Council Agenda Innisfil

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Agenda for February 6, 2013. Recommendation (Councillor R. Simpson) That the contents of the agenda for February 6, 2013 be approved as printed, with the addition of Items 9.1, 9.2 and. 9.3.





Closing remarks by Student Mayor Anthony Stallone, representing St. Francis of Assisi School.


Introduction and Swearing In Ceremony for Lauryn Marks of Sunnybrae Public School as Student Mayor for the month of February, 2013. Recommendation (Councillor D. Lougheed) That Council extends congratulations to Lauryn Marks on being selected as the Student Mayor for the month of February, 2013 representing Sunnybrae Public School.

Council Agenda February 6, 2013


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Susan Downs, CEO Library Services, Anne Kell, Library Board Chair and Gerry Shoalts of Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd., re: Renovation and Design of Lakeshore branch of Innisfil Public Library. Recommendation (Councillor K. Simpson) That the deputation by Ms. Downs, CEO Library Services, and Ms. Kell, Board Chair and Mr. Shoalts regarding the presentation of the renovation and design of the Lakeshore branch of the Innisfil Public Library be received as information; and That Library Staff Report LIB-04-2013 submitted by the Chief Librarian/CEO dated February 6, 2013 be received.



Mr. John Swinden, Chair, Stevenson Memorial Hospital Board and Ms. Annette Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Stevenson Memorial Hospital, re: Hospital Update. Recommendation (Councillor L. Dollin) That the delegation by John Swinden, Chair, Stevenson Memorial Hospital Board and Annette Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Stevenson Memorial Hospital regarding an update of Hospital activities be received as information.



Adoption of Minutes


Regular Council Meeting Minutes dated January 16, 2013. Recommendation That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting dated January 16, 2013 be adopted.


Minutes of the Public Meeting for 2054 9th Line (Rix) dated January 16, 2013. Recommendation That the minutes of the Public Meeting for 2054 9th Line dated January 16, 2013 be approved as printed.

Council Agenda February 6, 2013


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Minutes of the Public Meeting for 0 10th Sideroad – North Part of Lot 10, Concession 6 (Harris) dated January 16, 2013. Recommendation That the minutes of the Public Meeting for 0 10th Sideroad dated January 16, 2013 be approved as printed and Council requests that the Director of Development consider the input provided at the Public Meeting and report back in due course.


Closed Session Report 01-13 dated January 16, 2013. Recommendation That the minutes of the Closed Session Report 01-13 dated January 16, 2013 be adopted.


Reports of Various Committees, Boards & Commissions


Innisfil Heritage Committee Report 01-13 dated January 3, 2013. Recommendation That the Innisfil Municipal Heritage Committee Report 01-13, dated January 3, 2013, be received and the recommendations therein be approved, subject to staff review and confirmation that the applicable resources and funding level is provided within the Council approved Operating/Capital Budget.


Standard Requests


Innisfil Community Events Corporation, Annual Winterfest Event and 9th Annual Fishing for Tyler Fundraiser - February 23, 2013, re: Request for Parking Fees Waiver. Recommendation That the correspondence from Innisfil Community Events Corporation dated January 10, 2013, be received; and That the correspondence from Elisa and Terry French, dated January 21, 2013, be received; and That the memorandum from Sid Armatage, Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities dated February 6, 2013, be received; and [Item C.1 continued on next page]

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[Item C.1 continued from previous page]

That Council waives the parking fees subject to all Town requirements being met for the Annual Winterfest Event and 9th Annual Fishing for Tyler Fundraiser being held on February 23, 2013.


Staff Reports


Staff Report DSR-026-13 submitted by the Director of Human Resources, re: Statutory Holidays for 2013 (including New Years Day 2014). Revised Recommendation That Staff Report DSR-026-13 be received as information.


Staff Report DSR-028-13 submitted Services/Clerks, re: ATV By-law Review.






Recommendation That Council directs staff to proceed with the public education campaign proposed in Staff Report DSR-127-12 received on July 11, 2012, and as further discussed in DSR-028-13 dated February 6, 2013.


Staff Report DSR-029-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Part Lot Control Exemption By-Law Applications – Pratt Construction Inc. Recommendation That Staff Report DSR-029-13 be received; and That Council approve the applications from Pratt Construction Inc. to exempt Block 214 on Registered Plan 51M-892 and Block 68 on Registered Plan 51M-944 in the Town of Innisfil from Part Lot Control; and That Council consider By-Law No. 011-13 to give effect to the recommendation.


Staff Report DSR-030-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Street Name for Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc. - (I-T-0503) Draft Plan of Subdivision.

[Item D.4 continued on next page]

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[Item D.4 continued on previous page]

Recommendation That Staff Report DSR-030-13 be received; and That the assignment of street names proposed in Staff Report DSR-03013 be approved as follows: Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc. Draft Plan of Subdivision – File I-T0503

• Forest Edge Court (D.5)

Staff Report DSR-031-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Special Event Planning and Policy Guide. Recommendation That Council receive report DSR-031-13 which outlines a new Special Event Planning and Policy Guide; and That staff be directed to consult community stakeholders on the proposed Special Event Planning and Policy Guide, including proposed procedures and fees; and That staff report back to Council by the end of the first quarter of 2013 for final approval.


Staff Report DSR-032-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Cookstown Heritage Conservation District – Update. Recommendation That Staff Report DSR-032-13 dated February 6, 2013, regarding Cookstown Heritage Conservation District – Update, be received as information.


Staff Report DSR-033-13 submitted by the Director of Infrastructure, re: Engineering Department Organizational Review. Recommendation That Staff Report DSR-033-12 be received; and That the proposed organizational structure as per DSR-033-13 be adopted with the creation of two four year contract positions (Subdivision Review Engineer and Subdivision Construction Inspector) and one fulltime Subdivision Construction Inspector.

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Staff Report DSR-034-13 submitted by the Director of Infrastructure, re: Phase 2 Land Acquisition, Innisfil Heights Reservoir. Recommendation That Staff Report DSR-034-13 be received; and That Council approves the purchase of Lot 28, Plan 1640 from Innisfil Hydro in accordance with the price in the Purchase and Sale Agreement and; That Council hereby confirms its intent that this entire expenditure plus interest is to be collected from future growth to occur in the Town of Innisfil.


Staff Report DSR-035-13 submitted by the Director of Legal Services, re: Land Acquisition – Kneeshaw (7th Line). Recommendation That Council approves the Offer to Purchase for the property located on the 7th Line east of Yonge Street, as further described in Staff Report DSR-035-13 dated February 6, 2013; and That Council agrees to consider incorporating the name “Constable” in a future park or recreational development on the subject lands; and, That Council adopts By-law No. 016-13 to give effect to this recommendation.


Staff Report DSR-036-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Off Leash Dog Park - membership replacement and Terms of Reference approval. Recommendation That Staff Report DSR-036-13 regarding Off Leash Dog Park Update and Change to Terms of Reference be received by Council; and That Council adopt the revised Terms of Reference for the Off Leash Dog Park as attached in Appendix A; and That Council authorize Clerks Services to recruit replacement members for the Off Leash Dog Park Committee.

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Staff Report DSR-039-13 submitted by the Director of Development and the Chief Administrative Officer, re: Inspiring Innisfil 2020 Q3 and Q4 Update. Recommendation That Staff Report DSR-039-13 be received as information as the third and fourth quarterly reports of 2012 regarding the implementation progress of Inspiring Innisfil 2020 strategic plan; and That Staff be directed to initiate a community consultation process in the first quarter of 2013, as outlined in this report, to review the vision, goals and implementation plan of Inspiring Innisfil 2020 and report back to Council in due course.


Other By-laws


A by-law to amend By-law No. 118-07, being a by-law to regulate Site Alteration, and By-law No. 170-12, being a by-law to impose fees and charges. Recommendation That By-law No. 015-13, being a by-law to amend By-law No.118-07 to regulate Site Alteration and to amend By-law No. 170-12, being a by-law to impose fees and charges, be adopted.


A by-law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. Recommendation That by-law No. 013-12, being a by-law to appoint Mitchell Harris as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer from February 6, 2013 to April 30, 2013, be adopted.


Consideration of a Closed Session


Consideration of a resolution to hold a “Closed Session” meeting. Recommendation That Council hold a “Closed Session” meeting as provided for by the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the Town's Procedural By-Law 077-11, immediately following this Council meeting at the Town Hall, to deal with: [Item F.1 continued on next page]

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[Item F.1 continued from previous page]



Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees. • Review of Off Leash Dog Park Committee applications. • Fire Services


Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or Board. • Shoreview Dr. Site Plan Non-Compliance

Recommendation That Council hold a “Closed Session” meeting as provided for by the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the Town's Procedural By-Law 077-11, on February 20, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. a)

Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. • Friday Harbour


Information List

(G.1– G.16)

Information List 02-13. Recommendation That Recommendations G.1 through to G.16 be adopted as printed on Information List 02-13.


Consent List Recommendation (Councillor R. Simpson) That the Consent List for February 6, 2013 and the Recommendations contained therein be adopted as Resolutions of Council, with the exception of Items ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, which are referred to the Committee of the Whole.


Recommendation (Councillor K. Simpson) That Council resolve into the Committee of the Whole.

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Business Items


Information List Items


County Report (Mayor B. Baguley & Deputy Mayor D. Davidson) [Report to be provided at meeting.]


Supplementary Business


Special Council Meeting Minutes dated January 23, 2013. Recommendation That the minutes of the Special Council Meeting dated January 23, 2013 be adopted.


Memorandum from the Director of Finance, Customer Service/CFO, re: Elimination of Canadian Penny Currency. Recommendation That the memorandum from the Director of Finance, Customer Service/CFO dated February 6, 2013, be received as information.


Staff Report DSR-027-13 from the Director of Human Resources, re: Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation Policy. Recommendation That the Draft Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation Policy and Draft Multi Year Accessibility Plan appended to Staff Report DSR-027-13 be received and reviewed by Council with comments provided to Human Resources by February 19, 2013; and Further that a final report will be presented to Council on March 6, 2013 for consideration.

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Rise Recommendation (Councillor K. Simpson) That Committee rise and return back into the formal Council session to receive a report on the proceedings of the Committee of the Whole.


Consideration of the adoption of the recommendations from Committee of the Whole. Recommendation (Councillor L. Dollin) That the Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole for the meeting of February 6, 2013 be adopted as Resolutions of Council.







By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at the meeting held on February 6, 2013. Recommendation (Deputy Mayor Davidson) That By-Law No. 017-13, being the confirming by-law of the Regular Council Meeting held on February 6, 2013, be adopted.



Recommendation (Councillor B. Loughead) That Council adjourn at _____ p.m. until the next Council meeting on February 20, 2013 starting at 7:15 p.m. or at the call of the Mayor. Re-circulated: February 1, 2013

January 21/13 Rec’d Council Date February 6/13 Item # 6.1 Action Taken Resolution #

Item A.1 Council Agenda February 6/13

Council Minutes January 16, 2013 Page 1

The Council meeting of the Town of Innisfil Council for January 16, 2013 was held in the Council Chambers with the following members and staff present: Mayor: Deputy Mayor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor:


B. Baguley D. Davidson D. Lougheed R. Simpson K. Simpson R. Boynton B. Loughead L. Dollin

Chief Administrative Officer: Dir. Legal Services/Town Clerk: Dir. Finance, Customer Service/CFO: Dir. Development: Dir. Infrastructure: Mgr. Capital Engineering: Mgr. Land Use Planning: Communications Officer: Economic Development Officer: Assistant Clerk:

J. Skorobohacz J. Reynar L. Davis D. Eastwood A. Campbell G. Shellswell T. Cane M. Newton R. Sullivan K. Jacob

OPENING OF MEETING BY MAYOR BAGULEY The meeting was called to order by Mayor Barb Baguley at 7:35 pm.


OPEN FORUM [None received.]



Agenda for January 16, 2013. [A 2/3 majority is required to adopt the agenda with additional items added within 24 hours of the meeting, pursuant to Section 142 of Procedural By-law No. 077-11]


Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Deputy Mayor D. Davidson Councillor K. Simpson

That the contents of the agenda for January 16, 2013 be approved as printed with the additions of items 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9 and 10.1. --carried-4.

DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Councillor L. Dollin declared a Conflict of Interest on Item D.7 due to being a member of the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Committee, and on Item 9.2 regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual. She did not participate in any discussion nor did she vote on these matters.

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Introduction and Swearing In Ceremony for Anthony Stallone of St. Francis of Assisi School as Student Mayor for the month of January, 2013. Councillor K. Simpson escorted Anthony Stallone to the front of Council where he took his Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance, both administered by Jason Reynar, Town Clerk. Mr. Stallone was then introduced as the new Student Mayor. Councillor K. Simpson escorted Student Mayor Stallone to the dais to present his inaugural speech. Mayor Baguley welcomed Student Mayor Stallone and presented him with the Official Student Mayor's Medallion which will be worn during his term of office for the Month of January, 2013 while participating in Official Town business and attending functions. Student Mayor Stallone gave his inaugural speech, expressing his appreciation for having the opportunity to represent St. Francis of Assisi School as Student Mayor. Councillor K. Simpson expressed a few words of interest about Student Mayor Stallone which were provided by his teacher.


Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor K. Simpson Deputy Mayor D. Davidson

That Council extends congratulations to Anthony Stallone on being selected as the Student Mayor for the month of January, 2013 representing St. Francis of Assisi School. --carried--


DEPUTATIONS [None received.]

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Mr. Sam Langman, Simcoe County Community Energy Co-op, and Mr. Trace Leonard, Robtrans Systems, re: Rooftop Solar Project – 2252 Bowman Street. Mr. Langman and Mr. Trace gave a brief overview of the proposed rooftop solar installation and explained the rationale for Simcoe County Community Energy Co-op requesting Council support for this project.


Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor R. Boynton Councillor L. Dollin

That the delegation by Mr. Langman and Mr. Leonard on behalf of Robtrans Systems regarding a proposal for a Rooftop Solar Project located 2252 Bowman Street in the Town of Innisfil, be received; and That Council consider this matter in conjunction with Staff Report DSR022-13 on tonight’s agenda (Item 9.6). --carried-(7.2)

Deborah McGrath, re: Toastmasters Club in Innisfil. Ms. McGrath gave an overview of the organization and outlined the benefits and opportunities that members are able to access. She advised that the group is in the process of establishing a chapter in Innisfil.


Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed Councillor K. Simpson

That the delegation by Ms. McGrath regarding the establishment of a Toastmasters Club in Innisfil be received. --carried-(7.3)

Rob Nicol and Jo-Ann Glover, residents of Gilford re: GO Train whistles. Mr. Nicol provided an overview of the GO train whistle issue in the Gilford area. He advised that municipalities may request relief from whistling provided the crossing meets Transport Canada requirements. Transport Canada has whistle restrictions available between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am but prefers a 24 hour ban. Whistling elimination is allowed for trains travelling over 50mph if flashing lights, bells and gates are installed. [Item 7.3 continued on next page].

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[Item 7.3 continued from previous page].

There are at least 25 municipalities in Ontario with Anti whistling bylaws in place including Richmond Hill, Brampton, Oakville, Brockville, Burlington as well as Green Lane and Langstaff Road in Markham already with up to 40 trains per day. He advised that Gilford residents are requesting that the Town begin the process for an Anti Whistling By-law to be enacted for the rail crossings north of the 13th line extending to the north side of the 2 nd line encompassing the village of Gilford. CR-005.13

Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor R. Boynton

That the delegation by Mr. Nicol and Ms. Glover regarding GO Train whistles in the Gilford area be received; --carried-8.


Adoption of Minutes


Minutes of the Public Meeting for the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review.

CR-006-01.13 Resolution That the minutes of the Public Meeting for the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review dated December 12, 2012, be approved as printed. (A.2)

Special Council Meeting Minutes dated December 19, 2012.

CR-006-02.13 Resolution That the minutes of the Special Council Meeting dated December 19, 2012 be adopted. (A.3)

Closed Session Report 025-12 dated December 12, 2012.

CR-006-03.13 Resolution That the minutes of the Closed Session Report 025-12 dated December 12, 2012 be adopted.

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Regular Council Meeting Minutes dated December 12, 2012.

CR-006-04.13 Resolution That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting dated December 12, 2012 be adopted. B.

Reports of Various Committees, Boards & Commissions


Police Services Review Ad Hoc Committee Reports 06-12, 07-12 and 08-12.


Resolution That Police Services Review Ad Hoc Committee Report 06-12 dated November 29, 2012; Report 07-12 dated December 6, 2012; and Report 0812 dated December 17, 2012 be received and the recommendations therein be approved.


Innisfil Municipal Heritage Committee Report 12-12, dated December 6, 2012. [Item B.2 referred to Committee of the Whole]


Innisfil Remembrance Day Committee Report 13-12 dated November 27, 2012.

CR-006-06.13 Resolution That the Remembrance Day Committee Report 13-12 dated November 27, 2012 be received and the recommendations therein be approved, subject to staff review and confirmation that the applicable resources and funding level is provided within the Council approved Operating/Capital Budget; and That the annual Town of Innisfil Civic Remembrance Day Service be held on November 11 of each year at 11:00 am at Innisfil Town Hall. (B.4)

Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee Report 10-12 dated November 13, 2012.

CR-006-07.13 Resolution That the Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee Report 10-12, dated November 13, 2012, be received and the recommendations therein be approved, subject to staff review and confirmation that the applicable resources and funding level is provided within the Council approved Operating/Capital Budget.

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Innisfil Farmers’ Market Committee Report 10-12 dated November 1, 2012.

CR-006-08.13 Resolution That the Innisfil Farmers’ Market Committee Report 10-12 dated November 1, 2012 be received. (B.6)

Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Report 07-12 dated November 8, 2012.

CR-006-09.13 Resolution That the Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Report 07-12, dated November 8, 2012 be received. C.

Standard Requests [None received].


Staff Reports


Staff Report DSR-001-13 submitted by the Director of Finance & Customer Service/CFO, re: 2013 Interim Property Tax Levy.

CR-006-10.13 Resolution That Council approve By-Law 001-13, being a by-law to allow for the interim levying of property taxes. (D.2)

Staff Report DSR-002-13 submitted by the Director of Finance & Customer Service/CFO, re: Temporary Borrowing Requirements.

CR-006-11.13 Resolution That Council approve By-law 002-13, being a by-law to establish temporary external borrowing authority. (D.3)

Staff Report DSR-006-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Innisfil Executive Estates Draft Plan of Subdivision Extension.

CR-006-12.13 Resolution That Report DSR-006-13 be received; and [Item D.3 continued on next page].

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[Item D.3 continued from previous page].

That the Town of Innisfil advise the County of Simcoe that the Town has no objection to the Extension of Draft Plan Approval to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision I-T-88008 approved February 6, 2012, for a period of eighteen (18) months from the February 6, 2013 lapsing date until August 6, 2014. (D.4)

Staff Report DSR-007-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Maple Lane Draft Plan of Condo Expansion.

CR-006-13.13 Resolution That Report DSR-007-13 regarding a request to extend Draft Plan Approval to Draft Approved Plan of Condominium I-CD-0801 (Maple Lane Lands & Development Co. Ltd., Block 209, 211 and 212, Registered Plan 51M-701) be received; and, That the Town of Innisfil advise the County of Simcoe that the Town has no objection to the Extension of Draft Plan Approval to Draft Approved Plan of Condominium I-CD-0801 approved February 10, 2010, for a period of one (1) year from the current February 10, 2013 lapsing date until February 10, 2014. (D.5)

Staff Report DSR-010-13 submitted by the Director of Legal Services/Clerk, re: Parking Pilot Project. [Item D.5 referred to Committee of the Whole].


Staff Report DSR-011-13 submitted by the Director of Infrastructure, re: Transportation Master Plan Draft Policies.

CR-006-14.13 Resolution That staff report DSR-011-13 be received, and; That Council provide comments on the attached draft policies to the Director of Infrastructure by February 1, 2013 to allow for any modifications to these policies to be included in the draft Transportation Master Plan that will be presented to Council in late February or March. (D.7)

Staff Report DSR-012-13 submitted by the Director of Infrastructure, re: Source Water Protection Part 4 Delegation. [Item D.7 referred to Committee of the Whole].

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Staff Report DSR-015-13 submitted by the Director of Infrastructure, re: Replacement of By-Law No. 118-07 - Site Alteration By-law.

CR-006-15.13 Resolution That DSR-015-13 be received; and That Council direct staff to undertake public consultation on the attached draft by-law to give effect to a new Site Alteration By-law and report back to Council. (D.9)

Staff Report DSR-017-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Development Liaison Group – Minutes and Terms of Reference. [Item D.9 referred to Committee of the Whole].


Staff Report DSR-018-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Flex Housing.

CR-006-16.13 Resolution That report DSR-018-13 be received for information. E.

Other By-laws


A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 054-04, as amended. [Public Meeting on January 16, 2013, re: Zoning By-law Amendment - Rix].

CR-006-17.13 Resolution That By-law No. 008-13, being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 054-04, by rezoning the lands described as South Part of Lot 17, Concession 9, known municipally as 2054 9th Line, in the Town of Innisfil be adopted. (E.2)

A By-law to impose Water Rates and to prescribe the amount of such rates.

CR-006-18.13 Resolution That By-law No. 003-13, being a by-law to impose Water Rates and to prescribe the amount of such rates be adopted. (E.3)

A By-law to impose Wastewater Rates and to prescribe the amount of such rates.

CR-006-19.13 Resolution That By-law No. 004-13, being a by-law to impose Wastewater Rates and to prescribe the amount of such rates be adopted.

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Consideration of a Closed Session


Consideration of a resolution to hold a “Closed Session” meeting. [Item F.1 referred to Committee of the Whole].


Information List

(G.1– G.36)

Information List 01-13.

CR-006-20.13 Resolution to CR-008-52.13 That Recommendations G.1 through to G.36 be adopted as printed on Information List 01-13, with the exception of G.25, G.31 and G.36 which have been referred to Committee of the Whole. (8.1)

Consent List Resolution


Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor B. Loughead Councillor R. Simpson

That Items A.1 to A.4, B.1, B.3 to B.6, D.1 to D.4, D.6, D.8, E.1 to E.3, G.1 to G.24, G.26 to G.30, G.32 to G.35 of the Consent List for January 16, 2013 and the Recommendations contained therein be adopted as Resolutions of Council, and Items B.2, D.5, D.7, D.9, D.10, F.1, G.25, G.31 and G.36 are referred to the Committee of the Whole. --carried-CR-007.13

Conflict Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor B. Loughead Councillor R. Simpson

That Item D.7 of the Consent List for January 16, 2013 be referred to the Committee of the Whole. [Councillor Dollin declared a conflict]. --carried-(8.2)



Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor K. Simpson Deputy Mayor D. Davidson

That Council resolve into the Committee of the Whole. --carried--

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Business Items


Motion introduced on August 8, 2012.

CR-008-01.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor R. Boynton

Whereas the main street in Cookstown is also a Provincial Highway; and Whereas main street, by design, attracts significant pedestrian and vehicular traffic from local residents accessing business services and tourists visiting local shops and restaurants; and Whereas Traffic counts undertaken over 10 years ago reveal that in excess of 1000 heavy transport vehicles travel daily on that section of highway; and Whereas the construction and timing of a by-pass route by MTO is uncertain. Now therefore, be it resolved that the Town of Innisfil correspond with local manufacturing and transport companies to reinforce the obvious need for extreme patience, care, and safety when traveling through Cookstown; and Further that a copy of this resolution and correspondence be sent to South Simcoe Police Service and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. --carried-(B.2)

Innisfil Municipal Heritage Committee Report 12-12, dated December 6, 2012. Original Recommendation That the Innisfil Municipal Heritage Committee Report 12-12, dated December 6, 2012 be received and the recommendations therein be approved, subject to staff review and confirmation that the applicable resources and funding level is provided within the Council approved Operating/Capital Budget; and That the resolution as printed in “Appendix C”, approved at the Innisfil Heritage Committee Meeting held on December 6, 2012 be given consideration by Council. [Item B.2 continued on next page].

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[Item B.2 continued from previous page].

CR-008-02.13 Resolution (#1) Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed Councillor L. Dollin

That the Innisfil Municipal Heritage Committee Report 12-12 dated December 6, 2012 be received and the recommendations therein be approved, except Appendix A and B, subject to staff review and confirmation that the applicable resources and funding level is provided within the Council approved Operating/Capital Budget. --carried-CR-008-03.13 Resolution (#2) Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed Councillor L. Dollin

That Council supports the request of the Innisfil Heritage Committee to consider development of a tree cutting bylaw that takes into account an assessment of "heritage trees" and staff shall incorporate this into their upcoming draft. --carried-(D.5)

Staff Report DSR-010-13 submitted by the Director of Legal Services/Clerk, re: Parking Pilot Project. Original Recommendation That Council approve the annual hiring, effective immediately, of co-op students for the enforcement of the parking by-law, among others, as outlined in Staff Report DSR-010-13 dated January 16, 2013; and, That the 2013 funds budgeted for Contract Parking Enforcement ($51,389) be used for the 2013 operating expenses associated with the employment of co-op students.

CR-008-04.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor Lynn Dollin Councillor R. Boynton

That Council approve the annual hiring, effective immediately, of co-op students for the enforcement of the parking by-law, among others, as outlined in Staff Report DSR-010-13 dated January 16, 2013; and, That the 2013 funds budgeted for Contract Parking Enforcement ($51,389) be used for the 2013 operating expenses associated with the employment of co-op students; and

[Item D.5 continued on next page].

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[Item D.5 continued from the previous page].

That staff review the current by-law enforcement model in conjunction with police enforcement to enhance overall capacity and future direction. --carried-(D.7)

Staff Report DSR-012-13 submitted by the Director of Infrastructure, re: Source Water Protection Part 4 Delegation. Original Recommendation Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor B. Loughead Councillor R. Simpson

That Staff Report DSR-012-12 be received; and That staff be directed to negotiate an Agreement with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority/Source Protection Authority (LSRCA/SPA) to provide a Risk Management Official and Risk Management Inspector for the purpose of enforcement of the Source Protection Plan (SPP). Motion to Table Staff Report DSR-012-13. CR-008-05.12 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor Bill Loughead Councillor R. Simpson

That Staff Report DSR-012-13 be tabled until February 20, 2013. --carried-(D.9)

Staff Report DSR-017-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Development Liaison Group – Minutes and Terms of Reference. Original Recommendation That the meeting notes (as attached Appendix A) from the December 13, 2012 meeting of the Development Liaison Group be received for Council’s information; and That Council approve the amended Terms of Reference with the inclusion of 2 additional members specifically from the homebuilding industry be invited to join the Development Liaison Group (as attached Appendix B) as recommended at their December 13, 2012 meeting. [Item D.9 continued on next page].

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[Item D.9 continued from previous page].

CR-008-06.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor R. Boynton

That the meeting notes (as attached Appendix A) from the December 13, 2012 meeting of the Development Liaison Group be received for Council’s information; and That Council approve the amended Terms of Reference with the inclusion of 3 additional members specifically from the homebuilding industry be invited to join the Development Liaison Group (as attached Appendix B) as recommended at their December 13, 2012 meeting. --carried-(D.10)

Staff Report DSR-018-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Flex Housing. Original Recommendation That report DSR-018-13 be received for information.

CR-008-07.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor R. Boynton Councillor L. Dollin

That report DSR-018-13 be received for information; and That staff consult with the Development Liaison Group to identify ways to move forward towards this objective of FlexHousing and report back to Council. --carried-(F.1)

Consideration of a resolution to hold a “Closed Session” meeting. Original Recommendation That Council hold a “Closed Session” meeting as provided for by the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the Town's Procedural By-Law 07711, immediately following this Council meeting at the Town Hall, to deal with: a) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees.  Department Organizational Review [Item F.1 continued on next page].

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[Item F.1 continued from previous page].

b) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposal of land by the municipality.  Potential Land Swap CR-008-08.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor R. Boynton Councillor L. Dollin

That Council hold a “Closed Session” meeting as provided for by the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the Town's Procedural By-Law 07711, immediately following this Council meeting at the Town Hall, to deal with: a) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees.  Department Organizational Review  Fire Services b) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposal of land by the municipality.  Potential Land Swap --carried-II.

Information List Items


Original Recommendation That the copy of correspondence from the Township of Springwater to AWARE Simcoe, re: opposition to closing of Springwater Park and the possibility of the sale and development of this valuable public resource dated December 7, 2012, be received as information.

CR-008-09.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed Deputy Mayor D. Davidson

That the copy of correspondence from the Township of Severn to AWARE Simcoe, re: opposition to closing of Springwater Park and the possibility of the sale and development of this valuable public resource dated December 7, 2012, be received as information; And that the Town of Innisfil supports the maintaining of Springwater Park under the ownership and operation of the Provincial Government; and, [Item G.25 continued on next page].

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[Item G.25 continued from previous page].

Further that this resolution be forwarded to AWARE Simcoe, Ministry of Natural Resources, MPP’s Jim Wilson and Julia Munro, Township of Springwater and other Simcoe County municipalities. --carried-(G.31)

Original Recommendation Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor D. Lougheed

That the correspondence from the Gilford Area Resident’s, re: GO Train AntiWhistling request dated December 10, 2012, be received as information. CR-008-10.13 Reconsideration Motion Moved By: Seconded By:

Mayor B. Baguley Deputy Mayor D. Davidson

That Council reconsider its resolution CR-014-03.12 from its January 18, 2012 meeting which reads: “That Staff Report DSR-020-12, be received; and That Council not pursue a prohibition of train whistling within the Town of Innisfil at this time, and the Director of Development continue to engage Metrolinks and Transport Canada to find a solution to Gilford’s site specific issue.” [2/3rds majority required.]


Motion to Amend G. 31 Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor D. Lougheed

That the correspondence from the Gilford Area Resident’s, re: GO Train AntiWhistling request dated December 10, 2012, be received as information; and, That Council approve moving forward with a GO whistle cessation for one level crossing in Gilford as a pilot project. [Item G.31 continued on next page].

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[Item G.31 continued from previous page].

Motion to extend the Council Meeting. CR-008-11.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Deputy Mayor D. Davidson

That the Council Meeting be extended until 11:00 pm. --carried---Motion to Amend Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed Mayor B. Baguley

Revise the 2nd paragraph to read: That Council requests staff to bring back a recommendation about a process for a public information session for the Gilford community in relation to the issue of GO train whistle cessation. Councillor R. Boynton requested a recorded vote. In Favour:

Against: Absent:

Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Deputy Mayor: Mayor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor:

D. Lougheed R. Simpson K. Simpson D. Davidson B. Baguley R. Boynton L. Dollin B. Loughead M. Baier

CR-008-12.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Deputy Mayor D. Davidson Councillor D. Lougheed

That the correspondence from the Gilford Area Resident’s, re: GO Train AntiWhistling request dated December 10, 2012, be received as information; and, That Council requests staff to bring back a recommendation about a process for a public information session for the Gilford community in relation to the issue of GO train whistle cessation. [Item G.31 continued on next page].

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[Item G.31 continued from previous page].

Councillor R. Simpson requested a recorded vote. In Favour:

Against: Absent:

Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Deputy Mayor: Mayor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor :

D. Lougheed R. Simpson K. Simpson L. Dollin D. Davidson B. Baguley R. Boynton B. Loughead M. Baier --carried--


Original Recommendation That the correspondence from Intact Insurance, requesting a review of a towing invoice and relevant by-law dated November 27, 2012, be referred to the Supervisor of Municipal Law Enforcement for reply with a copy to Council.

CR-008-13.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor B. Loughead

That the correspondence from Intact Insurance, requesting a review of a towing invoice and relevant by-law dated November 27, 2012, be received. --carried-III.

County Report (Mayor B. Baguley & Deputy Mayor D. Davidson) County Report deferred until the February 6, 2013 Regular Council meeting.


Supplementary Business


Staff Report DSR-019-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Simcoe County District School Board - FIT Solar Installation Support. [Councillor Dollin did not vote on this matter.]

CR-008-28.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor R. Simpson Councillor B. Loughead [Item 9.2 continued on next page]

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[Item 9.2 continued from previous page]

That Report DSR-019-13 be received; and That Council requires applicants and/or owners of host facilities of solar rooftop installations to meet all applicable planning controls, building code requirements, and other applicable town by-laws (i.e. licensing, property standards). That Council request the Simcoe County District School Board redirect a portion of the revenue from solar installation facilities to the host local schools for maintenance and enhancements that benefit the local community. CR-008-14.13 Resolution Cookstown Central Public School Whereas the Simcoe County District School Board (the “Applicant”) proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar PV (the "Project") on Cookstown Central Public School – 5088 Highway 27 (the "Lands") in the Town of Innisfil under the Province's FIT Program; And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; And Whereas, pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program (the “FIT Rules”), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the Town of Innisfil supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. CR-008-15.13 Resolution Innisfil Central Public School Whereas the Simcoe County District School Board (the “Applicant”) proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar PV (the "Project") on Innisfil Central Public School – 2075 5th Line (the "Lands") in the Town of Innisfil under the Province's FIT Program; [Item 9.2 continued on next page]

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[Item 9.2 continued from previous page]

And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; And Whereas, pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program (the “FIT Rules”), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the Town of Innisfil supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. CR-008-16.13 Resolution Killarney Beach Public School Whereas the Simcoe County District School Board (the “Applicant”) proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar PV (the "Project") on Killarney Beach Public School – 850 20th Sideroad (the "Lands") in the Town of Innisfil under the Province's FIT Program; And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; And Whereas, pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program (the “FIT Rules”), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the Town of Innisfil supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. [Item 9.2 continued on next page]

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[Item 9.2 continued from previous page]

CR-008-17.13 Resolution Nantyr Shores Secondary School Whereas the Simcoe County District School Board (the “Applicant”) proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar PV (the "Project") on Nantyr Shores Secondary School – 1146 Anna Maria Drive (the "Lands") in the Town of Innisfil under the Province's FIT Program; And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; And Whereas, pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program (the “FIT Rules”), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the Town of Innisfil supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. CR-008-18.13 Resolution Sunnybrae Public School Whereas the Simcoe County District School Board (the “Applicant”) proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar PV (the "Project") on Sunnybrae Public School – 218 Sunnybrae (the "Lands") in the Town of Innisfil under the Province's FIT Program; And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; And Whereas, pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program (the “FIT Rules”), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; [Item 9.2 continued on next page].

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[Item 9.2 continued from previous page].

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the Town of Innisfil supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. --carried-(9.3)

Staff Report DSR-023-13 submitted by the Director of Finance and Customer Service/CFO, re: Tax Sale Extension Agreement – 1128 Corrie St.

CR-008-19.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor R. Simpson Councillor B. Loughead

That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an extension agreement with the owner of 1128 Corrie St., tax roll 010-023-22084-0000 for a period of six months to expire July 26, 2013; and That Council approve By-law 009-13, being a by-law to authorize the execution of the extension agreement. --carried-(9.4)

Road Safety Barrier Request – 1463 St. John’s Road.

CR-008-21.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor B. Loughead

That the information package regarding a request for a road safety barrier at 1416 St. John’s Road be received; and That this matter be forwarded to the Director of Infrastructure for report back to Council by the end of March 2013. --carried-(9.5)

Staff Report DSR-009-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: San Diego Homes Model Home Agreement.

CR-008-22.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor Bill Loughead Councillor R. Simpson

[Item 9.5 continued on next page].

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[Item 9.5 continued from previous page].

That subject to the receipt of the required documents and securities, Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Model Home Agreement between the Town of Innisfil and San Diego Homes Inc. substantially in the form of the agreement as attached to Report DSR-009-13; and, That Council approve By-law 007-13 to give effect to the recommendation. --carried-(9.6)

Staff Report DSR-022-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Ethosolar - FIT Solar Installation Support.

CR-008-20.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor B. Loughead

That Council endorse the FIT project proposal from Robtrans Systems as per the OPA resolution attached to report DSR-022-13; and That Council requires applicants and/or owners of ground mounted solar installations to meet all applicable planning controls, building code requirements, and other applicable town by-laws (i.e. licensing, property standards) Whereas Robtrans Systems Inc. and Simcoe County Community Energy Cooperative Inc. (the “Applicant”) proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar PV (the "Project") on 2252 Bowman Street (the "Lands") in the Town of Innisfil under the Province's FIT Program; And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of the Corporation of the Town of Innisfil indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; And Whereas, pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program (the “FIT Rules”), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the Town of Innisfil supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. --carried--

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Staff Report DSR-021-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Rising Sun - FIT Solar Installation Support.

CR-008-23.13 Resolution Moved By: Councillor R. Boynton Seconded By: Councillor B. Loughead That Council requires applicants and/or owners of ground mounted solar installations to meet all applicable planning controls, building code requirements, and other applicable town by-laws (i.e. licensing, property standards); and That the project proponent responds to concerns identified in this report prior to making application for approval under the Green Energy Act; and That should the proponent be successful and enter into a FIT contract, that a Community Benefit Agreement between the Town and proponent be entered into; and Whereas Rising Sun Community Power Corporation (the “Applicant”) proposes to construct and operate a Ten (10) megawatt ground mount FIT solar project (the "Project") on NW 1/4 Lot 22, Con 10, Innisfil, PIN 580790012 (the "Lands") in the Town of Innisfil under the Province's FIT Program; And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of the Corporation of the Town of Innisfil indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; And Whereas, pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program (the “FIT Rules”), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the Town of Innisfil supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. --Motion Defeated-Motion to extend the meeting. CR-008-24.13 Resolution Moved By: Councillor L. Dollin Seconded By: Councillor R. Boynton That the Council Meeting be extended to 12:00 am. --carried--

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Staff Report 025-13 submitted by the Director of Legal Services/Clerk, re: Police Costing Update.

CR-008-25.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Deputy Mayor D. Davidson Councillor B. Loughead

That, as outlined in Staff Report DSR-025-13 dated January 16, 2013, Council: (1) adopts the recommendations of the Police Services Review Ad-hoc Committee set out at pages 2 to 3 of the Police Services Review Report dated December 19, 2012; (2) requests that the South Simcoe Police Services Board and Police Chief undertake a review of the police service level provided to each community, by interpreting the reporting statistics in a fair and reasonable manner, in order to provide each Town with an accurate understanding of each Town’s utilization of police services, pursuant to Staff Report DSR-025 -13 dated January 16, 2013; (3) directs staff to provide the Police Services Review Report to the O.P.P. so that they may continue their costing analysis with reference to the current level of service; (4) directs staff to provide the Police Services Board and Police Chief with the Police Services Review Report so that it may also provide a costing for 2014; and, (5) directs staff to retain a consultant following the receipt of both “costings” to review the available reports and to determine the likely success of an application to the Ontario Civilian Police Commission to reduce the number of officers of South Simcoe Police, while maintaining adequate and effective police service. --carried-(9.9)

Additional Request for Site Approval for Goodfellow Public School - Staff Report DSR-019-13 submitted by the Director of Development, re: Simcoe County District School Board - FIT Solar Installation Support.

CR-008-26.13 Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor R. Boynton Councillor L. Dollin

Whereas the Simcoe County District School Board (the “Applicant”) proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar PV (the "Project") on Goodfellow Public School – 827 – 9th Line (the "Lands") in the Town of Innisfil under the Province's FIT Program; [Item 9.9 continued on next page].

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[Item 9.9 continued from previous page].

And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; And Whereas, pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program (the “FIT Rules�), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the Town of Innisfil supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. --carried-V.

Rise Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor R. Boynton Councillor L. Dollin

That Committee rise and return back into the formal Council session to receive a report on the proceedings of the Committee of the Whole. --carried--


Consideration of the adoption of the recommendations from Committee of the Whole.


Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor K. Simpson Deputy Mayor D. Davidson

That the Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole for the meeting of January 16, 2013 be adopted as Resolutions of Council. --carried--

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Deputy Mayor Davidson wishes to introduce the following motion regarding Lake Simcoe. [A 2/3 majority vote is required to dispense with Notice, pursuant to Section 185 of Procedural By-law No. 077-11] Waving Notice of Motion Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor R. Boynton --carried--


Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Deputy Mayor D. Davidson Councillor K. Simpson

Whereas the Town of Innisfil has adopted during this term of Council "Inspiring Innisfil 2020" being the Town's Strategic Plan; And whereas Lake Simcoe has been identified as a strategic asset both from a tourism as well as an economic perspective; And whereas, the senior levels of government have through legislative and financial commitments identified the ongoing need to protect and enhance this important asset for future generations; And whereas, the Town continues to feel the pressure of ongoing development along the Lake Simcoe Shoreline which has implications to the watershed. Now therefore the Administration is requested to coordinate a special meeting of Councils and staff of the western shoreline of Lake Simcoe for the purpose of education and profiling the various roles of Provincial and Federal Ministries/Agencies including the Ministry of the Environment and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority, Municipal and Regional Governments, and other bodies who have approval granting authority related to development activities along the Lake Simcoe Shoreline. --carried-11.


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By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at the meeting held on January 16, 2013.


Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor R. Simpson Councillor B. Loughead

That By-Law No. 010-13, being the confirming by-law of the Regular Council Meeting held on January 16, 2013, be adopted. --carried--





Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed Deputy Mayor D. Davidson

That Council adjourn at 11:23 p.m. until the next special Council meeting on January 23, 2013 starting at 6:30 p.m. or at the call of the Mayor. --carried-Approved by Council Resolution No. CR-xxx-xx.13 and signed February 6, 2013.

_____________________________ Jason Reynar, Clerk

________________________________ Barbara Baguley, Mayor


ITEMS TO BE RECEIVED AS INFORMATION Town Correspondence CR-006-20.13


That the copy of the letter sent to Ms. Norton, re: request for funding for playground equipment for Killarney Beach Public School dated December 6, 2012, be received as information. [Ref: November 21/12 – CR-232-10.12, Info. List Item G.21]



That the memorandum from the Director of Development, re: Tourism Sector Engagement Meeting dated December 12, 2012, be received as information.



That the memorandum from the Deputy Treasurer/Manager of Accounting, re: Development Related Capital Charges – Effective January 1, 2013 dated December 21, 2012, be received as information.



That the memorandum from the Director of Development, re: HGS Canada considering future location in Barrie dated December 28, 2012, be received as information.



That the memorandum from the Director of Infrastructure, re: 2012 Annual MOE Inspection Report – Cookstown Well Supply dated January 16, 2013, be received as information.



That the memorandum from the Director of Development, re: Regional Food Distribution Hub dated December 24, 2012, be received as information.



That the Innisfil Public Library Staff Report LIB-01-13, re: Update on Lakeshore Branch Renovation and Addition dated January 16, 2013, be received as information.


That the proclamation by Mayor B. Baguley declaring the month of January 2013 as Crime Stoppers Month be received as information.

Proclamations CR-006-27.13

Intergovernmental Correspondence CR-006-28.13


That the correspondence from Julia Munro, MPP York-Simcoe, re: motion introduced October 3, 2012 regarding those affected by the disposal of commercial fill on public and private property in Ontario will be brought back for discussion as soon as Legislature has resumed, be received as information.


G.10 That the correspondence from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, re: 2013 Volunteer Service Awards program nominations dated November, 2012, be received as information.

Information List #01-03

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G.11 That the correspondence from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, re: 2013 Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence program nominations dated December 3, 2012, be received as information.


G.12 That the correspondence from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, re: Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers nominations dated December, 2012, be received as information.


G.13 That the correspondence from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, re: Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF) advising Innisfil’s application for park improvements was not selected, be received as information.


G.14 That the correspondence from Citizenship and Immigration Canada, re: Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism nominations received November 27, 2012, be received as information.


G.15 That the correspondence from the City of London, re: “heads and beds” payment amount resolution for educational institutions dated November 21, 2012, be received as information.


G.16 That the correspondence from Halton Region, re: OMB Costs – Provincial Growth Plan resolution dated December 20, 2012, be received as information.


G.17 That the correspondence from the Township of Essa, re: Notice of Public Meeting to take place on January 16, 2013 that affects all lands within the whole of the Township of Essa, where the landowner requires an accessibility ramp to allow for barrier-free entry into a building, be received as information.


G.18 That the copy of correspondence from the Town of Newmarket addressed to the Township of King, re: extension of weekend GO Services resolution dated November 27, 2012, be received as information.


G.19 That the correspondence from the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley, re: cost of OPP Services resolution dated December 10, 2012, be received as information.


G.20 That the brochure from the County of Simcoe, re: Development Charge Information By-law 6038, be received as information.


G.21 That the News Release from the County of Simcoe, re: Council Approves 2013 County of Simcoe Budget dated November 27, 2012, be received as information.


G.22 That the correspondence from the County of Simcoe, re: County Setback By-law No. 5604; County Entrance By-law No. 5544; and the new County Fees & Charges By-law No. 6103, dated December 19, 2012, be received as information.


G.23 That the copy of correspondence from the County of Simcoe addressed to Weston Consulting Group Inc., re: Application to Red-line revise a draft approved plan of subdivision for Part of Lot 21, Concession 4, Baywood Homes dated December 18, 2012, be received as information.

Information List #01-03


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G.24 That the correspondence from the Ministry of the Environment, re: Taking Care of your Drinking Water – A guide for Members of Municipal Councils, be received as information.


G.25 That the copy of correspondence from the Township of Springwater addressed to AWARE Simcoe, re: opposition to closing of Springwater Park and the possibility of the sale and development of this valuable public resource dated December 7, 2012, be received as information.

Board and Agency Correspondence CR-006-44.13

G.26 That the Innisfil Public Library Board minutes of November 19, 2012 be received as information.


G.27 That the correspondence from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, re: regulations relating to tanning salons, dated November 26, 2012 be received as information.


G.28 That the correspondence from the Ontario Municipal Board, re: Mondolo Construction Limited dated December 20, 2012, be received as information.


G.29 That the update from MPAC dated December 4, 2012 be received as information.

General Correspondence



G.30 That the correspondence from Catherine Haller, re: comments relating to police costing dated December 19, 2012, be received as information.


G.31 That the correspondence from the Gilford Area Resident’s, re: GO Train Anti-Whistling request dated December 10, 2012, be received as information.


G.32 That the correspondence from the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health, re: funding support dated December 2012, be received as information.


G.33 That the correspondence from Hospice Simcoe, re: funding support, be received as information.


G.34 That the correspondence from Madison Smith, re: results of a school survey on outdoor equipment for children dated November 5, 2012, be received as information.


G.35 That the correspondence from Robynne Bracko, re: cell tower in Innisfil dated December 7, 2012, be forwarded to the Director of Development for reply with a copy to Council.

Information List #01-03



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G.36 That the correspondence from Intact Insurance, requesting a review of a towing invoice and relevant by-law dated November 27, 2012, be referred to the Supervisor of Municipal Law Enforcement for reply with a copy to Council.



Items G.25, G.31 and G.36 referred to Committee of the Whole.

Item A.2 Council Agenda February 6/13

Public Meeting Minutes January 16, 2013 Page 1 of 3

A Public Meeting of the Town of Innisfil Council was held on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offices at 6:30 p.m., with the following members and staff present: Mayor: Deputy Mayor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor:

B. Baguley D. Davidson D. Lougheed R. Simpson K. Simpson R. Boynton B. Loughead L. Dollin

Regrets: Councillor:

M. Baier


Chief Administrative Officer: Dir. Legal Services/Clerk: Dir. Development: Manager of Land Use Planning: Senior Planner: Assistant Clerk:

J. Skorobohacz J. Reynar D. Eastwood T. Cane G. Lambright K. Jacob

CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.






OPENING STATEMENT BY THE MAYOR Mayor Baguley stated that the purpose of this Public Meeting was to consider an amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 054-04. The land affected by the proposed amendment was described as South Part Lot 17, Concession 9, known municipally as 2054 9th Line in the Town of Innisfil.


STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The Clerk advised that Notice of this Public Meeting was posted on the properties and circulated on December 21, 2012 to all agencies and landowners within 120 metres of the area affected. This notice was also posted on the Town Page in the Innisfil Examiner on December 21 and 28, 2012 and January 4 and 11, 2013, and on the Town’s website.


STATEMENT OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY THE TOWN The Clerk stated that the following correspondence was received to date: •

Simcoe County District School Board dated December 21, 2012 advising Planning Services have no objections to the proposed application.

Public Meeting Minutes January 16, 2013 Page 2 of 3


PRESENTATION(S) Mr. Garry Lambright, Senior Planner – Staff Report DSR-004-13 Mr. Lambright provided a summary of the proposed zoning amendment for 2054 9th Line and advised a change has been requested to rezone the subject lands from “Agricultural General” to “Residential Rural Exception” (RR-17) in order to exclude the farming operation from the dwelling. The site inspection conducted on December 19, 2012, revealed that 2054 9th Line has a two storey single-detached dwelling, a shop and drive shed, a workshop, and implement shed, a grain handling complex, and is serviced by a private well and septic system. The adjusted parcel is proposed to only have an existing two storey single-detached dwelling. 2054 9th Line has access onto the 9th Line, which is an opened Town maintained public roadway. The surrounding lands include agricultural, single-detached dwellings and accessory buildings. The Provincial Policy Statement states that “Lot adjustments in prime agricultural areas may be permitted for legal or technical reasons” and in the Places to Grow plan boundary adjustments are not specifically addressed however the addition of the severed lands to the north makes it a larger, more viable farming operation without creating a new lot. Inspiring Innisfil 2020 supports development within neighbourhoods that is consistent with, and enhances the character of each neighbourhood. These lands are within the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority’s jurisdiction, but are outside of its regulated area. As the proposal is for a boundary adjustment, staff does not anticipate any issues based upon the rural character of the property. This proposal maintains the rural character of the lot while not impacting the neighbouring agricultural properties and meets the general intent of the Town’s Official Plan. Mr. Lambright concluded by stating the proposed lot will continue to be legal nonconforming with respect to lot frontage and area. Staff is in support on the basis of the benefit of having the existing agricultural land holding enlarge to the north. This enlarged land holding, and ownership of the agricultural buildings and structures will promote the viability of the existing agricultural operation. The reduction in lot frontage and area of the retained lands requires a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the retained lands from “Agricultural General (AG)” to “Residential Rural Exception (RR-17)” zone.


QUESTION/ COMMENTS – PUBLIC No questions or comments were raised.


QUESTIONS/COMMENTS – COUNCIL No questions or comments were raised.

Public Meeting Minutes January 16, 2013 Page 3 of 3

If you have not made oral or written submissions in regard to this proposal before a decision is reached, you should be aware that the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss your appeal. Anyone wishing to be contacted before this matter is considered by Council, please fill out the Notification Form located by the entrance to the Council Chambers. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment No. 008-13 will be considered by Council under Item E.1 of the regular Council agenda. Council thanked all in attendance for their participation and indicated that they would consider all of the matters before reaching a decision. This Public Meeting is now adjourned. 4.



____________________________ Jason Reynar, Clerk

______________________________ Barbara Baguley, Mayor

Item A.3 Council Agenda February 6/13

Public Meeting Minutes January 16, 2013 Page 1 of 4

A Public Meeting of the Town of Innisfil Council was held on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offices at 6:42 p.m., with the following members and staff present: Mayor: Deputy Mayor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor:

B. Baguley D. Davidson D. Lougheed R. Simpson K. Simpson R. Boynton B. Loughead L. Dollin

Regrets: Councillor:

M. Baier


Chief Administrative Officer: Dir. Legal Services/Clerk: Dir. Development: Manager of Land Use Planning: Senior Planner: Assistant Clerk:

J. Skorobohacz J. Reynar D. Eastwood T. Cane G. Lambright K. Jacob

CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m.






OPENING STATEMENT BY THE MAYOR Mayor Baguley stated that the purpose of this Public Meeting was to consider an amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 054-04. The land affected by the proposed amendment was described as North Part of Lot 10, Concession 6, known municipally as 0 10 Sideroad in the Town of Innisfil.


STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The Clerk advised that Notice of this Public Meeting was posted on the properties and circulated on December 21, 2012 to all agencies and landowners within 120 metres of the area affected. This notice was also posted on the Town Page in the Innisfil Examiner on December 21 and 28, 2012 and January 4 and 11, 2013, and on the Town’s website.

Public Meeting Minutes January 16, 2013 Page 2 of 4


STATEMENT OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY THE TOWN The Clerk stated that the following correspondence was received to date:



County of Simcoe dated January 15, 2013 advising County Planning staff do not object to the proposed exception to the current zoning provided no new additional facilities and/or structures are considered that would otherwise not be permitted in the Agricultural designation.


Tammy Ellefsen and Terry Clegg dated January 10, 2013 expressed opposition to the proposed rezoning of the North Part Lot 10, Concession 6 due to concerns for the water table surrounding the subject lands.


Catherine Hall dated January 14, 2013 expressing concerns regarding the application as it relates to increased traffic and the surrounding water table.

PRESENTATION(S) Mr. Garry Lambright, Senior Planner – Staff Report DSR-005-13 Mr. Lambright provided a summary of the proposed zoning amendment for 0 10 Sideroad and advised the lands are located on the west side of 10 Sideroad, south of the 7th Line. The current use of the property is a partially developed golf course, deciduous trees, and vacant land with an existing well. The request is to rezone 2.6 hectares in the southeast portion of the subject lands from “Open Space Private” to “Open Space Private Exception (OSP-8)” to permit commercial water taking from the subject lands and is naturally separated by a creek to the west. The owner previously held a Ministry of the Environment Permit for water taking for the golf course. Within the centre of the property is 7140 10th Sideroad which has a two storey single-detached dwelling, barn and a garage. The surrounding lands consist of single-detached dwellings to the north and east including Lover’s Creek swamp which crosses the 10 Sideroad and vacant agricultural lands to the south with a dwelling and Quonset hut to the west. The lands to the west and south are zoned environmental protection. Mr. Lambright advised the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) has accepted the proposed setbacks however boundary and permissions may change as a result of LSRCA’s review of the Hedge Hog Hydrogeological Evaluation and Environmental Impact Statement. Staff is also proposing that the commercial water taking only be permitted in the absence of a golf course or similar water intensive use on the subject lands. The property can be accessed via the existing entrance to the proposed circular driveway where ten tanker trucks would come per day to fill up at the well. This area of driveway will also be temporarily removed from agricultural production during the water taking process. This application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, the Places to Grow Plan, the Inspiring Innisfil 2020 and the Town’s Official Plan and staff is aware of the MTO Waste Disposal Site located to the west of the property and will be reviewing this with the County of Simcoe and the Ministry of the Environment. A final report will be prepared for Council following comments received on this application.

Public Meeting Minutes January 16, 2013 Page 3 of 4

Mr. Stan Denhoed of Harden Environmental on behalf of Applicant. Mr. Denhoed advised they were retained by the Harris family in 2003 to assist in obtaining approvals for their golf course which resulted in the development of the Hydrogeological Evaluation and Environmental Impact Statement, dated July 2003. The second stage was to assist in obtaining the permit to take water for the proposed golf course. After all the required tests were conducted on the property and on surrounding properties were complete it was concluded that no long term impacts would take place from the installation of a well. Mr. Harris did not enforce the permit to take water until 2009. This new application will increase the taking of water to 365 days instead of the original request of 180. This new application is to take the water off site as opposed to using it on site for the golf course. Mr. Denhoed advised from their studies it shows this will not have any adverse effects on the current and future water table. 3e.

QUESTION/ COMMENTS – PUBLIC Richard Best, 3284 7th Line, Innisfil, L9S 4H7 expressed concern with the current growth of Innisfil and the Innisfil Heights area, and that this permit to take water will affect the water table and deplete the water supply. Rolly Ravazzolo, 1931 Forest Valley Drive, L9S 4H4 on behalf of the Innisfil Heights Ratepayers expressed concern on behalf of this group and the effects this will have on existing natural ponds in the area. Over the last 4-5 years ponds have dropped four feet. The Ratepayers group is opposed to this application. Tammy Ellefsen, 3123 7th Line, L9S 4G8 advised their property is adjacent to the subject lands and is very concerned about the environmental impacts this will have on the surrounding area. She does not feel that a 6 day test of 148 hours is long enough to determine the effects this application will have on the area once the water is taken off site. Ms. Ellefsen would like to know how is it determined what effects this will have underground and guarantees are in place if water resources are depleted. Dan Burns, 2074 Forest Valley Drive, L9S 4A5 is very concerned about the amount of water that will be removed from this site and feels the 2003 study was completed on the assumption that the water taken would be placed back on the site and absorbed back into the land. Mr. Denhoed advised they use Ministry of Environment water well records to determine how the water is affected underground. Ministry requires a 72 hour test be completed and they went beyond this by completed 148 hour test. Further Engineering principles are used to determine future effects.


QUESTIONS/COMMENTS – COUNCIL Councillor D. Lougheed enquired if a Peer Review will be completed to determine the validity. Mr. Lambright advised that a review will be completed.

Public Meeting Minutes January 16, 2013 Page 4 of 4

Councillor D. Lougheed would like to see some kind of safety clause put in place for local landowners if this application is approved and issues do arise with the water table. There is also a concern that the testing was done in 2003 and on the basis that the water was going to used on a golf course. With the dry summers and global issues there are concerns for the water table. Councillor L. Dollin enquired what the consumption rate was for the first permit for the golf course. As the Chair of the Water Source Protection Act stress tests have been done and Lover’s Creek and it is one of the 5 creeks that are at a tier 3. Mr. Denhoed advised the impact was considered and taken from the shallow sand area not the clay area. Deputy Mayor D. Davidson expressed concern for the aquifers and would like to know where the water is going as there is a National Program in place to monitor this. Councillor B. Loughead advised that we have had similar issues in the past with water tables being affected in the Lockhart Road area and concerned for this area as well. Councillor R. Boynton would like to know if staff has the right to request a new study based on this new application. Mr. Lambright advised that once the Peer Review is complete they will determine if a new study is necessary. If you have not made oral or written submissions in regard to this proposal before a decision is reached, you should be aware that the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss your appeal. Anyone wishing to be contacted before this matter is considered by Council, please fill out the Notification Form located by the entrance to the Council Chambers. Council thanked all in attendance for their participation and indicated that they would consider all of the matters before reaching a decision. This Public Meeting is now adjourned. 4.


____________________________ Jason Reynar, Clerk

______________________________ Barbara Baguley, Mayor

Item A.4 Council Agenda February 6/13


REPORT NO. CW-001.13


11:27 p.m.

In accordance with the Town’s Procedural By-law 077-11, Section 23, Council Resolution No. CR-008-08.13 was adopted on January 16, 2013 to hold a Committee of the Whole “Closed Session” meeting at the Municipal Office with the following members present. Mayor: Deputy Mayor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor:

B. Baguley D. Davidson D. Lougheed R. Simpson K. Simpson R Boynton B. Loughead L. Dollin

Regrets: Councillor:

M. Baier


J. Skorobohacz J. Reynar D. Eastwood A. Campbell L. Davis

The Committee was provided information from the Director of Infrastructure regarding a potential land swap. (A)


Chief Administrative Officer: Dir. Legal Services/Clerk: Dir. Development: Dir. Infrastructure: Dir. Finance, Customer Service/CFO:

The Committee considered the information and provided direction to staff.

The Committee was provided information about personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees. (A)

The Committee considered the information from the Director of Infrastructure regarding the Engineering Organizational review and provided direction to staff.

[Directors Eastwood, Davis and Campbell left the meeting.] (B)


The Committee considered the information provided by the Chief Administrative Officer regarding Fire Services and directed staff to take the necessary action.

The meeting adjourned at 12:14 a.m. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. __________________________ Chairperson


Item B.1 Council Agenda February 6/12


Historical Society Member: ACO Member: Councillor: Committee Coordinator:

William M. Kell David Steele Doug Lougheed Kevin Jacob


Chair: Vice Chair:

Barbara Potma Derrick Pirie



Lynn Dollin

Committee Member B. Kell invited members to assemble in order to appoint a temporary chair for the meeting. Appointment of Temporary Chair Moved By: Seconded By:

D. Steele Councillor D. Lougheed

That Bill Kell be appointed Chair for the Innisfil Heritage Committee meeting being held on January 3, 2013; and That the Chair be permitted to comment when appropriate. --Carried-1.

CALL TO ORDER The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.



Approval of the Agenda for January 3, 2013. Moved By: Seconded By:

D. Steele Councillor D. Lougheed

Resolution That the agenda for January 3, 2013 be approved as printed with the addition of item 6.2. --Carried--


Innisfil Heritage Committee Report No. 01-13 January 3, 2013 Page 2 of 6 3.





BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Proposed Heritage Village Initiative Councillor D. Lougheed advised that he briefly spoke with Terry Geddes regarding the proposed heritage village initiative. Mr. Geddes stated that the list has not yet been completed. Cookstown Properties for the Registry List Councillor D. Lougheed commented, although all properties proposed to be added to the Registry List qualify, it is important to get community by-in with this process during the implementation of the Cookstown HCD Study. He suggested that the Committee delay adding these properties to the Registry List at this time. He will speak further about this during discussion for item 6.2 on the agenda.



Properties to be added to the Inventory List – Cookstown. Mr. Steele advised that a list of 146 properties in Cookstown to be considered for addition to the Inventory list has been prepared by members of the ACO. Much of the information on the proposed properties was largely obtained from Joan McLean’s book Glimpses of Cookstown. He noted that this comprehensive list was prepared as a result of the demolition of the 25 King Street North property. Councillor Dollin commented that as the Cookstown HCD Study is just in the initial stages there are some questions from Cookstown residents about the process and what an HCD will entail. By adding a large list of properties at this time, it may potentially leave a negative impression about the HCD study with some residents. Councillor D. Lougheed recommended that the list be added at later date pending the completion of the HCD Study. [Item 6.1 continued on next page].

Innisfil Heritage Committee Report No. 01-13 January 3, 2013 Page 3 of 6 [Item 6.1 continued from previous page]. Original Recommendation That the list of properties in Cookstown to be considered for addition to the Inventory List be received as information; and That the list of properties now be added to the Heritage Inventory List. Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

D. Steele Councillor D. Lougheed

That the complete list of properties in Cookstown prepared by the ACO for addition to the Heritage Inventory List be tabled pending completion of the Cookstown Heritage Conservation District Study; and That this complete list of Cookstown properties be forwarded on to the Cookstown HCD Study consultants for reference purposes if required. --Carried-(6.2)

Proposed Cookstown Properties for the Heritage Registry Councillor Dollin advised that during the interview process with potential consultants for the HCD Study, it was recommended holding off on placing properties onto the Registry before any local public outreach initiative has occurred as it may potentially raise concerns with some local residents. Councillor D. Lougheed recommended that these properties be placed on the Registry once the HCD study has been completed and the recommendations from the consultants about the potential for a HCD has been presented. Mr. Steele commented that 9 Queen Street (the Princely Pear) and 14 Queen Street (Will Silks) we suggested for addition to the Registry as both properties are currently for sale. The Assistant Clerk advised that there have been some inquiries to the Town from real estate agents on several properties on Queen Street. Resolution Moved By: Councillor D. Lougheed Seconded By: D. Steele [Item 6.2 continued on next page].

Innisfil Heritage Committee Report No. 01-13 January 3, 2013 Page 4 of 6 [Item 6.2 continued from previous page]. That the List of properties for addition to the Heritage Registry previously moved at the December 6, 2012 Heritage Committee meeting be tabled for consideration at a later date. --Carried-7.



Update by David Steele, President of the Simcoe County Branch of the ACO. Advised that the Program Committee (which includes Simcoe County Branch members) for the upcoming Ontario Heritage Conference is busy confirming speakers and other portions of the agenda. Advised that the ACO has completed an audit by the Canada Revenue Agency in order to continue to qualify for grants. This has required all local Branches to undergo training in Quickbook and other records management programs. Advised that the Simcoe Branch held a Christmas event with owners of properties that were featured in recent articles in Footprint magazine. Mr. Steele mentioned that Footprint will be on temporary hiatus and he is looking at having articles published in Lake Simcoe Living magazine.


Correspondence from Stroud Volunteer Fire Fighters dated November 1, 2012 [received in Clerk’s Office on December 6, 2012], re: financial support to help restore original fire hall siren. Councillor D. Lougheed advised that the Stroud Volunteer Firefighters are restoring the old siren in order for it to be mounted back in its original location. The plan includes having the siren go off on Saturday afternoons in short bursts. Resolution Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed D. Steele

That the Committee supports a $250.00 donation to the Stroud Volunteer Firefighters Association towards the refurbishment of the original fire hall siren for Stroud Station #3. --Carried--

Innisfil Heritage Committee Report No. 01-13 January 3, 2013 Page 5 of 6 (8.2)

Correspondence from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources dated December 17, 2012, re: Technical Paper regarding the interpretation and application of natural heritage policies contained in the Greenbelt Plan (2005).


Article – Footprints Magazine, Christmas 2012, re: History of Glass Part 1.

Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed D. Steele

Resolution That items 8.1 through 8.3 be received as information. 9.



Membership Recruitment

ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE Councillor D. Lougheed – gave an overview of the recent community meeting held in Cookstown regarding the cutting of maple trees adjacent to the Belpark Homes development. He advised that the developer has agreed to replace the trees with larger saplings throughout the development area. The developer has also agreed to donate $50,000 in enhancements to the proposed parkland area. Bill Kell – advised that the Ontario Historical Society President, Dr. Brad Rudachyk from Barrie was a recent guest at the December Innisfil Historical Society meeting. Mr. Kell also brought in an original copy of the Fourth Book of Reading Lessons which was first published in 1867. This book was widely used in elementary schools throughout the province in the late 19th century and early 20th century.




UPCOMING COMMITTEE MEETINGS February 7, 2013 – 7:00 p.m. Community Rooms March 7, 2013 – 7:00 p.m. Community Rooms April 4, 2013 – 7:00 p.m. Community Rooms May 2, 2013 – 7:00 p.m. Community Rooms Note: The March Committee meeting will be rescheduled to Tuesday, March 5 in order to accommodate quorum.

Innisfil Heritage Committee Report No. 01-13 January 3, 2013 Page 6 of 6 13.

ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.

January 11/13 Rec’d Council Date February 6/13 C.1 Item # Action Taken

Resolution #

Item C.1



February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Senior Management Team


Sid Armatage, Manager Parks, Recreation and Facilities


Letters from Winterfest and Fishing for Tyler Fundraiser Saturday February 23, 2013 – Innisfil Beach Park

Each year, Winterfest operated by the Innisfil Events Corporation, in concert with the annual Ice Fishing for Tyler Fundraiser use Innisfil Beach Park for staging the ice fishing derby and various Winterfest events. Both groups have requested the Town to waive parking fees for non residents the day of the event. The last two years, that parking fees were in place for ice fishing at the park, were waived for these two events. The winter parking fee for non residents in place for this year is $1.00 per hour to a maximum of $10.00 for the day. Staff recommends that for this year the practice of waiving parking fees for these two events once again be waived. Staff will monitor extra costs that are incurred for this event for staff time, garbage removal and loss of revenue from non resident parking to assist in future parking recommendations for this event. Sid Armatage Manager Parks, Recreation and Facilities


Revised January 31/13 Rec’d Council Date February 6/13 D.1 Item # Action Taken

Resolution #


DS SR-026-13


Fe ebruary 6, 2013 2


Ma ayor, Deputty Mayor an nd Members s of Council


Michelle Collette, Director of Huma an Resource es


Sttatutory Holidays for 2013 (including New Ye ears Day 2014)

RECOMM MENDATION: That Sta aff Report DSR-026-13 D d for inform mation purpo oses; be received

That the e Town of In nnisfil authorize the cllosing of th he Municipa al Offices on Decembe er 23, Decemb ber 24 and December D 27 with stafff required to o use their vacation, lieu, float tim me or unpaid leave l to ma ake up the full week during d the Christmas break. The Roads, Water W and Wastewater and Recreattion Servic ces would remain ope en to prov vide operational services s on those days. d

BACKGR ROUND: The Onttario Emplo oyment Stan ndards Act establishess the minim mum Statuto ory Holidays for employm ment purpose es. Municip pal facilities, with the exception e of essential services, sha all be closed on n those days s. Staff vaccation reque ests, in man ny cases, take into co onsideration the statutory holidays,, and particularly the Chris stmas period d, and as sta aff will be selecting their 2013 vacatio on very shorrtly, it t municipal offices sta atutory holid day and posssible is importtant that a decision witth respect to closure be made expediently e t accommo to odate staff plans. All Town facilities have been considere ed but at this s time only the t Town Mu unicipal Officces will be re ecommende ed for closure e.

ANALYS SIS/CONSID DERATION: Human Resources conducted a survey of our comparator municipalitie es and se everal municipa alities in ourr area have maintained the practice e of being closed c durin ng the Chrisstmas holiday season. s As ssuming the e municipalitties in Simcoe County follow f the va acation sche edule from last year more than t half willl once again n be closed.


Staff Report DSR-026-13 Statutory Holidays for 2013 (including New Years Day 2014)

February 2013 Page 2 of 3

According to those Municipalities surveyed they indicated that closing during the holiday season saves money on operations (such as lights/hydro) and allows the staff to have a holiday break at a time that has less of an impact on Corporate operation. All the municipalities surveyed indicated that staff look forward to this time off and this has increased the morale within the Corporation.

Proposed 2013 Statutory Holiday Schedule Please find below a list of proposed Statutory Holidays to be observed in 2013 by the Town of Innisfil, as well as the day(s) on which the Town Hall will be closed in observation of these holidays.

Statutory Holiday

Date Observed (Offices Closed)

Family Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Day 2014

Monday, February 18, 2013 Friday, March 29, 2013 Monday, April 1, 2013 Monday, May 20, 2013 Monday, July 1, 2013 Monday August 5, 2013 Monday, September 2, 2013 Monday, October 14, 2013 Wednesday, December 25, 2013 Thursday December 26, 2013 Wednesday, January 1, 2014

OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: The alternative is to maintain recent practice and provide minimum staffing levels at the Town Hall during the intervening days (December 23, December 24 and December 27).


Christmas and New Years Service levels will be maintained albeit at minimal levels save and except for emergency and snow clearing operations there are no additional financial considerations in adopting this schedule of Holidays.


Staff Report DSR-026-13 Statutory Holidays for 2013 (including New Years Day 2014)

February 2013 Page 3 of 3

CONCLUSION: This report is provided for information purposes and to communicate the Statutory Holiday schedule for 2013. PREPARED BY: Michelle Collette, Director of Human Resources


__________________________ Michelle Collette Director of Human Resources


Jan 21/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 D.2 Item # Action Taken





February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Jason Reynar, Director of Legal Services/Clerk


ATV By-law Review Cross ref: DSR-127-12, July 11, 2012 (attached)

RECOMMENDATION That Council directs staff to proceed with the public education campaign proposed in Staff Report DSR-127-12 received on July 11, 2012, and as further discussed in DSR-02813 dated February 6, 2013.

BACKGROUND The Town passed By-law No. 099-05 to allow All Terrain Vehicles (“ATV”) to be operated on municipal roads within the Town under certain conditions. For example, there are signs posted throughout the Town indicating that ATVs shall not be operated between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the following day. That By-law mirrors the Highway Traffic Act and was required to be enacted to permit ATV’s to be used on the roads within the Town. The By-law, however, does not permit them on County or Provincial Roads since that is beyond the jurisdiction of the Town. On July 11, 2012, Council adopted the following resolution, in relevant part (CR-135-02.12): That Council defer the public education campaign proposed in DSR-12712 until a Council review has been completed of the current By-law No. 099-05. This report addresses that requested review.

Staff Report DSR-028-13 ATV By-law Review

February 6, 2013 Page 2 of 6

ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION Some areas within the Town have experienced problems with trespassing and noise from off road vehicles, including dirt bikes, ATVs and UTVs. South Simcoe Police Services (“SSPS”) has received complaints from residents regarding noise and trespassing, careless operation, speeding and no helmet complaints. In 2011 they received 30 calls regarding dirt bikes and ATVs. The definition under the Highway Traffic Act of “all-terrain vehicle” (i.e. ATV) means: an off-road vehicle that, (a) has four wheels, the tires of all of which are in contact with the ground, (b) has steering handlebars, (c) has a seat that is designed to be straddled by the driver, and (d) is designed to carry a driver only and no passengers; Importantly, the Town By-law and the Highway Traffic Act do not provide road privileges to dirt bikes or UTVs. Under Regulation 316/03 of the Highway Traffic Act, ATVs can operate on the shoulder or move to the traveled portion of the highway if the shoulder is impassable or unsafe, but they still must travel in the same direction as traffic and are not permitted to pass other vehicles. The speed limit for ATV’s is lower than the posted limits, which is the same as for snowmobiles. For example, on highways where the speed limit is 50km/hr or less, ATV’s are restricted to a speed limit of 20 km/hr. On highways where the speed limit is over 50 km/hr, ATV’s are restricted to a speed limit of 50 km/hr. ATV’s cannot operate in construction zones, on a closed highway or within a provincial park (unless otherwise permitted by the park) and are not permitted on rightsof-way (e.g. medians between opposing lanes of traffic). In order to operate an ATV on Town roads, the municipality must pass a by-law to permit and can prescribe conditions such as where and when ATVs can be used on local roads. A survey of other municipalities that have adopted ATV by-laws have also experienced similar complaints and have found that the number of complaints has declined since implementing a by-law. Since DSR-127-12 was considered, there have been six comments received from the public. Of the comments received, five expressed concern that the current by-law may be rescinded because they appreciate being able to use the Town roadways and abide by the regulations. One opponent expressed the view of repealing the current by-law due to noise and speed concerns. It appears that the number of people that operate their vehicles lawfully outweigh the number of riders that do not.


Staff Report DSR-028-13 ATV By-law Review

February 6, 2013 Page 3 of 6

There are no legislative provisions to permit the Town to adopt a by-law to regulate the use of dirt bikes or utility terrain vehicles (“UTV”) on municipal roads, although there could be grounds under the broad sphere of jurisdiction regarding the safety of residents. In addition to continuing to monitor and respond to complaints through appropriate enforcement, staff recommend that Council authorize an education campaign regarding the use of these recreational vehicles. In particular, the Town could partner with SSPS to implement some or all of the following suggested communication tools from DSR-127-12 for a public education campaign: Brochure Develop a joint Town/SSPS educational brochure the outlines what dirt bike owners and riders need to know about where they are and are not allowed to ride and some of the consequences. The brochure could be distributed through retail outlets selling dirt bikes, UTVs, and ATVs, related equipment, and at dirt bike racing centres. Information Sessions SSPS/Municipal Law Enforcement (“MLE”) staff could hold special educational sessions at retail outlets and local events to educate purchasers, particularly where kids will be attending. Website Include resources available on the MLE section of the Town’s website. Magazine/Media Submit a public safety announcement to local media and trade publications.

OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES If Council does not decide to implement an educational campaign, it could choose to: 1.

leave the By-law in place with no further action; or,

2. the current By-law could be repealed or amended.

FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION (as noted in DSR-127-12) This educational campaign costs for the Town would include: -

printing black and white brochures (approximately $500-$1000); and, Staff time (Communications and MLE) to prepare the materials and implement the program.

These funds are not part of the existing budgets. 3

Staff Report DSR-028-13 ATV By-law Review

February 6, 2013 Page 4 of 6

CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the current ATV By-law remains in place and that Council approve the proposed resources for a public education campaign.

PREPARED BY: Michael R. Dorion Supervisor Municipal Law Enforcement APPROVED BY: Jason Reynar Director of Legal Services/Clerk Attachment - DSR-127-12 (July 11, 2012)


Staff Report DSR-028-13 ATV By-law Review

February 6, 2013 Page 5 of 6

Attachment to DSR-028-13





July 11, 2012


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Jason Reynar, Director of Legal Services/Clerk


Proposed Dirt Bike, UTV and ATV Education Campaign

RECOMMENDATION That Staff Report DSR-127-12 dated July 11, 2012, being a report regarding the use of dirt bikes and ATVs, be received for information; and That Council direct staff to proceed with the public education campaign proposed in DSR-127-12. BACKGROUND The Town passed By-law No. 099-05 to allow All Terrain Vehicles (“ATV”) to be operated on municipal roads within the Town. There are signs posted throughout the Town indicating that ATVs shall not be operated between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 06:00 a.m. the following day. There are no provisions for dirt bikes or utility terrain vehicles (“UTV”) to be used on municipal roads. Some areas within the Town are experiencing problems with trespassing and noise from these vehicles and the Town and South Simcoe Police Services (“SSPS”) have received complaints from residents. Staff from both the SSPS and the Town have met with concerned residents. SSPS recently issued a press release regarding the use of these recreational vehicles, which has received some local media coverage (see attached). ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION In addition to continuing to monitor and respond to complaints through appropriate enforcement, Staff recommend that Council authorize an education campaign regarding the use of these 5

Staff Report DSR-028-13 ATV By-law Review

February 6, 2013 Page 6 of 6

recreational vehicles. In particular, the Town could partner with SSPS to implement some or all of the following suggested communications tools: Brochure Develop a joint Town/SSPS educational brochure the outlines what dirt bike owners and riders need to know about where they are/are not allowed to ride and some of the consequences. The brochure could be distributed through retail outlets selling dirt bikes, UTVs, and ATVs, related equipment, and at dirt bike racing centres. Information Sessions SSPS/Municipal Law Enforcement (“MLE”) staff could hold special educational sessions at retail outlets and local events to educate purchasers, particularly where kids will be attending. Website Include resources available on the MLE section of the Town’s website. Magazine/Media Submit a public safety announcement to local media and trade publications. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES Council could choose not to expend the resources necessary to address this matter at this time given the other priorities facing the community, or only part of the suggested channels. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION This educational campaign costs for the Town would include: - printing black and white brochures (approximately $500-$1000); and, - Staff time (Communications and MLE) to prepare the materials and implement the program. CONCLUSION Staff recommend that Council approve the proposed resources for a public education campaign that will provide information to the public about how these sports can be legally enjoyed and mitigates the nuisance that may be caused to area residents. PREPARED BY: Michèle Newton Communications Officer

Michael R. Dorion Supervisor Municipal Law Enforcement

APPROVED BY: Jason Reynar, Director of Legal Services/Clerk


Jan 21/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 Item # D.3 Action Taken

Resolution #




February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Don Eastwood, Director of Development


Part Lot Control Exemption By-law Applications by Pratt Construction Inc. for the lands described as Block 214, Registered Plan 51M-892, and Block 68, 51M-944 in the Town of Innisfil.

RECOMMENDATION: That Staff Report DSR-029-13 be received; and That Council approve the applications from Pratt Construction Inc. to exempt Block 214 on Registered Plan 51M-892 and Block 68 on Registered Plan 51M-944 in the Town of Innisfil from Part Lot Control; and That Council consider By-Law No. 011-13 to give effect to the recommendation. BACKGROUND: A request has been received by Pratt Construction Inc. to pass a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law for two (2) townhouse blocks, Block 214, Registered Plan 51M-892, and Block 68, Registered Plan 51M-944. Pratt Construction Inc., the owner and builder of the subject lands, proposes a total of 6 townhouse units on Block 214, and 6 townhouse units on Block 68 for a total of 12 units. This By-law is necessary to allow the sales of the individual townhouse units. If Council enacts the By-law, the By-law will then be forwarded to the County of Simcoe for approval. ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION: Block 214 is located on the south side of Benson Street in the Pratt Alcona North development, west of Webster Boulevard and north of Innisfil Beach Road. Block 68 is located in the Pratt D’Amico (Pratt Alcona East) development, north of Innisfil Beach Road between Jans Boulevard and Webster Boulevard. A key map is Attachment 1 to this Report. The applicant has also submitted Plan 51R-38564 showing the division of Block 214 and Plan 51R-38772 showing the division of Block 68 (Attachment 2). …/

Staff Report DSR-029-13 Part Lot Control Exemption By-law Block 214 51M-892, Block 68 51M-944

February 6, 2013 Page 2 of 3

Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 This application is consistent with the policies outlined in the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2005, which states in Section that appropriate development standards that promote intensification, redevelopment and compact form should be promoted in Settlement Areas. The townhouse dwellings in this proposal meet the development standards of intensification and compact form. Official Plan Conformity With respect to the Town Official Plan, Block 214, 51M-892 and Block 68, 51M-944 are located inside the Alcona Urban Settlement Area of the Official Plan. Block 214 is designated “Residential Low Density 2” on Schedule B1 - Land Use: Alcona. Block 68 is designated “Residential Medium Density” on Schedule B1 – Land Use: Alcona. The proposed townhouse units would conform to the policies of the Official Plan designation, including the density provisions. Zoning By-law Conformity Block 214 and Block 68 are zoned Residential Townhouse (RT) Zone. The individual part blocks proposed to be created would conform to the minimum yard setback requirements, minimum lot frontage and lot area requirements, and maximum lot coverage requirements of Zoning By-law No. 054-04 as amended. Other Considerations The passing of a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law is a standard approach allowed under the Planning Act to divide the lots into individual units for sale to future residents. After the By-law is passed by Council, it will then be forwarded to the County of Simcoe for approval. The By-law has been prepared with an expiry date of one (1) year to allow the individual parcels to be registered, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: Council could deny or defer approval of this request at this time. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION: As all costs are borne by the Developer, there are no financial impacts on the Municipality. CONCLUSION: Staff recommend the approval of the Application from Pratt Construction Inc. to adopt a By-law to Exempt Block 214, Registered Plan 51M-892 and Block 68, Registered Plan 51M-944 from Part Lot Control.

Staff Report DSR-029-13 Part Lot Control Exemption By-law Block 214 51M-892, Block 68 51M-944 PREPARED BY: Steven Montgomery, BURPl. (Hons.), MCIP, RPP Senior Planner REVIEWED BY: ________________________ Tim Cane, M.E.S., RPP Manager of Land Use Planning REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION BY: ________________________ Don Eastwood Director of Development Attachments: 1. Key Map 2. Extract of Reference Plan 51R-38564 and 51R-38772 3. Proposed Part Lot Control Exemption By-law No. 011-13

February 6, 2013 Page 3 of 3

Attachment 1 to DSR-029-13

Key Map - Part Lot Control Exemption By-law Block 214, Plan 51M-892 and Block 68, 51M-944

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Attachment 3 to Report DSR-029-13

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF INNISFIL BY-LAW NO. XXX-13 A By-law of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil to exempt Block 214, Registered Plan 51M-892 and Block 68, Registered Plan 51M-944 in the Town of Innisfil, County of Simcoe, from Part Lot Control imposed by Subsection 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13. WHEREAS Subsection 50(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13 provides that, notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 50(5), the Council of a Municipality may by By-law provide that plans of subdivision or parts thereof as is or are designated in the By-law are not subject to Subsection 50(5); and WHEREAS PRATT CONSTRUCTION INC. has applied to the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil requesting that a By-law be enacted under the provisions of Subsection 50(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13. NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil enacts as follows: 1. Subsection 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13 does not apply to Block 214 on Registered Plan 51M-892, and Block 68 on Registered Plan 51M-944 Town of Innisfil, County of Simcoe. 2. This By-law shall come into force and have effect from and after the final approval of the By-law by The Corporation of the County of Simcoe. 3. This By-law shall expire on February 6, 2014. PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2013. Barbara Baguley


Jason W. Reynar


Jan 21/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 D.4 Item # Action Taken Resolution #




February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Don Eastwood, Director of Development


Street Name for Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc. (I-T-0503) Draft Plan of Subdivision

RECOMMENDATION: That Staff Report DSR-030-13 be received; and That the assignment of street names proposed in Staff Report DSR-030-13 be approved as follows: Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc. Draft Plan of Subdivision – File I-T-0503 

Forest Edge Court

BACKGROUND: In June of 2005 Council approved Corporate Policy CP. 02-05 which set the procedure for the naming of streets within a new plan of subdivision utilizing veterans names, historical names of Innisfil residents or Council directed names. Following the adoption of this policy, Committee of the Whole approved a list of names to be used when assigning subdivision street names. The Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc. Draft Plan of Subdivision, which was Draft Approved by the County of Simcoe in May of 2012, contains 35 lots and only one internal road, which is a cul-desac. The developer has made a formal request to the Town to name the cul-de-sac after the marketing name of the development, which is ‘Forest Edge’. The Corporate Policy allows Council to name a street after a theme as directed by Council, and there are examples of developments where Council has approved street names corresponding to the development. Council for instance has approved ‘Lormel Gate Avenue’ (DSR-130-10) in LSAMI P1 (after Lormel Homes), and ‘Friday Drive’ (Friday Harbour). Staff have also provided alternative names which have been selected from the approved list of veteran names in accordance with Corporate Policy CP. 02-05, which Council may consider in lieu of the requested street name.


Staff Report DSR-030-13 Street Naming: Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc.

February 6, 2013 Page 2 of 3

ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION: There is only one (1) cul-de-sac street in the Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc. Subdivision (Street “A” on the Draft Plan). Cul-de-sacs are required to have the word ‘Court’ as a suffix as per the Corporate Policy. A key map of the subject lands is Attachment 1 to this Report. A copy of the current Draft Plan of Subdivision is Attachment 2. The following street name is proposed by the developer: 

Forest Edge Court

Alternatively, Town staff recommend one of the following options: Abram Court Bachellier Court Burlington Court Buscombe Court Frankland Court Johnston Court Nuttall Court Peeler Court Ralsont Court Ridler Court Sargent Court Sweeny Court The proposed street names are all veterans’ names that has been selected from the approved list of streets names. Staff have reviewed the proposed street names and determined that there is no duplication or similar street name within the Municipality which could cause difficulty for emergency 911 responses. There should be no difficulty with respect to the Town or abutting municipalities in this regard. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: Council has the option of changing, amending, adding or deleting any of the proposed street names. FINANCIAL: The naming of streets will have no financial impact on the Town.

Staff Report DSR-030-13 Street Naming: Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc.

February 6, 2013 Page 3 of 3

CONCLUSION: The proposed street name for Street ‘A’ on the attached Draft Plan is from the developer based on the theme of the development. Alternatively, Council could select an alternative street name, including the names provided in this report from the approved list of veteran names. PREPARED BY: Steven Montgomery, BURPl. (Hons.), MCIP, RPP Senior Planner REVIEWED BY: ________________________ Tim Cane, M.E.S., RPP Manager of Land Use Planning REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION BY: ________________________ Don Eastwood Director of Development Attachments: 1. Key Map 2. Draft Plan 3. Formal Request from Developer for Street Name

Attachment 1 to Staff Report DSR-030-13

Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc. Formerly Estates of Alcona Draft Plan of Subdivision I-T-05003 Key Map

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Attachment 2 to Staff Report DSR-030-13

Attachment 3 to Staff Report DSR-030-13

December 4, 2012 Mr. Tim Cane Manager of Land Use Planning Town of Innisfil 2101 Innisfil Beach Rd. Innisfil, Ont. L9S 1A1 By EMAIL ONLY Dear Tim: RE: REQUEST FOR STREET NAME Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc. (I-T-05-03) Parts of South Half of Lot 24, Concession 8, (former Township of Innisfil) BRE.002.11 We act as planners for Bremont Homes (Innisfil) Inc. As you are aware the lands are now subject to a draft Plan Approval known as File No. I-T-0503 in the Town of Innisfil. The draft Approval was issued on May 28, 2012 and date of notice was May 31, 2012. We had requested information regarding the proper procedure to apply for the Street Name for the aforementioned lands. We understand that streets are approved by Council resolution and require a staff report. On behalf of the developer we would request an alternative name to be approved by Council in order to reflect the location and significance of the PSW to the north of the site. This forested area is significant to the project from both a prominent feature adjacent to the subdivision and a marketing perspective. We would request that Street A be formally named, “Forest Edge Way” or “Forest Edge Court”. We trust the above is satisfactory and if you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the office, 705.446.1168. Yours truly,

Kristine A. Loft BES BAA MCIP RPP Principal c. Steven Montgomery, Planner

Office 705.446.1168

Fax 866.391.9771


Jan 21/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 D.5 Item # Action Taken

Resolution #




February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Don Eastwood, Director of Development Jason Reynar, Clerk and Director of Legal Services


Special Event Planning and Policy Guide

RECOMMENDATION: That Council receive report DSR-031-13 which outlines a new Special Event Planning and Policy Guide; and That staff be directed to consult community stakeholders on the proposed Special Event Planning and Policy Guide, including proposed procedures and fees; and That staff report back to Council by the end of the first quarter of 2013 for final approval. BACKGROUND: A number of community groups operate special events and festivals in Innisfil throughout the year. Currently, there is some variation in the way permits are issued for events which have resulted in some events taking place without sufficient regard for health and safety requirements, permits or insurance. In an effort to improve and standardize Town approval processes and customer service, an Ad Hoc Committee of Town staff (referred to as the “Community Events Team”) has been working to develop a streamlined system to better serve event organizers and help ensure the health and safety of everyone. As a result, a draft Special Events Planning Form (Appendix 1) and a draft Special Events Planning and Policy Guide have been created (Appendix 2). ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION: Under the proposed process, when a special event/festival organizer wishes to host an event on Town property, the organizer must first complete the Special Event Planning Form and submit it to Customer Service. The Special Event Planning Form will provide information such as the preferred date and location of the proposed event and a description of the activities that will take place. The form will then be shared with the Community Events Teams (CET) for review and comments. The CET will be comprised of representatives from each department who will be …/

Staff Report DSR-031-13 Special Event Planning and Policy Guide

February 6, 2013 Page 2 of 3

responsible to identify any permits, fees or other requirements that may be required from their respective department. Once all Departments have provided their input, a customized “Check List” will be created for the event organizer. This document will outline any information, actions and fees, along with associated timelines, that are required for consideration of a Special Event Permit; this will also help to secure the preferred location(s). The “Check List” will be based on the submitted Special Event Planning Form and additional consultations with organizers (if applicable). Event organizers will be responsible to inform Customer Service if there are any changes to their proposed event as updates to the “Check List” may be required. For example, if an additional tent or exhibit is proposed, additional permits or inspections may be required. Customer Service will be the primary contact for event organizers, so that all inquiries and information is provided through one source. The issuance of the Special Event Permit will be based on the completion of the “Check List”. Without a Special Event Permit, an event will not be permitted. Any event that is being held on a Town roadway or property (which is not rented out under the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department) is required to have a Special Event Permit. Town property is defined as roadways, sidewalks, parks, public lands, land adjacent to community centres, roads allowances and road ends that are maintained by the Town of Innisfil. There are some exceptions where events held on private property will require a Special Event Permit which includes:  Events that are open to the public which are not currently zoned for special events  Closed events (e.g. invite-only events) where more than 100 people are expected to attend  Events that require an exemption(s) from the zoning by-law  Events requiring a Special Occasion Permit from the LCBO The proposed process will replace the current Special Event Permit (By-Law 33-93). Once the Special Event Planning Policy and Guide is approved, a new by-law will be brought forward for Council’s adoption to implement the Special Event Planning and Policy Guide. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: Council has the option of not endorsing the proposed Planning Guide and protocol and maintain the status quo. Council could choose to accept the draft Special Event Planning Policy and Guide and move forward with a more immediate timeline for implementation. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION: The adoption of these new procedures will not require additional budget resources and are expected to result in improvements to cost recovery. Customer Service will maintain the current administrative and coordination role for obtaining any necessary municipal approvals. The process will enhance efficiency and provide a higher level of responsiveness to customers as all information will be provided in one “Check List” and the overall coordination will reduce duplication and conflicting information. The majority of the fees associated with special events are currently outlined in the Fees ByLaw. One new fee that is proposed is a damage deposit, ranging from $500 to $10,000 for each

Staff Report DSR-031-13 Special Event Planning and Policy Guide

February 6, 2013 Page 3 of 3

site/facility used. This will be set based on past history, proposed activities and forecasted attendance levels. The damage deposit requirement would apply to all events with the potential for damage or increased levels of maintenance. The damage deposit will be refunded following the event if no damages or violations occur. CONCLUSION: The author recommends that Council direct staff to consult community stakeholders on the proposed Special Event Planning and Policy Guide and Special Event Planning Form. If adopted, staff will solicit public input on the document from February 7 to March 7, 2013, and host an Open House at the Town of Innisfil Administration Building, 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, on Thursday, February 21st from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The introduction of the proposed process to obtain a Special Event Permit and Special Event Planning and Policy Guide would:  Improve efficiency and reduce duplication for each Department/Service Area;  Provide awareness to all event organizers about the applications, permits and documents required by the Town to ensure the safety of the public during an event;  Reduce the risk of event organizers receiving conflicting information;  Improve overall customer service as all information is coordinated through one source;  Expectations and requirements will be clarified; and  Ensure policies and procedures are implemented on a more consistent basis. Staff will report back on the results of the public consultations with a goal of having a new Special Event Planning Form and a new Special Event Planning and Policy Guide and associated by-law ready for implementation by the end of the first quarter of 2013. PREPARED BY: Rebecca Breedon Development and Marketing Coordinator REVIEWED BY: ________________________ Rachel Sullivan Economic & Community Development Officer APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION BY: ________________________ Donald G Eastwood B.E.S. M.A. Director of Development APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION BY: ________________________ Jason Reynar Clerk and Director of Legal Services Appendix A: Special Events Planning Form Appendix B: Special Events Planning and Policy Guide

Appendix A to Staff Report DSR-031-13


Date of Submission

Event Name Mailing Address (with Postal Code) Event Contact

Phone Email (required)

Proposed Event Date(s)/Times Proposed Event Set-up Date(s) (if different Proposed Clean-Up Date(s) (if different from from Event Date) Event Date) Type of Event Festival





Other (specific)

Sporting Activity

Describe Event/Activities ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Preferred Location Admission Fee per Person Anticipated Attendance <100 100-500 500-1000 1000-2500 2500-5000 >5000 Event Logistics -- Please indicate which of the following elements you will be including as part of your event, can be included on separate page: Tents (number and size(s))___________________________________________________ Stages (number and sizes) ___________________________________________________ Food Service (free or for sale and prepackaged or prepared on-site) ___________________ Propane Equipment ________________________________________________________ Commercial Vendors (estimated number)_______________________________________ Public Address System or Sound System (size and amps) _________________________ Amusement Rides/Dunk Tank/Inflatables (type and number) ________________________

TOWN OF INNISFIL SPECIAL EVENT PLANNING FORM Fireworks or Open Fire (type and time) __________________________________________ Alcohol Service ____________________________________________________________ Road Closure (reason and length of time) _______________________________________ Animals or Petting Zoo (specific location)_______________________________________ Raffle or lotteries ___________________________________________________________ Other Requirements __________________________________________________________________________ For events taking place on roadways, include a MAP outlining location(s) of event(s) and directional arrows if event(s) are moving Yes, Included Name of Insurance Provider: Other Information: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Office Use Only Date Received:

Office Use Only Permit Issued:

Please return to: Town of Innisfil, 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A1 Email: Phone: 705-436-3710 **Depending on event specifics, 120-150 days (or more depending on event specifics), may be required to complete the review process. All events taking place on Town property are required to have liability insurance in accordance with Town policy. In most cases, events on private property do not require a Special Event Permit, however there are some exceptions. Even though an event may be on private property and may not require a Special Event Permit, organizers are reminded that all municipal, provincial and national bylaws and laws are in effect and organizers are responsible to adhere to such bylaws/laws. Please contact the Town for more information or clarification. Any personal information collected through this form is pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.56, as amended, and will be used to contact the applicant. Questions about this collection should be directed to the: Special Event Team, Town of Innisfil, 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil ON, L9S 1A1. Telephone: 705-436-3710.

Appendix B to Staff Report DSR-031-13

Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013 Customer Service Town of Innisfil 2101 Innisfil Beach Road Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A1 Phone: 705-436-3710 Email: Website:

Table of Contents Message from the Town of Innisfil ................................................................................... 5 Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 6 General Information and Application Process ................................................................. 7 Fees............................................................................................................................. 7 Roles and Responsibilities of the Town of Innisfil ........................................................ 7 What Type of Events Require a Special Event Permit? ............................................... 8 Special Events on Private Property ............................................................................. 8 Special Events in Town Facilities................................................................................. 9 Submitting the Special Event Planning Form ............................................................. 10 Securing a Date and Location ....................................................................................... 11 Insurance ...................................................................................................................... 12 Damage Deposits .......................................................................................................... 13 Security ......................................................................................................................... 14 First Aid Services .......................................................................................................... 15 Road Closures and Road Blockage .............................................................................. 16 Process...................................................................................................................... 16 Fees........................................................................................................................... 16 Pre-Event Meeting ..................................................................................................... 16 Barricades and Signage ............................................................................................ 16 Notice to Affected Residents/Business ...................................................................... 16 Parades ..................................................................................................................... 17 Road Closure Map ..................................................................................................... 17 Approval Timeframes................................................................................................. 18 Fireworks or Open Flame .............................................................................................. 19 Process to Request Approval for Fireworks ............................................................... 19 Licensed Areas and Liquor Service ............................................................................... 20 Security for Licensed Areas ....................................................................................... 20 Applying for a Special Occasion Permit ..................................................................... 20 Smart Serve Certification ........................................................................................... 20 Providing Portable Toilets .......................................................................................... 20 Required On-Site Signage ......................................................................................... 21 Fencing ...................................................................................................................... 21 Site Plan Submission .................................................................................................... 22 Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

Page 2

Creating a Site Plan ................................................................................................... 22 Tents and Stages .......................................................................................................... 24 Applying for a Building Permit .................................................................................... 24 Fees........................................................................................................................... 24 Inspection .................................................................................................................. 24 Fire Prevention Measures .......................................................................................... 24 Digging/Staking.......................................................................................................... 25 Vehicles or Trailers in Parks .......................................................................................... 26 Commercial Vendors ..................................................................................................... 27 Obtaining Approval from Existing Commercial Vendors on Town Property ............... 27 Submitting Merchandise/Vendor Lists ....................................................................... 27 Food Service ................................................................................................................. 28 Submitting an Application for Food Service ............................................................... 28 Submitting Food Vendors List .................................................................................... 28 Obtaining Approval from Existing Food Providers on Town Property ........................ 28 Preferred Beverage Suppliers ................................................................................... 28 Commercial Cooking Equipment ............................................................................... 29 Propane Safety Certificate ......................................................................................... 29 TSSA Certificate ........................................................................................................ 29 Grey Water Tanks...................................................................................................... 29 Waste and Environmental Management ....................................................................... 31 Washrooms ............................................................................................................... 31 Portable Washrooms for Alcohol Licensed Areas ...................................................... 31 Waste Removal ......................................................................................................... 32 Environmental Management ...................................................................................... 32 Post-Event Clean Up Timeline ................................................................................... 33 Animals on Town Property ............................................................................................ 34 Hiring Animal Attractions ........................................................................................... 34 Sound/Noise Restrictions .............................................................................................. 35 SOCAN ...................................................................................................................... 35 Lotteries and Raffles ..................................................................................................... 36 Obtaining a Lottery/Raffle License ............................................................................. 36 Amusement Rides, Dunk Tanks and Inflatables ............................................................ 37 Amusement Rides/Dunk Tank/Inflatable Insurance and Safety Requirements .......... 37 Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

Page 3

Technical Standards and Safety Authority and Requirements ................................... 37 Signage on Town Property ............................................................................................ 38 Electrical Service ........................................................................................................... 39 Issuance of a Special Event Permit ............................................................................... 40 Appendix 1: Special Event Planning Form .................................................................... 41 Appendix 2: Application for Special Events Road Occupation Permit ........................... 43 Appendix 3: Municipal Alcohol Policy ............................................................................ 45 Appendix 4: Ontario Building Code – Tent Requirements ............................................. 46 Appendix 5: Ontario Building Code – Staging Requirements ........................................ 48 Appendix 6: Ontario Building Code – Portable Bleachers Requirements ...................... 49

Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

Page 4

Message from the Town of Innisfil TO BE INSERTED

Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

Page 5

Definitions Public Event – events where the general public is invited to attend. Town Property- includes roadways, sidewalks, parks, public lands, land adjacent to community centers, road allowances, road ends, and all other property that is owned and maintained by the Town of Innisfil. Special Events Road Occupancy Permit - Road closures or blockages require the approval by the Roads Department, Fire Department and South Simcoe Police prior to being submitted to the Town Council for finally approval. Approval is sought from these departments by submitting the Application for Special Events Road Occupation Permit Road Closure – where a municipally owned road is closed to vehicle use for a set period of time for construction or special event use (e.g. Street Festival) Road Blockage- when traffic is temporarily stopped, typically just for a few minutes, to allow a special event to take place (e.g. Charity Run). Check List – The Town of Innisfil will provide each event organizer with a customized list of all documents, applications and forms that are required to issue a Special Event Permit. The check list needs to be completed prior to consideration to approve the issuing of the Special Event Permit. The check list is customized for each event organizer based on their Special Event Planning Form and other provided information. Failure to complete the check list will result in loss of venture and no issuing of a Special Event Permit.

Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

Page 6

General Information and Application Process This Planning Guide was developed as a reference guide to help private and not-forprofit groups holding special events in the Town of Innisfil. As there are number departments, as well as Town Council, that could be involved in the approval process for a special event, Customer Service acts as the first point of contact to assist with obtaining municipal approvals. This Planning Guide provides answers to frequently asked questions and overall guidance. The first step for special event organizers is to fill out a Special Event Planning Form (Appendix 1). Once, the completed Form is submitted, Town staff will follow up to help event organizers understand which processes need to be followed to receive the required approvals for a Special Event Permit and ensure the event is a happy and safe one. Event organizers are encouraged to contact Customer Service by filling out a Special Event Planning Form as soon as possible. Depending on the event specifics, 120-150 days (or more depending on event specifics) may be required to complete the review process. Once, Customer Service receives the Special Event Planning Form, various Town staff be consulted to develop a check list with information, actions, fees and associated timelines, required for consideration to approve a Special Event Permit and to help secure the preferred location(s). Failure to complete the check list could prevent the issuing of the Special Event Permit and loss of Town space to hold the event. For a copy of the Special Event Planning Form, please visit: or refer to Appendix 1. Fees Fees are based on activities taking place, use of Town property, inspections required by municipal, provincial and federal law and other administrative fees. Fee information is available yearly in the Fees Schedule and information relating to the fees for an event will be included in the Check List that is provided to the event organizer following the submission of a Special Event Planning Form. Roles and Responsibilities of the Town of Innisfil Customer Service acts as the primary liaison with the event organizer and the various Town departments. Each department has assigned members of their staff to an internal Committee known as the Community Events Team to help facilitate special event planning for community groups. Through Customer Service, this team will provide event organizers with all the information event organizers need to complete their respective Check List. The roles and responsibilities of Town staff include:  Create customized special event check list and provide all appropriate Town applications/forms  Confirm Town facility and date availability  Assists with questions relating to the Town applications/forms and/or check list  On-site visits prior to the event to discuss layout of event (if applicable)  Process and conducts various Town applications and applicable inspections Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

Page 7

All questions, forms, applications and other materials are to be directed to Customer Service. What Type of Events Require a Special Event Permit? Any event that is being held on a Town roadway or property (that is not covered in the rental agreement for Town facilities) is required to fill out the Special Event Planning Form. In some cases a Special Event Permit will be required for events on private property and in Town Facilities. Additional information is provided below. Examples of events may include but are not limited to:  Geo-caching on roadways  Marathons (competitive or charity)  Charity or Fun Walks/Runs  Parades  Street/block Parties  Neighbourhood Yard Sales (with street closures)  Street Fair  Street Hockey Tournaments  Festival/Special Event  Fishing Derby  Special Community Announcement on Town Property (not directly organized by the Town)  Rallies or Shows (including those with vehicles)  Concerts  Garden Shows All special events, including recurring events are required to fill out a Special Event Planning Form and follow the check list for each event occurrence. If event organizers are not sure if an event requires a Special Event Permit, please fill out the Form and Customer Service will contact the event organizer to verify. Special Events on Private Property In most cases, events on private property do not require a Special Event Permit, however, there are some exceptions including:  Events that are open to the public which are not currently zoned for special events  Closed events (e.g. invite-only events) where more than 100 people are expected to attend  Events that require an exemption from the zoning by-law(s)  Events requiring a Special Occasion Permit from the LCBO Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

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Even though an event may be on private property and may not require a Special Event Permit, organizers are reminded that all municipal, provincial and national by-laws and laws are in effect and organizers are responsible to adhere to any such by-laws/laws. A few examples include:  Roadways must remain passable at all times for emergency vehicles  Under the Ontario Building Code permits are required for a tent or tents with a combined floor space of over 60 square meters in size  Under the Fire Code permits are required for open flames and/or fireworks  Town of Innisfil noise and parking by-laws will be enforced at all times Special Events taking place on property that do not comply with to the Special Event Permit By-Law # _____ or any other municipal by-law, provincial/federal law may be shut down. Event organizers requiring clarification to determine the need for a permit(s) can contact Customer Service for additional information. Special Events in Town Facilities The Town of Innisfil has a number of public facilities and pavilions that are available for rent. If anyone is interested in renting a public facility, pavilion, meeting room, soccer pitch, baseball diamond or ice surface, can contact Parks, Recreation and Facilities at 705-436-3710. A list of available halls, ice surfaces, soccer pitches and baseball diamonds are available at: Some available locations operated by the Town of Innisfil include:  Churchill Community Centre  Innisfil Recreational Complex  South Innisfil Community Centre (Lefroy)  Stroud Innisfil Community Centre  Alcona Glen Elementary School (Gymnasium Only)  Centennial Park  Cookstown Library and Community Centre  Fennels Park  Innisfil Beach Park  Knock Community Hall  Town Hall Community Rooms A current Fee Schedules can be obtained from the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department. Event organizers must adhere to the direction and instructions of the Town’s Facility Personnel at all times while using Town property. Failure to adhere to a Rental/Contract/Permit could result in the loss of the venue. NOTE: Depending on the nature of the event, organizers may be redirected to Customer Service to obtain a Special Event Permit. Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

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Submitting the Special Event Planning Form Ensure that the contact name on the Special Event Planning Form is the primary organizer of the event and has the authority to sign applications, contracts or agreements needed to receive a Special Event Permit. Submit Form in person or electronically to: Customer Service Town of Innisfil 2101 Innisfil Beach Road Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A1 Email: NOTE: Additional late fee penalties may apply when a Special Event Planning Form is submitted between 90 to 20 days prior to the event. No Special Event Planning Form will be accepted less than 20 days prior to the preferred day of the event. In such cases, requests to book Town property will not be entertained. Fees will be determined through Public Consultation.

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Securing a Date and Location All event organizers must submit their Special Event Planning Form at least 120 days prior to the requested event date. Organizers wishing to close a Town property to the general public as part of their event will need to submit their Form at least 150 days prior to their requested date. Closure of streets and/or parks to the general public, require authorization from Council so additional time is required to obtain the necessary approvals. While general timelines are noted above, depending on the nature of the event and proposed activities, additional time may be required to process the application and obtain the necessary approvals. Events that are large in size and/or call for road closures, midway, alcohol sales, emergency services and South Simcoe Police involvement require a significant amount of time to process, so please contact Customer Service as soon as possible. It is recommended that the event organizer contact Customer Service as soon as possible as availability of Town property is on a first come basis. Please note that some Town property, such as baseball diamonds and soccer pitches, are reserved regularly and special events booked after the baseball diamond and soccer pitch reservation period maybe declined in a specific location as nearby parking spots may have already been booked and therefore cannot accommodate additional activities. NOTE: Event organizers submitting Special Event Planning Form between 90 to 20 days prior to their preferred date will be subject to late processing fees. Special Event Planning Forms will not be accepted less than 20 days prior to the preferred date. Fees will be determined through Public Consultation.

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Insurance The Town of Innisfil requires all events to have liability insurance. Event organizers are responsible for covering all insurance needs. The Town requires a minimum of $5 million liability insurance for each special event. More information will be provided in the customized check list for each event as specific activities may require additional insurance. It is the event organizer’s responsibility to ensure that alcohol service areas, vendors, entertainers, food vendors, attractions, etc., have the required insurance. The event’s insurance company should be able to provide details of what coverage these different participants should have. If a third party is organizing an alcohol service area or midway style attractions, the main event organizer is still required to have alcohol or midway style attractions included in their insurance liability coverage. A copy of insurance liability coverage and any riders associated with the special event MUST be submitted to Customer Service prior to a Special Event Permit being issued. Without proof of insurance liability coverage, events cannot take place on Town property. NOTE: Insurance liability coverage requirements are subject to change. The customized check list will provide details on any requirements for a specific event. Be sure to obtain this information to ensure the appropriate coverage is in place.

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Damage Deposits Organizers hosting an event on Town property may be required to submit a damage deposit. Damage deposits are based on the proposed activities and anticipated attendance. A damage deposit is typically between $500 to $10,000 for each site/facility used for an event and is calculated based on the information provided in the Special Event Planning Form. Details relating to a damage deposit will be included in the check list. The deposit may be used to:  Rectify damage to the site/facility  Pay for excessive maintenance or utility charges related to the event  Compensate the Town for unpaid accounts accrued by the permit holder  Act as a performance bond to ensure compliance with clauses in the check list. A post-event damage assessment is based upon review of the site by Town staff immediately before an event and after the site has been vacated by event organizer. The damage deposit could be retained if there is damage caused directly by the organizer, any associated party, or the general public in attendance at the event. Damage deposits are only accepted in the form of cash, VISA or MasterCard. The damage deposit needs to be submitted prior to any final approvals and issuing of a Special Event Permit. Event organizers will be notified after the event if the damage deposit will be returned or retained. Allow 3-5 business days for damage deposit to be refunded based on the method of payment used for the deposit. Cash deposits will be returned by cheque to the name and address provided on the Special Events Planning Form (allow 2-3 weeks for processing).

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Security Protecting the health and safety of all participants, vendors and visitors at an event is important. South Simcoe Police will be included in the review of the Special Event Planning Form and will indicate on the customized check list whether or not an assessment of security needs is required. If an assessment is required, the event organizer must meet with South Simcoe Police to determine security needs for the event. Contact information for South Simcoe Police will be included in the check list and it is the responsibility of the event organizer to arrange the meeting. Following the assessment, if applicable, the event organizer will be required to obtain a letter from the South Simcoe Police which will need to include the following information:  Proof that the South Simcoe Police are aware of the event and all activities taking place;  Indicate if Police require any special security measures;  If the Police deem that special security measures are required the letter must also include details outlining the measures required (e.g. number of paid/licensed/volunteer security staff) and confirmation that the Police are satisfied with how the event organizer will satisfy the special security measures. If consultation with South Simcoe Police is required, it is recommended that event organizers meet at least 10 weeks prior to their event date to allow sufficient time to put the security measures in place. Any costs associated with special security measures are the responsibility of the event organizers. If during the event, South Simcoe Police are required to bring in additional support, beyond the special security measures agreed to and implemented, due to such things as larger than anticipated attendees or problems stemming from liquor service, all extra costs will be billed directly to the event organizers. If organizers do not adhere to the requirements laid out by the South Simcoe Police, Town staff and/or South Simcoe Police are authorized to shut down the event for public safety reasons. If a special event has volunteer security, the event organizer is responsible to:  Abide by the security requirements outlined by the South Simcoe Police  Provide clothing or vests for volunteer security identifying them as volunteers; Volunteer security are not allowed to wear any clothing that would give the impression that they are licensed security or police (e.g. military clothing);  Ensure all security personnel are familiar with the event rules. If a guest breaks a rule, volunteers should be able to explain to the guest what rule was broken and the consequences;  Provide information on how to contact paid licensed security or police Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

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First Aid Services All special events require first aid services from a certified provider to protect the health and well being of the public that are in attendance. For small-scale events of less than 200 people, a certified or experienced volunteer may be sufficient, however a paid first aid provider is recommended. Most first aid companies require at least 8 weeks notice to be booked for an event, so it is best to apply for their services well in advance. The name of the company or person and their level of certification must be submitted to Customer Service at least two weeks prior to the event. Failure to submit this information could result in the withholding of the Special Event Permit. Details will be provided on the event check list. All staff and volunteers for the event must be made aware of who is providing first aid services and how to proceed in the case of an emergency. It is recommended that 2way radios be utilized by event staff during large and high-risk events in case of emergency.

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Road Closures and Road Blockage Organizers must submit an Application for Special Events Road Occupation Permit (ROP) along with the Special Event Planning Form for events proposing that a road will be closed or blocked, such as, walk-a-thons, relays, street festivals, running events, street tournaments, block parties, etc. Please see Appendix 2 for a copy of the Application for Special Events Road Occupation Permit (ROP). The event organizer must also provide information on traffic control and detours for use by police, emergency services and the Roads Department. Process Road closures or blockages require the approval of the Roads Department, Fire Department and South Simcoe Police prior to being submitted to Town Council for final approval. Approval is obtained through these departments by submitting the Application for Special Events ROP at the same time as the Special Events Planning Form. Fees There are fees associated with the closure of roads within the Town of Innisfil. The fee must be paid at the time the Special Events ROP is submitted. If an event is not approved, the fee will be reimbursed. Any other type of cancellation will result in loss of fee payment. Fees are subject to change without notice. Information on any application fees will be included in the customized check list. Pre-Event Meeting Depending on the size and scale of an event a meeting between organizers, Roads, Fire or Police to discuss activities and/or emergency detour routes may be required. The check list will indicate if this is a requirement and provide details on how to proceed. Barricades and Signage It is the responsibility of the event organizer to obtain/use/maintain the appropriate signage and set up barricades/signs when the road closure goes into effect and to do so according to the process and protocol outlined in the Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7 ( Notice to Affected Residents/Business Organizers will be required to provide written notice to residents and business owners that may be affected by the road closure and blockage in advance of the event. The notice should indicate when the road closure will be in effect and when the road will reopen for regular use. The notice needs to be provided to residents or business Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

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owners within 120 meters of the affected area. The Town of Innisfil will require a copy of the notice used and proof that notice has been provided to residents or business owners at least 2 weeks prior to the event. The event organizer will need to provide advance notice to motoring/pedestrian public by use of signage indicating times of closure and reason for closure. NOTE: The Town of Innisfil does not govern roads owned and maintained by the Ministry of Transportation, the County of Simcoe or adjacent municipalities. If an event involves the closure or blockage of roads controlled by other jurisdictions, the event organizer will need to contact them directly to learn more about their approval process and to obtain any required approvals. A copy of their approval needs to be submitted to Customer Service. Details of this requirement will be provided in the check list. Contact information for the County of Simcoe and Ministry of Transportation is provided below. County of Simcoe Transportation and Engineering Department 1110 Hwy # 26 Midhurst, Ontario L0L 1X0 Phone: 705-736-6901 Email: Ministry of Transportation Central Region Office 1201 Wilson Avenue Building D, 2nd Floor Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 Phone: 416-235-5412 Parades For events that include a parade, an Application for Special Events ROP will need to be submitted and the road closure/blockage process followed. Customer Service will contact the Roads Department, South Simcoe Police and Fire Department regarding the proposed parade and provide them with a copy of your Application for Special Events ROP and Special Event Planning Form for review and comments prior to submitting it to Town Council for approval. Road Closure Map The event organizer must submit a map with the proposed routes to Customer Service. This map will be sent to the Roads Department, South Simcoe Police and Fire Department for review and comment and a final map will be submitted to Council as part of any request for a road closure. If any subsequent changes are made to the route or area to be closed to traffic, the organizers need to contact Customer Service immediately, as changes to the map, may result in the Special Event Permit and Special Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

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Events ROP being considered void and it impacts internal and external service groups that are part of the Town’s road closure notification system. Approval Timeframes Special Events Road Occupation Permits requires a minimum of 10 business days for approval consideration without full closure of a road. If a full closure is required approval from Council must be required. Council approval takes a minimum of 90 days notice. Increase time periods for approval considerations may be required depending on the complexity of the event. Timelines will be outlined in the check list.

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Fireworks or Open Flame Fireworks or open flames on Town property require permission from Town Council. Process to Request Approval for Fireworks Once the event organizer has submitted a Special Event Planning Form, he/she will be asked to provide detailed information about the proposed fireworks. The following information needs to be provided at least 90 days prior to the event:  Date and time of fireworks  Location of fireworks  Type and class of fireworks to be displayed  Name and address of pyrotechnics company  Proof of minimum of $5-million liability insurance for the fireworks, which would be in addition to overall event insurance  Proof of fireworks/pyrotechnic display business license A damage deposit will be required which will be determined based on the size of the fireworks and anticipated attendance. More information on specific requirements will be provided in the check list based on the information provided above. The Fire Department will need to inspect the fireworks prior to the event. Inspections will normally be scheduled during regular Town business hours, however if an inspection of fireworks is required outside of regular business hours, notification must be indicated on the Special Event Planning Form. NOTE: The Fire Department will have the ability to cancel the fireworks display at any point due to weather, fire ban or unsafe conditions. If a Fire Ban is in affect all firework displays are automatically cancelled. Failure to cancel a fireworks display during a Fire Ban may result in criminal charges.

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Licensed Areas and Liquor Service All special events serving alcoholic beverages held on/in Town facilities or Town property must adhere to the Municipal Alcohol Policy (Appendix 3), Liquor License Act of Ontario and regulations of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. Security for Licensed Areas Events that include licensed areas for serving alcoholic beverages require coordination with South Simcoe Police to ensure the safety of event attendees and that all laws and by-laws are abided by. The recommendations of the South Simcoe Police will be taken into account and the event organizer will be required to follow all requirements laid out by the South Simcoe Police. Event organizers will be required to obtain a letter of proof from the South Simcoe Police confirming that the organizer and Police have met and laying out all security requirements. Additional details can be found in the Security section. If during the event, South Simcoe Police are required to bring in additional support, beyond the special security measures agreed to and implemented, due to such things as larger than anticipated attendees or problems stemming from liquor service, all extra costs will be billed directly to the event organizers. If organizers do not adhere to the requirements laid out by the South Simcoe Police, Town staff and/or South Simcoe Police are authorized to shut down the event for public safety reasons. Applying for a Special Occasion Permit An Application for a Special Occasion Permit is to be submitted directly to the LCBO. Applications are available at local LCBO locations. A copy of the approved Special Occasion Permit and a list of all bartenders and their Smart Service Certificate Numbers must be submitted to the Town prior to the event. Smart Serve Certification All bartenders and beverage garden security must provide proof of Smart Serve Certification prior to the Special Event Permit being issued. All individuals are responsible to have their Smart Serve Card with them at the event and be able to show it upon request. For more information, please visit: Providing Portable Toilets Licensed areas at all events require portable toilets and hand wash stations within the licensed area. Please see the chart below to determine the number of required portable toilets. It is the responsibility of the event organizer to provide all portable toilets and hand washing stations. Portable toilets and hand wash stands will also be required for

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guests outside of the licensed area, see section Waste and Environmental Management for more information. Capacity of Licensed Area Up to 100 100-200 200-500 500-1000 More than 1000

Number of Washroom Stalls and/or Portable Toilets 4 6 10 12 minimum Please speak to Community Events Team

Required On-Site Signage To help with the organization of an alcohol licensed area, the following information is required on signage within the licensed area:  Hours of operation  Alcohol ticket sales information  Information at the alcohol ticket sales table outlining the regulations  Designated driver program information or taxi numbers  Location where non-alcoholic drinks are available for free or purchase Fencing Licensed areas must be enclosed. Any costs associated with portable fencing relating to licensed areas are the responsibility of the event organizer. Please see Municipal Alcohol Policy (Appendix 3) for additional regulations.

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Site Plan Submission All special events on Town property require a site plan. The site plan must be a bird’s eye view of the event location, showing the layout of all structures and activities to scale. Site plans are important as they help clarify which part of the Town property is planned for use and in what fashion. The site plan also aids event organizers if a utility locate is required (e.g. if the event will be taking place on land that has electrical, water, telephone, gas or cable lines below it and the event organizers are using pikes or digging). Creating a Site Plan Site plans typically include the following:  Location of permanent buildings/structures  Location of all tents and/or stages  Utility locates (event organizers may have to coordinate utility locates prior to submitting a site plan to demonstrate no interference with wires or pipes located in the vicinity of any proposed structures)  Location of first aid station  Location of food service and barbeques  Location of any tables  Location of games and activities  Proposed route and layout of race, walk-a-thon or road closure  Access routes for emergency vehicles  Location of any barricades used to block off parking, roadways or sections  Location of licensed area  Location of portable toilets and hand wash stations  Location of any temporary fencing  Location of garbage/recycling stations  Location of any other activities or structures that relate to the event  Location of midway rides/dunk tanks/inflatables The site plan will be circulated to emergency services and any relevant departments for review and comment. Site plans MUST be approved before set up can occur. Event organizers are reminded that the issuing of a Special Event Permit is based on the site plan and failure to comply can result in the revoking of the Permit. If organizers determine Site Plans cannot be compiled with during the setting up of the event, contact Customer Service immediately, though this situation should only happen for emergency situations Site plans/maps must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the event. Larger events may require earlier submission to allow appropriate review time. Timelines will be outlined on the check list.

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Organizers can contact Customer Service for maps of some Town properties. These maps can be emailed or downloaded to the event organizer. The event organizer is responsible to submit site plans in a paper format that is readable.

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Tents and Stages The use and proposed placement of any tents or other structures on Town property must be approved in advance by the Town as some parks and roadways may contain underground wires and other equipment and some structures, such as tents and stages, may require permits. Applying for a Building Permit The Ontario Building Code outlines regulations that must be followed when tents, stages and portable bleachers are being used. Details on the proposed use of such structures should be included in the Special Event Planning Form so staff can determine if building permits are required. As an example, a tent or tents on a site with an aggregate area of over 60 meters square and any stage over 100 square feet are required to have a Building Permit under the Ontario Building Code. These permits are required on private and public property. Building Permits can be acquired by submitting an Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish at least three weeks prior to the event. Documents required to accompany this application include owner’s authorization, and two copies of the site plan (including all structures on the property; proposed tent(s), staging and portable bleachers; and potential washrooms). Refer to the section on Site Plans for additional information. Please see Appendices 4, 5 and 6 for a copy of the section of the Ontario Building Code relating to tents, staging and portable bleachers. Fees Organizers will be required to pay a processing fee when an Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish is submitted. Please consult the Building Department or Customer Service for current information about fees. Any applicable fees will be outlined in the customized check list. Inspection Once a Building Permit is issued, event organizers will have to contact the Building Department directly to arrange any required inspection(s) for any tent(s), stage(s), or washrooms(s) both prior to the event (after the structures are completely assembled and in place) and after the structures have been removed. Fire Prevention Measures Barbeques must be at least 3 metres (10 feet) from any tent or other structures. All tents need to have fire extinguisher(s) present and be in compliance with the Fire Code, Section 2.9 Tents and Air-Supported Structures. Additional information will be provided in the customized check list.

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All drapes, curtains and other decorative materials, including textiles and films used in a tent or stage must meet the requirements for a high degree of flame resistance NFPA 701 “Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films.� Additional information will be provided in the customized check list. Hay, straw, shavings or similar combustible materials, other than that necessary for the daily feeding or care of animals, is not permitted within a tent or air-supported structure used for an assemble, except sawdust and shavings which may be used if kept moist. Smoking and open flame devices are not permitted in a tent or air-supported structure. Digging/Staking Digging or staking on Town property is prohibited unless written approval is obtained from the appropriate department. Several Town properties contain underground wiring, platforms, and other systems which may be compromised by digging or staking. Please include requests to dig or stake noting the specific areas with the submission of a Site Plan (refer to the section on Site Plans for additional information). Digging or staking without approval on serviced land may result in loss of damage deposit and additional charges. It is the event organizers responsibility to obtain utility locates prior to penetrating the ground. A copy of the locates must be included in the site plan.

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Vehicles or Trailers in Parks No vehicles or trailers may be parked outside of designated parking lots or roadways unless specifically authorized in advance by the Town. Vehicles or trailers improperly parked or operated are subject to fines and/or charges against the operator and the event organizer. Written permission from the Town is required prior to an event if ANY vehicles (including trailers) are to be on Town pathways, parkland, land adjacent to community centers or gravel/paved walking/biking path. If permission is granted for a vehicle to be allowed on parkland or Town property it cannot exceed 10 km/h as these are pedestrian areas and pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way. Requests to park vehicles or trailers outside of designated parking lots or roadways should be included in the Special Event Planning Form and in the proposed site plan.

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Commercial Vendors Depending on the application the Special Event Permit may include allowances for the sale of products by commercial vendors at an event. Items being sold on Town property must meet Town standards. No items are allowed be sold on Town property that go against any Town of Innisfil by-law, Criminal Code of Canada or the Human Rights Commission of Ontario or any other provincial or federal regulations. Selling or promoting/advertising is permitted only within the area listed on the Special Event Permit. Vendors will not be permitted to distribute and/or post any advertisements or promotional materials except in the area reserved by event organizers. Any vendor advertising, promoting or selling outside of their reserved area will require a Hawkers and Peddlers Permit from the Town of Innisfil and could be fined for failure to produce one. It is the responsibility of all event organizers to maintain a sense of quality at festivals and events held in our community. Obtaining Approval from Existing Commercial Vendors on Town Property The Town of Innisfil contracts out the operation of Concession stands and the Pro Shop at our facilities and parks. The contractors of the Concession stands and Pro Shop have the right to operate during special events. All event organizers serving food or selling items, where a Concession stands or Pro Shop is located, must receive written permission from the contractor(s) of the Concession stands and/or Pro Shop to have additional food and sales at their event. The Town requires written proof that the Concession stands or Pro Shop contractor(s), as appropriate, has approved the serving of food or sale items at the event at least 30 days prior to the event. Submitting Merchandise/Vendor Lists A list of all vendors’ names, a description of items being sold and vendor contact information must be submitted to Customer Service at least 30 days prior to the event.

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Food Service Submitting an Application for Food Service All special events that include food service to the public (free or for a price) are required to have a permit from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) to ensure proper handling and serving of food. Each food vendor/concession must submit a SMDHU Application for Special Event Permit directly to the Health Unit at least 30 days prior to the event. Guidelines for serving food at community events should be adhered to at all times. Please review the Food Safety Matters at Community Special Events guidebook at The event organizer must have a copy of each vendor’s approved Special Event Permit and have it on site at all times. The Town and SMDHU have the right to request a copy of any food vendors Special Event Permit at any time during the setup or event. Food vendors without a SMDHU Special Event Permit will not be permitted to set up their equipment or operate on Town property. Changes to food service plans must be communicated to Customer Service and still respect the requirements of the SMDHU. Submitting Food Vendors List A list of all food and beverage vendors’ names, a description of items being sold and vendor contact information must be submitted to Customer Service at least 30 days prior to the event. Obtaining Approval from Existing Food Providers on Town Property The Town of Innisfil has entered into contracts for the operation of concession stands at Town facilities and parks. The contractors of the concession stands have the right to operate during special events. All event organizers serving food, in the vicinity of a concession stand, must receive written permission from the contractor of the concession stand to have additional food services at their event. The Town requires written proof that the concession stand contractor has approved the serving of food at the event at least two (2) weeks prior to the event. Preferred Beverage Suppliers The Town of Innisfil has a preferred supplier for beverages on Town property. Please be advised that only the preferred supplier is allowed to advertise on Town property and provide sponsorship. For more information, please speak to Customer Service.

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Commercial Cooking Equipment All commercial cooking and deep frying equipment require certification under the Fire Code and vendors must have proof of certification on site. All commercial cooking equipment must have exhaust and fire protection systems and may be inspected by the Fire Department prior to the opening of the event to the public. If inspection requirements will be indicated in the check list. If propane equipment is being used for food service (e.g. propane barbeque or cooktop) a Propane Safety Certificate is required. Propane Safety Certificate The use of propane equipment (propane barbeques, stoves, heaters or cook tops) on Town property is restricted. In order to be granted permission to use propane equipment, the equipment MUST be inspected by a licensed gas fitter who can provide a Propane Safety Certificate or letter which must be provided to Customer Service before the event opens to the public. Propane Safety Certificates are required on site during setup and the event. The Town has the right to request to see these Certificates at any time. For large events with multiple vendors using propane equipment, the Town will allow onsite inspection of all equipment. Events will not be allowed to be open to the general public without the Certificate being produced for the health and safety of the general public. TSSA Certificate All food vendors must adhere to the rules as set out by the Technical Standards and Safety Act (TSSA) regarding the use and storage of Propane Tanks. It is the responsibility of all food vendors to make sure that the inspection has been completed and approved PRIOR TO ARRIVING on Town property. TSSA Certificate are required on site during setup and the event. The Town has the right to request to see these Certificates at any time. Please contact TSSA to obtain complete guidelines and inspection information about Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA) requirements ( or 1-877682-8772). Grey Water Tanks Food concessions and vendors MUST USE a holding tank for grey water. The Town of Innisfil does not allow the dumping of grey water on Town property or in Lake Simcoe. Vendors are responsible for bringing their own tanks and managing the proper disposal of waste.

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Grey water is considered any wastewater generated by food concessions or vendors from the activities they are facilitating or food services they are providing. Any violation will result in loss of damage deposit.

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Waste and Environmental Management Washrooms Several of the Town’s parks and properties feature washroom buildings or facilities that may be used by event participants. If access to public washrooms is required for an event, please check the applicable box on the Special Event Planning Form. Some washrooms are not available for public use after Thanksgiving weekend to mid-May, so please check with Customer Service to confirm if the washrooms will be available for the event. It is the responsibility of the event organizers to provide an adequate number of washrooms for the anticipated event patrons. The rental of portable toilets is recommended. Please see the chart below to determine how many washrooms are required based on the anticipated attendance for an event according to the Ontario Building Code. Where possible, portable toilets should be secured to ensure they will not tip over. Number of Event Participants <50 50 to 150 151 to 250 251-375 376 to 500 Over 500

Number of Washroom Stalls and/or Portable Toilets 1 2 3 4 5 6 plus 1 for each additional increment of 150 persons

Portable toilets must be accompanied by portable hand washing units and/or hand sanitizer dispensers. For every four portable toilets one hand washing unit or four hand sanitizing units are required. Please ensure that adequate waste receptacles are located in the area where the portable toilets are located. Portable Washrooms for Alcohol Licensed Areas Portable washrooms and hand washing stations are required within the fenced in area of the beverage area which are in addition to those located outside of the licensed are for the rest of the general public at the event: Capacity of Licensed Area Up to 100 100-200 200-500 Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

Number of Washroom Stalls and/or Portable Toilets 4 6 10 Page 31

500-1000 More than 1000

12 minimum Please speak to Customer Service

Waste Removal It is the responsibility of the event organizer to respect Town property by maintaining a clean and garbage-free event space and by returning the event space to its original state immediately following the event. This includes the removing of any items used for event setup including cable ties, ropes, securing items, fencing, posts and stakes. The Town of Innisfil provides waste receptacles on most Town property locations; however events requiring additional garbage cans and recycling containers are required to contact a waste disposal company to dispose of any waste from the event. The chart below provides information on how many garbage or recycling bins are needed based on anticipated attendance: Number of People <50 50-100 100-200 200-500 500-1000 1000-2000 >20000

Food Services No Food Services Garbage Recycling Garbage Recycling Cans Bins Cans Bins (45 Gallon) (45 Gallon) 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 7 5 4 3 15 10 10 6 To be determined on a case-by-case basis

Extra bags needed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

NOTE: This chart contains guidelines only. The Town of Innisfil may determine that an event requires more or less garbage cans and recycling bins. The cost of these items is paid in full by the event organizers. Detailed information will be provided in the check list. Environmental Management The Town of Innisfil believes that every person and business shares the responsibility of protecting the environment. The health and prosperity of our Town is at stake and wholly dependent on the way we all manage environmental issues. Event organizers must make arrangements for the recycling of bottle, plastic, cardboard, paper and other recyclables. Event organizers are not allowed to leave recycling or bundles of paper/cardboard on Town property. Failure to clean up the area will result in loss of damage deposit.

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Post-Event Clean Up Timeline The Town of Innisfil strives to maintain the cleanliness of Town property for future generations to enjoy. For small-scale events, the site must be cleared immediately following the event. For large events and festivals, the Town may approve a longer clean-up timeline. Failure to return any Town property to its original state within the required timeframe may result in loss of damage deposit.

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Animals on Town Property Town By-Law 098-07 regulates the control of dogs on Town property. Dogs on Town property are required to be on leash at all times and owners are responsible for all clean up involving the dogs. Some properties specify times when dogs are prohibited. More information can be obtained from Customer Service. If dogs are to be part of an exhibit at an event and are required to be off-leash this proposed activity must be indicated in the permit application as an exemption to the by-law requires Council approval. It is recommended that event organizers remind possible attendees that dogs are not permitted in certain locations at certain times. It is recommended that the dog restrictions be publicized on promotional materials. If the event is large in size, it is recommended that attendees be encouraged to leave their pets at home even when permitted. If the event is proposing to have animal attractions, petting zoos, pony rides or circuses please inform Customer Service, as some areas of Town property may not be suitable. In an effort to respect others that use Town property and park land, events with animals must ensure all clean up of waste. Failure to do so will result in loss of damage deposit. Hiring Animal Attractions Any animal attractions hired for an event must provide proof of liability insurance and it is essential that due diligence is undertaken by the event organizer to ensure that animal cruelty or negligence is not occurring. Event organizers are asked to provide a copy of animal attraction liability insurance at the same time as a copy of their own liability insurance is submitted. Event organizers must provide proper sanitary stations by all animal attractions. All animal attractions and exhibitors must follow the by-laws and laws of the Town of Innisfil, Province of Ontario and Government of Canada.

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Sound/Noise Restrictions All events that have amplified sound (from public address systems, live music or other activities) must adhere to the Noise By-Law 0651-06. Please discuss your planned programming with Customer Service to learn more. The Town of Innisfil enforces noise violations based on complaints from the general public. South Simcoe Police has the right to shut down loud activities at any time at their discretion. SOCAN SOCAN (the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) is a notfor-profit organization that represents the Canadian performing rights of millions of Canadian and international music creators and publishers. SOCAN is proud to play a leading role in supporting the long-term success of its more than 100,000 Canadian members, as well as the Canadian music industry. Through licences, SOCAN gives businesses that use music the freedom to use any music they want, legally and ethically. SOCAN collects licence fees from over 42,000 businesses coast to coast and distributes royalties to its members and peer organizations around the world. SOCAN also distributes royalties to its members for the use of Canadian music around the world in collaboration with its peer societies. In addition, SOCAN plays a leadership role in mentoring emerging creators on various aspects of the craft and business of music. SOCAN also advocates on behalf of their members to ensure that copyright is respected and that creators are appropriately remunerated for the use of their work. Organizers having music at their event must adhere to any SOCAN regulations including the payment of any required fees. Please see for details and how to submit payment.

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Lotteries and Raffles Obtaining a Lottery/Raffle License The Criminal Code of Canada has strict regulations in place for all lotteries and raffles. All lotteries and raffles in the Town of Innisfil are required to have a license. Please contact Customer Service for an Application for Lotteries/Raffle License.

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Amusement Rides, Dunk Tanks and Inflatables Midways, dunk tanks and inflatable jumping castles/slides can be an excellent addition to many events as they are often enjoyed by people of all ages. Many midway, dunk tank and inflatable device companies may deliver their equipment in advance of the special event. Be sure to include any setup or take down time in the application for a Special Event Permit. Unfortunately, the Town may not be able to allow equipment to be left parked at Town owned properties, as the parking lots are used for other activities. Identifying alternative locations for the storage of equipment prior to setup are responsibility of the event organizer. Amusement Rides/Dunk Tank/Inflatable Insurance and Safety Requirements To ensure that the operators of such devices have taken all necessary measures to protect the safety of event participants, the Town of Innisfil requires information about the company that is providing the ride/inflatable/dunk tank including:  Company name  A copy of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) certificates for each ride/inflatable  Proof of least $5 million liability insurance. This insurance policy is in additional to the main policy for the event. All documents for the amusement rides/dunk tanks/inflatable need to be submitted with the event organizer’s proof of insurance. Technical Standards and Safety Authority and Requirements Amusement devices are regulated under the Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA). Licensees (operators of the amusement devices) are also licensed and monitored under this Act. It is a requirement that these devices are inspected before initial licensing to ensure compliance with safety standards and that its design is registered. For each individual amusement device, a permit is issued and must be renewed annually. For more information about Technical Standards & Safety Authority, please visit or call 1-877-682-8772.

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Signage on Town Property Attaching signs or other items to trees, built structures or signposts on Town property is prohibited as outlined in the Town’s Signage By-Law. The Town offers some advertising programs within some Town facilities; please speak to Customer Service for more information.

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Electrical Service Some Town properties may offer limited access to power for special events. If an event requires access to power, please indicate on the Special Events Planning Form what is required; what it is required for; and where in the event location it is required (if available). If outdoor electrical outlets are not available or in the number or wattage required, it is the responsibility of the event organizer to have alternative power sources bought in. Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) certificates for all power source equipment need to be provided prior to the event. Inspections are also required prior to the event. More information will be provided in your check list.

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Issuance of a Special Event Permit After all of the necessary information and documents have been submitted and steps followed as outlined in the check list, approval consideration will be given for a Special Event Permit. If approved, the Permit can be received in person, by email or mail and it will be issued within 10 business days of completion of Check List and sign off from affected Departments. NOTE: If any documents change (e.g. new food vendor added or change in generator being used), it is the responsibility of the event organizer to notify the Town of Innisfil. The Special Event Permit is approved based on the material submitted according to the check list. Changes may result in Permit being considered automatically invalid. Event organizers are asked to keep their Special Event Permit on hand during the event and set-up.

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Appendix 1: Special Event Planning Form Organization

Date of Submission

Event Name Mailing Address (with Postal Code) Event Contact

Phone Email (required)

Proposed Event Date(s)/Times Proposed Event Set-up Date(s) (if different Proposed Clean-Up Date(s) (if different from from Event Date) Event Date) Type of Event Festival





Other (specific)

Sporting Activity

Describe Event/Activities ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Preferred Location Admission Fee per Person Anticipated Attendance <100 100-500 500-1000 1000-2500 2500-5000 >5000 Event Logistics -- Please indicate which of the following elements you will be including as part of your event, can be included on separate page: Tents (number and size(s))___________________________________________________ Stages (number and sizes) ___________________________________________________ Food Service (free or for sale and prepackaged or prepared on-site) ___________________ Propane Equipment ________________________________________________________ Commercial Vendors (estimated number)_______________________________________

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Public Address System or Sound System (size and amps) _________________________ Amusement Rides/Dunk Tank/Inflatables (type and number) ________________________ Fireworks or Open Fire (type and time) __________________________________________ Alcohol Service ____________________________________________________________ Road Closure (reason and length of time) _______________________________________ Animals or Petting Zoo (specific location)_______________________________________ Raffle or lotteries ___________________________________________________________ Other Requirements __________________________________________________________________________ For events taking place on roadways, include a MAP outlining location(s) of event(s) and directional arrows if event(s) are moving Yes, Included Name of Insurance Provider: Other Information: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Office Use Only Date Received:

Office Use Only Permit Issued:

Please return to: Town of Innisfil, 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A1 Email: Phone: 705-436-3710 **Depending on event specifics, 120-150 days (or more depending on event specifics), may be required to complete the review process. All events taking place on Town property are required to have liability insurance in accordance with Town policy. In most cases, events on private property do not require a Special Event Permit, however there are some exceptions. Even though an event may be on private property and may not require a Special Event Permit, organizers are reminded that all municipal, provincial and national bylaws and laws are in effect and organizers are responsible to adhere to such bylaws/laws. Please contact the Town for more information or clarification. Any personal information collected through this form is pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.56, as amended, and will be used to contact the applicant. Questions about this collection should be directed to the: Special Event Team, Town of Innisfil, 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil ON, L9S 1A1. Telephone: 705-436-3710.

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Town of Innisfil 2101 Innisfil Beach Road Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A1

Tel: 705-436-3710 Tel: 888-436-3710 Fax: 705-436-7120

Appendix 2: Application for Special Events Road Occupation Permit *This permit is subject to the following conditions and to any supplementary conditions, regulations, specifications and engineering standards in effect at the time of issuance of this permit as approved by the Town of Innisfil

Permit No:

Application Fee:

Applicant Information Name

Phone No.


Fax No.


Cell No.

City/Postal Code


Event Taking Place: _____________________________________________________ Date(s) of Road Use: ____________________________________________________ Time of Use: ______________________ to __________________________________ Location(s) of Use: ______________________________________________________ Between: _______________________________ and ___________________________




Single Lane

*Copy of the Permit must be present on site while event is taking place *Traffic Plan required as per MTO Book 7, please speak to Community Events Team for more information. *If detour is required, show detailed traffic plan route including signage. Internal Use Complete Application submitted to Community Events Team: Proper Insurance

No No

Yes Yes

Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013 Page 43 Received by: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________ Approved by: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________

Permit No. _________________ Conditions and Procedures for Special Events Road Occupation Permit 1. The Applicant will submit an application to the Town. The application shall include: a) Application form fully completed (all areas filled out). b) Valid and proper insurance which names the Town of Innisfil. 2. The applicant shall be solely responsible to protect all persons that may enter the site in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Town of Innisfil Health and Safety Policy and or all other Provincial or Municipal Acts, By-Laws or Polices. 3. All Traffic Signing must be erected and maintained as directed by the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. All devices must be in place prior to commencement of any work. 4. When it becomes necessary to detour traffic due to event, the applicant shall submit a drawing showing proposed detour route and location of all signs for the proposed route. This proposal shall be subject to acceptance from the Road Services Department. 5. Extensions - Where time extension is required, the holder of this permit shall apply for such extension at least 24 hours in advance of stated date or re-opening. Time extensions must be authorized by the Manager or Road Services or his authorized representative before taking effect. Failure to comply will render this permit void. 6. Any and all damage caused by or during event will be replaced forthwith. 7. Special Events Road Occupation Permits are only valid for Town roads. 8. Special Events Road Occupation Permits and Road Closures will not be given for un-assumed roads. 9. Special Events Road Occupation Permits require 10 business days for approval (with or without road closures). Increased time periods may be required depending on complexity of the event. General Notes 1. Road closures require Infrastructure Services/Road Services to notify police, fire, school boards, ambulance or any other persons as may be requested by Infrastructure Services/Road Services 48 hours prior to work commencing. 2. One lane will be maintained for traffic where possible. 3. The occupied site will be properly signed, lighted, protected, and have personnel properly outfitted to comply with the Ontario Health and Safety Act, Town of Innisfil Health and Safety Policy, Municipal By-Law, Provincial or Federal Statue. Declaration In consideration of any permit issued in respect to this application, we, the applicants for ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns hereby agree to observe, keep and perform and be subject to the regulations and conditions of the said permit and to indemnify and save harmless. The Town represented by the Manager of Road Services or Director of Infrastructure or designate from and against all loss, cost, charges, damages, expenses, claims, and demands whatsoever to which may be put or which the Town may suffer or sustain or for which the Town may be liable by reason of anything done or omitted to be done in the construction, maintenance, alteration or operation of the works authorized. This permit is issued under the authority vested by the Town of Innisfil, bylaw 33-93 and the regulations pursuant thereto and is subject to the Conditions on the Reverse hereof. Freedom of Information For the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act, I, the applicant, authorize and consent to the use by or the disclosure to any person or public body of any information collected under this application for the purposes of processing this application. Application Signature: __________________________________ Date:_________________________

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Appendix 3: Municipal Alcohol Policy IN DEVELOPMENT - TO BE INSERTED

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Appendix 4: Ontario Building Code – Tent Requirements The following part comes from Division C It indicates when a tent needs a permit or group of permits: (5) A tent or group of tents is exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit under section 8 of the Act and is exempt from compliance with the Code provided that the tent or group of tents are, (a) not more than 60 m2 in aggregate ground area, (b) not attached to a building, and (c) constructed more than 3 m from other structure. Division B Section 3.14. Tents and Air-Supported Structures: 3.14.1. Tents Application (1) Except as provided in this Subsection, tents are exempted from complying with the requirements of this Division. General (1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), the requirements of this Subsection shall apply to all tents. (2) Articles,, and apply to tents that, (a) do not exceed 225 m2 in ground area, (b) do not exceed 225 m2 in aggregate ground area and are closer than 3 m apart, (c) do not contain bleachers, and (d) are not enclosed with sidewalls. Means of Egress (1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), tents shall conform to Sections 3.3. and 3.4. (2) A tent need not conform to Article except where swing type doors are provided. (3) Where the area between adjacent tents or a tent and the property line is used as a means of egress, the minimum width between stake lines shall be the width necessary for means of egress, but not less than 3 m. Clearance to Other Structures (1) Tents shall not be erected closer than 3 m to the property line. (2) Except as provided in Sentences (3), (4) and (5), tents shall not be erected closer than 3 m to other tents or structures on the same property. (3) A walkway between a building and a tent occupied by the public is permitted provided, (a) the tent is not closer than 3 m from the building, and (b) the walkway conforms to Article (4) Tents not occupied by the public need not be separated from one another, and are permitted to be erected less than 3 m from other structures on the same property, where such closer spacing does not create a hazard to the public.

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(5) Tents located on fair grounds or similar open spaces, need not be separated from one another provided such closer spacing does not create a hazard to the public. Clearances to Flammable Material (1) The ground enclosed by a tent and for not less than 3 m outside of such structure shall be cleared of all flammable or combustible material or vegetation that will carry fire. Flame Resistance (1) Every tent, and tarpaulins, decorative materials, fabrics and films used in connection with tents, shall be certified to CAN/ULC-S109, “Flame Tests of Flame- Resistant Fabrics and Films”, or NFPA 701 “Fire Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films”. Bleachers (1) Where bleachers are provided in tents, they shall be designed in conformance with Articles, and Subsection 4.1.5. Sanitary Facilities (1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), the minimum number of water closets for tents shall be determined in accordance with Table (2) Article applies to sanitary facilities in Sentence (1). (3) Sanitary privies, chemical closets or other means for the disposal of human waste may be provided in lieu of toilet fixtures. Provision for Fire Fighting (1) Access shall be provided to all tents for the purpose of fire fighting. NOTE: All information is subject to change with the Ontario Building Code updates. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Chief Building Official for clarification.

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Appendix 5: Ontario Building Code – Staging Requirements Division B. Stages for Theatrical Performances 1. A stage for theatrical performances and ancillary spaces, including workshops, dressing rooms and storage areas, shall be sprinklered. 2. A fire separation with a fire-resistance rating not less that 1 h shall be provided between a stage for theatrical performances and ancillary spaces, including workshops, dressing rooms and storage area. 3. Except as permitted by Sentence (6), a stage for theatrical performance and ancillary spaces, including workshops, dressing rooms and storage areas, shall be separated from the seating area by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, except for a proscenium opening protected with, (a) A sprinkler deluge system conforming to the requirements of NFPA 13 “Installation of Sprinkler Systems�, (b) An unframed fire curtain if the opening is not more that 20 m wide, or (c) A semi-rigid fire curtain if the opening is more than 20 m wide. 4. A fire curtain required by Sentence (3) shall be of a type designed to close, (a) Automatically upon the actuation of the sprinkler system, (b) Automatically upon actuation of the fire alarm system, (c) Manually by remote control devices located at the curtain control panel and at each side of the stage, and (d) Automatically by heat-actuated device 5. At least 2 vents for the purpose of venting, fire and smoke to the outsider of a building shall be provided above a stage designed for theatrical performances and shall, (a) Have an aggregated area not less than one eighth of the area of the stage behind the proscenium opening, and (b) Be arranged to open automatically upon actuation of the sprinkler system 6. The fire separation referred to in Sentence (3) is not required between a stage and a seating area in a floor area that is sprinklered, provided a sprinkler deluge system is installed at the boundary between the stage and the seating area Full and Partial Loading 1. The uniformity distributed live load shall be not less than the value listed in Table, which may be reduced as provided in Article, applied uniformity over the entire area, or on any portions of the area, whichever produces the most critical effects in the members concerned. Minimum specified loads for stages is 4.8kPa. NOTE: All information is subject to change with the Ontario Building Code updates. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Chief Building Official for clarification.

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Appendix 6: Ontario Building Code – Portable Bleachers Requirements Division B Bleachers 1. Steps provided in aisles of bleachers of the telescope type shall, (a) Have risers not more than 250 mm high, and (b) Have treads with a run not less than 280 mm. 2. If the vertical distance between seating platforms in bleachers is more than 280 mm, an intermediate step shall be provided the full width of the aisle and proportioned to provide 2 equal risers between platforms. 3. If the vertical distance between seating platforms in bleachers is more than 450 mm, 2 intermediate steps shall be provided the full width of the aisle so that there are 3 equal risers between platforms. 4. If the passageway between rows of seats is not a closed deck, footboards shall be provided so that, (a) The total width of the footboards shall be not less than three quarters of the centre-to-centre spacing between rows of seats, and (b) The spacing between footboards members shall be not more than 25 mm. 5. Openings above footboards and below the seats in rows of bleachers shall be of a size that will prevent the passage of a sphere having a diameter more than 100 mm. Fixed Bench-Type Seats without Arms 1. If fixed bench-type seats without arms are provided, the seat width per person shall be assumed to be 450 mm. 2. The centre-to-centre spacing between rows of bench-type seats shall be not less than 760 mm if back rests are provided, and not less than 550 mm if back rests are not provided. 3. A clear space of not less than 300 mm shall be provided between the back of each seat and the front of seat immediately behind it. Guards 1. Excepts as required by Sentence (2) to (4) for bleacher seats, guards shall be installed in outdoor and indoor places of assembly with fixed seats so that, (a) At the fascia of every box, balcony, or gallery where the seats extend to the edge, the height of guards is not less than, (i) 760 mm in front of the seats, and (ii) 920 mm if located at the end of aisles or at the foot of steps (b) The height of guards along every cross aisle other than those adjacent to the fascia of every box, balcony, or gallery is not less than 660 mm, except that guards need not be provided if the backs of the seats along the front side of the aisle are not less than 600 mm above the floor of the aisle, and (c) Where the seating is arranged in successive tiers and the height of rise between platforms is more than 450 mm, the height of guards is not less than 660 mm along the entire row of seats at the edge of the platform. Special Event Planning and Policy Guide 2013

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3. 4.

The backs and ends of bleachers seats more than 1 200 mm above the ground or floor are not adjacent to a wall shall be protected with a guard, (a) Not less than 1 070 mm high above an adjacent aisle surface or foot rest, and (b) Not less than 920 mm high above the centre of an adjacent seat board. If the front of a bleacher is more than 600 mm above the ground or floor, it shall be protected with a guard not less than 840 mm high above the front foot rest. Openings through any guard that is required by Sentence (2) and (3) shall be of a size that will prevent the passage of a sphere having a diameter more than 300 mm. NOTE: All information is subject to change with the Ontario Building Code updated. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Chief Building Official for clarification.

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Jan 21/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 D.6 Item # Action Taken Resolution #




February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Don Eastwood, Director of Development


Cookstown Heritage Conservation District - Update

RECOMMENDATION: That report DSR-032-13 regarding Cookstown Heritage Conservation District - Update be received as information. BACKGROUND: In the approved 2010 Capital Budget, Council had approved a funding allocation of $40,000 to begin the process of identifying and designating a heritage conservation district in accordance with the policies of the Official Plan. On November 16, 2011 Council considered a request from the Innisfil Heritage Committee to commence a process to formally recognize Cookstown for its unique historical and culture value within the Town of Innisfil. May 6, 2012, Council adopted the recommendations of DSR-090-12 which recommended that staff move forward to strike a Steering Committee to oversee the RFP for an external consultant to undertake a study to move forward with a Heritage Conservation District Study for Cookstown; and to authorize staff to apply for provincial government funding to assist with the project. As part of this process staff were also directed to undertake a communications plan to ensure public awareness and participation in the study. A Steering Committee has been formed comprising of two members of the Heritage Committee; 1 member of the Cookstown Chamber of Commerce/a Cookstown property owner; and a member of Council. The list of members can be found under Appendix A of this report. In November 2012, the Steering Committee issued a Request for Proposals (RFPs) to hire a consulting firm to undertake a Heritage Conservation Study. The intent of the RFP was to seek a qualified consulting firm to manage and guide future change within Cookstown and the proposed District area. The RFP was for a two phase work program. Phase 1 of the work would be to establish the heritage character and feasibility of designation and recommend a district boundary. Phase 2, would be commenced after Council approval of the findings of the first phase, and would entail the preparation of a detailed Heritage ‌/

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Conservation District Plan, which is required before formal adoption of a by-law to designate the Heritage Conservation District. In December 2012, the Steering Committee reviewed five (5) complete submissions and evaluated the proposals based on a number of predetermined criteria including understanding of the project, qualification/experience of team, project timeline and proposed price. In December 2012 through the budgeting process, Council approved an additional $45,000 in capital budget funding to cover the costs of the project bringing the overall funding for the project to $85,000. Staff were directed to report back to Council in due course on the outcomes of the RFP process, the consultant’s work plan and the public participation process for the project. Staff were also directed to advise of the outcome of the application for a Provincial Grant. ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION: Consultant Selection The proposal received from MMM Group of Thornhill obtained the highest overall score in the evaluation process and was recommended to undertake the project. The consultant’s project team has successfully worked on similar projects within Ontario and has knowledge of the Ontario Heritage Act and architecture. MMM Group proposal satisfied all the criteria within the RFP for research and public input for the first phase of the project. Phase 1 of the Heritage Conservation District Study is to examine the heritage significance of properties within Cookstown and determine if the designation of a Heritage Conservation District within Cookstown or a specific selection of Cookstown is warranted, desirable and supported by the local community and property owners. Phase 1 Work Plan During Phase 1, the consultant will be:  Reviewing relevant background materials including past/present Town by-laws, development projects, and research including existing financial incentives/support for programs in the boundaries of Cookstown for heritage conservation;  Creating a heritage assessment of Cookstown, showing settlement patterns, development history and possible designated buildings;  Identifying architecturally and/or historically significant properties and providing architectural backgrounds on these properties;  Examining the landscape features of Cookstown including past/present streetscape, heritage trees, significant views, open space/parks and other important features to the community  Identifying the area or areas meriting consideration for inclusion in a heritage district Public Involvement The consultant’s work program also includes a public consultation process that satisfied the Steering Committee, including two public information sessions; and a direct-mail/public awareness campaign. The two Public Information Sessions have been schedule for Tuesday, February 19, 2013 and Tuesday, March 26, 2013 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Innisfil Public Library-Cookstown Branch (20 Church Street, Cookstown, Ontario). These public sessions will include introducing information about Heritage Conservation Districts/programs, provide an overview of the legislation, and highlight examples of opportunities and successes within

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established districts in Ontario. MMM Group will also be answering questions at the public sessions. Communications Development/Communications staff and MMM Group want to make sure that all property owners within Cookstown are aware of the Study and what a District would mean to the area. To obtain maximum publicity and property owner knowledge the following communications and promotion steps are being taken:  Development of a Town website page providing background information and Public Information Sessions presentations  Direct-mail to all property owners about Public Information Sessions  News releases and articles  Social media  Posters/flyers at key locations within Cookstown and surrounding area with Public Information Session information  Advertising in local newspapers  Email campaign to key associations (i.e. Cookstown Chamber of Commerce) about upcoming Public Information Session and public input opportunities  Written submission from the public through email or mail Phase 1 is scheduled for completion in May 2013. Upon completion of their research and public consultation, MMM Group will produce two documents for the Town of Innisfil. The first document will be a Heritage Building Inventory listing architectural details of all properties within Cookstown. The Inventory will provide information about the exterior of the buildings, the heritage landscape and other specific features of each property. The second document will be a Heritage District Study Report. This Report will provide MMM Group recommendations based on research and public consultation if a Heritage Conservation District designation would be desirable by the local community and if there is architectural merit to proceed. If MMM Group recommends the designation, the report will also provide a proposed boundary for the designation area. If recommended to proceed with Phase 2, a Public Meeting pursuant to Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act will need to be held prior to any final Council decision. Phase 2 of the Project Phase 2 of the Heritage Conservation District Study will only proceed if MMM Group recommends the designation of a Heritage District and the recommendation is adopted by Council. Phase 2 is the preparation of a detailed Heritage Conservation District Plan pursuant to Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act for lands that are located with the District boundaries. MMM Group would be responsible to develop design, conservation and implementation guidelines with written and graphic descriptions, consistent with the heritage character of the area that are compatible with standards and guidelines adopted by the Ontario Government, Ministry of Culture and the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada developed under the Historic Places Initiative. MMM Group would also make recommendations for changes to the Official Plan, Zoning By-Law and Signage By-Law and recommend appropriate financial incentives/support programs to facilitate implementation of the Heritage Conservation District Plan and Design Guidelines. Public Consultation Sessions would also take place during Phase 2, a minimum of two public consultation meetings would be arranged with local property owners affected by the designation to provide input into the proposed plan and design guidelines. Phase 2 would be completed by December 31, 2013 for Council review and final decision.

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OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: This report is for information purposes only. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION: Communications/Promotions All communication costs to undertake the public consultation and engagement including direct mail supplies, postage and advertising were to be allocated as part of the Development Services 2013 Operating Budget. Consulting Fees MMM Group was awarded the tender with a budget of $92,078.05 (including HST). The breakdown of the budget is $39,090 (without HST) for Phase 1 and $42,395 (without HST) for Phase 2 (provisional to Council approval). The combined funding available from previous Council approval for capital funding for heritage conservation will be sufficient to offset the costs of the consultants work. Creative Communities Prosperity Fund In August 2012, Development staff submitted a Creative Communities Prosperity Fund application to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport to obtain funding for the Heritage Conservation District Study. Funding was to be applied as follows:    

$15,000 Phase 1 Study $10,000 Phase 2 Study $1,500 postage, and public information session needs $2,500 communications/promotional needs

On January 9, 2013, the Town was informed that the Province of Ontario had awarded grant funding in the amount of $29,000 for the project. (See letter from the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport attached Appendix B.) The funding obtained through the Creative Communities Prosperity Fund will be used to offset the cost of the consultants and provide additional funding to help with the promotion of the Study to property owners within Cookstown and the residents of Innisfil. CONCLUSION: The Heritage Conservative District Steering Committee in conjunction with the consulting firm, MMM Group will be moving forward with the Public Information Sessions on Tuesday, February 19 and Tuesday, March 26, 2013 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Innisfil Public Library-Cookstown Branch (20 Church Street, Cookstown). Council members are invited to attend the Public Information Session. (See Notice of Public Information Session Appendix C). A further report will be submitted to Council later this year outlining the findings and recommendation of MMM Group on Phase 1 of the Heritage Conservation District Study. PREPARED BY: Rebecca Breedon Development and Marketing Coordinator

Staff Report DSR-032-12 Cookstown Heritage Conservation District - Update PREPARED AND APPROVED BY:

________________________ Donald G Eastwood B.E.S. M.A. Director of Development Appendix A: List of Steering Committee Members Appendix B: Letter from the Minister Regarding Grant Approval Appendix C: Public Information Session Mailout

February 6, 2013 Page 5 of 5

Appendix A to Staff Report DSR-032-13 Name Lynn Dollin David Steele Jacque Fortin Derrick Pirie Don Eastwood Rebecca Breedon

Organization Representation Councillor – Cookstown Heritage Committee Member Cookstown Landlord/Cookstown Chamber of Commerce Heritage Committee Member Director of Development (Staff Support) Development and Marketing Coordinator (Staff Support)

Appendix B to Staff Report DSR-032-13

Appendix C to Staff Report DSR-032-13

PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION Cookstown Heritage Conservation District Study You are invited to a public information session to learn more about the Phase 1 Cookstown Heritage Conservation District. The Phase 1 Study is a process to determine whether the Cookstown community merits designation as a Heritage District. Community feedback is essential to this process. The Town of Innisfil and its consultants, MMM Group Limited, will provide information about what a Heritage Conservation District is and answer your questions.

Public Information Session Tuesday, February 19, 2013 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Formal Presentation Innisfil Public Library – Cookstown Branch (20 Church Street, Cookstown) For more information, please contact: Town of Innisfil, 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A1, 705-436-3710 or

What is a Heritage Conservation District: A Heritage Conservation District is an area of a municipality that has a distinct concentration of heritage buildings.

What is Phase 1 of the Heritage Conservation District Study: The first step is to determine if designation of a Heritage Conservation District within Cookstown is warranted, desirable and supported by the local community.

I Can’t Make It, Where Can I Get More Information? If you are unable to attend the Public Information Session, please visit for a copy of the presentation and background information on Heritage Conservation Districts. There will be a further opportunity to participate in the Phase 1 Study at a meeting in late March.

Sharing Your Thoughts If you would like to provide your ideas and input, please send written comments or questions to: or Cookstown HCD Study c/o 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A1 by Monday, April 1, 2013. You may also contact Don Eastwood, Director of Development, at the Town of Innisfil at 705-436-3740 Ext. 1501.

We welcome input into the Cookstown Heritage Conservation District Study and hope to see you at the Public Information Session on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. Map: Cookstown Heritage Conservation District Study Area

Jan 21/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 D.7 Item # Action Taken

Resolution #


DS SR-033-13


Fe ebruary 6, 2013 2


Ma ayor, Deputty Mayor an nd Members s of Council


An ndrew Campbell, Direc ctor of Infrastructure


De evelopmentt Engineerin ng Organiza ational Review

MENDATION: RECOMM THAT this report be e received; and THAT the proposed d organizational structure as per DSR-033-13 D 3 be adopted with the creation of two fourr-year contrract positio ons (Subdivision Revie ew Engineerr and Subdivis sion Constrruction Insp pector) and one full tim me Subdivis sion Constru uction Inspecto or. BACKGR ROUND: Council adopted a DSR R-103-12 in June 2012 for f the reorg ganization off the Infrastru ucture Department. The rec commendatiion of the report created d the Development Engin neering Servvices branch and a the creattion of a thre ee year contract for a ma anager’s possition to oversee the gro oup. The Director of Infras structure wa as to report back b to Coun ncil in Q4, 20 012 on the re-alignment r t process, results and further reco ommendation ns. ANALYS SIS/CONSID DERATION: In July 20 012 direction n was given to the Direcctor to review w the proced dures, policie es, staffing, workload d, customer service s and organization nal structure e of the Engineering and Developme ent Services branches to o improve the Town’s ab bility to service our residents and the e developme ent industry. Reviews ha ave taken pllace over the e last six mo onths for Devvelopment Services S and d are detailed in this reportt. A review is still underrway in the Capital C Engin neering Servvices branch h and will be prresented to Council C whe en the review w is complete ed this winte er. The deve elopment of new subdiviisions in Innisfil is critica al to allow the e Town to be e able to sup pply the housing and emp ployment needs establisshed by the provincial p Grrowth Plan. Currently th here are 40 su ubdivisions at a various stages of deve elopment in the Town. To T manage this workloa ad the Town n has one manager, two full time em mployees, a contract c emp ployee assig gned to the Friday Ha arbour proje ect, and usess external co onsultants fo or peer revie ew, assistancce with proje ect …/

Staff Report DSR-033-13 Development Engineering Organizational Review

February 6, 2013 Page 2 of 5

coordination and site inspection (see Attachment 1). Staff and consulting costs are invoiced directly to the developers. The Town’s current structure has been expensive for the developers, not always timely and can be prone to significant external consulting coordination to complete works to the expectations of both the Town and the developers. Although some of the pressure points and customer service problems have been resolved through the re-alignment of the Infrastructure Department in 2012 there continues to be issues due to resource limitations. To address these issues fundamental changes need be made. Staff have spent a considerable amount of time in Q3/Q4 2012 rebuilding relationships with various stakeholders to understand the issues and to ensure that there would be clarity on what could be changed in the system. Some of the issues identified were: •

• • • • • • •

• • • • • •

Staff have reduced external consulting costs by 30% since 2010 for development projects by internalizing work as part of its re-organization efforts. This initiative may have been too aggressive and has caused some unintended inefficiencies due to the amount of available staff time and skill level. Too many repeated engineering drawing reviews. The approval process takes too long. External consultants are too expensive and do not build internal capacity for a growing municipality. There are redundancies of inspections with Town staff, external Town consultants and developer consultants. The inability/difficulty to revise developments to meet market conditions. There is not sufficient staff time to resolve design issues with both internal and external stakeholders in a timely manner. There has been a significant increase in the number of site alteration permits and inspections needing development resources to manage resulting in less time to manage subdivision projects. The inability to increase staff competencies and develop corporate history as work is contracted out to consultants and there has been over the past five years a high turnover of staff due to workload imbalance and stressful relationships with council and various stakeholders. The need to ensure co-operative and collaborative relationships. Staff seem to only deal with urgent issues – too much energy and effort into putting out fires. There is a need for a first-in, first-out approach to application processing. It is difficult to have a long-term management focus when staff are on contract. There is insufficient staff time to deal with developments during the construction and assumption phases. There is only one half hour per week of staff time per project available to service the current projects on a weekly basis. Most projects require more than this amount of time resulting in delays and back logs for the other projects. This leads to frustration for Council and residents alike. Continued need to improve customer service and timeliness of responses.

Staff Report DSR-033-13 Development Engineering Organizational Review

February 6, 2013 Page 3 of 5

• •

Desire to move to a fixed cost development approval process. Simplify and reduce administration efforts in invoicing and tracking. Staff time is required to increase the level of communications with residents including more public information sessions.

Some of the above can be solved through staff training but others require a structural change to the organization and procedures. The proposed changes are: •

• • • • • • •

Provide a minimum of staff resources to accommodate the current and planned development needs (see Attachment 2); o Internalize the equivalent of two staff for the construction inspection to reduce overlap and external consultant costs. o Internalize the equivalent of one staff for subdivision engineering drawing review to reduce external consulting costs. Mandate meetings with developers and their engineers to ensure engineering drawing submissions are complete. Mandate design schedules for timelines of projects to meet developers’ schedules and to confirm milestones are being met by both parties. Work toward a maximum of three submission reviews, unless the design materially changes, to ensure timely processing of applications. Provide stability at the manager position by converting the contract to a full time position which also provides bench strength from a succession planning perspective. Ensure developers pay 100% of the staff and consulting costs related to their developments through higher fees as approved in the User Fees for 2013. Provide a balanced workload for staff. Create a “How to undertake a new residential development in Innisfil” manual to solidify policies, procedures and engineering standards.

Attachment 3 is a chart showing the proposed positions and potential future staff needs. Staff are proposing that three new positions be created; Subdivision Review Engineer (contract) and two Subdivision Construction Inspectors (one contract and one full time). The duties and function of these staff are currently performed by external consulting services. It is proposed that external consultant services would be limited to the first drawing submission and specialized engineering skills. Internal staff would manage subsequent drawing reviews and undertake site inspections to ensure compliance with Town specifications. There will still be a limitation on the number of projects that can be handled, and if a significant number of new applications, or complicated projects are undertaken, work will need to be outsourced to consultants. It is expected that subdivision development in Innisfil will continue well beyond the next four years but a term of four years for employment contracts has been selected to ensure the ability to hire competent staff and allow the Town to hedge against economic downturns. To provide stability long-term it is proposed that one of the new inspector positions be recruited as a full time position.

Staff Report DSR-033-13 Development Engineering Organizational Review

February 6, 2013 Page 4 of 5

Staff will continue to develop policy and procedure improvements to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the development approval process. The addition of the proposed staff resources will allow time for staff to undertake this work and to more effectively meet the demands of the development community. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: Council could choose not to accept the recommendations of this report however the current staff resources cannot accommodate the current or expected volume of work and meet the developers’ expectations. It is anticipated that there will be eleven new subdivision applications in 2013 and eleven of existing subdivisions will start construction in the spring. The costs for the proposed staff will be paid by the development community so the risk to the Town is limited. The exposure is primarily if the economy changes quickly and development stalls. There is also limited exposure as the staff will be hired on a contract basis. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION: No additional operating budget funds are being requested for the proposed three staff as their time will be fully reimbursed through charges to the development community. The 2013 User Fee Rates were set at a rate that would recover 100% of the costs including the recovery of non-billable time such as vacation, training and staff development time for these positions. It is proposed that approximately $15,000 in one-time costs associated with laptop computers, cell phones and office furniture for the new positions be funded from the Capital Reserve. CONCLUSION: The Development Engineering branch must adapt to meet increasing workload and demands of growth in Innisfil. The development industry is seeking lower costs and efficiency improvements to ensure timely approvals. To meet these needs, a reorganization, additional staff and process improvements are proposed to be undertaken in Development Engineering.

Staff Report DSR-033-13 Development Engineering Organizational Review

PREPARED BY: Andrew Campbell, Director of Infrastructure ________________________ Attachments: 1. Development Engineering Organizational Chart (current) 2. Subdivision Development Status 3. Development Engineering Organizational Chart (proposed)

February 6, 2013 Page 5 of 5

Report DSR-033-13 Attachment 1

Manager of Development Engineering 1 FTE

Design & Construction

Special Projects

Site Alteration

Friday Harbour

15 - FY-2012

Project Manager 1 FTE (Contract)

Site Alteration Permit Processor & Inspector 0.75 FTE

Design: 11 Current, 11 Pending Construction: 14 Active; 17 Assumption 2012-2013; 11 Pending

Subdivision Design Project Manager 1 FTE

Site Plan Engineering Review Assistant Project MGR 0.25 FTE

External Consultants ($500,000 2012) ($565,000 2011) ($745,000 2010)

Report DSR-033-13 Attachment 2

Above Ground Certificate

Overall Occupancy Certificate

Underground Certificate


Managing Staff

Architectural Control

7th/8th Line Charge

Lot Grading Security (2000$)

Number of Lots

Development Name

M-Plan Number

File Number


Subdivision Development Status

Pending Design D12-2007-003 D12-2008-001 D12-2005-007 D12-2005-001 D12-2006-002 D12-2007-004 D12-2005-006 D12-2008-001 D12-2006-003 D12-2006-003 D12-2007-001 D12-2004-002 Pending Pending

Alonzi Bayshore Estates Belle Ewart Lakeview Estates Innisvillage (formerly Mika East) Innisvillage (formerly Mika West) LSAMI P3 LSAMI P4 (Lormel Homes) Grand Sierra Alcona Downs 2 Alcona Downs 2 Alcona Downs 3 End Field Development Alcona Capital Sleeping Lion

D12-2005-002 D12-1998-005 D12-2005-003 D12-1990-013 D12-1986-024 D12-1988-022 D12-1988-008 D12-2005-005 D12-2005-004 D12-1998-004 D12-2000-003

Sandy Trail Belpark Construction Bremont Homes Churchill Downs Cookshill North Cookshill South Innisfil Executive Estates LSAMI P1 LSAMI P2 (Baywood Homes) Patson Cookstown Development Previn Court 2 West

D12-2003-003 D12-2003-003 D12-2004-001 D12-2004-001 D12-1996-005 D12-1996-005 D12-1995-020 D12-1995-020 D12-2000-003 D12-1991-003 D12-2003-001 D12-2003-001 D12-2000-001 D12-2000-001 D12-2002-001 D12-2002-001

Pratt Alcona North Pratt Alcona North Pratt Alcona South Pratt Alcona South Pratt D'Amico Pratt D'Amico Previn Court 1 Previn Court 1 Previn Court 2 Skivereen Tepco Tepco Wallace Mills 2 Wallace Mills 2 Wallace Mills 3 Wallace Mills 3

Phase 2 Phase 3

Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered

152 TBD 20 188 545 209 394 404

Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered

33 88 55 20 37 85 38 652 134 24 TBD

98 329 16 TBD TBD

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

yes yes no no no no no no yes yes yes no yes yes

yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan Draft Plan

Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning

no no yes no no no no no no no yes

yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes no no

Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no no

Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

Active Design no yes no no no no yes no no no yes Construction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 4 Stage 5 Phase 1 Stage 1 N Stage 2 S Stage 3 Stage 6 Phase 1 Phase 2

51M-892 51M-892 51M-987 51M-987 51M-944 51M-944 51M-897 Not Registered 51M-852 51M-643 51M-836 51M-836 51M-701 51M-701 51M-854 51M-879

205 225 113 70 TBD 161 128 145 253 14 46

yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes no yes yes no no yes yes

8-Nov-07 15-Jul-08 29 June 2012 29 June 2012 23-Feb-10

26-Jun-08 5-Jan-09

12-Dec-07 12-Dec-07 29-Aug-06 31-Aug-99 28-Feb-06 27-Oct-06 27-Jun-03 29-Mar-06 27-Oct-06 06-Jul-07

N/A N/A 29-Oct-07 N/A N/A 20-Mar-08 N/A N/A N/A 23-Nov-07



03-Dec-03 03-Mar-11 03-Mar-11 30-Jan-07 16-Sep-09 09Feb-09 09-Feb-10

Phase 2

Phase 1 Phase 1 Butler Phase 2, Stage 1 Phase 2, Stage 2 Phase 1

51M-866 51M-866 51M-899 51M-876 51M-763 51M-905 51M-938 51M-985 51M-985 Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered

10 83 115 86 12 163 TBD 98 652

Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

30-Jan-07 18-May-07 06-Oct-08 23-Mar-07 18-Feb-04 8-Oct-08 05-Feb-10 14 May 2012 14 May 2012

25-Jul-07 10-Jan-08 19-Jul-10 20-Dec-07 N/A 19-Jul-10 01-Feb-11

Above Ground Certificate

no no no no no yes no no no no no yes yes

Overall Occupancy Certificate

yes yes no yes no yes no no no no no yes no

Underground Certificate

yes yes yes no no yes yes no no no no no no


Managing Staff

Number of Lots 240

Architectural Control

Stage 1 N Stage 2 S

7th/8th Line Charge

Woodland Park Woodland Park Beacon Ridge Green Acres Innisbrook Dev. Phase 1 Innisbrook Dev. Phase 2 Innisfil By The Lake Alcona Downs 1 Alcona Downs 1 Alcona Downs 1 Alcona Downs 1 Alcona Downs 2 LSAMI P1

Lot Grading Security (2000$)

D12-2002-002 D12-2002-002 D12-1996-004 D12-2001-001 D12-1988-003 D12-2002-003 D12-1990-014 D12-1991-049 D12-1991-049 D12-1991-049 D12-1991-049 D12-2006-003 D12-2005-005

Development Name

M-Plan Number

File Number


Subdivision Development Status

09-Feb-10 03-Mar-11 18-Feb-10 20-Nov-09 3-Mar-11 01-Feb-11

Report DSR-033-13 Attachment 3

Manager of Development Engineering 1 FTE

Admin Assistant 1 FTE (Future)

Design 11 Current, 14 Pending

Subdivision Design Project Manager 1 FTE (Existing)

Subdivision Drawing Review Engineer 1 FTE (Proposed Contract)

Construction 12 Active; 17 Assumption 2012-2013; 11 Pending

Subdivision Construction Project Manager 1 FTE (Future)

Special Projects

Site Alteration

Friday Harbour

15 - FY-2012

Project Manager 1 Contract (Existing)

Site Alteration Permit Processor & Inspector 1 FTE (Future)

External Consultants

Subdivision Construction Inspector 1 FTE (Proposed Full Time) 1 FTE (Proposed Contract)

Site Plan Engineering Review Assistant Project MGR 1 FTE (Existing)


Jan 22/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 D.8 Item # Action Taken

Resolution #




February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Andrew Campbell, Director of Infrastructure.


Innisfil Heights Reservoir, Phase 2 Land Acquisition.

RECOMMENDATION: THAT Staff Report DSR-034-13 be received; and That Council approves the purchase of Lot 28, Plan 1640 from Innisfil Hydro in accordance with the terms of the Purchase and Sale Agreement; and That Council hereby confirms its intent that this entire expenditure plus interest is to be collected from future growth to occur in the Town of Innisfil. BACKGROUND: In July of 2012 the Town executed an agreement for the acquisition of land from Innisfil Hydro for the new Innisfil Heights Reservoir. The acquisition agreement included an option for the Town to purchase a second parcel of land from Innisfil Hydro for the future phase of the Innisfil Heights Reservoir. ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION: The purchase from Innisfil Hydro in July included Lot 27 (see attachment 1) with an option for the Town to purchase Lot 28. The Purchase and Sale Agreement requires that the Town advise Innisfil Hydro by February 28, 2013 that the Town wants to purchase Lot 28. The agreed upon value for Lot 28 within the agreement is $425,000. The closing date for the purchase of Lot 28 would be February 2014 in accordance with the agreement. Therefore should the Town advise Innisfil Hydro that we wish to purchase Lot 28 the expenditure would occur in 2014. The Master Servicing Plan for the Innisfil Heights water distribution system is to expand the reservoir from Lot 27 onto Lot 28 in the future to accommodate the expanded Innisfil Heights Employment Lands and to service the proposed 6th Line Campus. To implement the Master Servicing Plan the Town would require Lot 28 for future reservoir expansions. Therefore the Town should provide notice to Innisfil Hydro that in accordance with the Purchase and Sale Agreement that the Town will be purchasing Lot 28. ‌/

Staff Report DSR-034-13 Innisfil Heights Reservoir, Phase 2 Land Acquisition

February 6, 2013 Page 2 of 2

OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: Council has the option to not proceed with the purchase of Lot 28 as provided for in the Purchase and Sale Agreement. However this would mean that the land may not be available for the future expansion of the Innisfil Heights reservoir. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION: The funds for the acquisition of Lot 28 from Innisfil Hydro would be included in the 2014 Capital Budget program. Should Council approve the option to acquire Lot 28 the result would be a commitment to fund $425,000 from the 2014 Capital Budget program. The expansion of the reservoir is to support growth therefore the funding source would be Development Changes. CONCLUSION: The Town has a Master Servicing Plan (Master Plan) for our municipal water distribution systems. The Master Plan provides guidance for decisions associated with the long term planning for municipal infrastructure. The purchase of Lot 28 is required for the future expansion of the Innisfil Heights Reservoir which is in accordance with the Master Plan. Therefore the Town should be proceeding with the purchase of Lot 28 to facilitate the implementation of the Master Plan.

PREPARED BY: Grant W. Shellswell Manger of Capital Engineering


________________________ Andrew Campbell Director of Infrastructure

Attachment 1 – Lot 27 and 28 Plan 1640

Report DSR-034-13 Attachment 1

Jan 21/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 Item # D.9 Action Taken TOWN OF INNISFIL STAFF REPORT Resolution #




February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Jason Reynar, Director of Legal Services


Land Acquisition – 7th Line Property


2013 Capital Job: RDSOT54 (Salt Management Facility)

RECOMMENDATION That Council approves the Offer to Purchase for the property located on the 7th Line east of Yonge Street, as further described in Staff Report DSR-035-13 dated February 6, 2013; and That Council agrees to consider incorporating the name “Constable” in a future park or recreational development on the subject lands; and, That Council adopts By-law No. 016-13 to give effect to this recommendation.

BACKGROUND Council authorized the acquisition of land for a Salt Management Facility (Project: RDSOT54) in the 2013 Capital Budget approval. The project detail sheet is attached for ease of reference.

ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION Town staff, led by Director Campbell, negotiated the purchase of suitable property for the Salt Management Facility, among other things, located adjacent to the southern portion of the Town lands where the Innisfil Recreation Complex is situated (see attached Site Map). More specifically, this property is Part Lot 17, Concession The purchase price is $828,000 plus a maximum of $1,500 in legal costs, as well as the commitment that Council will consider incorporating the name “Constable” for a future park or recreational development on the subject lands. Although one appraised value of the property was $728,000, the purchase price is considered reasonable in these unique circumstances given the property’s proximity to the current Town campus and the alternative of a costly and time consuming expropriation process. 1

Staff Report DSR-035-13 th Land Acquisition - 7 Line Property

February 6, 2013 Page 2 of 3

OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES If Council does not approve of the purchase proposal, Council could direct staff to provide a counter-offer or simply reject the offer and the acquisition would not proceed. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION The proposed acquisition and related costs are within the approved budget under the 2013 Capital Budget as outlined earlier.

CONCLUSION Staff recommend that Council approve the purchase and proceed with this important infrastructure facility to be constructed in 2013. PREPARED BY: Denise Devenish Law Clerk – Real Estate/Development APPROVED BY: Jason Reynar Director of Legal Services


- Site Map - Capital Budget Project Detail Sheet for RDSOT54 - Offer to Purchase


Staff Report DSR-035-13 th Land Acquisition - 7 Line Property

February 6, 2013 Page 3 of 3


Capital Budgeting working in the 2014 Budget Year General Project: RDSOT54 Salt Management Facility-Department Submission Jump to this Project:

Go to this Project


The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil Capital Budget Project Detail Sheet for 2014 Department/Service Area:Public Works Project Name:Salt Management Facility Project Number:RDSOT54 Strategic




Start Month/Year:January 2013 End Month/Year:December 2014 Project Description: Construct a new salt management facility at a location to be determined upon completion of the Roads Master study. This facility will be composed of both material storage and processing, along with additional storage for vehicles and equipment (non-heated) which currently do not fit into the existing facility and remain outside during all seasons. Project Justification: In 2001, Environment Canada considered designating roads salts as a toxic substance under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act but given their dependence for winter operations throughout the Canada, it was placed on the Priority Substance List. At that time, Environment Canada developed Best Management Practices which included the need for users of road salts (500 tonnes and over)to create and comply with Salt Management Plans. These SMP's identify current operations and practices along with identifying measures of control and reporting on the use, storage and alternative measures being implemented for the reduction of road salts into the Environment. Yearly outcomes, quantities and initiatives are required to be reported to Environment Canada for their tracking purposes to ensure that these issues are taken seriously. In 2008, Town Council adopted and supported the Town's revised Salt Management Plan under Council Resolution No.CR-238.08. This proposed Facility falls in line with accepted Best Management Practices and the Towns approved Salt Management Plan. It will be constructed to provide storage for increased supplies due to new growth and development. Currently, sand and salt products are being stored outside and uncovered, which causes environmental issues and loss of product and is becoming a non-acceptable practice. Land acquisition shown for this project includes lands for both the Salt Management Facility and the future Operations Center. Capital Costs

Prior Year(s)


Land ( ) $2,460,000 Construction/Subcontracting $2,600,000 () Consulting/Engineering ( ) $100,000 $550,000 Total Capital Costs $2,560,000 $3,150,000




2018 Beyond

Total $2,460,000 $2,600,000 $650,000 $5,710,000

Capital Funding Sources Long-term debt ( ARS to $1,136,640 $1,398,600 fund LTD) Long-term debt ( Oblig.RF- $1,423,360 $1,751,400 P.Works DCA to fund LTD) Total Capital Funding $2,560,000 $3,150,000 Sources

$2,535,240 $3,174,760 $5,710,000

Net Annual Operating Budget Impact Hydro and Gas Total Operating Budget Impact

$6,000 $6,000

$6,600 $6,600

$7,300 $7,300

$8,000 $8,000

$8,000 $8,000

$35,900 $35,900

Other Information: This project is detailed within the Operations Master Study. This facility is currently proposed at a size of 38,400 square feet, of which approximately 1300 square will be dedicated to vehicle and equipment storage. The remaining space will include covered and inside storage for sand, salt and winter brine. Salt Management Facility only is 55.6% DC eligible item 7.1.2 ($3,250,000 x 55.6% = $1,807,000) Download this PDF! Logout | Project Entry | Reports | Special Tasks

Š Copyright 2013 The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil

OFFER TO PURCHASE THIS OFFER TO PURCHASE made this 14th day of December, 2012 and revised on January 2, 2013. The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil ("Purchaser") hereby offers to purchase from Bonnie Gaye Kneeshaw and James Kneeshaw (collectively, the "Vendor"), the Property (as defined below) on and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Offer. 1.



For the purposes of this offer and the resulting agreement of purchase and sale arising from its acceptance, the following terms shall have the following respective meanings, namely: "Agreement" means this offer and the agreement of purchase and sale resulting from its acceptance, together with the attached Schedules, as the same may be amended from time to time; "Authority" means any local, municipal, provincial, federal or other governmental, statutory or quasi governmental authority or insurer; "Business Day" means any day excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays within the Province; "Closing" means the completion of the transaction of purchase and sale contemplated in this agreement on the Closing Date; "Closing Documents" means, collectively, the Purchaser’s Closing Documents and the Vendor’s Closing Documents; "Contracts" means any management, superintendent’s service, maintenance, insurance, landscaping, equipment leasing and other similar or related contracts and agreements; "Date of Closing" or "Closing Date" means 5:00 p.m. on the 20th day of February, 2013; "Deposit" means the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) of lawful money of Canada; "Documents for Inspection" has the meaning set out in Section 4.1; "Encumbrances" means any mortgages, charges, liens or other similar encumbrances affecting the Property; "Environmental Laws" means all applicable federal, provincial, regional, municipal or local laws with respect to environmental or occupational health or safety matters contained in all statutes, regulations, policy guidelines, orders, notices, permits or directives; "Hazardous Waste" means any contaminants, pollutants, or dangerous substances, including, without limitation, asbestos, liquid waste, special waste, toxic substances, hazardous or toxic chemicals, hazardous materials or hazardous substances, as defined in or pursuant to any Environmental Laws; "Property" means the lands located on the 7th Line, east of Yonge Street, Innisfil, Ontario, being Part Lot 16, Con. 7, designated as Part 1 on 51R-4694 and having a frontage of approximately 1375.35 feet and a lot area of approximately 72.827 acres more or less, together with any dwellings, building or structures erected or located thereon as the date of this Agreement, all being more particularly described in Schedule “A” annexed hereto; "Province" means the Province of Ontario; "Purchaser" means The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil; "Purchaser’s Closing Documents" means those documents referred to in Article 10 of this Offer;

2 "Purchaser’s Conditions" means those conditions referred to in Section 5.1 of this Offer; "Purchaser’s Condition Date" means 5:00 p.m. on the 8th day of February, 2013; "Purchase Price" means the sum of eight hundred and twenty-nine thousand, five hundred dollars ($829,500.00) of lawful money of Canada, which includes reasonable legal fees up to a maximum of one thousand, five hundred dollars ($1,500.00); "Vendor" means, collectively, Bonnie Gaye Kneeshaw and James Kneeshaw; "Vendor’s Closing Documents" means those documents referred to in Article 9 of this Offer; "Vendor’s Solicitors" means legal counsel retained by the Vendor and whom the Vendor advises the Purchaser; and "Work Orders" means any notice from any Authority advising of any defects in the construction, condition or state of repair of the Property including any building, structures or improvements on the Property or any installations therein, or relating to any noncompliance with any applicable zoning by-laws or other regulations or ordinances including any work order, deficiency notice or other similar demand from such Authority requiring repairs, alterations, modifications to or demolition of all or any part of the Property or with respect to the fire protection thereof or fire prevention devices therein. 2.



The Purchaser offers to buy directly (without an Agent) from the Vendor, the Property, conditional upon Town Council approval and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Offer.




The Purchase Price for the Property shall be payable as follows: a)

As part of the Purchase Price, the Deposit shall be paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor’s Solicitors, in trust, within three (3) Business Days after the execution of this Agreement by all parties. The Deposit shall be held by the Vendor’s solicitors, in trust, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and


The Purchaser shall pay the balance of the Purchase Price to the Vendor on Closing by either bank draft or cheque certified by a Schedule 1 Canadian Chartered Bank subject to all usual and proper adjustments in accordance with this Agreement.


The Vendor’s Solicitors are hereby irrevocably authorized and directed to hold the Deposit in trust without interest pending the completion or sooner termination of this Agreement and to be credited on account of the Purchase Price on Closing or to be returned to the Purchaser without deduction or penalty if the transaction contemplated by this Agreement is not completed for any reason, other than the default of the Purchaser pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. If this transaction is not completed in circumstances that would entitle the Purchaser to a return of the Deposit, the Deposit shall be retained by the Vendor.


On Closing, the Purchaser shall either remit to the Vendor all harmonized sales tax ("HST") payable pursuant to the Excise Tax Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. E-15 ("ETA"), as amended, in respect of the sale of the Property or self assess for the eligible HST and deliver prior to Closing to the Vendor a copy of its HST registration certificate and a declaration and indemnity stating the Purchaser is or will be registered under Sec. 240(1), Subdivision (d) Registration, Division V, Part IX of the ETA for the collection and remittance of HST. The Purchaser shall indemnify and save harmless the Vendor from any HST, penalty, interest or other amounts which may be payable by or assessed against the Vendor under the ETA as a result of or in connection with the Vendor's

3 failure to collect and remit any HST applicable on the sale and conveyance of the Property by the Vendor. 4.



By no later than five (5) Business Days following the date that the Offer is accepted by the Vendor, the Vendor shall deliver to the Purchaser at the offices of the Purchaser, for the review, examination and inspection by the Purchaser the following, if in the Vendor’s possession or in any way available to the Vendor (collectively, the "Documents for Inspection"): a)

up to date copies of any surveys, easements, rights of way, permissions or licenses relating to or in respect of the Property;


copies of all Contracts;


copies of all permits, inspections, reports (including, without limitation, fire, health and building), deficiency lists, or notices of violation relating to the Property or the building located thereon, as may be issued by any person or governmental authority (federal, provincial or municipal);


any reports or studies relating to the physical condition or state of the Property, soil tests and environmental reports or tests in respect of the Property;


authorizations executed by the Vendor and addressed to any relevant Authority including such authorities as the Purchaser shall advise the Vendor permitting the release of any relevant information concerning the Property to the Purchaser or its solicitors by the Authority, including, without limitation, any information in respect of any Work Orders affecting the Property, without the need for or authorizing further governmental inspections;


such other documentation and material relating to the Property, the leases and the Contracts, all as may be reasonably requested by the Purchaser at any time within three (3) Business Days after such request.


The Purchaser shall be entitled, at its own expense, to make copies of all Documents for Inspection. If for any reason the transaction contemplated by this Agreement is not completed the Purchaser shall forthwith return all of the Documents for Inspection and any and all copies to the Vendor.




The obligation of the Purchaser to complete this Agreement shall be subject to the following Purchaser’s Conditions: a)

by 5:00 p.m. on the Purchaser’s Condition Date, the Purchaser has conducted whatever searches, inspections, analysis and investigations the Purchaser, in its sole, absolute and unfettered discretion, deems advisable with respect to the Property and the acquisition thereof by the Purchaser including, without limitation, zoning, environmental matters, Documents for Inspection, condition of the building or structures erected or located on the Property, the financial and economic feasibility of the Property and any other matters of interest to the Purchaser with respect to the Property and the acquisition thereof and is satisfied, in its sole, absolute and unfettered discretion, with the results of all such searches, inspections, analysis and investigations;


public approval of Town Council for the Purchase;


on Closing, all of the terms and obligations of this Agreement to be complied with or performed by the Vendor shall have been complied with or performed in all material respects;

4 d)

on Closing, the representations or warranties of the Vendor set out in Section 6.1 shall be true and accurate in all material respects and there shall have been no material changes as of Closing to any of such representations and warranties;


on Closing, title to the Property shall be good and marketable and shall be free and clear of all encumbrances, hypothecs, servitudes, encroachments, claims and restrictive covenants;


the Purchaser shall have completed all processes required by all applicable legislation, including the Municipal Act, if applicable, and all legislation of the Purchaser, in order to acquire the Property. Such processes may include the holding of public meetings, the passage of by-laws and/or resolutions, the obtaining of appraisals, and the authorization of the execution of this Agreement. If on or before February 8, 2013, such processes are not completed or this Agreement has not been accepted by Town Council for the Purchaser, then this Agreement shall be at an end and thereupon the Deposit shall be returned to the Purchaser by the Vendor, without deduction or penalty and neither party shall be under any further obligation or liability to the other. The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the negotiation and execution of this Agreement by the Purchaser’s staff shall not prejudice the Purchaser’s right to approve this offer as set out above.


Upon the waiver of the Purchaser's Conditions in accordance with the provisions hereof, the parties acknowledge and confirm that this Agreement shall remain and continue in full force and effect, subject to and in accordance with its terms.


The Purchaser and its authorized agents or representatives shall be entitled to enter upon the Property for the purposes of conducting all investigations, tests and inspections (including soil and environmental tests and surveys by an Ontario Land Surveyor) in respect of the Property during normal business hours upon reasonable prior notice to the Vendor and with the Vendor's prior written approval, not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. All such investigations, tests or inspections by the Purchaser may be undertaken by the Purchaser at any time or times prior to the Purchaser's Condition Date. All inspections, investigations and tests carried out by the Purchaser or its representative shall be carried out as expeditiously as possible at the Purchaser's sole cost and expense and any damage caused to the Property as a result of the Purchaser's entry upon the Property shall be repaired by the Purchaser at the Purchaser's sole cost and expense and the Purchaser will fully indemnify and save harmless the Vendor with respect thereto. The foregoing provision shall survive any termination of the within Agreement and shall continue after such termination in full force and effect. Vendor will at all times fully cooperate with the Purchaser in order to facilitate all of the Purchaser’s inspections, meetings, investigations and tests herein referred to.




The Vendor represents and warrants to the Purchaser that as of the date of this Agreement and as at the Date of Closing: a)

the Vendor will not enter into or execute any contracts, licences or agreements of any kind or nature prior to Closing unless such contract, licence or agreement is by its terms terminable by the Vendor or its assignee, on no more than 30 days notice, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld and without cost or penalty to the Purchaser, any such documents entered into prior to the third Business Day before the Purchaser's Condition Date shall, forthwith, be delivered to the Purchaser before the Purchaser's Condition Date;


to the best of its knowledge and belief, the Vendor has not received any notice from any Authority with respect to any by-law change affecting the Property or relating to any threatened or pending condemnation or expropriation of the Property or any part thereof from any Authority, except as otherwise disclosed to the Purchaser in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;


no Work Order or notice thereof has been received by the Vendor that remains outstanding;

5 e)

the Vendor or its tenants have not insulated any part of the Property with urea formaldehyde foam insulation or asbestos;


to the best of the Vendor’s knowledge and belief, there has been no release of Hazardous Waste on the Property during the Vendor’s ownership thereof and the Vendor has not received any written notification from any authority that there has been any breach of any Environmental Laws affecting the Property;


to the best of the knowledge and belief of the Vendor, no material contract or other agreement of the Vendor of any kind relating to the Property, including, without limitation, any option or right of first refusal agreement is outstanding other than the Contracts;


to the best of the knowledge and belief of the Vendor, the Property Documents relating to the Property are all of the relevant documents in the Vendor's possession or control;


the Vendor is the legal and beneficial owner of the Property;


on the Closing Date, all amounts for labour and materials relating to the construction or repair of any improvements or any building situate on the Property which are then due shall have been fully paid and no one shall have the right to file a lien under the Construction Lien Act (Ontario) in respect of such construction or repair;


the Vendor is a Canadian resident for the purpose of determining its liability for the payment of income tax pursuant to the Income Tax Act (Canada); it being understood that if the Vendor is not a Canadian resident for the purpose of determining its liability for the payment of income tax pursuant to the Income Tax Act (Canada), the Vendor will, on Closing, produce a certificate of compliance issued by the Department of National Revenue pursuant to Section 116 of the said Act.


All the Vendor's covenants, representations and warranties survive closing and shall continue thereafter for a period of twenty-four (24) months.




The Purchaser hereby represents and warrants to the Vendor that as of the date of this Agreement and Closing either it is or will be at Closing, or the person to whom it designates title to any of the Property to be conveyed will be at Closing, or any person for whom they may hold the Property or part thereof in trust will be at Closing, a registrant for the purposes of HST.




The Vendor shall deliver to the Purchaser on or before the Date of Closing, the following Vendor's Closing Documents in form and substance satisfactory to the Purchaser's solicitors, acting reasonably: a)

a good and valid Transfer of the Property in registrable form (except for any land transfer tax affidavit, which is the responsibility of the Purchaser);


all keys to all locks in the Property in its possession;


a statutory declaration as to the possession of the Property, in a form prepared by the solicitors for the Vendor and approved by the Purchaser's solicitors acting reasonably;


a statement of adjustments which, notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, shall be delivered at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Date of Closing and the Vendor's undertakings to re-adjust all items on the statement of adjustments;

6 e)

evidence by way of a statutory declaration verifying that the Vendor is not a nonresident of Canada within the meaning of the Income Tax Act of Canada (the "IT Act");


evidence by way of a statutory declaration confirming that the Property is not being leased or rented;


an assignment in favour of the Purchaser of all of the Vendor’s right, title and interest in and to the Property Documents not previously assigned hereunder, together with delivery of all Property Documents, including originals thereof where available, not previously delivered; and


such other agreements, certificates, documents, information and assurances as the Purchaser or its solicitors shall reasonably require or as may be required pursuant to this Agreement or as may be required under the laws of the Province of Ontario in order to properly vest title to the Property in the Purchaser or as are customary for a transaction of the size and nature hereof.




The Purchaser shall deliver to the Vendor on or before the Date of Closing, the following Purchaser's Closing Documents in form and substance satisfactory to the Vendor's solicitors, acting reasonably: a)

a certified cheque or a negotiable bank draft for the balance of the Purchase Price due on Closing payable to the Vendor (or as the Vendor may in writing otherwise direct) as provided for in Section 3.1(b) hereof;


a declaration and indemnity of the Purchaser certifying the Purchaser's HST registration number and indemnifying the Vendor for HST payable (or if title is taken in a name other than the Purchaser (the "Transferee") such Transferee's declaration and indemnity as aforesaid or where any of the foregoing parties holds the Property or a part thereof in trust for another person, such other persons’ declaration and indemnity as aforesaid) all in a form acceptable to the Vendor acting reasonably;


any of the various assignment documents comprising the Vendor's Closing Documents requiring execution by the Purchaser;


the Purchaser's undertakings to readjust in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;


such further documentation relative to the completion of this transaction as the Vendor or the solicitors for the Vendor may reasonably require.




The Vendor acknowledges and confirms that the Purchaser shall be entitled to assign this Agreement at any time prior to Closing to an individual, corporation, group of individuals or corporations, a trust or partnership, or any combination thereof, provided the Vendor consents to such assignment, which consent is not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed, and provided that the Purchaser shall deliver to the Vendor a copy of the assignment, together with the acknowledgement of the assignee agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Upon delivery of a copy of the assignment and the acknowledgement of the assignee to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, the Purchaser shall be relieved of any responsibility or liability whatsoever under this Agreement and the Vendor shall deal with such assignee as if originally named as purchaser in this Offer.





The Purchaser shall be allowed up to ten (10) days prior to the Closing Date to examine the title to the Property at its own expense.


Title to the Property shall be good and marketable, in fee simple, and free from all Encumbrances. If, within the time allowed for examining title to the Property any objection to title, or to any outstanding Work Orders, or to the fact that the present use may not be lawfully continued, (it being acknowledged that for the purposes hereof a non-conforming use shall be deemed to be lawful) or to the fact that the Property may not be insurable against all risk, is made in writing to the Vendor, and which the Vendor is unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or satisfy, and which the Purchaser will not waive, then, this Agreement (notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations with respect to such objections) shall be at an end and the Deposit shall be immediately returned to the Purchaser without deduction, and neither party shall be liable for any costs or damages or any responsibility or liability to the other in respect of this Agreement, except (i) as to any valid objections so made by the time allowed therefore; (ii) for any objections going to the root of title; or (iii) for any other matter or thing arising after the Purchaser's solicitor has completed his search of title or after the time allowed for examining title, whichever in respect of this subsection 11.2 shall first occur, the Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted title to the Property.


Except as otherwise expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement, the Purchaser shall not call for the production of any title deed, abstract, survey or other evidence of title to the Property except such as are in the possession or control of Vendor.


Except as otherwise expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement, the Vendor shall discharge, or cause to be discharged, on or before the Date of Closing, at its sole cost and expense, all Encumbrances affecting the Property.


The transaction of purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement shall be completed on the Date of Closing upon which date vacant possession of the Property shall be given to the Purchaser.


If applicable, the Vendor and Purchaser covenant to cause their respective solicitors to enter into a document registration agreement ("DRA") to govern the electronic submission of the Transfer/Deed for the Property to the applicable land registry office ("LRO"). The DRA shall outline or establish the procedures and timing for completing all registrations electronically and provide for all closing documents and closing funds to be held in escrow pending the submission of the Transfer/Deed to the LRO and the acceptance thereof by virtue of each registration document being assigned a registration number. The DRA shall also provide that if there is a problem with the Teraview electronic registration system which does not allow the parties to electronically register all registration documents on Closing, the Closing Date shall be deemed to be extended until the next day when the said system is accessible and operating for the applicable LRO applicable to the Property.




Except as otherwise expressly provided by the terms of this Agreement, all adjustments that are normally made between vendors and purchasers of property similar to the Property shall be made, as of the Date of Closing, to the balance of the Purchase Price due on the Date of Closing. Without limitation and where applicable, each of the following shall be apportioned and allowed up to the Date of Closing (it being understood that the Date of Closing is to be apportioned to the Purchaser who shall bear responsibility for and receive the benefit of the Date of Closing): realty taxes, rents (including prepaid rents and security deposits and interest payable thereon, if any), water rates, hydro rates, the cost of fuel, amounts prepaid by the Vendor with respect to any contracts being assumed by the Purchaser (it being acknowledged that the Purchaser is under no obligation to assume any contracts in respect of

8 the Property except as otherwise expressly set out in this Agreement) and other usual and proper allowances. If, on Closing, there are any items in respect of which adjustments cannot finally be made until a later date, such items shall be bona fide and reasonably estimated on Closing and the Vendor and Purchaser shall exchange written undertakings to re-adjust such items as soon as the required information necessary to make such adjustments is available, but, in any event, not later than six (6) months following the Date of Closing. 13.



This Agreement is subject to compliance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 and any amendments thereto.


Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form a part of this Offer to Purchase.


The Purchaser understands that upon the Vendor accepting this Agreement there shall be a binding Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Purchaser and the Vendor subject to the conditions contained herein.


The Property shall be and remains at the risk of the Vendor until Closing.


The Transfer/Deed shall be prepared in registrable form at the expense of the Purchaser.


Time shall in all respects be of the essence hereof provided that the time for doing or completing of any matter provided for herein may be extended or abridged by an agreement in writing signed by Vendor and Purchaser or by their respective solicitors who are hereby expressly appointed in this regard.


Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Purchaser or their respective solicitors up to 5:00 p.m. on the Date of Closing. Money may be tendered by bank draft or cheque certified by a Schedule 1 Canadian chartered bank payable at par at Toronto. The Vendor and Purchaser further acknowledge and agree that insofar as the tender of any documents to be electronically registered is concerned, the tender of same will be deemed to be effective and proper when the solicitor for the party tendering has completed all steps required by Teraview in order to complete this transaction that can be performed or undertaken by the tendering party’s solicitor without the cooperation or participation of the other party’s solicitor, and specifically when the tendering party’s solicitor has electronically "signed" the Transfer/Deed and any other Closing Document, if any, to be electronically registered for completeness and granted access to the other party’s solicitor to same, but without the necessity of the tendering party’s solicitor actually releasing such documents to the other party’s solicitor for registration.


This Agreement including any schedules attached hereto shall constitute the entire agreement between the Purchaser and Vendor. There is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition, whether direct or collateral, or express or implied, which induced any party hereto to enter into this Agreement or on which reliance is placed by any such party, or which affects this Agreement or the Property, other than as expressed herein.


For the purposes of this Agreement, the "date of execution" or "date of this Agreement", as either term is referred to herein, shall be deemed to mean the date of acceptance of this Agreement by the Vendor, or, in the alternative, in the event that this Agreement is subject to any offer and counter-offers, then, that date upon which the final acceptance of any counter-offer is indicated by the ultimate acceptance of the counter-offeree.

13.10 If the Date of Closing shall fall upon a day on which the LRO is not open for business, the Date of Closing shall be the day next following when the LRO is open for business. If any day referred to in this Agreement for the doing of any thing, or any time limitation referred to in this Agreement shall fall upon a day which is not a Business Day then for the purposes of this Agreement such date shall be deemed to be the Business Day next following.

9 13.11 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 13.12 This Agreement shall be read with all changes of gender and number required by the context. The words "hereof", "herein", "hereunder" and similar expressions used in any section, subsection or article of this Agreement relate to the whole of this Agreement and not to that section, subsection or article only, unless otherwise expressly provided. 13.13 No remedy conferred upon or reserved to any of the parties is intended to be exclusive of any other remedies set out in this Agreement or at law, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder, or now existing, or hereafter to exist by law or by statute. 13.14 Any notice, waiver or other document to be given pursuant to this Agreement or in any way concerning the same shall be sufficiently given if delivered to, the Purchaser or the Vendor, or their respective solicitors, at the address noted below or any other address as may be provided, in writing, from time to time: a)


to the Vendor in care of the Vendor's Solicitors at: Address:








Initials: _____

to the Purchaser at: Town of Innisfil 2101 Innisfil Beach Road Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A1 Attention: Fax: E-mail:

Jason Reynar, Clerk (705) 436-7120

Where this Agreement requires notice to be delivered by one party to the other, such notice shall be given in writing and delivered, either personally, by facsimile or e-mail transmission or by pre-paid registered post, by the party wishing to give such notice or by the solicitor acting for such party, to the other party or to the solicitor acting for the other party at the address noted above. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given, in the case of personal delivery, on the date of delivery, where sent by facsimile or e-mail transmission on the date of transmission so long as such transmission takes place by 4:00 p.m. failing which on the day next following, and where given by post, on the fourth Business Day following the posting thereof. In the event of a threatened or actual postal disruption in the postal office in the postal area through which such notice must be sent, notice shall be given personally or by facsimile or e-mail transmission. 13.15 This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement or counterparts may be executed either in original or in form through facsimile transmission and the parties adopt any signatures received by receiving facsimile machine as original signatures of the parties; provided, however, that any party providing its signature in such manner shall promptly forward to the other party an original of the signed copy of this Agreement which was so transmitted by facsimile transmission. 13.16 The Purchaser shall not register this Agreement nor any notice or caveat in respect of this Agreement against title to the Property, in default of which the Vendor may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the Purchaser and any Deposit paid shall forthwith be forfeited to the Vendor without prejudice to any other rights, remedies or claims of the

10 Vendor. The Purchaser hereby irrevocably appoints the Vendor as its attorney with full power and authority for and on behalf of the Purchaser to cause the removal of any such registration made against title to the Property by the Purchaser in breach of this provision. 13.17 The parties shall keep all terms and conditions of this Agreement confidential until Closing with the exception of disclosures to their respective employees, agents, affiliates, consultants and advisors on a need-to-know basis and of such disclosures which are required to be made pursuant to the laws of any relevant jurisdiction which shall be permitted. 13.18 Notwithstanding Section 13.17, the Purchaser has the right to disclose this matter for approval by Council at a public meeting of same. 13.19 Subject to Section 13.20, this Offer to Purchase comprising this Agreement shall be irrevocable by the Purchaser and open for acceptance by the Vendor until 4:00 p.m. on the 2nd day of January, 2013, after which time, if not accepted and notice of such acceptance communicated to the Purchaser, then this Offer to Purchase shall be null and void and of no further effect. 13.20 Council shall consider incorporating the name “Constable� in the naming of a park or recreational development on the subject lands in the future. 13.21 This Agreement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. The remainder of this page left intentionally blank.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Purchaser has hereunto affixed its corporate seal under the hand of its officers duly authorized in that behalf. The parties hereto have signed this Agreement on the dates set out below. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF INNISFIL Date: ________________

Per:______________________________ Name: Jason Reynar Title: Town Clerk

The undersigned accepts the above Offer upon and subject to the terms and conditions herein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendor has affixed its hand and seal: SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of _______________________________ Witness: (Print name)

_______________________________ Witness: (Print name)

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

_____________________________ Bonnie Gaye Kneeshaw Date:_______________ _____________________________ James Kneeshaw Date:_______________

The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil hereby accepts the above Offer. Dated this _____ day of ____________, 20__. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF INNISFIL Adopted by By-law No. _______________, passed on _________________________.

Per:______________________________ Name: Barbara Baguley Title: Mayor Per:______________________________ Name: Jason Reynar Title: Town Clerk


Legal Description PIN: 58064-0014 (LT) Part Lot 16, Con. 7, designated as Part 1 on 51R-4694, Innisfil

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF INNISFIL BY-LAW NO. 016-13 A By-Law of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an Offer to Purchase land on the 7th Line, east of Yonge Street for a salt management facility. WHEREAS municipalities may enter into agreements, pursuant to Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended; and WHEREAS Council for the Town of Innisfil deems it appropriate to enter into an Agreement with the vendors of the Land. NOW THEREFORE Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil enacts as follows: 1.

That subject to all of the conditions being met, the authority is hereby granted for the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Offer to Purchase between The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil and Bonnie Kneeshaw and James Kneeshaw, substantially in the form attached hereto as Schedule “A”.


That Schedule “A”, attached hereto, being the Offer to Purchase as to form and content, forms part of this by-law.


That this by-Law shall come into force and take effect immediately upon the approval of Council.


______________________________ Barbara Baguley, Mayor

______________________________ Jason Reynar, Clerk

Schedule “A” to By-law No. 016-13

Legal Description PIN: 58064-0014 (LT) Part Lot 16, Con. 7, designated as Part 1 on 51R-4694, Innisfil


Jan 21/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 D.10 Item # Action Taken Resolution #




February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


Sid Armatage, Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities


Off Leash Dog Park Update, Membership and Changes to Terms of Reference

RECOMMENDATION: That Staff Report DSR-036-13 regarding Off Leash Dog Park Update and Change to Terms of Reference be received by Council; and That Council adopt the revised Terms of Reference for the Off Leash Dog Park as attached in Appendix A; and That Council authorize Clerks Services to recruit replacement members for the Off Leash Dog Park Committee. BACKGROUND: On May 4, 2011 through Council Resolution CR-112-04.11, Council appointed seven (7) members to the Off Leash Dog Park Committee to identify the needs and wants of the community as it relates to an off leash dog park; dogs in the water and methods of fundraising to support this initiative. The Terms of Reference, which were approved by Council on July 13, 2011, identified that Committee membership shall consist of five (5) volunteers from the community thus allowing the Committee to function in the case of resignation. The Terms of Reference specify the requirement of five (5) Members of the Off Leash Dog Park Committee. With a resignation being received in early 2012 and the recent receipt of two (2) additional resignations, the committee is just short of Terms of Reference requirement and will not be able to meet again until an additional member is appointed. ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION: The Terms of Reference need to be amended to: 1. Include a new section with details on the “Recruitment Process” to allow Clerks Services to fill vacant positions should new members be required during the term of appointment. This will be done through an open recruitment process where candidates will be considered at a closed meeting of Council. Recommendations will then be put forward with appointments being made at a subsequent open meeting of Council. 2. Include a new section with details on “Quorum” for meetings. The revised Terms of Reference will identify the need for Quorum at each meeting being the majority of the total voting members. It will be added as follows: Quorum: Quorum is required at each …/

Staff Report DSR-036-13 February 6, 2013 Off Leash Dog Park Update, Membership and Changes to Terms of Reference Page 2 of 3 meeting of the Off Leash Dog Park Committee. Quorum shall be set as the majority of the total voting members. 3. Amend “Committee Chair” to reflect the need to elect (or re-elect) a Chair from amongst themselves at the first regular meeting of each year. This will give the members opportunity to review the needs of the Committee and commitment or availability of the Chair for the following year. It will be amended as follows: Committee Chair: Committee members shall elect a Chair from amongst the membership at the first regular meeting of each year. The Committee has been operating with six (6) members after a resignation was received in January of 2012. At the end of December 2012, staff received a resignation notice from a member; with another being received in January of this year. It should be noted that all three (3) resignations regretted the need to resign and indicated strong support of the park. The Committee has been working at fundraising with a Dog a’ Fair being its featured event for 2012. It was held at the Stroud Arena on August 11, 2012 and was a huge success bringing in the total funding dollars received from the community to approximately $4,400.00. Response to the event was very positive and there was a great turnout of vendors and patrons, most of whom identified the desire to return if one was to take place in 2013. The Committee is continuing to come up with fundraising opportunities in an effort to reach the goal of approximately $25,000.00. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: Terms of Reference Council could update the Terms of Reference to include a Recruitment Process, Quorum and approval of a yearly review of the Chair position. Council could choose not to update the Terms of Reference; however there is still a need to approve the addition of quorum. Committee Membership Council could authorize Clerks Services to fill the open positions of the original seven (7) members of the Innisfil Off Leash Dog Park Committee. Council could choose to fill the Off Leash Dog Park Committee with one replacement bringing the total to five (5) as required on the current Terms of Reference; however should another resignation be received the Committee would not be able to function until a replacement was found. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION: There are no financial implications to be considered with this report. CONCLUSION: The Off Leash Dog Park Committee has been committed to the creation of a park where dogs can run off leash. They have received a great deal of support from the community with respect to same. In an effort to ensure they are able to move forward with this effort, consideration of membership numbers and replacements is required. The Committee has worked well with seven (7) members.

Staff Report DSR-036-13 February 6, 2013 Off Leash Dog Park Update, Membership and Changes to Terms of Reference Page 3 of 3

PREPARED BY: Christine Ayres Senior Administrative Assistant Development Services and Committee Coordinator to the Off Leash Park Committee APPROVED BY:

________________________ Sid Armatage Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities



PURPOSE The Innisfil Off Leash Dog Park Committee is a Town Committee established for the purpose of creating an area(s) where dogs can run free, while not affecting non dog owners and their safe enjoyment of parks and open space within the community of Innisfil.


MANDATE The mandate of this Committee is to:  Research and address issues associated with the development of an off leash dog park(s).  Review Fundraising Opportunities to assist with the capital and operating costs associated with such a development.  Establish a Volunteer Management Committee to oversee the operations of an off leash dog park(s).


MEMBERSHIP The Committee shall consist of: a minimum of five (5) volunteers from the Community; Parks Recreation and Facility Staff; and Municipal Law Enforcement Staff.


TERM Members shall be appointed by Council for the term of January 1, 2011 to November 30, 2014, unless otherwise specified by Council Resolution. A new Off Leash Dog Park Committee will be appointed by Council in January 2015.


RECRUITMENT PROCESS Should new members be required during the term of appointment, an open recruitment process shall be initiated by Clerks Services. Candidates will be considered at a closed meeting of Council. Recommendations will then be put forward with appointments being made at a subsequent open meeting of Council.


QUORUM Quorum is required at each meeting of the Off Leash Dog Park Committee. Quorum shall be set as the majority of the total voting members.


COMMITTEE CHAIR Committee members shall elect a Chair from amongst the membership at the first regular meeting of each year.


MEETING SCHEDULES AND LOCATION Meetings shall be open to the public and shall be called conducted monthly (or as deemed necessary by the Committee) throughout the year. Meetings shall be held at Town Hall, 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil, or at a mutually agreed upon accessible location within the municipality, if Town Hall facilities are not available.

Innisfil ‘Off Leash Dog Park’ Committee – Terms of Reference

The Chair may call a ‘Special Meeting’ to deal with issues of importance which are time sensitive or urgent in nature. Notice to Committee members and public shall be provided at least 48 hours in advance of meeting. 9.

DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS  Review Draft Terms of Reference  Plan a Public Open House Information Meeting  Establish criteria for park development and site selection  Plan, organize and coordinate activities associated with Off Leash Dog Park Fundraising  Assist Town Staff with the design and development of the Off Leash Dog Park  Oversee the operation and management of the Off Leash Dog Park in cooperation with Town Staff and within Municipal By-Laws.


RESOURCES/STAFF SUPPORT Clerks Services shall provide administrative support to the Committee, as needed, including such services as coordination of meetings; Parks Recreation and Facility Services along with Municipal Law Enforcement Staff will provide technical support. The Committee may call upon the assistance of other Town Service Areas as needed.


REMUNERATION Members of this committee shall participate voluntarily and as such, receive no compensation or remuneration.


REPORTING As this is an action Committee, organized specifically for the purpose of overseeing the functions relating to a specific Town park under the authority of the Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities, it is not necessary for the Committee to submit reports to Council following each meeting. However, meeting minutes must be maintained and provided to the Clerk Services Division (to form part of the official records of the Town). A final report on the Committee’s activities is to be submitted by the Manager of Parks Recreation and Facilities to Council following the last meeting of the year to summarize the actions of the committee for the year.


BUDGET Expenses incurred by this Committee are to be approved by the Town Clerk prior to being incurred and shall not exceed any budget amounts provided for within the Town’s Operating budget. The cost to establish the off leash dog park(s) shall be assisted through fundraising efforts of this committee.


REVIEW OF TERMS OF REFERENCE The Terms of Reference were approved by Council on _________________ by __________________ and shall be reviewed during the last year of the term of Council (or prior as required).

Jan 21/13 Rec’d Council Date Feb 6/13 D.11 Item # Action Taken

Resolution #




February 6, 2013


Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Members of Council


John Skorobohacz, Chief Administrative Officer


Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Update, TLG Conference and Reengagement process

RECOMMENDATION: That Staff Report DSR-039-13 be received for information as the third and fourth quarterly reports of 2012 regarding the implementation progress of Inspiring Innisfil 2020 strategic plan; and That Staff be directed to initiate a community consultation process in the first quarter of 2013, as outlined in this report, to review the vision, goals and implementation plan of Inspiring Innisfil 2020 and report back to Council in due course. BACKGROUND: As outlined in previous Staff Reports (DSR-179-11; DSR-050-12; and DSR-125-12), since Council’s endorsement of the Inspiring Innisfil 2020 (II2020) implementation plan in July 2011, staff have been working to complete the various tactics that support the strategic objectives of II2020. The latest report card (Appendix A) provides a summary of progress utilizing the traffic signal methodology for the end of 2012. CR-142-04.12, adopted on August 8, 2012, directed staff to re-engage in a consultation process in the first quarter of 2013 to review the vision, goals and implementation plan of II2020. ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION: Implementation Progress and Success of the Plan: Details respecting the status of the various action items are summarized below and provided in the accompanying Appendix A to this report. Community:  Work to develop Alcona as an urban core continues to progress with the adoption of the Urban Design Guidelines for Innisfil Beach Road by Council (currently under appeal) and the continued advancement of the Innisfil Beach Road Construction Program. 

Service Areas have reviewed and adjusted respective fees to reflect more accurate cost recovery where appropriate.


Staff Report DSR-039-13 February 6, 2013 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Update, TLG Conference & Re-engagement Process Page 2 of 4 Economy:  As part of a collaboration with the County of Simcoe and YLM, Innisfil introduced a new online business and community directory. 

A Development Liaison Group was created with representatives from the development and construction industry and will provide advice and recommendations on matters relating to the development approvals process, development policy and matters relating to building in the Town of Innisfil.

Culture:  A Heritage District Conservation Study for Cookstown is now underway. 

Town and Library staff are working with a community-based organizing committee to bring Doors Open to Innisfil in 2013.

Tourism:  A Base-Line Economic Impact Assessment of Tourism on the Town of Innisfil was completed and staff were equipped with a measurement tool to conduct future financial impact updates. 

A comprehensive marketing initiative is underway which will include the redesign of the Town website; the creation of microsites for economic development and tourism; as well as supporting marketing collateral.

In addition to the implementation progress, II2020 has been recognized on an international level. In the summer of 2012, staff made a submission to be considered as a case study at the 2013 “Cool Communities” Transforming Local Government (TLG) Conference, which will take place April 12 to 14 in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference is hosted by the Alliance for Innovation, a US-based government organization, which works to transform local government and advance community excellence through the discovery and application of leading ideas and practices. The submission from the Town of Innisfil highlighted II2020 as an innovative community engagement strategy. As a result of the submission and the subsequent interview process the Town of Innisfil was selected and is the only Canadian community to be featured this year. A full list of case studies to be featured can be found at the following link: The conference features a variety of leading and innovative practices for local government. There will be a number of interesting presentations which we believe will also assist our community going forward given the four key themes for the conference: Economic vitality; Community Building; Partnerships; and Organizational Design. Following the Town’s presentation at the conference, a report will be provided to Council regarding the experience and the lessons learned. Proposed Re-engagement Process: As Council is aware, II2020 continues to be a living document that requires ongoing reevaluation to ensure that the direction remains consistent with the stated community aspirations. Revisiting the document and re-engaging in the strategic planning exercise will help to reinforce the articulated community aspirations and ensure they remain the key focus for the plan. We are developing the process to solicit feedback in relation to both the past actions and direction and help to shape the future objectives arising from the strategic plan.

Staff Report DSR-039-13 February 6, 2013 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Update, TLG Conference & Re-engagement Process Page 3 of 4 As this would be a re-engagement exercise, the level of consultation will not be as comprehensive as the initial exercise but we will still require professional facilitation to work through this process. In order to leverage the work arising through the House Model (a pivotal tool for the Atlanta case study) which has aided the Town in keeping all parties focused on priorities, staff is proposing to re-engage Dr. Bob Woodburn. Since being adopted in July 2011, II2020 has been viewed as our community’s strategic plan yet the implementation is viewed by many as a responsibility for Town administration. As part of the re-engagement process, staff are recommending that efforts be made to help develop a greater sense of community ownership. To this end, a key focus will be to encourage many of the advisory committees to take on a more proactive role. To-date the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) has eagerly consented to become more actively engaged in this process. As representatives of the broader business community, EDAC members represent the different sectors and can encourage their various constituents to participate in the process. EDAC has been consulted and is supportive. The following is a brief outline of the process we are suggesting for the purpose of undertaking the update:  Step 1: Confirmation to move forward with the update (February 6)  Step 2: Solicit input and new ideas (February 7 – March 8) Input will be solicited from the public as well as obtaining input from Council and the Senior Management Team (SMT). A survey will be designed to determine what our community valued most about II2020 and how it impacted them. Residents and business owners will also have the opportunity to identify new ideas for consideration in the 2013 update.  Step 3: Community Forum (March 27) Based on input from the public, key stakeholders (including EDAC), as well as Council and SMT, will become re-engaged through a Community Forum. Participants will be provided with the information obtained through the public survey and begin to help mapping out future priorities.  Step 4: Update House Model (April) Utilizing the details from the public input and the Community Forum, a revised house model will be presented for discussion and refinement. The objective is intended to lead to presentation of a model that would guide the activities for the duration of the council term (2013-2015).  Step 5: Tactical Implementation plan (May) An exercise would follow with the Administration to for the purpose of mapping out the tactical details for the House Model for the next 12-24 months.  Step 6: Rollout (June) Staff will report back to Council on the updated House Model and proposed Tactical Implementation Plan for Council’s consideration. The objectives arising from this process are intended to bring us through to the end of the current term of Council and inform the planning and operational business plans for the Town. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: Council could approve the recommendations as presented or modify the proposal.

Staff Report DSR-039-13 February 6, 2013 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Update, TLG Conference & Re-engagement Process Page 4 of 4 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION In order to expedite the process to meet the aggressive timelines and to minimize the costs associated with the required external consulting support to develop an update to II2020, staff recommends re-engaging Dr. Woodburn and his team who were pivotal to the original process and therefore enable the Town to proceed in an expedient and efficient manner. No additional funding is being requested to support the update to the strategic planning process as base funding was included in the 2013 budgets approved by Council. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that Council approve the proposed implementation plan as outlined in this report. PREPARED BY: Rachel Sullivan Economic & Community Development Officer REVIEWED BY: Don Eastwood Director of Development APPROVED BY: ________________________ John Skorobohacz Chief Administrative Officer Appendix A: Inspiring Innisfil 2020 3rd and 4th Quarter 2012 Implementation Report Card Completed Inspiring Innisfil 2020 Initiatives Summary

Inspiring Innisfil 2020 Third and Fourth Quarter 2012 Implementation Report Card Legend Green Moving forward on target and will be accomplished as expected No 1




Strategy Area Community




Yellow Advancing but may take longer than anticipated to reach target





Create an Identity that Unites the Town

Revised Q1 of 2013

Creation and adoption of Signage Master Plan

Economic and Community Development Officer

Q1 of 2012

Examination of Transit Strategies and Feasibility Study

Manager of Parks and Facilities and Director of Infrastructure

Develop an Urban Core by 2020 at Alcona

Create New Networks - Physical, Digital, and Person-toPerson- to Better Connect Residents and Businesses


Develop an Urban Core by 2020 at Alcona

Q2 of 2013

Collaborate with County of Simcoe to ensure enhancement for linkages in the community as well as the trails network

Manager of Parks and Facilities

Examination and Development of Parking Plan

Director of Development

Red Has not advanced and a lack of progress Status




Comments Delays were encountered as it was determined that TODs has a contract for pay-to-play wayfinding signage. Technical implementation documentation is now being prepared for all other aspects of the municipal and wayfinding signage program and completion is expected in Q1 of 2013. Staff are meeting with Barrie transit staff to discuss options for Innisfil bus service and Barrie's agreement with Essa and Base Borden for transit service. Matter continues to move forward and future report will be brought forward Q2 of 2013. New subdivision developments proposed expansion to Town trail system. Master plan to look at proposed trail maintenance standards. Consideration for the reinstatement of a Town trail committee and continued liaison with Essa concerning the Trans Canada Trail upkeep and improvements. Parking plan is identified as a priority project in 2013 planning capital program.


Staff Report DSR-039-13 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Q3 and Q4 2012 Implementation Report



Develop an Urban Core by 2020 at Alcona

Q3 of 2012

February 6, 2013

Transportation Master Plan

Director of Infrastructure Yellow









Create New Networks – Physical, Digital and Person-to-Person to Better Connect Residents and Businesses Grow Arts and Culture Substantially through Policy Development, Annual Funding and Promotion

Q4 of 2012

Support the Preservation and Promotion of Innisfil's Heritage with Policies and Funding

Q1 of 2013

Support the Preservation and Promotion of Innisfil's Heritage with Policies and Funding

Q2 of 2012

Q1 of 2013

Consider the implementation of walking and bike paths in the Transportation Master Plan Review funding models and applicability to Town of Innisfil

Director of Infrastructure

Public Consultation occurred to gain input in Q2-Q3 of 2012. Yellow

Director of Legal Services/Clerk

Although the funding source with OLG is still uncertain, Staff are anticipating a report to Council on February 20, 2013. Yellow

Examine potential for holding zone designation where heritage assets are involved

Director of Development

Education/ Awareness Campaign in collaboration with the Heritage Committee

Director of Development


Staff and consulting team undertook public consultation. Preparation of draft policies and report to Council Jan. 2013. Consultation with MTO to include new 2011 Multi-modal Transportation Strategy traffic data.


Heritage Village concept under review by staff with Innisfil Heritage Committee, and will be subject to planning decisions relating to the adjacent Sleeping Lion subdivision later in 2013. Staff will bring forward a report on impacts of the changes to Sleeping Lion and the Heritage Village concept in Q1 2013. Not yet complete, pending additional consultations with Heritage Committee in Q1 2013


Staff Report DSR-039-13 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Q3 and Q4 2012 Implementation Report









Grow Arts and Culture Substantially through Policy Development, Annual Funding and Promotion Create at Least Two Cultural Events, and Promote All Major Events in Town and Tourism Publications

Q1 of 2013

February 6, 2013

Establish Policy Related to Art in Public Spaces

Manager of Parks and Facilities

Project to commence in February with the working group. Awaiting info back from various communities. Yellow


Support the Preservation and Promotion of Innisfil's Heritage with Policies and Funding

Q4 of 2012

Develop Three Major Initiatives to Help Existing Businesses Succeed (and Expand), With Some Emphasis on AgriBusiness


Examine opportunities to grow current events or create new events/ festivals

Development and Marketing Coordinator

Master Heritage Planning Initiative which also would include funding options for preservation and promotion

Director of Development

Pursuit of Business Program Opportunities with Other Partners

Director of Development



New events in planning stages for 2013. Following public consultation in September 2012, Town and Library staff are working with a communitybased organizing committee to bring Doors Open to Innisfil in 2013. The event is forecasted to take place in Q2 of 2013. Heritage District Conservation Study currently under way.



New partnership events under discussion with other business organizations for 2013. As part of Small Business Week, on October 16th a forum was held to showcase small and home-based businesses in Innisfil and provide a networking opportunity for these business owners. The event featured a presentation by Marc Duco of Duco & Duco LLP and Susan Morrison, CA, who highlighted the legal and financial pros and cons of different business models such as incorporation, sole proprietorship and partnerships. On November 8, a Franchise Forum was held in partnership with SSEA. The new online business and

Staff Report DSR-039-13 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Q3 and Q4 2012 Implementation Report

February 6, 2013

community directory was launched and a series of training and information sessions were held. 14






Develop Three Major Initiatives to Help Existing Businesses Succeed (and Expand), With Some Emphasis on AgriBusiness


Develop Three Major Initiatives to Help Existing Businesses Succeed (and Expand) With Some Emphasis on AgriBusiness

Q4 of 2012

Create Three Bold New Initiatives to Recruit Entrepreneurs and Small Business


Active Promotion of Innisfil with County and Provincial networks

Director of Development

Support Local Business Interests in potential Business Improvement Area or Community Improvement Area

Economic and Community Development Officer

Explore Opportunities to Engage in Public Private Partnerships (P3's)

Economic and Community Development Officer





Town Staff have held meetings with County Economic Development Officer, Tourism staff and Provincial heritage staff to discuss initiatives and Town needs. As part of collaboration with the County of Simcoe and YLM, Innisfil introduced a new online business and community directory and offered a series of training and information sessions throughout the fall. The ECDO joined the steering group for a county-wide group looking at the feasibility of a food distribution hub in Simcoe County, which is expected to report on findings in Fall 2013. EDAC agreed to support staff on a comprehensive, multi-year downtown revitalization initiative. Staff coordinated a presentation with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for the January 10th EDAC meeting to being mapping out the initiative. A report to Council is expected in Q1 of 2013. Following a successful e-waste pilot project, Council authorized staff to issue an RFP to continue the program. John Hurd of Electronic Recycling Solutions was the highest scoring compliant Proponent and was awarded the two-year contract in the Fall 2012. As part of a collaboration with the County of Simcoe and YLM, Innisfil introduced a new online business and

Staff Report DSR-039-13 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Q3 and Q4 2012 Implementation Report

February 6, 2013

community directory and offered a series of training and information sessions throughout the fall.









Persuade Businesses and Professionals to Choose an Innisfil Location Rather than Commuting


Persuade Businesses and Professionals to Choose an Innisfil Location Rather than Commuting


Persuade Businesses and Professionals to Choose an Innisfil Location Rather than Commuting

Q3 of 2012

Boost tourism by Forming at Least Three Bold new Cooperative Partnerships


Focus on internal education and communication strategy to identify and remove road blocks and barriers to businesses.

Economic and Community Development Officer

Consideration of Flexible Land Uses

Director of Development


Green Update Existing Biz Pal Processes and Explore Other Opportunities

Economic and Community Development Officer

New Cooperative Partnerships, e.g. RT07, local sports associations, Tourism Simcoe and Tourism Barrie

Director of Development



In Fall 2012, Council authorized the creation of the Development Liaison Group (DLG). DLG is comprised of representatives of the real estate, land development and construction industry that have interests and/or active projects in Innisfil. The group is constituted for matters relating to the development approvals process, development policy and matters relating to building in the Town of Innisfil. The first meeting of the group took place on December 13th. New land use policies introduced in new Zoning By-Law: to be considered as part of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review which will be before Council for adoption in Q1 2013 A new economic development microsite, which will include information for potential and existing buinesses, is under-development. It is expected to be completed in Q1 of 2013. Staff to convene workshop with local tourism stakeholders in Jan 2013 and introduce new partnership opportunities


Staff Report DSR-039-13 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Q3 and Q4 2012 Implementation Report









Promote the Year Round Benefits of Lake Simcoe, Doubling its Economic Impact by 2013, While Improving its Environmental Health Promote the Year Round Benefits of Lake Simcoe, Doubling its Economic Impact by 2013, While Improving its Environmental Health Promote the Year Round Benefits of Lake Simcoe, Doubling its Economic Impact by 2013, While Improving its Environmental Health Promote the Year Round Benefits of Lake Simcoe, Doubling its Economic Impact by 2013, While Improving its Environmental Health

Q1 of 2013

Q4 of 2012

February 6, 2013

Storm Water Management Master Plan – 2 stage program

Director of Infrastructure

Ongoing Infiltration and Inflow Work Alcona Plan

Director of Infrastructure

Phase 1 report draft completed and will be finalized in January 2013 Yellow




Establish promotion for Lake Simcoe Activities on Town Website

Economic and Community Development Officer

Education/ Awareness Campaigns

Communications Officer


Video of the sanitary network 99% complete. Major repairs to deficiencies in the sanitary mains to be undertaken in 2013. Tender for works in spring 2013. Lateral inspections/repairs to take place in 2014.


A new tourism microsite and marketing collateral is under-development. It is expected to be completed in Q1 of 2013.


A new tourism microsite and marketing collateral is under-development. It is expected to be completed in Q1 of 2013.

Staff Report DSR-039-13 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Q3 and Q4 2012 Implementation Report

February 6, 2013

Completed Inspiring Innisfil 2020 Initiatives Summary No. 1

Strategy Area Community






Develop an Urban Core by 2020 at Alcona

Innisfil Beach Road Construction Program Completion of Section 2A Roads Needs Study Update – for capital allocation Consultation with Canada Post expressing desire for a unified postal address for the entire Town User Fee Review and Service Delivery Cost Analysis

Director of Infrastructure


Construction Completed in October 2012.



Director of Infrastructure


Project was completed and presented to Council in November 2012.



Director of Legal Services/Clerk


Response Letter from CRTC dated April 20 has declined the request to unify area codes in Innisfil.



Make Sure the Town is Financially Stable by 2014

Director of Finance/Customer Service


Service Areas have reviewed and adjusted respective fees to reflect more accurate cost recovery, where appropriate, and work is ongoing. Engineering Development Services have included fees in the 2013 fees and charges by-law that would see full cost recovery from the development community. Parks & Recreation completed an internal review of fees and adjusted where appropriate based on their analysis. In 2013, the second of three phased increase for building and inspection fees will occur. Planning will be undertaking a more fulsome review of their fees in 2013 for inclusion as appropriate in the 2014 fees by-law.



Create an Identity that Unites the Town

Director of Legal Services/Clerk


Unable to make headway with Canada Post, but staff continue to press for a workable solution.

Develop an Urban Core by 2020 at Alcona Create an Identity that Unites the Town

Consultation with CRTC on establishing a unify area code in the phone directory for Innisfil


Staff Report DSR-039-13 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Q3 and Q4 2012 Implementation Report

February 6, 2013



Create New Networks: Physical, Digital, and Personto-Person- to Better Connect Residents and Businesses

Enhance Awareness of Council Meetings and Initiatives through the Broadcasting of Council Meetings – Phase 1

Director of Legal Services/Clerk


Microphones installed for Council, Staff and Presentation Table. PowerPoint presentations with audio recording also implemented. Video recording implementation ongoing with an anticipated completion by Q4 2013.



Develop an Urban Core by 2020 at Alcona

Develop Urban Design Guidelines (UDG) for Innisfil Beach Road

Director of Development


Urban Design Guidelines approved by Council in 2007. Implementation of the design guidelines initiated in May 2012 by Council passing the Mixed Use Zone for Innisfil Beach Road. The Mixed Use Zone is currently under appeal. Staff will report to Council once appeal is closed.



Develop an Urban Core by 2020 at Alcona

Manager of Parks and Facilities


Final phase of road construction includes landscape enhancements. Parks staff continue to maintain the planters and collect garbage



Director of Legal Services/Clerk


October 2012 Corporate newsletter distributed to 15,500 locations through Innisfil Hydro.



Create New Networks - Physical, Digital, and Personto-Person- to Better Connect Residents and Businesses Develop an Urban Core by 2020 at Alcona

Improve streetscape by installing banners, garbage cans, benches and tree planting Review the existing utilization of print media

Director of Development


The Province designated Alcona as Primary Settlement Area.



Primary Settlement Area for Alcona designated in Growth Plan Amendment for Simcoe Sub-area Explore the Feasibility of the Creation of an Innisfil Museum

Director of Development


Council received a report on August 8, 2012.



Develop a "Business Awareness Program" that provides insight

Economic and Community Development


Economic Development and Purchasing departments worked together on a November 1 event which highlighted how

Support the Preservation and Promotion of Innisfil's Heritage with Policies and Funding Create Three Bold New Initiatives to Recruit


Staff Report DSR-039-13 Inspiring Innisfil 2020 – Q3 and Q4 2012 Implementation Report

Entrepreneurs and Small Business 13




Promote the Year Round Benefits of Lake Simcoe, Doubling its Economic Impact by 2013, While Improving its Environmental Health Promote the Year Round Benefits of Lake Simcoe, Doubling its Economic Impact by 2013, While Improving its Environmental Health

and assistance to local businesses on how to work with the Town Develop a Base-line Economic Assessment of Lake Simcoe to the local economy

Review Alternative Effluent Use

February 6, 2013

Officer Director of Development


Director of Infrastructure



to do business with the Town of Innisfil and other members of the Georgian Bay Area Public Purchasing Co-operative. Final Report submitted in September of 2012.

Staff submitted an application to the Showcasing Water Innovation Program for the Lakeshore Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) effluent reuse in Q1 of 2012. The application was denied. No further initiatives have been explored at this time.

Item E.1 Council Agenda Feb 6/12

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF INNISFIL BY-LAW NO. 015-13 A By-Law of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil to amend By-Law No. 118-07, being a by-law to regulate Site Alteration, and By-law No. 170-12, being a by-law to impose fees and charges. WHEREAS Council passed By-Law No. 118-07 on October 24, 2007, which came into force and effect on January 1, 2008, to prohibit and regulate the placing or dumping of fill, the removal of topsoil, and the alteration of the grade of land in the Town of Innisfil; WHEREAS Council received Staff Report DSR-015-13 on January 16, 2013, outlining a public consultation process on a draft site alteration by-law which proposes increasing fees and requires additional environmental protection measures; WHEREAS Notice of a motion was provided on January 16, 2013 for an interim site alteration by-law; WHEREAS Council adopted By-law No. 170-12 on December 12, 2012, which establishes fees for site alteration in Schedule “L”; and WHEREAS Council deems it necessary and expedient to amend Bylaw No. 118-07 and By-Law No. 170-12. NOW THEREFORE The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil enacts as follows: 1.

Section 12.4 of Schedule ”L” of the Fees and Charges By-Law No. 170-12 is amended by replacing it with Appendix “A” to this By-law.


By-Law No. 118-07 related to site alteration is amended as follows: a) Subsection 9(a) is replaced with the following: The fees for a Site Alteration Permit are as listed in the Town’s Fees and Charges By-law, as amended. b) Subsection 10(g) is added: A designed officer has delegated authority to exempt an Owner from the requirement to obtain a Permit under the By-law where the Site Alteration is the placing, dumping or removing of less than 1000 cubic metres of topsoil or fill. c) Paragraph 11(a)(6) is added: The Owner shall provide characterization and analytical records of the quality of soil being brought to the site and confirmation by a Professional, prior to receiving any material, that the soil is appropriate based on site location/sensitivity, anticipated land uses, groundwater use/sensitivity,

pre-existing site concentrations or other factors to ensure that there is no likelihood of adverse effect based on the importation of the soil to the site. 3.

This By-Law shall take effect and come into force on the date it is passed by Council.

PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2013. _______________________________ Barbara Baguley, Mayor _______________________________ Jason Reynar, Clerk

APPENDIX ‘A’ to By-law No. 015-13 Page 22 of 24 to By-Law 170-12 SCHEDULE "L" 12.4 Site Alteration a) New Permit Application Fee




b) New Permit Environmental Protection Security

per Hectare



c) Site Inspection Fee

per cubic meter of fill estimated and placed



d) Renewal or transfer of a permit for less than 250 m3 obtained on or before February 6, 2013, using a previously approved control plan received at least 30 days prior to the expiry of the existing permit.




e) Renewal or transfer of a permit for more than 250 m3 obtained on or before February 6, 2013, using a previously approved control plan received at least 30 days prior to the expiry of the existing permit.




Item E.2 Council Agenda Feb 6/13 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF INNISFIL BY-LAW NO. 013-13 A By-law of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. WHEREAS a municipal Council may appoint peace officers to enforce its by-laws, pursuant to Section 15 of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.15, as amended; AND WHEREAS Council deems it desirable to appoint Co-op Students as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers. NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil hereby enacts as follows: 1. The following personnel, being part-time employees of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil are hereby appointed as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers, who shall have all the powers and responsibilities of peace officers under the Police Services Act, as amended, for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws: (i) Mitchel Harris 2. The provisions of the by-law shall come into force effective February 6, 2013. 3. That this by-law shall expire on April 30, 2013 unless extended by Council Resolution. PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2013.

_____________________________ Barbara Baguley, Mayor

_____________________________ Jason Reynar, Clerk

Item 9.1 Supplementary Council Agenda February 6/13

Special Council Minutes January 23, 2012 Page 1

The Special Council meeting of the Town of Innisfil Council for January was held in the Council Chambers with the following members and staff present: Mayor: Deputy Mayor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor:


B. Baguley D. Davidson D. Lougheed R. Simpson K. Simpson R. Boynton B. Loughead M. Baier L. Dollin

Chief Administrative Officer: Dir. Legal Services/Town Clerk: Dir. Finance, Customer Service/CFO: Dir. Development: Dir. Infrastructure: Dir. Human Resources: Deputy Clerk: Assistant Clerk: Assistant Clerk:

J. Skorobohacz J. Reynar L. Davis D. Eastwood A. Campbell M. Collette K. Fraser K. Jacob K. Creamer

OPENING OF MEETING BY THE MAYOR The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m.





Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor L. Dollin Councillor R. Boynton

That the contents of the Special Council agenda for January 23, 2013 be approved as printed. --carried--




DELEGATION [None presented.]

Special Council Minutes January 23, 2013 5.

Page 2 of 4


Code of Conduct for Members of Council presentation by Jason Reynar, Director of Legal Services/Town Clerk and Karen Fraser, Deputy Clerk. The Director of Legal Services/Town Clerk outlined the revisions made to the Code of Conduct in accordance with Council raised at the meeting held November 28, 2012. Council reviewed and discussion the revisions and provided the following recommendations.




Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor K. Simpson Deputy Mayor Davidson

That Section 3 of the revised Code of Conduct be amended as follows: Add: “appropriate for their fiduciary role” at the end of the first sentence; and, Replace: “appointed” with “elected” in clause (c). --carried-(5.1b)



Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed Councillor M. Baier

That Section 4 of the revised Code of Conduct be amended as follows: Add: “fiduciary” means a person who is required to act for the benefit of another person on all matters within the scope of their relationship; one who owes to another the duties of good faith, trust, confidence and candor. --carried-(5.1c)



Moved By: Seconded By:

Deputy D. Davidson Councillor K. Simpson

That Section 17(i) of the revised Code of Conduct be amended as follows: That staff come back later with an amount of threshold and frequency and reporting language clarification. --carried--

Special Council Minutes January 23, 2013 (5.1d)



Moved By: Seconded By:

Page 3 of 4

Councillor B. Loughead Councillor R. Simpson

That Section 19 of the revised Code of Conduct be amended as follows: Replace: “Registration, enrolment and attendance, as well as related expenses shall be approved by Council prior to the event.” With: “Expenses and approvals for “Business Expenses” are governed by the Business Expense Policy for Elected Official and committee Members, as amended.” --carried-(5.1e)



Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor B. Loughead Councillor R. Simpson

That the presentation by Clerk Services staff regarding the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, be received and that the draft Code of Conduct, as amended, be presented for Council’s consideration at the regular meeting on February 20, 2013. --carried--





Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor R. Simpson Councillor B. Loughead

That By-Law No. 012-13, being the confirming by-law of the Special Council meeting on January 23, 2013, be adopted. --carried--





Moved By: Seconded By:

Councillor D. Lougheed Councillor M. Baier

That Council adjourn at 9:08 p.m. until the regular Council Meeting on February 6, 2013 at 7:15 p.m. --carried--

Special Council Minutes January 23, 2013

Page 4 of 4

Approved by Council Resolution No. CR-___.13 and signed February 6, 2013.

_____________________________ Jason Reynar, Clerk

________________________________ Barbara Baguley, Mayor

January 30/13 Rec’d Council Date February 6/13 9.2 Supplementary Item # Action Taken


Resolution #


Februa ary 6, 2013


Mayorr, Deputy Mayor and Members M of Council


Seniorr Manageme ent Team


Lockie e Davis, Dire ector of Finan nce and Cusstomer Service/CFO


Elimin nation of Ca anadian Pen nny Currenc cy

Phasing out the Penny In Econo omic Action Plan 2012, the Governm ment announced it would phase ou ut the penny from Canada’ss coinage sy ystem. The decision to phase out the t penny was w due to itts excessive e and rising co ost of produ uction relativve to face value, the increased accumulation a n of pennie es by Canadian ns in their ho ouseholds, environment e tal considera ations, and the t significant handling costs the penny imposes on o retailers, financial insstitutions and d the econom my in genera al. The estim mated savings for f taxpayers s from phasiing out the penny p is $11 million a ye ear. The centt will remain n Canada’s smallest unit for pricing g goods and d services. This T will havve no s will impact on payments s made by cheque c or electronic tran nsactions—o only cash transaction t be affeccted. Moreo over, pennie es can stilll be used in cash trransactions indefinitely with businessses that choo ose to accep pt them. The Royal Canadian n Mint cease ed distributio on of pennie es to financia al institutions on Februa ary 4, 2013. Affter this date e, businesse es are enco ouraged to stop s using pennies p and d begin roun nding cash tran nsactions in n a fair and transparentt manner. As A financial institutions i w no longe will er be receiving g pennies fro om the Mint,, they may not n distribute e pennies to o consumerss and busine esses after Feb bruary 4, 201 13. stomers Impact to Town Cus For all cash transactions staff s will be e implemen nting, effecctive immed diately, roun nding procedurres consistent with those e adopted by the Goverrnment of Ca anada as folllows (and as a per attached): • • • • •

Amounts end A ding in 1 cent and 2 centts are rounde ed down to the t nearest 10 cents. A Amounts end ding in 3 cents and 4 cen nts are round ded up to the e nearest 5 cents. A Amounts end ding in 6 cents and 7 cen nts are round ded down to o the nearestt 5 cents. A Amounts end ding in 8 cents and 9 cen nts are round ded up to the e nearest 10 0 cents. A Amounts end ding in 0 cent and 5 centts remain un nchanged.

Transacttions involvin ng all otherr forms of payment p (de ebit or creditt card, electronic paym ments, cheques etc.) will continue to incclude the fulll amount unrrounded amount owing/payable. If there are a any ques stions, please contact me e at x2301.

January 31/13 Rec’d Council Date February 6/13 Item # 9.3 Action Taken

Resolution #


DS SR-027-13


Fe ebruary 6, 2013 2


Ma ayor, Deputty Mayor an nd Members s of Council


Michelle Collette, Director of Huma an Resource es


Drraft Integratted Accessibility Stand dards Regu ulation Polic cy an nd Draft Multi Year Acc cessibility Plan P

RECOMM MENDATION: That the e Draft Inte egrated Acccessibility Standard S Re egulation Po olicy and Draft D Multi Year Accessib bility Plan ap ppended to Staff S Reportt DSR-027-1 13 be receivved and reviewed by Co ouncil with com mments provided to Human Resource es by February 19, 2013 3. Further that a final re eport will be presented to o Council on n March 6, 2013 2 for conssideration. ROUND: BACKGR In 2005, Ontario pas ssed the Acccessibility fo or Ontarianss with Disab bilities Act which w commits to breaking down barriers for pe ersons with h disabilitiess through the provision of mand datory standards in order to o make Onta ario fully acccessible by 2025. 2 Thesse standardss will be enfo orced as regula ations. The Stan ndards Deve elopment Committees C established by the Ontario govern nment unde er the Accessib bility for On ntarians with h Disabilitie es Act, 200 05 have be een develop ping accesssibility standards for: • • • • •

Cu ustomer Service - Develloped Infformation & Communica ation - Develloped Em mployment - Developed Tra ansportation n - Develope ed Bu uilt Environm ment - In Devvelopment

The first standard to become law w was the Cu ustomer Serrvice Standa ard which the e Town com mplied with by the require ed complian nce date off January 1, 1 2010. This T standa ard required d the developm ment of the appropriate a policies and d proceduress. Town Council adopte ed the Accesssible Custome er Service Po olicy on Novvember 25, 2009. 2


Staff Report DSR-219-12 Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy

December 12, 2012 Page 2 of 5

The second phase of the implementation of the requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 is the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation which combines three of the accessibility standards: Information & Communication, Employment and Transportation. The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation applies to all Ontario organizations that provide goods, services or facilities to the public or to other organizations and have at least one employee. This regulation is now law and the requirements currently in regulation are being phased in between 2011 and 2021. An accessibility standard for the built environment (buildings and outdoor spaces) currently is in development and is not yet law. Organizations have current and ongoing obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code respecting non-discrimination. The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation does not replace or affect existing legal obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code and other applicable laws in respect to accommodation of persons with disabilities. Organizations must comply with all pieces of legislation. ANALYSIS/CONSIDERATION: The attached policy and plan is intended to meet the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. As part of our development and review process Human Resources engaged several stakeholders; HR Staff attended meetings and made formal presentations to the Innisfil Accessibility Committee and the Senior Management Team regarding the policy and plan recommendations. Drafts of the proposed policy and plan were presented as well as a request for feedback regarding the proposed documents. We are able to report that the proposed documents have been vetted and reviewed by both stakeholder groups and their suggestions and comments have been incorporated into the appended policy as appropriate. This policy and the associated elements are recommended to be in place for 2013. Council adoption of this policy will allow Management sufficient time to meet the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation establishes the compliance framework for obligated organizations. The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation applies to all public, private and not-for-profit organizations, with at least one employee. The specific requirements for the Town of Innisfil include an obligation to: • • • • • • •

Develop and implement an Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy Develop and implement a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan Review procurement protocols and procedures to ensure accessible practices Provide training on the Integrated Accessibility Standards per the legislation Implement accessible feedback processes Provide accessible format & communication supports upon request Ensure the accessibility of emergency procedures, plans & public safety information

Staff Report DSR-219-12 Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy • • • • • • • • • •

December 12, 2012 Page 3 of 5

Develop an accessible website & web content Implement accessible best practises in recruitment, assessment and selection processes Inform employees of accessibility supports Provide accessible formats & communications supports to employees upon request Provide workplace emergency response information to employees upon request Document individual accommodation plans Implement return to work processes Incorporate accessible best practises in the performance management process, career development and advancement Incorporate accessible best practises in the event of employee re-deployment Provide on-demand accessible taxi cabs

Compliance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards: There are five (5) main compliance dates. • January 1, 2012 • January 1, 2013 • January 1, 2014 • January 1, 2015 • January 1, 2021 Human Resources is taking the lead and championing the implementation of the requirements by the listed compliance dates and will be working with various stakeholders to meeting the requirements. January 1, 2013 Compliance Requirements:


Legislation Details

1. Accessibility Policy

Implement policies governing how the Town will achieve accessibility. Include a statement of commitment. Must provide the policy in an accessible format upon request.

2. Multi Year Accessibility Plan

Implement a multi-year accessibility plan which outlines the Town’s strategy to prevent/remove barriers and meet the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation requirements. Review and update at least once every five years. Must be established, reviewed and updated in consultation with persons with disabilities and the Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee (IAAC). Must prepare and post on web an annual status report on progress made and provide the report in an accessible format upon request.

3. Procuring or Acquiring Goods, Services and Facilities

Must incorporate accessibility criteria and features when procuring or acquiring goods, services or facilities, except where it is not practical to do so. If determined not practical to do so an explanation must be provided upon request.

Staff Report DSR-219-12 Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy 4. Accessible Taxi Cabs

December 12, 2012 Page 4 of 5

Must consult with IAAC, the public and persons with disabilities to determine the proportion of on-demand accessible taxicabs required in the community. Must identify progress made toward meeting the need for on-demand accessible taxicabs, including any steps that will be taken to meet the need.

Accessibility Policy: The appended policy meets the requirements for Item 1 – Accessibility Policy and has been developed based on accessible best practices. Multi-Year Accessibility Plan: The accompanying Town of Innisfil Multi-Year Accessibility Plan meets the requirements of Item 2 - Multi Year Accessibility Plan and has been developed based on accessible best practises. During the Council review period, Human Resources will also be seeking the input of members of the public/persons with disabilities on the Town’s draft Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. Their comments and feedback will be incorporated into the final plan for Council review on March 6, 2013, Procuring or Acquiring Goods, Services and Facilities: Purchasing Services is in the process of updating the Procurement Policy and tender documents to ensure compliance with Item 3 - Procuring or Acquiring Goods, Services and Facilities. Accessible Taxi Cabs: A number of steps have been taken to meet the requirements of Item 4 - Accessible Taxi Cabs. This includes the following: • Comment/feedback sought from the Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee (IAAC) on the number of on-demand accessible taxi cabs required in our community • Public Information Session held on January 7, 2013. Obtained public input on the number of on-demand accessible taxi cabs required in our community • Working with the Municipal Law Enforcement Supervisor to update the Taxi Bylaw to include the requirements of the legislation and accessible best practices • Comment/feedback forms were provided to stakeholders at Sandy Cove Acres and Lakeside Retirement seeking input on the number of on-demand accessible taxi cabs required in our community • To date, comments from twenty one (21) stakeholders have been received

OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES: That the report be reviewed with comments back to Human Resources by February 19, 2013 with a final report presented to Council on March 6, 2013. The adoption of an Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation Policy and Multi Year Plan are a legislative requirement per the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Integrated Accessibility Standards Ontario Regulation 191/11.

Staff Report DSR-219-12 Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy

December 12, 2012 Page 5 of 5

FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION: There are currently no financial implications to the adoption of this policy. Requirement

Budget Implications

Accessibility Policy

Not applicable

Multi Year Accessibility Plan

Possible pending the nature of the requests received as the roll-out of the plan progresses

Procuring or Acquiring Goods, Services and Facilities

Pending requests received

Accessible Taxi Cabs

Staff resources

CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that this proposed policy and plan be approved in order to meet the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation and provide a framework for Staff on how to administer the Town’s Accessibility Program going forward. PREPARED BY: Amanda Collins, Human Resources Assistant Michelle Collette, Director of Human Resources


________________________ Michelle Collette, Director of Human Resources


________________________ John Skorobohacz, Chief Administrative Officer

TOWN OF INNIS SFIL CORPOR RATE PO OLICY POLICY: Integrated Acc cessibilitty Standa ard Regu ulation Po olicy



REVISE ED DATE::________ _ RES. NO O.:

PE 1. SCOP s to all em mployees, in ncluding full-time, parrt-time, sea asonal, stud dent, This Policy applies o contract service em mployees who w work in n municipal or municiipally owne ed or co-op, or controlle ed offices, facilities f and d work sitess. 2. POLIC CY STATE EMENT The Tow wn of Inniisfil is com mmitted to providing persons with w disabilities consisstent opportun nity and ac ccess to Tow wn of Innissfil goods, services, s an nd facilitiess. The Town n will ensure that t policies, procedures, and prractices are e provided in a manne er that is timely and add dresses inte egration, ind dependencce, dignity, and a equal opportunity o y. The Town n will endeavo or to follow the compliance schedule of the e legislation n when implementing each e of the re equirements s addressed d in this policy. 3. PURP POSE pose of this s policy is to o facilitate the t Town of o Innisfil’s regulatory r c compliance e with The purp the Integ grated Acc cessibility Standards S R Regulation (O. Reg. 191/11) of the Accessiibility for Onta arians with Disabilitiess Act, 2005 5 (AODA) and a all policcy requirem ments under the Regulatiion. The AODA A and its Regula ations indiccate that fa ailure to comply with h the requirem ments set out o in the Act A and Regulations may m result in i administtrative pena alties for the obligated o orrganization.. This pollicy outlines s the overa all strategicc direction that t the To own of Innissfil will follo ow in the iden ntification, removal, and a prevention of barrriers to pe ersons with h disabilitie es to ensure access a to th he Town’s goods, g servvices, and facilities. f 4. DEFIN NITIONS “Access sible formats” may include, butt are not limited to, la arge print, recorded audio a and elecctronic form mats, Braille e, and otherr formats ussable by pe ersons with disabilities.

Corporate Policy CP-XXX-13 Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation Policy

February 2013 Page 2 of 7

“Barrier” means anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability. This includes physical, architectural, information or communication, attitudinal or technological barrier, a policy or a practice. “Communication support” may include, but is not limited to, captioning, alternative and augmentative communication supports, plain language, sign language, and other supports that facilitate effective communications. “Disability” means, as per the Human Rights Code: •

• • • •

Any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device; A condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability; A learning disability or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language; A mental disorder; or An injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.

5. RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of all Town of Innisfil employees and Members of Council to ensure that this policy is adhered to and that the practices of the Town demonstrate a commitment to accessibility as outlined in this policy and accessibility legislation. 6. APPLICATION 6.1 Accessibility Plans The Town of Innisfil will establish, implement, maintain, and document a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan that will outline the Town’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers to persons with disabilities and meet the requirements under accessibility legislation. The plan will be established in consultation with the Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee. Members of the public, including those with disabilities, will be encouraged to provide input into the plan. Town Council will be presented with the plan for review and approval. The Town will review and update the accessibility plan at least once every five years. As with the initial development of the plan, the Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee and

Corporate Policy CP-XXX-13 Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation Policy

February 2013 Page 3 of 7

members of the public will be consulted during the updating of the plan. Town Council will be presented with the updated plan for review and approval. The Town of Innisfil will prepare an annual status report, which will outline the progress of measures taken to implement the plan and the Town’s strategy to identify, prevent, and remove barriers to those with disabilities. The annual status reports will be presented to the Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee and Town Council. The Town will make all accessibility plans and annual status reports available to the public. All plans and reports will be posted on the Town’s website and made available at Town facilities. The Town will provide the documents in an accessible format, upon request, 6.2 Procuring or Acquiring Goods, Services or Facilities The Town of Innisfil will incorporate accessibility criteria and features when procuring or acquiring goods, services or facilities, except when it is not practical to do so. The Town will provide an explanation, upon request, when it has not been practical to incorporate accessibility features. 6.3 Training The Town of Innisfil will ensure that training is provided on the requirements of accessibility standards and on the Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities. Such training will be provided to: a) All paid employees and volunteers; b) All persons who participate in developing Town of Innisfil policies; and c) All other persons who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the Town The Town of Innisfil will provide training that is appropriate to the duties of the employees, volunteers, and other parties. Training will be provided as soon as practicable. Training on any policy changes will be provided on an ongoing basis as required. The Town will keep records of the training provided, including the dates of the training and the number of individuals to whom training is provided. 6.4 Feedback The Town of Innisfil will ensure that the processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities. Upon request, accessible formats or communication supports will be provided or arranged.

Corporate Policy CP-XXX-13 Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation Policy

February 2013 Page 4 of 7

6.5 Accessible Formats and Communication Supports Upon request, the Town of Innisfil will provide, or arrange for the provision of, accessible formats or communication supports for persons with disabilities. These accessible formats and communication supports will be provided in a timely manner and in a way that takes into account the individual’s accessibility needs due to disability. The Town of Innisfil will consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support. Such accessible documents and communication supports will be provided at a cost no greater than the regular cost charged to others. The Town of Innisfil will notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports, upon request, by including a notice on its website and on many of the documents produced by the Town. If a document, or portions of a document, cannot be converted into an accessible format, the Town will provide an explanation or summary of such information in an accessible format. 6.6 Emergency Procedure, Plan or Public Safety Information The Town of Innisfil will, upon request, provide emergency procedure, plan and public safety information in an accessible format or with communication support, as soon as practical. 6.7 Accessible Websites and Web Content The Town of Innisfil will ensure that its external Internet websites and web content conform with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 initially at Level A and increasing to Level AA. By January 1, 2014 any new web content will conform with WCAG 2.0 Level A. By January 1, 2021 all Internet website and web content will conform with WCAG 2.0 Level AA. 6.8 Recruitment, Assessment and Selection The Town of Innisfil is committed to equal consideration of candidates during the recruitment, assessment and selection process. Job applicants, including the public and current Town of Innisfil employees, will be notified of the availability of accommodations for persons with disabilities in its application process. Individuals selected to participate in assessment or selection processes, such as an interview or testing, will be notified of the availability of accommodations, upon request, during such an assessment or selection process. In cases where accommodations due to disability are requested, the Town of Innisfil will consult with the individual and provide or arrange for suitable accommodations in a manner that takes into account the applicant’s disability needs. Accommodations will be provided with respect to the materials or processes used in recruitment.

Corporate Policy CP-XXX-13 Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation Policy

February 2013 Page 5 of 7

When making offers of employment, the Town of Innisfil will notify the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities. This notification will be provided verbally at offer and in the Offer of Employment letter. 6.9 Informing Employees of Supports The Town of Innisfil will inform employees of its policies, and any updates to such policies, used to support employees with disabilities. The Town will provide this information to new employees as soon as practical after commencing employment. This includes policies on providing job accommodations that take into account the employee’s accessibility needs due to disability. 6.10 Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees The Town of Innisfil will, when requested by an employee with a disability, consult with the employee to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for information that is required in order to perform the job, as well as information that is generally available to employees in the workplace. The Town of Innisfil will consult with the employee making the request in determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support. 6.11 Workplace Emergency Response Information The Town of Innisfil is committed to ensuring the safety of its employees. Individualized workplace emergency response information will be provided to employees who have a disability, if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary and the employer is aware of the employee’s need. This information will be provided as soon as practical after the Town becomes aware of the need for accommodation. When an employee requires assistance in an emergency, the Town of Innisfil will, with the employee’s consent, provide such information to the person designated by the Town to provide assistance. The Town of Innisfil will review the individualized workplace emergency response information when the employee moves to a different location in the organization, when the employee’s overall accommodation needs and plans are reviewed, and when the Town reviews its general emergency policies. 6.12 Documented Individual Accommodation Plans The Town of Innisfil will develop a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. The individual accommodation plan will include: •

If requested, any information regarding accessible formats and communication supports provided to the employee;

Corporate Policy CP-XXX-13 Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation Policy

• •

February 2013 Page 6 of 7

If required, individualized workplace emergency response information; and Any other accommodations that are to be provided.

6.13 Return to Work Process The Town of Innisfil will maintain its documented return to work process for employees with a disability and who require disability-related accommodation in order to return to work. The Town’s return to work process will outline the steps the Town will take to facilitate the return to work and will include documented individual accommodation plans as part of the process. This return to work process will not replace or override any other return to work process created by or under any other statute (i.e., the Workplace Safety Insurance Act, 1997). 6.14 Performance Management, Career Development and Advancement, and Redeployment The Town of Innisfil will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and any individual accommodation plans when providing any performance management, career development and advancement. In the event of redeployment (reassigning employees to other departments or jobs within the Town of Innisfil when a particular job or department has been eliminated), the Town will also take into account the employee’s accessibility needs due to disability and any individual accommodation plan. 6.15 Transportation Standard - Accessible Taxi Cabs The Town of Innisfil will consult with the Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee, the public and persons with disabilities to determine the proportion of on-demand accessible taxicabs required in the community. The Town will identify progress made toward meeting the need for on-demand accessible taxicabs and will document steps to be taken in the Town’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. The Town of Innisfil will ensure that owners and operators of Innisfil taxicabs are prohibited from the following: • •

Charging a higher fare or an additional fee for persons with disabilities than that charged for persons without disabilities for the same trip; From charging a fee for the storage of mobility aids or mobility assistive devices.

Corporate Policy CP-XXX-13 Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation Policy

February 2013 Page 7 of 7

The Town of Innisfil will ensure that owners and operators of taxicabs make available vehicle registration and identification information in an accessible format to persons with disabilities who are passengers. 7. REFERENCES AND RELATED DOCUMENTS • • • • • • •

Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Ontario Regulation 429/07 – Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Ontario Regulation 191/11 – Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Ontario Human Rights Code Town of Innisfil Annual Accessibility Plan Other Accessibility Standards as approved into Regulation

TOWN OF INNIISFIL MULTI – YEAR ACCESSI A IBILITY PLAN P (20 013-2017)) COMM MENT FORM Pleas se complete e this form and a provide e us with yo our commen nts about th he Multi-Yea ar Accessibility Plan an nd Town off Innisfil Serrvices. 1. Does the Multi-Ye ear Accessib bility Plan convey the info ormation you would like to know? Yes □ So No □ omewhat □ If no, please p provid de comments for improvements:

2. Which h section of this Multi-Y Year Accessiibility Plan was w of intere est to you? (Check as many m boxess as apply): Backgrou und………… …………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ………………… The Acce essibility for Ontarians with w Disabilitiies Act, 2005 5…………… ……………………………… … Roadmap p to Accessiibility……………………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………… Barrier Id dentification… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………………………… ……………… …. Highlightts of Achieve ements……… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………………………… …. Accessib bility Improve ement Planss…………………………… ……………… ……………… ………………… Complian nce to Date… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………………………… ……………… ….. Accessib ble Customer Service Standard…………………… ……………… ……………… ………………… Integrate ed Accessibility Standard d………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ….. New Acccessibility Initiatives & Co ompliance Strategies…… S ……………… ……………… ……………… …... Timeline-- Stepping Stones S to Su uccess……… ……………… ……………………………… ……………… …. Integrate ed Accessibility Standard d High Levell Work Plan… ……………… ……………… ……………… …... Integrate ed Accessibility Standard d – General Requiremen nts………………………… ……………… ….. Integrate ed Accessibility Standard d – Informatiion & Comm munication Sttandard…… ……………….... Integrate ed Accessibility Standard d – Employm ment Standard…………… ……………… ……………… ….. Integrate ed Accessibility Standard d – Transporrtation Stand dard………… ……………… ……………… ….. Our Com mmitment…… ……………… ……………… ……………………………… ……………… ……………… …... Innisfil Acccessibility Advisory A Committee (IAA AC)………… ……………… ……………………………… …. Evaluatio on…………… ……………… ……………… ……………………………… ……………… ……………… …... Definition ns/Acronyms s …………… ……………… ……………………………… ……………… ……………… …..


Multi – Year Accessibility Plan Comment Form February 2013 3. Is the format of the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan easy to read and follow? Yes □ Somewhat □ No □

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4. Is the language used in the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan easy to understand? Yes □ Somewhat □ No □ 5. From your perspective, please prioritize the key issues that affect people with disabilities in the Town of Innisfil. (Note: 1=Highest Priority,5=Lowest Priority, N/A=Not Applicable in your opinion)

1 2 3 4 5 N/A Transportation (On Demand Accessible Taxi Cabs)……………………….. Lack of Awareness……………………………………………………………... Lack of Services………………………………………………………………… Attitudes within the Community………………………………………………..


6. Have you noticed any change in the accessibility of the Town of Innisfil’s programs and services? Improved □

Unchanged □

Not Improved □

If you selected “ Not Improved”, please provide comments for improvement:

7. Please provide any additional comments on the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan:

If you would like more information in the Town of Innisfil’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, our accessibility program or would like to request a presentation at your event, please send a request to Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Please return the completed for to: Amanda Collins, Human Resources Assistant Mail/Hand Delivery: Innisfil Town Hall 2101 Innisfil Beach Road Innisfil, L9S 1A1 Fax: 405-431-7652 Email: This document is available in accessible formats upon request.

Item 12.1 Council Agenda Feb 6/12 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF INNISFIL BY-LAW NO. 017-13 A By-Law of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at its Council meeting held on February 6, 2013. WHEREAS the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council, pursuant to Subsection 5(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended (“Municipal Act”); and WHEREAS the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law, pursuant to Subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. NOW THEREFORE The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil enacts as follows: 1.

The actions of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at its meeting held February 6, 2013 respect of each recommendation contained in the reports of the Committee of the Whole as adopted or amended and adopted and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil at this meeting is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law.


The Mayor and Clerk and the appropriate other officials of the Town of Innisfil are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Town of Innisfil referred to in the preceding section.


The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil.


_________________________________ Barbara Baguley, Mayor

________________________________ Jason Reynar, Clerk

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