Volume 11, Issue 3
Page 29
Pride 365: Celebrating Pride All Year Round By Patricia T., (MO) Several months ago, you were asked to submit poems/letters describing what Pride means to you. I have read many of your submissions and unsurprisingly, many had thoughts I hadn’t come up with.
pride and sophistication without all the drama. Drama Queens are fun to watch, but tiresome after a while. No one respects a Drama Queen who throws shade to make themselves look better.
Unfortunately, most prisons around the country will not permit us to dress up and publicly pronounce Pride in our community and in ourselves. Far too many prison administrations feel that by permitting any form of Pride festivities, some one may think the administration is somehow endorsing the LGBTQ lifestyle. So what can we do, how can we demonstrate Pride? In the January/February 2020 edition of our Black and Pink paper I read the best definition of Pride I ever heard. Sean J. (CA) wrote:
Join any self-help groups (A.A., N.A., Gavel Club or Toastmasters, etc.), go to school and the library, educate yourself. Become the go-to person for resources and an understanding ear. Step up, be the one advocating for positive change within your facility. In time people will come to respect how you present yourself, how you are always working for change, not just for the LGBTQ community, but the general prison community as well.
“Pride is about individuality and how that individual sees themselves in the “World Community”. Pride is about self-esteem and allowing one to fulfill their natural role as a fully recognized, loving and worthwhile person...”. Demonstrating Pride 24/7 inside comes from accepting yourself, presenting yourself to the world well groomed, head held high exuding pride in who you are. Become the very essence of
We, the LGBTQ Community have a very proud and colorful past! Learn how activists like Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera hustled to open STAR house, a place where youth could receive shelter, food and clothing. Lee Brewster and Bunny Eisenhower led a campaign to decriminalize cross-dressing in New York. Let’s not forget Miss Major who founded the “Transgender, Gender Variant and Intersex Justice Project” after having served time in Attica. All of these people served time in City, County, State or Federal
Facilities. Activists all, unwilling to let anyone make them feel shame for who they are. I know most everyone has heard of GeoStar (GPS Navigation) and Sirius Satellite Radio, but how many know the creator of both? Martine Rothblatt a Transgender Woman and the Highest-paid Female Executive in the United States created both GeoStar and Sirius! There are many LGBTQ people who have made an incredible impact on our world. Be one of the educators of that history! All of these things help build your credibility, and with credibility comes respect. Even someone who dislikes your lifestyle will come to you for advice if the respect is there But it all starts with Pride in yourself, Pride in your community. Be Proud, Walk Proud, Act Proud and most of all, be Proud of your Brothers and Sisters. Help pick them up when they stumble, catch them if they fall. Show your community unconditional love always. That is showing Pride 365 from the inside!