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Supplier Portal, an online communication tool designed to enhance the relationship between AEG and our partners. The portal is an online and paperless tool that will provide you with: Increased visibility for AEG business opportunities Extended Company Profile in online directory Direct email updates from AEG clients and buyers Easy accounts payable information sharing Increased exposure for MBEs, WBEs, and DBEs It is important that you register your business so that we have the ability to contact you for participation in future opportunities. Suppliers seeking to initiate business with AEG are encouraged to register as well. Registration is simple and we invite you to visit our Supplier Portal at your earliest convenience:


Publisher’s Message Earl “Skip” Cooper, II

We Plan to Empower African American Entrepreneurs in 2012


eason’s Greetings to all on behalf of the Black Business News Group. As we approach the end of the 2011 calendar year and

are in the midst of the holiday season, we should pause to give thanks for our blessings, while acknowledging the challenges that lie ahead of us. During this speical holiday shopping season, may I urge all African American consumers to spend a portion of their hard-earned dollars with African American businesses and with those establishments that employ people from our communities. With a projected 2015 annual purchasing power of nearly $1.1 trillion, we play a vital role in not only seasonal retail shopping, but of the U.S. gross national product (see full story on page 51). Moreover, we encourage those individuals responsible for supplier diversity in both the public and private sectors to do more to aid and assist Black owned and/or controlled businesses during these tough economic times.

Often, you’re empowered with the keys to unlock the doors to opportunities for those that traditionally are excluded and left outside the mainstream. We urge you to invest in capacity building of small and minority businesses, and not make token efforts to appease us. While applauding you all for your good work, much more needs to be done and can be accomplished if we work together. s a sign of economic healing, our nation’s small employers are accelerating hiring. So far this year, small businesses have added roughly twice as many workers a month as they did in most of 2010. Experts say small employers are cautiously ramping up as they gain confidence that business conditions and loan activity will hold steady or improve. Most of the hiring is taking place in the financial, technology and

other service provider sectors. istory was made in Los Angeles when Herb J. Wesson, Jr. become the first African American to serve as president of the Los Angeles City Council. Congratulates Herb. ur hearts were saddened by the unexpected dealth of James Garavaglia, Senior Vice President of Corporate Public Affairs and Community Reinvestment at Comerica, Inc., parent company of Comerica Bank. Jim was a strong advocate of economic development in the urban centers throughout Comerica’s service areas. Jim will sorely be missed by many. ear readers, during the 2012 calendar year, the Black Business





News will provide more instructional and informational articles that will asssist Black businesses not only with tthe survival of their business enterp prises, but also their capacity buildin ing skill sets. We wish to empower e entrepreneurs and business owners w with the tools that will have a direct im impact to their bottomlines. Again, season’s greetings and b best wishes to all. 

About the Black Business News… The mission of The Black Business News is to inspire and inform public and private sector industry representatives on the importance of smart small business growth. As a versatile source of socioeconomic development activity, the Black Business News imparts current local, national and international industry trends related to small businesses across the United States of America (USA), detailing greater access to financial capital, management efficiencies, business education, mentors and networks. The goals of the Black Business News include: •

increasing the use of business enterprises owned by USA-based blacks, by advocating for greater access to leading finance lenders and successful business managers. working to merge resources, values, profits, technology throughout the public and private sectors.

balancing major public and private sector contracting methods with positive outcomes of black-owned and operated enterprises.

providing an affirmative influence for preneurs sharing innovative design and d creative cultural content that exposes them m to the history of black enterprises and ex-cite them to participate in the USA’s future..

advocating and promoting on behalf off black-owned businesses by promoting the need for expanding an economic foundation that supports an unfettered and self-sustained urban society with USA job creation and economic opportunity, where blacks work, live and operate viable business enterprises.

emerging entre-

Black Business News P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 323-291-9334 Fax: 323-298-5064




CONTRIBUTING WRITERS LaSandra Stratton • Dean Jones • Steven Turner



STORY EDITORS Wanda Flagg ▪ Jennifer Marie Hamilton

PHOTOGRAPHY Ian Foxx ▪ Sabir • Narishima Osei


LAYOUT/TYPESETTING Lion Communications Copyright © 2011 by Black Business News All Rights Reserved. T The posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents aand links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in aany way, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily ex express or suggest endorsement or support of any of such posted material or parts therein.

AWARDS U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

2007 Journalist of the Year Award LA/Minority Business Opportunity Center (LA/MBOC)

2010 Media Firm of the Year 4  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

FEATURES… December 2011


Publisher’s Message

GOVERNMENT… 12 31 33 37 39 49 51

Obama at APEC and ASEAN

61 67 67 69 71 73

Podcasting for Your Business

Economic Blame Game SBA Tips for Successful Contracting MBDA Introduces CommerceConnect Legislative Milestone Corporate Gift Time Black Buying Power to Reach $1 Trillion



Zuuveen Joins L.A. Press Club Board Working with Other People’s Money Ujamaa Deals - New Marketing Opportunity Change in Store for Construction Industry Editorial - Occupy Wall Street


Tips for Year-End Charitable Giving

86 88 89

International Year of Sustainability for All

Let’s Move - Active Living by Design Fab Lab for Your Local Library?


COLUMNS 50 - Holiday Gift Guide 65 - Take A Look! 99 - Books to Consider... 103 - Calendar ACTION ALERTS 02 - AEG Supplier Portal SPONSORS 07 - Black Business Association


China Export’s Down Export Awards Competition Now Open n Angola Offers Help to Portugal


Cover image - Sarah Harris

5  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

Over 40 years of service Founded 1970

About the BBA…

Since 1970, the Black Business Association (BBA), a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, headquartered in Los Angeles, has been instrumental in the incubation and development of more than 15,000 African-American businesses. Nationally, we have access and influence with more than 85,000 African-American-owned and women/minority-owned firms via strategic alliances with more than 100 women/minority trade associations in more than 42 states nationwide.

___ Our Mission ___ The Black Business Association’s mission is to advocate and promote the development of African-American owned businesses with the goal of creating a firm economic base that support the self-determination and survival of the African-American and urban community by: •

Identifying and creating financial opportunities for the growth and stability of African-American owned businesses;

Being a community voice that advocates for the success of small businesses;

Being a conduit for the merging of resources, values,

profits, technology and people; •

Promoting development and support of minority business enterprises within the domestic and international economies by encouraging and generating greater access to market opportunities and capital;

Providing training for entrepreneurial professional development;

Supporting and contributing to the economic base and progress of the African-American community; and

Developing coalitions that support our political endeavors to effectively achieve public recognition and political influence for African-American business owners.

___ Advocacy ___ The Black Business Association maintains very effective working relationships with elected and appointed officials for the support of African-American business development. Locally, statewide and in Washington, DC, we are constantly aware of pending legislation that might affect our member’s businesses, their growth and even their ability to conduct business. When legislation is being considered that affects our mission, the BBA quickly mobilizes to work with key policy makers to support, defeat or modify the bill and pursue the BBA position. As an organization, we are constantly at the helm, securing innovative means and policies that protect our constituency and their business interests. 

Upcoming 2012 Events February

38th Annual Awards Dinner March

Salute to Black Women Business Conference & Awards Luncheon June

Music Awards Dinner Black Business Association P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 USA Tel: 323-291-9334 Fax: 323-291-9234

• Call 323-291-9334 for information on sponsorship and participation •

mail@bbala.org www.bbala.org www.facebook.com 7  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


rocurement Exchange Summit participants have the opportunity for one-on-one interviews between business owners and procurement officers, learning vital business management concepts during workshops, networking with exhibitors, and enjoying the awards luncheon. Prepare now to attend the 9th Annual Procurement Exchange Summit www.bbala.org. Photo Legend 1) L-R: Gwen Moore, Black Business Association (BBA) Board Chair, Charlene Reynolds, Monica Heredia, Verizon, Brett Byers, BBA 2) Scott Comroe, Director, AT&T Hosting and Application Services, discussing cloud computing during AT&T’s “Wireless Business Solutions For Your Company’s Unique Needs” Workshop 3) Procurement Attendee and Catherine Clark, SBA 4) Matchmaking Appointment with representatives from Comcast 5) Theresa Don Lucas, City National Bank 6) Matchmaking Appointment with representatives from Southern California Edison 7) AT&T Workshop - “Wireless Business Solutions For Your Company’s Unique Needs” 8) Guests of Business of the Year Capri Capital Partners 9) “Skip” Cooper, Ken Lombard, Representing Business of the Year Capri Capital Partners, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley


25) Eric Sloan

10) Kim Anthony, Event Coordinator

26) 26. Debbie Lumpkin of Southern California Edison, Supplier Capacity Builder Award Honoree, & Denise Peoples of Peoples Choice Staffing and BBA Board Member

11) Matchmaking appointment with representatives from AT&T 12) Matchmaking appointment 13) Matchmaking Aapointment with representatives from Disney 14) Tina McKinnor, District Director Assemblymember Steven Bradford’s, LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas, Pat Watts, President of FCI Management 15) Ken McNeeley, President AT&T California, Procurement Exchange Summit Event Chair 16) Angela Gibson AT&T & Friends 17) Procurement Representatives of Comcast 18) “Skip” Cooper, Ken McNeeley, President AT&T California, LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas 19) Dean Jones, Awards Luncheon Emcee, President of Southland Partnership 20) Dr. CZ Wilson, one of the Founders of the BBA. 21) Los Angeles Councilman Herb Wesson, Newly Elected President of the Los Angeles City Council, Special Recognition Award Honoree 22) Procurement registration 23) Procurement attendees at Northrop Grumman Booth 24) Brainard & Melba Simpson of Simpson and Simpson CPA’s, Outstanding Entrepreneur Award Honoree

27) Award Honorees: Bill Hawkins, Ken McKneeley, Ken Davis, Ken Lombard, Debbie Lumpkin, Ron Taylor, Brainard Simpson 28) Dr. Jan Vanderpool & “Skip” Cooper 29) Cesar Marrufo, Sales Manager, AT&T Business Integrated Solutions, discussing mobile applications during AT&T’s “Wireless Business Solutions For Your Company’s Unique Needs” Workshop 30) Ken Davis, Outstanding Entrepreneur Award Honoree and Business Partner Steve Carias 31) Natalie Cole, Founder and Publisher, Our Weekly 32) Connie Bass, Cookies By Connie 33) Grace Yuen-Partner, Brainard C. Simpson-Partner/Owner Outstanding Entrepreneur Award Honoree, Melba W. Simpson-Partner/Owner, & Robert Fleming- IT Principal 34) Bill Hawkins, President of The Hawkins Company Outstanding Entrepreneur Award Honoree 35) Steve Carias, Partner, Maximize Communications Group 36) Ron Taylor, Outstanding Entrepreneur Award Honoree 37) Debbie Lumpkin, Supplier Capacity Builder Award Honoree and Supporters 

8  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net














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President Barack Obama, with Boeing CEO James McHenry, Jr., answers a question at the APEC CEO business summit in Honolulu, Hawaii, Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Remarks by President Obama at APEC CEO Business Summit Q&A MR. McNERNEY: Mr. President, few forums are watched more closely by those of us in the business community than APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) -- testimony to the extraordinary opportunity it represents for both sides of the Pacific Rim. As you know, APEC accounts for 55 percent of global GDP and is growing faster than the global average -significantly faster. It represents 2.7 billion consumers, and purchases 58 percent of U.S. exports. So I’m honored, very honored, to represent many of the wide-ranging interests of the business community on stage with you today. Unlocking the growth potential that exists within APEC is a huge opportunity

for job creation here in the United States and for our economic partners. Secretary Clinton spoke about that yesterday within the context of greater engagement of women and small business, for example. (Applause.) Given that you represent -- and I’m working my way up to a question here. Given that you represent the largest economy in the group, your views on subjects pertinent to that growth potential are vital, and that’s what I’d like to explore with you here this morning. Just to start at 50,000 feet, you just participated in the G20 meeting last week, where global growth was a -- and threats thereof was a central topic of discussion. With the benefit of

the viewpoints exchanged at the G20 session, what now is your outlook for the global economy, and maybe with just an eye toward its impact on the APEC economies? PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, first of all, Jim, thank you for having me here. Thanks to all the business leaders who are participating. I understand that there have been some terrific conversations over the last couple of days. I want to thank our Hawaiian hosts for the great hospitality. (Applause.) As many of you know, this is my birthplace. I know that was contested for a while -- (laughter and applause) -- but I can actually show you the hospital if you want to go down there. (Laughter.) And see APEC CEO Summit on page 13

12  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

President Barack Obama attends a meeting with the Trans-Pacific Partnership at the APEC summit in Honolulu, Hawaii, Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011. At left is Hassanal Bolkiah, the Sultan of Brunei, and right is U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

APEC CEO Summit from page 12

that the markets are concerned about. And that has to be addressed inside of Italy, but it’s not going to be addressed overnight. So it’s important that Europe as a whole stands behind its eurozone members. And we have tried to be as supportive as we can, providing them some advice and technical assistance. I think that we’re not going to see massive growth out of Europe until the problem is resolved. And that will have a dampening effect on the overall global economy. But if we can at least contain the crisis, then one of the great opportunities we have is to see the Asia Pacific region as an extraordinary engine for growth. And part of the reason that we’re here at APEC is to concentrate on what you just identified as about half of the world’s trade, half of the world’s GDP, and a growing share. And so the whole goal of APEC is to ensure that we are reducing barriers to trade and investment that can translate into see APEC CEO Summit on page 15

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I also have to make mention, first of all, that in all my years of living in Hawaii and visiting Hawaii, this is the first time that I’ve ever worn a suit. (Laughter.) So it feels a little odd. Obviously we have just gone through the worst financial crisis and the worst economic crisis since the 1930s. And one of the differences between now and the ‘30s is that the global economy is more integrated than ever, and so what happens in Asia has an impact here in the United States; what happens in Europe has an impact on Asia and the United States. At the G20 meeting, our most immediate task was looking at what’s happening in the eurozone. And if you trace what’s happened over the last two to three years, we were able to stabilize the world economy after the crisis with Lehman’s and get the world financial system working again. We were able to

get the economy growing again. But it has not been growing as robustly as it needs to in order to put people back to work. And my number-one priority has been to not only grow the economy but also make sure that that translates into opportunities for ordinary people. And I think leaders from around the world are thinking the same way. I was pleased to see that European leaders were taking seriously the need to not just solve the Greek crisis, but also to solve the broader eurozone crisis. There have been some positive developments over the last week: a new potential government in Italy, a new government in Greece -- both committed to applying the sort internal structural reform that can give markets more confidence. There is still work to be done in the broader European community, to provide markets a strong assurance that countries like Italy will be able to finance their debt. These are economies that are large. They are economies that are strong. But they have some issues

APEC CEO Summit from page 13

concrete jobs here in the United States and all around the world.

MR. McNERNEY: Fixing Europe obviously a priority, but the growth is here for now. Although as I’ve traveled around the Asia Pacific region, I and others have detected a slight sense

business -- in the Asia Pacific region? PRESIDENT OBAMA: The United States is a Pacific power and we are here to stay. And one of the messages that Secretary Clinton, Secretary

If we’re going to grow it’s going to be because of exports; it’s going to be because of the great work that companies like Boeing is doing; it’s going to be because we’ve got high standard trade agreements that are creating win-win situations for countries, the way we were able to do bilaterally with South Korea just recently. And if we can stay on that trajectory, letting this region of the world know that America is a Pacific power and we intend to be here, actively engaged in trying to boost the economy worldwide and for our respective countries, then I am cautiously optimistic that we’ll get through this current crisis and will come out stronger over the next couple of years.

of unease and uncertainty among government and business leaders around whether the U.S. intends to maintain its role in helping to ensure the political, economic stability of this region, other forms of stability, including the free flow of communication and commerce. I do know that Secretary of State Clinton and Secretary Panetta recently delivered some very reassuring remarks, which I’m sure didn’t happen by accident. But I think your view on that, on this subject, is of great interest not only to the business community but to the community at large here in the region. And so, how does Asia fit as a priority for our country? And where is its place -- in a multifaceted way, not just

Panetta have been delivering, but I am personally here to deliver over the next week, is that there’s no region in the world that we consider more vital than the Asia Pacific region, and we want, on a whole range of issues, to be working with our partner countries around the Pacific Rim in order to enhance job growth, economic growth, prosperity and security for all of us. And let me just give you a couple of examples. The APEC conference that we’re hosting here is going to have some very concrete deliverables around issues like regulatory convergence, which permits countries to all think about whether our regulations are as efficient, as effective as they can be, or see APEC CEO Summit on page 17

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President Barack Obama holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda of Japan at the APEC summit in Honolulu, Hawaii, Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

APEC CEO Summit from page 15

where are they standing in the way of smart trade.

things is that, as we talk to our partners in the region, they welcome U.S. reengagement. I think we spent a decade in which, understandably, after 9/11, we were very focused on

a very comprehensive case for it -we’ve seen in some of her published work and some of her speeches. So this looks like --I wouldn’t say a major new direction, but it is something that

I’ll be traveling to Australia to celebrate the 60th year of the AmericanAustralian alliance, and that will signify the security infrastructure that allows for the free flow of trade and commerce throughout the region. The TPP -- the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement that I just met with the countries who are involved, we’re doing some outstanding work trying to create a high-level trade agreement that could potentially be a model not just for countries in the Pacific region but for the world generally. And so, across the board, whether it’s on security architecture, whether it’s on trade, whether it’s on commerce, we are going to continue to prioritize this region. And one of the gratifying

security issues, particularly in the Middle East region. And those continue to be important. But we’ve turned our attention back to the Asia Pacific region, and I think that it’s paying off immediately in a whole range of improved relations with countries, and businesses are starting to see more opportunities as a consequence. MR. McNERNEY: You know, I don’t think the business community has fully understood the comprehensiveness of your approach out here, and I think -- because it all does link together -- security, business environment, bilateral trade facilitation -- all these things really do link together. And I think Secretary Clinton has made

is a major priority for you over the next number of years, is -- am I capturing it right? PRESIDENT OBAMA: There’s no doubt. It is a reaffirmation of how important we consider this region. It has a range of components. Now, some of those are grounded in decade-long alliances. The alliance we have with Japan and South Korea, the alliance we have with Australia -- the security architecture of the region is something that we pay a lot of attention to. And we’re going to be going through some tough fiscal decisions back home, but nevertheless, what I’ve said when it comes to prioritizing our security see APEC CEO Summit on page 19

17  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


President Barack Obama reviews the Tri-Service Guard of Honor during the arrival ceremony at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, Nov. 16, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)



APEC CEO Summit from page 17

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, keep in mind that almost two decades ago when APEC was formed, the notion was to create a trans-Pacific free trade agreement. Obviously the membership of APEC is extraordinarily diverse. It reflects countries with different levels of development. And so for many years that vision, that dream I think seemed very far off in the distance.

and our goal is, by next year, to get the legal text for a full agreement. The idea here is to have a trade agreement that deals not just with past issues but also future issues. And if we’re successful, then I think it becomes the seed of a broader set of agreements. And what’s been really interesting is how, because of the success of these first few countries joining together, we’re now

see APEC CEO Summit on page 21

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posture here in this region, this has to continue to remain a top priority. And on the business side, this is where the action is going to be. If we’re going to not just double our exports but make sure that good jobs are created here in the United States, then we’re going to have to continue to expand our trade opportunities and economic integration with the fastest-growing region in the world. And that means, in some cases, some hard negotiations and some tough work, as we went through in South Korea. I think that was a great model of prioritizing trade with a key partner. It wasn’t easy. I said at the outset that I wanted -- I had no problem seeing Hyundais and Kias here in the United States, but I wanted to see some Chevrolets and Fords in Seoul. And after a lot of work and some dedicated attention from President Lee, we were able to get a deal that for the first time was endorsed not just by the business community but also was endorsed by the United Auto Workers and a number of labor leaders. And that shows how we can build a bipartisan support for President Obama thanks renowned Aborigini performer Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu job creation in the United States for the musical performance that took place in Darwin, Australia. With them are Michael Hohnen and the Honorable Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia. and trade agreements that make sense. (Applause.) What happened was, is a group, seeing others like Japan expressing MR. McNERNEY: You referenced Korea and Colombia, Panama -- big, a subset of APEC countries came an interest in joining. And I’ll have a strong, pro-trade votes. I mean, it was together and said let’s see if we can meeting with Prime Minister Noda later a major legislative accomplishment. create a high-standard agreement this afternoon and I’ll get a sense from And the momentum that Ambassador that is dealing with tariffs and non- him about the degree to which Japan Kirk talks about flowing into the Trans- tariff barriers to trade, but let’s also wants to go through the difficult process Pacific Partnership -- just let’s spend a incorporate a whole range of new trade involved. And I don’t underestimate the minute on that. You raised it earlier. Do issues that are going to be coming up difficulties of this because each member in the future -innovation, regulatory you see other APEC countries joining -- the obvious question is Japan? And convergence, how we’re thinking about country has particular sensitivities, political barriers. It requires adjustments how significant is the TPP for this region the Internet and intellectual property. within these countries where certain And so what we’ve seen -and we of the world and for the United States? industries or certain producers may just came from a meeting in which the Is there anything else you’d like to say TPP members affirmed a basic outline about it?

APEC CEO Summit from page 19

push back. For Japan, for example, in the agricultural sector, that’s going to be a tough issue for them. But we’re not going to delay. Our goal is to try to get something done by next

try to integrate further into the global economy, become more Asia-facing themselves in the process? I mean, there is a clear agenda there for them as they’ve try to upgrade their economy. But there is a reason that you’re making this happen, that you’re going after WTO. And so maybe give us a few words on the benefits of it all.

integrate them with the world economy. For the United States, I think a message that applies not only to the TPP but also to Russia, is the U.S. will do well if everybody is playing by the rules. I believe we’ve got some of the best entrepreneurs, businesses, universities. We have a system that has some flaws, but overall we have


Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India with President Obama in Bali, Indonesia, on Friday. year. And our hope is, is that if we can model this kind of outstanding trade agreement, then, potentially, you see a lot of others joining in. MR. McNERNEY: Sounds like real momentum. PRESIDENT OBAMA: Yes. MR. McNERNEY: You know, another issue, just shifting gears slightly, same kind of subject -- Russia, pending ascension to the WTO. And as you know, Russia will host APEC in 2012. Assuming that the WTO process is successfully concluded, what kind of opportunities do you see as they

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, first of all, we’ve had a excellent working relationship with President Medvedev. The United States and Russia obviously have a whole range of differences on a whole range of issues, but we also have some common interests. And I believe it is very much in the United States’ interest to see Russia in the WTO. Not only will it provide greater opportunities for U.S. businesses in Russia, but it also will create a even stronger incentive for Russia to proceed down a course of reforms that will be good for the Russian people, but will also

extraordinary transparency. We have a legal system that protects intellectual property. We are at the cutting edge of the information technology boom. And so if we can create a system in which everybody is playing by a common set of rules, everybody knows what those rules are, then I think U.S. workers and U.S. businesses are going to excel. There’s not reason why globalization should be something we fear. It’s something that we should be able to excel at as long as everybody is in agreement about how we proceed. And see APEC CEO Summit on page 22

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APEC CEO Summit from page 21

a long list. But against the backdrop, will you be getting into specifics this week in your discussions? And how would you assess the U.S.-China relationship when voices now, on both the left and the right, are calling for a harder line from your administration? Tough to navigate.


so, whether it’s in the WTO, whether it’s in the TPP, whether it’s in forums like APEC, my message to all our trading partners, to other countries, is: If you are playing by the rules, then America is ready to do business. And we will remain

the steadfastness that many in your Cabinet have shown in supporting this, the enforcement side of the WTO. We appreciate it. China. You will be meeting here with China’s senior leadership, and many of us in the business world face a common dilemma with China that perhaps you do at your level. We see a world where

President Barack Obama meets with Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, while attending the APEC Summit in Singapore, Nov. 15, 2009. open; we will fight against protectionist measures. But we are also going to be pushing hard to make sure that you are not engaging in gaming the system. And we want strong enforcement of these international norms and rules. We think that will be to everybody’s benefit over the long term. MR. McNERNEY: Agree. And many of us have, I should say, benefited from

our interests lay in both competing with China, on one hand, in global markets and within their marketplace, and also engaging with China for access to its market, on the other. Yet, challenges abound, and you alluded to a lot of them just a minute ago -- intellectual property protections, adherence to the WTO, rules you mentioned, currency debate, drilling rights, et cetera. There’s

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, first of all, I think that we have created a frank dialogue with the Chinese over the last two years that has benefited both countries. And my general view is that there can be a friendly and constructive competition between the United States and China, and a whole range of areas where we share common interests and see APEC CEO Summit on page 23

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APEC CEO Summit from page 23

President Barack Obama delivers remarks honoring 60 years of the U.S. and Australian Alliance to a crowd of some 2000 soldiers and guests at the Royal Army Air Force Base in Darwin, Australia, Nov.17, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)


we should be able to cooperate. We should be rooting for China to grow, because not only does that then present an enormous marketplace for American businesses and American exports, but to see so many millions of people, hundreds of millions of people, lifted out of poverty is a remarkable achievement. And so whether it’s China, whether it’s India, these emerging countries, what they’re accomplishing in a few short decades -- alleviating poverty, helping ordinary people all around the world get access to opportunity -- that’s a wonderful thing that we should be rooting for. And those are potential customers for us in the future. But what I’ve said since I first came into office, and what we’ve exhibited in terms of our interactions with the Chinese, is we want you to play by the rules. And currency is probably a good example. There are very few economists who do not believe that the RMB is not undervalued. And that makes exports to China more expensive, and it makes exports from China cheaper. That disadvantages American business; it disadvantages American workers. And we have said to them that this is something that has to change -- and, by the way, it would actually be good for China’s economy if they refocused on their domestic market, that that kind of appreciation of their currency would help the overall balance of payments globally and it would increase growth in China and increase growth here in the United States. Intellectual property. I don’t think it’s any secret -- Jim, you talked to a lot of CEOs and probably a lot of folks in this room -- for an economy like the United States, where our biggest competitive advantage is our knowledge, our innovation, our patents, our copyrights -- for us not to get the kind of protection that we need in a large marketplace like China is not acceptable.

Images from President Obama’s Pacific Tour

President Barack Obama poses for a photo with other leaders at the start of the US - ASEAN summit at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center in Nusa Dua, Bali, Nov. 18, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) Government procurement -- if we are allowing foreign countries to bid on projects in the United States of America, we want reciprocity. Stateowned enterprises, how they work -- all these issues I think have to be resolved. Some of them can be resolved in multilateral forums. Some of them will have to be resolved bilaterally. I am sympathetic to the fact that there are a lot of people in China

who are still impoverished and there’s a rapid pace of urbanization that’s taking place there that Chinese leaders have to work through. But the bottom line is, is that the United States can’t be expected to stand by if there’s not the kind reciprocity in our trade relations and our economic relationships that we need. see APEC CEO Summit on page 24

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APEC CEO Summit from page 23


So this is an issue that I’ve brought up with President Hu in the past. We will continue to bring it up. There is

the Chinese side, is what they would characterize as impediments to investment in the United States. And so that discussion I’m sure will be part of whatever dialogue you have. And so how are you thinking about that? PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, this is an

governments where they’re seeking assistance from us, to go out there and make it easier for foreign investors to build a plant in the United States and put outstanding U.S. workers back to work in the United States of America. And we think that we can do much

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama pose with Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and his wife at leaders dinner during the recent APEC Summit in Hawaii. Picture: AFP no reason why it inevitably leads to sharp conflict. I think there is a win-win opportunity there, but we’ve got to keep on working diligently to get there. And in the meantime, where we see rules being broken, we’ll speak out and, in some cases, we will take action. We’ve brought more enforcement actions against China over the last couple of years than had taken place in many of the preceding years, not because we’re looking for conflict, but simply because we want to make sure that the interests of American workers and American businesses are protected. MR. McNERNEY: I think one related question, looking at the world from

issue, generally. I think it’s important to remember that the United States is still the largest recipient of foreign investment in the world. And there are a lot of things that make foreign investors see the U.S. as a great opportunity -- our stability, our openness, our innovative free market culture. But we’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades. We’ve kind of taken for granted -- well, people will want to come here and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new business into America. And so one of things that my administration has done is set up something called SelectUSA that organizes all the government agencies to work with state and local

better than we’re doing right now. Because of our federalist system, sometimes a foreign investor comes in and they’ve got to navigate not only federal rules, but they’ve also got to navigate state and local governments that may have their own sets of interests. Being able to create if not a one-stop shop, then at least no more than a couple of stops for people to be able to come into the United States and make investments, that’s something that we want to encourage. MR. McNERNEY: And I’m old enough to remember this process around Japanese automotive companies, 20 or 30 years ago. And the process moved slowly then, it had some of see APEC CEO Summit on page 25

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APEC CEO Summit from page 24

the similar dynamics, but some of those companies are very, very fine “American companies,” and have contributed a lot to our economy.

that is because of some terrific work that’s been done by our Export/Import Bank. We’ve substantially increased the amount of financing that we’re providing to companies. I think Boeing appreciates the good work that -MR. McNERNEY: Upon occasion,

products, but they may not have the infrastructure to be able to navigate a whole bunch of other countries’ customs and regulatory impediments. And so for us to be a champion not only of financing but also making it easier for them to enter into the global


President Barack Obama autographs books before meeting embassy staff,

PRESIDENT OBAMA: And, look, these companies can put people back to work. They can have a terrific impact. And it’s important for us to make sure that, since we want American companies to be able to invest in other countries, that we also show some openness to their investments here. One thing I want to mention, Jim, that I think is important -- I mentioned that we’re on track to double our exports, a goal that I set when I first came into office. Part of the reason for

we’re at the teller window. (Laughter.) PRESIDENT OBAMA: On occasion, yes. But one of the things that I wanted to mention is we’re starting to focus on how we can get small and mediumsized businesses plugged into the global economy as well. Somebody mentioned earlier that I think Secretary Clinton had talked about women-owned businesses. Well, a lot of women-owned businesses are smaller businesses and medium-sized businesses. And they may have great

marketplace is something that we want to focus on. MR. McNERNEY: That program is a big deal. And I see it from a Boeing perspective -- a lot of our suppliers are tapping into it, and it’s going to make a difference. Speaking of exports, as chairman of your Export Council, I’ve had the privilege of working with you and members of your Cabinet to pave the way to meet your goal of doubling see APEC CEO Summit on page 27

25  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


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APEC CEO Summit from page 25

exports. Priorities have been FTAs, intellectual property rights protection, export credit financing, technology release -- which you haven’t

gold card, a travel card that allows businesses to be able to -- (applause.) Everybody here appreciates it because they’re not going to have to wait in line as long at the airport. (Laughter.) So that generated a lot of popularity. But that’s an idea that came out of

particularly in the business press. And so let me just comment on this. I make no apologies for wanting to make sure that we’ve got regulations that protect consumers from unfair practices or shoddy products, that protect the help of our kids here in

commented on, but you’ve made some progress on -- and business and tourist visa processes -- and you know the list. What’s your assessment of how we’re doing? PRESIDENT OBAMA: You guys are doing great. And I want to thank all the members of the Export Council. They’ve been giving us some terrific ideas. Some of them are modest, but they make a difference. Backstage before we came out, I just signed a piece of legislation that was voted on unanimously out of Congress that essentially sets up a APEC business

the Business Council that we’ve been able to execute. And we’re going to keep on trying to pursue every avenue that we have to see how we can ease and smooth the ability of doing business with the United States and U.S. businesses being able to operate overseas. And some of that has to do with us changing our own internal operations. For the business leaders who are here, there’s been a lot of commentary about regulations and my administration’s approach to regulations. And, frankly, there have been some misconceptions,

the U.S., that make sure that our air and water is clean. (Applause.) But I think it’s really important to know that over the first two years of the Obama administration, we’ve actually issued fewer new regulations than the previous two administrations; that we’ve applied, for the most part, a rigorous cost benefit, and we have seen a lot more benefit for every dollar that our regulations cost than previous administrations. And this is where it’s relevant to the export issue -- one of the things see APEC CEO Summit on page 28

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President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama spent Veterans Day aboard the USS Carl Vinson attending the first ever college basketball game played on the deck of an aircraft carrier before leaving for the APEC and ASEAN summits.

APEC CEO Summit from page 27


we’re also doing is engaging in what we call a regulatory look-back, where we’ve asked all the agencies that are under the Executive Branch control, but also independent agencies that voluntarily been willing to look at every regulation that’s on the book, with a simple question: Is this helping to grow the economy, create jobs, and is it doing a good job in this 21st century of protecting the health and welfare of the public and consumers? And if a rule isn’t working anymore,

Top: U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk confers with U.S. Secretary of State Hilliary Clinton; Middle: President Barack Obama with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev; Bottom: APEC Poster. we want to get rid of it. If a rule could be done cheaper and faster, then we want to hear about it. And our relationship with the Business Council is a great example of where you’ve given us some suggestions where you said, you know what, this rule -- we understand what you were trying to do, but it’s actually creating a lot of unnecessary costs, and here’s a way to do it that would meet your objective but do it in a much more efficient, effective way. We are eager for that kind of input, and that’s the kind of relationship with the business community we want to establish.

MR. McNERNEY: And we will respond to that, and I appreciate those comments. Another place is export controls, where your administration -- at least as someone who deals in that world a lot, particularly in this region, where it becomes much more of a sticking point doing commerce than you’d imagine if you have any technology in your products -- where I think your administration has made more of an effort than any administration in recent memory. And can you give us an update on that? PRESIDENT OBAMA: Yes.

MR. McNERNEY: Because there’s been some progress recently. PRESIDENT OBAMA: For those of you who may not be fully familiar with this issue -- because we have such a terrific advantage in high-technology areas -in cutting-edge advance manufacturing or the work that we’ve been doing in information systems and so forth -traditionally, there has been a security element to U.S. export policy where we’ve said there are certain products that could be weaponized, could have military applications, in which we are not going to permit an easy time of exporting those products. And under the leadership of Bob Gates, my former Secretary of Defense, he actually recommended that we reexamine this whole issue of export controls to make sure that it was up to date and that we were not unnecessarily inhibiting U.S. companies from taking advantage of their biggest competitive advantage, and going out there and selling high-value products made by high-wage workers that create a lot of opportunity for American workers and American businesses. So we’ve gone through a very systematic process. We are I think starting to see that process bear fruit. We’re going to need some cooperation from Congress, but there’s some things we can do on the executive side. And essentially, the goal of the reform is to clear away impediments for export of those things that really at this point don’t have a military application, or are first-generation stuff that everybody else has already caught up on, so that we can actually focus more on those very narrow sets of technologies where there really is a significant security component. And we feel optimistic that over the next couple of years we’re going to start being able to make progress. That will help contribute to American businesses being able to make sales, and American workers and American jobs being created here in the United States. see APEC CEO Summit on page 29

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APEC CEO Summit from page 28

security issues that face the Pacific. We are I think poised to work in a spirit of mutual interest and mutual respect with countries around the world, but we continue to be a country that people are looking to for active engagement. MR. McNERNEY: All very welcomed news. Mr. President, thank you very much. Your perspectives were very much appreciated. (Applause.) PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you very much. (Applause.) Enjoy the good weather.  www.whitehouse.gov/the-pressoffice/2011/11/12/remarks-presidentobama-apec-ceo-business-summit-qa



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29  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


MR. McNERNEY: It will be a big deal for our customers out here, broadly speaking. We have time for one more question, Mr. President. And as you mentioned earlier, following this meeting you’re headed down to Australia -- I just came from Australia -- they can’t wait -- for a state visit, and then to Indonesia for two regional meetings, the East Asia Summit and the U.S.-ASEAN Summit. As you approach those, what are the issues? What do you hope to accomplish? PRESIDENT OBAMA: InAustralia, we’re going to be focusing a lot on the security alliance between our two countries, but that obviously has broader implications for U.S. presence in the Pacific. When we get to Bali for the ASEAN meeting and the East Asia Summit, we’re going to be speaking, again, about how can we, a great Pacific power, work with our partners to ensure stability, to ensure free flows of commerce, to ensure that maritime rules, drilling, a whole host of issues are managed in a open and fair way. And one of the things that I’m very encouraged about is the eagerness of countries to see the U.S. reengaged in this region. I think back here in the United States, there are times where we question our influence around the world. And obviously, having gone through a couple of tough years, having been engaged in a decade of war, we recognize all the challenges that are out there for the United States and the reforms and changes that we’re going to have to make to ensure that we are competitive in this 21st century global economy. But the news I have to deliver for the American people is American

leadership is still welcome. It’s welcomed in this region. It’s welcomed in the transatlantic region. And the reason it’s welcomed I think is because we have shown that we are willing to not just look after our own interests, but try to set up a set of rules and norms in the international arena that everybody can follow and everybody can prosper from. And people appreciate that. And so I am very proud of the leadership that America obviously has shown in the past. But I also don’t want people to underestimate the leadership that we’re showing now -- whether it’s on trade agreements like TPP, or the

Who’s to Blame for the Current State of the U.S. Economy?


Special Series: Economic Recovery Watch (www.cbpp.org/ cms/?fa=view&id=3490)


ome lawmakers, pundits, and others continue to say that President George W. Bush’s policies did not drive the projected federal deficits of the coming decade — that, instead, it was the policies of President Obama and Congress in 2009 and 2010. But, the fact remains: the economic downturn, President Bush’s tax cuts and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq explain virtually the entire deficit over the next ten years. The deficit for fiscal year 2009 — which began more than three months before President Obama’s inauguration — was $1.4 trillion and, at 10 percent

of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the largest deficit relative to the economy since the end of World War II. At $1.3 trillion and nearly 9 percent of GDP, the deficit in 2010 was only slightly lower. If current policies remain in place, deficits will likely resemble those figures in 2011 and hover near $1 trillion a year for the next decade. The events and policies that pushed deficits to these high levels in the near term were, for the most part, not of President Obama’s making. If not for the Bush tax cuts, the deficit-financed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the effects of the worst recession since the Great Depression (including the cost of policymakers’ actions to combat it), we would not be facing these huge deficits in the near term. By themselves, in fact, the Bush tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will account for almost half of the $20 trillion in debt that, under current policies, the nation will owe by 2019. The stimulus law and financial rescues will account for less than 10 percent of the debt at that time.

President Obama, however, still has a responsibility to propose, and put the weight of his office behind, policies that will address our key long-term fiscal challenge — preventing the relentless rise of debt as a share of GDP that will occur under current policies. The President and Congress could make major progress toward stabilizing the debt for the coming decade by letting all of the Bush tax cuts expire on schedule at the end of 2012. That would just be a first (although a substantial) step. To keep the debt stable over the longer run, when the fiscal impacts of an aging population and rising health care costs will continue to mount, policymakers will need to take large additional steps on both the expenditure and revenue sides of the budget. Having said that, policymakers should not mistake the causes of the swollen deficits that we face in the decade ahead — nor make policy based on mistaken impressions.  By Kathy Ruffing and James R. Horney

31  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


ith the so-called congressional deficit reduction “supercommittee” failing to reach an agreement by Thanksgiving Day on reducing the ballooning federal deficit, contenders for the Republican presidential nomination have revved up their attacks on President Obama — who they claim has singlehandedly driven the nation closer to financial meltdown. But whose policies are really responsible for a debt that is expected to reach $20 trillion in the next decade? According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (www.cbpp. org), it was Obama’s predecessor. “By themselves, in fact, the Bush tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will account for almost half of the $20 trillion in debt that, under current policies, the nation will owe by 2019,” says the D.C.- based think tank. “The stimulus law and financial rescues” enacted by Obama “will account for less than 10 percent of the debt at that time.”

Working with the U.S. Government Getting Ready for 2012 and Beyond


hen your business delivers products or services under a government contract, you must adhere to a variety of regulations that range from qualifying for the work in the first place, to reporting your activities on a regular basis after a contract is signed. However, you also can take advantage of several programs designed especially to promote small businesses.

• Small Business Certifications & Audiences

• Small Business Innovation Research If your business deals with emerging technology, you may be eligible for government programs designed to promote the application of technology to advance specific initiatives. www. sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/ contracting/working-with-government/ small-business-innovation-research

• Contracting Support Once you’re awarded a contract, you will be eager to fulfill its obligations so that you can obtain additional contracts. SBA provides a variety of resources to make sure you know what is expected of you. These resources may be viewed at: www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/contracting/ working-with-government/contractingsupport

• Contracting Rulebook The federal government has a vest-

• Service Contract Inventory Public posting in accordance with OMB Memorandum, dated November 5, 2010, Subject: Service Contract Inventories. www.sba.gov/content/service-contract-inventory

Contracting Opportunities If you’re convinced that contracting with the federal government is a smart way to grow your business, then how do you find out about available contracts in the first place? This section lists the information you need to get started, including ways that you can gain an advantage over your competition.

• Sub-Contracting For some small businesses, subcontracting to a Prime Vendor is a great way to “get a foot in the door” of government contracting. In this arrangement, you can provide goods or services that support a larger initiative. www. sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/ contracting/contracting-opportunities/ sub-contracting

• Federal Business Opportunities If you are ready to bid on federal contracts, there are a couple of ways to get started. One is to submit your business profile to a database that fed-

Karen G. Mills, Administrator Small Business Administration

eral agencies use to locate contractors. This approach is like sending in your resume. www.sba.gov/content/federalbusiness-opportunities

• GSA Schedules Many government agencies establish government-wide contracts, which simplify the procurement process for federal agencies by allowing them to acquire a vast array of products and services directly from commercial suppliers. www.sba.gov/content/gsaschedules.

• Green Contracting Opportunities Various laws, executive orders and procurement regulations now require federal agencies to purchase green (bio-based, recycled content, and energy efficient) products. So if you are already “green” or are thinking about going green visit www.sba.gov/content/ green-contracting-opportunities.

• State Government Certifying Agencies Your state government offers a wide variety of opportunities for small businesses to compete for government contracts. Here you will find a list of state procurement agencies, and information on how to register as a contractor and more. www.sba.gov/content/ see Working With Government on page 35

33  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


As the owner of a small business, you may qualify for specific SBA programs based on a variety of factors. Review the information below and determine which programs could apply to you or your geographic place of business. www.sba.gov/category/navigationstructure/contracting/working-with-government/small-business-certificationsaudiences

ed interest in your success as a small business contracting with a federal agency. Mutual expectations are outlined in regulation “rule books”; refer to these regulations at: www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/contracting/ working-with-government/contractingrulebook

Working With Government from page 33


• Federal Procurement Database Systems - Next Generation Federal Procurement Data Service – Next Generation is the repository of all federal contracting data for contracts in excess of $25,000. With this system, you can learn the following on federal contracting opportunities - www.sba. gov/content/federal-procurement-database-systems-next-generation

• USA Spends USASpending.gov is your source for information about government spending through contracts awarded by the U.S. government. The website is searchable and available to the general public at no cost. It contains a wealth of information. www.sba.gov/content/ usa-spends

prime contract and subcontract awards for service-disabled veterans. See the details at: www.sba.gov/content/ service-disabled-veteran-owned-smallbusiness-concerns-sdvosbc

• Natural Resources Assistance Program The federal government sells large quantities of natural resources and surplus real and personal property authorized for sale in accordance with public law. SBA cooperates with other federal agencies to channel a fair share of these resources to small businesses. www.sba.gov/content/natural-resources-assistance-program

• Sub-Contracting For some small businesses, subcontracting to a Prime Vendor is a great way to “get a foot in the door” of government contracting. In this arrangement, you can provide goods or servic-

es that support a larger initiative. www. sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/ contracting/contracting-opportunities/ sub-contracting

• OPEN Forum: Government Contracting OPEN Forum is a set of tools for small businesses to connect and collaborate. It provides a means for learning about Federal government contracting, getting started in contracting, and growing your business through contracting. www.sba.gov/content/open-forum-government-contracting 

• Contracting of Manufacturing

• Contracting Opportunities for Energy Efficient Businesses As you probably know, the U.S. government is a huge purchaser of services and products. You may also know that there are special provisions in place to help small businesses compete for and win federal contracts. This combination can be worth a lot for your business. www.sba.gov/content/contracting-opportunities-energy-efficient-businesses

• Service-Disabled VeteranOwned Small Business Concerns (SDVOSBC) The Veterans Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-50) established an annual government-wide goal of not less than 3% of the total value of all

35  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


If you own a manufacturing business, you could be missing out on a great opportunity: selling to the U.S. government. Although bidding on government contracts can be quite different than your normal sales approach, the process can be managed using information found at: www.sba.gov/content/ contracting-manufacturing

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CommerceConnect Community CommerceConnect establishes strategic partnerships with other government agencies, state, local and nonprofit organizations. Together the CommerceConnect community effectively creates an extensive network of business support providers throughout the U.S. Explore our community - Commerce Bureaus • Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) www.bea.gov

David Hinson, National Director, MBDA • Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) www.bis.doc.gov • U.S. Census Bureau www.census. gov • Economic Development Administration (EDA) www.eda.gov • Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) www.esa.doc. gov • International Trade Administration (ITA) http://trade.gov • Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) www.mbda.gov • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) www.noaa. gov • National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) www.ntia.doc.gov • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) www.nist.gov • National Technical Information Service (NTIS) www.ntis.gov • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) www.uspto.gov . 

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CommerceConnect (www.commerceconnect.gov) promotes economic growth and stability for American businesses and entrepreneurs. We offer them a comprehensive portfolio of federal, state, local and nonprofit business assistance resources, including more than 70 U.S. Department of Commerce programs – many at no cost. By matching them to specific business needs, we help American businesses and entrepreneurs overcome challenges, exploit opportunities and connect to the right resources to advance their objectives. CommerceConnect is where businesses, opportunities and resources connect for industry growth and job creation. CommerceConnect helps businesses succeed by: • Assessing company needs • Identifying opportunities for business growth • Introducing firms to federal, state, local and nonprofit business assistance programs • Leveraging established partner relationships • Helping businesses reach their goals

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Another Legislative Milestone - Herb Wesson Elected to Lead Los Angeles City Council


in the State of California”, according to Skip Cooper, Publisher of the Black Business News Group (BBN). “He has served as the California State’s Assembly speaker - one of the most powerful political jobs in California. Herb also served as chief of staff to both former Los Angles Councilman Nate Holden and Los Angeles County Supervisor Yvonne Burke”. Wesson carries on an honorable tradition of African American city councilmen beginning with the late Mayor Tom Bradley--who served as the 10th District Council, before becoming mayor--

and passed the torch to Dave Cunningham, Nate Holden, Martin Ludlow, and now Wesson is continuing that tradition. On behalf of not only the Black community of Los Angeles, but the entire State of California, the Black Business News congratulate Herb Wesson on this historical appointment. 

December’s Women’s History Birthdays & Historic Events

discrimination against women and ways to eliminate it •Dec 14, 1985 - Wilma Mankiller is sworn in as principal chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma - the first woman in modern history to lead a major Native American tribe December Birthdays •Dec 6, 1927 (2002) - Patsy Mink, first Japanese-American Congresswoman (D-HI); wrote the Women’s Educational Equity Act; played a key role in the enactment of Title IX which was renamed posthumously as the “Patsy Takemoto Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act”

•Dec 21, 1959 (1998) - Florence Griffith Joyner, “Flo-Jo,” Olympic track and field champion, won 3 gold medals and 1 silver at 1988 Summer games, called “World’s Fastest Woman” •Dec 23, 1867 (1919) - Sarah “Madam C.J.” Walker, entrepreneur and philanthropist; first woman and first African American woman selfmade millionaire; revolutionized hair care and cosmetics industry in early 20th century •Dec. 31, 1900 (1995) Selma Burke, Sculptor (FDR), Art educator, active in the Black Renaissance

December Highlights •Dec 1, 1955 - Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus to a white person; her arrest ignites the Montgomery Bus Boycott •Dec 5, 1935 - Mary McLeod Bethune creates the National Council of Negro Women •Dec 14, 1961 - President’s Commission on the Status of Women is established to examine

39  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


n January 2012, Herb J. Wesson, Jr. will assume the leadership of the city council becoming the President of the Los Angeles City Council - the first African American to hold his position in the history of the City of Los Angeles. Those who know the veteran councilman believe that he will perform twice as many functions on behalf of his constituencies as he does at present. In the 10th Council District, the Councilman has been very aggressive in bringing new business development to the community, creating jobs and stimulating the local economy. Projects such as the $150 million “Midtown Crossing” retail development at Pico and San Vicente Boulevards, and the planned $93 million “District Square” retail project has been important priorities. Together, these two projects will create thousands of construction and permanent retail jobs. “Herb is one of the most highly skilled and qualified political officials

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HHS Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Effects of adolescent binge drinking on brain development (R01), Grant www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131413 HHS Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Effects of Adolescent Binge Drinking on Brain Development (R21), Grant www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131414 HHS Department of Health and

40  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

GRANTS.GOV LISTINGS Human Services National Institutes of Health Screening and Brief Alcohol Interventions in Underage and Young Adult Populations (R03), Grant www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131433 HHS Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Screening and Brief Alcohol Interventions in Underage and Young Adult Populations (R21), Grant www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131434 HHS Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Screening and Brief Alcohol Interventions in Underage and Young Adult Populations (R01), Grant www07.grants.gov/search/search.

do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131435 HHS Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Etiology, Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Treatment (R01), Grant /www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131453 HHS Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Etiology, Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Treatment (R21), Modification 1 www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131454 NSF National Science Foundation Physical and Engineering Sciences in

Oncology, Grant www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131473 NSF National Science Foundation Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry, Grant www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131474 NSF National Science Foundation Advancing Health Services through System Modeling Research, Grant www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131475 DOC Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration FY 2012 Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs Opportunity, Grant www07.grants.gov/search/search. do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=131493

www.diasporamarketplace.org The United States Agency for International Development (USAID www.usaid.gov) and the Western Union Company (www.westernunion.com ) have launched the second African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM II) Business Plan Competition. ADM II is focusing the business plan grant awards toward priority, high-impact sectors in Africa, including agribusiness, renewable energy, and information and communication technology (ICT). The top 100 business plan applicants will be invited to submit full business plans for review. ADM II will select the top fifty (50) from this pool as finalists. The finalists will be invited to Washington, DC, where an “ADM II Marketplace” will be held in June 2012. The marketplace will allow them to showcase their business ideas/concept directly to the judges who will select the winners. The top twenty (20) ventures will receive grants that will be provided in the form of cash funding and/or technical assistance. The target for the cash portion of the grants is approximately USD 50,000. Additionally, each winner will be given a separate grant for Technical Assistance that will be from USD 10,000 to USD 20,000. The deadline to submit a proposal is February 3, 2012. Read the details at the website www.diasporamarketplace. org them submit your (winning) business proposal. 41  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net



Productivity, Digitally Enhanced: What the World Will Look Like by 2020 By Joe McKendrick


icrosoft recently released its Productivity Future Vision video (www.microsoft.com/ office/vision), which dramatizes a look at the world of a decade or so from now, with smart devices and systems interconnecting offices, vehicles, hotels and homes across the globe. There’s a nod to technology Apple has helped proliferate, with interfaces that resemble those seen in easy-touch smartphones and tablet computers.

There is also the ability to manipulate graphics projected off the screen with hand motions, as seen in the movie Minority Report. Such technology exists, but is still being developed for commercial use. While the theme of the video is “productivity,” it’s tied to the underlying assumption that such hyperconnectivity and always-on features will drive the performance of knowledge workers to deliver even more value to their businesses. Of course, not every technology implementation works such wonders. Some other observations of the many new technologies shown in the video: • Smart devices implanted in the frames of glasses that help provide location-aware guidance.

• User-aware displays on cab windows that highlight important locations, such as meeting venues. (I never saw such clean windows on a cab, by the way!) • An abundance of paper-thin digital display devices, for everything from hotel room service features to business presentations to menus, all connected to the Internet, of course. • The ability to notify a hotel via mobile device that you have arrived, with the appearance of a digital room key. In an interview with FastCompany, David Jones, acting director of Microsoft’s Envisioning Lab (which produced the video), says the video emphasizes high-level knowledge work because that type of work will continue to grow over the coming decade. The video emphasizes more natural user interfaces: speech, gestures, touch, he points out, but typing will not go away by any means. “Typing is one of the fastest ways to input data–test after test shows it. We’ll definitely be typing in the future,” Jones says.  www.smartplanet.com

United Airlines to Outfit Fleet With Wi-Fi & Initiates Use of Bio-fuels for Passenger Flights

Panasonic Avionics Corp. to offer satellite-based Wi-Fi, which is more robust than air-to-ground technology and will allow for video streaming. The technology also will allow for connectivity on long-haul international flights. The entire mainline fleet should offer Wi-Fi by 2015. By Michael J. Shapiro, meetingsconventions.com

United marks nation’s first biofuel-powered commercial flight


nited Airlines (www.united. com) will begin outfitting more than 300 of its United

and Continental aircraft with Wi-Fi connectivity in mid-2012. The carrier signed an agreement with


mtrak (www.amtrak.com) has announced the addition of its free AmtrakConnect Wi-Fi service to 12 East Coast routes, which means that nearly 60 percent of the company’s passengers now have access to the service. New additions include Amtrak’s most popular route, the Northeast Regional, which provides daily service between Virginia and Boston. Other routes now offering the access include the Empire Service (New York-AlbanyBuffalo), Keystone Service (New York-Philadelphia-Harrisburg, Pa.), Carolinian (New York-Charlotte), Downeaster (Boston-Portland), Ethan Allen Express (New YorkRutland, Vt.), Vermonter (Washington, D.C.-St. Albans, Vt.) and the New

Haven-Springfield, Mass. Shuttle. AmtrakConnect also is available on select cars on the Adirondack (New York-Montreal), Maple Leaf (New York-Toronto), Palmetto (New YorkSavannah, Ga.) and Pennsylvanian (New York-Philadelphia-Pittsburgh) routes. The new routes complement AmtrakConnect’s existing service on the Acela Express (Northeast Corridor) and Cascades (Pacific Northwest) lines. By the end of the year, Amtrak expects to offer

By Jon Hilkevitch, Chicago Tribune

free Wi-Fi on state-supported trains in California, including the Capitol Corridor, Pacific Surfliner and San Joaquin lines. At that point the service will be available to about three-quarters of the train company’s customers. 

43  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net



Amtrak Adds Wi-Fi to a Dozen Routes By Michael J. Shapiro

Continental Airlines Flight 1403 made history when it landed at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport on Monday, November 8, 2011 becoming the first revenue passenger trip in the U.S. powered by biofuel. The Boeing 737-800, which was painted in the new environmental “ecoskies’’ livery of United Airlines and flown by Continental pilots, burned a “green jet fuel’’ derived partially from genetically modified algae that feeds off plant waste and produces oil. The green jet fuel is produced by Solazyme (www.solazyme.com), a silicon valley based company.

President Barack Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia shop at Kramerbook & Afterwords Cafe in Washington, DC, on Small Business Day Saturday, Nov. 26, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)


hen you donate $5 or more to the Create Jobs for USA Fund you’ll receive an American-made “Indivisible” wristband so you can show your ongoing support. Make your donation online at www.createjobsforusa.org or visit your nearby Starbucks company-operated store.  45  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


Starbucks Invites You to Help Create American Jobs

WHY ARE MORE BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES USING SLATON INSURANCE GROUP? BECAUSE THEY DELIVER! Insurance Management Services As a client of Slaton Insurance Group you’ve already made the decision to work with proven resources to help your business manage its risk exposure and to stay within compliance. The independent insurance agents of the Slaton Group will help you manage risk and reduce loss while maintaining adherence to your insurance budget. We are an integrated, single source provider for your insurance needs.

STEVEN D. TURNER Slaton Group License #0G12789 Financial Advisory / Insurance Services 16161 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 382 Encino, California 91436 Telephone: 818-585-1374 E-mail: sturner@slatongroup.com Website: www.slatongroup.com

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Slaton Group is an independent insurance agency dedicated to providing quality commercial and personal insurance programs. Since we are not limited to any one company, we can shop the marketplace to give you the best protection at the most competitive price.

Consumers to Turn to Mobile Devices for Their Holiday Online Sales by Salvatore Salamone The 2011 holiday season will mark the true advent of the post-PC era with consumers using mobile devices to conduct more of their online shopping.


mobile sales continue to increase, reaching a high of 9.6% in October 2011, up from 3.4% in October 2010. iPhone and Android Trends: For the first time, Android users will demonstrate similar levels of mobile shopping as iPhone users. These October 2011 numbers show iPhone accounting for 4.0% of mobile traffic and Android 3.5%. The iPad Factor: Shoppers using an iPad will lead to more retail purchases more often per visit than other mobile devices. This trend is based on October 2011 figures where iPad conversion rates reached 6.8% as compared to the overall mobile device conversion rate of 3.6%. Surgical Shopping Goes Mobile: Mobile shoppers will Shoppers using iPads will lead to more display a laser focus on buying retail purchases more often per visit than this season that surpasses that other mobile devices. of other online shoppers with a 44.2% bounce rate on mobile devices versus online shopping rates of 37.3%. e-commerce. “This 2011 holiday The Social Influence: While the season will mark the true advent of industry will see modest increases in the post-PC era, with consumers direct social buying, the influence of demonstrating a heightened interest social sites and services will eclipse in adding mobile devices to their that of other channels. According to holiday shopping arsenal,” said John October conversion rates, 9.2% of Squire, Director, Product Management, consumers that visited a retail site from Enterprise Marketing Management a social media site made a purchase. Group, IBM Industry Solutions. “In This compares to 5.5% of all direct response, savvy retailers must invest in online shopping last year. Also in 2010, delivering hyper-personalized, smarter the vast majority of social shopping commerce shopping experiences that will continue to come from Facebook, are capable of building loyalty through which in October accounted for 77% of multiple channels with exceptionally all traffic from social networks. relevant promotions, free shipping and Together, these trends point to more.”  one conclusion about the state of smartertechnology.com

47  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


uring the 2011 holiday shopping season an unprecedented 15% of people in the United States logging onto a retailer’s Website are expected to do so through a mobile device, according to a new study by IBM. Additionally, all online holiday shopping in November is expected to grow as much as 15% versus November 2010, with key factors for this growth being the influence of mobile devices such as iPads and Android phones. The study is based on IBM Coremetrics Benchmark analysis, which gathers data directly from the Websites of more than 500 leading U.S. retailers. This is IBM’s fourthannual study. Using sophisticated analytics, the benchmark measures real-time sales data and online marketing results to identify shopping trends across different channels including social media, mobile devices and other online sources where consumers interact with a retailer. From the benchmark analysis, IBM predicts the following 2011 online retail trends for the November holiday season: Online Shopping Growth: Total online sales in November will experience impressive growth of 12 percent to 15% over the same period in 2010. Mobile Traffic and Sales: Record numbers of consumers will shift their shopping from the PC to their mobile device this holiday season. In October, nearly 11% of people used a mobile device to visit a retailer’s site, up from 4.2% in October 2010. Additionally,

‘Tis the Season for Corporate Gifting Excepts from an article by Sarah Rohlfing “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou be descreet or nonexistent. It’s all too easy to devalue expensive and tasteful corporate gifts with a well-intentioned, but generally unappreciated, logo.

A Direct Reflection mind is expected to continue. It is essential to remember that regardless of how convenient they may be, cash equivalents should rarely, if ever, be considered as gifts to employees and never be given to cu stomers or vendors, where it may suggest something less than savory was intended.



hile we can be confident that American poet Maya Angelou wasn’t thinking of the incentive industry when she crafted this sentiment, it certainly speaks to the impact and lasting effect of rewards and recognition. And, there’s no better time of year than around the holidays to recognize loyalty and show appreciation for a relationship with tangible tokens of thanks through corporate gift-giving. The term “corporate gifting” can relate to both clients and employees, but the focus of this article is in relation to customer loyalty.

Staying on Trend The past few years the shift in the economy affected how organizations approached holiday gifts. Some companies have cut back, some have reinvested in the practice, and others have gotten creative with ways to make the greatest impact despite the size of the budget, but in all instances, the goal of showing appreciation in a memorable way remained a constant. As budgets rebound, the trend of gifting with throphy value and shelf life in

Make It Personal, Make It Memorable Thanking a client shouldn’t be approached with a cookie-cutter mindset, and tying a gift to that thanks shouldn’t be as mundate as sending the same bottle of wine or fruit basket to your entire contact list. Since the value of the gift is really a combination of the market value and the emotional connection, make the most of the opportunity by being thoughtful of the the recipient’s interests. Show that you’ve been listening-not just selling. Maximize the return on investment and the return on intentions - by giving gifts that will also have an inherent recognition value at other points in time, such as the point of use and time of sharing it with family and friends.

There’s a Time and a Place Keep in mind that promotional items with logos or advertising slogans should have very limited presence in a corporate gifting program. The primary objective of corporate gifts is to show appreciation and to develop and nurture long-term relationships with key customers, so any branding should

Any business gift you send reflects on the image of your company, so avoid cheap imports that can impair the image and the message of appreciation that you are trying to portray. The most effective gifts are those that draw on emotions, leading to the highest return on the gift-givers investment. Also effective are aspirational gifts of items

The primary objective of corporate gifts is to show appreciation and to develop and nurture long-term relationships with key customers… that recipients would love to own own, but are unlikly to buy for themselves.

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation As important as it is to choose the right gift, the presentation of the gift itself shouldn’t be an afterthought. Invest some time and money on the wrapping, and if possible, personally present it to your clients. If an in-person delivery isn’t and option, including a simple hand-written note can make a difference. When you or your company re

48  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

see Corporate Gifting page 49

Corporate Gifting from page 48

perceived in a positive light, and when clients feel like they’ve been recognized and appreciated, then goodwill and loyalty often follow.

Understanding the Added Benefits and Deductions Contrary to incentives or awards, which are based on merit through past or expected future performance, corporate gifts are generally given expecting little in return other than enhanced relationships. However, with an eye on the bottom line, it is important to note that in the USA, corporate gifts are tax deductible up to $25 per person for the tax year. This does not include incidentals such as packaging or postage, and the type of business structure your company has can be subject to different rules, so review the IRS Publication 463.

Artwear Handpainted Handbags • Skirts • Tees Accessories • Calendars • Wall Hangings And More! http://gbabysworld.blogspot.com Gbabyartwear@hotmail.com or Gbabyart345@gmail.com Find Gbaby Products at the “Collective” http://www.atthecollective.com 280 Elizabeth Street, Atlanta, GA

Look Like the Hero

www.pipmag.com www.rymaxinc.com/PIP 49  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


In an effort to maintain a high perceived value while also stretching budgets, corporations have strayed away from going direct to retail to do their shopping, instead turning to companies that have relationships with manufacturers. These factory-direct relationships provide the ability for companies to purchase a wide variety of highdemand items, often below manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). This results in additional cost savings for the company and may translate to being able to expand the number of recipients on your gift list. When looking for unique ways to differentiate your corporate gifting strategy this season while staying on trend and within budget - one failsafe way is to contact someone who specializes in the Premium Incentive Products (PIP) trade. 

Holiday Shopping Guide CATERING, SPECIALTY FOODS & RESTAURANTS Aliza’s Cookies Holiday Gift Packs www.alizascookies.com Big Man Bakes 413 Main Street, 90013 213-500-4351 www.bigmanbakes.com Chef Marilyn 2638 Crenshaw Blvd . 90016 323-737-8101 www.chefmarilyn.com Gwen’s Specialty Cakes 820 N. LaBrea Ave., #D Inglewood, CA 90302 310-677-9979 Harold & Belle’s 2920 W. Jefferson Blvd., 90018 323-735-9918 Heritage Link Brands Wines of Black South African Vintners www.heritagelinkbrands.com

Honey’s Kettle Culver City & Compton, CA www.honeyskettle.com Messob Ethiopian Restaurant 1041 S. Fairfax Ave., 90019 www.messob.com PIP’s Restaurant & Lounge 1365 S. La Brea Ave, 90019 323-954-PIPS www.pizzapastasalads.com Rideau Vineyard 1562 Alamo Pintado Road 805-688-0717 Solvang, CA 93463 www.rideauvineyard.com Romeo’s Full Service Catering 714-457-8480 Rooibos Tea House 533 N Fairfax Ave., 90008 www.africaredtea.com Southern Girl Desserts

www.southerngirldesserts.com The New Townhouse 6835 LaTijera Blvd., 900xx www.townhousela.com Wing Stop 3825 Crenshaw Blvd., 90008 323-296-WING

TRANSPORTATION Norman Lewis Limousine 800-400-9771

BOOKS, BOOK STORES Eso Won Books 4331 Degnan Ave., 90008 www.esowonbooks.com Malik’s Books Online www.Malikbooks.com Quackenworth Publishing P.O. Box 4747 Culver City, CA 90230 www.quackenworth.com

ZINES Jewel Magazine www.jewelagonline.com Bride Noir www.bridesnoir.com Essence www.essence.com Ebony/Jet www.ebonyjet.com Cuisine Noir www.cuisinenoir.com

GIFTS-CARDS California African American Museum Exposition Park 600 State Drive, 90037 www.caamuseum.org Luxe Boutique 11724 West Pico Blvd., 90064 310-481-9914 www.shopluxeonline.com

Mayme A. Clayton Museum 4130 Overland Ave. Culver City, CA 90230 www.claytonmuseum.org Museum of African American Art Macy’s 3rd Flr in Crenshaw Mall 4005 Crenshaw Blvd., 90008 www.maaala.org nobody jones boutique 4703 Crenshaw Blvd., 90043 323-291-7177 www.nobodyjones.com Runway Boutique 807 S La Brea Ave., 90036 323-965-1877 www.runwayboutiquela.com

SHOPPING CENTERS Crenshaw Mall Crenshaw & King Blvds. Los Angeles, CA 90008 Leimert Park Crenshaw & Leimert Blvds. 43rd Street-43rd Place Los Angeles, CA 90008 Little Ethiopia Fairfax Boulevard between Pico & Olympic Los Angeles, CA Lucy Florence Culture Center 3351 W 43rd Street Leimert Park Village, 90008

PERSONAL SERVICES Carol Lewis Certified Trainer Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Aid & Certified Personal Trainer. Nutrition and mobility educator/motivator. Your Health is Your First Wealth 323-445-8633 Los Angeles, CA


Money Equals Power - Black Buying Power to Reach $1.1 Trillion By 2015 by Ann Brown


says business expert and author Gayle M. Gilmore. “Blacks are targeted more by advertising and marketing for products or services that may be more detrimental to our health and debt such as cigarettes, alcohol, videos, electronic gadgets, etc, (Statistics show that Blacks buy more and pay more) than beneficial and needed products and services.” The buying power should be leveraged, says Gilmore. “We as Blacks, buy what we want, when we want it, a lot of times whether or not we can afford it. For example, we buy expensive tennis shoes and sneakers just for the name brand. We can become slaves to debt. This affects the political strength of the U.S. as a whole,” she says. “I think the best ways to leverage our individual buying is to be more

www.iaee.com/events--education/expo-expo-annual-meeting 51  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


ake no mistake, African-American consumers have power. The question is, do they use it? According to the recently released The State of the African-American Consumer Report collaboratively by Nielsen (http://nielsen.com), a global provider of consumer analytics, and The National Newspaper Publishers Association (www.nnpa.org), a federation of more than 200 Black community newspapers in the U.S., AfricanAmericans’ buying power is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2015. If AfricanAmericans were a country, they’d be the 16th largest country in the world. The Black consumer has long complained that corporations and product marketers and advertisers overlook their segment. “I believe African-Americans’ buying power is overlooked,”

selective in our budgeting and in whom we support and buy from. We should support more African-American businesses.” The importance of Black buying power to the U.S. economy should never be overlooked, says Gilmore. “Of course, the more we buy, the better we will be economically because more buying will stimulate more demand for goods and services which would increase the need for more jobs,” she points out. According to the report: • The number of African-American households earning $75,000 or higher grew by almost 64%. • African-Americans in higher income brackets spend 300% more in higher-end retail grocers, more than any other high-income household. • African-Americans use more than double the amount of mobile phone voice minutes compared to whites--1,298 minutes a month compared to 606. 

Tech Tools: Smart

Device Sector Growing Fast By: Larry Dignan


T&T sees “near endless” growth for connecting a bevy of everyday devices ranging from prescription drug caps to health monitoring systems to your car and home. Glenn Lurie, president of emerging devices, resales and partnerships at AT&T, on Wednesday outlined a startup within the wireless giant designed to connect multiple ordinary devices.

The unit, which only has $1 million in revenue a quarter, is designed to capitalize on a future where everything is “smart.” Clothing, containers, cars and everything in between will be interconnected. In a nutshell, Lurie was talking about machine-to-machine connections and the Internet of things. In this new world order of connectivity, wireless carriers like AT&T hope to be the glue. “What we are really finding now is consumers, small and large business alike, are starting to expect their devices to be smarter. And your device gets smart by being connected,” said Lurie. “Even though my group has been involved in doing this for the last three years, we are starting to see more and

more momentum in other parts and other verticals.” Lurie said one hot selling connection for AT&T has been the Vitality GlowCap (left), which is a prescription container lid that reminds patients when to take their medicine. AT&T facilitates the connection between the GlowCap and the pharmacy and enables reminders via phone. Another healthcare related device is the Zephyr BioHarness, which tracks what’s happening in the human body. Lurie added: “We also are seeing some new categories. I talked about connected clothing, whether for adults or babies, and some other things that we are seeing there. Whether that is automotive, whether that is [m-health], [m-wellness], whether that is gaming, etc., this space is still growing and growing very quickly.” Lurie’s lab certifies more than 1,000 devices ranging from smartphones to machine-to-machine connections. He added that vending machines,

container tracking systems and smart grid devices are emerging markets. In the short term, AT&T’s biggest connective device market will be the automobile. Of 260 million cars in the U.S., only 5 percent have a wireless module built in. That level of connectivity will eventually grow to 100 percent. “You talk about diagnostics, you talk about real-time traffic, you talk about all these aspects that really take having that car being connected, having it be smart, which means every car is going to have to have that,” said Lurie.  www.smartplanet.com/blog/smart-takes/ at-t-eyes-healthcare-autos-in-internet-ofthings-race/20430?tag=nl.e660

SUYA.COM PrePackaged African Foods

Coming Soon to Your Supermarket www.suya.com

53  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

Farmers Field


AEG to Build Nation’s First Carbon-Neutral Stadium


t the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting today, leading sports and entertainment presenters AEG were recognized by former President Bill Clinton for their Commitment to Action to invest $1 billion to build Farmers Field, a 72,000seat, downtown Los Angeles football stadium and event center. As part of AEG’s commitment, the Los Angelesbased organization is working with partners, including the U.S. Green Building Council and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), to ensure that Farmers Field will be the most environmentally sustainable stadium in the world and the first stadium in the NFL to be LEED certified. Through this Commitment to Action, AEG pledges to work closely with CGI to monitor environmental results and report back on progress. This comes on the heels of a bill passed by an overwhelming 80 percent majority of the California State Senate and As-

sembly that will require AEG to ensure that Farmers Field is 100 percent carbon neutral for all emissions generated from private automobile trips to and from the stadium and for Farmers Field to have the best ratio of fans to automobiles in all of the NFL. The stadium will prioritize on-site and local projects before purchasing carbon offsets to support local economic development while ensuring positive environmental and social impacts. In addition, as part of their Commitment to Action, AEG will go beyond legal requirements to achieve carbon neutrality for all emissions from energy consumption and mechanical operations of the stadium. Combining these commitments with additional measures, such as water conservation and robust waste and recycling programs, including the donation of durable goods and an in-house composting program, will create the nation’s most comprehensive environmental program for an NFL stadium.

“Farmers Field will be an example of the next generation of sports and entertainment venues, where a world-class fan experience goes hand in hand with social and environmental responsibility,” said Tim Leiweke, AEG president and CEO. “We have focused during the last four years on working with some of the most respected environmental organizations in the country to create a blueprint for the stadium and, through the AEG 1EARTH program, to create the most comprehensive environmental program in the sports and live entertainment industry. Our CGI Commitment to Action underscores AEG’s dedication and accountability for making this vision a reality. We are honored to be recognized by President Clinton and this prestigious organization.” “Through Farmers Field, AEG is making the most environmentally responsible choice possible, with commitment beginning at the point of development,” said S. Richard Fedrizzi, president, CEO and founding chairman, U.S. Green Building Council. “Investing in sustainable construction and weaving carbon and waste programs into the fabric of a venue, its operations and its surroundings creates the lowest impact on our environment and the greatest

54  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

see Carbon-Neutral on page 55


L.A. Live

from page 54

nomic boost for the City of Los Angeles, the region and the state,” Senator Alex Padilla said. “Unlike other stadium projects, this one will be built without any public funds and be built to unprecedented environmental standards.” AEG’s plan is both environmental and economic. It is estimated that Farmers Field construction will create 23,000 jobs, including 12,000 full-time jobs during the construction process and 11,000 more permanent jobs at the convention center. The Los Angeles Convention Center modernization and expansion and Farmers Field project is projected to generate more than $600 million in total economic activity, raising more than $40 million in new city, county and state tax revenues. “With record unemployment above the national average, the creation of 23,000 middle-class jobs for construction and hotel workers, stage hands, grips and janitors is critical to Los Angeles,” said Maria Elena Durazo, executive secretary-treasurer of the Los Angeles Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO. “Our top priority is to get men and women back to work in a good job.” More information and a complete look at the 2010 AEG 1EARTH sustainability report are available at http:// www.aegworldwide.com/08_corporate/ aeg1earth-report.html.  About AEG: AEG is one of the leading sports and entertainment presenters in the world. AEG, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Anschutz Company, owns or is affiliated with a collection of companies including over 120 facilities. AEG has

created L.A. LIVE, a 4 million square foot / $2.5 billion downtown Los Angeles sports & entertainment district featuring Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE and Club Nokia, a 54-story, L.A. LIVE hotels and 224 luxury condominiums , the Regal Cinemas L.A. LIVE Stadium 14, “broadcast” facilities for ESPN, and developed The Home Depot Center in Carson, California designated as an “Official U.S. Olympic Training Site”. In 2010, AEG launched its AEG 1EARTH environmental program with the announcement of 2020 environmental goals and the release of the industry’s first sustainability report. The groundbreaking report contains metrics collected on resources consumed and wastes generated at 20 facilities from AEG’s global network of venues. The report also highlights success stories such as the over 3,000 solar panels on the roof of STAPLES Center and Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE For additional information, visit www.aegworldwide.com. About the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI): Established in 2005 by President Bill Clinton, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) convenes global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. The CGI community also includes CGI U, which hosts an annual meeting for undergraduate and graduate students, and CGI Lead, which engages a select group of young CGI members for leadership development and collective commitment-making. For more information, visit www. clintonglobalinitiative.org.

55  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


return for the company.” The Commitment to Action at CGI comes just weeks after the groundbreaking environmental components of the project helped garner the support of two of California’s most respected environmental groups — the NRDC and the California League of Conservation Voters. “NRDC applauds AEG’s commitment operate the most energy efficient football stadium in the nation at Farmers field to develop a best-in-the-nation public transit infrastructure for fans and to offset the carbon emissions associated with all fan travel by cars and busses,” said Allen Hershkowitz, PhD., senior scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council. “Given AEG’s proven record as the worlds’ greenest arena operators and their commitment to work with environmental and community groups in developing their plan, I have every confidence that this goal will be achieved.” “We are so proud to have a company in Los Angeles being honored by the Clinton Global Initiative for their proven track record of providing the most innovative solutions to environmental issues while also creating jobs and opportunities for the community,” Mayor Villaraigosa said. “Their tireless commitment to innovative, environmental programs such AEG 1 EARTH has set the precedent for the sports and entertainment industry across the world to follow.” “Members of organizations across the city have come together to make Farmers Field a reality,” said Los Angeles City Councilwoman Jan Perry. “We know that the entire city — even state — will benefit from the addition.” “Our focus locally lies not only on the environmental goals, but on the tens of thousands of jobs and tens of millions of economic benefits to the state,” Speaker John A. Pérez said. “AEG has been able to generate an opportunity for economic development without sacrificing our environmental standards.” “The construction of a news sports arena and convention center will create thousands of jobs and be an eco-

Panasonic to Ship Ruggedized Android Tablet in 2012 by David Nagel


• • • • •

Android 3.2 OS; 10-hour battery life; Integrated rear LED light; USB and HDMI ports; Integrated microphone and speaker; • Accelerometer, digital compass, and ambient light sensor; • Integrated stylus holder; • Support for acting as a WiFi hotspot for up to five devices; and • Optional integrated 3G and 4G (WiMax and LTE) mobile broadband communications. The unit is also designed for HIPAA compliance, with integrated hardware and software encryption, an embedded security processor, root protection, VPN, and other features. The Toughpad A1 will measure View the Toughpad specifications at www. 10.5” (l) x 8.4” (w) x 0.7” (d) and will panasonic.com/business/toughpad/us/ weigh in at 2.1 pounds. best-android-rugged-tablet-overview.asp Panasonic said the Toughpad A1 will begin shipping in spring 2012 for $1,299. A second model, the B1, will Toughpad.com.  ship later in the year, currently schedhttp://campustechnology.com/ uled for fall 2012. It will be a 7-inch rugArticles/2011/11/09/Panasonic-Togedized tablet. Other details of the B1 Ship-Ruggedized-Android-Tablet. have not yet been released. Additional aspx?Page=1 information can be found at Panasonic-

Quote of Note... “…But the news I have to deliver for the American people is American leadership is still welcome. It’s welcomed in this region. It’s welcomed in the transatlantic region. And the reason it’s welcomed I think is because we have shown that we are willing to not just look after our own interests, but try to set up a set of rules and norms in the international arena that everybody can follow and everybody can prosper from. And people appreciate that.”

President Barack H. Obama 57  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


anasonic has debuted an upcoming line of ruggedized tablets built on the Android platform. Dubbed “Toughpad,” the devices will begin shipping in 2012, with the first model, the A1, starting at $1,299. The Toughpad A1 will be powered by a dual-core Marvell 1.2 GHz processor and will offer 1 GB LP-DDR2 RAM, 16 GB of internal storage, and a microSD expansion slot. With its ruggedized construction, it will be rated for a fourfoot fall. Panasonic said the unit will have an ingress rating of IP65, meaning it will be fully protected against dust and protected from low-pressure water jets from any direction. The A1 will sport a 10-inch, XGA (1,024 x 768) capacitive touchscreen display, like that of Apple’s iPad. Panasonic said the display, at 500 nits, will be bright enough for viewing in full daylight. It will also include a 5 megapixel rear camera and 2 megapixel front-facing camera. Other features will include: • 802.11a/b/g/n WiFi; • Bluetooth 2.1+EDR; • GPS; • Covered ports, bumpers, screen protector, and magnesium alloy chassis;

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58  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

Business Development

Building Your Business for Success: The Importance of Ownership


ne of the keys to economic independence for African American business owners is the acquisition and ownership of commercial real estate. By controlling the buildings and land that house the means of generating revenue, an entrepreneur can better attain the goal that underpins what being in business is all about: maximum self-determination. With interest rates now at historically low levels and the economy growing at a slow pace, now is a prime time for many business owners to consider the purchase of commercial real estate. The benefits and drawbacks to commercial real estate ownership vary from business owner to business owner, but potential buyers should educate themselves about the obvious and sometimes hidden benefits to the ownership of a commercial property. Below are some of the major benefits to real estate ownership, versus leasing a commercial space.

Tax Deductions

Added Value To Business

For many Black business owners, a primary benefit of commercial real estate ownership is the tax deductibility of property that can be taken on the interest portion of the monthly commercial loan payment. These deductions can be substantial and each business owner should consult a qualified tax specialist about his or her unique situation.

Unlike some residential loans, many commercial loans are assumable. This makes the business and its real estate much easier for a buyer to acquire, and enhances the value of the business tremendously.

Equity Appreciation On average, commercial real estate properties will appreciate about two to three percent above inflation over the long term. Paying rent provides no appreciation or equity. Quite candidly, the BBA has members who have been paying rent for a decade or more, with no equity accrued and never having positioned themselves to benefit from any hope of equity appreciation. Using some of the most conservative estimates, potential equity appreciation can result in significant financial gains over a period of decades.

A Retirement Fund Through various circumstances, many minority and small business owners will not receive a pension when they decide to retire. In such cases, the equity appreciation on commercial property can be significant. An owner can decide either to sell the property upon retirement to cash in on equity appreciation, or lease the property to another business for a continuous retirement income stream. In fact, in some situations, a business owner may be able to lease out an unused portion of the property, such as a spare office, before retirement for additional income.

No Taxes To Pay On Your Rent When a business leases its real estate, sales tax is paid on the rent paid to the landlord. When you own the real estate there is no tax to pay on the rent. The savings can be significant.

Easy Access To Financing Historically-low, thirty-year fixed interest mortgage rates are now available for owner-occupied commercial properties. Furthermore, there are flexible interest-only options from which entrepreneurs can benefit. In fact, in some instances, with strong financials a business owner may qualify for loan financing up to 100% of the purchase price for commercial real estate. A business owner should consult an experienced commercial mortgage adviser before making an offer on a commercial property, so that in addition to the tangible benefits outlined above, the business owner will have the satisfaction that only comes with property ownership. Truer words have never been spoken: “God bless the child that’s got his own�. The Black Business Association will soon launch a program to assist African American business owners in acquiring commercial and industrial real estate.

Podcasting for Your Business By: LEAH MULLEN


stablishing yourself as an industry expert can help differentiate your business from the thousands of others out there on the Web. One way to share your knowledge is by creating a podcast.

podcast. “The reason it became linked with the iPod in name,” w r i t e s Starak, “ w a s because people download podcasts to listen to on their iPods.” However, you can use music software on your computer such as Windows built-in Media Player to listen to a podcast. “Podcasting puts the power to communicate into the hands of individuals,” writes Michael W. Geoghegan and Dan Klass authors of Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to Audio and Video Podcasting (www.amazon. com). “Thousands of people are already involved, each as unique as their podcast.” Because of the power of the Internet, podcasts can reach a broader range of people than any radio station with an AM/FM transmitter. Someone in another country can find your podcast on the Internet and subscribe. In order to have a successful podcast, according to Geoghegan and Klass, you need to be a radio host, audio engineer, blogger and advertising rep all rolled into one. But don’t let that frighten you away. As with any new technology, there will be a learning curve in the beginning. Once you understand the basics, you’ll be moving right along. Podcast

Solutions provides information about the software, hardware and services available to help aspiring podcasters get started. Find a podcast you like. Before producing your own podcast, become part of what Geoghegan and Klass call the “podcast community.” Listen to and watch podcasts to observe what you like and don’t like about each show. Observe the various formats. This will give you ideas for when you produce your podcast. Find your niche. Prior to doing anything media related whether it’s publishing or broadcasting, you must first define your audience. Are you trying to reach customers or potential partners? Do some research to discover what your target audience is looking for so you can fill this void with your podcast. Don’t be concerned if your topic is very specific. Podcast Solutions uses the term “narrowcasting,” which means making programs that appeal to a small percentage of listeners. Maybe only a few people will be aware of your podcast initially. “But to those few people who are interested in that kind of show,” write Geoghegan and Klass, “it might be, to them, the greatest show ever made in the history of electronic media.” Word will then spread to others who share the same interests. Make money with podcasting. Podcast Solutions devotes an entire section to various ways podcasters can monetize their show. As you build an audience, you can attract sponsors, charge subscription fees or sell products as an affiliate with a major online retailer. Additionally, you can hire yourself out as a professional using your own show as an example of your podcasting abilities. “If you have the knowledge and expertise to put a podcast together for yourself, you surely could be doing it for others as well,” they write. 

61  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


A podcast, according to Yaro Starak of Entrepreneurs Journey.com, is a form of audio broadcasting on the Internet. Despite the name, you don’t need an iPod to listen to or produce a

A podcast is a form of audio broadcasting on the Internet.

12 Ways to Improve B2B Social Media Marketing in 2012 by Megan Leap Get 12 big ideas for improving B2B social media marketing from the experts—MarketingProfs’ SocialTech 2012 Program Advisory Committee.


1. Deliver Relevant Content “B2B social media is not about bright and shiny objects. The key to success is relevant content—deliver the right content, at the right time, in the right channel to the right customer (or partner). Relevant content happens as a result of listening, thought leadership, Google insights and community sentiment.” (Michael Brito, SVP Social Business Planning, Edelman Digital) 2. Forge Strong Social Media Partnerships “I learned something a while back when chairing a panel on Strategic Alliances. Organizations cannot stand alone in the marketplace if they want to be successful. So it is with social media marketing endeavors. My advice for 2012 is to ‘leverage large.’ Align your PR, video, Twitter, Facebook strategies with your partners. Your visibility and credibility will be amplified.” (Marti Konstant, Vice President, Marketing, Open Kernel Labs) 3. Integrate Social Media Activities with Existing Objectives “Tie your social media activities to existing objectives, such as increasing online sales, driving web traffic or boosting attendance at your next webinar or offline event. Plan how you will measure your activities in advance. One way to do that is create a unique landing page for the campaign, then measure the traffic to that page that

comes from a short URL you only share on Twitter, for example. And know how you’re going to define success. A dollar value? A percentage increase? Set a reasonable target, see what happens and use it as a benchmark for future campaigns.” (David B. Thomas, Director of Community and Social Strategy, Radian6) 4. Make Sure You Measure “Don’t get caught up in the myth that social media marketing can’t be measured. Focus on 2 or 3 things you want to track and measure for the year that are tied to your business objectives and goals: choose social media metrics that are 1) obtainable, 2) actionable, and 3) measurable over time. You’ve got to start somewhere—even if it’s not perfect don’t give up—collect the data over time and then evolve where/when it makes sense.” (Stephanie Marx, Social Media Marketing Manager, Cisco Systems) 5. Integrate Social Media with Your Online and Offline Marketing Mix “When developing your social media strategy and plans, explore appropriate ways of how social can be used to extend every element of your marketing mix. For example, don’t leave opportunities on the table; explore how you can extend your marketing effort by integrating social elements into your PR, events and customer support activities.” (Jane Price, Executive Coach and Marketing Consultant) 6. Be Helpful—Become a Trusted Advisor “Stop promoting and start being helpful to your customers. I see lots of clever and cute promotional disguises by some brands in their social

channels. But today’s buyer sees right through it. I think the ‘audience-first’ mentality is the toughest challenge for marketing leaders to instill in their teams but once it’s entrenched, marketing content becomes much more helpful. Customers share it more widely. And the business results of marketing programs increases.” (Michael Brenner, Senior Director of Global Marketing, SAP) 7. Integrate Video Content “Integrate video with your social media marketing. Not only it is the most consumable and preferred content format, but the executives are starting to get more and more of their news and information through video. Think about what content might be most valuable to your customers. It may be informational videos, testimonial videos, self-service and how-to videos, and so on. If you are not sure, ask your customers and bridge the gaps for them. And don’t forget to optimize your videos for search, distribute it across the web and enable video sharing.” (Ekaterina Walter, Social Media Strategist, Intel) 8. Add Mobile “If your B2B social media marketing strategy doesn’t have mobile at the center, you don’t have a business strategy. Mobile is the new normal.” (Steve Woodruff, Connection Agent) 9. Develop Meaningful Relationships “B2B marketing is all about relationship building. Use social media as a platform for developing relationships. Show your thought leadership by answering questions on LinkedIn and Quora—it could lead to new contacts and leads. I suggest creating a Google Plus Profile and adding clients and contacts into circles so you can send specific customized information to different segments of your network.” (Shashi Bellamkonda, see B2B in 2012 on page 63

see Corporate Gifting page 62

H How Beneficial is a Business Card in the Digital Age? C By: Deandra Mouzon By


n today’s world, a smartphone or Blackberry can be used to do just about everything that is needed to network, so what is the benefit of having an actual business card? One benefit that has not changed about the business card is the element of surprise. Whether a person’s

B2B in 2012 from page 62



10. Integrate Hard Conversion Points “Don’t create social media programs that focus purely on driving social engagement metrics. Use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to capture hard conversions (subscribers, leads, and sales).” (Mike O’Toole, President, PGA Advertising) 11. Adopt Social “The changes that are happening in the way companies do business as a result of social are not evolutionary— they are revolutionary. The impact on marketing strategies is profound and will require very different approaches and resources/skills. Moving the generation of marketers who grew up in ‘broadcasting’ operations mode to ‘conversational’ mode is a hard and challenging task. But it can and must be done. Most large established organizations will start experiencing significant impact on their bottom line

as a result of their slow adoption of new sales/marketing approaches until they will start making significant steps in making serious adjustments on how they participate/do business in this new ’social’ world.” (Tatyana Kanzaveli, Head of Marketing, Deloitte) 12. Engage with Your Audience So, I’m not exactly on the SocialTech Program Advisory Committee, but I wanted to add this tip myself: “Focus on engaging with your audience. Interact with them. Ask them questions. Get to know them. So few companies do this right, but if you do, you’ll achieve big wins.”  MarketingProfs www.mpdailyfix.com/twelve-waysto-improve-social-media-marketingin-2012/?adref=nl111711&utm_ source=mpt&utm_medium=myview&utm_ campaign=basic&utm_ term=socmedia&utm_content=post Social Tech 2012 http://events.marketingprofs.com/SocialTec h212DailyFix?adref=soctechdailyfix&utm_ source=dailyfix&utm_medium=blog&utm_ campaign=events&utm_ term=discount&utm_content=st12

and exchanging contact information may be handy but it is not very creative. “Some people still want something tangible that they can hold in their hand or put on their fridge,” said Felicia Forbes co-owner of Elites Inc., a photography company. “You can leave it places when you don’t want to have a long conversation,” added Forbes. Another aspect that is important to consider is time and how it plays a role in the first meeting. Each meeting will most likely be unique to the person and circumstances. Under certain conditions, a business card can be the speedier exchange of information. On the other hand, if they are not easily accessible when the time arises to present them, one could easily miss out on a good networking opportunity. Simone Santos, Queens resident and networking events coordinator has found out that there is a way to fuse the traditional business card with technology. “Business cards are a good way to promote, network, and market your business. However, they help generate more business when they ‘stick around’,” says Santos. “Stickers, unlike ordinary non-stick cardboard cards are easily misplaced, dropped on the ground, or forgotten. Stickers get appreciation that lead to reference and longevity,” says Santos adding that the stickers can be placed on phones and computers alike. In many ways, business cards are timeless. Regardless of how they measure up to a digital counterpart, such as a VCard, they do provide a means of credibility and professionalism for the recipient. They also allow a space for the client to see the businessperson’s character. Here are some good business card making websites: Moo.com, Overnightprints. com, and Vistaprint.com. 

63  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


Social Media Solutions)

str strategy is to begin a conversation by pr presenting their card or to hand one o out in the middle of the dialogue, the e exchange itself can be surprising a and even memorable. Having a smartphone or Blackberry device can take away from that personal inte interaction that goes along with building a rrapport and trading business cards. A business card also allows the person who owns it the freedom to be creative and, in turn, display their personality in the process. In many ways, leaving a business card with someone is like leaving a part of your business or expertise. It goes along with that belief that “first impressions are everything.” Pulling out a device


Take a Look! by LaSandra Stratton Check out what these firms and organizations have to offer for your personal interests, personal wealth building, and business expansion opportunities.


http://menotek.com/101899.html Thanks to the Menotek Flexible Bluetooth Keyboard, a rubbery, flex-

Solar energy collector

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www.changers.com/en The Changers Starter Kit will radically change the way you think about energy. Charge your mobile devices, save CO2 and track the amount of sun you’ve captured. This is your first step towards energy freedom and our fight against climate change. Check out the blog on the Charger site. Capture the sun - Start producCapture energy ing your own energy with the first anywhere mobile solar charger that has the power to measure and share your CO2 savings. Get rewarded - The amount of enerCharge your device - Charge your gy you’ve produced will be converted Android, iPhone, iPad, Kindle and into Changers over 1000 other devices. Wherever Credits. Visit the Changers website life takes you, you’ll never run out of regularly to learn about more perks. power again. The Solar collection panel is lightShare and compare - Make your weight and flexible.  CO2 savings visible, see graphs, earn badges and compete with friends. InSubmitted by LaSandra Stratton, Chief Content Administrator of the Black spire others to make a change. Business News.

65  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


Model anything you can imagine. Redecorate your living room. Invent a new piece of furniture. Model your city for Google Earth. There’s no limit to what you can create with SketchUp. SketchUp makes 3D modeling fun. We believe powerful software can also be a pleasure to use – the secret is intuitive tools that work the way you think they should. Apparently, millions of people agree. Get models online for free. You can build models from scratch, or you can download what you need. People all over the world share what they’ve made on the Google 3D Warehouse. Get started right away. Dozens of video tutorials, an extensive Help Center and a worldwide user community mean that anyone who wants to make 3D models with SketchUp, can. SketchUp for Professionals. Google SketchUp Pro is 3D modeling software for professionals.

ible, waterproof keyboard, which can be rolled up and stuck in any bag, we’ve discovered a way to (occasionally) travel light and laptop-free. We’ve successfully paired the keyboard via Bluetooth with an iPad, a fourth-generation iPod touch and an iPhone 4 -- so if you want to lighten up even further, you can leave the iPad at home, too, and type away on your iPhone. This very review was written on the Menotek keyboard, with the Pages app for the iPad. The keyboard is a touch smaller than a standard one, but it doesn’t take long to get used to it. And when we need to do a lot of typing on the road, we prefer the feel of this keyboard vs. the iPad’s screen. The keys aren’t as solid as on a standard keyboard, but, again, it’s not enough of a difference to hinder note-taking. And, since it’s waterproof, wiping off spilled coffee is a breeze. For meetings, this keyboard is just perfect. – Sarah J.F. Braley

How to Start a Business with Other People’s Money by John Warrillow

PACE NEWS Publisher New Member of L.A. Press Club Board



our startup will need a lot of cash if you’re paying for stuff before you sell it. If you begin to grow fast, this negative cash flow cycle can cause a catastrophe. It almost did for technology giant Dell back in the ’90s. Dell used to inventory parts and pay suppliers for the gear it kept on hand to make computers when customers called. The company ran short of cash and almost choked on its own growth. Galvanized by the near-death experience, Michael Dell himself set out to remake his company’s cash flow by charging customers before buying the bits and bobs needed to build the computers they ordered. By reversing the typical cash cycle, he was able to use his customers’ money to fuel his growth, which meant he required very little external money to grow the business.

Highspot is a small, Toronto-based startup that charges up-front for everything it does. Co-founder Ross Slater explains the company’s payment policy: “In the beginning, the cash flow helped us get started without a lot of financing. Now we see prepayment as a mutual commitment to the success of the relationship we’re creating with our clients. By paying up-front, the client commits to participating in the process, and we commit to providing value and delivering on the trust they have placed in us.” Wonder how he gets away with it? Slater explains, “We have a clear, staged process that outlines how we operate and what a client receives. The fees for each stage are right on our website, which filters out the tirekickers. We invoice immediately, then do what we say we’re going to do. We insist that this is the way we do business. We’ll walk away from a situation where a potential client won’t agree.” Create a policy for your startup whereby you charge up-front, and your company will be worth more—and a whole lot more fun to run. 

67  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


This article is part of a series entitled “Running A Business” that may be read at www.startupnation. com/series/148/9552/start-businessother-peoples-money.htm

tating that she will be instrumental in creating more of a multi-cultural experience in the organization, the Los Angeles Press Club (LAPC) recently voted to appoint Dr. Gloria Zuurveen, founder and publisher of PACE NEWS, to serve on the journalism advocacy organization’s Board of Directors. The Board is convinced that Zuurveen will be a great asset because she has committed to promote the organization’s service to a broader constituency of those currently not aware of the LAPC, which she described as a “Jewel for Journalists.” “I desire to bring diversity and the wealth of experience and knowledge in the field of journalism from an AfricanAmerican perspective,” Zuurveen said in her candidate’s statement to the LAPC Board. As one of her first projects, Zuurveen proposed to the Board and was chosen to coordinate an event in January, 2012 to commemorate the life and legacy of the late civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A member of several other journalism groups, including a long-time member of the Black Journalist Association of Southern California, Zuurveen founded PACE NEWS in 1995, as an AfricanAmerican focused newspaper with a weekly circulation of 20,000. The PACE NEWS is distributed throughout the Greater Los Angeles area and surrounding communities. It may be found at houses of worship, apartment complexes, restaurants, banks, convenience stores, barber shops, other local businesses, and many other locations. 

Kauffman Foundation Now Accepting Nominations for Junior Faculty Fellowship Grants Program will award grants of $40,000 each to seven junior faculty members



ominations are currently being accepted for the Kauffman Junior Faculty Fellowship in Entrepreneurship Research. The Kauffman Foundation will award up to seven Junior Faculty Fellowship grants to faculty members in the United States whose research has the potential to make significant contributions to the body of literature in entrepreneurship. Each Fellow’s university will receive a grant of $40,000 over two years to support the research activities of the Fellow. Nominees must be tenured or tenure-track junior faculty members at accredited U.S. institutions of higher education who received a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree between Jan. 1, 2007 and Dec. 31, 2010. For more information or to nominate a qualified junior faculty member, visit www.kauffman.org/kjff. All nominations must be submitted online by 5:00 p.m. CST on Monday, Jan. 23, 2012. Nominees will then have until 5:00 p.m. CST on Monday, March 12, 2012 to complete their online applications for consideration for the fellowship.

Foundation Overview The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (www.kauffman.org) was established in the mid-1960s by the late entrepreneur and philanthropist Ewing Marion Kauffman. Based in

Kansas City, Missouri, the Kauffman Foundation is among the thirty largest foundations in the United States with an asset base of approximately $2 billion. Our vision is to foster “a society of economically independent individuals who are engaged citizens, contributing to the improvement of their communities.” In service of this vision, and in keeping with our founder’s wishes, we focus our grant making and operations on two areas: advancing entrepreneurship and improving the education of children and youth. We carry out our mission through four programmatic areas: Entrepreneurship, Advancing Innovation, Education, and Research and Policy. Though all major foundation donors were entrepreneurs, Ewing Kauffman was the first such donor to direct his foundation to support entrepreneurship, recognizing that his path to success could and should be achieved by many more people. Today, the Kauffman Foundation is the largest American foundation to focus on entrepreneurship and has more than fifteen years of in-depth experience in the field. Leaders from around the world look to us for entrepreneurship expertise and guidance to help grow their economies and expand human welfare. The Foundation’s reach and impact

would not be possible without our vast social network of grantees, partners, experts, and practitioners. We help cultivate these relationships by playing the role of convener, bringing together local, national, and world leaders to share innovative thinking and engage in dialog related to entrepreneurship and education. Each year, more than 60,000 people visit the Foundation’s Conference Center, which provides 40,000 square feet of state-of-the-art meeting space. Organization’s may now rent any individual room or combination of rooms in the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center (www.kauffman. org/about-foundation/the-kauffmanconference-center.aspx) for Friday evening and Saturday events. The nationally recognized convening site, located adjacent to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation offices in Kansas City, Missouri, accommodates a wide range of events (meetings, recognition dinners, fund-raising benefits, and celebrations), blending flexible facilities and advanced technology, with comfortable amenities and a friendly atmosphere. 

68  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

Tre Baker and Lawrence Watkins, Ujamaa Deals by Brian Dawson

Lawrence Watkins

Tre Baker For Ujamaa Deals’ founders, focusing on African-American business is the key to black economic empowerment


them the motivational-speech basics. The two friends’ business goals received a boost recently when Ujamaa Deals became one of the newest companies brought into the funding-and-mentoring program of 100 Urban Entrepreneurs (www.100urbanentrepreneurs.org), the nonprofit foundation that offers $10,000 startup grants and eight weeks of mentoring to talented young urban businesspeople across the country. Baker’s confidence in particular is infectious, and bodes well for the ultimate success of Ujamaa Deals (http://signup.ujamaadeals.com). “I can almost guarantee that none of our competitors has done as much research about how to tie daily deals into the bigger picture of economic empowerment as I have,” he says. “This is my life.” 

69  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


roup buying—harnessing the power of crowds to secure great deals and discounts on products from companies both local and national — has a proud Web pedigree; Groupon, which more or less pioneered the concept, has (despite some recent difficulties) turned into one of the hottest Internet startups of the last decade. Applying that business model but focusing strictly on African-American businesses is Ujamaa Deals (ujamaa is a word of Swahili origin that has come to signify the notion of cooperative economics), an Atlanta-based business founded by Tre Baker and Lawrence Watkins. The model is straightforward: “The [partner] businesses have no upfront costs, but pay a percentage of the deal amount,” Baker says. “For example, one daily deal may be $20 worth of food for only $10 at a local restaurant. The restaurant would give us a percentage of the $10 for each deal sold. If nobody purchases the deal, the business pays nothing. There will be one main deal and several side deals once we are able to build a sufficient deal flow.” Simple, and it’s been proven to work.

The goal of Baker and Watkins is to focus the power of group purchases on the African-American economy, which they estimate as close to $1 trillion annually. The duo seem well-positioned to pull it off: Baker, a 27-year-old Louisville native, started his first business eight years ago, at age 19, and has degrees from both Vanderbilt and Harvard Business School. Watkins, also 27 and a graduate of both the University of Louisville and Cornell, is the owner of Great Black Speakers Bureau (www. greatblackspeakers.com), a company that connects organizations with African-American speakers for events; he also recently founded a subscriptionbased Web site called Great Pro Speakers (www.greatprospeakers. com), which helps professionals turn their expertise into income by teaching

Black America May Soon Have More Television Networks from Taylor Media Services



irst, there was Black Entertainment Television (BET) and then came TVOne. Now the Dish Network is launching Punch TV, a new television network targeting the African American audience. Punch Television CEO Joseph Collins says the network has 90% African American ownership and will be available for DirecTV subscribers beginning later this summer. Punch is based in Carson, California. However, that is not all. Scheduled to debut this fall is Bounce TV (www. bouncetv.com), an Atlanta-based over-the-air television network with some well-known African American ownership. Among those involved in Bounce are former United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young and Martin Luther King, III, eldest son of Civil Rights Movement legend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. According to figures released a month ago by Nielsen, the televisionshow rating agency, Blacks spend more time watching television than any other racial or ethnic group in the nation. Punch says it will be a “familyoriented” network while Bounce promises to appeal to a slightly older audience than BET. The four Black-oriented networks will be competing for the attention of roughly 40 million African American television viewers with a spending power of around $1.1 trillion. 

Here are the stations to check out in your City! Punch TV Network programming can be watched 24/7 a Day!!! Tune in and Tell a Friend! Channel 57 WBQP: City: Pensacola FL. Channel 7 WGBS: City: Virgina Beach VA. Channel 5 WKRP, WBQC, WMPR City: Cincinatti Oh. Channel 33 WBY33, WMPR City: Detroit Mi. Channel 8 Direct to Home National Channel 45 K45IY City: Alexandria LA. Channel 31 K31HO City: Shreveport LA. Channel 45 K45IM City: Monroe/Boiser City Channel 43.2 KCTU City: Witcha KS Channel 43.3 K43CQ-D City: Great Falls MT. Channel 11 K11IA City: Glasgow MT. Keep in the know “Punch TV Network” coming soon to California Please follow Us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/PUNCHTVNETWORK and tell a friend to check out what shows are airing on Punch TV! http://my.punchtv.net/ Get in the know and “like” Us! on FB!!!

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Technology Bringing Big Changes to Construction Industry

Flying Robots to Build Structure in France

Read the article, follow the links and view the videos to get a sense of what they can do: www.smartplanet.com/blog/ design-architecture/flyingrobots-to-build-structure-infrance/2278?tag=nl.e660.

By Reena Jana


t seems like an ideal–and adventurous–match: innovative architectural firm Gramazio & Kohler (www.dfab.arch.ethz.ch), known for using robots to assemble buildings (www.r-o-b-about.com/en/research. php), team up with inventor Raffaello D’Andrea (http://raffaello.name), whose autonomous robots help retailers like Walgreen’s and Staples stock their warehouses efficiently. This is the idea behind an exhibition that opens on December 2 and is on view through February 19 at the FRAC Centre in Orleans, France, an art and design gallery (www.frac-centre.fr/public/acc_ fr.htm). The result promises to be an intriguing exercise in using advanced robots to construct a swirling structure. The flying robots D’Andrea will provide won’t be building an actual skyscraper outdoors, but will be carrying and assembling 1,200 polystyrene foam bricks into an undulating tower that will reach nearly 20 feet high in the FRAC Centre. It could be considered either a beautiful sculpture or a large-scale architectural model. D’Andrea, a co-founder and Chief Technical Advisor of Kiva Systems, which makes warehouse robots, also teaches at ETH Zurich (www.ethz. ch/index_EN, ETH is the acronym for the Swiss spelling of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, or Eidgenossiche Technische Hochschule). There, he researches and builds intricate flying robots that can perform complicated maneuvers. Fabio Gramazio & Matthias Kohler, also professors at ETH Zurich, have regularly used robots to build walls and pavilions for around five years, including a 72-foot-long structure in New

York consisting of 7,000-plus bricks ( w w w. d f a b . a r c h . ethz.ch/web/e/ forschung/159.html). Pairing the robotics pioneers should result in a showstopping exhibition. But this could be more than an art and design show. Taking the complex research that the collaborators have done over the years on the precision, flexibility, and speed of robots and applying their collective knowledge to the construction of buildings could be a step toward the future of both architecture and robotics. Beyond the ideal match of the creative minds involved, this exhibition could

prove to symbolize another excellent match of creative industries, too.  www.smartplanet.com Images: copyright Gramazio & Kohler and Raffaello D’Andrea, in cooperation with ETH Zurich; used with permission

71  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


Occupy Wall Street By Stephen Turner


ith the deterioration in the U.S. econonmy and the ever growing gap between the richversus-poor, the Occupy Wall Street is a valid movement given the times we live in; however, no one is able to articulate clearly what their message is, let alone what are their end objectives. The marches and sit-in’s are demonstration methods taken out of the Civil Rights Movement 101 handbook. Similar to the civil rights movement, Occupy Wall Street and their afflicated organizational groups, have a rallying cry for dissent, income disparity and equal opportunities. Granted, there are good reasons for public outrage. With

Russell Simmons and Jay-Z

the dollar’s value collapsing, the average wages haven’t kept up with cost of living. Moreover, unemployment a n d underemployment has not only caused a drag on our economy, but has destroyed countless U.S. families and homes. But if the movement is truely to target the

73  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net


Russell Simmons and Kanye West

top 1%, that elite group is not housed at the local Bank of America branch. What these demonstrators are doing often is severly impacting the group they are supposely representing - 99%. Part of the 99% are those that have to make a living working at the banks, government buildings and various financial institutions. I am not advocating protestors campout in front of Bill Gates’, Orpha

Winfrey’s and Warren Buffett’s homes, but let us all be clear what this class warfare is all about. Can the group identify who are the 1% and how this elite group accommalated its wealth? For example, Facebook is considering an IPO in the spring of 2012 which could result in its CEO Mark Zuckerberg making around $24,000,000,000. This projected $24 billion is about equivalent to the combined net worth of the poorest 28 million U.S. households. This $24 billion is about the same as the net worth of the poorest 25% of our nation combined. So how will the IPO and Zuckerberg’s wealth be perceived in the Occupy Wall Street? Could someone remind me what are the goals of Occupy Wall Street? If your response is to bring attention to the class warfare and wealth inequity, my response would be “okay, you got our attention, now what?” In the meantime, d o n ’ t cancel your Facebook account. 

Choose to care. Choose to celebrate. Choose to dream. At Comerica Bank, we choose to care about the dreams and visions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We choose to celebrate equality and diversity among all people, and we’re dedicated to ringing the bells of freedom. Choose to celebrate the dream with us.

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IBM Seeks Applicants for 2012 ‘Smart Cities’ Challenge


f you have a great idea for a smart cities project, but lack the money to get it off the ground, you might be able to find some money through the 2012 edition of the IBM Smarter Cities Challenge. The $50 million grant program (www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/ pressrelease/35742.wss) teams IBM technical experts and consultants with


kyrocketing sales of Kindles and iPads haven’t translated into a boom for subscriptions and sales to news and magazine content. When The Pew Research Center Project for Excellence in Journalism (www. journalism.org) recently examined trends in tablet use, it found that while 77% of respondents read news on their tablet at least once a week (53% daily), only 14% of users are willing to pay for news on their device. Publishers face two major problems: first, consumers have been conditioned to receive free content and if they’re unable to find what they desire at one site they either skip it or go to another site; second, publishers are relying on

an antiquated business model to target digital consumers. Many magazines charge $3.99 to $4.99 per digital issue, but some cost more, or are published more frequently. For example, Time magazine sells for $4.99 an issue on the iPad. That’s nearly $260 per year. However, a print subscription (which includes digital access) sells for about $30 per year. If you don’t want the print publication, you’re out of luck—unless you want to pay $230 more per year. There is no annual digital subscription available. A lot of this has to do with advertising. Publishers continue to make their money from print ads, which pull revenues based on the number of

The deadline to apply for the 2012 grant program is Dec. 16, 2011. For more information and to apply visit http://smartercitieschallenge.org. The Smarter Cities Challenge is sponsored by IBM’s Corporate Citizenship program and IBM’s International Foundation. IBM has been a leader in corporate social responsibility and citizenship for 100 years. To learn more about IBM’s corporate citizenship initiatives, visit: www.ibm.com/blogs/citizen-ibm.  By Heather Clancy www.smartplanet.com/blog/businessbrains/ibm-seeks-applicants-for-latestsmart-cities-challenge/19485?tag=nl.e660

readers. Online publications still haven’t adapted to advertising in any effective way. The irony is that there seems to be pent up demand for digital editions of publications—at the right price. The Pew study found that 83% of tablet users cite low cost as a key factor in how they download content. Still, 21% of respondents would spend $5 per month for each of their favorite news outlets and magazines, if it were the only way to receive them. Already, a third of tablet news users say they are turning to new sources for content on their tablet. Clearly, the landscape is changing. The bottom line? Publishers must adapt with new multimedia features, social media and sharing capabilities (which 85% of the Pew respondents indicated they engage in) and betterintegrated advertising.  By Samuel Greengard www.baselinemag.com/c/a/Innovation/ Tablets-Alone-Wont-Remake-Publishing666800/?kc=BLBLBEMNL11292011STR5

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Tablets Alone Won’t Remake Publishing

municipalities and communities that are looking to use technology to address the issues of health, public safety, transportation, social services, energy management, recreation, education and sustainability. Each of the individual grants will be worth approximately $400,000 in “talent and technology.” The applicants must be ready to use publicly available urban data for their projects; that means IBM wants your team to use the City Forward tool (http://cityforward.org/ wps/wcm/connect/CityForward_en_ US/City+Forward/Home) for statistical research. IBM has put together a video (www. youtube.com/user/citizenIBM#p/u/0/ BeKjOSMuATs) that discusses some of the results of the 2011 program. Highlights include: • A program that helped cities and

towns in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, better integrate their capital budgets so that money would go farther and joint development opportunities could be leveraged • A traffic analysis project in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, that was designed to reduce traffic fatalities • The development of an aquaponics program in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that will use water from fish farms in other agribusiness applications.


Black Business News Group Wishes You Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and a

Happy, Healthy, & Prosperous



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Blurry Astronaut Vision Corrected by Superfocus Glasses by Janet Fang


paceflights lasting 6 months or longer can cause a spectrum of changes to the astronauts’ visual systems, says a new NASA-sponsored study. Some of these problems linger even after their return to Earth, affecting

www.smartplanet.com/blog/rethinking-healthcare/blurry-astronautvision-corrected-by-superfocusglasses/7482?tag=nl.e660 The report was published in Ophthalmology. Via the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Popular Mechanics. Image: Superfocus


Black Business News Group Wishes You Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and a

Happy, Healthy, & Prosperous 2012

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Community/Public Inerest

plans for manned space voyages to places like Mars. So a team of researchers led by Thomas Mader of Alaska Native Medical Center studied 7 astronauts, all about 50 years old and all of whom reported that their vision became blurry, to varying degrees. Changes began around 6 weeks into the mission and some persisted for months after coming back. In-depth exams revealed several abnormalities: • Flattening of the back of the eyeball • Folds in the light sensitive area in the back of the eye • Excess fluid around and swelling of the optic nerve. The abnormalities appear to be unrelated to launch or re-entry, and none of these astronauts experienced symptoms usually associated with pressure inside the head. The researchers believe other factors

are involved, such as abnormal flow of spinal fluid around the optic nerve, changes in blood flow behind the retina, or changes related to chronic low pressure within the eye. These sorts of changes may result from the fluid shifts toward the head that occur when astronauts spend ext e n d e d time in microgravity. But confirming this won’t be easy, since tests to keep track of pressure changes in the eye are difficult to do on a spacecraft. S o , NASA has been sending astronauts up with ‘space anticipation glasses’ with amped-up power that astronauts could switch

through if their sight begins to decline, Popular Mechanics reports. Discovery’s final spaceflight carried Superfocus adjustable glasses, now kept aboard the International Space Station. They can be easily refocused by sliding a knob on the bridge of the glasses, like turning a dial on a pair of binoculars. The glasses were created for people over 40 with presbyopia, a condition that sets in with age and the lenses of the eyes lose their youthful flexibility – making it difficult to adjust focus from near to far. (Bifocals leave part of the field of view perpetually blurry, and constantly switching back and forth between regular glasses and reading glasses can be a hassle.) Superfocus glasses (www.superfocus.com) have 2 lenses: a conventional firm lens on the front and a flexible lens near the eye. The pocket between them holds a clear fluid, and when you move the slider on the bridge, it pushes the fluid. The flexible lens bubbles out, changing the shape and correction of the glasses. 

Tips for Year-end Charitable Giving By: Tina Robinson, Union Bank, N.A.

Senior Vice President and Regional Manager



www.magicjohnson.com/foundation www.naacp.org

Community/Public Inerest



upporting charitable organizations that we are passionate about can provide us with a sense of purpose and meaning while contributing to the well being of our communities. It can also offer some financial benefits in the form of tax deductions. While a tax deduction may not be your main motivation for making a donation to your favorite charity, most financial advisors agree that you should take advantage of the tax break. Here are some tips to guide you through end-of-year charitable giving:

Do You Qualify? Only taxpayers who itemize their deductions can claim deductions for charitable contributions. A taxpayer will see a tax savings only if the total itemized deductions (such as mortgage interest, charitable contributions, state and local taxes, etc.) exceed the standard deduction. If you choose the standard deduction and file a short form (Form 1040A or 1040EZ), you may not write off charitable gifts.

Does the Charity Qualify? Gifts of Clothing, Make sure your donations are made Property and Other Items

to an organization qualified to receive deductible contributions. Non-profit groups include eligible religious, educational and charitable groups. These groups are often referred to as 501(c)(3) organizations. Foreign charities and political organizations are generally not qualified for tax write-offs. Visit the IRS website (www.irs.gov) for a listing of qualified organizations.

Monetary Donations Monetary donations include gifts of cash, check, credit card transaction, credit or debit card transaction, payroll deduction or automatic withdrawals from your bank account. If you accept something in return for your gift, such as a dinner at a function or a giveaway item, you must deduct the fair market value of that item from the amount you write off. Donations of $250 or more require a written acknowledgement from the charity containing the date and the amount of your donation.

Household items must be in good used condition to qualify for a deduction and can usually be deducted in the amount of the property’s fair market value --- the amount a buyer would be willing to pay if the property was sold on the open market. The Salvation Army publishes a guide providing the average prices of clothing, furniture and household items in its stores, to offer you some guidance on establishing the value of such items. The rules for more valuable gifts, such as jewelry, real estate and property can be complex, so consult your financial or tax advisor to determine the deductibility of these types of contributions.

Understand Deadlines Contributions made in the form of a check must be postmarked on or before December 31 in order to be itemized for 2011. Contributions made by credit card must be deducted in the year that

78  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

see Year-end Giving on page 79

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, daughters Malia and Sasha, and Marian Robinson greet people as they fill care packages with food for Thanksgiving at the Capital Area Foodbank in Washington, DC, Nov. 23, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

from page 78

the charge occurs, even if it the credit balance isn’t paid in that year. Pledges to make a contribution generally are not deductible until payment is actually made.

Remember the Receipt Keep receipts and records of all your donations. Bank records, such as cancelled checks or bank and credit card statements work in lieu of receipts. For payroll deductions, retain a pay stub, a W-2 wage statement or other document furnished by the employer showing the total amount withheld for charity, along with the pledge card showing the name of the charity.  The foregoing article is intended to

Community/Public Inerest

Year-end Giving

provide general information about year-end charitable giving and is not considered financial advice from Union Bank. Please consult your financial or tax advisor. Tina Robinson is a senior vice president and regional manager for Union Bank, N.A., a full-service commercial bank providing an array of financial services to individuals, small businesses, middle-market companies, and major corporations. As of September 30, 2011, the bank had 404 banking offices in California, Oregon, Washington and Texas and two international offices. UnionBanCal Corporation is a whollyowned subsidiary of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., which is a subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. Union Bank is a proud member of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG, NYSE:MTU), one of the

Tina Robinson world’s largest financial organizations. Visit www.unionbank.com for more information.

79  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

The World Bank

Junior Professionals Program for Afro-Descendants (JPPAD) & US Minorities JPPAD Brochure: Making Global Development Happen - The Junior Professionals Program for AfroDescendants & US Minorities. .

Business Rationale The Junior Professionals Program for Black individuals of Sub-Saharan African ancestry and US Minorities is an internship program managed by the WBG Office of Diversity Programs. The purpose of the Program is two-fold: providing young and motivated individuals from these groups who possess outstanding potential with a unique opportunity to gain experience in a global development environment while allowing the WBG the opportunity to benefit from the talent, knowledge and diversity that these professionals bring. The Program is also designed for participants to contribute to capacity development efforts in developing countries and minority communities around the world. It enables young women and men from these demographic groups to spend two intensive years acquiring global knowledge and practical, on-thejob skills in the World Bank Group.

one other working language of the World Bank Group (Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish). • Demonstrated commitment to global development. • Demonstrated ability to conduct analytical work; exercise good judgment; operate in a team-environment; and work successfully with diverse clients and staff.

ing positions. They are providing their information into a database which hiring managers may consult if and when a position becomes available. Only those applicants who have been identified for an assignment will be contacted. To submit an application visit http:// lnweb28.worldbank.org/hrs/careers. nsf/submitcv?openform&Emp=JPPAD &JobNum=&CVUNID=

Note: Candidates who previously have had a staff position (fixed-term or open-ended, in Washington or in a country office) in the World Bank Group are not eligible to apply. Additional Note: Through June 30, 2012, preference will be given to US Minorities.

Non-renewable two year staff appointment. Upon completion of the 2-year term, candidates may compete for other appointments.

The Application


Duty Station Washington, DC or Country Office.  Permanent URL for this page: http:// go.worldbank.org/UX8UHA41Z0

Candidates are not applying for exist-

Eligibility Criteria • 35 years of age or younger, with a minimum of three years of relevant work experience, and excellent academic qualifications. • Afro-descendant, i.e. Black of SubSaharan African descent, and/or US citizen from minority groups. • A minimum of a Master’s degree in economics, finance, public health, environment, engineering, public or private sector management, anthropology, sociology, education, human resources management or other disciplines relevant to international development. • Proficiency in English and in at least 81  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

Let’s Move!

Community/Public Inerest

Active Living by Design Helps Get Communities Moving

The mobile market delivering fresh produce residents of Spartanburg County, South Carolina


hree community supporters of Let’s Move are moving towards healthier lives. Inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Faith and Communities initiative, these communities are leading the way in creative solutions to health issues through mobile grocery markets, convenient bicycle accommodations, and safe routes to school. These innovative ideas are brought to life through the funding and partnership of organizing group Active Living by Design (www. activelivingbydesign.org). In South Carolina, the mobile mar-

ket of Spartanburg County is a grocery store on wheels, but with one exception: the food is free! The mobile market – called “The Food Oasis on Wheels” — (www.healthykidshealthycommunities.org/foodoasis-wheels) provides food relief by bringing fresh produce to an area home to food deserts and high obesity rates. The mobile market was brought to the community by Active Living by Design, a non-profit organization that worked with local leaders to form a leadership council and champion a

healthier Spartanburg County. They brought in the mobile market to sell fresh fruits and vegetables and formed

a partnership with a bicycle lending see Let’s Move Active Living by Design page 83

82  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

Active Living by Design from page 82

program to encourage physical activity. Somerville, Massachusetts, is part-

Somerville takes an active interest in the health of residents and is a positive example of the impact made possible by a city’s leadership. Finally, in New Orleans, Kids Walk Coalition (http://kidswalknola.org) is encouraging children to walk to school

cause many homes are conveniently located near schools, Rufo, volunteers, and AmeriCorps (www.americorps. gov) members researched the conditions that prevent children from walking these short distances to school. The team determined that sidewalk quality,

Heathly Kids, Healthy Communities as part of the Active Living by Design initiative, Healthy Kids Healthy Communities (www.healthykidshealthycommunities.org). This community partnership is making walking easier, safer, and more convenient. Realizing the strong influence environment has on our daily activities, Project Coordinator Matt Rufo began his mission to change the city infrastructure. Be-

crosswalk quality, quality of signage, and curb ramp conditions needed improvement. After generating suggestions and presenting their “Stepping

to School” (http://kidswalknola.org/ stepping-to-school) plan to the New Orleans City Council, the Council unanimously approved a resolution calling for a “Complete Streets” ordinance. Interested in how you can bring accessible, affordable food to your neighborhood? Or how to help kids get moving through safer walking routes and innovative transportation? Contact us at Let’s Move Faith and Communities by emailing collaborate@usda.gov. 

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Community/Public Inerest

nering with Active Living by Design to implement Shape Up Somerville (www.activelivingbydesign.org/communities/profiles/somerville-ma), a program designed to get Somerville moving. Mayor Joseph Curtatone sent a colleague to Bogotá, Colombia to experience the open street structure of the city first-hand. He uncovered an innovative idea that he thought might work for Somerville: ciclovias, which are permanent bike paths similar to paved roads. The benefits of ciclovias are simple: fewer cars, less pollution, and more moving feet! As part of the city’s continued effort to reduce childhood obesity, Somerville closes streets to cars and hosts events encouraging physical activity. It also supports initiatives like “going green on Route 16,” through which Somerville translates advertisements into Spanish, Creole, and Portuguese to help make residents aware of local wellness celebrations.

3D Printing: Invite the Systems to a Library Near You by Joe McKendrick

Community/Public Inerest


few months back, SmartPlanet ran an article about the challenges faced by libraries (www. smartplanet.com/blog/business-brains/ wither-libraries-not-so-fast-new-survey-says/13837?tag=content;siucontainer) in the era of ebooks, digital information and shrinking budgets. An emerging idea, now being pioneered at one New York state library, is to offer 3D printing facilities to enable constituents to develop and innovate new ideas and products. The Fayetteville Free Library of Fayetteville, NY recently has assumed a new mission in efforts to serve its constituencies with 3D printing facilities. The “FFL Fab Lab” (www.fayettevillefreelibrary.org/about-us/services/ fablab.html) is a space set aside with 3D printing technology, which seeks to encourage innovation and learning of the concept. At the foundation of the FFL’s Fab Lab will be a MakerBot Thing-o-Matic 3D printer (www.makerbot.com), donated to the library. The Fab Lab’s 3D printer uses plastic as its raw material. As stated on the library’s Fab Lab Website, the goal is to provide what is known as a “hackerspace” to the local public, providing access to equipment that may be too expensive to purchase on an individual basis: “These spaces, known as Fabrication Labs (fab labs), Hackerspaces, and Tech Shops, share common goals: collaboration and ‘making.’ They exist to give their specific communities the ability to ‘make’ through sharing knowledge and skills. They provide the

technology necessary to make almost anything. However, these spaces often provide services to a specific or targeted group and are not easily accessible to ‘outsiders’ - traditional Fab Labs are tied to MIT and are generally found in underserved communities, Hackerspaces have membership fees, and Tech-Shops, on average, cost around $1.5 million to start. Imagine - what if the Fayetteville Free Library had similar tools as MIT at its fingertips (at an affordable cost), with the knowledge necessary to use them?” As discussed on this website (www. smartplanet.com), along with its high customization, 3D printing offers enormous potential to minimize the costs of mass production, and even bring a lot of that production back to the domestic economy (www.smartplanet. com/blog/business-brains/3d-printingmay-bring-us-manufacturing-backhome/17093?tag=content;siu-container). The Fayetteville Fab Lab may also kick-start a new role for public libraries as well — as incubators and resource centers for new businesses and innovations. Phillip Torrone first pitched this idea in Make Magazine (http://makezine. com) a few months back — proposing a new, entrepreneurial and innovator incubator role for the nation’s 9,000 public libraries:

The goal of th e Fayetteville Fab Lab is to provide what is known as a “hackerspace ” to the local public, provid ing access to equipment th at may be too expensive to purchase on an individual basis.

“If the only public space where 3D printers, laser cutters, and learning electronics happens is in fee/memberships-based spaces (TechShops, hackerspaces), that will leave out a segment of the population, who will never have access. FabLabs often are geared towards under-served communities, so perhaps it will be a combination of FabLabs and hackerspaces. What if we were to convert just 1% or even 10% of the 9,000 public libraries in the USA to TechShops?” For her part, Lauren Smedley, the genius behind Fayetteville’s Fab Lab, “wants to prove that libraries aren’t just about books,” as quoted by KQED. “They are about free access to information and to technology — and not just to reading books or using computers, but actually building and making things.” Ms. Smedley also would like to add a CNC Router and laser cutter to the Fab Lab’s inventory, and also plans to offer free classes and programs on 3D Printing, 3D design software training, and computer programming.  www.smartplanet.com/blog/businessbrains/3d-printing-coming-to-a-librarynear-you/19964?tag=nl.e660 Other Build Software Resources: http://sketchup.google.com www.thingiverse.com/tag:sketchup

84  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

Study Indicates Online College Enrollment Growing Ten Times Faster than Student Population by Joe McKendrick More than six million college and university students took at least one online course during the fall 2010 term, an increase of 560,000 students over the previous year. This almost 10% growth rate for online enrollments far exceeds the less-than-1% growth in the overall higher education student population nationwide.

over the past year, the study’s authors also note — the 10% growth rate for online enrollments is the second lowest since 2002. As study co-author Elaine Allen, co-director of the Babson Survey Research Group and Professor of Statistics & Entrepreneurship at Babson College, put it: “The rate of growth in online enrollments is ten times that of the rate in all higher education. While growth rates have declined somewhat from previous years, we see no evidence that a dramatic slowdown in online enrollments is on the horizon.” Allen also observes that “there is a wide variety in rate of growth of online enrollments among different colleges and universities, and also among different programs within the same institution. For example, fully online health sciences programs show higher growth

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Community/Public Inerest


hese are some of the top-line findings from the recently released 2011 Survey of Online Learning (http://sloanconsortium.org/publications/survey/going_distance_2011), a collaborative effort between the Babson Survey Research Group and the College Board. The survey, based on responses from over 2,500 academic leaders, reveals that nearly one-third of all students in higher education are taking at least one online course. This is up from 10% of the total student population in 2002, the first year the survey was conducted. The percentage of institutions that agree ‘‘online education is critical to the long-term strategy of my institution’’ reached its highest level in 2011 (65%) — up from 49% in 2002. While online learning keeps growing, there was actually a bit of a slowdown

than online programs in other disciplines.” Online learning is now mainstream, for all intents and purposes. Survey respondents believe that the level of student satisfaction is equivalent for online and face-to-face courses, and 65% of higher education institutions now say that online learning is a critical part of their long-term strategy. However, there continues to be a consistent minority of academic leaders concerned that the quality of online instruction is not equal to courses delivered face-to-face. About a third still consider predominantly online course delivery as inferior to face-to-face interaction, though this is down from 42% in the 2002 study. Of course, much of today’s learning occurs in blended settings, where there is often both online and face-to-face interaction. The Babson study defined online courses as “those in which at least 80% of the course content is delivered online.” 

United Nations Declares 2012 as the “International Year of Sustainable Energy for All” by Li Yuqian This year’s 110th China Import and Export Fair saw a drastic drop in the growth of orders at 8.9 percent, compared to 14.5 percent one year ago



ecognizing the importance of energy for sustainable development, the United Nations General Assembly has designated, by its resolution 65/151 (www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc. asp?symbol=A/RES/65/151), the year 2012 as the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. The International Year of Sustainable Energy for All presents a valuable opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of increasing sustainable access to energy, energy efficiency, and renewable energy at the local, national, regional and international levels. Energy services have a profound effect on productivity, health, education, climate change, food and water security, and communication services. Lack of access to clean, affordable and reliable energy hinders human, social and economic development and is a major impediment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Today, 1.4 billion people still do not have access to modern energy, while 3 billion rely on “traditional biomass” and coal as their main fuel sources.

Background More than three billion people in developing countries rely on traditional biomass for cooking and heating. One and a half billion people are without electricity and even when energy services are available, millions of poor people are unable to pay for them. Thus, there is an inextricable link between energy and sustainable development and modern, cleaner and

more efficient energy is relevant in the eradication of poverty. Access to modern affordable energy services in developing countries is essential for the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and for achieving sustainable development, which would help to reduce poverty and to improve the conditions and standard of living for the majority of the world’s population. Therefore, the General Assembly of the UN emphasized the importance of investing in access to cleaner energy technology options to achieve a climate-resilient future for all and also

pointed out the need to improve access to reliable, affordable, economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound energy services and resources for sustainable development. It also stressed that the wider use and exploration of available and additional cleaner, new and renewable sources of energy require technology transfer and dispersal on a global scale, including through North-South, SouthSouth and triangular cooperation. It also emphasized the need to take

further action to mobilize the provision of adequate financial resources, of sufficient quality and arriving in a timely manner, as well as the transfer of advanced technology to developing countries and countries with economies in transition for providing efficient and wider use of energy sources, in particular new and renewable sources of energy. Further, it reaffirmed the importance of national policies and strategies to combine, as appropriate, the increased use of new and renewable energy sources and low carbon emission technologies, including cleaner fossil fuel technologies, and the sustainable use of traditional energy services, and enhancing national capacities to meet the growing energy demand, as appropriate, supported by international cooperation in this field and by the promotion of the development and dissemination of appropriate, affordable and sustainable energy technologies, as well as the transfer of such technologies on mutually agreed terms.

With leadership from UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon, UN-Energy – a coordinating group of 20 UN agencies – is undertaking a new global initiative, Sustainable Energy for All (www. sustainableenergyforall.org). This initiative will engage governments, the private sector, and civil society partners globally to achieve three major goals by 2030: • Ensure universal access to modern energy services. • Reduce global energy intensity by

86  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

see Energy for All page 87

Energy for All from page 86

40 per cent. • Increase renewable energy use globally to 30 per cent.

Sustainable Energy for All Energy is central to nearly every major challenge, and opportunity the world faces today. Be it jobs, security, climate change, food production or increasing incomes , access to sustainable energy for all is essential for strengthening economies, protecting ecosystems and achieving equity.

In recognition of the importance of energy access for sustainable economic development and supporting achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, the United Nations General Assembly has designated 2012 as the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. Also, as part of the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative, the United Nations Foundation has launched a new global Energy Access Practitioner Network (www.sustainableenergyforall.org/ activities/energy-access-practitionernetwork). This group will bring together practitioners from the private sector and civil society working on the delivery of energy services and solutions related to electrification in a range of developing country contexts to develop a more integrated approach to energy access planning and execution in support of the Sustainable Energy for All Target to achieve universal energy access by 2030. The Network will focus on both household and community level electrification for productive purposes, incorporating specific market-based applications for health, agriculture, education, small business, communities and household solutions.

Lack of access to energy hinders development and poses risks to human health and safety. For example, smoke from polluting and inefficient cooking, lighting, and heating devices kills nearly two million people prematurely every year, primarily women and children, and causes a range of chronic illnesses (for more information visit: www.cleancookstoves.org).

Reduce global energy intensity Efficient and renewable sources of energy are often the best and most

cost-effective option for providing access to energy. The use of energyefficient products reduces the amount of energy that must be supplied for lighting and other needs. Similarly, more efficient distribution and use of energy could free up power that is now lost or wasted, as well as capital to invest in additional energy supply or economic development.

Increase renewable energy use

Ensure universal access to energy Access to energy transforms lives. Sustainable energy affords new opportunities for the poorest to escape the worst impacts of poverty. It provides people the means to generate income, provide health care services, improve education, and protect the environment.

Energy sources such as wind and solar can provide energy without negative impacts to the environment, reach remote rural areas particularly via distributed generation and the use of mini-grids, and generate employment. At present, renewable energy sources provide 19 per cent of global energy consumption. If supported by strong enabling policies, renewable energy could supply more than three quarters of the world’s energy by 2050. Smallscale renewable technologies could reach a large number of people currently without access to energy.  www.sustainableenergyforall.org www.energyforopportunity.org/blog

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In fact, more than 1.4 billion people worldwide have no access to electricity, and 1 billion more only have intermittent access. Some 2.5 billion people – almost half of humanity – rely on traditional biomass for cooking and heating. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made sustainable energy one of his five priorities that will guide his second 5-year term. Specifically, he will direct the United Nations to extend energy’s reach in order to combat endemic poverty. Universal access to energy, improved efficiency and enhanced deployment of renewable sources are ambitious goals, and the Secretary-General is leading a Sustainable Energy for All initiative to make them achievable. This initiative will call for private sector and national commitments and attract global attention to the importance of energy for development and poverty alleviation. The goal is to meet three objectives by 2030: • Ensuring universal access to modern energy services.

• Doubling the rate of improvement in energy efficiency. • Doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

China’s Exporters See Slackened Growth by Li Yuqian

This year’s 110th China Import and Export Fair saw a drastic drop in the growth of orders at 8.9 percent, compared to 14.5 percent one year ago



hina’s export growth continued to slow on a drop in demand from developed countries, according to data from the 110th China Import and Export Fair. With total exports hitting US$ 37.9 billion, up 8.9% year-on-year, trade figures from the fair showed a marked decrease in expansion from the 14.5% rate of growth clocked in just one year ago. Judging from export destinations, demand in European and American markets accounted for the largest decreases, down 19 and 24%, respectively. Demand from Japan, on the other hand, rebounded on post-earthquake reconstruction, at a 30% increase. Emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America also saw an average 39% increase in imports from China. An analyst from Essence Securities You Hongye said China’s export growth will gradually slow to lower levels as the turmoil in external markets continues to unfold. Consumer confidence in foreign countries has been hurt, given the drop in demand for non-essential goods. Deputy Director of China Foreign Trade Center Liu Jianjun said China faces an uncertain future in exports, as both foreign importers and domestic producers have shied away from long-term orders for fear of price fluctuations. According to the fair’s

statistics, contracts shorter than six months accounted for 88%t of the total transaction volume at this year’s fair.  http://english. caixin.cn/2011-1107/100323149.html

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The President’s “E” and “E Star” Awards


he President’s “E” Award was created by Executive Order of the President on December 5, 1961, to afford suitable recognition to persons, firms, or organizations which contribute significantly in the effort to increase United States exports.

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HOW TO APPLY Applications for the 2012 President’s E-Awards will be accepted between November 7, 2011 and January 23, 2012. The President’s E Award for Exports is awarded to a firm or organization that has made significant contributions to the increase of American exports. The President’s E Award for Export Service is awarded to organizations that may or may not export directly, but which assist or facilitate export activities. The primary criterion for the “E” Award is four years of successive export

www.africantalent.com growth, usually accompanied by a rising percentage of export sales within total sales. The application should demonstrate export expansion that is measurable, innovative, sustainable, and has broad impact. Previous recipients of the “E” Award may apply for the President’s “E Star” Award for continued superior performance in increasing or promoting exports. “E Star” Award applicants should show three years of successive export growth since winning the “E” Award. Applications must be reviewed by the local U.S. Export Assistance Center and approved for submission by the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service Network Director. Applications should be submitted electronically.

To assist applicants, we have links to sample applications: • 2012 Application - http://export.gov/ static/Fillable%20E%20Award%20 Application%20expires%20 09302014_1_118531_eg_ main_021208.pdf • Sample “E” & “E Star” Award for Exports Application - http://export.gov/static/ sample%20e%20award%20 for%20exports_1_118412_eg_ main_041444.pdf • Sample “E” Award for Export Service Application - http:// export.gov/static/sample%20 E%20Award%20for%20 export%20service_1_118411_eg_ main_041443.pdf  http://export.gov/exportawards

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The President’s “E Star” Award, which was authorized by the Secretary of Commerce on August 4, 1969, affords continuing recognition of noteworthy export promotion efforts. Winners of the “E” and “E Star” Award are authorized to fly the blue and white banner, to display the accompanying certificate of commendation which is signed by the Secretary of Commerce in the name and by the authority of the President, to wear and issue to employees an “E” lapel pin, and to refer to the award in their advertising.

Search and apply online for the latest vacancies in Africa with African Talent. We provide candidates and employers with the tools and resources needed in today’s competitive job market. For employers, we offer numerous options to feature your jobs in Africa and for candidates, reviewing the most recent job vacancies in Africa is a fast, easy process. Uploading your CV is simple and takes just a few moments.


or fiscal year 2011, Ex-Im Bank approved over $32 billion in financing, an all-time record for the Bank and up 110% from 2008. These financings supported approximately 300,000 U.S. jobs and included more than 3,000 small business transactions - up nearly 20%. Fiscal year 2011 marks the third consecutive record-breaking year, with significant growth seen in industries such as aircraft, renewable energy, and infrastructure as well as key markets including Colombia, India, Turkey, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Ex-Im Bank is steadfast in achieving the goals of the President’s National Export Initiative (NEI) in doubling exports by 2015. In addition, significant progress was made in accomplishing Ex-Im Bank’s goals to add 5,000 new small businesses to the Ex-Im Bank portfolio, double the small business volume to $9 billion, and approve $30 billion in total small business transactions.

• Double its annual small business volume to $9 billion ($6 billion as of 9/30/11 - GOAL $9 billion) • Approve $30 billion in total small business transactions ($15.3 billion as of 9/30/11 - GOAL $30 billion) Preliminary FY’11 Highlights Include: • 3,750 transactions • 1,019 companies new businesses to Ex-Im portfolio • $6.0 billion in small business export financing, an all-time record • $719 million in minority- and woman- owned export financing • $720 million in renewable financing, up from $30 million in 2008 • Over $1.3 billion in Sub Saharan Africa - first time we have passed the billion dollar mark in Africa

• $2.9 billion increase to India, a direct result of the President’s efforts to build a strategic alliance Ex-Im Bank Issues Over 100 Express Insurance Policies Since its launch at Ex-Im Bank’s 2011 Annual Conference, express insurance has proved to be a much-needed shortterm export insurance product, which is available only to small businesses. One hundred and twelve exporters purchased an express insurance policy in fiscal year 2011 leading to over $50 million in authorizations. Thirty-two of our insurance broker partners distributed more than 90% of the express insurance policies, with Trade Acceptance Group of Minnesota and Global Business Solutions of North Carolina tied for the most express policies sold.

Ex-Im Bank Profile Ex-Im Bank is an independent federal agency that helps create and maintain U.S. jobs by filling gaps in private export financing at no cost to American taxpayers. The Bank provides a variety of financing mechanisms, including working capital loan guarantees, export-credit insurance, and financing

Looking Ahead FY2012 2012 Goals include: • Support Goals of National Export Initiative - continue the financing of U.S. products and services to double U.S. exports by 2015. • Increase Small Business Authorizations & Transactions create new products and engage new partners to focus on reaching out to more small businesses. • Government at the Speed of Business - target 80% of all Ex-Im Bank’s transactions to be completed within 30 days. • Increase Infrastructure & Renewable Financing - meet global need for infrastructure demand and capitalize on new opportunities.

to help foreign buyers purchase U.S. goods and services. Ex-Im Bank is self-sustaining and is able to cover all operating costs and potential losses while also producing revenue. The Bank has generated $1.9 billion for U.S. taxpayers over the past five years. Follow Ex-Im Bank on Twitter at http://twitter.com/eximbankus. Join the Ex-Im Bank network at http://www. linkedin.com/company/export-importbank-of-the-united-states.  The complete quarterly report, including video presentations, may be viewed at www.exim.gov/newsletter/volume6/ newsletter_October18.cfm#four

91  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbusinessnews.net


• Add a total of 5,000 new small businesses to the Ex-Im Bank portfolio (1,500 as of 9/30/11 - GOAL 5000)


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Continental Africa Chamber of Commerce USA

Angola Offers Help to Portugal

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This Forum provides an important opportunity for US companies to understand and engage business interests across the vast and diverse markets of a new Africa.

Join us! For more information, please contact us at: www.continentalacc.org Email: info@continentalacc.org 1-312-987-1892 tel 1-312-987-1893 fax 28 E. Jackson Boulevard Suite #600, Chicago, IL 60604

Trump Cards The IMF has agreed to give Portugal a $107bn bailout on condition that it introduces a wide range of economic reforms - including privatisation. Analysts say Angola could buy stakes in some of the privatised companies. Angola’s investments in Portugal have risen sharply in recent years. The figure in 2009 stood at $156m (£99m), compared to $2.1m in 2002, according to the Portuguese Institute of International Relations and Security (IPRIS), a Lisbon-based think-tank. Angolan companies own the equivalent of 3.8% of companies listed on Portugal’s stock exchange, from banks to telecoms and energy, it says. “We’re aware of the difficulties the Portuguese people have faced recently and in such difficult times we must use our trump cards,” Angola’s state news agency Angop quoted Mr. Dos Santos as saying. He did not elaborate during the joint

press conference with the Portuguese prime minister in the capital, Luanda, what these trump cards were. Portuguese companies expected to be privatised include national airline TAP, utilities company Energias de Portugal and national grid operator Redes Energeticas Nacionais. “We should take advantage of this moment of financial and economic crisis to strengthen our bilateral relations in the different sectors of our respective countries,” Mr. Passos Coelho is quoted by the AFP news agency as saying. Former BBC Angola correspondent Louise Redvers say Mr. Passos Coelho’s visit has highlighted the reversal of former colonial roles, with cash-strapped Portugal considering selling shares in state-owned companies to Angola. The family of Mr. Dos Santos - who has been in power for 32 years - controls a large chunk of Angola’s economy, while most Angolans live in poverty. Mr. Dos Santos’ daughter Isabel is known to have a large Portuguese portfolio, as does the state oil firm Sonangol, our former correspondent says. It was Mr. Passos Coelho’s first visit to Angola since he was elected to office in June. He grew up in Angola, where his father was a doctor during the colonial era. Angola, which is recovering from a long brutal civil war which ended in 2002, gained independence from Portugal in 1975. 

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•Presents to American corporate and public-policy makers the wide array of investment opportunities in Africa; •Discusses the ways in which these opportunities can be realized; •Meets participants’ strategic interests by creating networking opportunities and an avenue for the development of bilateral investment possibilities; •Provides one-on-one negotiation opportunities; •Encourages American companies to exhibit their products and services; and •Invites African businesses to exhibit their products under AGOA


ngola is prepared to help its former colonial power Portugal cope with its financial crisis, the oil-rich nation’s President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos said. After meeting visiting Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, he said solutions needed to be found. They should be “advantageous for both countries” and “in a spirit of solidarity and mutual help”, he said. Analysts say Portugal’s economy is expected to contract by 2.8% next year and Angola’s to grow by 12%.

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Rainbow PUSH LA Trade Bureau The Rainbow PUSH LA Trade Bureau (RPC/Bureau) is focused on the implementation of economic, social, and education initiatives, as well as growing the office to become a strong voice for our constituents and Trade Bureau Members. Rainbow Push LA is connecting our Trade Bureau members with our Trading Partners for the purpose of doing business. Rainbow Push LA is committed to connecting our members to new opportunities that will not only bring us through the recession, but beyond it. Our innovative ideas are expressed through powerful programmatic pieces that are designed with everyone in mind. Please use the information below to contact the Los Angeles office to request a contact information form that may be completed then faxed or e-mailed to us. The information will reconnect us with you and will aid Mr. Israel in his upcoming meetings with corporate trading partners. Regina Black, Office Manager Rainbow PUSH/CEF Los Angeles, 1313 W. 8th Street, Suite 232, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Office Number: 213.483.3500 Fax Number: 213.483.3577 Email: rblack@rainbowpush.org Website: www.rainbowpushla.org

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Jamaal Wilkes Financial Advisors, LLC M a n a g i n g We a l t h I n t e l l i g e n t l y

WHY OWN GOLD IN YOUR IRA/401k Changing jobs creates a great opportunity for you to switch, or rollover, your former employer’s retirement plan into an IRA. Plus, it usually provides you with more investment options than if you left the money in your former employer’s plan or rolled the money into your new employer's retirement plan. The early 1980s presented a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy stocks. Today, economic and political conditions appear to offer a similar opportunity in tangible assets such as physical gold. With the global economic environment growing more uncertain, physical gold has become the #1 alternative for IRA, 401k, 403b, and Pension Plans, as well as for non-retirement funds. Gold is produced primarily for accumulation while other commodities are produced primarily for consumption. Gold’s value does not arise from its usefulness in industrial or consumable applications. It arises from its use and historical worldwide acceptance as a store of value. Gold is money. A healthy measure of gold clearly belongs in every portfolio for the “Four Ps” – Personal Purchasing Power Protection. There are six primary reasons why investors own gold: As a hedge against inflation. As a hedge against a declining dollar. As a safe haven in times of geopolitical and financial market instability. As a commodity based on gold’s supply and demand fundamentals. As a store of value. As a portfolio diversifier. According to Bloomberg.com, on October 15, 2009, Paul Tudor Jones of Tudor Investment Corp, who manages about $11.6 billion out of Greenwich, Connecticut, told its investors, “I have never been a gold bug… but Gold is just an asset that, like everything else in life, has its time and place. And now is that time…Gold appears to be cheap. In our view, gold’s value should increase as its scarcity relative to printed currencies increases.” JAMAAL WILKES FINANCIAL ADVISORS makes 401(k) rollovers easy with just a few simple steps. Please call us at (310)209-8298 or email gold@jamaalwilkes.com for a web seminar presentation. Jamaal Wilkes Financial Advisors is an independent Registered Investment Advisor www.jamaalwilkes.com Phone: (310)209-8330 6601 Center Drive West, Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90045

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Gold - The Insurance Policy of Choice “In a nervous market, gold gains respectability,” New York Times reports November 22, 2011 yron Wien, the investment strategist, has been forecasting the future for decades. But this is the first year that he has officially recommended gold in his model portfolio. And at the beginning of this month, Mr. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone Advisory Partners, said he was maintaining his 5 percent allocation to gold for next year. The metal has become the insurance policy of choice for many sophisticated investors. Even among those who were never gold bugs, there is now a belief that it has its place in a portfolio. Mr. Wien’s view comes despite the fact that gold, which was up 29.5 percent in 2010, was up an additional 20.7 percent at the end of October of this year, according to Mr. Wien’s most recent report -- nearly double the increase for real estate, the second-highest increase among Mr. Wien’s recommended asset classes.


His decision to continue recommending gold comes even while some investors feel that after such a steep run, prices may fall. The returns reflect the hard reality that as governments print money, thereby debasing the value of their currencies, gold still looks like a sensible option. “The money supply will be expanded in the major currencies in the developed world, and investors will seek the protection of hard assets: something real, and gold is perceived as real,” Mr. Wien said.

“Simply continue to accumulate gold,” Dow Theory Letters publisher says November 17, 2011 ichard Russell forecasts “The skyrocketing phase lies ahead. Maybe 1-3 years ahead.” Day after day, everyone asks whether gold has topped out. Nobody ever asks whether the market has topped out. Think about it, we’re in a low-inflation, low investor-fear environment, a dollar that appears to have bottomed and is now firming, and still gold holds above $1700 an ounce. This is a remarkable performance aided by heavy buying of gold in China, India, and Asian nations. But what happens when we hit the inevitable inflation; when investors’ fears are on the rise. To conclude, gold is holding well in an environment that is not bullish for gold, but in due time, the environment will turn highly bullish for the yellow metal. Do not time your gold purchases. Simply continue to accumulate gold. The skyrocketing phase lies ahead. Maybe 1-3 years ahead. 



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Buy Black  Save Black  Invest Black 98  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

Books to Consider... In The Black A History of African Americans on Wall Street

by Gregory S. Bell


he never-before-told story of five decades of African Americans on Wall Street. Here, for the first time, is the fascinating history of the African American experience on Wall Street as told by Gregory Bell, the son of the man who founded the first blackowned member firm of the New York

how in the years following World War II the growing social, political, and financial powers of African Americans converged on Wall Street.  www.amazon.com

Cracking the Corporate Code: The Revealing Success Stories of 32 AfricanAmerican Executives

By Price M. Cobbs, Judith L. Turnock

O Stock Exchange. A successful finance professional in his own right with close ties to leading figures in both the black financial and civil rights communities, Bell tells the stories of the pioneers who broke down the ancient social and political barriers to African American participation in the nation s financial industry. With the help of profiles of many important black leaders of the past fifty years including everyone from Jesse Jackson and Maynard Jackson, former mayor of Atlanta, to E. Stanley O Neal, COO and President of Merrill Lynch, and Russell Goings, founder of First Harlem Securities and cofounder of First Harlem Securities he shows

ver the last few decades, advances by AfricanAmericans in the business world have been both impressive and well-documented. But even a cursory glance at the statistics -- not to mention a look around most corporations -reveals that, despite much progress, minority executives are still relatively few and far between. Whether in the form of insensitivity, change-averse corporate cultures, socio-economic factors, or outright racism, AfricanAmericans still face very real obstacles along the path to professional success. To many, these obstacles have seemed insurmountable, and their careers have foundered. But to thousands of others, these challenges have been an invitation to excel, and their accomplishments have been worthy of both praise and emulation. Cracking

the Corporate Code delves deeply into the lives and careers of 32 such notable professionals. These are not the men and women usually cited: the high-profile government officials, the legendary civil rights pioneers, or the megastar athletes who have leveraged their on-field success into positions of leadership. The authors have chosen instead to profile individuals who have risen through the ranks of America’s most noteworthy businesses, to the highest echelons of corporate power and influence. In exclusive, eye-opening interviews, these men and women recount their impressive and widely differing career trajectories, revealing what motivated and discouraged them, their sources of support and conflict, and the strategies they developed to excel in organizations like PepsiCo, GE, Merrill Lynch, Kraft, Prudential, Chrysler, and dozens more. Rather than offer these inspiring stories as individual biographies, the authors have identified their common threads, analyzing what they reveal to the reader about: •Reconciling the ambiguities inherent for black professionals in corporate culture •Trusting your own abilities and potential while managing the ever-present issue of race •Overcoming isolation to establish not only your place in the organization but also a voice that will be heard and respected •Reading the unwritten rules and developing the “sixth sense” necessary to play the game •Cultivating and managing the relationships that will be crucial to securing more meaningful and influential positions •Understanding what true power is, how to compete for and acquire it, and how to translate it into substantial leadership Opportunities for success abound for African-Americans. For the last 40 years, the best of the best have been stepping up to seize -- and often create -- those opportunities. The next generation of black professionals will travel the paths blazed by the pioneers profiled in this landmark book, and will be poised to achieve even greater results-while continuing the legacy of diversity for the generations yet to come. 

99  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbusinessnews.net




he digital version of Black Meetings & Tourism magazine is available on-line. The current issues, as well as archived issues, can be viewed by visiting www.blackmeetingsandtourism. com and click on the image link located on the home page.The digital version is just a small part of BM&T’s expanded on-line presence, which includes a host of new departments, the twice-monthly e-newsletter, an increased focus on leisure travel, and many new marketing opportunities. Our newly designed website offers a guest blog page, a video page and a variety of interactive and custom advertising products that will allow vendors direct access to the more than 45 billion dollar AfricanAmerican travel market. 

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International Edition

Black Business News View the International Edition at www.bbala.org and www.blackbusinessnews.net

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U.S. Sm

Reach Thousands of Southern California’s Most Influential African Americans

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ess Adm 2007 A inistra tion WARD W “Journ alist of INNER! the Yea r”

YOUR LINK TO BLACK BUSINESS ENTERPRISE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The Black Business Association, SBA 2007 Journalist of the Year, is pleased to invite you to be an integral part of our publication. Black Business News - Your Link to Black Business Enterprise in Southern California. The Black Business News is the ofÀcial voice through which public and private entities advertise contract opportunities available to black business enterprise. Gain access to a highly afÁuent target market via outreach and advertising opportunities. • Outreach to Black Businesses • Advertorial/Feature Story Advertising • Profiles and Business Listings • Classified Ads and Bid Opportunities

Black Business News

Our readers are BBA members, Black business owners, corporate buyers, prime contractors, community organizations and elected ofÀcials, who all turn to the Black Business News for business development news and information to take their business and project efforts to the next level of proÀtability and success!


In Th vember 2008 is Iss ue…

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Don’t be left out. Advertise in this door-opening publication.



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For more information contact: Earl “Skip” Cooper, II at 323-291-9334 E-mail: mail@bbala.org

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Calendar December… 8th 8th Annual Procurement Exchange Summit & Awards Luncheon Annual business conference provides oneto-one exchange between business owners and ageny/corporate representatives. Event includes workshops and an awards luncheon. To participate contact Earl “Skip” Cooper, II at 323-291-9334 or mail@bbala.org.

16th-17 Chicago African Diaspora PreSummit Co-Chairs Congressman Bobby Rush and Congressman Donald Payne have announced the first ever African Diaspora Pre-Summit, at the downtown Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, IL. The conveners are the African Globalism Committee and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. This is a prelude to the Global Diaspora Summit which is scheduled in South Africa beginning May 25, 2012.

February 2012… 9th-20th Pan African Film Festival (PAFF) 20th anniversary of this international film festival held in Los Angeles, California. Applications to submit films for the festival are available via the PAFF website at www.paff.org, by emailing inquiry to ao@paff.org or calling 310337-4737.

23rd Black Business Association’s 38th Annual Awards Dinner Designed to recognize African American, corporate and government leaders the annual event will be held in Los Angeles, California in recognition of Black History Month. For event details visit the BBA website at www.bbala. org, by emailing an inquiry to mail@ bbala.org or calling 323-291-9334.

March 2012… 28th-31st African American Leadership Weekend: Revitalizing the Urban Agenda

This year (2011) marks the historic milestone of the 45th anniversary of Kwanzaa as it is celebrated by over 40 million people throughout the world African community on every continent in the world. At the heart of this celebration is the Nguzo Saba (The Seven Principles). Dr. Maulana Karenga, Professor and Chair, Africana Studies Department at CSULB, and Executive Director of the African American Cultural Center (Us), created this value system and holiday in 1965 and 1966 respectively. California Black Chamber of Commerce Foundation, California Black Health Network, California Black Legislative Caucus will conduct this edu-

cational event at the DoubleTree Hotel, Sacramento CA. For event details visit the chamber’s website at www.cbcc. org. 

103  December 2011  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net

Black Business News Black Business News International • Get the News You Need • Find the Information that will Make a Difference • Promote Your Business to The BBN Community • Send Your Contact Information to info@blackbusinessnews.net and we will send BBN and BBN-I to You Name, Company, Industry News Black Business Website, E-mail ion

International Edit

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Fall 2008 USD$5.00

Contents g: EOY charitable Corporate Givin houshealth, education, opportunities in ing, and more.

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Charitable Inves

twins recently orpaned , III in Ghana with Rev. Leon R. Perrysee Corporate Giving page 21

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