Volume 11, Issue 3
This is a time like no other than I can remember in my life. Many of us are facing challenges on every level, towards a multitude of our identities at once and we are wondering - when will we have some peace? But I have been wondering have I ever had peace? I can recall fleeting moments, yes, but, that beautiful sustained space of comfort? I haven’t felt that since I was a young child. The experience I underrate most is being vigilant, aware, and ready for the next thing. I can only compare it to the way I felt when I was on the run from the police when I was 18. There are memories I hold of sleeping in cars and trying to hear every movement, feeling my heart shake every time I saw a red light behind me. The panic left after realizing it was just a tow truck. Even on the nights I could afford a hotel room, I slept with one eye open, paying attention to every shadow and sound. I still feel that way with all of the privilege I hold today. So when folks are upset about protests - because they want
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the peace to come back - I’ve been asking for Peace to come back since I was 5 years old. When they wanted the world to go back to normal in the midst of COVID-19 attacking Black bodies everywhere - I asked myself: What is normal exactly? They want to cry that all lives matter but siblings are being slain in the streets for the world to see on FB Live … and mourn. Marsha P. Johnson said that the P in her name stood for “Pay It No Mind.” I think that is what Black Queer and Trans folks have had to do to survive this world. “Pay it no mind” Pretend that people see us as human. “Pay it no mind” Turn our eyes away from the frightening number of us who are incarcerated, living in poverty or being murdered “Pay it no mind” The hurt and sadness we are wrapped in every day.
our liberation, is to fight for the opportunity to THRIVE. 51 years later we are still holding marches, unrest, and anger much like the night of the Stonewall Riots. 51 years without any relief. 51 years of asking “Why can’t y’all love me?” 51 years of begging BLACK cis/ hetero folks to see us as BLACK lives that matter too… Fifty One Years Resilience and survival are the ground floor of joy. The act of existing is not what you and I are here for. Our purpose in this world is too great. So this Pride let us hold the world accountable to our right to thrive. Let us hold ourselves accountable to our right to thrive.
We have had to survive.
I love you all. You are my family. I am your family.
What I think we need to do out of the respect for the life and power of Marsha, Sylvia and so many others who gave for
Dominique Morgan They/Them National Director Black and Pink, Inc.