategic planning professionals that the practicality of going beyond a 36 month window with any degree of certainty is unlikely. Therefore, building flexibility within this process going forward is critical for both the community and council. We all know that the world surrounding us presents new and unanticipated opportunities which require our plan to remain flexible and allow the occasional shift in focus to occur. As these new opportunities arise, Council will have the chance to revisit the strategic priorities to re-focus efforts to take advantage of the changing circumstances. Being open and ready to respond to emerging conditions is absolutely critical as we execute to this plan. Foundation - Supporting Behaviours The foundation of this plan is a set of agreed upon behaviors which are viewed as being critical to the consistent delivery of our plan. Articulated and then modeled by Council, staff and community leaders these behaviours will help shape and support the entire process and should in large part be championed, recognized and rewarded. They set out the qualities of the corporate culture and epitomize the effort that will be necessary to achieve the dream. This component of the exercise should begin to reinforce the underlying work that has been subtly introduced into the administration over the past 12 months. NEXT STEPS: This phase of the Council strategy work draws us into the home stretch. Once Council confirms the strategic directions the final phase will require the administration to establish a detailed action plan for each of the strategic directions over the next 30-45 days. The detailed action plan will set out the sequences and steps that will be required for the successful implementation of the strategic direction adopted by Council. It may be one of the most comprehensive approaches taken by the Town as it relates to the development and execution of a strategic plan, however the intent is to build a new corporate culture that is focused upon meeting both the community and Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expectations. In short, this provides for a public service model which puts the communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aspirations and Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s priorities front and centre.
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The ultimate goal is to deliver a strategic planning document which embraces the community and Council’s objectives for the remainder of its term of office. The Plan will incorporate a mechanism for reporting, the flexibility to make appropriate course adjustments, and keep a focus on sustainable long term planning needs of the community. The list of Council’s Strategic Priorities is not intended to be exhaustive in the short term, but strategically focused. We anticipate that as strategic objectives are met Council will revisit the plan to elevate new priorities over time. As time and energy is expended toward the attainment of the various goals, we will have the opportunity to integrate new strategic directions so that eventually all of the proposed activities identified in the Inspiring Innisfil 2020 community plan are addressed. The course of action would also rely upon the plan being revisited by each subsequent Council as a way as to re-generate new directions for each term of Council through to 2020. Inspiring Innisfil will become our community’s guiding document and take on several phases through the next 10 years.
OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: Council could proceed with the strategic directions as presented by the consultants based upon the workshops and efforts undertaken over the past 2 months or alternatively reject some or all of the strategic directions.
FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: The work outlined in this report is included within the Town’s budget for completion of the Inspiring Innisfil 2020 project but does not qualify for reimbursement under the previous grant program.
CONCLUSION: Council is being requested to consider and adopt the strategic directions arising from its work with the Consultants based upon the work of Inspiring Innisfil 2020. Subject to Council’s confirmation of its strategic directions your administration will develop the action plan to deliver upon the selected strategies.
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PREPARED BY: John Skorobohacz and Susan Downs
________________________ Susan Downs, Director of Strategic Planning
________________________ John Skorobohacz Chief Administrative Officer
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF INNISFIL BY-LAW NO. 048-11 A By-Law of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at its Special Council meeting held on May 11, 2011. WHEREAS Subsection 5(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, (“Municipal Act”) as amended, provides that the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS Subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act provides that the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. NOW THEREFORE The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil enacts as follows: 1.
The actions of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at its meeting held May 11, 2011 respect of each recommendation contained in the reports of the Committee of the Whole as adopted or amended and adopted and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at this meeting is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law.
The Mayor and Clerk and the appropriate other officials of the Town of Innisfil are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Town of Innisfil referred to in the preceding section.
The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil.
________________________________ Barbara Baguley, Mayor
________________________________ Jason Reynar, Clerk