ABPL20028 Architecture Design Studio: Water Phase C: Final Presentation By Student: Yao (Brian) Han, 531914 Studio 13, Glenn Murcutt
Connection Space: Environmental Filter Public Serving Space
Major Verandah Transition of Public and Private
Minor Access Water Collecting Tanks Traffic Way: Walking + Car park
Waste Bins
Other Facilities: BBQ & Existing Kiosk
East Elevation 1:100
East Section 1:100
Plan 1:100
Private Staff Area at Back
Daily Flow
Day Time Circulation
Structure Grid
Night Time Circulation
Sunlight Analysis
North Elevation 1:100
Summer Sunpath
Spring and autumn Sunpath Winter Sunpath
North Section 1:100
Corrigated Roof Supported by Steel frameing and Timber Beam
Elevated Cafe to Draw Attention from East Solid Wall on the back as Glenn Murcutt Always Does
Semi-Outdoor Koisk as trasitional space of Indoor and Ourdoor
Water Tank and Enviromental Filter are for the Feature of Water Glazed Wall Facing the Sun Di- Efficiency rection to Recieve Reasonable Platform for ‘Touch Amounr of Sunlight Ground Lightly’ Perspective