70 Commercial Brahman Commercial BrahmanCrosses 290 70 Brahman and Brangus 290 Brahman Brangus Crosses Including 5 and American Reds Including 5 American Reds 15 British and Continental Crosses TM
25 Registered Hereford andCrosses SimAngus 15 British and Continental
25 Registered Hereford and SimAngus
Heifers have been selected for overall quality, structural correctness, and performance from top herds in the South.
All heifers will be guaranteed pregnant on sale day with Fall calves. Heifers will be sold in uniform lots of 2 to 5 head.
Jeremy May (334) 341-0834
Lisa Kriese-Anderson (334) 539-2129 www.blackbeltcattlemarketing.com email: sales@blackbeltcattlemarketing.com
Contact Us for Additional Information
44299 AL Hwy 69 Gallion, AL 36742
Spring 2022 Dear Fellow Cattle Producers, Welcome to the 2nd Annual Blackbelt Marketing Company Spring Fling Replacement Heifer Sale! It is a privilege to offer this outstanding set of bred replacement females for your consideration. These Fall calving heifers are some of the best genetics and quality not only in the Southern United States but in the entire country. On Friday, May 27th, you will have the opportunity to choose from genetics that are highly sought after and rarely available. These females will have a productive place in your herds for many years to come. Each heifer is guaranteed to be bred on sale day. They have been screened for quality and structural correctness. Performance has been bred into each of these heifers. Additional videos, photos and information on each set of females can be found on our website. If you have any questions, please give us a call, a text or an email. The full catalog will be available on sale day. If you are unable to attend the sale in person, DVA Auction will be streaming the sale and taking your bids online. We will also handle your bids in a most confidential manner. Additionally, please call ahead to make arrangements if you prefer to bid over the phone. Cattle will be ready to view at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, May 27th at the Alabama Livestock Auction in Uniontown, AL. The sale will begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. Lunch will be available at the Stockyard Cafe. We look forward to visiting with you and helping you find the heifers right for your operation. Jeremy May
(334) 341-0834
Lisa Kriese-Anderson
(334) 539-2129
Jessie Tucker
These heifers are a fancy set of half-bloods sired by a purebred Brahman bull. Pasture exposed to Angus and Red Angus bulls. Will start calving in September 2022. Tag Reg. No. Breed CE 1712 18754565 AAAA 11.0 013 4383539 RRRR 11.0 027 4383547 RRRR 11.0
EPD Values for Beeker Service Sires Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. Fat Marb REA 0.0 64 112 14 34 56 0.006 0.54 0.78 -0.6 56 93 6 21 20 0.010 0.35 0.00 -2.3 57 97 6 24 29 0.040 0.46 0.10
From the heart of their keepin' pen, these quarter-blood heifers are a combination of Simmental, Angus and Beefmaster genetics. They have been pasture exposed to a Meadows Creek Farm low birth weight EPD Angus bull. These heifers have been developed on pasture with limited supplementation. Tag 913
Will start calving in November 2022
EPD Values for Bell Farm & Cattle Co. Service Sire Reg. No. Breed CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk 19844850 AAAA 3.0 0.5 30 50 8 20
These heifers are American Reds, which is a combination of top Santa Gertrudis and Red Angus genetics. The result is a powerful female with a tick of ear. These heifers were AI bred to Red Angus sires Bieber CL Energize F121 and WFL Profitmaker E7030 and then cleaned up with Red Angus bulls.
Will start calving in October 2022
Tag F121 E7030 104H G6745
Reg. No. 3958815 3775477 4240410 4248750
Breed CE RRRR 18.0 RRRR 19.0 RRRR 16.0 RRRR 15.0
EPD Values for Blacktip Service Sires Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. -5.3 66 121 10 27 39 -7.3 65 98 11 33 16 -5.4 60 96 8 24 25 -4.2 69 111 17 27 30
Fat 0.030 0.020 0.010 0.020
Marb 0.63 0.42 0.69 0.46
REA 0.60 0.29 0.07 0.55
Tag H005 H015 H024 H028
EPD Values for Cole Cattle Co. Bred Heifers Reg. No. Breed CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. Fat Marb REA 3852616 SSSA 11.8 -0.6 83.6 127.4 5.6 28.6 34.4 -0.037 0.68 0.96 3858644 SASA 11.1 1.1 83.1 136.1 6.1 22.6 45.2 -0.028 0.36 0.75 3852636 SASA 11.4 2.8 74.7 123.7 6.9 25.9 48.9 -0.021 0.86 1.06 3852618 SASA 9.8 3.2 70.8 114.1 5.6 26.4 36.5 -0.020 0.63 0.87
H015 and H024 are paternal half-sibs to LMF Madison B752, who is H028's paternal grandsire. The dam of H005 is the daughter of H024's dam.
Will start calving in August 2022
These SimAngus heifers are the cream of the crop of the Cole Cattle Company heifer pen. Bred AI to top SimAngus and Angus bulls. Cleaned up with high selling bull from 2021 Gibbs Farm Sale. TM
Eagle Island Ranch is located in the heart of cattle country in Okeechobee, FL. These heifers are true commercial Brahman heifers. They were synchronized and bred AI one time. The clean up bulls are Jorgensen Angus bulls. Will start calving in Fall 2022
A solid set of quarter blood heifers. These heifers are sired by Brangus bulls and out of Angus and Charolais cross cows. Bred to a Pope Polled Hereford bull in the top 15% for marbling that will create super baldy calves. EPD Values for J. Hudson Hines Service Sire Tag Reg. No. Breed CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. Fat Marb REA G916 44164112 HHHH -1.1 3.5 47 80 -0.1 22 57 0.007 0.24 0.16
Will start calving in September 2022
For the past 21 years, Kenansville Cattle Company has utilized a true three breed rotational crossbreeding system with Brahman, Hereford and Red Angus genetics. Their offering will be sired by CK Ranch Hereford bulls and Kempfer Brahman bulls. All are bred to Shuler Red Angus bulls selected for calving ease, growth and carcass quality. All Red Angus service sires used in 2022 are in the top 40th percentile for calving ease, weaning and yearling Will start calving in September 2022 weight, milk, maternal calving ease and ribeye area EPD values.
Fancy group of primarily tigerstiped Hereford sired heifers from Brahman dams. Most heifers are true half-bloods, with one 3/4 blood. These heifers are a gentle hand raised group that were bred to a low birth weight SimAngus bull from the Next Step Cattle Company program with superior milk and marbling genetics. TM
Will start calving in September 2022
Tag Reg. No. H515 3855094
EPD Values for May Cattle Company Service Sire Breed CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. Fat Marb REA SSSA 11.6 -0.8 74.3 111.3 7.2 28.9 31.5 -0.029 0.69 0.51
This set of registered Hereford heifers have the volume, capacity and structural correctness to fit into any herd. Use them to create registered females, tiger striped F1s, black baldies or super baldies. Bred to SimAngus low birth weight EPD Timberlake bulls. TM
Will start calving in September 2022
Tag H1208 H1215 H1218 H1226
Reg. No. 44256643 44256978 44259679 44257871
Registered Hereford Heifers from Meadowlake Farm EPD Values Due CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. 10/07 1.8 2.1 54 84 -0.9 27 60 11/15 2.9 2.0 52 84 2.1 24 67 12/11 4.0 2.0 62 92 1.6 25 74 09/22 -3.8 4.0 60 92 -3.7 23 66
Fat 0.017 0.007 0.007 0.007
H1208 and H1215 are parental half sibs. H1218 and H1226 are also paternal half-sibs.
Marb 0.31 0.12 0.27 0.19
REA 0.28 0.25 0.65 0.44
This is a fancy set of Super Baldies with just that tick of ear. All these heifers are sired by an Ultrablack bull from Lake Majestik Farms in north Alabama. Four of the five heifers are out of registered Hereford cows and possess plenty of volume, shape of rib and muscling. Bred to SimAngus bulls from Timberlake. TM
Will start calving in September 2022
EPD Values for Meadowlake Service Sires Tag Reg. No. Breed CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. Fat Marb REA F853 3614823 SSAA 14.1 -0.7 70.4 99.7 7.7 18.2 31.7 -0.044 0.31 0.75 G940 3737815 SSAA 15.2 -1.3 69.7 106.8 8.3 22.2 26.0 -0.064 0.53 0.77
This set of commercial Brangus and Ultrablack heifers have the volume, muscle shape and spring of rib to thrive in any environment. Brangus service sires include a paternal grandson of Csonka of Brinks 30R4 and CCR Sleep Easy. Tag Reg. No. Breed 77FS R10392081 UUUU 84E R10357964 UUUU
Will start calving in October 2022
CE 7.3 5.2
EPD Values for Prairie Creek Service Sires Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Fat Marb REA -1.1 21 48 4.0 14 -0.042 0.09 0.28 0.1 18 4.3 10 -0.040 0.10 0.58 34
A solid set of replacement heifers with a quarter to half ear. Plenty of volume, shape of rib and overall femininity. AI'ed to Connealy Liberty 837A and CCR Boulder 1339A. Cleaned up with an Ultrablack bull purchased from the final Salacoa Valley bull sale last November. All are calving ease bulls with plenty of growth, muscling and carcass quality. EPD Values for River Bend Service Sires Will start calving in September 2022
Tag Reg. No. Breed CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM 109.8 9.3 1339A 2880390 SSAA 15.6 -2.4 69.9 837A 19507078 AAAA 14.0 -1.7 85.0 147.0 11.0 000H10 10456898 UltrBlk 7.0 -0.3 39.0 74.0 4.8
Milk Carc. Wt. Fat Marb REA 22.1 15.5 -0.076 0.62 0.84 23.0 50.0 -0.010 0.79 0.73 0.0 NA -0.032 0.29 0.57
These fancy, home raised half plus Brahman cross heifers are the kind you build a herd around. They were developed in north Georgia on quality forages and have the volume and capacity to thrive in any southern environment with plenty of muscle. Black hided heifers are bred to Hereford bulls. Red and gray hided heifers are bred to Brangus bulls. Will start calving in September 2022
Solid and gentle are two words to describe this fancy set of commercial Brahman and 3/4 Brahman cross replacement heifers. These hand raised heifers have been developed on pasture in the middle of the Alabama Blackbelt. They were pasture bred to a Next Step 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus bull with solid growth and ribeye area numbers and excellent milk EPD values.
Will start calving in October 2022
Tag Reg. No. F839 3527232
EPD Values for S&W Cattle Service Sire Breed CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. Fat Marb REA 121.6 SSSA 9.8 2.5 77.2 7.0 29.0 37.0 -0.062 0.21 0.95
These quarter blood heifers are deep, thick and from the keepin' pen. Schober Cattle Company is known for quality replacement heifers developed in the Blackbelt region of Alabama. Heifers are sired by Angus bulls out of Brangus type cows. Pasture bred to CK Cattle Angus genetics.
Will start calving in September 2022
Brangus type heifers showing about 3/8 ear. Smooth made and deep sided and plenty of muscle. Bred to low birth weight EPD Angus bulls from Prairie Eden Angus. Red, Black and BWF. Sims Farms has developed replacement females for many years and are known for their quality throughout the Blackbelt region of Alabama.
Will start calving in October 2022
This tremendous set of SimAngus heifers are bred, born and raised on the Blackbelt Prairie at Stephens Farm. These heifers are AI sired by either Comrade, Madison B52 or Rancher and are the top cut of the replacement heifer pasture. They are all called safe in calf to the Angus AI sire Tahoe, who is a calving ease bull in the top 15% for weaning, yearling, milk and REA EPD values. Each of these heifers are structurally correct with volume, capacity and muscling. These heifers are all eligible to be registered with the Simmental Assn. at the buyer's request.
Tag Comrade Tahoe Madison Rancher
Stephens AI Sires and Service Sire EPD Values Reg. No. Breed CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. 17031465 AAAA 17.0 -3.5 46.0 90.0 8.0 29.0 19.0 17817177 AAAA 10.0 -0.1 78.0 134.0 7.0 32.0 52.0 120.2 2934717 SSAA 13.5 -0.1 72.2 8.2 24.0 32.2 123.8 4.0 2649154 SSSS 11.2 3.0 78.0 22.7 28.2
Fat 0.001 0.012 -0.030 -0.092
Will start calving in September 2022 Tahoe
Marb 0.56 0.87 0.78 0.04
REA 0.74 0.92 0.94 0.90
These Brangus cross and Brahman cross heifers will be a solid addition to any herd. Showing 1/4 to 1/2 ear, these primarily black heifers should excel in any environment. They are bred to Addison Brangus bulls.
Will start calving in November 2022
This set of 40 bred heifers will be the foundation of any herd in the southeast. The majority of the heifers are tremendous Brangus sired heifers out of true F1 Brahman-Hereford dams. Packed with volume and capacity, what an opportunity to start a herd. They are bred to Johnston Brangus bulls which will result in calves that are almost half Angus, half Brahman with a tick of Hereford (actual genetic makeup: 47% Angus, 41% Brahman and 12% Hereford). There is a also a small group (n=10) of SimAngus heifers that are stout with volume, capacity and rib shape. These heifers are registered and the buyer can request the registration papers. This group of heifers are also bred to the Johnston Brangus bulls. TM
Tag 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
EPD Values for Wilkinson SimAngus Heifers Reg. No. Breed CE Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Carc. Wt. Fat Marb REA 3852637 SASA 17.5 -0.9 62.9 101.8 9.3 22.2 26.7 -0.017 0.63 0.51 3903238 SSSA 19.2 -1.6 66.8 105.1 9.6 21.9 32.7 -0.053 0.52 0.70 3852606 SASA 7.3 2.6 62.3 104.8 6.8 27.5 33.8 -0.028 0.81 0.57 3906131 SASA 12.4 0.8 70.3 112.5 8.0 22.6 35.9 -0.031 0.50 0.41 3852645 SASA 14.2 -1.5 67.0 113.5 8.5 18.0 19.0 -0.005 0.87 0.26 3852641 SASA 12.9 0.2 68.1 115.3 7.9 15.8 34.0 -0.015 0.55 0.36 3906124 SASA 16.1 -2.0 69.0 111.8 10.5 29.3 45.6 -0.038 0.54 0.63 3852615 SAAA 14.2 -1.2 68.4 125.8 8.5 22.3 41.1 -0.007 0.83 0.44 3852630 SSSA 13.0 1.2 99.5 158.3 9.1 31.3 42.7 -0.017 0.63 0.51 3906145 SASA 15.4 -0.4 65.6 105.4 9.5 22.0 27.7 -0.016 0.60 0.45
159, 163, 164 and 166 are paternal half sibs. 162, 165 and 168 are also paternal half sibs.
Tag 1302H8 468H82 561H10 8H 823H2
Reg. No. U10469031 R10468750 R10469761 R10469752 R10469330
CE 7.0 5.4 6.7 6.0 4.4
EPD Values for Wilkinson Service Sires Birth Weaning Yearling CEM Milk Fat -0.7 30 52 4.4 2 -0.037 1.3 32 4.0 1 -0.022 57 -0.1 24 3.9 5 -0.057 44 1.3 40 3.6 3 -0.038 75 1.6 37 3.6 5 -0.061 70
Will start calving in September 2022
Marb 0.09 0.31 0.04 0.16 -0.08
REA 0.46 0.45 0.35 0.58 0.41
Is a full service sales management company. BCM offers full service sale management including advertising development, catalog production and distribution, pre-sale and sale day labor, sale clerking, and auctioneering services. We can custom tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your operation. Contact us for a face to face meeting to discuss your sale specifics. We would love to help you reach your marketing goals.
If you are unable to attend the sale, but are interested in bidding, we will handle your bid in a most confidential manner. Just give Jeremy May or Lisa Kriese-Anderson a call. There will be trucking available through Alabama Livestock Auction if you need heifers delivered to your operation. Settlement for your purchases is expected the day of the sale unless prior arrangements are made. Personal checks, credit cards and cash are accepted.
Spring Fling
TO: 44299 AL Hwy 69 Gallion, AL 36742
Second Annual Spring Fling Replacement Heifer Sale Friday, May 27, 2022 Bred Replacement Heifers Consignors: Beeker Land, Cattle and Catfish Bell Farm and Cattle Company Blacktip Cattle, LLC Cole Cattle Company Eagle Island Ranch J. Hudson Hines Kenansville Cattle Company May Cattle Company Meadowlake Farm Prairie Creek Farms River Bend Cattle S & W Cattle Schober Cattle Company Sims Farms, LLC Stephens Farms Stinson Brangus Stone Cattle Company Boozer Wilkinson
Directions to Alabama Livestock Auction: 30 miles west of Selma, AL on U.S. Hwy 80 21 miles east of Demopolis, AL on U.S. Hwy 80 Auctioneer: Col. Tommy Barnes AL License #1024
For Additional Information on the Spring Fling Sale Offering: Visit our website at www.blackbeltcattlemarketing.com Full catalog will be available on Sale Day Cattle will be available for viewing after 4:00 p.m. on 5/26/2022 and beginning at 7:30 a.m. on sale day.