2021 AACAAS AM/PIC Program

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73RD AM/PIC - JUNE 16-17, 2021 - EUFAULA, AL

Cover Photo was photographed by Dr. Edward J. Sikora and is entitled "Cotton Field at Sunset".

2020‐21 AACAAS Officers and Directors

President: Eve F. Brantley President Elect: Danny B. McWilliams, Jr. Past President: Anthony G. Wiggins Secretary: Rickey G. Hudson Treasurer: Jessica A. Kelton Directors District I: A – M. Landon Marks B ‐ Zachery D. Brannon District II: A – Ayanava Majumdar B – Darrue Stewart District III: A – J. Allie Logan B – David L. Daniel, Jr.

2021 AACAAS AM/PIC Committee Chairs Annual Meeting: Registration: 4‐H & Youth Recognition: Communication Awards: Professional Excellence Awards: Public Relations Awards: Search for Excellence Awards: Fundraising & Sponsors: Memorial Program: Printing: Scholarship Auction:

73rd Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference

New district lines as of 4/18 to equalize member numbers. District II A is Auburn University.

Eve F. Brantley Jessica A. Kelton Elizabeth E. Yates Kassie N. Conner S. Leanne Dillard J. Kevan Tucker William T. (Chip) East Danny B. McWilliams, Jr. Anthony G. Wiggins Lisa A. Kriese‐Anderson Kelly A. Palmer

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2021 AM/PIC Agenda Wednesday, June 16 12:00 p.m. REGISTRATION (Main Lobby) ...................................................................................... Jessica Kelton AUCTION ITEM CHECK‐IN (Pine Room) ........................................... Kelly Palmer and Lucy Edwards POSTER SET‐UP (Riverside Room) .............................................................................. Leanne Dillard

1:00 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. WELCOME AND PROGRAM OVERVIEW (Ballroom) ...................................................... Eve Brantley

1:10 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. EXTENSION PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS (Ballroom) 1:10 to 1:25 p.m. Virtual Farm Field Trips: Grade K‐4 ..................................................... Allie Logan 1:25 to 1:40 p.m. Hurtsboro Rolling Store ............................................................ Jennifer Davidson 1:40 to 1:55 p.m. Tomato Workshop .................................................................................. Chip East 1:55 to 2:10 p.m. Seed Saving ........................................................................................ Dani Carroll 2:10 to 2:25 p.m. 4‐H Virtual Escape Room .................................................................... Geni Payne 2:25 to 2:40 p.m. Hydroponics for Teachers .................................................................. David Cline 2:40 to 2:55 p.m. Farm‐City Tour ................................................................................. Heidi Tilenius 2:55 to 3:10 p.m. Grow More Give More ................................................................ Bethany O’Rear

3:10 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Break 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CONCURRENT SESSIONS) Session 1A: Introduction to the Private Well Water Program and Watershed Stewards (Riverside Room) ...................................................................................................... Laura Bell and Jessica Curl Session 1B: Engaging Potential Extension Partners and Sponsors (Ballroom) ........... Kent Stanford

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4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CONCURRENT SESSIONS) Session 2A: Program Planning and Evaluation (Riverside Room) ...................................................... ................................................................................ Kim Mullenix, Steve Li and Ayanava Mujumdar Session 2B: Submitting and Winning Extension Awards (Ballroom) . Ken Kelley and Eddie McGriff

6:00 p.m. until AWARDS PROGRAM BANQUET (Ballroom) Presiding ....................................................................................................... Eve Brantley, President Invocation ..................................................................................Landon Marks, District 1A Director Dinner Guest Recognition ....................................................................................... Eve Brantley, President Welcome ............................................................................. Jack B. Tibbs, Jr., City of Eufaula Mayor Sponsor Spotlight ............................ Paul Pinyan, Alabama Farmers Federation Executive Director Scholarship Committee Awards .......................................................................... Kelly Palmer, Chair Recognition & Awards Committee Awards ............................................. Jimmy Smitherman, Chair AACAAS 4‐H & Youth Committee Awards ...................................................... Elizabeth Yates, Chair Friend of Extension Award Introduction ..................................... Bethany A. O’Rear, Past President 2020 Friend of Extension Award .............................................. Anthony Wiggins, Past President 2021 Friend of Extension Award ...................................... Jennifer Davidson, District II Member Announcements ........................................................................................... Eve Brantley, President CHARLES R. MOODY YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION Presiding ............................................................................................. M. Kent Stanford, Auctioneer Payment and Settlement .................................................................................... Kelly Palmer, Chair

THURSDAY, June 17 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. BREAKFAST BUFFET (Ballroom) ........................................................................................ Everybody

8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. AACAAS OPEN BUSINESS MEETING (Ballroom) Presiding ................................................................................................... Rickey Hudson, Secretary Invocation ......................................................................... Ayanava Majumdar, District IIA Director Recognition – AM/PIC Sponsors ............................................... Danny McWilliams, President Elect

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ACES Director Extension Update ....................................................................................................... .............. Dr. J. Mike Phillips, ACES Director & Dr. Allen M. Malone, 1890 Extension Administrator NACAA Southern Region Director Report ..................... Stuart Gauthier, Southern Region Director Search for Excellence Committee Awards ............................................................... Chip East, Chair Communication Committee Awards................................................................ Kassie Conner, Chair Professional Excellence Committee Awards .................................................... Leanne Dillard, Chair MEMORIAL PROGRAM (Ballroom) Presiding ..................................................................................................... Jessica Kelton, Treasurer Invocation ........................................................................................ Allie Logan, District III Director AACAAS Memorials ....................................... Bethany O’Rear & Anthony Wiggins, Past Presidents  2020: Joy C. Brown, James H. Estes, Richard L. Hambley and Roy J. Ledbetter  2021: G. Clayton Hoomes, Daniel R. Mims, Tammy C. Powell, Max F. Scott, W. Gaines Smith and Jack A. Thompson

10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. POSTER DISPLAY REMOVAL (Riverside Room) ...................................................... Poster Presenters

11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. AACAAS CLOSED BUSINESS MEETING (Ballroom) – AACAAS Members Only Presiding .................................................................................... Danny McWilliams, President‐Elect AACAAS LIFE MEMBERS MEETING (Riverside Room) – AACAAS Life Members Only Presiding .................................................... Jeff Clary and Dennis Peterson, Life Member Co‐Chairs

12:15 p.m ‐ until AACAAS LIFE MEMBERS LUNCHEON – Eufaula Chamber of Commerce (333 East Broad Street) Welcome ...................................................... Jeff Clary & Dennis Peterson, Life Member Co‐Chairs Invocation ..................................................................................... Anthony Wiggins, Past President Meal Life Time Achievement Award Introduction ................................................ Eve Brantley, President 2020 Life Time Achievement Award ........................................ Anthony Wiggins, Past President 2021 Life Time Achievement Award ................................................. Rudy Yates, Past President 2019 & 2020 Retiree Service Recognition ................................................... Eve Brantley, President Golden Gavel Award ..................................................................... Anthony Wiggins, Past President Farewell Address .......................................................................................... Eve Brantley, President 2021‐22 Officers and Directors Presentation ............................... Anthony Wiggins, Past President Presidential Address ............................................................ Danny McWilliams, President 2021‐22 Adjourn

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Alabama Association of County Agricultural Agents and Specialists 2021 Award Nominees and Winners

Name J. Allie Logan Rishi Prasad T. Paul Vining

Achievement Award Winners District Position District III County Extension Coordinator, Barbour County District II Extension Waste Management Specialist, Auburn District I Regional Extension Agent, Animal Science and Forages

Name James C. Jacobi Neil G. Kelly Kerry P. Smith

Distinguished Service Award Winners District Position District I Extension Horticulture Specialist, Birmingham District II Regional Extension Agent, Commercial Horticulture Administrator III, Home Horticulture Outreach Programs District I

Name Katie S. Lee

4‐H and Youth Achievement Award District Position District III Regional Extension Agent, 4‐H Covington County

Category 4‐H Programming2

Search for Excellence Programming Awards Name Co‐Authors Title Megan Jones, Jessica Kelton, J. Allie Logan Fall Virtual Field Trip to David Koon, Sedrick Mack, the Farm: Grades K‐4 Jill Wachs

Crop Production


Improving Crop Yields and Profitability in NE Alabama

D. Eddie McGriff

Farm & Ranch Business W. Kenneth Management Kelley

J. Boswell, D. Brothers, J. Kelton, A. Rabinowitz, M. Runge, W. Sawadgo

Livestock Production

L. Kriese‐Anderson, S.P. Rodning, D.B. McWilliams, T.P. Vining

D. Alex Tigue

73rd Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference

A Virtual Response from the Alabama Farm and Agribusiness Team to a very offline pandemic 2017‐2020 Alabama Pasture to Rail: the retained ownership program for Alabama Cattle Producers

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Search for Excellence (con’t) Category Name Co‐Authors K. Palmer, M. Runge, K. Sustainable Agriculture W. Kenneth Tucker, A. Wiggins Recognition Program Kelley

National Finalist

Title Horn Fly Management in Cattle: Helping Producers Reduce Insecticide Resistance and Regain Control


Category Audio Recording Computer Generated Graphics Program with Script Educational Video Recordings

Communication Awards Name Co‐Authors Gavin P. Mauldin David J. Cline

David J. Cline

Fact Sheet

David P. Russell

Feature Story1

D. Eddie McGriff

Newsletter, Team2

T. Paul Vining


A. Shane Harris

Published Photo Web Site/Online Content

Edward J. Sikora Kimberly C. Mullenix

Regional Winner 2 National Finalist

Margaret Barse

D.A. Tigue, Z.D. Brannon, K.C. Cole, D.B. McWilliams, R.R. Brasher W.T. East, Patrick Thompson

Title County Extension Minute Channel Catfish Farming: The Basics

Building an Intermediate Bulk Container Aquaponics System Sprayer Calibration Made Simple These Good Guys Don’t Wear White Hats. The Vital Role Beneficial Insects Play in Controlling Cotton Pests Northwest Animal Science and Forages Update

Native Azaleas for Alabama Cotton Field at Sunset L.S. Silva, G.L. Alfalfa in the South Online Thompson, S.L. Dillard, Series D. Russell, K. Kesheimer, J.J. Tucker and C.G. Prevatt


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Author Rhonda C. Britton

Extension Education Posters Co‐Authors E. Brantley, S. Curry, C. Elcott, K. Fallon, M. Kelly


Rainwater harvesting utilized for toilet flushing for an Alabama rural studio 20K house

Abstract: Auburn University College of Architecture students must complete a senior design project before graduating. One of the current projects is for students to design and build a home for $20,000 (20K). The 20K home is a long‐term Auburn University project to develop a prototype for rural affordable housing. One of the design options is to lower monthly utility bills that includes water use. An Auburn University Architecture senior design group first contacted Dr. Eve Brantley, State Water Resources Specialist, for guidance. She directed the team to Home Grounds Regional Extension Agent, Rhonda Britton, who has extensive experience with rainwater harvesting for in‐home use. Rhonda provided help with designing a working rainwater harvesting system used to flush toilets in the home. Design considerations include sizing the tank, a first flush diverter, float switch, pressure switch, shallow well jet pump, solenoid, check valve, and gutters. The design process started in the summer of 2018 and the students finished the rainwater harvesting installation at the prototype 20k house in the fall of 2019. Lessons learned in this project include the importance of extension collaboration with the university they represent and the experience as the students begin their careers.

Dani L. Carroll

D. Koon, L. Edwards, B. O’Rear, K. Smith, M. Kelley, R. Britton, J. LeCroy, T. Crow, N. Wynn, Rudy Yates

Transitional home horticulture education during a pandemic

Abstract: Alabama Smart Yards, an Alabama Extension Home Grounds Team program, started the year with 28 planned face‐to‐face programs in 2020. On March 16, 2020, Covid‐19 pandemic restrictions closed all Extension offices and postponed meetings until further notice. The Home Grounds Team shifted to online programming on March 18, 2020 launching daily programming via Zoom online conferencing titled – Get Outside with Alabama Smart Yards. Subject matter concentrated on plant problem diagnosis, plant selection, straw bale gardening, wise fertilizer practices, best pruning practices, water conservation, rain barrels, wildlife damage, attracting pollinators, and several other activities involving the outdoors. Weekly schedules were made and distributed to all Alabama Extension employees for publicity. The Alabama Extension communication department created a blog advertising the new series. Each Home Grounds Regional Extension Agent emailed their respective Alabama Extension Master Gardener Volunteer groups for additional advertising. Alabama Smart Yards teaches and promotes best management practices for residential landscapes and community properties. We hosted 35 consecutive daily program before transitioning to weekly and impromptu programs. Speakers included regional agents from Home Grounds Team, Commercial Horticulture Team, Forestry and Wildlife, Food Safety, Pesticide Safety, County Coordinators, Master Gardener Volunteers, Auburn University and Alabama Extension specialists. The total registered attendees for all programs was 17,480. Twenty‐two percent of the virtual attendees were new to Extension programming in 2020. Email surveys were sent to all registered program participants. Seventy percent of these individuals reported that they implemented something from one or more of our programs. Clients also reported an average savings of $78/program. Based on registered participants of the Get Outside with Alabama Smart Yards series, the ROI for this Home Grounds program is 40:1. Participants also self‐reported the value of our program along with their cost savings. Their average total value was $137.71. Based on their reported average and program attendance per person (13 hours), this equates to a total program value of $168,281 for this group of 94 participants. The 2020 Alabama Smart Yards Webinar Series continues in 2021 on a weekly basis.

Katelyn A. Kesheimer

Jessica A. Kelton

Hemp education in Alabama: Creating an Extension Program for ‘new’ crop

Abstract: Hemp was once a major crop in the United States. However, following restrictive laws and the popularity of other less expensive fibers like cotton, production came to a halt in the middle of the 20th century. The 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills made research and commercial production of hemp legal once again, which resulted in numerous universities and producers growing this ‘new’ crop. But without a long history of hemp production in the modern era, growers were left without research‐based information to optimize their operations. This knowledge gap, paired with the sudden interest in hemp, provided Extension programs a unique opportunity to connect with new growers and deliver educational programming. A needs assessment across the southeast indicated that growers were losing yield to major pests and struggling to navigate the volatile market. Further, only a small percentage of growers were

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utilizing their local Extension services. Therefore, the Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) sought to increase grower awareness of Extension resources, document major pests of hemp, and develop an integrated pest management plan for hemp in Alabama. To achieve this, we organized meetings throughout Alabama to educate stakeholders on the basics of hemp production including economics, agronomics, greenhouse production, and pests (insects, weeds, and diseases). When COVID‐19 forced us to go virtual, we used webinars, fact sheets, social media, and virtual meetings to continue meeting with producers and disseminating information. ACES also worked to educate the general public on hemp and it’s various uses. As a result of our meetings, growers reported saving an average of $106 per field, with several reporting they saved their entire investment. The majority of respondents reported a knowledge gain (89%) and that they will use the information (98%) we provided. Our new hemp Facebook page reached over 7,500 people and connected with growers throughout the region. In fall 2020, we published the first Integrated Pest Management Guide for Hemp in Alabama. Finally, we conducted on‐farm research with Alabama hemp growers and developed collaborative relationships. This work will continue in 2021 with a bimonthly webinar series and on‐farm research with local growers.

Kristin L. Woods

Bridgette Brannon

Increasing engagement and learning during PSA grower training courses

Abstract: The one‐day standardized PSA Grower Training has received mixed reviews from small‐scale growers who would like additional support and technical assistance implementing Produce Safety Rule (PSR) requirements. The 2019 North Central Region Center for FSMA Training, Extension, and Technical Assistance report shows that special populations of growers (minority, plain cloths, and limited English proficiency) generally score lower on the standardized pre‐test and show less improvement than growers who do not identify with a special population when confronted with the traditional lecture based PSA Grower Training (Bhullar et al, 2019). Training that incorporates simulation, demonstration, discussion, peer‐to‐peer, and experiential learning is likely to better meet the cultural needs of the given audience and is consistent with the USDA Guide: Best Practices for Better Serving Socially Disadvantaged and Limited Resource Beginning Farmers and Ranchers. Several two‐day PSA Grower Training Courses that incorporated experiential learning and other interactive elements have been conducted across the southern region. Growers who attended these courses report a high level of enjoyment and engagement. Analysis of the PSA evaluations shows that growers attending these courses believe they have improved their knowledge and have greater confidence implementing food safety practices. Incorporating hands‐on activities into PSA Grower Training increases engagement and it is theorized that the increased engagement offered by the interactive course elements will lead to greater long‐term learning outcomes and improved on farm food safety practices.

Upcoming Alabama AM/PIC 2022: May 31‐June 3. Embassy Suites, Tuscaloosa, AL 2023: May 31‐June 2. Lake Point Lodge in Eufaula, AL Upcoming NACAA AM/PIC 2021: July 6‐9 Virtually hosted (PA) 2022: July 17‐22 in West Palm Beach, FL 2023: August 12‐17 in Des Moines, IA 2024: July 14‐18 in Dallas, TX

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2021 AACAAS AM/PIC Sponsors Platinum Level Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Dr. J. Mike Phillips and Dr. Allen M. Malone SunSouth, LLC, Mr. Daniel Cushman in Dothan, AL Gold Level Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (Checkoff Acct.), Erin Beasley in Montgomery, AL Alabama Life Member Association, Dennis Peterson in Bay Minette, AL Silver Level Agri‐AFC, LLC, Mike Malone in Decatur, AL Alabama Ag Credit, FLCA/Alabama Farm Credit, ACA, Amber Pratt/Wendy Tysinger Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association, Michelle Elmore in Clanton, AL Alabama Farmers Agricultural Foundation, Paul Pinyan in Montgomery, AL Alabama Nursery and Landscape Association, Russell Wood in Auburn, AL Bonnie Plants, Inc., Stan Cope in Decatur, AL First South Farm Credit (ACA), Mike Pigg in Montgomery, AL Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition, Inc. & Swisher Sweets, Chip Blalock, Moultrie, GA Bronze Level Alabama Peanut Producers Association, Jacob Davis in Dothan, AL Auburn University Agricultural Alumni Association Cleveland Cattle Company, Chip Cleveland in Prattville, AL Baldwin County Farmers Federation, Hope Cassebaum in Robertsdale, AL Cullman County Farmers Federation, Ben Haynes in Cullman, AL Jackson County Farmers Federation, Phillip Thompson in Scottsboro, AL Lee County Farmers Federation, Jamie Lazenby in Opelika, AL Marengo County Farmers Federation, Meador Jones, Jr. in Linden, AL Monroe County Farmers Federation, Ronnie Joe Jordan in Monroeville, AL Walker County Farmers Federation, Dorman Grace in Jasper, AL Jeff and Jenny Clary, Porter Properties in Auburn, AL Tin Level Auburn University College of Agriculture and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Chambers County Farmers Federation, Chris Langley in Lafayette, AL Cherokee County Farmers Federation, John Bert East in Centre, AL Coosa County Farmers Federation, Ricky Cardwell in Rockford, AL Mobile County Farmers Federation, Art Sessions in Mobile, AL Talladega County Farmers Federation, James White, Jr. in Talledega, AL Tallapoosa County Farmers Federation, Jacob Hodnett in Notasulga, AL

Thank You To Our Sponsors

Jeff & Jenny Clary

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