Simple Beauty.

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Simple Beauty. CLAIR BOONE

Welcome! Fulvic acid has existed for hundreds of years and there is much historical data showing that women have used this in beauty recipes for a long time. A little goes a long way and many recipes only call for 1/2 teaspoon of it so you can really enjoy the benefits. I hope you enjoy these spa recipes you can create in your own home!

xo, Clair AUTHOR



Please note: I'm not a medical professional and am not here to treat, diagnose or cure you. The recipes in this book should not be a substitute for medical advice. The recipes are created using Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder and high quality essential oils. As with everything - you get what you pay for.

w w w . c l a i r b o o n e . c o m

15 Fulvic Acid Benefits For Your Hair And Skin. 1.Histamine Blocker. Historically, people would take it to treat skin conditions like eczema because it has the ability to act like a histamine blocker. 2. Naturally boost your body’s collagen. 3. Fight Fungus. Due to its anti fungal properties, you can use fulvic acid to heal and fight off a variety of fungus. 4. Enhance Your Favorite Beauty Products. 5. Combat Environmental Skin and Hair Damage. Antioxidants are the barrier between the environment and you. Remember, free radicals do more than destroy your skin and hair; they can directly affect your cells in disastrous ways. 6. Inflammatory Acne Breakouts. 7. Stop or reverse wrinkles. 8. All-purpose rash remedy - Diaper rash, Poison ivy and oak, contact dermatitis, Bug bites, Bee stings. A simple swipe of fulvic acid and your itchiness might subside while redness and swelling lessen. 9. Prevent hair loss. By helping balance your hormones, fulvic acid may help lessen hair loss caused by unbalanced hormones. 10. Repair dry skin. 11. Natural Keratin Treatment. Fulvic acid benefits for hair include boosting your hair’s natural keratin while it repairs your scalp and locks. 12. Remove Toxins. When you apply to your scalp or skin, you draw out toxins that prevent your body from absorbing essential nutrients. 13. Protects skin from solar radiation. 14. Astringent. 15. Thickens Hair.

Balneotherapy. Balneotherapy is thought to promote healing by increasing circulation, encouraging detox and easing stress. In addition, the minerals found in hot springs (such as sulfur and magnesium) are said to fight off illness by nourishing the organs and stimulating the immune system. It may be used to help fibromyalgia, aches and pains, along with several kinds of arthritis, some skin conditions, and a multitude of other diseases.

The Problem. If you have troubles relaxing or have a sleeping disorder, skin irritation, sun burn, hemorrhoids, skin problems, psoriasis, eczema, any dermatitis and poison ivy.

The Solution.

Adding lavender officinalis soothes the irritated skin and lavender officinalis will increase the anti-inflammatory and agnogenic properties of fulvic. RECIPE 1.5 TBS of Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder 30 drops of lavender essential oil DIRECTIONS 1. Adults and children 12+: For full bath dissolve 1.5 TBS of powder in lukewarm water and stir with your hand. 2. Once powder is dissolved. Add hot water up to 102째F -104째F (39째C - 40째C). 3. Add 30 drops of lavender officinalis essential oil 4. Soak for 20-30 minutes or as required or as directed by a health care practitioner. 5. Recommend to bath 1-3 times a week for benefits and maintenance Recommended for sensitive skin because of fulvic acid's hydration properties, increase of collagen and local circulation for cell regeneration. *You may experience an increased heart beat in the neck. It is a sign that is the moment fulvic is pushing maximum oxygen in your body. The increased heart beat is a result of receiving maximum oxygen. Oxygen raises alkalinity and brings in more nutrients, and creates the enzymatic functions in the homeostasis of all the vital organs and their functions. *Your skin can become red, this is normal and not an allergic reaction. It is red because it activates the circulation at the epidermis level and brings blood to the surface to regenerate the cell and absorb the fulvic.

The Problem. If you are experiencing pain, inflammation, flu, colds, Asthma, Alkalosis, Sciatica, Lumbago or pain from a manual laborious job.

The Solution.

Adding either or a mixture of pine, eucalyptus and majoram oil will increase the antiinflammatory and agnogenic properties of fulvic. RECIPE 1.5 TBS of Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder 30 drops of of pine/eucalyptus/marjoram essential oil DIRECTIONS 1. Adults and children 12+: For one full bath dissolve 1.5 TBS of powder in lukewarm water and stir with your hand. 2. Once powder is dissolved. Add hot water up to 102째F -104째F (39째C - 40째C). 3. Add 30 drops of either or a mixture of pine/eucalyptus/marjoram essential oils 4. Soak for 20-30 minutes or as required or as directed by a health care practitioner. 5. Recommend to bath 1-3 times a week for benefits and maintenance Recommended for sensitive skin because of fulvic acid's hydration properties, increase of collagen and local circulation for cell regeneration. *You may experience an increased heart beat in the neck. It is a sign that is the moment fulvic is pushing maximum oxygen in your body. The increased heart beat is a result of receiving maximum oxygen. Oxygen raises alkalinity and brings in more nutrients, and creates the enzymatic functions in the homeostasis of all the vital organs and their functions. *Your skin can become red, this is normal and not an allergic reaction. It is red because it activates the circulation at the epidermis level and brings blood to the surface to regenerate the cell and absorb the fulvic.

Benefits of Fulvic Acid Face Masks. Firming and tightening. Clearing of skin irritations. Reduce inflammation, redness & itching. Mild exfoliation. Heals and energizes skin cells Cellular rejuvenation. Powerful antioxidant properties. Helpful for sun-damaged skin. Hydration. Increase cell energy through electrolytes. Antimicrobial properties (acne, eczema psoriasis). Balance pH level.

Acne Buster Face Mask. Juvenile acne is caused by overactive hormones during puberty. This is a great recipe to help out. Fulvic acid helps promote water absorption into the cells. This keeps the cells hydrated.This in turn keeps the cells plump, bright, and hydrated. This hydration can also help prevent acne. If the skin is dehydrated, sebum secreting cells are called into action,releasing oils onto the skin. The oils can then clog pores which in turn can create acne and blemishes. This hydration in the skin can prevent excess sebum production. Add lemon essential oil as this is an antibacterial, it will regenerate cell tissue and asepticize the acne caused by overactive hormones when puberty begins. RECIPE ½ tsp of Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder 1 tsp of water ½ tsp of baking soda 3 drops of lemon essential oil DIRECTIONS Use 1-3 times a week onto thoroughly clean, dry skin. Mix fulvic powder, baking soda, water and lemon essential oil to create a paste. Apply evenly across face using fingertips, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 25 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water or a wet towel

Your skin can become red, this is normal and not an allergic reaction. It is red because it activates the circulation at the epidermis level and brings blood to the surface to regenerate the cell and absorb the fulvic acid.

Skin Irritation Face Mask. This mask is for skin irritation, dermatitis, redness or itching, eczema, psoriasis, and androsacea. RECIPE ½ tsp of Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder 1 tsp of water ½ tsp of baking soda 3 drops of lavender essential oil DIRECTIONS Use once or twice onto thoroughly clean, dry skin. Mix fulvic powder, baking soda, water and lavender officinalis essential oil to create a paste. Apply evenly across face using fingertips, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 25 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water or a wet towel *Your skin can become red, this is normal and not an allergic reaction. It is red because it activates the circulation at the epidermis level and brings blood to the surface to regenerate the cell and absorb the fulvic

Digestive Acne Face Mask. Digestive acne appears on the forehead and on the cheeks. Aggravators are foods that trigger inflammation in the intestines by an immune or allergic response. These inflammatory messengers end up in your skin, leading to acne and other skin disturbances. Foods that contain gluten or dairy are often the culprits in this category. SOLUTION. Fulvic acid helps promote water absorption into the cells. This keeps the cells hydrated which keeps the cells plump, bright, and hydrated. If the skin is dehydrated, sebum secreting cells are called into action, releasing oils onto the skin.The oils can then clog pores which in turn can create acne and blemishes. This hydration in the skin can prevent excess sebum production. RECIPE ½ tsp of Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder 1 tsp of water ½ tsp of baking soda 3 drops rosemary essential oil DIRECTIONS Use once or twice onto thoroughly clean, dry skin. Mix fulvic powder, baking soda, water and rosemary essential oil to create a paste. Apply evenly across face using fingertips, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 25 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water or a wet towel

Your skin can become red, this is normal and not an allergic reaction. It is red because it activates the circulation at the epidermis level and brings blood to the surface to regenerate the cell and absorb the fulvic acid.

Face Lift Face Mask. This mask is to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin and fine lines. RECIPE ½ tsp of Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder 1 tsp of water ½ tsp of baking soda 3 drops of any type of astringent essential oil (thyme or marjoram) DIRECTIONS If you want to be toned before you go out, do this mask 1 hr before to get a natural face lift. Use once or twice onto thoroughly clean, dry skin. Mix fulvic powder, baking soda and astringent essential oil to create a paste. Apply evenly across face using fingertips, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 25 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water or a wet towel *Your skin can become red, this is normal and not an allergic reaction. It is red because it activates the circulation at the epidermis level and brings blood to the surface to regenerate the cell and absorb the fulvic

Sugar Scrub. RECIPE ½ cup of organic sugar 1/4 cup of organic coconut oil 1 TSP organic honey 1/2 TSP Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder DIRECTIONS Mix all the ingredients thoroughly together. Store in an airtight jar. *Use on hands or elbows to gently exfoliate. Use on legs during a shower to exfoliate and then rinse off.

Coffee Sugar Scrub. RECIPE 1/2 cup organic sugar 1/4 cup of organic coconut oil 1 Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Coffee Cup 1 TSP organic honey 1/4 TSP Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder DIRECTIONS Mix all the ingredients thoroughly together. Store in an airtight jar. *Use on your body to gently exfoliate. Allow to sit for about 15 minutes and then rinse off.

Craving Sugar? Did you know your microbiome controls your mind? Up to 90% of your neurotransmitters that control how you "feel" and your "mood" are directly dependent upon the state of your microbiome and gut health .If you've got Candida controlling your thoughts - it's going to hijack your mind into craving sugar.This is how the Candida continues it's life-cycle, it makes sure that you eat the things that it needs to survive and continue its life cycle. Black Oxygen Organics helps you fight back! It's termed a "psycho-biotic" - meaning it's a "probiotic" that changes the state of your gut health toward a healthier shift and nurtures healthier forms of microbiota flora, meaning that it will shift your gut health toward a state of less sugar/alcohol/bread cravings. Many users not only report weight loss - but a complete change in their food cravings, and even gigantic yeast purges from their bowels.

According to the International Society of Hair Restoration “40% of people suffer from hair loss and hair thinning after 35+ of age.� Here are some known issues behind hair thinning. Lack of Copper: Copper is an essential ingredient of your body’s immune system. Lack of copper might lead to several troubles, hair thinning is one of them. Lack of Manganese: Like copper, Manganese is another metallic nutrient of the body. Recent research shows up that, women suffering from hair thinning can recover and regrow their hair by manganese supplement. Harmful Ingredients of Shampoo: Shampoos that contain sodium laureth sulfate (SLS) are more likely to threaten your hair health so opt for something with organic ingredients and no fragrance. High Stress: A heavy workload affects your hair health. Stress increases your cortisol levels which eventually can cause hair loss and thinning.

Fulvic acid can help because as well as providing rich nutrients it can help balance hormones and cortisol production.

Hair Treatment. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder into 12 oz water. Apply it to hair like a dye. Allow to sit for 30 minutes. Rinse off and shampoo as normal.

Anti Fungal Soak. May help athlete's foot and other fungal infections. Dilute 1 Tablespoon Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder and 1 Tablespoon Epsom salt in a hot water foot bath. Soak your feet for 30 minutes daily.

Anti Itch Balm. For itching after poison ivy, poison oak, or bug bites.

RECIPE ½ tsp of Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder 1 tsp of water ½ tsp of baking soda DIRECTIONS Mix fulvic powder, baking soda and water to create a paste. Apply liberally to the area.

Diaper Rash Cream. 1 tsp. Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder 1 tsp. baking soda (without aluminum). 1/4 cup organic coconut oil. Make into a pudding consistency paste. Apply as needed.

Burn Salve. 1/4 teaspoon Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder. 1/4 teaspoon aloe gel. 1/4 teaspoon baking soda. Mix together and apply to burns and wounds.

Oil Pulling. Oil pulling is an ancient practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth to remove bacteria and promote oral hygiene. Studies suggest that oil pulling can kill bacteria in the mouth and improve dental health. Some alternative medicine practitioners also claim that it can help treat several diseases. Infused with fulvic acid, this will regenerate gums like crazy and clear oral candida giving you an extreme oral boost. RECIPE 1 tsp. black seed oil. 1 tsp Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Powder. 1 drop Myrrh essential oil. DIRECTIONS Mix together the ingredients. Swish it around in your mouth for 15–20 minutes, being careful not to swallow any. Spit the oil into a trash can once you’re done. Rinse your mouth well using water before eating or drinking anything. Repeat a few times per week or up to three times daily. You may also want to work your way up, starting with swishing for just 5 minutes and increasing the duration until you’re able to do it for a full 15–20 minutes.

Stories. "I applied it to two huge deep blemishes and they were gone the next day #justsayin!!!!! This with what it’s doing on the inside! Heck yeah!!! Better then my ACV treatment." K.G.

"I have full blown Morgellons with my face being the most affected. I’ve been adding a few drops to my usual face mask and this is the most “normal” my skin has looked all year. Usually it’s a full on battlefield of lesions. Now ... I’m not cured by any means bc there are lots of other symptoms still present (which I am working on with other natural methods) but being able to leave my house for parent teacher conference tonight and not being ashamed of looking like a leper for once is GOLDEN. Hubby also told me my face looks so much brighter and better than usual." B.L.

"Loving it for my adult acne aka when I eat garbage I usually don’t eat and it comes out in my face." C.C.

"I used it a few times as a mask and found I did not need as much on my face after a bath as I normally did and my skin was super smooth." K.I.



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