The Beauty Industry Prospectus

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CONTENTS 3 Introduction 4 Cryotherapy and the Beauty Industry 7 The Treatments The Cryo Facial Cryo-Shaping Cellulite Reduction Cryotherapy For Hair 13 Reviews 14 Our Machine / The Package 15 Earning Potential / Next Steps THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY PROSPECTUS



Are you looking to expand and improve your range of client treatments and significantly grow your salon at the same time? Our Cryotherapy UK package will allow you to add these ‘in demand’ and ‘cutting edge’ treatments to your salon. Clients will seek you out and it will clearly set you apart from your competition. Cryo-Kinetics (cryotherapy + massage) is the latest and hottest new trend in anti-aging, beauty and body toning treatment. Cryotherapy is an innovative treatment where the body is briefly exposed to very cold temperatures of -160°C in order to stimulate lymph / blood microcirculation, oxygenation and nourishment of the skin and subdermic tissue. The non-invasive dry cryogenic cooled vapour (with the sensation of a cool breeze) is applied locally to boost the performance of the metabolic system resulting in calorific burn, detox and cell regeneration.


CRYOTHERAPY AND THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY Cryo-Kinetics is latest and hottest new trend in anti-aging and Beauty Treatments

By the exposing the skin to plummeting temperatures patients can see a number of benefits. The pursuit of a youthful appearance is taking a more natural direction, and thanks to innovations in Cryotherapy, excellent results can now be achieved with relaxing, non-invasive procedures. Health and Wellness go hand in hand, but taking care of one’s Body encompasses more than the food we consume and the lifestyle we lead. Nowadays, we can heal ourselves from the inside by exposing the outside of our body to a Nitrogen mist cooled to -160°C. Cryotherapy UK can now offer you the opportunity to offer these new and exciting treatments to your clients. • CRYO FACIAL • CRYO SHAPING • CELLULITE REDUCTION • CRYO FOR HAIR • SPORTS AND INJURY





THE CRYO FACIAL The Cryo Facial was developed by American physician J. Kuehene, and uses pressurised liquid nitrogen vapours (-160 °C) which are applied to the face and neck to stimulate the production of Collagen and to decrease Pore size. Skin becomes tighter, more even-toned and Blood circulation is improved. Over time skin is more elastic due to the increase in Collagen. Treatment is delivered via a hose and small nozzle, which does not come into contact with the skin. The Therapist holds the nozzle about five to ten centimetres away from the skin and the liquid Nitrogen Vapours are ‘sprayed’ onto the surface in a continuous action. The surface of the face is enhanced immediately. A controlled beam of Vaporised liquid Nitrogen is used to freeze the skin of the face, scalp, and neck area, fine lines and wrinkles begin to disappear as the body responds to the cold by producing more Collagen. Additionally, skin’s pore size is reduced, keeping toxins, dirt and grime out.

BEAUTY / ANTI-AGING: • Immediate reduction of fine lines & wrinkles • Reduce appearance of cellulite • Reduced pore size • Increased collagen production • Improved blood flow • Non-invasive alternative to Botox • Soothes eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis • Brightens dark spots

The Cryo Facial flushes away built up toxins in the skin and sooths inflammation, eliminating puffiness. Clients are pleasantly surprised to see the immediate difference that unlike some other anti-ageing treatments does not require surgery, down time or pain.

The Treatments


The Treatments

CRYO-SHAPING Cryo-shaping is a combination of physiotherapeutic and cosmetic treatments to reduce cellulite and local adiposities. A series of treatments guarantees: • Firming of the skin • Circumference reduction • Weight reduction • Detoxification • General wellbeing improvement Cryo-shaping is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction and is the most advanced solution to body sculpting on the market today. Cryo-shaping is a safe and effective procedure to eliminate fat cells in areas of the body that are resilient to exercise and dieting. By applying sufficient low temperatures to the surface of the skin, excessive natural fatty stubborn tissues are permanently dissolved and destroyed. Results are evident after the first treatment with a programme of 6, 9 or 12 treatments recommended to maintain and enhance results. The skin becomes tighter, more even-toned, and blood circulation is improved. Over time, skin becomes more elastic due to the increase in collagen.



WEIGHT LOSS: • Burn 500-1000 calories per session • Firming of the skin • Detoxification • Increase metabolism and calorific burn • Noticeable and lasting result

CELLULITE REDUCTION Stubborn, hard to shift fat, tends to be located in areas of the body that have a much higher density of alpha-receptors; these react with hormones and actually inhibit fat lipolysis. In addition to this, certain areas of fat also have a much poorer blood flow. This means that the blood borne hormones which react with the receptors in order to trigger lipolysis are actually unable to reach the fat cells and therefore, the fat can’t be broken down. When the surface of the skin is cooled, blood flow is stimulated and lymphatic circulation improves in the target area, which is extremely beneficial for reducing cellulite. It also converts white fat, which stores energy, into brown fat, which actually burns calories in order to produce heat. For best results, 1 to 2 sessions per week for 6 weeks plus is recommended. Results are visible immediately following treatment, but continue to improve over time. Skin is tighter, toned , lifted and c ellulite is reduced. Calories are burned resulting in fat loss Increased muscle tone.

CELLULITE REDUCTION: • Skin is tighter • Fat loss • More Toned


The Treatments

CRYOTHERAPY FOR HAIR Cryotherapy for hair is a procedure which is used to improve hair condition, hair loss and enhance its growth. The cold awakens dormant hair follicles which leads to rapid hair growth. As a result of this therapy, blood circulation enhances all metabolic processes, activates tissue nutrition, and it helps strengthen the roots. Cryotherapy for hair when combined with a head massage has great therapeutic activity and excellent cosmetic effect. Under nitrogen influence, production of fat on the scalp is decreased and as a consequence hair greasiness is reduced, scalp gets slightly dryer plus dandruff disappears. This naturally affects the condition of the hair; hair becomes smoother, shinier, elastic and hair loss is reduced.



CRYOTHERAPY FOR HAIR: • Improves hair condition • Stimulates growth • Reduces hair loss


REVIEWS Going sub-zero is the hottest health and beauty trend in America and now it has arrived in Leeds. Cryotherapy is perfect for those wanting an alternative to invasive treatments, harsh diets or chemical peels. Freezing nitrogen may sound unpleasant but in fact it’s the opposite. Cryotherapy UK’s technology is designed to concentrate on particular areas of the body with a pleasant tingling and refreshing feeling as opposed to the body shock experience that come with other ice treatments. In fact, cryotherapy is known to release endorphins and can even be used to help treat chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety.

Cryotherapy UK made its way to Manchester last month - so I thought I’d go along and see what all of the fuss was about. Despite being young myself, I was able to see visible differences in the health of my skin and was left glowing after each session. I also left the salon feeling elated and positive, another direct result of the treatment that stimulates the release of mood-enhancing endorphins. A treatment that can improve your skin or help you lose weight AND make you happy? What’s not to love? A truly relaxing treatment with visual rewards, I would definitely recommend cryotherapy to anyone wanting to steer clear of cosmetic surgery, medication or speciality creams and achieve more natural and healthy results.






the NEW 30 litre + Kriosystem machine • In-built treatment timing for sports injuries • Vapour spray temperature selection • Spare nitrogen dewar • Full back-up and support

The packages cost £13,995 (+VAT) All packages include:

• Full Training on our Cryotherapy Equipment • 2 year Warranty • Trade under the Cryotherapy UK Brand • Added to our website • Access to all social media platforms • Stationary • 1000 flyers & price lists • Liquid Nitrogen supply Each package is subject to terms and conditions.




EARNING POTENTIAL The Cryotherapy UK package gives you the opportunity to significantly increase the revenues of your salon. UK - 2 courses per week £880 to £3,200 £45,760 - in excess of £166,400 per year in revenue London - 2 courses per week = £1,640 to £5,000 £85,800 - in excess of £260,000 per year in revenue Figures subject to 2 body courses per week being booked into each location


If you would like to introduce Cryotherapy UK into your salon please contact us to find out how easy it is for Cryotherapy to become an extremely lucrative integral part of your business. CONTACT : SARA TURNER / DEBRA LISTER

Freephone: 0330 1114077 Email:



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