THINK Like a BLACK BELT by Jim Bouchard
The following is an excerpt from
You can’t force focus. It’s useless to try and force yourself to concentrate. Focus is really a process of letting go; it’s a matter of turning off the noise and letting your mind do what it does naturally. When you turn off the distractions you operate at peak efficiency and the mind naturally settles on the task at hand.
Of course, turning off the noise is more easily said than done! Sometimes it’s physically impossible to eliminate distractions at a specific moment that demands your full attention. You can train yourself to “tune-out” distractions, which requires some work and some understanding. Focus is a seriously misunderstood trait. Too many people confuse focus with obsession. Obsession is focus gone bad, focus without regard for balance. Focus is simply your ability to commit your attention to this moment. Focus means being right here, right now. As with much of what we’re talking about, it’s simple, but not always easy. Focus is the quality of Black Belt Mindset that enables a martial artist to break boards, bricks, and other people when necessary! Focus is the concentration of power, free from distraction that allows every ounce of power and force to be directed to one critical point of impact. While it’s fun to break boards, there’s not a lot of practical use for that particular application of focus; but if you develop this kind of focus, you can apply it to any task you want. Focus is important on two major levels. First, you want to cultivate the ability to stay on task at any given moment. Secondly, focus is your ability to keep your mind on a substantive and important long-term goal. I’ll cover longterm focus more when I talk about perseverance. For now it’s just important to know that focus is really being in the moment, it’s just that sometimes this moment might last a while. We live in the golden age of multi-tasking. The problem is that multi-tasking is a myth. The human brain isn’t capable of dealing with two conflicting thoughts or ideas at the same time. Dr. John Medina and many other neuroscientists have 1
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THINK Like a BLACK BELT by Jim Bouchard
gathered some pretty compelling data in that area. It’s also true, however, that in our incredibly noisy and fast-paced world people who can deal with the noise and confusion are pretty valuable people! Multi-tasking is really the ability to shift focus quickly from one target to another and back again. The lag-time problem most people experience happens when you try to come back to the original train of thought. People who can do this quickly and successfully are the people we say are good “multi-taskers.” Throughout history we’ve admired people that are incredibly skilled in a multitude of interests. Two of my greatest heroes are Leonardo DaVinci and Ben Franklin. We called them “Renaissance Men.” They had the ability to cultivate many different interests and express themselves in a variety of ways, while staying focused on a particular endeavor in the moment. They weren’t scattered, they were very focused men. They were simply able to stay focused on what they were doing in the here and now; then move on to the next project. You can do this! You can train yourself to shift your attention quickly from one task or subject to another and back again. In the greater scheme of things it’s pretty expensive emotionally and spiritually to sustain this pace for any significant length of time. That’s why it’s so important if you’re operating at this pace to take some time outs and let the brain rest for a while. Before we talk about how focus works, let’s beat this obsession thing until it’s dead. Focus is being in the moment. It’s being fully engaged with what you’re doing here and now. Obsession is focus out of control. Obsession is focus without balance; it’s focus without any awareness or regard for what’s happening around you. The line is clear but thin, which is why it’s so easy to cross it at times. When you’re moving in a positive direction, that’s focus; when your focus is damaging you or the people around you, that’s obsession. That’s why the Black Belt Mindset depends on balance as a mitigating force. When you become so hyper-focused on one thing so that other significant parts of your life suffer, you’re no longer focused; you’re obsessed. It’s easy to slip into a state of obsession; it’s like the proverbial scalded-frog. You don’t notice the gradually rising heat. What was once healthy ambition, drive and focus, can suddenly be recognized as obsession when your wife leaves, your kids are calling from jail, or your regular checkup turns into bypass surgery. Extreme examples? We all know people in one or more of these pickles. Most of them never saw it coming. Focus is one of the Dynamic Components of Personal Power. Power is applied effectively through the components of balance, focus, and timing. Without balance, the whole thing collapses. Obsession drives us to build expensive houses in stupid places 2
THINK Like a BLACK BELT by Jim Bouchard
like flood zones, perennial hurricane targets, and places prone to brush fires and landslides just to have a nice view. Obsession transforms ambition into greed; it’s the difference between profiting from your talents and abilities, and profiting by destruction and exploitation. Obsession causes us to cling to youth rather than enjoy the miraculous gift of age. So how do you maintain focus without becoming obsessive? You simply have to be sure that any given moment is in balance and harmony with other important areas of your life. Balance the material, emotional, and spiritual areas of your life by creating a plan based on building wealth in all three areas. There are times when it’s effective or even necessary to focus more in one area than another. You might feel compelled to take on a second job to keep your home and family intact during a tough economy. The trick then is to make sure you dedicate some quality time for family and friends, so when it’s time to be with the kids you are fully engaged and focused in that place and time. When one or more key areas of your life suffer, and the material, emotional, or spiritual resources are in a state of scarcity, you’re going to be in trouble. This is the time to take a step back, take a deep breath, and install a course correction. Poverty is expensive; it cannot be sustained for long. Emotional and spiritual poverty are far worse conditions than material poverty; but poverty in any area can lead to poverty in others. If you’re experiencing poverty in one or more areas, focus on a solution. To the best of your ability turn off the noise and distractions that are keeping you in that state. Here’s the technical part of your focus program. Focus is a product of two actions. They can sometimes work independently or sometimes it’s best to combine them. 1. Concentrate completely on the task at hand. 2. Let go of any distractions; turn off the noise. Both actions require practice. “Simple, not easy,” means that this stuff should be so painfully obvious that you’re either slapping your forehead with the palm of your hand or you’re ready to throw this book out the window. Still, even though you know the common sense of the issue there are still times when you’d rather just bull your way through a problem, enjoy some distractions (even when they’re not always healthy) and take your chances so you’ll live to fight another day. It’s up to you. All of this starts with a decision and it’s all your responsibility. I’ll start with concentration; it seems to be the most obvious place to start, doesn’t it? The problem is that forced concentration takes a lot of energy and usually can’t be sustained for very long. It’s a state of tension. It’s force against force, and that’s always exhausting. 3
THINK Like a BLACK BELT by Jim Bouchard
Here’s a quick exercise to test your powers of concentration. Gently close your eyes… not yet, you’ve got to finish reading this paragraph first! Anyway, gently close your eyes and start counting. Keep counting until any thought or picture pops into your head. Every time a new thought or picture comes to mind, start your counting over again. Do this for about two minutes. How far did you get? Let’s analyze what it might mean depending on how far you were able to count: 1-25: Nice job! You’re actually aware of the various thoughts and distractions that came into your mind. A lot of people aren’t! If you had a hard time getting past even a low number, you realized that the human mind is constantly developing new thoughts. It’s part of how we sense the world around us. You’ve taken the first step toward developing deeper levels of focus. 25-100: You still have a reasonable sense of awareness, but ask yourself if you might not have noticed some thoughts that came and went. Maybe you were authentically focused on the counting and you tuned out the noise of other thoughts. Maybe you’re a Shaolin monk! 100 up: Get out of here! Either you really are a Shaolin monk, you’re lying, or you just weren’t paying attention! It’s extremely difficult for most people to get to this count without having some thoughts or distractions creep in. What usually happens is that because counting is such an automatic practice, you may have gotten lost in the counting and never noticed the thoughts that were coming and going. Take a couple of minutes right now and think about the thoughts you probably had while you merrily counted away without even noticing that you were still counting! There aren’t any good or bad scores here; it’s just an exercise to see where you’re at and to point out how difficult it is to truly quiet the mind. There are people, Shaolin and Tibetan monks being some of them, who go to great lengths to quiet the mind for long periods of time. What they’ve learned over centuries of practice can help us a great deal toward honing our concentration skills and learning to become more focused. Primarily, they learned that focus is largely a matter of turning off the noise. It’s our nature to be drawn to distractions; that’s probably what kept us alive when we were still the main course for saber-toothed tigers. What we call multi-tasking is important to success in business and professional life these days. What we’ve got to do is develop control over when we’re going to move from task to task and increase our ability to return to the task once we deal with a distraction. There are also times when it’s important to stay focused without distractions. Writing this book is a great example. I can’t concentrate on writing when I know the phone is
THINK Like a BLACK BELT by Jim Bouchard
likely to ring or I’m juggling several other tasks during a busy day. It’s important to this process to create a space and time where I won’t be distracted or interrupted, and I can’t allow myself to feel guilty about it. Let’s talk first about removing distractions, then we’ll talk about getting back on task quickly. To really focus on an important or demanding task you’ve got to turn off the noise. This takes some discipline and practice. For some people it means very rigid scheduling by specifying time away from distractions. Other people create a noise-free space where they can escape to work on something without interruption. When I say “noise,” I’m not just talking about honking horns, ringing phones, or screaming brats; I’m talking about mental noise too that may pull you from the object of your focus. In fact, sound can help you concentrate as long as you pick sounds for your environment that help you concentrate. Think of “sound” as being harmonious with your focused mindset and “noise” as something that bugs you. To me there are three major areas of distraction: •
Actual noise: these are the honking horns, ringing phones, and screaming brats.
Annoying people: Anyone who is distracting me and pulling me from my focus. These people could be detractors, those with negative attitudes who think whatever you’re doing is stupid, a waste of time, or doomed for failure. They might also be “emotional vampires” (More about this in a few minutes).
Negative mindset: Anything that creeps into my psyche that pulls me from my task, such as self-doubt, questioning the value of the task and guilt that I might be taking time away from something more important.
Let’s knock out the easy stuff first. When you’re working on something important that requires your complete focus, just make sure you get away from the noise. Turn off the phone, shut the windows, and lock the kids in their rooms! (Just joking about the kids…) Too many people use this kind of distraction as an excuse, and excuses are focus-killers. Everyone can find a quiet place or time. If all else fails, nearly every town in America still has a public library, and there are still specialists there that “shush” anyone who attempts to distract focused people. I often drive to a nearby park and pick a place where there aren’t other people, and then I sit down and get to work. If you’ve got to stay and tend to the family, schedule times after the kids are in bed to do your focused work.
THINK Like a BLACK BELT by Jim Bouchard
Turn off the phone! Not only does the phone make noise, there’s often an annoying person at the other end of the call! The fact is, those calling you are making the call when it’s convenient for them. You know that’s a fact; you do the same thing. If you’re really expecting an important call, don’t plan on working on something that requires your immediate focus. Most of the time, there’s nothing so important going on that you can’t just let the caller go to voice mail and deal with it later. I offered this advice to a friend one time who said she was afraid that if she turned off the phone, she might not be available if someone in her family died. I asked her if she was expecting impending, disastrous news. No, she was just worried that if it happened, she’d need to know! My sensitive reply was that if someone was dead, couldn’t they wait? Dead people certainly aren’t going anywhere fast! Annoying people are a little more difficult to deal with. You can’t just tell everyone in your life to leave you alone all the time, but you certainly should tell them to leave you alone some of the time. Of course, you may work for some of the most annoying people in your life, and you might be related to some of the others! Attention to sensible scheduling will allow you to avoid distractions from annoying people, most of the time. As I stated earlier, you really need to be aware of “emotional vampires.” These are the people who will drain your mind and body of energy to feed whatever they can’t seem to find in their own lives. Emotional vampires might be the compulsively negative people in your life. They might not even ask for much, but spending a morning with one of these vampires can wipe you out for the rest of the day. Negativity can be contagious. If you’re a decent and compassionate person, you no doubt have at least one emotional vampire somewhere in your life. They could be at work, in your family, or in your circle of friends. You don’t have to be mean or insensitive; you just have to establish clear boundaries. Do not base your generosity and time on the vampire’s requests, but on your ability and willingness to give it. This is not selfish, it’s essential. So, give them a clear message that you need some time. If they don’t respect your wishes, tell ‘em to get lost! Life is too short to waste it on people who just want to sap you of your emotional resources. If you loan a deadbeat friend some money and he doesn’t pay you back, you can earn more money. When someone steals your time, it’s gone…forever. Up to this point we’ve been talking about focus in regards to a particular task. Now let’s talk about focus and apply it to life as a whole. Successful people focus their time, energy, and resources by developing clear goals. They make a plan and use that plan to stay focused. There are numerous tricks and techniques to keep you focused on your overall goals and objectives. For instance:
THINK Like a BLACK BELT by Jim Bouchard
Vision boards, business plans, personal financial plans, family meetings, and schedules can all be useful techniques that keep you focused on future goals. You can use formal systems, or you can scratch out a plan on a pad of yellow-lined paper; however, the important thing to remember is that it’s much easier to stay focused when you commit your plan to a tangible format. Remember that success is a product of abundance in all three key areas of life: material, emotional, and spiritual. There’s a time and place to focus on each area. Be present in the here and now. There are also times when life will, by necessity, fall a little out of balance. There are times when you’ve got to suck it up and focus on material needs. There are times when people in your life need you and you’ve got to put aside other things to focus on emotional life. Focus in the moment but keep your sense of relative balance. Also remember that mindless focus becomes obsession. Nowhere is this more evident than in material life; it’s too bad when someone is so focused on the pot of gold that they miss the rainbow. Spouses, friends, partners, children, and lives are lost in the pursuit of the brass ring. Consider this: If your toys are stressing you out you’ve got too many toys, or they’re too expensive. I don’t pretend to judge anyone else’s vision of success and happiness, but I know that plenty of rich people are a mess and most of them shouldn’t be. Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure as hell can take care of a lot of life’s problems! Pursue money and toys at the expense of emotional and spiritual resources and you’re setting yourself up to be on the “Where are They Now” tour. If your toys make you happy, great! If not, get rid of ‘em. Material life can be one of the most difficult areas to keep in balance. When times are tough you’ve got to focus on making enough money to keep food on the table and a roof over your family’s heads. When times are desperate, it’s easy to put aside all emotional and spiritual needs and focus completely on the material. Don’t. Of all forms of poverty, material poverty is the simplest to deal with. I’m not diminishing authentic hardship; been there, done that. No matter how desperate you become, including worrying about where your next meal is coming from, you can do something about it. If you destroy a relationship it may be lost forever. If you lose your sense of spiritual connection it’s difficult to recover; many people don’t. Let’s simplify the process; just remember that simple isn’t always easy. At all times, stay focused on creating an overall sense of balance and harmony in your life. Take care of yourself in body, mind, and spirit. Do what you can to stay healthy so you’ll be more valuable in the lives of the people you care about.
THINK Like a BLACK BELT by Jim Bouchard
Focus on maintaining balance in the material, emotional, and spiritual areas of your life. Take some time daily to reflect on where you are and to appreciate what you have in each area. Gratitude is a powerful technique for bringing your focus back to what you have, rather than losing yourself to despondency over what you’re lacking. Meditation is the most powerful technique I’ve ever found to help me maintain focus on life balance. Gratitude is the most powerful part of my meditation practice. Despite my many years of practice and study in martial arts, I’m not Damo. I’m not the Dalai Lama or Gandhi; I’m an American kid born with all the impatience and arrogance that is our birthright. I’ve had to learn to develop a simple practice I can do every day to help me maintain my focus. Here’s what I do: •
I get up and say thank you. That’s it. I just say thank you for the people and things in my life. That’s how I stay focused on what resources I have. No matter how rich or poor you are, you’re working with what you have here and now. I especially make it a point to remind myself of the blessings I have for my talents and abilities. That’s a tough thing to do for someone who spent most of my life with no self-esteem! I can create my vision of success and happiness with the talents and abilities I possess, which can never be taken away from me. I can surrender them, but they’re mine to lose!
I do a short set of stretching and breathing exercises called “Qigong.” My regular daily routine includes a couple of hours of exercise, but doing this simple set helps wake me up and gets my circulation going. Doing it first thing in the morning assures that no matter what happens to my schedule, I’ve at least done a minimal amount of physical and spiritual exercise.
I then sit down and breathe. I turn off the noise and just let thoughts come and go. I let go of distractions, and when a distraction comes up, I simply turn my attention back to my breathing. An ancient trick is to do a little self-talk: “Breathing in I’m aware that I’m breathing in. Breathing out I’m aware that I’m breathing out.” I call this my “non-directed” meditation. I’m not worried about goals or objectives. There is no aim to this mediation. I’m just sitting and being a human being for a few minutes.
Next, I do a “directed meditation.” I spend a few minutes simply thinking about what I want to achieve today and in the long run. I do positive self-talk; I tell myself I have the talent and ability to accomplish my goals. I get myself mentally prepared to face the day.
THINK Like a BLACK BELT by Jim Bouchard
If I have time, I read for about a half-hour. I read philosophy, self-improvement, or business books that will help me focus on my continual search for selfperfection. If I can learn just a little bit every day then I’m way ahead of the curve.
This simple routine has helped me stay focused during some of the darkest days of my life. I wish I’d known how simple it was much earlier in life; so it goes! I’m grateful I had wonderful teachers and that I live in a time when I can access wisdom from nearly any time and place in human history. A lot of people challenge the idea that developing focus can be this simple. Screw ‘em, it is! Focus is above all, a decision; simple, but not always easy (note the recurring theme!) You’ve got to decide you’re going to let go of the distractions and do what you need to do. It’s the same whether you’re focused on your morning ritual or a specific project at the office. It’s not easy to turn off the distractions because: •
Sometimes they feel really good!
They keep us from feeling the pain of a task or job we don’t “want” to do.
Procrastination is the warm blanket that insulates us from disappointment.
You’ve got to pull up your trousers and make the decision that you’re going to let go of the distractions. Develop your own morning ritual to practice letting go of distractions and allowing your mind and body to focus on goals, objectives, and positive outcomes. Practice gratitude as often as possible; gratitude always helps you focus on abundance and purpose. Above all, turn off or tune out the noise and your mind will naturally settle into a focused state; that’s our natural mindset. Make a decision to let it happen.