Car Dealer Magazine: Issue 196


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Peter Waddell, one of the headline speakers at this year’s Car Dealer Live, chats to James Baggott


James Baggott

Twitter: @CarDealerEd


James Batchelor

Twitter: @JRRBatchelor


John Bowman


Jack Williams

Twitter: @JournoJack25


Jon Reay

Twitter: @JonReay


Graeme Windell

Twitter: @graemewindell


Becca Chaplin, Jack Evans, Cameron Richards, Nigel Swan


Kate Gordon


Kevin Day


Michelle Searle

Twitter: @cardealermich


’ve been thinking a lot about how life has changed since 2020. Covid and the numerous lockdowns altered this business for good –sometimes for the better and perhaps sometimes for the worse. Motor retailing has undoubtedly changed, but perhaps not as much as people were suggesting it might as dealerships shut and customers turned to the web in a way that they’d never done before. One thing that we have all witnessed has been the rise and ignominious fall of Cazoo – once touted as the darling of 2020 with its seemingly fuss-free way of selling used cars and large pockets for advertising.

For us at Car Dealer, we’ve certainly changed since 2020. I remember very vividly the frantic conversations about how we’d have to embrace working from home, but – more importantly – how we decided to prioritise our website and digital offerings like never before. We really doubled down on delivering the most important news and features as quickly as possible to you, the reader. We continue to do this and I really do think we have the best offering in the industry.

One example is our dedication to being the first, and in this magazine you’ll see an illustration of that. Peter Waddell, one of our headline speakers at Car Dealer Live in March, left his beloved Big Motoring World soon after our event, and so began a painful and very public falling-out between him and private equity backer Freshstream. Waddell told us exclusively that he’d take the matter to court – and he did, and we reported on it from the High Court. We thought the story was important enough to send our intrepid staff writer Jack Williams to be there in person, and you can read the whole sorry saga on pages 6-9 of this magazine.

Covid also brought about the demise of the Geneva International Motor Show – not single-handedly, but it spelled the slow end of this onceillustrious event. I discuss this further on page 15.

Forgive the self-promotion in this column, but I really do believe that the Car Dealer team leads the way in the industry we all love (and perhaps hate!). I hope you think the same – we’re always keen to hear your thoughts. You can reach us via the email addresses on the left of this page.

Enjoy the issue. | 03 Peter Waddell, one of our headline speakers at Car Dealer Live in March, left his beloved Big Motoring World soon after our event.
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Associate editor I

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investigation should have been undertaken within the basic principles of justice.’ 6
prices have risen slightly, there’s little to suggest the Qashqai won’t remain a British favourite.’ 26 ‘This was the daftest thing he’d come out with since suggesting that Kidderminster Harriers might win the FA Cup.’ 16 ‘The new car market continues to hold steady as large fleets sustain growth, offsetting weakened private retail demand.’ 38
ISSUE 196 | JULY 2024 26 11 24 6 Big Mike 16 FORECOURT Mini Cooper Electric 24 Nissan Qashqai 26 Hyundai Ioniq 5 N 28 FEATURES Tom Hartley Jnr – Bonus video 13 Cool stuff 30 DATA FILE The Statistics 38 LCV news 40 Suppliers Guide 41 Long-termers 42 28 42 10

Big Motoring World founder Peter Waddell appears at High Court for boardroom power battle

Car Dealer was at the Royal Courts of Justice in May to cover the legal proceedings brought by the ousted director of the car supermarket group.

Big Motoring World founder Peter Waddell has appeared at the High Court in the first stage of his bid to get his voting and information rights restored.

Car Dealer reported in April that the larger-than-life leader had been ousted as a director of the car supermarket group by the holding company.

Waddell told Car Dealer at the time that he was planning to take legal action, and proceedings got under way on May 22 with an application for interim relief.

The 56-year-old is seeking an interim injunction that would see him handed back voting and information rights as shareholder of the business ahead of a full trial, likely to take place later this year or early 2025.

The parties briefly appeared in Court 6 of the Royal Courts of Justice’s Rolls Building about 10.30am before quickly leaving for further talks.

A source close to the case told Car Dealer outside court that negotiations were taking place regarding a potential deal for Waddell.

However, all parties later returned to court about 12.30pm, when proceedings then got under way.

Among the defendants named on court documents were Bapchild Motoring World and fellow investors Bluebell Cars – both linked to venture capitalist Freshstream. Several of the firm’s directors were also listed, including partner Reza Fardad.

Waddell’s lawyer, Paul Chaisty KC, began the hearing by telling the court: ‘In just four to five weeks he was completely removed from the business he spent 40 years building.’

Speaking before the court broke for lunch at 1pm, Chaisty said the defendants in the case had made 31 allegations of misconduct against Waddell, some of them historic, which he had chosen not to respond to.

He added that the investors had made no attacks on his client’s ‘skills or business acumen’ and had only accused him of ‘saying various things to employees’.

During the afternoon, the court was told that his dismissal was linked to 31 allegations of misconduct, of which ‘four or five’ were recent.

These allegations included a comment about the appearance of a female Freshstream employee and threatening to sack a member of staff for gross misconduct, the court heard.

In response to the claims, the investors set up an independent investigation that Waddell’s lawyers described as ‘very questionable’.

The court was told that the inquiry began on March 7 – the day Waddell was appearing on stage at our Car Dealer Live event as a headline speaker – with his solicitors asking for full details of the allegations on March 13.

After making further chases on March 18, they were told a day later that it would be

The investor did not act reasonably when it decided to trigger the investigation because of the historic nature of those allegations.
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Paul Chaisty KC Peter Waddell’s lawyer

‘inappropriate’ to provide details of the allegations to Waddell and his team.

Waddell was later signed off sick by a doctor, and despite being ‘eager to co-operate with the investigation’, his requests for more time to respond were denied.

Chaisty said the independent investigator was then ‘instructed to come to a conclusion’ on April 9 despite having concerns that he had not yet spoken to Waddell.

When asked by the judge if he thought the investors had been motivated by a desire to get rid of Waddell, Chaisty replied: ‘Absolutely.’

‘The investigation should have been undertaken within the basic principles of justice,’ he later added.

‘We say a very questionable process was adopted.

‘The investor did not act reasonably when it decided to trigger the investigation because of the historic nature of those allegations.

‘Only four or five were close to January and February 2024.’

Waddell, who is said to have personal net assets in excess of £20m, has been taking a ‘leave of absence’ since March 8 from the used car dealership group he has built over the past 40 years.

He is believed to have been pushed out of the business, but no reasons have yet been given for his departure.

His sister was also removed as the firm’s financial director, the court was told.

Waddell sold a third of Big Motoring World to private equity backer Freshstream in April 2022 and the relationship between the two parties is said to have soured since.

The court was told a full trial ‘ought to be achievable by November’ and is expected to last between seven and 10 days.

Waddell originally wanted to be reinstated as a director but he abandoned that application in full early in the proceedings. His application now only relates to his voting and information rights as a shareholder.

The mediator who will decide whether to grant Peter Waddell’s High Court demands

THE decision about Peter Waddell’s case falls to an experienced High Court judge –but who is the man who now has to decide what will happen next?

Judge Murray Rosen KC has more than four decades of legal experience behind him, with expertise in culture, media and sports law.

He was appointed a QC in the year 2000 and is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He became a KC immediately upon the accession of Charles III to the throne.

The judge’s online profile on the 4 New Square Chambers website describes him as an ‘expert in English law’ and someone who ‘resolves disputes rather than fighting them’.

One of the most respected legal figures in the country, he is currently serving as the first chairman of the new Premier League Judicial Panel.

In that position, he is running the process of investigating Manchester City for alleged breaches of financial rules.

The KC hit the headlines last year when City objected to his involvement – because he is an Arsenal fan!

Speaking after all evidence had been submitted in Waddell’s case, the KC said he would ‘reserve judgement’ on the issue.

He added that he hoped to publish his decision soon but it may take until July because of his busy schedule. | 07

Waddell is accused of ‘bullying and intimidation’ as his conduct comes under intense scrutiny

After allegations were levelled against investors during the first day, the second and final day in court saw the focus turn to Peter Waddell himself.

Peter Waddell’s conduct came under intense scrutiny during the hearing.

The first day saw his lawyers accuse investor Freshstream of ‘freezing out’ the larger-than-life leader via a ‘very questionable’ disciplinary process.

The following day, it was the turn of Bluebell Cars, part of Freshstream, to put its case forward, and attention quickly turned to Waddell’s behaviour.

Barrister George Spalton KC described Waddell’s conduct as ‘abusive, racist, sexist, misogynistic and irrational’.

The court was also told that in one WhatsApp message, Waddell had allegedly told one employee to ‘go hang yourself’.

Spalton said that relations between Waddell and Freshstream had become ‘toxic’.

Waddell wants Bluebell Cars to honour voting rights agreed with him as part of its initial investment deal. The agreement said Freshstream wouldn’t make any ‘material changes to the business or group’ without the written permission of Waddell.

Since being ousted, his lawyers say he has been ‘frozen out’.

He is also demanding the chance to appoint a non-executive director to the board so that they can act as his ‘eyes and ears’ at Big Motoring World.

Speaking at court on the second day of the two-day hearing, Waddell’s lawyer – Paul Chaisty KC – said an official proposal had been put to Freshstream the previous night but no response was received.

Spalton responded by saying that Bluebell Cars had ‘step-in rights’ relating to the agreement, which could be enforced if issues were raised about the company’s financial performance or Waddell’s conduct.

It is currently unclear whether the investors are willing to agree to such terms, or whether any new non-executive director would have voting rights.

Spalton told the court that Big Motoring World had fallen well short of Ebitda targets, achieving just 20.5% of its goal in Q4 of 2023. An independent expert found the result was ‘not directly caused by the economic recession of the UK’ and Spalton claimed ‘the performance was so bad this is all just shadow boxing’.

The theme of Waddell’s conduct continued well into the afternoon of the second day’s submissions, when the court was told he was accused of hitting the manager of one of the company’s sites before being forced out of the business.

Edward Davies KC, representing Bluebell Cars, told the court that Waddell was accused of ‘physically slapping or punching’ the manager of one of his sites – a complaint which, he says, was later upheld by an independent investigation.

The court was also told that a complaint of racist comments by Waddell was upheld

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as well, with the company’s report returning ‘findings of bullying behaviour’ towards employees. In addition, Waddell is said to have made reference to sex and used other offensive language ‘in the context of important meetings’.

Other allegations included reports of Waddell adopting an ‘inappropriate and abusive manner’ when handling customer complaints.

Davies also claimed that even since being suspended and subsequently removed from Big Motoring World, Waddell had continued to behave ‘inappropriately’.

He is alleged to have sent a ‘tirade’ of WhatsApp messages, one of which included a threat to ‘delete’ a Freshstream director. In another, he suggested he was having a director watched and threatened to post their personal phone number on social media.

He was even accused of threatening to publish an ’embarrassing’ photograph of a female employee, the court was told.

Ahead of the High Court hearing, Waddell is also said to have threatened to sack ‘disloyal’ staff members if granted a return and told one employee ‘we are going to die you [sic]’.

Davies told the court: ‘He is deliberately seeking to provoke board members and members of Freshstream. There has been a constant stream of harassment and intimidation.

‘He is intent on causing as much trouble as possible and hurting the people he thinks are responsible [for forcing him out].’

Waddell did not respond to the independent investigation, the court was told, as he was signed off by a doctor at the time, but he denied the allegations in a witness statement submitted to the court.

He was initially suspended from Big Motoring World on March 7 – the same day he appeared on stage at our Car Dealer Live conference at the British Motor Museum in Gaydon. Davies told the court that a female waitress at the event had complained about a verbal comment Waddell had made to her.

She was so upset that she had to be sent home and the matter was referred to Big Motoring World’s directors.

That same day, Waddell also revealed on stage that he was making a rapid move to hoover up Cazoo stock after the online used car dealer scrapped sales.

The comments, which hadn’t been authorised by Big Motoring World, ‘triggered concern’

He is deliberately seeking to provoke board members and members of Freshstream.’
Edward Davies KC

from the firm’s finance house, Black Horse, which expressed worries over Waddell’s ‘erratic’ announcement. NatWest was also said to have considered ‘de-banking’ the group as a result of Waddell’s behaviour.

Waddell later called the bank and an exchange with a female employee there also led to a complaint, Davies said.

The barrister said that Big Motoring World had been left ‘in the last chance saloon’ with Black Horse and the broker was now ‘much happier without Mr Waddell’.

He told the court: ‘This was a public event, organised by Car Dealer Magazine, which is an important publication in the sector.

‘He made an inappropriate, misogynistic comment to a young female waitress, which resulted in a formal complaint.

‘The woman was so upset that she had to leave work.’

He added: ‘At the same event, he announced he’d made a bid to buy 3,500 cars from Cazoo.

‘This triggered concern from Black Horse about Mr Waddell’s erratic behaviour in making announcements of this kind.

‘NatWest even considered de-banking the group due to Mr Waddell’s behaviour.’

In response to the claims, Waddell’s lawyer – Paul Chaisty KC – said his client denied all the allegations and an appeal process was under way.

He added that the allegations of misconduct ‘should not mean that [Waddell’s] rights of approval [at Big Motoring World] should not apply’.

If Waddell’s application is successful, Freshstream would have to give him 14 days’ notice of any major decisions and would not be allowed to make ‘material’ changes to the business without Waddell’s written permission.

Judge Murray Rosen KC reserved judgment on the application. His verdict should be given by July at the latest. | 09


Final judging begins after votes cast by Car Dealer readers in online survey.

The Car Dealer Power 2024 survey has closed and we can now announce the shortlist for this year’s awards.

Voted for by Car Dealer readers, they honour the finest motor trade suppliers in the business as well as the best car manufacturers to represent in the UK.

We had more entries than ever this year and all the winners and highly commendeds will be revealed during a special video presentation on Wednesday, July 3 at 6pm.

A shortlist for the top car manufacturer isn’t published, nor is there one for the Car of the Year, but the full results for those will also be announced in the video on the night.

We launched the survey in February and we’re now pleased and proud to reveal the shortlist for the supplier categories after readers’ comments and votes were totted up.

The Car Dealer team are now assessing the entries and the judges will confirm the winners and highly commendeds.

Car Dealer founder James Baggott said: ‘With a record number of entries this year, it has been a true battle royale, with some categories practically neck and neck.

‘Make sure you don’t miss our video presentation on July 3, because it promises to be a thrill a minute!’

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Extra Mile Award

• No shortlist. Revealed on awards night

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• No shortlist. Revealed on awards night

The winners of the car manufacturer award and the Car of the Year will be revealed on the night.

The special video for this year’s awards will premiere on the Car Dealer YouTube channel at 6pm on Wednesday, July 3

10 | EVENT



Amidst the biggest cost-of-living crisis in more than a generation, over five million cars are avoiding their annual MOT inspection, claims a surprising study. Craig Cheetham reports.

Afreedom of information request has shown that as many as 5.2m cars could be being driven on the UK’s roads without a valid MOT certificate.

According to Select Car Leasing, which commissioned the research, more than 360,000 cars in the UK were also presented for a new MOT more than a year after their old test had expired, although as many car dealers will be aware, a lot of cars held in stock will have expired tests, to be sold with a new MOT on purchase.

All vehicles registered in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are required to have an annual MOT inspection from three years after their first registration, with a maximum fine of up to £1,000 or five years’ imprisonment for driving without a certificate.

Graham Conway, the managing director of Select Car Leasing, said that data from a freedom of information (FOI) request to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) had illustrated the ‘truly shocking’ number of vehicles presented for an MOT long after the expiry date. The FOI data showed that 5.2m vehicles were presented for an MOT at least 15 days after the previous test had expired – around a third of which were presented for testing within a month of the previous examination’s expiry, and a total of 3.4m were retested within three months.

‘MOTs are essential for ensuring that cars on the road are safe and roadworthy. Common reasons for failing an MOT include issues with lights and signals, suspension and brakes.

‘Not presenting a vehicle for an MOT on time might mean that crucial safety concerns are overlooked,’ he said.

While a number of the vehicles with long gaps between tests were on SORN – meaning they were legally kept off the road between inspections, potentially for repairs or restoration – almost half a million were untaxed, according to records.

Separately, a study by Zuto Car Finance showed that the Renault Clio had the highest fail rate of any car presented for an MOT test in the UK, closely followed by the Vauxhall Corsa and the Ford Transit. Almost half of the three models presented for testing failed.

It comes as the DVSA has called time on the need for physical paper MOT certificates, which are no longer a legal requirement and are only available to car owners on request. MOT pass and fail records have been stored digitally since 2005.

The DVSA’s Gordon Thomson said: ‘Now that we’re able to offer certificates digitally via the MOT history service, we want to move away from issuing a paper copy of pass certificates at the time of test. The MOT history service contains the digital test record for every vehicle. It provides the most up-to-date and secure way to check the MOT history.

‘Using this service also reduces the need for paper and is more environmentally friendly.

‘In most cases, you won’t need the physical piece of paper, and I’d encourage people to view the vehicle’s record on the MOT history website instead, ensuring the details on the certificate are correct, and to check for any advisory items.’

Not presenting a vehicle for an MOT on time might mean that crucial safety concerns are overlooked.
Graham Conway Managing director of Select Car Leasing

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Bonus: Extended tour of Tom Hartley Junior’s multi-million-pound motors

• Join us for the full showroom tour of Tom Hartley Junior’s ultra-exclusive inventory

• The classic and luxury car dealer introduces us to Lewis Hamilton and Niki Lauda’s F1 cars

Super and classic car dealer Tom Hartley Junior has thrown open the doors to his incredible showroom to give Car Dealer an extended tour.

The hugely successful independent used car dealer – based in Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire – was the subject of our latest Selling Supercars video series, which was published at the beginning of May.

Now, Car Dealer is releasing an extended bonus showroom tour of Hartley Junior’s amazing business, where he tells us some of the stories behind the special cars that he has in stock.

In the extra video – which you can watch via this link – we include the full walk around of the dealership, which was too long to fit in the first episode.

Hartley Junior shows us his impressive collection of Ferraris, which include three F40s – one of which was owned by legendary racing driver Sir Stirling Moss – and his favourite car: a Ferrari 288 GTO.

The F40 even includes the paperwork detailing negotiations between Enzo Ferrari and Moss prior to agreeing a sale and has been signed by the F1 driver under the sun visor.

Modern supercars up for sale at Hartley Junior’s site include the fabled ‘Holy Trinity’ of hypercars – a McLaren P1, Ferrari LaFerrari and Porsche 918 Spyder.

Hartley Junior also tells the story of an incredible 1970 Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman ordered and delivered new to The Beatles’ John Lennon and also owned by George Harrison as well as, latterly, The Supremes’ Mary Wilson.

In addition, we hear about Lewis Hamilton’s Grand Prix-winning McLaren F1 car, and Hartley Junior tells the incredible story of a six-time Grands Prix-winning Niki Lauda Ferrari F1 car that he sold during Covid but which has never been picked up.

Hartley Junior set up his business 10 years ago and has been selling supercars since the age of 11.

In this extra episode, he speaks at length about what it was like making the move to break away from his dad’s family business and start on his own.

And he compares starting out in the family business as akin to being the ‘farmer’s son’ – it was something, he says, that he was always destined to do.

You can watch the showroom tour bonus video here and, if you missed it, the full Selling Supercars video interview with Tom Hartley Junior can be found here.

Ex-Sir Stirling Moss F40! Lewis Hamilton’s McLaren F1 car!
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R.I.P. Geneva’s show – but consumers are the real casualty

We all knew that it was coming. The crown jewel of motor shows has shut its doors for good – Geneva is dead.

The inevitability doesn’t diminish how sad the official announcement, made at the end of May, was felt by me. I’m unhappy because I think now, more than ever, motor shows are needed.

But before I explain why I think that is, it’s worth remembering why Geneva was so important.

The crown jewel of motor shows has shut its doors for good –Geneva is dead.

The Swiss show was the first major motor event in Europe of the year. A feature on the calendar since 1905, Geneva saw the leading carmakers, the smaller outfits and the independents all scramble to launch their new models for the year ahead. Many say Geneva thrived because it was ‘neutral’, and that unlike Paris or Frankfurt that fawned over the domestic brands, Geneva gave everyone an equal footing on non-partisan soil. There’s certainly more than a grain of truth in that; to me, the show always felt fairer.

But then Covid arrived. Fewer carmakers had signed up for the 2019 running and the same was looking likely for the 2020 event. But even so, it was due to go ahead.

However, with the pandemic ripping through Europe in the early part of 2020, it was inevitable that the Geneva International Motor Show would be cancelled that year – it was the only thing to do. And yet no decision was made until the very last minute.

Unlike other events that managed to find a way of opening their doors again in 2021, Geneva wasn’t so lucky. It even struggled to do so in 2022 and 2023, and the writing seemed very much on the wall. The organisers managed to spin the event in Qatar last year, but it looked like the original was back for 2024.

However, you’ll no doubt know that this year’s show – held once again in its eponymous city – was an embarrassment. The Chinese carmakers lapped it up and the country’s various brands appeared en masse but most of Europe’s car firms stayed away – Fiat even going so far as to release a number of Panda concept cars online the night before the first press day. It was like a weird kind of parallel to what was happening in the new car market.

Only Renault capitalised on its European rivals’ refusal to attend and its new 5 grabbed the limelight. It rightly stole the show, but how much sweeter would it have been if it had been the star in the presence of Stellantis, Volkswagen, Ford and Toyota?

Making the announcement, the event’s boss very much laid the blame at the door of the carmakers for refusing to support the Geneva show. He said the Munich and Paris shows were enthusiastically supported by the home carmakers and there was no option but to postpone the Geneva show indefinitely.

However, the blame shouldn’t lie with the car firms. Geneva’s very last-minute cancellation of the 2020 show rightly angered them, with stands built, staff deployed, hotels booked, flights arranged and no refunds on the table. They vowed never to support the show again.

The thing is, carmakers got rather good at launching and selling cars through various lockdowns, so the idea of investing hundreds of thousands of euros in a compact motor show where most brands are given an equal footing doesn’t make commercial sense. But while the car brands’ bosses’ pride was pricked by the 2020 cancellation and journalists lost out on a free ski trip (manufacturers traditionally liked to entertain their media guests by combining the show with a ski trip in Alpine resorts), I think the real casualty is the consumer.

There has never been a greater need to help consumers choose their next car and for the traditional carmakers to show off their wares as a tidal wave of Chinese cars arrives.

Yet there is now no show on ‘neutral’ ground like Geneva any more. | 15
James Batchelor
James – aka Batch –started at Car Dealer in 2010, becoming editor in 2013. He then worked for Auto Express and Carbuyer, went freelance in 2020, and became Car Dealer’s associate editor in October 2021.

Big Mike


Tractor attraction led to traffic chaos after backfiring bid in early days of online auctions

As I’m sure many of you are already aware, a couple of the major auction houses are reintroducing physical sales this summer after a hiatus of more than four years thanks to the pandemic. During that time, many of us have been buying solely online, which has become very much the normal way of doing things.

I was mulling this over while having tea and biscuits the other day, because as much as I love the excitement and banter of a physical sale, I also enjoy the excitement of seeing a car for the first time after I’ve bought it. I’m weird like that…

One thing that did pop into my head, though, was a fabulous memory from a couple of decades ago, when online auctions started. They were often targeted at much more specialist machinery, but we’ve always dealt in a few classics as well as moderns, so we bought a few cars that way. We also learned a trick of gauging the market, so on cars we didn’t want we’d often sling a lowball bid on them because if we did so, we’d see the final sale price on the day.

Of course, I was never going to buy a flat-floor E-Type for a monkey (and if such a thing did randomly happen, I’d have been laughing all the way to the bank), so we did this a lot just to see what things went for.

It did backfire on me once, though, when I didn’t read a listing properly and ended up buying a dog of a Range Rover, but it was my apprentice, Jason, who made the funniest mistake. Regular readers of this column may remember Jason – back when he worked for me, he was a gormless buffoon whom I kept from straying on to the wrong side of the tracks. Today, he’s an exclusive supercar dealer and is worth a few million, but I’m not in the slightest bit jealous. Well, maybe a little bit.

Twenty years ago, though, he made an absolute plank of himself – he was about 18 at the time. Jason had grown up in a farming family and he had a bit of a thing about tractors. I’ve no idea why, but if nothing else, his fondness for farm machinery gave us something funny to mock him with, as was the way back then in the motor trade. Indeed, we even nicknamed the poor lad Wurzel.

Who is Big Mike?

Well, that would be telling. What we can say is he’s had more than 40 years in the car trade so has probably forgotten more about it than we’re likely to know.

On one occasion, we were having our tea and biscuits while having a look on the ‘big computer’ at what was coming up online in the classic auctions. Wurzel took a shine to a very down-at-heel 1950s Fordson tractor, which apparently was something quite exotic to those who love the smell of manure. So, in time-honoured tradition, he slung a £300 bid in its direction, devoured the rest of the custard creams and got back to washing manky old Mondeos on my forecourt.

Little did he know that a week later, Wurzel would be the proud owner of a 1958 Fordson Major, in full running order but looking like it had been dragged through a hedge backwards – and they say it’s dogs who look like their owners.

This was the daftest thing he’d come out with since suggesting that Kidderminster Harriers might win the FA Cup.
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thing he’d come out with since suggesting that Kidderminster Harriers might win the FA Cup, so I allowed the silly sod a long weekend off on the basis that, if nothing else, it would give me something to laugh at.

He left on the Friday, and come Monday lunchtime the Hagley Road – normally one of the busiest thoroughfares in Birmingham’s western reaches – fell extremely quiet. The reason was that most of the traffic that would normally be on it was stuck in the airstream of a smoke-belching old plough-puller, chugging its way towards my workplace with an oilblackened mess tugging at its levers.

Unbelievably, Wurzel – or Tractor Ted as we soon rechristened him – had spent around 30 hours sitting on a glorified motorised bar stool, causing traffic chaos across vast swathes of the northern trunk road network of England, as he and his beloved Fordson clattered and belched their way across the Pennines.

In fairness to the lad, that was some serious kind of commitment, especially after he told me about what happened to him while trying to grab 40 winks in a layby just outside Preston, but I’ll save that story for another day.

The one thing I’ll never understand, though, is why he never bothered to ask me if he could borrow my Discovery and car trailer for the weekend, which was what I expected him to do. Perhaps he enjoyed the misery.

In timehonoured tradition, he slung a £300 bid in its direction, devoured the rest of the custard creams and got back to washing manky old Mondeos on Wurzel took a shine to a very down-at-heel 1950s Fordson tractor, which apparently was something quite exotic to those who love the smell of manure.


Manufacturers have been refining their models and producing new ones. We look at some of the results...

Frontera is given range of up to 248 miles as well as seven-seater option

VAUXHALL says its upcoming Frontera will have a range of up to 248 miles and be available as a seven-seater in the future.

Reviving a name first used on Vauxhall’s SUV that was produced from 1989, it’ll come with two electric setups enabling a range of either 186 or 248 miles. A hybrid version – combining a 1.2-litre turbocharged petrol engine with 48-volt mild-hybrid technology – will also be available.

3 Series’ yes to more tech but no to diesel

BMW’S 3 Series has been given new mechanical and interior features to keep it at the top of the compact executive market.

More tweaks have been made to the interior with the addition of BMW’s latest 8.5-inch curved display.

New steering wheel designs, trim elements and interior lighting complete the changes.

There are just three petrol engines on offer now, though, with the manufacturer having decided to ditch diesel power for the UK market with this round of updates.

Vauxhall has stated, too, that a more spacious seven-seater version will be available ‘in the near future’, although initial models will only come in a five-seat configuration. The seven-seater layout will also only be available in the electric version. The Frontera’s exterior is marked out by its Vizor


front grille, as well as a new Griffin badge and integrated LED headlights. At 4.38 metres long, it sits between the range’s smaller Mokka and new Grandland size-wise.

911 goes hybrid for the first time with engines reaching 193mph

PORSCHE has revealed an updated version of its legendary sports car the 911, which now features hybrid power for the first time.

There will be two engines in the range, starting with the standard Carrera that features a 3.0-litre twin-turbo boxer engine, producing 389bhp and 450Nm of torque. It can go from 0-60mph in 3.9 seconds or 3.7 seconds with the Sports Chrono Pack, and has a top speed of 182mph.

The four-wheel-drive Carrera GTS features a 3.6-litre boxer engine that churns out 533bhp and 610Nm of torque. It can do 0-60mph in 2.8 seconds and reach a top speed of 193mph.

Defender receives upgrade for 2024

JLR has updated its Defender with interior changes and a new engine setup.

They include a Captain Chairs Pack for the spacious Defender 130, which introduces two individual middle seats with armrests on either side, while an aisle through the middle gives better access to the rear seats.

A new diesel engine has been added to the Defender range, too, with the D350 bringing 348bhp and 700Nm of torque – an increase of 50Nm over the previous model.

jPricing will be released shortly.

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RS4 Avant’s silver jubilee celebrated

AUDI has revealed a special edition of its RS4 Avant to mark the estate car’s 25th anniversary.

The RS4 Avant Edition 25 Years will come with increased power over the standard car with an extra 19bhp, meaning the 2.9-litre TFSI V6 bi-turbo will produce 463bhp and have a maximum torque of 600Nm.

The 0-60mph time is 0.4 seconds quicker than it was before at 3.5 seconds and the car boasts a top speed of 186mph.

Meanwhile, the RS Sports Suspension Pro gives a lower ride height of up to 20mm.

Convertible is Mulliner’s latest coachbuilt creation KIA

Electric SUV offering expanded with EV3

KIA has broadened its line-up of electric SUVs with the introduction of the EV3.

Following on from the larger EV9, the EV3 sits within the compact SUV segment and aims to bring an ‘exemplary range’ of up to 372 miles in Long Range battery form. It uses a 150kW electric motor that boasts 0 to 60mph in 7.3 seconds, reaching 103mph. The smooth exterior aims to boost aerodynamic efficiency, too, while Kia says the battery can be taken from 10% to 80% in around 30 minutes via a rapid charger.


GTI Clubsport marks Golf’s 50th birthday in a turbocharged way

VOLKSWAGEN has revealed the latest addition to its Golf lineup – the GTI Clubsport.

The German hatchback turns 50 years old this year, and as part of the celebrations VW has added this high-performance version, which is destined to be a hit with enthusiasts.

The GTI Clubsport packs a 2.0-litre turbocharged engine that

Wagoneer S boasts 300-mile distance

C3 petrol, electric and hybrid models on way

BENTLEY has shown off its new Batur Convertible, crafted by its Mulliner coachworking company.

The Batur will be limited to 16 units worldwide and features a two-door and two-seat configuration.

The interior has a wrap-around cockpit, as well as Rose Gold detailing throughout the inside. Meanwhile, its electric roof takes 19 seconds to stow away and can be operated at up to 30mph.

All Baturs will use the most powerful version of Bentley’s W12 engine, producing 739bhp and 1,000Nm of torque, paired with an eight-speed double-clutch gearbox. There is also a titanium exhaust system with tips that are 3D printed in titanium.

JEEP has taken the covers off its new electric SUV – the Wagoneer S.

A 100kWh battery pack gives a claimed range of 300 miles, and it can be charged from 5% to 80% in 28 minutes via a DC fast charger.

Its twin electric motors produce 608bhp, allowing the Wagoneer S to cover 0-60mph in 3.2 seconds. Antonio Filosa, Jeep brand CEO, said: ‘The launch of the all-electric Jeep Wagoneer S marks a new chapter in the storied history of the Jeep brand.’

CITROEN has revealed the prices for its eagerly anticipated C3 and electric e-C3 models.

It’ll offer one trim level for the petrol C3 model in the UK and two for the electric, which has a claimed 199 miles of range.

The petrol comes in Plus guise and starts at £17,790. The electric version in Plus trim starts at £21,990. Step up to the Max trim, which is only available in electric form, and it costs from £23,690.

A hybrid version of the C3 will join the line-up by the end of the year, when deliveries start. | 19


Experts signs up to represent Fisker

EV EXPERTS has agreed a franchise agreement with Fisker that will see it represent the electric brand in the south of England.

The deal represents a significant landmark for the Guildford-based dealer as it looks to expand from offering its range of high-quality used EVs.

Boss Martin Miller said it could have a major positive impact on the business. It comes despite months of financial headaches for Fisker but Miller said he was under no illusions about it.

Roger Young helps hospice services

A CAR dealership in Cornwall is helping to keep a hospice’s urgent care services on the road.

Roger Young, which is based in Saltash, is lending St Luke’s Hospice a new Suzuki Ignis hybrid four-wheel-drive hatchback so that the hospice’s expert teams can navigate the area’s tricky terrain. MD Roger Young said: ‘We’ve always recognised St Luke’s as such a good organisation.’ Sales head Danny Street is pictured with healthcare staff Gemma Lyall, centre, and Clare Bouvier




Romania’s ambassador adds VIP touch to opening of Dacia’s new flagship showroom in the UK

ROMANIA’S ambassador to the UK helped make sure the opening ceremony for Dacia’s new flagship showroom here was a grand affair. Ambassador Laura Popescu joined Hounslow mayor Karen Smith and senior Dacia representatives for the ribbon-cutting in Brentford. Luke Broad, Dacia brand director for the UK, said: ‘To have guests such as the ambassador of Romania and the mayor of Hounslow help us celebrate shows just how important an occasion it was and is a great illustration of the brand’s impact and intent.’

Snows staff rev up for motor show

SNOWS Motor Group staff have been gearing up to showcase cars from a host of brand partners at a major new motor show.

The inaugural MotoFest ’24 was due to take place at the Silverlake Stadium – home to Eastleigh Football Club – on June 15, with supercars and electric cars among the display. Tom Coffey, vicechairman of Eastleigh FC, said: ‘It’s wonderful that Snows Motor Group agreed to get involved.’

The crown jewel of motor shows has shut its doors for good –Geneva is dead.

Luscombe sells its 5,000th new MG

LUSCOMBE Motors is celebrating after its Leeds MG site sold its 5,000th new car.

The showroom opened in 2020 and defied uncertainty caused by the pandemic and lockdowns to go from strength to strength.

James Batchelor p15

Sales director Sam Luscombe said: ‘Selling that many new cars in a relatively short space of time is a real achievement and a real testament to both a great team and a desirable product.’

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‘The electric Mini Cooper is a desirable and attainable EV that feels just as exciting as its combustion-engined contemporaries.’

Motors said to be closing in on Cazoo

MOTORS is said to be closing in on a deal to buy Cazoo as administrators look to offload the failed used car dealer’s assets.

Car Dealer reported in May that the digital marketplace was interested in acquiring Cazoo and Sky News is now saying a deal is close. It would see Motors take over its brand and marketplace operation for a bargain basement price. Sources say any deal would be heavily discounted as part of a wider fire sale of Cazoo’s assets.


£10m Aston Martin showroom coming

GRANGE Motors is to open an Aston Martin dealership in Shirley in a £10m project that will create 30 jobs.

It will see Grange’s current Aston Martin Birmingham showroom move from its Hampton in Arden site to bigger premises, also making it the closest in the world to the marque’s manufacturing plant in Gaydon.

The new building, which will open in September, will cover a total of 1,720 square metres split across two floors and a rooftop area.

Sixty glorious years for Stellantis plant

STAFF at Stellantis’s Ellesmere Port plant have been raising a glass in celebration as the site racks up 60 years of vehicle manufacturing.

To mark the diamond anniversary, the factory hosted a special birthday event, attended by plant staff and local dignitaries.

Among those there was Keith Tabiner, who was on the production line in 1964 when the first Viva was produced. The plant has produced more than a million Vivas, 250,000 Chevettes and 4.1 million Astras.


Motorpoint’s losses deepen to £10.4m

MOTORPOINT has seen its reported pre-tax loss deepen from £300,000 to £10.4m – a drop of 3,366%.

Meanwhile, its results for the year ended March 31, 2024 also show that revenue dropped by nearly a quarter from £1.44bn to £1.09bn, with its underlying pre-tax loss widening to £8.2m.

Chief executive Mark Carpenter said: ‘The past financial year was the most difficult in our history, with multiple negative headwinds in the macro environment.’


did he know that a week later, Wurzel would be the proud owner of a 1958

More jobs to be axed by Lithia

LITHIA Motors – the American owner of Pendragon’s dealerships in the UK – has announced massive job cuts in an attempt to save $150m.

It is believed the cuts are mainly focused on the US, but Lithia didn’t respond when asked if UK dealerships would be affected.

In April, Lithia took the axe to Pendragon’s CarStore used car supermarket brand and with it some 250 jobs were lost. Some 16 CarStore sites were closed. | 21
by Little
Fordson Major.
Forecourt: p24

Saxton 4×4 ‘one of best workplaces’ HERE ARE TASTERS OF STORIES YOU MAY HAVE

UPMARKET car dealer Saxton 4×4 has appeared in the prestigious Sunday Times Best Places to Work chart.

The Chelmsford-based business featured in the ‘medium’ category in the list for 2024, based on its 160-strong staff, with its directors being praised for their ‘active role’. In a statement, the business said: ‘This accolade is a testament to our dedicated team from across the entire business. Thank you to all and a big thank you to The Sunday Times for including us.’


£2m Volvo site on way in Nottingham

MARSHALL Motor Group says its new £2m Volvo dealership in Nottingham should open later this year or in early 2025. It follows the dealership chain winning permission for the refurbishment last July after outgrowing its Valley Road site.

The showroom at Riverside Retail Park will feature Volvo’s signature lounge area. The site will also boast six charging points. Matthew Mills, head of business, said: ‘This is a significant investment for us.' Stock picture used




Smells like teen spirit for Bowker Mini as it lends its support to racing prodigy Ashley

BOWKER Mini is helping rising racing star Ashley Gregory with her bid for more triumphs and trophies. The 19-year-old, who was the Junior Ministox Champion three times, will be one of only two female competitors in this year’s Vertu Mini Challenge Series. Her partnership with the Blackburn- and Preston-based car centres means Bowker Mini will appear on her race suit and car as well as on the display banner outside the awning at events. She said: ‘Bowker’s support is a wonderful validation of my efforts and achievements so far.’

Mitchells Dacia sells 100,000th UK Duster

A CAR dealership in Suffolk has sold Dacia’s 100,000th Duster in the UK. Mitchells Dacia in Lowestoft handed the milestone vehicle over to Gail Hill, making the Journey TCe 150 automatic her second Duster.

Showroom senior sales executive Jonathan Kent, who presented her with the key to the car, as well as giving her a £100 outdoor pursuits voucher, said: ‘It’s fantastic to be involved with such a milestone in the Duster story.’

I do also feel like I’m doing my bit driving around in an EV and definitely don’t feel guilty when I need to make a short journey.

PERRYS Motor Sales has sold its exMazda site in Colne to luxury sports car and 4×4 dealer Portland Autos. Real estate company Savills completed the freehold sale to the Bawtry-based dealership for an undisclosed sum.

Perrys shut the site on February 2, saying in a statement on its website that it had been a ‘difficult decision’. It didn’t go into detail, other than to say the decision was agreed with Mazda Motors UK.

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Portland Autos buys ex-Perrys showroom

Get snap happy as we bring you the latest cool products

Feature: p30

KGM Motors signs up two new dealerships

KGM Motors has expanded its UK retail network further after signing franchise agreements at two more dealerships.

The brand – formerly known as SsangYong – has partnered with Wilson & Co of Bolton and Drayton Motors of Lincoln as it looks to continue its growth.

Both sites form part of dealer group RJTK Automotive, whose chief executive Robin Wilson said: ‘Our partnership with KGM marks a fantastic opportunity.’

Suzuki site opens in West Malling

Ex-Waitrose shop set for showroom future

THE site of a former Waitrose shop in Shrewsbury is set to become a showroom for Greenhous Group.

The car dealership chain has applied to Shropshire Council for a change of use for the vacant site at 27b Pride Hill from retail to car showroom and to replace the display windows and doors along with an internally lit fascia panel and projecting sign.

It would see one full-time and two part-time jobs created by the Car Dealer Top 100 firm.

Stellantis &You buys ex-Lookers site

STELLANTIS UK has bought a Vauxhall dealership in Birmingham.

The former Lookers showroom on Bristol Road in Selly Oak is now open with the majority of the team retained, said Stellantis.

The site is now known as Stellantis &You Birmingham South and is part of Stellantis UK’s own dealer group. It’s also the first Stellantis &You Vauxhall dealership outside London. The acquisition comes as Stellantis &You marks the first anniversary of its name change.

SORRY: Toyota, Honda and Mazda have been forced to apologise after an investigation found cheating in vehicle certification tests on a ‘massive’ scale. But all three insisted that the issues won’t affect the safety of vehicles already on the road.

POLICIES: A ‘significant proportion’ of Gap providers are being allowed to start selling the insurance again, the Financial Conduct Authority has said. It follows action by the City regulator, as exclusively revealed by Car Dealer in January.


Porsche senior exec to be Bentley’s CEO

HUMPHRIES & Parks has added Suzuki to its franchise offering at its West Malling dealership. The family-owned and run business has a large range of new, used and Motability Suzuki vehicles, as well as offering a full Suzuki aftersales service and parts operation. It’s created five jobs in the process, and Marcus Joy, managing director of Humphries & Parks, said: ‘We are incredibly proud to represent Suzuki in West Malling.’ FRANCHISE

PORSCHE’S vehicle development chief has quit the German brand after nearly 30 years to become the new boss of Bentley.

Frank-Steffen Walliser will step down from his position in Stuttgart to take over as chairman and CEO at Bentley on July 1.

He will replace Adrian Hallmark, who announced his own move to Aston Martin earlier this year.

Bentley bosses say they are thrilled with the appointment.


Alfa Romeo to drop off-set numberplates

THE next generation of Alfa Romeo models will ditch off-set front numberplates because of new EU pedestrian safety regulations.

The brand has often mounted front numberplates to one side of the bumper to make its famous ‘scudetto’ grille more visible.

But speaking to Autocar, design chief Alejandro Mesonero-Romanos said homologation regulations for pedestrian safety meant they had to give way to central plates.

DECLINE: UK car production fell by 7% in April versus 2023 with 61,820 cars rolling off production lines, according to fresh data from the SMMT. Experts attribute it to factories getting ready for next-generation models and their electrified powertrains.

AID: A convoy of 20 vehicles has arrived in Ukraine from London after being donated to the war effort via the Ulez scrappage scheme. The charity BritishUkrainian Aid says the vehicles will be used for humanitarian and medical purposes.

RICHES: Cargiant owner Geoffrey Warren has again been named the motor trade’s wealthiest man in the latest Sunday Times Rich List. The 69-year-old is worth £2.552bn – the same as in 2023. He was 69th, moving up a place. | 23
Click on the text box for the full story
IMDA approval for RAC Dealer Network Supplier News: p31



The electric motor gives the SE model 215bhp and a claimed range of 249 miles.

The Mini Cooper has been relaunched as an EV first and foremost, but does it capture the original’s spirit? Jack Evans tested one in Spain.


The latest Cooper is launching first and foremost as an EV, although petrol alternatives will also be available. Initially being built in China – before production shifts to Oxford in a few years – this new Mini arrives with some considerable changes to its exterior and interior, as well as a longer range than the previous battery-powered model.


It sits on a new electric platform – petrol versions are essentially an updated previousgeneration Mini – which aims to allow great interior space without going overboard on the exterior dimensions. In fact, this new electric Cooper is a smidge shorter than its predecessor, although a gain in height helps to boost headroom inside. Inside, we’ve got the ultra-futuristic Oled display that we’ve also seen in the latest Countryman, although Mini has still fitted some old-school-style buttons and switches. The starter switch, for instance, has been designed to mimic a traditional key.


This electric Mini will be available in two flavours – entry-level E and higher-spec SE (which we’re driving) – delivering respective claimed ranges of 190 and 249 miles. A total output of 215bhp is more than enough for a car of this size and equates to a 0-60mph time of 6.5 seconds, meaning it’s only a fraction slower than the petrol-powered Cooper S. The 95kW maximum charge speed for the SE – 75kW for the E – should mean a 10 to 80% charge in around 30 minutes. Expect around five hours for a full top-up with a 7kW home charger.


Fun has always been at the core of the Mini driving experience and it’s pleasing to report that this is still present in the latest Cooper. This car has a wider track than before to help disguise some of its weight – it comes in at around 1.7 tonnes – so through the bends it feels just as keen as before. We’d like a little more bite from the brakes, but this Cooper continues to have the grin-inducing ability as its predecessor. Grip levels were good as well – even on the unusually sodden Spanish roads that we drove through.


The new Mini is now devoid of any chrome and there aren’t any plastic mouldings over the

Mini Cooper Electric SE

Price (as tested): £34,500 Powertrain: Electric motor


Power: 215bhp Torque: 290Nm Max speed: 106mph O-60mph: 6.5 seconds Range: 249 miles

wheel arches either. The door handles sit flush, too, and it all makes the Mini quite soapbar smooth. The biggest changes are at the back, where this Mini Cooper looks completely different to any models before it. The lights are smaller and more angular, and you can configure them to show different designs. Overall, the new Cooper is still recognisable as a Mini, although we do feel its creators could’ve gone a bit further and made it smaller overall – particularly when more practical Aceman and Countryman models are available for those who need more space.


Mini’s approach to the cabin is remarkably stripped back. Everything is focused on the large Oled display in the centre, which is where you’ll find the vast amount of functions, controls and features. Thankfully, there are some physical controls below for aspects such as the windscreen ventilation and volume, which are much easier to use when you’re on the move. It’s still a small car this, too, so the space in the rear isn’t the greatest – although headroom is surprisingly good, even on cars with a sunroof. But while Mini has put a cool textured fabric on loads of key areas – dashboard included – it feels as though this could look grubby quite quickly.

The large Oled display takes centre stage in the rather stripped-back cabin – but there is a cool touch with the use of a textured fabric. Interior

This electric Mini Cooper is a desirable and attainable EV that feels just as exciting as its combustion-engined contemporaries.


The biggest changes to the look are at the rear with the smaller and more angular lights – It still looks like a Mini, though.


Drivers who want a smartly styled EV with bags of in-car tech.


Peugeot e-208

Jeep Avenger MG 4


1. Excellent design

2. Still feels fun to drive

3. Clever technology inside


Fortunately, this batterypowered Mini is still loads of fun to drive, so it’s great for keen motorists.


Prices for the Mini Electric start at £30,000 for the standard E, rising to £34,500 for the Cooper SE. All versions, however, get plenty of equipment as standard, including the large Oled display, heated steering wheel, two-zone air conditioning and a full navigation setup. On SE models, you also get heated front seats, an upgraded LED package plus wireless charging. A standard head-up display is a useful addition, too. Three trim levels – Classic, Exclusive and Sport – bring a variety of visual changes and upgrades.


Car said: ‘Considering the second-generation electric Mini costs about the same as its predecessor yet has significantly more range, it’s a far easier thing to recommend.’


Mini’s previous electric model was a flawed oddity, driving well but with a tiny range. But now it feels as if the electric model is a fully fledged Mini. At just over £34,000, it certainly isn’t cheap – and options could quickly push it higher – but keeping that price in check by not going mad with the extras will help to make this electric Mini Cooper a desirable and attainable EV that feels just as exciting as its combustion-engined contemporaries. | 25


The British-built Nissan Qashqai has long been popular in the UK and now the Japanese carmaker has added a series of features to maintain the family crossover’s sales success. James Batchelor has driven one.


Nissan Qashqai N-Design e-Power

Price (as tested): £39,620

Engine: 1.5-litre threecylinder petrol plus electric motor

Torque: 330Nm

O-60mph: 7.7 seconds

Max speed: 105mph MPG (combined): 54.3mpg

Emissions: 117g/km CO2


The 1.5-litre threecylinder petrol engine plus electric motor produce 187bhp.


Sales figures don’t lie. Love it or loathe it, the family crossover that arguably spawned all others is a favourite among we Brits, with the car clocking up 750,000 sales since it appeared in 2007. The current generation of the Qashqai became the UK’s best-seller in 2022, and in so doing was also the first British-built car to take the top spot in the UK sales charts since 1998. New rivals have arrived since, so the Japanese carmaker has given its strong seller a raft of updates for 2024 to keep it punching high.


There’s a whole new front end with a huge grille pattern that Nissan says was inspired by ‘ancient Japanese armour’, glitzy new headlights and day-running lights, new rear lights, plus a new sportier trim level called N-Design. The interior is largely the same as before but gets an injection of Google technology.


The previous Qashqai’s engine line-up is carried over, so there’s the 1.3-litre mild-hybrid petrol in 138bhp and 156bhp flavours, and Nissan’s unusual 187bhp e-Power rangeextender. The latter uses a 1.5-litre three-cylinder engine that only ever powers the lithiumion battery, which in turn sends its juice to the electric motor that drives the front wheels.

Nissan claims the e-Power to be the most frugal at 54mpg, but this drive and previous tests with the outgoing Qashqai show that figure to be a little difficult to achieve, with mid30s being a more realistic figure.


The Qashqai has always prioritised an easy driving experience over a thrill-a-minute one, and this latest model continues that. As with the engines, Nissan hasn’t been fiddling in the ride and handling department, so the Qashqai remains a safe and predictable car to drive. Higher trim levels get 19- and 20-inch wheels that would normally ruin comfort levels, but Nissan fits a more advanced rear suspension set-up on models with larger wheels. Our N-Design had the 20-inch alloys fitted, and while there is some firmness when driving over speed bumps and potholes, on the whole the Qashqai rides well. Little body roll and the feeling of plenty of grip only add to the feeling that the Qashqai is a refined car to drive.

For the most part, the e-Power system gives an EV-like driving experience, with smooth

Power: 187bhp


The new Qashqai looks more flamboyant – especially in N-Design trim. The scrolling indicators give it a premium feel.

power delivery and more than decent acceleration. But when the three-cylinder engine fires up to replenish the battery, it drives and sounds like any normal hybrid albeit without the fuel efficiency benefits. The strong regenerative brakes are excellent, though, particularly the ‘e-pedal’, which whacks up the regen to give one-pedal driving.


Nissan has really let its creativity flow with this model, as it looks more flamboyant, particularly in the new N-Design trim level. This specification features body-coloured trim around the wheel arches and lower sections of the doors, giving the Qashqai a particularly upmarket look. The new rear lights use Oled technology that give a really bright and crisp look, while scrolling indicators complete the premium feel.


Higher-spec cars get a number of new materials to make the interior feel posher than ever, and for the N-Design, for example, that means swathes of alcantara across the dashboard, doors and the centre console. It certainly lifts the interior and gives an extra level of luxury to what was already a quality-feeling cabin, even if there are question marks as to how suitable alcantara is for family life. All trim levels get a 12.3-inch touchscreen, which now features a Google infotainment system on some – a very welcome addition that’s both easy and enjoyable to use. Other tech changes include an Invisible Hood that gives a view of what the front wheels are doing, and in theory means hitting kerbs is a thing of the past.


Nissan has quietly deleted the old car’s entry-level Visia trim, meaning the Qashqai’s starting price has been bumped by £400. The new entry-level trim, Acenta Premium, from £30,135, does without the Google built-in features and has 17-inch wheels and a slightly more muted grille design. The £2,170 jump to N-Connecta is probably worth it thanks to the Google tech, fancier grille design, 18-inch diamond-cut wheels and 3D Around View Monitor. The N-Design trim, as pictured, comes in at £34,895 and has a sporty exterior look that includes body-coloured trim and 20-inch wheels. Tekna+, from £38,875, adds features such as quilted leather seats and a Bose sound system but is a little too pricey in our mind.


Autocar said: ‘Broadly speaking, it’s comfortable, quiet, manoeuvrable and easy to drive. It looks good, too, and it’s well equipped.’


The new technology features are decidedly better than before, and while prices have risen slightly, there’s little to suggest the Qashqai won’t remain a British favourite.


The interior feels posher than ever with the use of new materials such as alcantara on the dashboard, doors and centre console.

While prices have risen slightly, there’s little to suggest the Qashqai won’t remain a British favourite. | 27 TARGET BUYERS: Families, business users and more mature drivers. THE RIVALS: Peugeot 3008 Kia Sportage Volkswagen Tiguan KEY SELLING POINTS: 1. New, bolder design 2. Quality interior 3 Google technology DEAL CLINCHER: It’s a great all-rounder.



The N versions of i20 and i30 are no more – long live the performance electric era of Hyundai. Cameron Richards has driven the first electric N car. Price (as


The Ioniq 5 N is the ‘hot’ version of its standard electric hatchback but incorporates a variety of go-faster touches to make it more involving, more exciting and more engine-like than ever.


Not only is it the first electric Hyundai N car, but it also features several driving modes to help when being used on a track. There’s also a launch control function and bigger front brakes to cope with harsh track use while an N Active Sound system and N e-Shift essentially recreate the sound and feel of a traditional gearbox.


You’ll find a larger battery pack underneath the 5 N compared with the standard Ioniq – up to 84kWh versus the regular model’s 78kWh pack. However, a larger battery doesn’t mean that it comes with a longer range, with a claimed 278 miles against 298 for the standard car.


Sharp and nimble steering combines well with the Ioniq 5 N’s flat cornering characteristics, and even though it weighs more than two tonnes, it doesn’t feel like a tank to drive. Feeding through narrow gaps in town and traffic is still a chore as the car is quite wide.


There’s a lot of carbon and gloss black trim around the front bumper and on the rear diffuser and bumper while 21-inch alloys and red accents surrounding the lower part of the car around the front lips and side skirts help complete the traditional N look.


Inside is a sporty steering wheel with controls for different drive modes. There are also N sports bucket seats that do a superb job of keeping you in place around the corners, as well as aluminium pedals and blue stitching throughout. The only negative was the hard plastics used throughout – which is disappointing on a car at this price point.


There's only one specification and it comes with a load of goodies including 21-inch forged alloy wheels, a digital key, rear electronic slip differential, Bose sound system and a 12.3-inch touchscreen. Prices start at £65,000 and rise to £66,250 depending on accessories.


Hyundai has proved that just because a car is electric doesn’t mean it’s just something for getting around in. The driving experience and overall feel of the car are unique, and even though it’s expensive at £65,000, it doesn’t stop the 5 N from being the car that could break the ice between EV sceptics and full-blown car enthusiasts.


Those looking for an electric car but who want the driver engagement and excitement of a hot hatchback.


Kia EV6 GT

Ford Mustang Mach-E GT

Porsche Taycan


1. Distinguished looks

2. Amazing to drive

3. Clever technology


The Ioniq 5 N will put a smile on every petrolhead's face while keeping those green EV credentials.


The interior includes a sporty steering wheel and N sports bucket seats.

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Hyundai Ioniq 5 N
tested): £65,000 Engine: Electric motors Power: Up to 641bhp Torque: 740Nm Max speed: 162mph 0-60mph: 3.4 seconds Range: 278 miles Emissions: 0g/km CO2


You asked. We listened. Following your recent feedback, we are delighted to announce the launch of a new weekly Prime Stock sale at our Chelmsford site. This sale will take place every Friday at 10am and is the perfect place to fill up your forecourt with fresh stock. For more details please visit or speak to your Buyer Services Executive. JOIN US FOR NEW WEEKLY SALES FRIDAYS 10AM | 29


We’ve experienced some extremely wet weather across the UK of late, but it’s finally looking like things could be taking a turn for the brighter, so the products that we’ve picked out for you this month will help to make the best of any conditions.

If you’re travelling abroad this summer or venturing further afield than usual, we reckon that some of them will interest you.

Let’s take a look...

Lumix GH7 – £1,999

NEW cameras are always exciting and Panasonic has been creating some of the most eye-catching ones about with its Lumix range. The new GH7 arrives as the flagship ‘G’ micro four-thirds series, packing bigcamera technology into a smaller and more practical body.

It’s got all the features that you need, too, including a 25.2-megapixel sensor, improved autofocus technology and tip-top video quality.

Nothing Phone 2a Special Edition – £349

YOU could call Nothing a ‘disruptor’ in the smartphone sector. Its Android-powered phones have a super-cool design with clever ‘Glyph’ lights on the back that reflect a variety of notifications and alerts.

To add a bit of extra drama, Nothing has created a special-edition version of its 2a that incorporates a number of different colours that have never been used on one of the firm’s phones before. The company says it’s going to be available ‘in limited quantities’, so get in while you can.

WE’RE big fans of Yeti’s rugged, no-nonsense approach to drinkware and coolers, but it has gone one step further with the creation of a new French Press.

Built with the same tough materials that are on Yeti’s other products, the French Press gets a handy non-slip exterior coating and kitchengrade steel to ensure it lasts for years to come.

The largest model should hold up to six cups of your favourite coffee, while a special filter can help stop it going stale after brewing.

Sonos Ace – £449

may have heard of Sonos already. It creates a range of high-quality speakers and has also implemented some of its audio equipment into new cars, with Audi being a prime example. However, it has never created a set of headphones - until now, that is. The new Ace arrives priced at £449 but comes equipped with loads of great features.

A stripped-back design hides a slide-adjustable stainless steel headband with an integrated hinge, while active noise cancellation will help to drown out the worst of that busy holiday flight noise. Sonos says you should get 30 hours of listening or talk-time from the Ace, too.

French Press – £130



IMDA approval given for partnership

A ‘COMPLEMENTARY approach’ to working with motor retailers has seen the RAC Dealer Network become an approved partner to the Independent Motor Dealers Association (the IMDA).

Lee Coomber, RAC client director at Assurant, which partners with the RAC, said there was much to achieve from working together. The network must meet a range of standards to ensure that the services it offers IMDA members are of a high quality.

Hook-up makes regulatory compliance easier

SOFTWARE provider Automotive Compliance has launched its enhanced regulatory platform that uses Evolution Funding’s soft search pre-eligibility checking and ‘quote and propose’ technology.

David Bamforth, Evolution’s head of sales, said: ‘We’re delighted to stand alongside one of the leading principal firms in our shared dedication to regulatory compliance. By aligning our offerings, we’re advancing standards and ensuring seamless experiences for our dealers and their customers.’

Family and friends factor ‘key to online’

KNOWING friends or family who have successfully bought a car entirely online is the key reason why others would consider doing the same.

That’s according to new research by iVendi, which asked 1,000 recent car buyers about their attitude to online. Fifty-nine per cent said they’d be happy to buy a vehicle digitally without visiting or phoning the showroom. Out of these, 61% had been influenced by seeing family or friends buying online.

Dealers work very hard to run their businesses, and getting a sale is just the result of all that hard work.

Price has to be right for buyers, research finds

PRICE is the most important consideration for people when buying a car, according to dealers.

Petrol price parity ‘helps to sell EVs’

Richard Pygott

The latest Forecourt Foresight research from Close Brothers Motor Finance has revealed that more than three-quarters (77%) of car dealers see price as the key consideration for their customers.

Meanwhile, of the 133 dealers quizzed, almost six in 10 (59%) said customers had told them mileage on the clock was a key consideration.

MORE than half of dealers (53%) say that electric vehicles become much easier to sell when they are priced the same as petrol cars.

May’s Startline Used Car Tracker also shows that nearly a third (32%) of the 60 dealers polled think EVs have become generally easier to sell. Nearly a third (32%) also say there are now more family-friendly EVs that are easier to sell, but 25% believe there is still an excess of big, pricey models in the used market. | 31



Hollywood Bowl posts profit jump of 10.5%

HOLLYWOOD Bowl has reported a jump in profits after it was boosted by growth in Canada.

The ten-pin bowling operator , which has 71 centres in the UK and 11 in Canada, posted a pretax profit of £29.5m for the six months to March, up 10.5% year on year on the back of an 8.1% increase in revenue to £119.2m for the year. The firm’s UK business saw like-for-like sales grow by 1.3%, with 8% growth across its Splitsville brand in Canada.

Nvidia overtakes Apple in world value stakes

NVIDIA has overtaken Apple as the world’s second-most valuable company after the AI chipmaker saw its stock rally above the $3trn (£2.34trn) mark for the first time. Apple lost its crown to Microsoft earlier this year.

Microsoft is worth $3.15trn (£2.46trn), Nvidia $3.012trn (£2.35trn) and Apple $3.003trn (£2.34trn).

Royal Mail pushes back annual financial results

ROYAL Mail’s owner has indefinitely delayed the release of its annual trading update as the group heads towards a potential takeover Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsk. They were due out on May 23 but International Distribution Services said auditor KPMG wanted more time to complete its work. The company didn’t give a new date for publishing its results.

A GROUP of UK retailers are suing Amazon for damages of up to £1.1bn over claims it misused their data and pushed them out of the market to inflate its own profits. The British Independent Retailers Association said it was the biggest collective action ever launched by UK retailers. The claim was filed at a specialist London tribunal on June 6. Amazon has long challenged accusations that it misuses the information it collects from third-party retailers.

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up to £1.1bn of damages ACTION
sue Amazon for

Water group boss given 58% pay hike

WATER group Pennon has revealed its chief executive saw her pay package jump by 58% after picking up a £298,000 shares bonus – despite pollution incidents nearly doubling at its South West Water subsidiary last year.

Its annual report revealed that chief executive Susan Davy’s total pay jumped to £860,000 in 2023-24 from £543,000 the previous year. It also revealed that pollution incidents at South West Water soared by 80% to 194 in 2023.


Cider maker’s CEO stands down after a year

THE boss of cider and beer maker C&C has stood down after just one year at the helm after overseeing accounting errors that cost it millions of pounds.

Patrick McMahon left the role having stepped up from his position as finance chief to become chief executive in May last year. C&C – which makes Magners, Bulmers and Tennent’s – said opportunities had been missed to spot and address issues. It said the accounting issues had cost it €17m (£14.5m) in adjustments to profits in previous years.




The UK buyer is receptive to EVs when they’re priced correctly but we still have a price gap.

Ian Plummer Auto Trader’s commercial director

Choice and affordability of Chinese EVs will only benefit car buyers

After a recent visit to China, Auto Trader’s commercial director, Ian Plummer, was impressed by the quality and sheer choice of EV made available by Chinese OEMs.

Joining us on Car Dealer Live, he stated that any potential tariffs would only reduce the options for UK consumers and slow EV adoption.

Quizzed by host James Batchelor on whether the EU could impose tariffs on Chinese-made vehicles, Plummer said he’d be ‘very much loath to see that happening’, as he believed that the consumer would benefit from having ‘more choice, more affordability and some fantastic cars to help them on a transition towards electric’.

Currently, he feels there is still a price gap in the UK that is proving the biggest stumbling block towards EV ownership for the masses.

‘The UK buyer is receptive to EVs when they’re priced correctly but we still have a price gap. A typical new EV is still 35% more expensive than its ICE equivalent,’ Plummer said. ‘Recently, they have been reduced and they are becoming more competitive. ‘Consumers like EVs when they are

– if there are no tariffs

priced well,’ he added. Following his visit to China, Plummer told Car Dealer that he witnessed the fact that manufacturers there had already ‘cracked’ range and affordability – two barriers to entry that still cause headaches for EV makers in the UK and further afield.

Price parity between EVs and ICE models is very much alive and well in China, with electric models often proving the more affordable option.

The Chinese OEMs also operate on a much faster product life cycle, able to introduce new battery and in-car tech at much greater speeds.

Plummer feels the combination of speed and scale means Chinese EV manufacturers currently have the upper hand on many legacy OEMs. ‘This combination brings a product which isn’t just cheap or affordable, it’s actually very attractive,’ he said. The results are beginning to show, too, as data analysed by Auto Trader reveals that some of the newer players entering the market from China, such as Ora and BYD, are already piquing the interest of buyers.

‘But what they aren’t doing is getting quite the same level of lead generation,’ he said.

Peter Smyth on what went wrong for failed used car dealer Cazoo

Swansway director Peter Smyth has given a scathing indictment of Cazoo and its founder Alex Chesterman as the failed used car dealer continues to search for a buyer.

The one-time online disruptor is currently sitting in administration after years of heavy spending and Smyth says the outcome shouldn’t have come as a surprise.

He said the firm’s model was flawed from the

get-go, and added that its original plans were ‘a work of complete fiction’.

Smyth, who was one of several interviewees in our special film on Cazoo in 2022, also accused Chesterman of ‘getting everyone’s hackles up’ with derogatory comments about the motor trade.

He told podcast hosts Jon Reay and James Batchelor: ‘Nobody likes

a smarty pants, do they? But from the word go, after reading the initial prospectus that he [Chesterman] put out, it was, to me, a work of complete fiction. JK Rowling would have been proud of it! Is he a shrewd businessman? Well, I think he sold some of his shares and walked away with a pretty penny, which I think makes him far wealthier than you and I.’

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DASHBOARD The latest from our fleet Long-termers: p42
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This year we’ve won not one, but three awards - an achievement that we are all very proud of.

Our customers voted First Response Finance as the ‘Best Car Finance Provider’ in the Consumer Credit Awards 2022 for the second consecutive year. In addition to that, we’ve won the prestigious ‘Firm of the Year’ award!

The second recognition came from our dealer partners who voted us ‘Finance Provider of the Year (Sub-Prime)’ in the Car Dealer Power Awards. We are honoured to have won this award 8 times!

Vans, cars, motorbikes - it doesn't matter what type of vehicle we’re financing, our award-winning service remains the same. | 35
First Response Finance Ltd, 5 Regan Way Chetwynd Business Park, Chilwell, Nottingham, NG9 6RZ. Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England No. 03560611.


‘Lifeboat’ scheme expects to pay £363m in compensation

Afinancial lifeboat scheme has said it expects to pay £363m in compensation during 2024-25. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which is funded by the financial services industry, said the total levy payable by firms for the 2024-25 financial year amounts to £265m, marking a small decrease from the final 2023-24 levy of £270m.

The scheme protects customers of authorised financial services firms if they fail or have stopped trading, and gives certain protection for products including bank deposits, investments, pensions, insurance and funeral plans.

The FSCS said surplus funds had helped to offset the 2024-25 levy.

FSCS interim chief executive Martyn Beauchamp said: ‘We made a number of successful recoveries in 2023-24, with more than £54m recovered from the estates of failed firms and other third parties.

‘This has added to surpluses in some funding classes being carried forward. We’ve used these surpluses to reduce the levy for 2024-25 to £265m.’

In a statement published on the FSCS website, Beauchamp said: ‘In some classes, we upheld fewer claims than expected in 2023-24.

‘The amount of compensation paid on some claim types was also lower, impacted by the broader economic conditions. To illustrate, the average compensation amount on pension transfer claims was around £35,000 in 2023/24, whereas in 2022/23 it was almost 30% higher at around £45,000.’

The timing of larger failures also affected the number of claims the FSCS was able to complete during 2023-24, he said. The FSCS’s annual report, which will be published in the summer, will include full details of its performance and claims figures for 2023-24.

Consumer new business value tops £3.2bn

THE value of consumer car finance new business at the point of sale grew to more than £3.2bn in April versus the same month in 2023, according to latest official figures.

The Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) said a total of 176,818 cars were bought on finance via its members during the month – an increase of 8%. The corresponding value of new business was 7% higher over the same period, rising to £3.201bn.

The consumer new car finance market’s new business by value at the point of sale was £1.314bn – 9% higher than in April 2023 – while new business volumes rose by 2% to 48,132. Meanwhile, the consumer used car finance market reported the value of new business at the point of sale as increasing in April by 6% year on year to £1.887bn, while new business volumes increased by 11% to 128,486.

Geraldine Kilkelly, the FLA’s director of research and chief economist, said: ‘The strong performance in April can in part be attributed to a shorter working month in April 2023 due to the timing of Easter.’

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Data is so important in the day-to-day life of dealerships

For many years, people have thought that because I work in marketing, all I do is play on social media all day. Typically, what people see is only the final result, while 90% of the work in marketing is done upfront and consists of data, research and planning.

Having spoken with thousands of car dealers over the past decade, I know they face similar misconceptions. People often think dealers just sell cars, but dealers work very hard to run their businesses, and getting a sale is just the result of all that hard work. Not many people see or understand the graft that goes into sourcing stock, preparing vehicles and managing day-to-day tasks such as payroll, paying bills, managing staff and ensuring there’s enough left in the account to keep the bank manager happy.

I admit that analytics, data insights and spreadsheets aren’t the most exciting things in the world. Even thinking about them can put the most detail-orientated among us to sleep. However, I can’t overstate the importance of data in some reports on the motor trade that are freely available online.

Recently, I came across a few reports that I think dealers should take notice of. An Auto Trader report highlighted that the used car market is strong, with the typical used car selling in 26 days. The one aspect that made me sit up and take notice, though, was that its data indicated dealers were under-pricing their stock!

Another report I read last week was released by Motors, indicating that dealerships have much more confidence in stocking used EVs, as evidenced by the record number of used EVs now sitting on dealers’ forecourts.

When it comes to stocking cars and pricing them, I know that some dealers will want a certain margin they are happy with on top of what they’ve paid for the car, and will go by experience. However, when faced with the huge amount of data available in these reports, I think it’s vital that dealers make the most of every opportunity they have.

Richard Pygott is digital marketer for First Response. Call him on 0115 946 6365 or email richard.

These are just two examples of many reports that are out there, and when it comes to data and the motor trade, I think it really does pay to keep your ear to the ground and stay up to date with what’s going on in the industry. Data can be boring, but I really believe that some of the information in these reports could help dealers sell more stock and improve their bottom line, and that’s not something I think dealers will find boring at all!

If you’re not already working with First Response Finance and want to discuss how we can help boost your bottom line, drop us a message on WhatsApp

I can’t overstate the importance of data in some reports on the motor trade that are freely available online.




Fleets drive growth as new car market enjoys best May since 2021

The new car market saw its 22nd month of growth in a row in May with registrations rising by 1.7% to reach 147,678 units, according to latest figures released by the SMMT. It was the best May market performance since 2021, when sales hit 156,737, although the trade body said that they were still nearly a fifth down (19.6%) on 2019’s pre-pandemic figure of 183,724.

Fleets and companies continued to drive the growth, up 14.0% and 9.5% to 86,870 and 3,355 respectively, which narrowly offset a 12.9% fall in private retail sales to 57,453.

Deliveries of petrol and diesel cars decreased but demand for electrified vehicles went up, with plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) recording the highest growth of all powertrains – up 31.5% to reach an 8.0% market share.

Battery-electric vehicle (BEV) registrations also outperformed the market, rising to claim a 17.6% market share – up from 16.9% last May.

The best-selling new car of May 2024 was the Kia Sportage at 4,202 units. Second was the Ford Puma at 3,812, with the Audi A3 in third position at 3,017.

The fleet sector drove BEV uptake, though, at a 10.7% volume increase, with private uptake dropping by 2%, which the SMMT said was still below the ZEV mandate trajectory, which says 22% of new vehicles sold this year by each brand must be emission-free.

The SMMT added that while some private buyers had access to some of the benefits enjoyed by business buyers via salary sacrifice schemes, universal access to incentives would dramatically increase BEV uptake and speed up road transport decarbonisation.

The industry body repeated its call for the government to temporarily halve VAT on new BEV purchases, as well as cut the VAT levied on public charging from 20% to 5% to put it in line with domestic use.

Doing that would put more than a quarter of a million EVs instead of petrol or diesel cars on the road over the next three years, it said.

SMMT chief executive Mike Hawes said: ‘As Britain prepares for next month’s general election, the new car market continues to hold steady as large fleets sustain growth, offsetting weakened private retail demand.

‘Consumers enjoy a plethora of new electric models and some very attractive offers, but manufacturers can’t sustain this scale of support on their own indefinitely.

‘Their success so far should be a signpost for the next government that a faster and fairer transition requires carrots, not just sticks.’

Click here to see our top 10 rolling sales charts for May 2023 to May 2024

Their success so far should be a signpost for the next government that a faster and fairer transition requires carrots, not just sticks.’

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DATA FILE Model Regs Kia Sportage 4,202 Ford Puma 3,812 Audi A3 3,017 Volkswagen Golf 2,922 Vauxhall Corsa 2,671 Volkswagen Polo 2,669 Nissan Qashqai 2,637 MG ZS 2,630 Hyundai Tucson 2,613 Nissan Juke 2,468 CARS SOLD IN MAY 2024
RISE SMMT SALES DATA MAY/YEAR TO DATE TOP | 39 Best May for sales since 2021 LCV news: p40 MAY 2023 YEAR TO DATE Marque 2024 % market share 2023 % market share % change 2024 % market share 2023 % market share % change Abarth 38 0.03 35 0.02 8.57 347 0.04 180 0.02 92.78 Alfa Romeo 234 0.16 111 0.08 110.81 682 0.08 597 0.08 14.24 Alpine 19 0.01 35 0.02 -45.71 197 0.02 142 0.02 38.73 Audi 10,673 7.23 11,808 8.13 -9.61 53,388 6.45 55,885 7.23 -4.47 Bentley 68 0.05 109 0.08 -37.61 409 0.05 663 0.09 -38.31 BMW 10,353 7.01 8,025 5.53 29.01 56,280 6.80 40,675 5.27 38.37 BYD 596 0.40 21 0.01 2,738.10 2,207 0.27 84 0.01 2,527.38 Chevrolet 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 Citroen 2,100 1.42 2,205 1.52 -4.76 13,582 1.64 13,996 1.81 -2.96 Cupra 2,289 1.55 1,908 1.31 19.97 11,256 1.36 9,106 1.18 23.61 Dacia 2,691 1.82 2,540 1.75 5.94 13,349 1.61 13,050 1.69 2.29 DS 54 0.04 199 0.14 -72.86 493 0.06 1,252 0.16 -60.62 Fiat 523 0.35 950 0.65 -44.95 6,957 0.84 8,190 1.06 -15.05 Fisker 44 0.03 0 0.00 0.00 258 0.03 0.00 0.00 Ford 7,520 5.09 10,970 7.55 -31.45 48,239 5.83 57,684 7.47 -16.37 Genesis 57 0.04 104 0.07 -45.19 373 0.05 564 0.07 -33.87 GWM Ora 101 0.07 33 0.02 206.06 611 0.07 258 0.03 136.82 Honda 1,781 1.21 1,505 1.04 18.34 15,493 1.87 12,098 1.57 28.06 Hyundai 7,107 4.81 7,260 5.00 -2.11 37,206 4.50 37,916 4.91 -1.87 Ineos 25 0.02 182 0.13 -86.26 121 0.01 276 0.04 -56.16 Jaguar 1,363 0.92 1,341 0.92 1.64 9,451 1.14 5,311 0.69 77.95 Jeep 297 0.20 98 0.07 203.06 3,132 0.38 1,235 0.16 153.60 KGM 131 0.09 0 0.00 0.00 873 0.11 0 0.00 0.00 Kia 8,917 6.04 8,976 6.18 -0.66 50,045 6.05 49,166 6.36 1.79 Land Rover 4,730 3.20 3,391 2.34 39.49 27,600 3.34 23,224 3.01 18.84 Lexus 1,340 0.91 1,459 1.00 -8.16 6,521 0.79 4,904 0.63 32.97 Maserati 40 0.03 75 0.05 -46.67 239 0.03 459 0.06 -47.93 Maxus 1 0.00 3 0.00 -66.67 3 0.00 7 0.00 -57.14 Mazda 2,171 1.47 2,277 1.57 -4.66 11,175 1.35 13,219 1.71 -15.46 Mercedes-Benz 7,758 5.25 5,816 4.01 33.39 42,873 5.18 34,617 4.48 23.85 MG 7,223 4.89 6,304 4.34 14.58 35,732 4.32 32,017 4.14 11.60 Mini 2,679 1.81 3,099 2.13 -13.55 17,580 2.12 18,704 2.42 -6.01 Nissan 6,602 4.47 6,484 4.47 1.82 45,805 5.54 37,341 4.83 22.67 Peugeot 4,504 3.05 5,171 3.56 -12.90 30,100 3.64 25,702 3.33 17.11 Polestar 314 0.21 1,034 0.71 -69.63 2,082 0.25 5,739 0.74 -63.72 Porsche 1,315 0.89 1,920 1.32 -31.51 7,579 0.92 9,850 1.28 -23.06 Renault 3,798 2.57 2,385 1.64 59.25 22,585 2.73 13,121 1.70 72.13 Seat 3,572 2.42 1,973 1.36 81.04 18,155 2.19 13,618 1.76 33.32 Skoda 6,671 4.52 5,720 3.94 16.63 31,108 3.76 28,000 3.62 11.10 Smart 148 0.10 16 0.01 825.00 927 0.11 129 0.02 618.60 SsangYong 0 0.00 125 0.09 0.00 0 0.00 692 0.09 0.00 Subaru 182 0.12 134 0.09 35.82 1,223 0.15 796 0.10 53.64 Suzuki 2,032 1.38 1,878 1.29 8.20 11,286 1.36 10,172 1.32 10.95 Tesla 3,152 2.13 3,439 2.37 -8.35 16,272 1.97 18,607 2.41 -12.55 Toyota 6,834 4.63 8,325 5.73 -17.91 40,049 4.84 46,604 6.03 -14.07 Vauxhall 6,026 4.08 8,879 6.11 -32.13 39,076 4.72 39,578 5.12 -1.27 Volkswagen 13,503 9.14 11,687 8.05 15.54 68,094 8.23 64,436 8.34 5.68 Volvo 5,707 3.86 4,835 3.33 18.04 24,139 2.92 20,461 2.65 17.98 Other British 179 0.12 223 0.15 -19.73 1,251 0.15 1,437 0.19 -12.94 Other imports 216 0.15 137 0.09 57.66 1,096 0.13 692 0.09 58.38 Total 147,678 145,204 1.70 827,500 772,454 7.13
+2.7k% BYD -86% INEOS


Best May for sales since 2021’s record figure

THE UK’s new LCV market saw registrations rise by 1.9% in May versus the same month last year to reach 25,853 units, according to latest figures from the SMMT.

It was the 17th month of growth in a row and the best May performance since 2021, when the market had its best month in history at 29,354 units as business investment in commercial vehicles speeded up following the pandemic.

Vans weighing between 2.5 and 3.5 tonnes made up most of the market, although there was a slight decline of 0.8% to 17,042.

May’s top-selling LCV was the Ford Transit Custom at 3,189 units, followed by its Transit stablemate (2,505) and Ranger sibling (2,130).

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OF NEW COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 3.5  TONNES TO 6.0  TONNES MAY 2024 MAY 2023 YEAR TO DATE Marque 2024 % market share 2023 % market share % change 2024 % market share 2023 % market share % change Ford 9,309 36.01 8,371 33.01 11.21 46,046 31.85 43,054 31.82 6.95 Volkswagen 2,774 10.73 2,321 9.15 19.52 15,081 10.43 12,956 9.58 16.40 Renault 2,303 8.91 2,468 9.73 -6.69 10,350 7.16 10,890 8.05 -4.96 Vauxhall 2,130 8.24 1,764 6.96 20.75 13,926 9.63 12,144 8.98 14.67 Peugeot 1,668 6.45 1,522 6.00 9.59 9,776 6.76 9,992 7.39 -2.16 Mercedes 1,524 5.89 1,686 6.65 -9.61 9,311 6.44 8,502 6.28 9.52 Citroen 1,404 5.43 2,354 9.28 -40.36 10,791 7.47 12,293 9.09 -12.22 Toyota 803 3.11 1,339 5.28 -40.03 8,261 5.71 7,372 5.45 12.06 Nissan 617 2.39 297 1.17 107.74 3,221 2.23 2,528 1.87 27.41 Iveco 598 2.31 351 1.38 70.37 2,714 1.88 1,857 1.37 46.15 Maxus 505 1.95 427 1.68 18.27 2,711 1.88 1,401 1.04 93.50 Isuzu 407 1.57 470 1.85 -13.40 1,665 1.15 2,033 1.50 -18.10 Land Rover 404 1.56 409 1.61 -1.22 2,777 1.92 2,364 1.75 17.47 Fiat 398 1.54 519 2.05 -23.31 3,210 2.22 2,959 2.19 8.48 Renault Trucks 276 1.07 276 1.09 0.00 1,283 0.89 1,476 1.09 -13.08 MAN 263 1.02 242 0.95 8.68 1,051 0.73 1,431 1.06 -26.55 KGM 168 0.65 0 0.00 0.00 654 0.45 0 0.00 0.00 Isuzu Trucks 125 0.48 217 0.86 -42.40 627 0.43 812 0.60 -22.78 Suzuki 93 0.36 42 0.17 121.43 723 0.50 202 0.15 257.92 Ineos 26 0.10 147 0.58 -82.31 139 0.10 199 0.15 -30.15 Dacia 34 0.13 14 0.06 142.86 137 0.09 93 0.07 47.31 Fuso 14 0.05 20 0.08 -30.00 80 0.06 131 0.10 -38.93 BYD 10 0.04 0 0.00 0.00 17 0.01 0 0.00 0.00 LEVC 0 0.00 12 0.05 0.00 3 0.00 48 0.04 -93.75 SsangYong 0 0.00 91 0.36 0.00 0 0.00 559 0.41 0.00 Total light CV 25,853 100.00 25,359 100.00 1.95 144,554 100.00 135,296 100.00 6.84 MAY 2024 MAY 2023 YEAR TO DATE Marque 2024 % market share 2023 % market share % change 2024 % market share 2023 % market share % change Mercedes 228 32.71 109 28.24 109.17 809 24.13 664 34.39 21.84 Ford 160 22.96 140 36.27 14.29 897 26.75 476 24.65 88.45 Fiat 149 21.38 65 16.84 129.23 720 21.47 393 20.35 83.21 Iveco 50 7.17 18 4.66 177.78 239 7.13 87 4.51 174.71 Peugeot 49 7.03 15 3.89 226.67 335 9.99 134 6.94 150.00 Man 20 2.87 0 0.00 0.00 103 3.07 0 0.00 0.00 Maxus 18 2.58 25 6.48 -28.00 48 1.43 92 4.76 -47.83 Vauxhall 14 2.01 0 0.00 0.00 85 2.54 30 1.55 183.33 Volkswagen 5 0.72 5 1.30 0.00 37 1.10 12 0.62 208.33 Renault Trucks 3 0.43 1 0.26 200.00 8 0.24 5 0.26 60.00 Isuzu Trucks 1 0.14 1 0.26 0.00 10 0.30 4 0.21 150.00 Citroen 0 0.00 7 1.81 0.00 60 1.79 29 1.50 106.90 Renault 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 2 0.06 5 0.26 -60.00 Total heavy CV 697 100.00 386 100.00 80.57 3,353 100.00 1,931 100.00 73.64 DATA FILE REGISTRATIONS OF NEW COMMERCIAL VEHICLES LESS THAN 3.5 TONNES
INCREASE Figures supplied by SMMT Figures supplied by SMMT



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James Baggott attempts to focus on the positives of running an electric car on a day-to-day basis.

If you’re new – or have never tried – life with an electric car, it’s pretty easy to moan about them.

Public charging woes and long waits for battery charges are well documented, but after a few months with our Audi SQ8 e-tron electric long-termer, I’m starting to appreciate the benefits of running an EV, too. So, in the interests of balance, I wanted to focus on a few of them for this update.


Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you won’t have failed to notice car manufacturers are hurtling towards an electric future, and chances are if you haven’t tried one yet, it will only be a matter of time before you do.

But what are the benefits of making the switch? Well, for many there are the cost savings that can – and I emphasise the word ‘can’ – be had. Currently, you don’t pay vehicle excise duty for EVs, and if you’re clever with your charging, they can be cheaper to run.

There’s also the distinctive power delivery of an electric car to enjoy. As there are no pistons or turbos to spool up, torque is delivered the minute you press the accelerator and this translates into super-quick getaways. While there’s no noise to go with it, the instant power really is quite addictive.

Electric cars are also incredibly smooth and this Audi is a prime example of that, plus it’s very comfortable to drive and relaxing.

There are environmental benefits to consider as well. While the internet will argue for decades about the impact of mining for the precious metals required to make the batteries, I don’t think you can disagree with the zero tailpipe emissions and reduced noise pollution. I live next to a busy bus route and they’ve recently changed all the buses to full EVs. The reduced noise is noticeable and the fact they’re not chugging away, belching out smelly back clouds of diesel fumes outside my front door is a welcome relief. I do also feel like I’m doing my bit driving around in an EV and definitely don’t feel guilty when I need to make a short journey by car.

However, I won’t hide the fact that the transition to an electric car has been hard. I still won’t drive the SQ8 over long distances when I know I’ll need to charge, such is my distrust of the awful public charging infrastructure we still have to endure. Yes, it’s getting better, but I can’t deal with the added stress of not knowing if the charger I’ve planned to use is working or busy when I get to it.

Recently, I have been playing around with the Sport settings in the e-tron, and the added boost this gives you away from the lights is superb. Even though the car is incredibly heavy – nearly three tonnes – it still manages to get off the line quickly enough to make other car drivers raise an eyebrow.

I’d like the regenerative braking to be a little simpler to understand, though. In most EVs, you take your foot off the accelerator and there’s a level of ‘engine braking’ that puts some charge back in the battery. Most EVs have a ‘B’ mode that can increase this further, but the SQ8 is different and adjusts the regeneration it thinks you need with a mix of on-board sensors and sat nav. So, if you’re approaching traffic lights or a roundabout, it will sometimes kick in, other times not at all. You can overrule it using the paddles on the steering wheel, but it’s nowhere near good enough and I’d much rather it was either on or off.

Recently, the Audi has been called into action for all manner of everyday chores and I’m always impressed by how it copes. A trip to the garden centre saw it swallow some 2.4m posts and probably a few too many plants with ease.

On balance, I find the additional hassle that requires running an EV outweighs the benefits of owning one, but with a few more months left to get used to it, that may change.

Audi SQ8 e-tron

Price (as tested): £118,105

Powertrain: Electric motor with 114kW battery

Power: 496bhp Torque: 973Nm 0-60mph: 4.5 seconds

Top speed: 130mph

Range: 265 miles (WLTP combined)

Emissions: 0g/km CO2

Mileage: 4,452

This month’s highlight: At last, we’re starting to appreciate the benefits of running an EV.

I do also feel like I’m doing my bit driving around in an EV and definitely don’t feel guilty when I need to make a short journey.
The SQ8’s

boot is put to the test

42 |


The Vauxhall Astra is a favourite among Brits but what’s the electric version like? James Batchelor will be finding out over the next six months.

It’ll come as little surprise to you to learn that I drive many electric cars for my job. I have to, as it feels like every week there’s another one to review that aims to do something different from the one launched the previous week. They arrive, I drive them, I charge them, I play with the associated smartphone app, I charge them up again and then they return to the car manufacturer. This is all fine but I’ve never really lived with one.

That’s going to change, though, because for the next six months I shall be driving a Vauxhall Astra – not, as you might assume, a petrol one, but the new fully electric version. That’s why I wanted to give the Astra Electric a go because, for me, this is the interesting thing about the car market right now.

The Vauxhall Astra has been part of the British car scene since 1980. While it’s no longer built in the north-east any more, enough of them have been sold over the past 44 years for it to feel like part of the furniture. Like the Fiesta, Golf or even more recently Qashqai, the Astra is one of those car names that everyone knows.

But now you can buy this household name as an EV. Apart from the green stripe on the number plate that denotes its power source, it looks exactly the same as the petrol. No wacky looks, no shouting about its eco-credentials. It’s just an Astra that comes with a plug.

But does this mean EVs are becoming mainstream? That’s what I want to find out in my half-year living with one.

The car I’ll be running is a top-drawer one in ‘Ultimate’ spec. Called that, it sets the expectations pretty high, doesn’t it, but it does have the type of kit list that would have been unheard of in an Astra even a few years ago – things such as semi-automated lane change assist, adaptive cruise control, a head-up display, matrix LED pixel headlights (the ones that don’t dazzle oncoming cars when you’ve got your beams on), and I think this car even has ChatGPT integrated. Oh, and the front seats have been approved by the German independent organisation Aktion Gesunder Rücken, which promotes back health.

The only option we went for was the rather fetching Cobalt Blue tri-coat metallic paint at £700, which – so far at least – I think is worth choosing.

But then we come to the price – £43,960. That’s rather a lot isn’t it, but I’ll give you a more definitive answer over the next few months.

What’s the range then? Vauxhall claims 258 miles and 4.2 miles per kWh (that’s the electric version of a petrol car’s MPG), and having driven an Astra Electric for a couple of days in the past I know those figures aren’t unachievable as in some other EVs. It’ll be interesting to see if over a longer period of time Vauxhall’s claims are realistic.

I’m looking forward to the next six months.


Vauxhall Astra


This month’s highlight:

We’re looking forward to the next six months with ‘our’ new electric Astra.

No wacky looks, no shouting about its eco-credentials. It’s just an Astra that comes with a plug.


Mileage: 8,317

We’ve loved our time with the Koroq but we won’t miss the DSG automatic gearbox. | 43
Price (as tested): £43,960 Engine: Electric motor with 54kW battery Power: 154bhp Torque: 270Nm 0-60mph: 9.0 seconds Top speed: 105mph Range: 258 miles (claimed) Emissions: 0g/km CO2 Mileage: 2,060 miles
Skoda Karoq SE L
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