2022 Blackbelt Cattle Marketing Fall Ball Bull Supplement

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www.blackbeltcattlemarketing.com email: sales@blackbeltcattlemarketing.com Lisa Kriese-Anderson (334)539-2129 Jeremy May (334)341-0834 2022 Fall Ball Bull Supplement Friday, November 18, 2022 11:00 a.m. Uniontown, AL



Dear Fellow Cattle Producers, Welcome to the 2nd Annual Blackbelt Marketing Company Fall Ball Sale!

Please find within these pages detailed information on each bull that will be offered on November 18, 2022 at our sale

Each individual offering has been screened for quality and structural correctness Performance has been bred into each individual animal offered for your consideration Additionally, each bull has passed a breeding soundness exam in the last 30 days

Additional videos and photos can be found on our website. If you have any questions, please give us a call, a text or an email. The full catalog will be available on sale day. If you are unable to attend the sale in person, we will handle your bids in a most confidential manner or you may bid online via DVAuction.

Cattle will be ready to view at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, November 18th at the Alabama Livestock Auction in Uniontown, AL. The sale will begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. Lunch will be available at the Stockyard Cafe. We look forward to visiting with you and helping you find the cattle right for your operation.

Jessie, Jeremy and Lisa in Fall 2020
44299 AL Hwy 69 Gallion, AL 36742 www blackbeltcattlemarketing com info@blackbeltcattlemarketing com Jeremy May Lisa Kriese-Anderson Jessie Tucker (334) 341 0834
539 2129 jessie@blackbeltcattlemarketing.com


Reg: P4425806

Birth Date: 10/23/2020


PGS: KCF Bennett Provident 8

CSR 405D Provident 752E

PGD: DSB 1090 100W Gidget

Tattoo: H1211 3 CED 2.1 BW 56 WW 23 Milk 84 YW 0.027 BF 0.42 REA 0.22 MARB CEM 66 CW

EID: 840003255774952 45 35 40 70 60 65 45 70 60 15

Dam: MLF Juneau A901

EPD and Percentile Ranks

Scrotal: 0.9 $483 15

BII $116 40


Comments: Lot 286 is a solid, thick, structurally correct bull sired by the best bull Drummond-Sparks ever raised. This bull will produce excellent daughters as well as compete in grid marketing. Lots 287 and 288 are paternal half-sibs.

MGS: THM Rusty 1205 ET MGD: MLF Sweet Mellissa W703 Sire: 287


Meadowlake Farm

MLF Spartain H1228

Reg: P4425967

Tattoo: H1228 0.4 CED 3.8 BW 63 WW 24

EPD and Percentile Ranks

Comments: Lot 287 is a paternal half sib to Lots Lot 286 and 288. His dam is also a half sib to the dam of Lot 288. Excellent growth and carcass bull that will produce females with excellent udders and fertility.

Meadowlake Farm MLF Champ H1211
Milk 95 YW 0.017 BF 0.69 REA 0.3 MARB CEM 75 CW EID: 840003255774953 70 75 15 65 30 50 5 80 25 10 Birth Date: 11/12/2020 Scrotal: -0.5 $528 5 BII 1$36 15 CHB cm CSR 405D Provident 752E PGS: KCF Bennett Provident 8 PGD: DSB 1090 100W Gidget Dam: MLF X51 Tiffany Z839 MGS: KCF Bennett Revolution X5 MGD: MLF 5071 Topspin T632 Sire: 288 Meadowlake Farm MLF Harley H1230 Reg: P4425799 Comments: Lot 288 is a paternal half sib to Lots Lot 286 and 287. His dam is also a half sib to the dam of Lot 287. Excellent growth and carcass bull that will produce females with excellent udders and fertility. Hereford EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: H1230 2.4 CED 2.9 BW 61 WW 24 Milk 93 YW 0.017 BF 0.7 REA 0.33 MARB CEM 73 CW EID: 840003255774954 50 50 20 65 35 50 5 55 30 10 Birth Date: 11/13/2020 Scrotal: 1.6 $560 5 BII $137 10 CHB cm CSR 405D Provident 752E PGS: KCF Bennett Provident 8 PGD: DSB 1090 100W Gidget Dam: MLF X51 Hushpuppy Z840 MGS: KCF Bennett Revolution X51 MGD: MLF V3F2 Snowflake K252 Sire: Lot 286 Lot 287 Lot 288
289 Meadowlake Farm MLF Phoenix H1239 Reg: P4425698 Comments: Lot 289 is a goggled eye bull that will catch your eye. His paternal grandsire produces females with sustained fertility and excellent udders. Lot 289 will do the same plus add pounds at weaning and yearling.
EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: H1239 -3.1 CED 4.1 BW 56 WW 27 Milk 94 YW 0.007 BF 0.44 REA 0.13 MARB CEM 68 CW EID: 840003255774955 90 80 40 45 30 30 40 70 50 35 Birth Date: 11/27/2020 Scrotal: 0.2 $466 25 BII $116 40 CHB cm MLF Resolute E1074 PGS: THM 100W Reliable 3018 PGD: MLF Seville X768 Dam: MLF
D1044 MGS: THM
8859 ET MGD: MLF
Tiffany Z839 Sire: 290 Dry Creek Farm DCF 300Y Genesis J38 ET Reg: P4433008 Comments: Lot 290 is a calving ease, high growth bull that will produce females with fertility and longevity and calves that will excel on carcass grid marketing.
EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: J38 5.9 CED 2 BW 59 WW 23 Milk 91 YW 0.047 BF 0.58 REA 0.34 MARB CEM 70 CW EID: 840003255774956 25 30 30 70 40 90 15 20 40 10 Birth Date: 10/14/2021 Scrotal: 4.7 $406 40 BII $134 15 CHB cm Loewen Genesis G16 ET PGS: NJW 79Z Z311 Endure 1 PGD: Loewen 77 48 Miss 344 Dam: Star Takin On Da Dream 300Y E MGS: Remitall Online 122L MGD: Gerber 774 Rosy Lane 623S Sire: 291 Dry Creek Farm DCF 1311 Belle Air J39 ET Reg: 44330073 Comments: Horned. Lot 291 will add pounds and milk with top carcass performance to your calf crop. His daughters should calve easily , have nice udders and stay in the herd. Hereford EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: J39 1.6 CED 3.9 BW 59 WW 36 Milk 95 YW -0.023 BF 0.5 REA 0.42 MARB CEM 66 CW EID: 840003255774957 60 75 30 5 30 5 30 35 60 5 Birth Date: 10/19/2021 Scrotal: 3.3 $488 15 BII $158 5 CHB cm BR Belle Air 6011 PGS: Bar S LHF 028 240 PGD: BR Belle 4082 ET Dam: C 88X Notice Me 1313 ET MGS: NJW 98S Ribeye 88X ET MGD: C Notice Me ET Sire: Lot 289 Lot 290 Lot 291
292 Dry Creek Farm DCF D33 Landmark J40 ET Reg:
Horned. Lot 292 will add pounds, milk and muscle to your calf crop while keeping birth weight right where it needs to be.
EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: J40 3.3 CED 2.9 BW 61 WW 35 Milk 96 YW -0.023 BF
CEM 70 CW EID: 840003255774958 45 50 20 10 25 5
40 90 Birth Date:
Scrotal: 0.8 $349 85 BII $100 80 CHB cm KJ BJ 236X Landmark 210F PGS: KJ BJ 319 X Laramie 619 PGD: KJ 618 N Timewise 236X Dam:
11 MGD:
Lady Z3 Sire: 293 Dry Creek Farm
02X Perfecto 125J ET Reg:
Lot 293 will add pounds at weaning and yearling while adding milk and longevity to his daughters.
and Percentile
4.4 CED
5 1 20 10 20 60 15 90 Birth Date: 10/8/2021 Scrotal: 1.1 $487 15 BII $116 40 CHB cm LCX Perfecto 11B ET PGS: NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 8 PGD: WLL Zoey 3Z Dam: TH WCC Miss 719T Victor 02 MGS: TH 122 71I Victor 719T MGD: WPH Miss Laredo 10U Sire: 294 Dry Creek Farm DCF G41 General 126J Reg: P4429622 Comments: A true curve bender. This bull is a calving ease, growth bull that will add fertility and longevity to replacement females. He also is tops in the Hereford breed for REA and marbling. Hereford EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: 126J 8.6 CED 1.6 BW 69 WW 25 Milk 118 YW 0.027 BF 0.84 REA 0.43 MARB CEM 77 CW EID: 840003255774960 10 25 5 50 5 65 5 5 15 5 Birth Date: 10/13/2021 Scrotal: 7.1 $529 5 BII $166 5 CHB cm Spearhead 4 Star General PGS: EFBEEF BR Validated B4 PGD: Spearhead A246 Dearie Dam: Spearhead E14 Command Lady MGS: Spearhead 22S Corps Com MGD: Spearhead Z303 Cutie C67 Sire: Lot 292 Lot 293 Lot 294
-0.06 MARB
25 65
WSF Lady Catlina
TH 71U 719T Mr Hereford
WSF Catalina P606
P4429623 Comments:
Hereford EPD
Ranks Tattoo: 125J
-0.06 MARB CEM 79 CW
295 Dry Creek Farm DCF 5167 Benchmark 128J Reg: P4429624 Comments: Lot 294 will not only mesh well with Brahman influenced females, he will sire calves that will do well in a grid marketing system. His damis a half sib to Lot 291's dam. Lot 293's paternal grandsire is Lot 291's sire. Hereford EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: 128J 5.6 CED 1.9 BW 50 WW 30 Milk 83 YW 0.027 BF 0.46 REA 0.32 MARB CEM 65 CW EID: 840003255774961 25 30 70 25 65 60 40 45 60 10 Birth Date: 10/21/2021 Scrotal: 2.4 $525 5 BII $140 10 CHB cm EXR Benchmark 8240 ET PGS: BR Belle Air 6011 PGD: SULL TCC Ms Harley 32 Dam: SR 436X Donna 5167 ET MGS: NJW 98S Ribeye 88X ET MGD: TH 122 71I Dominette 436 E Sire: 296 Highlander Ranch HR Rainfall I18 Reg: 20374758 Comments: Lot 296 is a calving ease who is structurally correct on his feet and legs. His daughters are sure to perform well in your herd. His dam is one of the best cows at Highlander Ranch. Angus EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: I18 9 CED -0.3 BW 48 WW 23 Milk 86 YW 0.009 BF 0.53 REA 0.33 MARB CEM 24 CW EID: 840003255774962 30 20 85 75 85 45 65 20 95 80 Birth Date: 9/2/2021 Scrotal: 11 $82 10 $M $105 90 $B cm S A V Rainfall 6864 PGS: Coleman Charlo 0256 PGD: S A V Blackcap May 413 Dam: R A F Portia 563 MGS: S Chisum 6175 MGD: R A F Portia 325 Sire: 297 Highlander Ranch HR Rainfall I19 Reg: 20374740 Comments: Lot 297 will add pounds to your calves while still allowing you to sleep at night. He is structurally correct with good feet and legs and out of another of Highlander Ranch's best females. Angus EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: I19 4 CED 2.2 BW 63 WW 25 Milk 117 YW BF REA MARB CEM CW EID: 840003255774963 70 75 45 60 35 55 Birth Date: 9/9/2021 Scrotal: 8 $77 15 $M $B cm S A V Rainfall 6864 PGS: Coleman Charlo 0256 PGD: S A V Blackcap May 413 Dam: Highlander Queen Rella 805 MGS: Connealy The Truth 6815 MGD: Ut Queen Rella 501 Sire: Lot 295 Lot 296 Lot 297
298 C&H Farms BF JRE Lucy's Mandate 11 Reg: P4432428 Comments: Scurred. This bull is a goggled eyed calving ease specialist with adequate growth numbers to make everyone happy at weaning time. He will work well on Brahman Influenced females and add carcass quality to any calf. Hereford EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: 1152 8.4 CED -0.8 BW 55 WW 21 Milk 89 YW 0.067 BF 0.4 REA 0.21 MARB CEM 74 CW EID: 840003255774964 10 5 45 80 45 95 50 55 25 20 Birth Date: 7/20/2021 Scrotal: 1.4 $478 25 BII $124 25 CHB cm /S Mandate 66589 PGS: R Leader 6964 PGD: /S Lady Domino 0158X Dam: BF Catching Fire 6201 MGS: DPH LH BF Launch 1310 E MGD: BF Cheyenne 109 Sire: 299 C&H Farms BK Jammin Forever 8135J Reg: P4423848 Comments: Definitely a bull to look at if you are looking for growth and muscle. His dam is C & H Farms' favorite dam. She is the base of their performance oriented herd. This year, her calf was weaned at 4 mo. of age and weighed over 600 lbs. Hereford EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: 8135J -2.5 CED 4.7 BW 64 WW 26 Milk 104 YW 0.003 BF 0.64 REA -0.06 MARB CEM 84 CW EID: 840003255774965 90 85 15 50 15 75 10 40 5 95 Birth Date: 2/11/2021 Scrotal: 2.7 $350 85 BII $116 40 CHB cm SR Dominate 308F ET PGS: BCC Dominator 619D PGD: Churchill Lady 1162Y ET Dam: BK Forever Vicky 8135F ET MGS: H FHF Authority 6026 ET MGD: Blacktop Vicky 028 ET Sire: 300 Shiloh Ridge Farms SRF Sir Bill E074 837C 216 Reg: P4426635 Comments: Lot 300 is a genetically balanced bull that will allow you to sleep at night. This bull represents some of the top genetics from Whitehawk Ranch and Barnes Herefords in Georgia. Lot 300 is a paternal half sib to Lot 301. Hereford EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: 216J 4.6 CED 2.4 BW 58 WW 25 Milk 90 YW 0.007 BF 0.79 REA 0.16 MARB CEM 88 CW EID: 840003255774966 30 40 35 55 45 30 5 10 5 30 Birth Date: 3/4/2021 Scrotal: 6.8 $393 60 BII $147 5 CHB cm WHR RMB Beefmaker 001A PGS: Gerber Anodyne 001A PGD: Gerber 4R Lady 045X Dam: WHR RMB 443A Beefmaid 837C MGS: Whitehawk 2328 Beefmkr 44 MGD: GV CMR P25 Miss 918X A19 Sire: Lot 299 Lot 298 Lot 300
301 Shiloh Ridge Farms SRF Sir Ric E074 E36 217J Reg: 44266360 Comments: Horned. Paternal half sib to Lot 301. Possesses superior thickness and his calves will excel on a carcass marketing grid. Hereford EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: 217J 2.8 CED 2.9 BW 58 WW 25 Milk 92 YW 0.003 BF 0.64 REA 0.07 MARB CEM 78 CW EID: 840003255774967 50 50 35 55 35 75 10 50 15 55 Birth Date: 5/5/2021 Scrotal: 2.0 $398 55 BII $131 15 CHB cm WHR RMB Beefmaker 001A PGS: Gerber Anodyne 001A PGD: Gerber 4R Lady 045X Dam: LPH Big Sky 419B E36 MGS: Walker Billings 719T 545 41 MGD: THM 8703 Geraldine 4265 Sire: 302 Shiloh Ridge Farms RMB 341F 609G Whitlock 9 Reg: P4422684 Comments: This is a true curve bender produced by Barnes Hereford genetics. Lot 301 is a true calving ease bull with superior growth and marbling. He is smooth and structurally correct with udder and teat genetics ranked in the top 5% of the Hereford breed. Hereford EPD and Percentile Ranks Tattoo: 956J 7.5 CED 1 BW 68 WW 29 Milk 109 YW 0.057 BF 0.34 REA 0.38 MARB CEM 69 CW EID: 840003255774968 15 15 5 30 10 95 65 15 45 5 Birth Date: 2/21/2021 Scrotal: 5.3 $561 5 BII $127 20 CHB cm RMB Primetime 341F PGS: R Leader 6964 PGD: CES Stunning 200Z R91 Dam: RMB 4013 Southern Belle 052E MGS: Innisfail WHR X651/723 401 MGD: RMB 595 Southern Belle 052 Sire: Lot 301 Lot 302 Lots 260
Commercial Brahman
sib commercial Brahman bulls. Lots 260, 261 and 262 will be
year olds
year olds. They are
by Mr.
(ABA registration #
out of
or D Bar
to 264:
Bulls McLaughlin Farms has developed 5 paternal half
in Spring 2023.
264 and 264 are 2
all sired
Kallion 1896
registered Brahman cows

If you are unable to be in Uniontown on Friday, November 18th, you may watch and bid through DVAuction. To watch or bid, you must have a DVAuction account.

If you would like us to handle your bid in a most confidential manner, just give Jeremy May or Lisa Kriese-Anderson a call.

There will be trucking available through Alabama Livestock Auction if you need heifers or bulls delivered to your operation.

Settlement for your purchases is expected the day of the sale unless prior arrangements are made. Personal checks, credit cards and cash are accepted. If purchasing through DVAuction, you will be provided instructions on how to settle your account.

The 2022 Fall Ball Sale will be Broadcast Live by DVAuction
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